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English Lesson Plan For Grade 8

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Rizal technological University

Laboratory High school

College of Education
Detailed Lesson plan
Grade 8 Empathy
Prepared by Benzon Barrientos

Learning objectives:
At the end of forty-five minute discussion, the Learners are expected:

Retell the gist of the story.

Analyze the story by means of elements of short story.
Rewrite the ending of the story.
Explore personal reactions about the selection.
Carry out the moral lesson of the story.

Target Skill: Reading



Subject matter:
Topic: The wave by Margaret Hodges
Reference: English grade 8 (Asian and African literature and communication
arts), Page 72-75
Instructional materials: Blue Carolina, Marker and pictures.
A. Routinary activities:
Checking of attendance
Classroom management
B. Motivation:
Title: Lets Imagine!
If I were in this situation, I

Direction: The teacher will ask the students to describe whats on the
first picture then the Teacher will let his class to imagine the situation.
Then, He will show the second picture and ask his students to complete
this clause, If I were in this situation, I____. The students must have a
divergent answers.

C. Unlocking of difficulties:
Direction: Choose a word below and try to match its correct meaning.
1. To make someone or something completely wet.
2. Something that is likely to cause injury, pain, harm and loss.
3. The broken parts of a vehicle, building and etc. that has been badly
damaged or destroyed.
4. The line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky.
5. A long chain or strip of something that is hung up as a decoration.
6. To work very hard for a long time.
7. Very great in size, amount or extent.
8. To start lighting or burning.
9. Very wild and violent.
10.To spoil or ruin.


H. Kindle
I. Raging
J. Queer

D. Discussion:

Teachers Activities

Students Activities

Teacher: Yesterday, I ask you to read

the story on page 72-75 right?

Students: Yes sir.

Have you read the story entitled The

wave by Margaret Hodges?
Teacher: I think, most of you didnt read
the story. So, I will give you three
minutes to read the story.

Teacher: Time is up! Class, Eyes on the

board! Kindly close your books first and

sit properly.
Teacher: How did you find the story? Is
it good? Is it informative? What can you

Student 1: It was a beautiful story from

a Japan Literature.

Teacher: Okay! If thats the case, Let us

try to analyze the story of Margaret
Hodges through completing these

Student 2: Ojiisan and Tada

Teacher: The first stair is the

Who are the characters in the story?

Very good! Can you say something
about Ojiisan and Tada?
Teacher: Very good! Later on, we will
know more about them.
Teacher: All right, do you know where
the setting of the story is?
Teacher: Correct! The setting of the
story is in the small village in Japan.
Teacher: What can you imagine about
that small village in Japan?
Teacher: Now, Lets talk about the plot
of the story. What do we mean by Plot?
Therefore, what is the introductory part
of the story? What is the introduction?

Student 2: Ojiisan is a selfless

grandfather of Tada. On the other hand,
Tada was a kind grandson.

Student 3: It is a small village in Japan.

It is in a nearby sea.

Student 4: I think, it is like a province

wherein agriculture is the primary
source of living.

Student 5: Plot is a series of events in

the story.

Student 6: the author of the story

started the story by means of saying
that, it happened long ago in a small

In other words, How the story began?

Teacher: Very good! Then what happens

Teacher: Okay, good! Continue please!

Teacher: And what is that thing?

Teacher: Good! Then?

village in Japan, wherein the villagers

indulge their happiness in the
agricultural activities and nearby sea.
Student 7: Until the harvest time has
finally arrived, all of the villagers feel
excited about it. It made them to gather
and celebrate in the sea.
Student 8: Then, Ojiisan climb up on his
balcony. From there, he noticed some
weird things.
He notice the Earthquake wind that will
cause a Tsunami.
He quickly commanded Tada to kindle a
He is the grandson of Ojiisan.

Teacher: Okay! Whos Tada again?

Teacher: Very well! Now, what did
Ojiisan do after knowing that there will
be a tsunami?
Teacher: Really? Why? What do you
think is the reason why he burned his
own farm?

Student 9: He go to his farm and burn

Student 10: I think, The reason why
ojiisan burned his own farm is to get the
attention of the people in a nearby sea.
Student 11: He wants to save them
from the Tsunami.

Teacher: Nice answer! Because of what?

I mean, why do you think Ojiisan wants
to get the attention of the villagers in
the nearby sea?
Teacher: Very nice! Thats correct, he
wants to warn and save the villagers
from the Tsunami.

Student 12: they shouted awful words

to Ojiisan because they think, Ojiisan
lost his mind.

Teacher: And when everyone is all in

the farm of Ojiisan, What did the
villagers do?

Students: Yes!

Thats correct! Because they dont

know the real reason behind it right?

Student 13: the villagers praise and

thank Ojiisan for saving their lives.

Having that said, The tsunami struck

the whole village. It destroyed

Student 14: Ojiisan offers his own

home. He offers shelter and food for the

Teacher: Then, what happens next?

Teacher: Very good! Good! Thats
correct. At the end of the story, The
villagers thank Ojiisan for saving their
lives from the Tsunami.
Teacher: Class, let us try to identify the
conflict of the story, Who can tell me
what is the conflict or the problem of
the story?
Very good! Correct! It is man vs nature
because the main character struggled
in a natural phenomenon.
Teacher: I think, you really understood
the story. Do you really understand the
Okay! Very well! If you understood the
story, can you tell me the theme of the

Student 15: The problem in the story is

the TSUNAMI. It is Man Vs Nature.

Students: Yes

Student 16: The theme of the story is

about SACRIFICE because Ojiisan
sacrificed his own farm for the sake of
the villagers.
Student 17: Another theme of the story
is, SELFLESSNESS, in which Ojiisan
saved the people of the village
regardless losing his own wealth.

Thats good! What else?

Very good!

E. Valuing:
Teacher: Class, In other words, Ojiisan is like Jesus Chirst right?
Remember that Jesus sacrificed his own life just to save us. The same
with Ojiisan, He sacrificed his own farm to save the villagers of Japan.
Thats the moral lesson of the story, We must learn to sacrifice for

F. Enrichment Activity:
Duration : 5-7 minutes
The teacher will let his class to pair with their seat mates and work as
one. The only thing that they have to do is to change the ending of the
story. Now, it is up to them whether what kind of ending they want to have.
In short, the students have the power to become the author and change
the ending of the story.
After 3 minutes, each pair of each row will go in front to tell their
with regard to their new ending.

G. Assessment:
Encircle the word or phrase to which each of the underlined words

1. The father of each family knelt before Ojiisan, and all the people after
2. Then Tada burst into tears, feeling sure that his grandfather had lost
his mind.
3. It is said that his temple still stands and the people still honor the good
old farmers who saved their lives from the great tidal wave by burning
his rice fields.
4. The wrinkled bed of the bay and the vast expanse beyond it lay and
still the sea was fleering toward the horizon.
5. Indeed the old man had the respect of all the villagers. Often they
climbed up the long zigzag road to ask him for advice.

H. Assignment:
1. On a bond paper, make a character mapping. You can draw anything
you want but you have to make at least three sentences that will
describe the character (from the wave) you chose.
2. Read the story entitled: Pheasants bell

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