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Dreams and Astral Travel

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astrology and Divination
Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other ape-men
Dreams and astral travel
esP, Psychokinesis, and Psychics
Ghosts and Haunted Places
lake and sea monsters
magic and alchemy
mythical Creatures
spirit Communications
UFOs and aliens
Witches and Wiccans



Consulting Editor: Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Dreams anD astral travel

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library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Guiley, Rosemary.
Dreams and astral travel / Rosemary Ellen Guiley.
p. cm. — (Mysteries, legends, and unexplained phenomena)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9387-0 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-7910-9387-5 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Dreams. 2. Astral projection.
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Foreword 6
Introduction 11

1 A Gift from the Gods 15

2 The Fall and Rebirth of Dreams 25
3 Science Ventures into Dreamland 35
4 The Virtual Reality of Lucid Dreaming 43
5 Night Flying 53
6 The Astral World 63
7 The Psychic Side of Dreams 69
8 Dreams That Heal 83
9 Understanding Your Dreams 93
10 Dream It, Do It 105

Timeline 113
Glossary 115
Endnotes 117
Bibliography 119
Further Resources 121
Index 123
About the Author and Consulting Editor 128

i 5 j

D id you ever have an experience that turned your whole world

upside down? Maybe you saw a ghost or a UFO. Perhaps you had
an unusual, vivid dream that seemed real. Maybe you suddenly knew
that a certain event was going to happen in the future. Or, perhaps you
saw a creature or a being that did not fit the description of anything
known in the natural world. At first you might have thought your
imagination was playing tricks on you. Then, perhaps, you wondered
about what you experienced and went looking for an explanation.
Every day and night people have experiences they can’t explain.
For many people these events are life changing. Their comfort zone
of what they can accept as “real” is put to the test. It takes only one
such experience for people to question the reality of the mysterious
worlds that might exist beyond the one we live in. Perhaps you haven’t
encountered the unknown, but you have an intense curiosity about
it. Either way, by picking up this book, you’ve started an adventure
to explore and learn more, and you’ve come to the right place! The
book you hold has been written by a leading expert in the paranor-
mal—someone who understands unusual experiences and who knows
the answers to your questions.
As a seeker of knowledge, you have plenty of company. Mythol-
ogy, folklore, and records of the past show that human beings have
had paranormal experiences throughout history. Even prehistoric cave
paintings and gravesites indicate that early humans had concepts of
the supernatural and of an afterlife. Humans have always sought to
understand paranormal experiences and to put them into a frame of
reference that makes sense to us in our daily lives. Some of the greatest

i 6 j
Foreword    j
minds in history have grappled with questions about the paranormal.
For example, Greek philosopher Plato pondered the nature of dreams
and how we “travel” during them. Isaac Newton was interested in the
esoteric study of alchemy, which has magical elements, and St. Thomas
Aquinas explored the nature of angels and spirits. Philosopher William
James joined organizations dedicated to psychical research; and even
the inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Alva Edison, wanted to build
a device that could talk to the dead. More recently, physicists such as
David Bohm, Stephen Hawking, William Tiller, and Michio Kaku
have developed ideas that may help explain how and why paranormal
phenomena happen, and neuroscience researchers like Michael Pers-
inger have explored the nature of consciousness.
Exactly what is a paranormal experience or phenomenon? “Para”
is derived from a Latin term for “beyond.” So “paranormal” means
“beyond normal,” or things that do not fit what we experience through
our five senses alone and which do not follow the laws we observe in
nature and in science. Paranormal experiences and phenomena run the
gamut from the awesome and marvelous, such as angels and miracles,
to the downright terrifying, such as vampires and werewolves.
Paranormal experiences have been consistent throughout the ages,
but explanations of them have changed as societies, cultures, and tech-
nologies have changed. For example, our ancestors were much closer
to the invisible realms. In times when life was simpler, they saw, felt,
and experienced other realities on a daily basis. When night fell, the
darkness was thick and quiet, and it was easier to see unusual things,
such as ghosts. They had no electricity to keep the night lit up. They
had no media for constant communication and entertainment. Travel
was difficult. They had more time to notice subtle things that were
just beyond their ordinary senses. Few doubted their experiences.
They accepted the invisible realms as an extension of ordinary life.
Today, we have many distractions. We are constantly busy, from
the time we wake up until we go to bed. The world is full of light
and noise 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We have television, the
Internet, computer games, and cell phones to keep us busy, busy, busy.
i   Dreams anD astral travel

We are ruled by technology and science. Yet, we still have paranormal

experiences very similar to those of our ancestors. Because these oc-
currences do not fit neatly into science and technology, many people
think they are illusions, and there are plenty of skeptics always ready
to debunk the paranormal and reinforce that idea.
In roughly the past 100 years, though, some scientists have studied
the paranormal and attempted to find scientific evidence for it. Psychic
phenomena have proven difficult to observe and measure according to
scientific standards. However, lack of scientific proof does not mean
paranormal experiences do not happen. Courageous scientists are still
looking for bridges between science and the supernatural.
My personal experiences are behind my lifelong study of the para-
normal. Like many children I had invisible playmates when I was very
young, and I saw strange lights in the yard and woods that I instinc-
tively knew were the nature spirits who lived there. Children seem
to be very open to paranormal phenomena, but their ability to have
these experiences often fades away as they become more involved in
the outside world, or, perhaps, as adults tell them not to believe in what
they experience, that it’s only in their imagination. Even when I was
very young, I was puzzled that other people would tell me with great
authority that I did not experience what I knew I did.
A major reason for my interest in the paranormal is precogni-
tive dreaming experienced by members of my family. Precognition
means “fore knowing,” or knowing the future. My mother had a lot
of psychic experiences, including dreams of future events. As a teen
it seemed amazing to me that dreams could show us the future. I was
determined to learn more about this and to have such dreams myself.
I found books that explained extrasensory perception, the knowing
of information beyond the five senses. I learned about dreams and
experimented with them. I taught myself to visit distant places in my
dreams and to notice details about them that I could later verify in the
physical world. I learned how to send people telepathic messages in
dreams and how to receive messages in dreams. Every night became
an exciting adventure.
Foreword    j
Those interests led me to other areas of the paranormal. Pretty
soon I was engrossed in studying all kinds of topics. I learned differ-
ent techniques for divination, including the Tarot. I learned how to
meditate. I took courses to develop my own psychic skills, and I gave
psychic readings to others. Everyone has at least some natural psychic
ability and can improve it with attention and practice.
Next I turned my attention to the skies, to ufology, and what might
be “out there” in space. I studied the lore of angels and fairies. I delved
into the dark shadowy realm of demons and monsters. I learned the
principles of real magic and spell casting. I undertook investigations
of haunted places. I learned how to see auras and do energy healing. I
even participated in some formal scientific laboratory experiments for
My studies led me to have many kinds of experiences that have
enriched my understanding of the paranormal. I cannot say that I can
prove anything in scientific terms. It may be some time yet before
science and the paranormal stop flirting with each other and really get
together. Meanwhile, we can still learn a great deal from our personal
experiences. At the very least, our paranormal experiences contribute
to our inner wisdom. I encourage others to do the same as I do. Look
first for natural explanations of strange phenomena. If natural expla-
nations cannot be found or seem unlikely, consider paranormal expla-
nations. Many paranormal experiences fall into a vague area, where
although natural causes might exist, we simply don’t know what could
explain them. In that case I tell people to trust their intuition that they
had a paranormal experience. Sometimes the explanation makes itself
known later on.
I have concluded from my studies and experiences that invisible
dimensions are layered upon our world, and that many paranormal ex-
periences occur when there are openings between worlds. The door-
ways often open at unexpected times. You take a trip, visit a haunted
place, or have a strange dream—and suddenly reality shifts. You get
a glimpse behind the curtain that separates the ordinary from the
i 10  Dreams anD astral travel

The books in this series will introduce you to these exciting and
mysterious subjects. You’ll learn many things that will astonish you.
You’ll be given lots of tips for how to explore the paranormal on your
own. Paranormal investigation is a popular field, and you don’t have
to be a scientist or a full-time researcher to explore it. There are many
things you can do in your free time. The knowledge you gain from
these books will help prepare you for any unusual and unexpected
As you go deeper into your study of the paranormal, you may come
up with new ideas for explanations. That’s one of the appealing aspects
of paranormal investigation—there is always room for bold ideas. So,
keep an open and curious mind, and think big. Mysterious worlds are
waiting for you!
—Rosemary Ellen Guiley

A s long as human beings have dreamed, they have wondered

about the purpose and meaning of the images that pass through
their minds in sleep. Are dreams nonsense, or are they meaningful?
People decided in ancient times that dreams do have meaning and
are so important that kings and heads of state should pay attention
to them.
Over the course of history the significance of dreams has risen
and fallen and risen several times. Today we value dreams, consider-
ing them an important part of our well-being and a way to under-
stand what goes on inside of us. Dreams also are held by many to
have deep, spiritual importance as a way for us to participate in the
cosmic scheme of things.
Dreams are worth exploring and understanding. There are many
approaches to do so available today, and each person may find the one
that feels most comfortable and makes the most sense. One of the
fundamental concepts in working with dreams today is that only the
dreamer can truly understand the meaning his or her own dreams.
Others, such as dream experts and professional counselors, can help
the process but cannot determine for someone else what their dreams
mean. This is a significant change from ancient times, when profes-
sional dream interpreters or priests held all the power in deciphering
dreams. Dreams now take on a deep personal meaning for individuals,
who must interpret them for themselves.
Dreamwork is like learning a secret, coded language. Dreams speak
in mysterious symbols and in odd dramas, but once you learn the key
to decoding them, they reveal all kinds of hidden, inner treasures.

i 11 j
i 12  Dreams anD astral travel

On the surface dreams often seem bizarre and senseless. Learn-

ing their language is easier than it might seem. In fact, anyone who
follows the tips offered in this book will quickly be decoding their
own dreams. Some dreams reveal their meanings right away and some
require more time and work, but the rewards are great. Dreamwork is
interesting and fun, and it is beneficial, too.
I have studied dreams most of my life. My interest in them began
in my teens, when my mother started discussing some of her dreams
with me. She had precognitive dreams, that is, she dreamed of things
that were going to happen in the future. The idea that we can dream
the future fascinated me. I wanted to know more about this strange
landscape that unfolds when we sleep.
I read everything I could find on dreams and also on psychic expe-
riences. I started experimenting with my own dreams. I found that I
could know that I was dreaming while I was dreaming. I could “travel”
to a distant place of my choice and come back with accurate descrip-
tions of what I had seen. I could send and receive messages in dreams.
I could look into the future.
My results varied quite a bit. Sometimes I was successful, some-
times only modestly successful, and sometimes not successful at all.
Nonetheless, I was amazed and excited by my results.
My research into dreams took me into history, psychology, mythol-
ogy, anthropology, parapsychology, science, and medicine. I learned
what the ancients thought about dreams and how that compares to
what we believe about dreams today. I studied the views of pioneer
psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl G. Jung. I examined
the dream beliefs and practices of other cultures. I read about the re-
search and experiments of scientists to understand the mechanisms
of dreaming, and the experiments of parapsychologists, who are in-
terested in the psychic side of dreams. I also looked into the role of
dreams in healing.
Finally, I explored how dreams can be used as sources of creativity,
invention, and inspiration. Some of humanity’s greatest advancements
have come from dreams.
Introduction   13 j
While the big picture of dreams is exciting, dreams are probably
most important on a personal level. They help us sort through our
feelings, understand ourselves, and find solutions to problems. Paying
attention to your dreams on a regular basis is rewarding. I have kept
a dream journal for most of my life and have recorded hundreds and
hundreds of my own dreams. Dreamwork has helped me get through
difficult times, has aided the creativity of my writing, and has helped
me see patterns in how I deal with situations in life.
This book will introduce you to the major aspects of dreams,
dreaming, and dreamwork. The literature on dreams is vast. I have
several hundred books on the subject in my library. In this book, you’ll
get the highlights on all the important aspects of dreams, as well as
some tips for doing your own dream interpretation and exploration.
The first several chapters lay a foundation. Chapter 1, “A Gift
from the Gods,” looks at the role of dreams in the ancient world, the
heritage on which we base our present beliefs about dreams. Chapter
2, “The Fall and Rebirth of Dreams,” traces how changing attitudes
toward dreams influenced whether or not people paid attention to
them. Attitudes toward dreams are wrapped up closely in religious
and spiritual beliefs. I have kept to an emphasis on Western history
due to the limits of space.
Chapter 3, “Science Ventures into Dreamland,” covers what we
have learned about the process of dreaming, such as what goes on in
the brain and body when we enter the dreamscape.
Chapter 4, “The Virtual Reality of Lucid Dreaming,” begins
exploring the mysterious, psychic, creative, and healing aspects of
dreaming. In lucid dreams, the dreamer knows he or she is having
a dream while it is underway and sometimes can control it. Chapter
5, “Night Flying,” launches into the astral travel side of dreaming.
Chapter 6, “The Astral World,” explores the landscape of dreaming
described by lucid and astral traveling dreamers.
Chapter 7, “The Psychic Side of Dreams,” looks at how people
dream of the future and scientific studies of dream telepathy. Those
psychic factors lead to Chapter 8, “Dreams That Heal,” which describes
i 14  Dreams anD astral travel

accounts of how people are healed in dreams or are given valuable

information about their health.
Chapter 9, “Understanding Your Dreams,” offers guidelines for
how to interpret dreams. Then Chapter 10, “Dream It, Do It,” looks
at how dreams deliver breakthrough ideas. This will also provide tips
for asking one’s dreams for ideas that are needed in waking life.
Readers might have family members or friends who are also inter-
ested in dreams and in talking about them. Sharing dreams increases
their benefits. There are also many groups and organizations devoted
to dreams, where one can find like-minded people. Some people also
do dreamwork with professional counselors from time to time. There
are times when it is useful or best to have professional guidance.
Those who start working with their dreams may stay with it for
much of their life, the same as one might with an exercise program
that is good for physical health. Sometimes your dreams have a lot
to say, and sometimes they fall into the background. One’s dreams
respond to one’s needs, and for those who develop good dream habits,
they will serve well.
A Gift from the Gods

A round 1400 bce—about 3,400 years ago—a young Egyptian

prince named Thutmose goes hunting one day in the hot desert
on the Giza Plateau. Thutmose is the son of the pharaoh Amenhotep
II, and his name means “Born of the God Thoth.” He admires three
majestic and mysterious pyramids that tower over the sand and the
even more mysterious Sphinx nearby. The rule of the pharaohs is in
its 18th Dynasty, but these structures are older still, their origins lost
to time. Neither the prince nor any of his royal advisors know who
built these massive structures or why. The full form of the Sphinx is
unknown, for only its massive head juts out of the sand. It has been in
the desert for a very long time.
The prince harbors great ambitions to rule Egypt. He is not the
first-born son of the pharaoh, however, which means his older brother
will inherit the throne when their father dies.
Thutmose rests in the shadow of the Sphinx’s head, falls asleep, and
dreams. In his dream the sun god, who is embodied by the Sphinx,
named Horemakhet-Khepri-Ra-Atum, comes to him and complains
that his body is covered by sand. The god tells Thutmose that if he
will clear away the sand so that the limbs and health of the Sphinx can
be restored, he will be rewarded with the kingship of Egypt.
When the prince awakens, he is excited. He does as the dream in-
structs. In 1419 bce, after casting his older brother out of power, he
becomes pharaoh, the eighth ruler of the 18th Dynasty. He becomes

i 15 j
i 16  Dreams anD astral travel

Thutmose IV, and takes the throne name of Men-kheperu-re, mean-

ing “Everlasting are the Manifestations of Re.”
In gratitude of the dream, Thutmose IV records the story of his
dream in hieroglyphics on a stele—a carved slab of limestone—and
plants it between the uncovered lion paws of the Sphinx.
Some historians dispute this story, arguing that Thutmose grabbed
power and then made up a dream to justify his actions. No one could
fault him if the gods had directed him to a certain course of action.
Either way, the stele, which still exists today, is a testimony to the
power of dreams in changing the course of history.

Dreaming may seem an ordinary part of life today, but in ancient

times dreams were considered gifts of the gods. They revealed the
future, were important in healing, and were used magically to in-
fluence the thoughts and actions of others. People did not “have”
dreams; they were “given” or “sent” dreams. Good dreams were sent
by gods and bad dreams, which were believed to cause illness, were
sent by demons.
The Western tradition of beliefs about dreams and their meanings
dates to the Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Egyptians. Pro-
fessional dream interpreters studied dreams for information of state
and political importance and for solutions to community disputes and
problems. People practiced dream incubation. That is the practice of
instructing dreams to answer specific questions or to become avenues
of healing.
The oldest dream book in existence comes from Assyria. The As-
syrian Dream Book is actually a collection of clay cylinders. They were
found at Nineveh in the library of the famous Assyrian king Ashurba-
nipal, who ruled from 669–626 bce. The cylinders show that Assyrian
dream interpretation relied heavily upon contraries, or opposites. For
example, to dream of being blessed by a god actually meant one would
be punished by a god.
a Gift from the Gods   1 j
DreAms in eGypt
The Egyptians absorbed some of the Assyrian and Mesopotamian
dream practices into their own culture. They considered dreams to be
a “revelation of truth.” If a person was given instructions in a dream,
he had to follow them or else he would suffer misfortune. If dreams
were not interpreted properly, the gods would be angry.
In Egypt the guardians of dream interpretation were called lector
priests, or “Masters of the Secret Things” and “Scribes of the Double
House of Life.” The priests were learned men who kept the sacred
books containing the religious lore and laws and magical rites. They
worked in libraries that were part of many temples throughout the
land. People consulted them for dream interpretation and spells to
solve problems. The temple books of dreams and magic were carefully
guarded in order to protect the status of the priests. The lector priests
were forerunners of today’s psychotherapists. They consulted with
people about the meanings of their dreams and offered other advice.
In interpreting dreams the Egyptians also relied heavily upon con-
traries, or meanings that were the opposite of the contents of a dream.
They also relied upon puns and plays on words, which are techniques
that still work today.
Dreams were an important part of magical practices. The lector
priests had many spells and rituals for “sending” messages into the
dreaming sleep of another person to try to influence their thinking
and actions. Even the dead could send dreams to the living.
The dead played an important role in Egyptian dream magic.
Since the dead lived in another realm, they were believed to have great
power, which could be controlled through magic. The dead were sum-
moned to enforce curses and spells via dreams and also to appear in
dreams in order to answer questions about the future. People who had
drowned in the Nile were especially believed to have a divine gift of
prophecy and were commanded to come to the dreams of a priest or
i 1  Dreams anD astral travel

Figure 1.1 This life-size statue of a chief lector priest was discovered by
archeologists in 1860. In ancient Egypt, lector priests watched over the sacred
texts in dream temples, interpreted people’s dreams, and cast spells to solve
problems. (Roger Wood/Corbis)

DreAms AmonG the eArly hebrews

The early Hebrews placed a high value on dreams as real experiences
of the direct voice of God. The Old Testament, or Torah, contains
a Gift from the Gods   1 j
many examples of dreams and waking visions as primary ways that
a concerned God speaks to human beings. Sometimes the descrip-
tions do not distinguish clearly between a dream and a waking vision.
Perhaps the difference was not important then. Professional dream
interpreters were highly respected by the Hebrews.
The first biblical reference to a dream is in Genesis 15:12-16.
While the prophet Abram (later renamed Abraham) was in a deep
dreaming sleep, God gave him the prophecy that Abram’s descen-
dants would be enslaved in a foreign land (Egypt) for 400 years, after
which they would be liberated with great possessions and returned
to their own land.
Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, had significant dreams, the most fa-
mous of which is recorded in Genesis 28:11-22. Jacob had a dream of
a ladder to heaven filled with angels moving up and down it. He was
so awestruck by the dream that he called the place where he slept
“the house of God . . . the gate of heaven.”
Jacob’s son Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt by his
brothers, excelled in dream interpretation, and thus he gained the
pharaoh’s favor.
Many other great biblical prophets, patriarchs, and rulers were
inspired and directed by dreams or visions, among them Moses,
Samuel, Saul, Solomon, Elijah, Jeremiah, Job, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and
Daniel. Losing contact with God through dreams was a crisis, a seri-
ous loss of power.
By about the eighth century bce, the Hebrew prophets became
concerned about false prophets using false dreams to sway people.
The common people were told to beware of false prophets dealing in
dreams. Dream incubation was not encouraged but was practiced.
In the sixteenth century ce an important Jewish text on dream
interpretation was published; it moved dreams away from divine
prophecy and more into ordinary life. The text was first titled Chelmin
(“Dream Mediator”) and then retitled Pitron Chalomot (“Interpretation
of Dreams”). The author, philosopher and rabbi Solomon Almoli, said
that most dreams represent the dreamer’s own thoughts and concerns.
i 20  Dreams anD astral travel

Dreams come from a person’s own imagination, he said, woven by

an inner “Spinner of Dreams.” Almoli believed that the emotions in
a dream were important to the interpretation, because they revealed

Did Dream Magic Birth a Hero?

A lexander the Great (356–323 bce) was one of the greatest

conquering heroes of the classical world. He spread the
Greek empire far and wide around the Mediterranean. He seemed
unstoppable. How did he do it? According to legend, Alexander was
half-god, half-human, and his birth was arranged by dream magic.
The ancient Egyptians were masters of magic. They knew how to
cause people to have certain dreams that would influence events and
perhaps even the course of history.
The story goes that Nectanebo, the last native king of Egypt, used
dream magic on Alexander’s mother, the Greek queen Olympias, and
her husband, King Philip of Macedon. First Nectanebo caused Olympias
to dream that the Egyptian god Amun would make love to her, and she
would bear a god. Nectanebo accomplished this through sympathetic
magic. He poured the extracted juices of certain desert plants over a
wax doll representing the queen while he recited a spell. Nectanebo
then turned his attention to Philip of Macedon. He said a spell over
a hawk, which flew to the sleeping Philip and told him to dream that
Olympias was going to bear a child who was the son of a god.
The magic was successful, and Olympias became pregnant. When
Alexander was born, his divine origin was unquestioned. He was be-
lieved to be half Greek and half Egyptian god.
Alexander was probably only a mortal who possessed great abili-
ties and charisma. But in those times rulers and heroes were given
divine pedigrees to enhance their status. Nonetheless, dream magic
was indeed practiced, and people believed that gods could be made
through dreams.
a Gift from the Gods   21 j
true emotions below the surface, “nothing other than the thoughts
of [the dreamer’s] heart.”1 These ideas are part of the foundation of
dreamwork today.

DreAms in Greece AnD rome

The ancient Greeks continued many of the dream beliefs and prac-
tices of the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and Hebrews. According to
Homer, dreams were events that were witnessed: The Greeks did not
“have” dreams but “saw” them.2 In the earliest beliefs, the gods made
real visits to the dreamer, entering a bedroom through the keyhole and
standing at the head of the bed while they delivered their message.
Like the Hebrews, the Greeks made little or no distinction between
dreams and visions. Around the seventh century bce, a shamanic and
Eastern idea about dreams was introduced to Greek culture: rather
than being visited by gods, the dreamer traveled out-of-body at night
to meet the gods.
The great Greek philosophers paid a lot of attention to dreams.
Plato (427?–347 bce) believed that dreams could be controlled in order
to see truth. Control came from leading a righteous life.
Aristotle (384–322 bce), one of Plato’s pupils, took a radical depar-
ture from the conventional dream wisdom of the times. He said most
dreams are entirely natural and are the result of ordinary experiences.3
The gods would not waste themselves on sending dreams to ordinary
mortals. Nor would the gods waste dreams on animals. It was obvious
that animals dreamed because of the way they twitch and moan during
sleep, Aristotle said.
Aristotle’s views about dreams were not popular during his day,
but they did influence Roman thinkers and, many centuries later, im-
portant Christian theologians and philosophers.
The Roman philosopher Cicero (106 bce–43 bce) said that if the
gods truly wanted to warn people of impending events, they should
do so during the day and under clear circumstances, not during the
confusion of dreams at night.
i 22  Dreams anD astral travel

On the opposite side, Augustus Caesar (63 bce–14 ce) took dreams
so seriously that he proclaimed a new law: anyone who dreamed about
the Roman commonwealth was required to proclaim the dream in the
Plutarch (46?–c.120) argued that everybody—not only priests—
could experience prophecy in dreams.
As Christianity struggled to gain a foothold after the death of Je-
sus, it survived on a merger of Greek, Roman, and Hebrew cultures.
But as Christianity grew, dreams declined in importance.

DreAms in eArly christiAnity

Initially, Christianity continued honoring dreams and visions as a pri-
mary way that God communicated with humans. Dreams and visions
literally shaped the birthing and early development of Christianity.
Angels, the communicators of God, appeared to people in dreams in
ways similar to the dream appearances of the gods of the Greeks.
The births of John the Baptist and Jesus were forecast in dreams or
visionary experiences. After the birth of Jesus his father, Joseph, was
warned in a dream to flee to Egypt to avoid King Herod’s campaign
to kill male infants who might threaten his rule. Jesus had numer-
ous visionary experiences during his life that might have taken place
in dreams or dreamlike states. For example, Jesus has an important
confrontation with the devil after he has fasted for 40 days and nights
in the wilderness. Such a lengthy period of physical deprivation could
significantly affect dreaming and alter consciousness into dreamlike
states. Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-12 tell how the devil tempted
Jesus three times. First the devil tried to persuade Jesus to perform
miracles to prove he is the Son of God. Then he offered Jesus all the
kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship. Jesus resisted and
banished the devil.
After the arrest of Jesus, Pontius Pilate’s wife was warned in a
dream that her husband should have nothing to do with him. Following
the crucifixion of Jesus, the apostles had many dreams and visionary
a Gift from the Gods   23 j
experiences that aided them in their mission to spread the Gospel.
One famous account concerns St. Peter, who was imprisoned by Herod
Agrippa, who planned to execute him. The night before he was to be
condemned, Peter slept in his cell bound in chains and guarded by
two soldiers. An angel awakened him, freed him of his chains, and led
him out of the prison. Peter at first thought he was dreaming, then
believed he had a real visitation. The experience may actually have
been a combination of dreaming and visionary experience.
Many of the early church fathers who shaped the beliefs of the new
religion were Platonic philosophers and Greek converts. They believed
in the tradition of God speaking through dreams and visions. But a
major turn in the opposite direction took place in the fourth century,
and it centered on one man: Jerome, who is discussed in Chapter 2.
the Fall and rebirth of Dreams

I n the fourth century Jerome is a bright young man raised in an af-

fluent Christian family. He is drawn to pagan beliefs and devotes
himself to an intense study of Greek and Roman classics. Then he has
an experience that affects Western beliefs about dreams for the next
1,600 years. During a severe illness, he has a dream that changes the
course of his life. He is taken before God and a tribunal and is accused
of being a pagan despite his claims of being a Christian:

Suddenly I was caught up in the spirit and dragged be-

fore the judgment seat of the Judge; and here the light
was so bright, and those who stood around were so radi-
ant, that I cast myself upon the ground and did not dare
to look up. Asked who and what I was I replied: “I am a
Christian.” But He who presided said: “Thou liest, thou
art a follower of Cicero and not of Christ. For ‘where
thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also.’” Instantly
I became dumb, and amid the strokes of the lash—for
He had ordered me to be scourged—I was tortured
more severely still by the fire of conscience, considering
with myself that verse, “In the grave who shall give thee
thanks?” Yet for all that I began to cry and to bewail
myself, saying: “Have mercy upon me, O Lord: have
mercy upon me.” Amid the sound of the scourges this

i 25 j
i 26  Dreams anD astral travel

cry still made itself heard. At last the bystanders, fall-

ing down before the knees of Him who presided, prayed
that He would have pity on my youth, and that He would
give me space to repent of my error. He might still, they
urged, inflict torture on me, should I ever again read the
works of the Gentiles. . . .
Accordingly I made an oath and called upon His name,
saying “Lord, if ever again I possess worldly books, or if
ever again I read such, I have denied Thee.” Dismissed,
then, on taking this oath, I returned to the upper world,
and, to the surprise of all, I opened upon them eyes so
drenched with tears that my distress served to convince
even the credulous. And that this was no sleep nor idle
dream, such as those by which we are often mocked, I
call to witness the tribunal before which I lay, and the
terrible judgment which I feared. . . . I profess that my
shoulders were black and blue, that I felt the bruises long
after I awoke from my sleep, and that thenceforth I read
the books of God with a zeal greater than I had previ-
ously given to the books of men.1

Shaken, Jerome retires to the desert as a hermit for several years.

He then resumes his career as scholar and biblical consultant and heads
a monastic community in Bethlehem.
Despite his own dream experience, Jerome denies the importance
of dreams. He acknowledges that dreams can reveal divine things, but
he also feels that the impure and unrighteous can twist dreams for
their own self-serving ends. He declares that the word of God cannot
be sought through pagan practices of dream incubation.
Jerome makes his greatest contribution to Christianity by trans-
lating the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into the Latin Vulgate. He
chooses negative words to describe dreams, associating them with
witchcraft and fortune-telling.2 Jerome’s translation remains the au-
thoritative version in Western Christianity into modern times.
The Fall and Rebirth of Dreams   27 j
Dreams in Decline
As Christianity spread throughout Europe and the classical world,
dreams went further into decline. The great pagan dream temples
were converted to Christian churches or were shut.
In the thirteenth century St. Thomas Aquinas, one of the greatest
scholars of the Christian church, added to the decline of the dream
by supporting the Aristotlean view that knowledge of the world must
come only through the senses and rational thought. Aquinas wanted
to modernize the church, and he felt Aristotle’s philosophy would do
so. Aquinas said that dreams have no significance because people have
no direct contact with spiritual reality.
Because of biblical tradition Aquinas had to acknowledge that some
dreams could come from God. But for the most part, he said, dreams
come from demons, false opinions, and natural causes such as condi-
tions of the body. It was not unlawful to divine from dreams as long
as one was certain that the dreams were from a divine source and not
from demons.
Dreams fell by the wayside as a direct communication with God.
The Reformation of the sixteenth century brought the end of wide-
spread belief in miracles and supernatural events, including dream
visions. By the eighteenth century the dream was nearly finished as
a spiritual experience. At the popular level dream interpretation was
sought from wizards and astrologers.
Influential philosophers also contributed to the spiritual demise
of the dream. For example, René Descartes (who made the famous
statement, “I think, therefore I am”) supported the Aristotlean view.
He was convinced that dreams resulted from food eaten prior to sleep.
Oddly, one of his most important philosophical works, Discourse on
the Method (1637), was inspired by a dream.

The reTurn of Dreams

In the late nineteenth century psychical research developed as a scien-
tific approach to studying the paranormal. Important to that research
i 2  Dreams anD astral travel

Figure 2.1 French philosopher René Descartes works at his desk. Descartes
believed that dreams were essentially meaningless, but his famous Discourse on
the Method (1637) was inspired by a dream. (Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

were dreams, for many precognitive, telepathic, and extraordinary

experiences were reported to take place in dreams. The founders of
the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) in London collected cases of
telepathy and precognition in dreams.
the Fall and rebirth of Dreams   2 j
Later studies of extrasensory perception (ESP) experiences in gen-
eral, such as those done in the 1960s by American parapsychologist
Louisa Rhine, showed that dreams are involved in 33 to 68 percent of
all cases. Dreams account for 25 percent of all cases of telepathy and
approximately 60 to 70 percent of all cases of precognition. About 10
percent of ESP experiences occur when an individual is at the border
of sleep.3
Dreams also regained importance at the turn of the twentieth cen-
tury in the new field of psychology, pioneered by Sigmund Freud. In
his book The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud called dreams the
“royal road” to the unconscious. He said they are wish fulfillments of
repressed infantile desires.4 Events during the day, or “day residues,”
commonly appear in dreams. If a dream doesn’t disguise anything,
then it is a mere fantasy, Freud said. Although Freud acknowledged
that sleep was conducive to telepathy, he said dreams have little practi-
cal importance.
Freud’s pupil Carl G. Jung disagreed. He centered his branch of
psychology on dreams. Jung had a rich dream life, full of symbols
that he called archetypes, that is, symbols having a meaning beyond
their significance to the individual. Archetypal symbols come from
a pool of human experience shared by all people throughout history.
They appear in myth, legend, and folk tales. Jung believed archetypes
are endless, created by the repetition of situations and experiences en-
graved upon collective human experience. God, birth, death, rebirth,
power, magic, the sun, the moon, the wind, animals, and the elements
are examples of archetypes. Archetypes, according to Jung, are psychic
forces that demand to be taken seriously, and dreams contain both
personal symbols and archetypal symbols.5
Jung also said that the purpose of dreams is compensatory. That is,
they provide information about the self that helps a person to maintain
inner balance and harmony.
Jung disagreed so strongly with Freud over dreams that it was a
major factor in the split of their professional relationship. Both men
i 30  Dreams anD astral travel

went on to develop branches of psychology that are used in counsel-

ing today.
Other theories adding to Freud’s and Jung’s work have been put
forward on the nature, function, and meaning of dreams. However,
psychotherapists upheld the ancient beliefs that dreamwork could
only be done by qualified professionals; therapists had replaced the old
dream priests of long ago.
Since about the 1970s dreamwork has become more democratic
and less dependent upon professionals. Anyone can do it, and there
are many books and other sources of help. Many people still prefer to
work with professional therapists, or at least consult with them from
time to time. Other people pursue their own dreamwork or join infor-
mal groups devoted to dreamwork.
Dreams are of interest to the scientific community. Scientists study
the mechanics of dreaming in the brain, the diagnostic and healing
content of dreams, the psychic content of dreams, and the nature of
lucid dreams and shared dreams.

DreAms As exceptionAl
humAn experiences
Many of the dreams we experience are more than dreams; they are
exceptional human experiences (EHE). The term “exceptional hu-
man experience” was coined in 1990 by researcher Rhea A. White to
describe a wide range of non-ordinary and inexplicable experiences
reported by people. Many of these experiences have a powerful impact
upon people and can even change the course of their lives. An example
of an exceptional human experience type of dream would be a mi-
raculous healing that occurs during dreaming sleep. Other examples
would be a vivid dream in which someone meets a religious figure, or
has a conversation with someone who has died, or has a profound and
accurate vision of the future.
the Fall and rebirth of Dreams   31 j

three levels to DreAms

Regardless of whether a dream is ordinary, reflecting daily life, or ex-
traordinary, taking the dreamer into an otherworldly experience, it

The Dreamtime

T he Aborigines of Australia, whose culture is about 65,000 years

old, believe in a parallel dream reality to the waking world. It
is called the “Dreamtime,” a term coined in 1899 by anthropologists
studying them. Some Aborigines prefer the term “The Dreaming.”
The Dreamtime is an “Everywhen,” existing everywhere and be-
yond time. It is the story of creation and myth and the values and
laws of the cosmos. The Dreamtime is more real than waking reality. It
holds the spiritual power of all things.
For the Aborigines the mythic age is not in the past but is still alive
and parallel to the real world. At night a person’s soul leaves this world
and enters that realm. There is a continuing interaction between the
two realms.
Some believe that at some time in humanity’s early history, people
may have existed wholly in a dreamlike state of consciousness such as
the Dreamtime. Psychologist Julian Jaynes theorizes that humanity did
not learn consciousness until around 3000 bce. As people moved out
of the dream state and more into waking consciousness, the dream
state receded to the world of sleep, according to Jaynes. Nighttime
dreams became a psychic and spiritual lifeline to the source of all be-
ing. Over the course of time, humankind pulled farther and farther
away from knowing dreams as a living reality.
The Aborigines have retained that connection to the living reality
of dreams.
i 32  Dreams anD astral travel

Figure 2.2 A crocodile and several fish can be seen in this Aboriginal
“Dreamtime” painting. (AAAC/Topham/The Image Works)

has multiple layers of meanings. Dreams are like onions: They have
layer after layer of meanings. There are three main levels to dreams:

1� Personal level. Everything in a dream expresses a part of one’s self and

one’s activities, thoughts, concerns, and emotions.
2� Archetypal level. Some elements in a dream express a “big” meaning
beyond daily life. These images or symbols address the human jour-
ney through life.
the Fall and rebirth of Dreams   33 j
3� Transpersonal level. Dreams are experiences of cosmic consciousness,
in which the universe is revealed. The boundaries of time and space
disappear. The dreamer sees the past and the future and realizes the
ever-present now. He or she sees into other realms beyond the physi-
cal world and feels deeply connected to the divine and all things.

the rewArDs oF DreAmwork

Throughout history people have derived meaning and benefit from
examining their dreams. Different aspects of dreams have been em-
phasized at different times in history, but the bottom line remains the
same: No matter what the skeptics and critics have said, people believe
that dreams are vitally important.
It’s not necessary to study dreams for a long time before getting
insight from them. Dreamwork is amazingly productive. The more it’s
done the more rewarding it becomes and the more one’s understand-
ing of dreams deepens. Reading about dream techniques and how oth-
ers have interpreted their dreams can help one learn about their own
dreams. Quite a bit of dreamwork can be done alone, but sometimes
it is helpful to work with another person, such as a counselor or thera-
pist, who is professionally trained.
Dreams are a source of energy and renewal. The high purpose
of dreams is to help people find the meaning in life. All experiences,
good and bad, have a purpose that contributes to the meaning of life
and one’s ability to enjoy it and prosper. Everyone has good and bad
experiences throughout life. Dreams can help one to maximize the
good and weather the bad.
science ventures into Dreamland

S cientific study of dreams began in earnest in 1953 when research-

ers at the University of Chicago verified that a dream is likely
to be in progress during rapid eye movement (REM). This phase
of sleep is characterized by fluttering eyelids and other physiological
symptoms, combined with particular brain-wave patterns.
What really is a dream? There is no definitive answer to this
question. Science can explain a great deal about the mechanics of
dreaming, but the exact substance of a dream and the reason why
people have dreams remain a mystery. Some scientists believe that
dreams are created only by the interplay of chemicals in the brain
and have no psychological or spiritual value. Others believe that
dreams are vital to the total health and the survival of a person and
to the survival of humanity.

the physicAl process oF DreAminG

Dreaming originates in the brain stem and is controlled by neu-
rotransmitters that turn dreams on and off. The “on switch” uses ace-
tylcholine to begin the dream. The “off switch” uses norepinephrine
and serotonin to end it. Norepinephrine and serotonin are necessary
to imprint messages in long-term memory, which may explain why
we forget the majority of our dreams. Since the two chemicals are
suppressed during the dreaming process, dreams cannot be stored in

i 35 j
i 36  Dreams anD astral travel

long-term memory without help, such as writing them down or re-

cording them upon awakening.
When the chemicals are suppressed, the acetylcholine allows
electrical signals to be sent to the cortex. The brain stem neurons
also start a theta rhythm in the hippocampus. This is a seahorse-
shaped brain structure believed responsible for memory storage.
Meanwhile, the nerves that usually carry information from the out-
side world shut down.
If the dream occurs during the REM phase of sleep, the sleeper
experiences increased heart and respiration rates and a state of tempo-
rary paralysis. The brain stem freezes muscular activity to prevent the
sleeper from acting out his or her dream.

types oF DreAms
Dreams differ significantly according to when in the sleep pattern
they occur. There are four stages of non-REM (NREM) sleep that
precede REM sleep.1 As the sleeper descends through stages one
through four, brain waves decrease in frequency. After reaching
stage four, the sleeper reverses the process and ends up back in stage
one. Then REM sleep begins, when the most vivid dreaming takes
place. The stages are:

1� Light sleep, in which the brain shifts from the alpha waves of wake-
fulness to theta waves of sleepiness. It is easy to awaken someone
in light sleep. Fragmentary dream images are common, including
jumbled images, voices, and sensations of falling.
2� Deepening sleep, characterized by mostly theta waves. This stage
usually lasts only a few minutes.
3� Deep sleep, in which the theta waves slow to delta.
4� Deep sleep, in which more than half of the brain wave activity is in
delta, with the remainder in theta. It is difficult to awaken a person in
deep sleep.
science ventures into Dreamland   3 j

Figure 3.1 Stages of sleep. (Associated Press)

These stages then reverse, and REM sleep begins.

All mammals (except the spiny anteater) and a few types of birds
and reptiles experience REM sleep. In humans REM sleep decreases
with age. Fetuses as young as 23 weeks spend nearly all their time
i 3  Dreams anD astral travel

in REM, and newborns spend about eight hours per day in REM.
Up to 50 percent of the sleep of infants and small children is spent
in REM. Adult sleep is 20 percent REM; for the elderly it is only 15
Four or five REM stages occur nightly, at about 90-minute inter-
vals. The length of each session increases as the night goes on, until
the average adult has spent about two hours in REM by morning.
People awakened during REM sleep are highly likely to remem-
ber their dreams, which differ from NREM dreams in their vivid-
ness, complexity, and generally bizarre nature. External factors such
as noises can be immediately incorporated into REM dreams. For
example, the sound of a car door slamming outside may become an
explosion in a dream.
Non-REM dreams are more logical and concern current or recent
events in the dreamer’s life. These are the “day residues” defined by
Sigmund Freud.
Hypnagogic dreams occur as we fall asleep, in the gray “twilight”
between consciousness and sleep. Hypnagogic dreams are character-
ized by jumbled words and images, especially faces. Similar dreams
are experienced in the hypnapompic state, which is the “twilight”
that occurs in the transition from sleep to wakefulness.

why people DreAm

The ancients were certain that the purpose of dreams was to learn the
future, receive guidance, and heal the body.
Most scientists agree that dreaming—at least REM dreaming—
plays a part in the learning process. Theta waves are active in the hip-
pocampus during REM, and the hippocampus is involved in memory
processing. In humans the hippocampus doesn’t become functional
until the age of two, the earliest age that most people can remember
their dreams.
Some psychologists believe dreams to be compensatory and heal-
ing; they help people process and balance their emotions. Individuals
science ventures into Dreamland   3 j

Figure 3.2 Hypnagogic images are abstract shapes that present themselves on
the threshold of sleep. (Mary Evans Picture Library/The Image Works)

see personal and spiritual benefit to dreaming, with help for solving
problems, getting ideas, and providing help in major life transitions.
Clinical psychologist and dream researcher Montague Ullman
advanced the hypothesis that our dreams are not concerned primarily
with people as individuals, but rather with the survival of the human
species. Granted, individuals are the stars of their nightly shows, but
looking beyond the personal meanings of dreams, it can be seen that
they do address a larger social arena. Dreams reveal to people their
state of connectedness to the whole of humanity, and how they feel
about it, according to Ullman.2
The human species has been so fragmented into different cultures
and geographies that the survival of the whole is at risk, said Ullman.
Dreaming holds humanity together.
In quantum physics the model of David Bohm’s implicate order
supports this hypothesis of dreams as necessary for survival of the
i 40  Dreams anD astral travel

Quick Dream FAQs

G ot questions about dreams? Following are answers to the most

common things people want to know.

Do people dream every night?

Scientific research indicates that, with few exceptions, everyone dreams
every night. A small number of people who have suffered brain damage
experience a loss of dreaming. How people cope depends on the extent
of brain damage and its effects on the nervous system and senses. Some
people experience difficulty sleeping.

Why are dreams sometimes hard to remember?

Stress, food, and medication can affect sleep patterns and in turn af-
fect recall ability. Also, natural chemicals in the brain that are related to
memory decrease during sleep.

Does everyone dream in color?

About 75 percent of people dream in color. More women dream in color
than men. It’s not unusual to dream primarily in color and also occasion-
ally have black-and-white dreams.

How long do dreams last?

Most dreams are very short, ranging from a half-minute or so to several
minutes in length. Some dreams can run as long as 15 to 20 minutes.

Do men and women dream differently?

Women’s dreams contain more dialogue, social interaction, emotion,
and detail. Men’s dreams contain more action and male figures, and less
dialogue. Women’s dreams more often set indoors and men’s dreams are
more often set outdoors.
science ventures into Dreamland   41 j

Do dreams change with age?

Sleep patterns change and dream recall decreases with age. Dreams re-
flect one’s emotional concerns, which change in different stages of life.

Why do dreams communicate in symbols?

Pictures, images, and symbols convey more information than words.
Symbols are understood best on an intuitive level.

Why do so many dreams seem

troublesome rather than happy?
Studies show that about two-thirds of dreams are unpleasant or negative.
This may be because they are one of the primary ways people confront
and solve problems.

Why do some dreams repeat?

Repeating dreams call attention to something the dreamer needs to
change. Resolving the issue usually brings an end to the repetition.

Do the blind dream?

Blind people dream but not necessarily with visual imagery. Their dream
content includes the other senses, primarily hearing, as well as emotional

Do animals dream?
The answer to that isn’t known. Animals twitch and make noises dur-
ing sleep as though they are dreaming. Throughout history, people have
assumed that animals dream. The Greek philosopher Aristotle and the
Roman historian Pliny believed so, and much later Charles Darwin said
dogs, cats, horses, and the “higher animals” can dream.
i 42  Dreams anD astral travel

species. The implicate order is the seamless whole of the universe, the
unbroken continuum of all things. It is a deep level of reality that
contains all time and yet is timeless. It holds all potentiality. It is fluid.
From the implicate order unfolds the explicate order, which is what
we know as our physical reality. There is a constant flow of energy
between the two orders.
Ullman said that the wisdom that flows into our dreams may come
from the implicate order: the infinite source. Dreams may be a bridge
into the explicate order, or physical reality as part of our evolution.
One thing is clear from scientific research: Dreaming is necessary to
maintain physical health. In controlled laboratory experiments, people
prevented from REM dreaming become anxious or even panicky, fa-
tigued, irritable, and have difficulty concentrating and remembering.
If deprived of sleep long enough, they eventually dream while awake,
that is, they hallucinate. When finally allowed their REM sleep, their
brains compensate for lost time by greatly increasing the percentage
of sleep spent in the REM stage.
Another possible biological function of dreaming relates to the
body’s maintenance of the proper balance of hormones. During REM
sleep, there are higher levels of hormones in the body than at other
times. Some neurons are dormant during REM, and this period may
function to restore and replenish them.
During NREM sleep great amounts of growth hormone, which
is responsible for body tissue renewal, enter the bloodstream. REM
sleep may aid in brain tissue renewal.
The healing and diagnostic powers of dreams are explored in
Chapter 8.
the virtual reality
of lucid Dreaming

D reaming is usually a passive activity. Dreams happen

automatically. The dreamer does not cause a dream to
happen and does not control it. lucid dreaming is different: It is
the awareness that one is dreaming while the dream is occurring,
sometimes combined with the ability to control the dream. Lucid
dreams are the virtual reality of all dreams, a landscape where the
strange is real and the real is strange.
Lucid dreaming has been recognized since ancient times. There
are different levels of lucidity, from a simple awareness of being in a
dream to completely controlling the events and outcome of a dream.
Some people have a lucid dream every now and then, and others have
lucid dreams almost nightly.
In ancient times lucid dreams were valued because they could be
used in magic, or as direct ways to reach the gods. Healing dreams in-
cubated at the great dream temples were often lucid. In modern times
lucid dreams are believed to be an advanced dreaming skill that people
can learn for the purposes of creativity and healing.
Lucid dreams overlap with astral travel dreams and also psychic
dreams. A lucid dream may feel like an out-of-body trip or may look
into the future. People usually enjoy lucid dreaming because they ex-
perience a sense of great freedom and power.

i 43 j
i 44  Dreams anD astral travel

The term “lucid dream” did not come into being until the turn of
the twentieth century. The term was created by Frederik Willem van
Eeden, a Dutch psychiatrist. Prior to that, lucid dreams were known
by their unusual characteristics or were simply called dreams.
The earliest known written account of lucid dreaming in West-
ern history is contained in a letter written in 415 by St. Augustine,
a pagan who was converted to Christianity and became one of the
most important fathers of the early Christian church. In the letter
Augustine described the lucid dream of a physician, Gennadius, who
lived in Carthage. Gennadius had two dreams in which a spirit guide
in the guise of a young man took him to a beautiful city and lectured
him about the truth of life after death.1
Lucid dreams, as well as dreams in general, lost their importance
in the development of Christianity. Instead, they found their place in
occultism and alchemy. Lucid dreaming is important in Islamic mysti-
cism and in the complex dream traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism.
Tibetan Buddhism has a sophisticated dream yoga in which the yogi
learns to have lucid dreams at will in order to understand the illusions
of both waking and dreaming states.
When psychology and psychical research emerged in the late nine-
teenth century, dreams and lucid dreams became the subjects of study.
The Marquis d’Hervey de Saint-Denys, a French professor of Chinese
literature and language, documented more than two decades of experi-
ments he conducted in learning how to control his dreams. Sigmund
Freud acknowledged the existence of lucid dreams but had little to say
about them. Carl G. Jung not only acknowledged lucid dreams, he had
many of them himself. For Jung, dreams were an important tool for
exploring the psyche.
The fields of parapsychology (the modern term for psychical
research) and psychology brought renewed attention to all kinds of
dreaming. Modern scientific interest in lucid dreams was stimulated
in the late 1960s, especially by the publication of books such as Lucid
the virtual reality of lucid Dreaming   45 j
Dreaming (1968) by Celia Green, an overview of the history of lucid
dreams. For the most part the scientific establishment has been skepti-
cal about lucid dreams, believing them to be either impossible or else
part of occultism. Nonetheless, interest grew in scientific study and
testing of lucid dreams.
The state of lucid dreaming was demonstrated in the laboratory in
1970s in independent studies conducted on both sides of the Atlantic.
Lucid dreamers were able to give signals with special eye movements
during REM stages of sleep, thus demonstrating that they were asleep
and aware at the same time.
Lucid dream research is conducted internationally. Stephen La-
Berge is one of the leading researchers in the field and is founder of
The Lucidity Institute in Palo Alto, California. As a result of studies
done by LaBerge and others in the 1970s, many scientists changed
their minds about the possibility of lucid dreaming.
Researchers found that lucid dreamers repeatedly could communi-
cate with the outside world by moving their eyes in certain ways while
they were in lucid dream states. In all cases the dreamers were in REM
stages of sleep when these signals were given. Thus, it was possible for
scientists to chart the physiological changes associated with dreaming.2
LaBerge’s subjects were measured to show correlations between
actions in their lucid dreams and physiological changes in their bod-
ies and in brain wave activity. Dreamers were given tasks to perform,
which were then measured during their dreaming sleep. According to
LaBerge, lucid dreaming thus opened the way for new approaches to
mind–body relationships.3
Lucid dream studies have demonstrated that some, but not all, in-
dividuals can learn how to cause themselves to dream lucidly or can
increase their control over their lucid dreams. Research shows that
women who meditate may be more likely to have lucid dreams than
men who meditate and that people who are easily hypnotized are more
likely to dream lucidly. People who have had near-death experiences
(NDEs), which share many characteristics with lucid dreams, also
have more lucid dreams than other people.
i 46  Dreams anD astral travel

Figure 4.1 Dr. Steven LaBerge wears goggles that help him recognize when he is
in REM sleep, the best state for lucid dreaming. LaBerge, founder of The Lucidity
Institute, is a leading lucid-dream researcher. (Louie Psihoyos/Science Faction/
the virtual reality of lucid Dreaming   4 j
Slightly more than half of the adult population has at least one
lucid dream during life, and about 21 percent have more than one lu-
cid dream each month. LaBerge’s subjects report that with practice,
they can increase the number of lucid dreams they experience on
a regular basis. Those who experience lucid dreams believe that the
skill of lucid dreaming can be applied to creativity, problem solving,
relationships, health, and getting rid of nightmares.
There may be other, more mysterious sides to lucid dreams as well.
Physicist Fred Alan Wolf has suggested that lucid dreams—and maybe
dreams in general—are visits to parallel universes: small holograms
within a larger cosmic hologram. Wolf calls the ability to lucid dream
“parallel universe awareness.”
Some lucid dreams seem like mystical experiences, involving a
sense of connection, or oneness with, the divine. These lucid dreams
often feature spiritual figures such as angels, saints, guides, and divine
beings. Some modern researchers believe these dreams are signs of
the spiritual evolution of humanity. Perhaps their purpose is to gently
introduce people to realms in other dimensions.

chArActeristics oF luciD DreAms

How does one know he or she is dreaming while experiencing a dream?
The answers are not always obvious. Lucid dreamers experience cer-
tain conditions that clue them in to real-time dream awareness. Here
are 10 of them.

1� Knowing a dream is progress. The dreamer realizes that he or she is in

a dream while it is happening. The realization may come in a false
awakening. The dreamer thinks he or she wakes up, while in fact he
or she is still dreaming.
2� The ability to change the course of a dream. Lucidity enables dreamers
to control their dreams in different ways. Sometimes dreamers
can decide exactly what is going to happen, such as the actions of
themselves and other characters in a dream. They can also rewrite
i 4  Dreams anD astral travel

Dream Tech

P eople vary in their ability to have lucid dreams. Some people

have lucid dreams almost every night, while others have them
infrequently. Researchers have learned how to teach people to in-
crease the number and frequency of their lucid dreams, usually by fol-
lowing the trial-and-error mental experiments recorded by dreamers
throughout history.
For about the past 50 years, people have also experimented with
technological devices that supposedly provide that extra helping hand
better than any visualization or thought process. Some of the devices
for aiding lucid dreaming are:
Masks and goggles. These devices are designed to alert a sleep-
ing person when he or she starts to dream, usually by detecting the
fluttering of their eyelids during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
When those stages occur, the masks either flash soft lights or make
sounds through tiny speakers. The cues are not supposed to wake
the person completely, but alert them to a dreaming state. The idea
is that the dreamer can deliberately gain lucidity or awareness in the
Headphones. These pump in brain wave entrainment signals, such
as pulses of sound that are designed to alter states of consciousness.
The sounds help a dreamer stay in a prolonged state of borderland
sleep. Through this method it is hoped that lucid dreams will be more
likely to occur.
Hypnosis. Tape or CD recordings of hypnotic suggestions are
played while falling asleep. The suggestions instruct the dreamer to
become lucid while dreaming and to remember the dreams upon
Do dream tech devices work? Results are as varied as the natural
abilities of dreamers. Some dreamers say their success rates dramati-
cally increase, while others say the devices do not work well, or not at
all, for them. Bottom line: An individual simply doesn’t know until he
or she tries them.
the virtual reality of lucid Dreaming   4 j
dreams they don’t like. Not all lucid dreamers have total control.
Sometimes it is possible to alter only a small part of a dream.
3� The ability to feel physical sensation. Touching objects in a lucid dream
feels as real as it does in waking life.
4� Unusual abilities and actions. Lucid dreamers often feel weightless.
They fly, float, and levitate.
5� A strange “atmosphere.” Lucid dreams have a different “feel” to them.
For example, the atmosphere may feel heavy, like being underwater,
or else have an electrical quality, like the supercharged air just before
a thunderstorm.
6� Brilliant light. Lucid dreams may be flooded with intense white light,
sometimes enough to make dreamers squint or shield their eyes.
� Vivid colors. Colors in lucid dreams are exaggerated. They are excep-
tionally bright, sometimes fluorescent. Some lucid dreamers say the
colors are “not of this world.”
� Intense emotions. Like colors, emotions are exaggerated and height-
ened. Lucid dreamers report feelings of euphoria and excitement.
� Mental sharpness. Lucid dreamers feel they have increased brain-
power and are able to understand complex things and find solutions
to problems.
10� Out-of-body sensations. Strange sounds in the ears, such as ringing,
roaring, and buzzing, as well as electrical sensations in the body, are
sometimes experienced at the start of lucid dreaming. People who
have out-of-body experiences report the same sensations.

While these characteristics appear in many lucid dreams, they do

not guarantee a lucid dream. All lucid dreamers must learn over time
what signals a lucid dream to them.

how to hAve A luciD DreAm

Lucid dreamers experiment to find the best ways to encourage lucid
dreaming. Many find that meditation before going to sleep is one of
the best techniques. They quiet their minds and concentrate on an
i 50  Dreams anD astral travel

intention to have and remember a lucid dream: “I will have a lucid

dream tonight and I will remember it when I wake up.” It is necessary
to relax one’s body as much as possible and focus on calm breathing.
Let go of thoughts about the day.
Another technique is to decide on a symbol that will help awaken
one to lucidity whenever it appears in a dream. For example, one might
say, “Whenever I see a dove, then I know I am dreaming.” The symbol
should be something that will stand out and be noticed.
Some people discover that sleeping in certain positions is helpful;
these vary according to individuals. Sleeping on one’s back or on either
side is more successful for most than sleeping on the stomach.
Some lucid dreamers experiment with techniques for WILDs, or
Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreaming. Some prefer to sleep first, then wake
up and focus on having a lucid dream through self-suggestion. Others
have more success during the day at times when they feel like taking
naps. Discussions and tips for all kinds of lucid dreaming can be found
on The Lucidity Institute’s Web site,

wAys to stAy luciD

One of the most difficult aspects of lucid dreaming is staying in the
dream. For many dreamers, as soon as they realize they are lucid, the
dream ends. Researchers have learned a few methods of retaining lu-
cidity that work for many people.

1� Focus on something solid. Focus on an object, the ground, or the

body. Touch something solid. Hold your hands up in front of you.
2� Spin around. This is a favorite technique of LaBerge. As he or she
spins, the dreamer should say, “The next object I encounter will be in
the dream,” and then stop spinning.
3� Stay calm. It’s exciting to be in a lucid dream, but the heightened
emotion may actually be a dream killer. One way to stay calm is to
repeat, “This is a dream” or “I am dreaming.”
the virtual reality of lucid Dreaming   51 j
whAt to Do in A luciD DreAm
The first thing to do in a lucid dream is direct the action, which will
be determined by the dream itself. It is fun to experiment by trying
to levitate or fly. With practice, lucid dreamers attempt more compli-
cated tasks. They may ask for a creative idea or a solution to a problem.
They may visit specific places and people on earth or travel around
in other dimensions. They may seek to be healed of fears, phobias,
injuries, and illnesses.
Researchers and lucid dreamers agree that it is important to act
responsibly and not do anything in the dream world that would not be
proper in the waking world.
Lucid dreaming is one of the most exciting frontiers in dream re-
search. By studying lucid dreams, people may learn more about the
reasons for dreams and how dreams work.
night Flying

I n biblical lore Enoch is the son of Jared and the seventh

descendant of Adam and Eve. One day he takes a nap on his couch
and has a mind-bending experience. A “great distress” comes into his
heart. It seems that he wakes up. Enoch is startled to see two huge
beings in front of him. They are angels in the guise of men, shining
like the sun, with eyes like burning lamps and lips that emit fire. They
are whiter than snow, with wings brighter than gold.
The angels inform Enoch that they have been sent by God to take
him on a trip. He goes out of his body and rides on the wings of the
angels up to heaven.
There, Enoch is given the tour of all tours and sees every level of
heaven, the angels in them, and the souls of the dead. He is told about
the creation of the world and all things and is shown the future. Enoch
is instructed to write it all down, and he takes furious dictation from
an angel named Pravuil. He is returned to earth with orders to teach
others what he has been shown.

Three versions of the book of Enoch are known to have been

written. Each one tells a different version of the same story and what
Enoch saw in the heavens. Although credited to Enoch, they were
probably written by different writers between the second century bce
and the sixth century ce.

i 53 j
i 54  Dreams anD astral travel

The ancient writers did not use terms like astral travel or out-of-
body experience, but the description of Enoch’s adventure is similar
to astral journeys described today. In modern terms Enoch did some
astral traveling while dreaming a lucid dream. He experienced a “false
awakening,” thinking he awakened to see the angels, when in fact they
were part of his lucid dream.
Throughout history, people have had amazing journeys in various
states of sleep. They wake up wondering whether the experience was
real or only a dream. The ancients believed their dreams were real
experiences in their own right, a belief that continues in many cultures
around the world today.
Who are some other spectacular astral travelers?

emAnuel sweDenborG
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) was a Swedish scientist and mystic
who took numerous astral trips to heaven and hell. He communicated
with God, angels, and demons. He described in great detail the or-
ganization of the afterlife. He believed that people choose their own
heaven or hell based on their choices and actions in life.
Swedenborg was well educated and was an inventor. He worked on
designs for submarines, air guns, and even flying machines. He also
worked as an assessor in the mining industry. His life changed sud-
denly in 1743 when he began having ecstatic visions. He was overcome
with revelations about heaven and hell, the work of angels and spirits,
the true meaning of the Bible, and the order of the universe.
The experiences took place in the borderland states between sleep
and wakefulness, either as he was going to sleep or as he was awakening.
In this twilight state of consciousness, he found himself transported
to other realms and able to talk to the dead and spirits. Swedenborg
called these visionary travels being “in the spirit.” He knew that he
was out of his body.
Although the experiences took place in a state of semi-sleep, he
maintained that he was fully aware of what he was doing. Over time,
night Flying   55 j

Figure 5.1 Swedish scientist, philosopher, and religious mystic Emanuel

Swedenborg gave extensive accounts of his experiences with astral travel. (Getty

he learned how to astral travel at will and not depend on the sleep
state. He used his breathing to begin and control his journeys. He
could remain out-of-body for up to three days at a time.
Swedenborg believed that angels cause our dreams and that the im-
ages in dreams reflect the thoughts and feelings of angels. Convinced
i 56  Dreams anD astral travel

that God had selected him to be his spiritual emissary, he quit his job
in 1747 to devote himself fully to his visionary work. He recorded his
astral experiences in 30 books, all written in Latin.
Swedenborg said that immediately after death, the soul goes to an
intermediary state called the “spiritual world” or the “world of the
spirits,” halfway between earth and heaven and hell. The soul awakens
in an environment similar to the one it left behind. This is called “first
state.” It is the first of three states, and it lasts for a few days. Angels,
friends, and relatives come to greet the newcomer. If a spouse has pre-
ceded the newly arrived soul, they may reunite.
The first state is followed by second state in which the soul under-
goes an intense self-examination. In the third state, wicked souls go
to hell and good souls go to heaven, where they prepare to become
Swedenborg’s ideas were controversial in his day and have remained
so to present times, even though he has many followers. A church was
founded on his philosophy. Whether or not people agree with him,
the record of his dreamy astral travels is a fascinating example of the
mysterious realms that lie beyond wakefulness.

oliver Fox
Englishman Oliver Fox (1885–1949), born Hugh G. Callaway, was a
sickly child and spent a great deal of time in bed. However, he did
not experience astral travel until adulthood, when he had spontane-
ous experiences during lucid dreaming. With practice he learned how
to recognize that he was dreaming, by having a false awakening, and
then to direct his astral travel. He called his astral travel dreams the
“Dream of Knowledge.”1
Fox experimented heavily in astral travel dreaming between 1902
and 1938. He improved his techniques, learning how to astral travel
while in a drowsy state before falling asleep. His body felt as though it
was sleeping, but his mind was alert. Then Fox was able to astral project
himself out of his body entirely without the “Dream of Knowledge.”
night Flying   5 j
Fox viewed his lucid dream world as comparable to the astral
plane, an invisible level of reality that exists next to the physical world.
His “Dream of Knowledge” was characterized by a sensation of atmo-
spheric changes, which he described as the pressurized feeling that
builds before an electrical storm.
He experienced flying and levitation; telepathy with others;
religious visions, such as seeing the figure of Christ (which he de-
cided was a thought-form, not the real Christ); and precognition (he
viewed a test prior to his taking it, and correctly saw two questions
that would be asked).
His adventures abruptly came to an end when one day he found
himself unable to project out of his body. Consulting a medium, he
was told that higher spiritual powers had ended his travels because
they said he was becoming too attuned to psychic forces that might
sweep him away before his work in his physical body on earth was
Fox’s astral travels autobiography, Astral Projection: A Record of Out-
of-the-Body Experiences, was published around 1938.

sylvAn mulDoon
Sylvan Muldoon (1907–1971) also was a sickly child who spent a lot of
time in bed. At age 12, he suddenly began having out-of-body experi-
ences (OBEs). His first experience occurred during a visit to a spiritu-
alist camp with his mother.
Muldoon researched astral travel from 1915 to 1950. He traveled
about in a double of his physical body. He believed that dreams of fall-
ing and flying corresponded to movements during astral travel. Many
of his OBEs began with flying dreams. He had the best results when
he fasted. He believed that the lack of food encouraged his double to
separate more easily from his physical body because it needed energy
and went out to search for a source.2 Like other dream travelers, Mul-
doon eventually learned how to project himself out of his body at will,
and without being dependent upon sleeping and dreaming.
i 5  Dreams anD astral travel

Figure 5.2 American researcher Sylvan Muldoon was an authority on out-of-

body experiences and astral travel. (Mary Evans Picture Library/The Image Works)
night Flying   5 j
He wrote of his research and experiences in The Projection of the As-
tral Body (1936), co-authored with the prominent psychical researcher
Hereward Carrington. As Muldoon’s health improved, his astral travel
became less frequent.

robert monroe
In 1958 an American radio and television executive named Robert A.
Monroe (1915–1995) began astral traveling spontaneously while re-
laxed and near sleep. Monroe had incredible experiences not limited to
the earth plane, but reaching to realms including the transition plane
between life and the afterlife. He had contact with dead people and
nonhuman beings. Like Fox, he conducted his own research, which led
to his writing several books and establishing The Monroe Institute in
Faber, Virginia. Monroe developed his own techniques for launching
astral travel using guided meditation and sound.
Monroe’s first astral travel experiences began when he would lie
down to go to sleep. Before he reached sleep—when he was in the
hypnagogic stage—he would experience a buzzing and vibrating and
feel himself lift out of his body. Like an explorer touching the shores
of an unknown land, Monroe explored and mapped the astral realm.
He described an astonishing range of experiences, both pleas-
ant and unpleasant, in which he encountered other beings, some
of whom were helpful to him; demonic or subhuman entities and
thought-forms that attacked him; a benevolent energy presence of
overwhelming magnitude (he does not say whether or not it was
“God”); and the astral bodies of other humans. Monroe found that
the relaxed state of presleep, the hypnagogic state, is an ideal me-
dium for astral traveling. The key is developing the ability to hold
onto lucidity instead of falling asleep. He named this “mind awake/
body asleep.”
He found that a specific sleeping posture helped him to attain this
state. He called it “rotation” or “peel-off.” He would lie on his back,
and as he dropped into sleep, he would slowly turn over without using
i 60  Dreams anD astral travel

his arms or legs for assistance. When he had turned 180 degrees, he
would think of floating up and away.
Monroe found that in his astral double he could pass through solid
objects and go instantly to any place that he thought about. At first he
tried to stay close to his physical body while he practiced staying in
control. Over time he traveled further and further out. He identified
levels of reality he found:

• Locale I is the here-and-now earth plane, people and places in the

physical world.
• Locale II is the infinite astral plane, the place where dreams occur,
and which incorporates concepts of heaven and hell. Many of the
places in this level seem familiar, he said, for they are the creations of

Shared Dreams

D o you think your dreams are private? Not so much as you might
Evidence that dreams overlap has existed since ancient times. Two
or more persons can share the same dream, either spontaneously or by
deliberate intent.
Today the phenomenon of shared dreams is called mutual dreaming.
Studies show that about one-third of dreams are shared in some way. The
figure may be even higher. Most people do not talk about their dreams,
so there are few avenues for discovering whether or not one has shared a
dream with someone.
Mutual dreams are more likely to happen between persons who are
emotionally linked and living close together, such as spouses and romantic
partners, family members, and close friends. They can occur between co-
workers, casual acquaintances, and even strangers, though this is less likely.
Shared dreams happen in various degrees.
night Flying   61 j
consciousness and have been mapped and visited by countless souls.
Here are the dead as well as nonhuman entities.
• Locale III transcends time and space and appears to be a paral-
lel universe located on the other side of a hole in the space–time
continuum. According to Monroe, there are yet unidentified, higher
realms beyond our ability to comprehend.

In 1975 Monroe patented a sound wave system called Hemi-Sync

(for hemispheric synchronization), which balances the right and left
hemispheres of the brain and which is used in The Monroe Institute
training systems.
All of these famous night fliers felt they traveled somewhere be-
yond the physical earth. Where exactly did they go?

1� Mutual recognition. Two or more dreamers see and recognize each

other in their dreams, even though the dream action may not be
2� Mutual dream elements. Objects, settings, actions, dialogue, and
other details are the same or similar in shared dreams.
3� Shared plot, different characters. The dreams are similar in plot and
action, but do not necessarily include the other dreamers.
4� Lucidity and out-of-body experience. Dreamers experience each other
in lucid circumstances or initiate OBEs together in dreams.
5� Precognition. Dreamers see the same future event.

Some researchers, including Linda Lane Magallon, the author of Mu-

tual Dreaming (1997), think that mutual dreaming may reveal how human
beings are connected to each other in a universal way.3 One of the best
ways to discover if one is sharing mutual dreams is to compare dreams on
a regular basis with family and friends or join a dream group.
the Astral world

W here do people go when they dream? Is there a single destina-

tion or many destinations? The ancients believed that dream-
ing involved literal travel to another place where the rules of time and
space are different. Many modern scientists believe that no travel is
involved in dreaming. Rather, dream images are served up like movies
from the subconscious mind. On the other hand, many dreamers feel
they are definitely out of their bodies when they dream. Out-of-body
experiences also can occur during waking consciousness, especially
in meditation. In either dreams or wakefulness, people may have the
feeling of being out of the body without actually seeing it or they may
see their own sleeping body.
Dream researchers distinguish OBE dreams from lucid dreams.
Stephen LaBerge’s studies have indicated that about 9 percent of lucid
dreams also are OBE dreams. It is often difficult for many dreamers to
draw a line between the two: OBE dreams are lucid and lucid dreams
involve OBEs. The feeling of being out of body may be more pro-
nounced in some lucid dreams than in others. For example, a dreamer
may be specifically aware of leaving and reentering his or her body. In
other cases, a dreamer may simply know he or she is outside the body
at the same time as realizing he or she is lucid dreaming.
The frequent out-of-body traveler Oliver Fox reported that he
rarely saw his own body, though he often saw the sleeping body of

i 63 j
i 64  Dreams anD astral travel

his wife. Both Fox and Sylvan Muldoon concluded that out-of-body
projections vary according to the individual.
Dream traveling is the visiting of distant places while asleep. The
places may be on earth or in other realms. Dream traveling may be
marked by sensations of flying and varying degrees of lucidity.

the AstrAl plAne

If travel is involved in dreaming, it may occur on the astral plane.
Since ancient times this has been described as an otherworldly
place, but it has not necessarily been called “the astral plane.” People
have visited there without dreaming, through spontaneous and de-
liberate OBEs.
According to descriptions, the astral plane is a level of existence
that lies next to the physical world but is invisible. The astral plane
has no natural landscape of its own. It is white, formless, and very
fluid. Duplicates of everything in the physical world exist on the astral
plane. It is inhabited with duplicates of ourselves that appear as figures
in our dreams, and by other beings. Although astral forms are dupli-
cates, they look shadowy, like phantoms. Nothing on the astral plane
is completely solid.

the AstrAl boDy

Traveling to the astral plane and realms beyond is done in a vehicle
called the astral body, an exact duplicate of the physical body. The
astral body has been called by different names. Sylvan Muldoon called
the astral body the “soul body.” Robert A. Monroe, who became fa-
mous for his out-of-body journeys, called the astral body the “second
body.” His own second body appeared as a bright, glowing outline
duplicating the physical. It could register touch, and it moved accord-
ing to his thought. The astral body passes through the solid objects in
physical reality, such as walls, ceilings, mountains, and so forth. It is
not affected by the elements.1
the astral World   65 j

Figure 6.1 The astral body leaves the physical body during astral travel.
(O. Burriel/Photo Researchers, Inc.)

The astral body stays connected to the physical body by the as-
tral cord, a silver cord that resembles an elastic, umbilical cord of
infi nite length. It joins the two bodies at the heads: the forehead of
the physical form and the back of the skull of the astral form. The
astral cord has been described by such terms as “a coil of light,” “a
luminous garden-hose,” “a strong ray of light,” “a lighted cord,” and
“a tail of light.”
References to the astral cord appear in ancient writings of the Egyp-
tians, Indians, and Chinese, and in Greece. It is mentioned in Ecclesi-
astes 12:6-7: “Remember Him before the silver cord is broken and the
golden bowl is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and the wheel
at the cistern is crushed; then the dust will return to the earth as it was,
and the spirit will return to God who gave it.” The verses refer to paying
attention to spiritual matters before life is ended.
i 66  Dreams anD astral travel

The cord allows the astral body to range anywhere in the universe.
The closer the astral body is to the physical body, the thicker the cord.
According to esoteric tradition, the astral cord enables the astral body
to rejoin the physical body. When a person dies, the cord is cut.
Muldoon observed that breath travels from the astral to the physi-
cal via the astral cord. “You breathe in the Astral, and your heart beats
in the Astral. . . . Your physical heart beats because within it the Astral
heart beats,” he said. “Each breath taken in the Astral can be seen
pulsing over the ‘cord’ and causes a duplicate breath to be taken by
the body.”
Many persons who astral travel, whether in dreams or in spontane-
ous experiences, say they can see the astral cord.

AstrAl trAvel
Astral travel is the ability to journey in the astral body to distant
places in an instant. Places include locations on earth, the astral plane,
and other realms beyond. Astral travel is sometimes called “astral
The leaving of the physical body is often preceded by strong, high-
frequency vibrations. Prior to separation people feel electrical sensations
in their body or hear loud buzzing, roaring, or ringing sounds. These
sensations can occur in lucid dreams and become part of the dream.
Individuals leave their bodies through their head or solar plexus
or by rising up and floating away. The physical body appears to be
sleeping or in a coma-like state. Consciousness remains connected to
the body via the astral cord. Reentry is accomplished by returning
through the head or solar plexus or by melting back into the body.
There are many descriptions of journeying to other realms in
ancient literature. The ancient Egyptians described a ba, or soul-like
essence that manifested outside the body during sleep and after death.
It was often portrayed as a bird with a human head. The ka was the
vital essence, a collective energy that was part of every individual and
which could be projected outward.
the astral World   6 j
Around the seventh century bce, the Greeks adopted an
Eastern concept of out-of-body travel during sleep. This concept
was embraced by the Greek religious movement called Orphism,

Going to Astral School

O rdinary dreams of going to school are common, but sometimes

the classroom or teaching institution seems out of this world.
Many dreamers feel that they travel to the astral plane to attend class
for spiritual instruction.
Michael Talbot, the author of The Holographic Universe and The
Reincarnation Handbook, had astral school dreams often. He gave this

Throughout my high school and college years I had vivid and

frequent dreams that I was attending classes on spiritual subjects
at a strangely beautiful university in some sublime and other
worldly place. These were not anxiety dreams about going to
school, but incredibly pleasant flying dreams in which I floated
weightlessly to lectures on the human energy field and reincar-
nation. During these dreams I sometimes encountered people I
had known in this life but who had died, and even people who
identified themselves as souls about to be reborn. Intriguingly, I
have met several other individuals, usually people with more than
normal psychic ability, who had also had these dreams. One, a
talented Texas clairvoyant . . . was so baffled by the experience
that he often asked his nonplussed mother why he had to go to
school twice, once during the day with all the other children, and
once at night while he slept.2

Is it possible that people get an education in dreams that they

could not get in an earthly classroom? Dreamers who have these ex-
periences must decide for themselves.
i 6  Dreams anD astral travel

which influenced many of Greece’s later great thinkers, including

Pythagoras and Plato.
Following the thread of Orphic thought, Plato called dreams “the
between state,” a real place where the human soul went during sleep
to meet the gods and demigods who are otherwise inaccessible. He
said that dreams are another way to know the world besides sense and
experience; people can receive “the inspired word” of the divine in
their sleep. Socrates, Pliny, and Plotinus gave descriptions of experi-
ences that resemble astral travel; Plotinus wrote of being “lifted out of
the body into myself” on many occasions. Plutarch described an astral
projection that occurred to Aridanaeus in 79 ce.
Saints and mystics recorded their astral travel experiences, usually
to the heavens to have conversations with divine figures. In the East-
ern mystical traditions techniques are taught in the yogas (spiritual
and philosophical disciplines) for mastering astral travel.

whAt DreAmers Do
DurinG AstrAl trAvel
Sometimes astral travel dreams seem like adventures for fun: There
are sensations of flying and of visiting places on earth and “somewhere
else.” Dreamers experiment with passing through solid objects such as
doors and furniture, levitating, flying, and moving objects.
Sometimes dreamers feel they are summoned by higher spiritual
forces, who may remain hidden, to perform certain tasks. Monroe said
that sometimes he was called or drawn by a signal or energy that pulled
him to another location, where he found another person in need of
help. For example, he met newly deceased souls who had arrived in the
astral plane but were not aware that they were dead. They needed to
be gently informed of their passage out of physical life and redirected
into the afterlife.
the psychic side of Dreams

O ne night in August 2001, a man in Iowa has a terrifying night-

mare. He dreams that a plane crashes into a tall building some-
where and many people die. The dream is so vivid and realistic that
it seems like a real event. The next morning, he searches the news
headlines, half expecting to see his dream played out. He is relieved
there was no such tragedy, and it was “only a dream.”
The dream happens in real life, however—but not until Septem-
ber 11, 2001, when terrorists crash two jumbo passenger jets into the
World Trade Center towers in New York City. The buildings collapse,
and several thousand people die.
The man in Iowa previewed the disaster in a psychic dream. He
had plenty of company; many others dreamed vivid details about 9/11
in advance. They dreamed about the World Trade Center, the plane
that hit the Pentagon, and the plane that crashed near Shanksville,
Pennsylvania. The dreams were filled with scenes that later took place:
planes crashing into buildings, planes crashing on the ground, tall
buildings collapsing, flames shooting out of buildings, people running
covered in gray ash, and feelings of panic, mass death, and war. These
nightmarish dreams were so realistic that many people awoke from
them in terror and sweat.
Examples of some of the dreams reported in the weeks after 9/11

i 6 j
i 0  Dreams anD astral travel

I dreamed that chaos and destruction had erupted. It seemed

like the end of the world. There was a gray film over every-
thing, like a nuclear winter. People were running all over.

I was in a city where a tall building was on fire. People were

screaming in the windows, and some were jumping.

A plane fell out of the sky into a city. I seemed to be watching

from above and far away. I just knew that there were a lot of
people dead. I felt awful.

Other dreamers reported dreams in which they felt a vague sense

of dread that “something terrible” was going to happen soon.
While these dreams captured elements of the 9/11 terrorist attacks,
few of the dreamers knew they were previewing a specific future event.
A dream that a tall building is collapsing would not have sparked the
immediate connection that terrorists were going to fly planes into
the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001. The
dreams simply seemed nightmarish, disturbing, and unusual in the
course of “normal dreaming.” Only after the events took place were
the dreamers able to match the dream to the circumstances.

precoGnition DreAms
A dream that previews coming events is a precognition, or direct
knowing of the future. Precognitive dreaming has been reported
since ancient times. They are the most common psychic dreams.
Precognition alone can occur in a variety of ways, including visions
during waking hours. According to studies by parapsychologists, most
precognitions—60 to 70 percent—occur in dreams.1 Dreams seem to
be efficient carriers for psychic, or psi, information, such as knowledge
of future events. No one knows for certain why. One possible explana-
tion is that when people are asleep, their minds can access information
outside of linear time.
the Psychic side of Dreams   1 j
Studies have also shown that most precognitive dreams happen
within 24 to 48 hours of the actual event. It is possible, however, to
dream of events months in advance.
No one knows why some people have precognitive dreams and oth-
ers do not. Precognitive dreams do not depend upon a person’s psychic
ability or their personal relationship to the event. While many pre-
cognitive dreams do deal with things about to happen to an individ-
ual’s family and friends, some concern big events, such as large-scale
disasters, that emotionally shock a large number of people. Famous
examples of precognitive dreams about shocking events involve the
assassinations of important people.
Calpurnia, the wife of Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, had a dream
in which Roman senators stabbed a statue of her husband with knives,
and blood flowed from the statue. She did not know that several sena-
tors were indeed plotting to kill her husband. Nonetheless, Calpurnia
awakened certain that her husband would be killed that very day in the
public Forum. Caesar was skeptical and told a senator, Decius, about
Calpurnia’s dream. Decius was one of the conspirators. He told Caesar
the dream was a favorable omen about future Roman victories. Caesar
went to the Forum as planned that day—and was stabbed to death by
his enemies.
Around April 1865 President Abraham Lincoln had an eerie dream
forecasting his own death. He wrote:

About ten days ago, I retired very late. I had been up

waiting for important dispatches from the front. I could
not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber, for I
was weary. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a
death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs,
as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my
bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was bro-
ken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were
invisible. I went from room to room; no living person was
in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met
i 2  Dreams anD astral travel

me as I passed along. I saw light in all the rooms; every

object was familiar to me; but where were all the people
who were grieving as if their hearts would break? I was
puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all
this? Determined to find the cause of a state of things
so mysterious and so shocking, I kept on until I arrived
at the East Room, which I entered. There I met with a
sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which
rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it
were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and
there was a throng of people, gazing mournfully upon
the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping piti-
fully. “Who is dead in the White House?” I demanded of
one of the soldiers, “The President,” was his answer; “he
was killed by an assassin.” Then came a loud burst of grief
from the crowd, which woke me from my dream. I slept
no more that night; and although it was only a dream, I
have been strangely annoyed by it ever since.

On April 14 Lincoln was shot to death by John Wilkes Booth at

Ford’s Theater. His body was laid out for a wake in the East Room of
the White House, just as he had seen in his dream.
On June 28, 1914, the assassination of Austria’s Archduke Franz
Ferdinand and his wife ignited political tensions that set off World
War I. The night before they were killed, the former tutor of the arch-
duke, Bishop Joseph Lanyi of Grosswardein, Hungary, dreamed about
the assassination almost exactly as it happened. The couple was shot
as they rode in an open car in a motorcade. Lanyi made a sketch of
his dream. The sketch matched a photograph taken at the scene and
published in newspapers.
Besides assassinations, there have been precognitive dreams re-
ported prior to airplane crashes, train wrecks, fires, natural disasters,
highway accidents, and other calamities. In most cases the events
happen, anyway. Sometimes, however, precognitive dreams may have
the Psychic side of Dreams   3 j
helped individuals avoid a disaster, as in the case of the sinking of the
Titanic on its maiden voyage in 1912.
As long as two weeks before the supposedly unsinkable ship sailed
out of England on April 10, people who were planning to be aboard
had warning dreams or bad feelings that the ship was “doomed.”2
Some of those persons canceled their plans, among them the American
financier J. Pierpont Morgan. He officially canceled his trip for busi-
ness reasons. However, Morgan was a financier of the ship, and was
enthusiastic about being present on its maiden voyage. It is not known
whether or not he had a dream or negative feelings combined with a
dream. The ship sailed without a full passenger load, which was un-
usual considering the advance publicity given the superliner. On April
12, the ship hit an iceberg and sank, killing 1,502 of the 2,207 aboard.
Similarly, when the Empress of Ireland sank in the Lawrence River in
1914, its first-class cabins were two-thirds empty and its second-class
accomodations half-empty.
What made people stay away from these particular voyages?
People may have paid attention to psychic warnings through dreams
and premonitions. It is difficult for researchers to pinpoint origins,
because bad feelings in dreams may combine with bad feelings in wak-
ing consciousness. Much depends on the extent to which an individual
pays attention to dreams. It may never be possible to separate dream
intuition from waking intuition.
In the 1960s researcher W.E. Cox examined rail passenger loads
on American trains that had accidents between 1950–1955. He found
a remarkable drop-off in average passenger counts on some, but not
all, accident days. Cox concluded that many people who had intended
to travel on disaster-bound trains may have unconsciously, or for
some unusual reason, altered their plans or missed the trains by being
late.3 He was not able to interview people about why they made their
travel choices, but the unexplained and significant drop in passenger
loads suggested intuitive or psychic feelings that influenced travel.
Some of these uneasy feelings were likely to have been transmitted
in dreams.
i 4  Dreams anD astral travel

Plenty of anecdotal testimony exists that people do dream the

future or at least pieces of it. For example, on February 1, 2003, the
Columbia space shuttle broke apart minutes from its scheduled land-
ing in Florida, killing the seven astronauts aboard. The meteor-like
disintegration of the craft 60 miles up in the morning sky played on
television to shocked audiences. Once again, many dreamers real-
ized after the fact that they had had precognitive elements in dreams
concerning this tragedy, but like the 9/11 attacks, no one had the
whole picture. Once again, people regretted not foreseeing enough to
perhaps prevent the disaster.
Perhaps the most famous precognitive dream about an airplane
disaster is the tragic crash of American Airlines Flight 191 in 1979.
On May 25 a DC-10 jumbo jet with 270 people aboard took off from
Chicago’s O’Hare airfield bound for Los Angeles. On takeoff one
of the massive engines fell off the plane, and the second engine shut
down. The plane was 500 feet in the air when it turned radically on
its side with one wing tilted up, and then fell to the earth. Everyone
aboard was killed. At the time, it was the worst air disaster in the
United States.
This accident was seen in advance in vivid detail in precognitive
dreams of at least two people, who alerted others in advance of the im-
pending disaster. Unfortunately, there was not enough information to
avert the accident. In the aftermath of the tragedy the same questions
arose about the purpose of precognitive dreaming as arose more than
20 years later after 9/11 and Columbia. If people get advance warning
of a future event, why do they not get enough information to change
course? If a disaster or undesirable event can’t be prevented, what is
the purpose of psychic dreaming?
One of the dreamers of Flight 191 was a New York woman who
had a history of precognitive dreaming, and had accurately predicted
other air disasters. In 1978 she had dreamed in advance of another
famous disaster that occurred that September. A PSA jetliner with
144 people aboard, en route from Los Angeles to San Diego, was
near landing when it collided with a private plane and plunged to the
the Psychic side of Dreams   5 j
ground in flames. Everyone aboard the jetliner was killed, as well
as the two people aboard the private plane. In her dream there was
a plane in the sky headed for California; the dream was permeated
with a feeling of imminent disaster.
The woman, a counselor who made numerous appearances on ra-
dio, was on air the next morning in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, where she
related her dream. Three hours later, the news of the disaster broke. It
was the worst air disaster to date, but would be superseded by the 1979
American Airlines Flight 191 crash.
Less than five months later she began having dreams of another
airline disaster, this time in the Midwest. She felt it was still weeks or
months away, but she was certain that it would happen. On March 12,
she made the prediction on a radio show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Off the
air, she gave the name of the airlines to the show host. It was American
Airlines, and the plane would be headed for California.
The woman dreamed again of the impending crash, and gave de-
tails on a radio show in Savannah, Georgia, on April 26. It would be a
jumbo jet. The accident was less than one month away. However, she
was not certain of the exact location where it would happen.
Recurring and disturbing dreams of the accident made her reluctant
to fall asleep. She dreamed of being both a passenger on the doomed
plane and a spectator to the crash. In the dream, she was a passenger
as the plane went down. After the plane crashed and everyone was
dead, she walked away as a spectator. At that point, she bolted awake,
Another significant precognitive dreamer was a man in Ohio, who
had no previous experience of psychic dreams. On May 16, 1979, he
was jarred awake by a terrifying vision of an airplane crash. In the
dream, he was looking out to the right over a field with a diagonal tree
line. He looked up into the sky and saw a big jet whose engines were
making an unusual noise. He had no sense of danger or impending
doom, but then the plane started to turn with its wing pulled way up.
It flipped onto its back and dove straight into ground, exploding. As
the sound died out, he woke up.
i 6  Dreams anD astral travel

The dream was frightening and unlike any he had ever had. He
tried to forget it, but the emotional impact of it and the vividness of
the images remained with him throughout the day. The dream re-
peated a second time. When he awoke, the man found he’d been
crying in his sleep. This time he felt a sense of urgency, that he
must take action fast. The dream repeated every night. On May
22, after the seventh dream, the man called the local office of the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He relayed the dream and
said the plane was an American Airlines jet with a big engine on the
tail. An FAA official reviewed details with him. But unfortunately,
the dream gave no information as to where and when this accident
would happen.
On May 25 he had the dream for the 10th time. He awoke with
a different feeling. He knew he would never have the dream again.
Throughout the day he was upset and distracted, so much so that he
left work early at 4 p.m., the very time when the doomed plane was
taking off at Chicago (where it was 3 p.m.). The disaster happened as
he had witnessed it in his dream. He did not see or know an engine fell
off, but witnesses captured dramatic photographs of the plane turned
with its wing up before diving into the ground.
When he heard the news, the man knew that the plane crash
was his dream. Understandably, he blamed himself for not being
able to prevent the accident. He wondered if only he had gotten a
little more information, he could have stopped it. He thought he
had been singled out as the only person in the whole world to see
it in advance. Much later, he still felt the crash could have been
prevented, if he or someone else had been able to preview the right
No one yet knows how to improve the accuracy of precognitive
dreaming in order to make it useful to society. It also would be ideal
if people could produce precognitive dreams on demand, instead of
waiting for them to happen at random.
the Psychic side of Dreams    j

Figure 7.1 Smoke pours from a building where American Airlines Flight 191
crashed just after takeoff on May 25, 1979. A man claimed to have had a total of
10 different dreams that foretold the crash. (AP Photo)

telepAthy DreAms
The second most common psychic dream involves telepathy, the
transmission of thoughts from one person to another. Ancient people
i   Dreams anD astral travel

believed this was possible and used dream telepathy to send messages
and entire dreams to targeted recipients.
Sigmund Freud observed that “sleep creates favorable conditions
for telepathy,” and referred often to dream telepathy in his clinical
psychiatric work with patients.
telepathic dreaming has been of interest to psychical researchers
and parapsychologists since the late nineteenth century. The founders
of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) in London collected 149
dream telepathy cases in their study of spontaneous paranormal expe-
riences, published in Phantasms of the Living (1886). More than half of
the dream telepathy cases involved death, crisis, or distress.
The first known effort to induce telepathic dreams in a controlled
experiment was conducted in the late 1800s by an Italian psychical

Can Precognitive Dreams Prevent Disasters?

I f people can dream the future, then can dreams about coming
disasters be used to prevent those events from taking place? It
sounds logical, but in reality, psychic dreams are too unreliable.
On October 21, 1966, a landslide of coal mine waste tumbled down
a mountain in Aberfan, Wales, and buried a school, killing 28 adults and
116 children. Up to two weeks beforehand, 200 people experienced
precognitions about the disaster, including dreams, visions, and uneasy
feelings. One especially chilling precognitive dream was had by a young
girl the night before the disaster. In the morning, she told her mother
she had dreamed that everyone went to school, but there was no school
because “something black had come down all over it.” She also told her
mother she was not afraid to die, for she would be with two children
she knew. Sadly, the girl and the two children she named were killed
later that day.
the Psychic side of Dreams    j
researcher, G.B. Ermacora. He used a medium whose control spirit al-
legedly sent telepathic dreams to the medium’s four-year-old cousin.
Of all types of psychic dreams, telepathy has proved the easiest to
study in the laboratory.
Telepathic dream studies have been conducted in modern times,
some by the SPR and the American Society for Psychical Research, as
well as by others. An estimated 25 percent of cases of telepathy involve
The most famous dream telepathy research was conducted in the
1960s by researchers Montague Ullman and Stanley Krippner at the
now-defunct Dream Laboratory of the Maimonides Medical Center
in Brooklyn, New York. Here is how their research was done. When
volunteer subjects were in stages of REM sleep, a person in another

The disaster prompted the founding of the British Premonitions Bu-

reau in 1967. The bureau’s purpose was to collect and screen precognitive
warnings in an effort to avert other disasters. In 1968 the Central Premoni-
tions Bureau was established in New York City for the same purpose. Both
bureaus failed and closed in the 1980s. They failed because precognitive
information was never precise enough, as illustrated by the 9/11 dreams
that provided no details about when and where the event would occur.
Many tips the bureaus received were wrong altogether and about events
that never came to pass.
Individuals have reported that precognitive dreams have helped them
avoid problems and even tragedies, such as accidents. Large-scale disas-
ters seem to be another matter. Perhaps, as some people believe, such
events are destined to happen, no matter what. If so, then many questions
are raised about any individual’s ability to influence fate. Until researchers
better understand the nature of psychic dreaming, the answers to those
questions will remain hidden.
i 0  Dreams anD astral travel

room attempted to telepathically transmit a target image to them. The

subjects were then awakened and asked to describe their dreams. The
next day, they were shown several possible targets and asked to rank
them in terms of matching the content and emotions of their dreams.
Overall, the correlation of dreamed images to the “sent” target im-
ages was significantly above the number that could have occurred by
chance.6 Sometimes volunteers experienced precognition, dreaming
of the correct target images a day or two in advance. The rapport
between sender and dreamer was an important factor in success.
Researcher Harold Sherman did informal experiments with dream
telepathy and telepathic suggestion. He found he obtained the best
results with both sending and receiving impressions when in a relaxed
state bordering on the hypnagogic stage. Sherman also discovered that
he could use the same exercises to harness the tremendous creative
power of the subconscious mind. He would visualize what he desired
to achieve, such as meeting someone he needed to see. The subcon-
scious mind would attract the elements needed to materialize the goal.
He experimented doing these visualizations when he was certain that
others would be asleep, and therefore more likely to be receptive to his
telepathic images.
He also learned that suggestions cannot force others to do some-
thing against their will. Dream telepathy, he said, is not a way to con-
trol people.

iDentiFyinG psychic elements in DreAms

Most people experience at least one psychic dream in life, and some
people have them frequently. How does a person know when a dream
is ordinary and when it is psychic? Few dreams of car crashes and
airplane accidents are psychic. Rather, they are ordinary dreams using
those symbols to give personal messages to the dreamer.
People who have frequent psychic dreams learn over time to
recognize the signals, which can be different for each dreamer. For
example, many psychic dreams seem exceptionally “real” and not
the Psychic side of Dreams   1 j
dreamlike. The dreamer may have intense emotions, especially bad
feelings if the dream is a precognition of a disaster. There may be
certain symbols in a dream that say “psychic” to one dreamer but not
necessarily another.
Dreamwork, the interpretation of dreams, including psychic ones,
is not an exact science. Ultimately, a person must simply devote time
to recording and interpreting dreams in order to gain a broad under-
standing of them. It is discussed in Chapter 9.
Dreams that heal

I n ancient Greece a man who has been chronically ill is on the

most important journey of his life. Agares has been granted per-
mission to make a pilgrimage to Epidaurous, one of the largest healing
temples in the known world. Actually, it is a dream-healing temple,
for while Agares is there, he will try to dream his healing. No earthly
doctor has been able to help him. This is his last hope.
Agares is part of a group of pilgrims who are all seeking dream
healing. They take offerings of coins, food, and animals to the temple.
They are amazed by Epidaurous. It is like a small city, with numerous
buildings. There are houses for the dream priests, dormitories for the
pilgrims, baths, and a huge outdoor amphitheater for lectures and en-
tertainment. The pilgrims are shown their tiny cells, where they will
sleep on mats and dream.
After a ritual of purification that includes bathing and putting
on clean clothing, Agares meets with a dream priest and explains
his illness. The priest listens thoughtfully, and then instructs him
for dreaming. Agares is to light a certain oil lamp and recite certain
prayers asking Asklepios, the god of healing, to come to him in his
dreams and heal him.
The rest of the day and evening are spent in prayer. Before he re-
tires, Agares is given an herbal drink to help him sleep deeply. He
drinks, makes his final prayer, and then sleeps.

i 3 j
i 4  Dreams anD astral travel

Figure 8.1 A reproduction of Epidaurous shows the stadium (left) and the main
temple (right), which was dedicated to Askelpios, the Greek god of medicine and
healing. Ailing people would discuss their illness with a priest here and then sleep
overnight on couches. The next morning the temple priests would interpret their
dreams for a cure. (SSPL/The Image Works)

He dreams that he is visited by a glowing old man carrying a snake-

entwined staff, and accompanied by a dog. The old man touches him
but does not speak.
The next morning Agares meets with the priest and relates his
dream. The priest tells him he has been gifted healing by the touch of
the god. He will go home restored. Agares dictates a testimony, which
the priest engraves on a lead tablet that will remain at the temple to
inspire other pilgrims and give them hope.

Dreams have been valued around the world as a source of healing

for thousands of years. In the ancient world, dreams had three primary
purposes: to forecast the future, to provide the guidance of the gods,
and to aid healing. Records show that all kinds of ailments and
Dreams that Heal   5 j
conditions were cured with the help of dreams, from chronic illnesses
to blindness and lameness.
The dreaming undertaken by Agares is a process called incuba-
tion. A dream with a specific purpose is incubated, or birthed, through
ritual, request, and prayer. The best place to undertake healing dream
incubation was at one of many sacred dream temples scattered through-
out the classical world.
Dream healing was practiced in ancient Egypt, too. The great-
est temple was at Memphis, near Cairo. It was dedicated to the god
of healing, Imhotep, who was a mortal who lived during the Third
Dynasty (circa 2980 bce to 2570 bce). Imhotep was highly regarded in
his time. He was a physician, a skilled architect, and an astrologer to
the priests of the sun god, Ra. After death, Imhotep was elevated to
the status of god of medicine.
By the first millennium bce, dream incubation was a widespread
practice in Egypt. The Greeks, who borrowed heavily from the Egyp-
tians, also valued dreams, whose healing powers were directed by
Dream healing was absorbed into early Christianity and was given
over to angels rather than the pagan gods. Specifically, the archangel
Michael took the place of Asklepios and other deities. Michael was
petitioned for dream healing by Christian pilgrims to his own sacred
sites. The most important of these was a church at Eusebios, near Con-
stantinople. These temples were closed over the centuries as dreams
lost their importance in Christianity.
Dreams have been used by other cultures around the world for
healing for centuries. The ancient Chinese realized that dreams played
an important role in the diagnosis and maintenance of physical health.
The understanding of dreams is deeply embedded in Taoism, a system
of mysticism and philosophy, and the only native religion of China.
The ancient Chinese compiled and published dream dictionaries
and articles, dream diaries, and paintings and woodcuts of dreams in
progress. Magical spells against nightmares and bad dreams prolifer-
ated. Dream incubation was widely practiced.
i 6  Dreams anD astral travel

Figure 8.2 A bronze statue shows Imhotep, the Egyptian god of healing, hold-
ing an open papyrus scroll. (Getty Images)
Dreams that Heal    j
Like others in the ancient world, the Chinese had a dream god,
who could be petitioned to grant certain types of dreams. The Shih-
lei t’ung-pien (Compendium of Literary Allusions) refers to a dream
god called Chih-li, a name which probably was adopted from foreign
sources. Chih-li could be invoked for productive dreaming by reciting
a mantra or charm seven times before sleep.

DreAm heAlinG toDAy

Healing within dreams still occurs today. Instead of being visited by
a god, a dreamer might be treated by a modern dream doctor. The
images have changed to fit the times, but the purpose of them remains
the same. In some healing dreams, people say they are bathed in radi-
ant light that seems not of this world. Or, an angel visits them and
touches them. In still other dreams, dreamers are given information
via direct messages or in symbols that tell them how to improve heal-
ing that is taking place, such as from surgery or an injury.
Medical experts do not know how and why dream healing hap-
pens. The ancients believed in visits from the gods during dreams,
and so it made sense to them that the gods did the healing. Modern
experts think that dreaming may release natural healing powers that
exist within the patient.
Still others believe healing dreams to be a combination of inner
healing aided by the divine. For reasons we do not understand, these
forces seem to be more effective during dreaming sleep than during
waking consciousness.
Why doesn’t everyone who is sick have a healing dream? No one
knows the answer.

DreAminG DiAGnoses
In addition to aiding healing, dreams also forecast illness before actual
symptoms show up in the body. The diagnostic powers of dreams were
known to the ancients, including the dream-savvy Greeks.
i   Dreams anD astral travel

The famous Greek physician Galen, who lived in the second century
bce, had a dream healing that influenced his medical practice. At age
27 he suffered a potentially fatal condition from an abscess under his
diaphragm. He went to a dream temple devoted to Asklepios to dream
a cure. He had two dreams in which he opened an artery between the
thumb and forefinger and let it bleed until it stopped naturally. He
awakened knowing this was the cure. He performed this procedure on
himself, which drained his infection, and he was healed.
During the course of his career, Galen performed many operations
on his patients based on information obtained from dreams. He said

The Doctor Is In: Astral Travel Walk-ins Welcome

A sklepios was the reigning healer of the ancient dream world. People
who were ill would ask him to heal them in their dreams—or at
least tell them how they could be healed. Half god, half mortal, Asklepios
lived in the dreamy astral world of the gods. To see him required dream
astral travel. This was accomplished through ritual and prayer, often at a
special, secluded place.
Asklepios could heal because he had been gravely wounded and had
healed himself. The dream healer may have been based on a real person
by that name—Asklepios means “unceasingly gentle” in Greek—who
lived around the eleventh century bce.
According to myth, Asklepios’s mortal mother, Coronis, was unfaithful
to her husband, the god Apollo. Outraged, Apollo sent his sister, Arte-
mis, to kill Coronis by shooting her with an arrow. Her body was placed
on a funeral pyre. Before the body burned, Apollo snatched the baby
Asklepios, fathered by Coronis’s lover, from her womb. He gave Asklepios
to the centaur Chiron, who raised him in the mountains and taught him
the healing arts.
Asklepios became such an excellent healer that he could even raise
the dead. This threatened the immortal gods, so Zeus struck him down
Dreams that Heal    j
he had saved many lives as a result. His own experience made him a
believer in the diagnostic and healing powers of dreams.
More recently, in the twentieth century, the psychologist Carl
G. Jung recognized diagnostic dreams in some of his psychotherapy
cases. Like the Greeks, he called them prodromal dreams, from the
Greek term prodromos, or “running before.”1 Jung described cases in
which patients had dreams alerting them to life-threatening illnesses
before they knew they were sick.
He noted that some patients who dreamed of destruction or in-
jury to horses—an archetypal symbol of the human body—later were

with a thunderbolt and killed him. Zeus placed him in the sky, where he
became the constellation Orion.
In the dream world, Asklepios became even more popular and power-
ful as a healer. At the peak of his cult, about 400 dream temples were built
to him. He was also worshiped in sacred groves and caves. He held his
office hours at night, seeing patients who journeyed to him through the
pathways of the dream world.
How did a person know for certain he met Asklepios in his dreams?
The healer had a specific appearance. He looked like an old man with a
beard, carrying a staff entwined by a single snake. He was sometimes
accompanied by a dog or by a boy dwarf named Telesphorus. The snake
symbolized regeneration, wisdom, and healing. The dog symbolized
death and rebirth. The dwarf symbolized fertility.
The best healing occurred if a person was touched by Asklepios in a
dream. Next best was a prescription: instructions for healing. Sometimes
the instructions had to be interpreted by dream priests. Testimonies about
miraculous dream healings were recorded at many of the god’s temples.
Asklepios still appears in dreams today. Sometimes people do not rec-
ognize who he is. Sometimes people in need of healing dream of an old
man with a snake-entwined staff and a dog: Asklepios, still on the job in
the astral realm.
i 0  Dreams anD astral travel

shown to be in the early stages of serious illness, such as cancer. In at

least one case he documented, the illness was caught early enough to
be treated successfully.
In his book Healing Dreams, author Marc Ian Barasch tells
how his cancer of the thyroid was first revealed in disturbing and
bizarre dreams. In the dreams, he was chased by an axe mur-
derer trying to decapitate him and was stared at by the figure
of Death. A number of his dreams had a neck theme: primitive tribes-
men stuck long needles into his “neck-brain”; a World War II bullet was
lodged in his neck and removed by a Chinese surgeon; and he found
himself crawling about a Mayan “necropolis,” a temple to the dead.
These and other dreams caused Barasch to seek medical help ear-
lier than he might have otherwise, possibly saving his life. The doctor
at first was skeptical about the dreams and reluctantly ordered tests.
The tests revealed early stages of cancer in the thyroid gland (also
called the “neck brain”), which is near the larynx.2
Diagnosis by dreams is valued in traditional Chinese medicine,
which holds that all dreams, pleasant and unpleasant, are produced by
imbalances in the body. Thus, by understanding the images and sym-
bols in dreams, one could know the state of one’s physical and mental
health and gain understanding on remedies for correcting the imbal-
ances. For example, deficiencies in the vital organs produce specific
dream images, such as a depleted heart produces dreams of flames,
hills, and mountains, while depleted lungs yields dreams of flying and
things made of gold and iron.
Unlike traditional Western medicine, which separates mind and
body, Chinese medicine makes no clear distinction between the two.

pAyinG Attention
Dreams heal more than physical ailments—they also heal emotional
wounds. People who are devastated by serious loss often find powerful
healing help in their dreams. For example, the following dream helped
a 37-year-old woman gain control over severe emotional turmoil in
Dreams that Heal   1 j
her life. Her father had died, she was experiencing profound grief,
and her marriage was in trouble. She felt as though she was losing her
sanity, and that she should give up on everything. Then one night she
had a dream that helped her recover enough balance to weather the
emotional upheaval:

As I fell asleep, I heard several musical voices calling

my name, and I felt a sensation of floating in complete
comfort. I saw a beautiful star field, and then a strand of
stars separated from the rest, coming toward me. I felt
many hands place this beautiful necklace around my neck
in a gesture of blessing. I felt a profound sense of love,
encouragement and acceptance. I slept well through the
night and had the best rest I’d had for many weeks. The
depression was gone the next morning and with it the
fear and anticipation of panic/anxiety attacks: I have not
had one since that night.
Everything in my life did not become “perfect” over-
night, but I have regained my self-esteem, and a sense of
real security and peace. I often think about that dream,
and feel certain that I am loved and cherished by the Cre-
ator of that necklace. I know I am wearing it even now—a
billion carats worth of stars.3

Deriving emotional benefit from a dream is different for every per-

son, depending on the personal meanings associated with the symbols
in the dream, the emotional state of the dreamer in waking life and in
the dream, and the personal interpretation given to the dream.
understanding your Dreams

A my has the following dream one night:

I have to get new clothes for a special occasion—a party or

something. I’m in a store going through racks of cool things.
A strange woman comes up to me. She is dressed in very old
clothes, like something out of grandma’s closet. She looks very
out of place. She holds out a dress for me. It looks like an old
style like hers. I don’t want to take it, but I don’t want to offend
her, either.

How can Amy make sense out of this dream? Like most dreams, it
does not portray something logical. No wonder many people ignore
their dreams! But the key to understanding dreams is to not look at
them as logical, real-life scenarios. Dreams speak in symbols about
situations in life and our emotions.
Clothing in dreams is often a symbol of how people want others to
think of them.1 People wear certain styles and outfits to send messages
to others about who they are or who they are trying to be. Getting new
clothes in a dream can symbolize entering a new phase in life, such as
moving to a new town, starting a new school, or getting a new job.
Old clothing can represent the past. Amy did her dream interpreta-
tion work and concluded that the new clothing represented a major
change in her life. The old woman with old clothing represented a

i 3 j
i 4  Dreams anD astral travel

part of her that did not want to let go of the past. The dream helped
Amy feel more comfortable about the changes happening in her life.
She wanted to keep moving forward and not look back.
The meanings of dreams are seldom obvious. It takes time to un-
derstand them. Dreams are like invisible ink. By holding them up to
the right light, it is possible to see their meaning clearly.
A dream seldom has only one message. Because symbols are best
understood by intuition, they can be read in different ways, and each
way can have meaning for the dreamer. A dream is likely to have a
primary message, but also to have one or more secondary messages as
well. The messages may all relate to the same situation, or they may
address multiple things going on in someone’s life.
Dreams are highly emotional. They give feedback on how the
dreamer is emotionally dealing with life situations. Dreams especially
reveal fears and anxieties, which is why so many of them seem nega-
tive. Working with dreams gives people insight into how they can deal
with stresses, obstacles, setbacks, and so on. Dreaming, even about
negative situations and feelings, is beneficial, because it provides in-
sight into how to restore balance in life. Doesn’t everyone want to
know how to be happier and more fulfilled? Dreamwork helps people
find the answers and the ways.
To interpret dreams it is necessary to understand what some of
the major symbols often mean, how to interpret them, and how to
improve recall of dreams. There is no right or wrong interpretation of
dreams; they can have different meanings to people. Carl G. Jung ob-
served that dreams are part of nature and do not deceive, but express
something as best they can, just as all things in nature strive to live
and prosper as best they can.2
There is one rule, however. Dreamwork has changed significantly
since ancient times, when people looked to dream priests and specialists
to interpret their dreams for them. Today, the emphasis is on the indi-
vidual. The view held in psychology is that only the dreamer can truly
interpret a dream. Others can only help by offering suggestions.
The same applies to dream dictionaries and dream wikis on the
Internet. Many symbols in dreams have general meanings that can
Understanding Your Dreams   5 j
apply to many people. A dream will always be colored by the dreamer’s
life, unique situations, personal beliefs, and so on. Thus, even general
symbols may have to be modified. Dream dictionaries are excellent
starting points for getting ideas. However, they should not be used as
the only and final word.

A DreAmwork plAn
Understanding dreams gets easier the more someone works with them.
Dreams seem to be responsive to a sincere intent. Make a commitment
to write down as many dreams as you can in a journal. Dreams are
easy to forget, so it’s important to record them as soon as possible after
waking up. Plan to get up a little earlier than usual to allow enough
time for this.
Make a note of the ideas that come concerning the meaning of
the dream. Don’t try to figure out what’s “right.” Once the dream is
written down, it’s possible to go back to it at any time and work on the
meaning of it.
Also, don’t throw away dreams that feature something done during
the previous day or days. Dreams often make use of things fresh in
one’s mind as ways of creating messages. These are called “day resi-
dues.” For example, someone goes to see a movie, and that night the
person’s dream involves the movie in some way. The person is not just
rehashing the movie. There is still a message in the dream.
Here are some tips for starting interpretation dreamwork:

1� Give the dream a title. This will help to find the center of the dream.
2� Identify the major symbols: house, fire, people, activity, etc.
3� Make associations with those symbols: “The house reminds me of. . . .”
4� Relate the dream to something going on in your life: “I get lost in the
dream, and I feel lost about . . .”
5� Look for simple meanings first. Most dreams are about the dreamer
and his or her emotions.
i 6  Dreams anD astral travel

6� Look for puns, slang, and plays on words. Dreams make ample use of
all of these. For example, a deer might represent something “dear.”
� Draw the dream.

Play around with words and associations. It should be clear when

something hits the target. For example, here is a dream in which the
dreamer is driving along narrow winding roads high up on a cliff:

I am driving in an automobile down a steep hill and have to

pass another car which is on my right, with a steep precipice on
my left. I just manage to get by. Then I have to go down to a
bridge with a sharp right turn beyond it and have a great fear
of meeting another car.

Driving up and down hills is a common dream drama. Hills often

represent challenges, difficulties, and obstacles. The emotional key for
the dreamer was the phrase “I just manage to get by.” They described
how he felt on his job. The dream made him realize that he was under
great stress at work and needed to do something about it.
By collecting dreams it will become possible to notice patterns in
them. The same symbols and themes may reappear but in slightly dif-
ferent ways. Perhaps these dreams are repeatedly nudging the dreamer
about something. Some dreams repeat in nearly the same detail. These
often have to do with unresolved issues. It may take an expert’s help in
working with them.

mAjor symbols
Here are some symbols that appear in many dreams and what they can
often mean. These meanings do not precisely fit every dream.

❍ Air: Mental activity, planning, communication.

❍ Animals: Instinct, impulses, primitive feelings, and physical mat-
ters relating to the body. Animals are true to themselves, and often
Understanding Your Dreams    j

Figure 9.1 Recording dreams in a diary is a good way to gain insight into their
true meaning. (Will & Deni McIntyre/ Photo Researchers, Inc.)
i   Dreams anD astral travel

10 Most Common Dream Themes

M ost dreams deal with anxieties and fears. People worry about
their ability to perform in school and on the job, whether or
not they are well liked and popular, their self-esteem, where they are
going in life, and how they are able to influence and control what hap-
pens to them. Dreams also help people address old emotional wounds
and face problems.
The following are 10 of the most common dream themes shared
by people. Every dream is unique to the dreamer, having personal
meanings; however, general meanings common to these dreams may
also apply.

1� Flying. A release of creative energy. Or, a desire or the ability to

escape something unpleasant.
2� Falling. Something the dreamer feels is beyond their control.
3� Losing teeth. Loss of personal power and control.
4� Being nude or partially nude in public. Worry over being “exposed”
about your true self, or something you’ve done.
5� Being pursued or attacked by a monster or threatening person. Avoid-
ing a threatening situation in waking life. Or, needing to confront
a problem.
6� Being late. Avoiding getting something done.
� Getting lost. Not having a clear sense of direction; worry over a
choice of action.
� Losing money, wallets, purses, and valuables. Loss of self-confidence
or self-esteem.
� Being unprepared for a test or examination. Feeling inadequate
concerning something in waking life.
10� Missing a train, plane, or boat. Lack of organization and ability to
be on top of a situation.
Understanding Your Dreams    j
represent traits people associate with them. For example, foxes are
clever and shy, bears are protective and fierce, dogs are loyal, cats
are independent, and so on.
❍ Automobiles: The dreamer and how he or she is getting around
in life. The model, color, and condition of a dream car can say a lot
about the dreamer.
❍ Babies: A rebirth, a new beginning, something that needs care and
❍ Battles and wars: Inner conflict, such as in trying to make a dif-
ficult decision. Also, conflict going on around the dreamer.
❍ Bridges: Making a transition or change in life. Bridges relate to rela-
tionships and moves, and to all situations in which the dreamer feels
a need to change.
❍ Children: Innocence, playfulness, simplicity, and purity. Depend-
ing on the dream, children can symbolize carefree happiness or
untroubled times.
❍ Clocks: Deadlines, running out of time.
❍ Crossroads and intersections: Choices.
❍ Dancing: Connecting to the emotions or needing to do so. Dancing
well might represent freedom and creative ability. Dancing poorly
might mean something crucial in life is out of whack.
❍ Disasters: Challenges, upsets, and problems, especially major ones
that threaten the stability of life.
❍ Doctors, nurses, and health care officials: The need to have
something healed, even on an emotional level. Also, the process of
being healed.
❍ Doors: Opportunities, openings, or barriers. Doors hide things such
as secrets. Open doors might symbolize opportunities or invitations
to explore something.
❍ Earth: Physical health, being grounded and stable, personal re-
sources such as energy, health, and money.
i 100  Dreams anD astral travel

❍ Earthquake: An inner shake-up.

❍ Eating and food: Spiritual and emotional nourishment. Overeating
in a dream might represent a hunger to satisfy emotional needs.
❍ Explosions: A situation that has gone out of control.
❍ Famous people: Qualities we admire and would like to see in our-
❍ Father: Authority, discipline, rules, logical thinking.
❍ Fire: Destruction, but often with a healing element. Think of how a
forest regrows after a major fire. Also, energy and ambition.
❍ Fishing: Searching for something, especially of emotional
❍ Forest: The unknown and mysterious.
❍ Grandparents: Nurturing, caretaking, guardianship. Also, wisdom,
knowledge, and things related to the past.
❍ Hills: Obstacles. Also, the way to achieve goals.
❍ Home: Security, safety.
❍ Ice: Frozen emotions.
❍ Intruders: Something or someone who invades privacy or security.
❍ Medicine: A need for healing or the process of being healed.
❍ Military: Enforcers of law and order; protection.
❍ Mirrors: Self-knowledge. Also, the bare truth about something.
❍ Money: A person’s value and worth in terms of qualities.
❍ Monsters: Terrors and problems that need to be confronted.
❍ Mother: Nurturing, protection, emotional connection.
❍ Mountains: Challenges.
❍ Operations: Taking care of one’s health, emotional or physical, by
correcting a problem or getting rid of something.
❍ Police: Inner authority figure who makes certain the rules are fol-
Understanding Your Dreams   101 j
❍ Prison: Limited opportunities, lack of freedom.
❍ Telephone: Communication with the inner self.
❍ Trees: Connections to family, nature, and to different levels of
❍ Tunnels: Inner processing.
❍ Volcanoes: Bottled up anger.
❍ Water: Emotions, intuition.

exAmple oF A DreAm interpretAtion

Here’s how one dreamer interpreted this dream.

I am in prison, feeling hopeless. Long corridors stretch out like

underground tunnels. Then it becomes a prisoner of war camp.
The soldiers are listless and depressed. There are lots of browns,
greens, and grays, especially in their uniforms. I suddenly notice
that their heads are all cabbages. It becomes a field of cabbages.

He entitled the dream “Cabbages in Jail.” The major symbols that

impressed him were prison, tunnels, prisoners of war, and cabbages.
He noted the emotional tone of the dream: depression, hopelessness,
and dull colors. He associated prison with feeling confined in his life
by circumstances beyond his control, the dull prisoners around him
and dull colors he associated with his feelings of boredom. Even the
cabbages represented dullness to him, because cabbages do not have
much flavor. Everywhere he looks is boredom.
The dreamer felt the dream related to his job. It paid well but was
not challenging. He had gone into debt and felt he was chained to the
job in order to keep up his payments. He realized he had allowed him-
self to be imprisoned, and that if he really wanted to change, he could
manage his debt and find another job. The dream helped him to make
a decision to take action rather than allow himself to be a victim.
i 102  Dreams anD astral travel

Figure 9.2 This collage depicts some of the images and emotions common in
nightmares. (Oscar Burriel/Photo Researchers, Inc.)

whAt About niGhtmAres?

A nightmare is any dream that is troubling to the dreamer. That
might be an anxiety dream, like not being prepared for a test, or a
more violent dream in which the dreamer is pursued by an attacker.
The term “nightmare” comes from the Anglo-Saxon terms nicht
(night) and mara (“the crusher”). In earlier times people believed that
outside forces, such as spirits, demons, witches and sorcerers, caused
people to have bad dreams, especially by sitting on their chests with
crushing force. Sometimes bad dreams were blamed on food.
Understanding Your Dreams   103 j
Today a nightmare is viewed as a symptom of a problem that needs
addressing. Stressful dreams that repeat might indicate a situation
that the dreamer is trying to ignore, such as a problem in a relation-
ship. Sometimes nightmares are related to deeper problems, such as
severe psychological shocks, or even physical illness. Nightmares
that are deeply disturbing should be discussed with a professional in
medicine or psychology.
Dream it, Do it

E lias Howe is a Massachusetts textile expert, mechanic, and

inventor. The year is 1846, and Howe has been working hard to
perfect a machine that he knows will revolutionize industry: a sewing
machine. There is only one major problem he cannot solve: how to
work the thread with the needle.
Howe wonders whether or not to abandon his idea. Then one night
he has a vivid and odd dream. He is in a jungle. The natives capture
him and threaten to kill him if he can’t solve his sewing machine prob-
lem. He notices that their spears have holes in the tips.
Howe awakens in great excitement. He has the answer to his
problem: put a hole in the needle and put the thread through it. The
sewing machine is born, enabling clothing to be mass-produced at
cheaper costs.
Howe is but one of a long list of inventors, artists, scientists, phi-
losophers, architects, military commanders, and others who have had
astonishing creative breakthroughs in dreams. Many of humankind’s
greatest advancements and artistic creations have been fueled by night-
time visions. In fact, there is no subject or problem beyond the scope
of what dreams can influence.
In ancient times inspirational dreams were believed to be given to
humans by the gods. Sometimes the dreams would be in response to
situations, and other times instructions came out of the blue.

i 105 j
i 106  Dreams anD astral travel

The Greek philosopher Socrates, while he was in prison awaiting

execution, had a recurring dream in which the same dream figure
urged him to “set to work and make music.” The expression in Greek
could refer to any creative art, but Socrates had definite ideas about
his interpretation of it. He believed that he had been “making music”
for years through his philosophy. He also believed that the dream was
urging him to expand his creativity by writing poetry. During his final
days, Socrates put Aesop’s fables to verse. “God has ordered me to do
this, both through oracles and dreams and in all the other ways used
by divine providence for giving its commands,” he stated.
Numerous examples in Greek literature show that people paid
careful attention to instructional dreams and acted upon them. They
often commemorated their dreams with a plaque, statue, or chapel,
just as Thutmose IV did in ancient Egypt.
Today people still have inspirational dreams. The ideas and in-
structions in them can come from the dreamer, an authority figure,
or even an animal. Sometimes there is no specific authority figure, but
the dream has a clear message of instruction.
Here are some of the amazing influences dreams have had on his-
tory, science, and culture.

Numerous composers, including Richard Wagner and Beethoven,
dreamed some of their classical masterpieces. Mozart often woke up
with entire compositions in his head, as though his dreams had or-
ganized everything while he slept. When he wrote the compositions
down, they needed little revision.
More recently rock music has had dream influences as well. In
1965 Paul McCartney heard the melody for his famous Beatles
song “Yesterday” in a dream. The dream was so vivid and the mu-
sic seemed so familiar to him that first he had to convince himself
that he did not dream someone else’s music that he had heard and
Dream It, Do It   10 j
When rock musician Sting left his band, The Police, to embark on
a solo career, he had a dream that literally shaped his first solo album.
Sting had long acknowledged his use of dreams for song material. For
his solo debut, he wished to strike out in a new direction, always risky
for a successful artist whose fans usually want more of the same. Sting
dreamed of being home in Hampshire, England, looking out over a
walled and neat garden. Suddenly a group of rowdy and drunk blue
turtles appeared through a hole in the wall and began doing acrobat-
ics, tearing up the garden.
Upon reflecting on the dream, Sting saw the blue turtles as symbols
of the subconscious and unrealized potential. Their destruction of the
neat and manicured garden represented his desire to destroy precon-
ceptions and expectations about his artistry. As a result, he reached
deep within himself to produce the material for his debut album, titled,
appropriately, The Dream of the Blue Turtles. Several songs became hit
singles and the album sold more than three million copies.

Artist and poet William Blake found dreams to be a continuing
source of inspiration, as did Salvador Dali and other surrealist art-
ists. Dali received so many ideas for his paintings from hypnagogic
dreaming that he developed what he called the “slumber with key”
technique and taught it to his students. The technique calls for plac-
ing a plate upside down in front of a comfortable armchair, and then
settling into the chair for a nap while holding a heavy key between
thumb and forefinger, poised over the plate. As one falls deeper
into sleep, the key is released and hits the plate, causing awakening.
This, said Dali, enables one to capture the dream before it is lost in
deeper sleep.1
The artist Jasper Johns created many paintings that were unre-
markable, until 1954, when he dreamed of himself painting a large
American flag. He painted the flag he saw in his dream, entitling it
Flag. Afterward he became a sensation.
i 10  Dreams anD astral travel

Figure 10.1 Salvador Dali received artistic inspiration for surrealistic images like
this one, Persistence of Memory, from hypnagogic dreams, or abstract images
that appear between consciousness and sleep. (Topham/The Image Works)

Perhaps the most famous dream-inspired fiction is Frankenstein, writ-
ten by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the wife of poet Percy Bysshe
Shelley. In 1816 the couple were guests, along with physician and writer
John Polidori, of poet Lord Byron at his Swiss chalet. One rainy night,
they entertained each other by telling ghosts stories. Byron challenged
everyone to write a horror story. That night Mary had a dream about
a scientist who brought an artificial man to life.
The idea for the horror novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde came to author
Robert Louis Stevenson in a dream. At the time Stevenson was out of
money and was desperate to sell a new work. For two days he had racked
his brain for plot ideas, only to come up dry. On the second night he
Dream It, Do It   10 j
had a dream about a man, pursued for a crime, who took a powder to
transform himself. Stevenson said later that would often converse with
“little people,” or brownies—a type of house fairy—when he was in a
borderline state of sleep. They gave him so many ideas that he said he
should question who was the real storyteller: him or them.
Horror author Stephen King gets many plot ideas from his dreams.
He says that he uses dreams the way a person uses mirrors to see
things that cannot be seen directly ahead. His dreams have enabled
him to create a string of best-selling novels that have kept readers
page-turning in suspense. Some of King’s dreams waited years to find
their way into his books. A childhood nightmare of a hanged man
who came horribly to life and grabbed at King became the inspiration
many years later for his vampire novel ‘Salem’s Lot.

Film AnD television

Some filmmakers have lifted their dreams exactly as they had them
into dream scenes in their films. Ingmar Bergman put his dream of
four women in mourning in Cries and Whispers and a coffin dream
in Wild Strawberries. Robert Altman’s Three Women was a story as he
dreamed it, though it was not filmed as a dream.
Dan Curtis, a television producer, got the idea for his smash televi-
sion soap opera, Dark Shadows, from a dream in 1965. In the dream he
saw a young girl traveling on a train to a brooding mansion in New
England. The dream was dark and edgy, with a sense of danger. It left
a strong impression on Curtis, and soon he conceived of the wealthy
but troubled Collins family, who lived in their mansion, Collinwood,
and had a vampire relative named Barnabas Collins.

In the late 1880s the chemist Friedrich A. Kekulé von Stradonitz made
a revolutionary contribution to organic chemistry because of a dream.
Kekulé had attempted without success to discover the structure of the
i 110  Dreams anD astral travel

benzene molecule. One night he had a dream in which atoms formed

long snakelike chains. One snake grabbed its own tail and began to ro-
tate. From this, Kekulé was able to create a model of a closed molecular
ring. The symbol of the snake biting its own tail was unknown to him,
but it is one of the most important symbols in Western alchemy. It is
called the ouroboros, and it represents the unity of opposites, whole-
ness, oneness, and eternity.

usinG DreAms For GuiDAnce

AnD creAtivity
In many of the cases above, breakthrough dreams came in a stage of
the creative process where the dreamer was stumped for ideas about

How to Ask Your Dreams for Ideas and Answers

D reams are an excellent way to access your intuition and get answers
to questions that are in your best interests. Dreams sort through
what you think you want versus what is best. Here is a simple process for
asking your dreams for advice.

1� Choose an important matter and be open-minded about the answer.

2� Phrase a short, simple question you would like your dreams to an-
swer. For example:
• Should I (proposed action)
• How can I solve (problem)
• How can I improve my relationship with (name)
• Give me an idea for (project)
• Show me my path
Dream It, Do It   111 j
how to move forward or solve a problem. It seems as though the wak-
ing mind had to get out of the way for the answer to be recognized.
People who pay attention to their dreams learn how to ask dreams
for specific information rather than wait for inspired lightning to
strike. While they sleep, their dreams mine rich fields of ideas. Some-
times the ideas are presented in dreams, and sometimes they are sim-
ply “known” to the dreamer upon awakening, or later in the day.
Inspired dreams speak in symbols just as ordinary dreams do. This
is why it is important to do regular work with dreams to gain a good
understanding of their language.
Take the case of an Indian dream psychologist, Anjali Hazarika,
who conducted dream creativity workshops for petroleum engineers.
A chemist in one of his groups was seeking to develop enzymes that

3� Write the question in your dream journal.

4� Think about the question throughout the day.
5� At bedtime, write the question again, and instruct yourself to have
and remember a dream that will answer the question.
6� Upon awakening, record whatever you have dreamed, even if it does
not seem to answer the question.
� Give extra attention to dream interpretation. Look for answers hid-
den in symbols.
� Watch for more information that pops into your mind later.
� If the answer still is not clear, try the process again. Try rephrasing
the question.
Practice makes perfect with this process, so don’t give up too easily.
If a while goes by and you feel your question remains unanswered, ask
yourself if you are trying to get an answer you want, rather than what
your dreams are really trying to tell you.
i 112  Dreams anD astral travel

would refine crude oil. Finally at a loss for ideas, he asked his dreams
for help. He dreamed of standing on the side of a road while a big
truck full of rotting cabbages went past. The stink was tremendous. At
first, neither the chemist nor any of his associates could make sense of
the dream. A few days later, the chemist was working in his laboratory
when he realized that the bacteria produced by rotting cabbages broke
down into the very enzymes he needed. What was more, cabbages
were exceptionally cheap.

explore your DreAmscApe

Over the course of time you will spend an average of one-third of your
entire life asleep. That adds up to quite a few years, some of which
will be spent dreaming. Make the most of your dream time by learn-
ing to understand the valuable messages your dreams give you. Take
advantage of the opportunities dreams provide to enrich and improve
your life. Dreams never lose their excitement and mystery. Enjoy your

1400s BCE  Prince Thutmose of Egypt is told in a dream how he

can become pharaoh
356  Alexander the Great is born, supposedly the result of dream
44  Calpurnia, wife of Julius Caesar, dreams of his assassination the
night before it happens on March 15
415 CE  St. Augustine writes the oldest known Western account of
lucid dreams
1200s-1800s  Dreams decline in importance in the West
1743  Emanuel Swedenborg begins his astral travels to the afterlife
1816  Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley has a dream that results in one
of the greatest horror novels, Frankenstein
1846  Elias Howe invents the sewing machine from a dream
1865  In early April President Abraham Lincoln dreams of his death
and within two weeks is assassinated
1880s  Psychical researchers begin studying the paranormal aspects
of dreams
1899  Anthropologists coin the term “Dreamtime” to describe Ab-
original concepts of dreams versus waking reality
1900  Sigmund Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams is published
1902–1938  Oliver Fox records his astral travel dream experiences
1914 On June 27 Bishop Joseph Lanyi has a precognitive dream
about the assassination of Yugoslavia’s Archduke Ferdinand and
his wife the following day, triggering the start of World War I
1915–1950  Sylvan Muldoon researches astral travel dreams

i 113 j
i 114  Dreams anD astral travel

1917  The Titantic sinks on April 12, but some people avoid the
disaster thanks to their precognitive dreams
1953  Scientists link dreaming to rapid eye movement (REM) stages
of sleep
1958  Robert A. Monroe has his first astral travel dreams
1960s  Dream telepathy research conducted at Maimonides Medical
Center in Brooklyn, New York
1965  Paul McCartney dreams the Beatles’ hit “Yesterday”
1966  The October 26 coal slide in Aberfan, Wales, was previewed
in precognitive dreams
1967  British Premonitions Bureau is established in London to col-
lect early warnings in precognitive dreams
1968  Central Premonitions Bureau is established in New York to
complement the British Premonitions Bureau
1970s  Scientific research of lucid dreams increases
1980s  Premonitions bureaus close due to lack of success
2001  The September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Cen-
ter and Pentagon are seen in advance in numerous precognitive

archetype   A symbol with cosmic or mythic significance that can

appear in a dream
astral Body   A double of the physical body that serves as a vehicle
in astral travel dreaming
astral cord   An umbilical cord that connects the physical body to
the astral body, sometimes seen in astral travel dreams
astral plane  A shadowy realm that duplicates the physical world,
where some dreaming takes place
astral travel   Traveling out-of-body to distant locations while
eXceptional hUman eXperience   An experience often involving a
spiritual component that deeply affects a person
hypnagogic   Occurring during a stage of falling asleep between
wakefulness and sleep, often filled with jumbled dream images
and sounds
hypnapompic state   A stage of awakening between sleep and wake-
fulness, often filled with jumbled dream images and sounds
incUBation   A process of mental suggestion, sometimes combined
with ritual, to have a specific dream
lUcid dreaming /lUcidity   The awareness of dreaming while
dreaming, with varying degrees of control over a dream
mUtUal dreaming   Two or more persons sharing the same dream,
or similar contents of a dream
precognitive dreaming /precognition   Dreaming a future event
premonition   A vague feeling about a future event, usually negative

i 115 j
i 116  Dreams anD astral travel

prodromal dreams   Dreams that forecast illness before symptoms

rapid eye movement (rem)  A stage of sleep characterized by flut-
tering eyelids and other physiological signs that is accompanied
by dreaming
telepathic dreaming   The ability to send and receive messages or
dreams with another person; the recipient is asleep
telepathy The transmission of thoughts from one person to

chapter 1 c hapter 3
1. Monford Harris, Studies in Jewish 1. Robert L. Van de Castle, Our
Dream Interpretation (Northvale, Dreaming Mind (New York: Ballan-
NJ: Jason Aronson, Inc., 1994), tine Books, 1994), 231–235.
50. 2. Montague Ullman, “Dreams as
2. Patricia Cox Miller, Dreams in Late Exceptional Human Experiences,”
Antiquity: Studies in the Imagination ASPR Newsletter XVIII, no. 4,
of a Culture (Princeton: Princeton (1995): 6.
University Press, 1994), 17. chapter 4
3. Steven M. Oberhelman, ed., The 1. Stephen LaBerge, Lucid Dream-
Oneiricriticon of Achmet: A Medieval ing (New York: Ballantine Books,
and Arabic Treatise on the Interpreta- 1985), 21–22.
tion of Dreams (Lubbock, Tex.: 2. Jayne Gackenbach and Jane Bos-
Texas Tech University, 1991), veld, Control Your Dreams (New
30–31. York: Harper & Row, 1989), 16.
chapter 2 3. LaBerge, 80.
1. Morton Kelsey, God, Dreams and chapter 5
Revelation: A Christian Interpretation 1. Oliver Fox, Astral Projection: A
of Dreams (Minneapolis: Augsburg Record of Out-of-the-Body Experiences
Publishing House, 1991), 136–137. (Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press,
2. Ibid., 156. 1962), 34.
3. Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Harper’s 2. Robert Crookall, Out-of-the-Body
Encyclopedia of Mystical and Para- Experiences: A Fourth Analysis (New
normal Experience (San Francisco: York: University Books, 1970), 69.
HarperSanFrancisco, 1991), 161. 3. Linda Lane Magallon, Mu-
4. Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation tual Dreaming (New York: Pocket
of Dreams (New York: The Modern Books, 1997), 98.
Library, 1950), 120. c hapter 6
5. Carl G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, 1. Robert Monroe, The Ultimate Jour-
Reflections (New York: Vintage ney (New York: Doubleday, 1994),
Books, 1965), 306. 5–6.

i 11 j
i 11  Dreams anD astral travel

2. Michael Talbot, The Holographic Dream Telepathy: Experiments in

Universe (New York: HarperCol- Nocturnal ESP (Baltimore: Penguin,
lins, 1991), 272–273. 1973), 271–279.
c hapter 7 chapter 8
1. Guiley, Harper’s Encyclopedia of 1. Patricia Garfield, The Healing Power
Mystical and Paranormal Experience, of Dreams (New York: Simon &
162. Schuster, 1991), 60–61.
2. Ian Stevenson, “Seven More 2. Marc Ian Barasch, Healing Dreams:
Paranormal Experiences Associated Exploring Dreams That Can Trans-
with the Sinking of the Titanic,” form Your Life (New York: River-
Journal of the American Society for head Books, 2000), 2–3.
Psychical Research 59 (1965): 211–224. 3. Guiley, The Dreamer’s Way,
3. W.E. Cox, “Precognition: An 89–90.
Analysis, II,” Journal of the Ameri- chapter 9
can Society for Psychical Research 50,
1. Jean Dalby Clift and Wallace B.
no. 1 (January 1956): 99–109.
Clift, Symbols of Transformation in
4. Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Dreams (New York: Crossroad,
Dreamer’s Way: Using Proactive 1989), 57–58.
Dreaming for Creativity and Heal-
2. Jung, 161–162.
ing (New York: Berkley, 2004),
120–121. chapter 10
5. Ibid., 124–125. 1. Guiley, The Dreamer’s Way, 58.
6. Montague Ullman and Stanley
Krippner with Alan Vaughan,

Barasch, Marc Ian. Healing Dreams: Exploring Dreams That Can Transform Your Life.
New York: Riverhead Books, 2000.
Barrett, Deirdre. The Committee of Sleep: How Artists, Scientists, and Athletes Use
Dreams for Creative Problem-Solving—and How You Can Too. New York: Crown,
Brown, Rustie. The Titanic the Psychic and the Sea. Lomita, Calif.: Blue Harbor
Press, 1981.
Crookall, Robert. Out-of-the-Body Experiences: A Fourth Analysis. New York: Univer-
sity Books, 1970.
Fox, Oliver. Astral Projection: A Record of Out-of-the-Body Experiences. Secaucus, N.J.:
The Citadel Press, 1962.
Gackenbach, Jayne and Jane Bosveld. Control Your Dreams. New York: Harper &
Row, 1989.
Garfield, Patricia. Creative Dreaming. New York: Fireside, 1995.
——— . The Healing Power of Dreams. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.
Green, Celia and Charles McCreery. Lucid Dreaming: The Paradox of Consciousness
During Sleep. London: Routledge, 1994.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Dreamspeak: How to Understand the Messages in Your
Dreams. New York: Berkley Books, 2001.
——— . Dreamwork for the Soul: A Spiritual Guide to Dream Interpretation. New
York: Berkley Books, 1998.
——— . The Dreamer’s Way. New York: Berkley Books, 2004.
LaBerge, Stephen. Lucid Dreaming. New York: Ballantine Books, 1985.
LaBerge, Stephen and Howard Rheingold. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.
New York: Ballantine Books, 1990.

i 11 j
i 120  Dreams anD astral travel

Kirven, Robert H. Angels in Action: What Swedenborg Saw and Heard. West Chester,
Pa.: Chrysalis Books, 1994.
Magallon, Linda Lane. Mutual Dreaming. New York: Pocket Books, 1997.
Monroe, Robert A. Far Journeys. Garden City, N.Y.: Dolphin/Doubleday, 1985.
——— . Journeys Out of the Body. Garden City, N.Y.: Broadway Books, 1991.
——— . Ultimate Journey. New York: Doubleday, 1994.
Muldoon, Sylvan and Hereward Carrington. The Projection of the Astral Body.
Whitefish, Mont: Kessinger Publishing, 2003.
Rhine, Louisa. ESP in Life and Lab: Tracing Hidden Channels. New York: Collier
Books, 1967.
Ullman, Montague and Stanley Krippner with Alan Vaughan. Dream Telepathy:
Experiments in Nocturnal ESP. Baltimore: Penguin, 1973.
Van de Castle, Robert L. Our Dreaming Mind. New York: Ballantine Books, 1995.
Wolf, Fed Alan. The Dreaming Universe. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.
Further Resources

International association for the study of Dreams
A nonprofit, international organization dedicated to the pure and
applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. The Web site has
information on member benefits, activities, study and discus-
sion groups, events, magazine, professional journal, books, and

Dream network
This Web site has a quarterly magazine of articles and information on
dream resources.

the lucidity Institute, Inc.
Organization founded in 1987 by lucid dreaming researcher Dr. Ste-
phen LaBerge to support research on lucid dreams and to help
people learn to use them to enhance their lives. The Lucidity
Institute’s primary mission is to advance research on the nature
and potentials of consciousness and to apply the results of this
research to the enhancement of human health and well-being. Lu-
cidity Institute members participate in experiments and receive a

Dreams Foundation
A Canadian organization founded by Craig Webb that explores
dreams and dreaming in conjunction with dream laboratories. The

i 121 j
i 122  Dreams anD astral travel

foundation’s aims are to inform both the public and health/science

professionals about the nature of dreams and their practical ap-
plications in relationship to overall health and well-being, and to
support research.

european association for the study of Dreams
The European Association for the Study of Dreams promotes aware-
ness and appreciation of dreams in the general public as well as
within the scientific community. The organization offers activi-
ties, events, and resources.

Dream library
A list of organizations devoted to dreams, dream interpretation, dream
study and research, and dream resources.

A Astral Projection: A Record of Out-of-the-

Aberfan, Wales, 78, 114 Body Experiences (Fox), 57
Abram. See Abraham astral travel. See astral, travel
Abraham (biblical figure), 19 Augustine, St., 44, 113
acetylcholine, 35–36 auras, 9
Adam (biblical figure), 53 Australia, Aborigines of, 31
Aesop’s fables, 106
Agares, 83–85
ba, 66
alchemy, 7
Babylonians, 16
Alexander the Great, 20, 113
Barasch, Marc Ian, 90
Almoni, Solomon, 19
The Beatles, 106
alpha waves, 36
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 106
Altman, Robert, 109
Amenhotep II, 15 benzene molecule, 110
American Airlines, 74–77 Bergman, Ingmar, 109
American Society for Psychical Re- Bethlehem, Palestine, 26
search, 79 Bible, dreams and, 19, 26
Amun, 20 Blake, William, 107
angels, 22 Bohm, David, 7, 39
Anglo-Saxons, 102 Booth, John Wilkes, 72
Apollo, 88 brain stem, 35
archetypal level, 32 neurons, 36
archetypes, 29 British Premonitions Bureau, 79, 114
Aristotle, 21, 27, 41 Brooklyn, NY, 79
art, dreams and, 107, 108 Buddhism, 44
Ashurbanipal, 16 Byron, Lord, 108
Asklepios, 83–85, 88
Assyrians, 16, 17
“Cabbages in Jail” dream, 101
Dream Book, 16 Caesar,, Augustus, 22
astral Caesar, Julius, 71, 113
body, 64–66 Cairo, Egypt, 85
cord, 65–66 Callaway, Hugh G., 56
plane, 57, 64 Calpurnia, 71, 113
travel, 43, 55, 66, 68, 88, 113 cancer, 90
world, 63–64 Carrington, Hereward, 59

i 123 j
i 124  Dreams anD astral travel

Carthage, (North Africa), 44 ideas from, 105–112

Central Premonitions Bureau, 79, 114 incubation, 16, 19, 26, 85
cerebral cortex, 37 interpretation, 93–102
Chelmin (Almoni), 19 levels of, 31–33
Chinese culture, 85 paying attention to, 90–91
Chiron, 88
physical process of, 35–36
Christianity, dreams in early, 22–23
psychic side of, 69–81
Cicero, 21
clothing, dreams and, 93 purpose of, 38–42
coal slide (Aberfan, Wales) 78, 114 return of, 27–30
Columbia space shuttle, 74 rewards of, 33
Compendium of Literary Allusions, 87 symbols, 96, 99–101
Constantinople, Greece, 85 types of, 36–38
Coronis, 88 dreamtime. See parallel dream reality
cortex, 36 dreamwork, 11–13. See also
Cox, W.E., 73 dreams/dreaming
Cries and Whispers, 109
Curtis, Dan, 109
Ecclesiastes, 65
D ecstatic visions, 54
Dali, Salvador, 107, 108 Edison, Thomas Alva, 7
Daniel (prophet), 19 van Eeden, Frederik Willem, 44
Dark Shadows, 109 Egyptian civilization, 15–18, 19, 21, 85
Darwin, Charles, 41 EHE. See exceptional human
day residues, 38, 95 experiences
Decius, 71 Elijah (prophet), 19
delta waves, 36 energy healing, 9
Descartes, René, 27, 28 Enoch (biblical figure), 53
Discourse on Method (Descartes), 27, 28 Epidaurous, 83–84
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 108 Ermacora, G. B., 79
dream dictionaries, 95 ESP. See extrasensory perception
dream drama, 95 Eusebios (ancient Greece), 85
The Dreaming, 31 Eve (biblical figure), 53
dream interpreters, 11 “Everywhen”, 31
“Dream of Knowledge”, 56–57 exceptional human experiences (EHE),
Dream Mediator (Almoni). See Chelmin 30
The Dream of the Blue Turtles, 107 extrasensory perception (ESP), 29
dreams/dreaming. See also healing Ezekiel (prophet), 19
dreams; lucid dreams/dreaming
ancient civilizations and, 15–23,
FAA. See Federal Aviation
decline in, 27
Faber, VA, 59
diagnoses, 87–90 false awakening, 54
as exceptional experiences, 30 false dreams, 19
guidance/creativity from, 110–112 false prophets, 19
healing, 87 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
history, 44–47 76
Index   125 j
Ferdinand, Franz (Archduke), 72, 113 Interpretation of Dreams. See Pitron
film, dreams and, 109 Chalomot
Flag, 107 The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 29,
Ford’s Theater, 72 113
Fox, Oliver, 56–57, 59, 63–64, 113 interpreters. See dream interpreters
Frankenstein (Shelley), 108, 113 Ireland, Empress of, 73
Freud, Sigmund, 12, 29–30, 38, 44, 78, Isaiah (prophet), 19
113 Islamic mysticism, 44

Galen, 88 Jacob (biblical figure), 19
Genesis, book of, 19 James, William, 7
Gennadius, 44 Jared (biblical figure), 53
Jaynes, Julian, 31
Giza Plateau, 15
Jeremiah (prophet), 19
goggles, 48
Jerome (early biblical scholar), 23, 25–26
Gospel, 23
Jesus Christ, 22, 57
Greeks, dreams and, 21–22
Job (biblical figure), 19
Green, Celia, 45 Johns, Jasper, 107
growth hormone, 42 John the Baptist, 22
H Joseph (father of Jesus), 22
Hawking, Stephen, 7 Joseph (Jacob’s son), 19
Hazarika, Anjali, 111 Jung, Carl G., 12, 29–30, 44, 89, 93
headphones, 48 K
healing dreams, 43, 83–91 ka, 66
Healing Dreams (Barasch), 90 Kaku, Michio, 7
Hebrews, 18–21 Kekulé von Stradonitz, Friedrich A., 109
hemispheric synchronization (Hemi- King, Stephen, 109
Sync), 61 Krippner, Stanley, 79
Hemi-Sync. See hemispheric
LaBerge, Stephen, 45, 46, 48, 63
Herod, King, 22
Lanyi, Joseph, 113
Herod Agrippa (biblical figure), 23
lector priests, 17, 18
Hervey de Saint-Denys, Marie-Jean-
Lincoln, Abraham, 71, 113
Léon Lecoq, 44 literature, dreams and, 108–109
Hinduism, 44 London, England, 28
hippocampus, 36, 38 Lucid Dreaming (Green), 44–45
The Holographic Universe (Talbot), 67 lucid dreams/dreaming, 43
Homer, 21 characteristics, 47, 49
Horemakhet-Khepri-Ra-Atum, 15 described 13, 43–44, 114
Howe, Elias, 105, 113
history, 44–45, 47
hypnagogic dreaming, 38, 59, 107, 108
how to have, 49–50
hypnapompic state, 38
ways to stay lucid, 50
hypnosis, 48
what to do in, 51
I lucidity, 43, 61
Imhotep, 85, 86 Lucidity Institute, 45, 46, 48
incubation, 16, 19, 26, 85 Luke (early Christian writer), 22
i 126  Dreams anD astral travel

M Olympias, 20
Magallon, Linda Lane, 61 Orion, 89
magic, 9 Orphism, 67–68
Maimonides Medical Center, 114 ouroboros, 110
Dream Laboratory, 79 out-of-body experience (OBE), 57, 61, 63
masks, 48 P
Masters of the Secret Things. See lector Palo Alto, CA, 45
priests parallel dream reality, 31
Matthew (apostle), 22 parallel universe, 47
Mayan necropolis, 90 paranormal, identified, 7
McCartney, Paul, 106, 114 parapsychologist, defined, 12
meditate, 9, 49 parapsychology, 44
melatonin, 37 peel-off, 59
Memphis (ancient Egypt), 85 Pentagon, 69, 114
Men-kheperu-re. See Thutmose IV Persinger, Michael, 7
Mesopotamia, 17, 21 Persistence of Memory, 108
Michael (archangel), 85
personal level, 32
mind awake/body asleep, 59
Peter, St., 23
Monroe, Robert, 59–61, 64, 68, 114
Phantasms of the Living, 78
Monroe Institute (Faber, VA), 59, 61
Philip of Macedon, 20
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 73
Pilate, Pontius, 22
Moses (prophet), 19
pineal gland, 37
Mozart, 106
Pine Bluff, AR, 75
Muldoon, Sylvan, 57–59, 64–65, 113
Pitron Chalomot (Almoni), 19
music, dreams and, 106–107
Plato, 7, 21, 68
mutual dream elements, 61
Pliny, 41, 68
mutual dreaming, 60
Plotinus, 68
Mutual Dreaming (Magallon), 61
Plutarch, 22
mutual recognition, 61
The Police, 107
N Polidori, John, 108
NDE. See near-death experience Pravuil (angel), 53
near-death experience (NDE), 45 precognitive dreams/dreaming, 8, 12, 57,
Nectanebo, 20 61, 70–76, 114
neurotransmitters, 35 premonitions, 73
Newton, Isaac, 7 priest, 11
New York City, NY, 69 prodromal dreams, 89
night flying. See astral, travel The Projection of the Astral Body (Mul-
nightmares, 102–103 doon), 59
9/11, 69–70, 79, 114 psychical researchers, 113
Nineveh, 16 psychic dream, 80
non-REM (NREM), 36, 42 psychic reading, 9
norepinephrine, 35 Pythagoras, 68
NREM. See non-REM
O rapid eye movement (REM), 35–36, 37,
OBE. See out-of-body experience 42, 48, 114
O’Hare airport (Chicago, IL), 74 Reformation, 27
Old Testament, 18 The Reincarnation Handbook (Talbot), 67
Index   127 j
REM. See rapid eye movement Swedenborg, Emanuel, 54–56, 113
REM sleep, 36, 79 symbols in dreams, 96, 99–101
Rhine, Louisa, 29
River, Lawrence, 73 T
Romans, dreams and, 21–22 Talbot, Michael, 67
rotation 59 Taoism, 85
Tarot, 9
S telepathic dreaming, 77–80
Salem’s Lot (King), 109
telepathy, 9, 77
Samuel (prophet), 19
Saul (king of Israel), 19 Telesphorus, 89
Savannah, GA, 75 television, dreams and, 109
science, dreams in, 109–110 theta rhythm, 36
Scribes of the Double House of Life. See theta waves, 36, 38
lector priests Thomas Aquinas, St., 7, 27
second body, 64 Three Women, 109
serotonin, 35 Thutmose, 15, 113
sewing machine, 113 Thutmose IV, 16, 106
Shanksville, PA, 69 Tiller, William, 7
shared dreams, 60 Titanic, 73, 114
shared plot, different characters, 61
Torah, 18
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 108,
transpersonal level, 33
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 108 travel. See astral, travel
Sherman, Harold, 80 Tulsa, OK, 75
Shih-lei t’ung-pien, 87 U
sleep ufology, 9
deep, 36, 37 Ullman, Montague, 39, 42, 79
deepening, 36, 37 University of Chicago, 35
light, 36
presleep, 59 W
REM sleep, 36, 79 Wagner, Richard, 106
Society of Psychical Research (SPR), 28, Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreaming
78–79 (WILDs), 50
Socrates, 68, 106 White, Rhea A., 30
Solomon (king of Israel), 19 WILDs. See Wake-Initiated Lucid
soul body, 64 Dreaming
spell casting, 9 Wild Strawberries, 109
Sphinx, 15–16 Wolf, Fred Alan, 47
Spinner of Dreams, 20
World Trade Center, 69–70, 114
spiny anteater, 37
World War I, 72, 113
SPR. See Society of Psychical Research
stele, 16 World War II, 90
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 108 Y
Sting, 107 “Yesterday”, 106, 114
Sumerian civilization, 16
suprachiasmatic nucleus, 37 Z
survival of the species, 39 Zeus, 88
About the Author and
Consulting Editor

ROSEMARY ELLEN GUILEY is one of the foremost authorities on the

paranormal. Psychic experiences in childhood led to her lifelong study
and research of paranormal mysteries. A journalist by training, she has
worked full time in the paranormal since 1983 as an author, presenter,
and investigator. She has written 41 nonfiction books on paranormal
topics, translated into 14 languages, and hundreds of articles. She has
experienced many of the phenomena she has researched. She has ap-
peared on numerous television, documentary, and radio shows. She has
appeared in docudramas produced by Spooked TV Productions. She
is a columnist for TAPS Paramagazine, a consulting editor for FATE
magazine, and a former writer for the “Paranormal Insider” blog. Ms.
Guiley’s books include The Encyclopedia of Angels, The Encyclopedia of
Magic and Alchemy, The Encyclopedia of Saints, The Encyclopedia of Vam-
pires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters, and The Encyclopedia of Witches,
Witchcraft and Wicca, all from Facts On File. She lives in Maryland and
her Web site is

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