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User Manual Garmin g1000 King Air 200 - b200 e

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You can read the recommendations in the user guide, the technical guide or the installation guide for


200/B200. You'll find the answers to all your questions on the GARMIN G1000: KING AIR 200/B200 in the user manual
(information, specifications, safety advice, size, accessories, etc.). Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
User manual GARMIN G1000: KING AIR 200/B200
User guide GARMIN G1000: KING AIR 200/B200
Operating instructions GARMIN G1000: KING AIR 200/B200
Instructions for use GARMIN G1000: KING AIR 200/B200
Instruction manual GARMIN G1000: KING AIR 200/B200

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G1000: KING AIR 200/B200 user guide

Manual abstract:
@@@@@@Tel: 503/391.3411 Fax 503/364.2138 Garmin (Europe) Ltd, Liberty House, Bulls Copse Road, Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton, SO40
9RB, U.K. Tel: 44/0870.8501241 Fax: 44/0870.8501251 Garmin Corporation, No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road, Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan Tel:
886/02.2642.9199 Fax: 886/02.
2642.9099 Web Site Address: Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted,
disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express written permission of Garmin. Garmin hereby grants
permission to download a single copy of this manual and of any revision to this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed for
personal use, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual or revision must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided
further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
Garmin and G1000 are registered trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. WATCH, FliteCharts, and SafeTaxi are trademarks of Garmin Ltd.
or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
NavData is a registered trademark of Jeppesen, Inc.; XM is a registered trademark of XM Satellite Radio, Inc. November, 2008 190-00929-00 Rev. A
Printed in the U.S.A. Warnings, Cautions & notes WARNING: Navigation and terrain separation must NOT be predicated upon the use of the terrain
avoidance feature. The terrain avoidance feature is NOT intended to be used as a primary reference for terrain avoidance and does not relieve the pilot from
the responsibility of being aware of surroundings during flight. The terrain avoidance feature is only to be used as an aid for terrain avoidance. Terrain data
is obtained from third party sources.
Garmin is not able to independently verify the accuracy of the terrain data. WARNING: The displayed minimum safe altitudes (MSAs) are only advisory in
nature and should not be relied upon as the sole source of obstacle and terrain avoidance information. Always refer to current aeronautical charts for
appropriate minimum clearance altitudes. WARNING: The altitude calculated by G1000 GPS receivers is geometric height above Mean Sea Level and could
vary significantly from the altitude displayed by pressure altimeters, such as the GDC 74B Air Data Computer, or other altimeters in aircraft. GPS altitude
should never be used for vertical navigation. Always use pressure altitude displayed by the G1000 PFD or other pressure altimeters in aircraft. WARNING:
Do not use outdated database information. Databases used in the G1000 system must be updated regularly in order to ensure that the information remains
current. Pilots using any outdated database do so entirely at their own risk. WARNING: Do not use basemap (land and water data) information for primary
Basemap data is intended only to supplement other approved navigation data sources and should be considered as an aid to enhance situational awareness.
WARNING: Traffic information shown on system displays is provided as an aid in visually acquiring traffic. Pilots must maneuver the aircraft based only
upon ATC guidance or positive visual acquisition of conflicting traffic. WARNING: XM Weather should not be used for hazardous weather penetration.
Weather information provided by the GDL 69A is approved only for weather avoidance, not penetration.
Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Warnings, Cautions & notes WARNING: NEXRAD
weather data is to be used for long-range planning purposes only. Due to inherent delays in data transmission and the relative age of the data, NEXRAD
weather data should not be used for short-range weather avoidance. WARNING: Use of the Stormscope is not intended for hazardous weather penetration
(thunderstorm penetration). Stormscope information, as displayed on the G1000 MFD, is to be used only for weather avoidance, not penetration.
WARNING: The Garmin G1000, as installed in the Hawker Beechcraft 200/ B200 aircraft, has a very high degree of functional integrity. However, the pilot
must recognize that providing monitoring and/or self-test capability for all conceivable system failures is not practical. Although unlikely, it may be possible
for erroneous operation to occur without a fault indication shown by the G1000. It is thus the responsibility of the pilot to detect such an occurrence by means
of cross-checking with all redundant or correlated information available in the cockpit. WARNING: For safety reasons, G1000 operational procedures must
be learned on the ground. WARNING: The United States government operates the Global Positioning System and is solely responsible for its accuracy and
maintenance. The GPS system is subject to changes which could affect the accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment. Portions of the Garmin G1000
utilize GPS as a precision electronic NAVigation AID (NAVAID). Therefore, as with all NAVAIDs, information presented by the G1000 can be misused or
misinterpreted and, therefore, become unsafe. WARNING: To reduce the risk of unsafe operation, carefully review and understand all aspects of the G1000
Pilot's Guide documentation and the G1000 Integrated Avionics System and GFC 700 AFCS in Hawker Beechcraft 200 and B200 King Air Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement.
Thoroughly practice basic operation prior to actual use. During flight operations, carefully compare indications from the G1000 to all available navigation
sources, including the information from other NAVAIDs, visual sightings, charts, etc. For safety purposes, always resolve any discrepancies before continuing
navigation. 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series Warnings, Cautions & notes WARNING: The
illustrations in this guide are only examples. Never use the G1000 to attempt to penetrate a thunderstorm. Both the FAA Advisory Circular, Subject:
Thunderstorms, and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) recommend avoiding "by at least 20 miles any thunderstorm identified as severe or giving an
intense radar echo." WARNING: Lamp(s) inside this product may contain mercury (HG) and must be recycled or disposed of according to local, state, or
federal laws. For more information, refer to our website at www.garmin.
com/aboutGarmin/ environment/disposal.jsp. WARNING: Because of anomalies in the earth's magnetic field, operating the G1000 within the following areas
could result in loss of reliable attitude and heading indications. North of 70 North latitude and south of 70 South latitude. An area north of 65 North
latitude between longitude 75 West and 120 West.
An area south of 55 South latitude between longitude 120 East and 165 East. CAUTION: The PFD and MFD displays use a lens coated with a special antireflective coating that is very sensitive to skin oils, waxes, and abrasive cleaners.

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G1000: KING AIR 200/B200 user guide

CLEANERS CONTAINING AMMONIA WILL HARM THE ANTIREFLECTIVE COATING. It is very important to clean the lens using a clean, lint-free cloth
and an eyeglass lens cleaner that is specified as safe for antireflective coatings. CAUTION: The Garmin G1000 does not contain any user-serviceable parts.
Repairs should only be made by an authorized Garmin service center. Unauthorized repairs or modifications could void both the warranty and the pilot's
authority to operate this device under FAA/FCC regulations. NOTE: All visual depictions contained within this document, including screen images of the
G1000 panel and displays, are subject to change and may not reflect the most current G1000 system and aviation databases. Depictions of equipment may
differ slightly from the actual equipment. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Warnings,
Cautions & notes NOTE: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: The
data contained in the terrain and obstacle databases comes from government agencies. Garmin accurately processes and cross-validates the data, but cannot
guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the data. NOTE: This product, its packaging, and its components contain chemicals known to the State of
California to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm.
This notice is being provided in accordance with California's Proposition 65. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please refer to
our web site at NOTE: Interference from GPS repeaters operating inside nearby hangars can cause an intermittent loss of attitude
and heading displays while the aircraft is on the ground. Moving the aircraft more than 100 yards away from the source of the interference should alleviate
the condition. NOTE: Use of polarized eyewear may cause the flight displays to appear dim or blank. NOTE: The purpose of this Cockpit Reference Guide is
to provide the pilot a resource with which to find operating instructions on the major features of the G1000 system more easily. It is not intended to be a
comprehensive operating guide. Complete operating procedures for the system are found in the G1000 Pilot's Guide for this aircraft.
190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series Warnings, Cautions & notes Blank Page Garmin G1000
Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A record of revisions part number 190-00929-00 Change summary Initial
release revision date of revision affected pages A November, 2008 All description Production release 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference
Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series RR-1 record of revisions Blank Page RR-2 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200
Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A table of Contents Flight instruments .
...... 1 selecting the altimeter Barometric pressure setting ....
1 selecting standard Barometric pressure (29.92 in hg) .........
... 1 Change altimeter Barometric pressure setting units .......

.. 1 synchronizing the altimeter Barometric pressure settings ...
1 synchronize Cdi..........
. 1 Change navigation sources .........
2 enable/disable oBs mode While navigating with gps .....
.. 2 generic timer........

....... 2 Configure vspeed Bugs individually ...
.. 2 turn vspeed Bugs on or off by Category........
... 3 set Barometric/radar altimeter minimum descent altitude ..
......... 3 testing the radar altimeter .
........ 3 displaying Wind data ..

........ 3 adF tuning (optional) ..
. 24 insert a Waypoint in the active Flight plan ....
...... 25 enter an airway in a Flight plan ....
...... 26 invert an active Flight plan....
.... 26 remove a departure, arrival, approach, or airway from a Flight plan ......

..... 27 store a Flight plan .....
.... 27 edit a stored Flight plan .
.. 27 delete a Waypoint from the Flight plan ........
... 28 invert and activate a stored Flight plan ..
... 28 Copy a Flight plan .......

........ 28 delete a Flight plan ..
29 graphical Flight plan Creation ..........
... 29 export a Flight plan to an sd Card .......
... 29 proCedures..

....... 31 load and activate a departure procedure ...
........ 31 activate a departure leg ..
.... 31 load an arrival procedure .
......... 31 activate an arrival leg .

.... 32 load and/or activate an approach procedure .
.... 32 activate an approach in the active Flight plan .
.. 33 activate a vector to Final approach Fix ........
........ 33 activate a missed approach in the active Flight plan ..
......... 33 Customizing the hazard displays on the navigation map .
... 35 stormsCope (optional) ..

.... 35 xm Weather (optional) ......
37 traffic systems .....
38 terrain awareness & Warning system (taWs) display.....
. 40 airborne Color Weather radar .........

... 42 synthetic vision.......
.. 45 terminal procedure Charts ........
. 46 xm radio entertainment....
.. 48 hazard avoidanCe ........

.... 35 additional Features .
. 45 ii Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A table of Contents annunCiations & alerts........
. 51 advisory annunciations....
...... 51 Comparator annunciations....

..... 51 reversionary sensor annunciations .....
........ 52 aFCs alerts ..
..... 52 taWs alerts .....

. 53 aural alerts ....
.. 55 mFd & pFd message advisories ...
.. 56 database message advisories ...
57 gma 1347d message advisories ..........

.... 60 gia 63W message advisories .
.... 61 gea 71 message advisories......
.. 64 gtx 33 message advisories ........
64 grs 77 message advisories .....

... 65 gmu 44 message advisories ..

.... 67 gdl 69a message advisories ......
......... 67 gWx 68 alert messages.
.... 68 gdC 74B message advisories .
.... 68 gCu 477 message advisories .

.... 69 gmC 710 message advisories ......
........ 69 miscellaneous message advisories..
... 70 pFd softkey map .......
.... 75 mFd softkey map .

.... 80 appendix .
......... 75 index .
.Index-1 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series iii table of Contents Blank Page iv Garmin G1000
Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Flight instruments Flight instruments seleCting the altimeter BarometriC
pressure setting Turn the BARO Knob to select the desired setting. Flight Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio seleCting standard BarometriC pressure (29.
92 in hg) Push the BARO Knob to select standard pressure. AFCS Change altimeter BarometriC pressure setting units GPS Nav 1) 2) 3) Press the PFD
Softkey to display the second-level softkeys. Press the ALT UNIT Softkey. Press the IN Softkey to display the barometric pressure setting in inches of mercury
(in Hg). Or: Press the HPA Softkey to display the barometric pressure setting in hectopascals. Flight Planning Procedures 4) Press the BACK Softkey to

return to the top-level softkeys. synChronizing the altimeter BarometriC pressure settings 1) 2) 3) 4) Select the AUX-SYSTEM SETUP Page on the MFD.
Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight BARO in SYNCHRONIZATION Window. Turn the small FMS Knob
clockwise to ON or counterclockwise to OFF.
Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Annun/Alerts synChronize Cdi 1) 2) 3) 4) Select the AUX-SYSTEM SETUP Page on the MFD.

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Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight CDI in SYNCHRONIZATION Window. Turn the small FMS Knob
clockwise to ON or counterclockwise to OFF. Appendix Index 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200
Series 1 Flight instruments Flight Instruments Change navigation sourCes 1) Press the CDI Softkey to change from GPS to VOR1 or LOC1. This changes the
NAV1 standby frequency in the upper left corner of the PFD to light blue, indicating this is the frequency selected for tuning. Press the CDI Softkey again to
change from VOR1 or LOC1 to VOR2 or LOC2. This changes the NAV2 standby frequency in the upper left corner of the PFD to light blue, indicating this is
the frequency selected for tuning. Press the CDI Softkey a third time to return to GPS.
Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio 2) AFCS 3) enaBle/disaBle oBs mode While navigating With gps GPS Nav 1) 2) Press the OBS Softkey to select OBS Mode. Turn a
CRS Knob to select the desired course to/from the waypoint. Press a CRS Knob to synchronize the Selected Course with the bearing to the next waypoint.
Press the OBS Softkey again to disable OBS Mode. Flight Planning 3) Procedures generiC timer 1) Press the TMR/REF Softkey, then turn the large FMS
Knob to select the time field (hh/mm/ss).
Turn the FMS Knobs to set the desired time, then press the ENT Key. The UP/DOWN field is now highlighted. Turn the small FMS Knob to display the
UP/DOWN window. Turn the FMS Knob to select `UP' or `DOWN', then press the ENT Key. `START?' is now highlighted.
Press the ENT Key to START, STOP, or RESET the timer (if the timer is counting DOWN, it will start counting UP after reaching zero). Press the CLR Key or
the TMR/REF Softkey to remove the window. Hazard Avoidance 2) Additional Features 3) Annun/Alerts ConFigure vspeed Bugs individually 1) Press the
TMR/REF Softkey. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired Vspeed. 3) Use the small FMS Knob to change the Vspeed in 1-kt increments (when a
speed has been changed from a default value, an asterisk appears next to the speed). 4) 2 Index Appendix Press the ENT Key or turn the large FMS Knob to
highlight the ON/OFF field Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Flight instruments 5) 6) Turn
the small FMS Knob clockwise to ON or counterclockwise to OFF. To remove the window, press the CLR Key or the TMR/REF Softkey. Flight Instruments
turn vspeed Bugs on or oFF By Category 1) 2) 3) 4) Press the TMR/REF Softkey. Press the MENU Key.
Turn the FMS Knob to highlight the desired option. Press the ENT Key. Press the TMR/REF Softkey to remove the window. Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio AFCS set
BarometriC/radar altimeter minimum desCent altitude 1) Press the TMR/REF Softkey. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the
OFF/BARO/RAD ALT field to the right of `MINIMUMS'. Turn the small FMS Knob clockwise to select BARO or RAD ALT. Press the ENT Key. Use the small
FMS Knob to enter the desired altitude. Press the ENT Key. To remove the window, press the CLR Key or the TMR/REF Softkey.
GPS Nav Flight Planning Procedures Hazard Avoidance testing the radar altimeter 1) 2) 3) Select the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page on the MFD. Select the
RA TEST Softkey. The Radar Altitude window displays 50 feet, indicating a properly functioning system. Selecting the RA TEST Softkey again, or exiting the
System Status Page cancels the test. Additional Features Annun/Alerts displaying Wind data Appendix 1) 2) 3) 4) Press the PFD Softkey.
Press the WIND Softkey to display wind data below the Selected Heading. Press one of the OPTN softkeys to change how wind data is displayed. To remove
the Wind Data Window, press the OFF Softkey. 3 Index 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series
Index Appendix Annun/Alerts Additional Features Procedures GPS Nav AFCS Hazard Avoidance Flight Planning Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio Flight Instruments
Flight instruments 4 Blank Page Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev.
A nav/Com/xpdr/audio panel nav/Com/transponder/audio panel adF tuning (optional) Tune the ADF using the remote ADF control head. Flight Instruments
Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio dme tuning AFCS 1) 2) 3) 4) Press the DME Softkey. Turn the large FMS to select the DME source field. Turn the small FMS Knob to
select the desired Nav radio. Press the ENT Key to complete the selection. GPS Nav enter a transponder Code 1) 2) 3) 4) Press the XPDR Softkey to display
the transponder mode selection softkeys. Press the XPDR1 or XPDR2 Softkey to select the active transponder. Press the CODE Softkey to display the
transponder code selection softkeys, for digit entry. Press the digit softkeys to enter the code in the code field. When entering the code, the next key in
sequence must be pressed within 10 seconds, or the entry is cancelled and restored to the previous code.
Five seconds after the fourth digit has been entered, the transponder code becomes active. Flight Planning Procedures Hazard Avoidance Additional
Features aCtivate ads-B transmit 1) 2) 3) Press the XPDR Softkey to display the transponder mode selection softkeys. Press the ADS-B TX Softkey to enable
transmission of three-dimensional aircraft position and aircraft heading. Press the ADS-B TX Softkey again to disable transmission. Annun/Alerts Appendix
seleCting a Com radio transmit/receive Index Press the COM1 MIC, COM2 MIC, or COM3 MIC Key (optional COM, if installed) on the audio panel.
190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 5 nav/Com/xpdr/audio panel Flight Instruments receive
only Press the COM1, COM2, or COM3 Key (optional COM, if installed) on the audio panel. Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio seleCting a nav radio 1) Press the CDI
Softkey to select NAV1 (VOR1/LOC1) or NAV2 (VOR2/LOC2). Pressing the NAV1, NAV2, DME, or ADF Key on the audio panel selects and deselects the
navigation radio audio source. All radio keys can be selected individually or together.
2) GPS Nav AFCS nav/Com tuning 1) Press the small tuning knob to select the desired radio for tuning. A light blue box highlights the radio frequency to be
tuned. Turn the respective tuning knobs to enter the desired frequency into the standby frequency field. The large knob enters MHz and the small knob enters
kHz. Press the Frequency Transfer Key to place the frequency into the active frequency field.
Flight Planning 2) Procedures 3) Hazard Avoidance Index Appendix Annun/Alerts Additional Features interCom Pressing the INTR COM Key on either
Audio Panel selects and deselects the intercom on both Audio Panels. The annunciator is lit when the intercom is active. The intercom connects the pilot and
copilot together.

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G1000: KING AIR 200/B200 user guide

Either the pilot or copilot may select or deselect the intercom. The CABIN Key initiates two way communication between the pilot or copilot and the
passengers in the cabin.
The annunciator is lit when the cabin intercom is active on either Audio Panel. The MAN SQ Key allows either automatic or manual control of the intercom
squelch setting. Pressing the MAN SQ Key enables manual squelch control, indicated by the MAN SQ annunciator. During manual squelch operation,
pressing the ICS Knob switches between volume and squelch adjustment, lighting the associated annunciator beneath the knob. When the MAN SQ
annunciator is lit, the ICS Knob controls both volume and squelch. When the MAN SQ annunciator is extinguished, the ICS Knob controls only volume. 6
Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A nav/Com/xpdr/audio panel passenger address (pa) system
A passenger address system is provided by pressing the PA Key to deliver messages to the passengers. The message is heard by the other pilot on the headset
only if the PA Key is enabled on both audio panels. PA messages are one way from the flight deck to the passengers.
Flight Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio ClearanCe reCorder and player AFCS NOTE: Pressing the play key on the pilot's Audio Panel plays recorded
audio to the Pilot. Pressing the play key on the Copilot's Audio Panel plays recorded audio to the Copilot. GPS Nav Flight Planning Procedures Hazard
Avoidance Additional Features Annun/Alerts Appendix Index Recorded COM audio is stored in separate memory blocks. Once 2.5 minutes of recording time
have been reached, the recorder begins recording over the stored memory blocks, starting from the oldest block. The PLAY Key controls the play function.
The PLAY annunciator is illuminated to indicate when play is in progress. The PLAY annunciator extinguishes after playback is finished. Pressing the PLAY
Key once plays the latest recorded memory block and then returns to normal operation. Pressing the PLAY Key again during play of a memory block stops
If a COM input signal is detected during play of a recorded memory block, play is halted. Pressing the PLAY Key twice within one-half second while audio is
playing plays the previous block of recorded audio. Each subsequent two presses of the PLAY Key within one-half second backtracks through the recorded
memory blocks to reach and play any recorded block. 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 7
Index Appendix Annun/Alerts Additional Features Procedures GPS Nav AFCS Hazard Avoidance Flight Planning Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio Flight Instruments
nav/Com/xpdr/audio panel 8 Blank Page Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev.
A aFCs automatiC Flight Control system NOTE: If sensor information (other than attitude) required for a flight director mode becomes invalid or
unavailable, the flight director automatically reverts to the default mode for that axis. NOTE: If the attitude information required for the default flight director
modes becomes invalid or unavailable, the autopilot automatically disengages. Flight Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio AFCS Flight direCtor aCtivation
An initial press of a key listed in the following table (when the flight director is not active) activates the pilot-side flight director in the listed modes. Control
Pressed FD Key AP Key CWS Button GA Switch ALT Key VS Key VNV Key NAV Key BC Key APR Key HDG Key Modes Selected Lateral Roll Hold (default)
Roll Hold (default) Roll Hold (default) Takeoff (on ground) Go Around (in air) Roll Hold (default) Roll Hold (default) Roll Hold (default) Navigation**
Backcourse*** Approach** Heading Select ROL ROL ROL TO GA ROL ROL ROL GPS VOR LOC BC GPS VAPP LOC HDG Vertical Pitch Hold (default)
PIT Pitch Hold (default) PIT Pitch Hold (default) PIT Takeoff (on ground) TO Go Around (in air) GA Altitude Hold ALT Vertical Speed VS Vertical Path
Tracking* VPTH Pitch Hold (default) Pitch Hold (default) Pitch Hold (default) Glidepath Glideslope Pitch Hold (default) PIT PIT PIT GP GS PIT Flight
Planning Procedures Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Annun/Alerts Appendix GPS Nav *Valid VNV flight plan must be entered before VNV Key press
activates flight director. **The selected navigation receiver must have a valid VOR or LOC signal or active GPS course before NAV or APR Key press
activates flight director.
***The selected navigation receiver must have a valid LOC signal before BC Key press activates flight director. 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit
Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series Index 9 aFCs Flight Instruments vertiCal modes Vertical Mode Pitch Hold Description Control
Annunciation (default) * ALT Key VS Key ALT VS FLC FLC Key FLC VNV Key ** M .nnn VPTH ALTV GP APR Key GS PIT ALTS nnnnn fT nnnn fpm nnn
kT Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio Annun/Alerts Additional Features Hazard Avoidance Procedures Flight Planning GPS Nav AFCS Holds the current aircraft pitch
attitude; may be used to climb/descend to the Selected Altitude Selected Altitude AFCS armed to capture the altitude Armed displayed in the Selected Altitude
window Altitude Hold Holds the current Altitude Reference Maintains the current aircraft vertical Vertical Speed speed; may be used to climb/descend to the
Selected Altitude Flight Level Change, Maintains the current aircraft airspeed (in IAS or Mach) while the aircraft is IAS Hold climbing/descending to the
Selected Flight Level Change, Altitude. Press the SPD Key to switch Mach Hold between IAS and MACH. Captures and tracks the VNAV flight VNAV path
AFCS armed to capture the altitude VNAV Target displayed in the VNAV Target Altitude Altitude Armed window Captures and tracks the WAAS Glidepath
glidepath on approach Captures and tracks the ILS glideslope Glideslope on approach Disengages the autopilot and commands a constant pitch angle and
Takeoff (on ground) wings level in the air on the ground in preparation for takeoff Disengages the autopilot and Go Around (in air) commands a constant
pitch attitude and wings level in the air TO GA Switch GA Index Appendix * ALTS armed automatically when PIT, VS, FLC, TO, or GA active, and under
VPTH when Selected Altitude is to be captured instead of VNAV Target Altitude ** ALTV armed automatically under VPTH when VNAV Target Altitude is to
be captured instead of Selected Altitude 10 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A aFCs lateral
modes Lateral Mode Roll Hold Low Bank Heading Select Navigation, GPS Arm/ Capture/Track Navigation, VOR Enroute Arm/Capture/Track Navigation,
LOC Arm/ Capture/Track (No Glideslope) Backcourse Arm/Capture/ Track Approach, GPS Arm/ Capture/Track Approach, VOR Arm/ Capture/Track
Approach, ILS Arm/ Capture/Track (Glideslope Mode automatically armed) Takeoff (on ground) Description Control Annunciation Holds current aircraft
roll attitude or rolls wings level, depending (default) ROL on commanded bank angle Limits maximum commanded BANK * roll angle Key Captures and
tracks Selected HDG HDG Heading Key GPS Captures and tracks selected navigation source (GPS, VOR, LOC) NAV Key VOR Flight Planning Flight
Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio AFCS GPS Nav LOC Captures and tracks a localizer signal for backcourse approaches BC Key BC GPS Captures and
tracks selected navigation source (GPS, VOR, LOC) VAPP APR Key Procedures Hazard Avoidance Additional Features LOC Disengages autopilot and
commands a constant pitch angle and wings level in preparation for takeoff Disengages autopilot and commands a constant pitch angle and wings level in the
air Annun/Alerts TO GA Switch GA Appendix Go Around (in air) Index * No annunciation appears in the AFCS Status Box.

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The acceptable bank angle range is indicated in green along the Roll Scale of the Attitude Indicator. 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference
Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 11 Index Appendix Annun/Alerts Additional Features Procedures GPS Nav AFCS Hazard Avoidance Flight
Planning Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio Flight Instruments aFCs 12 Blank Page Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series
190-00929-00 Rev.
A gps navigation gps navigation direCt-to navigation direct-to navigation from the mFd 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Press the Direct-to ( Flight Instruments Nav/Com/
XPDR/Audio AFCS GPS Nav Flight Planning Procedures 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) ) Key on the Control Unit. Enter the waypoint identifier. Press the ENT Key to
confirm the identifier. The `Activate?' field is highlighted. If no altitude constraint or course is desired, press the ENT Key to activate. To enter an altitude
constraint, proceed to step 5. Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor over the `VNV' altitude field. Enter the desired altitude. Press the ENT Key. If the
waypoint entered is an airport, the option to select MSL or AGL is now displayed.
If the waypoint is not an airport, proceed to step 9. Turn the small FMS Knob to select `MSL' or `AGL'. Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now flashing in the
VNV offset distance field. Enter the desired offset distance before (-) or after (+) the waypoint.
Press the ENT Key. The `Activate?' field is highlighted. Press the ENT Key to activate. Hazard Avoidance Additional Features direct-to navigation from the
pFd 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Press the Direct-to Key ( 6) ) on the PFD. Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor in the desired selection field.
Turn the small FMS Knob to begin selecting the desired identifier, location, etc. Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now flashing on `ACTIVATE?'. If no
altitude constraint or course is desired, press the ENT Key to activate. To enter an altitude constraint, proceed to step 6. Turn the large FMS Knob to place
the cursor over the `ALT' altitude field. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series Annun/Alerts Appendix Index
190-00929-00 Rev. A 13 gps navigation Flight Instruments 7) 8) Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the desired altitude. Press the ENT Key. If the waypoint
entered is an airport, the option to select MSL or AGL is now displayed.
If the waypoint is not an airport, proceed to step 10. Turn the small FMS Knob to select `MSL' or `AGL'. Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio 9) 10) Press the ENT Key.
The cursor is placed in the `OFFSET' offset distance field. 11) Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the desired target altitude offset from the selected Direct-to.
12) Press the ENT Key to highlight `Activate?' or turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the `CRS' field. GPS Nav AFCS 13) Turn the small FMS Knob to enter
the desired course to the waypoint. 14) Press the ENT Key to highlight `ACTIVATE?'. 15) Press the ENT again to activate the Direct-to. Flight Planning
aCtivate a stored Flight plan 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Press the FPL Key on the Control Unit and turn the small FMS Knob to display the Flight Plan Catalog Page.
Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan Select the ACTIVE Softkey. The confirmation window
is now displayed. With `OK' highlighted, press the ENT Key to activate the flight plan. To cancel the flight plan activation, turn the large FMS Knob to
highlight `CANCEL' and press the ENT Key.
Additional Features Annun/Alerts Hazard Avoidance Procedures aCtivate a Flight plan leg 1) 2) From the Active Flight Plan Page, press the FMS Knob to
activate the cursor and turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired waypoint. Select the ACT LEG Softkey. OR Press the MENU Key, select the `Activate
Leg' option from the page menu and press the ENT Key. This step must be used when activating a leg from the PFD. 3) 14 Index Appendix With `Activate'
highlighted, press the ENT Key.
Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A gps navigation stop navigating a Flight plan 1) 2) 3) Press
the FPL Key on the Control Unit to display the Active Flight Plan Page. Press the MENU Key to display the Page Menu Window. Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio
Flight Instruments Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight `Delete Flight Plan' and press the ENT Key. With `OK' highlighted, press the ENT Key to deactivate
the flight plan. This will not delete the stored flight plan, only the active flight plan. vertiCal navigation (vnav) The navigation database only contains
altitudes for procedures that call for "Cross at" altitudes. If the procedure states "Expect to cross at," the altitude is not in the database. In this case the
altitude may be entered manually. AFCS GPS Nav Flight Planning Large White Text Large Light Blue Text Small Light Blue Text Small Light Blue Subdued
Text Small White Text with Altitude Restriction Bar Procedures Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Annun/Alerts Cross AT or ABOVE 5,000 ft Appendix
Cross AT 2,300 ft Cross AT or BELOW 3,000 ft Index 190-00929-00 Rev.
A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 15 gps navigation Altitudes associated with arrival and approach procedures
are "auto-designated". This means the system will automatically use the altitudes loaded with the arrival or approach for giving vertical flight path guidance
outside the FAF. Note that these altitudes will be displayed as small light blue text. Altitudes that have been designated for use in vertical navigation may also
be made "non-designated" by placing the cursor over the desired altitude and pressing the CLR Key. The altitude is now displayed only as a reference. It will
not be used to give flight path vertical guidance. Other displayed altitudes may change due to re-calculations or rendered invalid as a result of manually
changing an altitude to a non-designated altitude. White Text Large Text Altitude calculated by the system estimating the altitude of the aircraft as it passes
over the navigation point. This altitude is provided as a reference and is not designated to be used in determining vertical flight path guidance. Small Text
Altitude is not designated to be used in determining vertical flight path guidance.
Altitude has been retrieved from the navigation database and is provided as a reference. Light Blue Text Altitude has been entered by the pilot. Altitude is
designated for use in giving vertical flight path guidance. Altitude does not match the published altitude in navigation database or no published altitude exists.
Altitude is designated for use in giving vertical flight path guidance.
Altitude has been retrieved from the navigation database or has been entered by the pilot and matches a published altitude in the navigation database.

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Flight Instruments AFCS Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio Light Blue Subdued Text The system cannot use this altitude in determining vertical flight path guidance.
Additional Features Hazard Avoidance Procedures Flight Planning GPS Nav Index Appendix Annun/Alerts The system cannot use this altitude in determining
vertical flight path guidance. 16 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Flight planning Flight
planning Weight planning All procedures apply to the MFD and the Control Unit unless otherwise stated.
Flight Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio entering Weight parameters The Weight Planning Page is displayed after system power-up. If it is necessary to
return to this page, turn the large FMS Knob to select the `AUX' page group. Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Weight Planning Pge. 1) Select the
EMPTY WT Softkey to place the cursor in the Basic Empty Weight field. 2) Enter the desired aircraft empty weight. 3) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now
over the `PILOT & STORES' field. 4) Enter the desired weight of Pilot & Stores. 5) Press the ENT Key. 6) Continue repeating these steps until all desired
weights have been entered.
AFCS GPS Nav Flight Planning Procedures entering Fuel parameters 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Turn the large FMS
Knob to place the cursor in the `FUEL ON BOARD' field. Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the desired fuel quantity. Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now
in the `FUEL RESERVES' field. Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the desired reserve fuel quantity. Press the FMS Knob to remove the cursor. Press the ENT
Key. Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Annun/Alerts trip planning 1) 2) 3) Turn the large FMS Knob on the Control Unit to select the `AUX' page
group. Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Trip Planning Page.
The current `PAGE MODE' is displayed at the top of the page: `AUTOMATIC' or `MANUAL'. To change the page mode, select the AUTO or MANUAL
Softkey. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series Appendix Index 190-00929-00 Rev. A 17 Flight planning Flight
Instruments 4) For Direct-to planning: a) Select the WPTS Softkey and verify that the starting waypoint field indicates `P.POS' (present position).
b) If necessary, press the MENU Key and select `Set WPT to Present Position' to display `P.POS'. c) Press the ENT Key and the flashing cursor moves to the
ending waypoint field. d) Enter the identifier of the ending waypoint and press the ENT Key to accept the waypoint. Or: For point-to-point planning: a) Enter
the identifier of the starting waypoint.
b) Once the waypoint's identifier is entered, press the ENT Key to accept the waypoint. The flashing cursor moves to the ending waypoint. c) Again, enter the
identifier of the ending waypoint. d) Press the ENT Key to accept the waypoint. Or: For flight plan leg planning: a) Select the FPL Softkey (at the bottom of
the display). b) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired flight plan (already stored in memory), by number. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the
`LEG' field. d) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired leg of the flight plan, or select `CUM' to apply trip planning calculations to the entire flight
plan. Selecting `FPL 00' will display the active flight plan. If an active flight plan is selected, `REM' will be an available option to display planning data for
the remainder of the flight plan.
NOTE: The page mode must be set to `MANUAL' to perform the following steps. Appendix Annun/Alerts Additional Features Hazard Avoidance Procedures
Flight Planning GPS Nav AFCS Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio 5) Index Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the departure time (DEP TIME) field. NOTE: The
departure time on the Trip Planning Page is used for preflight planning. Refer to the Utility Page for the actual flight departure time. 18 Garmin G1000
Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Flight planning 6) 7) 8) Enter the departure time. Press the ENT Key when
finished. Departure time may be entered in local or UTC time, depending upon system settings. Enter the fuel flow. Press the ENT Key when finished.
Note that in `AUTOMATIC' page mode, fuel flow is provided by the system. The flashing cursor moves to the fuel onboard field. Modify the fuel onboard.
Press the ENT Key when finished. In `AUTOMATIC' mode, fuel onboard is provided by the entry made on the Weight Planning Page.
The flashing cursor moves to the calibrated airspeed field. Enter a calibrated airspeed. Press the ENT Key when finished. Flight Instruments Nav/Com/
XPDR/Audio 9) AFCS Create a neW user Waypoint deFined By latitude & longitude 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Turn the large FMS Knob on the Control Unit to select
the `WPT' page group. Turn the small FMS Knob to select the User WPT Information Page.
Press the NEW Softkey. A waypoint is created at the current aircraft position. Enter the desired waypoint name. Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now in the
`WAYPOINT TYPE' field. If desired, the waypoint can be made temporary (deleted automatically when the system is turned off). If the waypoint is to remain
in the system, proceed to step 7. a) Turn the large FMS Knob one click to the left to highlight `TEMPORARY'. This list is populated only when there is an
active flight plan. b) Press the ENT Key to place a check-mark in the box.
7) 8) 9) The cursor is now in the `WAYPOINT TYPE' field. Turn the small FMS Knob to display a list waypoint types. Turn the small FMS Knob to select
LAT/LON (latitude and longitude). Press the ENT Key. GPS Nav Flight Planning Procedures Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Annun/Alerts Appendix
Index 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 19 Flight planning Flight Instruments Create a neW
user Waypoint deFined By radials From other Waypoints 1) Turn the large FMS Knob on the Control Unit to select the `WPT' page group. Turn the small
FMS Knob to select the User WPT Information Page. Press the NEW Softkey. A waypoint is created at the current aircraft position. Enter the desired
waypoint name.
Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now in the `WAYPOINT TYPE' field. If desired, the waypoint can be made temporary (deleted automatically when the
system is turned off). If the waypoint is to remain in the system, proceed to step 7. a) Turn the large FMS Knob one click to the left to highlight
This list is populated only when there is an active flight plan. b) Press the ENT Key to place a check-mark in the box. 7) 8) 9) The cursor is now in the
`WAYPOINT TYPE' field. Turn the small FMS Knob to display a list waypoint types. Turn the small FMS Knob to select RAD/RAD (radial/radial).
Press the ENT Key.

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2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Hazard Avoidance Procedures Flight Planning GPS Nav AFCS Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio Additional Features 10) The cursor moves to the
`REFERENCE WAYPOINTS' field. With the first waypoint name highlighted, use the FMS Knobs to enter the desired waypoint name. Waypoints may also be
selected as follows: a) When a flight plan is active, turning the small FMS Knob to the left will display a list of the flight plan waypoints. b) Turn the large
FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. c) Press the ENT Key. Or: a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed.
b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the `NRST' waypoints to the aircraft's current position. Index Appendix Annun/Alerts c) Turn the large
FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint.
d) Press the ENT Key. 20 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Flight planning Or: a) Turn the
small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the `RECENT' waypoints. c)
Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. d) Press the ENT Key. AFCS Flight Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio Or: a) Turn the small FMS
Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the `USER' waypoints.
c) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. d) Press the ENT Key. 11) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is displayed in the `RAD' (radial) field.
Enter the desired radial from the reference waypoint.
12) Press the ENT Key. 13) Repeat step 10 to enter the next waypoint name. 14) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is displayed in the `RAD' (radial) field for the
second waypoint. Enter the desired radial from the reference waypoint.
15) Press the ENT Key. 16) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. GPS Nav Flight Planning Procedures Hazard Avoidance Additional Features
Annun/Alerts Create a neW user Waypoint deFined By a radial & distanCe From another Waypoint 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Turn the large FMS Knob on the MFD
Control Unit to select the `WPT' page group. Turn the small FMS Knob to select the User WPT Information Page. Press the NEW Softkey. A waypoint is
created at the current aircraft position. Enter the desired waypoint name. Press the ENT Key. Appendix Index 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit
Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 21 Flight planning Flight Instruments 6) The cursor is now in the `WAYPOINT TYPE' field.
If desired, the waypoint can be made temporary (deleted automatically when the system is turned off). If the waypoint is to remain in the system, proceed to
step 7. a) Turn the large FMS Knob one click to the left to highlight `TEMPORARY'. This list is populated only when there is an active flight plan. b) Press the
ENT Key to place a check-mark in the box. Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio AFCS 7) 8) The cursor is now in the `WAYPOINT TYPE' field. Turn the small FMS Knob
to display a list waypoint types. Turn the small FMS Knob to select RAD/DIS (radial/distance). Press the ENT Key. GPS Nav 9) Flight Planning 10) The
cursor moves to the `REFERENCE WAYPOINTS' field.
With the first waypoint name highlighted, use the FMS Knobs to enter the desired waypoint name. Waypoints may also be selected as follows: a) When a flight
plan is active, turning the small FMS Knob to the left will display a list of the flight plan waypoints. b) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired
waypoint. c) Press the ENT Key. Or: a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left.
Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the `NRST' waypoints to the aircraft's current position. c)
Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. d) Press the ENT Key. Or: a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left.
Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the `RECENT' waypoints. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to
select the desired waypoint. d) Press the ENT Key. Index Appendix Annun/Alerts Additional Features Hazard Avoidance Procedures 22 Garmin G1000
Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Flight planning Or: a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a
flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the `USER' waypoints. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the
desired waypoint. d) Press the ENT Key.
11) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is displayed in the `RAD' (radial) field. Enter the desired radial from the reference waypoint. 12) Press the ENT Key. 13)
The cursor is now displayed in the `DIS' (distance) field. Enter the desired distance from the reference waypoint. 14) Press the ENT Key. 15) Press the FMS
Knob to remove the flashing cursor. Flight Planning GPS Nav Flight Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio AFCS delete a user Waypoint 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
Turn the large FMS Knob to select the `WPT' page group. Turn the small FMS Knob to select the User WPT Information Page.
Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Turn the large FMS Knob to the place the cursor in the `USER WAYPOINT LIST' field. Turn the small FMS Knob
to highlight the desired waypoint. Select the DELETE Softkey. The message `Would you like to delete the user waypoint?' is displayed.
With `YES' highlighted, press the ENT Key. Procedures Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Annun/Alerts Create a neW Flight plan using the mFd 1) 2) 3)
Press the FPL Key on the Control Unit. Turn the small FMS Knob to display the Flight Plan Catalog Page. Select the NEW Softkey to display a blank flight
plan for the first empty storage location. 23 Appendix Index 190-00929-00 Rev.
A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series Flight planning Flight Instruments 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Turn the small FMS Knob to
display the Waypoint Information Window. Enter the identifier of the departure waypoint. Press the ENT Key. Repeat step number 4, 5, and 6 to enter the
identifier for each additional flight plan waypoint. When all waypoints have been entered, press the FMS Knob to return to the Flight Plan Catalog Page. The
new flight plan is now in the list. AFCS Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio using the pFd NOTE: If a flight plan is active, an additional flight plan cannot be entered
using the PFD. NOTE: After the first leg is entered (using the PFD only) it is immediately activated. Flight Planning GPS Nav 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Press the
FPL Key on the PFD. Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor.
Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the first letter of the destination waypoint identifier. Turn the large FMS Knob to the right to move the cursor to the next
character position.

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Repeat step 3 and 4 to spell out the rest of the waypoint identifier. Press the ENT Key and the cursor is now ready for entering of the next flight plan
waypoint. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to enter the identifier for each additional flight plan waypoint. Once all waypoints have been entered, press the FMS Knob
to remove the cursor. The new flight plan is now active. Annun/Alerts Appendix Additional Features Hazard Avoidance Procedures import a Flight plan From
an sd Card 1) 2) Insert the SD card containing the flight plan in the top card slot on the MFD. Press the FPL Key on the Control Unit to display the Active
Flight Plan Page on the MFD. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev.
A Index 24 Flight planning 3) 4) 5) 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Flight Plan Catalog Page. Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Turn
either FMS Knob to highlight an empty or existing flight plan. Press the IMPORT Softkey. If an empty flight plan is selected, a list of the available flight plans
on the SD card will be displayed.
or: If an existing flight plan is selected, an `Overwrite existing flight plan? OK or CANCEL' prompt is displayed. Press the ENT Key to choose to overwrite
the selected flight plan and see a list of the available flight plans on the SD card. If overwriting the existing flight plan is not desired, select `CANCEL' using
the FMS Knob, press the ENT Key, select another existing or empty flight plan, and again press the IMPORT Softkey. 7) 8) Turn the small FMS Knob to
highlight the desired flight plan for importing. Press the ENT Key.
Flight Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio AFCS GPS Nav Flight Planning insert a Waypoint in the aCtive Flight plan 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Press the FPL Key on
the Control Unit to display the active flight plan. Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan
waypoint. The new waypoint will be inserted before the highlighted waypoint. Turn the small FMS Knob. The Waypoint Information Window is now displayed.
Enter the new flight plan waypoint by one of the following: a) Enter the user waypoint identifier, facility, or city. b) Press the ENT Key. Or: a) Turn the small
FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed.
b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the `NRST' airport waypoints to the aircraft's current position. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the
desired waypoint. d) Press the ENT Key. 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series Procedures
Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Annun/Alerts Appendix Index 25 Flight planning Flight Instruments Or: a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left.
Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the `RECENT' waypoints. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to
select the desired waypoint. d) Press the ENT Key. AFCS Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio enter an airWay in a Flight plan 1) Press the FPL Key on the Control Unit.
Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor (not required on the PFD). Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the waypoint after the desired airway entry
point. If this waypoint is not a valid airway entry point, a valid entry point should be entered at this time. Turn the small FMS Knob one click clockwise and
press the LD AIRWY Softkey, or press the MENU Key and select "Load Airway"(required on the PFD). The Select Airway Page is displayed.
The LD AIRWY Softkey or the "Load Airway" menu item is available only when an acceptable airway entry waypoint has been chosen (the waypoint ahead of
the cursor position). Turn the FMS Knob to select the desired airway from the list, and press the ENT Key. Low altitude airways are shown first in the list,
followed by "all" altitude airways, and then high altitude airways. Turn the FMS Knob to select the desired airway exit point from the list, and press the ENT
Key. `LOAD?' is highlighted.
Press the ENT Key. The system returns to editing the flight plan with the new airway inserted. 2) 3) Flight Planning GPS Nav 4) Hazard Avoidance
Procedures 5) Additional Features 6) 7) Annun/Alerts invert an aCtive Flight plan 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 26 Appendix Press the FPL Key to display the active flight
plan. Press the MENU Key to display the Page Menu. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight `Invert Flight Plan'. Press the ENT Key. The original flight plan
remains intact in its flight plan catalog storage location. With `OK' highlighted, press the ENT Key to invert the flight plan. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference
Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Index Flight planning remove a departure, arrival, approaCh, or airWay From a Flight plan
1) Press the FPL Key on the Control Unit to display the active flight plan.
Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. @@b) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight
plan. d) Select the EDIT Softkey. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the title for the approach, departure, arrival, or airway to be deleted. Titles appear
in white directly above the procedure's waypoints. Press the CLR Key to display a confirmation window. @@@@@@Press the FMS Knob to activate the
cursor. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan. Select the EDIT Softkey.
Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor in the desired location. Enter the changes, then press the ENT Key. @@@@Press the FMS Knob to activate the
cursor. @@b) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan.
d) Select the EDIT Softkey. @@@@With `OK' highlighted, press the ENT Key to remove the waypoint. @@@@Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Flight
Plan Catalog Page. Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan.
Select the INVERT Softkey. `Invert and activate stored flight plan?' will be displayed. With `OK' highlighted, press the ENT Key. The selected flight plan is
now inverted and activated. @@Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Flight Plan Catalog Page. @@@@Select the COPY Softkey. A `Copy to flight plan
#?' confirmation window is displayed. @@@@Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Flight Plan Catalog Page. Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor.
Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the flight plan to be deleted.
Select the DELETE Softkey. A `Delete flight plan #?' confirmation window is displayed. @@@@Press the Joystick to activate the map pointer. @@The
default insertion point is at the end of the flight plan. @@Waypoints are inserted ABOVE the cursor. Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired insertion
point. Select the LD WPT Softkey. The selected waypoint will be inserted at the selected point. @@@@@@A 29 Flight planning Flight Instruments 3) 4) 5)
6) 7) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Flight Plan Catalog Page.

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Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor.

Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the flight plan to be exported. Press the EXPORT Softkey. Press the ENT Key to confirm the export. Index Appendix
Annun/Alerts Additional Features Hazard Avoidance Procedures Flight Planning GPS Nav AFCS Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio 30 Garmin G1000 Cockpit
Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A procedures proCedures load and aCtivate a departure proCedure 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
7) 8) 9) Press the PROC Key.
Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight `SELECT DEPARTURE'. Press the ENT Key. The cursor is displayed in the `DEPARTURE' field with a list of available
departures. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired departure. Press the ENT Key.
A list of runways may be displayed for the departure. If so, turn either FMS Knob to select the desired runway. Press the ENT Key. The cursor is displayed in
the `TRANSITION' field with a list of available transitions. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired transition. Press the ENT Key. With `LOAD?'
highlighted, press the ENT Key. The departure will be active when the flight plan is active. Flight Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio AFCS GPS Nav Flight
Planning Procedures aCtivate a departure leg Hazard Avoidance 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Press the FPL Key to display the active flight plan. Press the FMS Knob to
activate the cursor.
Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired waypoint within the departure. Select the ACT LEG Softkey. A confirmation window showing the selected
leg will be displayed. With `ACTIVATE' highlighted, press the ENT Key. Additional Features Annun/Alerts load an arrival proCedure Appendix 1) 2) 3) 4)
Press the PROC Key. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight `SELECT ARRIVAL'. Press the ENT Key. The cursor is displayed in the `ARRIVAL' field with a
list of available arrivals. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired arrival. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200
Series Index 190-00929-00 Rev.
A 31 procedures Flight Instruments 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Press the ENT Key. A list of transitions is displayed for the selected arrival. Turn either FMS Knob to select
the desired transition. Press the ENT Key. A list of runways is displayed for the selected arrival.
Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired runway. Press the ENT Key. Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio 10) With `LOAD?' highlighted, press the ENT Key.
AFCS 11) The arrival will become part of the active flight plan. aCtivate an arrival leg GPS Nav 1) 2) 3) Press the FPL Key on the Control Unit to display the
active flight plan.
Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired waypoint within the arrival. Select the ACT LEG Softkey. A
confirmation window showing the selected leg is displayed. With `ACTIVATE' highlighted, press the ENT Key. Flight Planning 4) 5) Procedures Hazard
Avoidance load and/or aCtivate an approaCh proCedure NOTE: If certain GPS parameters (WAAS, RAIM, etc.) are not available, some published approach
procedures for the desired airport may not be displayed in the list of available approaches. Additional Features 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Press the PROC Key. Turn
the large FMS Knob to highlight `SELECT APPROACH'. Press the ENT Key.
A list of available approaches for the destination airport is displayed. Turn either FMS Knob to highlight the desired approach. Press the ENT Key. A list of
available transitions for the selected approach procedure is now displayed. Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired transition. The "Vectors" option
assumes vectors will be received to the final course segment of the approach and will provide navigation guidance relative to the final approach course.
Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A Index Appendix Annun/Alerts 32 procedures 7) 8) Press the
ENT Key. The cursor moves to the MINIMUMS field. If desired, the DA/MDA for the selected approach procedure may be entered and displayed on the PFD.
Turn the small FMS Knob in the direction of the green arrow to change the display from OFF to BARO. Press the ENT Key. The cursor moves to the altitude
field. Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the published DA/MDA for the selected approach procedure. Flight Instruments Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio 9) 10) Press
the ENT Key.
`LOAD? or ACTIVATE?' is now displayed with `LOAD?' highlighted. 11) Turn the large FMS Knob to select either `LOAD?' or `ACTIVATE?'. Selecting
`LOAD?' enters the selected approach procedure into the active flight plan, but is not currently active. Selecting `ACTIVATE?' enters the selected approach
procedure into the active flight plan and is immediately activated. 12) Press the ENT Key.
AFCS GPS Nav Flight Planning aCtivate an approaCh in the aCtive Flight plan 1) 2) 3) Press the PROC Key. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight
`ACTIVATE APPROACH'. Press the ENT Key. Procedures Hazard Avoidance aCtivate a veCtor to Final approaCh Fix 1) 2) 3) 4) Press the PROC Key. Turn
the large FMS Knob to highlight `ACTIVATE VECTOR-TO-FINAL'. Press the ENT Key. The final approach course becomes the active leg. Additional
Features Annun/Alerts aCtivate a missed approaCh in the aCtive Flight plan 1) 2) 3) 4) Press the PROC Key. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight
A confirmation window will be displayed. With `ACTIVATE' highlighted, press the ENT Key. Or: Press the go-around button. 190-00929-00 Rev. A Garmin
G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series Appendix Index 33 Index Appendix Annun/Alerts Additional Features Procedures GPS
Nav AFCS Hazard Avoidance Flight Planning Nav/Com/ XPDR/Audio Flight Instruments procedures 34 Blank Page Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide
for the Beechcraft 200/B200 Series 190-00929-00 Rev. A hazard avoidance hazard avoidanCe Customizing the hazard displays on the navigation map 1) With
the Navigation Map Page displayed, press the MENU Key to display the Navigation Map Page Menu. The cursor flashes on the `Map Setup' option. Press the
ENT Key. The Map Setup Menu is displayed. Turn the small FMS Knob to select `Weather' to customize the display of weather features.
Select `Traffic' to customize the display of traffic. Press the small FMS Knob to return to the Navigation Map Page. Flight Instruments Nav/Com/
XPDR/Audio 2) AFCS 3) GPS Nav stormsCope (optional) WARNING: The Stormscope system is not intended to be used for hazardous thunderstorm
penetration. Weather information on the G1000 MFD is approved for weather avoidance only. Refer to the WX-500 Pilot's Guide for detailed operation.
Flight Planning Procedures displaying stormscope lightning data on the navigation map page 1) 2) Press the MAP Softkey.

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