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A publication of


VOL. 43, 2015

The Italian Association

of Chemical Engineering
Online at

Chief Editors: Sauro Pierucci, Ji J. Kleme

Copyright 2015, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.,
ISBN 978-88-95608-34-1; ISSN 2283-9216

Overview on Dynamic Approaches to Risk Management in

Process Facilities
Valeria Villa*a, Nicola Paltrinierib, Valerio Cozzania

LISES DICAM, Alma Mater Studiorum Universit di Bologna, via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy
SINTEF Technology and Society, Safety Research, 7465 Trondheim, Norway

Nowadays hazard identification and risk assessment play an established and fundamental role for the
prevention of major accidents in the process industries. Despite their proved effectiveness, many hazard
identification and risk assessment techniques lack the dynamic dimension, which is the ability to learn from
new risk notions, experience and early warnings. Nevertheless, recent major disasters have raised the need to
go beyond the limits of conventional static methods for hazard identification and risk assessment. The
necessity to address risk issues in a continuously evolving environment, coupled with improved information
and communication technologies, led in the last few years to the development of several advanced dynamic
techniques for hazard identification and risk assessment in process systems. Eventually dynamic approaches
to risk have proved to be capable of identifying and assessing emerging and increasing risks throughout the
lifetime of the process. Recent applications have shown the effectiveness of dynamic approaches to major
accidents, as well as to maintenance activities. Despite the relevant differences among the mentioned
approaches, all these dynamic methods aim at dealing with uncertainties, system complexity, real-time
changing environments and real-time information from different sources with enhanced flexibility, in respect to
conventional approaches. The present study addresses dynamic approaches to hazard identification and risk
assessment in the process industry. These novel methods will be inserted in the broader framework of
dynamic risk management. These techniques will be joined with representative applications based on real
events. The results of the mentioned applications are used to show how risk can be assessed by means of
continuous activities of monitoring and review, coupled with real time risk evaluation. The ability of such
dynamic approaches to capture general failures and risk management deficits demonstrate their effectiveness,
both in risk management and in the prevention of major accidents, providing a more robust decision-making
within the process industry context.

1. Introduction
Hazard Identification and Quantitative Risk Analysis techniques have played a fundamental role in the process
industry during the last 30 years, but they lack an important element in the interdependency of the risk function
with time, that is the ability to learn from the process history. As a matter of fact, conventional Hazard
Identification and Risk Analysis techniques consider only the major accidents or incidents, ignoring other
abnormal events, as incipient faults and near misses, as well as new knowledge and systems variations,
although they are at the base of computation for more complete and updated risk profile. Within the purpose to
overcome this relevant limit, during the last decade several efforts have been devoted to the development of
novel approaches to Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Management, which can include the dynamic
evolution of conditions, both internal and external to the system, deeply affecting the final risk picture.
Nowadays the mature development of standing-alone or combined dynamic methodologies and the
encouraging results of their applications, both to study-cases and to real happened accidental events are
settling a new pathway for Process Safety to prevent undesirable outcomes.

2. Dynamic Approaches to Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment for Process Systems
Despite the fact that the first attempts to simulate the dynamic nature of system behavior date back to fifteen
years ago (Swaminathan and Smidts, 1999), the first exhaustive Dynamic Risk Assessment methodology for
process systems, termed as Dynamic Failure Assessment, has been developed by Meel and Seider (2006,
2008). This approach aims at estimating the dynamic probabilities of accident sequences, including near
misses and incident data (named as Accident Sequence Precursors ASP) as well as real-time data from
processes. The mentioned method proved its effectiveness in the application to several case studies, as
CSTR reactors safety systems, Ethyl Benzene process (Meel and Seider, 2006, 2008). Following a different
pathway ien (2001) developed an organizational model based on indicators (RIFs Risk Influencing
Factors), that later gave rise to Risk OMT project, a Risk Modelling project for the offshore industry, aimed at
dynamically integrate organizational, human and technical factors. (Vinnem et al., 2012)
These pioneering approaches particularly influenced further Dynamic techniques development, whose most
relevant contributions have been reported below.
2.1 DyPASI
The Dynamic Procedure for Atypical Scenarios Identification (DyPASI), whose flowchart has been reported in
Figure 1, is a Dynamic Hazard Identification technique, based on the improvement of well-established bow-tie
analysis (CCPS, 2008); DyPASI can enhance and update bow-tie results, through the inclusion of atypical
accident scenarios, other way undetected, eventually revealed by the acquisition and systematic screening of
emerging risk notions. (Paltrinieri et al., 2013a) This technique aims to produce complete and updated hazard
identification. As a preliminary activity, DyPASI requires the application of a conventional bow-tie technique,
followed by the retrieval from databases and search-systems of relevant information concerning undetected
potential hazards and accident scenarios that may not have been previously considered. (Paltrinieri et al.,
2013b) Once the necessary information have been gathered, a prioritization process is carried in order to
understand whether the data are significant enough to trigger further action and proceed with the process of
Risk Assessment. Then, potential scenarios are isolated from the early warnings gathered and a causeconsequence chain is developed, allowing the integration of the pattern of the atypical scenario with the bowtie technique. Eventually Safety measures, either safety barriers or generic safety functions, referred to
atypical scenario outlined can be applied appropriately.
The effectiveness of DyPASI approach in tackling atypical accidental scenarios has been proved by the
application to Buncefield oil depot and Toulouse disaster (Paltrinieri et al., 2012) and to a Carbon Capture and
Sequestration plant (Paltrinieri et al., 2014a).
DyPASI procedure, whose nature is iterative, should not be considered only as a stand-alone technique, but
lends itself to be integrated with other risk management tools providing a robust integrated framework, that
address organizational and technical factors; a step forward in that direction may be given by coupling DyPASI
technique with a Dynamic Risk Assessment method. (Paltrinieri et al., 2014b)
2.2 DRA
Dynamic Risk Assessment (DRA) has been developed by Kalantarnia et al. (2009, 2010), improving the
mentioned pioneering contribution from Meel and Seider (2006, 2008): this approach integrates Bayesian
failure mechanisms with consequence assessment. As highlighted by the flowchart reported in Figure 1, the
novelty of DRA in comparison with conventional Risk Assessment techniques stands in the presence of two
additional steps, which represent the key to dynamic approach: accident analysis and probability updating.
Accident analysis step uses the event/ fault tree along with real time process data to estimate events
probabilities. Then these probabilities can be updated using all available information and new data in the form
of likelihood function, by means of Bayesian inference, which is indeed the straightforward application of
Bayes theorem. Subsequently updated probabilities are applied in the re-estimation of the risk profile for a
process facility following an iterative procedure, which mirrors real-time changes in the system. The
effectiveness of the mentioned approach was proved by the application to real-case BP Texas Refinery
accident (Kalantarnia et al., 2010) and to offshore drilling operations (Abimbola et al., 2014). The integration
with established bow-tie technique proved to be an effective solution, as revealed by the application to a sugar
refinery explosion. (Khakzad et al., 2012)
A slight modification of Dynamic Risk Assessment, due to a two-stage Bayesian method, named for instance
Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis (HBA), enlarged the field of application for DRA also to rare event. The
feasibility of this approach has been witnessed by the application to BP Deepwater Horizon accident (Yang et
al., 2013) and to offshore blowouts (Khakzad et al., 2014). Recently, the necessity to formalize and extend the
DRA approach to complex situations with ensured flexibility led to the development of Bayesian Networks
(BNs), that are directed acyclic graph, suitable for reasoning in uncertain situations. BNs results to DRA have
been compared with the ones obtained by applying DRA to well-known techniques, as bow-tie (Khakzad et al.,

2013a) and fault-tree (Khakzad et al., 2011). The potentiality of a fully-Bayesian approach to Dynamic Risk
Assessment has been proved by many applications: Khakzad et al. (2013b) underlined the effectiveness of
this approach in preventing off-shore blowouts, Khakzad et al. (2013c) showed the role of BNs in Risk-based
Design Applications, while Khakzad et al. (2013d) suggested the applicability to domino accidents.
2.3 Risk Barometer
The Center for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry has recently developed a Risk barometer
technique (Okstad et al., 2013) aiming to continuously monitor risk picture changes and support decision
makers in daily operations. Risk barometer steps are described in Figure 1. As a pre-requirement, the risk
barometer needs to be performed on an existing Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) or a barrier analysis, in
order to conduct sensitivity analysis and select the parameters that are mostly affecting the overall risk picture,
other way included as single parameters in the analysis. In other words Risk Influencing Factors (RIFs) should
be identified and linked to the correspondent parameters. A RIFs, following the definition given by ien (2001)
is an aspect of a system or of an activity that affect its risk level; for example a safety barrier that can
influences one or more parameters of existing analysis. Moreover, indicators that assess the state of a RIF are
to be introduced. These indicators should be easy to measure and there should be a proven link with the RIF.
This approach is based on the availability of real-time data, e.g. regarding the safety barrier performance, and
became cost-effective only recently, because of the extensive use of Information and Communication
Technologies. Real-time Risk assessment can provide a basis for dynamic adjustments of inspection and
maintenance plans or implementation of risk reducing measures while maintaining production. As
strengthened by Pasman & Rogers (2013), Risk Indicators can be suitable for both the integration with wellestablished techniques as bow-tie analysis and the application of Bayesian Networks. Nevertheless, due to its
recent development, few applications have been carried out up to now; for instance Paltrinieri et al. (2014c)
have applied Risk Barometer method to a generic offshore production process area, demonstrating its
effectiveness. The distinct advantage of Risk Barometer technique in comparison with other dynamic
techniques is the capability of effectively visualize the result of risk monitoring on process events (Paltrinieri et
al, 2014c); this intuitive visualization of key information on barrier and safety function makes Risk Barometer a
useful tool in supporting critical decision making processes.

Figure 1: Flowcharts of dynamic methodologies for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. From top to
bottom: DyPASI (Paltrinieri et al., 2013a), DRA (Kalantarnia et al., 2009), Risk Barometer (Okstad et al. 2013).
2.4 Toward a Dynamic Risk Management framework
Paltrinieri et al. (2014d) have recently proposed a dynamic approach to Risk Management - Dynamic Risk
Management Framework (DRMF), developed from a set of well-known risk management and governance
frameworks. (ISO, 2009) The DRMF aims at implementing the need of continuous improvement and updating
in the risk management process, by applying Dynamic Techniques for Hazard Identification and Risk

Assessment. The framework, whose schematization has been reported in Figure 2, is composed by two
general stages, 4 sequential phases and 2 continuous activities involving all the process. The first stage is a
process of learning and understating and includes Horizon Screening, while the second phase deals with the
Hazard Identification, carried out by Dynamic Methods (e.g. DyPASI). The second stage is the Decision
process, which includes an assessment phase that addresses the dynamic estimation of the event frequency
and consequence analysis. Eventually, the decision and action phase deals with decision-making process and
subsequent implementation of regulatory and voluntary actions for unacceptable risks. Along with the risk
assessment phases, there are two continuous activities that should be constantly performed: monitoring,
review and continuous improvement and communication and consultation; this framework results to be open
to external constraints and continuously reiterated in order to effectively take into account real-time changes in
the process.

Figure 2: Dynamic Risk Management Framework. (Paltrinieri et al., 2014d)

3. Representative Application of Dynamic Approach

A representative application of Dynamic Approach is given by the Risk Barometer and is presented to
demonstrate its effectiveness in dynamically model and effectively visualize the risk profile. The case-study
consider a sand-erosion problem for an offshore oil production system. The application starts from the
development of the bow-tie reported in Figure 3, which consider as a top-event a material degradation, due to
a combination of erosion and corrosion phenomena, related to the hazard of sand in formation. Then a
reworking of the bow-tie technique has been carried out in order to show the existing interaction of the threats
(e.g. excessive sand production rate, corrosive environment and sand under deposit) as well as which barriers
are not active in the phenomena. Focus on the worst-case consequence, risk has been defined as the risk of
loss of containment.
The model defines the state of the causes and the performance of the barriers by means of specific indicators
sets. For instance, the performance of each barrier is the result of a synergy of various systems, for which
both technical and operational indicators are collected. The indicators are composed in a new weighted sum in
order to define the overall performance of the barrier. The weighting process, that defines the relative
importance of indicators, is based on expert judgment.
This model that results is semi-quantitative model and combines both the assessment of the related causes
and the performance of the barriers employed. The risk of loss containment is dependent on both the state of
the causes and the performance of the barriers (which in turn should stop the causes). A dynamic sensitivity
analysis has been carried out to gauge the change of risk as a function of the current barrier performance. The
barrier improvement potentials can be introduced in order to understand which barrier has a greater impact at
reducing the risk.

Figure 3: Bow-tie diagram as a starting point for representative example of Risk Barometer dynamic approach.
The results of the application can be clearly visualized by means of two diagrams, reported in Figure 4: a plot
of risk versus time, which highlights the risk trend and the risk barometer diagram, which is a circular diagram.
Another relevant feature of the risk barometer is its capability to be calibrated. This feature gives more
flexibility to the technique and allows complying with the tolerability standards used in different companies and
installations; the values and marks of the indicators may be subjected to bias, and therefore they should be
discussed among the interested audience. Eventually Risk Barometer shows how to benefit from indicators
that can be automatically collected from the system, with the purpose to give a real-time response.

Figure 4: Visualization of the results obtained by the application of Risk Barometer. From left to right side: risk
barometer circular diagram and a plot of risk versus time.

4. Conclusions
The current contribution has been aimed at addressing the potentialities of Dynamic Hazard Identification and
Risk Assessment approaches, which has recently raised attention as a direct consequence of the nowadaysfeasible real-time monitoring for process facilities. In particular three relevant approaches, DyPASI, DRA and
Risk Barometer have been explored in their foundational contributions and applications and their role in the
development of Dynamic Risk Management framework has been pointed out. These techniques have
demonstrated their ability to go beyond the limits of conventional ones, as well to be versatile in tackling
general failures and risk management deficits. A representative application of a relevant standing-alone
Dynamic Approach, the Risk Barometer, made clear the enhanced intuitiveness in the presentation of results,
the flexibility in mirroring real-time changes, and the ability to consider a systemic approach, that may
eventually turn into a significant increase of process plants safety and a desirable reduction of major
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