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B&ocw Cess Act & Rules

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3. Levy and collection of Cess.- (1) There Shall be levied and collected a cess for
the purposes of the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, at such rate not exceeding two
percent- but not less than one per cent. of the cost of construction incurred by an
employer, as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
from time to time specify.
(2) The cess levied under sub-section (1) shall be collected from every employer in
such manner and it such time, including deduction at source in relation to a
building or other construction work of a Government or of a public sector
undertaking or advance collection through a local authority where au approval of
such building or other construction work by such local authority is required, as
may be prescribed.
(3) The proceeds of the cess collected under sub-section (2) shall be paid by the
local authority or the State Government collecting the cess to the Board after
deducting the cost of collection of such cess not exceeding one percent of the
amount collected.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), the
cess leviable under this Act including payment of such cess in advance may,
subject to final assessment to be made, be collected at a uniform rate or rates may
be prescribed on the basis of the quantum of the building or other construction
work involved.
For the purposes of the Building and Other Construction Workers Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 (27 of 1996), a cess at the rate
of one per cent. of the cost of construction incurred by the employer is to be levied
and collected, vide S.O. 2899, dated 26th September. 1996
4. Furnishing of returns.- (1) Every employer shall furnish such return to such
officer or authority, in such manner and at such time as may be prescribed.

(2) If any person carrying on the building or other construction work, liable to pay
the cess under section 3, fails to furnish any return under sub-section (1), the
officer or the authority shall give a notice requiring such person to furnish such
return before such date as may be specified in the notice.
Every employer who is carrying on the building or other construction work is to
furnish a return to an officer or authority prescribed by the Government. If any
employer fails to furnish such return the officer or the authority shall give notice
requiring such employer to furnish such return before the specified date.
5. Assessment of cess.- (1) The officer or authority to whom or to which the return
has been furnished under section 4 shall, after making or causing to be made such
inquiry IS he or it thinks fit and after satisfying himself or itself that the
particulars stated in the return are correct, by order, assess the amount of cess
payable by the employer.
(2) If the return has not been furnished to the officer or authority under sub-section
(2) of section 4, he or it shall after making or causing to be made such inquiry as he
or it thinks fit, by order, assess the amount of cess payable by the employer.
(3) An order of assessment made under sub-sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall
specify the date within which the cess shall be paid by the employer.
8. Interest payable on delay in payment of cess.-If any employer fails to pay any
amount of cess payable under section 3 within the time specified in the order of
assessment, such employer shall be liable to pay interest on the amount to be paid
at the rate of two per cent, for every month or part of a month comprised in the
period from the date on which such payment is due till such amount is actually
Failure to pay any amount of cess within the specified time entails payment of
interest on the amount to be paid at the rate of two per cent. for every month or a
part of a month comprised in the period from the date on which such payment is
due till such amount is actually paid.

9. Penalty for non-payment of cess within the specified time.-If any amount of
cess payable by any employer under section 3 is not paid within the date specified
in the order of assessment made under section 5, it shall be deemed to be in arrears
and the authority prescribed in this behalf may, after making such inquiry as it
deems fit, impose on such employer a penalty not exceeding the amount of cess:
Provided that, before imposing any such penalty, such employer shall be given a
reasonable opportunity of being heard and if after such hearing the said authority is
satisfied that the default was for any good and sufficient reason, no penalty shall be
imposed under this section.
Failure to pay the payable amount of cess within the specified date shall be deemed
to be in arrears and the prescribed authority can impose a penalty not exceeding the
amount of cess. But before inposing any penalty the employer shall be given a
reasonable opportunity of being heard.
10. Recovery of amount due under the Act.- Any amount due under this Act
(including any interest or penalty) from an employer may be recovered in the same
manner as an arrear of and revenue.


3. Levy of cess.- For the purpose of levy of cess under sub-section (1) of section 3
of the Act, cost of construction shall include all expenditure incurred by an
employer in connection with the building or other construction work but shall not
includecost of land;
-any compensation paid or payable to a worker or his kin under the Workmen's
Compensation Act. 1923.
4. Time and manner of collection.(1) The cess levied under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Act shall be paid by an
employer, within thirty days of completion of the construction project or within
thirty days of the date on which assessment of cess payable is finalised, whichever
is earlier, to the cess collector.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1), where the duration of the
project or construction work exceeds one year, cess shall be paid within thirty days
of completion of one year from the date of commencement of work and every year
thereafter at the notified rates on the cost of construction incurred during the
relevant period.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), where the levy
of cess pertains to building and other construction work of a Government or of a
Public Sector Undertaking, such Government or the Public Sector Undertaking
shall deduct or cause to be deducted the cess payable at the notified rates from the
bills paid for such works.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), where the
approval of a construction work by a local authority is required, every application
for such approval shall be accompanied by a crossed demand draft in favour of the
Board and payable at the station at which the Board is located for an amount of
cess payable at the notified rates on the estimated cost of construction: Provided
that if the duration of the project is likely to exceed one year, the demand draft may
be for the amount of cess payable on cost of construction estimated to be incurred
during one year from the date of commencement and further payments of cess due
shall be made as per the provisions of sub-rule (2).
(5) An employer may pay in advance an amount of cess calculated on the basis of
the estimated cost of construction along with the notice of commencement of work
under section 46 of the Main Act by a crossed demand draft in favour of the Board
and payable at the station at which the Board is located: Provided that if the
duration of the project is likely to exceed one year, the demand draft may be for the
amount of cess payable on cost of construction estimated to be incurred during one
year from the date of such commencement and further payment of cess due shall
be made as per the provisions of sub-rules (2).
(6) Advance cess paid under sub-rules (3), (4) and (5), adjusted be adjusted in the
final assessment made by the Assessing Officer.
6. Information to be furnished by the employer.-(1) Every employer, within
thirty days of commencement of his work of payment of cess, as the case may be.
Furnish to the Assessing Officer, information in Form I.

(2) Any change or modification in the information furnished under sub-rule (1)
shall be communicated to the Assessing Officer immediately but not later than
thirty days from the date of affecting the modification or change.
7. Assessment.-(1) The Assessing Officer, on receipt of information in Form I from
an employer shall make a secrutiny of such information furnished and, if he is
satisfied about the correctness of the particulars so furnished, he shall make an
order of assessment within a period not exceeding six months from the date of
receipt of such information in Form I, indicating the amount of cess payable by the
employer and endorse a copy thereof to the employer, to the Board and to the cess
collector and despatch such order within five days of the date on which such order
is made.
(2) The order shall inter-alia specify the amount of cess due, cess already paid by
the employer or deducted at source and the balance amount payable and the date,
consistent with the provision of rule 4, by which the cess shall be paid to the cess
(3) If on scrutiny of information furnished, the Assessing Officer is of the opinion
that employer has under-calculated or miscalculated the cost of construction or has
calculated less amount of cess payable, he shall issue notice to the employer for
assessment of the cess.
(4) On receipt of such notice the employer shall furnish to the Assessing Officer a
reply together with copies of documentary or other evidence in support of his
claim, within fifteen days of the receipt of the notice: Provided that the Assessing
Officer may, in the course of assessment, afford an opportunity to the
assessee to be heard in person, if he so requests to substantiate his claim.
(5) If the employer fails to furnish the reply within the period specified under subrule (4), or where an employer fails to furnish information in Form I, the Assessing
Officer shall proceed to make the assessment on the basis of available records, and
other information incidental thereto.
(6) The Assessing Officer may, at anytime while the work is in progress, authorise
such officer to make such enquiry at the work site or from documentary evidence
or in any other manner as he may think fit for the purpose of estimating the cost of
construction as accurately as possible.

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