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Unsteady Flow About A Sphere at Low Moderate Reynolds Number. Part Accelerated Motion

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J. Fluid Mech. (1995), 001. 303, p p .

Copyright @ 1995 Cambridge University Press


Unsteady flow about a sphere at low to moderate

Reynolds number. Part 2. Accelerated motion


M A R T I N R. M A X E Y

Center for Fluid Mechanics, Turbulence and Computation,

Brown University, Box 1966, Providence, RI 02912, USA
(Received 18 November 1994 and in revised form 6 June 1995)

A full numerical simulation based on spectral methods is used to investigate linearly

accelerating and decelerating flows past a rigid sphere. Although flow separation does
not occur at Reynolds numbers below 20 for a steady flow, in the linearly decelerating flow separation is observed at much lower Reynolds numbers with complete
detachment of vorticity possible in certain cases. The existence of a large recirculation
region contributes to the result that a negative viscous force on the sphere is possible. The contribution of the pressure to the force includes a component that is well
described by the inviscid added-mass term in both the accelerating and decelerating
cases. The force on the sphere is found in general to initially decay in a power
law manner after acceleration or deceleration ends followed by rapid convergence
at later times to the steady state. For the cases examined this convergence is found
to be exponential except for those in which the sphere is brought to rest in which
case the convergence remains algebraic. This includes the special case of an infinite
acceleration or deceleration where the free stream velocity is impulsively changed.

1. Introduction
In part 1 of this work (Chang & Maxey 1994), referred to subsequently as Part 1,
we presented results of numerical simulations for axisymmetric, oscillatory viscous
flow past a rigid sphere. Structural features of the flow were identified, including the
changing vorticity distribution, flow separation and the steady streaming flow induced
by the oscillations at finite Reynolds numbers. Also examined were the variations
in the fluid force acting on the sphere, and of special interest was an attempt at the
identification of an added-mass contribution to the force. It was found that if the
history force is assumed to take the same form as the classical Basset history term
(Basset 1888), the added-mass effect is the same at moderate Reynolds numbers and
frequencies as for both inviscid, irrotational flow (Batchelor 1967) and for unsteady
Stokes flow (Basset 1888; Maxey & Riley 1983). Mei, Lawrence & Adrian (1991)
obtained a similar result from their numerical study of steady flow past a sphere with
a superposed oscillatory perturbation to the flow. This result is also supported by
the numerical simulations of Rivero, Magnaudet & Fabre (1991). Basic questions
remain though as to the exact nature of the added-mass effect in unsteady flows at
finite Reynolds numbers, and how it may be affected for example by the presence
of separated flow. In unsteady Stokes flow it is known that the added-mass force is

t Present Address: Naval Research Laboratory, Code 6410, Washington, DC 20375, USA.


E . J. Chang and M . R. Maxey

affected by changes in time of a non-uniform ambient vorticity in the flow (Maxey &
Riley 1993).
In order to to determine the added-mass force without making assumptions about
the quasi-steady and history components of the drag we have examined flows in which
a uniform free stream is linearly accelerated (or decelerated) at a constant rate from
a steady state. In such a flow the added-mass effect will be immediately apparent
once the acceleration has started owing to the lack of significant history and velocitydependent effects. This approach has been used independently by Rivero et al. (1991)
and Rivero (1991) for accelerating flows. Our results from the present study not only
confirm their results for the added-mass effect but extend them to include decelerating
flows, and both accelerating and decelerating flows when the acceleration is removed
and the free-stream velocity assumes a new steady value. Further we demonstrate
the connection between the pressure distribution and the added-mass effect at finite
Reynolds numbers.
A second aim of this paper is to investigate the flow structure as it approaches
a new steady state following a change in the free-stream conditions. This will
give insight into the behaviour of the so-called history force which is governed by
the relaxation of the flow to a steady state. The analytic results of Bentwich &
Miloh (1978) and Sano (1981) state that the drag force on a sphere of radius a
impulsively started from rest approaches the steady-state value at a rate proportional
to t-ll2 for small t = 0(1), followed by a more rapid convergence proportional
to t r 2 at large t = O(Re-2) based on an assumption of low Reynolds numbers.
Here the non-dimensional time is given as t = tv/a2 where v is the kinematic
viscosity. Lovalenti & Brady (1993~)extended this problem to include impulsive
changes in velocity where the beginning and ending velocities may be other than
zero and one respectively. From their analysis they found that the drag force
behaved similarly for both the impulsively stopped and impulsively started sphere,
the algebraic convergence at large t being due to destruction or construction of
the wake region of the sphere. However, for impulsive jumps between non-zero
values of the velocity, they found the convergence to be exponential at large t, this
being attributed to the pre-existence of the wake region. Recently Lawrence &
Mei (1995) have suggested that this latter exponential decay is only transitory for
intermediate times and that in the long term the decay will be 0 ( t r 2 ) , dominated
finally by O(Re2)contributions to the drag force neglected in Lovalenti & Bradys
A common approach to representing the fluid force on a sphere held fixed in
a unidirectional, but unsteady uniform flow is to write the force F as the sum of
component parts. Rivero et al. (1991), following earlier authors, write for example
F = FS (1 CM)mFFH,
where FS is the quasi-steady drag force that would act on the sphere in a steady flow
at the same instantaneous flow velocity U ( t ) . The second term in (1.1) combines the
inertial acceleration of the uniform flow and the added-mass effect, where r n F is the
mass of fluid displaced by the sphere. The third term FH is the history term. This
formulation mirrors the results obtained by Basset (1888) for low Reynolds number
motion in unsteady Stokes flow, for which the added-mass coefficient CM = 1/2 and
the history term is

+ +

FH = 6 n a p L g ( n v ( t - t))-/2dt.

Unsteadyflow about a sphere. Part 2


Here the sphere radius is a and p,v are respectively the dynamic and kinematic
viscosities of the fluid. This result is based on the fluid being at rest initially, at
t = 0 (Maxey & Riley 1983). Mei & Adrian (1992) have provided an extension to
this formulation (1.1) for finite Reynolds number and obtained the history term in
the form
FH = 6nap
K ( t - t')-dt'
From previous simulation results (Mei et al. 1991) and asymptotic results at low
Reynolds numbers they proposed a form of the history kernel K ( z ) that varied
as T - ~ / ~for short times, as in Basset's result, and as z-2 for longer times. This
latter form would be consistent with the result of Sano (1981) for an impulsively
started flow. However this form of K ( z ) was obtained by extrapolating results in
the frequency domain for small amplitude perturbations of a steady flow and the
result has been questioned by Lovalenti & Brady (1993b), who present an alternative
form which decays exponentially for small changes in the free-stream velocity U(t).
Some numerical simulations by Mei (1993), using a finite-difference scheme, do in
fact show a general trend for exponential convergence to steady flow conditions in
the final stage following an impulsive change in the free stream velocity. Prior to this
the difference between the fluid force F and the final steady state value varies as an
algebraic power in time. This conclusion though has been revised by Lawrence &
Mei (1995) in light of more careful numerical simulations and theoretical arguments
about the wake structure. They conclude that the convergence remains algebraic in
the long term, typically as t-2.
In this paper linearly accelerating and decelerating flows are studied numerically
using the spectral method developed in Part 1 for the oscillating flow. We will begin by
presenting the flow fields generated during and after the acceleration (or deceleration)
of the free stream. The drag forces experienced by the sphere are then examined with
emphasis on determining the nature of the added-mass effect. Finally, we will present
results for the impulsively changed free-stream velocity in which we investigate not
only the history effects on the drag force but also the evolution of the flow structure.
In the following section a short summary is given of the equations of motion and
the spectral methods used to solve them for the present problem. These are the same
as in Part 1, where a more complete description may be found.

2. Problem formulation
The governing equations for an incompressible viscous flow may be written in
the form
- u - v u= -vp + -v*u

v - u = 0.


The free-stream velocity is parallel to and in the direction of the axis of symmetry
and is given as U = U(t)e('). All variables have been non-dimensionalized by the
sphere radius a and maximum free-stream velocity rnaxlU(t)l = UO. The pressure p
is scaled by pUi where p is the fluid density and the Reynolds number is defined as
Re = 2aUo/v. Only linear accelerations and decelerations of the free-stream velocity

E. J. Chang and M . R. Maxey

are considered with

where cI and c2 are constants such that 0 < ci d 1, for i = 1,2; t, is the time at which
an initial steady state has been reached for U ( t ) = cl, and t, is the time at which
the acceleration is stopped. A, is the non-dimensional acceleration of the free stream
and is here called the acceleration parameter or acceleration number. It is the ratio
of the scale for the temporal acceleration in the flow to the scale for the convective
acceleration term in (2.1); in dimensional form the flow acceleration is AcU;/a. Note
that for an accelerating flow A , > 0 and c2 = 1 and for a decelerating flow A , < 0
with c1 = 1.
Equations (2.1) and (2.2) are solved by introducing a scalar potential for the flow
which ensures incompressibility and is of the form u=V x (Ce(6)).The pressure is
eliminated by forming the equation for the vorticity W ( r , 0 , t ) = V x u, which has
only one component, a@,in an axisymmetric flow. The vorticity equation in spherical
coordinates is given by
am, 2
- - (V x u x o ) . e 6 + -D206
where the D2 operator is defined as D2 = V2 - l/(r2 sin26). The potential function C
and vorticity o4 are related by
D2 C = -04.
Hereafter the subscript 4 will be omitted for this vorticity component.
The boundary conditions for flow past a rigid stationary sphere held fixed at the
coordinate origin are given as


C = O , - dr

on r = l


and at large distances from the sphere

o = 0, c = iU(t)rsine as r


The potential C is written as the sum of a potential function corresponding to a

prescribed flow in the free stream and a potential corresponding to the disturbance
flow produced by the presence of the sphere c: C =
c. The prescribed potential
is given as = U(t)rsin 0 so that o and c vanish far from the sphere.
The non-dimensional drag force on the sphere is given as


where F1 is the fluid force acting on the fixed sphere in the e(') direction parallel to
the free-stream velocity. Since the flow is axisymmetric, there is no lift force. The
drag force Cd may be written as the sum of a frictional component due to the viscous
shear stress, C j , and a pressure component C,. On the surface of the sphere, because
of the no-slip boundary conditions, the rate of strain is equal to half the local surface
vorticity and the frictional component Cj is calculated from

Cj = -Re


o ( r = 1,6, t ) sin20d6.

Unsteadyflow about a sphere. Part 2

The pressure component C, is calculated from the momentum equation near the
surface of the sphere as noted in Part 1.
2.1. Numerical method
A pseudospectral or collocation method is used to represent the flow variables spatially. This is based on the formulations of Orszag (1974) and Marcus & Tuckerman
(1987), and described more fully in Part 1. In brief, the vorticity o and potential c
are expanded as a Chebyshev polynomial series in the radial direction and as a sine
series in the 6 direction. In physical space the flow variables are represented at the
collocation points
0, = -for n = l , 2 ,..., N ,


= c o s - ' ( 2 n m / ~ )for

m = 0,1,. ..,M .

The algebraic map r = 1 L(l z ) / ( b- z ) with b = 1 2L/(rm - 1) is used to map

the interval (-1,l) to (l,rm)where r , is a finite large number. The parameter L is a
scaling factor used to control the spacing of the grid points.
Time integration is accomplished through an explicit second-order Adams-Bashforth scheme for the nonlinear terms and an implicit second-order Crank-Nicolson
scheme for the viscous linear terms. The calculations are made in physical r-space
and spectral &space. After discretization, equations (2.4) and (2.5) with boundary
conditions (2.6) are

= 0, c"+' =

o at

r = r,,
where the superscript n denotes the nth time level and F is given by


F = (V x u x o) e@).

These equations are solved using a Green's function method (Chang 1992) after they
are Fourier transformed in the &direction and the entire system is upper triangular
in &space. Each radial equation is solved in physical-r-space using Chebyshev
collocation methods and back substitution yields the final solution.
For the cases studied, either 64 x 64 or 96 x 96 point grids are used with the
stretch parameter set to values in the range 2 < L < 8. The outer radius r , was
250 at low Reynolds numbers (Re < 1) and 50 otherwise. Tests were made to verify
accuracy of the resolution and to check that the value of roo was sufficiently large.
Typically a time step of O(lOU3) or smaller is used for the simulations. It was not
at the beginning and end of the acceleration
uncommon to use a time step of O(
periods owing to the discontinuous nature of the free-stream acceleration at these
2.2. Validation
Simulation results have previously (Part 1) been checked for accuracy against steady
and oscillatory flows through comparison with previous numerical, experimental


E. J. Chang and M. R. Maxey

and theoretical results. In order to provide an initial test of the accuracy of our
current simulations, we have compared our results with the Basset (1888) solution
for unsteady Stokes flow. In this problem, the velocities are considered to be small
and the accelerations large, so the convective acceleration term in the equations of
motion may be neglected. Basset's estimate of the fluid force on sphere as the flow
velocity accelerates from rest at a constant rate may be evaluated from (l.l),(1.2)
and written in non-dimensional form as
where Re is the flow Reynolds number at the end of the acceleration interval. A
comparison of (2.14) with the present numerical simulations for the values of A, = 1.0
and Re = 0.1 over the non-dimensional time interval 0 < t < 1 shows that the relative
difference while increasing over the interval is at most O(lOV4).Good agreement is
also found with the higher-order results of Sano (1981) for the resultant force at low
Reynolds numbers due to a flow started impulsively from rest, as is discussed later in
this paper.

3. Linearly accelerating flow

In this section the flow structure and resulting fluid forces are examined for flows
accelerating at a constant rate within the range IA,( < 2 and Re d 20. An initially
steady flow is accelerated at a constant rate between t = t, and t = t, at which point
the acceleration is removed and the flow relaxes to a new steady flow regime. A very
short time step is used to computationally resolve the transient behaviour near t = t,
and t = t, where the acceleration changes rapidly. We begin by examining the flow
structure for three different sets of simulations which illustrate many of the general
features observed.
3.1. Flow structure
Typical streamfunction and vorticity contours for an accelerating flow are shown in
figure 1 where the acceleration number A, = 1.0 and the flow Reynolds number
increases from 5 initially, to 10. The flow is from left to right in the figures. The
coordinate 6 = 0 corresponds to the rear stagnation point along the sphere axis
and 6 = 180" is at the forward stagnation point. As the flow accelerates there is
strong production of negative vorticity near the surface of the sphere, reinforcing the
existing vorticity distribution, but this remains largely confined to a narrow region
around the sphere. Advection of this enhanced surface vorticity is initially weak for
this moderately strong acceleration, and it is only after the acceleration ceases that
the vorticity diffuses away from the sphere and advection becomes more significant.
Corresponding details of the surface pressure distribution and surface vorticity are
shown in figure 2. The surface pressure k ( 6 ) is measured relative to the pressure at
the forward stagnation point,

k ( 6 ) = p(r = l,6) -p(l,n).

As the flow accelerates there is a favourable pressure gradient at all points on the
sphere. There is a dramatic change in the pressure distribution as the acceleration
is removed, as may be seen by comparing the data for t = t, - At and t = t, At.
This is associated with the added-mass effect discussed later. At time (t, 1) the
surface pressure has relaxed to a distribution closer to that of the new steady flow,


- 3 - 2


3 - 3 - 2


FIGURE1. Streamlines (left column) and vorticity contours (right column) for a free stream
accelerating from U(t,) = 0.5 to U(t,) = 1 with Re = 10 and A, = 1; ( a ) U ( t )= 0.5, ( b ) U ( t )= 0.75,
and (c) U ( t ) = 1.



h -2








U(t = t,



At) = 1


0 (deg)

2. Surface pressure and vorticity distributions for a free stream accelerating from
U ( t , ) = 0.5 to U(t,) = 1 with Re = 10 and A, = 1; ( a ) surface pressure and ( b ) surface vorticity.

E. J. Chang and M . R. Maxey








FIGURE3 Streamlines (left column) and vorticity contours (right column) for a free stream
deccelerating from U(t,) = 1 to U(t,) = 0.5 with Re = 10 and A , = -1; (a) U ( t ) = 1, ( b )
U ( t ) = 0.75, and (c) U ( t ) = 0.5 Broken line shows the separation streamline (left). Vortrcity
contours are - - - -,positive; - -, zero; ___ , negative.

with a mild adverse pressure gradient along the rear of the sphere, 0 < 8 < 90". The
surface vorticity increases sharply during the acceleration: peak values are almost
three times the initial steady-state value at the end of acceleration in cases where the
instantaneous Reynolds number has doubled in value. The distribution also becomes
nearly symmetric about the mid-plane at 8 = 90" during acceleration, indicating the
diminished effect of advection of vorticity. By time (t, 1) the surface vorticity is
close to that for steady flow; the peak value is within 3% of the final steady flow
value reported in Part 1.
Streamline and vorticity contours for a decelerating flow with A, = -1 and
an initial Reynolds number Re = 10, which decreases to Re = 5, are shown in
figure 3. For steady flows at these Reynolds numbers there is no separation but the
streamlines show that quite quickly a separated flow region develops in response to
the deceleration. The surface pressure and vorticity distribution are shown in figure 4.
Soon after deceleration begins a strong adverse pressure gradient develops on the
surface of the sphere. This is seen as a sharp change in k(B) just after the deceleration
begins, as shown by the data for t = t, and t = t, + A t , which is again associated
with added-mass effects. Positive vorticity is generated on the rear portion of the
sphere. This is confined to a region near the sphere surface which gradually extends
further forward on the sphere. Further, the strength of the ambient negative vorticity
associated with the initial steady flow becomes weaker.
Within the separated flow region, enclosed by the separation streamline, there is a
recirculating flow which on the surface of the sphere is the reverse of that for steady
flow conditions. The separation point on the sphere corresponds to the location of

Unsteadyjow about a sphere. Part 2








U(i = t,) = 1



8 (deg)


U(t =







8 (deg)

4.Surface pressure and vorticity distributions for a free stream decelerating from U(t,) = 1
to U ( t , ) = 0.5 with Re = 10 and A, = -1; (a) surface pressure and ( b ) surface vorticity.

zero surface vorticity due to the no-slip boundary conditions (2.6). It is clear then
from figure 3 that the positive vorticity is confined within the separated flow region,
growing in extent as the region expands. This process may be characterized by two
length scales: I, the length of the separation bubble given by the radial distance from
the sphere surface at which the separation point streamline connects with the 8 = 0
axis, and 6, the thickness of the positive vorticity layer correspondingly defined as the
radial distance from the sphere surface at which the zero vorticity contour connects
with the 8 = 0 axis. Axial symmetry requires that w = 0 along the whole 8 = 0 axis;
the zero vorticity contour is an envelope for the vorticity distribution. Table 1 shows
different values of those length scales and the separation point angle 8, for various
rates of deceleration, at the instant when the deceleration is removed after an elapsed
time At. These are compared with a Stokes diffusive length scale 6, = ( v A ~ ) ~For
all the data in table 1 the final value of Re is half the initial value.
For other values of A, and Re similar trends are observed distinguished mainly
by whether the flow is accelerating or decelerating. For some of the decelerating
flows investigated the separated flow region engulfs the sphere entirely, the ambient
negative vorticity of the steady flow is completely detached from the sphere and the
sphere is completely embedded in a region of positive vorticity. Examples of this are
indicated in table 1. In the flows examined within this parameter range, we have
found that if complete vorticity detachment occurs, this negative vorticity region is
observed to eventually reconnect; these regions do not remain detached unless the
final free-stream velocity, c2, is zero in which case a standing eddy is formed to the
side of the sphere.
As an illustration of how the flow vorticity returns to a steady state following a
deceleration we include in figure 5 a sequence of vorticity contours for an initial
Re = 10 and A, = -0.1. The deceleration is relatively weak and at the end of
the deceleration phase, shown in figure 5(a), the free-stream velocity is 0.1 and

E . J . Chang and M . R. Maxey
















0.93 1








TABLE1. Length of positive vorticity region at rear of sphere 6, Stokes diffusive length scale
6, = (vt)-'/*, angle of separation (in radians) O,, and length of recirculation region 1 at the end
of deceleration period with U(t,) = 0.5. A - denotes complete separation of the negative vorticity
region. A * denotes no separation has occurred.

the associated Reynolds number is 1.0. In this instance the sphere is completely
surrounded by a region of positive vorticity with the negative vorticity detached.
Following the deceleration negative vorticity is again produced on the upstream
side of the sphere, and the negative vorticity contours reattach to the surface here.
The separation point moves back towards the rear stagnation point as the positive
vorticity weakens. Eventually the negative vorticity in the free stream reconnects with
the newly generated vorticity, but even after an elapsed non-dimensional time of 8
since the first frame the process is still not complete indicating that the return to the
steady state is a slow process. The exact nature of the return to a steady state will be
examined in further detail in the next section.

3.2. Forces
The forces acting on the sphere for A, = 1 and Re = 10 are shown in figure 6. The
resultant fluid force cd, scaled as in (2.8), is the sum of the two components C, and C f
due to the surface pressure distribution and viscous shear stresses respectively. A large
jump in both C, and C, occurs at t = t,, the time at which the acceleration period
begins. Similarly, at the end of the acceleration period when t 2 t,, there is a large
drop in both cd and C,. The large change in the value of C , is reflected in the sudden
change in the surface pressure prior to and just after the end of the acceleration
shown in figure 2. These differences should correspond to added-mass effects since
changes due to viscous diffusion of vorticity and velocity-dependent history terms in
such a short time period are negligible. Indeed the viscous shear stress component C f
exhibits no sharp changes either at the start or the end of the acceleration interval.
The added-mass effect in an inviscid flow past a stationary sphere is strictly a pressure
force proportional to the rate of acceleration of the free-stream velocity. The same is
true for unsteady Stokes flow. There is an inertial component of value $dU/dt to C,
due to the acceleration in the free stream U ( t ) .The inviscid added-mass contribution

Unsteadyjow about a sphere. Part 2



6 ,




FIGURE5. Vorticity contours of the flow following a deceleration, A, = -0.1, from Re = 10 to

1.0 at various times after the deceleration ends at t , ; (a) t = t,, ( b ) t = t, 0.6, ( c ) t = te 5.4,
( d ) t = t, + 9.4. Contours: - - - -,positive vorticity; - . -, zero vorticity;
, negative vorticity.

is an additional idU/dt based on the usual estimate of an added-mass coefficient of

as noted in (1.1). These combine to give a total inertial and added-mass contribution
to c, of

Both at the start and the end of the acceleration interval, the observed change in
pressure forces matches the expected value for the inviscid added-mass effect. The

E. J. Chang and M . R. Maxey








6. Drag force coefficients, C,, C p ,and Cd us. time during acceleration period for Re = 10,
A, = 1, U(t,) = 0.5, U(t,) = 1, t, = 6.4 and t , = 6.9; _ _ C,. - - - - - CP ., - . - Cd.

change in C, at the start and at the end of acceleration, AC,, and AC,, respectively,
seen in figure 6 agree with (3.2) to within 1% of Ci.
Rivero (1991) observed a similar large change in the fluid force Cd on a sphere
at the start of a linearly accelerating flow. These simulations were made at initial
Reynolds numbers of 0.1, 10 and 100 and positive accelerations A, = 0.001, 0.01, 0.1,
10 and 100, taking account of the scaling used here. A similar procedure was used to
separate the inertial component of the fluid force. In each case the change matched
the estimate (3.2) though the separation of Cd into components C, and C, was not
We have extended our results to include both the start and the end of the acceleration and to include decelerating flows also. Table 2 shows values of A&, the change
time unit) after acceleration has started,
in the pressure coefficient immediately (
for different Reynolds and acceleration numbers. Corresponding changes AC,, in C,
at the end of the acceleration period are also listed. The fluid forces for a decelerating
flow with A, = -1 and Re = 10 are shown in figure 7 and are similar in character
to those for the accelerating case. The added-mass effect is apparent in the sudden
changes in C,; these too are reflected in the change in surface pressure shown in figure
4(a) prior to and just after the start of the deceleration. It is worth noting that AC,,
matches (3.2) even where flow separation has developed as a result of deceleration
in the free stream. A comparison of tables 1 and 2 shows that for many of the
decelerating flows listed a closed recirculating, separation bubble develops by the end
of the deceleration interval, yet this has no apparent influence on AC,,. This is an
indication that the same will be true at higher Reynolds numbers where a separation
bubble is a feature of steady flow.
In an inviscid irrotational flow, and in unsteady Stokes flow, the pressure distribution is solely responsible for the resultant added-mass force and is associated with
a dipole potential for the flow. This gives rise to a surface pressure distribution, in
dimensional form,

Unsteady flow about a sphere. Part 2










7. Drag force coefficients, C,, C,, and cd us. time during deceleration period for Re = 10,
A, = -1, U ( t , ) = 1, U ( t , ) = 0.5, t, = 6.455 and t, = 6.955; -,
C,; - - - - C; - . - . -> Cd .

and a component due to the free stream

-ap cos 8-,
where U (t ) is the free-stream velocity. Non-dimensionally, the pressure coefficient
associated with this added-mass force is given as

where p( 0) is the dimensional surface pressure.

In the present simulations the pressure is specified by a Fourier cosine series in 0
as described in Part 1. To test whether or not the observed added-mass changes in
C, are associated with a corresponding dipole potential term we examine the first
Fourier coefficient in the cosine series for the surface pressure. Figure 8(a) shows
the first Fourier coefficient of the surface pressure i l ( t ) for A, = 1.0 and Re = 10.
The jumps at t, and t,,
respectively, agree with (3.3). Similarly, the
Fourier cosine coefficient f , for the decelerating flow A, = -1 and Re = 10, shown
in figure 8(b),also has corresponding jumps which agree with (3.3) at ts and t,. Other
values of A f i and Afq are given in table 2 for a range of accelerations and Reynolds
numbers. None of the other Fourier coefficients that contribute to the drag force
exhibit such a behaviour. Note that to avoid small, localized oscillations at t , and
t, associated with the discontinuous acceleration, a very small but finite amount of
time of 0(10-4) must be allowed to pass before exact values of C, and i,(t) can be
obtained. This delay contributes to the slight discrepancy between the measured and
the expected results.
It is significant to note that throughout these flow changes both the Fourier sine
series in 6 for the surface vorticity and the Fourier cosine series for the surface pressure
are dominated by the first few terms in each series. No significant contribution comes
from terms beyond the second harmonic. This is also a feature of the results of
Dennis & Walker (1971) for steady flows past a sphere where spherical harmonics
were used to represent the flow. There too at moderate to low Reynolds numbers




E. J . Chang and M . R. Maxey




l l

I <

0 -










8. First Fourier coefficient of the surface pressure f , us. time during acceleration (deceleration) period for Re = 10; (a) A, = 1.0, U(t,) = 0.5, U(t,) = 1.0, with t, = 6.4 and te = 6.9;
( b ) A, = -1.0, U(t,) = 1.0, U(t,) = 0.5 with ts = 6.455 and te = 6.955.












2. Change in pressure drag component at the beginning and end of acceleration period AC,
and ACpe, change in the first Fourier coefficient of the surface pressure coefficient at the beginning
and end of acceleration period Afs and A k for different Reynolds and acceleration numbers;
U(t,) = 1 and U ( t e )= 0.5 for A , = -1 and -2; U(t,) = 0.5 and U ( t e )= 1 for A, = 1, and 2.

only the first few spherical harmonics contributed significantly to the surface vorticity
distribution. This is an indication that the flow structure very close to the sphere
is relatively simple. What is noteworthy is that this persists even for unsteady flow
conditions where there is flow separation.
Beyond the added-mass effect certain other features of the forces during and after
the acceleration are noteworthy. For accelerated motion both C f and C,, discounting
the added-mass contribution, grow as the instantaneous Reynolds number increases.
At the end of the acceleration period C, is significantly higher than the eventual
steady state value reached. For example, in the accelerated flow results of figure 6,
C f = 2.46 at the end of the acceleration period compared to its eventual steady-state
value of 1.43. A significant amount of time (in this example, just over 4 time units)
elapses before Cd reaches the new steady value, indicating a significant history effect

Unsteadyjow about a sphere. Part 2


9. (cd - Ci)/Cj us. time for t > t, at Re = 10, where C,S is the final steady-state drag force
for c2 = 1 following the acceleration: - .. -, c1 = 0 and A, = 1.0; -.-, c1 = 0 and A, = 0.1; . . . . .,
c1 = 0.5 and A , = 1.0; -,
CI = 0.5 and A, = 0.1. Times are relative to t, = 0

while the flow continues to adjust. For decelerated motion both Cf and C, as well as
the instantaneous Reynolds number decrease during the deceleration phase. In fact,
as seen in figure 7 negative values of Cf may be attained even though the free-stream
velocity remains positive. The force C f is determined, as in (2.9), by the surface
vorticity which is positive over an increasing portion of the sphere and is associated
with the locally reversed flow on the sphere from the separation bubble. At the end of
the deceleration, t = t,, the value of Cf is below its final steady-state value. Figures 9
and 10 show how the drag forces approach steady-state values after after acceleration
or deceleration has stopped for representative Reynolds numbers and acceleration
numbers. Note that the drag forces continue to decay algebraically at large t when
the free-stream velocity has decelerated to zero.
4. Impulsive motion
In order to further investigate the behaviour of the history drag force on a sphere
we examine the special case where the free-stream velocity changes instantaneously
from one constant value to another with an infinite acceleration. We allow only one
change in velocity and both velocities are non-negative:

U ( t < 0 ) = c1,
q t 2 0) = c2,
0 d c1 d 1,o d c2 < 1.


There are only two possible cases: an impulsive jump from a lower velocity c1 to
velocity U = c2 = 1 or an impulsive drop from U = c1 = 1 to a lower velocity
c2. When the free-stream velocity changes impulsively, an infinite inertial force is
generated instantaneously. Following the step change the value of cd eventually
adjusts to the new steady-state value. In these results we focus on the short and
d adjusts to within 0.5-1% of its final
intermediate term response during which c
value. Care was taken here to ensure good spatial resolution and verify that rco was

E . J. Chang and M . R. Muxey






i, '





" " "









10. ICd - CJ/C: us. time for t > t, at Re = 10, where Cj is the corresponding steady-state
drag force following the deceleration and Ci is initial drag force at c1 = 1: __ , c2 = 0.5 and
A c -- -0.1; - - - -,c2 = 0.5 and A , = -1.0; - . -, c2 = 0 and A , = -0.1, - .. -, c2 = 0 and A , = -1.0.
Times are relative to t, = 0.

large enough, since the zero-vorticity boundary condition there will eventually induce
an exponential decay. For the cases where Re > 1 and c2 > 0 the minimum value of
rCcis 50, and the outer boundary condition should not be a factor till t > 20.
The first case considered is the equivalent of a sphere accelerating impulsively
from rest to a constant velocity: U ( t < 0) = 0, U ( t 3 0) = 1. Initial computational
results for this problem have been given by Dennis & Walker (1972). Analytical
solutions due to Sano (1981) and Lovalenti & Brady (1993~)to this problem for low
Reynolds numbers indicate algebraic convergence of the drag force to the steady state
proportional to t-'/2 for t up to O(Re) with a transition to algebraic convergence
proportional to t-2 for t = 0(lW2).Figure 11 shows current results for low and
moderate Reynolds numbers as well as Sano's analytic solution. Here we have used
the computed steady-state drag coefficients given in Part 1 as references for the
computed results. Current results indicate an algebraic convergence slightly faster
than the analytical t-'j2 but which is valid for much larger t than suggested by the
analytical solutions. This is followed by a more rapid algebraic convergence and then
a final exponential decay at large times. Note too that this trend holds for moderate
Reynolds numbers as well. Exponential convergence has been reported by Mei (1993)
for the long term behaviour, though more recently Lawrence & Mei (1995) have
obtained an approximate t-2 dependence in the final stage.
For a flow in which the free-stream velocity changes impulsively from one constant
value to another (non-zero) value, the low Reynolds number results of Lovalenti &
Brady (1993a,b) indicate exponential convergence for later times. Figure 12 shows
how the computed drag force approaches the steady-state force after the free-stream
velocity impulsively jumps from a velocity less than one to U ( t 2 0) = 1 for Re = 0.1
and Re = 10. These results are qualitatively similar to the impulsively started case
with the drag force exhibiting an initial algebraic decay to the steady state slightly
faster than t-'/2 followed by a more rapid convergence at large t. That the behaviour
for an impulsively started free stream and one in which the free stream changes from
one constant velocity to another are similar in nature is somewhat surprising since

Unsteadypow about a sphere. Part 2











1 02

FIGURE11. (Cd - Ci)/Cj us. time for an impulsively started free stream velocity where Cj is the
final steady-state drag force at U = c2 = 1 : -,
Re = 0.1; - - - - - , Re = 0.2; - . - ., Re = 0.5; .. - .., Re = 5; - . . . -, Re = 10. Sano's analytical result scaled by the long term asymptotic values
of this solution is shown, - -.









RGURE12. (Cd - Ci)/Ci us. time for a free-stream velocity impulsively raised from U = c1 to
u = c2 = 1:
, c1 = 0.25 and Re = 0.1; - - - -, c1 = 0.25 and Re = 10; - . -, c1 = 0.5 and
Re=O.l;-..-,cl = 0 . 5 a n d R e = 1 0 ; - . . . - , c l =0.75andRe=O.l;---,cl

it is expected that the impulsively started case would take much longer to converge
owing to the necessity for the wake region to both form and develop fully.
An impulsively stopped free stream with U ( t c 0) = 1 and U ( t 2 0) = 0 is much
different than the impulsively started flow. Here, after the free stream is stopped,
a large eddy is formed to the side of the sphere (figure 13) generating a negative
drag force which decays in time as the fluid viscosity weakens the eddy through
diffusion. Since the drag force is negative, how the absolute value of the drag force
approaches zero is of interest. Figure 14 shows the behaviour of the drag force for
different initial Reynolds numbers. As in the impulsively started case, the drag force

E . J . Chang and M . R. Maxey







FIGURE 13. Streamlines at ts + 0.005 just after the free-stream velocity has been impulsively
brought to rest, initially Re = 10.



1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1


I , ,

, , , ,I


1 1 , , , 1 1 1 /




14. ICdl/C,' us. time for an impulsively stopped free-stream velocity, Cj is the corresponding
initial drag force at c1 = 1, the initial Reynolds numbers are : ___ , Re = 0.1; . . . . ., Re = 0.2;
, Re = 0.5; - -, Re = 5 ; - . ' . -, Re = 10.
3 .

initially decays at an algebraic rate slightly greater than t-1/2. However, this decay
rate remains algebraic for large t ; there is no evidence of exponential convergence
for the impulsively stopped flow. This is a clear indication that impulsively started
and stopped free streams yield different behaviour in these time intervals and that
the destruction of the wake region strictly through diffusion is a much slower process
than the construction of the wake region through convection and diffusion even in
the low Reynolds number flow regime.
Finally, figure 15 shows the computed drag forces for a sphere in which the
free stream velocity impulsively drops to another non-zero value. As before, the
convergence is initially algebraic followed finally by a rapid exponential convergence.
In contrast to the previous example the free-stream velocity has been reduced here
but not eliminated so that the existing wake structure is weakened but not completely
dissipated. Both convection of vorticity by the flow and viscous diffusion continue to
contribute to this process.
Accurately determining the final long term relaxation of the drag force to the

Unsteady flow about a sphere. Part 2


FIGURE15. ICd - CJ/Cj vs. time for a free-stream velocity impulsively reduced from an initial
c1 = 1, with corresponding drag force C;, to a lower value c2 with a final steady-state drag force
C j ; initial Re and c2 are : ---,
Re = 0.1 and c2 = 0.25; - . -, Re = 0.1 and c2 = 0.5; - . . . -,
Re = 0.1 and c2 = 0.75; . . . . ., Re = 10 and c2 = 0.25; - .. -, Re = 10 and c2 = 0.5; - - -,
Re = 10 and c2 = 0.75.

steady-state value is very difficult. The present results indicate an initial power law
response and then a somewhat faster than algebraic decay during which the force
adjusts to within 0.5-170 of its final value. Except for the impulsively stopped sphere
there is no discernible second power law before an exponential cut-off is reached.
Beyond the influence of the outer boundary already mentioned the results in the
final stage are sensitive to errors in determining Cj,used as the asymptotic reference
value, and the accuracy-order of the time-stepping algorithm used in these long-term
calculations. Here the scheme is second-order accurate, the minimum acceptable.
Even allowing for possible influences of the outer boundary conditions, the results
of figures 9 and 10 for accelerating and decelerating flows strongly suggest a faster
than algebraic/exponential final relaxation to steady state in flows involving a change
between non-zero velocities. The results also show that the viscous relaxation process
does not persist indefinitely. One of the difficulties in calculating particle trajectories
in a flow where a history term is included is the need to retain a long record of the
particle acceleration relative to the surrounding fluid. There appears to be an effective
finite cut-off to this process in many cases.
5. Discussion
Linearly accelerating and decelerating flow past a rigid sphere has been investigated
numerically. In the accelerating flow case the surface-generated vorticity is confined to
a region near the sphere at high acceleration numbers. At low acceleration numbers
the vorticity is free to convect downstream of the sphere. In the decelerating flow,
owing to the generation of an adverse pressure gradient, separation is observed at
Reynolds numbers well below those at which separation occurs in a steady flow. In
some cases, the flow completely detaches from the sphere with an inner reverse flow
completely engulfing the sphere. Although the negative vorticity associated with the
initial flow is free to convect downstream, in all cases studied this region reattaches


E. J. Chang and M . R. Maxey

to the sphere after the deceleration period ends. At higher acceleration numbers
the thickness of the positive, surface-generated vorticity layer created within the
recirculation region matches the Stokes diffusion length 6,. However, this is not the
case at low Reynolds or acceleration numbers.
Negative viscous and pressure forces on the sphere are observed during the deceleration period meaning that instead of retarding the flow, the drag forces act to
maintain it even though the flow has not changed direction. In both the accelerating
and decelerating flows the pressure component of the force exhibits behaviour that
is well described by an inviscid added-mass effect. This result is confirmed through
examination of the surface pressure component associated with this force and the
structure of this surface distribution. Historically there has been much discussion,
see for example Torobin & Gauvin (1959), as to whether added-mass is an appropriate concept outside of the context of potential flows especially where viscous, finite
Reynolds number effects play a strong role. There has been much discussion too
on how to define added-mass in general. For unsteady motion in the low Reynolds
number Stokes regime the concept has a clear meaning, though the added-mass force
will depend on the spatial variations in the underlying flow (Maxey & Riley 1983).
The results here, at least for these Reynolds numbers, show that added-mass has a
very clear significance and interpretation based on the pressure forces in the flow.
The present data on the relaxation of the drag force to the steady state after
acceleration were found to be insufficient to determine the exact nature of the history
drag force. However, from the results for the impulsively changed free-stream velocity,
we found that the Basset decay rate of t-'/2 is adequate in approximating the initial
behaviour of the history drag forces with changes in the decay rate only occurring
once the drag force was within a few percent of the final steady-state value. We have
found that at later times, the convergence is more rapid and finally exponential for
all but a sphere brought to rest, in which case the convergence was found to remain
algebraic. This suggests that the effects of vorticity convection by the flow act to give
a rapid convergence in the long time limit, even without the prior existence of a wake
Support for this work was provided by a DARPA URI Award (ONR-N0001486-K075) and by the Fluid Dynamics Program of the Office of Naval Research
(ONR-NO0014-91-Jl340). Computing resources were provided by the Pittsburgh
Supercomputing Center.
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