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Lecture 13q 2

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Lecture 12-13

Synthesis of nanoparticles

Synthesis techniques: Top down versus bottom-up

top down lithography

bottom up self assembly, molecular recognition

concepts / principles + examples

Fabrication Approaches
Section No.2

Experimental Methods

1- Top-Down Approach
Creates nanostructures out of
down matter into more basic
building blocks
2- Bottom- Up Approach
Building complex systems by
combining simple atomic level
molecules into nanostructures

Two strategies: 1: Top-Down

Two strategies: 2: Bottom Up

Kinetics of Growth mechanism

Growth mechnism of nanoparticles

The processes of nucleation
and subsequent growth.

The nucleation occurs only when the supersaturation reaches a certain value
above the solubility, which corresponds to the energy barrier for the formation of

After the initial nucleation, the concentration or supersaturation of the

growth species decreases and the change of volume Gibbs free energy reduces.

Growth mechnism of nanoparticles

When the concentration decreases below this certain concentration, which
corresponds to the critical energy, no more nuclei would form, whereas the growth
will proceed until the concentration of growth species reached the equilibrium
concentration or solubility.

Growth of nuclei
The size distribution of nanoparticles is dependent on the
subsequent growth process of the nuclei.
The growth process of the nuclei involves multi-steps and
the major steps are
(1) Generation of growth species,
(2) Diffusion of the growth species from bulk to the growth
(3) Adsorption of the growth species onto the growth
surface, and
(4) Surface growth through irreversible incorporation of
growth species onto the solid surface.

Growth of nuclei
The above steps can be further grouped into two processes.
Supplying the growth species to the growth surface is
termed as diffusion.
Diffusion includes the generation, diffusion, and adsorption
of growth species onto the growth surface.
Incorporation of growth species adsorbed on the growth
surface into solid structure is denoted as growth.
A diffusion-limited growth would result a different size
distribution of nanoparticles as compared with that by
growth limited process.

Growth controlled by diffusion

When the concentration of growth species reduces below

the minimum concentration for nucleation, nucleation
stops, whereas the growth continues.
If the growth process is controlled by the diffusion of
growth species from the bulk solution to the particle
surface, the growth rate is given by:
dr/dt = D(C-Cs)Vm/r
where r is the radius of spherical nucleus,
D is the diffusion coefficient of the growth species,
C is the bulk concentration,
Cs is the concentration on the surface of solid particles, and
Vm is the molar volume of the nuclei.
AE Nielsen, Kinetic of Precipitation, MacMillan, New York, 1964.

Growth controlled by diffusion

By solving this differential equation and assuming the initial
size of nucleus, r0, and the change of bulk concentration
negligible, we have:
r2 = D(C-Cs)Vmt + r02 or
r2 = kDt + r02 ....... (1)
where kD = D(C-Cs)Vm.
For two particles with initial radius difference, r0, the radius
difference, r, decreases as time increases or particles grow
bigger, according to:
r = r0 r0/r ....... (2)
Combining with equation (1) we have:
r = r0 r0 /(kDt + r02)1/2 .......(3)

Growth controlled by surface process

When the diffusion of growth species from the bulk to the
growth surface is sufficiently rapid, the growth rate is
controlled by the surface process.
Two mechanisms for the surface processes:
mononuclear growth and poly-nuclear growth.
For the mononuclear growth, the growth proceeds layer by
layer; the growth rate is thus proportional to the surface
dr/dt = km(C) r2 ........(4)
where km(C) is a proportionality constant, dependent on
the concentration of growth species.

Growth mechanism

Sol-gel method
The sol-gel process may be described as:
Formation of an oxide network through polycondensation reactions
of a molecular precursor in a liquid.
A sol is a stable dispersion of colloidal particles or polymers in a
The particles may be amorphous or crystalline. An aerosol is particles
in a gas phase, while a sol is particles in a liquid.
A gel consists of a three dimensional continuous network, which
encloses a liquid phase.
In a colloidal gel, the network is built from agglomeration of colloidal
In a polymer gel the particles have a polymeric sub-structure made by
aggregates of sub-colloidal particles.
Generally, the sol particles may interact by van der Waals forces or
hydrogen bonds.

The idea behind sol-gel synthesis is to dissolve the

compound in a liquid in order to bring it back as a solid
in a controlled manner.
Multi component compounds may be prepared with a
controlled stoichiometry by mixing sols of different
The sol-gel method prevents the problems with coprecipitation, which may be inhomogeneous, be a
gelation reaction.
Enables mixing at an atomic level.
Results in small particles, which are easily sinterable.

A sol consists of a liquid with colloidal particles
which are not dissolved, but do not agglomerate
or sediment.
Agglomeration of small particles are due to van
der Waals forces and a tendency to decrease the
total surface energy. Van der Waals forces are
weak, and extend only for a few nanometers.
In order to counter the van der Waals
interactions, repulsive forces must be

Point of Zero charge (PZC)

Stabilization due to electrostatic repulsion are due to formation of a

double layer at the particle.
The surface of a particle is covered by ionic groups, which determines
the surface potential. Counter ions in the solution will cover this layer,
shielding the rest of the solution from the surface charges.
Fro hydroxides the surface potential will be determined by reactions
with the ions H+ and OH-. Thus, the surface potential is pH

The pH where the particle is neutral is called PZC, point of zero

For pH > PZC the surface is negatively charged
For pH < PZC the surface is positively charged.
Typical values: MgO 12, Al2O3 9.0, TiO2 6.0, SnO2 4.5, SiO2 2.5

Double layer: for a positively charged


In an electric field the particle will

move toward the electrode with the
opposite charge. It will carry the
adsorbed layer and part of the
counter ions.
The slip plane divides the part that
moves with the particle and the
solution. The potential at the slip
plane is called the zeta () potential
The pH for which =0 is called the
isoelectrical point (IEP)
The stability of a colloid depends on
; the larger the the more stable
the colloid. Should be > 30-50 mV.
Given the same surface potential, the
repulsive forces will increase with the
particle size.

May be accomplished by:

Electrostatic repulsion. By adsorption of charged species onto the
surface of the particles, repulsion between the particles will increase and
agglomeration will be prevented. Most important for colloidal systems.
Steric hindrance. By adsorbing a thick layer of organic molecules, the
particles are prevented from approaching each other reducing the role of the
van der Waals forces. Works best in concentrated dispersions. Branched
adsorbates works best. Usual for nanomaterials.

Depends somewhat on the size of the particle and the degree of

The size of the surface potential 0 depends on the difference between pH
and PZC.

Colloidal gold nanoparticles

Ostwalds ripening
molecules on the surface of particles are more energetically
unstable than those within the particle.
The unstable surface molecules often go into solution shrinking
the particle over time and increasing the number of free
molecules in solution.
In case of supersaturated solution those free molecules will
redeposit on the larger particles.
Small particles decrease in size until they disappear and large
particles grow even larger.
The shrinking and growing of particles will result in a larger
mean diameter of a particle size distribution

Hydrothermal Synthesis:
Hydrothermal simulation of the 19th century geologists began to study the
role of natural mineralization of 1900 years later,
scientists have established the theory of hydrothermal synthesis, functional
materials and later turned to the study now has been prepared by
hydrothermal method over a hundred kinds of crystals.
Hydrothermal method, also known as hydrothermal method, is a liquid
chemical areas is in a sealed pressure vessel, with water as solvent, under
conditions of high temperature and pressure of the chemical reaction based
on the hydrothermal reaction water can be divided into different types of
thermal oxidation, hydrothermal reduction, hydrothermal deposits,
hydrothermal synthesis, hot water solution and hydrothermal crystallization
of which hydrothermal crystallization is the one mostly used.

Hydrothermal synthesis
Crystal growth under high temperature and high pressure
conditions of water using substance that are insoluble at
normal conditions (< 100C, < 1 atm)
Usually carried out below 300C (ionic product kw has value
around 275-300C)
Critical values for water are 374C and 22.1 MPa respectively
The solvent properties for many compounds, such as
dielectric constant and solubility, change dramatically under
supercritical conditions
The dielectric constant of water is 78 at room temperature,
where polar inorganic salts can be soluble in water.

The dielectric constant of water decreases with increasing temperature

and decreasing pressure. The dielectric constant is below 10 under
supercritical conditions; the contribution of the dielectric constant to the
reaction rates becomes remarkable based on the electrostatic theory.
Supercritical water gives a favorable reaction field for particle formation,
owing to the enhancement of the reaction rate and large supersaturation
based on the nucleation theory, due to lowering the solubility.

A scheme of setup for conducting of ultrasonically assisted hydrothermal synthesis: 1-titanium high pressure reactor
autoclave; 2-ultrasonic generator UZG 3-4; 3-magnetostricton transducer PMS-1-1;4-reaction vessel; resistance furnace; 5chromelalumel thermocouple; 6-autoclave lid; 7-Titanium plug

Hydrothermal solution is the use of high temperature and pressure
conditions in the atmosphere for those insoluble or insoluble
substances dissolved or the dissolution of the substance reaction
product solution by controlling the temperature within the
autoclave so that convection in the formation of super saturation
and precipitation method of crystal growth natural hydrothermal
mineralization is at a certain temperature and pressure,
hydrothermal ore-forming materials in the process of precipitation
from the solution. Hydrothermal synthetic gemstones that
simulate the natural process of crystal-forming hydrothermal of

Principle and mechanism of hydrothermal synthesis

Hydrothermal methods are extensively used for the synthesis of
nanostructures. These are the kind of approaches towards crystal
growth, in which the crystal is grown by chemical transport
reactions (reaction between the ion acceleration) directly from the
high pressure or high temperature. Both elemental and
compounds nanostructures can be obtained via this method by
choosing appropriate starting materials and suitable reaction
conditions. Main devices used in the hydrothermal Synthesis are ,
the autoclave hanging seed, and filled mineralizers as shown in Fig

Main device used in the hydrothermal


Schematic diagram of principle and

mechanism of hydrothermal synthesis.

Characteristics of hydrothermal

The synthesis of crystals with crystal faces, less thermal stress,

fewer defects within its inclusions is very similar to natural
1-Airtight container
2- Cannot observe the growth process, not intuitive.
3- Equipment requirements (high temperature high pressure
steel and corrosion-resistant lining)
4- Technical difficulties (strict control of temperature and
pressure, high cost and poor safety performance for others).
Hydrothermal method is characterized by the production of
particles of high purity, good dispersion, good crystal and can be
controlled, low production cost. Hydrothermal powders
prepared by the general without sintering, which can be avoided
during sintering and grain grow impurities easily mixed with
other disadvantages. Hydrothermal synthesis of the impact of
factors: high and low temperature, heating rate, stirring speed
and reaction time.

The nature of the reaction medium

High-temperature thermal response characteristics of pressurized water are

1) An important reaction between the ion

2) Increased hydrolysis
3) Significant changes in redox potential.

High-temperature high-pressure hot

water system, water properties
High-temperature high-pressure hot water system,
water properties
Vapor pressure becomes high, low density, low
surface tension, low precision; ion product to high
pressure at high temperature under hydrothermal
conditions, room temperature, the reaction of
substances soluble in water, ion-induced reactions can
also be alive to promote the reaction, the reaction
increased due to increased ionization constant of

The role of high-temperature highpressure water

1- As chemical composition, and promote
chemical reactions and rearrangement
reaction accelerator.
2- Pass from the pressure of the role of media.
3- Improve the solubility of the material from
the low melting point .
4- Non-toxic.
5-Sometimes react with the container

Morphological Characterizations & Growth

Mechanism of ZnMn2O4 Nanostructures
Section No.3

See-urchin Type Cluster self assembled with Pen-type nanoneedles

Results and Discussion

Growth Mechanism

Multifunctional probes

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