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NASA Shuttle Enterprise Press Kit 1st Free Glide Flight

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National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Washington, D,C. 20546

AC 202 755-8370

_ .-:__ For Release IMMEDIATE

-:_'_\ \ J '"" ._7,.o_

,_ AUQ i,,o77

Press Kit :-!. roject FIRST SHUTTLE ORBITER


(NAS A-News-Release-7 7- 16 0) FIRST SHUTTLE N77-81091

|National Aeronautics and Space
Administraticn) 16 p
Nal_onal Aeronaulics and
Space AdmmJslralion

Washmglon. D C 20546
AC 202 755-8370

F_,r Release
David Garrett
Headquarters, Washington, D.C. IMMEDIATE
(Phone: 202/755-3090)

Robert Gordon
Johnson Space Center, Houston, Tex.
(Phone: 713/483-5111)

Ralph B. Jackson
Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif.
(Phone: 805/258-8311)

RELEASE NO: 77-160


Shuttle Orbiter Enterprise , with astronauts Fred W. Haise

and C. Gordon Fullerton at the controls, will be released from

atop a 747 carrier aircraft for the first free flight approach

and landing test (ALT) at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center,

Edwards, Calif., no earlier than Aug. 12, 1977.

Haise and Fullerton will fly the 75-ton Orbiter to an

unpowered landing on a dry lake runway after explosive bolts

release the Orbiter from its 747 carrier aircraft at an altitude

of about 6,738 meters (22,100 feet) above ground level. The free

flight of the Orbiter will take about five minutes.

-more- Mailed: Z

\\ August 3, 1977

This initial solo flight follows a series of unmanned

and manned captive test flights conducted at Dryden which

began in mid-February. The Orbiter was carried aloft for

a series of five "inert" flights (Orbiter systems inoperative)

before astronauts Haise and Fullerton and fellow ALT crew

members Joe Engle and Richard Truly flew subsequent captive


The captive flights verified the aerodynamic and handling

capabilities of the 747/Orbiter combination as well as Orbiter

systems and crew procedures.

Takeoff time for the flight is 8 a.m. PDT (ii a.m. EDT)

with separation about 45 minutes later. The combined weight

of the two vehicles is 265,350 kilograms (585,000 pounds).

Enterprise's first solo flight will generally follow

this pattern: °

The flight path of the Orbiter and 747 follows a racetrack

pattern with separation occurring when the vehicles are about

13 kilometers (8 miles) to the right and flying parallel to

the landing runway. From the Separation point, the Orbiter

will fly a U-shaped ground track to the runway.


To perform the separation maneuver, the 747 will pitch

down to -6 degrees and accelerate to establish equilibrium

glide conditions of 500 km per hour (310 mi. per hour)

equivalent air speed (EAS) and -9.2 degrees flight path

angle. At this point, the Orbiter pilot will initiate sepa-

ration by arming and firing a series of explosive bolts at

an altitude of about 6,736 m (22,000 ft.) above runway level.

At separation, the Orbiter crew will command a pitch up

maneuver which will provide a vertical separation of more

than 60 m (200 ft.) in about five seconds. The 747 will turn

left while the Orbiter turns right to provide horizontal


On the first flight the Orbiter will pitch down, accelerate

to 270 KEAS and then perform a practice flare at 6,705 m

(20,000 ft.) altitude, allowing the airspeed to decrease to

333 km/hr (2_7 mph) EAS to evaluate the flying qualities of

the Orbiter at landing speed.

The Orbiter pilot will then pitch down to accelerate and,

at the same time, initiate the first of two 90-degree turns

to the left which will align the vehicle with a lakebed runway.



At completion of the second turn and 98 seconds from

landing, the Orbiter is aligned with the runway at an alti-

tude of 1,980 m (6,500 ft.) and about 14 km (9 mi.) from

the touchdown point, 500 km/hr (310 mph) EAS flight path

-9 degrees.

First flare starts at an altitude of 274 m (900 ft.)

and transfers the Orbiter from the -9 degree glide slope to

a -1.5 degree glide slope. The landing gear is deployed

shortly afterward, between 60 and 90 m (200-300 ft.) altitude

and the landing flare is initiated at slightly less than 30 m

(i00 ft.) altitude. The final flare establishes a sink rate

of approximately 1 m {3 ft.) per second which is held to

touchdown. Touchdown airspeed is about 180 km/hr (112 mph)

EAS and elapsed time from separation to touchdown is about

five minutes, 10 seconds.

During rollout various braking and steering methods will

be evaluated at different speeds.

Astronauts Engle and Truly will pilot Enterprise during

the second flight, tentatively scheduled for about three to

four weeks later.


A series of free flights is currently scheduled with the

Shuttle Carrier Aircraft(SCA-747_ serving as the airborne

platform from which the Orbiter will be launched. These

flights, with NASA astronauts at the controls of the unpowered

Orbiter, are designed to verify the Orbiter's subsonic air-

worthiness, integrated systems operations and pilot-guided

and automatic approach and landing capabilities.

The Orbiter, workhorse of the Space Shuttle program, is

designed to be used a minimum of 100 times. It is as big as

a commercial jetliner (DC-9); its empty weight is 68,000 kg

(150,000 lb.); it is 37.2 m (122 ft.) in length and it has

a wingspan of 23.8 m (78 ft.). The Orbiter is to be launched

into low Earth orbit in 1979 with its three main engines

augmented by a pair of solid rocket boosters.

The Space Shuttle is composed of the Orbiter., the two

solid rocket boosters and an external fuel tank which feeds

the Orbiter's three engines.

The Orbiter is attached to the back of the fuel tank and

the solid boosters are attached to each side of the external

tank. The solid boosters will be recovered, refurbished and

reused. The external tank will be jettisoned but not recovered.


Enterprise, the first Orbiter (i01) to be used in the

Dryden flight test program, is the first development article

of the Shuttle program to come off the assembly line. Under

construction since June 19, 1974, Enterprise's main parts come

from numerous aerospace contractors throughout the country.

The crew module and aft fuselage were fabricated by the prime

contractor, Rockwell International's Space Division, Downey,

Calif.; the mid-fuselage (cargo bay) by General Dynamics,

San Diego, Calif.; wings by Grumman Aerospace Corp. of Bethpage,

N.Y.; and its tail assembly by Fairchild Republic Co.,

Farmingdale, N.Y.

The Orbiter's three main engines, each of which provide

2.1 million newtons (470,000 lb.) of thrust at launch, are

being built by the Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International,

Canoga Park, Calif.

Enterprise was transferred from the Rockwell International

assembly plant at Palmdale, Calif., to the Dryden Center

Jan. 31, 1977. At completion of ALT, this first Orbiter will

be ferried atop the SCA to NASA's Marshall Space Flight

Center, Huntsville, Ala., where it will undergo extensive

ground vibration tests. Subsequent to these tests it will

return to the Rockwell facility at Palmdale and be prepared

for orbital flight sometime in the early 1980s.


The second Orbiter (102), currently under construction,

will be the first vehicle to be used in the Shuttle Orbital

Flight Test (OFT) program which is scheduled to begin in

1979. Six OFT flights are planned to demonstrate the Orbiter's

capabilities in Earth orbit before the Shuttle becomes

operational in 1980.


Event Alt it ude** T-Time * PDT a.m. EDT

Crew Wakeup T-240 _:00 7:00

Crew Depart Quarters T-210 4:30 7:3.o
Crew Arrives Trailer
(physical & breakfast) T-195 4:45 7:45
Crew Departs for Suitup Trailer T-160 5:20 8.-20
Crew Departs Trailer T-125 5:55 8:55
St art Ingr e ss T-120 6:00 9:00
Ingress Complete T-98 6:22 9:22
ALT Ground Team/Flight
Team Handover T-67 6:53 9:53
Orbiter/SCA Move From MDD*** T-62 6:58 9:58
Orbiter/SCA Tow to NASA Ramp T-56 7:04 10:04
SCA Engine Start T-42 7:18 10:18
SCA Begin Taxi T-32 7:28 10:28
SCA Arrive Runway T-12 7:48 10:48
_ Navigation Update T-4 7:56 10:56
SCA Brake Release, Takeoff
Climbout T-0 8:00 II:00


Intersect Racetrack 16,905 T+I3 8:13 11:13

FCS Checks*** 22,705 T+24 8:24 11:24
Reach Maximum climb Thrust 23,605 T+28 8:28 11:28
24,705 T+36 8:36 11:36
SCA Begin SRT Climb***
Pushover 25,905 T+45 8:45 11:45


Orbiter Separation 22,800 0:00 8:46 11:46

Initiate Practice Flare 20,600 0:26 8:46:26 11:46:26
Roll Left 18,000 1:41 8:47:41 11:47:41
Roll Left-Lineup on Runway 10,500 2:53 8:48:53 11:48:53
Turn Complete 6,400 3:54 8:49:54 11:49:54
Initiate Preflare 900 5:05 8:51:05 11:51:05
Deploy Gear 200 5:20 8:51:20 11:51:20
Touchdown 5:41 8:51:41 11:51:41


Events and times are preliminary and may change prior to and during
flight and are dependent upon atmospheric and flight conditions.

Altitudes are Above Ground Level (AGL) and are referenced to Orbiter
ground aim point on the runway. Add 2,300 feet to AGL to obtain
altitude above Mean Sea Level (MSL).

*** SCA - Shuttle Carrier Aircraft

MDD - Mate-Demate Device
FCS - Flight Control System (or Forward Crew Station)
SRT - Special Rated Thrust

-mo re-



(Orbiter unmanned and systems inactive)

TAXI TESTS: February 15, 1977

Three taxi tests assessed the mated capability of the Shuttle

Orbiter piggyback atop the 747 in ground handling and control
characteristics up to the flight takeoff speed. The tests
also validated the 757 steering and braking.

Weight of the 747 at the start of the taxi tests was approxi-
mately 4OO,000 lbs. and the Orbiter weight was approximately
154,OO0 lbs. The nose of the mated Orbiter is at a +6 degree
altitude atop the 757.

The taxi tests were performed incrementally at various speeds.

Taxi Test #1 speed was 89 mph and the 747 brakes were applied
at 27 mph; Taxi Test #2 speed was 140 mph with the 747 brakes
• applied at 23 mph; and Taxi Test #3 speed was 157 mph with 757
brakes applied between 57 and 56 mph.

Successful completion of the taxi tests permitted the "go" for

the first inert Orbiter captive flight.

FLIGHT #1: February 18, 1977

Duration: 2 Hr. 5 Mins.

Maximum Speed: 287 MPH
Maximum Altitude: 16,OOO Ft.

This flight obtained information on low-speed performance and

handling qualities of the mated "crafts" and was accomplished
almost exactly as planned. The 747 combined with the Orbiter
handled much closer to the standard 757 than was anticipated.
The 757 crew stated "they couldn't even tell the Orbiter was
aboard." The 757 mated with the Orbiter totals a much lower
gross weight than a fully-loaded commercial 757 traveling from
Los Angeles to London.

-mot e-

FLIGHT #2: February 22, 1977

Duration: 3 Hr. 13 Mins.

Maximum Speed: 328 MPH
Maximum Altitude: 22,600 Ft.

Flight #2 accomplished a series of flutter and stability con-

trol tests. During this flight, the two right engines of the
747 were reduced to idle thrust. The flight was termed "super."

_: February 25, 1977

DuratiOn: 2 Hr. 28 Mins.

Maximum Speed: 425 MPH
Maximum Altitude: 26,600 Ft.

This flight _ concluded the flutter tests and concentrated on

stability/control/flight evaluation and airspeed calibration.
Stability and control were evaluated by idling the #4 engine
of the 747 to simulate an engine failure.

At the completion of this flight, it was stated that if flights

#4 and #5 follow the same successful pattern, flight #6 would
not be necessary.

FLIGHT #4: February 28, 1977

Duration: 2 Hr. ii Mins.

Maximum Speed: 425 MPH
Maximum Altitude: 28,565 Ft.

This flight simulated emergency descent of the mated vehicles

and a missed landing approach, as well as maneuvers required
of the 747 when the mated vehicles enter the separation flight

-mor e -

The emergency descent was accomplished by reducing the four

_47 engines to idle thrust. The missed approach was performed
by flying the mated vehicles over the runway within several
feet of the ground, then returning the 747's four engines to
pewer and flown around for the final approach and landing.

Full braking of the 747 was used for the first time upon
landing in a simulated "short" runway situation. 747 braked
to stop in less than 6,000 ft.

FLIGHT #5: March 2, 1977

Duration: I Hr. 39 Mins.

Maximum Speed: 474 MPH
Maximum Altitude: 30,000 Ft.

This flight performed two simulations of the flight profiles

which will be used when the Orbiter is separated from the 747
in the third and final test phase. The two simulation release
flights were performed successfully. Because an altitude of
30,000 ft. was reached it was PoSsible to simulate the separation
at about 25,000 ft.

In addition, the short runway landing was again achieved. This

simulates NASA Marshall _ Space Flight Center's 7,500 ft. runway
at Huntsville, Alabama. The mated vehicle configuration will
be utilized to ferry the Orbiter to the Marshall Space Flight
Center next year where the Orbiter will undergo a vertical
ground vibration test program with the External Tank and Solid
Rocket Boosters.

As a result of the success with the five flights, it was

determined that the sixth flight was not required.

-mor e-



(Orbiter manned, systems active)

FL!GHT #i: June 18, 1977

SCA/Orbiter Brake Release: 8:06 A.M. (PDT)

9:01:46 A.M. (PDT)
SCA/Orbiter Landir_.:
SCA/Orbiter Weight. 263,088 Kilograms (580,000 ibs.)
Flight Duration: 55 Mins. 46 Sees.
Maximum Speed: 18l KEAS (208
Maximum Altitude: 4562 Meters (14,970 Ft.)

Spacecraft Commander Fred Haise and Pilot Gordon Fullerton were

at the controls of the Space Shuttle Orbiter during this first
manned captive flight. This flight was a once around a racetrack-
like flight path which measured approximately 125 kilometers (78
statute miles) on the "straight-a-ways" with 16 kilometer (lO
statute mile) curves.

The Orbiter's onboard electrical power (fuel cells), auxiliary

power units, hydraulic and coolant systems were activated prior
t o take off.

During the initial climb-out, low-speed flight control system

tests were erformed When the mated craft reached approxi-
mately 4,56 p meters i14,970 -_-), the SCA flaps were positioned
to I0 degrees and speed was maintained at approximately 181 KEAS
(knots equivalent airspeed--208 statute mph).

After the first turn of the racetrack-like trajectory, a flutter

test was performed by the actuation of the Orbiter's flight con-
trol surfaces, then the SCA flight control surfaces; the Orbiter's
speedbrake was opened to 60, 80, and I00 per cent; a test of the
Orbiter's gyros was performed, and the Orbiter's flight icontrol
system and surface deflection were checked.

This first manned captive flight was orginally scheduled 24 hours

earlier; however, during pre-flight checkout, three of the on-
board computers "voted out" a fourth. This "rejected" computer
was replaced. There are four onboard computers which operate
redundantly to provide commands to the various Orbiter systems.
According to mission rules, the Orbiter may be flown with three
computers operating, but program officials decided to postpone
the flight one day. There is a fifth computer onboard which
operates a back-up flight control system independent of the
other four for additional redundancy.

-mor e-

FLIGHT #2: June 28, 1977

SCA/Orbiter Brake Release: 7:49:50 A.M. (PDT)

SCA/Orbiter Landing: 8:52 A.M. (PDT)
SCA/Orbiter Weight : 253,018 Kilograms (557,800 Ibs.)
Flight Duration: i Hr. 2 Mains.
Maximum Speed: 270 KEAS (310 MPH)
Maximum Altitude : 6714 Meters (22,030 ft.)

Spacecraft Commander Joe Engle and Pilot Dick Truly were at the
controls of the Space Shuttle Orbiter during this second manned
captive flight. This flight consisted of a modified racetrack-
like trajectory as well as a "Grand Prix" roadrace-like trajectory.

The Orbiter's onboard electrical power (fuel cells), auxiliary

power units, hydraulic and coolant systems were activated prior
to takeoff.

During the initial climb-out, low-speed flight control system

tests were performed. This low-speed flutter test was performed
with the Orbiter's flight control surfaces activated first, then
the 747 SCA's control surfaces were operated with the mated craft
at a speed of approximately 225 KEAS (259 mph). Following the
low-speed flutter test, the Orbiter's speedbrake was opened to
a 60, 80, and lO0 per cent deployment.

The SCA crew then applied Special Rated Thrust (SRT) to the 747
engines for the climb, a pushover, and acceleration of the mated
craft to approximately 270 KEAS (310 mph). The Orbiter and SCA
crews again applied inputs to their respective craft control
surfaces for a high-speed flutter test followed again by the
deployment of the Orbiter's speedbrake at a 60, 80, and lO0
per cent deployment. The low and high speed flutter tests
assessed the accuracy of predicted control surface responses
and structural characteristics with respect to aerodynamic

The mated craft then climbed again to an altitude of approximately

6,187 meters (20,300 ft.) for a separation maneuver test. The
747 crew accomplished a pushover and acceleration of the mated
craft to approximately 270 KEAS (310 mph), with a descent rate
of approximately 914 meters (3,000 ft.) per minute. The Orbiter's
elevons and ailerons were positioned to provide the optimum
Orbiter control surface positioning for the actual release
maneuver in Phase III ALT.

-mor e-

Following the separation trajectory test, the mated Orbiter/

SCA climbed again to approximately 5,882 meters (19,300 ft.),
accomplished a pushover and established a 7_7 glide slope of
approximately six degrees for an Orbiter AUTOLANDmade fly-
through. At this time the Orbiter crew monitored the Orbiter's
Horizontal Situation Indicators which operated in conjunction
with the MSBLS (Microwave Scan Beam Landing System). The
combined craft then established a normal approach for landing.

The results of the flutter, separation maneuver and AUTOLAND

tests were well within the tolerances expected by program

FLIGHT #3: July 26, 1977

SCA/Orbiter Weight : 565,000 lbs.

Duration: 59 Mins. 53 Sec.
Maximum Speed : 312 mph
Maximum Altitude: 27,992 ft. (AGL)

Spacecraft Commander Haise and Pilot Fullerton were at the

controls of Enterprise during this third and final captive
flight, a full dress rehearsal of the planned August 12 free
flight. The SCA/Orbiter reached a maximum altitude of
27,992 ft. (AGL) at which time pitch over was performed. The
carrier aircraft landing gear was deployed to simulate the
free flight approach and landing profile. A practice separa-
tion run was normal and "abort separation" was performed one
minute after pushover. Enterprise landing gear was deployed
for the first time after the SCA landed on runway 22. The
final approach profile was identical to that planned for the
first free flight.


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