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Waves, Light and Modern Physics: Course Outline

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The document outlines the course content and policies for a Physics course covering waves, light and modern physics.

The course covers topics such as vibrations, wave motion, interference and standing waves.

The required textbooks are listed as Knight's Physics for Scientists and Engineers and the Student Solutions Manual & Study Guide.


Waves, Light and Modern Physics


Autumn 2015
3-2-3 | Science
3-2-2 | Arts and Sciences
2.66 | Science
2.33 | Arts and Sciences
203-NYA-05 | Science
203-701-MS | Arts and Sciences
Office hours will be posted on Omnivox
and your Teachers office door at the
beginning of the term.


B. Fatholahzadeh (RM B-318)

R. Faust (RM I-318)
C. Lebel (RM I-318)
A. Lefcoe (RM G-327)
M. Livingstone (RM I-317)
J. Perreault (RM B-316)
P. Rogers (RM I-317)
M. Sankeralli (RM B-321)


Science (200.B0), registered in 203-NYC-05 | Waves, Light and Modern Physics


To analyze various situations or physical phenomena associated with waves, light and


To apply acquired knowledge to one or more subjects in the sciences

modern physics using fundamental principles

Arts & Sciences (700.A0), registered in 203-702-MS | Optics, Waves and Modern Physics


To interpret natural phenomena using optics, wave physics and modern physics
To demonstrate their integration of the learning in the Arts and Sciences program



Knight. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach. 3 Edition. Vols. 1, 3, 4, 5. Pearson AddisonWesley, 2013.
* The textbook comes with an access code for the Mastering Physics online system. Be aware that you might
need this access code for a later physics course even if your current teacher does not use this system.
For more information on citation styles, consult the Marianopolis Librarys citation style links at
At Ref. Desk Student Solutions Manual & Study Guide, Vol. 1
How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life
The Cartoon Guide to Physics
Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide


3000 Solved Problems in Physics

How to Solve Physics Problems
Physics the Easy Way
Tutorials in Introductory Physics

- Fundamentals of Physics by D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
- Physics (Extended Version) by P. Tipler, 3rd Edition, Worth Publisher.
- Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway and Jewett, 7th Edition, Thomson/Brooks Cole Publishing, 2008.
- University Physics with Modern Physics by Young and Freedman, 13 Edition, Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2012.
There are also the Study Guide and Student Solutions manuals Volume: 1.
- Physics in Biology and Medicine, by Paul Davidovits, 2nd Edition, Harcourt (Academic Press).
- How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life, by L. A. Bloomfield, John Wiley.
- Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach by Knight, 2nd Edition, Vols. 1, 3, 4, 5, Pearson AddisonWesley, 2008.
4873 Westmount Ave., Westmount, QC H3Y 1X9 Tel.: (514) 931-8792 Fax: (514) 931-8790


(key words are italicized):
Some of the science program goals encountered in Waves, Light and Modern Physics are problem-solving skills, lab
skills, logical reasoning and understanding the historical context behind modern physical theories. The course
introduces the student to the kinematics and dynamics of vibrations (Chapter 14), in particular simple harmonic
motion, which describes basic oscillatory systems such as a mass on a spring, a simple pendulum, etc. Then the
phenomenon of wave motion is introduced with a study of mechanical waves including transverse and longitudinal
waves, one-dimensional travelling wave pulses, sinusoidal waves, reflection and transmission at a boundary, the
form of the wave function, and the Doppler effect for sound waves (Chapter 20). Presented next are superposition
and interference of sinusoidal waves, as well as standing waves (Chapter 21), through the study of models such as
waves on a string and sound waves in air columns. Ultimately these ideas are used to illustrate the concept that
light is a wave. The course then moves on to the nature of light in the ray approximation, (Chapter 23).
Reflection and refraction, prisms, and Fermats principle are some of the topics covered. Next, geometrical optics is
discussed including image formation and ray diagrams for mirrors and refracting surfaces. Various applications are
then studied (e.g. the microscope, Chapter 24). Then the course proceeds to physical optics and the concept of
light as a wave through the study of interference and diffraction (Chapter 22). Having covered mechanical waves
and light waves, the course then introduces matter waves and the basic principles of modern physics (Chapters 37
and 38). Included are such topics as the quantization of energy and the photoelectric effect. These ideas are then
extended to include the basic tenets of quantum physics and atomic physics. Additionally, the theory of special
relativity (Chapter 36), in which physics near the speed of light is studied, and topics in nuclear physics such as
radioactivity will be covered (Chapter 42).
Ponderation is 3-2-3 (3-2-2, Arts and Sciences) i.e. 3 hours of lectures, 2 hours of labs and 2 to 3 hours of homework
per week. Lectures are used to introduce the theory and demonstrate problem-solving techniques. Where applicable,
the theory will be illustrated with in-class demonstrations. The laboratory periods (see lab schedule on the door of
the Physics lab) will help the student to investigate and verify the laws introduced in the lectures. Tutorial periods
(when a lab is not scheduled) may be used as problem-solving sessions or as additional lecture time.
The assignments will give the students problem-solving practice as well as provide weekly progress reports. The
two mid-term class tests will provide feedback to the students as to their understanding of the subject. The
comprehensive final exam will allow the students to show that they have acquired an overview of Waves, Light and
Modern Physics.
Office hours (posted on Omnivox/office door) offered by the teachers are meant to open a two-way dialogue
between the teacher and the student, to allow for a more personal interaction and offer an opportunity for
questions to be asked and answered.

The following is a list of what the student should be able to do by the end of this course. As such, the student should
be prepared to answer questions on the final examination on any of these points. In this listing, the basic
competencies are italicized; integrative topics are underlined. The numbers, at right, refer to sections in the textbook.
Basic competencies definitions:

Recall requires the student to identify and interpret a formula as listed in a formula sheet, or possibly to
state a physical law, in statement or equation form, without the benefit of a formula sheet.
Comprehend requires the student to Recall and grasp fundamental physical concepts. Depending on
the concept concerned, this may entail understanding (i) the phenomenon under investigation, (ii) the
relevant physical quantities, (iii) the relationship among these quantities, (iv) the implications of these
Apply requires the student to Recall and Comprehend physical concepts and use them in order to solve
qualitative or quantitative problems in specific physical situations.
Derive requires the student to use one or more physical principles in a given situation in order to obtain a
general result or formula. For items marked derive, the student should be able to (i) reproduce and justify
the reasoning behind the steps in the derivation, in full or in part, (ii) answer conceptual questions about
the derivation.

203-NYC-05, 203-702-MS

Course Outline | AUTUMN 2015 Page 2

1. Oscillatory Motion
- comprehend the notion of oscillatory motion


- recall the definition (sine and cosine form) of simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.)

14.1, 14.2

- comprehend the concepts of amplitude, frequency, period, angular frequency, phase, phase constant and
restoring force


- apply the above concepts to the oscillating mass-spring system

- recall relationships for x(t), v(t), a(t), v(x) and a(x) in S.H.M.


- derive x(t) for simple mass-spring system from Newtons Laws


- apply the above relationships to solve problems concerning the dynamics of simple harmonic oscillators
- comprehend the conservation of total energy in simple harmonic oscillators, and apply this concept to solve
problems concerning the dynamics of simple harmonic oscillators

14.5, 14.6

2. Wave motion
- comprehend the notion of wave propagation


- comprehend the distinction between transverse and longitudinal waves


- comprehend the transverse and longitudinal properties y, vy, ay of wave motion as describing the motion of
individual particles

20.1. 20.2,

- comprehend the wave speed as dependent on the mediums inertial and elastic properties

20.1, 20.3

- comprehend reflection and transmission at a boundary


- recall the definition (sine and cosine form) of sinusoidal waves


- comprehend the simple harmonic motion of each particle in sinusoidal waves

20.2, 20.3

- comprehend the concepts of amplitude, frequency, period, angular frequency, phase and phase constant for
sinusoidal waves

20.3, 20.4

- apply the above concepts to wave propagation

20.3, 20.4

- recall and apply the formula for the speed of a wave in a taut string


- comprehend the phase changes due to transmission and reflection


- comprehend the notion that a wave carries energy and momentum


- recall the relationship between rate of energy flow (power) and amplitude in sinusoidal waves (P A )


3. Sound Waves
- comprehend the variation of longitudinal displacement in sound waves


- recall the definition of wave intensity


- comprehend the perception of amplitude and frequency are respectively loudness and pitch in sinusoidal
sound waves


- comprehend the Doppler Effect


- derive the Doppler shifted observed frequency for moving observer or source, using wave mechanics


- recall and apply the formula for the Doppler Effect


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Course Outline | AUTUMN 2015 Page 3

4. Superposition and standing waves

- comprehend physically and mathematically the superposition of two waves


- comprehend the concept of interference between two identical sinusoidal waves

21.5, 21.6

- derive D(x,t) for two interfering waves that differ in phase (same amplitude, frequency, and direction of


- recall the formula for the resultant amplitude


- comprehend the notions of constructive and destructive interference


- comprehend the notion of interference due to path difference


- recall the relationship between phase difference and path difference


- apply the above notion to locate the maxima and minima of intensity produced by two coherent sources in 2D


- comprehend the concept of sinusoidal standing waves


- derive D(x,t) for standing waves, using wave superposition


- recall the wave equation for standing waves


- comprehend the notion of nodes and antinodes


- comprehend the boundary conditions for standing waves, for example, in strings and in air columns

21.3, 21.4

- derive the natural frequencies of standing waves using boundary conditions

21.3, 21.4

- comprehend the notion of beat patterns between two sinusoidal waves


- derive D(t) for beats using wave superposition


- recall the formula for the beat frequency


5. The wave nature of light

- comprehend the wave nature of electromagnetic (e.m.) radiation


- comprehend that the perception of amplitude and frequency in e.m. waves within the visible spectrum (light)
are respectively brightness and color


- comprehend the ray model of light


- recall the geometric law of reflection


- recall the geometric law of refraction (Snells Law)


- comprehend the notion of total internal reflection


- derive the critical angle for total internal reflection using Snells Law


- comprehend the notion of the speed of e.m. propagation in vacuo and in various media as related
through the index of refraction n

20.5, 23.3

- comprehend the index of refraction as dependent of the frequency of light


- comprehend dispersion of polychromatic light


- comprehend the notion of total internal reflection and critical angle


- apply the above concepts to simple geometries involving two or three interfaces
- comprehend Fermats Principle
- derive reflection and refraction from Fermat's Principle

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Course Outline | AUTUMN 2015 Page 4

6. Image Formation
- comprehend the notion of image formation using the ray model

23.1, 23.4

- comprehend the difference between real images and virtual images

23.4, 23.6

- comprehend image formation due to planar reflection


- comprehend the notion of (lateral) magnification


- comprehend the notions of centre and radius of curvature, including sign conventions, for mirrors


- comprehend the notion of focal point and focal length

23.6, 23.8

- recall the formula for focal length for a spherical mirror


- recall and apply the mirror equation


- comprehend the sign convention for object distance, image distance, height and magnification

23.6, 23.8

- recall and apply the formulae for image distance for planar and spherical refraction


- comprehend the notion of principal focus and focal length in thin lenses


- recall and apply the lensmakers equation


- recall and apply the thin lens equation


- recall and apply the formula for magnification in thin lenses


- comprehend and apply principal-ray construction to image formation in thin lenses


- apply the above concepts to determine the positions and sizes of images formed from a combination of
reflective and refractive interfaces

23.6, 23.7,
23.8, 24.1,

7. Interference of waves
- comprehend the conditions for interference of sinusoidal waves


- comprehend the determination of the loci of maxima and minima for two coherent, monochromatic sources
in two dimensions


- derive the angular positions of maxima and minima in double-slit interference using the relationship
between path and phase difference


- recall and apply the formula for fringe separation in Youngs Double-Slit Experiment, with and without the
small-angle approximation


- comprehend qualitatively the intensity pattern formed in the Double-Slit Experiment


- apply the change in phase due to reflection to interference


- comprehend the change of wavelength of light transmitted at an interface


- apply the above idea to interference in thin films and wedges


8. Diffraction
- comprehend the notion of diffraction at an aperture or object

22.4, 22.5

- comprehend the importance of the size of the aperture or object compared to the wavelength for diffraction


- recall and apply the formula for the minima in single-slit diffraction


- comprehend qualitatively the intensity pattern formed by single-slit diffraction


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- comprehend Rayleighs criterion for just resolution


- derive the minimum angle of resolution for rectangular slits from Rayleighs Criterion

22.5, 24.5

- recall and apply the minimum angle of resolution in rectangular slits and circular apertures

22.5, 24.5

- recall and apply the formula for the separations of maxima in diffraction gratings


- comprehend qualitatively the intensity pattern formed by diffraction gratings


9. Relativity
- comprehend the notion of relative motion

36.1, 36.2

- comprehend the constancy of the speed of light in vacuo in different inertial frames
- comprehend the notion of simultaneity between relatively-moving frames

36.4, 36.5

- comprehend the notions of time dilation and proper time


- derive time dilation from the constancy of the speed of light


- comprehend the notions of length contraction and proper length


- derive length contraction from time dilation


- recall and apply the formula for time dilation and length contraction

36.6, 36.7

- comprehend the equivalence of mass and energy


- recall and apply E=mc to nuclear reactions

36.10, 43.2

10. Quantum Physics

- comprehend the notion of the particle (quantum) nature of light


- recall the formula for the energy of a photon


- comprehend the experimental observation of the photoelectric effect


- comprehend a basic energy model of photoelectric emission in metals, including the notion of work function


- comprehend how the photoelectric effect violates classical wave theory


- comprehend the notion of cut-off frequency


- comprehend the relationship between stopping potential and maximum kinetic energy


- recall and apply the Photoelectric Equation (Kmax = hf )


- comprehend the variation of electron detection rate and maximum emitted electron kinetic energy with light
frequency and intensity

38.2, 38.3

- comprehend the notion of wave-particle duality for light


- comprehend the notion of the wave nature of matter


- recall deBroglies Equation for the wavelength of a matter wave


- apply deBroglies Equation to single-slit diffraction and double-slit interference of particles


- comprehend the notion of discrete absorption and emission atomic spectra of gases


- recall the (classical) mechanical, electrical and quantum theory assumptions of the Bohr model of the atom


- recall the formula for the energy levels of hydrogen and hydrogen-like ions

203-NYC-05, 203-702-MS

38.6, 38.7

Course Outline | AUTUMN 2015 Page 6

- apply the formula for energy levels to the calculation of ionization energy

38.6, 38.7

- apply to the determination of the atomic emission and absorption spectra for atoms

38.6, 38.7

11. Nuclear decay

- comprehend notion of nuclear decay


- comprehend the random nature of radioactive decay


- recall the relationship between decay rate and the number of nuclei


- comprehend the statistical nature of decay and the decay rate


- derive N(t) for nuclear decay from the stochastic nature of decay (R = rN)
- recall the variation of number of nuclei and activity with time


- comprehend the notion of half-life


- recall the relationship between half-life and decay rate


- apply the above concepts to solve problems regarding radioactive decay

42.5, 42.6

- comprehend the nature of alpha, beta and gamma radiation

42.1, 42.6

12. The Optics of the Compound Microscope (INTEGRATIVE ACTIVITY)

- recall the general arrangement of the object lens and eyepiece


- recall the ray diagram for image formation in the microscope


- comprehend the notion of lateral and angular magnification


- apply geometric optics to determine the position and magnification of the eyepiece image


- apply Rayleighs Criterion to determine resolution in the microscope


- apply the above concept to the electron microscope

Integrative activities are meant to demonstrate the interdisciplinary connections between Physics and other
scientific disciplines. Such activities are incorporated into the various course components and recur in the final
cumulative examination. Issues from the biological, chemical and mathematical sciences are introduced at the
discretion of individual instructors. The specific integrative activities for this course are stated in the listing of
specific objectives. The assessment of Integrative Activity topics for core physics courses will consist of one
separate question worth 10% of the final exam.

Students should be familiar with the terms of the Institutional Policy on Evaluation of Student Achievement
(IPESA). Evaluation of students work will reflect the performance criteria listed above under the specific objectives
of the course, as well as the criteria of the ministerial English Exit Exam, as noted in the Marianopolis Language
Policy: comprehension and insight, organization of response, and expression. In particular, students must make a
conscious effort to write clear and coherent solutions to problems, justifying all steps. Neatness is important. Full
credit may not be given if the instructor considers the presentation unsatisfactory. The same applies to lab reports.

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Course Outline | AUTUMN 2015 Page 7

Two marking schemes will be used, with the students final grade being
determined by the most favourable scheme.


Assigned Work



Lab Work
(5% for lab quizzes; 10% for lab reports)



Class Test 1: week of Sept. 28-Oct. 2



Class Test 2: week of Nov. 2-6



Final Exam



For further information about evaluation, please consult the Institutional Policy for the Evaluation of Student
Achievement (IPESA) and the Language Policy available at

Enriched sections are offered to provide additional stimulation to students who readily grasp physical concepts.
Such stimulation arises from a deeper treatment of the regular course material and from added topics chosen at
the instructors discretion. As a benefit to the student, the evaluation of this extra activity takes the form of bonus
questions (worth 10% and available only to students in enriched sections) on the common final examination.

Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA)
The Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) reflects the Colleges philosophy on
education and guides the assessment of student achievement by way of progressive and systematic evaluation.
This policy describes the goals and objectives of such evaluation, documents the means taken to arrive at
comprehensive and fair evaluation, and establishes the rights and sharing of responsibilities for all participants. All
students and faculty, administration and staff members are responsible for knowing the provisions of the policy.
The Marianopolis IPESA is available online:
Language Policy
The Marianopolis graduate shall be prepared to bring the powers of thought and language not only to the
challenge of academic studies but also to that of personal and public leadership in the contemporary world. In all
course activities, attention shall be paid to the structure of thought and the language characteristic of the
discipline; to reinforcing and integrating the language objectives of the different programs; and to the criteria of
the ministerial exit examination in language: comprehension and insight, organization of response, and expression.
High standards in the quality of written and spoken language shall be maintained. The Marianopolis Language
Policy is available online:
Student Code of Conduct
This document outlines expectations for Student behaviour.
The Marianopolis Student Code of Conduct is available in your Student Agenda and online:
Academic Integrity
In keeping with the principles of fairness and honesty and consistent with the standards upheld by institutions of
higher learning, the College is committed to promoting and protecting academic integrity. Students are expected
to properly acknowledge any other persons contribution to their work, when such contributions are permitted, in
conformity with the guidelines provided by the teacher.
Cheating is a serious academic offence. Cheating means any dishonest or deceptive practice. It includes, but is not
restricted to, making use or being in possession of unauthorized material, obtaining or providing unauthorized
assistance for any submitted work, false claims about the submission of work, disobeying the Colleges Examination
Rules, plagiarism, or attempting to do any of the above.
203-NYC-05, 203-702-MS

Course Outline | AUTUMN 2015 Page 8

Plagiarism occurs when a student presents or submits the work of another, in whole or in part, as his or her own. It
includes but is not limited to using material or ideas from any source that is not cited, submitting someone elses
paper as ones own, receiving assistance from tutors, family, or friends that calls the originality of the work into
Suspected instances of cheating and plagiarism will be reported to the Associate Academic Dean and the
Department Chair. The penalty shall be decided by the Associate Academic Dean, and may include, but is not
limited to, a grade of zero on the plagiarized work; a grade of zero in the course; and/or expulsion from the
College. Any judgment resulting in this grade or penalty is final; associated work is excluded from any grade
appeal, and no assignment may replace such work.
Regulations related to cheating and plagiarism are available online in the Marianopolis IPESA: Section 4, page 14.
Laboratory attendance is compulsory. In exceptional cases, arrangements could be made for make-up of the
missed lab (see the lab technician). A grade of 6 out of 10 on the lab reports is required in order to pass the course.
Rules for testing situations
In order to ensure that no student has an unfair advantage over the other students, the only calculator
permitted during quizzes, class tests and final examinations at the College is Texas Instruments Model
TI-30XII (B or S).

203-NYC-05, 203-702-MS

Course Outline | AUTUMN 2015 Page 9

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