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Fight The Fighting Game RPG

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Christopher Peter

Divine Madness Press

Worcester, Massachusetts

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Writing and Design: Christopher Peter

Additional Development: Wayne Deitrick
Layout: Paul Dinsdale
Cover Art: Danrey Borja
Cover Design: Bob Noberini, Jennefer Noberini, Danrey Borja
Interior Art: Melissa Wang, Bob Noberini, Jennefer Noberini, Danrey Borja, Imperia Studios, Catalina Silva
Editing: Wayne Deitrick, Christine Dinsdale, Bob Noberini
Playtesting: Wayne Deitrick, Bob Noberini, Jennefer Noberini, Christine Dinsdale, Tom Baleno, Eileen Baleno, Mark
Buczek, Matthew Buczek, Stephen Price, Sean Kelley, Christopher Kelley, James Pepin, Matthew Miller, Justin Jackson,
Sean M. Dunstan, Joseph McGivern, Danyal Herder, Steve Rubio, Stacie Nicole Winters, Alejo G. Marello, Kyle Yaworski,
Phillip S. Peck, Kim Foster
Special thanks to the members of the Fight! Group, who provided me with plenty of insights and even more enthusiasm.
You guys are awesome.
Count_Zero, Cenobite, Sean D, ssj_goemon, Finale, Darryl, Rubio, A Bad Idea, Nexus, Alex Lupin, MacLeod, Jack Snipe,
Gunsmoke, ajuson, Lonoto D, aysezz, Jack OKnives, Charade, Telcontar, matthewmcdonnell2, Stacie Winters, and
Joseph McGivern
Special thanks to several people on the forums at and The Forge for their comments and insights, especially
Halfjack and SrGrvsaLot for their thoughtful review, critique, and advice.
Very special thanks to Rafael Chandler, who invited me into the world of indie RPG design and who has proven time and
again to be an excellent mentor and a model of professionalism I can only hope to emulate. Thanks, man.
This game is possible because of my wife and sons, who patiently endured long hours of me prattling on about rules,
discussing video games, and trying to explain the appeal of 2D fighting games. I love you all very, very much.
Copyright 2010 Christopher Peter. This book was published by Divine Madness Press in Worcester, Massachusetts.
For more information about Fight!, please visit
Join in the discussion at
All artwork copyright 2010 original artists.
No part of this book may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without permission from the publisher (except for brief
quotes used in reviews). All content is fictional, and any similarity, real or imagined, to persons living or dead, is

Fight! is dedicated to Mark Buczek, the games first and most fervent
I pray that he continues to guide the game from his new post.
I know youre still playing with us, Mark.

What is the Fighting Game Genre?............................................................................................................................7
Reading This Book...................................................................................................................................................9
Gaming and Metagaming.......................................................................................................................................10
The Basics of Role-Playing......................................................................................................................................11

1. Character Generation...................................................................................................................................13

Concept and Background........................................................................................................................................13

Blood Types...........................................................................................................................................................15
Designing a Character............................................................................................................................................15
Character Generation Checklist...............................................................................................................................17
Basic Qualities.......................................................................................................................................................17
Qualities, Weaknesses, and Quirks..........................................................................................................................18
Noticing What the Players Want Through Their Characters Qualities.........................................................................19
Choosing Combat Skills at Power Level 1.................................................................................................................21
Special Moves........................................................................................................................................................21
Power Level Chart..................................................................................................................................................22
Power Level...........................................................................................................................................................22
Completing a Characters Move List.........................................................................................................................23
Explanation of the Power Level Chart......................................................................................................................24
Creating a Group with a Hero and His Supporting Characters.....................................................................................25
Earning Glory........................................................................................................................................................26
Glory and Rate of Character Advancement...............................................................................................................27
Additional Glory Awards Chart................................................................................................................................28
Simplifying and Accelerating the Rate of Advancement............................................................................................29

2. Skills...............................................................................................................................................................31
Basics of the Skill System.......................................................................................................................................31
Assigning Difficulty Levels......................................................................................................................................31
Critical Successes, Mixed Successes, and Fumbles....................................................................................................32
Skill vs. Skill...........................................................................................................................................................33
Skills Without Skill Levels.......................................................................................................................................34
Combat Skills........................................................................................................................................................34
Non-Combat Skills (Mechanical)..............................................................................................................................34
Non-Combat Skills (Narrative)................................................................................................................................34
Skill Descriptions...................................................................................................................................................35
Combat Skills........................................................................................................................................................35
Why No Offensive Skills?........................................................................................................................................36
Mechanical Skills....................................................................................................................................................37
Narrative Skills......................................................................................................................................................40
Action Sequences..................................................................................................................................................46
Developing an Action Sequence..............................................................................................................................46
Resolving an Action Sequence.................................................................................................................................47
Example of an Action Sequence..............................................................................................................................47
Using Action Sequences in the Story.......................................................................................................................49
Earning Glory for an Action Sequence......................................................................................................................49

3. Qualities, Weaknesses, and Quirks............................................................................................................51

Choosing Qualities.................................................................................................................................................51
General Notes Regarding Qualities, Weaknesses, and Quirks....................................................................................51
Choosing Qualities, Weaknesses, and Traits for NPCs................................................................................................53
Buxom, Fan Service, and Suggestive Attire: All in the Eye of the Beholder..................................................................55
Quality Descriptions..............................................................................................................................................56
Weakness Descriptions...........................................................................................................................................65
Quirk Descriptions.................................................................................................................................................70
Story Points..........................................................................................................................................................74
Using Story Points.................................................................................................................................................74

4. Basic Moves, Special Moves, and Super Moves......................................................................77

Basic Moves..........................................................................................................................................................78
Basic Throws.........................................................................................................................................................78
Basic Taunts..........................................................................................................................................................79
Special Moves........................................................................................................................................................79
Move Levels and Controller Motions........................................................................................................................80

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Building Special Moves...........................................................................................................................................80

Move Elements......................................................................................................................................................82
Move Liabilities.....................................................................................................................................................83
Exotic Move Elements............................................................................................................................................84
Exotic Move Liabilities...........................................................................................................................................84
Additional Elements for Super Moves Only..............................................................................................................84
Additional Liabilities for Super Moves Only..............................................................................................................84
Standard Liabilities................................................................................................................................................85
Standard Elements................................................................................................................................................85
Special Move Liabilities..........................................................................................................................................86
Major Special Move Liabilities.................................................................................................................................87
Special Move Elements..........................................................................................................................................88
Examples of Creating Special Moves.......................................................................................................................98
Exotic Special Moves.............................................................................................................................................99
Exotic Special Move Elements...............................................................................................................................100
Exotic Special Move Liabilities...............................................................................................................................107
Random Move.....................................................................................................................................................108
Attack Strings......................................................................................................................................................108
Adding Elements to Attack Strings........................................................................................................................110
Super Moves........................................................................................................................................................111
Building Super Moves...........................................................................................................................................112
Additional Liabilities for Super Moves....................................................................................................................113
Additional Elements for Super Moves....................................................................................................................113
How Super Energy is Accumulated.........................................................................................................................114
Using Super Moves...............................................................................................................................................115
Structure of Super Move Systems..........................................................................................................................116

5. Combat.........................................................................................................................................................119
Staging Combat...................................................................................................................................................119
Combat Sequence................................................................................................................................................120
Die Sizes..............................................................................................................................................................120
Fighting Spirit in Combat......................................................................................................................................121
Metagaming Fighting Spirit..................................................................................................................................122
Rolling Initiative and Control.................................................................................................................................123
Simultaneous Initiative.........................................................................................................................................124
Summary of Simultaneous Initiative Procedure......................................................................................................125
Example of Resolving Simultaneous Initiative........................................................................................................126
Handling Initiative and Control for Multiple Characters...........................................................................................126
On Your Turn........................................................................................................................................................127
Movement Summary............................................................................................................................................130
Resolving an Attack..............................................................................................................................................130
Rolling to Hit an Opponent....................................................................................................................................131
Rolling an Attack..................................................................................................................................................132
Results of a Successful Attack................................................................................................................................132
After Everyone Has Acted.....................................................................................................................................133
100% Combos and Infinite Combos........................................................................................................................134
Generating Long Combos......................................................................................................................................135
Defending Against An Attack.................................................................................................................................135
Dashes and Back Dashes.......................................................................................................................................139
Effects of a Successful Attack................................................................................................................................139
Why Random Damage Rolls?................................................................................................................................140
Hit Stun...............................................................................................................................................................141
Simplifying Hit Stun.............................................................................................................................................141
Knock Back..........................................................................................................................................................141
Knock Down........................................................................................................................................................142
Breakfalls and Tech Rolls.......................................................................................................................................143
Other Combat Actions..........................................................................................................................................144
Environmental Hazards........................................................................................................................................145
Effects of Environmental Hazards..........................................................................................................................147
Walls and Ring-Outs.............................................................................................................................................148
Effects of Walls and Ring-Outs..............................................................................................................................149
Simplified Walls and Ring-Outs.............................................................................................................................151
Defeat, Death, and Healing...................................................................................................................................151
Optional Rules for Slower Recovery.......................................................................................................................152
Team Combat......................................................................................................................................................152

Tag Team Combat.................................................................................................................................................153

Example of Combat..............................................................................................................................................153
Thug Thrashing....................................................................................................................................................159
Thug Attributes...................................................................................................................................................159
Balancing Thugs Against Fighters..........................................................................................................................162
Thug Qualities.....................................................................................................................................................162
Procedure for Fighting Thugs................................................................................................................................165
Thug Initiative and Control...................................................................................................................................165
Thug Movement..................................................................................................................................................165
Thug Attacks and Defenses...................................................................................................................................166
Defending Against Thugs......................................................................................................................................167
Damage Effects Against Thugs..............................................................................................................................167
End of the Turn in Thug Thrashing Combat.............................................................................................................168
Thug Events........................................................................................................................................................168
Thug Event Chart.................................................................................................................................................168
Thug Thrashing....................................................................................................................................................169
Special Actions Useable Against Thugs...................................................................................................................170
Thugs and Skills...................................................................................................................................................170
More Dangerous Guns..........................................................................................................................................171
Example of Thug Thrashing...................................................................................................................................172
Dramatic Combat.................................................................................................................................................177
Initiative Procedure for Dramatic Combat..............................................................................................................177
Movement, Attacks, and Defenses in Dramatic Combat..........................................................................................178
Action Point Options............................................................................................................................................179
Initiative Option...................................................................................................................................................179
Movement Options..............................................................................................................................................179
Attack Options....................................................................................................................................................180
Defense Options..................................................................................................................................................183
Recovery Options.................................................................................................................................................184
Special Options....................................................................................................................................................185
Spiritual Combat..................................................................................................................................................187
Example of Dramatic Combat...............................................................................................................................188

6. The Worlds of Fight!...................................................................................................................................192

Designing Characters for the Campaign.................................................................................................................193

Constructing a Campaign......................................................................................................................................196
The Basics...........................................................................................................................................................196
Group Size...........................................................................................................................................................198
The Tournament..................................................................................................................................................199
Common Plot Elements of Fighting Game Campaign Stories...................................................................................201
Creating NPC Fighters..........................................................................................................................................205
Choosing Campaign Options.................................................................................................................................206
Example Story Arcs and Campaign Seeds...............................................................................................................206
Writing Stories and Running the Game..................................................................................................................209
Example Plotlines................................................................................................................................................210
Examples of Locations for Combat Stages..............................................................................................................211
Combat Systems and Glory...................................................................................................................................213
Pacing a Campaign...............................................................................................................................................214
Creating and Fighting the Boss.............................................................................................................................216
Secret Characters.................................................................................................................................................217
Losing to the Boss................................................................................................................................................217
Once the Boss is Defeated....................................................................................................................................218
Original Video Animation......................................................................................................................................220

Appendix 1: Example Characters..................................................................................................................222

Appendix 2: Character Generation Guidelines............................................................................................227
Appendix 3: Example Special Moves.............................................................................................................231
Appendix 4: Combat Summary......................................................................................................................234
Appendix 5: Glossary......................................................................................................................................238
Appendix 6: Source Material.........................................................................................................................243
Character Sheet..............................................................................................................................................244
Contributor Bios..............................................................................................................................................246

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Welcome to the worlds of Fight! The Fighting Game

RPG! In this game, players have the opportunity to
create characters of epic proportions with fighting
skills rivaled by few others in history. Their
adventures will cross time, space, and sub-genre, as
such fighters might be found in stories of modern
supernatural conspiracies, globe-spanning terrorist
plots, urban crime drama, historical fantasy, nearfuture techno-thriller espionage, and even fantastic
space operas.
Rather than present a specific style of story to tell,
the rules for Fight! allow players to emulate the
conventions and story tropes of the video game
genre known as fighting games. While the play style
of these video games almost exclusively focuses on
a series of one-on-one combats utilizing colorful
characters, each with their own distinctive fighting
styles and special moves, the stories that provide
the backdrop for these combats constitutes a genre
of its own. Fight! emulates this genre in both its
tone and its rules. So in order to make the most of
this game, it helps to understand what the fighting
game genre is.

What is the Fighting Game Genre?

The fighting game genre is a set of thematic
elements that cross over into several other more
common forms of adventure role-playing. It is
perhaps easier to understand it as a filter for
interpreting a particular genre, with specific
characteristics that make it distinctive.
example, there have been fighting video games that
have occurred in fantasy versions of historical Japan,
in the modern world, across several planets in the
far future, and even in wars waged throughout
multiple dimensions. Yet, the fighting game genre is
neither solely fantasy, nor modern, nor science
fiction. It is not even accurate to equate it with the
martial arts genre, for while it shares certain
common story elements with traditional
understandings of that genre, it maintains a hyperstylized context of its own. Here are some of the

distinctive elements that constitute the fighting

game genre:

One in a Million
The Human Body is the Most Powerful
Weapon in the Universe
The Supernatural and Super Science
Drama and Melodrama
Fighting is Life
Glory and Ego Matter
Combat is Unavoidable
One in a Million: The main characters in the fighting
game genre are not just excellent martial artists.
They are the very best martial artists in the world,
perhaps even the greatest fighters in the universe.
Thus, the rules make a distinction between the
player characters (and the most important nonplayer characters) and every other character in the
campaign. These distinctive characters are called
Fighters in the game. Even the Fighters that serve a
more comedic role in the story, or who have less
serious motivations for being involved in the events
of the campaign, are (perhaps inexplicably or
incongruously) among the most powerful martial
artists in the world.
Whether or not the rest of the world knows how
powerful the Fighters in the game are varies from
campaign to campaign. In some games, the
Fighters are veritable celebrities, while in others the
level of their personal power remains unknown.
The Human Body is the Most Powerful Weapon in
the Universe: While there is no question that

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

swords, guns, tanks, and bombs are powerful and

dangerous weapons in the fighting game genre,
they all pale in comparison to the potential
destructive force of the human body trained to peak
performance (such as is the case with all the Fighters
in the campaign).
Martial arts in general are reckoned as more flexible
and dangerous in the genre than they are in the real
world. Many plot lines in fighting games rely heavily
on somehow capturing the essence of a martial
artists power. This may be through magic, high
technology, psychic re-programming, or some other
means, but the end result is the same: the fighting
spirit of a martial artist can be channeled into a
weapon of mass destruction or become the basis for
the programming of an army of elite super soldiers
or unstoppable cyborgs.
Superpowered: Aside from the presence of martial
arts and some common story elements drawn from
the martial arts genre, the fighting game genre
shares more in common with the world of comic
book superheroes. Fighters are larger than life,
often with bold names, distinctive, colorful, and/or
outlandish costumes, driven personalities, and
especially powers beyond those of lesser mortals.
Characters in this genre are capable of defying
physics, enduring blows that would shatter steel,
leaping multiple stories into the air, and wielding
extraordinary training and powered by the deepest
reserves of personal ki energy. Characters in the
fighting game genre are much more than just
martial artists. Rather, martial arts are the means by
which they gain access to superhuman prowess.
The Supernatural and Super Science: While the

levels of this element vary from game to game, the

fighting game genre presumes that the supernatural
is real: magic, superpowers, demons, ghosts,
monsters, and psychic abilities all exist in the default
presumptions of the genre. While the world at large
may or may not know about these realities, the
principal characters in the campaign do, and largely
take them for granted.
Likewise, with the possible exception of historical
games, technological advancements well beyond
real world levels are commonplace in the world of
Fighters. They encounter robots, nanotechnology,
advanced personal weapons, and powered battle
armor. This super science may even be the source of
some characters fighting abilities. Even in some
historical games, elements of the steampunk
genre, such as primitive mecha and advanced
gunpowder weapons, may be present.
Drama and Melodrama: The best role-playing
games thrive on the right balance of action,
adventure, and drama. Even the most combatoriented action game can gain a level of nuance and
immersion with some simple dramatic additions to
the narrative based on the characters involved. It
gives the players more reasons to appreciate the
story and the setting. This is true of the fighting
game genre as well; however, it does not thrive on
mere drama, but rather full-blown melodrama.
The principal characters maintain an outlook on
their universe that is extremely focused and the
personal stakes are always high. This fact makes the
characters easy to role-play, but if one is being true
to the genre, they may lack some of the subtlety or
complexity of real people.
Almost every
important event in the characters life is treated with
do-or-die seriousness, demanding an unrelenting
response. This focus can be hard to relate to, but
maintaining it makes the game true to the genre.

Not all characters in fighting games are so deadly

serious or focused. Lesser characters are often
permitted more varied personality traits, and often
serve as lighter hearts around the brooding main
Fighting is Life: Fighting skills are never a
secondary consideration in describing a character.
On the contrary, they are the way in which the
Fighter understands his place in the universe. Thus,
characters in the genre are extraordinarily willing to
enter into combat.
Any offense, especially
regarding ones fighting ability, can be an excuse to
start violence.
Aside from answering an insult, combat is also a way
to show respect, re-connect with a friend after a
long absence, demonstrate ones philosophy of life,
or prove a point. Development of ones combat
abilities is key to ones whole self-identity. The
answer to the question, Why do you fight? is also
the answer to the question, Who are you?
Glory and Ego Matter: Honor plays an important
role in the fighting game genre, just as it does in
many stories in the martial arts genre. However, the
pursuit of glory is often even more important than
honor. Glory unofficially establishes a hierarchy
among the best fighters in the world, a hierarchy
that matters to all of them, even if only on a
subconscious level.
Some characters are arrogant and outgoing about
their pursuit of glory. Other characters maintain a
more humble demeanor, but the strength of their
ego is still critical for their own self-understanding.
A Fighter may have momentary crises of self-doubt,
but on a fundamental level, the knowledge that he is
one of the greatest combatants in the world keeps
him going. This pursuit of glory is also the reason
behind the common practice of taunting and trash
talking in combat.

This element of the fighting game genre is also

important on the metagame level (see Gaming
and Metagaming below for more on this). The
hardcore players of fighting video games are an
unusually competitive lot, and the glory associated
with winning is an important motivator.
Furthermore, while winning is good, winning with
style and flair is even better. A player is accorded
more glory for demonstrating flexibility with a
characters move set and using long and interesting
combos than winning by repeating the same special
move over and over. It is easy to assume that this
would also translate to the Fighters who populate
the fighting game genre and the rules of the game
support this.
Combat is Unavoidable: In many role-playing
genres, combat exists as one option for resolving
conflict. In some games, actually avoiding combat is
far more preferable for long-term success or
survivability. In the fighting game genre, combat is
unavoidable. There is no way that a character will
resolve his personal storyline, realize his destiny or
doom, or reach his full potential without frequent
This has an effect on the way that the Director sets
up the campaign and prepares stories, as well as on
the way that players conceptualize their characters.
It also colors the role-playing of the characters,
especially during combat. As noted above, fighting
is intimately related to a characters self-identity.
While some genres see character development
occurring through introspection and meaningful
dialogue with other characters, in the fighting game
genre, character development occurs during
These are some of the most important traits that
define the fighting game genre. Players should

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

embrace these traits when creating and playing

their characters, and Directors should strive to make
sure the tone of the game is drenched in them.

Reading This Book

In order to get started with the game, players can
proceed to Chapters 1-4 for all the details on
creating their own unique Fighters. Chapter 1
provides an overview of all the components that
make up a character. Chapter 2 describes all of the
Skills in the game and how they are utilized in play.
Chapter 3 describes the unique Qualities,
Weaknesses, and Quirks that define the characters
appearance, background, and personality. Chapter
4 describes how to create a Fighters Special Moves
and Super Moves, the unique attack forms that
define the characters abilities in combat.
Chapter 5 describes all the rules for combat, which
are understandably more detailed than the rest of
the rules in a game called Fight! Two sub-systems
are also described in this chapter: the first is used
when the Fighters are fighting lesser opponents, the
faceless minions of their enemies, while the second
simplifies some of the core tactical elements of the
normal combat system in exchange for a more
narrative style of combat for when the nature of the
scene warrants a change in tone.
Chapter 6 provides guidance and inspiration for the
Director by describing several traditional archetypes
for characters, ideas for fight scene locations, and
campaign models, as well as advice on beginning,
maintaining, and ending a Fight! campaign.
So focus your ki and feel your fighting spirit as you
enter into worlds of over-the-top action in the
fighting game genre!


Gaming and Metagaming

Every role-playing game strives for some sort
of balance between playability and realism.
Oftentimes, the realism (or lack thereof) of a
games rules is a deliberate choice meant to
emulate the genre in which the game is set.
Fight! is in no way an accurate representation
of real-world martial arts combat. In fact, its
not even an accurate representation of martial
arts as seen in wuxia movies. Rather, Fight!
takes its perspective solely from fighting video
games. This means that not only is the
treatment of martial arts so heavily stylized as
to bear little resemblance to the real world, but
even the mechanics of the game are influenced
by the conventions of these video games.
In addition to prioritizing specific special moves
for each character and the use of strings of
attacks in combination (to cite just two
examples), there is even an invisible filter
layered over the rules that occasionally allows
one to presume the presence of a hypothetical
player playing the video game in which the
character is a part. This metagame is not
intended to encourage the breaking of the socalled fourth wall in order to have the
characters speak to their players as if the
latter were divine beings (though theres
nothing wrong with that if thats what you want
to do). Rather, it is a way to understand how
some of the rules work and why certain design
choices were made in the game. In deciding
between how something would work in the
real world as opposed to how it would work in
a fighting video game, the rules almost always
favor the latter.

The Basics of Role-Playing

This Introduction presumes familiarity with the basic concepts of a role-playing game. However, for
the wholly uninitiated, the following description should suffice. In Fight!, each of the players creates
a character representative of the typical kinds of characters found in a fighting video game. Each
player will act out this characters speech and determine the characters actions in the scenes and
setting of the game. Another player called the Director defines this setting and the events that occur
there. The Director is also the player who is responsible for designing the universe in which the
players characters will adventure and fight. He plays the roles of all of the characters that are not the
player characters. The game itself is played out by acting out the roles of the characters through a
series of scenes set up by the Director. When there are multiple possibilities to an events outcome,
such as who wins in a fight scene, the rules and dice are used to resolve the scene.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)


1. Character Generation
This chapter contains basic details on all the
elements that make up a character for Fight! Follow
these steps to establish the framework of a Fighter
character, and then consult Chapters 2, 3, and 4 for
more details regarding Skills, Qualities, and Special

Concept and Background

An exceptional character always begins with an
exceptional concept. This can be simple when
starting the process: deciding your character is a
monk who has just left his monastery, a maverick
cop interested in the supernatural, or a world
champion tournament fighter is sufficient to start.
This is not to say that a concept cannot be detailed
to begin with; after all, the more detailed the idea
from the outset, the easier it is to make the
If you need inspiration for your concept, all you have
to do is look to the source material. Look at
characters from your favorite fighting game and
borrow an idea. It is obvious to any fan that most
fighting video games do this same thing with great
regularity. This does not suggest that new ideas are
not available; however, some character types (e.g.,
the wandering master, the headstrong champion)
just fit the genre exceptionally well. In fact, almost
any character archetype from action-adventure
fiction can be turned into a concept for a Fight!
character with the simple addition of incredible
martial arts skills and an attitude willing to engage
in over-the-top action.
Character concept in Fight! can easily be broken
down into four categories: Appearance, Martial Arts
Style, Training Background, and especially, Reason

for Fighting. In each of these categories, think

boldly about your concept. It is often far better to
imagine extremes for fighting game characters than
safe concepts. A fighter who wants to be the best
in the world will adamantly refuse to live a safe and
normal life. The way a fighter dresses may be totally
inappropriate for the normal world, yet he wears it
on a regular basis anyway. A warrior who seeks
revenge will put everything else second to this
quest, including loved ones and security. Characters
in Fight! are not normal, everyday people!
Appearance: The outlandish character designs and
costumes of fighting game characters are generally
not at all normal and often share more in common
with superhero comics. Both character appearances
and outfits are usually extremely stylized, or else
strongly iconic (e.g., a traditional fighting outfit of a
particular style). The fighting game genre is
obviously an extremely visual medium, so give
serious thought to what the character looks like. An
additional aspect of a characters appearance is his
opening stances or actions before he begins a fight,
as well as his win quotes and/or win poses at the end
of a fight. In the source material, these remain
consistent throughout the characters career and
become part of his visual identity.
Martial Arts Style: While characters in Fight! are not
required to have any connection to real-world
martial arts styles, it is important to visualize what
the characters fighting style actually looks like.
What common elements or thematic flourishes
describe the appearance of the characters martial
arts? Does the character exclusively use punches or
kicks? Does a glow of blue energy accompany the
characters most powerful attacks? Is the character
especially fast, move around a lot, or spend a lot of
time jumping? Does the character have an unusual

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

move around a lot, or spend a lot of time jumping?
Does the character have an unusal stance when he
Training Background: What events led to the
character learning martial arts? More importantly,
where, how, and why did he develop his skill to
become one of the very best in the world (even if he
does not know or believe that to be the case)? Was
he trained by a reclusive master to fulfill a great
destiny? Was he a soldier who proved to be a natural
in unarmed combat? Did he learn to fight to right a
great wrong to his family and his drive brought him
to excellence? Does he practice a particular style
designed to defeat a great evil?
Reason for Fighting: This is the most important
element of concept to keep the character involved in
the events of the campaign. Whether the character
fights to be the best, or to seek vengeance, or to
save someone he loves, his reason for fighting in
general says much about his philosophy of life in the
fighting game genre. For many characters, fighting
is a metaphor for life itself. Therefore, knowing why
someone chooses to fight as a way to find meaning
in ones life says much about the character. This one
category basically defines a characters core
personality and in some ways guides the previous
three categories.
As you continue to develop the concept, further
questions about the characters background arise.
Where is he from? What is his personality? His
interests? Here are some additional questions to
consider for your character. Answering these
questions is not essential, but it can add a lot to a
character. Much of this information can be found
for many characters in fighting video games, so
there are ample sources for inspiration.


Is his fighting style a traditional art or a completely

unique school?
How tall is he? How much does he weigh?
What does he look like? What is his hair color?
Remember that some characters in the source
material, especially women, occasionally have
unusual colors for their hair.
When he is not fighting, how does he dress?
How old is he? What is his birthday? Are either of
these facts especially significant in some way?
What country is he from? Perhaps he is not of this
Earth, or perhaps he is now more or less than human
due to biological mutations or cybernetic
Does he have a job? Is it a traditional job or is it
exotic? Does his job get in the way of his fighting or
are the two complementary? If they are not, how
does he get around these complications?
What is his blood type? Japanese tradition relates a
persons blood type to their basic personality, much
like an astrological sun sign. See Blood Types below.
When the character is not fighting, training, or
working, what does he like to do? What are some of
his unusual likes and dislikes? Another strange
convention of the genre is the unusual and/or silly
hobbies the heroes enjoy, such as text messaging,
doing laundry, or growing exotic flowers.
What is his favorite food? Favorite sport?
What is most valuable in his life? Is it a person, a
thing, or an idea? Conversely, what does he hate the

Blood Types

Type A: People with blood type A are calm, selfassured, a bit quiet around others, and often
committed to personal excellence. This is a
good blood type for the dedicated warrior who
fights to perfect his body and his art.
Type B: People with blood type B are friendly,
individualistic, and often enthusiastic. This
blood type corresponds to friendly, fun-loving,
outgoing, and/or silly types of characters.
While the hero of the most serious fighting
game stories will not be blood type B, his
bumbling buddy or desperate girlfriend might
Type O: People with blood type O are social
people, open-minded, committed, and selfconfident. It is an excellent default blood
type for many characters.
Type AB: People with blood type AB share
characteristics from other blood types, creating
an iconoclastic personality with competing
personality traits. Such a character may be
inconsistent, unpredictable, or deceptive in
their behavior. This is a good blood type for
many villainous characters.
While answering these questions will provide a
wealth of information about the character, the
Director may ask for more information. These
additional facts are more directly intended to
provide story hooks, as well as to help situate the
character in the specific world setting that the
Director has designed. Many players will freely offer
detailed accounts of their charactersbackgrounds,
but for those who are less inclined, it helps to have
some specific questions or categories for the player
to address. The Director is free to come up with his

own categories. A few are suggested here.

Supporting characters provide story hooks for the
Director to use. These characters might be friends,
fighting allies, enemies, or mysterious strangers.
Have the player define one to three of these
supporting characters. If the Director feels any of
them might be problematic, he and the player
should work at modifying them appropriately.
If the player is not willing to write a full background,
have him suggest one to three quirky aspects of the
characters personality, things about him that might
not readily suggest themselves.
Have the player suggest one to three concrete
aspects of the characters past. This could perhaps
be a family member that needs protecting, a
criminal past, or a pact made with a powerful
Finally, it might be useful to have the player decide
upon one important obstacle against fighting for the
character. This might be the disapproval of the
characters family, a deep-seated fear or insecurity
about himself, or a curse that will lead to his death.
This last trait, if given enough thought, can often
provide especially intriguing storylines for the

Designing a Character
All Player Characters (PCs) and most important
Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are considered to be
Fighters. This means that they are among a select
group of the most powerful martial artists in the
setting (though the scale of that setting might be a
city, the world, or the whole universe). In terms of

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the game rules, Fighters are far more powerful than
other people, able to defeat hordes of lesser
combatants, perform unbelievable feats of physical
and possibly mystical ability, and only find a true
challenge in martial combat against another of their
kind. These are the movers and shakers of the
campaign setting: the noblest of heroes and the
darkest of villains.
Each Fighter character is defined by a number of
Basic Qualities: These three characteristics are
Strength, Speed, and Stamina. They describe the
characters basic physical capabilities and, to a lesser
extent, certain elements of his fighting style. They
are defined at character creation and can never be
Qualities: These traits encompass a wide variety of
generally advantageous aspects of the character.
Many of them describe a characters appearance,
but they also include connections to the larger
world, important items or contacts, and even
powerful supernatural abilities for use outside of
Weaknesses: These traits encompass a variety of
disadvantages afflicting the character. Many of
them describe psychological limitations, while
others describe appearance or other liabilities.
There are even some Weaknesses that relate to
combat ability. No character is required to take
Weaknesses, but doing so allows a character to
select additional Qualities.
Quirks: These traits are elements of a characters
personality that often impose minor restrictions on
the actions of a character. However, they are not as


significant or as debilitating as Weaknesses. Many

characters have one or two Quirks. A larger
collection of Quirks (more than two) is actually
considered to be a Weakness.
Skills: These traits determine a characters talent
and training in a number of different areas. Several
Skills in the game are not skills in the traditional
sense of the word, but rather a rating of a
characters ability with certain exceptional powers or
specialized training.
Special Moves and Super Moves: These two sets of
traits best distinguish a characters unique fighting
style. Each individual special attack is built out of a
list of Elements that define how the move is best
used in combat.
Glory: This trait measures the style, flair, and skill
with which the character defeats his opponents. As
the character earns more Glory, he advances in
Power Level. Glory functions as the equivalent of
experience points in other role-playing games,
though the way it is earned is rather specific to the
structure of the game.
Combat Bonuses: These traits measure special
bonuses in combat that are applied specifically to
Accuracy, Control, Defense, and Damage. By
choosing specific bonuses, the character further
defines his particular fighting style.
Life Bar: This trait measures how much damage a
character can endure before being knocked out or
being so wounded as to be unable to continue
fighting. It is called a bar in reference to the
depleting bars at the top of the screen in traditional
fighting video games.
Fighting Spirit: This trait measures a characters
creativity, flexibility, skill, and split-second decision-

making ability in combat. It is used for many
purposes in combat. Fighting Spirit can make attacks
faster and more accurate, defenses more sure, and
combos longer. It has many other uses in combat as

Character Generation Checklist

The following steps describe the specific
process of making a character in Fight!
1. Choose the characters Basic Qualities.
2. Choose four additional Qualities.
3. If desired, choose Weaknesses
and Quirks to possibly earn
more Qualities.
4. Spend 5 points on Combat Skills.
5. Spend 15 points on other Skills.
6. Spend 10 points on Special Moves.

Basic Qualities

from opponents.
The three Basic Qualities are rated between 1 and
2, with a 0 being average for a Fighter (though not
necessarily average for a regular human).
A character may choose to have any two Basic
Qualities at 1, while the third remains 0.
Alternatively, a character may choose to have one
Basic Quality at 2, one at 1, and the remaining one
at 0. This permits nine different character
Example 1: Wayne is creating a character. As he
has in mind a fairly stereotypical hero character,
he decides to choose Strength 1, Speed 0, and
Stamina 1. This character hits hard and resists
damage well, but is not especially fast.
Example 2: Christine is creating her character. She
has a different stereotype in mind: the ultra-fast
female fighter who may not hit hard but hits often.
She chooses Strength 1, Speed 2, and Stamina 0.

If a character has a Speed that is not 0, this Basic

Every character has three Basic Qualities: Strength, Quality must be further defined. A character with
Speed, and Stamina.
Speed that is one point higher or lower than
average must choose to have the benefit or penalty
Strength: This measures the characters ability to use apply to either Initiative or Control. If Speed is 2,
physical force in combat. A high Strength increases a the bonus may apply to both or it may apply to
characters damage in combat.
either Initiative or Control twice. These modifiers
increase the available character archetypes from
Speed: This measures a characters reaction time in nine to 15. This decision must be made when the
combat, including the ability to act with both speed character is first created and may not be changed
and competence. It also measures the characters later.
ability to most efficiently use the opportunities he has
been given in combat. Speed may modify a Example 1: Christines character has a Speed of 2.
characters Initiative, Control, or both.
Her character concept is a character that always
Stamina: This measures the characters ability to
absorb damage and keep functioning. A high
Stamina reduces the damage a character receives

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strikes first, so she assigns both points of Speed to
Initiative. She fills in the character sheet with Speed
2, and then circles the word Initiative next to it.
Example 2: Jens character is also a stereotypical
fast female fighter with a Speed of 2. However, her
character is not only fast, but capable of significant
combo attacks as well. She assigns one point of
Speed to Initiative and the other to Control. She fills
in the character sheet with Speed 2, and then circles
both the words Control and Initiative next to it.
Example 3: Jen and Christines Fighters are soon to
meet one of the Directors NPCs named Blood Fist.
Blood Fist has Strength 2, Speed 1, and Stamina 0.
The Director decided to record the characters
negative Speed as an Initiative penalty. Blood Fist
may not move fast, but he still knows how to put
together a Combo when he has to. The Director
records Speed 1, and then circles the word
Initiative next to it.
The effect of having a positive or negative Basic
Quality is determined by the die size used in certain
situations in combat. A description of how die sizes
work can be found at the beginning of Chapter 6.
Positive Strength adds one or two die sizes to the
damage of attacks. Negative Strength subtracts
one die size from the damage of attacks.
Positive Speed with a focus on Initiative adds one or
two die sizes to the characters Initiative rolls in
combat. Negative Speed with a focus on Initiative
subtracts one die size from the characters Initiative
rolls in combat. Regardless of the characters base
die size as determined by Speed, Initiative can still
be increased with Fighting Spirit as usual (see
Initiative and Control in the Combat chapter).


Positive Speed with a focus on Control adds one or

two die sizes to the characters Control rolls in
combat. Negative Speed with a focus on Control
subtracts one die size from the characters Control in
combat. Regardless of the characters base die size
as determined by Speed, Control can still be
increased with Fighting Spirit as usual (see Initiative
and Control in the Combat chapter).
Positive Stamina subtracts one or two die sizes from
the damage inflicted by an opponents attacks.
Negative Stamina increases the damage of
opponents attacks by one die size.

Qualities, Weaknesses, and Quirks

Every character begins the game with four Qualities,
selected from the list of Qualities found in Chapter 3.
A character also has an opportunity to gain a new
Quality at every even-numbered Power Level,
subject to the Directors approval. This approval
should be based on the events of the campaign. If
the character has been carefully cultivating a
reputation in the underworld, then the Quality
Connections: Criminal makes sense. But a
character should not be able to develop the
Wealth Quality overnight, for example, simply
because the character advanced in power. Generally
speaking, the Director should not make it too
difficult for characters to gain new Qualities, as long
as some reasonable in-game explanation can be
A character can also gain additional Qualities during
character creation by choosing Weaknesses. Each
Weakness selected allows the character an
additional Quality. When a character gains a new
Quality at an even-numbered Power Level, he may
instead lose a Weakness, subject to the Directors
approval. Just as when gaining a new Quality, there
should be a story-based reason why the character

loses a Weakness. Furthermore, some Weaknesses may be extremely difficult or impossible to lose.
Quirks are a lesser form of Weakness, usually defined by specific personality traits that compel the character
to behave in certain ways in certain situations. They limit the character in small ways, but not to the same
degree as a Weakness. Their primary purpose is as a guide to role-playing the character. Some example
Quirks are Brutal, Impulsive, or Suspicious.
Every character is encouraged to take one or two Quirks to help further define his personality. If a character
instead chooses three to five Quirks, the combined Quirks count as a Weakness, making the character
eligible to choose another Quality.
If a player role-plays his Quirks to such a degree that he deliberately hinders his character in the course of a story,
the Director can choose to award the character a Story Point (see Story Points in Chapter 3, the Qualities chapter).
Finally, a character does not have to take all four Qualities (or more than four, if Weaknesses have increased
his available total above four). Instead, a Quality can be exchanged for three additional points of NonCombat Skills, two points of Fighting Spirit, or a single point in a Combat Skill. However, all characters must
choose at least one Quality at character creation.
The descriptions of all Qualities, Weaknesses, and Traits can be found in Chapter 3.

Noticing What the Players Want Through Their Characters Qualities

The majority of the Qualities and Weaknesses in the game have nothing to do with combat or fighting ability. Instead,
these elements of the character are intended to develop the character beyond his identity as a Fighter. Many of them deal
with social interactions: either additional resources in the form of equipment or information available to the character or
improved abilities to impress or persuade other people the character encounters. As they gain new Qualities by advancing
in Power Level, a character can expand his network of contacts and allies.
However, the rules do not require a character to have any more than a single Quality. This can allow a character to instead
trade all of his extra Qualities for significantly greater Combat Skills and/or Fighting Spirit, choices that directly improve a
characters ability in a fight.
The Director should note the choices his players make when they make and advance their characters. Are they spending
all of their Qualities on Connections, Influence, and Followers? This indicates that the characters interactions with NPCs
are important to the group and a story full of non-stop fight scenes will probably not be as interesting to them. On the
other hand, if the players characters all have only a single Quality, and many of those are combat-related, the players are
indicating that combat is most fun to them, and the Director should plan stories accordingly.
Many groups, though, probably have players who fit into both of these categories, suggesting that the Director needs to
find a balance in writing stories that are character-driven and ones that are action-packed. In any case, the Qualities the
player chooses for his character can be a useful guideline for the Director.

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example, a character cannot spend five NonCombat Skill points on Combat Skills or vice versa.

Skills are divided into two categories: Combat Skills

A characters competence with a given Skill is

measured by levels in that skill. It costs one point to
increase a Skill by one level. A character with only
one level of a Skill has basic training, while eight
levels denotes an advanced level of training. It
should be noted that what constitutes basic
training is largely dependent on the Skill in question.
Especially for Combat Skills, even one level
generally represents far greater skill than is possible
for a normal person.

and Non-Combat Skills. Non-Combat Skills are

further divided into Mechanical Skills and Narrative
Skills. This latter distinction delineates when the
skills are used in the game, though it does not
change how the skills are acquired or the basic rules
governing how the skills are used. Each character
begins with a pool of points to be spent on Combat
Skills and Non-Combat Skills.
Combat Skills: These skills have a direct,
mechanical relationship to the combat system.
There are five of them, but the most important ones
are Defense, Evasion, and Tactics (sometimes
abbreviated DET). These three skills are used to
avoid being hit in combat. The remaining two
Combat Skills are Ki, usually used only by characters
with Special Moves that have the Ranged Element,
and Combo, which determines how long of a Combo
the character can string together in combat.
Mechanical Skills: All the skills in this category of
Non-Combat Skills have additional requirements
before they can be acquired and/or specific
applications in a story context. They are skills with
specific game applications. However, they cost the
same to acquire as Narrative Skills.
Narrative Skills: The remaining Non-Combat Skills
encompass everything else a character might be
able to do, usually used in a story outside of a
combat situation.
When a character is first built, as well as each time
he increases in Power Level, he receives points to
spend on both Combat and Non-Combat Skills.
Points cannot be switched between categories. For


The highest level a character may have in any single

Skill is his present Power Level x 3, up to a maximum
level of 10. Two exceptions exist: the Combo Skill
has no maximum level at any point and Defense,
Evasion, and Tactics are limited by a characters
Power Level to much
lower levels, as noted
on the Power Level
Chart (see below).
Thus, a Power Level
4 character could
theoretically have a
Combo Skill of 11 (if he
spent all of his Combat
Skill Points on Combo,
which would not be an
effective choice!), though
the limit on all his other
Skills would be 10.
Full descriptions of all
Skills can be found in
Chapter 2.

Choosing Combat Skills at Power Level 1
A player can distribute the five points available for Combat Skills in whatever way he wishes. However,
there are some mechanical considerations to keep in mind that are not immediately apparent without
some familiarity with the combat rules.
A Combo Skill of 1 has no effect. The actual level of this Skill determines the maximum number of hits
that can be strung together into a single attack, and thus a character needs at least 2 levels of this Skill to
be able to use it. In a sense, one must spend two Combat Skill points to acquire the ability to do
Ki Skill is useful even with only a single level. However, its primary use in combat is to determine the
damage of Special Moves with the Ranged Element. Therefore, a character without Ranged moves does
not need to have the Ki Skill. On the other hand, a Power Level 1 character can only spend up to three
points in any one Skill. The damage of a Ranged Special Move is the same for Ki 1-3. This means that the
main incentive for choosing a Ki Skill higher than 1 is to speed advancement in the Skill at higher Power
A level of 1 in any of the defensive Skills is extremely limited. There are very few instances in the combat
system in which that level will be able to block or avoid an attack. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider
putting two or even three Combat Skill points in at least one of the three defensive Skills at Power Level
1. While the character will be less flexible in his defenses to start, he will actually have a chance to avoid
some attacks. If the player chooses to put at least two Skill points in two different defensive Skills, the
best pair is Defense and Evasion, as these two Skills can be used together.
These first important decisions already begin to define the fighting style of the character. A character
with Ranged attacks has fewer points to spend on defenses and so must manage positioning more
carefully. A character with two or three points in Combo is setting himself up for an aggressive style of
play that will rely on high Initiative and Control. A character who chooses neither of these options will
probably have moderately sound defenses in exchange for offensive flexibility

Special Moves

combat. The details of these characteristics are

explained in Chapter 4.

Special Moves are one of the most important

characteristics of a Fighter. These are the unique
attacks that make up a characters fighting style,
whether that includes powerful uppercuts, spinning
roundhouse kicks, or projecting balls of destructive
energy. Each move is made up of specific
characteristics that define its application during

A Fighter character begins with 10 Move Points to

spend on Special Moves. Each Special Move costs a
number of Move Points to purchase equal to its level
(explained in more detail in Chapter 4), with the

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

exception of Level 2 (L2) moves, which cost 3 Move Points rather than 2 points. Most Special Moves are L3,
L4, or L5
A character must spend all 10 points on Special Moves. However, with each Special Move generally costing
3, 4, or 5 points, there is a possibility that only 1 or 2 points will be left over. In this case, these remaining
points can be spent on Non-Combat Skills instead. They cannot be saved.
Example 1: Waynes Fighter is a traditional combatant with three Special Moves. Two of these Special
Moves are Level 3 (L3), while his final move is Level 4 (L4). This costs 10 points (3+3+4).
Example 2: Jens Fighter has simpler moves. All three of her starting Special Moves are L3. This only totals 9
points, so the remaining point can be spent on a Non-Combat Skill.














































Power Level
A Fighter characters overall power, especially in
combat, is determined by his Power Level. Power
Level functions in many ways like the concept of
level in other role-playing games. All characters
begin at Power Level 1. As they gain Glory through
the events of the campaign, they advance in Power

Level. No character can achieve a Power Level

above 8 this usually marks the countdown to the
end of a campaign plotline. For an additional
challenge and to extend the storys finale, there is
also an optional rule that serves as an exception for
a campaigns final Boss Fighters, who may be
Power Level 9, or even Power Level 10.
All characters begin with 0 Glory. As soon as a
character gains enough Glory for the next Power


Level as listed on the chart above, they immediately advance in Power Level. However, the Director can
restrict a character from advancing in Power Level until the end of a session or the end of an adventure. A
character normally will not advance in Power Level during the middle of a combat, as spending all the
choices to advance the character would disrupt the narrative of the combat. However, the Director is free to
allow this if he wishes, if he thinks the characters sudden power boost will make for a better story. Perhaps
he might allow an immediate increase in Fighting Spirit or Life Bar, or allow him access to a new Special
Move that the player had prepared in advance.
When a character advances in Power Level, he gains another 3 points to be spent on Combat Skills, another

Completing a Characters Move List

Over the course of the eight Power Levels, a character will acquire enough Move Points to purchase between 1824 Special and Super Moves. This raises certain questions. Does the character need that many moves? Does the
campaign style suggest the character should have that many moves?
If the campaign is meant to emulate the increasingly complicated world of modern 2-D fighting games, the
answer is probably yes. Many characters in contemporary fighting games may rely on 5-6 primary special
attacks, but have a wide array of Special Moves for unusual situations or which are highly dependent on following
other moves, sometimes in long chains. Thus, creative players can use all the available Move Points to create rich
repertoires of moves to use in many different situations.
On the other hand, if the style of the campaign is emulating the majority of 3-D fighting games, the answer is
likely no. Despite impressively long move lists, sometimes in the neighborhood of 100 special moves, the
majority of these are actually better represented with the rules for Attack Strings (see Chapter 4). Basically, just
because the attacks look different and are named differently when the player presses one punch, two punches, or
three punches in a row, the game mechanics of Fight! describe this as an Attack String of Basic Attacks, not as
different Special Moves. Thus, in a campaign like this, characters will still likely have a number of Special Moves,
but they will also use Move Points to increase their Attack String Skill.
Likewise, if the campaign is intended to maintain the simplicity of old-school 2-D fighting games, the characters
move lists might be closed very early (even as early as Power Level 1 or 2). This allows the character to translate
all of his remaining Move Points into Skills for a campaign style that allows characters to do more than just fight,
or into greater levels of Combo and Fighting Spirit.
This latter option also fits well with the implied metagame of Fight! With a short move list, it doesnt take as
long to learn how to perform all of them. Instead, skill in combat is measured by the ability to use those Special
Moves well, which is represented in the game with both Combos and the ability to manipulate fights with
Fighting Spirit.

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10 points to spend on Non-Combat Skills, and
another 10 points to spend on Special Moves.
With the 10 points available for Special Moves, the
character must acquire at least one new Special
Move or Super Move (if permitted by his Power
Level and the campaign guidelines). If the character
cannot or does not wish to spend exactly 10 points
on new Special Moves, the remainder not spent on
Special Moves can be either added to Non-Combat
Skills or to Fighting Spirit on a 1-for-1 basis, to the
Combo Skill at a cost of 3 points per point of Combo,
or they can be saved for next level.
A player can decide that his characters Special
Move list is complete. At this point, he is no longer
obligated to spend Move Points on new Special
Moves and can instead spend those points on NonCombat Skills, Fighting Spirit, or the Combo Skill, as
noted above. However, the character can never
again acquire more Special Moves or Super Moves.
If the campaign includes Super Moves, a character
cannot close his Move List until after Power Level
3 when the character acquires his first Super Move.
Finally, at each even Power Level, at the Directors
discretion, a character can gain a new Quality or lose
a Weakness. These cannot be Basic Qualities, which
never change.

Explanation of the Power Level Chart

Power Level: All characters start at Power Level 1.
As they earn Glory, they progress through Power
Level 8. An increase in Power Level demonstrates a
greater level of power, as well as a greater
understanding of ones capabilities and potential.


On a metagame level, Power Level can also be

understood as a players proficiency with the
particular character in the video game represented
by the campaign. At each Power Level, the player
learns how to use new moves in more situations, as
well as how to perform longer Combos and defend
more effectively.
Total Glory: This is the total Glory earned by the
character through all his endeavors. The Glory Total
is what determines the characters Power Level. The
ways characters can acquire Glory are described
Super Moves: It is presumed that campaigns will
allow Super Moves by default. However, no
character can acquire his first Super Move before
reaching Power Level 3. When a character reaches
Power Level 3, he must use some of his Move Points
to acquire a Super Move. Unlike normal Special
Moves, the total number of Super Moves a character
can have is determined by his Power Level.
Combat Bonuses: There are four different Combat
Bonuses: Accuracy, Control, Damage, and Defense.
Each of these adds to the appropriate check or value
in combat. When a character achieves Power Level
2, he chooses one of the four categories in which to
take a +1 bonus. At Power Level 3, he may choose a
different bonus at +1, or he can choose the same
bonus to become +2. The split number on the Power
Level chart beginning at Power Level 4 shows the
total number of bonuses on the left, and the highest
total available to any single bonus on the right.
Thus, at Power Level 4, a character will have 3 total
Combat Bonuses, though no single category will be
greater than +2
DET: DET stands for the three defensive Combat
Skills: Defense, Evasion, and Tactics. Unlike normal
Skills, these three Skills individually cannot be of a
higher level than listed on the Power Level chart.

For example, a
Power Level 5
normally have up to
10 levels in any Skill,
except for Defense,
cannot be higher
than 4 according to
the Power Level
never has an upper
Full Defense: When
a character uses the
Full Defense option
in combat, his
Defense Total is
increased by the
amount listed here.
A higher Power
Level character can
make better use of
this tactic.

Creating a Group with a Hero and His Supporting Characters

The default presumption for a group of players is that each of their characters is a
Fighter traveling and fighting alongside the other PCs for reasons appropriate to
their back-stories and motivations. Each of the fighters is roughly equivalent in
skill and ability as the rest. However, it is possible that a group of players might
want one of their characters to clearly be the hero, while the remaining
characters offer support roles (despite still being Fighters themselves).
In this situation, the points allocated to Combat and Non-Combat Skills change.
The hero character begins with 10 points in Combat Skills, but only 5 points in
Non-Combat Skills. Each Power Level (including Power Level 8), the hero gains 5
points in both Combat and Non-Combat Skills. On the other hand, the non-hero
characters start the game with only 2 points of Combat Skills, but with 25 points
of Non-Combat Skills. Each Power Level, these characters receive 1 more point
for Combat Skills, but 15 more points for Non-Combat Skills.
This allows the non-hero characters to develop high skill levels in many different
areas to support the hero. It is important to note that, with such a campaign style,
the Dramatic Combat sub-system should not be used. Due to the prevalence of
Non-Combat Skill use in that system, combined with the increased use of Basic
Moves, not only will the hero character not shine in such a situation, but his
support characters will perhaps prove to be better fighters than he is! One
possible exception to this would be occasional fight scenes against incorporeal
monsters and spirits, where a supporting magical character has a chance to shine.
Likewise, to create balance with this campaign model, investigation, infiltration,
and interaction scenes should be as common as combat scenes, in order to give all
the characters their moment in the spotlight. The Director should also consider
small Glory awards for the supporting characters when their skill use saves the day
or allows the story to continue for the main hero.

Life Bar: This is the

amount of damage
the character can
take in combat before
being defeated. Defeated usually means knocked
out, but in the context of the story, it may mean the
character needs to take a break before going
another round, or that he is simply unable to fight
anymore, or possibly that he has been killed.
Fighting Spirit: This represents the reserves of
energy - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual that the character can bring to the battlefield. It can

be used in many different ways in combat. The

careful management of Fighting Spirit is one of the
most important tactical decisions in the whole
combat system. The number in this column
represents the base Fighting Spirit for a Fighter of a
particular Power Level. If the Fighter has spent
Move Points to increase his Fighting Spirit, those
additional points are added to his new base Fighting

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

additional points are added to his new base Fighting
Spirit when the character advances in Power Level.

Special Move in this combat), even though it hit,

earns no Glory.

Earning Glory

Example 2: Koichiros opponent, the ninja Tsuto,

attacks back and hits
with a 4-hit Combo,
beginning with a flying
axe kick, an L4 move.
This is the first time the
kick has been used in
the fight; therefore the
Combo is worth 8 Glory:
4 for the L4 move, and
4 for the successful 4hit Combo. Two rounds
later, he hits with the
exact same Combo.
This time, the attack is
only worth 4 Glory (for
the 4-hit Combo).

Combat is the primary

means by which characters
earn most of their Glory.
The first time a character
hits with a Special Move in
a fight, he earns Glory equal
to the level of the move.
This only applies to the first
use of a Special Move in a
fight; subsequent uses of
the same move in the same
fight do not earn Glory. If
the attack misses, no Glory
is earned, but if the same
move is used again in the
same combat and hits, it
then earns Glory. Basic
Moves do not earn Glory. A
Combo earns Glory equal to
the number of moves in the
Combo (including Basic
Moves), as well as Glory for
any Special Moves in the
Combo that have been
used successfully for the
first time in the combat.
Example 1: Koichiro hits an opponent with his L3
Ranged attack, a projection of blue ki force. This is
the first time the attack has been used in the fight,
so it earns 3 Glory. On the following round, he uses
the same blue bolt again and hits again. However,
this attack (and all subsequent uses of this particular


If a character is fighting
in a tournament fight or
some other situation in
which the best of a
determines the winner
(such as the best 2 out
of 3), record each
characters Glory total
for each round of the
conflict. Each character
earns Glory only for
their personal best round. The remaining Glory from
other rounds is ignored.
Example: Koichiro battles the fearsome Blood Fist
in a best 2-out-of-3 tournament. In the first round,
Koichiro handily defeats Blood Fist, earning 17 Glory.
Blood Fist earns 10. In the second round, Blood Fist
rallies and defeats Koichiro, earning 12 Glory to

Koichiros 11. In the final round, however, Koichiro
bests the villain, earning 15 Glory to Blood Fists 13.
Thus, Koichiro would earn 17 Glory (his total from
round 1) and Blood Fist would earn 13 (from round
3). Note that Blood Fist still used his highest total,
even though he lost the specific round in question.
If the combatants are of unequal Power Levels, the
higher-level character receives a fraction of the
normal Glory earned equal to the ratio of the
characters Power Levels. The lower level character
does not earn extra Glory for fighting a higher-level
opponent. For simplicity, this rule should only be
invoked in one-on-one confrontations.
Glory earned in fights against Thugs is tallied
normally for the whole combat, and then divided by
3 (rounding up). The Dramatic Combat sub-system
has many options that have special Glory bonuses
attached to them when used successfully. Action
Sequences sometimes earn a small amount of Glory,
according to a specific formula (see Chapter 2).
While Special Moves and Combos are the primary
ways in which characters earn Glory, there are other
ways to gain (and lose) Glory as well. The chart on
the next page indicates these situations.
In general, all characters will earn more Glory than
they ever lose. However, if a character should
happen to lose enough Glory to reduce his Power
Level, he does not lose any of the benefits gained
from the higher Power Level (including new Special
Moves, Skills, Bonuses, Life Bar, and Fighting Spirit),
but ntil the character regains sufficient Glory to
regain his former Power Level, he is considered to
be the lower Power Level for all effects based
specifically on Power Level, especially the use of
Fighting Spirit in combat.

Glory and Rate of

C h a r a c t e r
The rate at which Glory
determines the speed
therefore, the speed of
the campaign as a
whole. Furthermore,
earning Glory is highly
dependent on tactical
choices and a healthy
dose of luck in combat.
It is not impossible that
two player characters
who are involved in the
exact same combats
may have drastically
different Glory totals.
This requires special
attention on the part of
the Director. While it
might make sense in
the context of the story
for one character to be
of a higher Power Level
than another character,
this is not always
conducive to good
player dynamics. If it
seems like disparate
Glory totals or even
Power Levels will be a
problem in the group,
then the Director
should make provisions
for characters lagging
behind in Glory to have

opportunities for solo

combats to help make
up the difference.
overall, the frequency
determine the rate of
In a
story based solely
tournament with many

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Additional Glory Awards Chart
Defeating another Fighter (ie., reduce to O life Bar)

End of each session of play

Character significantly advances the story

Good role-playing

0-2 (Directors discretion)

Character acted consitently according to genre conventions

Good planning, ideas, or resourcefulness

Not striking a Stunned opponent

Defeating a Stunned Opponent

Defeating an opponent with a Super Move

Issuing a challenge to another Fighter

Accepting a challenge

Defeating a Fighter with 70% or more time left *

Defeating a Fighter with 80% or more time left*

Defeating a Fighter with 90% or more time left*

Defeating more than one Fighter single-handedly

1 per extra opponent

Defeating a Fighter without losing any Life Bar

Open display of cowardice

-1-20 (Directors discretion)

Character defeated in combat


Character Stunned


* (see the Combat chapter for an explanation of time left in a fight)


opponents, its possible for a character to advance a full Power Level every single story. However, a better
balance between combat and adventuring (investigation, interaction, interpersonal relationships, training
journeys, etc.) will likely yield a slower rate of advancement. If a group played weekly sessions, with each
character having some opportunity for Glory in combat every session or every other session, while still
working towards the climax of some greater plot, it should take less than one year to progress from Power
Level 1 to Power Level 8.
If the Director feels advancement is too fast or too slow, it is a simple matter to adjust the frequency of
combat. Decreasing combats is often much easier from a story perspective, but in a game such as Fight!,
where the characters are highly focused on, well, fighting, combat cannot be ignored for long. Both
Dramatic Combat scenes and especially Thug Thrashing scenes offer opportunities for full fight scenes
without significant Glory earned. Adding combats requires some sort of context within the larger narrative,
but in the fighting game genre, it should be ridiculously easy to come up with a premise for a throwdown.

Simplifying and Accelerating the Rate of Advancement

In some short campaigns, the plot arc may encompass a very short period of time, perhaps a matter of
days or even a single long tournament. In these cases, the normal rate of advancement may not work.
After all, advancing from Power Level 1 through Power Level 8 should take at least 20 combats and
probably quite a few more.
If the campaign would work better with a more rapid advancement, the Director can simply ignore the
normal means of acquiring Glory and allow every character to advance one Power Level at the end of
each story or story segment. This also allows a group to have a full campaign, but in a much shorter
period of actual play time.
For example, suppose the Director wants to run a campaign in which the main story is about a group of
heroes learning to reach their full potential and finding the answers to their quests through the events
of a single tournament occurring in a single city. Such a set-up would not work as well with the normal
means of advancement, which is intended for longer, more complicated plots. So instead, the Director
decides to allow each character to advance in Power Level after each bracket of the tournament. By the
time the finals of the tournament occur, the Fighters will be Power Level 8.
The rules for Power Level are also an abstraction at the service of the campaign and its main story.
Power Level is not necessarily meant to represent the full potential and power of a character, but rather
that characters advancement in power and potential over the course of a particular storyline. For more
on this, see Chapter 6 regarding pacing and ending a campaign.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)


2. Skills

Basics of the Skill System

This chapter explains how Skills are used in Fight!

While some of the Skills in the game correspond to
skills properly so-called, many of them actually
describe specialized training, psychological states,
or even actual martial arts techniques. This chapter
describes how to use Skills in play, followed by
descriptions of all the Skills. The chapter concludes
with special rules for a particular kind of skill use
called an Action Sequence.

The rules for skill use in Fight! are intended to be

simple and straightforward to facilitate ease of use
in play. The basic mechanic is the roll of a d10 with
modifiers, trying to equal or exceed a Difficulty
Level assigned by the Director. If the roll is
successful, the character accomplishes what he
intended to do. If not, the character fails, perhaps
with negative consequences, depending on what he
was trying to accomplish. This is all that is
absolutely necessary for skill use in the game. The
remainder of this section contains a series of
permutations to this rule.

With these rules, Fighters can sneak into the

fortresses of evil masterminds, dodge the gunfire of
mere soldiers, persuade their police superiors to
look the other way as they continue an investigation
their way, level buildings with secret techniques,
draw spiritual power from the depths of the earth,
and look amazing while doing it.

Skill Check = 1d10 + relevant Skill vs.

assigned Difficulty Level (DL)

Assigning Difficulty Levels

The chart below provides the suggested Difficulty Levels for various levels of skill checks. Note that the
determination of difficulty is based on the action of a skilled person, not an untrained person.

Difficulty of Task for a Skilled Person

Difficulty Level





Very Difficult


Generally Impossible


Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

For ease of play, the Director may rule that a
character with a few levels in a Skill can ignore
rolling to resolve Trivial tasks. After all, any
character with 3 or more levels in a Skill will not fail
any normal attempt to accomplish a Trivial task; this
presumption can also be extended to characters
with only one or two levels in most cases.

There are no automatic successes or failures on a

skill check based on the die roll. For example, a 1 is
not an automatic failure, nor is a 10 an automatic
Thus, some skill checks will be
automatically successful without a die roll, while
other checks will be impossible at the characters
present skill level.

The Director is not obligated to use the Difficulty

Levels outlined in the chart above. He can simply
choose to assign a DL using the chart as a guideline.
Furthermore, the Director might choose to set the
Difficulty Level at a certain level to represent the
objective difficulty of the task, and then give the
character a bonus or penalty on the die roll to
represent some special circumstance. Whether
modifying the DL or modifying the roll, the end
result is the same: the task becomes easier or
harder. Use whatever method works best for the
players engagement with the story.

Critical Successes, Mixed Successes,

and Fumbles

A characters Basic Qualities may also affect the DL

of a skill check. Whether or not a Quality modifies a
skill check is up to the Director. There is no specific
system for the effect of Basic Qualities on skill
checks nor are Skills inherently related to one
specific Basic Quality.
Example: Steves character, Scotty McDervish, is
trying to smash through a heavy wooden door. The
Director decides that this is an average task and sets
the DL at 8. Scottys Property Damage Skill is a 4, so
he needs to roll a 4 or more to break the door.
However, Scotty also has Strength 2, and the
Director thinks thats relevant to the check. He
gives Steve an additional +2 on the roll, making the
task very easy. He rolls a 3 and the door is torn from
its hinges.


This section of rules is optional. While it can

increase the drama of certain skill checks, it can also
be more complicated than a particular skill check
requires or deserves. It is up to the Director to
decide whether a particular roll will have a possible
critical success, mixed success, or fumble.
During a normal skill check, if a 10 is rolled, the
player can roll another d10. If this second result is
also a 10, and the resulting total of 10 + Skill level
exceeds the assigned DL of the task, a critical
success has occurred. The exact results of this are
up to the Director, but truly fantastic results should
be possible with a critical success. The effects of a
critical success should be used to enhance the
drama of the present scene, or maybe even the tone
of the story as a whole.
In a similar fashion, if the die roll for a skill check is
exactly the number needed for success, a mixed
result occurs. This should still qualify as a success,
but the Director might also impose some minor
temporary penalty on the character as well.
Example: Scotty has a crane load of steel girders
dropped on him. As he sees them crashing down, he
decides to punch them out of the way as they fall.
The Director decides this is a DL 12 task for the
Property Damage Skill. Steve rolls an 8, plus

opposite of a critical success. The effects are up to
the Director, but something simply awful (yet
dramatically interesting) should occur. While
accomplishing this specific task should be a failure, a
fumble should not de-rail the story or make it
impossible for the character to act. Like a critical
success, a fumble should be used to enhance the
drama of the story, not be an arbitrary penalty for
bad die rolls.

Skill vs. Skill

Oftentimes two characters are either competing to
complete the same task or they are working directly
against one another. Some examples of this would
be two mystical characters using the Ki Skill to
manipulate the same object, a hero hiding with
Stealth while another character searches with the
Perception Skill, or two Fighters staring one another
down with Intimidation. In these cases, each
character makes a skill check.
After the skill checks are made, the results are
compared. The character who rolls higher wins the
contested task at hand. If a single Skill vs. Skill
check produces a tie, the participants can roll again.
The Director could also just rule the contest a tie and
not require additional rolls.
Scottys Skill level of 4, equals 12. He succeeds at
bashing the girders away from him, but he strains a
muscle after a single near miss. The Director says
that Scotty will suffer a 2 on appropriate physical
tasks until he gets some rest.
Finally, the opposite of a critical success can also
occur. If a 1 is rolled on a skill check, roll another
d10. If this second result is also a 1, and the resulting
total of 1 + Skill level is less than the assigned DL of
the task, a fumble occurs. A fumble is the exact

Example: Asuka the Ghost Archer is trying to sneak

past the guards at the Fortress of Endless
Nightmares. She has a Stealth Skill of 6. The guards
at the gates only have Perception Skills of 2. Jen,
Asukas player, rolls a 5, plus 6, for a total of 11. The
Director rolls an 8 for the guards, for a total of 10.
Asuka wins the contested skill check. The Ghost
Archer slips through the gates to wreak vengeance
against the Midnight Emperor.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Skills Without Skill Levels

Non-Combat Skills (Mechanical)

There may be circumstances in which a character

must make a skill check but lacks any levels in the
necessary Skill. In this situation, it is up to the
Director to determine whether or not the character

Combat Skills

Climactic Super Move
Reaffirm Purpose
Realize Potential
Stance Evaluation
Thug Thrashing

Non-Combat Skills (Narrative)

Animal Handling
Call Forth Wisdom
Danger Sense
Draw Ki
Endure Great Hardship
Fast Reflexes
Grim Determination
High Society


Lost in the Crowd
Property Damage
Receive Wisdom
Sense Ki
Sleight of Hand
Smooth Talking

Street Society
Technological Aptitude
The Fighting World
Zen State

can succeed at all with the skill check. For example,
it is reasonable to assume that any character could
attempt a Perception Skill check or a Smooth
Talking Skill check. However, a character without
Draw Ki would not be able to attempt a skill check
without levels in that Skill. The Occupation Skill can
often be used as a replacement in many cases where
a character lacks a particular skill (see the
description of the Occupation Skill below).
If the Director does allow a character to make a skill
check without any levels in the appropriate Skill, the
check is made by rolling a d10 and adding nothing.
However, if the Director rules that the task is
impossible without Skill levels, the character
automatically fails.

Skill Descriptions
The following sections contain descriptions of all the
Skills in the game. For convenience, all the Skills,
combat, mechanical, and narrative, have been listed
alphabetically in their own sections.
Despite the unusual nature of many of the Skills in
the game, new additions to the list should not really
be necessary. If a Skill appears to be missing, it is
likely that it could be resolved with an appropriate
Occupation, Knowledge, Presence, Smooth Talking,
or Specialization roll.
The three Basic Qualities are also listed here as
Skills. In addition to using Basic Qualities to modify
other skill checks, the numeric value of a Basic
Quality can be used as a Skill for a skill check. For
relatively easy feats that are still not guaranteed
success, a DL of 4 should be used. For more
prodigious feats, the DL should be 8. For miraculous
feats, the DL should be 12.

character knows something without possessing a

specific Knowledge Skill, the character can make a
straight d10 roll with no levels added. A DL 4 should
be sufficient for fairly common knowledge, while a
DL 12 might be necessary for obscure knowledge (if
the Director deems that the character could know it
at all). Several Qualities specifically add bonuses to
skill checks involving knowledge and/or intelligence.
Some Skill descriptions make reference to Story
Points. These are a resource for manipulating rolls
and events in favor of the players. They are
explained in full detail in Chapter 3.

Combat Skills
Combo: This Skill represents the Fighters ability to
accurately string attacks together in combination.
In the combat system, it limits the maximum
number of hits in a single Combo (which means it
must be at least level 2 to be used). Like all combat
Skills, it has little or no narrative application outside
of the combat system. Unlike all other Skills, this
Skill is not limited to level 10; it has no upper limit
(though it has a practical limit of 23, the highest
possible Control in a single turn).
Defense: This important combat Skill is absolutely
required for any character that wants to succeed in
combat. While there are three different defensive
Skills, this particular one is always considered the
default mode of defending oneself. If circumstances
do not permit the use of Evasion or Tactics, Defense
is used. Thus, it is an important Skill for all
characters. It specifically measures the characters
ability to block attacks, as well as the knowledge of
when to block, when to move, and when to attack.
Like all combat Skills, it has little or no narrative

If the Director wants a general roll to determine if a

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

application outside of the combat system.

to lots of mechanical, often high-tech, equipment.

Evasion: This Skill is an alternative form of defense.

It measures the characters ability to duck, sidestep,
dodge, and leap out of the way of attacks. It has
little or no specific narrative application outside of
the combat system. There is a difference between
this Skill and the mechanical non-combat Skill called
Agility. Evasion covers the Fighters ability to avoid
attacks by Fighters in martial arts combat, while
Agility represents the Fighters ability to avoid
attacks when being attacked by lesser opponents.

Tactics: This Skill is an alternative defense. It

measures the characters ability to know how to best
respond in any given combat situation and to know
the precise timing to make the best use of the
opportunities that present themselves. It has little or
no specific narrative application outside of the
combat system.

Ki: This combat Skill has a specific purpose in the

combat system, and is only necessary for those
characters that have Special Moves with the Ranged
Element. For many characters, the Skill represents
proficiency with manipulating ones personal life
force or ki, usually for use as an offensive weapon.
However, at the Directors discretion, this Skill might
also be used outside of combat to generate lowlevel magical or supernatural effects that only affect
the character himself. For example, the character
might be able to heal a debilitating injury faster,
recover from poison, or even generate a glowing
field around himself to produce light.
While this Skill is always called Ki, it can also be
understood and listed instead as Gadgetry when
the Ranged attacks are the result of mechanical
devices rather than mystical or supernatural power.
The game effects are the same. Gadgetry is used
wherever Ki is listed in the rules, with the obvious
exception of the non-combat magical effects
described above (unless the Director permits it). It
should be noted that Gadgetry is not ability with
mechanics or inventing. It should only be possessed
by characters who have skill with and regular access


Why No Offensive Skills?

Players will note that there are three distinct skills
used for defense in combat, but not a single skill that
determines a characters offensive ability. This is
deliberate. At the most basic level, hitting another
character in a fighting game is nothing more than
determining whether the opponent is standing in the
place an attack hits. This is literally determined by
comparison of the computers hit boxes and
determining if there is an intersection between an
attacks hit box and the location of the opponent. In
a fight between two relatively unskilled players, each
player will have an easy time hitting his opponent,
simply by closing with him and hitting attack buttons.
The real challenge in a fighting game is not hitting the
opponent, but learning how to avoid being hit, via
blocking, evasion, and counterattack techniques.
Thus, as the metagame of Fight! is based on the
mechanics of a fighting video game, it makes sense to
focus on the defensive ability of a character. As such,
it is recommended that players develop all three
defensive skills to effective levels for their characters.
In turn, the offensive ability of a character (actually
meaning the ability of the player of that character in a
video game) is represented by Control, the tactical
use of Fighting Spirit, and the ability to do longer
Combos accurately.


Mechanical Skills
Agility: This Skill is usually used only when facing
Thugs. It is used to dodge their ranged attacks,
even gunfire, with impressive evasion techniques,
flips and dodges, and extraordinary luck. Like many
of the conventions of the fighting game genre, it is
not intended to be a realistic skill. This Skill can
also be used as a defensive option in Dramatic
Combat against Thugs.
Climactic Super Move: This special Skill represents
the ability of a character to pull out powerfully
destructive techniques, but only when they are
losing. Such attacks are usually accompanied by
flashes, explosions, and huge changes to the
immediate environment (physically and perhaps
spiritually as well). Its main use is for Dramatic
Combat, but the Director may allow a Climactic
Super Move skill check in desperate non-combat
situations, such as destroying an ancient magical
monolith before it summons enough power to
destroy the world. In this way, it is like the Property
Damage Skill, though this Skill (as the name
suggests) only works in climactic situations and can
generate much more impressive effects.

be at least 2 levels).

any levels in it.

Furthermore, this Skill
also requires the
other secondary
below to be at a
level at least equal
to 1/2 (round up) of
the Gadgeteering skill
level (thus, Gadgeteering
4 requires all related Skills to

This Skill represents access to and proficiency with

powerful high-tech equipment (and usually, though
not necessarily, skill at creating it). In game terms,
the Skill allows the character to do almost anything,
provided it can be described in terms of the hightech equipment that is being used. The Director
simply assigns a DL to determine the difficulty in
having the right equipment on hand in the present
situation (with lower DLs when it facilitates moving
the story forward). This Skill requires significant
Director adjudication, but it helps to better define
many character concepts, as well as increasing
opportunities to use non-combat powers.
Example: Max Damage the cyborg warrior has
Gadgeteering 4. On a mission against the evil
Striker Corporation, Max finds himself trapped in an
energy cell. He sees the controls only 10 feet away,
but he cant reach them. He decides to use a remote
control to activate the controls and free himself.
The Director likes this idea and decides to set the DL
at only 8. Maxs player rolls a 6, giving Max a total of
10. Max makes an adjustment to the settings on his
cybernetic arm, aims it at the control panel, and
activates the release. The energy cell disappears
and Max heads further into the complex.

Gadgeteering: This special Skill requires a character

to also possess the Quality of the same name before

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

The secondary Skills required for Gadgeteering are:
Ki (understood as Gadgetry), Thug Thrashing,
Climactic Super Move, Property Damage, Endure
Great Hardship, Awareness, and Perception. Note
that this Skill is to be distinguished from Gadgetry,
which is simply an alternative name for the Ki Skill.
Magic: This special Skill requires a character to also
possess the Quality of the same name before taking
levels. Furthermore, this Skill also requires the other
secondary Skills listed below to be at a level equal to
1/2 (round up) of the Magic skill level (thus, Magic 4
requires all related Skills to be at least 2 levels). This
Skill represents mastery of sorcery and magical
powers. In game terms, this Skill allows the
character to do almost anything, limited only by the
Director. The Director simply assigns a DL to
determine the difficulty in knowing and being able
to use the right power in the present situation (with
lower DLs when it facilitates moving the story
forward). This Skill requires significant Director
adjudication, though it is intended to be the most
powerful of the Skills of its type (i.e., Magic, Psychic,
and Gadgeteering) and it helps to better define
many character concepts.
It also increases
opportunities to use non-combat powers.
Example: Yasa, expert explorer and burgeoning
master sorcerer, is traveling the depths of the earth
looking for the mystical entrance to the lost shrine
of the Itagaki-Ryu. Realizing she is lost, she draws
upon her magical techniques to find her way. The
Director sets the DL at 10, though Yasas Magic Skill
is only a 2. Still, she manages to roll a 9, giving her a
total of 11. A series of tiny, twinkling lights suddenly
appears leading down a pathway Yasa had not
noticed before and the journey continues.
The secondary Skills required for Magic are: Ki,


Meditation, Climactic Super Move, Property

Damage, Sense Ki, Draw Ki, Danger Sense,
Spirituality, and Grim Determination. This long list
of requirements highlights the power and potential
uses of the Magic Skill.
Power: This special Skill requires a character to also
possess the Quality of the same name before taking
levels. Unlike other special Skills of this type (i.e.,
Gadgeteering, Magic, and Psychic), this Skill does
not require any other secondary Skills. This Skill
represents proficiency with one specific super
power, defined by the Quality. The Director assigns
a DL to determine the difficulty of using the power
in the present situation, if it can be used at all (also
at the Directors discretion). Likewise, the player
defines the characters power when the Quality is
chosen, but the specifics of this power are up to the
adjudication of the Director.
Example: Dominic Kane is a scion of an ancient
bloodline, each member possessed of unique
supernatural powers. In Dominics case, this is the
ability to fly. He has 6 levels with the Skill Power
(Fly). During a chase, Dominic loses the young
princess he was hired to protect. He follows the trail
to her location in the penthouse of a downtown
skyscraper. He realizes hell never be able to fight
his way through inside, so he decides to fly to the
penthouse directly. However, the kidnappers dark
ritual in progress has created a tremendous
thunderstorm with high winds. The Director sets
the DL at 8. This is not enough to daunt the blood of
the Kane dynasty. Dominics player rolls a 4 and
begins the liberation of the princess.
Psychic: This special Skill requires a character to
also possess the Quality of the same name before
taking levels. Furthermore, this Skill also requires
the other secondary Skills listed below to also be at
a level equal to 1/2 (round up) of the Psychic skill

level (thus, Psychic 4 requires all related Skills to be
at least 2 levels). This Skill represents an array of
useful psionic abilities. In game terms, it allows the
character to do almost anything, limited only by the
very specific category of special effects defined as
psychic powers. The Director simply assigns a DL
to determine the difficulty in knowing and being
able to use the right power in the present situation
(with lower DLs when it facilitates moving the story
forward). This Skill requires significant Director
adjudication to keep it focused on psychic abilities,
but it helps to better define many character
concepts, as well as increasing opportunities to use
non-combat powers.
Example: Therese is one of the greatest psychic
minds of the 18th century. But at the moment, she
has no idea where the blessed kensai will be born.
She decides to use her precognitive powers.
Therese has Psychic 7. However, the Director thinks
this would push the limits of even her powers, so he
sets the DL at 16. Thereses player rolls an 8, which
is only a 15. Her powers failed her, but the Director
decides to give her a vision anyway as a clue.
The secondary Skills required for Psychic are: Ki,
Meditation, Property Damage, Sense Ki, Zen State,
and Grim Determination.
Reaffirm Purpose: A character with this Skill needs
to define a purpose, which can be vague or
extremely specific, and which stays the same for the
life of the character. It is the characters overarching
motivation in life. Thus, it should not be something
that can be accomplished easily or ever, or it must
be something that would still inspire the character
even after it was accomplished. Examples might
include being the best fighter in the world, defeating
a worldwide evil organization, or killing every
member of a family line.

Whenever the character is struggling, especially in

regard to this purpose, a successful skill check can
give them a boost to rise up and carry on. The DL of
such a check is determined by the Director, based on
how much or how little he thinks the character
needs to reaffirm his purpose in order to succeed. A
common boost would be the award of a Story Point.
In addition to a characters primary purpose, a
character can also choose a temporary purpose that
can change depending on the scene at the Directors
discretion. For example, if the character was trying
to protect an important person and that person was
in great danger, the character could Reaffirm
Purpose in regard to that purpose. The game effects
are the same, though the DL would normally be
Realize Potential: Characters with this Skill learn
quickly and strive to always become better. When
exceptionally good or bad things happen to them, a
Realize Potential check can gain them concrete
benefits. The Director determines whether or not
the success or failure was significant enough and
whether or not the situation is significant. If it is, he
sets a DL for the Realize Potential skill check. If it is
successful, the character gets a bonus decided by
the Director, usually a Story Point.
There is another use for this Skill as well. If a
character is defeated by an opponent of equal or
greater Power Level, and the Director knows that a
rematch is definite, the character can make a
Realize Potential check. Based on this result, the
character can design a new Special Move that is
intended to help him defeat that specific opponent.
The Director has final say on such a move, and may
even design it himself. The nature of the new move
may not have much specifically to do with beating

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

the opponent in game terms (though it might). The
level of the move is equal to the Realize Potential
skill check divided by 3 (round up). This new move
costs the character nothing, but it can only be used
against that specific opponent.
This particular use of the Skill should normally be
done only once or twice during a campaign, but if
the campaign centers on characters constantly
training in new techniques and rivalries are fierce
and commonplace, this rule could be invoked more
Stance Evaluation: A character with this Skill is
familiar with many different martial art styles and
can detect them simply from a fighters stance. A
successful roll might allow knowledge of some of
the Elements of an opponents Special Moves. For
every 4 points rolled on a Stance Evaluation Skill
check (round down), the character may ask the
Director if his opponent possesses a Special Move
with a specific Element built into it. For example,
with a skill check result of 12, the player might ask
the Director, Does my opponent possess Special
Moves with the Interrupt, Throw, or Ranged
Elements? The Director must answer truthfully
(though this always up to his own discretion, based
on the needs of the story!).
Thug Thrashing: This Skill represents a characters
proficiency in fighting multiple opponents at once.
To a lesser degree, it also measures a characters
simple street-fighting prowess apart from stylized
technique. Characters with high Thug Thrashing
Skill know how to use the environment, body
positioning, and special techniques to rapidly
engage opponents at close range. This Skill
drastically increases a fighters combat effectiveness
in Thug Thrashing Combat.

Narrative Skills
Acrobatics: This Skill allows the character to leap,
flip, vault, and tumble as an accomplished gymnast
or circus acrobat. It can be used to navigate difficult
terrain or achieve greater heights with vertical leaps.
For example, a character being chased through back
alleys could use the Athletics Skill to leap over
fences, or he could use the Acrobatics Skill to leap
up to a fire escape leading to the roof. This Skill can
also be used as an option to avoid ranged attacks
from thugs or as a defensive option in Dramatic
Animal Handling: This Skill is used for training
animals, commanding animals, and dealing with
unfriendly or wild animals. Skill checks might be
used to teach an animal a basic trick, to command
an animal to do something it would normally be
unwilling to do, or as an interaction Skill with nondomesticated or hostile animals.
Athletics: This Skill is used for athletic feats,
especially difficult, over-the-top feats. Skill checks
against Athletics should be made for most athletic
endeavors (though see Fast Reflexes and Speed for
other similar skill checks). Some examples would be
climbing a rock wall, jumping from one rooftop to
another, or even the ninja trope of leaping from
tree-top to tree-top and running along thin tree
branches. The relationship between Acrobatics and
Athletics is up to the Directors discretion.
Generally, Acrobatics is used for athletic activities
that require exceptional training and/or physical
ability. Athletics makes a better default Skill for
skill checks regarding bodily action. Athletics can
also be used in Dramatic Combat.
Awareness: This is a passive perception Skill. It
reflects a characters general awareness of the world


around him at all times. It is not a danger sense (see
the Skill of that name); instead, it is used to
determine whether or not someone perceives
something interesting or important when they are
not specifically looking for it. The Director could call
for Awareness Skill checks anytime the characters
have a chance to notice something important in a
scene when they are not actively looking (or he can
just allow the character with the highest Awareness
Skill to notice).
Call Forth Wisdom: This Skill does not measure the
characters intelligence; rather, it expresses his
intuition about people and the world. It also
includes a solid base of philosophical advice to give
to others. In situations where a characters insight
into life, people, or the universe could help him in his
present context, a successful Call Forth Wisdom Skill
check should award the character a Story Point to be
applied to the present situation. This Skill can also
be used to challenge the power of spirits in Dramatic
Cooking: This Skill allows a character to make
pleasing food that is creative, functional, or artistic
as the needs demand, but which always tastes good.
The Skill may have very limited application in a
story, but the genre has a number of characters that
are distinguished by their exceptionally good or bad
cooking ability (see the Cooking Quirk for the latter).
Perhaps the Director could require a Cooking Skill
check to make a positive impression on an
important person in a formal dinner setting.
Danger Sense: This Skill serves the very specific
function of being an active or passive sense for
danger. If the character is about to be ambushed,
the Director could make a Danger Sense roll before
describing the ambush. If a character suspected he
was walking into a bad situation, the player could
request a Danger Sense Skill check, which the

Director would likely roll in secret (in case there was

in fact no danger at all). This Skill should have much
higher DLs to detect spiritual or magical danger,
which is covered by the Zen State Skill.
Deduction: This Skill is used to help characters
connect disparate plot threads that may be
confusing (a frequent occurrence in many fighting
game storylines). More broadly, a player might ask
for a Deduction Skill check to get a hint or clue from
the Director. If he rolls high enough, it might entitle
the player to a cut scene, where the Director
describes the actions of NPCs who are not in the
present scene. Finally, this Skill also represents
traditional investigative methods and detective
Draw Ki: This is an unusual spiritual Skill. It usually
works in conjunction with the Sense Ki Skill; a
character first attempts to detect the presence of ki,
(i.e., life force or spiritual energy, understood
however the Director wishes) and then uses the
Draw Ki Skill to manipulate it for mystical effects.
It may be possible that a place has obvious ambient
ki that can be manipulated without it being sensed
first. The Draw Ki Skill can allow any character to
effectively use magical powers, limited by the
environmental ki effects are going to be subtler and/
or natural effects, rather than flight or blasts of
energy. The effects should not be as powerful as the
effects allowed by Magic, Psychic, and
Gadgeteering. This Skill also has effects in Dramatic
Endure Great Hardship: Characters with this Skill
have extraordinary reserves of willpower and
spiritual strength. When faced with unbelievable

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

punishment of the body, such characters can
continue to function. Skill checks for Endure Great
Hardship can be used to resist torture or
extraordinary damage like falling off a rooftop. It is
also used in Dramatic Combat.

to instill fear in another to such a degree that the

character gets what he wants or frightens an
opponent into backing down. This Skill is resisted
with Grim Determination, or some other Skill at the
Directors discretion.

Fast Reflexes: This Skill is particularly focused. It

measures the characters ability to act on the level of
pure reflex, as opposed to a characters manual
dexterity or his bodily speed or grace. A skill check
could be used to see who acts first in the case of a
stand off or to see if a character can react in time to
a sudden surprise situation.

Knowledge: This specialized Skill represents a focus

on one particular area of knowledge, defined when
the Skill is chosen. The area of knowledge might be
as broad as weapons or as narrowly focused as
straight swords of 6th century southern China. A
more focused Knowledge Skill will have lower DLs in
its area of focus, but higher DLs for more general
knowledge of related subjects; the reverse is true of
a more general focus.

Grim Determination: Characters with this Skill have

extraordinary reserves of conviction and
psychological endurance.
When faced with
unbelievable punishment of the mind, such
characters can continue to function. Skill checks for
Grim Determination can be used to resist
psychological torture, the strain of not sleeping for
days, mental instability, hallucinogenic drugs, or
witnessing things that were not meant to be seen. It
is also used in Dramatic Combat.
High Society: This is a specialized interaction Skill.
It is used to behave properly in upper class and/or
formal social situations. Skill checks could be used
to determine if the character behaved in a way that
did not call undue attention to himself or to impress
a person from high society. It could also be used to
determine if a character recognized an important
figure from those same upper class circles.
Intimidation: This special interaction Skill allows
the character to instill great fear in another. As a
Skill, it involves special techniques that are
psychologically more effective than simple brutality
or display of force alone. Skill checks could be used


Lockpicking: A character with this Skill is able to

open locks, both mechanical and electronic. It is not
a skill at disabling security systems (which is covered
by either the Occupation or Technological Aptitude
Skills). This Skill could be used to open a locked
display case in a museum or to get past a
sophisticated vault door housing valuable
Lost in the Crowd: A character with this Skill can
disappear into a crowd and remain so nondescript as
to be undetectable. It is a unique kind of stealth
skill, applicable only in crowd situations. It could be
used to set up an ambush or to escape from
pursuers. A character may need to make several
skill checks in order to shake off dogged and/or
skilled pursuers. Characters with outstanding
appearances, reputations, or attitudes will have
greater difficulty staying under cover, regardless of
their skill level. This can be reflected by assigning
higher DLs for such characters.
Meditation: Characters with this Skill can achieve a
deep meditative state. Such a state is conducive to
healing, discernment, and spiritual enlightenment.

Skill checks could allow faster healing (if the
Director is imposing any sort of time restraints on
healing Life Bar), a bonus on another roll such as Call
Forth Wisdom or Grim Determination, or perhaps
even a Story Point to be used for some immediate
spiritual benefit in the story. Other game benefits of
this state are up to the Director. It can also be used
occasionally in Dramatic Combat.

Perception: This is an active perception Skill. It

reflects a characters concerted effort to note
something out of the ordinary. This Skill is used
whenever the character actively and deliberately
tries to sense (usually by seeing or hearing)
something around him. This is contrasted with the
Awareness Skill, which reflects the characters
passive perception of the world around him.

Occupation: This is a catchall Skill to represent

proficiency in any profession the character might
have. Any additional skills necessary for this
profession are automatically subsumed under this
skill heading. Thus, a translator could speak several
languages, a lifeguard would know swimming and
life-saving techniques, and a cat burglar would know
how to case a facility and analyze its security.

Performance: A character with this Skill is

competent in some form of performance, artistic
and/or pleasing to others. It may represent singing,
playing a particular musical instrument, or dancing.
A character could roll this Skill to impress a crowd,
to earn a living, or to demonstrate his cultured
upbringing to a potential patron.

Depending on the occupation in question, the

Occupation Skill may actually cover a number of
different skills. Most skills not found on this list can
probably be covered by the Occupation Skill. In
particular, this Skill is meant to represent exotic or
unusual professions, ones that might prove
beneficial in the campaign setting, such as ninja or
commando. Thus, even if a character were an
excellent accountant, it would not necessarily be
appropriate for such a character to take the
Occupation Skill (except perhaps in some really
unusual campaigns). This Skill may not be necessary
for many traditional concepts in the fighting game
genre. Thus, many characters will not even possess
this Skill.
This Skill is meant to be open-ended in its
application, but the Director can always restrict its
usefulness at his discretion. The Occupation Skill
can even duplicate specific Skills on the normal skill
list, though the Director should increase the DL of
the specific skill check in this case.

Presence: This interaction Skill determines how

much of an impression the character makes when
entering a scene. It can also be used when a
character prepares in advance to make a strong
impression on others or during a scene when the
character wants to dazzle or impress onlookers.
The practical effects of this vary widely, but it is a
genre convention that some characters go out of
their way to look impressive and pose off. This is
the Skill for them. Any character obsessed with his
appearance, or any character who just looks good all
the time should have this Skill. It can be used to
create a powerful, if superficial, first impression, to
attract the attention of a crowd, or to focus
attention on the character as a distraction while
something else is occurring elsewhere. This Skill is
also used in Dramatic Combat.
Property Damage: Some characters are masters at
style and technique, but characters with this Skill are

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

good at using their training to break things. This
Skill could be used to burst down a door, or even a
wall, at the Directors discretion. It could also be
used to destroy a car or truck with ones bare hands.
This is a Skill of wretched excess, meant for
explosive good descriptive use in a story, not
realism. It is also used in Dramatic Combat.
Receive Wisdom: This unusual Skill allows the
character to get insights into strange pieces of
advice they might come across. This might be in the
form of the words of a mentor or mysterious
stranger or in deciphering a riddle on an ancient
temple wall. If the Receive Wisdom Skill check is
successful, the character gains one or more Story
Points (Directors discretion) to be applied to the
problem or situation at hand.
The difference between this Skill and Call Forth
Wisdom is that Receive Wisdom can only be used
when the character encounters wisdom from
another; for example, from a wizened old master, an
ancient prophecy, or an encoded riddle. Call Forth
Wisdom suggests that the character already
possesses a body of wisdom that can be
remembered when needed to apply to a problem at
hand or instead shared with others. However, Call
Forth Wisdom does not help with the interpretation
of wisdom found in other sources.
Sense Ki: This Skill allows the character to sense the
power of ki around them, in his immediate
environment and in the people nearby. A successful
skill check determines whether or not enough ki is
available in the area to manipulate and perhaps how
the ki might best be harnessed and used. It might
also be used to detect the presence of powerful
hostile ki, perhaps including the presence of
powerful ki-using opponents hiding in the area. A


high roll might even allow a character to be able to

identify a specific person by their ki. This Skill does
not provide any ability at manipulating ki, though
this Skill should be necessary to get the best
benefits out of the Draw Ki Skill.
Shadowing: This Skill allows a character to follow
another character without being noticed. It is used
for urban or wilderness shadowing, by foot or by
vehicle. A successful Shadowing skill check means
that the target remains unaware of being shadowed
(in the case of most NPCs) or the Shadowing Skill
can be used in Skill vs. Skill checks against
Perception or Awareness (against PCs or important
or skilled NPCs).
Sleight of Hand: This Skill represents the ability to
perform fast tricks with ones hands. It could be
used to pick someones pocket, perform a quick
magic trick as a social distraction, or to quickly grab
and hide a small item on ones person.
Smooth Talking: This interaction Skill can be used
for any social interaction between characters that is
not based on Intimidation and which is not more
suitably represented by either High Society or Street
Society. It can be used to persuade, convince, or
seduce another. It can also be used to generate a
favorable impression. In many ways, it is the
default interaction Skill.
Specialization: This unusual Skill is not exactly a
skill by itself, but rather a modifier to another Skill.
A character can choose to have a general knowledge
about a Skills use and then define a Specialization
for the Skill as well. For example, a wilderness
hunter might have the Stealth Skill, and the
Specialization: Wilderness Stealth as well. In any
situation in which the Specialization would apply,
both Skills are rolled at the same DL. If either roll
succeeds, the skill check succeeds. If both succeed,

the better result is used and the Director should
apply some additional benefit based on the
circumstances. A character can have multiple
Specializations on the same or on different Skills.
Speed: The Speed Basic Quality can be used in skill
checks when bodily agility, flexibility, and physical
speed of movement are involved. Actions involving
fast reflexes are covered by the Skill of the same
name instead. A Speed skill check could determine
the winner of a foot race or as part of an Action
Sequence to resolve a chase through the streets,
along with Athletics and other Skills.
Spirituality: This Skill covers a characters
knowledge and attunement with the deeply
supernatural. It could be rolled to determine a
characters knowledge of the occult, old legends, or
rituals of great power. It also includes knowledge of
religion. It does not provide the character with any
actual magical ability (which is covered by the Magic
Skill). This Skill can also protect the character from
the attacks of spirits in Dramatic Combat.
Stamina: It is unlikely that the Stamina Basic
Quality would need to be rolled as a Skill very often.
However, it could be used to determine a characters
resistance to a powerful disease, drug, or illness,
how quickly a character recovers while in the
hospital, or whether or not a character could run for
hours without stopping.
Stealth: This Skill is the ability to move quietly and
hide well in available cover. Its uses are fairly
obvious: hiding from pursuers, maintaining a hidden
position while hiding from another person, or
sneaking past security guards. This Skill is often
used in Skill vs. Skill checks with Perception and
Alertness. Ninja characters will often have high
levels of this Skill.

and is in some ways the opposite of the High Society

Skill. Characters can use this Skill to get along with
the criminal and disreputable elements of society, to
determine their knowledge of the major figures at
work in the underworld, or to set up a meet to buy
weapons on the black market.
Strength: The Strength Basic Quality could be used
to resolve any test of brute force, such as lifting a
heavy object, holding up rubble to help someone
escape, or breaking restraints holding the character.
The Director should be careful that it is not used to
duplicate the effects of Property Damage or
Athletics, except perhaps at a much higher DL.
Thus, it should not be used to burst down a door or
wall or to leap from one roof to another, even
though these are also examples of feats of Strength.
Technological Aptitude: A character with this Skill
possesses detailed knowledge about mechanics and
electronics, as well as possessing at least
rudimentary skill at building such devices. A skill
check could be used to build a mechanical device,
disable an electronic security system, or tune a piece
of electronic equipment to perform better or
differently than it was intended.
The Fighting World: A character with this Skill has a
basic knowledge of all the Fighters active in the
campaign. A successful check will distinguish a
Fighter-level NPC from a mere Thug, as well as
possibly provide some insight into the opponents
Special Moves. Information gained from this Skill
should be general, indicating for instance, the kinds
of moves a character uses, rather than specific
mechanical information about the Elements that
make up those moves, which is the specific province
of the Stance Evaluation Skill.
Zen State: This Skill represents a characters

Street Society: This is a specialized interaction Skill

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

intuitive awareness of the realms of the spirit
around him. It could be used as a sort of spiritual
danger sense to avoid being possessed by a
demon, or it could be used to achieve a spiritual
state in which it may be possible to call spirits or
travel to other planes, all subject to the Directors
discretion and the needs of the story.

Action Sequences
An Action Sequence is a special series of skill checks
used to resolve an entire scene. It is used when a
single skill check would not be adequate to account
for the tension involved and usually (but not
necessarily) when multiple participants are involved
and the action in question requires speed, finesse, or
Thus, the Action Sequence sub-system of the skill
system allows for a more dynamic way to adjudicate
competitive action scenes. It can be used for chases
on foot or in vehicles, computer hacking, an
infiltration into a secure facility with active security
forces, or a debate or negotiation between
competing factions. Any situation in which two
parties are competing through skill use and in which
a single die roll fails to capture the intricacy or
potential drama and excitement of the situation
could be resolved with these rules.
The use of Action Sequences is optional. The
Director can describe a situation and simply require
appropriate skill checks. These rules are intended to
provide some structure to fuel imagination,
encourage the use of more Skills and more creative
use of Skills, inject some additional random danger
into an event, and/or just to speed along a scene to
get to more exciting or more important parts of the


Developing an Action Sequence

An Action Sequence is composed of four
components: The Action Goal, the Skill List, the type
of Action Sequence, and the Difficulty Level.
The Action Goal is the number of successes each
party is trying to reach with their skill use. The first
party to achieve the Action Goal has won the
Action Sequence, though the specific meaning of
winning depends on the situation. In a chase, the
winner either catches his quarry or he escapes. In an
infiltration, the infiltrators have either reached their
goal or else they have been caught by security or
forced out of the installation in some way. A short
Action Sequence might have a Goal of 2-3. An
average length Sequence has a Goal of 3-5. A long
Sequence, intended for skilled characters and with
frequent opportunities for danger, might have a
Goal of 8-10.
The Skill List is the list of Skills each individual or
team may use without penalty in the Action
Sequence. The number of Skills on the Skill List is up
to the Director, though four is usually a good default
Example 1: The Skill List for a foot chase Action
Sequence includes Speed, Acrobatics, Athletics, and
Fast Reflexes.
Example 2: The Skill List for an Action Sequence
involving a team fighting their way into a guarded
research facility could include Thug Thrashing,
Property Damage, Athletics, and Stealth.
Example 3: The Skill List for an Action Sequence
involving computer hacking could include
Occupation: Hacker, Knowledge (Computers),


Deduction, and Technological Aptitude.
It should be noted that many stereotypical
characters in the source material might not be good
at many different kinds of Action Sequences aside
from chases and fighting through security forces!
There are two kinds of Action Sequences: Standard
and Contested. In a Standard Action Sequence, the
characters compete against a static DL determined
by the Director. All skill checks are made against the
same DL.
The Difficulty Level is based on the challenge of the
Action Sequence. For an easy Action Sequence, the
DL is 8. For a moderate Action Sequence, the DL is
12. For a difficult Action Sequence, the DL is 16. If a
character uses a Skill that is not on the Skill List, the
DL is increased by 4. The characters fail a Standard
Action Sequence if they fail a number of skill checks
equal to the Action Goal before succeeding at the
same number of skill checks.
In a Contested Action Sequence, the characters are
competing against other characters, whether an
NPC Fighter, a group of Fighters, or a Thug group. In
this case, the skill check of one of the PCs is rolled
against the skill check of one of the NPCs. Whoever
wins the check earns a success towards the
Sequences Action Goal. A tie roll does not earn a
success for either side. If a character chooses a Skill
that is not on the Skill List, the opponent gains a +4
on their skill check. When one side achieves
successes equal to the Action Goal, that side has
won the Action Sequence.

After establishing the parameters of an Action

Sequence, the player characters take turns choosing
what Skill they wish to check. Every character on
the team must make a single skill check before any
character may make a second skill check. Thus, a
single character cannot make all the rolls for a team
of characters. The Director chooses who goes first
in declaring a Skill, especially in an Opposed Action
Sequence. This may be important, as the character
declaring second gets to choose his skill choice after
hearing his opponents skill choice.
A character is free to use whatever Skill he wishes to
make a skill check, and different characters may
choose to use the same Skill on their turn. However,
each character can only use each Skill once in the
whole Action Sequence. Furthermore, the player
must be able to explain in narrative terms how the
Skill is being used and how it will help the characters
win the Action Sequence. The Director should be
open to creative skill use, but he is also free to veto a
skill use that seems too far-fetched in the
circumstances. On the other hand, if the player is
exceptionally creative or descriptive with a skill use,
an award of a Story Point is warranted.
The use of certain Qualities may be appropriate in
an Action Sequence. In this case, a Story Point can
be spent to achieve an automatic success,
regardless of DL or the roll of the opponent. If it
normally costs a Story Point for a character to use a
Quality in a story, the character can spend two Story
Points instead to achieve an automatic success. If
two opposing characters both do this, their efforts
cancel one another out, neither scoring a success.

Resolving an Action Sequence

Example of an Action Sequence

It is up to the Director to decide whether or not to

let the players know what the Skill List is before the
Action Sequence begins.

Cannon McCabe and his allies decide to fight their

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

way into the inner labs of the sinister Akira
Corporation. The Director chooses to resolve the
infiltration as an Action Sequence before having the
heroes reach the climactic fights against the
corporations most powerful forces.
The player characters are Cannon, the ninja Sho,
and the elemental warrior Koichiro. The Director
decides to use the Skill List of Thug Thrashing,
Property Damage, Athletics, and Stealth. While this
is the same as the example provided above, the
Director has decided to not tell the players the Skill
List. This Standard Action Sequence has an Action
Goal of 4 and a Difficulty Level of 8.
The Director describes the building the heroes are
invading and gives them a chance to think about
their approach after telling them that he plans to
resolve this as an Action Sequence.
Shos player chooses to go first and chooses Stealth.
He describes their entrance through an external air
duct, and even describes various other labs they see
on their way through the facility. He rolls a total of
10, easily scoring the 1st success towards the Action
Cannons player goes next and chooses Athletics.
Cannons player suggests that the team needed to
navigate through a trap-laden gauntlet to get to the
inner portion of the labs. The Director likes this idea
and adds some additional details. Another high roll
of 9 and the team is halfway to their goal (though
they do not know that).
Koichiros player decides that a direct route straight
to the masterminds lab would speed things along,
so he chooses to use his Climactic Super Move. He
describes an enormous blast of electrical energy


that blows holes through several walls, providing a

convenient shortcut away from the trapped
hallways. This Skill is not on the Skill List, but the
Director thinks it fits the characters style, so he
allows it. The DL is increased to 12. Despite this,
Koichiros player rolls a 10, for a total of 15. Another
success! Only one more to go.
At this point, each of the characters has gone once
and they must start over again taking turns.
However, they are not required to use the same
order the second time around. Cannon, inspired by
Koichiro, decides some further Property Damage is
in order. He describes kicking down security doors
with brute force in the restricted part of the
building. Unfortunately, his total is only a 6, so the
team has its first failure. Three more of those and
the team will have lost the Action Sequence. The
Director describes that the doors in this part of the
facility are all super-reinforced, making them much
harder to bash down.
Shos player, hoping that they are near their goal,
chooses to use Thug Thrashing. He describes the
teams inevitable contact with elite security forces,
along with some colorful descriptions of some
attacks that the Director feels warrants a Story
Point. Shos player then rolls a total of 11, achieving
the 4th and final success required by the Action
At this point, the Director informs the team that, as
the last of the guards is dispatched, the door in front
of them is definitely the lab they seek. At this point,
the Action Sequence ends and the Director returns
to normal narration. The players have had a fairly
detailed description of their fight into the Akira
Corporation, all resolved with only five die rolls.

Using Action Sequences in the Story
The rules for Action Sequences are meant as a
shorthand way to generate a dramatic
situation worth playing through, but without
the necessary prep time or play time to resolve
in a more detailed fashion. The abstraction in
the narrative also allows ones imagination to
create more interesting scenes than a series of
skill checks alone might provide.

Skills on the Skill List of all the characters on the

opposing side. This number can be added to 6 to
generate a Difficulty Level for the Glory calculation.
However, this formula may be more complicated
than desired; in this case, the Director can simply
estimate the Glory award for the Action Sequence.

The Director should not make the loss result

of an Action Sequence an occasion to de-rail
his own story. Instead, he should use the loss
as a complication to put the characters in a
more interesting place; perhaps one that is
more difficult to resolve, but not one that is an
outright failure.
Use Action Sequences as a way to add more
action and drama to a story, but dont use
them as a way to randomly destroy the
forward momentum of a story in progress.

Earning Glory for an Action Sequence

Successfully completing an Action Sequence is also
worth a small amount of Glory for each member of
the winning side. The formula for earning Glory in a
Standard Action Sequence is as follows: multiply the
Action Goal by the Difficulty, and then divide by 10
and round off normally.
Example: The Action Sequence described above
would be worth 4 (Action Goal) x 8 (Difficulty Level),
divided by 10. Thus, each character would receive 3
For a Contested Action Sequence, the Director
should calculate the average skill levels of all the

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)


3. Qualities, Weaknesses,
and Quirks
This chapter provides descriptions for all of the
Qualities, Weaknesses, and Quirks available to a
character. It also contains rules for the use of Story
Points, a flexible resource that allows players to
manipulate die rolls and circumstances in the story
for their own benefit.
The rules for acquiring Qualities, Weaknesses, and
Quirks are also summarized here, as well as some
recommendations about the use of certain traits in
certain campaigns. Some of these traits specifically
reference the metagame of Fight!: the
hypothetical video game on which the campaign is
based and the engagement of the players of that
video game. Not all campaigns will want to break
this fourth wall, and as such, these traits should be
strictly moderated by the Director.

Choosing Qualities
A character begins with four Qualities at Power
Level 1. He can gain additional Qualities by
choosing Weaknesses; each Weakness chosen allows
an additional Quality. As noted in Chapter 1, the
character can also choose less than four Qualities in
exchange for additional Skills or Fighting Spirit, but
all characters must choose at least one Quality.
At Power Level 2, and every subsequent evennumbered Power Level, the character either gains a
new Quality or, with the Directors permission, loses
an existing Weakness.
In regard to choosing Qualities, Weaknesses, and
Quirks, not every aspect of a character needs to be
defined by these traits. The character may need

more than eight Qualities to model the character

ideally, or conversely, there may be less than eight
appropriate Qualities to fill all of the available slots.
In either case, these traits should be chosen with
attention paid to the most important attributes of
the character.

General Notes Regarding Qualities,

Weaknesses, and Quirks
Many Qualities and Weaknesses make use of Story
Points. The way in which the Quality is used may
require a Story Point in order to get the benefit or
the effect of the Weakness on the character may
earn a Story Point. Full rules for Story Points are
included at the end of this chapter, after the
descriptions of the Qualities, Weaknesses, and
There are also many Qualities that have effects on
combat. Some of these are due to physical
characteristics, such as a character being
exceptionally big or short. However, some of them
are essentially personality traits (such as being
exceptionally driven) or physical traits without
appreciable combat effects (such as being buxom).
If the Director wishes to keep the combat system
more pure and tactical, he can choose to ignore
the combat benefits of these non-physical Qualities.
However, these combat effects should usually be
Some of these Qualities and Weaknesses apply
solely to a metagaming perspective, relating more
to the fictional hypothetical fan playing the video
game represented by the characters and the
campaign. As such, they should not be allowed in
more serious campaigns. Such Qualities generally

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

have effects on combat as well.
Many of the Qualities and Weaknesses below
mention interaction skills. This is a general term
to represent any skill check that applies to social
interactions: any attempt to charm, deceive,
seduce, persuade, intimidate, or placate another
character. It does not apply to any specific set of
skills; the Director determines what constitutes the
use of an interaction skill.
Some Qualities are specifically defined as
appearance Qualities. A character with three
appearance Qualities may stack the bonuses and
receive an additional +1 on interaction skill checks
on top of the total. Attractive and Dashing (for male
characters) and Attractive and Beautiful (for female
characters) only count as one Quality for this
calculation. For example, a male character has the
following qualities: Attractive, Dashing, Bishounen,
and Sharp Dressed. Attractive and Dashing give a +
2 bonus on interaction skill checks involving female
characters. Bishounen gives a +1 bonus on all
interaction skill checks. Sharp Dressed gives a +1
bonus on all interaction skill checks (and +2 in
certain circumstances). Thus, in most interaction
skill checks involving female characters, the
character would receive a +5 bonus (+2, +1, +1, and +
1 for having three appearance Qualities).
As another example, a female character has the
following qualities: Attractive, Sexy, and Cute. Each
of the three Qualities individually gives a +1 bonus
on interaction skill checks involving male characters.
Thus, for all interaction skill checks involving male
characters, the character would receive a +4 bonus
(+1, +1, +1, and +1 for having three appearance


The details of many Qualities and Weaknesses are

deliberately left vague. Qualities should always be
useful enough in a game that they are worth taking,
while Weaknesses must both come into play often
enough and be debilitating enough to make them
worth the Qualities they earn. Specific details,
however, are often dependent on the campaign, the
Director, and the player. This is especially so in
regard to those Qualities that are very similar to one
another. For example, the Qualities Connections,
Followers, and Influence all represent similar
resources. It is up to the Director and the player to
adequately define the differences between them.
It is the Directors job to make sure that the
characters Weaknesses actually manifest during the
game. In fact, scenes and even whole stories can be
structured around the characters Weaknesses. By
taking a Weakness, a player is permitting the
Director to use these traits to complicate his
characters life. For example, a character with Dull
Personality as a Weakness should occasionally have
to interact with NPCs in order to advance the story.
However, a player may also inconvenience his own
character through his Weaknesses, beyond what the
Director has chosen to include in the course of a
story. In these cases when the player takes the
initiative to hinder his character through his
Weaknesses, the Director should award a Story
Quirks are a lesser form of Weakness. For the most
part, they are guidelines for role-playing. However,
if a player deliberately role-plays a Quirk in such a
way as to inconvenience his character (Directors
discretion), the character earns a Story Point.
Characters are encouraged to take one or two
Quirks for their character. If a character takes three
to five Quirks for his character, this counts as a
Weakness and is worth an additional Quality.

Choosing Qualities, Weaknesses,
and Traits for NPCs
When designing opponents for the PCs to face, the
Director should strive to be fair when choosing Qualities
and Weaknesses for the NPCs. For example, if the
players have designed Fighters with Qualities like
Attractive, Connections, Influence, and Fame, then in
general it would be inappropriate for the Director to
make an NPC Fighter with a number of Weaknesses
that will have no effect on the single fight scene in
which the character is featured, and then to exchange
most of the characters many Quality choices for
additional Combat Skills and Fighting Spirit. The
players Quality choices have indicated a desire for
stories that involve more than endless fight scenes as a
way to advance the plot, and the Director has
responded by throwing a monster at them with little
depth and a host of serious Weaknesses that will never
manifest during his short time on stage.
The reverse is also true: if the player characters are the
ones who are the thinly-developed combat monsters,
then the Director should not bother with detailed
creations with interesting backgrounds and varied
resources at their disposal when they are just going to
end up as defeated victims at the PCs feet.
Exceptions exist. Sometimes the Director intends an
opponent to be a brutal force that forces the player
characters to work hard in order to defeat him, and
sometimes a well-developed villain will get a second
chance to use his extensive resources after being
soundly defeated by the protagonists of the story.

Beautiful (females only)
Bishounen (males only)
Buxom (females only)
Cute (females only)
Dashing (males only)
Powerful Item
Gadgeteering Psychic
Great Destiny Sensei
Sexy (females only)
Gun Expert
Immortal Being Sharp Dressed (males only)
Suggestive Attire (females only)
Theme Music
Tomboy (females only)
Weapon Expert

Overall, the Director should choose Qualities and

Weaknesses for NPCs that will contribute to the quality
and depth of the story and that will also make
interesting and challenging opponents for the player

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Annoying Voice
Bad Reputation
Dangerous Job
Dark Side
Dull Personality
Duty Bound
Fearsome Appearance
Fragile Self-Image
Glass Jaw
Physical Handicap
Poorly Drawn
Significant Other
Style Weakness


Bumbling Friend
Dead Serious

Distinctive Appearance
Fan Service (females
In Love
Loves Combat

Nosebleeds (males

Buxom, Fan Service, and Suggestive Attire: All in the Eye of the Beholder
Some groups of players may have problems with the Qualities Buxom and Suggestive Attire and the Quirk Fan Service. They make specific game
allowances for certain common genre conventions about female characters in fighting video games, but some groups might find them offensive.
Other groups may not take offense to these game elements, but may instead just
find them silly. If either case applies, they should be removed from the list of
available options for characters.
In games in which Buxom, Fan Service, and Suggestive Attire
are allowed (which is the default assumption of the rules),
it must be emphasized that what constitutes buxom,
fan service, and/or suggestive attire must be
understood from the perspective of the specific
campaign setting in which they are used. In the
case of more unusual campaign settings, these
elements may represent more extreme notions.
For example, in a campaign setting in which all
the Fighters are buxom athletes, a character
with the Buxom Quality must be buxom
even by comparison to the other Fighters in
the campaign in order to take this Quality.
Similarly, in a campaign set in the world of
supermodel martial artists fighting solely
in their lingerie (a ridiculous concept for a
fighting game to be sure!), the characters
should not all take the Suggestive Attire
Quality, as such attire is normal for this
campaign setting. In such a setting, a
character that did take the Suggestive Attire
Quality must be quite scantily clad indeed.
In theory, the opposite extreme might be true,
but the Director should be cautious about
allowing the same game effects to apply. For
example, in a campaign in which all the Fighters are
male except for one female, whose fighting attire
happens to show a little cleavage, one could make the
case that any or all of the three Qualities under discussion
could apply to this character in that setting. However, this is
not the intent of the rules as written.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Quality Descriptions
This section describes all of the Qualities in the
game. They are listed alphabetically. It should be
noted that some Qualities require other Qualities as
prerequisites and that some Qualities are restricted
to male or female characters.
Attractive: This appearance Quality represents
generic good looks that are recognizable as such but
not outstanding in any regard. This is a fairly
common Quality for heroic characters. It is also
extremely common that female characters in the
source material (heroic or villainous) have at least
this level of attractiveness. This Quality gives a +1
bonus on interaction skill checks when dealing with
the opposite sex.
Beautiful: (females only) This appearance Quality is
the highest level of appearance traits for female
characters. The Attractive Quality is a prerequisite
for this Quality. Such characters possess a sort of
virginal, pure, and/or untouchable beauty. A
character with the Beautiful Quality gets a +2 bonus
on interaction skill checks when dealing with the
opposite sex. This replaces the +1 bonus for the
Attractive Quality.
Big: A character with this Quality is huge. He is
often as broad as he is tall and covered with bulky
muscles or fat. Sometimes the character is tall as
well. The characters proportions are definitely
beyond human. This Trait is often possessed by
wrestlers and bruisers who rely more on force than
The character receives 1 damage from all attacks in
combat (minimum 1) and also receives a +1 to his
Stun Threshold. By moving into Range 0, the


character can choose to push his opponent back 1

Range, which can also be used as an additional free
Maneuver towards an Environmental Hazard, unless
the opponent is also Big or Tall. The character is only
Knocked Back by attacks that do 2 or more points of
damage. However, any combatant attacking this
character receives a +1 Accuracy on all his moves
(including Basic Moves) in combat. Furthermore,
jumping or moving with the Mobile Element for the
Big character costs 2 FS instead of 1.
Bishounen: (males only) This appearance Quality
represents a fairly common fighting game
stereotype, especially among high-ranking villains
(though there are many bishounen heroes as well).
The character is thin, has delicate features, long
hair, and a flair for fashion. The Attractive Quality is
a prerequisite for this Quality. This gives a +1 bonus
on interaction skill checks when dealing with either
sex, who cannot deny the characters noteworthy
appearance, and who might also be surprised or
confused about the characters beauty.
Once per combat round, the character can target an
opponent who has both higher Life Bar and Fighting
Spirit than himself at the end of a turn. If the
character spends one Story Point, then either the
opponent underestimates the character, based on
his apparent harmlessness or frailty, or the
bishounen character himself becomes inspired by
his own beauty (depending on the character
concept). As a result, the opponent suffers a one die
size penalty on Initiative on the following turn. This
ability can also be used against a Thug Group once
per combat regardless of current Life Bar and
Fighting Spirit.
Buxom: (females only) There is a stereotype in
many fighting games in which some or all of the
female Fighters are blessed (or cursed) with chests
that seem to defy gravity, flowing gracefully (and

totally unrealistically) about as they fight. This
implausible physical characteristic has no purpose in
the video game other than providing gratuitous fan
service, attracting the attention of male players.
Thus, a Buxom character receives +2 on interaction
skill checks when dealing with males.
The down side of this Quality is that such characters
will also have to deal with men speaking directly to
their chests, the accosting hands of horny old and
young men and, in darker campaigns, unusually
bleak treatment at the hands of lecherous villains. A
player can allow her character to willingly suffer this
negative attention during a story to earn a Story
If the character spends one Story Point at the start
of a combat, then male opponents are so enthralled
by the characters unnatural poetry in motion that
they suffer a one die size penalty on Control (not
Initiative) on the first turn in which they fight a
Buxom opponent.
Charming: The character has a likeable personality.
He may be charming, charismatic, funny, inspiring,
nice, or all of the above. This Quality has nothing to
do with the characters appearance. As a result of his
disposition, the character receives a +1 on all
interaction skill checks.
Connections: The character has a number of
contacts and connections he can draw upon. These
might be because the character is wealthy, or
politically influential, or a well-connected celebrity.
Similarly, the characters connections might be
criminal contacts or friends and allies from a temple
or martial arts school. During a story, the character
can spend a Story Point to draw upon these
resources. This might take the form of allies to
provide assistance or a distraction, access to a
restricted site or event, or information that would

otherwise be hard or impossible to get.

Cute: (females only) This appearance Quality
represents a particular aspect of an attractive
female characters appearance. It serves as a
modifier to other appearance-related Qualities. A
Cute character must also have the Attractive
Quality, and may have the Beautiful and/or Sexy
Qualities as well. Many heroic females in fighting
games have this Quality, often claiming more fans
than more voluptuous or sensual female characters.
Cute characters receive a +1 bonus on interaction
skills when dealing with males, which stacks with
other appearance Qualities.
Dashing: (males only) This appearance Quality is the
highest level of appearance for male characters. The
Attractive Quality is a prerequisite for this Quality.
Such characters represent the most handsome and
charismatic men. As male villains are often
Bishounen, the lead male hero is often Dashing.
Regardless, a characters moral point of view does
not limit their choice of appearance Qualities. A
character with the Dashing Quality gets a +2 bonus
on interaction skill checks when dealing with the
opposite sex. This replaces the +1 bonus for the
Attractive Quality.
Driven: Characters with this Quality are dynamos of
self-motivation. They tend to be rigid in their habits
and utterly addicted to training. These characters
receive a +1 bonus on all their die rolls (outside of
combat) when they are either on the losing end of a
situation or during the climax of a story (as defined
by the Director). The Director can limit this bonus if
he wishes, or even allow it to be used in combat.
The character can also spend a Story Point to
override the Directors limitation or to use the
Quality in combat (provided the normal conditions
for its use are also in place). While only a small

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

bonus, its use in combat can have a dramatic effect.
Because of this, this should be reserved for
appropriately climactic confrontations.
Fame: The character is famous. This might be a
limited form of fame, such as within a specific
subculture, but is generally intended to represent
widespread acclaim. This Quality also means that
the character is liked (i.e., famous, not infamous).
By spending a Story Point, the character can benefit
from his Fame, by getting help from perfect
strangers or access to exclusive events. Fame
should be allowed to accomplish powerful effects,
but the player can also choose to willingly
inconvenience his character during a story on
account of his Fame in order to earn a Story Point.
Followers: This character has a fairly large group of
followers at his beck and call. These might be
members of a street gang the character leads,
corporate security, personal bodyguards, a fawning
fan club, or the like. By spending a Story Point, the
character can use these Followers for his purposes,
such as performing errands or gathering
While the Followers may be
considered combat-trained (e.g., street thugs or
soldiers), this Quality cannot provide people who
can fight in place of the character. They serve only
in a support role. If appropriate, the Director could
consider the Followers a Thug group in combat.
Friend: A character with this Quality possesses a
devoted friend, who is almost always much more
subdued than the character himself, and hardly ever
a Fighter. This Friend supports the character, cheers
him on, helps him out as he is able to, and points out
things the character might miss. By spending a
Story Point, the player can use this Quality to
essentially get a story assist from the Director: the


Friend uncovers a critical clue, has already done

necessary research, inspires the character to get a
needed Realize Potential roll, or simply points out a
critical plot point that has been missed.
While this NPC should not be abused (for that, see
the Significant Other Weakness), the player may
willingly choose to place his characters Friend in
harms way or get him into trouble, requiring the
characters intervention to save him, in order to earn
a Story Point. This Quality is not representative of
the loud, bumbling buddy; for that, see the Quirk
Bumbling Friend.
Gadgeteering: This Quality is a combination of both
a Quality and a Skill. Taking this Quality is a
prerequisite for taking the Gadgeteering Skill (see
the Skill description in Chapter 2). A character with
this Quality is capable of designing almost any
technological device, often very quickly and
sometimes with very few raw materials.
Genius: This Quality requires the Intelligent Quality
as a prerequisite. The character is truly brilliant, far
beyond the intellectual powers of most people. As a
result, the character receives a +4 on any skill check
in which the Director determines his superior
intellect would be a factor. This replaces the +2
bonus of the Intelligent Quality.
Great Destiny: This character is destined for some
great purpose, such as becoming a powerful ruler,
reviving a great, lost tradition of the martial arts,
becoming the greatest warrior in history, or saving
the world. This has obvious and significant effects
on role-playing the character and the structure of
the campaign featuring the character. Furthermore,
when the player spends a Story Point to modify the
circumstances of the story, if the circumstances can
be specifically related to the characters Great
Destiny, the story changes can be even more

dramatic and portentous. What
occurs should clearly be
related to the characters
destiny and should also
further it towards
completion (which may
or may not happen in
the course of the
Gun Expert: This Quality
is not as common in the
source material, as guns
are rarely a part of
martial arts combat.
However, this Quality
represents a high
degree of skill with
modern firearms. Despite
the word expert in the
title, this is an appropriate Quality
for any character who has had formal
military training, especially in some
branch of elite forces. Given the
highly abstract nature of the gun rules
in the game, this Quality gives a +3
bonus on any skill check related to
firearms. If appropriate for the
campaign, the Director should allow
characters with this Quality to pull off
amazing action-movie stunts with
guns, often accompanied by graceful
In a campaign set in a world
without guns (e.g., a fantasy or
Director may permit this
Quality for use with primitive
ranged weapons such as
bows. Note, however,

that the default Quality does

not permit such

bonuses in a
modern setting
(i.e., a Gun Expert
is not also a bow
expert), unless the
character takes
the Quality twice
to represent this.

Quality means
that the character
will never die of old
age and cannot be
Obviously, the Director should
restrict this Quality to appropriate
character concepts. Due to the very
loose nature of killing and death in the
rules, the specifics of this Quality are largely
up to the Director and the events of the story
and campaign. While death is rarely
permanent for any character in Fight! who
still has a useful role to play in
the plot as a whole, Immortal
Beings should have opportunities to
flaunt their inability to be killed and/or
return from their non-permanent deaths
more quickly (often re-appearing
at a critical moment).
example, it would not be
inappropriate for the Director to
deliberately kill the Immortal
character, just to allow the character to
re-appear when he is most needed or

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

when the story would benefit the most.
The player may choose to spend a Story Point to do
something fatal without serious consequence (such
as escape by leaping out of a 70th-story window).
The player may choose to do this without spending
a Story Point, but the Director may choose to
impose some temporary hardship as a result (for
example, in the above situation, perhaps the
character needs to wait an hour before his limbs realign from the impact).
Influence: This Quality represents the ability to
manipulate and/or control a group of people or a
sub-culture. For example, a character may have
Influence in the criminal underworld, or in mass
media, or in the halls of political power, or over a
particular school or style of martial arts. A character
with this Quality must define the nature of his
Influence and this Quality can be taken more than
once to represent other areas of Influence. By
spending a Story Point, a player can make use of his
Influence to get favors, assistance, or information.
This Quality is similar to both Connections and
Followers. Connections applies to personal, largely
peer relations in a group. Followers are underlings
personally and specifically committed to the
character. Influence is an abstract authority,
potentially over a large group, but without any
personal relationship or loyalty. Influence may gain
the character a favor, but it doesnt mean the one
granting the favor likes or even knows the character.
Intelligent: The character is very intelligent and
probably also very well educated. As a result, the
character receives a +2 on any skill check in which
the Director determines his impressive intelligence
would be a factor.


Intimidating: The character is intimidating, whether

through a cold stare, a disturbing presence, or a
demanding demeanor. This has nothing to do
directly with the characters appearance, though an
Intimidating character often has a look about him.
As a result of his disposition, the character receives a
+2 on all interaction skill checks intended to frighten
or coerce by force.
Light: This Quality is uncommon in fighting games,
but when it occurs, it is almost always possessed by
female or child characters. A character with this
Quality is usually smaller than a normal character,
but not short enough to possess the Short Quality
(though a character could have both Qualities). The
character is much lighter than other characters. As a
result, the character can jump 3 Ranges without
attacking or 2 Ranges with an attack without
spending FS in either case. However, attacks with
the Juggle Element do +2 damage against this
character, as it is easier to keep them juggled in the
air. Furthermore, a Light characters Stun Threshold
is also reduced by 1.
Lucky: Some characters display extraordinary good
luck in their lives. This is often manifested in scenes
that are intended to be more comic relief than plot
development. In fact, this Quality works best in a
campaign that highlights comedic storylines more
often than the gritty serious ones that are the
default presumption of most campaigns. The
Director may thus choose to disallow this Quality if
it fails to match the tone of the game or of a
particular character (as even serious campaigns
often have one or more comedic characters).
This Quality allows the player to re-roll three skill
checks during the course of a session, at no cost in
Story Points. Furthermore, when the character with
this Quality uses a Story Point to modify

circumstances in his favor, far more extreme or
implausible events can (and should) happen. Finally,
during a story, this character will also have general
good luck at the Directors discretion. If the
character spends a Story Point to manifest his good
luck in combat, then some or all of the characters
three skill re-rolls for the session can also be used in
combat to re-roll any roll.
Magic: This Quality is a combination of both a
Quality and a Skill. Taking this Quality is a
prerequisite for taking the Magic Skill (see the Skill
description in Chapter 2). A character with this
powerful Quality is capable of creating almost any
supernatural effect imaginable, limited solely by his
level of skill.
Sometimes effects may be
instantaneous, other times they may be great
rituals, but there are no theoretical limits (beyond
the Directors discretion and the needs of the story
and the campaign) to what the character can
potentially do.
Mobility: This character can move swiftly and with
great control. Because of this, when the character
moves 2 Ranges and then attacks, he can choose to
simply take a 2 penalty to Accuracy instead of
spending 1 FS. If the character also possesses the
Big Quality, there is instead no penalty to Accuracy,
but the movement costs 1 FS (rather than 2 FS, as is
normally required for Big characters).
Pet: This Quality represents an animal or creature
that accompanies the character. The choice of
animal is up to the player, but this Quality is
intended to represent unusual animals such as
highly intelligent dogs, panthers, bears, or birds of
prey, or else supernatural companions such as
demons or spirits. The more mundane the choice
of pet (e.g., a cat or small dog), the more likely that
it is an extraordinary member of its species.

While the Pet may have the ability to assist the

character in combat, any game effects related to
combat should be built into the descriptions of the
characters normal Special Moves. For example, if
the character can make his dog charge forward and
attack his opponent, this ability can be constructed
as a Special Move with the Ranged Element to
reflect the fact that the Fighter himself does not
close with his opponent as he attacks.
Additionally, the player and Director must define
the non-combat abilities and uses of the Pet. During
the course of the story, a player can spend a Story
Point to make the Pet do something exceptional,
beyond its normal expected abilities. While the Pet
should not be manipulated or abused by the
Director (for that, see the Weakness Significant
Other), the player may willingly choose to place his
characters Pet in harms way or get him into
trouble, requiring the characters intervention to
save him, in order to earn a Story Point.
Power: This Quality is a combination of both a
Quality and a Skill. Taking this Quality is a
prerequisite for taking the Power Skill (see the Skill
description in Chapter 2). A character with this
Quality possesses one specific supernatural ability
or superpower, generally without specific combat
application. Some examples might be flight, or
telekinesis, or the ability to walk through walls. If
the Power is very specific (such as Flight), then the
DL of skill checks using the Power Skill should be
lower, while if the Power is broader (such as Wind
Powers), then the DL of skill checks should be
higher for specific uses of the power.
Powers with specific combat applications (such as a
blast of energy), or the combat applications of other
Powers (such as using telekinesis as a form of

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

ranged attack) are simply designed as normal
Special Moves. In fact, a characters Special Moves
may include several powers without the character
taking this Quality. This Quality (and its Skill) is only
necessary if the character can use the Power in
flexible ways outside of combat.
Powerful Item: This Quality represents a specific
item that the character possesses. It may be a
specific piece of high-tech equipment, or it may be
an ancient magical artifact. While such an item may
have combat applications (e.g., a magic sword), any
game effects related to combat should be built as
normal as Special Moves. In fact, a character with a
magic sword (for example) that does nothing but
give him combat abilities does not need this Quality.
Its abilities are wholly represented by the characters
Special Moves.
The player and Director must define the noncombat abilities and limits of the Powerful Item.
During the course of the story, a player can spend a
Story Point to activate those abilities. This Quality
can also represent access to a powerful place, such
as an extradimensional fount of mystical energy,
access to a high-tech lab, a personal arena suffused
with the Fighters own ki energy, or the seat of
power of a kingdom or nation.
Psychic: This Quality is a combination of both a
Quality and a Skill. Taking this Quality is a
prerequisite for taking the Psychic Skill (see the Skill
description in Chapter 2). A character with this
Quality is capable of effecting any superpower
broadly defined as a mental, psychic, or psionic
ability, limited solely by his skill level and the
Directors discretion.
Reputation: A character with this Quality has some


form of good Reputation. People know of the

character and have reason to like, trust, and/or
respect him. In general, this means that people
meeting the character for the first time will be
predisposed toward positive social interactions with
him. However, the player may also spend a Story
Point during a social interaction to play on his
Reputation (when appropriate) to get people to do
what he wants, regardless of interaction skill checks.
Sensei: The character with this Quality still has
access to his original teacher or to a current teacher
who possesses extraordinary wisdom, extraordinary
skill, secret knowledge, and/or secret martial arts
techniques. By spending a Story Point, this
character can provide the character with the
wisdom or training or perhaps equipment needed
(often in the form of ancient artifacts) to solve a
problem. The player should come up with a reason
why the Sensei himself is not involved in the events
of the campaign, considering his own high level of
While this NPC should not be abused (for that, see
the Significant Other Weakness), the player may
willingly choose to place his characters Sensei in
harms way (of course, what constitutes harm to a
powerful Sensei must be great indeed) or otherwise
get him into trouble, thus requiring the characters
intervention to save him, in order to earn a Story
Sexy: (females only) This appearance Quality
represents an alluring, distinctly sexual dimension of
a character that acts as a modifier to other
appearance-related Qualities. A Sexy character
must also have the Attractive Quality, and may have
the Cute or Beautiful Qualities as well (though the
combination of the sensual Sexy Quality and the
pure Beautiful Quality is uncommon). Many of the
most popular fighting game females tend to have all

three of the Attractive, Cute, and Sexy Qualities.
Sexy characters receive a +1 bonus on interaction
skills when dealing with males, which stacks with
other appearance Qualities.

restrict its application. There is absolutely nothing

realistic about this Quality; in fact, its fairly
ridiculous, but it is a part of some character

Sharp Dressed: (males only) A male character with

this appearance Quality is always impeccably
dressed. It should be noted that, in the source
material, this Quality typically manifests according
to the standards of metrosexual or Euro meets
glam rock star, and may often include fashions
regular people would never try to pull off. The
effect of this Quality is to provide a +1 on interaction
skill checks, or a +2 with people who would normally
be impressed by exceptionally fashionable

The characters gratuitous display of flesh is worth a

+1 bonus on interaction skill checks when dealing
with males. Such characters are also subject to the
negative attention encountered by Buxom
characters (see above). A character with both
Qualities may be subject to significant role-playing
challenges and more than a few unpleasant
situations (some intended to be humorous, some
anything but, depending on the tone of the
campaign). A player can willingly suffer this
negative attention during a story to earn a Story

Short: Characters with this Quality are noticeably

shorter than normal. In fighting games that strive
for some sense of realism (a term used loosely in
any fighting game), this trait is not extreme. In most
games, however, characters with the Short Quality
are very short, sometimes no more than about three
or four feet tall. This Quality is often possessed by
strange old men who laugh and/or drink a lot. The
character receives a +2 to Defense Totals when
trying to Evade attacks, but receives a 2 penalty
(instead of 1) to Accuracy on attacks made at
Range 2.
Suggestive Attire: (females only) This Quality is
another convention of the genre that is somewhat
commonplace. Some female characters wear
clothing (if it can be called that) that is simply
inappropriate for the weather, for fighting, or even
for being seen out in public. This does not represent
the typical skintight or short skirt outfits worn by
most female fighters, but rather truly extreme
outfits with substantial cleavage, thongs, lingerie,
and the like. The power of this Quality is easily
subject to abuse; the Director should feel free to

Most importantly, however, if the character spends

a Story Point at the beginning of a combat, she
proves to be less vulnerable to harm when she wears
less clothing. As such, the character receives 1
damage from all attacks in combat and also receives
a +1 to her Stun Threshold. This becomes 2
damage and +2 Stun Threshold if the character also
has the at least one of the three Qualities Buxom,
Beautiful, or Sexy.
Tall: Some fighting game characters tower over
their opposition. This Quality represents the effects
of this height. Such characters are not necessarily
huge, just tall. However, many characters that have
the Tall Quality also have the Big Quality. Due to the
length of the characters limbs, the character does
not suffer a penalty to Accuracy at Range 2, though
this bonus only applies to Basic Moves, not Special
Moves. Due to his impressive height, the character
receives a +1 bonus on interaction skill checks when
trying to intimidate someone. Using the Evasion

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Skill to defend against attacks made by this
character receive a +1 bonus to Defense Totals.
Technique: This special Quality requires permission
from the Director. A Technique is a special ability
useable by the character that is not available to any
other Fighter character in the campaign. The form
of this special ability is an optional rule for combat
that applies only to the character. For example, the
default combat rules do not allow a character to
combine a moving Evade with Defense (which is
called an Aerial Block in a fighting game). In a
campaign using the default combat rules, a
character could take the Technique Quality and use
the rule for Aerial Blocking for his character.
The Director must approve all Techniques, as some
rules are far more powerful than others. If a player
wanted a particularly powerful Technique, the
Director may allow it at the cost of more than one
Quality. The default rules for Fight! in this book do
not have many rules options suitable for the
Technique Quality. Future supplements will contain
many more options, or the Director can create his
Theme Music: This Quality is a metagame Quality
and thus requires the Directors permission. In
fighting games, the soundtrack played while the
character is fighting may be exceptionally exciting,
well written or memorable. This Quality has combat
effects. The strong positive vibe of the characters
soundtrack is inspiring enough to allow him to
automatically recover Fighting Spirit equal to his
Power Level every full 10-count of combat. Thus,
the character would recover Fighting Spirit when the
time count dropped to 89 or less, and then again
when it dropped to 79 or less, and so on.


Tomboy: (females only) This appearance Quality

represents another common fighting game
stereotype. The character is muscular, has short
hair, and perhaps even dresses as a man. Despite
this, male characters often find the character
attractive anyway. This gives a +1 bonus on
interaction skill checks when dealing with either sex.
However, characters may not realize the character is
female at first. Until the characters gender is
realized, the character does not receive the Tomboy
bonus. A player may use the characters gender
ambiguity to willingly inconvenience her character
during a story in order to earn a Story Point. A
character with this Quality may also be Attractive,
Cute, and/or Sexy, though they may not be
Wealth: The character is extremely wealthy or has
easy access to a lot of money. The benefits of this
are readily discernible, though Wealth can also
create distinctive problems. By spending a Story
Point, the character can get any sort of assistance
needed that would be available by throwing money
at the problem. The character may hire specially
trained technicians, researchers, fast or secretive
means of transportation, etc. It is up to the Director
to determine whether or not a particular resource is
available, as well as how long it takes to materialize.
In general, as long as the request doesnt circumvent
the whole story, it should be permitted. If the player
willingly chooses to have his character suffer from
the unique problems of great wealth (fees and taxes,
delays in fund availability, unwanted media and
banking attention, theft, etc.), the Director may
award a Story Point.
Weapon Expert: This Quality represents
extraordinary skill with all forms of melee weapons.
The character receives a +3 bonus on any skill check
or combat roll in Thug Thrashing combat related to
melee weapons. This Quality does not apply to rolls

involving primitive ranged weapons such as bows
(which is the province of the Gun Expert Quality).

Weakness Descriptions
This section describes all of the Weaknesses in the
game. They are listed alphabetically. Remember
that the Director has a responsibility to make sure
that Weaknesses actually have an effect on the
game. A Weakness that never comes into play is not
a Weakness.
Amnesia: The character does not remember his
past. How much he has lost or whether he will ever
regain his memory is up to the player and the
Director. This gives them both significant freedom
to alter the characters understanding of himself to
best suit the campaigns story, though the Director
should do this with the interests of the player in
Annoying Voice: This Weakness is a metagame
Weakness and thus requires Director permission.
The voice acting in fighting games (especially after
dubbing for localization) often leaves much to be
desired. Secondary heroes and comedic sidekicks
often have loud, nasal, or silly voices. The character
with this Weakness has one of these voices.
Because of the characters ridiculous voice, the
hypothetical players mock the character. The
character loses 1 Glory point every session of play
and has a -1 penalty on all his interaction skill
Bad Reputation: The character has a bad reputation
that may or may not be accurate. Regardless of
whether or not it is accurate, people treat the
character accordingly and expect him to behave in a
certain way. This may mean, for example, that
people expect him to be a delinquent who is always

up to no good. The reputation is established enough

that it will be difficult for someone who does not
know the character to see past it.
Code: A Code is similar to the Vow Weakness or
(somewhat less so) the Obsession or Fanatic
Weaknesses. The player must describe the strict
dictates of the characters Code (with the Directors
approval) and abide by them always. Common
codes would include the samurais code of bushido
or a more generic code to always fight honorably.
The effects of failing to abide by a characters Code
are up to the Director, but should be suitably severe.
A character may live by a code and not take this
Weakness; this version of a code is a way of living
that is strongly tied to a characters self-identity.
Curse: A character who is cursed has been afflicted
by some supernatural force either in his own past or
the past of his family. This can manifest in any
number of ways and it may or may not yield
concrete game effects. The player should come up
with the story of the Curse and then work with the
Director to determine its actual effects. A curse that
has major effects need not see those effects turn up
in the game very often, while a relatively minor
curse may have a consistent permanent (albeit
lesser) effect on the character.
Dangerous Job: A character with the Dangerous
Job Weakness has an employer who places him in
hostile situations frequently. This usually means
combat, but it can also refer to other lifethreatening situations. The player and Director
must work out the details of the characters
employer. The game effects of this should be
manifest in the kinds of stories the character
participates in. The Director should make sure the
character has to occasionally do things he would

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

rather not do, get thrown into dangerous situations,
and be involved in frequent fights, usually (but not
solely) of the Thug Thrashing variety. This Weakness
often contributes significantly to establishing an
entire character concept. The job must be a genuine
liability to the character, not just an excuse for
comparatively easy extra Glory during stories.
Dark Side: Usually, this Weakness would only be
taken by a heroic character (though the Director
might permit a villainous character to have a really,
really Dark Side). Despite the characters noble
nature, he possesses an evil side that he may or may
not be aware of. Under the right circumstance,
always at critical moments, his Dark Side may come
to the fore, causing the character to do destructive
or reprehensible things. The character also may or
may not be aware of what he has done during the
dark time.
The Director may choose to develop some sort of
sliding scale for the characters loss of control,
informing the player that circumstances have
pushed the character another step closer to losing
control, thereby allowing the character the chance
to act in such a way as to regain it, or he may just
impose it on the character when dramatically
appropriate. The control and/or elimination of the
Dark Side is often a driving motive for the character.
Dependence: The character with this Weakness is
dependent on something else to survive. This could
be a dependency or addiction to a substance, but in
this case, it would need to be a profoundly deep
addiction and/or a very dangerous substance to
qualify (e.g., a character who smokes does not
qualify for this Weakness in most cases). The
Dependence might instead be to something else for
a non-human character. An amphibious being may

need water. An ancient spirit may need to meditate

in its sacred grove. The effects of failing to meet the
Dependence should be decided on by the Director
and the player.
Doomed: This character is doomed to some ignoble
or dark fate, such as dying at the most important
point in his life, failing to ever achieve his lifes
purpose, or even being responsible for the worlds
destruction. This will probably have an effect on the
characters self-perception as made manifest
through role-playing. Furthermore, the Director can
impose more severe hindrances on the character
before awarding a Story Point, especially if the
Director furthers the characters doom. Whether
the doom actually comes to pass during the course
of the campaign should be up to the Director (with
input from the player).
Dull Personality: For whatever reason, the
character fails to make a positive impression on
others. He may be boring, dull, lack social skills, or
be unintentionally annoying. As a result, the
character suffers a 1 on all interaction skill checks.
Duty Bound: A character with this Weakness is
obligated to serve someone or something else. This
may be a particular person, such as an elder family
member, an organization such as a school or
corporation, or even an ideal embodied in a
philosophy or religion. The duty should be
understood as more than just a job; the character
has a psychological attachment to the idea of doing
well in the performance of his duty. The Director
should create situations that cause conflict between
the characters duty and other options that may be
easier, better, or more desirable. The Director
should impose consequences if the character fails to
live up to his duty, especially by choice.
Fanatic: A character with this Weakness must define


what he is a Fanatic about. This should be
something fairly significant. It also should not fall
under the purview of Obsession or Vow. Fanaticism
usually relates to an ideal, philosophical or religious
system, or lifestyle. The player and Director must
work together to define the typical behaviors of the
Fanatic. The Director should assign penalties or
other consequences if the character fails to act
according to his fanaticism. The player can
inconvenience his character on account of his
fanaticism by choice in order to earn a Story Point.
From a role-playing perspective, such a character
will also be annoyingly one-tracked in his thought
and often talk or think of little else.
Fearsome Appearance: This Weakness represents
an unusual appearance that can be broadly defined
as anything that is definitely not normal and usually
will provoke a negative reaction. It can be a
monstrous appearance (which may or may not also
be Ugly) or a supernatural quality that simply makes
other people uncomfortable. A character with this
Weakness suffers a 4 on Lost in the Crowd skill
checks. Furthermore, the character also suffers a -1
penalty on all interaction skill checks. On the other
hand, the strange nature of the characters
appearance is worth a +1 bonus on interaction skill
checks if the character is trying to frighten or
intimidate someone. If applicable, these bonuses
and penalties stack with the Ugly Weakness.
Fragile Self-Image: This character is usually
overconfident in his actions, but this actually masks
a severe lack of confidence. If the character ever
loses a significant fight (defined by the Director
according to the specific character), he loses 10
Glory points immediately and subsequently suffers a
-1 penalty on all skill checks until he wins a
significant fight (as defined by the Director).

thing for a fighter to live with. The character has a 2 Stun Threshold.
Haunted: Characters who are Haunted can be
tormented in one of two ways. The haunting might
be literal, in which case, the character will have
frequent interaction with frightening, bothersome,
or malevolent spirits. The other form of the
Haunted Weakness is the torment the character
feels over the events of ones past; in this case, the
player needs to describe what happened that now
gives the character frequent nightmares, bouts of
depression, and lack of confidence about his choice
of actions. Either version of this Weakness may lead
to penalties on skill checks and/or a misperception
of reality on the part of the character.
Honorable: Honorable characters abide by a simple,
specific form of code related to their general way of
life and how they treat others. In combat, an
Honorable character will not strike an opponent who
has been Stunned or Knocked Down. As a slightly
beneficial side effect of this Weakness, people who
know of the characters honor may treat the
character with respect. On the other hand, villains
will exploit this Weakness.
Hunted: A character who is Hunted needs to define
who is hunting him and why. This Weakness should
not usually be defined as another specific Fighter
(which is usually a Rivalry instead). However, the
hunter should have the resources to send lots of
troops at the Hunted character. The Director should
feel free to send mobs of Thug-level opponents at
the character during each story. Ideally, this
Weakness should be worked into the story rather
than serve as a distraction from it. The Director
should keep this in mind when choosing opponents
for the character. Also, like the Dangerous Job

Glass Jaw: This dangerous Weakness is a tough

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Weakness, being Hunted is supposed to be a
liability, not a persistent low-level opportunity to
earn extra Glory beyond the other characters.
Obsession: This Weakness does not represent a
characters ideological stance (that is covered by the
Fanatic Weakness), but rather his obsession with a
specific item, person, plan, or idea. The player must
clearly define the object of his Obsession. Though it
is possible that the Fanatic Weakness might be
understood in a heroic (if overzealous) light,
Obsessions are often darker psychological territory.
From a role-playing perspective, this Obsession
usually dominates the characters mind, so that he
cannot easily concentrate on anything else. This
results in a -1 penalty on all skill checks except those
related to the Obsession (Directors discretion). The
player can inconvenience his character on account
of his Obsession by choice in order to earn a Story
Phobia: The character suffers a profound, irrational
fear of something. The choice of Phobia needs to be
common enough (as deemed by the Director) that
the character has a reasonable chance of
encountering it during his adventures. When
exposed to the presence of the Phobia object, the
character must either flee or else become paralyzed
by fear. If the player willingly exposes his character
to the object of his Phobia, the Director can award a
Story Point.
Physical Handicap: The character with this
Weakness has a significant Physical Handicap. This
is an uncommon Weakness for a fighting game
character. The Director must approve the handicap.
Examples include missing arms, legs, or eyes, or
perhaps strong asthma or a lasting, debilitating
illness. The Physical Handicap is generally not


considered to have any effect on combat (the

character is assumed to have trained to
compensate), but the Director can impose whatever
limitations seem appropriate outside of combat
(e.g., a character with one leg moves slowly during a
chase, a character with asthma cannot do prolonged
physical activity, a blind character cannot read, etc.)
Poorly Drawn: This Weakness is a metagame
Weakness and thus requires Director permission. It
represents a poor visual concept on the part of the
hypothetical character artists who draw the
character for the game that is the campaign. The
players are bored by the characters appearance and
do not connect with him. As such, all Special moves
and Combos performed by the character are worth 1 Glory point.
Ritual: A character with this Weakness has either a
need to be recognized for his exploits wherever he
goes or a ritual or series of rituals that he absolutely
must adhere to in order to function in day-to-day
life. The player should define the exact nature of the
Ritual; this could be a calling card left behind by the
character at a scene, a catch phrase that has to be
spoken aloud, a move that has to be used to finish
an opponent, or a routine that must be followed
before entering combat. The characters Ritual must
be performed or satisfied in all cases; he cannot be
convinced to not perform it. This might provide a
tactical weakness in combat, ruin an undercover
action or disguise, or delay a characters plans.
Should the Ritual be violated in some way, the
Director should impose penalties on the character
until he atones appropriately.
Significant Other: The character has some sort of
Significant Other in his life. This could be a lover,
best friend, child, sibling, or whatever that the
character cares deeply about and wants and/or
needs to protect. Generally, the feelings are

reciprocated in this situation. The Director is free to
threaten, kidnap, or otherwise endanger the
Significant Other during stories. This Weakness can
easily be combined with the Quirk In Love. The
player should not be able to easily ignore or blow off
his Significant Other without real consequences for
his character.
Style Weakness: The characters martial arts style is
not well suited to facing opponents using certain
techniques or his style is predictable. One example
of this is the supposed weakness of traditional
Western Boxing to kick attacks. This Weakness has
combat effects and thus requires the Directors
permission. When facing an opponent with Style
Weakness, a combatant may make a DL 8 Stance
Evaluation roll. In addition to the normal benefits of
the roll, if it succeeds, all attacks against the
character with Style Weakness do +1 damage.
Thick: This Weakness is only available to characters
who also have the Unintelligent Weakness. This
character is just plain stupid. He is not creative in his
thoughts, cannot understand detailed plans, and
gets a 3 on any skill check that would involve
intelligence or education (Directors discretion). This
replaces the 2 penalty of Unintelligent.
Ugly: This Weakness represents the worst
appearance possible. Such characters are hideous
to behold. In fighting games, this can sometimes be
quite graphic. It is rare among females in the genre.
The effect of this Weakness is a -3 penalty on all
interaction skill checks when dealing with a member
of the opposite sex. On the other hand, being
disgusting to behold is worth a +1 bonus on
interaction skill checks if the character is trying to
frighten or intimidate someone. Characters with
this Weakness cannot acquire any positive
appearance Qualities and female characters with
this Weakness cannot acquire the Buxom Quality,

regardless of the condition of their figure. A

character with this Weakness must also have the
Unattractive Weakness, though the Ugly penalties
supercede the Unattractive penalties.
Unattractive: Some characters just dont have a lot
going for them in the looks department. This
appearance Weakness yields a -1 penalty on
interaction skill checks when the character is dealing
with the opposite sex.
Unintelligent: This character is significantly less
intelligent and/or less educated than most people.
As such, he gets a 2 on any skill check that would
involve intelligence or education (Directors
Unlucky: Some characters display an extraordinary
amount of bad luck in their lives. This is often
manifested in scenes that are intended to be more
comic relief than plot development. In fact, this
Quality works best in a campaign that highlights
comedic storylines more often than the gritty
serious ones that are the default presumption of
most campaigns. The Director may thus choose to
disallow this Quality if it fails to match the tone of
the game or of a particular character (as even
serious campaigns often have one or more comedic
This Weakness allows the Director (not the player)
to force the player to re-roll up to three skill checks
during the course of a session, with no Story Point
reward. Furthermore, when the character with this
Weakness chooses to inconvenience himself for a
Story Point reward, far more extreme, implausible,
and unpleasant events can (and should) happen.
Finally, during a story, this character will also have
general bad luck at the Directors discretion. This

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

should usually just be used for humorous effect. If
the Director wishes to allow this Quality to have
combat effects, then some or all of the characters
three skill re-rolls for the session can also be used
against the character in combat to re-roll any roll.
Vow: This Weakness represents a vow or series of
vows that the character has taken which are likely to
affect his behavior on a fairly regular basis. It can
represent the religious rules of a monk, a stout
warriors vow of purity, or an evil desire for
vengeance. The nature of the Vow should not be so
obscure that its application in the game is barely
seen. The character is committed to the Vow, but
this does not necessarily mean that the character is
always completely comfortable with it, and the
character can still be subject to temptation.
Because of this Weakness, the character will be
inhibited in his actions in some way and will be
tempted with some regularity during his adventures.
If the character ends up breaking his vow, he will
have a -3 penalty on all his die rolls until a journey of
repentance is taken (a special story or series of
scenes designed at the Directors discretion).
Warped: This Weakness can cover a number of
different afflictions. A Warped character may be
physically or mentally Warped. Thus, this Weakness
covers any physical deformity or insanity the
character may be burdened with. In any case, such
afflictions will be difficult to conceal and hard to live
with, though the exact details are up to the Director
to decide. Physical afflictions will often have a
negative effect on social interactions, while mental
afflictions may control or limit character actions.


Quirk Descriptions
This section describes all of the Quirks in the game.
They are listed alphabetically. Remember that
Quirks are intended to be descriptors of major
personality traits of a character. They should
occasionally hinder or define a characters actions,
but they should not be as debilitating as
Because they have a limited
mechanical effect on a character, the Director may
allow players to come up with their own Quirks.
Age: The character is particularly old, perhaps even
ancient, or else very young, such as a child. This has
no specific game effects fighting games are filled
with spry old men and immensely powerful children
but it will affect the way other people perceive and
relate to the character.
Arrogant: The character is convinced of his own
superiority and has no problem sharing this selfknowledge with others. This perception may or may
not be accurate. In any case, the perceptions and
attitudes of other people towards the character will
certainly be colored by this arrogance.
Attitude: Many characters in fighting games, both
heroes and villains, are so cool as to radiate an aura
of attitude when they are around. Characters with
this Quirk may occasionally have difficulty hiding in
crowds or appearing sincerely humble in their
interactions with others. Others may be inclined to
either challenge the character or to act subservient
around them.
Brutal: Characters with this Quirk are harsh fighters
in combat. They enjoy bullying the weak and using
dirty tricks, and they have no compunctions against
beating opponents who are already down. This may
result in legal difficulties, a loss of respect and

honor, a recognized bad reputation, and few friends.
Bumbling Friend: The character has a good friend
who is always willing to help in any way he can.
However, despite this friends best intentions, he
rarely proves to be of much help. Typically such a
character is loud, clumsy, not too bright, and/or
socially inept. While the friend may occasionally
prove useful (more often by accident), he is usually a
liability to the character when he is around.
Clueless: This Quirk is not an assessment of the
characters intelligence. Rather, a character with
this Quirk is curiously unaware of his environment,
the feelings of those around him, and the meaning
of clues presented to him. While there are no
specific game mechanics to reflect this, the Director
may choose to withhold information from the
character when describing a situation.
Cooking: Any food the character prepares will be
horrible and will cause temporary illness in anyone
who eats it. The character may be aware of this or
instead believe that he is actually an excellent cook.
This Quirk is usually used as a source of comic relief
in a story.
Dead Serious: Despite the occasional light-hearted
scene in the plot of a fighting game, some
characters seem to have no part whatsoever in it.
This character is one of them. The character never
laughs, rarely appears noticeably happy, and is
usually an extremely focused individual. This should
be clear through the players role-playing. It may
have an effect on the characters social interactions.
Demure: This Quirk is in some ways the opposite of
the Attitude Quirk. The character rarely makes eye
contact or exalts himself in any way, and may
regularly put himself at the service of others. This
attitude persists, even after having beaten an

opponent in combat. In fact, the Demure character

will often apologize for winning. In the source
material, this Quirk is more common among female
Disgraced: At some point in his past, the character
was disgraced in some way. He may have been
thrown out of his dojo, killed a friend accidentally,
violated a vow, or felt his reputation or honor was
ruined by a past fight. This character will be
somewhat morose and/or angry and will usually be
devoted to undoing the causes of his disgrace.
appearance makes him stand out, even beyond the
normal standards of most fighting game characters.
The character is not frightening (see Fearsome
Appearance) nor is he merely ugly (see Ugly). This
would be an appropriate Quirk for a character that
dresses in a way that makes him stand out in a
crowd, even a crowd of Fighters. Penalties to Lost in
the Crowd Skill checks are appropriate.
Fan Service: (females only) Many female fighting
game characters fight exclusively in short skirts
(often school uniforms). As such, when they fall or
leap or kick high, the players are treated to a clear
view of their underwear. Similarly, other characters
walk, pose, stretch provocatively, and/or fall over
frequently when they move, whether deliberately or
accidentally, also revealing their underwear or at
least acting in an overtly sexual manner. This is
often intended for comic effect, albeit of a
particularly lowbrow variety. This character is one of
those characters. Apt descriptions of the characters
fan service, if it inconveniences the character in
some way, could be worth a Story Point.
Glutton: This character will eat at every opportunity

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

which presents itself, will eat a lot, and will often
make an embarrassing display of himself while
doing so. The character is not necessarily fat. This
Quirk is best used for occasional comic effect and to
perhaps provide a distraction to the character.
Greedy: The character is constantly in pursuit of
material gain, whether through money or
possessions. This is a primary motivation for the
characters actions and, unless the character makes
an effort to keep it secret, will usually color the
perceptions and reactions of people around him.
Immature: This is another common stereotype,
usually among female characters. Despite being
fully-grown in years, this character still acts like a
child. This manifests in the character through high
and/or loud voices, frequent temper tantrums,
unusual moments of stupid courage or unreasonable
fear, and making a general nuisance out of himself.
Impulsive: A character with this Quirk possesses
boundless energy and an inability to stay in one
place for too long. The character is bored with
excessive planning and usually flies off on his own
without proper discretion. As a result, the character
often ends up in trouble. An Impulsive character is
not necessarily Reckless; the Impulsive character
may choose a prudent course of action, but only
because it was the first idea he came up with.
In Love: Love relationships sometimes play a role in
the plot of fighting games. A character who is In
Love needs to first define whom he is In Love with.
This is usually another player character or a
prominent NPC. In any case, the object of the
lovers affection should be around fairly frequently,
but does not necessarily need to have reciprocal
feelings. This Quirk may occasionally be played for


laughs. In this case, the character In Love will

sometimes do stupid things. The player can earn a
Story Point by suggesting that the beloved be
endangered, but this story idea should be used
sparingly, as it more properly falls under the
Weakness Significant Other.
Lecherous: Characters with this Quirk will always be
making inappropriate comments to members of the
opposite sex, peeping in locker rooms and showers,
and grabbing other characters in socially
unacceptable ways. Such behavior often results in
social ostracism and frequent beatings at the hands
of those who have been ogled. The targets of
lechery in the source material are almost always
women, regardless of whether the lecher is male or
Loves Combat: A character with this Quirk thrills to
the excitement and danger of combat. He is not
necessarily brutal or violent. This may not seem like
a liability in a fighting game, but this character will
look for any excuse to fight, even when it would be
better or more prudent not to.
Nosebleeds: (males only) This Quirk is also intended
for more light-hearted campaigns. It is not well
suited for serious games. A character with this Quirk
often suffers sudden and embarrassing nosebleeds
when he experiences something that would be
sexually arousing. On rare occasions, the nosebleed
may be severe enough to cause the character to
pass out from blood loss.
Pacifist: This is a difficult Quirk for a fighting game.
The character will not willingly initiate combat and,
if forced in some way, will seek to end combats as
quickly as possible. While such sentiment is
undoubtedly noble, this can prove to be a difficult
Quirk for the player and the Director to work with. It
might be worthwhile for the Director and the player

to establish a set of circumstances or kinds of
opponents toward which the character is less
Reckless: A character who is Reckless makes
unnecessarily bold choices in his actions. Such
characters are usually loud and enthusiastic and
have little interest in caution. Because of their
rashness, they usually get into trouble over their
heads. This is not the same thing as Impulsive; a
Reckless character may deliberate over his actions
but will ultimately choose an action that will
generate big results (whatever that may mean in a
specific situation).
Revenge: A character with this Quirk has a need for
revenge. The target of this revenge should be
someone or some group that is accessible during the
events of the campaign, and ideally is a person or
group that is directly related to the main plot of the
campaign. The character seeking Revenge will act
irrationally when faced with an opportunity to get
back at the offender. This may be a dominant
component of the characters reason for fighting.
Rivalry: A character with a Rivalry needs to define
who the Rivalry is with and what the nature of the
Rivalry is. The other character should ideally be a
character that is around somewhat frequently, but if
not, then the Rivalry should be even more intense
and fierce when both characters are around. The
other character may not share the sense of Rivalry,
but this is much less interesting. The rival can be
another player character, which can make for some
great stories, but the Director should be aware of
the possible danger of bad player dynamics.
Characters with rivalries will often do stupid things.
Common rivals are siblings or fighters from the
same school.

somewhere on his body or has numerous small scars

all over (or perhaps both). This may make the
character hideous or ruggedly attractive. In either
case, however, he will have a harder time avoiding
being noticed in public. Alternatively, the character
may be Scarred in a psychological sense, as a result
of some past trauma.
Secret: This Quirk can represent any number of
things. The character might have a secret identity
that needs to be maintained, he could be carrying
the guilt of a secret crime committed in the past, he
could be lying about his true identity, or he could be
an undercover operative. In any case, the character
must work diligently to maintain his Secret, as it
would be bad (or at least the character is convinced
that it would be bad) if the Secret were revealed.
The specific ramifications of this revelation are up to
the Director and the player.
Short-Tempered: The character is prone to bouts of
extreme anger and loses his temper with little
provocation. This affects the way others perceive
the character, as well as causing significant social
inconvenience and lots of unnecessary fights.
Suspicious: A Suspicious character is unwilling to
trust the motivations of others. As such, they are
less willing to accept help from others and may be
reticent in offering help. It should be noted that this
Quirk is not paranoia, just a certain lack of trust in
others. Because of this Quirk, such a character may
also have problems persuading others.
Unworldly: The character is unaware of the
workings of the world. He may have been raised in
an isolated martial arts camp, sheltered by an
excessively protective family, or may even be a
stranger to the world (an alien or spirit). This

Scarred: A character who is Scarred has a large scar

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

character will not be able to relate well with modern
technology, cultural mannerisms and slang. The
Director may occasionally use this unfamiliarity to
cause the character inconvenience at an important

When a player provides exceptionally cool

descriptions of his actions (inside or outside of
combat), the Director may award a Story Point.

Story Points are a mechanic that allows the Director

to reward the players for engaging the genre as well
as to manipulate the flow of the story by giving the
players the opportunity to improve their chances of
success at critical moments.

Finally, the Director can manipulate events in the

story against the characters and then compensate
them with a Story Point. For example, the Director
could allow a villain to escape despite the heroes
attempts to pursue and capture him.
guaranteeing the villains escape, the Director gives
each of the characters a Story Point. This technique
should be used by the Director with discretion; it
should only be used when the effect of it will
improve the overall narrative flow of the story.

Normally, the Director will give each character one

Story Point at the beginning a session. There are
several ways to acquire additional Story Points.

Story Points are saved from session to session,

though the Director may restrict the maximum
number a character may have at any one time.

Story Points

In combat, when a character is reduced to 1/10th of

his Life Bar and then wins, he earns a Story Point.
A player may inconvenience his character by choice
during a story through his Weaknesses and/or
Quirks. The Director may reward this with a Story
When the character suffers a catastrophic failure (as
defined by the Director), he earns a Story Point.
The use of certain skills (such as Reaffirm Purpose
and Realize Potential) can earn Story Points.
When a player role-plays exceptionally well and/or
entertainingly, the Director may award the player
with a Story Point. Similarly, when a player roleplays the genre exceptionally well, especially the
excessively serious melodrama of fighting game
characters, the Director should award a Story Point.


Using Story Points

There are a number of ways in which Story Points
can be used in the game.
Some Qualities, such as Connections, Followers, and
Influence, require the use of Story Points in order to
gain their benefits.
A character can use a Story Point to re-roll any skill
check immediately after it is rolled. The character
must abide by the results of the re-roll, regardless of
whether they are better or worse.
A player can spend a Story Point to gain a sudden
insight into his characters current situation. For
example, if the players seem unclear as to what they
should do next to move the story along, one or more
of them could spend Story Points in order to have
their characters receive sudden, special insights
from the Director to advance the story. The Director

should make these insights fairly obvious, not
cryptic, so as to justify the use of Story Points.
Certain specific Qualities also use Story Points to
give hints or assistance. The general insights gained
by spending Story Points as described here should
not be as useful as those gained by those Qualities.
Example: Despite collecting a number of clues
about the whereabouts of the headquarters of the
Cartel of the Iron Lords, the player characters are
unclear as to how they should proceed. Cannon
McCabes player decides to spend a Story Point for
an insight.
Suddenly, Cannon remembered
something he heard one of the Cartels goons say in
a previous confrontation. The Director tells the
group that the Cartel has moved their headquarters
to a downtown skyscraper. Based on earlier clues
they had uncovered in the story, the group now
knows where to go.

A Story Point can also be used in combat to give a

Special Move an Element it does not normally have
for a single use. This needs to be explained in some
appropriate narrative way. For example, it might be
difficult to describe a crescent kick attack suddenly
gaining the Ranged Element, but perhaps the
Fighter launches the kick into thin air and his ki
projects a wave of force at his opponent. If the
Element desired counts as more than one Element
normally when building a Special Move, the Element
costs an equal number of Story Points.
Finally, a Story Point can be used to recover 1d4 plus
Power Level in points of lost Life Bar or 1d10 plus
Power Level in points of lost Fighting Spirit. This
cannot bring Life Bar or Fighting Spirit above the
characters normal starting totals.

A player can spend a Story Point to make minor

modifications to his circumstances in the current
scene. For example, a character is pushed off a
rooftop. The player spends a Story Point and states
that his character lands on a fire escape only one
floor down, but out of sight of his opponent. The
Director decides this is reasonable and allows it.
Normally, Story Points cannot be used in combat.
However, if the Director deems a combat
sufficiently critical to the character or the story, he
can allow the use of Story Points to modify rolls in a
fight. Keep in mind that this can significantly
lengthen a normal combat, especially if a lot of
Story Points are available for use.
In combat, a Story Point can be used to re-roll any
roll. As above, the character must keep the results
of the second roll, regardless of whether the result is
better or worse.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)


4. Basic Moves, Special
Moves, and Super Moves
Special Moves are one of the defining characteristics
of fighting video games. Aside from their distinctive
appearances, what makes players choose to play
and master particular characters are an appreciation
of their Special Moves, in both their visual flair and
their specific combat application. This chapter
explains the distinction between the different kinds
of moves that Fighters can use in combat, as well as
provides rules for designing unique Special Moves.
With these rules, characters can throw blasts of
destructive ki, launch punches and kicks that send
their opponents flying high into the air, turn invisible
during combat, and use attacks designed to work
around any defense. The system is designed to be
flexible enough to duplicate almost any effect seen
in a fighting video game.
The term move refers to a specific form of attack
it may be as simple as a jab or roundhouse kick, or as
impressive as the massive emanations of destructive
ki that describe a characters Super Move. In
exceptional cases, a move might also be a special
form of non-attack action available to a specific
Most moves need to be designed by the player or
Director as individual, unique options for a specific
Fighter. This is done by building the move as a
series of Elements and Liabilities that define how
the move is used in combat. Some moves may
simply be more accurate or damaging than others,
while others may provide special options or allow
the move an exception to a normal rule.

Basic Moves are the attack forms available to all
characters. They represent all the normal attacks
used in hand-to-hand combat, such as punches,
kicks, elbows and head butts. Generally, these
moves have the same game mechanics for all
characters, no matter how they are defined by the
Special Moves are the unique attacks of a particular
character. They are acquired by spending Move
Points both at character generation and when a
character advances in Power Level. The Move Points
spent determine the level of the Special Move,
which in turns establishes how many Elements can
be used to build the Special Move, which describes
the moves mechanical role in combat. The actual
visual description of a Special Move is very
important, for it is these moves that define and
characterize a Fighter and his martial arts style.
Thus, regardless of the moves game effects, it is up
to the player to provide appropriate and interesting
descriptions for his Special Moves.
Super Moves are a particular kind of Special Move.
In most ways, they are the same as regular Special
Moves; however, they are made up of more
Elements, they are a little more damaging, they
have a couple Elements and Liabilities available that
are not available for regular Special Moves, and a
Fighter needs to accumulate Super Energy in
combat before he can use a Super Move.
These are the three primary kinds of moves in the
Future supplements will detail many
additional options for Basic, Special, and especially
Super Moves.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

This chapter also presents additional rules options:
modifying Basic Moves, rules for Basic Taunts in
combat, Basic Throws, and a special form of Combo
called an Attack String, which can be used to better
replicate the Special Moves found in many 3-D
fighting games.

Basic Moves
No move needs to be designed to enable a character
to punch another character. A Fighters standard
attack forms are summed up under the category of
Basic Moves.
All Basic Moves can be defined however the player
wants for his character. For a big brawler, a Basic
Move might be a roundhouse punch, a knee, or a
brutal head butt. For a quick kung fu fighter, a Basic
Move might be a snap kick, an open palm strike, or
an elbow. The specific differences between these
attacks are not defined by the game rules; all Basic
Moves are considered equivalent to one another.
While each character might have different
descriptions for his Basic Moves, in a fighting video
game, any given character is consistent with his
style of Basic Moves. For example, a character
defined by his long, straight kicks does not suddenly
start using elbow and knee strikes. This is another
way in which a characters unique fighting style is
In game terms, all Basic Moves are considered L1
moves and thus can always be used, no matter what
the Fighter rolls for Control in combat. A Basic Move
always does 1d4 damage, modified as usual by the
attackers Strength and the defenders Stamina.


In many fighting games, a low strong kick also
functions as a sweep that knocks down the
opponent. If the Director wishes to include this
option in his game, it functions as a modified
Basic Move. Instead of requiring only 1 Control
like a normal Basic Move, a Sweep requires 3
Control. It does the same damage as a normal
Basic Move, but it also includes the Hits Low
and Knocks Down Elements (see below).
If the Director does not wish to use this as a
campaign option for all characters, it could also
be acquirable by a character with the Technique

Basic Throws
It is rare to have a fighting game in which each
character does not have at least one Throw
attack. To represent this, the Director might
wish to allow all characters to gain at least one
Throw attack for which they do not have to
spend Move Points. At Power Level 1, every
character receives one or more (as decided by
the Director) additional L2 Special Moves for
free. These Special Moves must include the
Throw Element. Any additional Throws must
be acquired as regular Special Moves.

Basic Taunts
Many fighting games allow all characters to
taunt their opponents in combat. If the
Director wants to include this option, the
following rules apply. Some characters build
more impressive taunts as Special Moves, or
even Super Moves. However, the following
rules are for basic, insult-dishing, trash-talking
taunts or gratuitous displays of attitude.

costs a number of Move Points to purchase equal to

its level. Thus, a Level 4 (L4) Special Move costs 4
Move Points. The one exception is L2 moves, which
cost 3 Move Points rather than 2 Move Points. Thus,
L2 and L3 moves cost the same, though an L3 move
has an additional Element, while an L2 move only
requires Control 2 to use in combat.

A Taunt is considered to be a Basic Move, and

therefore requires only Control 1 to perform.
Provided that the character gets to act before
his opponent, he will immediately gain 1d4
Glory. A Basic Taunt cannot be put into a
Combo. A Taunt can only earn Glory once
during a combat. A Fighter can gain Glory for
Taunting a Thug group.

Special Moves
The power, complexity, and flexibility of a Special
Move are determined by the Level of the Special
Move. The vast majority of Special Moves are Level
2 through Level 5. There are no Level 1 Special
Moves; a Level 1 move is a Basic Move. Special
Moves of Level 6 or higher are permissible, though
uncommon in the source material. A moves Level is
abbreviated L. For example, a Level 3 Special
Move is referred to as an L3 move.
The Level of a Special Move determines the number
of Elements that are used to make up the details of
the move, as well as the Control roll necessary to use
the move in combat.
A Fighter acquires Special Moves through the
expenditure of Move Points. Each Special Move

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Move Levels and Controller Motions
The philosophy behind Move Levels is based on a system of evaluating the standard controller motions
used in fighting games. Basically, the number of controller directions required plus the number of
buttons pressed should equal the Special Moves level. The one important exception to this is that any
quarter sweep motion (e.g., down, down-forward, forward the classic fireball motion) counts as
only two directions rather than three because the rolling motion is easy to perform. This likewise
applies to a half sweep, which is two quarter sweep motions and thus is reckoned as four directional
presses rather than five.
Using this formula, a standard fireball (down, down-forward, forward with a button press) is an L3
move. The standard dragon punch motion (forward, down, down-forward with a button press) is an
L4 move. A typical command move (one direction and a button press) is an L2 move. A 360-degree
controller motion with a button press is an L9 move (though many 360 degree moves can actually be
performed with only 270 degrees of motion, thus making them perhaps only L7 moves). This means
that the vast majority of Special Moves should be L3-5, while most Command Moves (almost by
definition) are L2. Special Moves that simply require repetitive button pushes of the same kind would
be considered L2 or perhaps L3, depending on how slowly the move begins in the game. Special
Moves of L6-8 are rare according to these guidelines, except in the case of attacks that require
multiple button presses at the same time (as is the case in some Super Move systems) or unusual
directional combinations. Using these guidelines, it becomes much easier to translate an existing
fighting game characters Special Moves into Fight! Special Moves.

Building Special Moves

Special Moves are constructed from a base
template modified by Elements and Liabilities.
Elements enhance the power of a Special Move or
allow it to be used in additional ways in combat.
Liabilities limit the power or flexibility of a move.
Special Moves have a base Accuracy modifier of +0
and do 1d6 damage, modified by the attackers
Strength and the defenders Stamina. Elements
and Liabilities can increase or decrease a Special
Moves base Accuracy and damage.
When building a Special Move, a move is allowed a


number of Elements equal to its Level + 1. For

example, an L3 Special Move is built with four
Elements. A Move can be constructed with
Liabilities to allow additional Elements. Each
Liability allows an additional Element to be added to
the Special Move. One is not required to use all the
available Elements when building a move.
When designing Special Moves, not every effect of a
move needs to be defined by Elements and
Liabilities. This is especially so when attempting to
interpret a specific Special Move from an existing
video game series. There may simply not be enough
Elements available to build the move perfectly. In
this case, the move should be designed with
attention paid to its most important characteristics,
those that principally define the moves role in the

overall repertoire of the character. If an undefined
Element should become critical during a fight,
especially for dramatic or narrative purpose, the
Director can adjudicate the situation as necessary.
Once a move is designed, it cannot be modified
later. However, characters receive enough points to
spend on Special Moves as they advance in Power
Levels that a character could re-design the same
Special Move as a new move, and then just choose
to ignore the original move. Designing multiple
versions of the same Special Move can also be a way

to highlight different uses of a Special Move when

there are not enough Elements available to build it
completely as a single move. For example, a
character possesses a high-damage punch meant to
be used on opponents as they jump towards the
character. However, to get the extraordinary
damage he wants, the player doesnt have enough
Elements to also include the Anti-Air Element. So
he builds two versions of the same move: one with
very high damage and the other with slightly less
damage and the Anti-Air Element. From the
perspective of the character, he has only one move,
not two; however, the two different sets of game
effects highlight different ways to use
the move. The fact that the Anti-Air
version does slightly less damage is
accepted as a minor side effect of
allowing the move to have more
flexibility. A player cannot have two or
more versions of a Special Move that are
exactly alike.
The Director can
disallow any Liability
or Element on a
particular move. It is
not too difficult to
assign a Liability to a
Special Move that
makes the move
stronger in most
cases, with a single
negative exception
that will rarely come
into play based on
the characters other
moves and general
play style. Likewise,
may prove to be too

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

powerful when
combined with
o t h e r
Finally, some
Elements may
a f f e c t
conditions that
only apply if
c e r t a i n
options are in
place, and are
therefore not
appropriate in
all games.

Move Elements
Always Does Damage
Area Effect (2 or 4)
Charge Back
- Counter only (0)
Critical Hit
Easy to Combo
Evade Ranged
Explosive (3 or 5)
- Reduced damage (2)
Fast Recovery
Hard to Evade (1-2)
Hits Low
Increased Accuracy (3-6)
Increased Damage (1-6)
Increased Glory (1+)
Increased Knockback
Increased Stun
Interrupt only (0)
Invincible Interrupt
- Launcher
- Spinning Juggle
Ki and Strength
Knocks Down (2)
- Only at the end of a Combo (1)

design of a
Special Move is
should be given
an evocative
name, which
may or may
anything to do
directly with
description. It
may be as
descriptive as
Rising Flaming
Uppercut or as
enigmatic as Violet Swan Strike of Liberating
Moonlight. Characters often shout the name of
their Special Moves as they use them in combat, so

Knockback Advance
Mobile: Full movement after attack
Mobile: Increased movement
- Only 2 Ranges (0)
- Moves Low
Mobile: Movement before or after attack
Pass Through
Position Shift
Power Up: Extra Control
Power Up: Life Bar
Ranged (2)
- Accuracy for Damage
- Draw Closer
- No Ranged Response
- Short Range
- Very Fast
- Very Slow
Teleportation (2)
- End in mid-air
Temporary Invulnerability (3)
Temporary Technique (1+)
Throw (2 or 0)
- Carrying Grapple
- Hurl
- Sustained Hold (2)

some effort should be spent to make them as

memorable as possible. Hundreds of examples for
inspiration can be found in fighting games.
The following lists contain all the basic Elements,


Liabilities, and Exotic Elements that can be used in the
construction of Special and Super Moves. Additional
options and modifier Elements and Liabilities are also
included. A number in parentheses indicates the
Element or Liability in question counts as more or less
than one Element or Liability. See the descriptions
below for detailed information.

Move Liabilities
Behind Opponent
Decreased Accuracy (1-3)
Decreased Damage
Limited Damage: Knock Back Only
Limited Damage: Stun Only
Limited Move
Limited Movement: Movement away
Limited Movement: Must move forward
1 Range
Limited Movement: No movement
before attacking
Limited Use (2)
- Can Reload (1)
Negative Positioning
No Combo
No Damage (2)
No Super Energy
Only When Prone (2)
Random Element
Range 0
Self-Damage: Damages Attacker (2)
Self-Damage: Stuns Attacker (2)
Slow Recovery
Super Energy (2)

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Exotic Move Elements
Absorbs Attacks
- Absorb All Attacks
- Absorb and Use Ranged
- Transform Energy
- Moveable Bomb
- No Range
- Short Timer
Borrow Identity
Copies Moves
Entangle (2)
Fake (2+)
Flight (2)
Free Movement (2)
Gradual Effect
- Delayed Onset
Healing (2-3)
- Heal others
- Only heal others
Illusionary Doubles
- Defensive Illusion (2)
- Offensive Illusion (1+)
- Maintain Effect
Power Enhancer (1+)
- Delayed Onset
Style Change
Super Move Enhancer (2)
- Not Stunned (2)
Suppression: Suppress Special Moves (2)
- Suppress Super Moves
Suppression: Suppress movement
Suppression: Suppress Special Moves and
movement (5)
- Suppress Super Moves
- Modify Super Energy
- Element Addition


Exotic Move Liabilities

Move Sub-Set
Multi-Part Move: Multi-Part Attack
Multi-Part Move: Multi-Part Throw
- Recover Prop with Special Move
Random Move

Additional Elements for

Super Moves Only
Breakthrough (1-4)
Decreased Super Energy Cost
Extended Duration
Increased Accuracy (3-9)
Increased Damage (1-8)
Infinite Supers (5)
Invincibility (1-4)
Unique Super Move

Additional Liabilities for

Super Moves Only
Increased Super Energy Cost (1-3)
Limited Choice

A player might be looking for the list of weapons
so he can compare the relative merits of arming
his character with either a katana or a naginata.
But there is no list of weapons. The reason for
this is twofold. The first reason is that Fight!
tends to concentrate on unarmed martial arts.
The second reason is that weapons in Fight!
possess no characteristics to distinguish their use
in combat from the capabilities of an unarmed
combatant. Thus, if a character wields a katana
in combat, the descriptions of his Basic Moves
and Special Moves will include the sword, but the
game effects will be no different from the moves
of an unarmed character. This preserves game
balance and also accurately represents the
source material. However, in many games, a
weapon provides better reach or damage, which
make the Reach Element and the Increased
Damage Element appropriate choices for a
weapon users Special Moves.

Standard Liabilities
Two of the most common Liabilities for a Special
Move are Decreased Accuracy and Decreased
Decreased Accuracy: Up to three Liabilities can be
taken on Decreased Accuracy. Each such Liability
subtracts 1 from the moves Accuracy. This Liability
cannot be applied to a Special Move that does not
attack an opponent, though it can be applied to a
Special Move that attacks an opponent but does no

attackers Strength and the defenders Stamina.

This Liability cannot be taken on a move with the No
Damage Liability, and a move cannot have both
Decreased Damage and Increased Damage.

Standard Elements
Two of the most common and universally useful
Elements for a Special Move are Increased Accuracy
and Increased Damage.
Increased Accuracy: Up to six Elements can be
spent on Increased Accuracy. Each three such
Elements adds +1 to the moves Accuracy. A moves
Accuracy bonus is often a representation of how fast
the move is to execute. A Special Move with a fast
execution speed lessens the amount of time the
defender has to respond.
Increased Damage: Up to six Elements can be spent
on Increased Damage, which increases the base
damage of a Special Move beyond 1d6. This new
base damage is then modified by the attackers
Strength and the defenders Stamina as usual.
One Element increases the base damage to 1d6+
Two Elements increases the base damage to 1d8.
Three Elements increases the base damage to
Four Elements increases the base damage to
Five Elements increases the base damage to
Six Elements increases the base damage to 1d12.

Decreased Damage: One Liability can be taken on

Decreased Damage. This decreases the base
damage to 1d4 before being modified by the

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Special Move Liabilities
Each of these Liabilities earns one extra Element
with which to construct a Special Move.

Behind Opponent Liability: In order to use this

move, the combatant must move forward to Range
0 and then continue to move through his
opponent to Range 1 on the other side. The
combatant can then use this move at any time up
until either combatant moves or is moved again
(including movement from Knock Back).
Alternatively, an attacker using a move with this
Liability can use movement and a Maneuver Check
towards a Distance of 1 as a special way to
maneuver behind the opponent. If the Maneuver
Check is successful, the character can use a move
with this Liability until one of the combatants moves
or is moved.
Cross-Up Liability: This move can only be used if it
is used in a Cross-Up situation. Otherwise, it
automatically misses.
Limited Damage Liability: This move does not do
normal damage. This Liability can be used for
various kinds of Special Moves such as a healing
move. The specific effects must be defined when
the move is designed and cannot be changed later.
Either 1) the move may do Knock Back only, or 2)
the move may do only Stun Damage. In this latter
case, the attacker rolls damage normally and applies
it to the opponents Stun Threshold, but the
opponent loses no Life Bar.
Limited Move Liability: This is a catchall Liability to
represent any minor Liability not otherwise covered
here. It is up to the Director to determine the
specific effects, but they should be comparable to

other existing Liabilities. Some examples might be

an attack that can only hit an opponent at Range 1,
but not Range 0 or Range 2, or an attack that is Hard
to Evade, but only against opponents with the Tall
Quality. Limitations that will rarely come into play
or that have little real effect on combat should not
count as a Liability. This Liability is subject to abuse
and therefore should be restricted by the Director as
Limited Movement Liability: This move permits
only limited movement in some way. The specific
effects must be defined when the move is designed
and cannot be changed later. It could be any one of
the following: either 1) the move does not allow any
movement before attacking, or 2) the move only
allows movement away from ones opponent, not
towards, or 3) the move always requires forward
movement of at least one Range before attacking.
Negative Positioning Liability: When this move is
used, the opponent can Maneuver the attacker 1
Distance for free. Alternatively, the attacker simply
receives a one die penalty on his Initiative roll on the
following turn. This Liability often represents an
attack that turns the attacker away from his
opponent immediately after using it.
No Combo Liability: This move cannot be placed at
the beginning, middle, or end of a Combo in any
circumstances. The Director may choose to disallow
this Liability.
No Super Energy Liability: This move does not
produce any Super Energy when it is used. This
Liability is only available in campaigns that allow
Super Moves and in which Super Energy is built up
by the use of Special Moves. It is also only allowed
on moves acquired at Power Level 3 or later.
Non-Finisher Liability: This move, while capable of


damaging an opponent, cannot defeat an opponent.
If the attack would bring the opponent below 1 Life
Bar, his Life Bar remains at 1.
Random Element Liability: This Liability must be
attached to another specific Element of this Special
Move. When the move is used, the Element may or
may not work. The attacker rolls a die; on an even
number, it works. Otherwise, it does not. If that
would somehow make the move or attack
impossible, the action is lost.
Range 0 Liability: This attack can only be used
when at Range 0. However, the attack still receives
a +1 bonus to Accuracy.
Self-Prone Liability: After this move is used,
whether the attack succeeds or not, the attacker is
Knocked Down and must use his action on the
following turn to stand up.
Slow Recovery Liability: After this move is
completed, there is a pause before the Fighter is
able to continue with his next action. If this move
misses, the attacker suffers a one die size penalty on
Initiative on the following turn.

Major Special Move Liabilities

Each of the following Liabilities earns two extra
Elements with which to construct a Special Move.
Limited Use Liability: This move can only be used 5
times in a single combat. At the Directors
discretion, this may be limited to only 5 times per
day total. It may represent the limited ammo of a
gun or crossbow, or limited reserves of personal
energy to power the attack.

times in a single combat, but using ones action for

the turn to reload rather than to attack allows
another three uses. This alternative Liability is only
worth one extra Element, not two.
No Damage Liability: This move earns Glory the
first time it is used in a combat, but it otherwise has
no other immediate offensive application. It does
no damage, no Stun damage, and causes no Knock
Back. This Liability can be used for various unusual
kinds of special moves such as a self-healing move.
If a Special Move built with this Liability ends up
with unused Elements and the move is the first
move of a Move Sub-Set or Multi-Part Move (see
below), then a follow-up move in a Combo does full
damage, not half damage as usual.
Only When Prone Liability: This move can only be
used after the combatant has been Knocked Down.
This move modifies the normal Knock Down
procedure. Instead of losing an action, this move
can be done instead. However, this move has a 1
Accuracy. The move cannot be used in any other
circumstance and the combatant still needs to use
an action to stand up afterwards.
Self-Damage Liability: When this move is used,
regardless of whether or not it hits, the moves base
damage (unmodified by Strength or Stamina) is also
rolled against the attacker. Alternatively, the move
may do no damage to the attacker, but instead
automatically Stun the attacker after the attack.
Super Energy Liability: This move requires 10 Super
Energy to use, but it is not a Super Move. This
Liability is only available in campaigns that allow
Super Moves and only on moves acquired at Power
Level 3 or later.

As an alternative, the attack may only be used three

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Special Move Elements
Most of these Elements count as a single Element
towards the total allowed Elements of a Special
Move. However, some of these Elements count as
two or even three Elements.
Some Elements are modifiers for other Elements
and can only be taken if the move has the base
Element in question. On the other hand, some
modifier Elements are actually Liabilities and
instead earn an extra Element with which to build


the move.
Aerial Element: This move involves the Fighter
leaping high into the air before attacking or as part
of the attack. It is often combined with the version
of the Mobile Element that allows 2 Ranges of
movement before attacking, though this is not a
prerequisite. If a move with this Element is used and
the attacker is interrupted by an opponent who had
held their Initiative, the attacker receives a +2 bonus
on his Defense Total if he chooses to use the Evasion
Skill to avoid the attack.

Special rules apply if a move with this Element is
used and the defender chooses to use any Defensive
Response other than the Anti-Air/Juggle Response.
If the attacker using the Special Move with the Aerial
Element misses, he can use his full Evasion Skill
against the defenders attack, rather than half his
Defense Skill as normal.

Always Does Damage Element: Even if this move

misses, the defender loses 3 FS. If the defender is
unable or unwilling to lose a full 3 FS, he loses 1 LB
instead. This is an uncommon Element in the source
material, but it can be used to create a Special Move
that is so strong that it crashes through an
opponents defenses.
Anti-Air Element: This move is
intended to specifically counter
attack as a combatant jumps
toward the attacker. The move
allows the Anti-Air Response
Defensive Response.
Area Effect Element: This Element
counts as two Elements. This
move affects all opponents
immediately surrounding the
attacker. All characters (friend or
foe) standing at Range 0 or 1 (but
not Range 2) from the attacker are
simultaneously. Separate attack
rolls are made against each target
and FS must be spent to modify
each individually as desired. Each
target can choose their own
defensive option against the
attack, and the user of the attack
can be subject to multiple
Defensive Responses. In this case,
all effects of these Responses (e.g.,
Knock Back, Knock Down) are put
into effect after all attack rolls
have been made. Damage from
this move is 1 against other
Fighter-level opponents (minimum
1), but it has full effect on Thugs. If

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

the Special Move also has the Ranged Element, this
Element counts as four Elements.
Bounce Element: This move forces the opponent to
the ground with such ferocity that he bounces back
into the air, giving the attacker an opportunity to
juggle the opponent in the air for more damage.
Taking this Element also requires the Knock Down
Element. If the attack hits, the attacker must make
a Tactics skill check against DL 8. If he succeeds, he
juggles the opponent for +3 damage and +2 Glory.
This move can be put into a Combo, even though
Special Moves with the Knocks Down Element
normally can only be put at the end of a Combo.
However, if the Tactics skill check fails, the Combo
automatically misses.
Charge Back Element: This move is prepared by
doing a charge back or charge down movement.
Many fighting games have characters whose Special
Moves are dependent on first holding the joystick
away from the opponent or down for a few seconds
before attacking. The result in these games is to
have a more defensive character who often retreats
and blocks more frequently. If the combatant has
Initiative and wants to use a Special Move with this
Element, he must do one of the following: 1) Retreat
1 Range before attacking; 2) The combatant must
have successfully defended against the last attack
made against him using his combined Defense and
Evasion Skills; or 3) Roll Control 2 points higher than
normally necessary for the Special Move.
The advantage of the Charge Back Element is that if
the character Holds his Initiative, he is considered to
be on Full Defense (using the Defense Skill, not the
Evasion Skill), even though he may attack later in
the same turn. If the Fighter fails to obtain
Initiative, the character can choose to be on Full


Defense and, if the opponents attack misses, the

defending character can then attack with a Special
Move that has this Element. In either of these cases,
however, the character does not get an Initiative or
Control bonus, as is usually the case with Full
Defense. The Director may require that a character
must have most or all of his Special Moves with the
Charge Back Element, or else none may be. This
would be consistent with the source material.
Counter Element: This move is specially designed
to block an opponents attack while launching an
immediate counterattack. This move allows the
defender to use the Counter Response Defensive
Response, though the move can also be used
normally. There is one optional Liability and one
optional Element that can modify this Element.
The cost of this Element is balanced by a Liability if
the move can only be used as a Defensive Response
and not as a regular attack. For the cost of two
additional Elements, a Special Move with the
Counter Element can be made into an Invincible
Counter. In this case, the Defense Total for the
Counter receives the Fighters Total Defense bonus,
and if the Counter attack hits, it receives the benefit
of the Increased Knockback Element.
Critical Hit Element: This move occasionally hits
opponents in such a way to create a brief opening to
press the offensive. If the damage rolled is an even
number, the attacker receives a two die size increase
to either Initiative or Control next turn, determined
before they are rolled. Unlike the typical use of the
term in other role-playing games, there is no other
mechanical definition of a critical hit for this
Easy to Combo Element: This move is well suited
for use in Combos. When this Special Move is
included in a Combo, the Control cost of the Combo

is reduced by one. This effect is cumulative if
multiple moves with this Element are put into the
same Combo.
Evade Ranged Element: This move is particularly
effective against attacks with the Ranged Element.
For example, the move may pass through the attack
or it may slide under it. This move can be used for
the Evade Ranged Defense Response.
Explosive Element: This fairly uncommon Element
counts as three Elements. This move affects all
opponents within a short distance from the attacker.
All characters (friend or foe) standing at Range 0-3
from the attacker are attacked by this attack
simultaneously. Separate attack rolls are made
against each opponent and FS must be spent to
modify each individually. Damage from this move is
2 against other Fighter-level opponents (minimum
1), but it has full effect on Thugs. As a Liability
(reducing the cost for the Explosive Element to two
Elements), the damage from this attack can be
further reduced by 1 for each Range step away from
the target (e.g., a target at Range 3 would suffer 3
damage, or 5 if the target was a Fighter). If the
Special Move also has the Ranged Element, this
Element counts as five Elements.
Fast Recovery Element: This move is easy to
recover from or can be cancelled out of, making it
easier to progress into the next attack, or the move
improves the position of the attacker in relation to
his opponents. If this move hits, the attacker gets a
one die size increase on the following turn that can
be applied to either Initiative or Control.
Hard to Evade Element: This move has some
characteristic that makes it difficult to Evade. For a
normal Special Move, it may be a mid-striking or
overhead move that hits crouching opponents more
easily, a move that hits an opponent both high and

low simultaneously, or an attack that swings in a

wide arc vertically or horizontally. For a Special
Move with the Ranged Element, it may strike from
an unusual angle, such as diagonally up, straight up
from the ground, straight down from the sky, as a
wide beam, or some combination of these. Perhaps
the Ranged attack can even be re-directed once it is
Regardless of how the move is defined, the effect is
to give a +1 Accuracy against an Evading opponent.
Two Elements can be spent on this Element to make
it a +2 Accuracy for particularly difficult to Evade
attacks. In the case of Special Moves with the
Ranged Element, this could apply to arcing beam
attacks, prolonged beam attacks, or homing attacks
that are incredibly difficult to avoid.
Harry Element: This move harries or confuses the
opponent in some way, such as hitting him and
turning him away from the attacker with the force of
the blow. The defender suffers a one die size
penalty on his next Initiative or Control roll (this is
the defenders choice, made before the rolls on the
following turn).
Hits Low Element: This move hits the opponent
low, requiring a crouching block to successfully
defend or else a jump to leap over the attack. This
attack receives a +1 Accuracy when the opponent
defends with the Defense Skill, but a -1 Accuracy
when the opponent uses the Evasion Skill. It has no
effect against the Tactics Skill. If the defender
combines Defense and Evasion, there is no modifier
to Accuracy.
Increased Glory Element: This move is either
especially flashy or, more commonly in the source
material, this move hits multiple times but counts as

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

a single move. For example, some Special Moves
may hit a dozen times, but only do damage once.
This is actually a common Element in the source
material. Each Element spent on this Element
increases the moves Glory award by 2.
Increased Knockback Element: If this move hits, it
knocks the defender back 2 Ranges, rather than just
Increased Stun Element: This move hits with such
force that its effective damage for the purposes of
application against an opponents Stun Threshold is
increased by 2. Thus, an attack that does 4 Life Bar
damage would count as 6 points of damage when
compared against the opponents Stun Threshold to
determine whether or not the opponent is Stunned.
Interrupt Element: This move can be used to
Interrupt another combatants attacks with the
Interrupt Defensive Response. Such moves are
usually designed as counter attacks, but with a
different tactical requirement than the Counter
Element. This Element can also be used to
represent a static field of some sort that will damage
any opponent who accidentally or deliberately
touches it. Examples of this would be a burning ki
field or a twirling weapon. The character sets it off
as an opponent approaches. However, this Element
does not need to specifically represent anything
it may be applied to any Special Move that the
character has learned to use as a fast response to an
opponents attack.
The cost of this Element is balanced out by a
Liability if the move can only be used as a Defensive
Response and not as a regular attack. For the cost
of an additional Element, this Special Move can be
made into an Invincible Interrupt. In this case, the


Tactics roll for the Interrupt receives a +2 bonus.

Juggle Element: This move knocks the opponent
high into the air, thus increasing the possibility of
stringing together a longer Combo against the
opponent before he hits the ground. If this move
begins a Combo, it does +2 damage and the Combo
is worth +1 Glory. Taking this Element requires the
Knock Down Element as a prerequisite; however,
this Element is an exception to the normal rule that
a move that Knocks Down cannot begin a Combo;
instead, the Knock Down effect is delayed until the
end of the Combo. If a Combo begins with a move
with the Juggle Element, another move with this
Element can be placed later in the same Combo and
still receive the damage bonus. The Juggle Element
can also be further modified by either of the
following modifier Elements.
Launcher Element: This Element launches the
opponent even higher into the air, allowing even
more hits, changing the +2 damage of the
Juggle Element to +4 damage instead. However,
Launchers cannot be used too quickly in
succession. A DL 10 Tactics skill check is
necessary in order to use two Launchers in the
same Combo. Failing this roll means the Combo
automatically misses.
Spinning Juggle Element: This Element can
only be applied to a move with the Launcher
Element. Because this attack also spins the
opponent around uncontrollably while they are
juggled in the air, no Breakfall is possible, if
those optional rules are in use in the campaign.
Ki and Strength Element: This move uses Ki effects
in conjunction with normal physical moves, such as a
powerful punch that also involves the attackers fist
bursting into flames. Many times, this is merely the
special effect of the move and does not require this

Element. If it is mechanically relevant to how this
move is used in the characters repertoire of moves,
then this Element can be applied. The base damage
is calculated from the characters Ki score (see
Ranged Element) and then Strength modifies
damage as usual.
Knock Down Element: This extremely common
move Element counts as two Elements. If this move
hits, the opponent also suffers a Knock Down in
addition to Knock Back, damage, and Stun Damage.
If the move only causes Knock Down when it is the
last move of a Combo, this is a Liability, reducing the
Element cost to one.
Knockback Advance Element: This move allows the
attacker to optionally advance after Knock Back,
moving forward up to the same number of Ranges
as the opponent was Knocked Back, if so desired. If
the opponent was Knocked Back towards an
Environmental Hazard, the attacker must also move
towards the Hazard if he chooses to use this
Mobile Element: This Element covers a number of
options that apply to movement that occurs during
the execution of a Special Move. The specific effects
of this Element must be defined when the move is
designed and cannot be changed later. One of the
following options can be chosen: 1) The move allows
full normal movement after attacking; however, the
attacker cannot move before attacking; 2) The move
allows only 1 Range of movement before attacking
(as usual), but this movement can be used before or
after the attack takes place; 3) The move travels
quickly, either because of fast ground-based
movement or because it is a special form of jumping
or aerial attack (also see the Aerial Element). This
Special Move allows 2 Ranges of movement before
attacking for a cost of 1 FS, just like a jumping Basic

Move. Optionally, this move can allow 3 Ranges of

movement without attacking, but not if this
movement would bring the Range to 0. This third
option is a very common Element in fighting video
The cost of the first option is balanced out by a
Liability if the character must move after attacking.
The cost of the third option is balanced out by a
Liability if the move allows 2 Ranges of movement
before attacking (or 3 Ranges without attacking),
but which cannot move only 1 Range. There is also
one modifier Element for this third option.
Moves Low Element: The movement forward
occurs at crouching height, making it possible
that attacks will pass over the attackers head. If
the attacker is interrupted by a character who
has held their Initiative or the attacker needs to
defend himself against a Defensive Response,
he receives a +2 bonus to Defense Total if using
Evasion or a +1 bonus to Defense Total if
defending against a Defensive Response.
Pass Through Element: This move allows 2 Ranges
of movement without any cost in FS, but it can only
be used if that movement would bring the Range to
exactly 0 or pass through the opponent to Range 1
or 2 on the other side.
Position Shift Element: This move allows the
attacker to shift to one side as he attacks, to shift
the defender to one side if the attack hits, or to
cause the combatants to switch positions. While
this does not change the Range between the
combatants, the attacker can move the defender 1
Distance towards an Environmental Hazard if the
attack hits. This effect is in addition to normal
Knock Back.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Power Up Element: This move does more damage
when first powered up. There are two versions of
this Element; the specific option must be chosen
when the Special Move is designed and cannot be
changed later. Regardless of which option is being
used, all the decisions about the use of the Power Up
Element must be made before an attack roll is
The first option for this Element allows a Special
Move to do +1 damage per +1 Control required by
the move. For example, a Fighter wants to use his
L3 Special Move with the Power Up Element. On
this turn, he has rolled Control 5. Thus, he could
choose to use the move with no modifier and get a +
1 Accuracy bonus for having more Control than
needed for his chosen move (see the Combat
chapter) or he could treat this move as requiring 2
more Control and thus do +2 damage. He could also
treat it as requiring one more Control, gaining both
+1 damage for the Power Up Element and +1
Accuracy for still using a move requiring less Control
than the amount rolled for the turn. The maximum
Control allowed for extra damage is equal to twice
the moves normal level. Thus, an L3 move could do
up to +3 damage for 6 Control.
The second option for this Element allows the move
to require one Control more than usual, but it then
does +1 damage per 1 Life Bar spent. The maximum
Life Bar that can be spent for extra damage is equal
to the characters Power Level. For example, a PL 4
combatant could spend 4 Life Bar to gain +4
damage on the attack.
Priority Element: This move is executed quickly and
connects first even in near-simultaneous attack
situations. This move breaks ties in the case of
simultaneous Initiative. It can also be used for the
Priority Defense Response.


Ranged Element: This move can be used at

significant range from an opponent. This Element
counts as two Elements when applied to a Special
Move. The classic stereotype of a Special Move with
the Ranged Element is the ki blast or fireball, though
this might also be an energy beam, a thrown knife or
grenade, a magical or supernatural effect, some
form of shockwave along the ground, or however
else the designer of the move wishes to define it. A
move with the Ranged Element can hit a target
without penalty at any Range from 0 to 4 (and still
receives a +1 Accuracy at Range 0). Normally, such
an attack can still not hit an opponent at Range 5,
but this is left to the Directors discretion. It should
be permitted if two characters are both capable of
attacking their opponent at that range (though
adjudicating this goes beyond the normal combat
Unlike all other Special Moves, the damage for a
Special Move with the Ranged Element is based
solely on the characters Ki skill and is not modified
by Strength.
If the character has a Ki skill of 1-3, the base damage
of the Special Move is 1d4.
If the character has a Ki skill of 4-7, the base damage
of the Special Move is 1d6.
If the character has a Ki skill of 8-9, the base damage
of the Special Move is 1d8.
If the character has a Ki skill of 10, the base damage
of the Special Move is 1d10.
There are a significant number of additional
Elements and Liabilities that can be applied to
Special Moves with the Ranged Element.
Accuracy for Damage Element: The move can
be powered up to trade accuracy and range for
additional power. Before an attack is made, for
each 1 Range reduction from the normal
maximum Range of 4, as well as an additional
1 Accuracy, the attack gains +2 damage. Thus,

for an attack from Range 2, the attacker could
choose to reduce max range by 2 (to Range 2)
and take an additional 2 to hit to add +4
Draw Closer Element: The move physically
draws the target closer to the attacker. For
example, it could be a tractor beam or dragging
an opponent closer after impaling him. Instead
of doing Knock Back, this move draws the

opponent closer as many Ranges as would

normally have been done by Knock Back,
though no closer than Range 0 (i.e., the attack
wont draw a close opponent through the
attackers Range to the other side). The
Increased Knock Back Element can be further
applied to this Element, instead increasing the
Ranges that the opponent is drawn closer.
No Ranged Response Element: The move
cannot be prevented with the Ranged
Response Defensive Response.
Short Range Liability: The move is ranged, but
doesnt have particularly long range. The

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

move can be used at Ranges 0-3, rather than 0-4.
Very Fast Element: The attack form of the move
(e.g., the bolt of energy, fireball, thrown knife,
etc.) travels very quickly. At Ranges 0-2 only, the
speed of this move provides an additional +1 bonus
to Accuracy.

however, he is still considered to be standing, but

he suffers a two die size penalty on Initiative on the
following turn (instead of the usual one die size

If the Fighter is Knocked Down and he has already

acted this turn, he rolls for Initiative normally on the
following turn. If he gets Initiative and has enough
Very Slow Liability: The attack form of the move Control to use a move with the Reversal Element,
(e.g., the bolt of energy, fireball, thrown knife, he can use this move to attack at the same time as
etc.) travels very slowly. At Ranges 3 or greater, he stands up. In this case, there is no penalty to
the speed of this move provides a 1 Accuracy Accuracy. If he does not get Initiative but still rolls
enough Control to perform the move with the
Reversal Element, he can use the Reversal Response
Reach Element: This move can be used further away Defensive Response if he is attacked right after he
than most moves, though not as far as a move with stands up when his turn to act comes up.
the Ranged Element. The move might represent
stretching limbs, an overextended fighting style, Subtle Element: This move has some characteristic
tentacles, or a whip. A move with the Reach Element that makes it difficult for opponents to use Tactics
can hit a target without penalty at any Range from 0 against it. In a video game, this usually means that
to 2 (and still receives a +1 Accuracy at Range 0). the move has a very subtle starting animation
Furthermore, the attack can hit at Range 3 with a 2 before the attack is launched or the attack is
extremely fast and hard to predict. Regardless of
how the move is defined, the effect is to give a +1
Reversal Element: If the Fighter possesses a move Accuracy against an opponent using Tactics.
with this Element and is Knocked Down, he can
attempt to perform a Reversal. How this Element is Teleportation Element: This Element counts as
used depends on when the combatant is Knocked two Elements. This Element includes the benefit of
one of the options covered by the Mobile Element,
allowing movement of 2 Ranges before attacking,
If the Fighter is Knocked Down and has not yet acted though instead with no FS cost. The movement
this turn, he can attempt to perform the move with associated with this move is teleportation, and as
the Reversal Element instead of just standing up on such, can pass through intervening obstacles
this turn. He must have enough Control to use the outside of combat. It would also include turning
move (the normal rules for Hit Stun do not apply in into shadow or sinking into earth and coming up
this case) and he must be within Range. The attack again in another place.
has a -2 Accuracy penalty. If it hits, the combatant is
considered to be standing and he does not suffer an As an additional Element, the teleportation can end
Initiative penalty on the following turn. If he misses, in mid-air, which adds a +2 bonus to Evasion, but
the defender must choose to move away from the
attacker if the Evasion is successful. This ability also


has additional non-combat applications to reach
A move with this Element only permits movement of
places otherwise out of reach.
1 Range, and this movement always costs 1 FS.
Temporary Invulnerability Element: This Element Furthermore, an attack with this Element can only
counts as three Elements. This move makes the occur at Range 0, and the Range 0 Liability cannot be
attacker temporarily immune to all attacks. If this applied to the move. All moves with the Throw
attack is interrupted by an opponent with held Element receive the Knock Down Element at no cost
Initiative or an opponent using a Defensive Option, and are also considered to have the Priority Element
or if this move attacks at the same time as the in cases of simultaneous Initiative. However, their
opponents due to simultaneous Initiative, the damage does not count against an opponents Stun
attacker using this move automatically takes no Threshold. The Throw Element can also be further
damage, no Knock Back, no Stun damage, no Knock modified by any of the following modifier Elements.
Down, and does not suffer from Hit Stun from the
Carrying Grapple Element: If the attacker uses
opponents attack.
this Throw at Range 0 without moving first, the
Temporary Technique Element: This unusual attacker may spend 1 FS to continue moving with
Element allows the character to gain temporary use the defender 1 Distance towards an
of a Technique, as if the character possessed the Environmental Hazard. In a fight with multiple
Technique Quality. The Technique is granted for the combatants, the attacker also moves himself and
entire duration of the turn on which this Special his opponent 1 Range.
Move is used and until the end of the Fighters action
on the following turn. The specific Technique must Hurl Element: If the attack succeeds, the
be indicated when the move is created. At the defender is not only Knocked Down, but is also
Directors discretion, if the Technique is very thrown 2 Ranges away from the attacker. This
powerful, this Element may cost two or more replaces normal Knock Back. The attacker can
Elements. The base rules in this rulebook contain make a Tactics check (not a Maneuver Check)
few options for Techniques; future supplements will against DL 8 to hurl an opponent 2 Distances
towards an Environmental Hazard. Unlike a
include more.
normal attack with the Throw Element, a move
Throw Element: This Element counts as two with this Element can be used at the beginning of
Elements. It is a very common Element in fighting a Combo or in the middle of a Combo. However,
games. Several special rules apply to Throws. In it can only be followed immediately by a Special
many fighting games, throw moves are unblockable, Move with the Ranged Element. This Ranged
or are at least very difficult to block or avoid. This move then ends the Combo.
situation is also the default rule in Fight! As such, a
move with this Element receives +1 Accuracy. If the Sustained Hold Element: This Element counts
as two Elements and represents a bear hug,
Director instead decides that Throws are blockable in
choke hold, or other attack form in which the
a campaign, moves with this Element do not receive
attacker maintains the hold rather than throwing
a bonus to Accuracy, but this Element itself also does
not count against the total allowed Elements of a
move; it is instead a free Element.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

the opponent to the ground immediately. When
this attack hits, it does damage and the
opponent suffers Hit Stun. Regardless of
remaining Control, the defender cannot act on
this turn.
On the following turn, when Initiative is rolled,
the attacker with the Sustained Hold increases
his die size for Initiative by two. If the attacker
using the Sustained Hold gets Initiative, a
second damage roll divided by 2 (round down) is
made immediately, and the defender is Knocked
Down. Initiative then proceeds as normal. If the
attacker does not get Initiative or Initiative is
simultaneous, Initiative still proceeds as normal.
In this latter case, the Sustained Hold does no
additional damage, but the defender is still
considered Knocked Down and thus must still
use his action for the turn to stand up and the
attacker is still considered to have used his
action for the turn on the Sustained Hold.
In a combat involving multiple combatants, both
combatants involved in the Sustained Hold are
immune to attacks until the Sustained Hold is
completed on the second turn.
This move can only be put into a Combo as the
last move of the Combo. The Glory earned from
a Sustained Hold is tallied with the first damage
check. If the second damage check does not
occur, the move earns 1 less Glory. The
combatant is still considered to have earned
Glory for the move for the present combat; if he
uses it again successfully for both turns, he does
not earn the lost point of Glory back.
Unblockable Element: This Element requires the
Knock Down Element and the Increased Stun


Element as prerequisites. This four Element

combined cost gives this move a +4 Accuracy, but
only against Defense (i.e., not against Evasion or
Tactics). However, the slow build-up for an
Unblockable move gives it a -2 Accuracy against
Evasion and Tactics.

Examples of Creating Special Moves

Christine is trying to create a straightforward fireball
move for her high school ninja character. She
describes it as a glowing purple ball of force. She
spends 3 Move Points to create a Level 3 (L3) Special
Move. As an L3 move, she has 4 Elements with
which to build the move. She could choose
Liabilities to increase this allowance, but she
chooses not to.
A fireball attack obviously needs the Ranged
Element, which counts as two of the four Elements
Christine has to create the move. With the
remaining two Elements, she chooses to increase
the moves damage by one die size. The final move
is L3, +0 Accuracy, Ranged, and, because Christines
character has a Ki skill of 4, has a damage of 1d8.
Wayne wants his heroic Fighter to have a rising
punch, fist crackling with electrical energy, that
launches his opponent high into the air. He spends 4
Move Points to create an L4 Special Move composed
of 5 Elements.
Wayne decides to make the move an anti-air move,
as well as a move that can begin a juggle. So he
chooses the Anti-Air and Juggle Elements. He also
decides to add the Power Up Element, choosing the
option to exchange Control for damage. To add a
distinctive descriptor to the move, Wayne decides
that his Fighters fist creates an aura of electricity
like a shield around his fist. He builds this as the
Hard to Evade Element. Finally, he uses the last

Element to increase the Special Moves
base damage. The final move is L4,
Anti-Air, Juggle, Power Up, Hard to
Evade, and has a base damage of 1d6+1.
Bob decides he wants an over-the-top
Special Move that
draws all the light
from the immediate
area and transforms
it into a forward
punch of incredible
destructive force.
He decides to make
the Special Move only
L4, costing 4 Move Points
and providing 5 Elements
with which to work.
Since Bob wants the
move to be both
damaging, he decides to
take some Liabilities to earn
Elements. He decides the
move will have 1
Accuracy, earning one
extra Element, as well as
the Limited Movement
Liability, defined as an
inability to move before
attacking. This also earns an extra
Element, providing a total of 7
Bob takes the Unblockable
Element, which requires the
Increased Stun and Knocks Down
Elements. This takes 4 of his
available 7 Elements. For the
three Elements remaining, he

chooses to increase the Special Moves damage.

The final move is L4, -1 Accuracy, Limited
Movement, Unblockable, Increased Stun, Knocks
Down, and has a base damage of 1d8+1. Bobs
Abyssal Reckoning of the 10,000 Hells is now
More examples of Special Moves can be found in
Appendix 2.

Exotic Special Moves

Most Special Moves can be designed with the above
Elements and Liabilities. However, there are a
number of more unusual kinds of Special Moves in
fighting games that are not as easy (or impossible)
to accurately emulate using the normal rules. Some
of these special kinds of Special Moves are
somewhat common, while others are very rare. This
section describes exotic kinds of Special Moves and
describes the cost in Elements necessary to make
use of these rules. Some of these exotic kinds of
Special Moves are actually Liabilities, not Elements,
and thus earn additional Elements for use in the
construction of the move.
The effects of many of these Elements do not
directly affect an opponent in terms of damage.
Any attempt to damage an opponent requires an
attack roll. However, other effects do not require an
attack roll of any kind. Simply doing the move as
ones action for the turn creates the effect. For
example, a Special Move with the Invisibility
Element and also built to do no damage does not
need to hit an opponent to create the Invisibility
effect; simply by choosing to do the move, the
effect happens. If this example move also did
damage, an attack roll would be needed to

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

determine if an opponent was hit and damaged, but
the Invisibility effect would occur regardless.
For effects that last for a specific time count, the
effect ends at the end of the turn in which the time
roll equals or exceeds the duration.

Exotic Special Move Elements

Absorbs Attacks Element: This Special Move,
usually an energy shield of some kind, absorbs the
power of Ranged attacks launched against the
character. This move may or may not do damage
itself. This Element has the Interrupt Element as a
prerequisite. In order to absorb an attack, the
combatant must use the Interrupt Defensive
Response. If successful, the attack is absorbed and
does no damage. There are a couple optional
Elements available that modify this Element.
Absorb All Attacks Element: The Defensive
Response can be used against any attack, not
just Ranged attacks. This counts as two
Absorb and Use Ranged Element: Beginning on
the turn after a Ranged attack was absorbed, the
absorbing character can then use the Special
Move as if it were his own. It can be held until
the end of the present combat. It will possess all
of the same characteristics as the original
owners, including damage. This counts as two
Transform Energy Element: Damage for the
absorbed attack is still rolled but it becomes
either Super Energy or Fighting Spirit. This
decision must be made when the move is

designed and cannot be changed later. The

damage in this case is not modified by Strength
or Stamina.
The Director must approve
transformations into Fighting Spirit, as there are
no examples of this in the source material and it
may prove to be too powerful in play.
Bomb Element: Some Special Moves allow the
character to place a damaging hazard on the
battlefield and then move away from it. These
hazards then explode, damaging anyone near them.
When an attack with the Bomb Element is used, the
location of the bomb becomes an Environmental
Hazard and the Range the character is away from
other combatants at the time becomes the Distance
away from the Hazard. It will explode after a 1d8
count (rolled when it is first placed) at the beginning
of the following turn before Initiative is rolled. When
it explodes, an attack is rolled against anyone within
Distance 2.
The attack roll is against the
opponentsDefense Skill, and the attacker cannot
spend FS on Accuracy. Full damage is rolled against
anyone at Distance 0, and half damage is rolled
against those at Distance 1-2. Damage is not
modified by Strength or Stamina. There are some
additional Liabilities available for this Element. A
single Liability balances the cost of this Element.
More than one Liability actually changes this
Element into a Liability instead.
Moveable Bomb Liability: At Distance 0 and
before it explodes, it can be moved by any Basic
Move. It is considered to have a Stamina of 0.
The bomb is moved 1 Distance away from the
attacker and towards any character for each 2
points of damage done (round up).
No Range Liability: This Bomb does damage
only at Distance 0.
Short Timer Liability: In this case, the Bomb


explodes after a time count of 1d8-4. If the
result is zero, it explodes immediately.
Borrow Identity Element: This is a truly unusual
ability, rare even in fighting games. As such, the
Director may restrict its usage. A Special Move with
this Element does not just borrow another
characters moves; instead, it turns the fighter into
another specific Fighter with access to all of the
resources available to that character.
While transformed, all of the characters Basic
Qualities, Special Moves, and other Qualities and
Weaknesses (at the Directors discretion) are
replaced by those of the character who he has
turned into. This effect lasts for a time count of five.
The character cannot use this ability outside of
combat unless he also has the Power Quality or uses
the Magic, Psychic, or Gadgeteering Qualities to do
so. The character keeps his own Life Bar and
Fighting Spirit.
Transforming into each specific Fighter is a separate
Special Move. Each can be learned only after facing
the character to be copied in combat for the
duration of a full round (i.e., either a 99-count or
until one of the Fighters is defeated). The Special
Move must be at least L3. It usually does no damage
on its own.
In addition to the Element cost applied to each
Borrow Identity Special Move, if a character has
even one Borrow Identity Special Move, every other
Special Move the character possesses also incurs a
one Element cost of its own. For example, the
Director is designing a new villain with the power to
transform into the heroes over the course of the
campaign. Because he has Special Moves with this
Element, all of his other Special Moves have one less
Element than usual. Thus, the Fighters L3 moves
would only have 3 Elements rather than 4.

Copies Moves Element: Some characters have the

ability to temporarily borrow another characters
Special Moves. A Special Move with this Element
does less damage to the opponent, but it also copies
one of the opponents Special Moves. When the
damage for the attack is rolled, it is translated into
Move Points. One Special Move of the attackers
choice is copied, limited by the Move Points rolled.
The remaining damage is applied as regular
damage. The copied Special Move will remain for a
5-count, starting from the turn of the successful
attack, with a minimum of one full turn. The copied
Move shares the characteristics of its original
possessor; it does not use the attackers Basic
Qualities and skills. Furthermore, the attacker must
lose one of the Special Moves normal Elements
(attackers choice).
Entangle Element: This Element counts as two
Elements. This is an attack that inhibits the
opponent in some way. It could represent a net, a
freezing attack, ice under his feet, or temporary
mind control. In any case, if the opponent has not
yet acted this turn, he loses his action for the turn,
regardless of Control, and he suffers a one die size
penalty on Initiative on the following turn. However,
if the character is hit again before the next turn
(including by a subsequent move in a Combo that
previously included the attack that produced the
Entangle effect), the Entangle has no effect.
Fake Element: This Element counts as two or more
Elements. Some characters have versions of their
normal Special Moves that are Fake moves. The
animation for the Special Move begins, but the
attack never occurs. Instead, the fake move
suddenly ends, freeing the Fighter to act in another
way. The purpose of such a move is to lure the

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

opponent into responding to a specific Special Move
and then countering the opponent in an
unpredictable way. This Element automatically
includes the No Damage Liability.
In order to use this Element, the character must win
Initiative. He then chooses to use the Special Move
with this Element. This does no damage. However,
it gives a bonus to the characters Defense Total for
the remainder of the turn when using Tactics. The
bonus is +2, plus an additional +1 per additional two
Elements used for this Element. For example, for a
cost of four Elements, the character would receive a
+3 bonus on Tactics Defense Totals for the remainder
of the turn.
Flight Element: This Element counts as two
Elements. This Element means that the character
has the ability to fly, but only temporarily. If a
character wishes to be able to fly regularly outside
of combat, they must take the Power Quality, or use
the Magic, Psychic, or Gadgeteering Qualities to do
so. Even characters with those Qualities must build
a move with this Element in order to use their power
in combat.
By using this Special Move, the character flies for a
time count duration of five, with a minimum of one
full turn. While flying, the character gets a +4 to
Evade attacks. On the other hand, only Special
Moves with the Hard to Evade Element or the Aerial
Element can be used while flying. A Special Move
with this Element does no damage to the opponent,
and the move does not get the benefit of the No
Damage Liability. The character is assumed to land
at the beginning of the turn after the time runs out.
Free Movement Element: This Element counts as
two Elements. A move with this Element allows the


character to move freely without concern for other

combatants location or attacks, though it does not
allow any movement on the turn it is used. This may
represent turning insubstantial or (more commonly)
sinking into the ground and reappearing elsewhere.
If this move can only be used more or less
instantaneously, i.e., for the duration of a turn
before re-appearing, it should be built as a
movement-only Special Move with Teleportation
(even though the special effects of the Move are
actually different). If the character can move freely
longer, then this Element applies. The character is
immune to Environmental Hazards and all attacks
for a 5-count (minimum of one full turn). The
character cannot attack during this time and he
cannot speed up the duration of this Move.
Gradual Effect Element: This Element can be used
to create moves that mimic poisonous effects or a
simple version of the mystical Dim Mak technique.
The rolled damage is divided into three separate
damage totals (round up). The attack does damage
equal to one of the three damage totals, plus one
additional point, on each of three successive turns,
beginning with the attack itself and then at the end
of each of the next two turns after all combatants
have acted. The successive instances of damage do
not incur Hit Stun. For example, when the original
attack hits, the Fighter rolls five points of damage.
Divided by three, rounding up, and then adding one,
the attack will do three points of damage each turn
for three turns. One additional modifier Element
can be added to this Element.
Delayed Onset Element: After the attack hits,
the character can delay the onset of the damage
(which still takes place over three successive
turns). This can be anytime within a 10-count.
Activating the damage is an action for the
Fighter who used the Gradual Effect attack.
This activation can also be a part of a Combo; in

this case, it counts as an L2 move. If the time
expires before the damage begins, the attack is
lost. Multiple versions of this attack can be in
place at once on multiple targets if so desired,
but this Special Move can only affect a single
opponent once at a time. If hit again before
damage begins, the 10-count resets.
Healing Element: This Element counts as either two
or three Elements, depending on how effective it is.
A move with this Element does damage, except
this figure is used to determine healing of the
characters Life Bar instead. It is acceptable to have
an attack that also heals the user at the same time.
In either case, however, damage is not modified by
Strength or Stamina. All healing effects occur at the
end of all charactersactions; thus, it is possible to be
Knocked Out before healing occurs. If the move
restores 1/2 of the damage rolled (round down), this
Element counts as two Elements. If the move
restores all of the damage rolled, this Element
counts as three Elements.
Moves that heal other characters are not part of the
source material, but this Move may be used on
another character as an additional Element if the
Director allows it. If other characters can be healed,
but the character with this Special Move cannot heal
himself, this Liability cancels out the extra Element
cost to heal others.
Illusionary Doubles Element: There are two
versions of this Element: Defensive and Offensive.
In either case, the Fighter creates one or more
illusionary duplicates to confuse his opponent.
Defensive Illusion Element: This Element
counts as two Elements and requires the
Interrupt Element as a prerequisite. Defensive
illusions replace where the character was
standing and often put a hazard in his place.

This also includes the ninja-replaced-by-a-log

disappearing trick. This move may or may not
do damage. In order for it to work, the
combatant must use the Interrupt Defensive
Response. If successful, the character may
immediately move 2 Ranges in either direction
as well as avoid the opponents attack as usual,
even if his counterattack (if there is one) misses.
Offensive Illusion Element: This Element
requires the Interrupt Element as a prerequisite.
Offensive illusions may or may not include an
attack while creating a number of duplicates,
confusing the opponent as to which is the real
one. For this move to succeed, the combatant
must use the Interrupt Defensive Response with
a bonus of +1 or more to Tactics. If successful,
the attack occurs. Also, at the beginning of the
next turn, the character automatically moves as
many Ranges as permitted by this Special Move
at no FS cost. This Element counts as one
Element, plus one Element for each +1 bonus to
Tactics and 1 Range of movement permitted.
Usually, the number of illusionary duplicates
created increases based on the bonus to Tactics
provided by this Element.
Invisibility Element: This Element counts as two or
more Elements. This move makes the character
temporarily invisible (though usually an energy
outline or distortion in the air of some sort gives a
general indication of the characters location). This
Element could also be used for any Special Move
that hinders the opponents Initiative or Control,
making it harder for them to know when or how to
act. When the move is designed, it must be
designated as hindering an opponents Initiative,
Control, or both. This move hinders the opponent
on the following turn after the Special Move is used.
The base cost for this ability is one Element. Each

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

additional Element decreases Initiative or Control by
one die size. For example, a move that reduced
Initiative by one die size and Control by two die sizes
would count as four Elements. This Special Move
may or may not be an attack itself, but the move
does not need to hit to be effective. The effect
only lasts for the following turn. The following
Element can be added as a modifier.
Maintain Effect Element: With this Element,
the effect lasts until the character invoking the
effect actually suffers damage. This counts as
two additional Elements.
Power Enhancer Element: This Element is used for
a Special Move that does nothing by itself, but
which powers up a specific subsequent Special Move
(defined when this move is designed). This Element
represents a summoning of additional power or
taking specific stances to enhance the power of
another move. Performing the Power Enhancer
itself has no special rules. After this, when the
affected Special Move is used, it gains a die size of
damage for each Power Enhancer move that has
been performed before it. This Element costs one
Element for each Special Move affected by the
Power Enhancer, plus one Element for each time
over one that the Power Enhancer can be used prior
to using the affected Special Move. For example, if
the Power Enhancer could be and was used three
times in advance of the affected Special Move, the
affected move would increase three die sizes for
damage. In this case, if the Power Enhancer
affected only one other move, this Element would
cost 3 Elements. The following Element can also be
added as a modifier.
Delayed Onset Element: If the character can
choose when to use the benefits of the Power


Enhancer, this counts as an additional Element.

The enhancement can be held indefinitely
during the same combat. The default effect
without this modifier Element is that the Power
Enhancer effect is always used immediately
when the affected Special Move is used next.
Reflection Element: This Element creates a wave
or shield that will send a Ranged attack back at
the attacker if it is successful. The Interrupt
Element is a prerequisite for this Element. This
Special Move may or may not do damage itself.
This Element will work against any Special Move
with the Ranged Element. In order to reflect a
Ranged attack, the combatant must use the
Interrupt Defensive Response. If successful, the
projectile reverses and travels back toward the
opponent. The reflecting character gets an
opportunity to attack his opponent as if the
Ranged attack were his own, using all of the
Special Moves normal attributes. The opponent
may use the Defense Skill or the Evasion Skill
against this, but he may not use another
Defensive Response, and the appropriate Skill is
halved (round down). Super Moves cannot be
reflected, except by a Super Move with the
Reflection Element.
Style Change Element: Some characters have
multiple martial arts styles with unique move lists
for each style. The character uses a particular nondamaging Special Move to switch styles, thereby
accessing his different move lists. A Style Change
Special Move must be built for each separate style
the character possesses, and then each style must
be populated with its own Special Moves. The Style
Change Special Move itself is generally L2 or L3,
though it can be any level. Each Style Change
Special Move is usually the same level, but they do
not have to be. Each must possess the No Damage
Liability. Style Change Special Moves can be

included in Combos. Each subsequent Special Move
in a given style receives a number of Liabilities
equal to 1/2 the Level of the Style Change Special
Move (round up) + (Total number of Style Change
Special Moves-2). The same Special Move can exist
in different styles, but it must be built separately as
a unique move in each style.
For example, a character with two L3 Style Change
Special Moves would receive two Liabilities on each
Special Move in each individual style. Another
character with five L2 Style Change Special Moves
(which would be pretty unusual) would receive four
Liabilities on each Special Move in each individual
style. If a character had an L2, L4, and L6 Style
Change Special Move, each Special Move in the first
style would receive two Liabilities, each move in the
second style would receive three Liabilities, and
each move in the last style would receive four
Each style must have at least one move beyond the
Style Change Special Move itself. If the character
does not have enough Move Points to build a
specific Special Move to go with each Style Change
Special Move, it is possible to build a style that has
no Special Moves in it. However, the character must
build at least one Special Move for the empty style
as soon as additional Move Points become available.
A character cannot create an empty style at Power
Level 8. In most cases, no more than one Style
Change Special Move should be allowed.
When a character acquires his first Style Change
Special Move, any existing Special Moves the
character may already possess are considered part
of the characters default style. When the
character uses his Style Change Special Move to
switch to the new style, he loses access to his
default style. He may use multiple different Style
Change Special Moves to switch to multiple sets of
Special Moves in different styles, but unless he

exits all of his styles, he has no access to his

default Special Moves. To re-access the default
moves, he must use the same Style Change Special
Move for his current style to exit the style and
return to default moves. A character can always add
new moves to his default style. A character built
with Style Change Special Moves at Power Level 1
may not have any moves in a default style.
For example, Genji has his normal brawling style and
his special Void Walker Style, which requires a Style
Change Special Move. When he switches to Void
Walker Style, he loses access to his default brawling
moves until he uses the Void Walker Style Change
Special Move again to revert to brawling.
Finally, if a character adds new Style Change Special
Moves at later Power Levels, the Special Moves in
the new style gain the Liabilities based on the new
total number of Style Change Special Moves, as do
any new Special Moves added to existing styles, but
all previously built Special Moves remain
For example, Akemi has two L2 Style Change Special
Moves at Power Level 1. Thus, each move in each
style receives one Liability. At Power Level 3, Akemi
adds a new L4 Style Change Special Move. All
moves in this new style receive (1/2 L4) + (3-2) =
three Liabilities. All existing moves in the original
two styles remain unchanged, even though a third
Style Change Special Move has been added.
However, at Power Level 4, Akemi adds a new
Special Move to one of the original styles. This
Special Move now receives two Liabilities, rather
than one, based on her current number of Style
Change Special Moves, even though other Special
Moves in the same style only received one Liability
at Power Level 1.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Super Move Enhancer Element: This Element
counts as two Elements. A Special Move with this
Element increases the effectiveness of a Super
Move. It effectively increases the available Super
Energy for a short period of time. Beginning on the
turn after this Special Move is performed (which
usually does not do any damage itself), the
character is considered to always have an extra 20
Super Energy for a time count of five (minimum of
one full turn), usable for one specific Super Move
(defined at this moves creation). After this time, the
character is automatically Stunned. This Element is
only available for characters of PL 3 or higher. If the
character is not Stunned afterwards, this costs an
additional two Elements (for a total cost of four
Suppression Element: A move with this Element is
usually a manifestation of ki energy or some hi-tech
gadget. There are two different kinds of Special
Moves that can make use of the Suppression
Element. Neither does damage to the opponent,
and the move does not get the benefit of the No
Damage Liability. However, a successful attack is
still necessary to invoke the suppression effect on
the opponent.
The first use of the Element counts as two Elements.
It prevents one opponent from using any Special
Moves for a 5-count (minimum of one full turn). For
an additional Element, this Suppression also
includes Super Moves.
The second use of the Element prevents the
opponent from any movement for a 5-count
(minimum of one full turn). This does not prevent
Evasion, but it does prevent moving as a result of a
successful Evasion.
Having both uses of Suppression on the same move


costs five Elements (or six if Super Move

Suppression is also included).
Taunt Element: In addition to Basic Taunts
described above, characters can make other taunts
as Special Moves. In this case, some taunts might
allow movement or even do damage (though usually
this is very low and usually cannot defeat an
opponent). Some taunts are just small personal
actions that a character can do that do not readily
appear to be attacks or taunts (e.g., adopting a brief
meditative pose, posing for the audience, etc.).
Taunts can earn Glory in two ways: a) a move can
just be called a taunt without any special Element
and earn Glory equal to its Level the first time it is
used just like any other Special Move or b) a move
can formally be defined as a Taunt with this
Element. In this latter case, the Special Move
follows the rules for Basic Taunts, including the extra
Glory above and beyond the normal Glory for the
move itself. A taunt built with this Element can be
put into a Combo if so desired. Additional modifier
Elements can be added to this Element.
Modify Super Energy Element: With this
additional Element, Special Moves with the
Taunt Element can also increase Super Energy
or decrease the opponents Super Energy (which
must be decided when the move is built).
Taunts with this Element should do damage,
though this damage is not modified by Strength
or Stamina. The amount of damage rolled is
instead the gain or loss in Super Energy, as
Element Addition Element: With this additional
Element, a Taunt can temporarily add an
Element to another Special Move. This Element
must be designated when the Taunt is designed
and it can only be a single cost Element (i.e., the

Element cannot count as two or more
Elements). In order for this Taunt effect to work,
the character must either win Initiative or the
Taunt must occur in a Combo. A Special Move
on the following turn receives the additional
Element for that turn only.

Exotic Special Move Liabilities

Move Sub-Set Liability: This Liability is a minor
version of the Style Change Element. Instead of
actually having multiple styles, the character has
certain Special Moves that can only be used on the
turn immediately following the successful use of
some other specific Special Move first (which must
be defined when the moves with this Liability are
designed) or immediately following the move in a
Combo. Successful use usually means attacking
an opponent, but this may also include the use of
the move beyond a Range in which it would
normally hit. The character uses his action to
perform the move simply in preparation for the
moves sub-set. If a subsequent move of the sub-set
occurs in the middle of a Combo, it does not cost
one extra Control to use. Furthermore, contrary to
the normal rule, if the opening move of a move subset does not do damage, the first move that does
damage is not halved in a Combo. If the opening
Special Move Knocks Down, the follow-up move can
only be used if the target is standing. Therefore, the
opening move cannot be used in a Combo and the
attacker also needs to lose Initiative on the following
round, in order to allow the defender to stand up. If
the attacker wins Initiative, he cannot hold and wait
for the defender to stand and then use the follow-up
move; the opening move must be used again. As
noted above, the Juggle Element is an exception
here, but only if the follow-up move(s) occurs in the
same Combo.

This Liability differs from the Multi-Part Move

Liability because several different Special Moves
could follow the opening Special Move. The first,
opening Special Move of such a set does not get a
Liability; it is a normal Special Move in all respects.
The following Special Moves, of which there is no
limit (but probably no more than six), all receive this
Multi-Part Move Liability: Special Moves that can
only follow specific other Special Moves use this
Liability. They fall into two categories: multi-part
attacks (MPA) and multi-part throws (MPT). These
moves differ from Move Sub-Sets (see above) in that
a Multi-Part Move is a specific unchanging sequence
of moves, whereas a Move Sub-Set begins with a
single Special Move that can be followed by a series
of possible moves.
The 2nd and subsequent Special Moves after the 1st
making up a MPA get two Liabilities each. If the
fighter using the 2nd or subsequent parts of a MPA
fails to either get Initiative each turn and hit or else
include the later parts as part of a Combo, the multipart sequence ends and must start over again. These
moves are often built as simple L2 Special Moves. A
MPA can begin as a single attack and then continue
as a Combo or vice versa over multiple turns. If the
subsequent parts of a MPA occur in the middle of a
Combo, they do not cost one extra Control to use.
Furthermore, contrary to the normal rule, if the
opening move of a MPA does not do damage, the
first move that does damage is not halved in a
Combo. If the opening Special Move Knocks Down,
the follow-up move can only be used if the target is
standing. Therefore, the opening move cannot be
used in a Combo and the attacker also needs to lose
Initiative on the following round, in order to allow
the defender to stand up. If the attacker wins
Initiative, he cannot hold and wait for the defender

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

to stand and then use the follow-up move; the
opening move must be used again. As noted above,
the Juggle Element is an exception here, but only if
the follow-up move(s) occurs in the same Combo. A
MPA can be attached to a Super Move, but this is
Multi-part throws are a special version of the
Sustained Hold Element. Each subsequent move is
usually a limb break of some kind. If the fighter fails
to get Initiative each turn and hit or include the later
parts as part of a Combo, the multi-part sequence
ends and must start over again. A MPT can begin as
a single attack and then continue as a Combo or vice
versa over multiple turns. If the subsequent parts of
a MPT occur in the middle of a Combo, they do not
cost one extra Control to use. The 2nd and
subsequent Special Moves in a MPT must all have
the Throw Element, but they also gain a single
Liability. None of the Special Moves requires the
Sustained Hold Element. Unlike normal Throws,
Knock Down does not occur until the MPT sequence
Prop Liability: While it is uncommon, some fighting
game characters rely on some sort of prop for some
or all of their Special Moves, such as a thrown knife
or a handheld weapon. If the character suffers some
particular circumstance, he drops his prop and his
Special Moves are hindered until he takes an action
to pick up the prop again. A Special Move with this
Liability thus needs a specified condition (approved
by the Director) in which the prop is dropped. For
Ranged attacks, this is usually if the attack is Evaded
(though not if the combined use of the Defense and
Evasion Skills is used to avoid the attack). For other
kinds of attacks, it is usually if the character is
Knocked Down.


Without the prop, the Special Move cannot be used

until it is recovered by spending an action picking it
up, either a number of Distances away equal to the
number of Ranges that the target was away at the
time of attack for a missed Ranged attack, or
otherwise simply where the character is presently
standing. In some cases, another particular Special
Move must be used in order to return the prop. In
this case, this Liability counts as two Liabilities.
Random Move Liability: A move with this Liability
is defined as any attack form in which a number of
possible different attacks may occur, some of which
are superior to others. It is an uncommon Liability in
fighting games. The Special Move is designed as
usual, with two changes: 1) an additional roll on the
following chart must be made each time before an
attack roll with this move is made, and 2) damage is
rolled twice, and the lower result is applied.

Random Move
1-2: No change.
3: Move fails to have any effect at all.
4: Opponent receives +3 to either Defense or Evade.
5: Opponent receives +2 to either Defense or Evade.
6: Opponent receives +1 to either Defense or Evade.
7: Move receives an additional +1 Accuracy.
8: Move receives an additional +2 Accuracy.
9: Move receives an additional +3 Accuracy.
10: Damage is 1 die size larger.

Attack Strings
There is a difference in the lists of Special Moves
typically found in 2-D and 3-D fighting games. Many
of the most detailed 3-D games do not really have
many Special Moves instead, they have special
chain combos. For example, three punches in a row
might be a one-two punch, followed by a backhand.

Yet, this character is incapable of doing this
backhand attack except in this specific combo
situation. The Director might choose to structure
the campaign along these lines instead. This allows
for a much different (and ultimately simpler) combat
system, relying on lots of Basic Moves and easy to
perform Combos.
To simulate this, characters in such a campaign need
to purchase two different Combo skills. Both are
considered to be Combat Skills. The first is still
called Combo, but it costs twice as many Combat
Skill Points. It functions the same as usual with one
important exception detailed below. The second
Skill is called Attack String. Like the normal
Combo Skill, it represents the number of Basic
Moves that can be strung together. The Director can
set a limit on this Skill. A game concentrating on
hypothetically realistic martial arts would probably
have an upper limit of 4-5. A more wild game could
go as high as 10 or beyond.

for the purposes of inclusion in regular Combos. Thus,

Attack Strings can be put together into a Combo with
normal Basic Attacks or other Special Moves. On their
own, Attack Strings earn 1 Glory, regardless of how
long they are.
Because Attack Strings generally replace traditional
Special Moves, Special Moves in a campaign that
allows Attack Strings cost as if they were one
Difficulty Level higher (e.g., an L3 Special Move would
cost 4 Move Points). However, Move Points can also
be used to buy the Attack String Skill on a 2 for 1

An Attack String is a special Basic Move that has a

Control cost and an Accuracy penalty as if it were a
Combo of equivalent length to the Attack String
Skill level composed entirely of Basic Moves. If it
hits, it does damage as a Basic Move, with a bonus
again equal to the Attack String Skill level. For
example, a character with Attack String 4 could
attack with a Basic Move which would have a 1
Accuracy and would do base damage equal to 1d4+
4, modified by the attackers Strength and the
defenders Stamina. The character does not need to
use his full Attack String Skill. For example, a
character with Attack String 5 could launch an
Attack String 2 because it required less Control and
had no Accuracy penalty, though it would only do
base 1d4+2 damage, rather than base 1d4+5
The Attack String counts as a single Special Move

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Adding Elements to Attack Strings
In 3-D fighting games, the reason to use certain specific Attack Strings is often because of the additional
benefit the specific combination offers. For example, an Attack String of three punches may include a
Knock Down at the end of the string that is not present if three punches were not used together. As an
optional rule, the Director can permit Elements to be added to the end of an Attack String.
The following Elements can be added to an Attack String. In each of these cases, only the base version
of the Element is allowed. Modifier Elements or Liabilities cannot be applied. For example, Hard to
Evade is only the single Element version; the two Element version cannot be added to an Attack String.
Hard to Evade
Hits Low
Increased Knockback
Increased Stun
Knocks Down
Position Shift
In order to add an Element to an Attack String, the Attack String must first be at least three moves long.
After this, additional moves can be sacrificed to instead add the Element. The number of moves
required is equal to the Elements normal Element cost plus one. Thus, a 3-hit Attack String that had the
Bounce Element would count as five hits, even though it would have the Accuracy and damage of a 3-hit
Attack String. A 4-hit Attack String that Knocks Down would count as seven hits, because the Knocks
Down Element normally costs two Elements. The extra cost for the added Element only applies to the
combatants Control roll and the limits of his Attack String Skill.
These Elements do not need to be acquired in advance in any way. They are available to all characters
that use Attack Strings. The Director can add other Elements to the above list if he desires. These rules
add tremendous flexibility to the rules for Attack Strings, which makes up for the decreased number of
unique Special Moves possessed by all characters.


Super Moves
Special Moves are a
However, beyond the
power level of Special
Moves are Super
Moves, even more
manifestations of a
Fighters skill and ki.
In fighting video
games, Super Moves
effects, changes in
sudden close-ups of
the Fightersfaces, or
time slowing down.
make Super Moves an
enhancement of a
move set. Thus, it is
presumption of the
rules that characters
of Power Level 3 or
higher have access to
Super Moves (though
the Director can
choose to exclude

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

In general, Super Moves are simply Special Moves
subject to some additional rules. All Super Moves
must be L5 or greater. Just like Special Moves, the
Level of a Super Move determines the number of
Elements that are used to make up the details of the
move, as well as the Control roll necessary to use the
move in combat.
A Fighter acquires Super Moves through the
expenditure of Move Points. A Super Move costs a
number of Move Points to purchase equal to its
level. However, a character can only acquire a Super
Move at Power Level 3 or greater, and in addition,
upon reaching Power Level 3, a character must
purchase at least one Super Move.

Building Super Moves

Super Moves are also constructed from a base
template modified by Elements and Liabilities.
Super Moves have a base Accuracy modifier of +0
and do 1d8 damage, modified by the attackers
Strength and the defenders Stamina. Elements and
Liabilities can increase or decrease a Super Moves
base Accuracy and damage. Super Moves with the
Ranged Element still determine damage based on
the characters Ki skill, but the damage is increased
by one die size. Super Moves do not count their
damage against a characters Stun Threshold.
When building a Super Move, a move is allowed a
number of Elements equal to twice its Level. A
Move can be constructed with Liabilities to allow
additional Elements. Each Liability allows an
additional Element to be added to the Super Move.
All the normal rules for designing Special Moves
apply to Super Moves as well, though Super Moves
have additional Elements and Liabilities available,
and all Super Moves automatically gain the Knocks


Down Element at no Element cost. Furthermore,

half (round down) of the total Elements available for
a Super Move (including additional ones earned
through Liabilities) must be spent on the
Breakthrough, Increased Accuracy, Increased
Damage, or Invincibility Elements.
When designing Super Moves, not every effect of a
move needs to be defined by Elements and
Liabilities. This is especially so when attempting to
interpret a specific Super Move from a video game
series. There may simply not be enough Elements
available to build the move perfectly. In this case,
the move should be designed with attention paid to
its most important characteristics, those that
principally define the moves role in the overall
repertoire of the character. If an undefined Element
should become critical during a fight, especially for
dramatic or narrative purpose, the Director can
adjudicate the situation as necessary.
The Director can disallow any Liability or Element
on a particular move. It is not too difficult to assign
a Liability to a Super Move that makes the move
stronger in most cases, with a single negative
exception that will rarely come into play based on
the characters other moves and general play style.
Likewise, certain Elements may prove to be too
powerful when combined with other Elements.
Finally, some Elements may affect conditions that
only apply if certain campaign options are in place,
and are therefore not appropriate in all games.
There is one special consideration when designing a
characters Super Moves. A Super Move must be
built according to one of the following four

A combination of 2-3 regular Special Moves

possessed by the character. In this case, the
Super Move must have all of the Elements

and Liabilities of all the Special Moves on
which the Super Move is based. It may have
additional Elements and Liabilities beyond
those possessed by the base Special Moves.
If Elements and Liabilities conflict with one
another, they should be combined, even
though the costs of the Element and the
Liability are not equal. For example, if the
Super Move combines two Special Moves,
one with 1 Accuracy and one with +2
Accuracy, the Super Move should have (-1 +
2) a +1 Accuracy bonus. Because Super
Moves automatically have the Knocks
Down Element and because Super Moves
do no Stun damage, if the Super Move is
composed of Special Moves that possess
either the Knocks Down or Increased Stun
Elements, they do not need to be included
in the Super Move.
2. A super powerful version of a single Special
Move possessed by the character. In this
case, the Super Move must have all of the
Elements and Liabilities of the Special Move
on which the Super Move is based. It may
have additional Elements and Liabilities
beyond those possessed by the base Special
Move. Because Super Moves automatically
have the Knocks Down Element and
because Super Moves do no Stun damage, if
the Super Move is an enhanced version of a
Special Move that possesses either the
Knocks Down or Increased Stun Elements,
they do not need to be included in the Super
3. A unique move, usually a colorful barrage of
attacks. There are no special restrictions on
such a Super Move, other than requiring the
Unique Super Move Element (see below).
4. A Super version of one of the exotic kinds of
Special Moves possessed by the character.
In this case, the Super Move must have all of

the Elements and Liabilities of the normal

Special Move on which it is based, just as
noted above. It may have additional
Elements and Liabilities beyond those
possessed by the base exotic Special Move.
However, if a Super Move is constructed as
an enhanced version of a Special Move with
an exotic Element, that Element also affects
Super Moves. For example, a Super Move
with the Reflection Element could also
reflect Super Moves with the Ranged

Additional Liabilities for Super Moves

Increased Super Energy Cost Liability: Super
Moves normally cost 10 Super Energy to use. This
Liability increases the cost to 20 Super Energy. If the
cost is 30 Super Energy, this counts as two
Liabilities, and if the cost is 40 Super Energy, this
counts as three Liabilities.
Limited Choice Liability: If the character possesses
more than one Super Move, but he can only use one
specific one during any given fight, all of the
characters Super Moves gain this Liability. This
choice must be made before the fight begins. This
Liability must be chosen for a characters first Super
Move, or else none of them may have this Liability.
The Director may require this Liability for all
characters as a campaign option.

Additional Elements for Super Moves

Breakthrough Element: This Element can be
applied to a Super Move up to four times. While not
required, all Super Moves should possess this
Element, as this is what often distinguishes a Super

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Move from a Special Move in a fighting game.
Super Moves generally either hit a great number of
times, or they cover a huge area, or they hit so hard
that they even injure blocking opponents, or some
combination of the three. The Breakthrough
Element represents this.
If a character using a Super Move misses his
opponent, the attacker must calculate how much he
missed by on the die roll to hit. If the total missed
by is equal to or less than one for each Breakthrough
Element the Super Move has, a partial hit has been
scored. Some of the hits made it through, or the
opponent failed to completely avoid the attack, or
some damage made it through the block anyway. In
this case, Glory is calculated as normal 1, and
damage is rolled and halved (round down). This
partial hit still does cause Hit Stun, Knock Back, and
Knock Down. If a Super Move is part of a Combo
and is not the first move in the Combo, only half
(round down) of the Breakthrough Element applies
to the roll to hit.
Decreased Super Energy Cost Element: A Super
Move with this Element only costs 5 Super Energy to
use. This Element cannot be used in campaigns that
use multi-level Super Move systems (see below).
Extended Duration Element: This Element can only
be applied to Super Moves that provide some form
of special timed effect as part of an exotic Element
(see above). After the Super Move is in effect, each
additional 10 Super Energy spent increases the
duration by a time count of 5.
Increased Accuracy: For a Super Move, up to nine
Elements can be spent on Increased Accuracy. Each
three such Elements adds +1 to the moves

Increased Damage: For a Super Move, up to eight

Elements can be spent on Increased Damage. One
Element increases the base damage to 1d8+1. Two
Elements increases the base damage to 1d10. Three
Elements increases the base damage to 1d10+1.
Four Elements increases the base damage to 1d12.
Each additional Element after four adds +1 base
damage to the moves 1d12 base damage. This new
base damage is then modified by the attackers
Strength and the defenders Stamina as usual.
Infinite Supers Element: This Element counts as
five Elements. For a time count of 5 (minimum of
one full turn), Super Moves can continue to be used
freely without any costs in Super Energy (beyond
the 10 Super Energy used to launch this Super
Move). This Element can only be taken with the
Directors permission.
Invincibility Element: When a Super Move begins,
the character is momentarily invincible. This
Element describes how long that invincibility lasts.
Up to four Elements can be spent on Invincibility.
The way in which this Element is used is described
below under Using Special Moves.
Unique Super Move Element: This Element must
be taken on any Super Move that is not an enhanced
version or combination of the characters existing
Special Moves.

How Super Energy is Accumulated

In order to use a Super Move in combat, the Fighter
must first accumulate Super Energy. This is tallied
on a turn-by-turn basis.
When the Fighter
accumulates 10 or more Super Energy, they may
attempt to use a Super Move. A Fighter without
Super Moves does not accumulate Super Energy.
The rate at which a Fighter accumulates Super


Energy is as follows:

1 point of Super Energy per occasion in

which one or more Life Bar is lost. Thus, if
three different opponents hit a character,
he would accumulate three Super Energy.
The attack of a Thug group counts as a
single opponent in this regard.
2. 1 point of Super Energy per attack
performed, regardless of the level of the
move used and whether or not the move hit
(or even could have hit an attack launched
beyond its effective range will still
accumulate Super Energy). Basic Moves
included in a Combo do not count as
separate moves for this calculation, but
individual Special Moves do, provided the
Combo hits (see below). If the Combo
misses, only 1 Super Energy is gained.
3. 1 point of Super Energy per Combo that hits
an opponent. This is in addition to the
Super Energy accumulated from Special
Moves noted above. Thus, a 3-hit Combo
made up solely of Special Moves that
succeeds in hitting an opponent is worth 4
Super Energy total.
4. Finally,
accumulate an amount of Super Energy
each turn regardless of their actions equal
to the maximum Super Energy allowed for a
character in the campaign divided by 20
(round up). This usually means a Fighter
gains one Super Energy per turn of combat
regardless of any combatants actions.
No Super Energy is gained by a character on the turn
in which he uses a Super Move.
Campaign options presented in future supplements
will present alternative ways in which Super Energy
is accumulated.

Using Super Moves

For the most part, a Super Move is the same as any
other Special Move. They can be used as single
attacks or they can be used at the beginning,
middle, or end of a Combo (even though attacks
that Knock Down can normally only be used at the
end of a Combo). However, Super Moves differ in
that they need Super Energy to use and they have
special rules regarding Initiative.
Before using a Super Move, a Fighter must have
accumulated enough Super Energy. Super Moves
cost 10 Super Energy to perform (or 10 Super Energy
per level of Super Move used see below). Super
Moves also cost 1 FS to attempt to use. However,
this cost is only applied if the character actually has
FS remaining to expend; once at 0 FS, Super Moves
can still be performed.
Many Super Moves possess the Invincibility
Element. If a combatant wishes to use a Super
Move and rolls sufficient Control for it, yet fails to
gain Initiative, he may still be able to use the Super
Move. If the difference between the combatants
Initiative roll and his intended targets Initiative roll
is within as many Elements as spent on the
Invincibility Element, he can interrupt the
opponents action as if he had held his Initiative and
announce that he is doing a Super Move. In this
case, the opponents action occurs during the Super
Moves temporary invincibility. If the opponent has
already announced a specific attack, there is no
result and no Glory is earned. The character using
the Super Move takes no damage, suffers no Hit
Stun or Stun, and cannot be Knocked Back or
Knocked Down. If the opponent has not yet
announced a specific attack, he may instead choose
to move away or perform another action such as Re-

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

focus instead. He may also announce the use of his
own Super Move, in which case the second Super
Move takes Priority over the first one. If a Super
Move is in a Combo and is not the first move in the
Combo, the Invincibility Element does not apply, but
instead counts as the Easy to Combo Element.
Super Moves always have Invincibility in cases of
simultaneous Initiative with non-Super Moves. The
effect of this is that the combatant using the Super
Move goes first as if the move had the Priority
Element and the combatant is also unaffected by
the opponents attack as noted above. In the case of
two Super Moves getting simultaneous Initiative,
still only one can succeed. Both combatants lose
Super Energy, but a special separate Initiative roll is
used to determine which character actually launches
his Super Move. FS can be spent again on this
special Initiative roll as usual and subsequent ties are

Structure of Super Move Systems

The Director must determine the structure of how
Super Moves are used and organized in his
campaign. In the source material, most Super Move
systems fit into one of two categories: a simple
single tier system (with a maximum Super Energy of
10) and a 3-tier system (with a maximum Super
Energy of 30). In this latter case, a single Super
Move may be designed three times to indicate three
levels of Super Power (most commonly L5, L6, and
L7) or the system may just allow a combatant to
store up three uses of a Super Move. However,
other versions do exist and variations on the 3-tier
system also exist. Some of these variations will be
included in future supplements. The single tier
system is considered the default system, though the
3-tier system is described in greater detail below.


It is also up to the Director to decide the maximum

Super Energy a character can hold onto and if a
Fighters accumulated Super Energy remains
between rounds of combat in a multi-round
tournament fight. The default rules are a maximum
of 10 Super Energy and accumulated Super Energy is
lost between rounds of a multi-round fight.
The 3-tier structure for Super Moves uses the same
Super Move built at three different consecutive
levels such as L5, L6, and L7, and which uses 10, 20,
or 30 Super Energy respectively to use increasingly
powerful versions of the same Super Move. Such a
system requires characters to build the same Super
Move at three different levels of power, with each
increasing level of power including all the Elements
and Liabilities of the previous levels. When building
such a Super Move, the character must only spend
Move Points equal to the highest level of the Super
For example, in a campaign using the 3-tier
structure, a player designs a Super Move that can be
used as an L5, L6, or L7 move at a cost of 10, 20, or
30 Super Energy respectively. He will need to design
three versions of the same Super Move. The L6
version will have all the Elements and Liabilities of
the L5 version, and the L7 version will have all the
Elements and Liabilities of the L6 version. Despite
building three related Super Moves, however, this
Super Move will only cost 7 Move Points total (the
highest level of the three tiers) for all three versions.
Oftentimes, the only difference in higher-level
versions is an increased use of the Breakthrough and
Invincibility Elements.
This 3-tier structure is only available if this is the
default structure of Super Move systems in the
campaign (though a Director might allow it as an
unusual Technique Quality). This multi-tiered Super
Move counts as only one Super Move when

considering the limit on the number of Super Moves known according to the Power Level chart.

This campaign option exists as a modifier to all Fighters in a campaign. Either all characters have this ability or none do.
It is too powerful to be a viable choice for a Technique Quality. This is a system for use in campaigns where every Fighter
can transform into a monstrous, animal, or beast form.
In regular campaigns, a character may have some form of Special Move that changes them into a beast, but that is a
different, more limited, case (perhaps bought as a form of the Style Change Element). However, the following set of
rules applies to all characters in a transforming campaign.
A character accumulates Beast Energy in the same way as Super Energy is accumulated in the campaign (and is tallied
separately from Super Energy). 10 Beast Energy is necessary to change into Beast Form, but up to 20 Beast Energy can
be accumulated and stored during a single combat.
Transforming is an action. No other attack, action, or movement may be performed on the turn in which the character
transforms. However, transforming automatically does damage equivalent to the characters Basic Move (modified by
Strength as usual) to all other combatants within Range 0-1. Furthermore, this damage does cause Knock Back except to
opponents who are also transforming on the same turn within the same Range.
Once in Beast Form, no more Beast Energy is accumulated until the character reverts back to normal. The 10 Beast
Energy used to transform is then lost at the same rate and in the same fashion as it was accumulated. In other words,
when the character performs moves and takes damage, he loses Beast Energy. However, the normal Beast Energy
accumulated each turn is not lost each turn while in Beast Form. When Beast Energy reaches 1 or less (not 0), and the
character is then Knocked Down by any means, the character reverts to human form.
When in Beast Form, Basic Qualities increase. These changes must be decided when the character is created and cannot
change. Two of the three Basic Qualities are increased by one point each (to a maximum of two, as usual). Also, all
attacks automatically have the Increased Knockback Element, and the character automatically recovers 1 Life Bar at the
end of each turn.
One new Special Move Liability becomes available with this campaign option: Only in Beast Form. This Liability means
the move can only be used when the character is in Beast Form.
If this campaign option is being used, the following additional campaign option can be added to modify transformations.
Going Primal: While in Beast Form, a character may choose to Go Primal. In this form, Beast Energy depletes each turn
according to the rate it is normally gained each turn (contrary to the above rule), even if the character does nothing else
during the turn, but it still will not drop below 0. While Primal, all of the combatants moves are +1 Accuracy and +1

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)


5. Combat
The heart of Fight! is necessarily fighting. This
chapter provides the system to run over-the-top
action scenes involving the worlds most skilled and
deadly Fighters. These battles take place in
organized tournament arenas and in the dirty back
alleys of the most crime-ridden cities. They occur as
melodramatic confrontations between life-long
rivals or as adrenaline-fueled brawls against dozens
of opponents at once. Some confrontations
represent mere steps along the way to a characters
goal and some represent the final encounter
deciding the salvation or destruction of the whole
The main system presented here is intended for use
when Fighters engage in combat with one another.
However, two additional sub-systems are also
contained in this chapter. The first is the system for
Thug Thrashing, which is used anytime Fighters
engage in combat with non-Fighters. These
opponents are no match for the main characters of
the campaign and only pose a threat in far greater
numbers. The second sub-system is used whenever
the Director wants to streamline combat, adding
dramatic flair at the cost of tactical options. This
sub-system involves more Skill use during combat as
well as character choices based on the narrative
elements of the battle, rather than on all the
mechanical details offered by a characters Special

Staging Combat
It is up to the Director to decide when to formally
switch from a normal storytelling mode of direction
to the specifics of combat. However, given the
nature of the characters and the kinds of situations
they typically find themselves in, it should usually be

fairly obvious.
This still leaves certain decisions for the Director
based on the needs of the story. He must decide if
the fight is going to be one round or multiple
rounds. He must decide what the time limit is going
to be or even if there is one. He must decide how far
apart the combatants are when combat begins. He
must also decide if any conditions in the
environment are going to have a specific mechanical
effect on combat or if they are just going to be
descriptive elements with no effect on the rules.
In some cases, these questions are easy to answer.
A tournament fight might have established rules
about the number of rounds, time limit, and arena
conditions such as walls or ring-outs. But if the fight
is occurring in the middle of the wilderness,
something like a time limit may seem artificial.
After all, why should the fight arbitrarily end just
because some metagame timer goes off?
This is a valid observation, but the default
presumption of the rules is that fights are timed.
While this is not required, maintaining the time limit
can inspire story elements that add drama to the
conflict. Perhaps the timer running out signifies a
bomb going off or a fire engulfing the characters in a
burning building. Perhaps police or military will
arrive on scene to drastically complicate matters
related to the ongoing story. Maybe an extradimensional portal opens up, flooding the world
with demons.
Similarly, drama can be added by using multiple
rounds for a combat scene, even in a nontournament setting. While it may seem strange to
have two opponents meet in the woods at the
climax of a story with no one around and yet have a

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

best 2-out-of-3 fight, in an area that sort of
naturally resembles a fighting stage, possibly with
ring outs and other environmental hazards, this
irrationality is rarely considered in fighting video
games. Multiple rounds are best interspersed with
story-critical dialogue between the Fighters (as the
whole fight should be). At the end of the first
round, the defeated character is actually not
knocked unconscious, but merely beaten down and
taking a moment to catch his second wind. His
honorable or gloating opponent waits for him to
recover before continuing the fight. In fact, since
time in combat can be interpreted loosely, each
round of combat may actually represent several
hours of non-stop fighting. While a battle may
begin while the sun is high in the sky, the second
round may occur as the sun goes down, while the
third round occurs in the middle of the night.
Thus, while the default presumptions of the rules
seem to suggest many trappings of tournament
combat, this does not need to hinder creative
interpretations that serve to improve the story
rather than get in the way of it.

Combat Sequence
Combat is conducted as a series of turns. A random
time roll determines how long any given turn is;
each count of the time roll usually represents 1-2
seconds of time, but ultimately this is intended as an
abstraction. If the story is served by the time count
representing a longer amount of time, the Director
can adjust it accordingly.
A round of combat ends when only one side remains
undefeated or when the time count runs out,
whichever comes first. Normally, if the time count


runs out and opposing combatants are still standing,

the winner is the side that has the highest
percentage of Life Bar remaining. Outside a
tournament setting, however, it is up to the Director
and the story to determine what winning means if
time runs out and combatants are still able to fight.
The basic sequence of a turn is as follows:

All combatants roll both Initiative and

Acting in order of Initiative, characters take
actions, often moving and/or attacking
Glory and Super Energy are tallied for all
combatants for the turn, as appropriate.
The Director rolls the Time Roll and records
the result.
The Director and players conduct a brief
storytelling segment, describing in narrative
terms what occurred during the turn.

This sequence is repeated until the round ends.

Die Sizes
A characters Basic Qualities, as well as many
situations in the combat system, require the player
to increase or decrease a die size before rolling a
result. For example, a character normally rolls 1d6
for Control each turn. However, having the Basic
Quality Speed 1: Control means that the characters
die size for Control is increased by one. Thus,
instead of rolling 1d6, the player would roll 1d8. As
another example, the base damage for a characters
Special Moves is also 1d6. However, the Strength
Basic Quality increases this damage. A character
with Strength 2 would increase that damage two die
sizes to 1d10 (one size increase would be 1d8).
Likewise, the opponents Stamina Basic Quality also

modifies the damage suffered. If the Strength 2
character hit an opponent with Stamina -1, the die
size for damage would be increased again to 1d12.
The steps for increasing or decreasing die size go
as follows (listed here from lowest to highest):
The lowest a die size can ever become is 1, in
which case no roll is necessary; the result is simply 1.
The highest die that can be used in a single roll is
1d12, though there are theoretically an infinite
number of die sizes above 1d12. Each die size above
1d12 simply adds 1 to the roll. Rolls above 1d12+3
are pretty rare, however.

Fighting Spirit in Combat

Fighting Spirit (FS) is an expendable resource used
in many different ways in combat. It represents the
characters drive to win, the strength of his
convictions, and his will to survive. In combat,
Fighting Spirit can be used to increase Initiative and
Control, increase Accuracy on attacks, improve ones
defenses, tactically manage ones movement in
combat, control the pacing of combat, among other
things. Whether a character loses all of his Life Bar
in combat or not, Fighting Spirit should almost
always be completely used up by the end of a fight.
If thats not the case, the Fighter simply isnt fighting
with everything he has!

There is one general rule that applies to all

expenditures of Fighting Spirit during combat. A
combatant may spend Fighting Spirit for particular
actions any number of times during a turn. For
example, a combatant may spend FS on Initiative,
and then to attack, and then perhaps later in the
turn to defend, and then to modify the Time Roll at
the end of the round. However, the amount of
Fighting Spirit a combatant can use for any single
application of FS is always limited by their Power
Level. Therefore, while a PL 1 character may spend
FS five times during a turn, each time no more than
1 FS can be used. This rule is often repeated in the
specific rules sections dealing with FS expenditures
in a specific situation, but even if it is not mentioned
explicitly, this rule always applies.
Fighting Spirit can be recovered in combat by the
use of the Refocus action. Furthermore, the first
combatant to successfully hit an opponent during a
fight immediately regains FS equal to his Power
Level. If both combatants hit one another
simultaneously, the one doing greater damage
receives FS. If damage is equal, no FS is regained.
This FS recovery cannot bring a characters FS above
their starting total; thus, if the Fighter has not used
any FS, nothing is gained.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Metagaming Fighting Spirit
In a combat system so focused on emulation of
fighting video game combat, the flexibility of
Fighting Spirit might seem out of place. From a
narrative point of view, Fighting Spirit is a useful
character trait, as references to it are frequent in
the source material, even if it is hardly ever
defined in any specific way (e.g., Ive never seen
such fighting spirit! Youll never win youve
lost your fighting spirit. You are a worthy
opponent your fighting spirit is strong.).
But there is also a metagame way of
understanding Fighting Spirit. As a player of the
hypothetical video game that the campaign
represents, Fighting Spirit measures the players
patience, confidence, and talent at handling crisis
situations as they occur during a match.
In the role-playing game, a character who runs
out of Fighting Spirit has to rely a lot more on
luck to win. In a video game, a player who runs
out of Fighting Spirit begins to panic and lose
control of the situation, often leading to his
defeat. So even though the trait is meant to
represent a specific narrative aspect of the genre,
it is not without parallel in the metagame of

The turn begins with each combatant rolling one die
each for Initiative and Control. Initiative determines
how quickly the character can act in the turn
sequence, while Control determines how difficult a
move or Combo the character can perform during
the turn. Initiative represents a combination of the


characters innate speed in combat, as well as the

insight of how to best react to the opponents
actions. Control represents coolness during combat,
as well as knowing the best available options to use
at any given moment.
The dice used to roll Initiative and Control are based
on the characters Speed (see the explanation of
Speed in Chapter 1). The base roll is 1d6 for each.
Before all characters roll for the turn, any characters
who wish to can spend Fighting Spirit (FS) to
increase the die size rolled for one or both. One FS
will increase the die size for either Initiative or
Control, to a maximum of 1d12 for each. A
character can only spend as much FS on increasing
Initiative and Control as his Power Level. This limit is
applied to both Initiative and Control, not to each of
them separately. For example, a PL 1 character
could increase either Initiative or Control for 1 FS,
but could not spend 2 FS to increase both by one die
size (though a PL 2 character could do so). Initiative
and Control are rolled as separate rolls and, after
applying the effects of Speed and the use of FS, will
often use different size dice.
Characters declare their intention to spend FS in this
manner, as well as the amount they wish to spend,
according to their Power Level, from lowest to
highest. If these are tied, the combatants declare
according to their Speed Basic Quality, again from
lowest to highest. If these are also tied, each
combatant rolls 1d6 to break the tie or else just
mutually agree on who should declare first.
If the combatant with the highest Initiative on the
previous turn also hit an opponent on the previous
turn, he gets a +1 bonus on his Initiative roll. If the
highest Initiative was tied or if the character with
the highest Initiative missed his opponent or didnt
attack at all, no one gets this bonus. A characters

Control Bonus is added to his Control roll, if usual, and Special Moves with the Priority Element
automatically gain Initiative over attacks without
the Priority Element. Remaining characters then act
The character with the highest Initiative total acts in Initiative order until all characters have acted or
first. A character with Initiative may instead choose have lost their actions due to events occurring
to hold his Initiative and let another combatant go during the turn (e.g., Hit Stun, Knock Down, or
first. A character holding their Initiative in this Stunning).
fashion can choose to act at any point later in the
turn, including interrupting another character during
Rolling Initiative and Control
his action for the turn. If this interruption occurs
after another combatant has actually declared a
Roll 1d6 separately for Initiative and Control.
specific attack, a separate Initiative roll is used only
to determine the acting order of this exchange of
The Speed Basic Quality and other factors may
two attacks. FS can be spent to increase this roll as
affect the die sizes used for this roll.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Simultaneous Initiative
The limited range of die rolls possible means that
combatants will inevitably roll the same Initiative
total from time to time. In the case of simultaneous
Initiative, the characters often, but not always, act

attacks have to be named also. Characters acting

simultaneously cannot perform Combos, either
against each another or against other combatants.





When characters share the same Initiative total,

each of the combatants must declare their actions

simultaneously must conduct

a sort of mini-turn among
If all tied
combatants wish to move
performing some other action)
or instead of attacking,
movement occurs simultaneously first, and then
attacks and other actions occur simultaneously after
all movement is resolved.
If two characters simultaneously move towards one
another, they travel as many Ranges towards one
another as their combined total. This means that
they may pass through one another (see
before they are resolved. This declaration of actions
occurs in reverse order of Control totals, even
though the actions themselves may be resolved
simultaneously. The declaration needs to be
specific. For example, it is not sufficient to declare
that one is moving forward; one must specify the
number of Ranges he is moving forward. Specific


If not all combatants with simultaneous Initiative

wish to move, those who wish to attack or perform
some other action without moving resolve their
actions before any movement occurs. If there is
more than one simultaneous attack (i.e., because
more than two characters have simultaneous
simultaneously. After these attacks are resolved, if
the other combatants who wish to move or move
and then act are still able to act, they then do so. In

this case, all movement is resolved first, then
attacks and other actions are resolved.
Any character sharing Initiative with any other
opposing combatant can only use the Defense Skill
in response to simultaneous attacks; Evasion and
Tactics cannot be used, except in the case of a
jumping Basic Move. Full Defense can still be
declared in place of an attack. A character doing a
jumping Basic Move as a simultaneous attack is
considered to be using the Evasion Skill for the
purposes of determining Defense Total. All normal
defensive options are available against other attacks
that do not have simultaneous Initiative. Even
though the effects of the attacks are simultaneous,
the combatant with the higher Control resolves his
attack first. This may be important for determining
when and how much FS is used in resolving these
In the case of simultaneous attacks, if one of the
attacks is a Special Move that has the Priority
Element, this attack is resolved first and is not
considered simultaneous. However, the defender
still cannot choose any defensive response besides
the Defense Skill, just as if the attacks were still
considered simultaneous. If an attack with the
Priority Element hits, the defender suffers Hit Stun
and may lose his action for the turn (see Hit Stun).
Any movement before the attack associated with a
Special Move with the Priority Element is not
considered to have Priority over the movement of
other characters with simultaneous Initiative; the
Priority Element applies only to the attack itself.

one who did more damage is considered to have

Knocked Back his opponent. If this too is tied, each
combatant can roll 1d6 and the higher result is the
one who has Knocked Back his opponent. If one of
the attacks used has the Increased Knockback
Element, the Knock Back is 2 Ranges.
Finally, if two characters with simultaneous Initiative
are allies and do not have simultaneous Initiative
with any opponents, they can act in whatever order
they choose.

Summary of Simultaneous Initiative

1. All characters with simultaneous
Initiative declare actions in reverse
order of their Control totals.
2. Characters who do not need to move
before acting take their actions.
These actions and their results are
considered simultaneous with each
3. Characters that wish to move or move
and then act may now act if they are
still able to do so.

Simultaneous attacks only Knock Back 1 Range. In

other words, the two opponents do not knock each
other back 1 Range each, for a total of 2 Ranges. If
the direction matters (e.g., if one wishes to
maneuver the other towards an Environmental
Hazard or in a fight with multiple combatants), the

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Example of Resolving Simultaneous Initiative
Jason has rolled Initiative 4 and Control 2. His opponent, Riff, has rolled Initiative 4 and Control 4. They are

presently at Range 3. Their Initiative is simultaneous. They begin to resolve this by declaring (but not yet resolving)
their actions in reverse order of Control. So Jason has to declare first. He declares, Im leaping in 2 Ranges and
using a jumping Basic Move.
Riff now knows that Jason is moving toward him, but this has not yet been resolved, so he couldnt declare, I
attack at Range 1, and hit Jason because Jason isnt at Range 1 yet. Thus, if he declared, I attack with Blazing
Arc, the situation would be resolved by determining the results of the attacks first, and then applying the effects
of movement. So Riffs attack would occur first and he would hit nothing, as Jason is still approaching from Range
3. Jason would then land at Range 1 and his attack would be resolved.
Riff could instead declare, Im moving forward one and attacking with my Blazing Arc. Now both combatants are
moving, so movement is resolved first. Simultaneous movement adds the total Ranges of movement together, so
since Jason was moving 2 towards Riff and Riff was moving 1 towards Jason, they close by 3 Ranges total. They
move from Range 3 to Range 0. Then Jasons Basic Move and Riffs Blazing Arc would be resolved simultaneously.
If Riff declared that he was using his Ranged attack, Fiery Sun, that attack would be resolved before Jason jumped
forward, as attacks are resolved before movement. If Jason were struck, he would suffer Hit Stun and may not be
able to move at all (see Hit Stun). If the Ranged attack missed, Jason would jump in 2 Ranges and attack.
If Jason declared he was using his Ranged attack, Violent Spike, and then Riff declared he was using Blazing Sun,
both attacks would be resolved simultaneously.

Handling Initiative and Control for Multiple Characters

When handling Initiative and Control totals during a large fight scene (which is really any fight in which there
is more than three or four Fighters involved), the Director needs to use a method to keep track of everything.
One way is to have every character use specific colored dice for Initiative and Control. Once rolled, these dice
are put aside or the results are recorded on a separate sheet on the table to keep track of who rolled what.
An easier variant of this (though it requires more work for the Director) is for the Director to record all
Initiative and Control rolls on a special sheet listing each character, with each line on the sheet representing
one turn. As characters act or lose their actions, their Initiative roll for the turn is crossed off the sheet. When
all the Initiative numbers are crossed off, the turn ends and the next turn is recorded on the next line of the
sheet. This could also be done on a large wipe board visible to all the players as well.


On Your Turn
When a characters turn comes up in the Initiative
order, the player has several choices of what to do.
A character can:

Move and then attack
Power Up
Await Opening

Depending on circumstances from previous turns, a

character may also use his action to stand up from
being Knocked Down or to recover from being

Combat in Fight! does not use any sort of map or
grid to determine positioning. Instead, all combat is
based on the principle of Range Categories
(Ranges). There are six Ranges, numbered from 0-5.
Range 0 is grappling range, though normal combat
can also occur at this range. Range 1 is standard
hand-to-hand combat range. Range 2 is just outside
normal combat range, though some attacks may
still hit, as combatants jink in and out of range of
one another. Range 3 is a short distance away, but
one in which combatants can still quickly close with
one another. Range 4 is the normal maximum range
for Ranged Special Moves. Range 5 is effectively out
of combat, while still maintaining the possibility of
re-engaging the enemy. Most combat occurs
between Ranges 0-4.
These Ranges do not directly correspond to actual
distances. The distance between Range 0 and
Range 1 is generally only a couple feet, while the

difference between Range 3 and Range 4 may be 20

feet or more. The Range system is an abstraction to
facilitate the kind of combat typically found in
fighting video games.
When a fight begins, it is up to the Director to
decide how far apart combatants are at the
beginning of combat. A typical fighting tournament
would begin at Range 3, and this is also a good
default distance for combat in other situations as
well. If the dramatic narrative suggests that combat
begins as soon as one opponent strikes another,
combat may begin at Range 1, though the Director
might instead declare that the combatants
immediately jump back and into fighting stances at
the beginning of hostilities, once again making the
starting distance Range 3. Combatants could
mutually decide on a starting range, or it could be
determined randomly by rolling 1d6-1.
Attacks launched at Range 0 receive a +1 Accuracy
bonus. Attacks without the Ranged or Reach
Elements launched at Range 2 receive a 1 Accuracy
A combatant can move forward or backward 1
Range and still attack, or can move forward or back
2 Ranges without attacking. A combatant can jump
forward 2 Ranges and attack or 3 Ranges forward or
backward without attacking, but either of these
options costs 1 FS. A combatant can only jump
forward and attack if he is using a Basic Move or if
he is using a Special Move with the version of the
Mobile Element that allows movement of 2 Ranges
before attacking (see Chapter 4).
If a combatant can jump forward 2 Ranges to attack
with a Basic Move and land exactly at Range 0, and
then chooses to spend an additional 1 FS, the

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

combatant can do a Cross-Up attack. This earns a +
2 bonus to Accuracy, which replaces the normal +1
Accuracy for attacking at Range 0.
If a combatant moves only 1 Range and does not
attack, he receives a +1 on his Defense Totals for the
Knock Back from an attack is 1 Range away from the
attacker. Knock Back cannot push an opponent to
Range 5, however. Knocking Back an opponent at
Range 4 keeps the opponent at Range 4.
Facing is not important in combat. However,
sometimes a character will want to move past an
opponent specifically, either because of an
Environmental Hazard, to make the best use of a
particular Element of a Special Move, or to
accomplish a narrative goal set by the Director (e.g.,
needing to run past an opponent to escape a room).
A character can move forward through an
opponent, moving down from Range 1 to Range 0
and then back up to Range 1 and beyond on the
opposite side of the opponent.
While a grid is not required for combat, a simple
page with six bands to denote Ranges 0-5 can be
used as a visual aid. Markers are placed for the
characters based on how many bands apart they
are. Characters at Range 0 would share the same
band. Characters at Range 2 would be in separate
bands with an empty band between them.
However, this visual effect, while very helpful in a
combat involving only two characters, gets more
complicated when there are more characters
In the case of multiple combatants on each side, the
same grid can be used, but instead of using Range to


determine the number of grid bands two characters

are apart from one another, each character just
occupies a specific band on the grid, labeled from 16. To calculate actual Range between combatants,
simply count the bands between them (i.e., Range 5
if they are on opposite ends of the grid and Range 0
if they occupy the same band). The direction of
movement is important in this case, as Knock Back
after an attack occurs away from the direction of the
attackers last movement. If a combatant would be
knocked off the edge of the grid, all the
combatants can be shifted one or two bands to keep
them all on the grid. The one exception to this
shifting would be if two of the other combatants
involved in the fight were already at Range 5 from
one another. In this case, the limits of the grid have
been defined by these characters presence at the
edges and thus no Knock Back would occur.
Even if a grid is not being used, the same principle
can be used for battles with more than two
combatants. Each characters location is noted by a
number from 1 to 6, perhaps indicated by recording
the numbers on a separate sheet or wipe board
accessible to everyone at the table, or by using a
large d6 with the location number facing up for all to
see. Distances between any two combatants can be
determined by subtracting the lower location
number from the higher location number. If a
combatant would be Knocked Back below 1 or
above 6, all combatants simply shift their location
number up or down a number to keep everyone on
the board.
Note that these rules do not take into account any
form of lateral movement. Lateral movement is
irrelevant in a one-on-one fight, as the principle of
Range takes into account the direct distance
between the two combatants. In a fight with more
than two combatants, any number of characters can
be located within a single band on the grid or at a

single numeric location, and they are all
considered equidistant from one another. In
most cases, this abstraction is sufficient.
After all, Fighters in video fighting games
are incredibly mobile and capable of leaping
prodigious distances to get to their
opponents. Under most circumstances, it
should be fairly easy for any Fighter to catch
up to any opponent still within the field of
However, in a fight featuring multiple
combatants on each side, if two opposing
combatants wish to face off against one
another apart from the other combatants,
they can mutually decide to do so by
declaring their movement for the turn to be
away from the fight. At that point, their
combat continues to be resolved as a
separate fight scene apart from the
remaining combatants. Neither combat has
any effect on the other, even though they
are both taking place in the same general
area. For simplicitys sake, and in keeping
with the conventions of the genre, the
Director should disallow any other
combatants from pursuing the pair that has
broken off from the original combat.
However, if the Director does wish to allow
it, another combatant would need to make
two successful Maneuver Checks, one
against each of the other combatants (even
if one of them is an ally), in order to enter
their fight. This is a special contested
Tactics Skill check, rolled on 1d6, rather
than 1d10.
Conversely, if there are multiple
combatants on each side, the case may
arise when a combatant wants to move into
a position where a particular opponent

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

cannot easily attack him. In this case, in place of
movement, the character makes a Maneuver Check
against the combatant he wishes to avoid. Both
combatants make a contested Tactics Skill check on
1d6. If the character succeeds, the desired
opponent is considered Checked. The Checked
opponent cannot attack the character without first
succeeding at a Maneuver Check in place of
movement. If the opponent succeeds, the Checked
condition is removed.

Movement Summary
A character can move:
1 Range and gain a +1 on all Defense Totals.
1 Range and attack.
2 Ranges.
2 Ranges and attack with a Basic Move or a
Special Move with the Mobile Element that
allows 2 Ranges of movement before attacking.
This costs 1 FS.
3 Ranges. This costs 1 FS.

Resolving an Attack
The most common action of a character during a
turn is to attack an opponent within range (perhaps
preceded by movement). In order to attack, the
attacker first declares a specific attack form. This
may be a Basic Move, a Special Move, or, subject to
the conditions described in Chapter 4, a Super Move.
The attackers choice of move is limited by the
Control rolled for that turn. The character can only
choose attacks that have a Level equal to or less

than the Control roll.

If the attacker does not roll high enough Control for
a particular move or for the length of the Combo
desired (see below), that move cannot be used or
the Combo must be of shorter length. Basic Moves
are considered to be L1 moves and are thus always
available, regardless of Control rolled.
There is one exception to this limit. Some Super
Moves may be higher than L12 and a high PL
attacker may want to do a Combo that requires
more than Control 12. However, the maximum
Control rolled on a d12 is 12 (with potentially 3 more
with the maximum Control Bonus of 3). If the
attacker wishes to use a move or Combo that
requires more than Control 12, he must first roll
Control 12 (thus requiring both the ability to roll
1d12 for Control in the first place, as well as actually
rolling a 12), and he then must spend 1 FS per
additional Control needed/desired, up to a
maximum equal to his Power Level, as usual. This
means that the largest Control possible is 23 (12
Control rolled, plus 8 FS spent by a PL 8 character,
plus 3 from a Control Bonus of 3).
To further clarify the specific role of the Control
Bonus in this exceptional situation, if a character
rolled 11 Control and had a Control Bonus of 2, his
Control would be 13. He could use an L13 move or
up to 13 levels of moves in a Combo without
spending any FS. Likewise, if the same character
rolled 12, his Control would be 14, and thus he would
not need to spend FS up through L14 or 14 levels of
a Combo. The above rule about spending FS applies
to those characters who do not have a high enough
Control Bonus to reach L13 or 14, as well as all
characters trying to use Control of 15 or beyond.
If the Attacker has rolled Control higher than needed
for his specific attack or Combo, he receives a +1


bonus to Accuracy.

Rolling to Hit an Opponent

Before the roll to hit an opponent is made, the
attacker determines any factors that affect the
Accuracy of the attack. These typically include the
Accuracy of the move in question, Range, and the
Control of the attacker. In addition, if the attacker
intends to act on Full Offense this turn, this must be
declared before the Defense Total is calculated. A
Fighter on Full Offense has a better chance to hit his
opponent, but at great cost to his own defense on
the same turn.
Next, the defender calculates his Defense Total. If
the defender intends to act on Full Defense this
turn, this must also be declared during the
determination of the Defense Total. A character
that has already taken any actions this turn
(including movement) cannot act on Full Defense.
Full Defense adds to both the characters Defense
Total, as well as his Initiative or Control on the
following turn.
The defenders Defense Total is equal to his Skill
level in the applicable defense Skill (see Defending
Against An Attack) plus his Defense Bonus (if
applicable). In addition to this, the defender can
spend FS to add to his Defense Total. Each 1 FS
adds 1 to the Defense Total. The defender can spend
FS up to his Power Level in this way.
A combatant on Full Defense adds a set bonus to his
Defense Total based on his Power Level (see the
Power Level Chart in Chapter 1). Full Defense can be
used with the Defense or Evasion Skills, but not with
the Tactics Skill. When using the Evasion Skill, the
Full Defense bonus from the Power Level Chart is
halved (round down). A combatant on Full Defense
may take no actions at all, including movement,

though a successful use of Evasion with Full Defense

still permits movement after the attack if desired
(see Evasion below). Whether or not the combatant
successfully defends, using Full Defense allows him
to roll one die larger for either Initiative or Control
on the following turn with no FS cost.
After the Defense Total is determined, the attacker
rolls 1d6 + the Accuracy of the move being used +
Accuracy Bonus (if applicable). The attacker can also
spend FS on Accuracy. Each 1 FS adds 1 to Accuracy.
The attacker can spend FS up to his Power Level.
A Combo is rolled as a single attack, using only the
Accuracy of the first move in the Combo, modified
by the total number of attacks in the Combo (see
A combatant on Full Offense may instead roll 1d10
for attacks. However, the character can choose no
defensive options besides the standard use of the
Defense Skill and even in this case, he only adds 1/2
(round down) of his Defense Skill to Defense Totals.
Furthermore, the characters die size for either
Initiative or Control (attackers choice) is reduced by
one on the following turn and he cannot spend FS to
increase either. This latter effect is cumulative if the
combatant stays on Full Offense for multiple turns.
Thus, after several turns on Full Offense, a
combatant may be reduced to Initiative 1, Control 1,
or both, with no die rolls (see the description of die
sizes at the beginning of this chapter).
If the attacker rolls equal to or higher than the
opponents Defense Total, the attack hits.
Otherwise, it misses.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Rolling an Attack
Roll 1d6 + all applicable modifiers.
If the total equals or exceeds the opponents
Defense Total, the attack hits.

has already acted this turn, they do not suffer any

effects of Hit Stun on the following turn. The
attacker then calculates whether or not Stunning
has occurred, and notes Knock Back and Knock
Down (if applicable).

For convenience, it is often easiest to tally the

characters Glory awards as he performs attacks in
combat. Each Special Move that hits earns Glory
Results of a Successful Attack
equal to its level, though a particular Special Move
earns Glory only once in a round of combat, no
If the attack hits, the attacker rolls damage. This
matter how often it is used. Basic Moves do not
amount is subtracted from the opponents Life Bar.
earn Glory, nor do attacks that miss. A Combo earns
Once Life Bar reaches zero, the opponent is defeated.
Glory for each move in the Combo as applicable and
This usually means
then an additional 1
knocked out, but it
Glory for each move
may vary depending
on the needs of the
Moves) in the Combo.
story. The opponent
may instead be
merely unable to
with an L3 Special
continue fighting or
Move, followed by 4
he may be dead.
Basic Moves, and
This is decided by
concluding with an L2
the Director, taking
Special Move would
into account the
be worth 3 (for the L3
intended effect of
move) + 2 (for the L2
the character who
move) + 6 (for the
has defeated his
total number of
moves in the Combo)
Glory, a total of 11
Glory. This example
presumes that the
two Special Moves
suffers Hit Stun,
had not been used
earlier in the combat.
Control and possibly
If they both had, this
causing him to lose
Combo would still be
his action for the
worth 6 Glory (for the
turn. If the opponent
number of moves in
the Combo).


After the character moves and/or attacks, play
proceeds to the character with the next highest
Initiative total who is still able to act.

After Everyone Has Acted

After all characters have acted during the turn, there
are two steps remaining before proceeding to the
next turn.
The first step is the Time Roll. Under default
conditions, the results of this roll are subtracted
from a count of 99 at the beginning of the fight. If
this counter reaches zero, the fight usually ends,
with the winner being defined as the side that has
the highest percentage of Life Bar remaining.
Any character may spend FS up to their Power Level
on the Time Roll. Each FS spent adds or subtracts 1
from the Time Roll. The result of the Time Roll is
always at least 1, regardless of FS spent. Opponents
may cancel one another out as one spends FS to
increase the Time Roll and another spends FS to
decrease it. If necessary, the declaration of intent to
spend FS on this occasion is conducted in reverse
order of Power Level (i.e., lowest to highest). If
these are tied, the combatants declare in reverse
order of their Speed Basic Quality. If these also are
tied, each combatant rolls 1d6 to break the tie or
else just mutually agrees on who should declare
The Time Roll is 1d6. If there are more than two
combatants active at the same time, the Time Roll is
The second step is the narrative for the turn. The
Director and the players collaborate to describe the
action of the turn that is ending. The fighting video
game genre is driven by visuals and so all attempts
should be made to make the games action come

alive in the imaginations of the participants.

This is also an appropriate time for additional roleplaying between the participants. This can be trash
talking, taunts, and threats, vows to murder or to
bring to justice, or even the internal monologue of a
Fighter, acted out for all to hear. Furthermore,
many of the most important character defining
moments and plot revelations will occur in the
middle of a fight - its the nature of the genre. So
the Director and the players should make the most
of this time to prevent combat from becoming a
series of attack choices and die rolls.

A Combo is a term used in fighting video games to
describe a series of attacks that is generally
unblockable if the first attack hits. Fighters can
launch Combos as a special form of attack,
exchanging Accuracy and Control for significantly
greater damage.
A Combo can be as long as the combatant wishes,
limited only by his Combo Skill level and his Control
for the turn. A Combo cannot be longer than the
characters Combo Skill level. The Control necessary
for a Combo is equal to the total Levels of all the
moves contained within it. This is thus 1 per Basic
Move, but if one or more Special Moves are part of a
Combo, there must be Control equal to each moves
Level as well. For example, a 5-hit Combo opening
with an L4 Special Move would require [4+(4x1)] =
Control 8.
A Combo can be made up of any combination of
Basic Moves and Special Moves. However, any
Special Move that is not either the first or last move

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

of the Combo requires one extra Control to use. The
one exception to this is for a Combo composed
solely of three Special Moves (i.e., a 3-hit Combo
made up of three Special Moves with no Basic
Moves). Special Moves cannot be duplicated in a
No matter how many moves make up the Combo,
the Combo is resolved as a single attack. A Combo
suffers a 1 Accuracy penalty for every full three
moves in the Combo. Thus, a 2-hit Combo has no
Accuracy penalty, a 3- to 5-hit Combo has 1
Accuracy, a 6- to 8-hit Combo has 2 Accuracy, etc.
If the Combo has a Special Move anywhere other
than as the opening move, there is an additional 1
The Accuracy of a Combo is based on the first move
in the Combo; the Accuracy bonuses or penalties of
any other move in the Combo are ignored. Likewise,
the damage for a Combo is based on the 1st move in
the Combo. If a Special Move is in the middle or end
of the Combo, damage is also rolled for those
moves, but they are reduced to half damage (round
down). Each additional Basic Move in the Combo
adds one to the final damage. A characters
Damage Bonus is only added once to a Combo, not
to each move in the Combo. Knock Back only occurs
at the end of a Combo.
Any limitations that apply to movement are only
based on the first move in the Combo. Movement
occurs first, and then the Combo begins. Therefore,
a Special Move that allowed no movement could
follow a Special Move with the Mobile Element that
began the Combo. Similarly, any restriction on
Range is based after movement has concluded. For
example, a Special Move that could only be used at
Range 0 can still be a part of a Combo even if the


combatant began at Range 2, provided the first

move of the Combo closed the Range to 0.
A Special Move that Knocks Down the opponent can
only be used at the end of a Combo (unless it has the
Bounce Element, the Juggle Element, or is a Super
Move). A Special Move with the Throw Element can
be used in a Combo, but it must begin at Range 0
and it must be the last move in the Combo. There is
one exception to this: a Special Move with the Hurl
Element can be followed by a Special Move with the
Ranged Element. A Special Move with the Increased
Knockback Element only does Increased Knock Back
if it is the last move in a Combo.

100% Combos and Infinite Combos

Some fighting game characters possess the ability
to do what is commonly called a 100% Combo. This
is an attack that is capable of taking off 100% of the
opponents Life Bar in a single Combo. Likewise,
some other fighting game characters are capable of
pulling off an infinite Combo, which is a Combo
that, once started, cannot ever be defended against
by an opponent as long as the attacker does not
make any mistakes (such a feature is often
considered a flaw in competitive fighting games).
The Fight! rules cannot duplicate either an infinite
Combo or even a 100% Combo. At Power Level 1, a
character can theoretically pull off a 94% Combo
against another Power Level 1 character. At Power
Level 8, a character can pull off a 44% Combo
against an opponent of equal power. Both of these
situations would require very specific character
builds and a lot of luck and/or timing. While this is
not a perfectly accurate simulation of fighting
games, it makes for a much more playable game.
The average Combo in Fight! will probably do
damage equal to about 20% of an opponents Life
Bar, which is enough to keep fights interesting.

If a Combo misses and the opponent uses a
Defensive Response, he can choose any response
based on any of the Elements in any of the Special
Moves that made up the Combo.

Generating Long Combos

It isnt especially difficult for a character to pull
off 3- to 5-hit Combos on a fairly consistent basis
with decent Control rolls. However, this is not
always representative of expert levels of play.
After all, while a 20-hit Combo is certainly
possible in the rules as written, it generally
requires a high Power Level, a specific sort of
character build, and a decent amount of tactical
planning and luck, as noted above.
However, the rules for Initiative and Hit Stun can
be used as a means to narrate much longer
Combos than are actually being used in the
game. For example, Rei Oshiro hits his opponent
with a 4-hit Combo. Because of Hit Stun, his
opponent does not get a chance to respond. On
the following turn, Rei once again gets Initiative
and hits the same opponent with another 4-hit
Combo. This happens yet again on the next turn.
Finally, Rei loses Initiative on the 4th turn. For
the purposes of the story, and for the bragging
rights that go with it, it is perfectly acceptable to
say that Rei hit his opponent with a 12-hit Combo
(the total of his three 4-hit Combos). While the
rules adjudicate Knock Back and Stunning for
each individual Combo, theres nothing that
prevents providing a more glorious description of
the Fighters awesome prowess.

Defending Against An Attack

When a character is the target of an attack, he must
choose what defensive option he is going to use to
avoid being hit. The default method of defending
oneself is the Defense Skill. This simulates the

characters attempt to block the opponents attack.

However, other options for avoiding an attack also
exist. Instead of using the Defense Skill, a character
can use the Evasion Skill, the Tactics Skill, or in some
cases, even a combination of the Defense and
Evasion Skills.

While the Defense Skill represents the active
attempt to block the opponents attack, the Evasion
Skill represents the attempt to avoid the opponents
attack entirely. In fighting video games, this is
specifically accomplished by crouching underneath
attacks or by leaping above attacks and/or away
from opponents.
Instead of using the Defense Skill, a combatant can
try to Evade his opponents attacks. In this case,
Evasion is used instead of Defense for the Fighters
Defense Total calculation. A combatant who
successfully Evades may choose one of two options:
1) the character may move 2 Ranges forward or
backward (but not 1 Range), which costs 1 FS, or 2)
the character may instead receive a +2 Accuracy on
his next attack (either on this turn or the next, as
appropriate). If the combatant successfully Evades
again before getting the chance to use this Accuracy
bonus, he must not choose to move in order to
maintain the bonus. If the combatant is hit again
before using the bonus, the bonus is lost.
A combatant may also choose to both block (with
Defense Skill) and Evade. This usually represents a
crouching block. In this case, the defender adds half
(round down) of the lower skill to the higher skill
when determining the characters Defense Total.
This costs 1 FS, but the defender cannot move, and
if the attacker misses, the defender does not receive

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

a +2 Accuracy on his next attack. A character can do
this on Full Defense as well. The Full Defense bonus
is added to Defense, and then the combined
Defense Total is calculated as normal. Attacks that
have the Hard to Evade Element can apply the
Accuracy bonus to a defender who is combining his
Defense and Evasion Skills.
As a campaign option, combatants may also be able
to do Aerial Blocks. This allows the combatant to
move as a successful Evasion if the defense is
successful, while getting the benefits of combining
the Defense and Evasion Skills to determine his
Defense Total (as described above). In this case, this
costs an additional 1 FS for the movement (and
therefore 2 FS total).

Several other additional defensive options exist
utilizing the Tactics Skill and usually a Special Move
with a particular Element. These options are
collectively called Defensive Responses. One of the
Defensive Responses included here (the Counter
Response) still uses the Defense Skill rather than the
Tactics Skill, while another (the Ranged Response)
uses the Ki Skill; they are included here because
they generally follow the same procedures as the
other Tactics-based defensive options described in
this section. A character does not need to have the
Tactics Skill to be able to use the Counter Response
or the Ranged Response. All that is necessary is a
move with the appropriate Element and levels in the
Defense Skill or the Ki Skill respectively.
A Defensive Response calculates the Defense Total
the same as the use of the Defense or Evasion Skills,
with the exception that the Tactics Skill is used
instead. If the attack misses, then the defender gets


to take an action based on the Defensive Response

chosen. If a character is eligible to use more than
one Defensive Response against an attack, he can
choose which one to use after successfully
defending against the attack.
Most of the Defensive Responses described below
allow the defender to interrupt the normal Initiative
procedure and attack the attacker. In this case, the
attacker may use the Defense Skill as usual, though
his Defense Skill is considered halved (round down)
when calculating the Defense Total. The attacker
may not use any Defensive Response. The attacker
may also not use the Evasion Skill, unless the
original attack possessed the Aerial Element. In all
cases, if this interrupting attack misses, the
attackers original attack still misses.
The defender may use this interrupting opportunity
to launch a Combo, provided that the interrupting
attack can be used as the opening of the Combo.
This costs 2 FS and there is an additional 1
Accuracy on the attack.
In every case of an interrupting attack that is part of
a Defensive Response, if the defender has not yet
acted on this turn, the interrupting attack takes the
place of the defenders normal opportunity to act at
his place in the Initiative order. By using the Tactics
Skill, a skilled combatant can thus violate the
Initiative order and make attacks with an easier
chance to hit. If the defender has already acted on
this turn, he can still use these Responses, thereby
possibly making more than one attack in a single
turn. Against multiple opponents, there is no limit
to how many Defensive Responses a character can
use in a single turn.
The interrupting attack needs to be in range to hit in
order to use the appropriate Defensive Response.
For example, a normal Interrupt Special Move
cannot be used against a Ranged attack from Range

Furthermore, the
defender has to have rolled
high enough Control to use
the move used in the
Response. This is also the
case if the combatant has
suffered from Hit Stun and
has reduced Control. If Hit
Stun causes the loss of the
characters action, he
cannot use any Defensive
Jinking Response.
Anti-Air/Juggle Response:
If the attacker jumped 2
Ranges before attacking
with a Basic Move, or used
a Special Move with the
Aerial Element, or simply
jumped 3 Ranges toward
the defender, and ends his
movement at Range 0 or
Range 1, a defender can
interrupt with any move
that has the Juggle or AntiAir Element. If the attacker
temporarily becomes the
attacker until the Juggle or
Anti-Air attack is resolved.
Initiative then returns to
defender can interrupt with
a Basic Move.
If the
becomes the attacker until
the attack is resolved.
Initiative then returns to

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Counter Response: If the defender successfully
blocks an attack using the Defense Skill, he can
interrupt the normal Initiative order with a Special
Move that has the Counter Element. The current
order is interrupted, and the defender temporarily
becomes the attacker until the Counter attack is
resolved. Initiative then returns to normal. Unlike
almost all other Defensive Responses, the Counter
Response is based on the Defense Skill, rather than
the Tactics Skill. However, any game effect that
prevents a character from using Tactics as a
defensive option also prevents the use of the
Counter Response.
Evade Ranged Response: If being attacked with a
Special Move with the Ranged Element, a defender
can interrupt with any Special Move that has the
Evade Ranged Element. If the attacker misses, the
defender temporarily becomes the attacker until the
Evade Ranged Attack is resolved. Initiative then
returns to normal.
Interrupt Response: A defender can interrupt with
any Special Move that has the Interrupt Element. If
the attacker misses, the defender temporarily
becomes the attacker until the Interrupt attack is
resolved. Initiative then returns to normal. The
Interrupt Response is based on Tactics, while the
Counter Response is based on the Defense Skill.
Jinking Response: Instead of using the Evasion Skill
to evade an attack, the defender can use the Tactics
Skill instead. The Accuracy bonus from the Hard to
Evade Element applies to this attack, even though
Tactics is used for the Defense Total rather than
Evasion. If the attacker misses, the defender must
move away one Range. This Defensive Response


has no effect against Ranged moves, unless the

Jinking moves the defender out of the range of the
attack (e.g., if the Ranged move also had the Short
Range Liability).
Priority Response: A defender can interrupt with
any Special Move that has the Priority Element.
Contrary to all other Defensive Responses, this
interruption occurs regardless if the attacker misses
or not, but the defender can only use half (round
down) of his Tactics Skill when determining his
Defense Total. The defender temporarily becomes
the attacker until the Priority Attack is resolved.
However, in the case of a Priority Response, all
effects of both attacks are suffered by both
combatants (i.e., damage, Knock Back, Knock
Down, and Stunning). In other words, the attacks
are considered simultaneous, rather than the
defender actually interrupting the attacker.
Initiative then returns to normal.
Ranged Response: If being attacked with a Special
Move with the Ranged Element, one can respond
with a Special Move with the Ranged Element. This
works differently than other Defensive Responses.
In this case, the Ki Skill simply replaces the Defense
Skill in the Defense Total calculation, rather than the
Tactics Skill, as is the case with most other
Defensive Responses. However, any game effect
that prevents a character from using Tactics as a
defensive option also prevents the use of the
Ranged Response.
Reversal Response: If the defender does not have
Initiative and is attacked just as he has stood up on
the turn following being Knocked Down, he can
interrupt with any move that has the Reversal
Element. If the attacker misses, the defender
temporarily becomes the attacker until the Reversal
attack is resolved. However, if the Reversal attack
misses, the defender suffers a two die size penalty

on Initiative on the following turn. Regardless of whether the Reversal attack hits or misses, Initiative then
returns to normal for the current turn after it is resolved. See the description of the Element in Chapter 4 for
more details about using the Reversal Element.
Throw Response: If the attacker attempts to attack at Range 0, a defender can interrupt with any Special
Move that has the Throw Element. If the attacker misses, the defender temporarily becomes the attacker
until the Throw is resolved. Initiative then returns to normal.

Dashes and Back Dashes

Two very common campaign options in fighting games are the ability to Dash forward or to perform a
Back Dash. One or both may be permissible in the campaign at the Directors discretion.
A Dash allows a combatant to move forward 2 Ranges and attack with a Basic Move for a cost of 2 FS.
Unlike a jumping Basic, however, a Dash is not subject to the Anti-Air/Juggle Defensive Response.
Because a character can only spend as much FS as his Power Level in any given instance, this means
that a PL 1 character cannot use this option even if the campaign allows it.
In addition, if a combatant is at Range 2 or 1 from his opponent, and then chooses to advance 1 Range
(to either Range 1 or 0), and spends 1 FS to perform a Dash, he receives a +1 Accuracy bonus. At Range
0, this stacks with the +1 Accuracy for attacking at Range 0.
A Back Dash is a modifier to the Jinking Defensive Response. If a combatant chooses in advance to use
this response against an attack, he can spend 2 FS to perform a Back Dash. This provides a +4 bonus to
the Defense Total. If successful, the combatant moves back 2 Ranges rather than 1. As noted above,
because a character can only spend as much FS as his Power Level in any given instance, a PL 1
character cannot use this option even if the campaign allows it.
In addition, a combatant can use a Back Dash in conjunction with the Evasion Skill. For 1 FS, the
combatant gains a +2 bonus to his Defense Total while using Evasion, but if the attack misses, the
combatant must move away 2 Ranges.

Effects of a Successful Attack

The damage inflicted by a successful attack is
determined by the moves damage, modified by two
factors. A moves damage is based on what kind of
move it is. A Basic Move has a base damage of 1d4.

A Special Move has a base damage of 1d6. A Super

Move has a base damage of 1d8. A Special or Super
Move with the Ranged Element instead determines
base damage according to the characters Ki Skill
(see the description of the Ranged Element in
Chapter 4). This base damage may be modified by
the Increased Damage Element or the Decreased

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Damage Liability.
An attacks base damage is then modified by the attackers Strength, increasing or decreasing a number of
die sizes equal to the characters Strength Basic Quality. Strength does not modify an attack with the
Ranged Element. The damage is then also modified by the defenders Stamina, decreasing or increasing a
number of die sizes equal to the defenders Stamina Basic Quality. A positive Stamina decreases damage,
while a negative Stamina increases damage. The characters Damage Bonus (if any) is also added to
damage. Combos and certain other Elements may also affect damage.
The damage rolled is subtracted from the opponents Life Bar. When Life Bar reaches 0, the character is
defeated and no longer able to fight. This often means that the character has been knocked unconscious,
but depending on the circumstances of the fight and the needs of the story, a defeated character may
simply be too exhausted to continue fighting at the moment, or the character may be seriously injured and
in need of hospitalization. In some very rare cases, the Director may even declare that the defeat of a
character means his death (see Defeat, Death, and Healing).

Why Random Damage Rolls?

Fight!s source material is the world of fighting video games. In a video game, there is little or
nothing in the mechanics of the world that is actually random, aside from the actions of the players
of the game. So, then, why are there so many random elements in the combat system of Fight!? In
large part, this is to represent the dozens of minute conditions that may apply in a software
programs adjudication of a situation in-game without requiring rules for such in the tabletop game
that would require as much mechanical complexity as a program.
But even so, one might ask, why use random rolls for more easily controlled data, like the damage of
attacks? In most fighting video games, very little (if anything, depending on the game) can modify
the damage of an attack. Every time it hits, it has the same effect on an opponents Life Bar.
However, this doesnt translate as well to a role-playing game. There are several reasons for this.
First and foremost, rolling dice is part of what makes a fight scene in a game fun for most people.
Second, the random effect of damage compensates for several other mechanical elements in the
program that would be less fun or too complicated to play out. Random damage accounts for such
things as increased damage from counter hits, the fact that Fight!s combat system does not account
for block damage, which is a common part of most fighting games, and the possibility that there
are also other random Basic Move hits that occur between combatants that are simply not resolved
(especially in a long Time Count for a turn). Simply put, standardized damage would be more
accurate to the source material, but ultimately not as easy or as fun to play.


Hit Stun
Any attack that does damage to a character who has
not yet acted on the turn also inflicts Hit Stun on the
combatant. This is to be distinguished from
Stunning, which is a more serious effect of some
attacks (see Stunning). Hit Stun temporarily stops
the combatant, often preventing him from acting. If
the combatant has already acted this turn, he does
not suffer Hit Stun when struck.
The effect of Hit Stun is to reduce the Control of the
combatant. His Control drops by four points or it is
reduced to half (round down), whichever is lower. If
this drops Control to zero or less, the combatant
loses his action for the turn. If he has any Control
remaining, he can still act, though he is limited to
choosing attacks based on his new Control total and
his movement is limited. Instead of an attack, he
can still choose to Refocus or Power Up, but not
Await Opening.
If the combatant who has suffered Hit Stun has
Control remaining and wishes to move, it costs 1 FS,
in addition to any other FS costs associated with
movement. For example, if the combatant wanted
to use a Special Move with the Mobile Element to
move 2 Ranges, it would cost 2 FS one for moving
2 Ranges and one for moving after suffering Hit
Stun. In this example, a PL 1 character could not do
this, as he can only spend FS up to his Power Level in
any given instance.
If a combatant has Control remaining after suffering
Hit Stun, he can also choose not to move or act at
all. In this case, his Control roll increases by two die
sizes on the following turn at no cost.
If a combatant is Knocked Down or Stunned by an
attack, he does not suffer the effects of Hit Stun. He
automatically loses his action if he has not yet acted,

regardless of his Control. See the relevant sections

for additional details.

Simplifying Hit Stun

The additional calculation to reduce Control after
being struck might be confusing or slow down
combat too much for some groups. As an easier
way to adjudicate Hit Stun, the Director can
simply declare that a combatant who suffers Hit
Stun loses their action for the turn. This optional
rule is especially appropriate for battles featuring
multiple combatants.

Knock Back
Any attack that does damage also knocks the
opponent back 1 Range away from the attacker. A
character will never be Knocked Back to Range 5. A
character at Range 4 who is successfully attacked
remains at Range 4.
Knock Back does not occur after each hit during a
Combo. At the end of the Combo, the opponent is
Knocked Back 1 Range.
A character who suffers damage from a Throw
moves back 1 Range out of Range 0 to Range 1 away
from the combatant who used the Throw attack,
even though they were Knocked Down as a result of
the attack. This does not apply if the Throw also has
the Hurl Element. In this case, there is no Knock
A character who was hit by a Special Move with the
Increased Knockback Element or by a Combo that
includes a Special Move with the Launcher Element
is Knocked Back two Ranges instead of one.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Knock Down
A Fighter is Knocked Down when
he is successfully attacked by an
attack that includes the Knocks
Down Element.
After being
Knocked Down, he must use his
action for the turn to stand up
instead of moving or attacking.
The normal effects of Hit Stun do
not apply in this case, and he can
still stand even if he was using
Total Defense. On the following
turn, the Fighter reduces his die
size for Initiative by one. The Total
Defense bonus does not apply (if
If a Fighter who has been Knocked
Down has already acted this turn,
he must use his next action on the
following turn to do so. In this
case, there is no penalty to
Initiative. A combatant who was
using Full Defense has effectively
already used his action for the turn
and so must also use his action on
the following turn to stand up. A
character who has been Knocked
Down and who also subsequently
gets Initiative cannot hold and
delay standing up; he stands up
automatically when it is his turn to
act. The Director can choose to change this rule as a
campaign option.
At the same time, however, a character who has
been Knocked Down cannot be attacked. An
opponent with Initiative wishing to attack a

character who is still Knocked Down must hold and

wait until his opponent stands before attacking
again. This is the case even if the combatants have
simultaneous Initiative. Special attacks and options
to allow attacks against Knocked Down opponents
will be included in future supplements.
If a character Knocks Down his opponent, he may


choose to move 1 Range towards or away from his opponent.
If a character is Knocked Down while holding his action, he loses this held action and must use his next
action on the following turn to stand up. If two combatants are Knocked Down simultaneously, they each
lose their next actions.

Breakfalls and Tech Rolls

Two common campaign options that affect the rules for Knock Down are Breakfalls and Tech Rolls.
One or both may be permissible in the campaign at the Directors discretion.
Both of these options presume that the defender failed to avoid the attack that caused the Knock
Down effect. A character cannot just choose to Tech Roll as a reaction to an attack that missed or to
one that hit but did not cause a Knock Down. The FS cost to perform either of these is 2. If a campaign
is using both options, this cost must be paid twice in order to gain both effects. Because a character
can only spend as much FS as his Power Level in any given instance, this means that a PL 1 character
cannot use either of these options even if the campaign allowed them, and only a PL 4 or higher
character could use both at once if both were allowed.
A Breakfall reduces the damage inflicted to 1/2 (round up). It also eliminates the loss of the defenders
next action (whether in the current turn or in the next, as applicable) and the consequent die size
penalty to Initiative. Essentially, the Knock Down does not occur.
A Tech Roll allows 2 Ranges of movement. This movement can occur in either direction, including
through an opponent, but the movement must be 2 Ranges; the Fighter cannot choose to move only 1
Range. This movement still costs the defenders next action however, just like the effects of a normal
Knock Down. This applies even if a Breakfall is also used at the same time.

Every character has a Stun Threshold. This number
is equal to the characters Power Level + 4. If a
character takes damage to his Life Bar greater than
his Stun Threshold in a single turn (from any number
of attacks), he is Stunned.
Damage from all Super Moves, any Special Moves
with the Throw Element, and any Combo that has a
Throw as the last move of the Combo do not add
their damage when calculating whether the total

damage in a turn exceeds an opponents Stun

When a Fighter is Stunned, he loses his next two
actions. He must use his action on the present turn
to recover (Hit Stun does not apply in this case), as
well as his action on the following turn. If he has
already acted in the current turn, he must use his
next two actions on the following two turns to
recover. If the Fighter was using Total Defense when

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

he was hit by the attack that Stunned him, he does
not get the Initiative or Control bonus on the
following turn and he must still use two full actions
to recover.
Until the Stunned character can act, he cannot
contribute FS to his Defense Total, he cannot use
the Evasion or Tactics Skills to avoid attacks, and his
Defense Skill is considered to be half (round down).
Unlike being Knocked Down (see above),
combatants can continue to attack the Stunned
However, the Stunned character
immediately recovers from being Stunned after
suffering damage once and is also immune to being
Stunned again until he recovers, regardless of how
much damage he takes. However, if the character
recovers from being Stunned by taking damage, he
still loses his action for this turn, and on the
following turn, the formerly Stunned character
reduces his die size for Initiative by one.
If a character is Stunned while holding his action, he
loses his held action and must still use his next two
actions on the following turns to recover.
If a character is Knocked Down while he is Stunned,
he still stands up as his next action, even if that
action is also one of the two actions required to
recover from being Stunned. In other words, the
character stands up and begins recovering from
being Stunned with a single action. His Initiative die
is reduced by one die size on the following turn.
If two combatants are Stunned simultaneously, they
each lose their next two actions. If a combatant
recovers from being Stunned simultaneously with
an attack against him, he gets his full Defense skill,
but can still use no other defensive options and his
Stun Threshold is considered re-set to zero (i.e., he
can be Stunned again).


After a character has been Stunned, the

accumulated damage towards his Stun Threshold is
immediately re-set to zero. Once a character has
been Stunned once during a full round of combat (or
combat scene, at the Directors discretion), a
characters Stun Threshold increases by 2. If the
character should be Stunned again, the Stun
Threshold increases by another 2 (i.e., +4, +6, etc.).

Other Combat Actions

The majority of a characters actions in combat will
be movement, attacking, and recovering from
Knock Downs and Stunning. However, some other
game rules permit certain characters to take other
actions during combat. For example, a character
with a Special Move that has the Prop Liability may
take an action to pick up his Prop. The following
three non-attack actions are available to all
In order to use any of these three non-attack
options, a combatant cannot use any defensive
options during the turn besides the Defense Skill.
None of these actions can be done during
simultaneous Initiative, unless both combatants
wish to use one of these actions.
Refocus : This non-attack action can only be done
when at Range 2 or greater from any opponent. The
character re-gains FS equal to 1d4 + half of his
Power Level (round down). This cannot bring the
characters Fighting Spirit above his starting total.
This action also allows 1 Range of movement away
from the characters opponents.
Power Up: This non-attack action adds 1d6 Super
Energy to the characters Super Energy total. This
action does not allow any movement. This action
can only be performed by characters of Power Level

3 or greater.
Await Opening: This non-attack action can be done
multiple times over successive turns. Each Await
Opening action also allows 1 Range of movement
away from the characters opponents. On the turn
following one or more successful Await Opening
actions, each successful Await Opening action
increases the die size used for either Initiative or
Control by a number of die sizes equal to the
characters Power Level, up to the normal limit of
1d12. If this raises both Initiative and Control to
1d12 each, any extra die size increases remaining
become +1 Accuracy each on the characters next
attack. However, any successful hit against the
combatant while he is Awaiting Opening before he
actually takes any other action eliminates all
accumulated benefits.

Environmental Hazards

Example: Yoshiro is a Power Level 3 character with

an Initiative of 1d6 and Control of 1d6. He decides
to Await Opening and he is not hit during the turn.
On the next turn, he can choose to Await Opening or
to do something else. If he Awaits Opening again,
his Initiative for the turn remains 1d6. If he decides
to do something else, his Initiative and Control
would increase a total of three die sizes. His
Initiative could increase three die sizes, his Control
could increase three die sizes, or he could increase
each some combination of three die sizes. Yoshiro
decides to continue to Await Opening and he still
doesnt take any damage during the turn. On the
third turn, once again, if he chooses to continue to
Await Opening, his Initiative remains 1d6.
Otherwise, he could add a total of six die sizes to
Initiative and Control. This would automatically
bring both die sizes to 1d12 each. If Yoshiro
continued one more turn Awaiting Opening before
attacking, he would also get a +3 Accuracy, as his
Initiative and Control would already both be 1d12
and the extra die size increases would become
bonuses to Accuracy instead.

However, adding obstacles and especially hazards to

the battlefield can add further levels of tactical
depth to a fight. Furthermore, certain Special
Moves are useful specifically for their ability to
manipulate the positioning of the opponent. The
following rules apply to tracking various
Environmental Hazards in combat. This system is
highly abstract, but it creates new options for
movement and positioning while still eliminating
the need for any sort of game board to run

The default rules for combat assume the

combatants are fighting on a large, open,
featureless plain. No matter how they move or how
often Knock Back occurs, the combatants position
only matters in relation to one another. This is a
perfectly workable way to run combat and it keeps
things simple. Even if the scene in which the
combat occurs is not so empty, such as a busy
downtown street during rush hour, or a lab cluttered
with expensive and dangerous equipment, the
Director may deem that the environment has no
effect on combat beyond the colorful narrative
described at the end of the turn.

An Environmental Hazard is defined as any element

of a fight scene that could directly affect the
outcome of the combat. The two most common
forms of Environmental Hazards, especially in a
tournament combat setting, are walls and ring-outs.
Other possibilities might include cliffs or roof edges,
explosive devices, elevation changes, or deathtraps.
The position of all Environmental Hazards is tracked
by their Distance away from the combatants. For

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

example, the Director may declare that there are
gigantic bonfires Distance 3 away from both
combatants. It is up to the Director to decide
whether or not a particular Hazard is equidistant
from each combatant at the start of a fight. A
characters distance away from an Environmental
Hazard is recorded by the Director or the player, as
they see fit. The Director should avoid putting in too
many features that actually influence combat in a
single combat sequence. As each must be tracked
separately for each combatant, this can quickly
become unwieldy. Remember that minor terrain
features may be just a matter of description rather
than having actual game effects on the combatants.
Ranges and Distances serve similar purposes in
combat, but are not equivalent to one another.
Range is only used to describe the space between
combatants. Distance is only used to describe the
space between a combatant and an Environmental
Hazard. One can never be more than Distance 6
away from a Hazard without actually leaving the
scene of the combat.
When characters are within proximity to one
another, they also share their proximity to
Environmental Hazards. If two characters are within
Range 2 or less from one another, they are also
automatically considered to be the same Distance,
plus one, away from all Environmental Hazards in
the battle. In every case, use the closest Distance
between any particular Fighter and the
Environmental Hazard in question for this
calculation. If a character was already closer than
this calculation determines, that characters original,
closer Distance remains in effect. This calculation
occurs at the end of the turn before the Time Roll is
made, not after each characters individual
movement. The Director should create a list of


every combatant and their Distance from every

Environmental Hazard in the battle and update the
list at the end of the turn based on the combatants
current positions.
Example: Asuka is Distance 2 away from a spiked
pit. Cannon McCabe is Distance 1 away from a cliff
edge. These two characters move into Range 2 with
one another. At the end of the turn, their new
Distances to the Environmental Hazards need to be
determined. Regardless of their previous Distances,
Cannon is now considered to be Distance 3 (Asukas
Distance of 2+1) from the spiked pit and Asuka is
now considered Distance 2 (Cannons Distance of 1+
1) away from the cliff. If it had been the case that
Asuka was already Distance 1 from the cliff, she
would remain Distance 1 from the cliff at the end of
the turn; she would not suddenly move to Distance
2, because the shortest Distance away from an
Environmental Hazard is always used.
Neither a characters normal movement nor the
effects of Knock Back against him ever bring him or
his opponent closer to an Environmental Hazard
unless they explicitly say they are moving towards or
away from one. It is possible to use movement to
move closer or further away from an Environmental
Hazard while maintaining the same distance from
an opponent. In this case, the movement is simply
noted in the characters Distance from the
Environmental Hazard, while his position in relation
to other combatants does not change. The Distance
moved is equal to the movement in Ranges. For
example, a character jumping without an attack
could move 3 Distances towards or away from an
Environmental Hazard. A character can only move
towards or away from a single Environmental
Hazard during a turn.
If a character does wish to move towards or away
from an Environmental Hazard and an opponent at

Range 2 or less wishes to prevent this, a Maneuver
Check must be made. This is a contested Tactics
Skill check using 1d6 rather than 1d10. The winner
of this check succeeds in moving or preventing his
opponents movement, as appropriate. A character
can also use a Maneuver Check to direct his Knock
Back of an opponent towards an Environmental
Hazard. The opponent is allowed a contested Skill
check even if he is Knocked Down or Stunned, as the
Maneuver Check represents movement on the part
of both combatants for ideal positioning before the
attack even hits.

Effects of Environmental Hazards

An Environmental Hazard affects a character once
he is Distance 0 away from it. The specific effects of
this depend on the Hazard.
Many forms of Environmental Hazards simply do
damage to a combatant and have no other effect.
The standard damage is 1d6 + the highest PL of any
of the combatants involved in the combat, though
the Director can modify this damage as appropriate
for his setting. After suffering damage, the
character is Knocked Back 1 Distance away from the
Environmental Hazard that caused the damage.
More specific effects of Environmental Hazards
depend on the nature of the Hazard. The following
examples all add a vertical dimension to combat. As
a general rule applying to any condition that
removes a character from combat, when the
character re-joins combat, he is considered to be at
a Range away from other combatants equal to the
Distance those combatants are from the
Environmental Hazard that took the character out of
the fight.

knocked Cannon off a cliff with his Unleash the

Storm ki attack. At the time of the attack, Koichiro
was Distance 3 from the cliff. On the following turn,
Koichiro doesnt move and Cannon leaps back up
onto the cliff edge. At that point, Cannon is
Distance 2 from the cliff (see below) and Range 3
away from Koichiro (the same Distance as Koichiro
is from the cliff).
Pits: Falling into a Pit does damage to the character.
The character is considered out of combat until he
escapes from the Pit. A character can spend an
action to leap out of a Pit, unless the Director
declares the Pit too deep, in which case the
character remains out of the fight. Once out of the
Pit, the character is at Distance 2 from the
Environmental Hazard.
Elevation Changes: An Elevation Change can be
defined as either higher or lower than the
surrounding terrain. When a character reaches
Distance 0, they are assumed to be on the higher or
lower elevation (as appropriate). This represents a
change of no more than a few feet. A character
fighting from a higher elevation does +1 damage to
an opponent at a lower elevation. A character
fighting from a lower elevation has a +2 bonus to
Evade opponents at a higher elevation, but only if he
chooses not to move with a successful Evasion.
These two effects occur concurrently; a combatant
who moves to a higher elevation gains the damage
bonus, but a combatant targeting him gains the
benefits of lower elevation.
Major Elevation Changes: A battle arena may have
height differences in it that are much more
significant, such as a cliff or rooftop. At Distance 0,
a character either falls off to a lower Elevation
Change or is backed against the wall of a higher

Example: Cannon McCabe is battling Koichiro in a

desolate mountainous region. Koichiro has just

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Elevation Change. In the former case, the character
suffers Environmental Hazard damage from the fall.
In the latter case, the character is treated as if he
was against a Wall (see below).
A character is always presumed to be able to take
an action to jump down to a lower Elevation
Change. It is up to the Director to decide
whether or not a character can take an
action to jump up a Major Elevation
Change. In either case, the
considered Distance 2
Hazard. Characters
who have been
affected by a Major
Elevation Change
considered out of combat with
the exceptions noted below. If
another character follows the
character who has been affected by the
Environmental Hazard, the two combatants may
continue combat on their own away from other
It is up to the Director to decide whether or not a
character at Distance 1 can leap down onto an
opponent within Distance 2 of the lower elevation of
this Environmental Hazard. This must be either a
leaping Basic Move or a Special Move with both the
Aerial Element and the Mobile Element allowing 2
Ranges of movement before an attack. This attack
does +1 damage, but the attack also has 2
Accuracy. Regardless of whether or not the attack
hits, the attacker is considered to be at Range 1 from


the opponent before Knock

Back and the same Distance
from the Environmental
Hazard as the defender. A
Special Move with
the Ranged Element
opponent who is
either above or below
the attacker, but the
Range is considered to
be one further away.
There is no effect on
either Accuracy or damage in this case.

Walls and Ring-Outs

Two of the most common Environmental
Hazards are the walls of an arena or fighting
space, or the possibility of falling out of the
fighting area and thus out of the fight.
Ring-Outs are different than the Major
Elevation Changes discussed above. In the
case of elevation changes, there is the
presumption that the battle continues in
the new location. In the case of a Ring-Out,
once an opponent falls out of the fighting
space, the battle is over. This is usually
because the fight is a tournament fight
and those are the tournament rules a
combatant who leaves the ring
automatically loses the fight. However,
a Ring-Out might mean that the
combatant has fallen miles to his
mysterious fate, unable to be
followed, or perhaps stepping off the
platform shifts the combatant to
another dimension. The Director
might just use rules for Ring-Outs as
a simplified form of elevation change, noting that

once a combatant has fallen a significant distance, it
is impractical for the story to continue the fight.
Walls and Ring-Outs are set up like any other
Environmental Hazard: they are assumed to be a
certain Distance away from the combatants at the
beginning of the fight. However, because they mark
specific boundaries of the field of combat, the
effects of movement in regard to them are different
than other Environmental Hazards.
Walls and Ring-Outs are an exception to the above
rule that re-calculates the Distance to an
Environmental Hazard based on the proximity of
combatants to one another at the end of the turn.
Walls and Ring-Outs always remain at the same
Distance from any given character unless movement
or Knock Back specifically changes this, according to
the following rules.
If the environment features Walls or Ring-outs,
Knock Back always moves the opponent 1 Distance
towards this feature unless the attacker specifically
uses a Maneuver Check to prevent it or if neither
combatant wishes to move towards the Wall or
Ring-Out. This is in addition to the normal Knock
Back of 1 Range away from the opponent. If both
options exist (e.g., an arena with two walled sides
and two open sides), Knock Back does not move one
towards either feature without a Maneuver Check.
If a combatant moves through an opponent (i.e.,
from Range 1 to Range 0 back to Range 1 again on
the other side of the opponent), he can choose to
exchange his Distance from a Wall or Ring-Out with
his opponents.
Example: Asuka is Distance 3 from a Ring-Out.
Duke Diesel is only Distance 1. The two characters
are at Range 1. Despite this close Range, Asuka is
not considered to be Distance 2 from a Ring-Out

because Walls and Ring-Outs are exempt from the

proximity rule for Environmental Hazards (see
above). Duke is thus much closer to a Ring-Out.
Therefore, Duke chooses to move towards his
opponent by jumping 3 Ranges. This makes the new
Range 2 (forward to Range 0, through the opponent
to Range 1 on the other side, and then onward to
Range 2). As Duke has moved through his
opponent, he can choose to switch Distances with
his opponent regarding the Ring-Out Environmental
Hazard, which he wishes to do. Now Asuka is
Distance 1 from a Ring-Out, while Duke is now
Distance 3.

Effects of Walls and Ring-Outs

Walls: A character at Distance 0 from a Wall is
against the Wall. Opponents at Range 0 or Range 1
receive +1 Accuracy on all attacks. A Special Move
with the Juggle Element does an additional +2
damage to a character against a Wall. Knock Back
has no effect against a combatant at Distance 0
from a Wall; his Range away from his opponents
stays the same after being hit. Some campaigns
may use the option that Knocking Back an opponent
into a Wall also causes a Knock Down. Instead of or
in addition to Knock Down, Knocking Back an
opponent into a Wall may also cause damage (if the
Walls are electrified, for example).
In many 2-D fighting games, there are walls on
either side of the screen, even though the
background does not show any walls. Getting an
opponent into the corner of the screen is often a
sound tactic for victory. The Director can set up
these arbitrary walls in a normal, non-walled
fighting arena if he desires. The rules are the same
as for normal Walls.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Ring-Outs: A character at Distance 0 from the
edge of an arena incurs a Ring-Out. As noted
above, the specific effects of this vary with the
nature of the Ring-Out. For example, the character
may fall a few feet off the raised floor of the official
tournament arena, or he may fall off a 1000-foot
cliff. In most cases where Ring-Outs are an
Environmental Hazard, suffering a Ring-Out means
losing the tournament fight, regardless of how
much Life Bar the character has remaining.
Corners: In addition to Walls, a separate
Environmental Hazard can be defined as a Corner.
Any movement or Knock Back towards a Wall can
also simultaneously be towards or away from a
Corner. Unlike a Wall, however, a Maneuver Check
is necessary to Knock Back an opponent towards a
Corner. If a character is at Distance 0 from both a
Wall and a Corner at the same time, attacks
against the character receive an additional +1
Accuracy over the normal +1 Accuracy for fighting
against a Wall. The same Knock Back rules for
Walls also apply. Furthermore, a character in a
Corner has a 2 on any Maneuver Check to move
away from the Corner. A character that is at
Distance 0 from a Corner but not a Wall suffers no
particular effects; Corners only modify the effects
of Walls.
Danger Zones: As a variant on Ring-Outs, fighting
arenas may have an explosive, electrical, or
magical border to them. This replaces the normal
effects of a Ring-Out. Once at Distance 0, if a
character suffers a Knock Down in this area, he
suffers damage from the Environmental Hazard.
The character then stays at Distance 0. Unlike
normal Environmental Hazards, the character is
not Knocked Back away from the Danger Zone by
the Hazards damage. The character must move


away from the Danger Zone to avoid its effects. As a

variant, an entire arena could be a Danger Zone,
causing additional damage every time a character
suffers a Knock Down.
Movement and Knock Back are considered differently
if the Danger Zone is a ring around the normal arena.
If a combatant is at Distance 0 from a Danger Zone
and is then Knocked Back, his distance is then
recorded as being away from the main arena, as if the
normal arena were an Environmental Hazard.
Furthermore, anyone wishing to close with the
combatant must willingly move towards the Danger
Zone and, once at Distance 0 from the Danger Zone,
must also measure Distance away from the main
arena. A further complication could be added by
including a Wall at the edge of the Danger Zone,
requiring the Director to keep track of Distance from
both the arena proper and the Walls for characters
stuck in the Danger Zone.
Example: Miriya is at Distance 0 from the Danger
Zone. Akiko closes with her to Range 0 and kicks her
back 2 Ranges and 2 Distances with an attack with the
Increased Knock Back Element. Miriyas player now
records the fact that she is Distance 2 from the safe
arena floor. She continues to suffer the effects of the
Danger Zone if she is Knocked Down. However, if
Akiko wishes to close from Range 2, her movement
also automatically brings her closer in Distance to the
Danger Zone Environmental Hazard. So she closes to
Range 0 again, which automatically also moves her 2
Distances closer to the Danger Zone. This situation
will continue until both of them are back in the main
arena once again.

Simplified Walls and Ring-Outs
If a grid is being used to determine the
parameters of an arena (i.e., a grid with six bands
on which all of the combatants are located), the
grid can also be used to define the location of
Walls or Ring-Outs.
Instead of tracking
Distances for individual combatants, the Wall or
Ring-Out is simply located at either edge of the
grid. Thus, if an opponent is Knocked Back off
either edge, instead of shifting all the
combatants to keep everyone on the grid, the
character that has been Knocked Back is
considered to be against the Wall or has suffered
a Ring-Out. It should be noted, however, that
hitting Walls and suffering Ring-Outs will be
extremely common using this method.

Defeat, Death, and Healing

As noted above in the section on damage, a
character who is reduced to 0 Life Bar has been
defeated. While this normally means the character
is unconscious, it is up to the Director to decide
exactly what defeated means. In many cases, a
player character will simply be too exhausted to
continue fighting when they are defeated. If they
are knocked unconscious, they will regain
consciousness when it is dramatically appropriate
for the story. On the other hand, if an important
NPC friend is defeated in combat, the Director may
decide that he is laid up in the hospital, struggling to
recover from a broken back. This can serve to
motivate the heroes to seek revenge on their
friends behalf. So the definition of defeat
depends on the needs of the story.

Bar recovers in Fight! The default presumption is

that characters have full Life Bars at the beginning
of each fight and at the beginning of each round of a
multi-round fight as well. This keeps things simple
and is certainly faithful to the video game source
material, in which each character begins a new
round with a full Life Bar, no matter how badly one
was beaten in the round before. After all, the
characters are supposed to be larger than life
One will also note that there is absolutely no
possibility of death in the rules as written. A
defeat defined as death should only occur when it
benefits the story and the campaign as a whole. It
should be very rare that an NPC Fighter dies
definitively. Player character death should never
occur, unless it has been mutually agreed on by both
the Director and the player for the sake of the
campaign as a whole. On the other hand, depending
on the seriousness of the campaign, innocents and
non-Fighter NPCs can be liberally maimed,
hospitalized, and killed as necessary to keep the
drama level melodramatically high.

There are no formal rules for the rate at which Life

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Optional Rules for Slower Recovery
For some players, the default rule may not be
realistic enough. Furthermore, fast and full
healing eliminates the possibility of one
common dramatic device in martial arts
storytelling: Im still reeling from that last
encounter; how will I survive this one? If
desired, the Director can use the following rules
for recovering Life Bar between fights.
After a fight (either a round of combat or as
defined by the Director), a character recovers
Life Bar and Fighting Spirit equal to his Stamina
+ his Defense Bonus + his Power Level
(minimum 1). If the character gets eight hours
of rest of at least moderate quality, he will
recover all of his Fighting Spirit and his Life Bar
will recover an additional number of points
equal to his Power Level. Fighting Spirit can
also be recovered with Serene Meditation. Each
hour of meditation will recover Fighting Spirit
equal to the Skill check, divided by 4 (round
down). Of course, after an hour or two, the
Director should feel free to interrupt the
characters meditations with gratuitous combat!
The purpose of these rules is to increase the
tension of the story. They are best used when
the Director has a well-balanced series of
encounters he wishes the heroes to fight
through and he wants to encourage smarter,
more conservative combat. On the other hand,
if the Director has one or more encounters
planned that are meant to really tax the limits of
the heroes, they should be allowed full recovery
after each fight.

Team Combat
The fundamental structure of fighting video games
is based on one-on-one combat. On the other hand,
the most common structure of a tabletop roleplaying game involves a number of characters allied
with one another, acting as a team. This can be
difficult when it comes to combat in Fight! It is
usually not much fun for other players to wait
around for their chance to engage in a one-on-one
combat during a tournament, even if the Director
makes an effort to continue the story with
backstage events involving the other PCs while
one of them is in the ring.
On the other hand, combat scenes involving
multiple combatants on each side have their own set
of difficulties. They tend to be more complicated
and a little longer to resolve. They sometimes fail to
highlight a characters particular combat tricks and
tactics, designed for one-on-one combat. And
perhaps most significantly, they dont correspond to
the traditional pattern of the genre that inspired this
role-playing game in the first place.
This section of the combat rules provides a series of
alternatives that allow more than one player
character to be involved in combat at the same
time, without necessarily resorting to the full mass
melee of team-on-team combat. These patterns all
conveniently conform to patterns found in fighting
video games as well.
There are two basic formations for team combat
found in traditional fighting video games. Either of
these can be used as an alternative to whole teams
of characters fighting at the same time. The two
formations are an alternative method of team
combat and tag team combat.
Even though these formations are usually intended


for tournament combat, there is nothing to restrict
the Director from coming up with reasons why these
formats are used in non-tournament combat. One
of the easiest ways to justify these forms of team
combat outside of a formal arena is the conventions
of the martial arts genre itself: martial artists often
choose the glory of one-on-one combat, and their
allies often support this choice, even when their
friend is being badly beaten. Only when their friend
actually calls for their support do they enter the

enters combat in the exact same position, both in

terms of Range from opponents and Distance from
any Environmental Hazards. The new teammate
also immediately rolls Initiative and Control and
enters the turn sequence (though they cannot spend
FS to modify these rolls). If the entering character
rolled a higher Initiative than any Fighters remaining
who have not yet acted, the entering character acts
immediately. Once the switch occurs, Initiative
continues as normal.

The second formation is two or three person tag

teams. Full rules for tag teams are presented in the
next section.

The Switch action can also be used at the end of a

Combo. This counts as an L2 Special Move for
determining the Control cost and Accuracy penalty
of the Combo. If the Combo misses, however, the
switch still occurs. If the Combo hits, however, and
the new character gains Initiative and is able to act
immediately and then chooses to Combo, the new
Combo gains a +2 Accuracy bonus. The Switch
action can be put at the end of a Combo as often as
desired in a single turn, provided each subsequent
Combo hits. Thus, it is possible to string together a
number of Combos with Switches in them in a single
turn, as the two teammates take turns attacking the

Tag Team Combat

Example of Combat

A Tag Team combat is a battle in which only one

team member is fighting at any time, but a
combatant can immediately call on his partner to
jump in and take his place while he recovers on the
sidelines. In future supplements, there will be
additional options to allow both partners to be
involved at once, although only in certain

Rei Oshiro, scion to a family tradition sworn to

defend a particular set of mystic artifacts from
falling into the hands of those who would use them
for selfish ends, has confronted Dr. Jason Battle,
occult-trained relic hunter in an ancient
underground city. The ruins are the resting place of
an enormous Demon Stone, capable of
transforming the world if properly activated and
focused. Battle wants the stone to fulfill his goals,
while Oshiro plans to guard the stones resting
place. Both Rei and Battle are Power Level 3.

The first formation is simply the use of two or three

person teams. In this case, combat is conducted like
normal one-on-one combat. The winner of a round
stays to fight the next team member on the
opposing team, but in between rounds, he regains
Life Bar equal to his Power Level + [Time Remaining/
10] before facing the next fighter.
In this
arrangement, the team with fighters remaining wins
the match.

Tag Team fights allow an additional non-attack

action: Switching Teammates. By using this action
in place of movement or an attack, teammates can
instantly switch places in the arena. The teammate

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Director: This underground cavern is brimming with
ambient ki energy. You can feel that your opposing
spirits are strong enough to de-stabilize the entire
ruins! Well start at Range 3. The Time Count will be
set at 99.
Rei: What happens at zero?

Hunter Kick is Mobile, so I spend 1 FS to move 2

Ranges to Range 1.
Director: Okay. Battle chooses to Evade. He has a
Defense Bonus of 1 and a Skill level of 2, so thats 3. Ill
put two Fighting Spirit into it because hes ready for
the attack. Thats a Defense Total 5. So you need to
roll a 5 or better.

Director: Bad things. De-stabilizing things. Maybe

crushed under mountains of rock kinds of things.
Okay, time for Initiative. Dr. Battle will be spending
1 FS to add to his Initiative.

Rei: Okay, cool. My Accuracy for this 5-hit Combo is 1

for the kick, 1 for having more Control than I needed,
and 1 for my own Accuracy bonus. So, +3.

Rei: I have 1d6 for Initiative and 1d8 for Control and
a +1 Control Bonus.

Director: Thats a difficult Combo though; a 5-hit

Combo gets you a -1.

Rei: Okay, so +2. Ill spend two Fighting Spirit for a

Director: Good! Battle has a d10 for Initiative, but
since hes using a point of Fighting Spirit, hell have a total of +4. I guess I dont need to roll. Pow! This
ends here, Jason! We determine whos the best right
d12 instead. He has 1d6 for Control. Lets roll it.
now! My damage is 1d6+1 for the Demon Hunter
Kick, but my Strength increases it to 1d8+1. What
Rei: 5 for Initiative and 8 for Control.
about Battles Stamina?
Director: A 1 for Initiative! Crap! And... 5 for Control.
Director: Actually, its a 1, so your damage increases
Rei, you go first then.
to 1d10+1.
Rei: Okay, I have 8 Control to work with. Not bad.
Im definitely going to begin with a Combo. Ill start Rei: Awesome! I also get +4 for the 4 Basic Moves I
stuck on, so 1d10+5!
with my Demon Hunter Kick. Its L3. Then Ill add
four more Basic Moves for a 5-hit Combo. Thats 7 of
Director: Looks right - roll it!
my 8 Control.
Director: Not spending that last point?

Rei: A 5! 10 points damage!

Rei: Nope.

Director: Wow! Battle is down to 40 Life Bar already.

He gets Knocked Back to Range 2. Hes not Knocked
Down, is he?

Director: Why not?

Rei: I want the Accuracy bonus. Oh, I need to move
first. I forgot we were at Range 3. The Demon


Rei: No, the Demon Hunter Kick doesnt Knock Down.

Director: Well, thats something. But thats also more
damage than Battles Stun Threshold, so hes Stunned.
This is not going well for the good doctor! This is the

first hit of the
battle, so Rei,
you get 3
Spirit back,
the same as
your Power
Level. Battle
has to use his
turn to begin
from being
Thats it. So
thats the
turn - Rei
leapt forward
ambient ki
trailing behind him as he flew through the air. The
first kick landed, then he twisted his hips to land
another kick while still in the air, and as he came to
land on his feet followed up with flurry of punches.
All the blows landed, sending the relic hunter reeling
back across the pulsing rocks of the ruins.
Rei: I get Glory, right?

Rei: Im totally
pressing this
advantage! Im
spending 1 FS on
both Initiative
and Control.
That gives me
1d8 and 1d10.
Director: Battle
spends Fighting
Spirit on
Initiative too,
keeping his 1d12.
Lets roll.
Rei: Crap!
Initiative 2,
Control 7.
Director: Initiative 9! I rolled Control 4, but that
doesnt really matter this turn. It looks like Dr.
Battle catches a break through a momentary lapse
in Reis concentration. Time to get back into the
fight! But I have to use this action to recover from
being Stunned too. At least Battle will have the
benefit of his full defensive capabilities for the
remainder of the turn.

Director: Yeah, 8 Glory this turn: 3 for using a Level

three move (the Demon Hunter Kick) and 5 more for
hitting with a 5-hit Combo. You also get 3 Super
Energy (1 for the turn, 1 for the Special Move, and 1
for the successful Combo). Battle gets 2 Super
Energy (1 for the turn and 1 for suffering Life Bar

Rei: Im still bummed that Im not going to be able to

annihilate this guy quickly. Oh, well. You know
what? Im going for the same Combo I had planned
anyway. Im starting with the Airwalk Fist and then
Im adding three more Basic Moves. Thats 7
Control, just what I rolled.

Rei: How long was that? Im worried about these


Director: OK, I should choose to go on Total Defense

at this pointbut wheres the guts in that? Im
going to use Tactics for defense. With my Defense

Director: Not long at all. A 3. The Time Count drops

from 99 to 96. Next turn!

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Bonus and another 3 FS, Battles Defense Total is 6.

Total is 3.

Rei: OK, let me see if I can figure out my Accuracy

for this. The Airwalk Fist has no mod, and I have my
+1 Accuracy Bonus. I get 1 for attempting a 5-hit
Combo, right? So thats a +0 total.

Director: OK. A Basic Move has +0 Accuracy, but I

get a +1 because I have more Control than I need for
the attack. Hey! It looks like my Control mattered
after all!

Director: Nope. You never moved and youre still at

Range 2.

Rei: Yeah, but youre attacking at Range 2 too.


Rei: I cant move when using the Airwalk Fist. Can I

attack at this Range?

Director: Yes, yes. OK, so thats a 1. Right now, I

have a +0 Accuracy, and Battle spends 2 FS, so he
has a +2. So I dont need to roll to hit.

Director: Yes, but attacking at Range 2 has another

1 Accuracy, so you have a 1 to hit.
Rei: OK. Ill spend 3 FS on Accuracy. So I get a total
+2. [Rolls] A 3. 5 total a miss.
Director: Had Battle just used Defense, your attack
simply would have missed. But he used Tactics,
which means I get to choose a Defensive Response
to use on Rei. Right now, I can only use the Basic
Response or Jinking. Im going to use the Basic
Response and see if I cant get a simple jab to strike

Rei: So I suffer the humiliation of both missing and

getting hit in response?
Director: Yup. The damage is only 1d4 for a Basic
Move, but Battle has a +1 Damage Bonus. His
Strength and your Stamina are both 0, so theres no
modifier for that. I guess thats it. [Rolls] Four
points of damage.
Rei: My Life Bar drops to 46. Knock Back?

Director: Down, my soon-to-be-struck opponent.

So thats a 1.

Director: Yes, so we are now at Range 3. No Knock

Down, no Stunning. Shaking the stars out of his
eyes, Battles vision clears just in time to see Reis
body tensing up for a powerful uppercut. Acting on
instinct honed from hundreds of precarious
situations in his long career, Dr. Battle throws a
quick kick into Reis side. Rei tumbles to the ground
and rolls back to his feet, ready to re-engage.
Youre not ready to take me on, Oshiro! Ive learned
techniques you couldnt even imagine! No one
earns Glory this turn you missed and Battle only
used a Basic Move. But you do get 3 more Super
Energy. Battle gets only one more.

Rei: Yikes. Ill spend 2 FS on defense. My Defense

Rei: Time Roll?

Rei: OK, how do I figure my Defense Total against

this? Is it the same as a normal attack?
Director: No. Because youre defending against a
Defensive Response, you only get to use the
Defense Skill, and your skill level is halved.
Rei: I have a 3 Defense. Do I round up or down?

Director: Wow! Only a 1. Busy turn! Down to 95.


Ready for next turn?
Rei: Lets do this. Were back at Range 3, just like we
started. Im not spending any Fighting Spirit on
Initiative or Control.
Director: OK, neither am I. Lets roll.
Rei: Initiative 4, Control 2. Great.
Director: Initiative 5, Control 1. Not much better.
Battle has Initiative. Im going to advance 1 Range
and stop. Were now at Range 2.
Rei: Why did you do that?
Director: Well, really, its none of your business,
butwe both rolled lousy Control, so probably not
much is going to happen this turn, so Im going to
set up for next turn. Plus I get a +1 to my Defense
Totals this turn for moving 1 Range and not
Rei: Well see how this works out. Im also moving
forward 1 Range to Range 1 and attacking with a
Basic Move. I have more Control than I need, so I
get a +1 Accuracy.
Director: Good. Battle is going to use his Evasion
Skill. He has a Skill level of 2, plus his Defense
Bonus, and he once again is going to spend 3 FS on
defense. Defense Total of 7.
Rei: 7? Wow. +1 Accuracy for Control and +1 for my
Accuracy Bonus, and3 more FS. +5 should do it.
[Rolls] Crap! Another 1! I missed!
Director: The ki energy in this place must be aligned
against you. Battles Evasion is successful.

Director: A successful Evasion means either he can

move out of the way or take an Accuracy bonus on
his next attack. Ill be doing the latter. So not much
really happened this turn. Battle cautiously moved
forward, sizing you up
Rei: and then I stepped forward to throw a strong
Director: and Battle ducked underneath it. The
adventurer has a devious smirk on his face. No
Glory this turn either. Rei gets 1 Super Energy, as
does Battle. Time Count4! I guess there was a lot
of cautiously moving in and out of range before we
had that dull exchange. 91 left on the Time Count.
Lets get a more exciting turn going!
Rei: OK. Were in range for my best Combos now!
Im going to spend 1 FS on Initiative and 2 FS on
Control. Thatll be 1d8 and 1d12.
Director: Battle spends 1 FS on each as well. 1d12
and 1d8 for me. Roll them.
Rei: Initiative 8 and Control 10! Yes! That makes up
for last turn.
Director: No, it doesnt, Im afraid: Initiative 9,
Control 4. Its Battles move first.
Rei: This guy is annoyingly fast.
Director: Yeah, but youve already seen that he cant
take a punch. Hes going to move in 1 Range to
Range 0. And hes going to do a Throw. That costs
him 1 FS.
Rei: Are Throws unblockable like they are in fighting

Rei: So what does that mean?

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Director: No, but they do get a bonus to Accuracy.
How are you going to defend yourself?
Rei: Im just going to use Defense; its my best Skill.
So thats 3. Ill spend 3 more FS to give me a 6
Defense Total. Thats the best I can do.
Director: You could skip your action for the turn and
go on Full Defense. It will add 2 more to your
Defense Total and give you an Initiative bonus next
Rei: That sounds good, I guess. Lets try that.
Defense Total 8. Rei instinctively reacts to Battles
lunge forward and gets ready to respond!
Director: Alright. Battle is using his Heart Breaker. It
has an Accuracy bonus of +1, I get +1 for being at
Range 0, and I get a +2 bonus for successfully
Evading last turn. I will spend another 1 FS on
Accuracy, giving me a +5 against your 8. [Rolls] 5!
That hits.
Rei: Today is clearly not a good day to be the hero.
Director: Battle whispers in Oshiros ear, You were
going to defeat me, Oshiro? How were you going to
do that? A family legacy is not the same thing as
technique and experience. You dont stand a
chance! The damage for the Heart Breaker is 1d8,
which isnt modified by your Stamina. Battle does
have a +1 Damage Bonus, so 1d8+1. [Rolls] 7 so
thats 8 points off your Life Bar.
Rei: OK. Im down to 38 now. Crap! 8 points is
higher than my Stun Threshold! Im Stunned!


Director: Actually, youre not. Damage from Throws

is not applied against Stun Threshold.
Rei: Am I Knocked Back?
Director: Normally, yes, a Throw would knock you
back to Range 1. But this move has the Hurl
Element. Instead of Knock Back, you get hurled
away 2 Ranges to Range 2. Also, all Throws Knock
Down the opponent.
Rei: So I lose my action standing up, right?
Director: Thats right, you would. Except you chose
to go on Total Defense, which counts as your action
for the turn. So you will have to spend your action
next turn to stand up. OK, so Battle closed in with
Rei for a grapple and then threw him away 15 feet
onto some jagged rocks.
Rei: Ouch. Oshiro groans in pain and frustration.
Mostly frustration.
Director: Battle gets 3 Glory for using his Level three
Throw. And you get 2 more Super Energy, 1 for the
turn and 1 for suffering Life Bar damage. Battle gets
2 for the turn and for the Special Move. Hey, how
much Super Energy do you have now?
Rei: Nine. One point away from being able to do a
Super Move
Director: Lets see if you can make that happen.
Time roll 2; were down to 89 and were at Range 2.
Youll have to spend the next turn standing up. Lets
And the battle continues.

pair of a Fighter and a Thug group is run as a
separate duel. The guidelines for running combats
with more than two combatants can also be used to
simplify large Thug fights. In the case of huge
battles, it fits the martial arts genre to have the
characters face a limited number of Thug groups at
once, but have more Thug groups waiting to take
their place in combat; as one group is defeated,
another runs up to join the fight.

Thug Thrashing
The Thug Thrashing sub-system of combat should
be used anytime in which Fighter-level combatants
engage non-Fighter-level combatants. Thus,
despite the name of the sub-system, these rules are
used when player characters are fighting thugs,
security forces, military personnel, law
enforcement, or even normal, non-combat-trained
opponents. Thug is the term used to represent all
non-Fighter-level opponents in combat. Fighters
and Thugs are generally in entirely different leagues
when it comes to combat ability. A competent
Fighter, especially one trained to fight multiple
opponents, can often handle dozens of foes at the
same time.

In exceptional situations, a Thug group may

possess a single member. This would be the case if
the remainder of the group had been incapacitated
in combat, but a group may also be constructed
with just one member. For example, a single Thug 5
could provide a challenge for a single PL 1 Fighter.
Thug Levels (see below) cannot be combined into a
single group. Therefore, if a single Thug 3 was
leading five Thug 2s, they would need to be divided
into two Thug groups: one containing the single
Thug 3 and the other with the five Thug 2s, even
though combined they are less than 10 Thugs.

A number of Thugs are grouped together as a single

opponent. Up to 10 Thugs can constitute a single
Thug group. It should be noted that, as each group
is run as a separate character, a huge number of
Thugs can be difficult for the Director, unless each
player character is facing a group of Thugs and each

Thug Attributes


Thug 1

Thug 2Thug 3Thug 3

Thug 4

Thug 5





















Life Save

Thug Qualities

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)


The combat competency of a Thug is determined by
its Thug Level, a rating from 1 to 5, with an
additional category to represent Normals.
Normals are people without combat training
whatsoever. The increasing level of Thug (i.e., Thug
1 through Thug 5) represents increasing levels of
competency. Rowdy barroom brawlers or athletic
people without formal combat training may be Thug
1. Common criminals, security forces, and law
enforcement would typically be Thug 2. Levels 3
through 5 can be used for differing levels of
hardened criminals, soldiers, elite fighters, and
assassins, culminating in Thug 5, the best of the
best, who can challenge low-level Fighter characters
on their own.
The Thug attributes are not particularly evocative on
their own. Every Thug 2 might possess the same
attributes, whether he is a police officer, a soldier, or
a faceless martial arts mook. In order to distinguish
one group of Thugs from another, especially of
differing descriptions, the attributes of Thugs can be
modified by increasing one attribute to the next
higher level, while decreasing another one to the
next lower level. For example, a Thug 2 might do
1d8 damage but only have Defense 3. Normals
should not be modified in this way, as they really are
not intended to be viable opponents for Fighters
anyway. Thug 5s who increase Damage by any
means add +1 damage to their 1d12.
In addition to the above modifications, each Thug
group that is composed of Thug 2 or higher can be
given Qualities and Weaknesses like a regular
character. Weaknesses earn extra Qualities as usual.
If a Quality relates to a skill check and that roll is
relevant, assume the Thugs skill level is equal to
Defense. (Also see Thug Qualities and Thugs and
Skills below.) These Qualities and Weaknesses apply
to every Thug in the group, not to individual Thugs.

the bonus the Thugs receive on all attack rolls.

Defense is the only defensive option the Thug may
use in combat and they cannot modify this number
in any way.
Damage is the default damage for all of the Thugs
attacks, modified by the targets Stamina as usual.
This attack is not a Ranged attack. It might be the
Thugsunarmed attacks or their attacks with some
handheld weapon; the details of this are up to the
Director, but different weapons have no specific
mechanical effect on combat.
Life Save is used instead of Life Bar for Thugs. When
a Thug is hit in combat, the Director rolls 1d10. If the
roll is equal to or less than the Thugs Life Save, the
Thug remains in combat. Otherwise, he is removed
from combat (knocked out or killed, as per the
Directors discretion, the characters intentions, and
the needs of the story). High Strength subtracts
from Life Save (e.g., a Fighter with Strength 2 would
reduce Thugs Life Saves by 2), and low Strength
adds to Life Save. Each die size of damage done
above 1d4 also subtracts 1 from Life Save, though a
+1 damage does not affect it. If a Special Move
Element would add damage for any reason (such as
the Juggle Element or the Power Up Element), this
also subtracts one from the Thugs Life Save.
A Combo that hits a Thug ignores the damage from
any particular move in the Combo, but subtracts one
from the Life Save for every full 2 hits in the Combo.
For example, a 4-hit Combo would subtract two
from the Thug groups Life Save.
In the case of a Combo, instead of subtracting from
Life Save, the penalty can instead be used to force
another Thug in the same group to also make a Life
Save, albeit without modification. In this way, a

Initiative functions in combat as usual. Accuracy is

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Combo can potentially hit multiple targets at once. These two effects, subtracting from Life Save and
hitting multiple targets, cannot be combined in the same Combo.
Example: Rei is fighting Thugs with Life Saves of 2. He hits one with a massive 8-hit Combo. This would
normally reduce the Thugs Life Save to 0 (no modifier for the damage because the attack was a Combo, but 4 for an 8-hit Combo). The targeted Thug would be automatically defeated. However, Rei could have instead
forced four Thugs to all make Life Saves of 2 instead of reducing 1 individual Thugs Life Save to zero.

Balancing Thugs Against Fighters

Thug groups can have tremendous flexibility in their variable attributes and Qualities. As such, it is
difficult to say how dangerous a particular Thug group might be against a Fighter. This becomes
important when the Director is trying to plan scenes involving Thug Thrashing combat.
While no specific mathematical formula exists, the Director can gauge how an encounter might go by
comparing several factors. Each Thug group may hit a player character roughly every other turn (this is
not necessarily statistically accurate, but it works as a rough calculation). Their average damage can
then be compared to the combined Life Bars of the player characters. This gives a rough time frame of
how many turns the player characters can stand against the Thugs.
Again, as an abstraction, it can also be assumed that the player characters will likely defeat one Thug
every turn or one Thug per level of Thug Thrashing Skill every turn. By comparing these numbers to the
number of turns the Thugs will likely need to defeat the player characters, an approximate number of
Thugs needed to challenge the group can be determined.
It should be noted that these numbers will often be very large. A high Power Level group of Fighters, all
with moderate levels of the Thug Thrashing Skill, can successfully defeat a huge number of opponents
before being worn down. These numbers may not always be plausible from the point of view of the
Directors story. This is not necessarily a problem: Thug Thrashing fights are sometimes just an excuse
for a quick action sequence to remind the players how powerful their characters really are.

Thug Qualities
The following list contains the Qualities that are
available to Thugs. Keep in mind that, while all of
these are available, many of them might make
extremely unusual Thugs! Other Qualities from the
standard list may be used, but most will have no
appreciable effect on a Thug group, in or out of


combat. If a Thug group possesses a specific

Quality, especially one with no effect on combat,
the Quality should be worked into the Thugsrole in
the story in a noticeable way. For example, if the
main villain maintains sexy, suggestively dressed
bodyguards, the player characters should probably
have an opportunity to encounter them in a social
setting before meeting them in combat.


Gun Expert
Powerful Item

Sharp Dressed
Suggestive Attire

The next list contains the Weaknesses that are

available to Thugs. The Director may use other
Weaknesses from the standard list, but the
effects of others would need to be significantly
increased to make them readily noticeable in
game. Weaknesses should affect the Thugs in the
same way that they have to affect the player
characters; a Weakness that isnt a Weakness
should not be allowed. If the crime lords
personal assistants are thick and ugly, the player
characters should be given an opportunity to
exploit these Weaknesses in some way out of

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

The following Special
Move Elements can
be purchased as
Qualities for Thugs.
Each of these costs a
number of Qualities
equal to the number
of Elements it would
Possessing one of
allows the Thug group
to use this Element in combat. All of their attacks
are considered to possess this Element at all times.
The Director can choose elements not listed here,
but care must be taken, as they may drastically alter
the way combat works.
Dull Personality
Noteworthy Appearance
Style Weakness

Aerial Element
Always Does Damage Element
Area Effect Element
Bounce Element
Critical Hit Element
Fast Recovery Element
Hard to Evade Element
Harry Element
Hits Low Element
Increased Knockback Element
Increased Stun Element
Knocks Down Element
Knockback Advance Element
Mobile Element
Position Shift Element
Priority Element
Ranged Element
Teleportation Element
Temporary Invulnerability Element
Throw Element
Unblockable Element


There are also a few unique Qualities available for

Thug groups.
Competent Villain: This Quality allows a Thug group
of one (or, more rarely, more than one, such as twins
or specially trained teammates) to ignore the
multiple actions normally offered by opponents
using the Thug Thrashing skill.
Dangerous: This Quality allows the Thug group to
increase one of their attributes to the next higher
Thug Level. This is in addition to the default
modification of adding to one attribute by
subtracting from another. This Quality may be
taken more than once. Thug 5s may not take this
Dramatic Villain: This Quality allows a Thug group
of one (or, more rarely, more than one, such as
twins, specially trained teammates, or mind-linked
monsters) to gain an Action Point each turn when
using the Dramatic Combat sub-system (see below).
Gun: This Quality can only be taken if the Thug
group also has the Ranged Element as a Quality.
See the special rules for the Gun Quality below.
Hit Stun: When a Thug group with this Quality hits a
Fighter, the Fighter is affected by Hit Stun, just as if
he had been struck by another Fighter. This Quality
counts as two Qualities.
Powerful Weapon: This increases the Damage of
the Thug group by one die size, or adds +1 to 1d12
damage. This represents masterwork swords,
chainsaws, extraordinary skill with weapons, or the
like. If applied to ranged weapons or guns, it could
represent assault rifles, high-powered sniper rifles,
poisoned shuriken, or the like. This Quality may be
taken more than once to represent truly awesome
weapons or multiple powerful weapons.

Robust: This Quality allows a Thug group to always
maintain a minimum Life Save of 1, no matter how
powerful the attack or how long the Combo used
against them. This Quality counts as two Qualities.
Skilled: The Thug group possesses a number of noncombat skills. The number of skills is equal to the
groups Thug rank (1 through 5). Each of these skills
is at a skill level equal to the Thug groups Defense or
4, whichever is higher. This Quality can be used to
create acrobatic ninja or perceptive security guards,
for example.
There is also one unique Weakness available for
Thug groups.
Reduced Attributes: For each one point or one die
size reduction in a Thug attribute, the group may
choose an additional Quality. This is in addition to
the default modification of subtracting from one
attribute to add to another. This Weakness can be
taken any number of times, but no attribute may be
reduced below 1 (in the case of Initiative and
Damage) or 0 (in the case of Defense and Life Save)
or 2 (in the case of Accuracy).

Procedure for Fighting Thugs

Thug Initiative and Control

Characters fighting Thugs roll Initiative and Control
as usual. Thugs roll Initiative as a group. Each group
rolls its own Initiative. Thugs do not need to roll
The character with the highest Initiative total acts
first. Thugs never hold their Initiative.
Characters and Thug groups with simultaneous
Initiative act simultaneously. Thugs are unaffected
by the normal rules for simultaneous initiative which
prioritize attacks over movement; Thug groups
move simultaneously and attack simultaneously.
Example: Koichiro and his Thug group opponent
both roll a 4 Initiative. Koichiro wants to attack and
does not need to move; the Thug group needs to
close with him before attacking.
Koichiros attack would have priority over his
opponents movement. But in this case, the Thugs
movement and attack are both considered
simultaneous with Koichiros attack.

Thug Movement

The rules in the following sections mark changes

and specific cases as they apply to Thugs in combat.
If no specific changes are noted here, combat
against Thugs is the same as the normal rules for

A Thug group is considered to be a single

combatant. For example, even though a Thug group
may represent 10 soldiers, those soldiers move and
act as a single character. Thus, the Range between
the Thug group and the other combatants in the
combat is calculated as normal.

Thugs do not have any Fighting Spirit. They cannot

use Fighting Spirit in combat, but they are assumed
to have it if they need it (e.g., if the Thug group has
the Throw Element, they can still move 1 Range and
attack, even though they do not have 1 FS to spend).

Different combatants may be at different Ranges

from a Thug group, as in normal combat. However,
unlike normal combat, Thug groups maintain their
own Ranges even when multiple combatants are

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

are opposing Fighters in the combat as well. In
this case, it is easiest to consider the Thug group
as a single combatant and to move them as a
single combatant. This may mean that 10
people are occupying a single band on the grid,
but it makes combat easier to run. Because
Thug groups contain multiple opponents, one
cannot Check a Thug group.
A Thug group can move 1 Range and attack or 2
Ranges without attacking. Generally speaking, a
Thug group will move to engage an opponent if
Thug groups can be affected by
Environmental Hazards. Its up to the Director to
decide whether Thug groups can leap up or down
cliffs or out of pits.

Thug Attacks and Defenses

fighting the same group. For example, two Fighters

might be at different Ranges from the same Thug
group. Even though one of them might Knock Back
the Thug group (such as with the Increased Knock
Back Element), this does not change the Range
between the other Fighter and the Thug group. This
is because there are several people in a Thug group;
however, for simplicity, this abstraction remains
even when the Thug group is reduced to only one
Having a single Thug group be at different Ranges
from multiple opponents becomes more
complicated if the Director is using a grid to
adjudicate position and movement because there

Thugs have only one attack form, essentially a

Basic Move. One Thug from each Thug group will
attack each opponent within Range, provided there
are enough Thugs in the group. If not enough Thugs
remain in the group to attack all available targets,
the Director chooses who gets attacked. Despite
the fact that Thug groups usually represent several
people, any number of Thug groups can target the
same character.
When Thugs attack, they roll 1d6 + their Accuracy
attribute. Thugs cannot use Full Offense.
Thug damage does count against a Fighters Stun
Threshold, but it does not do Knock Back and it does
not do Hit Stun or Knock Down an opponent unless
the Thug group possesses the Hit Stun Quality or
Knocks Down Quality. If the Thug group possesses
the Increased Knockback Quality, they knock
opponents back 1 Range.
Thugs defend using their Defense attribute alone.


No other defensive options
are available to them. Thugs
cannot use Full Defense.

Defending Against
A character can use the
Defense or Evasion Skills
to defend against
Thugs as usual. A
successfully Evades
instead of using
Defense may choose to
move 2 Ranges, which
costs 1 FS, or may instead receive a +2
Accuracy on his next attack, on this or the
following turn, as usual. He may also choose to
combine Defense and Evasion as usual. In addition
to the normal options, a Fighter may use the Agility
Skill in place of the Evasion Skill to Evade or
combine the Agility Skill with the Defense Skill in the
same manner as the Evasion Skill.
Defensive Responses can also be used against
Thugs; however, as many of them are based on a
response to specific kinds of Special Moves, many
will rarely be used.
When facing Thugs with the Ranged Quality,
characters can use the Agility Skill as an additional
defensive option. When hit by a Ranged attack, a
character can make an Agility skill check. The DL for
this check is 4 + the amount of damage done by the
hit. If the check is successful, the character dodged
the shot and takes no damage. The size of the Thug
group has no effect on the difficulty of this roll.
While this is not at all realistic, it represents the
conventions of the genre as seen in anime. A
character may also use his action to go Full Agility.

In this case, the character cannot

attack, may still move 1 Range, and
may add his Total Defense bonus to
his Agility Skill for
avoiding Ranged attacks.
If a character successfully
uses Agility to avoid a
Ranged attack, and the Thug
group that used the attack
is within Range 2 or less
with the character, and
there are at least 2 Thugs
remaining in the Thug
group that attacked, the
character can automatically
incapacitate one Thug from the
group at the end of the turn. Even at close
range, Thugs are often more zealous than they
are accurate! Doing this also earns 1 Glory. This
Glory is divided by 3 at the end of combat as
In any case in which a character can use the
Agility Skill, he may instead substitute the
Acrobatics Skill. However, the characters
effective skill level is considered halved (round

Damage Effects Against Thugs

A group of Thugs does not suffer Hit Stun when
struck. Thus, as long as any Thugs remain in a
Thug group, they will get to act on their turn.
Initiative simply determines at what point
during the turn the Thug group takes its action.
Damage against Thugs is determined according
to the Thug groups Life Save (see above). A

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

failed Life Save removes one Thug from the group.
As long as one Thug remains, the group continues
to exist.
Thug groups do not normally suffer Knock Back,
though an attack with the Increased Knockback or
Hurl Elements will Knock Back a Thug group 1
Range. A Thug group can be attacked by a Combo.
The effects of a Combo are described above in the
description of Life Saves.
When a Thug group suffers a Knock Down, the
effects are special. If the particular Thug hit in the
Thug group succeeded on his Life Save, a Knock
Down forces a second Life Save (i.e., a second
chance to take the Thug out of combat). If the
particular Thug hit in the Thug group failed his Life
Save, the rest of the Thug group is Knocked Back 1
Range. Thug groups are never actually Knocked
Down. Using a Throw Special Move with the
Sustained Hold Element against a Thug group
completely ignores the 2nd turn of the Sustained
Hold; the Element has no effect.

End of the Turn in Thug Thrashing Combat

When tallying Glory in a fight against Thugs, the
Director should total the Glory earned for the whole
combat and then divide by three (round up). This is
the actual Glory earned.
Fighters do accumulate Super Energy when fighting
Thugs, but the total gained is 1 less per turn than
usual. This may result in a gain of zero Super Energy
for the turn.
Before the turn ends, one roll is made on the Thug
Event Chart for each Thug group (see below).
The time roll in any combat involving Thugs is 1d8.

Thug Events
At the end of the turn, one roll is made on the
following chart for each Thug group. The effects
only affect the Thug group that rolled the event.
The effects begin at the beginning of the next turn
and last for one full turn.
The roll for the chart is 1d4 + the number of Thugs
remaining in the group at the end of the turn + the
level of the Thugs (i.e., Thug 1 adds 1, etc. Normals
add 0).
Any even total on the roll is no event. In this case,
the time roll is rolled and the next turn begins with
no effects.
The events on the chart are described primarily in
mechanical terms. It is up to the Director and the
players to make these into interesting and
entertaining descriptions.
Use of Thug Events is recommended but optional; it
is intended to make Thugs a more unpredictable
opponent and to provide variation to extended
confrontations against large numbers of Thugs.

Thug Event Chart

3: Rout: One Thug is automatically defeated for no
Glory, but that Thug is assumed to have successfully
escaped from combat. This may cause later
complications for the Fighters, depending on the
5: Plenty of Room: Because of space opening up for
greater movement or because of fear of imminent
defeat, this Thug group rolls one die size larger for
Initiative next turn.
7: Exhausting Combat: The strain of fighting so


many opponents at once takes its toll on the
Fighters. All Fighters within Range 2 of this Thug
group lose FS equal to the Thugs normal damage. If
the Fighter has no FS remaining, the Thug group
gets a free attack on the Fighter at the end of the
present turn instead.
9: Lucky Strike: Because of luck, skill, or dirty
fighting, this Thug group receives +2 Accuracy on all
attacks on the following turn.
environmental factors, teamwork, or cover, this
Thug groups Defense is doubled on the following
13: Relentless Foes: Through force of will,
performance-enhancing combat drugs, or concealed
armor, this Thug group proves to be remarkably
durable. Their Life Save is doubled on the following
15: Adrenaline Surge: Through rage, sound tactics,
or brute strength and luck, this Thug group rolls one
die size larger for Damage on the following turn.
17: Endless Numbers: Because of sudden
reinforcements or the recovery of previously
defeated Thugs, opponents within Range 2 of this
Thug group may not use the Thug Thrashing Skill on
the following turn.
19: Blitz: Through excellent training, coordinating,
positioning, or tactics, each Thug group gets an
immediate free attack against any opponents in
range. The opponents defensive Skills are halved
against this attack.

Thug Thrashing

additional benefits against Thugs. Characters

fighting Thugs act once as normal on their turn in
the Initiative order. However, a character with the
Thug Thrashing Skill can act one additional time for
each point of Thug Thrashing Skill. These extra
actions are full opportunities to act: the character
can move, attack, move and attack, refocus, recover
from being Stunned, etc.
If the character is fighting both a Thug group and
Fighter-level opponents within Range 2 or less, the
character can still use his Thug Thrashing actions to
attack a Thug group, but may not use them for any
other action, including movement.
The first action of the turn uses the characters
rolled Control total. All of the remaining actions use
half the Control roll (round down). If this results in
Control 0, the character does not get extra actions.
If the character suffered Hit Stun earlier in the turn,
Thug Thrashing is based on half of the lowered
Control total (round down).
In the case of simultaneous Initiative, a character
still gets his full complement of Thug Thrashing
actions; he is simply attacking multiple opponents at
the same time.
A character can use one of his Thug Thrashing
actions to go Full Defense, yet still use his remaining
actions to act. If he is facing a Fighter-level
opponent at the same time, this version of Full
Defense does not apply against the Fighter-level
opponent; only if the character does no attacks and
is on Full Defense does the bonus apply against
A character could even use Full Offense and Full

Characters with the Thug Thrashing Skill get

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Defense at the same time, allowing the accuracy of
Full Offense while maintaining higher defenses than
usual, at a cost of one Thug Thrashing action.

Special Actions Useable Against Thugs

Talented, trained, and tactically minded Fighters can
use their skills in unusual ways when fighting lesser
opponents. Thus, Fighters have a few special
options when fighting Thugs.
Story Points can be used against Thugs. By using an
action for the turn and spending a Story Point, a
character can initiate a Stunt Sequence. By doing
so, the character earns points equal to his Power
Level plus his Thug Thrashing Skill. These points are
then used to automatically defeat Thugs. It costs
points equal to a Thugs Thug level to remove a Thug
from the Thug group (Normals each count as _ for
this purpose). For example, a PL 4 character with
Thug Thrashing 2 initiates a Stunt Sequence. He has
6 points. As he is fighting Thug 2s, he can eliminate
three of them. Excess points are lost. A Stunt
Sequence earns Glory equal to the points spent (not
counting lost excess). This Glory is divided by 3 as
usual at the end of combat.
The Director can always declare that a Stunt
Sequence is not possible. Furthermore, the player
spending the Story Point must describe the amazing
actions his character is taking, the improvised
weapons he has just employed, or the extraordinary
circumstances that have just occurred that have
eliminated the opponents. If the Director does not
approve, he can return the Story Point and the
player must choose a different action.
If the Director and circumstances in the story allow
it, Fighters may use conventional melee weapons to


face Thugs. Differences between melee weapons

are unimportant for this purpose the characters
may use swords, clubs, polearms, or any of dozens
of other weapons. In combat, the character attacks
with a Basic Move. However, he receives a +1
Accuracy (to represent the weapons longer reach)
and the attack does +1 die size of damage (which
means a 1 Life Save against Thugs). Unlike normal
Basic Moves, every attack with a weapon is worth 1
Glory (not just the first attack with a weapon, as
with Special Moves). Combos with weapons are still
worth Glory equal to the number of moves in the
Combo; additional Glory is not scored for using a
weapon also. This Glory is divided by 3 as usual at
the end of combat.
If the Director desires, these rules for melee
weapons can also be used in regular combat
between Fighters. They should only be used when
both Fighters do not normally use weapons.

Thugs and Skills

Thugs and/or Thug groups may occasionally need to
make skill checks. For example, a skill check might
be necessary to determine whether or not a pair of
security guards could spot an intruding cat burglar.
Another example might be a Normal who is
contacted as an authority on ancient relics. The two
situations are handled differently.
A Thug group is assumed to have any non-combat
skills the Director deems essential for the group to
serve its purpose. In the above example, it is
reasonable to assume that security guards would
have the Perception Skill. In this case, the Thug
groups skill level is equal to 1/2 their base Defense
value (round up). A Thug group makes a skill check
as a group, unless the results for a specific Thug are
necessary. The above security guards would make a
single roll, whether it was two guards or ten. A Thug

group may also take the Skilled Quality, which gives
them a number of Skills at a higher skill level.
Normals are people who have plenty of mundane
skills, as they have no real fighting ability. Generally,
the skill level of a Normal should be used as a plot
device. If the characters seek a scholar, they should
eventually find one who knows what they need to
know. If they bring a car to a mechanic, it can be
reasonably assumed that the mechanic can fix the
car. However, if specific skill levels must be known,
assume that a Normal possesses 6 Non-Combat
Skills at level 6, and 3 more Skills at level 3.

Guns are superior in many respects to all other
ranged weapons, but the default portrayal of them
in these rules is far from accurate it is more suited
to the dynamic actions of larger-than-life heroes.
Guns are basically just a better version of a Ranged
attack. There are no rules for called shots,
automatic fire, or reloading, as elements such as
these are out of place in the fighting game genre.
Thugs can be armed with guns if they have both the
Ranged and Gun Qualities. Guns differ from other
Ranged weapons in two ways: 1) Guns increase a
Thug groups damage by one die; 2) Guns can hit
targets beyond Range 5. This means that Thugs
with guns can shoot at targets before combat is
formally engaged. How long it takes characters to
engage opponents is up to the Director, but
generally should not take long.
Just as Fighters may be armed with melee weapons
in some circumstances, they may also be armed
with guns. If a character has a gun as a normal part
of his Special Moves, this should just be built using
the normal rules for Special Moves. It will not
correspond perfectly with these rules, but it will be

balanced with other characters. A character who

does not usually use a gun may have a narrative
reason to use one against Thugs. They function
similarly to melee weapons (see above): When used,
they function as Basic Moves, have a +1 Accuracy, do
+2 dice sizes of damage (i.e., -2 Life Save), and have
the Ranged and Gun Elements. The Director should
never allow guns in combat against other Fighters.
Characters can use the Agility Skill to avoid
gunshots, just as they can avoid any other Ranged

More Dangerous Guns

The default rules for guns are appropriate for most
campaigns. Here are a few campaign options in
case a greater sense of gun realism is desired.
The easiest thing to do is to increase the damage of
a gun based on its type. Handguns may add a single
die, but assault rifles may add two or three die sizes.
This eliminates the need for the Powerful Weapon
Quality. A weapon like a grenade launcher may also
be presumed to have the Explosive Quality for free.
In narrative terms, a character defeated by gunwielding opponents should be seriously wounded
and may not recover immediately.
If even more lethality is desired, the Director may
add additional damage as above, and then allow
gun attacks to roll damage twice. Furthermore,
anyone hit by a gun is automatically Stunned and
anyone defeated by gun-wielding opponents is at
least seriously wounded, if not dead. Unfortunately,
this takes some of the emphasis away from handto-hand combat in a game focused on martial

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Example of Thug Thrashing
Grace Tanaka: 1/2 American, 1/2 Japanese. Ex-nun
turned ninja. Her quest for justice has taken her to
the bowels of Independence City, a crime-ridden
dark metropolis ruled from the shadows by the
infamous crime boss, Marcus Buchanan, also known
as the murderous Black Tiger.
Grace has been following leads that have led her to
a bad bar in a bad part of a bad town. After getting
nowhere with the patrons, she turns to leave, only
to be surrounded by a gang belonging to one of
Tigers sub-lieutenants. A huge, tattooed brute
steps in her way. Cute little girl youre a long way
from home. He cracks his knuckles and laughs.
With a steely glare back at him, she responds, And
youre a short way from Hell! And combat is joined!
Director: Nice line to get this fight started! This fight
is taking place inside the dive bar. If it looks like it
would be in a biker bar in a bad movie, its probably
here. Even though its crowded and cluttered, I will
not be using any of the rules for Environmental
Hazards. Just use the scenario in your descriptions
as you see fit. Ill keep track of the time with a Time
Roll, but well just count it up from zero rather than
having a formal Timer count down from 99. You will
begin at Range 3 from your opponents.
Grace: How many thugs are there?
Director: Seven. Six thugs plus the leader.
Grace: I hope theyre not too strong. Im only Power
Level 1. So, since there are seven of them, thats
one Thug group of seven?
Director: Actually, no. Only Thugs of the same


rating can be in the same Thug group. So there is

actually a Thug group of six thugs and a second Thug
group of one thug, the leader. He counts as his own
group even though hes alone.
Grace: So what kind of Thugs are in each group?
Director: Well, that youll have to find out the hard
way. OK. Time for Initiative.
Grace: Im spending 1 FS on Initiative, increasing me
to 1d10. My Control is 1d6.
Director: OK. The thugs have 1d4 and the leader has
1d6 for Initiative. Roll!
Grace: An 8! Guess that means Im going first! And
Control of3.
Director: Great! The gang rolled a 2 and the leader
rolled a 5.
Grace: What were their Control totals?
Director: Thugs dont roll Control because they can
only use Basic Moves and they cant do Combos. Its
one less thing I need to worry about when running
Grace: Well, let me try to simplify things even more
for you. Lets get rid of these rank-and-file thugs
first. I step forward 1 Range to Range 2 and use my
Spinning Sweep on them. Its Level 3, so I have
enough Control. It has Accuracy +0, but Ill get a -1
for the Range. How do the Thugs defend
themselves? Do they have all the options I do?
Director: No, Thug groups have a static number for
Defense. They have no Evasion, no Tactics, and they
have no Fighting Spirit. More not to worry about.
Their Defense is a 3.

Grace: OK. I wont spend any FS. [Rolls] A 4! Hits!
My damage is 1d6+1, and this move Knocks Down.

Grace: I knocked one over and the rest stumbled out

of the way of the falling body?

Director: OK. Thugs also dont have Life Bar. When

you hit them, they are either still standing and
unaffected by the specific amount of damage you
did, or theyre out of the fight. This is determined by
a Life Save: a number or less on a d10 to stay
standing. For these guys, only Thug 1s, their Life
Save is 2. So I have to roll a 1 or 2 on 1d10 for him to
stay in the fight. However, if you do a higherdamage attack, the Thugs Life Save drops even
further. Every die size above 1d4 subtracts 1 from
the Thugs Life Save. Because your attack is 1d6+1,
their Life Save drops to a 1.

Director: Sure! So, even though I said there was no

Knock Back, the Knock Down effect pushes them
back to Range 3 again. Now, before the Thugs get
to go, you have Thug Thrashing Skill, right?

Grace: Does the extra +1 of the 1d6+1 matter?

Director: No; only the die size. So, a Life Save of 1.
[Rolls] A 3. One down!
Grace: Thats it? One down already?
Director: Thats it!
Grace: So, normally, theyd suffer Hit Stun, and they
would be Knocked Back 1 Range and Knocked
Down. How does this work?
Director: OK, first, Thug groups do not suffer Hit
Stun. Its one of the few things they have going for
them against Fighters. They are also not Knocked
Back by regular attacks. So you are still at Range 2.
Knocking Down a Thug group is special. Rather than
Knocking Down the whole group, the effects
depend on whether you took out your opponent or
not. If you didnt, they have to make a second Life
Save as they hit the ground. If you did take out a
Thug, then the rest of the group is Knocked Back 1

Grace: Yeah, Thug Thrashing 2.

Director: Cool! For every rank you have in Thug
Thrashing Skill, you get an extra full turns worth of
actions. You can move, attack, even go on Full
Defense while youre still attacking! The only
difference is that your Control roll is considered
halved, round down.
Grace: So I get two more actions, but only at Control
1 each?
Director: Thats right! Go for it!
Grace: OK. Ill do a Jumping Basic Move. I close 2
Ranges for 1 FS, land at Range 1, and throw a kick
into one of the Thugs. No modifiers for Accuracy at
Director: Remember, their Defense hasnt changed;
still a 3.
Grace: Right. [Rolls] Another 3, another hit!
Director: As your Basic Moves only do 1d4 damage,
the Thug gets his full Life Save: a 2. [Rolls] A 3. Nice
try, guy! Two down! No Knock Back either, so you
stay at Range 1. Next?
Grace: I whirl around and backhand another guy. All
the same numbers apply, right?

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Director: Yes. Go ahead and roll.

Grace: Yup.

Grace: Another 3, and another hit.

Director: OK, so Grace stepped forward, dropped

down, and swept the legs out from under one of the
toughs. As he tumbled back into his friends, she
bounced up and placed a high kick firmly in one of
their faces, toppling that guy over a table, while one
of her fists whirled and slammed hard into another
guys temple. He stumbled back into the jukebox,
which breaks on impact. Meanwhile, the leader
moved up behind Grace. As she noted his approach
from the corner of her eye, one of the other guys
smashed her hard across the jaw!

Director: He rolls a 4 on his Life Save and he goes

down too. Still at Range 1. Unfortunately for you,
its their turn.
Grace: What about the leader? Is he at Range 1 too?
Director: Nope. Hes still back at Range 3. I track
their distances from you separately. Their distances
from each other is irrelevant. If you had an ally in
this fight, things get a little trickier, but we could
have put it all out on a very simple pattern on a piece
of paper and everything would work smoothly. But
we dont need to worry about that. Anyway, the
leader goes next. He advances two Ranges to
Range 1. Thats all he gets to do. The rest of the
Thugs get a single attack on you. How do you want
to defend?
Grace: I will use Evasion. I have Evasion 2 and I will
spend 1 FS on my defense. Defense Total 3.
Director: OK. Like Defense, Thugs Accuracy is
standard and never changes except for Range, and
even then, they usually choose to close instead of
attack. These guys have an Accuracy of +0. [Rolls]
A 4. They hit! Damage is also, you guessed it,
standard for all of them. Their damage is 1d4. [Rolls
again]. A hefty 4 points of damage!
Grace: Nice hit. Im down to 26 Life Bar.
Director: Thug groups do not do Knock Back with
their attacks, so you are still at Range 1. That looks
like the end of actions.

Grace: Sounds good to me!

Director: OK. You get 3 Glory for the Special Move.
Check the time, which is 1d8 for a Thug fight
[Rolls] 4. So all that happened in about 4 seconds or
so. One last end-of-turn task: a roll on the Thug
Event chart for each active Thug group. [Rolls twice]
An 8 for the thugs; all even results are no effect. The
leader, however, rolled a 7: Exhausting Combat. He
rolls his normal damage and applies it straight to
your Fighting Spirit. [Rolls]. Six.
Grace: Wow. Im down to 2 FS already.
Director: Despite her control of the battlefield,
evidently Grace is a little unsure of herself now that
shes surrounded.
Grace: The experience is bringing up memories of
the men who attacked her convent back in my past.
Director: Thats awesome! Love it! Next turn
Grace: OK, to summarize: there are 3 thugs left and
their boss, right?
Director: Thats right. Time to roll Initiative.


Grace: I cant afford to spend any FS, so Ill be using
my normal rolls. Uh oh. Initiative 3 and Control 4.
Director: The thugs get a 4 and the boss gets a 1.
The Thug group goes first. Since they are at Range
2, they advance 1 Range and attack. How will you
Grace: Im still using Evasion and Im going to have
to rely on my skill alone. Have to save those last
points of Fighting Spirit for when I really need them!
So my Defense Total is just a 2.
Director: OK. [Rolls] A 3. They took advantage of
your obvious distraction and hit you again. Damage
is [Rolls] Another 4 points!
Grace: Ouch! 22 Life Bar remaining. Time to put an
end to this. Its my turn and Im still at Range 1,

Grace: Oh. So why do it?

Director: Three reasons. First, its worth more Glory.
Second, a Combo, even of all Basic Moves, also
subtracts from the Thugs Life Save, depending on
how many hits are in the Combo. I suppose that
reason doesnt matter much against these guys.
Third, with a long Combo, you can attack more than
one opponent at the same time.
Grace: Ill do it. I only have Control 2, so a 2-hit
Combo of Basic Moves. Accuracy +0 against
Defense 3. [Rolls] A 4. Another hit. Damage is 1d4+
Director: Right. Normally, 1d4 wouldnt subtract
from their Life Save, but a 2-hit Combo still
subtracts 1. [Rolls] A 4. So, another one down.

Director: Thats right.

Grace: Hey, this is getting easy! Ill do the exact

same thing on the last guy. [Rolls] 5! And that
should take care of the Thug group, right?

Grace: OK. For my first action, Ill use my Rapid

Spear Hand. It has Accuracy +1, and I get another +1
for having more Control than I need.

Director: [Rolls] A 5. Yup, thats it. Its just and the

leader now, and its his turn. He attacks with a +2
Accuracy. How will you defend?

Director: The Thug groups Defense remains 3;

remember, it doesnt change.

Grace: +2? Wow. Ill combine Defense and Evasion; I

have 2 in each. I add 1/2 of the lower Skill to the
higher, so thats 3, right? And since thats still not
enough, Ill spend one of my last FS to defend.
Defense Total 4.

Grace: Right. So I dont need to roll to hit with a +2

Accuracy. This attack does 1d6+1, so thats -1 Life
Save, right?
Director: Yup. 2-1 is one. [Rolls] 5. Thug number 4
goes down. Second action?
Grace: Well, half my rolled Control is 2. Can I do a
Combo on Thugs?

Director: [Rolls] A 1! Not good enough! Thats the

end of the turn. He still gets to roll on the Thug
Event chart. A 5: Plenty of Room. Well, that
certainly makes sense after this turn! His Initiative
gets increased by one die size next turn.

Director: Yes, but you ignore the damage of the

individual moves in the Combo.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Grace: Bring it on!

Grace: Oops. Forgot to roll that. [Rolls] 3.

Director: You get a total of 7 Glory this turn: 3 for the

Special Move and 2 for each of the 2-hit Combos.

Director: You are at Range 1.

Grace: 9, actually: the Rapid Spear Hand has the

Increased Glory Element, so thats plus two.
Director: Right. Time check. [Rolls] 4. The fight has
lasted about 7 seconds. While Grace hesitated, the
remaining toughs closed on her. One of them threw
a kick into her side.
Grace: Yeah, but that was just what I needed to
shake off the distraction. My hand shot out like a
blur, driving dozens of spear hands into his face. I
followed that with a knife hand and a jab to the next
guy, and then a cartwheel kick on the last guy over
the bar. Tables and chairs went flying.
Director: And then the boss moved into the space
cleared out by you and threw a fast fist, trying to
catch you off guard, but you dropped into a split and
the blow whiffed harmlessly above your head.
Grace: So lets get to the next turn already!
Director: OK. Its down to you and the boss, and hes
using the space cleared out by the brawl. Hes
flexing and throwing a few punches into the air. His
Initiative increases to 1d8 this turn.
Grace: Im still not increasing my Initiative.
Director: Then lets roll it. [Rolls] 7!
Grace: Ha! 8! I go first!
Director: What was your Control?


Grace: Perfect. Im attacking with my Leaping

Elbow Strike. No Accuracy modifier. Whats this
guys Defense?
Director: He has a 5.
Grace: Oh! In that case, I guess Ill use my last point
of Fighting Spirit for a +1 Accuracy. [Rolls] A 4. Hit!
That worked out well. This attack does 1d8 damage
Director: So thats 2 die sizes above 1d4, which
means -2 Life Save for him. His Life Save is normally
a 4, so its reduced to a 2. Here goes nothing! [Rolls]
5. Despite his desperate attempt at intimidation,
hes felled in one blow!
Grace: Even if that hadnt taken him out, I still would
have had two more chances to attack him with Basic
Director: True. Lets check the time [Rolls] A 4. A
total of about 11 seconds. You get 3 more Glory for
the Special Move. Whats that make your total?
Grace: 15.
Director: Impressive. However, all Thug fights are
only worth 1/3 Glory, so you end up with 5. Now that
the men are sprawled all over the trashed bar, a
mysterious figure who you hadnt seen before steps
out of a room in the back. Ms. Tanaka, I think we
should talk

Dramatic Combat
The Dramatic sub-system of combat changes the
dynamics of normal combat to include cinematic
effects. It alters the light simulation aspects of the
normal combat system in favor of dramatic actions
more in line with the combat action seen in manga
and anime. This sub-system may be used as a
replacement for the normal combat system or for
fights in which the excitement of the story demands
a higher level of drama. It allows characters to bring
more of their Non-Combat Skills into play, which
favors some characters.
The Dramatic Combat system relies more on Basic
Moves than on Special Moves. As such, during the
narrative at the end of the turn, all the action should
be described in exceptionally vivid detail. Over-thetop martial arts action is good, but even better is
any scene typical of combat as seen in anime films.
In fact, as an optional rule, the Director can evaluate
the descriptions offered and award bonuses or
penalties to Accuracy for the next turn. These
should be between -2 and +2.
Combatants using the Dramatic Combat sub-system
have only half as much Life Bar as usual. However,
characters also have several opportunities to regain
Fighting Spirit and Life Bar during a fight. As such,
combat may become a longer process, depending
on the characters involved. There are also many
additional options to choose from in combat. These
considerations should be kept in mind when
deciding whether or not to use the sub-system.
The Thug Thrashing sub-system and the Dramatic
Combat sub-system can be used together. Thugs do
not get an Action Point each turn (unless they have
the Dramatic Villain Quality), but can earn Action
Points through other actions (such as hitting for
maximum damage - see below). One particular use

of these two sub-systems in conjunction with one

another is to create a moderately powerful
opponent who is not quite Fighter-level, perhaps as
the climax of a plot arc. The Director can create
such a character as a Thug 5 with appropriate Skills
and the Dramatic Villain Quality. Various kinds of
dangerous animals or monsters can be created in
the same way.

Initiative Procedure for Dramatic Combat

In general, Dramatic Combat follows the same
procedure as the normal combat system.
Exceptions are noted here.
Every Fighter receives one Action Point at the
beginning of the turn when Initiative is determined.
This can be used during the turn or saved from turn
to turn. Almost all of the special options in the
Dramatic Combat system require an Action Point to
use. A Story Point can also be used for anything
requiring an Action Point. If the Director wants a
truly epic battle, he can allow all combatants to gain
two Action Points per turn, have full Life Bar, and
automatically heal one Life Bar at the end of the
Because Special Moves are much less common in
this sub-system, rolls for Control are not made each
turn. However, a character with a higher Speed
Basic Quality may use his die size increase for either
Initiative or Control when making Initiative rolls in
this sub-system. For example, a Speed 1 character
specializing in Control would roll 1d8 in Dramatic
combat for Initiative, not 1d6 as usual. Likewise, a
Control Bonus is added to Initiative in this system.
After Initiative is rolled, but before anyone takes any
actions, a character can spend an Action Point to re-

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

roll his Initiative. However, the new roll is kept,
regardless of whether or not it is better. Multiple
Action Points can be spent sequentially in this
manner. If necessary, characters declare their
intention to re-roll Initiative in reverse order of
Power Level (i.e., lowest to highest). If these are
tied, characters declare in reverse order of Speed. If
these are tied, characters roll 1d6 to break the tie or
mutually agree on who should declare first.
In the case of simultaneous Initiative, an additional
condition applies. If two opponents roll the same
Initiative and are within Ranges 0-2 at the beginning
of the turn, their normal turns are replaced by a
Flourish (see below). Unlike a normal Flourish, this
does not cost either character an Action Point.
If a character hits his opponent and is not hit by
anyone else during the turn, he can spend an Action
Point at the beginning of his next turn to increase his
Initiative roll by one die size. This costs no FS and
also earns 1 Glory.

Movement, Attacks, and Defenses in

Dramatic Combat
Movement is unchanged in the Dramatic Combat
sub-system, except that characters cannot always
move to Range 5 (see Leaving Combat, below).
Furthermore, Environmental Hazards should not be
used. Instead, such elements of the battlefield
should simply be used creatively in the narrative
description of the fight.
With some exceptions (noted below), all attacks in
this sub-system are Basic Moves. Combos are not


When using a Basic Move, the attacker can use an

Action Point to either gain +2 Accuracy or +1 die size
of damage. This can be applied to every Basic Move
used. In descriptive terms, attacks that get a bonus
to Accuracy can simulate the anime trope of
showing dozens of hits from every angle. Attacks
that get a bonus to damage are usually just powerful
blows. However, it might also represent the anime
trope of a repeat scene in which the attack hits
with such force that the same blow is repeated as a
moving anime still shot three or four times.
If the very first attack launched by a character
during a combat hits, and it does maximum
damage, and it does damage at least equal to the
opponents Power Level, the Director can rule that
the opponent is immediately Knocked Out,
regardless of Life Bar. On the other hand, after the
first attack, if a character hits an opponent for
maximum damage, the character receives an
additional Action Point.
In addition to the normal defensive options available
to Fighters, a combatant can use the Ki Skill in place
of Defense or the Acrobatics Skill in place of
Evasion. Each of these options costs an Action
Point. However, the Ki Skill cannot be used for
defense on the same turn that a move with the
Ranged Element has been or would be used.
Because Special Moves are less common in the
Dramatic Combat sub-system, most defensive
options based on Tactics are going to be rare
(excepting the Basic Response and Jinking
Response). However, when a Special Move is used in
Dramatic Combat, all normal defensive options are
available. If the defender must use a Special Move
in order to use a specific defensive response, all
normal rules for using Special Moves in Dramatic
Combat apply (see below).

If a combatant is hit by an attack, he suffers Hit
Stun. In this case, if the Fighter has not yet acted
this turn, he loses his action entirely, unless he
spends an Action Point to act with a penalty to
Accuracy and skill checks (see Ignore Hit Stun).

Action Point Options

Action Point Options are what specifically
distinguish the Dramatic Combat sub-system from
the regular combat system. There are options to
change Initiative, movement, attacks, and defenses,
as well as opportunities to recover Life Bar and
perform distinctive dramatic or supernatural
actions. Each of these options requires one Action
Point to use. If it says the action takes the place of
an attack, the character can also move normally on
the same turn.
All of the available options are described in the
following sections, each pertaining to a specific
aspect of the combat system. They are listed
alphabetically. Many require a skill check, often
based on a Non-Combat Skill. This means that some
character concepts and/or campaign styles may
fight drastically differently when using this subsystem.

Initiative Option
Fast Reflexes: After Initiative has been determined,
a character can spend an Action Point and roll this
Skill against all opponents who also have this Skill.
If the character rolls higher than all his opponents,
or if none of them have this Skill, the character
automatically gets the highest Initiative for the turn.
Multiple characters can attempt to use this Skill on
the same turn. In this case, every character spends
an Action Point and the highest roll gets Initiative for
the turn.

Movement Options
Athletics: A character can spend an Action Point and
roll this Skill instead of an attack. For every full 4
points rolled on the skill check, the combatant may
move one Range. This is in addition to normal
Alternatively, instead of extra
movement, every full 3 points rolled can be used as a
+1 Accuracy bonus on the following turn due to a
better tactical position on the battlefield. This
bonus remains even if the character is hit before
using it. This skill can incorporate environmental
effects as a way to describe the bonuses brought
about by the skill check.
Leaving Combat: To get away from combat, the
character must simply move to Range 5. If no
opponent objects to the characters escape, the
character gets away. However, if the escape is
opposed, the escaping character must spend an
Action Point. Then, he and anyone trying to stop
him must roll contested Athletics skill checks. If the
escaping character beats all of his opponents skill
checks, he moves to Range 5. Otherwise, he
remains at Range 4. Note that this is a change from
the movement rules in the normal combat system,
which normally allow anyone to move out to Range
5 with no restrictions whatsoever. Once away from
combat, a lone combatant can use Draw Ki, Realize
Potential, or Reaffirm Purpose to restore FS or earn
Action Points to heal damage without meeting the
normal conditions required by those options.
Alternately, the character can flee the scene

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Attack Options
Climactic Super Move: This move can only be used
when a combatant has less than 10% (round up) of
his Life Bar remaining, and all of his opponents must
have 50% or more of their Life Bar left. It can also
only be used once per combat. It does not cost FS or
Super Energy, but a character with Super Energy
accumulated must spend 10 (or all of it, if he has less
than 10) to use this option.
The specific visual details of a Climactic Super Move
can be modified each time it is used. A character
may have either a Close or Ranged Climactic Super
Move (chosen when the character first acquires the
Skill). At Power Level 5, the character obtains the
other form of Climactic Super Move (either Close or
Ranged). A Close Climactic Super Move allows 2
Ranges of movement, or 3 Ranges at a cost of 1 FS.
It receives the normal bonus or penalty for attacking
at Ranges 0-2. A Ranged Climactic Super Move does
not allow any movement, but can be used at any
Range. In either case, the attack has a 2 Accuracy
The character announces his intention to use this
move before Initiative is rolled and spends an Action
Point. The character is considered to be on Full
Defense until the move goes off. If the character is
Percentage of Targets
Life Bar Remaining









reduced to zero Life Bar before his turn, the move

will not go off, but it does still occur even if the
character suffers Hit Stun, is Knocked Down or is
Stunned. The damage of a Climactic Super Move is
based on a skill check. The DL is based on the
percentage of Life Bar remaining in the opponent
(round up).
A successful roll will immediately reduce the targets
Life Bar to zero and earns 10 Glory for the attacker.
An unsuccessful roll will do 10% of the opponents
full Life Bar as damage (round up) and earn 5 Glory.
Debilitating Injury: This attack costs an Action
Point. It is made as a normal Basic Move with a
penalty to Accuracy equal to the targets Power
Level (minimum 4). If successful, the attack does
no Life Bar damage. The attacker can choose one of
two game effects: 1) The opponent loses all
accumulated Action Points, or 2) the opponent loses
the use of one non-combat Skill for the remainder of
the combat. The attacker can target whatever noncombat Skill he wishes. If the opponent does not
have the chosen Skill, the attack has no effect. If
successful, such an injury must be carefully defined
in narrative terms.
Final Blow: With this option, a combatant attempts
to finish off his opponent in a single attack. The
attacker spends an Action Point and rolls an attack
as normal, with a 4 Accuracy. This can be a Basic
Move or a Special Move. If the attack would hit
against the opponents unmodified Defense skill, roll
damage as normal. If the damage rolled would be
sufficient to defeat the opponent, the defender gets
no opportunity for a defensive option and is
instantly defeated. If that is not the case, then no
damage is done. A character can be the target of a
Final Blow only once per fight. A successful Final
Blow is worth 3 Glory.

Flourish: In descriptive terms, a Flourish is seen in

anime as a set of frames in a battle when both
fighters launch a series of Basic Moves at each other
rapidly, with nothing distinctive about any particular

First, if two characters have simultaneous Initiative,

and the two Fighters are within Range 0-2 of one
another at the beginning of the turn, a Flourish
occurs. Otherwise, as an action, a character can ask
an opponent to engage in a Flourish. In this latter

This dramatic action occurs in one of two ways.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

case, the one extending the invitation spends an
Action Point and also increases their Initiative die by
one size on the following turn, whether the
opponent accepts or not. If accepted, the Flourish is
resolved on the same turn as the invitation. To
resolve the Flourish, each fighter rolls a single
unmodified d10. The combatant who rolls higher
does a straight unmodified d10 of damage to his
opponent and does 1 Range of Knock Back. This
special form of attack cannot be defended against in
any way. If the roll is a tie, the Flourish has no effect.
Freeze Frame Attack: This special attack form also
represents a trope seen in anime combat scenes.
The visual effect is a freeze frame in which a fist,
knee, or foot stays in contact with the opponent,
usually while the opponents eyes bug out and he
spews blood or teeth. This attack is made as a
normal Basic Move. If it hits and does at least 4
points of damage, the attacker spends an Action
Point and sacrifices 1 point of damage to generate
the Freeze Frame effect. This earns the attacker 2
Glory. This attack option does not need to be
declared beforehand.
Knocking an Opponent out of Combat: With a
successful attack, a character may spend an Action
Point to do less damage, but more Knock Back.
Each 2 points of damage sacrificed increases the
Knock Back by one Range. This can knock the
opponent beyond Range 5 and out of combat. This
opponent may then either choose to rest (see
Leaving Combat, above), escape the scene
entirely, or else must spend the next turn doing
nothing but returning to combat (appearing at
Range 5 from his former position). The attacker may
effectively drive the opponent further away than
Range 5. For each additional Range beyond 5, the
opponent must spend one full turn running back to


the combat. This attack option does not need to be

declared beforehand.
Property Damage: A character can spend an Action
Point and use this skill in place of a normal attack. It
can be used against an opponent at any range. The
opponent defends as normal with either Defense or
Evasion, but as thrown objects and debris can rarely
hit a competent Fighter, the opponent receives a +1
to his Defense Total. Tactics cannot be used to
defend against this attack. Damage is calculated as
a Special Move with the Ranged Element, with
Property Damage in place of the Ki Skill, and then
modified by the attackers Strength and the
defenders Stamina. If the Property Damage attack
hits, the attacker earns an Action Point.
Pulling Punches: Circumstances in a story might
make a character wish to pull his punches against his
opponent. Often this is the result of a friend being
mind-controlled or two friends being forced to fight
one another. There are two ways to pull punches.
The first is simply to spend an Action Point before
damage is rolled to do 1/2 damage (round down)
with an attack. However, if maximum damage is
rolled, the full amount of damage rolled is inflicted
The second use of pulling punches is to specifically
break someone free from mind control. In this case,
an Action Point is spent when a normal attack hits.
The successful attack only does one point of
damage, but the full rolled damage is tallied
separately. As soon as this tally reaches enough
damage to defeat the mind-controlled character,
he recovers (at least for this fight). The downside of
this method is that the mind-controlled Fighter gets
a +1 Accuracy on all attacks and a +1 Defense Total
against all attacks when fighting any character that
is using this method to free the character from mind
control until a) he is knocked free of mind control, b)
he defeats all the characters pulling punches, or c)

the opponents stop pulling punches. If a character is
freed from mind control in this manner, that
character is also immune to mind-manipulating
magic for the remainder of that combat.
Special Moves: A character can spend an Action
Point to attack with a Special Move instead of a
Basic Move. Each Special Move of a character can
normally be used only once per combat scene.
However, all Special Moves receive an additional +2
Accuracy. If the move also has a signature call-tag
that is shouted when the move is used (it is up to the
Directors discretion that a call-tag has always been
a signature), the bonus is instead +3. In addition,
the damage of all Special Moves is increased one die
When using a Special Move, if the attack fails to
defeat an opponent, the Fighter does not receive an
Action Point at the beginning of the following turn.
In subsequent turns, a character may use a specific
Special Move again at a cost in Action Points equal
to twice the Special Moves level (e.g., an L3 Special
Move would cost six Action Points to use a second
time in the same combat).
These rules also apply to the use of Super Moves in
the Dramatic Combat sub-system. Super Moves still
require Super Energy to use in addition to an Action
Point, and their use is still governed by the normal
rules for Super Moves regarding Invincibility and
Surprise Attack: If a character has an opportunity to
attack from surprise at the beginning of a fight
(Directors discretion), he can spend an Action Point
to do double damage with his first attack. It is
appropriate to allow contested skill checks between
Danger Sense and Stealth before giving this benefit.

and the attack occurs at the lower Initiative of the

two attackers. The defender can choose only a
single defensive option, but the attackers each get a
chance to attack against the same Defense Total. If
either attacker hits, both attacks hit. On the
following turn, each of the team-up partners does
not get an Action Point. Furthermore, attacks
cannot be combined two turns in a row. The
Director can also rule that attacks cannot be
combined for any reason.

Defense Options
Endure Great Hardship: If a character is either 1)
below 50% Life Bar and all of his opponents have
over 50% of their Life Bar remaining, or 2) below
25% Life Bar regardless of the Life Bar of his
opponents, the Endure Great Hardship Skill can be
used by spending an Action Point at the beginning
of the turn when Initiative is rolled. During the turn,
this Skill is used in place of the Defense Skill.
However, there are two changes: 1) the combatant
receives the bonus for being on Full Defense, even
though he may still attack, and 2) all damage done
to the combatant from any successful hit is halved
(round down). If the character is using the Skill on
the turn in which he is finally defeated, an Endure
Great Hardship skill check at DL 12 will immediately
restore the character to 1 Life Bar. This can re-occur
Though this Skill does not need FS to operate, a
character using this Skill who still has unspent FS
will lose 1 FS each turn this Skill is used. The
character must spend an Action Point every turn to
continue to receive these benefits.
Full Defense: A fighter on Full Defense earns an
additional Action Point at the end of any turn in

Team-Up: Two (and only two) combatants can

team-up for their attack. Each pays an Action Point

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which no attack hits the character. This Action Point
can only be used for recovery options (see below).
Full Defense does not cost an Action Point to use.
Ignore Hit Stun: In the Dramatic Combat subsystem, Hit Stun always forces the defender to lose
his action for the turn if he has not already acted. By
spending an Action Point, the target can ignore the
effect of Hit Stun and still act on his turn, but with -2
Accuracy on any attack and -2 on any skill check.
Ki Face Off: If a character attacks an opponent with
a Special Move with the Ranged Element, the
defender can choose instead to defend with the Ki
Skill and spend an Action Point to declare a Ki Face
Off. In this case, the characters are simply
projecting massive waves of ki force at one another.
A Ki Face Off is a special defensive option that
replaces a normal attack roll. Instead, the attacker
simply rolls damage as if he had hit his opponent.
The defender rolls damage based solely on his Ki
skill, as if he were calculating damage for a Special
Move with the Ranged Element (see the Ranged
Element in Chapter 4). The fighter who does more
damage receives an Initiative bonus on the following
turn equal to the differences in damage.
On the next turn, whichever of the two fighters wins
Initiative against the other wins the Ki Face Off. This
does 1d12 damage, with a minimum equal to the
characters Ki Skill, and 2 Ranges of Knock Back. On
the turn when the Ki Face Off begins, either
character can be attacked by a 3rd party with a +1
Accuracy, but their effective defense skills are also
increased by an amount equal to their Ki Skill. If any
damage is done by a character outside the Face Off,
the Ki Face Off ends immediately with no further


Taking a Hit for Someone Else: After a character

has been successfully attacked, another character at
the same Range or less from the attacker can spend
an Action Point and volunteer to take the hit. In
order to do this, the intervening character must
succeed at an Athletics skill check with a DL equal to
the die roll of the successful attack. If successful, the
intervening character takes the original damage. If
unsuccessful, the intervening character can choose
to either not take the hit, or he can still take the hit
but instead suffer double damage. If the attempt to
intervene is successful, the intervening character
earns one Glory.

Recovery Options
Draw Ki: This Skill can only be used after the Sense
Ki Skill has been used on a previous turn. It is used in
place of a normal attack. The combatant spends an
Action Point and rolls a skill check. The number
rolled is the number of FS gained by the combatant.
The maximum amount obtainable in a single roll is
equal to the combatants PL x 2 or the previous
result of the Sense Ki skill check, whichever is lower.
Characters can gain FS above their normal starting
total with this Skill. The combatant only needs to
use the Sense Ki Skill once in a fight to Draw Ki
several times over several turns.
Friendship Morale Boost: If a character has a
comrade or teammate with whom he has a close
relationship (subject to the Directors judgment)
who suddenly appears during a fight, or who reappears in a fight after being gone for 5 or more
turns, the fighting hero (not the arriving comrade)
may spend up to twice the normal number of Action
Points to heal Life Bar on the following turn (see
below). This Boost itself has no Action Point cost.

Healing Life Bar: This option can be done on the
same turn in which the character also performs
another action, but the character must have
suffered damage on the turn and also failed to do
damage to any opponent. At the end of the turn,
the character can spend one or more Action Points
to heal Life Bar. The amount healed is equal to the
amount of Action Points spent squared. The limit on
Action Points that can be spent at once is equal to
ones Power Level. This can be done multiple times
in a single combat.
Reaffirm Purpose: This Skill is used in place of a
normal attack. It may only be used if the Director
agrees that it is appropriate, based on the purpose
defined for the character (see the Skill description in
Chapter 2). It can only be used on a turn following
one in which the character suffered damage without
doing damage to any opponent. The combatant
spends an Action Point and rolls a skill check. The
number rolled is the number of FS gained by the
combatant. The maximum amount obtainable in a
single roll is equal to the combatants PL x 4.
Characters cannot gain FS above their normal
starting total. Alternatively, every 3 full points rolled
earns an Action Point, which can only be used to
heal the character. If the Director feels the situation
applies particularly well to the characters purpose,
he may give a bonus on the skill check.
Realize Potential: This Skill is used in place of a
normal attack. It may only be used if one of the
following conditions apply from the previous turn: 1)
the character has just stood up from being Knocked
Down, 2) the character has just recovered from
being Stunned, 3) an opponent has hit the character
for maximum damage, or 4) the character had an
attack die roll of 1 that also managed to hit the

gained by the combatant. The maximum amount

obtainable in a single roll is equal to the combatants
PL x 3. Characters cannot gain FS above their
normal total. Alternatively, every 4 full points rolled
earns an Action Point, which can only be used to
heal the character. If the Director agrees that it
enhances the fight and/or story in some way, a
player might suggest a story-based opportunity that
has arisen during the fight to roll a Realize Potential
skill check without the normal conditions applying.
Stand Off: At the end of any turn in which two
opponents are within Ranges 0-2 and neither
character damaged the other, either character can
request a Stand Off. If both consent, they each
spend an Action Point and the Stand Off occurs on
the following turn. During that turn, neither
character takes any action, as they catch their
breath and prepare to attack again. The result of
this is that each character either heals 1d6+PL Life
Bar at the end of the turn or the character may make
a modified Stance Evaluation check against the
opponent (see below) during the turn. Anyone who
attacks one of the characters involved in the Stand
Off receives a +2 Accuracy bonus. The fighter in the
Stand Off heals nothing if he suffers damage during
the same turn. More than two opponents can Stand
Off at once, provided all unanimously agree to it.

Special Options
Gadgeteering/Magic/Psychic: A character who
possesses one of these Skills can spend an Action
Point and make a skill check against DL 8. If
successful, the character can replace his skill level
with any secondary Skill with his skill level in the
primary Skill. This skill check does not count as the
characters action for the turn.

The combatant spends an Action Point and rolls a

skill check. The number rolled is the number of FS

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Example: Asuka has Magic 6 and Property Damage
3. On her turn, she wants to use Property Damage,
but wants more punch than her skill level can
deliver. She spends an Action Point to make a Magic
skill check and rolls a 9. As a result, for this turn, she
can consider her Property Damage Skill to be 6
instead of 3, matching her Magic skill level.
Ki Yelling: For (melo)dramatic effect, characters in
anime based on fighting games (and shounen anime
in general) often have long bouts of yelling before
their most impressive ki attacks. The player is
welcome to role-play this out if he wishes. The
character must spend an Action Point and then
spends one full turn yelling, without moving or
taking any other action. He receives a +1 bonus on
all of his Defense Totals for the turn, but if the
character is hit by any attack during the turn, the
yell is cut off and has no effect. If the yell is
successful, for the following turn only, the
characters levels in any one of the following Skills is
effectively doubled (which can bring its effective
level above 10): Ki (which increases the damage of
Special Moves with the Ranged Element), Draw Ki,
Property Damage, or Climactic Super Move.
Mind-Manipulating Magic: These rules are only
applicable if the Director and a characters concept
allow for them. Such a character also needs the
Magic, Psychic, or Gadgeteering Skill. The character
spends an Action Point and then a contested skill
check is made in place of a normal attack between
the relevant skill for the attacker (i.e., Magic,
Psychic, or Gadgeteering) and either a straight d10
or a Grim Determination skill check for the defender,
modified by any Qualities related to ones
intellectual prowess or willpower (Directors


If the mind-manipulation is successful, the

manipulator can choose one of the following
options: 1) Force the opponent to do nothing for a
full turn (the character defends as if he were
Stunned); 2) Dictate the opponents action (within
reason) on the following turn, or 3) Take the
opponent out of combat altogether. This last option
must be carefully defined in story terms its use
presumes that the target is no longer physically
present on the scene. This might because the target
is forced to run away, or is sent to another
dimension, or is physically transported far from the
scene. The narrative effect in this case may not be
explicitly mind-manipulating magic, though the
mechanics are the same.
Power: This Skill may be used in combat if the
Director permits it. A characters skill level in the
Power Skill can be used in place of another
appropriate Skill, depending on the definition of the
characters Power Quality. For example, a character
who could fly might use the Power Skill in place of
the Athletics Skill to move around the battleground.
Presence: This Skill may be rolled instead of an
attack. This option can only be used once per
combat. The character spends an Action Point and
makes a skill check. For each full 4 points rolled, the
character obtains an Action Point. Applicable
bonuses to interaction skill checks apply to this roll
as well. This option represents the character posing
off and impressing, stunning, or intimidating his
opponents with his very presence.
Pushing It: If a character wishes to push the limits of
his abilities, he can declare that he is pushing
himself before rolling his action. This costs one
Action Point and allows the character to receive a +4
bonus to an attack roll, a damage roll, or a Defense
Total for one turn. In addition to the Action Point
cost, however, the character also suffers 1d6 Life Bar

damage that cannot be recovered in any way on the
turn of the push. Defeating an opponent with an
action while pushing it is worth one Glory.
Sense Ki: This Skill is used in place of an attack. It
must be used before the Draw Ki Skill can be used in
combat (see above). The combatant spends an
Action Point and rolls a Sense Ki skill check. The
number rolled on the check becomes the highest roll
possible on any subsequent Draw Ki skill check
during the fight. A character can try this option
again on another turn in an attempt to roll a higher
total, but the new total applies whether it is higher
or lower.
Spirit Combat: In place of a normal attack, a
properly trained character can bring another
character with him to fight on a spiritual or mystical
plane. In order to do this, the character must spend
an Action Point, be within Range 4 or less, and
possess one or more of the following Skills at the
listed skill levels: Meditation 10, Zen State 9+,
Spirituality 8+, Psychic 7+, or Magic 6+. The
character makes a contested skill check against the
opponent, each character choosing one of these five
The defender can instead use Grim
Determination in his defense also. However, the
defender does not need to have any of these Skills in
order to defend himself. If he lacks all of these
Skills, his skill check is an unmodified d10 only. The
defender can also choose not to resist and willingly
enter Spirit Combat.
Once engaged in Spirit Combat, no other combatant
can affect the characters. They move and interact
with one another on their own separate battlefield.
Combatants engaged in Spirit Combat may also use
the additional Action Point options described under
Spiritual Combat below. Those characters drawn
into such a fight who are not able to fight spiritual
beings (as defined below) can still fight in Spirit
Combat, but all attacks suffer 2 Accuracy and all

Defense Totals are also 2. To escape such a

situation, a character must use the Zen State Skill as
Athletics (see below). Successfully escaping brings
the character back to the corporeal world in the
same location as his place in the spiritual world.
Stance Evaluation: This Skill may be rolled in place
of a normal attack. The character spends an Action
Point and rolls a skill check targeting a specific
opponent. For every full 4 points rolled on the skill
check, the next attack that the character makes
against his chosen opponent receives a +1 Accuracy
and +1 damage. If Stance Evaluation is used during
a Stand Off, the bonus is calculated for every full 2
points rolled, rather than 4.

Spiritual Combat
As noted above, various demons, manifested spirits,
and monsters of all kinds can be created by
modifying a high level Thug and giving it the
Dramatic Villain Quality so that it can make use of
Action Points in the Dramatic Combat sub-system.
This sub-system can also be used for fighting spirits
and other incorporeal supernatural beings.
Unlike normal opponents, however, if the creature in
question is purely spiritual or incorporeal, a
character must possess at least one of the following
skills or Qualities in order to fight back effectively:
Magic, Psychic, an appropriate Power, 4 or more
levels of the Meditation Skill, Zen State Skill 3 or
more, or Spirituality Skill 2 or more. Combat is then
conducted as usual. If a combatant lacks any of
these traits, he can still be harmed by spiritual
beings, but all attacks against them are at 2
Accuracy and their Life Saves are +2 (i.e., they are
harder to defeat).

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

In Spiritual Combat, a few additional options are
available. Like all options in the Dramatic Combat
sub-system, each of the following requires the use
of an Action Point.

Director: In Dramatic Combat, that bonus is applied

to Initiative instead. The same applies for your
Control Bonus also.

Call Forth Wisdom: This Skill can be used as the

Property Damage Skill to attack a spirit with riddles
or ancient formulas and prayers.

Rei: OK. So I have 1d8+1.

Meditation: This Skill can be used in the same

manner as the Draw Ki Skill, but only if the
combatant is considered to be away from combat.

Rei: An 8! I get to go first! What Range are we?

Spirituality: For the cost of an Action Point, this Skill

can be used in place of the Defense Skill to defend
against attacks.
Zen State: This Skill can be used in place of the
Athletics Skill to either escape from combat or to
pursue someone trying to escape combat.

Example of Dramatic Combat

After the confrontation in the underground city
proved inconclusive, Rei Oshiro ran into his nemesis
Dr. Battle again, this time on the streets of Tokyo.
The Director decided that this fight would best be
resolved with the Dramatic Combat sub-system.
Both Fighters are still Power Level 3.
Rei: I cant believe you escaped that cave-in, Battle!
When are you going to realize that you have no
chance to defeat me?
Director: And yet, he responds, you have yet to
defeat me either. Lets roll Initiative. Remember
that there is no Control roll in Dramatic Combat.
Rei: But my Speed gives me a bonus on Control!


Director: And I still have 1d10. [Rolls] A 7.

Director: Lets still use the usual Range of 3 for the

start of combat. Remember that you get an Action
Point at the start of the turn.
Rei: I know! Well, I remember that Battle has ranged
attacks, so Im going to back up to Range 4 and then
spend my Action Point to use Property Damage. Im
going to leap up in the air and kick the contents off
the back of a passing truck at him.
Director: Alright! Battle will defend with Evasion. He
has a +1 Defense Bonus and he gets a +1 Defense
Total against the Property Damage Skill. Ill spend 2
FS for a Defense Total of 6.
Rei: I have a +1 Accuracy Bonus and Ill spend 3 FS
for a total of +4. [Rolls] A 3 a hit! Unfortunately,
my Property Damage is only 2, so that does 1d4.
Director: But its modified by your Strength and his
Stamina, so its 1d8. Roll it.
Rei: Six! Not enough to Stun him, but a solid hit.
Director: OK. Battle is down to 19 Life Bar.
Rei: 19? Why so low?
Director: Characters only have 1/2 Life Bar in the
Dramatic Combat system. Battle would normally be
Knocked Back, but hes already at Range 4. You gain

an extra Action Point for hitting with a Property
Damage attack.
Rei: Is Battle affected by Hit Stun in this system?
Director: Yes, he loses his action entirely unless he
spends an Action Point, which hes not going to do,
so thats the end of the turn. No Glory earned. Rei
gets 1 Super Energy, while Battle gets 2. Time
check. [Rolls] 4. Time Count is down to 95.
Rei: Time to press the advantage!
Director: OK. Lets roll Initiative. We each gain an
Action Point, so we both have two at the moment.
Rei: Right. I rolled a 5.

Rei: We each get another Action Point, right? Im at 3

Director: And Im at 2. Lets roll Initiative.
Rei: A 9!
Director: Me, too!
Rei: So are we considered to have simultaneous
Director: Not in the Dramatic system. In the case of
tied Initiative, if the two Fighters are Range 0-2,
they both automatically use their turn to engage in a
Flourish at no Action Point cost.

Director: An 8. Ill go first. Since were still at Range

4, Ill move 1 Range to Range 3 and then Im going to
spend an Action Point to use the Athletics Skill.
[Rolls] An 8 total! I can freely move 1 Range for every
4 points I rolled, so Im going to use this to close to
Range 1. Range 4 to Range 1 in a single turn with no
FS spent! Battle jumps back against a nearby
building, bounds into the air, and bounces off two
more walls before landing right in front of Rei.

Rei: So we just close in and throw lots of rapid

punches and kicks at one another, hoping to

Rei: I want to save my Action Point, so Im just going

to attack with a Basic Move. My Accuracy is +1.

Director: I rolled a 7. So for damage [Rolls] 6


Director: Battle will again use Evasion and spend 3

FS. Defense Total 6.

Rei: And theres no defense against that?

Rei: Ill spend 2 FS to give me a +3 Accuracy. [Rolls]

A 1. Miss!
Director: And thats the end of the turn again. We
are presently at Range 1. Still no Glory earned. We
each earn 1 more Super Energy. Time roll [Rolls] 5.
Time Count down to 90. Lets move on.

Director: Thats right. So to resolve a Flourish, we

each roll an unmodified d10. Whoever wins does an
automatic d10 damage to his opponent.
Rei: OK. [Rolls] A 4.

Director: Nope.
Rei: Alright. Im down to 19 Life Bar too now.
Director: And thats the end of the turn. After a
furious flurry of brutal attacks, Battle manages to

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

land a punch right across Reis jaw. The Flourish
knocks you back to Range 2. No Glory earned. You
get 2 Super Energy, while Battle gets 1. Time roll is a
4. Time Count is at 86. Did you feel that, Oshiro?
Im just getting started with you!

Director: Looks that way. Dr. Battle followed up his

punch attack with a glowing ball of blue ki energy.

Rei: Initiative: I roll a 5.

Director: OK! How many? You can spend up to your

Power Level.

Director: And our hero continues to have his usual

luck against the doctor: I rolled a 7.
Rei: How many Action Points do you have?
Director: I have 3 now, and you have 4. But Battle is
going to spend one and use a Special Move: his
Mystic Shot.
Rei: So how do Special Moves work again?
Director: They get a +2 Accuracy and +1 die size
increase on damage, but they can only be used once
without spending a lot of Action Points, and if I dont
defeat you with this attack, I dont get an Action
Point next turn. But I can live with that! So, I will
have a +2 Accuracy with this attack.
Rei: I will use Defense. Ill also spend 3 FS to give me
a Defense Total 6.
Director: OK. Well, for 3 FS I can give myself a +5
Accuracy and automatically hit. Ill do that.
Damage is normally 1d6+1, so its now 1d8+1. [Rolls]
6 more points! Cant seem to Stun you! Youre also
Knocked Back to Range 3.
Rei: Im down to 13 Life Bar and I lose my action
because of Hit Stun. Im not spending an Action
Point to act. End of the turn?


Rei: Yes, but before we round up the turn, Im

spending Action Points to heal.

Rei: Three it is, then. So I heal 9 Life Bar, bringing

me back up to 22. You think youve got me where
you want me, Battle? Ive been playing with you this
whole time! I grin at him as I get ready to lunge.
Director: Great! You get 2 more Super Energy, as
does Battle for using a Special Move. Battle also
earns 3 Glory. Time count [Rolls] another 5. Down
to 81. Lets see you deliver on your threat

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

6. The Worlds of Fight!
The previous chapters have described how to create
a Fighter, how to use his Skills and Qualities in
various situations, and most especially how to use
his Special Moves to defeat his opponents in
glorious combat. But in a role-playing game, the
question remains: what does one actually do with
these characters? This question perhaps looms even
larger in the fighting game genre. This chapter aims
to answer this question by providing further
guidelines for conceptualizing and role-playing
characters, how to set up a campaign, how to run
stories within the campaign, and finally, how to
bring it to an exciting conclusion.
As noted in the Introduction, the definition of the
fighting game genre actually cuts across the lines of
several other, more common genres in adventure
role-playing games. The majority of fighting games
are set in the modern or near-future era, often with
many supernatural elements thrown in. Some
stories are similar to the mission-based approach
found in the espionage genre, while others involve
themes drawn from the gritty competition between
the street and the corporation found in the
cyberpunk genre. Some fighting games have
elements of traditional fantasy games, with
swordplay, quests, and horrific monsters. All of
these similarities can be useful for gaining a better
understanding of the fighting game genre, but the
genre itself remains distinctive. These distinctions
(several of which are described in the Introduction)
should be highlighted in the campaign.
Because of the shared fan base between fighting
video games and anime, one might assume that
many of the traditional tropes of anime and manga


storytelling apply to the fighting game genre. This is

not absolutely true. A lot of anime and manga
storytelling focuses heavily on the complex web of
relationships between the main characters of the
story, especially in regard to familial and romantic
relationships. These relationships often have
explicitly comedic elements to them as well.
Generally, this relational focus is not found in the
fighting game genre. Many of the main characters
(the Fighters of the campaign) seem lacking in many
important interpersonal relationships. Some even
seem incapable of really relating to normal people
at all. This can pose a challenge for players and
Directors. Fortunately, this is not universally true.
Some characters have melodramatic relationships
with other Fighters or with family members or other
loved ones that exist as important components in
the characters self-defining reason for fighting.
This is rich material for both role-playing and for
story hooks. Furthermore, almost every fighting
game, even the most serious in tone, seem to have
room for one or more explicitly comedic characters
who are on the quest for the tastiest meat bun, or to
become the greatest waitress, or who actually
aspire to fighting greatness but who are only
involved with the main characters by chance and
coincidence. Normally, these characters are NPCs,
but theres nothing to prevent a player from
choosing one of these roles.
Just as the fighting game genre only bears some
similarities with manga and anime, it also only bears
some similarities with the genre of martial arts film.
While many story conventions work in both genres,
the characters are often quite different. While both
sorts of stories feature the exploits of martial artists
capable of feats impossible in the real world, the
characters in a fighting game often possess powers
and appearances that dont translate well into live
action. This is one of the reasons live-action

adaptations of fighting video games are often
Despite all of these considerations, one specific
genre deserves special mention. Regardless of
whether a fighting game is set in the past, present,
or the future, the genre with which it shares the
most in common is undoubtedly that of comic book
superheroes. Garishly costumed heroes and villains
fight unconventional battles with extraordinary
powers, often with intensely personal motivations.
Secrets are kept, rivalries are established, and the
fate of the world often hangs in the balance. There
is much inspirational material for a Fight! game in
the exploits of traditional superpowered comic book
These unique characteristics of the fighting game
genre should be kept in mind as one conceptualizes
characters, stories, and campaigns.

Designing Characters for the Campaign

Because there are only a limited number of Fighters
in the campaign, every one of them, whether PC or
NPC, needs due consideration. Each of them should
be distinctive, with interesting characteristics that
benefit the campaign. Thus, when beginning a new
campaign, both the players and the Director should
keep in mind the intended tone and power level. As
these can vary widely, they can have a significant
effect on the kinds of characters the Director and
the players should create.
Whatever the style and tone of the game, however,
there are a number of common archetypes found in
fighting games, which can be understood in two
different ways.

will make distinctions between, for example, allaround characters, weak, fast characters, strong,
slow characters, and characters with great offensive
ability but poor defensive ability. These kinds of
archetypes can be easily represented by the choice
of Basic Qualities. For example, the strong, slow
character would have Strength 2, but Speed 1. The
fast character would conversely be Strength or
Stamina 1, but Speed 2.
The other form of character archetype describes the
characters appearance, personality, motivation, or
some combination of all three. Here are 20 common
examples, presented in alphabetical order, which
can provide inspiration for both PC and NPC
Fighters. It should be noted that some of these
types overlap and a particular character may fit one,
several, or none of these archetypes.
Androgynous Male: An unusual archetype, some
male characters in fighting video games are so
young and/or effeminate in appearance and
demeanor that players confuse them for female
characters. In some cases, the characters even dress
in womens clothing. More often than not, such
characters are villains, but heroic examples do exist.
Big Fighter: Every fighting game has at least one
Fighter with the Big Quality and often the Tall
Quality as well. Such characters are usually slow
grappling characters.
Many are professional
wrestlers who are fighting to prove that their martial
art is not fake. Many are from foreign lands
(however that may be defined in the campaign) and
many possess boisterous, jovial personalities that
quickly turn to barbaric rage when angry.
Boss: Every Fight! campaign needs a Boss character.

The first way is to consider the nature of the

character as a Fighter. Fans of fighting video games

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

This is the main villain of the whole campaign, who
may be either a constant presence or an evil
mastermind working behind the scenes until the end
of the campaign. A consideration of common
master plans for the Boss can be found in the
section below on plot arcs in Constructing a
Campaign. The Boss is often more powerful than
any other Fighter, and often uses cheap moves and
tactics in combat. Some Bosses also have devious
lieutenants called Sub-Bosses.
Cocky Fighter: These characters are loud,
overconfident, and often reckless. More often than
not, they also have the skills to back up their
bravado. They are often natural talents who reach
martial arts excellence through raw talent and
instinct, and may chafe at the tedium of traditional
Cute Girl: Fighting games have a number of
common archetypes specifically for female
characters. Perhaps the most popular is the Cute
Girl character. The rest of the details of the
character - her background, motivation, and fighting
style for instance - are all secondary details to the
fact that shes a cute girl with a sweet demeanor.
These characters are often young (under 18) and
possessed of extraordinary self-confidence.
Dedicated Martial Artist: This archetype might
seem unusual in a game in which every major
character is an extraordinary martial artist!
However, these characters are dedicated to a
particular style of martial arts or perhaps just to
excellence in the martial arts as an end in itself
above all other concerns. Sometimes they consider
themselves to be ambassadors of their style, eager
to show the world that it is superior to all other
forms. Other times, they seek nothing more than to


fight against opponents of as many other styles as

possible to realize their full potential as a warrior.
Evil Female: Another specifically female archetype
is the evil female. These characters are sometimes
employees of the Boss character, as assassins,
bodyguards, lovers, or some combination thereof.
They are often curvy and alluring and are not above
using their wiles to taunt and humiliate men. They
tend to have distinctly unpleasant personalities:
merciless, cruel, and violent.
Evil Fighter: The Evil Fighter archetype usually
applies specifically to male characters (see previous
entry). In many cases, evil characters work for the
Boss character in some capacity, but this is not
necessarily the case. Some evil Fighters have their
own goals apart from or even in opposition to the
Boss character. Many evil characters are motivated
by greed or vengeance. While they may be violent,
they are usually not violent simply for its own sake
(see the Psychotic Fighter, below).
Goof Off: These characters are often associated
with the Hero character. They are generally good
characters, willing to fight the good fight, support
the Hero in his actions, and help in saving the day.
But they are often easily distracted or not fully
aware of their own limitations. Sometimes, despite
being great Fighters, they just dont care about
whats going on around them. They are often
comedic characters, but they do not need to be
foolish. Instead of being the target of the joke,
some Goof Off characters are just the light-hearted
companions of the Hero, willing to crack a joke
because the Hero is too focused to ever laugh.
Hero: The Hero character is almost as necessary as
the Boss character in a fighting game campaign.
Whatever the Heros personal reason for fighting,
his actions directly interfere with the plans of the

Boss. The Hero usually has a handsome face and a
noble personality, with charisma that draws other
good guys to want to follow or at least aid him. He
may be taciturn or jovial, but he is always serious
about the task at hand. Ideally, one or more of the
player characters in the campaign possesses this
Heroine: Much like the case with the Evil Female
and the Evil Fighter, the Heroine is similar to, yet
distinct from, the Hero. The Heroine will be aligned
with the Hero but may not be one of his
companions. Instead, the Heroine may have her
own quest and simply cross paths with the Hero
along the way. Like the Hero, she has a virtuous
personality and a commitment to fight evil. She is
usually attractive and a very powerful Fighter.
Ladies Man: This archetype applies to a male
Fighter who is obsessed with his looks or at least
knows just how attractive he is and takes advantage
of it. He is always surrounded by beautiful women,
dressed in cutting edge fashions, and usually has a
cocky attitude. It is interesting to note that many
examples of Ladies Man characters in fighting
games are surprisingly feminine in their appearance
and fashions. The evil version of this archetype may
embrace a haughty narcissistic attitude towards all
those he deems less attractive than himself.
Military Fighter: Elite soldiers who just happen to
also be extraordinary martial artists are another
common archetype. These soldiers are usually the
epitome of military discipline in their appearance,
behavior, and attitude towards others, yet they
often have circumstances in their lives that make
them remarkably flexible when it comes to
adventuring on their own or ignoring normal chains
of command. More often than not, these Fighters
are American (or at least Western). Most are male,
but female Military Fighters also exist in the source

Ninja: Ninja are found both in historical campaigns
and in modern ones. Some are stereotypical ninja,
maintaining their anonymity behind masks and
using traditional ninja gear and tricks. Others are
more modern with little to specifically distinguish
them as ninja except for their extraordinary speed
and their ability to disappear, teleport, and/or turn
invisible, the hallmarks of the Ninjas fighting style.
Ninja usually also have additional complications in
the form of their relationship with their clan, either
because they are duty-bound to serve it or they are
on the run and hunted by it or they are at war with
rival clans to determine whose ninjutsu is the
Non-Human Fighter: Fighting games often have at
least one character who is not exactly human. Some
games have entire rosters of Non-Human Fighters.
These characters may be genetic experiments,
evolutionary throwbacks, creations of superscience,
cyborgs, robots, demons, ghosts, other forms of
supernatural monsters, mutants, sentient animals,
or any other being with mysterious powers and
origins. Their Special Moves often demonstrate
their unique abilities and their back-stories are often
filled with dangerous hunters and shadowy
Old Man: This archetype is often the mentor or
sensei of one or more of the other Fighters in the
campaign. Despite his age, he remains a dangerous
Fighter, often with access to special techniques not
shared with his students. The personality of the Old
Man often varies drastically, from the wise old
master who dispenses wisdom to his students, to
the dirty old man who leers at cute girls, drinks and
eats to excess, and acts like a buffoon. The same

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Old Man may possess both of these personalities at
different times. Physically, the Old Man is often
bald and almost always possesses the Short Quality.
Psychotic Fighter: Some Fighters have sociopathic
personalities with cold demeanors or wild-eyed
stares and malevolent grins. Such Fighters enjoy
terrorizing and brutalizing their opponents, and
often use cruel attacks designed to maim and
humiliate the opponent. While such characters are
usually evil, they often do not serve the Boss
directly, instead content to pursue their own twisted
agendas. This archetype also applies to human
Fighters that are either deformed or twisted in mind
and body and fight with unusual and disturbing
fighting styles.
Rich and/or Famous Fighter: Some Fighters come
from backgrounds of affluence and take up the
study of martial arts out of boredom, yet they either
become masters in their own right or seek to
challenge excellent Fighters in pursuit of new thrills.
They are often stuffy in demeanor and haughty
towards those they consider beneath them. Similar
to the Rich Fighter is the Famous Fighter who is
trying to prove himself against other Fighters to
demonstrate that he is not a fake. Some Famous
Fighters know they are competent martial artists,
yet circumstances draw them out of their
comfortable lives and into the events of the
Rival: The Rival archetype is usually set in
opposition to the Hero, but he can really be
connected to any character. The Rival is either
another Fighters life-long friend or else his worst
enemy from childhood. At every reasonable
opportunity, the Rival seeks to demonstrate that he
is the better Fighter. In friendly rivalries, this will


often be light-hearted competition enjoyed by both

Fighters; in darker rivalries, there will be a series of
fights to the death, only to be interrupted by
circumstances that leave the rivals to fight again
another day.
Student: Many Fighters are actually students in
high school. The schoolgirl is an especially common
archetype. In fact, an entire campaign could be
constructed around the rivalries in a particular high
school or series of schools. Despite their age and
inexperience, these characters are just as competent
as the rest of the Fighters in the campaign, often
because they are prodigies or theyre utterly
obsessed with training in the martial arts.

Constructing a Campaign
The Basics
While fighting game stories are fundamentally
about providing excuses for skilled martial artists to
fight one another, the campaign settings for these
stories are quite diverse. This section describes the
basic factors to consider when setting up a Fight!
campaign. The Director needs to decide where and
when the campaign takes place; the power level of
the Fighters in the setting; whether or not the
setting corresponds to the real world and if so, how
closely; what the stakes are in the campaign; what
the tone of the campaign will be; and finally, the
visual feel of the campaign. Some ideas are
provided here to help Directors think about each of
these factors.
Place: Some campaigns may involve the events
surrounding a single tournament or in a single city,
while others have a much wider geographical scope.
Some campaigns may take place in Japan, while
others occur primarily in another country.

Oftentimes, the tournament that serves as the focus
of the campaign occurs all over the world. For truly
epic games, the tournament may take place across
multiple planets or even multiple dimensions.
Power: The default rules of Fight! presume that a
Fighter is an extraordinarily more competent
combatant than just about anyone else besides
another Fighter. Still, how that translates into
narrative terms is up to the Director. What is the
actual power level of the Fighters in comparison to
the rest of the world? In some campaigns, the
characters are nothing more than fantastic martial
artists competing against one another, who should
still be afraid of tanks and automatic weapons. At
the other extreme, the characters in some
campaigns may be super-beings, capable of
demolishing buildings, or even cities (though the
default rules dont really represent this style of play
very well). The presumption of most fighting games
is somewhere in the middle; there should be little
that Fighters are afraid of when it comes to
mundane soldiers and technology.
If desired, the power level of the campaign can be
further defined by requiring characters to have
certain Skills, such as Property Damage, at specified
minimum levels as they advance in Power Level.
Likewise, the Director can decide the DL of skill
checks to reflect the desired power level of the
campaign. For example, in a realistic campaign, the
DL of a Property Damage skill check to break down
a steel door might be 12. In a high-powered
campaign, DL 12 might be the difficulty level to
destroy a skyscraper.
Reality: Most fighting games take place in the
modern world or the near future. However, very few
of them pay much attention to the actual
geopolitical structure of the real world. In many
cases, important people, places, and historical

events have changed in either small or drastic ways.

Perhaps cities have been destroyed, or islands have
risen from the sea, or whole continents may have
sunk. The campaign world may have continents and
nations that are entirely made up. New worldwide
organizations, often criminal and/or corporate in
nature, often dominate the worlds military,
economic, and/or political scene.
Two other components related to the question of
campaign reality are the technology level of the
world and the role of the supernatural. The default
presumptions of the genre are that both technology
beyond current real world examples exists and that
the supernatural (broadly understood) is real and
active in the world. The Director needs to decide
how much either of these components impacts the
normal people in the world.
Scope: This is the stakes involved in the events of
the campaign. Scope could be phrased another way
as: how much of the world will be affected if the
heroes fail and in what way? The ramifications of the
heroes failure might be very local, such as a crime
lord continuing to dominate the underworld of the
city. Other times, the stakes might be much higher,
such as demons rising up and infesting the world.
The scope of the campaign helps to establish how
the players will react to certain situations, as well as
how the Director should prioritize certain plot
elements (so the heroes can learn what the stakes
Time: This refers to when the campaign take place.
As noted already, most fighting games take place in
the present or the near future. But many other
possibilities exist. Perhaps the campaign is set in a
near-future cyberpunk setting, a distant starspanning future, or even in a barbaric post-

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

apocalyptic world. Several fighting games are
instead set in the past, such as the Sengoku and Edo
eras of Japanese history. Even if the story does not
occur on a recognizable Earth, some thought should
be given as to the equivalent time period of the
campaign setting.
Tone: As noted in the Introduction, the storylines of
most fighting games are taken very seriously, with
humor being relegated to the secondary stories of
certain characters.
Some games are even
depressingly dark. However, there are a few that
are much more light-hearted, even bordering on
silly. The default presumption of the genre and of
these rules is a melodramatically serious setting.
Regardless of what the Director chooses, the tone of
the campaign will have a serious effect on the
character concepts of both PCs and NPCs, as well as
the kinds of scenes the Director will prepare for his
stories. Once the tone is established, the Director
should make sure he maintains it. Failing to do so
creates difficult situations for the players to roleplay, as well as damaging the consistency of the
campaigns storyline.
Visuals: This component of campaign design refers
to the intended visual style of the campaign. A
simple way to understand this would be to answer
the following question: when the Director and the
players imagine the characters, what do the
characters look like? Based on fighting video games,
characters are most easily imagined as either
conforming to the artistic conventions of manga and
anime (in 2-D fighting games) or else according to
semi-realistic CGI designs (typically in 3-D fighting
games). Sometimes the same character may be
rendered both ways when a traditionally 2-D video
game gets re-vamped into a new 3-D iteration. It is
sometimes unusual, even jarring, for fans when their


favorite traditionally drawn characters get

translated into a more realistic CGI medium.
Despite this, however, the visual sense intended by
the rules of Fight! encompasses both of these
But these are not the only two choices, even if they
are the dominant ones by far. Perhaps the players
would rather imagine the characters as real people,
maybe even going so far as to find photos of people
on whom to base their appearance. Whatever the
Director and players decide, the visual sense of the
characters (and thus the game world as a whole) will
impact the way that the players think about and
role-play their characters. Indirectly, the visual
sense of the game tends to relate to the sense of
realism present in the game as a whole, and is thus a
relevant consideration for the campaign.

Group Size
Another basic consideration for the Director is to
decide how many players to include in his game.
Role-playing games are group endeavors, but the
size of the group often depends on the skill and style
of the Director, the dynamics of the players, and
especially the nature of the game itself. For
example, a fantasy game about the exploits of
mighty heroes traveling around the world battling
giants and dragons and accumulating power can
easily admit a larger group size than a modern game
focused on the intimate relationships of a small
group of companions hunting demonic monsters in
their hometown.
Fight! is not primarily a game of deep introspection,
or even of intimate interpersonal relationships
(though both of these can be a part of a campaign
with no problem).
Still, the complexity of
characters Special Moves and the tactical detail of
the combat system suggests a preference for

smaller playing groups. A group comprised of the
Director and 2-4 players is probably ideal, and for
those who are interested in the experience, the
genre even works well with a single player. The
distinctive motivations and personalities of Fighters
often militate against banding together in large
groups, so these smaller group sizes make more
sense in the fighting game genre.
This is not to say that a larger group is not possible.
If the Director is comfortable working with a group
of six fighters, then there is nothing wrong with
that. However, significant attention should be given
to the rationale for the groups existence. Based on
the individual character concepts, there needs to be
a reason why so many of the worlds greatest
Fighters are traveling, working, and fighting
together. They may be from the same family or
martial arts school, they may be part of the same
military unit or law enforcement organization, or
they may even share the same destiny. But there
should definitely be a strong reason for them to
remain together through the events of the
An advantage to a small group size is that it is easier
for the Director to keep all the players involved in
the game. If the campaign is using tag teams or
team combat, it is easy to make sure everyone is
involved in combat, which is often the most timeconsuming part of play. But outside of combat, a
smaller group size means that even if the player
characters split up to handle different tasks, no one
is kept out of play for very long. Again, the
personalities and motivations of Fighters often lead
them to want to act alone, so when this occurs, a
small group size will not alienate any one player for
long. The Director needs to be cognizant of this
when setting up and running the game.

The Tournament
The Tournament is the fundamental building block
of the campaign setting. While it is not strictly
necessary, the premise of almost every fighting
video game is that some person or group has
organized a deadly tournament and invited the very
best Fighters in the world to participate. As such,
the Director should give serious thought to the
nature of the tournament.
This premise is useful to the Director and the
players. For the Director, it provides a framework
for the stories of the campaign. Inevitably, the
tournament is never as straightforward as it
purports to be: the organizers have sinister motives,
the prize is not what it seems, the fights attract the
attention of malevolent entities who invade the
proceedings, or something similar.
complication like this becomes useful story fodder.
And this is not just true for the later stages of the
campaign either. By giving some thought to these
complications, signs and portents can be placed in
the campaign early on or even in the backgrounds of
the player characters.
The tournament is also a convenient excuse for
combat. While this may seem self-evident, it is
important to remember that in the fighting game
genre, the most important plot revelations and
moments of personal development, realized
potential, and shocking personal discovery should
all occur during combat. Thus, the campaigns plot
twists and turns need a forum for discovery, and
tournament combat is an easy way to provide that
It should be noted that the term Tournament is
used here in a much larger sense than just a fighting

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

competition. While a campaign
can easily occur over the events of
a single tournament occurring in a
single location, perhaps even
beginning and ending over a
matter of mere days, the implied
meaning of this term is something
longer-lasting that occurs over a
wide area, perhaps even the whole
Likewise, a tournament may have
very specific rules and traditions.
Some tournaments may be huge,
public events, televised for the
world to see. The Fighters might
be celebrities, drawing huge
endorsement deals, and all the
perks and hazards of fame. Little
do the crowds know, however, the
secrets that are kept by the
organizers and participants until it
is too late.
On the other hand, the
tournament might be a secret
affair, its location passed on
through covert couriers, taking
place in abandoned buildings,
back alleys, parking garages, and
underground fighting clubs. The
crowds are still there, but they are
smaller, and usually in the mood
for bloody entertainment, not a professional fact, there may not be anything like specific brackets, or
judges, or codified rules of engagement. The tournament
sports spectacle.
might simply involve great Fighters encountering one
But the tournament need not be so formal as to another in random places, doing battle, and yet
have specific locations delineated for battle. In discovering that somehow their exploits are known,
perhaps even recorded in some way.


The details of the tournament thus admit of a wide
degree of variation. However, the role of the
tournament in the campaign can help to define the
tone of the game and fuel lots of character
motivations for the players and story ideas for the

section describes 15 such elements to provide

additional inspiration for the Director. Many of
these overlap with one another. The ubiquity of
these elements means that they can be used to
provide a strong fighting game feel to the

All this being said, despite the value of the

tournament, the campaign does not need one as an
organizing premise. If the Director and players would
rather play a more freeform story, or one that is
organized around some other plot element than a
tournament, there is nothing preventing someone
from doing so. If the Director so desires, he can even
eliminate rules that remind the players too much of
tournament combat such as ring-outs and time
counts. The greatest advantage of this setup is the
flexibility in stories, as there is no overarching
campaign tournament to worry about. However,
there is a potential problem in the nature of Power
Level 8.

Cataclysms: The settings of many fighting games

occur during or shortly after a cataclysm of some
kind. This might be a world war, an economic
collapse, or a natural disaster. Sometimes
powerful supernatural forces are responsible for
the cataclysm, changing the way people
understand and live in the world around them.
Regardless of the nature of the cataclysm, as a
result, chaos and unrest often dominate the
backdrop of the setting.

Normally, Power Level 8 means that the characters

have reached the fullness of their potential in this
particular story arc (i.e., the campaign). It is a sign that
events are drawing to a close and that the Boss will
soon appear. Without a tournament providing
structure, though, when does the Boss appear? Is
there even a Boss in the campaign? Do the heroes
continue to adventure normally at PL 8 and are now
just at the peak of their power? These questions need
to be answered, but if so desired, this method can
create a more traditional adventure role-playing

Common Plot Elements of Fighting

Game Campaign Stories
The tournament is the fundamental organizing
premise for a fighting game. However, there are other
common plot elements found in fighting games. This

Fictional Geography: Whether the story takes

place ostensibly in the real world or in another
world, many fighting games feature fictional
geography. This may be as simple as featuring a
fictional metropolis as the setting for a story of
crime and urban decay or as elaborate as a whole
new world or series of worlds, complete with
unique histories, cultures, and governments.
Sometimes new geography is the result of a
Fighters as Power Source: This plot element is
extremely common in fighting game stories.
Through various means, the essence of
extraordinary fighters is collected, usually to be
used for some nefarious purpose. The essence in
question might be knowledge of the Fighters
techniques, their ki, their fighting spirit, their
blood, or some other concept. The means of
acquisition vary from videotaping the Fighters in
action, to implanted nanomachines, to monitoring

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

by robotic drones. Sometimes the acquisition of a
Fighters essence only comes about after the Fighter
has been captured, in which case the process is
always painful and often lethal. Once the essence is
acquired, it might be used to power some weapon of
mass destruction, to empower a bioengineered
being to be the greatest Fighter in the world, to
program an army of cyborgs or super-soldiers, to
create clones of the Fighters to rule the world, or to
provide the energy needed for some reality-altering
supernatural ritual or summoning. This is without
question one of the most common tropes of the
genre the fighting spirit of a Fighter is one of the
greatest powers in the world in fighting games.
Future Dystopia: Many fighting games occur in the
near future. However, these visions of the future are
rarely positive.
Instead, some war, political
maneuvering, or economic manipulation on the part
of an evil megacorporation have created a dark
future that shares some of the cultural aesthetics of
the cyberpunk genre. In these worlds, governments
and corporations hold all the power in monolithic
structures, while the common people have to
struggle to survive. Sometimes the powers that be
hold exclusive access to a resource necessary for
society to function, such as a new energy source. In
fighting games set before the year 2000, settings
often possessed millennial angst as a factor. A
similar anxiety can be provoked around the year
2012 and its associated predictions of the end of the
world. Regardless of the details, this dystopia colors
the setting and the motivations of the characters.
Huge Crime Syndicates: Criminal masterminds are
commonplace in fighting games and many times
serve as the Boss of the story. Sometimes the scope
of the game is small, and the crime lord may rule
over the underworld of a single city. Sometimes, the
masterminds are terrorists capable of threatening


the whole world through drugs, weapons, and

stranger threats. Whether the scope is large or
small, these figures tend to hold power beyond what
might normally be expected for their position. A
crime lord of a city not only runs crime in the city; his
influence affects the entire life of the city, putting
him in position to be the shadow ruler of the whole
town. A worldwide terrorist organization is not
merely a threat to be addressed by world powers
(and extraordinary martial artists), but a power
equivalent to or even greater than the military,
political, and economic power of some nations.
Because of this huge sphere of influence, attempts
to curtail the syndicates criminal activities always
failat least until the player characters get involved.
Mad Scientists: With all of the high-end gadgets,
weird fusions of supernatural power and modern
technology, and scientific processes to capture and
manage the essence of fighting spirit, it makes
sense that mad scientists are also commonplace in
the fighting game genre. While rarely the Boss, the
work of a mad scientist is often the reason for the
Bosspower or plans. He may also be responsible for
creating one or more villainous Fighters, perhaps
the prototypes of the evil army the Boss is trying to
create. On the other hand, sometimes the mad
scientist is a good guy, perhaps responsible for the
creation of one or more of the player character
Fighters in the campaign. In fact, the mad scientist
might be a rogue operative formerly in the Boss
employ. In rare cases, the scientist will create new
gadgets and weapons for himself and become one
of the Fighters.
Magic Weapons and Techniques: In some fighting
games, every one of the Fighters uses a weapon. In
some cases, these are not regular weapons but
rather magical or cursed weapons with histories and
stories of their own. The weapons themselves
become secondary characters in the campaign, as

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

they too possess relationships with the other
weapons. Through the hand of fate, the wielders of
these weapons are drawn into conflict with one
another. Similar to the idea of unique magic
weapons is the trope of related schools of martial
arts or special techniques. While this trope is more
common in live-action wuxia films, it has its place in
fighting games as well. Sometimes two schools
share a common origin, but have become divided
into good and evil martial arts. Perhaps a specific
technique defines mastery of a style, but learning
that technique could possibly transform the very
nature of the Fighter who learns it.
Multiple Dimensions: Some fighting games have a
truly epic scope that involves wars occurring across
multiple dimensions. The Fighters may come into
contact with powerful beings, even gods, in their
quests. Sometimes the context is a particular
relationship between dimensions, whether those
dimensions are at war or are in some sort of
necessary relationship with one another. In other
cases, a story may be based across multiple
timelines, perhaps telling two parts of the same
story occurring at different points in history at the
same time.
Campaigns set across multiple
dimensions or timelines allow for great variety in
settings and themes and are also well suited to high
power levels and deliberately confusing plotlines.
Mysterious Organizations: The sponsors of
tournaments in fighting games are often shrouded
in mystery. The reason for secrecy is often well
founded: most of these organizations have
nefarious motives for setting up the tournament in
the first place. These organizations are invariably
huge and powerful, yet somehow their existence or
at least the scope of their power remains hidden
from the general public. This makes them


convenient plot devices for the Director to use to

explain any number of disparate plot points.
Public Tournaments: Despite the place of martial
arts tournaments in popular culture in the real
world, many tournaments in fighting games are
much larger affairs. These tournaments are instead
huge televised competitions broadcast worldwide,
with audiences larger than any other sporting event
in the world, including events like the Olympics or
the World Cup. Many of the Fighters are well-known
celebrities with fan clubs who follow them around
the world, while mysterious new Fighters become
cause for buzz and speculation.
Summoning God-Like Beings: The end game of
many Boss characters is to summon some powerful
god-like being, usually one of unrelenting evil.
These summoning rituals are lengthy affairs and
need to be powered by extraordinary energies and/
or sacrifice. The consequences of a successful
summoning are always a radically transformed
world. Oftentimes, the summoner believes he has
the favor of the god-like being, or even that he will
be able to control it for his own purposes. More
often than not, he is wrong and ends up one of the
first victims of the beings manifestation before the
heroes shut down the ritual.
Tournament as Cover for Evil: As has already been
referenced in several other descriptions in this
section, the campaign tournament is rarely
innocent. Without uncovering the mystery behind
the tournament, the finalists, no matter what their
personal motives might be, will end up being
complicit in some great evil. This is such a common
trope that it is perfectly reasonable for the player
characters to automatically be suspicious of the
backers of the tournament. However, their personal
motivations for getting involved should trump their
suspicions and draw them into the action anyway.

tournaments are huge televised events, not all of
them are. The opposite extreme is also common:
tournaments that are small-scale affairs, conducted
in out of the way places, found only by those who
are supposed to find them. In these scenarios, the
tournament is often a little darker, a little more
brutal, and the malice of the event and its organizers
a little closer to the surface.
Despite the
tournaments secrecy, the fights still have diehard
fans thirsting for violence and despite what appears
to be a small scale, the ramifications of the
tournament organizers plans are often still
significant for the city or the world.
Worldwide Chaos: In many campaign scenarios, the
world is in chaos. There might be rampant world
wars, natural disasters or supernatural cataclysms,
rampant crime and terrorism, or economic
imperialism. This may be the case even if the scope
of the campaign is contained to a single city. The
advantage of this trope is that it provides excuses to
have an infinite supply of malcontents to oppose the
player characters.
Worldwide Corporations: Massive worldwide
corporations are commonplace in fighting game
scenarios and often serve as the organizers of the
tournament. In other cases, their research or
investigations might set events in motion that bring
about the campaign setting. Sometimes different
corporations are at war with one another and use
the Fighters as their weapons. In all these cases, the
corporations often possess even more power than
the worlds governments. In some scenarios,
corporations may replace governments entirely.

Creating NPC Fighters

aside from the player characters, he is responsible

for conceptualizing and developing all of these other
characters, including their very necessary
motivations for being involved in the events of the
campaign. While a few might be lesser characters
whose motivations are less than epic, often used for
comedic effect, the majority of the Fighters should
exist in a complex web of relationships and
intertwined destinies, ensuring that all of them will
cross paths over the duration of the campaign.
The number of Fighters in the campaign heavily
defines the feel of the campaign. If there are only 10
or 12 such characters, the fighting world feels
intimate, as characters are likely to face off against
one another multiple times during the course of the
game. This may not be desirable in all campaigns.
In fact, early fighting games had such small rosters
simply because of hardware limitations.
Contemporary fighting games now seem a little
limited to players if there are less than 20-25
characters, and the biggest games boast rosters
over 50. These much higher numbers are often
more conducive to a campaign, for they create
greater variety among the opponents the player
characters will face. This is even more necessary if
the player characters are fighting as a team against
other teams each non-player character team
needs two, three, or more members. Thus, even 810 teams in a campaign might necessitate creating
20-30 characters. This can be a huge workload for
the Director, especially if he wants the Fighters to be
at least moderately interesting in their own right.
One easy way for the Director to manage this is to
simply not create all the Fighters until they are
needed. In this way, the Fighters or teams that the

It is the responsibility of the Director to decide how

many Fighters exist in the campaign setting for,

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

player characters face at PL 1 can be created
immediately, but once they are encountered and
defeated, they may never be used in play again. As
the characters advance in Power Levels and in the
plot, the Director can create character sheets for
new Fighters only as he needs them. Prior to their
appearance in a story, they remain only names and
concepts, or they may appear in a scene, but for
whatever reason, combat does not occur.
The occasional exception can be made to this
pattern: an old team can be brought back just to
have the more experienced player characters
trounce them soundly (often for comedic purposes)
or a higher Power Level Fighter can be created in
advance to thrash the low-level player characters, as
a foreshadowing of things to come. In this latter
case, the character already has a sheet prepared for
when the player characters deliver their

Choosing Campaign Options

The Director also needs to decide what campaign
options he wants to include in his game. These
options take three forms: optional rules, character
requirements, and house rules.
There are several optional rules described in the
core rules. Some examples include the ability of
characters to do Aerial Blocks or Tech Rolls. The
choice of a set of optional rules to use (or the choice
to use none of them at all) helps define the feel of
the game as well as the metagame parameters of
the fighting game being played during the
campaign. If the Director wants to emulate the feel
of a favorite video game, he can choose options that
duplicate the play of the game. The core rules


contain only a few options; additional supplements

will contain many more.
The Director can also create a specific style for his
campaign setting by requiring or restricting certain
choices when players make their characters. For
example, the Director may decide that the
campaign will be about armed fighters rather than
unarmed fighters and require all players to work a
weapon into the visual descriptions of the character
and his Special Moves. Building on this example, in
a campaign about the relationships between ten
ancient and powerful weapons, coincidentally
wielded by the Fighters, the Director could require
all characters to take the Powerful Item Quality. As
a more drastic example, in a campaign based around
brutal, dirty, thoroughly underground pit fighting,
he could rule that no character could have Fame,
Wealth, or even positive Appearance Qualities!
Finally, the Director may come up with his own
House Rules to better generate the feel of the game
he wishes to run. For example, he might want Super
Moves to have a more epic feel in the game and
decide that they always do double damage or that
they may be constructed with twice as many
Elements as usual. The important thing to
moderate such rules is to make sure that they are
applied equally to all Fighters. Even with that
precaution, some ideas may end up making some
game elements too powerful or other ones useless.

Example Story Arcs and Campaign

Here are some examples of common story arcs
found in fighting games and a campaign seed for
each through which a Director could fully develop a
setting of his own.

World Tournament Sci-Fi/Crime: The classic
archetype of the fighting game campaign is a
massive worldwide tournament. In this version of
the archetype, the organizers of the tournament are
conducting some form of advanced scientific or
fringe research revolving around the events of the
competition. Additionally or alternatively, the
organization behind all of the fighting is some form
of worldwide terrorist group planning to hold the
world ransom once their project has come to
Campaign Seed: The Fist of God: Ghalib Mustafa is
the absolute authority behind the Hashim
Corporation. He is also a fanatical follower of an
obscure militant Islamic sect known as the Fist of
God. For his contribution to the sects worldwide
cause, Ghalib used his extensive resources to
organize a fighting tournament for the worlds
greatest fighters. During the proceedings, he plans
to use his security forces to kidnap the most
promising combatants, distill the contents of their
minds, and use it to construct the architecture that
will go into programming his army of super-soldiers
to march on the world.
World Tournament Mystical: This is another
classic model for a fighting game storyline, again
based on a worldwide tournament. Similarly, the
organizers of the tournament have a nefarious plot
in mind. Unlike the above example, however, the
plot does not involve some weapon or high-tech
gambit, but rather a supernatural threat. This may
be a summoning ritual to bring an evil god to Earth,
the resurrection of an ancient necromancer, or the
transformation of the Boss into a superpowered
Campaign Seed: Rage of the Nine Seals: In the
16th century, a group of lords banded together their
military and mystical resources to oppose the dread

necromancer Gashadokuro. They were ultimately

successful and sealed his essence behind nine seals
scattered throughout the countryside. Now, 500
years later, a secret clan of occultists wants to raise
Gashadokuro to wreak havoc in the modern world.
In order to acquire the ki energy they need to open
the seals, they hold a tournament. Through the
battles of the tournament, the clan will harvest the
fighting spirit of the combatants and use it to break
open the seals.
Urban Crime: In this model, the campaign occurs in
a single major city. The Boss is the power behind all
criminal activity in the city, and his authority usually
extends to the legitimate political power in the city
as well. The Fighters in the story either work for the
Boss or have an issue with him; the player characters
usually have personal reasons to oppose him
directly. In this scenario, if the Boss wins, it usually
doesnt mean the end of the world but it usually
means something very bad personally for the player
characters and/or their loved ones.
Campaign Seed: Brutal Saints: Independence City
is a huge metropolis, home to millions of people.
Little do they know that they are ultimately ruled by
Marcus Buchanan, the infamous Black Tiger, ruler of
Independence Citys underworld.
maintains his iron grip on the city with the help of
his five lieutenants, awesome fighters in their own
right. Many people have reason to hate Buchanan,
but few have the power to do anything about it.
Those that do take to the streets, intent on stopping
the Black Tigers reign of terror. They are the Brutal
Horror/Fantasy: Some campaigns have a horror or
fantasy motif. The world may be a fantastic world or

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

a version of the modern world after some
supernatural apocalypse. In any case, normal
people live among monsters, both intelligent and
bestial. The populace may accept the existence of
monsters as a matter of course, or they may hide
behind closed doors at night, fearful for their lives.
The Fighters might be heroes fighting against the
monsters, or they may be monsters themselves.
Campaign Seed: Nightreign: In the year 2012,
dimensional gates opened up all over the earth.
Through these portals, hordes of demons and
monsters invaded, and powerful magical forces
plunged the world into endless darkness. Now the
remnant of humanity lives in perpetual fear of the
world beyond the firelight, only dimly aware of the
beasts that rule the night. However, there is hope:
some humans fight against the reign of darkness,
driven to stop the power of the Nightreign once and
for all, even using the weapons and powers of the
enemy against them.
Historical Japanese: Many fighting games occur in
Japans historical past, especially during the
Sengoku and Edo eras. The Director need not worry
about historical accuracy, however, for rarely do
these games cleave too closely to the actual facts
regarding the period. The characters and stories
often possess fantastic and supernatural elements.
Likewise, they often involve characters from other
cultures outside of historically insular Japan.
Sometimes the settings involve anachronistic
technology such as steampunk mecha, missiles, and
jet packs. The plot can pay tribute to the turbulent
politics of the era or the setting can be little more
than color for a more traditional fantasy storyline.
Campaign Seed: Ruthless Blood: During the Period
of the Warring States, six clans of ninja went to war


among themselves in the mountains. One of their

own had given themselves over to dark powers and
attempted to wrest control over all the families.
While the other clans banded together to oppose
these dark powers, their own interclan politics
refused to take a backseat. The result: war between
five clans, sometimes bloody and overt, sometimes
political and subtle, all the while maintaining their
contracts with the warring states and avoiding the
bloody machinations of their sinister fallen brothers.
Historical Other: While practically nonexistent in
the source material, a fighting game might take
place in an alternate version of some other historical
setting. The Director could set the campaign in
ancient China (the setting of traditional wuxia
stories), another Asian country in order to draw on
new history and new myths, or even further west:
the campaign could take place in an alternate
version of medieval Europe, where orders of knights
compete in the same way as do different schools of
martial arts in traditional Asian stories, or in the
tribal and religious warfare of Africa or Central
Campaign Seed: Avignon: It is the 14th century in
Europe: a time of political and religious struggle and
strife. The Roman Catholic Church has undergone a
schism and holy orders of knights supporting both
sides have gone to war. However, in this alternate
version of history, knights are master swordsmen,
trained in unique fighting arts learned at the hands
of great teachers, and theological debates are
resolved by hand-to-hand combat. The power of
faith and magic is also alive in the world, leading
knights to seek out the company of monks and
sorcerers to help them fight for their cause.
Futuristic: Some fighting games take place far in
the future, amidst the trappings of traditional
science fiction stories. Alien races may have their

own unique forms of martial arts combat. New
cultures may have codes of honor reminiscent of the
traditional codes of honor found in martial arts
stories. Ancient armaments might be upgraded to
laser swords and powered armor. Tournaments
might be interstellar affairs across dozens of worlds.
Other futuristic fighting games still take place on
Earth and may involve massive megacorporations as
the organizers of the tournament or as sponsors for
the Fighters themselves.
Campaign Seed: Vores Wrath: In the far future, the
Empire of the Vore, a violent and debauched race,
extends across several galaxies. In order to
entertain the decadent masses, the Vore capture the
best warriors from all of the worlds under their
command and make them fight in merciless displays
of gladiatorial combat. However, some of the
gladiators have seen the possibility of escaping their
plight, and of freeing a million planets from the
Vores tyranny. If these great warriors could find a
way to work together, they might also find a way to
put an end to the Empire forever.

Writing Stories and Running the Game

Once the campaign and the player characters have
been designed, the game can begin. However, aside
from tournaments and duels in the streets, there
may be some question as to what these characters
do, i.e., what kinds of stories does a group tell with
the Fight! rules? This section addresses that
question as well as common conventions of the
genre to include in stories that have not been
covered elsewhere and some thoughts to keep in
mind when deciding which combat rules to use to
resolve a fight scene.
When designing stories for the player characters,
the Director should constantly refer back to two
important foundations: the personal stories of the

player characters and the overarching plot of the

Boss in the campaign. The more often he can
involve either of these elements, or especially have
these two elements intersect, the easier it will be to
come up with stories. In fact, its somewhat difficult
to imagine a generic Fight! story, as the stories
resonate more strongly the more they are
connected to specific characters and/or a specific
The nature of the player characters may provide a
ready source for story hooks, or it may prove to be a
great detriment. For example, if the players have all
decided to make elite members of a government
covert ops team working undercover to find out the
truth behind the tournament, then there is a ready
source of motivation, a connection to the campaign
plot, and a narrative structure to move the
characters in the right direction in the form of their
As a counterpoint, the players may have created the
last surviving students of a destroyed martial arts
school who have decided to wander the earth
seeking their destiny. This is an interesting enough
story for character background, but unless the
Director wants to set them on the path of destiny
right away, theres not much that immediately
suggests itself as a story hook.
Even when not readily apparent, the characters
backgrounds will often remain the best source of
stories. The specific reason that the character fights
(and every character should definitely have one) can
suggest possible conflicts in which to involve the
character. For example, if the character fights to live
up to the legacy of his heroic brother who was
murdered, the Fighter can encounter people who
knew his brother. Some of these people may be old

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

friends who now need the characters assistance.

Others will be old enemies that are only too happy

to take out their former nemesis sibling.
Once sources of conflict are identified, then specific
plots can be designed around those conflicts. Most
of the standard modes of adventure storytelling
work just fine for Fight! characters. Particular
inspiration can be found in four broad categories:
the stories found in many shounen manga and
anime, wuxia cinema, modern action films, and the
comic book adventures of traditional superheroes.
The fighting game genre draws inspiration from all
of these in varying ways. Thus, if a plotline sounds
like it would fit in one of these categories, it will
probably work in a Fight! story as well.

Example Plotlines
Here are some examples of the kinds of plots that
can form the basis of a Fight! adventure. This is not
intended to be an exhaustive list; these are just a
few ideas to demonstrate how varied the plots of
stories in the fighting game genre can be.
The characters go on a quest to locate a lost item.
The characters seek revenge against a person or
group for a wrong done to them or to loved ones.
The characters invade an enemy encampment to
free captured allies.
The characters aid a total stranger who knows of
their prowess and seeks out their aid.
The characters journey to a distant land or
dimension to seek the aid of a great power or the
answer to a difficult question.
The characters defend a town from attack.
The characters go undercover to investigate a
suspicious organization.
The characters try to prevent a terrorist attack
before innocent people are killed.


Fighting holds a special place in these stories, no

matter what the motivation of the characters for
being involved in the action and no matter what the
specific plotline is. Unlike many other role-playing
games, all Fight! characters excel at combat. In fact,
even if they are experts at something else as well,
chances are that they are still better fighters than
their mastery of other fields of expertise. Thus, the
Director need not fear that too many combat scenes
will alienate the player whose character just isnt as
useful in such scenes! In fact, important plot points,
the clues the characters need to move forward, and
great moments of personal character-based
revelation should all occur during combat.
So no matter the plot, it is inevitable that it will
eventually come down to fighting in some form.
Oftentimes, this will be obvious, such as the case of
an assault on an opposing lords fortress or a quest
for revenge against ones enemies. But even a
covert infiltration will go sideways, a quest for
answers will require defeating a guardian in combat,
and an attempt to help an innocent bystander with
their little problem will require using ones fists.
Combat is the primary form of conflict resolution in
Fight!, and even if occasionally diplomacy, stealth,
or clever planning win the day, most sessions should
end in bare-knuckled violence or the clang of
clashing swords.
Despite this sections emphasis on the stories being
told beyond the walls of the arena, it has to be noted
that tournament combat also holds a particular
place in Fight! stories. Tournaments serve several
purposes: they are excuses for organized combat,
they attract powerful people, especially other
Fighters, and they can be great sources of rivalry
and intrigue attached to the main plot of the
campaign. They can serve as a break in the tension
of a larger or more complicated story, and can be an
easy environment for role-playing a character who

Examples of Locations for Combat Stages
Here is a list of examples drawn from fighting games to provide inspiration
for the Director in devising his own stages during stories.
At a martial arts school, while students train or cheer in the background
In a back alley in a bad part of town
In a building thats on fire
In a cage with cheering crowds looking on, hungering for violence
In a cave with lava pools and falling rocks
In a dirty, bloodstained fighting arena in an underground fight club
In a dive bar surrounded by patrons annoyed by the interruption
In a haunted ruin, surrounded by ghosts
In a massive arena, surrounded by thousands of fans and giant video screens
In a parking garage
In a public restroom with frightened patrons within
In a top secret lab, surrounded by expensive and potentially dangerous equipment
In front of a schoolyard while students pass by
In front of or on top of a national monument
In the center of a native village in the middle of a jungle
In the grand room of a stately mansion
In the middle of a bamboo forest
In the middle of a factory with grinding gears and conveyer belts
In the middle of a public square while people pass by
In the middle of a restaurant as patrons are eating
In the middle of a spa, bathhouse, or resort
In the middle of an upscale party at an exclusive country club
In the ruins of an abandoned temple
On a beach under the moonlight
On a fiery plain in Hell itself
On a floating platform at the heart of an alternate dimension
On a street while traffic is driving by at high speed
On the center of a high bridge near a roaring waterfall
On the dance floor in the middle of a nightclub
On the deck of a luxury ship
On the edge of a cliff leading to a precipitous drop
On the launch platform of a rocket, as the rocket is getting ready to take flight
On the middle of an ice floe with snow blowing
On the roof of a castle while thunder and lightning fill the sky
On the roof of a skyscraper while helicopters fly overhead
On the stage or in the balcony of a theater
On the tarmac of a military base, surrounded by planes or tanks
On the top of a mountain with an expansive view of the land
On the top of a moving train
On the wing of a moving airplane
Dozens more ideas can be found just by playing fighting video games.

makes fighting their life. For

all these reasons, the
fight club, street fight or, of
course, an official stage in the
main campaign tournament
can provide a focus for the
dissemination of plot points
or conversely as a distraction
from a more intense storyline.
Because combat is going to
be a frequent occurrence, the
Director should give thought
to where these fights are
going to take place (referred
to as stages in fighting
video games).
some of them are going to
occur in a conventional arena
setting, but the locations
should never, ever be
mundane. Even the most
traditional setting can be
spiced up with details about
the crowds, the lighting, and
the pieces of the scenery sure
to be destroyed during the
course of the fight.
There are a number of
common tropes in the
fighting game genre. Brief
descriptions of several of
them are presented here.
Including any of these into
stories can make the game
seem more true to the source

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Action, Action, and More Action: This sort of goes
without saying, but a Fight! session should have no
shortage of action. Even in sessions in which roleplaying, character plumbing, or investigation take
center stage, there should almost always be an
excuse for a quick Thug fight, a chase, or some other
use of an Action Sequence to remind the players
that these characters are Fighters first and
Collateral Damage: This trope is seen less often in
fighting games themselves (aside from bonus stages
such as destroying a car with ones bare hands), but
it is in evidence in the intros to fighting games and in
the manga and anime based on fighting games.
Fighters are highly destructive weapons, and the
scenery is never safe when a fight breaks out.
Depending on the tone of the campaign, this may
mean holes punched in walls or it may mean
buildings crumbling around the combatants.
Regardless of the level of destructiveness, this
emphasis on collateral damage should be kept in
mind when describing combat.
Costume Changes: Even in more realistic
representations of the genre, Fighters can often
change into their traditional fighting garb from
whatever street clothes they might be wearing with
a simple whirl about in a circle or by tearing their
street clothes off at the collar, revealing their
fighting outfit underneath. This is especially so for
female characters.
In some cases, these
transformation sequences can be much longer and
even feature brief moments of gratuitous nudity.
Dying Soliloquies: While there are no specific rules
that determine when a character actually dies in
Fight!, it is a common trope of the genre that any
person who gets killed and who is also important to


the plot or a particular characters subplot will

usually die slowly, so they can impart final clues,
advice, blessings, or wisdom to the heroes.
Epic Storyline: In the overall course of the
campaign, the fate of the world is in the hands of
the player characters. This may be literally the case,
or it may be the case that the fate of their world, i.e.,
their personal lives, or the lives of their loved ones, is
in their hands. The price for failure is always grave
and most heroes rise to the occasion to meet their
Meeting the Boss: Sometimes the player characters
will encounter the final Boss before the climax of the
whole campaign. These scenes can be used to
impress upon the heroes the evil of the
Bosscharacter or to provide clues into his master
plan. Occasionally these meetings will even be
combat situations. For story reasons, the Boss will
crush the heroes utterly in these encounters but will
leave them for dead, because obviously they are
now no longer a threat. This also serves to increase
the desire of the player characters to see the Boss
defeated, as they seek revenge for their humiliation.
Mirror Match: In many fighting video games, the
Fighter will face a stage in which he needs to fight
himself controlled by the CPU. This trope can also
be used during a Fight! campaign. There may be
many reasons why the character needs to fight
himself. Perhaps the opponent is a clone or cyborg
that looks and fights exactly like him. Perhaps he is
actually a long lost twin relative. The mirror match
may occur in a more mystical or psychological
framework, as the character battles against himself
to master his greatest fear or to find peace within
himself after a great failure. Such a scene also gives
the Director an opportunity to try a different play
style with the Fighter than the style normally used
by the player himself.

Training Journeys: Somewhere during the middle
stages of the campaign, one or more of the player
characters may feel called to go on a training
journey to improve themselves, realize their
potential, or uncover some secret technique to
defeat a nemesis. These journeys often occur after
some sort of crushing defeat or personal crisis. The
Fighter goes off to find himself, returns whole, and
learns some dangerous new techniques along the
way. The rules for the Realize Potential Skill can be
used in conjunction with this trope.
Examples of the application of these conventions, as
well as additional conventions not included here,
can be easily gathered from the source material.
The best way to keep generating new ideas for a
game is to simply play more fighting games,
especially those with story modes.

Combat Systems and Glory

The Director also needs to decide how he wants to
pace the acquisition of Glory during the campaign.
The rules present three different ways of earning
Glory in combat: through the normal combat
system, the Thug Thrashing sub-system, and the
Dramatic Combat sub-system. Glory is earned much
more quickly in the main system than it is in either
of the two sub-systems. Thus, the choice of what
kinds of combat scenes the Director includes in his
stories and the system used to resolve them has a
significant effect on the pacing of the campaign and
the characters increase in Power Levels.
Using the normal combat system for all fights and
rarely allowing the player characters to face Thugs is
the fastest rate of play. Many groups could expect
to progress from Power Level 1 to Power Level 8 in
about six months of regular play. The more
frequently other kinds of combat are used in the
game, the slower the rate of advancement.

While it is obvious that the Director will use the Thug

Thrashing sub-system when the player characters
are facing opponents who are not Fighters, there are
different ways to choose how to adjudicate combat
scenes solely between Fighters. One approach is to
use the normal combat system solely for
tournament combat. This prioritizes the strictly
tactical aspects of the rules for the explicitly
competitive scenes in the narrative. The Dramatic
Combat sub-system can then be used for all other
battles between Fighters, and can even be used for
certain Thug Thrashing confrontations. This allows
more Skill use and the reduced Life Bars potentially
speed up combat.
Another approach is to use the normal combat
system for almost all combat scenes during the
campaign, but reserve the Dramatic Combat subsystem for climactic fights at the end of story arcs or
to resolve important rivalries. This method allows
for a more cinematic approach to important fights,
but the sub-systems reliance on Basic Moves rather
than Special Moves might serve to create the
opposite effect.
A different way to consider the two methods of
resolving combat is to define conditions for which
each system will be used. For example, in a
campaign that aims to prioritize the tactical aspects
of combat for important fights, the Director decides
that the normal combat system will be used for the
first time a new Fighter is introduced in a story, for
all official tournament fights, and for any time the
player characters have a re-match against a Fighter
who stands in the way of the main plot arc from
moving forward (as a result of using the milestone
guidelines described in the next section, for
example). Aside from these situations, the group
will use the Dramatic Combat sub-system, as the

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Director hopes the reduced Life Bar will keep
these less important combats moving more

Pacing a Campaign
Based on the patterns found in fighting video
games themselves, a Fight! campaign has a
natural structure built into it. The beginning of
the game introduces the heroes and should
rapidly introduce the Tournament that serves as
the means for delivering the plot (even if the
tournament is not understood as a
conventional fighting competition).
campaign progresses through any manner of
stories as the characters face opponents and
build up their Power Level. As they reach Power
Level 8, it is time for the Director to move the
narrative towards the final confrontation with
the Boss. After the Boss is defeated, there
should be a brief denouement to find out what
happens to the player characters after the
fighting is over, and the campaign draws to a
This campaign model may seem excessively
railroad-y to some players, but if the stories
being told are true to the genre that Fight!
seeks to emulate, there are really no plot
elements in this framework that one shouldnt
reasonably expect to encounter anyway. The
details will differ from campaign to campaign,
and most especially the Fighters will differ from
campaign to campaign, and that is whats most
Furthermore, there is still room for flexibility in
this standard format. The heroes may face the
Boss before Power Level 8. By some miracle,


they may even defeat him before Power Level 8. If
that occurs, there is simply more reason to wrap up
any existing plot threads that must be addressed,
and move on to the sequel. Similarly, while it is
reasonable to expect that the player characters will
be involved in the main plot, that shouldnt prevent
them from pursuing other side quests that may have
little or nothing to do with it. But Fight! is not really
constructed as a sandbox game; there is a definite
expectation that there is an overarching plotline and
a major villain that sooner or later need to be
The number of Fighters that the Director has chosen
for his game can be used as a tool to moderate the
progress of the campaign. As a simple guideline, the
Director can divide the total number of non-player
character Fighters by eight. This is the number of
Fighters that should be introduced to the player
characters in the course of each Power Level. As
they advance in Power Level, new Fighters are
introduced. Generally, these new Fighters will be
the same Power Level as the player characters, so as
to keep the game challenging. But occasionally a
slightly more powerful opponent can be introduced
to set up a future rivalry. Conversely, Fighters faced
by the player characters at lower Power Levels can
remain at these lower levels and then be reintroduced later on. A lopsided re-match can be a
fun experience for the players, especially if these
Fighters had defeated the heroes earlier in the
The division of the campaigns Fighters across the
Power Levels can be formalized even further by
introducing the idea of milestones. A milestone is a
fight or series of fights that must not only be
endured, but also won before being able to advance.
For example, suppose the campaign had 24 nonplayer character Fighters. Dividing these Fighters
across the Power Levels means the player characters

will face three new Fighters every Power Level.

Instead of just using that number as a guideline, the
Director could insist on achieving a milestone: the
player characters must face and defeat each of
these three new Fighters in order to move forward.
What it means to move forward can take different
forms. Perhaps the Director has decided on a series
of critical pieces of information that need to be
acquired before moving forward in the story, and
the characters will not be able to get these
revelations without achieving a milestone. Or the
Director might want to make the milestones even
more mechanically significant by restricting the
player characters from advancing in Power Level
until they achieve the milestone, regardless of their
actual Glory totals.
The idea behind milestones is an emulation of the
very structure of fighting video games. In every
one-player fighting game, the player is presented
with a series of opponents that must be faced
before being able to reach the Boss, defeat him, and
achieve his characters unique ending. If the player
is defeated by one of these opponents, he does not
move on to the next one; he must face the same
opponent again and again until he has won.
Milestones are an attempt to emulate this same
As a variation on the concept of milestones, the
Director can pay homage to a different classic
fighting video game motif. During the course of the
campaign, he can insist that at least one of the
player characters (the one reckoned as the games
hero is the ideal choice for this if there is one in the
group) has defeated every other non-player
character Fighter in the campaign in combat, and
perhaps has even faced off against all of his own

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

allies in combat as well. All of this must occur before
the characters can face the Boss. This firmly
establishes the hero of the campaign and, in a nod
to the metagame of Fight!, also establishes the main
protagonist of the hypothetical video game that is
the campaign as well.
Thus, there are many ways that the natural limits of
the Power Level system and the limited number of
Fighters in the setting can be used to pace the
campaign as a whole.

Creating and Fighting the Boss

In many campaigns, the Boss will be a Power Level 8
character, fit to fight any one of the player
characters. But this raises the question: who gets to
fight the Boss? If you have an established hero
character in the group, and the other players dont
object, that character makes an appropriate choice.
In this scenario, the other Fighters can face off
against the Boss lieutenants or hordes of especially
powerful minions.
But as every character probably had a hand in
reaching the final confrontation, they may all want a
piece of the final opponent. Depending on how
cleverly the Boss has been built, and how well he is
played, he may be able to hold his own against a
small group of opponents. At this point in the
campaign, its not really important that the Boss
wins; the fact that he is fighting at a disadvantage is
a bonus from the narrative point of view at this
stage in the game. However, the Boss should not be
a pushover. He should lose, but he should be able to
get some scary hits in first. The Boss can also be
buffered by some Thug groups to give him some
more staying power, but the focus should definitely
be on the epic confrontation with the mastermind


behind it all.
If the campaign is using Tag Teams or some other
form of team combat where the Fighters fight
individually, the heroes can face the Boss one at a
time. In this way, every character gets to fight him,
but without the advantage of ganging up on him. To
make the fight more challenging, the Boss can have
a Life Bar (and maybe even Fighting Spirit) that is
multiplied by the number of opponents he is facing
(though this will make for a long fight scene). If the
players wonder why they dont fight all together
against such a dangerous foe, the Director can
appeal to the genre: these mighty Fighters respect
the challenge of one-on-one combat, even when it
could mean one of their friends getting killed.
Another way to make the Boss fight more
memorable is to simply make him higher than
Power Level 8. Many fighting video games do not
have initially playable Bosses. Similarly, some
games have Sub-Bosses that must be defeated
before meeting the Boss. If the Director wants to
simulate this, he can create the Boss as a Power
Level 9 character or create the Sub-Boss as Power
Level 9 and the final Boss as Power Level 10. Such
characters should be built as Power Level 8 in all
respects, except for the characteristics specifically
pertaining to Power Level contained on the chart
below. It is impossible for regular player characters
and other NPC Fighters to achieve Power Level 9 or







Moves Bonuses






Secret Characters
In a similar manner to having Bosses and SubBosses beyond the normal hierarchy of Power
Level and the established roster of Fighters in
the campaign, the Director can also create
additional Fighters and introduce them during
the campaign as secret playable characters.
Such characters will often have unusual
abilities, deviate from the normal patterns of
character design of the other Fighters, and/or
will have a provocative connection to the plot
that may not be fully explored in the present
If the Director is feeling especially cruel or is
suddenly inspired toward the end of the
campaign, he could also introduce Secret
Bosses beyond the main Boss. Normally, it is
best to introduce such characters in a noncombat situation before the campaign
denouement, as a set-up for the next campaign.
But if the Director wants the heroes to fight it
out right away, he can create them as
exceptionally high Power Level characters.
If a Secret Boss is beyond a Power Level 10
Boss, treat them as PL 10, but add another 5 or
10 points of Life Bar and Fighting Spirit to them.














Losing to the Boss

Its quite possible that things will go wrong in the
final showdown. The Director has paced the
campaign well, the heroes have progressed on a
fairly steady course through the Power Levels, they
reach Power Level 8, the Director arranges the big
fightand the heroes lose.
The Director should give thought to this outcome
before the confrontation occurs. He needs to decide
what consequence the heroes will face for failure
and in what possible directions the story could go
afterwards. The Director may decide to let the dice
fall where they may the heroes fail, the Boss
gloats, and the world becomes a horrible place.
Many fighting video games that allow a player to
play as the Boss also have an ending for the Boss in
which they win. Perhaps the sequel to the campaign
will be the next group of heroes attempt to undo
the Boss victory.
But for most groups, this will be an unsatisfying
conclusion to the build up. So the Director needs to
devise a balance between reasonable consequences
of failure, while providing new story elements that
will give the heroes a chance to re-group and get a
re-match in a way that seems plausible in the story.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Perhaps the Boss leaves the heroes for dead, giving
them a chance to retreat and recover in secret. In
the meanwhile, the Boss is destroying cities with his
death ray, but the heroes will be able to reach him
once again. Maybe a powerful supernatural ally or a
sudden influx of massive ki energy revives the
heroes, but only at the cost of a part of their souls or
even crippling them after the energy leaves their
bodies at the Bossdefeat. Maybe the Boss insists
that the heroes witness the birth of his new dark age
and they get a last second chance to ambush him
before he flips the switch, but not before the Boss
kills their loved ones before their eyes. It might just
be easiest to frame the confrontation with the Boss
in a way that it is reasonable to see that he was not
as close to completing his project as they might
have thought, or there is a complication that arises
that the Boss himself didnt foresee, giving the
heroes a chance to face him at a different time, in a
different place.

engineered. But if this is not the case, perhaps it is

best to just let evil win the day until more skilled
heroes arise to set things right again.

When the second confrontation occurs, the Director

may want to adjust things slightly in the players
favor. Perhaps a few points of Life Bar and/or
Fighting Spirit can be taken away, or the Director
can just choose to play the character less efficiently
than he might normally. After all, the Boss has
reason to be overconfident and careless, having
already defeated these lesser opponents before.
This time, the heroes should prevail.

With this idea in mind, the easiest thing to do after

the campaign is over is to just start the next
campaign using the same characters. This is the
equivalent of a video game sequel, with recurring
faces along with new ones, a new Boss or a new plan
from an old Boss, and usually some tweaks to both
the individual characters Special Moves as well as
the optional rules in effect in the campaign as a

If they fail a second time, the Director is faced with a

hard choice.
To continue to manufacture
circumstances to simply allow more re-matches will
take away any of the thrill of the eventual victory.
On the other hand, the Director may come to realize
that he has made his Boss too strong, or made the
circumstances of the final battle too challenging for
the PCs. In this case, a third try might be

Because Power Level refers to the characters

realized potential within a specific plotline, the
players will remake their same characters at Power
Level 1 once again. They then develop their Power
Level in response to the events of this new
campaign. For some, this completely breaks the
suspension of disbelief: Why cant I suddenly do my
flying uppercut anymore? Did I somehow forget it?
The rationale for this in the new campaign is not
that the character has forgotten his moves, but


Once the Boss is Defeated

The defeat of the Boss is the natural conclusion to a
Fight! campaign. There are probably still some
important scenes to be played out, but certainly the
combat has most likely finally come to an end. The
question then becomes: what to do with these
victorious Power Level 8 characters? There are
several possible answers to this question.
The default structure of a Fight! campaign also relies
on an implied meaning to the concept of Power
Level. Power Level is not necessarily a reflection of
the overall power of a character, but rather a
demonstration of the characters realized potential
within the campaign storyline.

rather circumstances havent required him to pull
these tricks out yet. When he learns his old moves
in the new campaign, this simply means that the
Fighter realizes he will need all of his moves in order
to face this new danger.
If this idea is used, the Director can impose certain
requirements on the new versions of the old
characters. Basic Qualities should not change. All of
their old Special and Super Moves from the previous
campaign should be kept on file and the Director
can require that all players re-acquire some
percentage of their old moves over the course of
eight Power Levels. This should be a minimum of
50% in order to make sure that the characters are
recognizable from one game to the next.
The Director in turn decides which non-player
character Fighters to keep in the campaign (usually
the most interesting or those most connected to the
player characters). He could keep as few as none of
them or as many as all of the old ones, even adding
up to a half a dozen new Fighters. A new Boss is
introduced, or the old one is re-vamped (Bosses
have an extraordinary ability to shrug off defeat).
The advantage of this approach is that it provides
some of the novelty of new characters mixed with
the familiarity of old favorites. This model is the
default approach implied by the design philosophy
of the Fight! rules, but its certainly not the only
Instead of the Boss fight marking the end of the
campaign, the characters could just continue to
adventure on their own. At this point, there is no
Tournament to serve as a framework on which to
hang stories, so the Director has more freedom to
come up with different kinds of adventures. The
mighty Power Level 8 heroes are at the height of
their power, so they no longer gain any

improvements. Likewise, there is no longer any

reason to continue tallying Glory (unless the players
want to).
This approach allows the players to continue to use
the characters that they have worked so hard to play
through the Power Levels. Eventually, however,
story lines may become strained, as the Director
needs to keep coming up with increasingly
implausible opponents to face the characters. It
begs the question: if all of these powerful Fighters,
gods, and monsters were around during the events
of the tournament, why did they choose not to get
involved? If the Director and the players can
continue to satisfactorily answer this question, the
game can continue as long as they like. But
eventually the desire to return to a more normal
level of play will be the sign to start a new campaign.
After defeating the Boss, the Director can create a
slight extension to the campaign by simply
introducing a new Boss right away. If the campaign
had a Boss at Power Level 8, a Power Level 9 Boss
could be introduced. This storyline could then be
lengthened even further by introducing a Power
Level 10 Boss after that. This gives a couple more
challenges for the heroes to face, but ultimately, this
is only a temporary solution. Such new, powerful
opponents might be interesting for both the players
and the Director, but again the question arises of
why such a powerful figure has remained a mystery
throughout all the events so far, unless there are
some lingering plot threads that can be ascribed to
the actions of these mysterious new Bosses.
Perhaps these final Boss hands can be seen even in
other previous stories with a little creative hindsight.
Finally, the group can just decide to start a brand
new campaign, with new Fighters, a new Boss, and a

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

new plot. This could be a good occasion to change the parameters of the game, trying out a different tone,
time, or scope. This approach is simple and effective, though leaving established characters behind when
the potential for a sequel is so readily available might be difficult for many groups to do.

Original Video Animation

Another more significant deviation from the normal pattern of pacing a campaign is to design an OVA
(original video animation). This refers to a stand-alone movie, often using characters from an
established series and/or characters that will be not be seen in any version of the video game. The
concept of an OVA opens up three more ideas for running the game.
The first use of the OVA is with characters that have reached Power Level 8. Instead of using any of the
ideas described above, the Director can come up with a detailed, and usually fairly long, plot line for a
single adventure (or perhaps a short series of small stories around a common plot). The Director can
also introduce a new set of villains that exist outside of the official list of Fighters in the campaign. By
the end of this special story, these new villains will inevitably be defeated (though they may show up
again in a future OVA if so desired). The purpose of this kind of story is to allow new challenges for
established characters, without necessarily having to invent a whole new chapter of the ongoing story.
If it matters to the group, however, the Director should be careful not to let the events of the OVA
damage the continuity of the established game so far.
A variant of this use of the OVA is to use such a story with characters who are not yet PL 8. Perhaps the
Director wants to give the campaign a temporary diversion by changing the normal tone of the
campaign in progress. This use of the OVA requires more work on the part of the Director, as he needs
to provide reasonable explanations to fit the side events of the OVA into the larger campaign plot.
A final use of the OVA concept in Fight! is to create a one-shot story. The players can make PL 8
characters (or any other Power Level, for that matter) and just have a single adventure involving them.
In this way, Fight! can be used in a convention setting, as a break from another ongoing game, or as an
introduction to the fighting game genre before considering the possibility of a full-fledged campaign.
While the fighting game genre is a consistent genre
unto itself, there are many ways to use the tropes of
the genre to tell exciting stories of heroic Fighters
and the brutal Bosses who oppose them. This
chapter has provided a collection of guidelines,
ideas, plot hooks, and inspiration, but in the end,


they are just suggestions. Come up with your own

version of a fighting game and may it inspire sequels
for years to come.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Appendix 1: Example Characters

Here are two example Power Level 1 characters.
They can be used as inspiration, as examples of how
to make characters, as NPC Fighters in the Directors
campaign, or even as pre-made player characters.
Their backgrounds are fairly brief so that players or
Directors can adjust them as necessary to better fit
into their own games.

Shine Holly

Shine Holly is a wealthy young British woman. Her

family name is unknown, as she has carefully
concealed it to protect the lives and reputation of
her aristocratic family. Just a few years ago, she was
contacted by a mysterious figure. He explained to
her that she had been chosen to be the bearer of the
Magnificent Spectrum, an awesome power given to
one person in a generation to face the malevolent
depredations of the Empty Black. Shine never even
Hideki Douglas
learned if the enigmatic figure was human or not,
but she didnt worry about too much: she had
Hideki is half-Japanese and half-American. He is also
the latest scion of the Azure Scythe School, a style
known for its cutting ki attacks and its honorable
She embarked on a life of adventure and excitement.
practitioners. Hideki is an exemplary member of his
Her enhanced fighting prowess brought her into the
schools tradition: driven, honorable, and intelligent.
events of the campaign and introduced her to a
As a result, most people who meet him like him or at
whole new world of interesting people (including the
least respect him.
handsome but rather conservative Hideki Douglas).
She has since learned that she should be able to
A little while ago, he had an encounter with an
wield powers corresponding to all the colors of the
attractive British woman named Shine Holly. She
rainbow, but so far, she has only mastered the red
was a difficult person to deal with, as her approach
portion of the spectrum.
to life conflicted with his own more reserved
outlook. But he couldnt help himself: before he
Shine has worked hard to keep her true identity a
knew it, he was in love with the reckless adventurer.
secret. If her family connection should become
known, she would be disowned for the frivolous
Long before Hideki found his way to the Azure
waste of her inheritance and her family would be in
Scythe, however, the young Douglas murdered his
danger from the power of the Empty Black. So she
American father in a fit of anger. His father was a
keeps her secret, tries to learn about her powers, and
stern and brutal man, who treated Hidekis mother
cruelly. At the time, Hideki justified his action, but parties around the world.
since he has embraced the school of the Azure
Scythe, he has been haunted by the actions of his
past. His guilt motivates him to ever-greater
excellence in the martial arts, in the hope that one
day he can believe himself worthy of his schools
glorious tradition.


Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)


Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)


Appendix 2: Character Generation Guidelines

Included here are all the steps necessary to create a character, as well as all of the lists of Skills,
Qualities, Weaknesses, Quirks, Move Elements, and Move Liabilities.

Choose the characters Basic Qualities.

Choose four additional Qualities.
If desired, choose Weaknesses and Quirks to possibly earn more Qualities.
Spend 5 points on Combat Skills.
Spend 15 points on other Skills.
Spend 10 points on Special Moves.

Power Level Chart



Super Combat
Moves Bonuses










































Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Combat Skills

Climactic Super
Reaffirm Purpose
Realize Potential
Stance Evaluation
Thug Thrashing


Animal Handling
Call Forth Wisdom
Danger Sense
Draw Ki
Endure Great
Fast Reflexes
High Society
Lost in the Crowd
Property Damage
Receive Wisdom
Sense Ki
Sleight of Hand
Smooth Talking
Street Society
The Fighting World
Zen State

Beautiful (females only)
Bishounen (males only)
Buxom (females only)
Cute (females only)
Dashing (males only)
Great Destiny
Gun Expert
Immortal Being
Powerful Item
Sexy (females only)
Sharp Dressed (males only)
Suggestive Attire (females only)
Theme Music
Tomboy (females only)
Weapon Expert

Annoying Voice
Bad Reputation
Dangerous Job
Dark Side
Dull Personality
Duty Bound
Fearsome Appearance
Fragile Self-Image
Glass Jaw
Physical Handicap
Poorly Drawn
Significant Other
Style Weakness

Bumbling Friend
Dead Serious
Distinctive Appearance
Fan Service (females only)
In Love
Loves Combat
Nosebleeds (males only)

Move Elements
Mobile: Full movement after
Always Does Damage
Mobile: Increased movement
Area Effect (2 or 4)
- Only 2 Ranges (0)
- Moves Low
Charge Back
before or after
- Counter only (0)
Pass Through
Critical Hit
Position Shift
Easy to Combo
Power Up: Extra Control
Evade Ranged
Power Up: Life Bar
Explosive (3 or 5)
- Reduced damage (2)
Ranged (2)
Fast Recovery
- Accuracy for Damage
Hard to Evade (1-2)
- Draw Closer
- No Ranged Response
Hits Low
- Short Range
Increased Accuracy (3-6)
- Very Fast
Increased Damage (1-6)
- Very Slow
Increased Glory (1+)
Increased Knockback
Increased Stun
Teleportation (2)
Interrupt only (0)
- End in mid-air
Invincible Interrupt
Invulnerability (3)
- Launcher
- Spinning Juggle
- Carrying Grapple
Ki and Strength
- Hurl
Knocks Down (2)
- Sustained Hold (2)
- Only at the end of a Combo (1)
Knockback Advance

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Move Liabilities
Behind Opponent
Decreased Accuracy (1-3)
Decreased Damage
Limited Damage: Knock Back
Limited Damage: Stun Only
Limited Move
Limited Movement:
Movement away only
Limited Movement: Must
move forward 1 Range
Limited Movement: No
movement before attacking
Limited Use (2)
- Can Reload (1)
Negative Positioning
No Combo
No Damage (2)
No Super Energy
Only When Prone (2)
Random Element
Range 0
Self-Damage: Damages
Attacker (2)
Self-Damage: Stuns Attacker
Slow Recovery
Super Energy (2)


Exotic Move Elements

Exotic Move Liabilities

Absorbs Attacks
- Absorb All Attacks
- Absorb and Use Ranged
- Transform Energy
- Moveable Bomb
- No Range
- Short Timer
Borrow Identity
Copies Moves
Entangle (2)
Fake (2+)
Flight (2)
Free Movement (2)
Gradual Effect
- Delayed Onset
Healing (2-3)
- Heal others
- Only heal others
Illusionary Doubles
- Defensive Illusion (2)
- Offensive Illusion (1+)
- Maintain Effect
Power Enhancer (1+)
- Delayed Onset
Style Change
Super Move Enhancer (2)
- Not Stunned (2)
Suppression: Suppress Special
Moves (2)
- Suppress Super Moves
Suppression: Suppress movement
Suppression: Suppress Special
Moves and movement (5)
- Suppress Super Moves
- Modify Super Energy
- Element Addition

Move Sub-Set
Multi-Part Move: Multi-Part
Multi-Part Move: Multi-Part
- Recover Prop with
Special Move
Random Move

Additional Elements for

Super Moves Only
Breakthrough (1-4)
Decreased Super Energy Cost
Extended Duration
Increased Accuracy (3-9)
Increased Damage (1-8)
Infinite Supers (5)
Invincibility (1-4)
Unique Super Move

Additional Liabilities for

Super Moves Only
Increased Super Energy Cost (1-3)
Limited Choice

Appendix 3: Example Special

The following pages contain 20 fairly common
Special Moves found in fighting video games. These
examples serve two purposes: to give simple
examples of how to construct Special Moves and to
provide some pre-constructed typical moves for
players who wish to save themselves some effort.
Note also that these are not the only ways these
moves could be constructed.
Air Fireball: L4
Ranged (2)
Hard to Evade
Accuracy: +0
Damage: Based on Ki +1
The Fighter leaps into the air and throws a fireball
down at the opponent.
Air Throw: L2
Interrupt Only
Throw (2)
Limited Move: Can only Interrupt an Aerial attack
Accuracy: +1
Damage: 1d8
The Fighter leaps up to meet his opponent in the air,
grabs him, and throws him forcefully to the ground.
Charging Smash: L3
Mobile: 2 Ranges
Accuracy: +0
Damage: 1d8+1
The Fighter charges towards the opponent and
smashes him with his shoulder.
Close Ki Attack: L3
Ranged (2)
Short Range

Limited Move: Cant be used at Range 3

Accuracy: +0
Damage: Based on Ki + 2 die sizes
The Fighter generates a ki energy effect that has no
range with which to attack his opponent.
Fireball: L3
Ranged (2)
Accuracy: +0
Damage: Based on Ki +1 die size
The Fighter launches some form of ranged ki attack
at the opponent. It might be fire, ice, sound, magic,
or any other form of energy.
Flying Flip Kick: L3
No Movement
Accuracy: +1
Damage: 1d6+1
The Fighter back-flips in place, using the flip to kick
the opponent.
Flying Knee Thrust: L2
Knocks Down (2)
Accuracy: +0
Damage: 1d6
The Fighter lunges forward with a quick knee.
Flying Smash: L3
Hard to Evade
Accuracy: +0
Damage: 1d8
The Fighter leaps into the air and uses his whole
body to smash into the opponent.
Flying Spinning Kick: L3
Mobile: 2 Ranges

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Knockback Advance
Accuracy: +0
Damage: 1d8
The Fighter leaps spinning into the air, with his leg
outstretched like a blade.

Knocks Down (2)

Accuracy: +0
Damage: 1d6
The Fighter ducks low and slides into the opponent,
tripping him.

Forward Flip Kick: L3

Hard to Evade
Accuracy: +1
Damage: 1d6+1
The Fighter performs a forward flip, bringing his legs
down on the opponent, and ending up on his back as
a result.

Super Fireball: L5
Ranged (2)
Knocks Down (2)
Accuracy: +0
Damage: Based on Ki + 1 die size
The Fighter throws a larger, more powerful fireball
attack at the opponent.

Grab and Throw: L2

Throw (2)
Accuracy: +1
Damage: 1d6
The Fighter picks up his opponent and throws him.
Overhead Smash: L2
Hard to Evade
Accuracy: +0
Damage: 1d8
The Fighter brings down a strong overhead swing.
Shockwave: L4
Ranged (2)
Knocks Down (2)
Hits Low
Accuracy: +0
Damage: Based on Ki
The Fighter sends a wave of ki energy across the
ground to impact with his opponent.
Slide Kick: L2
Hits Low


Super Uppercut: L4
Knocks Down (2)
No Movement
Accuracy: +0
Damage: 1d8+1
The Fighter leaps into the air, delivering a powerful
Takedown: L2
Throw (2)
Position Shift
Accuracy: +1
Damage: 1d6
The Fighter performs any number of standard
grappling takedowns on the opponent.
Teleport Attack: L3
Evade Ranged
Knocks Down (2)
Teleportation (2)
Accuracy: -1
Damage: 1d6
The Fighter disappears from his present location
and reappears next to his opponent, launching an
uppercut as he reappears.

Teleportation: L3
No Damage (-2)
Evade Ranged
Teleportation (2)
End in Mid-Air
Fast Recovery
The Fighter disappears from his present position
and reappears elsewhere.
Tumble Attack: L4
Mobile: Move 2 Ranges
Hits Low
Accuracy: +1
Damage: 1d6
The Fighter rolls himself into a ball and bowls
himself into his opponent.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Appendix 4:
Combat Summary
The following pages describe all the basic effects
that apply to Initiative, Control, Accuracy, defense,
and damage. It also lists all of the Action Point
Options available in Dramatic Combat. This
summary does not contain any effects of optional
rules nor does it contain effects of Environmental

Conditions That Increase Control


Add Control Bonus

Full Defense increases Initiative or Control by one
die size
Spend Fighting Spirit at the beginning of the turn to
increase die size
Spend FS to increase Control 12 (special case see
Unused Control after Hit Stun increases Control by
two die sizes

Conditions That Increase Initiative

Conditions That Lower Control

+1 to combatant with highest Initiative on previous

turn if he hit his opponent
Await Opening increases Initiative or Control
Full Defense increases Initiative or Control by one
die size
Spend Fighting Spirit at the beginning of the turn to
increase die size

Full Offense lowers Initiative or Control by one die

Hit Stun lowers Control by 4 or reduces it to 1/2
(round down), whichever is lower

Conditions That Lower Initiative

Await Opening increases Initiative or Control
Full Offense lowers Initiative or Control by one die
Recover from being Stunned and stand up from
Knock Down at the same time lowers Initiative by
one die size
Recover from being Stunned by being hit lowers
Initiative by one die size
Standing up from being Knocked Down lowers
Initiative by one die size unless character has
already acted before being Knocked Down

Move 1 Range and attack
Move 1 Range and receive defense bonus instead of
Move 2 Ranges
Move 2 Ranges and attack with Basic Move or some
Special Moves for 1 FS
Move 3 Ranges for 1 FS
After Knocking Down opponent: Move 1 Range
Power Up: No movement
Refocus and Await Opening: Move 1 Range
Movement after Hit Stun costs 1 extra FS

Conditions That Increase Accuracy


Add Accuracy Bonus

Add Accuracy of Move
Attacking after a successful Evasion without
movement: +2
Attacking at Range 0: +1
Attacking on Full Offense: roll 1d10
Attacking with a Cross-Up: +2
Await Opening increases Accuracy
If rolled Control is higher than needed for specific
attack, +1 bonus to Accuracy
Spend FS to increase Accuracy
Tag Team Switch Combo: +2

Conditions That Decrease Accuracy

Attacking at Range 2: -1
Ending a Combo with a Special Move: -1
Every full 3 moves in a Combo: -1
Subtract Accuracy of Move
Using a Combo in a Defensive Response: -1 (costs 2

Conditions That Increase Defense
Add Defense Bonus
Defense and Evasion can be used together for 1 FS
If attacker only moves 1 Range and does not attack:
On Full Defense, Defense (only) is increased
according to the Power Level Chart
Spend FS to increase Defense Total

Defense is 1/2 and no other option may be used

While Stunned, Defense is 1/2 and no other option
may be used and FS cannot be used

Successful Defense
Attack misses

Successful Evasion
Attack misses and defender can either move exactly
2 Ranges for 1 FS or receive bonus to Accuracy on
next attack

Successful Tactics
Attack misses and defender can choose Defensive

Defensive Responses
Anti-Air/Juggle Response
Basic Response
Counter Response (based on Defense)
Evade Ranged Response
Interrupt Response
Jinking Response
Priority Response
Ranged Response (based on Ki)
Reversal Response
Throw Response

Conditions That Decrease Defense

On Full Offense, Defense is 1/2 and no other option
may be used
When defending against a Defensive Response,

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Conditions That Increase Damage
Add Damage Bonus
Combo adds damage
Ki Skill determines damage of Ranged Special Move
Opponents Stamina may add die size to damage
Some Elements add damage
Strength may add die sizes to damage

Conditions That Decrease Damage

Opponents Strength may subtract die size from
Some Liabilities decrease damage
Stamina may subtract die sizes from damage

Effects of Damage
First successful damage in a round: Attacker regains
FS equal to Power Level
Damage is subtracted from opponents Life Bar
Defender suffers Hit Stun and loses 4 Control or is
reduced to 1/2 (round down) Control
Defender is Knocked Back 1 Range (Increased
Knockback or Launcher: 2 Ranges)
Defender may be Knocked Down or Stunned

End of Turn
Tally Glory and Super Energy
Roll Time Roll and describe events of the turn

Action Point Options in Dramatic

Initiative Option
Fast Reflexes

Movement Options
Leaving Combat

Attack Options
Climactic Super Move
Debilitating Injury
Final Blow
Freeze Frame Attack
Knocking an Opponent out of Combat
Property Damage
Pulling Punches
Special Moves
Surprise Attack

Defense Options
Endure Great Hardship
Full Defense
Ignore Hit Stun
Ki Face Off
Taking a Hit for Someone Else

Recovery Options
Draw Ki
Friendship Morale Boost


Healing Life Bar

Reaffirm Purpose
Realize Potential
Stand Off

Special Options
Ki Yelling
Mind-Manipulating Magic
Pushing It
Sense Ki
Spirit Combat
Stance Evaluation

Spiritual Combat
Call Forth Wisdom
Zen State

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Appendix 5: Glossary
Accuracy: An attacks bonus to hit, based on the
moves Elements, Control, Range, Accuracy Bonus,
and Fighting Spirit.
Action Point: A resource acquired almost every turn
in Dramatic Combat, used to power various special
effects, attacks, and Skill uses.
Action Sequence: A special sequence of skill checks
used to dramatically resolve a particular scene, such
as a chase or infiltration.
Attack String: An optional rule that modifies the
rules for Combos and Special Moves as a way to
emulate the fighting patterns found in 3-D fighting
video games.
Basic Move: Any punch, kick, elbow, head butt, or
simple attack form used to strike an opponent. It is
distinguished from the special effects found in
Special Moves and Super Moves. All Basic Moves
are considered L1 and have a base damage of 1d4.
Basic Quality: Strength, Speed, and Stamina. These
are the core characteristics that define a Fighters
physical capabilities. They are established at
character generation and never change.
Boss: The principal villain of a campaign. This
character will usually be the last opponent the
player characters will face at the climax of the
Campaign: A series of connected stories featuring
the same protagonists, working towards a climactic
confrontation, usually against a Boss. The campaign


as a whole represents the storyline found in the

background of a fighting video game. At the heart
of a campaigns story, there is often a tournament.
Combat Bonus: A bonus to be added to a
characters Accuracy, Control, Damage, or Defense
in combat.
Combat Bonuses are acquired
automatically by advancing in Power Level.
Combat Skill: A Skill that has a specific application
in the combat rules and little or no use outside of
combat. The five Combat Skills are Combo,
Defense, Evasion, Ki, and Tactics.
Combo: A series of attacks combined into one
attack for the purposes of rolling to hit. Combos
deal greater damage than a normal attack and are
also worth more Glory and Super Energy. Also the
name of one of the five Combat Skills, which sets
the maximum length of a characters Combos in
Control: A measure of a characters self-control,
tactical efficiency, and ability to make the best use
of an available situation in combat. Control is rolled
each turn and determines how powerful a move a
character can use as well as how long a Combo the
character can create. It also has an effect on
Defeated: The condition of a character who has
been reduced to zero Life Bar. In a fighting video
game, this almost always means knocked
unconscious, but the specific narrative meaning of
defeated in the game depends on the situation. In
any case, the character is no longer capable of
fighting without rest and recovery.
Defense Total: The number that the attacker needs
to roll equal to or greater than in order to hit the
defender. It is derived from the defenders chosen

defensive Skill, plus his Defense Bonus, Fighting

Spirit spent on defense, and miscellaneous
Defensive Option: The choice of which defensive
Skill the defender uses to attempt to block or avoid
an attack. The three defensive options are the same
as the three defensive Skills: Defense, Evasion, and
Defensive Response: One of a series of choices
available to a character who has successfully
defended using the Tactics Skill. Available Defensive
Responses depend on the defenders Special Moves
and the move used by the attacker. A few Defensive
Responses are instead based on Defense or Ki.

Distance: The measure of distance between a

character and an Environmental Hazard in combat.
It is an abstraction and is rated from 0-6. It serves a
similar purpose but is not considered to be
equivalent to Range.
Dramatic Combat: A sub-set of the normal combat
rules that provides for more skill use in combat,
faster resolution of turns, and a greater emphasis on
narrative detail. In exchange, it simplifies the main
combat system and removes some of the
capabilities and options of the characters.

DET: An acronym referring to the three defensive

Skills: Defense, Evasion, and Tactics. Unlike all other
Skills, the maximum level allowed for these Skills is
based on a specific entry on the Power Level chart,
and is much lower than other Skills.

Element: An aspect of a Special Move or Super

Move that enables it to use special rules in combat
depending on the situation. Examples include a
move that is more accurate, more damaging, one
that can interrupt an opponents move, or one that
can knock an opponent down. A Special Move has a
number of Elements equal to its Level +1, while a
Super Move has a number of Elements equal to
twice its Level.

Die Size: The specific die used to determine a result

in combat. Fight! uses d4s, d6s, d8s, d10s, and d12s.
Many effects throughout the rules modify the die
roll used by increasing or deceasing the die size
before the roll. For example, a one die size increase
on a d6 increases the die used for the roll to a d8.

Environmental Hazard: A feature of a battleground

that can have a specific effect on the combatants.
Examples include walls, ring-outs, dangerous
scenery, or cliffs. The space between a character
and an Environmental Hazard is measured in
Distances (not Ranges).

Difficulty Level (DL): The number set by the

Director that a character must equal or exceed on a
skill check in order to succeed at the task. Difficulty
Levels usually range between 4 and 20.

Fighter: A term used to describe any character that

is in an entirely different league of combat capability
from the rest of the world. This term describes all of
the player characters and all of the important nonplayer characters in the campaign. All of the
characters found in a fighting video game are

Director: The person responsible for setting up the

campaign, preparing the stories for the player
characters, adjudicating the rules, and playing all of
the non-player characters encountered. Often
called a Game Master or GM in other role-playing

Fighting Spirit: An abstract measure of a characters

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

ability to be flexible, creative, lucky, or focused in

combat. It also represents a characters drive and
training, as well as the strength of their confidence
and willpower. It is used for many purposes in
combat; very few die rolls cannot be modified by the
use of Fighting Spirit.
Glory: The measure of a characters ability to show
power, flexibility, versatility, and skill in combat. It is
gained primarily through the use of a variety of
moves as well as the ability to hit with long Combos.
It functions equivalently to experience points in
other role-playing games.
Hit Stun: An effect of being hit in combat. It
reduces the characters available Control, often
preventing him from acting during the turn.
Initiative: A measure of a characters speed,
aggression, and ability to take advantage of a break
in the opponents concentration. The Initiative roll
at the beginning of the turn determines the order of
action for the turn.
Knock Back: The effect of being driven back one or
more Ranges after being hit in combat. All attacks
that do damage also do Knock Back.
Knock Down: The effect of being knocked prone by
an attack. Such a condition requires the character to
spend an action standing up before being able to
move or attack again.
Level (L): A measure of the power and difficulty of a
particular Special Move or Super Move. A move that
is higher level requires more Control to use in
combat, but is also composed of more Elements and
is therefore more powerful and/or flexible. Basic
Moves are considered to be L1. Special Moves are


L2 or higher. Super Moves are L5 or higher.

Liability: An aspect of a Special Move or Super
Move that hinders the moves flexibility in some
way, making it less effective. However, in turn, the
Liability allows the move to have one or more
additional Elements. Example Liabilities include
reduced accuracy, a move that permits no
movement, a move that does no damage, or a move
that has a slow recovery time.
Life Bar: The measure of a characters health,
stamina, and willpower. As a character takes
damage, he loses Life Bar. When Life Bar is reduced
to zero, the character is defeated. The speed of
recovery of Life Bar is up to the Director, but is
usually assumed to occur as fast as the story needs.
The term Life Bar refers to the long colored bar at
the top of the screen in a traditional fighting video
Mechanical Skill: A type of Non-Combat Skill.
Mechanical Skills have specific mechanical game
effects in certain situations, unlike Narrative Skills,
whose use is based on circumstances within the
story narrative and adjudicated solely by the
Narrative Skill: A type of Non-Combat Skill.
Narrative Skills are basically equivalent to skills in
most role-playing games, in that they are used
outside of combat situations and the Director sets
their difficulty of use and their effectiveness within
the narrative.
Non-Combat Skill: A Skill that is not normally used
in combat, though many Non-Combat Skills can be
used in special situations in the Dramatic Combat
sub-system. While they are called skills, many
Non-Combat Skills also represent special abilities or
forms of training in mysticism and the martial arts.

Non-Player Character (NPC): A character in the

game, who may or may not also be a Fighter, who is
not controlled by one of the players. Normally, the
Director controls all non-player characters.
Player Character (PC): A Fighter in the game who is
controlled by a specific player. The player speaks for
the character, in both the dialogue he says and in
dictating what actions the character attempts to
perform in the story. Normally, each player controls
only one player character at a time.
Power Level (PL): A measure of a characters
realized potential within a particular story arc.
Player characters normally begin at Power Level 1
and progress through Power Level 8 over the course
of the campaign. Power Level is roughly equivalent
to the term level in other level-based role-playing
Quality: A positive aspect of a character not directly
related to his combat abilities or his Skills. Qualities
define the characters appearance, personality
traits, social connections, or special resources that
provide benefits for the character in appropriate
Quirk: A minor personality trait that poses an
occasional inconvenience to the character. In
general, Quirks simply define certain key aspects of
a characters personality, but under certain
circumstances, they may influence the characters
actions or other characters reactions to him.
Having three or more Quirks counts as a Weakness.
Range: The measure of distance between a
character and another character or Thug group in
combat. It is an abstraction and is rated from 0-5.
The Accuracy of attacks is affected by Range. It is
not the same thing as Distance, which measures
distance between a character and an Environmental

Special Move: A unique move of a Fighter. Special
Moves, more than any other characteristic, define
the combat style of a Fighter. They can vary widely,
and are composed of Elements and Limitations,
which define how the move is used in combat. Most
Special Moves are between L2 and L5. All Special
Moves have a base damage of 1d6.
Story Point: An expendable resource acquired
through various means throughout the game. Story
Points can be used to re-roll die rolls, make use of
Qualities, modify combat abilities, and exert
narrative control over the immediate circumstances
of the story.
Stunning: A consequence of a particularly powerful
hit in combat. A character who is Stunned loses two
actions and has severely limited defensive
Stunt Sequence: A special tactic available to
Fighters which uses Story Points as a weapon
against Thugs in the Thug Thrashing combat system.
A Stunt Sequence is intended as a particularly
colorful narrative circumstance that allows a Fighter
to defeat several Thugs at once without directly
attacking them by conventional means.
Super Energy: A resource used to power Super
Moves. Super Energy is gained each turn in combat
by various means. When a Fighter wishes to use a
Super Move, he must expend 10 or more Super
Energy to do so.
Super Move: An especially powerful form of Special
Move. Super Moves function in most ways like
Special Moves, but they are made up of more

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Elements and do more damage. Super Moves are

only available to Fighters of PL 3 or higher. A
Fighter must first accumulate Super Energy before
he can use a Super Move in combat. All Super
Moves have a base damage of 1d8.

the framework of the campaign as a whole. In this

latter sense, a Tournament may be a traditional
competition, but it may also be simply the rationale
provided by the Director in the campaign as to why
the Fighters encounter and fight one another.

Thug: Usually a reference to an opponent in combat

who is not a Fighter. However, in terms of the rules,
a Thug is any character who is not a Fighter,
encountered in combat or otherwise. Thugs operate
with different rules when it comes to both combat
and Skill use.

Weakness: A negative aspect of a character not

directly related to his combat abilities or his Skills.
Weaknesses define the characters appearance,
personality traits, or background that impose
liabilities on the character in specific situations.

Thug Group: A group of Thugs, numbering from one

(under certain circumstances) to 10. A Thug group
moves and acts as a single character in combat. All
the members of a Thug group must be of the same
Thug level and share the same characteristics.
Thug Level: A relative indicator of the overall
capability of the Thugs that make up a Thug group,
especially in combat. Thug level is rated from 1-5;
the higher the Thugs level, the more dangerous he
is. There is also a special level called Normal,
which is used for any Thugs that are not intended to
be combatants.
Thug Thrashing: A sub-system of the main combat
system used whenever non-Fighters are engaged in
combat. It functions in most ways like the main
combat system, but with special considerations for
the differing characteristics of Thugs. Also the name
of a Mechanical Non-Combat Skill that is used in
Thug Thrashing combat that indicates a characters
special skill at fighting multiple opponents at once.
Tournament: Either a reference to an organized
fighting competition that occurs in the context of a
story, as is commonly seen in the source material, or


Appendix 6: Source Material

The following list contains all the video games and
video game series that were actively played and
researched in designing the rules for Fight!
Arcana Heart series
Art of Fighting series
Asuka 120% Burning Fest series
Battle Arena Toshinden series
Bloody Roar series
Capcom Fighting Evolution
Capcom vs. SNK series
Critical Blow
Darkstalkers series
Dead or Alive series
Evil Zone
Fatal Fury series
Fighters Impact
Fighters Megamix
Garou Mark of the Wolves
Guilty Gear series
Hokuto no Ken
JoJos Bizarre Adventure series
Kakuto Chojin
King of Fighters series
Kizuna Encounter series
Last Blade series
Last Bronx
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
Marvel vs. Capcom series
Melty Blood series
Mortal Kombat series
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
Power Instinct series
Psychic Force series
Real Bout series
Rival Schools United By Fate series

Samurai Shodown series

Sengoku Basara X
Soul Blade/Soul Calibur series
Star Gladiator series
Street Fighter series
SVC Chaos
Tao Feng
Tekken series
Tobal series
Virtua Fighter series
World Heroes series
The following video games are either nontraditional fighting games or non-fighting video
games that inspired thematic elements in Fight!
Bushido Blade series
Cannon Spike
Death by Degrees
Def Jam series
DBZ Budokai series
Fighting Force series
Godzilla Destroy All Monsters series
Gundam Battle Assault series
Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks
Ninja Gaiden series
Pocket Fighter
Power Stone series
Tech Romancer
Thrill Kill
Urban Reign
War of the Monsters

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)


Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

Contributor Bios
Christopher Peter
Christopher is an academic who has spent about as
many years playing role-playing games as he has
spent in school collecting advanced degrees.
Gaming before his age reached double digits, he is
thankful for all the good times that role-playing has
brought, especially for the friends who have become
family over several decades together. When he is
not gaming, Christopher spends his time writing
journal articles and books in his field. He is a
longtime fan of fighting video games, collecting
dozens of obscure titles, even though he considers
himself merely an intermediate player on a good
day. Fight has been the product of over a decade of
work and he is happy that it is finally seeing print.
Wayne Deitrick
Wayne has spent more than three decades playing
role-playing games, but this is his first published
contribution to the hobby. A software designer by
trade, he enjoys the thought process involved in
bridging sound, interesting game mechanics with
equally interesting ways of improving the narrative.
When not working or playing games, he enjoys
video games, sci fi television and movies, and living
out his own adventures in the great outdoors.
Bob and Jennefer Noberini
Bob is a freelance artist who has been providing
artwork for role-playing games for the past 25 years.
A gamer himself, his favorite genre is superhero
gaming, though he also enjoys fighting video
games. Bob has also been active in the local comic

convention scene for the past 10 years. He is the

writer and artist for Players Wanted. His gallery can
be seen at His
wife Jennefer is also an artist and gamer, but she
prefers providing digital support for Bob, faking her
way through Photoshop and still getting great
Melissa Wang
Bless you all! It is an honor to be in this publication!
Im an art, manga and graphic novelist and
entertainment media enthusiast with hopes of
making interesting manga. I love watching people
play video games while drawing! I love drawing for
others and creating original art. You can see my
work at I can be
contacted on Facebook and Skype as muddymelly.
Danrey Borja
My name is Danrey. I am an aspiring artist that
always tries to improve my skills as much as I can.
Although I was born in the Philippines, Im currently
residing in Ontario, Canada. I primarily use
Photoshop for my artwork. My works can be seen at I learned how to
draw usually from trial and error since most of my
skills are self-taught. Most of my works are
influenced by anime and video game culture. Im
currently studying at University of Toronto and
mainly study sciences, but I do pick up some art
courses now and then. Art is my hobby. I enjoy
sitting down and drawing something. I m inspired
by many great artists who push me to be better. I
really hope you all enjoy my pieces.
Imperia Studio
Imperia Studio is a small independent graphic studio
established by Valeria Rodao and Andres Lacuesta.


Valeria Rodao is a graphic designer and plastic artist

born in 1986 in Montevideo, Uruguay. She studied
Paint and Drawing in the Universidad del Trabajo del
Uruguay (UTU) (Work University of Uruguay) and
Graphic Design in the Bios Academy, becoming one
of the best of her class. Andres Lacuesta, born in
1989, also in Montevideo, is a self-taught drawing
student, screenwriter, historical sciences and
literature student, and investigator for Universidad
de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay (UDELAR). The
style of the Studio is the result of the combined
forces of the two artists, giving every illustration
the sensory power of the art by using the method of
science and deep observation.
Catalina Silva
My name is Catalina, AKA Neko Rulz. I love cats,
tigers and wolves. I drink tea all day and enjoy
walking under the rain. My favorite places are those
surrounded by nature, mountains and trees. I was
born in Chile; a city named Temuco is my
hometown. Here art is not very appreciated. Even if
you have talent, you cant easily do this for a living,
because in this culture, people prefer other life
priorities. To have something to work with, Im
studying Graphic Design, and I try to tell everybody
that the career will be my future, but for me, it is just
a second chance. I just like illustration too much and
thats why Ive decided to offer myself working for
people via the Internet. And thats why Im really
grateful that people around the world like my art
this much.

Mattheew Jackson (order #4646727)

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