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Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences

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ISSN: 0975-8585

Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical

Insight into the Release kinetics of Amoxicillin trihydrate from Buccoadhesive
tablets with a Natural gum .
Gopa Roy Biswas *1, Subhasis Chakraborty1, Ushasi Das2, Sutapa Biswas Majee1

Department of Pharmaceutics, NSHM Knowledge Campus, Group of Institutions -Kolkata, 124, B.L Saha Road,
Kolkata-700053, West Bengal, India
Joy Beauty Care Private Limited, Kolkata-700084, West Bengal, India

To get successful buccal controlled release dosage form hydrophilic, swellable polymeric material alone or
in optimum combination is essential. This dosage form should get stuck to the oral cavity and release the drug at a
controlled rate under the conditions prevailing in the mouth. Here a natural gum (Gum karaya) has been selected
to prepare buccal tablets of Amoxicillin trihydrate. The tablets were prepared by wet granulation method. After
granulation the pre-compression evaluation tests were performed. The granules showed good flow ability and
compressibility. Physicochemical tests of the tablets revealed satisfactory results. Buccoadhesive strength of the
tablets was found to be in the range of 28-39 gm, which is good enough to hold the tablets in the buccal cavity.
Percent Swelling of the tablets was 10-107.87 % in phosphate buffer pH-6.8. The release data were fitted in kinetic
models of zero order, first order and Higuchi. The tablets with 10- 15 % of gum karaya showed zero order kinetics
whereas the other formulations (2.5-7.5% and 17.5- 20 % of gum karaya) showed mixed and higuchi kinetics of
drug release respectively. Optimum concentration of gum karaya (10-15%) reveals the dominance of the highly
swollen layer which controls the drug release from the buccoadhesive tablets.
Keywords: Buccoadhesion, Amoxicillin trihydrate, Gum karaya, zero order kinetics

*Corresponding author





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Among the various routes of drug delivery, the oral route can be considered as
preferred route for patients and clinicians. Based on our current understandings of biochemical
and physiological aspects of absorption and metabolism, many drugs, cannot be delivered
effectively through the conventional oral route, because after administration they are
subjected to pre-systemic clearance extensively in liver, which often leads to a lack of
significant correlation between membrane permeability, absorption, and bioavailability. The
buccal area has rich blood supply that drains directly into the jugular vein and bypasses the
liver. During last few years mucoadhesive dosage forms have promoted an area of drug delivery
system that renders the treatment more effective and safe, not only for topical disorders but
also for systemic problems. Successful buccal drug delivery using buccal adhesive systems
should have good bioadhesion to retain the formulation in the oral cavity and maximize the
intimacy of contact with mucosa. This formulation needs a vehicle that is responsible for
releasing the drug at an appropriate rate under the conditions prevailing in the mouth and
successful strategies should be implemented to overcome the low permeability of the oral
mucosa [1].
Bioadhesion can be defined as a phenomenon of interfacial molecular attractive forces
in the midst of the surfaces of the biological substrate and the natural or synthetic polymers,
which allows the polymer to adhere to the biological surface for an extended period of time.
Gum Karaya is a vegetable gum produced as an exudate by trees of the genus Sterculia.
Gum Karaya is a negative colloid and a high-molecular-weight complex acidic polysaccharide. It
is a partially acetylated complex polysaccharide composed of galacturonic acid, beta-Dgalactose, glucuronic acid, Lrhamnose, and other residues obtained as the calcium and
magnesium salt [2]. It is used as a thickener and emulsifier in foods, as a laxative, and as a
denture adhesive. It is also used to adulterate Gum Tragacanth due to their similar physical
characteristics [3]. A gumkaraya particle placed in water does not dissolve but absorbs water
and swells to many times its original size. The general utility of GK is based on its viscosity. GK
showed its suitability in the preparation of hydrophilic matrices mini-matrices [4],
microcapsules and transdermal buccal tablets. It has good mucoadhesive property due to its
swelling behavior. The swelling behavior of karaya gum is dependent upon the presence of
acetyl groups in its structure. Deacetylation through alkali treatment results in a water soluble
gum. When used in higher concentrations in water (up to 4%), karaya forms gels or pastes.
Unlike other gums, karaya swells in 60% alcohol, but remains insoluble in other organic
solvents. Karaya may absorb up to 100 times its weight in water.
Amoxicillin (-amino hydroxyl benzyl penicillin) is a semi synthetic antibiotic, belonging
to the Lactam family, which is effective for bacterial infection treatment, especially for
Helicobacter pylori infection. Helicobacter pylori is a major causative agent of diseases such as
Tonsillitis, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Gonorrhoea, ear infections, urinary tract infection and skin
infection. It is a -lactam antibiotic agent which is chemically 7-[2-amino-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) acetyl] amino-3, 3-dimethyl-6-oxo -2-thia-5-azabicyclo [3.2.0] heptane -4-carboxylic acid.




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Amoxicillin trihydrate acts by inhibiting the cross-linkage between the linear peptidoglycan
polymer chains of the cell wall of grampositive bacteria such as Streptococcus spp.,
Staphylococcus. spp. and Enterococcus spp. and gram-negative organisms such as Haemophilus,
Neisseria, Escherichia, Proteus and Salmonella spp [5]. Amoxicillin in trihydrated form is
available in capsules, chewable and dispersable tablets, and syrup and paediatric suspension,
for oral use and as sodium salt for intravenous administration [6].
In order to extend the residence period, a gastro retentive system of amoxicillin based
on non effervescent mechanism has been developed. Sustained release is a kind of controlled
release system that provides medication over an extended period. In other words, a sustained
release system controls the drug concentration in the target tissue. Due to rapid degradation of
amoxicillin, a sustained release dosage form that maintains therapeutic concentration in the
blood for a longer period of time is desirable.
A suitable buccal drug delivery system should be flexible with good bio adhesion, so that
it can be retained in the oral cavity for the desired duration releasing the drug in a predictable
manner to elicit the required therapeutic response. Gum karaya, is good buccoadhesive in
nature. It swells in water and has profound effect on the release kinetics of controlled release
dosage form [7].
Amoxicillin trihydrate was a gift from Unimerk Remedies, Birganj, Nepal. Gum karaya
powder # 150 was obtained as gift sample from Nutriroma, Hyderabad, India. All other
materials used were of analytical reagent grade.
Methods and Methodology:
Buccal tablets were prepared by wet granulation method. All the powders were passed
through 80 mesh sieve. Required quantity of drug and excipients were mixed thoroughly.
Mixture was then granulated using gum karaya paste. Granules were dried at 40 oC for about 15
min. After drying talc and magnesium stearate were finally added as glidant and lubricant
respectively. The mixture was then compressed into tablets using an 8 mm, round-shaped flat
punch in a single-stroke using 10 station rotary machines (Karmavati Ahmedabad, India). The
tablets were prepared with different concentrations of Gum karaya (Table-1).
Drug-Excipient Interaction Study Using
FTIR Spectroscopy
Drug-excipient interaction, one of the most essential parameters, is studied before
development of the formulations. Amoxicillin trihydrate, Gum karaya and its mixture with drug




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were mixed with IR grade KBr in the ratio 1:100 .Corresponding pellets were prepared by
applying 5.5 metric ton of pressure in a hydraulic press. The pellets were scanned over a wave
number range of 4000 to 400 cm-1 in FTIR spectroscope (ALPHA T, Bruker, USA).
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
The DSC analysis of pure drug, Gum karaya, and physical mixture of the Gum karaya
with the drug was carried out separately using Pyris Diamond TG/DTA Thermo gravimetric
/Differential Thermal Analyzer (Perkin Elmer Inc, PerkinElmer SINGAPORE) to study any possible
drug-polymer interaction at the molecular level. The ratio of drug to polymer chosen was same
as that in the final formulation. Platinum crucible was used with alpha alumina powder as
About 6 to 10mg sample were kept in platinum pans at a rate of 12C/min from 10 oC to
300C temperature range under a nitrogen flow of 150 ml/min. The changes in the DSC curves
were evaluated both with the positions of peak maxima and minima. The peak areas represent
the phase-transition enthalpies [7].
Buccoadhesion Test
To determine the buccoadhesive strength of the experimental tablets, each formulation
to be tested was attached to goat-buccal mucosa. A small physical balance having two circular
pans (diameter, 2 cm) hanged from a rod which was balanced with a fulcrum on a stand, was
used as a modified buccoadhesion test assembly [8].
Lower end of a circular pan was attached to the tablet. Immediately after the
attachment weights were placed on the other pan. Placing of weights was continued till the pan
got detached.
Swelling Index
The buccal tablets were weighed (W1) and placed separately in petri dishes containing
25 ml of Phosphate buffer (pH-6.8) and allowed to swell at 37 0.5C.The dishes were stored at
room temperature. After 4 h the tablets were removed and the excess water on their surface
was carefully removed using filter paper. Percent swelling was calculated in terms of water
uptake and presented as percentage of water uptake [9].
The swollen tablets were weighed (W2) and the percentage of swelling was calculated
by the following formula.
Swelling index = (W2 - W1)/W1*100





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Moisture content capacity
To determine the moisture content capacity of the tablets they were kept in desiccators
for 24 hours with Silica beads. The percentage moisture content was calculated from the weight
differences relative to the final weight after exposing prepared matrix tablets to activated silica
in vacuum desiccators.
Surface pH Study
The surface pH of the buccal tablets was determined in order to investigate the
possibility of any side effects in vivo. As an acidic or alkaline pH may irritate the buccal mucosa,
we sought to keep the surface pH as close to neutral as possible. For determination of surface
pH the buccal tablets were allowed to swell for 2 h on the surface of an agar plate. Then the
surface pH was determined by touching the electrode of a pH meter (Toshniwal Instruments,
Ajmer, Rajasthan, India) in the excess phosphate buffer pH-6.8 present at the surface of the
tablets. A mean of three readings was recorded [10].
Drug Content Analysis
A buccoadhesive tablet was taken in 100 mL phosphate buffer pH 6.8 in a volumetric
flask, and the mixture was stirred for 48 h at room temperature using a magnetic stirrer (Remi
Equipments, Mumbai, India). The drug content analysis for Amoxicillin trihydrate was done by
UV method. Initially, the time of analysis of the method was standardized by taking formulation
with measured amount of drug in phosphate buffer pH-6.8 and determination of amount of
drug released with the duration. It was found that 100% release of the drug was found by 24 h.
Therefore, the time of drug content analysis was chosen up to 24 h [11].
In vitro drug release (Dissolution Study)
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) XXIII rotating paddle method used to study the
drug release from the buccoadhesive tablet. The dissolution medium consisted 900 ml of
phosphate buffer pH 6.8. The release was performed at 37C 0.5C, with a rotation speed of
50 rpm. In this study sinker was used to prevent the float of the tablet and retain at the bottom
of the dissolution vessel. Samples (5 mL) were withdrawn at predetermined time intervals and
replaced with fresh medium. The samples filtered through Whatman filter paper and analyzed
after appropriate dilution (1ml of Sample in 10 ml) by UV spectrophotometer (UV 1800
Shimadzu) at 273 nm (pH- 6.8) [12].
Kinetics of Drug Release
To investigate the drug release kinetics from buccaoadhesive tablets of Amoxicillin
trihydrate the release rate obtained from dissolution studies were fitted to various kinetic
equations. The kinetics models used were a, Zero order equation (Qt = Q0 K0t), First order
equation (Qt = lnQ0 - K0t) and Higuchis equation (Qt = Kht1/2).




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In vitro drug permeation study [13]
The in-vitro permeation studies of buccoadhesive tablets of drug through excised layer
of goat buccal mucosa were carried out using Franz diffusion cell having 3.14 cm2 effective
diffusional area . It consists of two compartments one is donor compartment and another is
receptor compartment of 70 ml capacity. The cell contents were stirred with a magnetic stirrer
and temperature of 372oC was maintained throughout the experiment. The separated buccal
epithelium was mounted between two chambers and in receptor chamber phosphate buffer of
pH 6.8 (370C) was filled and epithelium was allowed to stabilize for the period of 1 h. After
stabilization the tablet was placed into the donor compartment and was wetted with 1ml of
phosphate buffer. The amount of drug permeated through the membrane was determined by
drawing samples periodically and replaced with same volume of phoaphate buffer pH-6.8. Then
the samples were analyzed by using UVVisible spectrophotometer at max of 273 nm.
Data were assessed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD Test using Vassar Stats
software (USA). P<0.01 has been considered as statistical significance.
The present study was intended to develop buccoadhesive tablets containing
Amoxicillin trihydrate. After a screening with several combinations of various polymers and
evaluating the different physico-chemical parameters and in vitro drug release, the best
polymeric composition achieved has been reported in this study. The drug-polymer ratio by
weight was taken 1:10 for each of the formulations, containing Amoxicillin trihydrate,
respectively. Drug-excipient interaction is a very important pre-formulation study to develop a
new formulation [14].Among the various methodologies available to understand the drug
excipient interaction, common approaches are FTIR spectroscopy, DSC, IR-spectra etc. FTIRspectroscopy shows the interaction between the molecules at the level of functional groups.
Here drug-excipient interaction was studied using FTIR-spectroscopy and DSC. FTIR
spectroscopy shows interaction between molecules at the level of functional groups [15]. An
FTIR spectrum of pure Amoxicillin trihydrate shows that all the characteristic peaks of
Amoxicillin trihydrate are present [16].Figs. (1A, 1B) show the IR spectra of drug and mixture of
drug and polymer respectively. Between 3200 cm-1 and 2800 cm-1 and between 1800 cm-1
and 1000 cm-1 wave numbers, variations at transmission spectroscopy data were noted.
Alkenyl (-C=C-) (3020 cm-1- 3100 cm-1), amide (-NH) (1000 cm-1- 1250 cm-1) ketonyl (-C=O)
(1710 cm-1-1720 cm-1), phenolic (-OH) (970 cm-1-1250 cm-1) stretches are mainly responsible for
those regions. This suggests that there may be physical interactions related to the formation of
weak to medium intensity bonding since no major shifting of peaks was noted [17]. Polymers
may change the rate and pathway of diffusion of drug molecules by varying entanglement in
polymeric network [18]. Thus the physical interactions might be helpful in sustaining the
release of drug molecules from the experimental formulations.





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Figure 1: FTIR spectra of a. Amoxicillin trihydrate b. mixture of Amoxicillin trihydrate and Gum karaya





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DSC measurement was carried out to provide better evidences whether predicted
physical interaction would lead to drug amorphous formation in the formulations. Figure 2A
shows the DSC and TGA of Amoxicillin trihydrate. Figure 2B and 2C Show the DSC and TGA of
Gum karaya and Drug-Gum karaya mixture respectively.
Figure 2: DSC and thermograms of a. Amoxicillin trihydrate b. Gum karaya c.mixture of Amoxicillin trihydrate
and Gum karaya

Figure 2C shows dipping of curve at 84.27oC claiming the loss of water molecule from
Amoxicillin trihydrate. This was followed by the crystallization of Amoxicillin trihydrate




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molecules at 182 oC and then immediately it was followed by the melting of the drug molecules
at 194 oC. When the drug molecules reached at 182oC they gained enough energy to move into
very ordered arrangement for crystallization. Thus 182oC temperature gave the crystallization
temperature of Amoxicillin trihydrate. This was followed by endothermic transition of melting
phenomenon started at 194 oC and this was followed by degradation of the molecules. The data
are further supported by TGA curve of the drug in the same figure. The changes in all the DSC
thermograms correspond to the changes at the respective TGA shown in the Fig. 2.
Table 1: Composition, Drug content and physical-mechanical characters of the formulation.

Gum karaya


Drug content

Surface pH

Buccoadhesive strength


99.17 0.6 %
98.17 0.6 %
98.17 0.6 %
98.17 0.6 %
98.17 0.6 %
98.15 0.4 %
98.17 0.6 %
98.23 0.4 %

6.8 0.1
6.8 0.1
6.8 0.1
6.8 0.1
6.8 0.1
6.8 0.1
6.8 0.1
6.8 0.1

25.3 1.3
28.2 1.3
30.12 1.5
32.05 1.4
34.14 1.4
37.16 1.5
38.08 1.1
39 1.2


Table-2: Release rate constants for the drug Amoxicillin trihydrate from the Buccal tablets obtained from
different kinetic models



Zero Order
First order













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The buccal tablets show satisfactory physical-mechanical properties (Table 1). In the
entire three formulations drug content is above 98% and the low values of standard deviation
and coefficient of variation (<1) indicate uniform distribution of the drug within the
buccoadhesive tablets. The surface pH obtained in this study was within the limits and showed
hardly any variation from time to time which omits the chances of irritation in the buccal
mucosa upon application.
All the three types of buccal tablets exhibited good buccoadhesive strength; those were
found to be 32.16, 34.25 and 39.32 g respectively. In case of the mucoadhesive polymers
desired strength was reported to be about 30 g [19]. Hence the buccoadhesive strengths were
found to be satisfactory to hold the buccal tablet inside the oral cavity. That strength of tablet
was found to be a function of the nature of polymer used and their concentration in the
Figure 3: Swelling index in terms of water absorption capacity of buccoadhesive tablets at phosphate buffer pH6.8 for 4 h. Data show mean (n=6) SD

Swelling depends on the polymer concentration and the moisture absorption capacity of
the polymers [20] .The swelling results were expressed in terms of percentage water uptake at
37oC [21] For F15 the swelling was 51.43 % and for F2.5 and F20 they were 10.35 % and 107.85
% respectively. The swelling ability increases with increase in percentage of Gum karaya. The
highest hydration (swelling) was observed with the formulation F3 (Fig 3). Flexibility of polymer
chain from individual polymer is important for interpenetration and entanglement, and in
presence of water molecules, polymers become crosslinked and the mobility of individual
polymer chain decreases and swelling occurs with the time [22].





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In this study, the buccoadhesive strength was determined by measurement of the force
of detachment or force of adhesion [23]. These parameters are the most frequently studied
adhesive properties. Buccoadhesion occurs shortly after swelling [24] but the bond formed
between mucosal layer and polymer is not very strong at the beginning. The adhesion will
increase with the degree of hydration to an optimum value. Results indicate that swelling is
maximum in where GK is 20%. Buccoadhesive strength is also maximum in those formulations
and that supports the above findings.
Figure 4: In vitro release of Amoxicillin trihydrate from buccoadhesive tablets containing Amoxicillin trihydrate
in phosphate buffer (pH-6.8). Data show mean (n=6) SD ,Values were significantly different as accessed by oneway ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD test (p<0.01).

The result of moisture content was 8.17% to 15.50%. Fig 4 represents the graph
consisting of cumulative percentage of drug release vs time. Drug release is the slowest one in
F20. In formulation F10, t50% value is 2 hr 35 minutes whereas in F15 and F20 they are 8 hr and
10 hr 5 minutes respectively.
The release profile and kinetics of drug release are important because they correlate the
in vitro and in vivo drug responses by comparing results of pharmacokinetics and dissolution
profile patterns. Hence, the cumulative drug release results of the formulations were fixed into
various mathematical models.





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Figure 5:In vitro skin permeation study of buccoadhesive tablets of Amoxicillin trihydrate through goat buccal
mucosa at phosphate buffer pH-6.8 . Data show mean (n=6) SD

The drug release pattern of formulation F10, F12.5 and F15 were found to be highly
linear, and close to infinity as indicated by their high regression value as 0.9843 0.9930 and
0.9916 respectively. Therefore it was ascertained that the drug release from these formulations
could follow either zero or near zero order kinetics. These forms released the same amount of
drug by unit of time irrespective of the drug concentration. F2.5, F5 and F7.5 drug release
followed mixed kinetics. It was noted that drug release gradually changed from concentration
independent zero-order release kinetics to concentration dependent first-order kinetic
pattern. At the beginning, because of the matrix structure drugs is released by zero-order
kinetic pattern later due to erosion of the structure drug released via first order kinetics Where
as F17.5 and F20 followed Higuchi kinetics throughout the study (r 2=0.9860 and 0.9987
respectively). Here more amount of Gum karaya is responsible for maximum swelling of the
matrix. That swollen layer behaves like a complete matrix structure and controlled the drug
release showing higuchi kinetics of drug release as with the time, the swelling of the polymers
varied the entanglement of polymeric pathways to control the diffusion of the drugs from the
formulations [25]. InF10, F12.5 and F15 drug release is concentration independent -zero order.
Here concentration of Gum karaya was such that it showed promising drug release pattern.
That was optimum enough to hold the matrix structure till the experimental work to release the
drug in zero order fashion. On the basis of drug release profile F10, F12.5 and F15 formulations
were selected for in vitro permeation study.





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In vitro permeation study the results are in conformity with the in-vitro drug release.
Drug permeation through goat buccal mucosa was steady and that also maintained a steady
state throughout the experiment. It can be concluded that sufficient concentration gradient
were maintained for drug diffusion across the skin.
The prepared buccoadhesive tablets of Amoxicillin trihydrate can help to bypass
extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism and improve bioavailability. These tablets exhibited
buccoadhesion time of more than 8 h.
Buccoadhesive tablets with 10, 12.5 and 15 % concentration of Gum karaya showed
zero order kinetics of drug release when subjected to dissolution study in phosphate buffer pH6.8.Similarly, in-vitro permeation studies showed almost 50-70% of drug permeation in 8 h.
Hence a conclusion can be drawn that formulation F10, F12.5 and F15 could be used to release
the drug uni directionally in buccal cavity in controlled manner.
The authors are thankful to NSHM Knowledge campus, Kolkata for providing necessary
facilities to carry out the research work and Metallurgy Department, Jadavpur University to
provide DSC facility.

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