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25r-03 AACE EStimating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction Claims

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Recommended Practice

Recommended Practice

AACE International Recommended Practice No. 25R-03


TCM Framework: 6.4 Forensic Performance Assessment

Donald F. McDonald, Jr., PE CCE (Author)
James G. Zack, Jr., (Author)
David Armstrong
Jack H. Bess
Robert A. Boyd
Bruce E. Bradley
Randy M. Brake
Joseph A. Brown, CCE
Timothy T. Calvey, PE
Donald J. Cass, CCE
R. Jay Colburn
Edward E. Douglas, III CCC
Donald J. Fredlund, Jr.
Fred W. Giffels
David W. Halligan
Peter Heroy
Lee J. Hobb
Kenji P. Hoshino
Copyright 2004 AACE, Inc.

Dr. Kenneth K. Humphreys, PE CCE

Anthony G. Isaac
Richard M. Kutta, CCE
Dr. Richard E. Larew, PE CCE
Paul Levin
John D. Marshall, Jr.
Jeffery L. Ottesen, PE
Stephen O. Revay, CCC
Rick Richison
Wisley Saintelmy, PE
Mark C. Sanders, PE CCE
L. Lee Schumacher
Dr. Amarjit Singh, PE
Richard D. Smith, PE CCE
Theodore J. Trauner
Tony Tuinstra, P.Eng.
Anthony J. Werderitsch, PE CCE
William R. Zollinger, III, PE
AACE International Recommended Practices

AACE International Recommended Practice No. 25R-03


TCM Framework: 6.4 Forensic Performance Assessment
April 13, 2004
One of the most contentious areas in construction claims is the calculation or estimation of lost
productivity. Unlike direct costs, lost productivity is often not tracked or cannot be discerned separately
and contemporaneously. As a result, both causation and entitlement concerning the recovery of lost
productivity are difficult to establish. Compounding this situation, there is no uniform agreement within the
construction industry as to a preferred methodology of calculating lost productivity. There are, in fact,
numerous ways to calculate lost productivity. Many methods of calculation are open to challenge with
respect to validity and applicability to particular cases -- thus making settlement of the issue on a
particular project problematic.1
What is productivity in construction and how is it measured?
question in the following manner.

Several authors have answered this

productivity refers to quantities produced per employee hour of effort and further is
defined as the ratio of output to input Productivity can be defined by any of the


Output input
Units work-hours
(Total output) (Total work-hours)2

Productivity is measured generally by the output per hour of input.3

Productivity: [A] relative measure of labor efficiency, either good or bad, when compared
to an established base or norm as determined from an area of great experience.
Productivity changes may be either an increase or decrease in cost.4
Productivity is defined as the craft hours necessary to produce a unit of finished
Simply stated then, productivity is a measurement of rate of output per unit of time or effort usually
measured in labor hours. For example, cubic yards/cubic meters of concrete placed, linear feet/meters of
conduit installed or pipe placed, etc. per crew hour or some other standard measure.
Productivity loss, therefore, is experienced when a contractor is not accomplishing its anticipated
achievable or planned rate of production and is best described as a contractor producing less than its
planned output per work hour of input. Thus, the contractor is expending more effort per unit of
production than originally planned.5
The result is a loss of money for a contractor. Therefore, a
challenging aspect of construction cost control is measuring and tracking work hours and production in
sufficient detail to allow analysis of the data in order to determine the root cause(s) of poor labor
productivity, should it occur.
Productivity is critically important in the context of construction contracts, both large and small.
Construction contractors are typically paid for work completed in place that conforms to the terms of the
contract. This is sometimes referred to as pay item work and is generally true whether the contract is
lump sum/firm fixed price, cost reimbursable, target cost, unit cost or pay item work or as a percentage of
previously defined categories of work, often referred to as a schedule of values or bill of quantities. That
is, unlike automotive manufacturers, construction contractors are rarely paid on the basis of the entire
completed product. And, unlike craft labor, construction contractors are rarely paid by hours of labor.
Therefore, productivity is related to project cash flow and profitability.
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Estimating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction Claims

April 13, 2004

All too often in construction, the terms productivity and production are used interchangeably. This is,
however, incorrect. Production is the measure of output (i.e., things produced) whereas productivity is
the measurement of the production. The following two formulas can be used to calculate these two

Output (units completed)____

Input (work or equipment hours)

Productivity Factor

Actual Productivity______
Baseline or Planned Productivity

Given this set of operating terms, it is therefore possible for a contractor to achieve 100% of its planned
production but not achieve its planned productivity. That is, a contractor could well be accomplishing the
planned rate of production of 300 linear feet of pipe/day in the ground but be expending twice the amount
of labor planned to accomplish this daily production rate, for example. In this case, the contractor would
be accomplishing 100% of planned production but operating at 50% productivity.
Thus, production and productivity are not reciprocal numbers. It does not necessarily follow that if a
contractor is 75% productive then they are 25% inefficient. In the context of this Recommended Practice,
production is the measure of output (i.e., how many feet or meters of pipe to be installed per work hour)
while productivity is the measure of input (i.e., how many labors hours it takes to install a foot or meter of
Measurement and allocation of responsibility for loss of productivity can be difficult. There are a number
of reasons for this difficulty.6 Amongst them, are the following.

Lost productivity resulting from some action which is the responsibility of the owner, may not be easily
detected or observed at the outset. Unless a contractor has a good productivity monitoring plan, well
known to field project management staff, all that may be known at the outset of a problem is that the
field crews are not completing work activities as planned, and project schedule, costs and cash flow
are suffering as a result. As a result, appropriate written notice to the project owner is often not
promptly filed, kicking off more discrete and detailed project monitoring efforts.7

Productivity is frequently not discretely tracked on construction projects in a contemporaneous

manner. Unless a contractor uses some sort of structured earned value system for tracking output
units and input units, there is no way to measure productivity contemporaneously. Thus, productivity
losses can be difficult to prove with the degree of certainty demanded by many owners.

Lost productivity is, all too often, calculated at the end of a project during preparation of a claim or
request for equitable adjustment. As a result, often times only a gross approximation or a total cost
estimate can be made.

Complicating the issue even more, there are myriad ways to calculate lost productivity. There is no
common agreement amongst cost professionals as to how such lost hours should be calculated.
Notwithstanding this statement, there is general agreement among cost professionals that a
comparison to unimpacted work on the project is generally preferred when there is sufficient data

The quality of some of the methods results is not always repeatable, leading to low confidence in the
resulting analysis. Often two methods are used to compare results as a check with seemingly wide
variances observed that cannot be easily understood or reconciled.

Finally, once lost productivity is calculated, it is still difficult to establish causation. Contractors tend to
blame such losses on owners and ask to be compensated. Owners, on the other hand, often blame a

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April 13, 2004

bad bid or poor project management and thus deny additional compensation for lost productivity.
Given this situation, the root cause of lost productivity is frequently a matter in dispute between
owners, contractors and subcontractors.
The key to reconstructing productivity information in support of a lost productivity claim is good record
keeping throughout the entire project. From the very start of the project, the contractor ought to establish
a uniform system of capturing and recording field labor productivity information on a contemporaneous
basis.9 Actual labor productivity ought to be compared on a routine basis to as-bid or as-planned labor
productivity to determine how the project is progressing against the plan. The earlier productivity loss can
be detected on a project, the greater the likelihood that corrective action can be implemented to mitigate
damages. If progress is not per plan, analysis for causation must be made. In the event that poor
productivity is, to a greater or lesser extent, brought about by some action or lack of action by the owner,
then appropriate written notice should be filed. Regardless of causation, corrective action ought to be
initiated as soon as the decline in labor productivity is detected.
This Recommended Practice focuses on identification of various methods for estimating lost labor
productivity in construction claims. Often the claim is the result of one or more change order requests
that cannot be fully resolved to capture their full and final effect on the entire project cost and schedule.
Specifically, this Recommended Practice examines the issue in terms of claims for cost recovery of lost
productivity. Therefore, the purpose of the Recommended Practice is to

Identify Lost Productivity Estimating Methodologies: That is, survey as many of the various
methodologies employed in litigation throughout North America as can be identified;

Rank Order the Methodologies: That is, based on reliability, professional acceptance, case law and
construction claims literature, rank the identified methodologies from most to least reliable with
respect to documenting estimating damages in claim situations. While it may not be possible to state
with certainty which methods are absolutely most or least reliable, it can be stated that under certain
sets of circumstances some methods are generally considered more reliable than others. (CAUTION:
This Recommended Practice was prepared on the basis of the authors understanding of Canadian
and U.S. case law. It is recommended that anyone preparing a lost productivity claim seek
appropriate legal advice on the methodology to be used. This is especially true if the claim is being
pursued under national law other than Canada or the United States.)

Define and Discuss Each Methodology: That is, discuss the method and how it is employed. Also,
when possible, discuss the strong and weak points of each method;

Identify Selected Studies Applicable to Each Methodology: Herein, identify as many studies and
professional or technical papers as possible which will help the practitioner in learning more about
and/or employing a particular method.

It needs to be noted that this Recommended Practice does not define in detail how one should properly
perform the various analytical methods identified herein. The Recommended Practice gives a brief
description of each method only in an effort to help claimants properly identify the method. That is,
different claimants may have differing nomenclature for the same methodology. In this case, the brief
description of each method is intended to help overcome this situation.
B.1 Common Causes of Lost Productivity
On construction projects there are numerous circumstances and events which may cause productivity to
decline. A review of two relatively recent publications results in the following list of causes which, while
not all inclusive, fairly well covers the majority of situations encountered on a construction project.10 The
circumstances set forth below may all impact labor productivity. However, for a contractor to successfully

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April 13, 2004

recover damages due to lost productivity from a project owner, the contractor will need to clearly
demonstrate that the root cause of the event or circumstance was something for which the owner or one
of the owners agents was responsible. Additionally, the contractor must be able to show a cause and
effect relationship between the event and the impact to labor productivity in order to recover damages
(i.e., costs and/or time). However, the recoverable damages are not limited to direct costs. They may
also include ripple damages or indirect costs, to the extent that a cause and effect relationship can be
established between the downstream effects and the originating event.

Absenteeism and the missing man syndrome When a crew hits its productive peak the absence
of any member of the crew may impact the crews production rate because the crew will typically be
unable to accomplish the same production rate with fewer resources or, perhaps, a different mix of
skill and experience levels.

Acceleration (directed or constructive) The deliberate or unintentional speeding up of a project

may result in lengthy periods of mandatory overtime, the addition of second shifts, or the addition of
more labor beyond the saturation point of the site or that can be effectively managed or coordinated,
all of which may have distinct impacts on productivity.

Adverse or unusually severe weather Some bad weather is to be expected on almost every
project. But, pushing weather sensitive work from good weather periods into periods of bad weather,
or encountering unusually severe weather, may impact productivity (e.g., earth backfill and
compaction operations pushed into wet weather periods).

Availability of skilled labor To be productive, a contractor must have sufficient skilled labor in the
field. To the extent that skilled labor is unavailable and a contractor is required to construct a project
with less skilled labor it is probable that productivity will be impacted.

Changes, ripple impact, cumulative impact of multiple changes and rework All projects
encounter some change during construction. This is to be expected. Some authors believe that 5
10% cost growth due to changes is the expected norm.11 However, major change (change well
beyond the norm), change outside the anticipated scope of work (cardinal change), multiple changes,
changes impact on unchanged work, or the cumulative impact of changes may all impact
productivity. The need to tear out work already in place, the delays attendant to changes, the need to
replan and resequence work, for example, may also cause productivity to decline.

Competition for Craft Labor If a nearby project(s) commences concurrently with the execution of
a project that was estimated and planned to utilize a stated level of labor skill and availability, and a
competition for that skilled labor base ensues, productivity may be adversely impacted. Financial
incentives, work rule changes and other issues may result in labor leaving one site for another,
resulting in lower productivity and increased costs for the first contactor. Further, the replacement
labor may be more costly and less skilled.

Craft turnover If a crew suffers from continual craft turnover, it is unlikely that they will achieve
good productivity simply because one or more members of the crew may be on the learning curve,
and thus decrease the overall productivity of the entire crew.

Crowding of labor or stacking of trades To achieve good productivity each member of a crew
must have sufficient working space to perform their work without being interfered with by other
craftsmen. When more labor is assigned to work in a fixed amount of space it is probable that
interference may occur, thus decreasing productivity. Additionally, when multiple trades are assigned
to work in the same area, the probability of interference rises and productivity may decline.

Defective engineering, engineering recycle and/or rework When drawings or specifications are
erroneous, ambiguous, unclear, etc., productivity is likely to decline because crews in the field are

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uncertain as to what needs to be done. As a consequence, crews may slow down or pace their work,
or have to stop all together while they wait for clear instruction.

Dilution of supervision When crews are split up to perform base scope work and changed work in
multiple locations or when work is continually changed or resequenced, field supervision is often
unable to effectively perform their primary task to see that crews work productively. Field
supervision ends up spending more time planning and replanning than supervising. It is probable that
productivity will decline because the right tools, materials and equipment may not be in the right place
at the right time.

Excessive overtime Numerous studies over many years have consistently documented the fact
that productivity typically declines as overtime work continues. The most commonly stated reasons
for this result include fatigue, increased absenteeism, decreased morale, reduced supervision
effectiveness, poor workmanship resulting in higher than normal rework, increased accidents, etc.
One author has gone so far as to suggest that on the average, no matter how many hours a week
you work, you will only achieve fifty hours of results.12 The thought underlying this statement is that
while overtime work will initially result in increased output, if it is continued for a prolonged period, the
output may actually decline for the reasons stated earlier. Thus, long term overtime may lead to
increased costs but decreased productivity. The effect of continued overtime work on labor
productivity is, perhaps, one of the most studied productivity loss factors in the construction industry.
The large number of studies contained in Appendix D is testimony to this fact.13

Failure to coordinate trade contractors, subcontractors and/or vendors If the project

management team fails to get subcontractors, material or equipment to the right place at the right
time, then productivity may decline as crews will not have the necessary resources to accomplish
their work, various trades interfere with others or work is not available to the crews to perform.

Fatigue Craftsmen who are tired tend to slow down work, make more mistakes than normal, and
suffer more accidents and injuries, thus productivity may decrease for the entire crew.

Labor relations and labor management factors When there are union jurisdictional issues,
industrial relations issues, unsafe working conditions or other safety issues, multiple evacuation
alarms in existing facilities, untimely issuance of permits, access issues, etc. labor productivity may
be adversely impacted in multiples ways.

Learning Curve At the outset of any project, there is a typical learning curve while the labor crews
become familiar with the project, its location, the quality standards imposed, laydown area locations,
etc. This is to be expected and is typically included in as-bid costs. However, if the work of the
project is shut down for some period of time and labor crews laid off, then when work recommences
the labor crews brought back to the project may have to go through another learning curve. This is
probably an unanticipated impact to labor productivity. If this happens more than once, then each
time a work stoppage occurs another learning curve productivity loss impact may occur.

Material, tools and equipment shortages If material, tools or construction equipment are not
available to a crew at the right location and time, then the crews productivity will probably suffer as
they may be unable to proceed in an orderly, consistent manner. Similarly, if the wrong tools or
improperly sized equipment is provided, productivity may also suffer.

Overmanning Productivity losses may occur when a contractor is required to or otherwise utilizes
more personnel than originally planned or can be effectively managed. In these situations,
productivity losses may occur because the contractor may be forced to use unproductive labor due to
a shortage of skilled labor; there may be a shortage of materials, tools, or equipment to support the
additional labor; or the contractor may not be able to effectively manage the labor due to a dilution of

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Poor morale of craft labor When work is constantly changed or has to be torn out and redone, etc.
the morale (i.e., enthusiasm for their work) is likely to suffer. When this occurs, productivity may

Project management factors A result of poor project management may be the failure to properly
schedule and coordinate the work. Work that is not properly scheduled, shortage of critical
construction equipment or labor, and incorrect mix of labor crews may result in decreased productivity
because crews may not be able to work as efficiently as they would otherwise do. Improperly planned
and implemented project initiation procedures may also lead to lost labor productivity. For example,
mobilizing labor prior to having access to site electrical power or prior to having adequate site parking
can both impact early on labor productivity. Additionally, poor site layout can contribute to loss of
productivity. If, for example, crews have to walk a long way to lunch rooms, tool cribs, laydown areas,
washrooms, entrances and exists, etc., then productivity may suffer as a result. In design / build or
EPC projects, mobilizing to the filed prematurely before engineering is sufficiently complete to support
efficient work schedules may lead to rework and inefficiencies.

Out of sequence work When work does not proceed in a logical, orderly fashion productivity is
likely to be negatively impacted as crews are moved around the site haphazardly, for example.

Rework and errors When work in the field must be done more than once in order to get it right,
productivity may suffer as a result.

Schedule Compression Impacts on Productivity Contractors are not legally bound to prove that
contract performance was extended to recover for lost productivity. When there are delays early on
in the project, the compression of the overall timeframe for later activities is often looked to as the
way to make up for delays and finish the project on time. From a strict scheduling perspective this
may be possible to do without accelerating individual work activities by utilizing float in the projects
overall schedule. However, on many projects, schedules are not fully resource loaded. As a
consequence, a properly updated schedule reflecting the delays may show the project finishing on
time, without shortening individual activities. It may result in overmanning of the work by the
contractor due to the shortening of the overall duration allowing the contractor to complete the total
remaining work. This is known as schedule compression. Schedule compression, when associated
with overmanning often results in significant productivity losses due to dilution of supervision,
shortages of materials, tools or equipment to support the additional labor, increased difficulty in
planning and coordinating the work and shortages of skilled labor.14

Site or work area access restrictions If a work site is remote, difficult to get to, or has inefficient
or limited access then productivity may suffer because labor, equipment and materials may not be on
site when and as needed to support efficient prosecution of the work. In addition, productivity losses
may occur when access to work areas are delayed or late and the contractor is required to do more
work in a shorter period of time, which may result in overmanning, dilution of supervision and lack of
coordination of the trades.

Site conditions Physical conditions (such as saturated soils); logistical conditions (such as low
hanging power lines); environmental conditions (such as permit requirements prohibiting construction
in certain areas during certain times of the year); legal conditions (such as noise ordinances
precluding work prior to 7:00 AM [0700 hours] or after 6:00 PM [1800 hours]) may all negatively
impact productivity on a project.

Untimely approvals or responses When project owners, designers and/or construction managers
fail to respond to contractually required submittals or requests for information in a timely manner,
productivity on a project may decline as crews may not have authority or sufficient knowledge to
proceed with their work.

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Estimating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction Claims

April 13, 2004

Once the first productivity loss has been detected, the contractor should reconfirm the baseline estimate
to ascertain that the project estimate is basically correct. In doing so, the contractor can insure that the
productivity loss detected is not simply the result of comparing field productivity to a flawed baseline.
Once this effort is complete the root cause of the productivity loss needs to be determined.15 If the
causation is found to be something for which the owner is liable, recommended practice is to follow the
mandates of the contract with respect to providing written notice to the appropriate party as soon as
possible. Subsequently, recommended practice is to gather all necessary supporting documentation and
file the lost productivity claim as prescribed in the contract. Some contracts allow claim filing within a
specified period of time after the notice of claim was filed whereas other contracts provide for claim filing
within so many days after the event or circumstance has passed. Regardless, the contractor seeking to
recover lost productivity costs should follow the mandates of the contract as closely as possible.
B.2 Recovery of Lost Productivity Cost
Based upon the definition of productivity set forth at the outset of this Recommended Practice and a
review of the causation factors, lost productivity can be translated to the increased cost of performance
caused by a change in the contractors anticipated or planned resources, working conditions or method of
work.16 While the general cause(s) of lost productivity may be easy to speculate upon (at least in
hindsight), the contractor seeking to be compensated for a cost increase must first demonstrate
entitlement, that is, a contractual right to recover damages, to the level of certainty required by decision
makers or the trier of fact. Second, the contractor must sufficiently prove causation, the nexus between
entitlement and damages.17 The resulting damages (cost) are an outgrowth of the change in
Output/Input. Lost productivity is the difference between baseline productivity and that actually achieved.
Lost Productivity

Productivity Baseline - Productivity Actual

Baseline productivity can be determined by measurements of input and output in unimpacted or the least
impacted periods of time on the project. When this data is not available, estimated or analytically
determined baseline productivity may be substituted.
While it is beyond the scope of this Recommended Practice to discuss the legal elements of entitlement
and causation in detail, it is noted that to recover lost productivity costs (damages) the contractor typically
must sufficiently demonstrate the following.

Compliance with the notice requirements of the contract.

Events occurred during the performance of the work, which were unforeseeable at the time of
contract execution or a preceding change order(s).

The events were beyond the control of the contractor seeking compensation, whether it is the
contractor, its subcontractors, vendors or suppliers, at any tier.

The events were caused by the owner or some entity for whom the owner is responsible (i.e., the
design professional, construction manager or an independent prime contractor, etc.). Or, in the
alternative, the events were caused by situations for which the owner assumed contractual liability
(i.e., a force majeure situation or differing site condition, etc.).

Recoverability for the resulting damages is not barred by the terms of the contract (e.g., exculpatory
clauses such as a no damages for delay clause which may be upheld in the jurisdiction or overcome
by events beyond the contemplation of the parties or intentional, willful, or grossly negligent conduct
of the party seeking enforcement of such a clause).

The events caused a change in the performance of the work and resulted in increased costs and/or
time required to perform the work (i.e., work was resequenced, means and methods were changed,
it took longer to perform the work, the work cost more due to performing work in bad weather, etc.).

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Only after all of the above has been sufficiently documented and demonstrated, is the contractor able to
present its damages (also referred to as quantum by attorneys) for consideration. It is the calculation of
potential damages or the estimate of damages incurred due to lost productivity that this Recommended
Practice is intended to address.
It must also be noted the optimal productivity is rarely if ever at the maximum production rate. Lost
productivity claims must compare planned and documented productivity rates with actual productivity
rates. A claim of low productivity is not likely to prevail. While non-optimal productivity is inefficient and
costly, it may be driven by factors known at the time of bidding and thus not give rise to additional
compensation. For example, a project bid with a tightly constrained schedule may dictate higher costs
and poor productivity in order to accomplish the work in a shortened timeframe. But, if this is an asknown condition at the time of bidding, a claim of poor productivity is not likely to be successful.
C.1 Methods of Estimating Lost Productivity
Listed below, in outline form, are various identified methods for estimating lost productivity. These
methods are listed in order of preference. The recommended order of preference of the applicability of
the studies and methods set forth below is based upon the weight of published literature. That is, Project
Specific Studies are preferred to Project Comparison Studies. Project Comparison Studies are likely to
be given greater weight than Specialty Industry Studies. Specialty Industry Studies are generally
considered more reliable than General Industry Studies, and so on and so forth. Within each category,
this Recommended Practice has likewise placed the methodology in order of preference. For example,
properly performed measured mile studies are preferred to earned value analyses which, in turn, are
considered more credible than work sampling or craftsmen questionnaires. Following this listing is a
discussion of each method and a commentary of the methods utility in a claim or dispute situation.

Project Specific Studies

Project Comparison Studies

Comparable Work Study

Comparable Project Study

Specialty Industry Studies

Measured Mile Study

Earned Value Analysis
Work Sampling Method
Craftsmen Questionnaire Sampling Method

Changes, Cumulative Impact and Rework
Learning Curve
Overtime and Shift Work
Project Characteristics
Project Management

General Industry Studies

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Modification Impact Evaluation Guide

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Cost Basis

Mechanical Contractors Association of America

National Electrical Contractors Association
Estimating Guides

Total Unit Cost Method

Modified Total Labor Cost Method
Total Labor Cost Method

Productivity Impact on Schedule

Schedule Impact Analysis

Inclusion of a methodology in this Recommended Practice is not intended to be an endorsement of the

methodology by AACEI or those that contributed to this Recommended Practice. Rather, inclusion is
simply acknowledgement that the methodology is recognized in the construction industry and has been
used, with more or less success, in the legal systems in North America to estimate damages arising from
certain situations.
C.2 Recommended Practice Order of Preference
Prior to initiating a loss of productivity analysis, the claimant should carefully consider whether the
productivity loss can be recast as an impact of specifically definable extra work. If so, then such
productivity loss ought to be incorporated into the estimate of the extra work and resolved in that manner.
A review of U.S. and Canadian case law leads to the conclusion that Courts, Boards of Contract Appeals
and other legal forums are more favorably impressed by damage calculations related directly to the
project in dispute and supported by contemporaneous project documentation.18 Therefore, recommended
practice for one preparing a lost productivity calculation is to utilize, if possible, one of the techniques
listed in the category Project Specific Studies. These methodologies, discussed in further detail below,
are project specific and supported by people and records directly involved at the time of the dispute or the
disputed work. If there is insufficient information available from contemporaneous project documentation
to support one of these techniques, recommended practice then is to use one of the methods listed under
the category Project Comparison Studies. These methodologies, too, are project specific but rely upon
different forms of contemporaneous documentation.
It is recognized that contemporaneous project documentation is not always available to one tasked with
estimating lost productivity. Estimated costs are, of course, recognized as a legitimate way to calculate
damages once entitlement and causation are sufficiently proven. North American legal systems
recognize that damages cannot always be calculated with mathematical certainty. Further, it is
recognized that contractors frequently have to prepare and live with cost estimates. Therefore, in the
absence of other proof of damages, the legal system may allow estimates to establish damages.19
Estimated damages may be acceptable, under proper circumstances, but are more subject to challenge
than direct project costs. Of the damage calculation and estimating methods, recommended practice is to
use first, one of the studies listed in the Specialty Industry Studies category. These are specialty
studies of specific types of problems and are, generally, based on some number of actual construction
projects. Of course, to utilize one of these studies, the causation of the lost productivity should be
appropriate for the particular problem studied.
If none of the specialized studies are applicable to the situation, recommended practice is to utilize one of
the studies listed in the General Industry Studies categories. These studies are more subject to
challenge because they are industry wide and not subject or project specific. Further, the basic data is
sometimes derived from a non-construction environment. Finally, these studies were, by in large,
intended as forward pricing guides and thus their intended purpose was distinctly different.
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Notwithstanding these criticisms, in the absence of more reliable techniques, claimants have been
allowed to use these studies once entitlement and causation have been sufficiently proven.
If the contractor preparing a lost productivity damage calculation can demonstrate entitlement and
causation but is unable to utilize one of the techniques previously listed, recommended practice is to use
one of the methods listed in the Cost Basis category. To successfully utilize one of these techniques,
the claimant has to overcome some difficult legal hurdles, discussed in more detail below. But, if these
challenges can be met, then these techniques may be allowed as a measure of lost productivity.
Finally, while it is not within the scope of this Recommended Practice to discuss the details of scheduling
and schedule delay analysis, recommended practice is to feed back the results of a lost productivity
analysis into a schedule to determine whether there are further impact costs that should be recoverable.
Recommended practice is to utilize the approach listed in the Productivity Impact on Schedule
category and employ an appropriate schedule delay analysis technique.
A note of caution is in order at this point. Most lost productivity claims involve situations where the loss of
productivity is due to multiple causes. It cannot be emphasized enough that calculation of productivity
loss is not a simple exercise. As a result, it is critical that the root cause of the lost productivity be
determined from project records or project personnel before deciding how to proceed to estimate the
labor impact. In cases where there are multiple causes of productivity loss, the individual preparing the
claim may be required to perform multiple estimating analyses and then merge them together to
rationalize the results, but not overstate the estimated productivity loss.
Most of the following methodologies have developed procedures to follow when applying the method to a
situation. Claimants using one of more of these methods must, in order to maintain credibility, follow the
procedures outlined in the method being utilized. Some of the more common mistakes made in
estimating lost productivity include the following:

Calculating the percentage change on a project on a cost rather than a labor hour basis;

Applying calculated lost productivity factors to as-bid labor hours rather than actual labor hours;

Applying calculated factors to all hours on the project rather than the hours during a certain impacted

Failing to account for typical learning curve productivity factors when calculating lost productivity;

Failing to deduct the additional labor hours already paid for in change orders or extra work orders,
before applying the productivity loss factor(s) estimated: or,

Failing to take into account and deduct other factors, which impacted productivity but which are not
recoverable under the terms of the contract.

Errors, such as those listed above, in applying a method to the situation being analyzed must be carefully
guarded against. If mistakes such as these are allowed to creep into the productivity loss analysis, then
the credibility of the analysis will be undercut and the likelihood of cost recovery reduced.
Finally, it is noted that civil litigation in Canada and the U.S. rests on the preponderance of evidence
test. That is, it is more likely than not that x event or occurrence resulted in y damages. Therefore,
someone preparing a productivity loss analysis may want to employ more than one of the methods listed
herein. From a practical point of view, and this is especially applicable if the productivity analysis is not
based on contemporaneous project records, if two or more methods independently applied result in
comparable results, the trier of fact (be it judge, jury or arbitration panel) is more likely to accept the
results. Again, it needs to be noted that this Recommended Practice has been derived from a review of
U.S. and Canadian legal decisions. To the extent that someone is pursuing a loss of productivity claim in

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a legal forum other than in the U.S. or Canada, legal advice should be obtained concerning how legal
forums in those jurisdictions deal with the issue of lost productivity.
C.3 Discussion of Recommended Practice
Project Specific Studies As noted earlier, when a dispute arises over lost productivity, calculations
based upon contemporaneously created project documentation from the project in dispute, supported
by personnel who were actually involved in the project and disputed work activities are the most
credible. Accordingly, when calculating lost productivity, recommended practice is to utilize one of
the following techniques, when possible.
There are two primary methods for measuring completed work items. The percentage complete
method rests upon periodic estimates of the percentage of work completed on a work item basis.
For example, a monthly payment application may estimate backfill work 50% complete, underground
conduit 32%, etc. The physical units of work completed method, however, is more detailed and
more accurate.20 Under this method, the actual units of work are surveyed for completion on a
regular or periodic basis and compared to the total known number of units to be installed or
constructed. Any of the project specific studies below can use either of these calculations, depending
upon contemporaneous project documentation maintained by field personnel.

Measured Mile Study According to Schwartzkopf -The most widely accepted method of calculating lost labor productivity is known throughout the
industry as the Measured Mile calculation. This calculation compares identical activities in
impacted and non-impacted sections of the project in order to ascertain the loss of productivity
resulting from the impact of a known set of events. The Measured Mile calculation is favored
because it considers only the actual effect of the alleged impact and thereby eliminates disputes
over the validity of cost estimates, or factors that may have impacted productivity due to no fault
of the owner.21
A recent court decision has broadened the Measured Mile calculation to include comparison of
similar work activities and least impacted periods versus impacted periods.22 If sufficient work on
the project is complete in an unimpacted or least impacted period and the quantity of work is
known then calculations can usually be performed to ascertain a baseline level of productivity for
that part of the work. Physical units of work complete divided by hours expended to complete
these work items determines productivity during the least impacted or unimpacted period. A
similar calculation is then performed for the period of the impact. The productivity loss can then
be calculated by subtracting the unit productivity rate during the impacted period from the unit
productivity during the unimpacted period. It is noted that when performing a Measured Mile
calculation, other variables, which could affect productivity but are unrelated to the claimed
impacts, must be accounted for and removed from the impacted period calculation to the extent
these variables occurred during the least or unimpacted period. These may include weather,
project mismanagement, subcontractor-related problems, voluntary acceleration, etc.23
Numerous federal court cases have upheld use of the measured mile technique including E.C.
Ernst, Inc. v. Koopers Company,24 Natkin & Company v. George A. Fuller Company,25 United
States Industries, Inc. v. Blake Construction Company, Inc.,26 Appeal of Batteast Company,27
Goodwin Contractors, Inc.,28 and Clark Concrete Contractors, Inc. v. General Services
Administration.29 Of the four methodologies listed in the project specific studies category the
Measured Mile study is the method most often cited in court cases. It is probably the best of the
recommended practices, assuming there is sufficient contemporaneous data to allow such an
approach. This method appears to be recognized as the most credible in the legal system.30
Additionally, unlike some other methods, the Measured Mile study can be used after the impact
has occurred or as a sampling technique, while the impacted work is in progress.

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Earned Value Analysis Productivity measurement is sometimes difficult when there is

insufficient information concerning the physical units of work installed on the project. In these
situations, a simplistic form31 of the earned value analysis method can be utilized to calculate
estimated labor hours.32 The contractors estimate or alternatively the dollar value of payment
applications, contract amounts or unit prices can be used to determine labor hours, when they
were expended and, possibly, on what activities.33 Physical units of work completed multiplied by
budget unit rates can be used to determine earned hours. The earned hours are then compared
to the actual hours expended for the period of the impact and the difference between the two may
be used to calculate the productivity loss experienced. Earned value measurement of
contemporaneous project documentation, such as percentages complete from schedule updates
or payment applications can assist with calculating labor productivity.34 Additionally, the claimant
may calculate the actual revenue per hour of labor versus the planned revenue per hour, as an
alternative.35 Earned value analysis may also be utilized to calculate estimated labor hours.36
When using the earned value analysis technique, it is cautioned that the budget used to generate
the earned value metrics be carefully reviewed and verified for reasonableness. Any earned value
analysis based upon an unreasonable budget is highly suspect. Finally, it is noted that a fully
resource loaded (labor and quantities) CPM schedule is a good source for obtaining earned value
metrics and allows for like-time causation analysis.

Work Sampling Method Work sampling is a method in which the claims analyst makes a large
number of direct observations of craftsmen to determine what they are doing at various points in
time. Work sampling is defined as
An application of random sampling techniques to the study of work activities so
that the proportions of time devoted to different elements of work can be
estimated with a given degree of statistical validity.37
From these observations the claimant determines, on a percentage basis, how much time is
spent between direct work (pay item work); support work (moving tools and materials to the work
location); or delays (time when no work is being performed). By performing a number of work
sampling studies, the analyst can draw comparisons of productivity before and after known
events, between work activities or crews, etc. Work sampling has been offered as a means of
determining productivity loss but it can only be performed during the life of the project and is not
compatible with a hindsight analysis effort.38

Craftsmen Questionnaire Sampling Method Claims analysts estimating lost productivity

frequently are not in the field, on the project, during the disruption period. However, when
productivity loss is recognized by field project management staff, a questionnaire can be
prepared and provided to craftsmen in the field. The questionnaire allows craftsmen to estimate
the amount of lost productive time in the field on a daily or weekly basis, identifying the reason for
the lost time. While, perhaps, not the most scientific of studies, this is contemporaneous
documentation if administered properly. The claimant can then tie the results of such a survey to
the entitlement and causation arguments.39 A variation of this method is the use of a Craftsmen
Questionnaire at the end of the job, to confirm or modify a productivity loss analysis performed
utilizing another method. For example, a recent Board of Contract Appeals case allowed a
Craftsmen Questionnaire to be used as a modifier of an industry-wide study and awarded lost
productivity costs to a mechanical subcontractor on this basis.40

Project Comparison Studies There may be times when a claimant needs to prepare an estimate
of lost productivity when circumstances affecting productivity such as project change, delay or
disruption ran throughout the entire project. That is, the circumstances of the project were such that
there were no unimpacted periods for the work activity in question from which one can determine
baseline productivity. In these circumstances, and assuming it is possible, recommended practice is
to utilize one of the following methods, assuming sufficient data exists.

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Comparable Work Study There are two forms of this analytical technique. One form is for the
contractor to estimate productivity loss on the impacted portion of the project. Once done, the
analyst locates an analogous or similar work activity on the project, which was unimpacted (or
least impacted) and calculates the productivity on this work. For example, a comparison of
electrical conduit installation with fire sprinkler installation. The ratio of the two calculations then
forms the estimated productivity loss. The difficulty in this method is determining what is
analogous or similar work? If the productivity loss occurred during the installation of electrical
conduit, is such work really analogous to installation of fire sprinkler piping? Factors such as
size, length, weight, height above ground or off the deck, etc. must all be carefully considered and
documented to successfully present such an analysis. The other form of a comparable work
study is to calculate productivity during the impacted period on the project and compare this
productivity to similar work, on the same project, performed by another contractor whose work
was not impacted.41 Typically, the comparable work study is only performed when study of the
same work before and after a known event is not possible and thus a measured mile analysis
cannot be completed. Perhaps change orders concerning the electrical conduit were so
pervasive from the outset of the work that the contractor was never able to achieve a measured
mile plateau. In such situations, project owners are unlikely to allow a comparison of actual
productivity with as-bid productivity, even if they are responsible for the changes. So, in its place,
the contractor may be able to compare actual productivity on conduit installation with productivity
on fire sprinkler installation to draw some conclusions.

Comparable Project Study In the event that the comparable work study cannot be performed,
an acceptable alternative may be to calculate productivity on the project in dispute and compare
this productivity to that achieved on another project with similar work. Of course, to do this
successfully the contractor must demonstrate that the comparable project was of similar size and
magnitude, similar location, similar weather and labor conditions, etc. The more similarity
between the projects, the more likely it is that this method will be given credence. Less similarity
between projects obviously leads to decreased chances of success.42

Specialty Industry Studies In the event there is insufficient contemporaneous project

documentation to allow preparation of one of the project specific or project comparison studies set
forth above, or other circumstances dictate, recommended practice is to perform a productivity loss
estimate using data developed by one of the specialized studies listed below. The claimant will, of
course, be challenged to demonstrate entitlement and causation, as mentioned previously.
Additionally, the contractor will have to demonstrate that the project encountered a situation similar to
that of the specialized study or studies relied upon.43 The primary distinctions between the specialty
industry studies listed below and the general industry studies listed in the next section are that (1)
these studies are subject specific; (2) are often limited to a specific industry; and, (3) are generally
based upon a small number of specific projects rather than a generalized survey of the industry

Acceleration These papers and studies offer observations on assessment of productivity

impacts when a project is accelerated sped up or required to perform work in less time than
otherwise allowed. The studies look into such issues as trade stacking, crew overmanning and
manning levels, that result from such a situation, among other things. See Appendix A for a list
of studies and papers related to this topic.

Changes, Cumulative Impact and Rework These studies and papers offer an assessment of
productivity impact when there are a large number of changes during performance of the work on
a project. Additionally, some of these specialized studies look specifically at the issues of the
cumulative (synergistic) impact of multiple changes. Also listed are a few studies addressing the
issue of What is the normal amount of change to be expected on a project? See Appendix B
for a list of papers and studies related to this topic.

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Learning Curve Learning curve is the typical productivity encountered at the beginning of any
project or any major project activity. Craft labor has to get used to working as a crew. They must
learn the site and its layout (i.e., where the washrooms and tool cribs are located, where the
laydown areas are, etc.) Crews must also acclimate to project requirements (level of quality
required, level of inspection imposed, production output required to meet schedule requirements,
etc.). Learning curve is typical. Learning curve may also occur later in projects if work is
suspended and labor demobilized and later remobilized. These papers and studies look at
productivity impact when a project encounters a delay or suspension of work causing craft to be
removed from the site and later remobilized. See Appendix C for a list of studies and papers
related to this topic.

Overtime and Shift Work These studies and papers consider productivity impact when there is
a good deal of work on an overtime or shift work basis on a project over a lengthy period of time.
See Appendix D for a list of papers and studies related to this topic.

Project Characteristics These papers and studies observe productivity impact related to
differing project characteristics. See Appendix E for a list of studies and papers related to this

Project Management These studies and papers review productivity impact resulting from
project mismanagement including engineering impacts, lack of construction equipment, tools and
materials, management turnover at the site, etc. See Appendix F for a list of papers and studies
related to this topic.

Weather These papers and studies assess labor productivity impact caused by weather
conditions. See Appendix G for a list of studies and papers related to this topic.

General Industry Studies Sometimes there is insufficient contemporaneous documentation to

support a project specific study or a project comparison study, and further, the loss of productivity
stemmed from numerous, non-specific causes. This is especially true when there is a lack of
contemporaneous data from a project or when there is a surfeit of non-definitive data. In these
situations then, recommended practice is to employ one of the general industry studies listed below.
Caution must be exercised in using these studies for a number of generally well known reasons.
Among these are the following.

The source data for the factors listed in these studies is not always known. The data may be
from a survey and comprised of anecdotal information as opposed to empirical data.44

These studies do not address how to apply these factors in situations where multiple causes of
productivity loss have been identified during the entitlement and causation analysis.45

These studies do not address whether the factors are to be applied to the entire project, portions
of the project, the changed work, etc.46

These studies are rarely conclusive concerning quantification of productivity loss because they
bear no direct relationship to the project in dispute.47

These studies are perceived, by some, as being self-serving studies because they appear to
serve the best interests of contractors from the industry association that prepared the studies.48

These studies can be used to attack the reasonableness of the contractors planned productivity

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Courts and Board of Contract Appeals seem to be more willing to accept these studies as support
or rebuttal evidence rather than direct evidence of productivity loss.50

Finally, it is noted, these industry studies were initially prepared for estimating and forward pricing
of change order or extra work order purposes and not for hindsight analysis of lost productivity

Having made the above statements, Courts and Boards of Contract Appeals continue to allow the use
of general industry studies under the proper circumstances. If the contractor can demonstrate
causation and entitlement and, that there is no better method to estimate the resulting damages, then
Court and Boards may allow use of these studies.52
The three most commonly referred to general industry studies are the following.

Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA), Labor Estimating Manual: Appendix

B, Factors Affecting Productivity, Rockville, Md., August 1998. Appendix B addresses 16
factors, which can impact labor productivity. The manual presents a range of losses,
expressed in percentages, for minor, average and severe cases.

National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), Manual of Labor Units, Bethesda, Md.,
1976 and 2003. This manual gave a job factor checklist addressing some 25 factors for
consideration under certain circumstances. Current editions of the manual no longer contain
this checklist but a summary of the checklist can be found in Schwartzkopfs book,
Calculating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction Claims, 11.3 at page 128.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Modification Impact Evaluation Guide, EP 415-1-3,

Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers, Washington, D.C., July, 1979.53
This manual addressed a number of factors the Corps was willing to discuss and negotiate
when considering the forward pricing of change orders.

Despite the identified and well-known weaknesses with these general industry studies they remain
recommended practice under proper circumstances.
First, the claimant must demonstrate
entitlement and causation. Then, there must be a showing that there is no better information upon
which to estimate resulting damages. Finally, the contractor must show that the impacts encountered
on the project rationally fit one or more of these studies.
Additionally, there is another type of general industry study, which is available for the claim analyst
to utilize. National estimating guides are classified in this Recommended Practice as general
industry studies because the information and data contained therein is based upon studies of the
construction industry in general. They are not, usually, as subject to the criticisms listed above.
However, the claimant will still be challenged to demonstrate entitlement and causation and prove
that there is no better way to estimate the resulting damages. If this can be done, estimating guides
may be utilized and may be given some credence. The national estimating guides on the market
generally are updated annually or, perhaps, even more frequently. These guides often provide
productivity information. Unlike the general industry studies listed above (which list percentage
factors to calculate productivity loss under certain situations) the estimating guides are useful to
establish the norm or the baseline productivity the contractor should have been able to achieve but
for the events encountered. Thus, an estimated Measured Mile approach can be constructed by
calculating actual productivity on the project and comparing it to an estimated productivity from one
or more of the estimating guides. See Appendix H for a list of estimating guides available for such

Cost Basis If it is possible to demonstrate entitlement and causation but there is insufficient project
documentation to support damage calculations using any of the above techniques, recommended
practice is to use one of the costing methods set forth below. These methods require analysis of the

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project job cost records. The purpose of such preliminary analysis is to determine actual direct labor
hours and costs (having stripped out materials, installed equipment, supplies, field and home office
overhead, small tools and consumables, etc.).

Total Unit Cost Method This method is a variation of the Total Labor Cost Method discussed
below. Under this method, all costs incurred (labor, material, equipment, subcontractors, small
tools and consumables, etc.) are divided by the units of work completed during that period of
time. A similar calculation is made for units of work in a different period of time. Assuming no
other variables arose during the second period of time then it can be posited that the difference in
unit cost is the impact of the event identified by the claimant. Calculations then have to be made
to determine and remove the costs of materials, equipment, small tools and subcontract costs.
Once done, the remainder is all labor cost and the differential in labor cost per unit installed is,
arguably, the labor productivity impact resulting from the event complained of.54

Modified Total Labor Cost Method This method is the same as the Total Labor Cost Method,
except that the contractor subtracts out known bid errors, excessive costs (i.e., the failure to
mitigate damages), field problems for which the contractor was responsible, etc.. As a result, the
formula is as follows.
Total Labor Cost Owed = Total Labor Cost Expended Acknowledged
Contractor Problems Total Labor Cost Paid
The contractor using this recommended practice is still faced with overcoming the challenge of
the four-part test set forth by the courts noted below. It is imprudent to use this method when a
more credible method is possible. However, by subtracting contractor problems from the cost
equation, the contractor addresses the last three tests in an affirmative manner. Similarly, a
contractor who corrects busts either in their bid or their budget will, at least in part, address the
second, third and fourth tests outlined below.

Total Labor Cost Method The basic formula for a total labor cost analysis is the following.
Total Labor Cost Owed = Total Labor Cost Expended Total Labor Cost Paid55
This method of estimating damages may be applied to the entire project, if the loss of productivity
extended to all work. In the alternative, this estimating technique may be applied to a particular
area of the work (i.e., glazing, masonry, etc.) if only specific areas or items of work were
impacted. It may also be applied only to certain craft labor crews if it can be shown that only
certain crews were subject to the loss of productivity. It is, however, the least accepted method to
calculate decreased labor productivity.56
When using a cost basis methodology, the contractor must remember that labor costs are a
function of both the number of manhours and the unit cost of these hours. Thus, the total labor
cost expended may exceed the total labor cost paid due to an increase in the average unit cost of
labor not a loss of productivity (i.e., more hours expended than planned). While many of the
factors that impact productivity may also increase the unit cost of labor, there may be other
circumstances on the project that increase the unit cost of labor (i.e., a union requiring a different
mix of apprentices to journeymen) that are unrelated to those affecting productivity. Thus, it is
recommended practice that the claimant separately address both productivity losses (i.e.,
increase in hours) and differences in unit cost of labor, when utilizing a cost basis method.
In utilizing this recommended practice, claimants must also be cognizant that a number of legal
hurdles must be overcome if one is to be successful in using this approach in litigation. In order
to safeguard against the potential inequities embodied in the above formula, courts have set up a
standard four-part test. To use this method of pricing damages, the contractor must demonstrate
the following.

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1. The nature of the particular losses make it impracticable, if not impossible, to determine
damages in any other more particular manner.
2. The contractors bid or estimate was reasonable and free of any material errors.
3. The contractors actual costs were reasonable (meaning that the claimant has the challenge
of proving mitigation of damages).
4. The contractor was not responsible for any of the events leading to the loss of productivity.57
Assuming that the contractor can overcome these four tests, this recommended practice is an
allowable method for estimating lost productivity damages.

Productivity Impact on Schedule It is not within the scope of this Recommended Practice to
discuss scheduling and scheduling techniques. However, there is a relationship between a lost labor
productivity analysis, lost labor productivitys impact to a project schedule and, possibly, the critical
path of that schedule. It is recognized that schedule delay may not only result from productivity loss,
but in many cases, may precede the productivity loss. The factor that often drives a contractor to
perform work inefficiently is the lack of time to perform the work more efficiently. As a result, there is
very little loss of productivity that does not involve some element of delay followed by attempted or
actual acceleration somewhere in its chain of causation. Therefore, schedule analysis often plays a
major role in analyzing entitlement and, perhaps, impact of productivity loss.
In general terms the relationship between labor productivity and schedule impact is often as follows:
If a contractor encounters productivity loss at some point during the progress of the work, then those
activities, which are less productive, will tend to stretch out in duration. This, in turn, may impact
other activities. For example, follow on activities may also have increased durations; may have to be
resequenced in order to meet schedule end dates; or may be pushed from good weather or lower
wage rate points in time into bad weather or periods of higher wages. It has been acknowledged by
the Courts that, the contractor does not need to prove that contract performance was extended
beyond the planned completion date in order to recover for lost productivity.58 However, if planned
work activities have been resequenced or moved from good to bad weather periods, it is likely that
they too, will have suffered a loss of productivity. This can be the synergistic or ripple effect of
productivity loss on otherwise unchanged work. The challenge then is for the claimant to determine
such ripple impact, show entitlement, demonstrate the cause and effect relationship and then,
estimate or document damages suffered.
There is no industry-wide agreement on what scheduling technique should be applied when analyzing
delay and impact. And, as noted above, it is not the intent of this Recommended Practice to facilitate
such an agreement. This Recommended Practice addresses the issue of how to estimate and price
lost labor productivity. It is noted that a separate Recommended Practice for Schedule Delay
Analysis is under preparation at the time of this writing.

Schedule Impact Analysis Recommended practice in this regard is to utilize some schedule
analysis technique to determine overall project delay or delay to some activities within the
schedule. Once a determination is made that some or all of the remaining activities on the
schedule were delayed then the above techniques can be applied to determine whether any
productivity loss grew out of such delay. Delayed activities are identified and recalculated59 to
estimate the effect of such delay in terms of productivity loss. Other activities must then be
analyzed to determine whether they too suffered from productivity impacts. If so, then these
activities may also have to be recalculated and the schedule analysis run yet again. This is an
iterative process, which continues until all activities downstream of the initial productivity loss
have been examined to determine whether they were affected by ripple impact. Once this

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process is completed then damages may be calculated using one or more of the recommended
practices identified above.
Under appropriate fact circumstances, all of the methods set forth herein are technically acceptable which
is why they have been included in this Recommended Practice. Of all the methods identified above, the
most reliable are those set forth in the section on Project Specific Studies. These methods are based
upon contemporaneous documentation and knowledge from the project. Thus, they come the closest to
approximating actual damages from a project. All other methodologies discussed in this Recommended
Practice are estimating techniques with varying degrees of reliability. Therefore, they are considered
somewhat less reliable that the Project Specific Studies. This again highlights the importance of keeping
good project records from the outset of the project which captures contemporaneous project
documentation by individuals actively involved in constructing the project.
Donald F. McDonald, Jr., PE CCE (Author)
James G. Zack, Jr., (Author)
David Armstrong
Jack H. Bess
Robert A. Boyd
Bruce E. Bradley
Randy M. Brake
Joseph A. Brown, CCE
Timothy T. Calvey, PE
Donald J. Cass, CCE
R. Jay Colburn
Edward E. Douglas, III CCC
Donald J. Fredlund, Jr.
Fred W. Giffels
David W. Halligan
Peter Heroy
Lee J. Hobb
Kenji P. Hoshino
Dr. Kenneth K. Humphreys, PE CCE
Anthony G. Isaac
Richard M. Kutta, CCE
Dr. Richard E. Larew, PE CCE
Paul Levin
John D. Marshall, Jr.
Jeffery L. Ottesen, PE
Stephen O. Revay, CCC
Rick Richison
Wisley Saintelmy, PE
Mark C. Sanders, PE CCE
L. Lee Schumacher
Dr. Amarjit Singh, PE
Richard D. Smith, PE CCE
Theodore J. Trauner
Tony Tuinstra, P.Eng.
Anthony J. Werderitsch, PE CCE
William R. Zollinger, III, PE

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APPENDIX A: Specialized Studies Related to Acceleration

Construction Industry Institute, CII Research Summary RS 6-7, Concepts and Methods of Schedule
Compression, Austin, Texas, November 1988.
Construction Industry Institute, CII Research Summary RS 41-1, Schedule Reduction Executive
Summary, Austin, Texas, April 1995.
Construction Industry Institute, CII Research Summary RS 41-11, Investigation of Schedule
Reduction Techniques for the Engineering and Construction Industry, Austin, Texas, September
Construction Industry Institute, CII SD-55, Concepts and Methods of Schedule Compression, Austin,
Texas, July 1990.
Jensen, Donald A. and Albert Pedulla, Construction Acceleration: Recognizing the Necessary Legal
Elements for a successful Claim by the Contractor, ASC Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference,
Arizona State University, April, 1995.
National Electrical Contractors Association, Electrical Construction Peak Work Force Report, 2nd
Edition, Washington, D.C., 1987.
National Electrical Contractors Association, Normal Project Duration in Electrical Construction Report,
Washington, D.C., 1984.
OConnor, L.V., Overcoming the Problems of Scheduling on Large Central Station Boilers, American
Power Conference, 31:518-28, 1969.
Singh, Amarjit, Claim Evaluation for Combined Effect of Multiple Claim Factors, Cost Engineering,
Vol. 43, No. 12, pp 19 31, December 2001.
Smith, A.G., Increasing Onsite Production, AACEI Transactions, K.4.1, 1987.
Thomas, H. Randolph Jr., and Gary R. Smith, Loss of Construction Labor Productivity Due to
Inefficiencies and Disruption: The Weight of Expert Opinion, The Pennsylvania Transportation
Institute, December 1990.
Thomas, H. Randolph Jr., and G. L. Jansma, Quantifying Construction Productivity Losses
Associated with an Accelerated Schedule, 1985.
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr. and Amra A. Oloufa, Strategies for Minimizing the Economic
Consequences of Schedule Acceleration and Compression, The Electrical Contracting Foundation,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Modification Impact Evaluation Guide, Department of the Army, Office
of the Chief of Engineers, Washington, D.C., July, 1979.
Waldron, A.J., Applied Principals of Project Planning and Control, 2nd Edition, 1968.

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APPENDIX B: Specialized Studies Related to Changes, Cumulative Impact and Rework

Borcherding, John D. and L.F. Alarcon, Quantitative Effects on Productivity, The Construction
Lawyer, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1991.
Chen, Mark T., Change Control and Tracking, U.2.1, AACEI Transactions, 1992.
Committee on Construction Change Orders, Construction Contract Modifications: Comparing the
Experience of Federal Agencies with Other Owners, Building Research Board National Research
Council, Washington, D.C., 1986.
Construction Industry Institute, The Impact of Changes on Construction Cost and Schedule, CII
Research Summary RS6-10, Austin, Texas, April 1990.
Construction Industry Institute, Quantitative Effects of Project Change Executive Summary, CII
Research Summary RS43-2, Austin, Texas, December 1994.
Construction Industry Institute, The Effects of Change on Labor Productivity: Why and How Much, CII
SD-99, Austin, Texas, August 1994.
Construction Industry Institute, Quantitative Impacts of Project, CII SD-108, Austin, Texas, May 1995.
Construction Industry Institute, Quantifying the Cumulative Impact of Change Orders for Electrical
and Mechanical Contractors, Research Summary 158-1, Austin, Texas, 2001.
Halligan, D.W. and Demsetz, L.A., Action-Response Model and Loss of Productivity in Construction,
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, March 1994.
Hanna, Awad S., Jeffrey S. Russell, Joel Detwiler and Pehr Peterson, Quantifying the Cumulative
Impact of Change Orders, Preliminary Report, July 6, 1999.
Hanna, Awad S., Jeffrey S. Russell, Erik V. Nordheim and Matthew J. Bruggink, Impact of Change
Orders on Labor Efficiency for Electrical Construction, Journal of Construction Engineering and
Management, Vol. 125, No. 4, 1999.
Hanna, Awad S., Jeffrey S. Russell, Timothy W. Gotzion and Erik V. Nordheim, Impact of Change
Orders on Labor Efficiency for Mechanical Construction, Journal of Construction Engineering and
Management, Vol. 125, No. 3, 1999.
Hester, Westin T., John A. Kuprenas and P.C. Chang, Construction Changes and Change Orders:
Their Magnitude and Impact, Construction Industry Institute, Source Document 66, Austin, Texas,
Leonard, Charles A., The Effects of Change Orders on Productivity, Concordia University, Montreal,
Quebec, April 14, 1987.
Mechanical Contractors Association of America, Change Orders, Overtime and Productivity,
Publication M3, Rockville, Md., 1968.
Singh, Amarjit, Claim Evaluation for Combined Effect of Multiple Claim Factors, Cost Engineering,
Vol. 43, No. 12, pp 19 31, December 2001.
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr. and Carmen Napolitan, Effects of Changes on Labor Productivity: Why and
How Much, Construction Industry Institute, Source Document 99, August, 1994.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Ratio of Completion Cost to Original Cost Estimate, Construction
Reports C30-85-5, Construction Statistics Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., 1985.

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APPENDIX C: Specialized Studies Related to Learning Curve

Cass, Donald J., Labor Productivity Impact of Varying Crew Levels, C.2.1, AACEI Transactions,
Construction Industry Institute, Compressing the Learning Curve, CII VC-112, Austin, Texas, 1997.
Daytner, A.D. and H. Randolph Thomas, Jr., An Analysis of the Interaction Between the Effect of
Learning and Efficiency Losses Caused by Weather, Construction Management Research Series,
Report No. 21, 1985.
Emir, Zey, Learning Curve in Construction, Revay Reports, Vol. 18, No. 3, October 1999.
Gates, Marvin and Amerigo Scarpa, Learning and Experience Curves, Journal of the Construction
Division, 92 March 1972.
Gordon, R.B., How to Use the Learning Curve, 1965.
Singh, Amarjit, Claim Evaluation for Combined Effect of Multiple Claim Factors, Cost Engineering,
Vol. 43, No. 12, pp 19 31, December 2001.
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr., Cody T. Matthews and James G. Ward, Learning Curve Models of
Construction Productivity, 112 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 248, June,
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr. and Amra A. Oloufa, Labor Productivity, Disruptions and the Ripple Effect,
Cost Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 12, December, 1995.
United Nations Committee on Housing, Building and Planning, Effect of Repetition on Building
Operations and Processes on Site, New York, 1965.
Ward, James G. and H. Randolph Thomas, Jr., A Validation of Learning Curve Models Available to
the Construction Industry, Construction Management Research Series, Report No. 20, August, 1984.
Wright, T.P., Factors Affecting the Cost of Airplanes, Journal of Aeronautical Sciences, 124-125,
February, 1936.

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APPENDIX D: Specialized Studies Related to Overtime and Shift Work

Adrian, James J., Construction Productivity Improvement, Elsevier Science Publishing, New York,
American Association of Cost Engineers, Effect of Scheduled Overtime on Construction Projects,
Morgantown, W.V., October, 1973.
American Subcontractors Association, Associated General Contractors of America and Associated
Specialty Contractors, Inc., Owners Guide on Overtime, Construction Costs and Productivity,
Washington, D.C., July, 1979.
Brunies, Regula and Zey Emir, Calculating Loss of Productivity Due to Overtime Using Published
Charts Fact or Fiction, The Revay Report, Vol. 20, No. 3, November, 2001
Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 917, Hours of Work and Output, U.S. Department of Labor,
Washington, D.C., 1947.
Business Roundtable, Effect of Scheduled Overtime on Construction Projects Coming to Grips with
Some Major Problems in the Construction Industry, New York, 1974.
Construction Industry Cost-Effectiveness Task Force, Scheduled Overtime Effect on Construction
Projects, The Business Roundtable, New York, 1980.
Construction Industry Institute, The Effects of Schedule Overtime and Shift Schedule on Construction
Craft Productivity, Source Document 43, Austin, Texas, December 1988.
Construction Industry Institute, The Effects of Schedule Overtime on Labor Productivity: A Literature
Review and Analysis, SD-43, Austin, Texas, 1993.
Construction Industry Institute, The Effects of Schedule Overtime on Labor Productivity: A
Quantitative Analysis, SD-98, Austin, Texas, August 1994.
Hanieko, J.B. and W.C. Henry, Impacts to Construction Productivity, Proceedings of the American
Power Conference, Vol. 53-11, 1991.
Haverton, John, Do You Know the Hidden Costs of Overtime?, Qualified Contractor, 1969.
McGlaun, R.C., Overtime in Construction, AACE Bulletin, Vol. 15, No. 5, 1973.
Mechanical Contractors Association of America, How Much Does Overtime Really Cost?, Bulletin
18A, Rockville, Md., 1968.
Mechanical Contractors Association of America, Change Orders, Overtime and Productivity,
Publication M3, Rockville, Md., 1968.
National Electrical Contractors Association, Overtime and Productivity in Electrical Construction,
Bethesda, Md., 1969.
National Electrical Contractors Association, Overtime and Productivity in Electrical Construction, 2nd
Edition, Washington, D.C., 1989.
National Electrical Contractors Association, Overtime Work Efficiency Survey, Washington, D.C.,
OConnor, L.V., Overcoming the Problems of Scheduling on Large Central Station Boilers, American
Power Conference, 31:518-28, 1969.
Overtime The Other Side of the Coin and a Half, Telephone Engineer and Management, 104
108, May 1, 1980.
Overtime vs. Productivity, 35 Electrical Contractor No. 1, 1970.
Singh, Amarjit, Claim Evaluation for Combined Effect of Multiple Claim Factors, Cost Engineering,
Vol. 43, No. 12, pp 19 31, December 2001.
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr., The Effects of Scheduled Overtime on Labor Productivity, Journal of
Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 118, No. 1, March, 1992.
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr. and Karl A. Raynar, Effects of Schedule Overtime on Labor Productivity: A
Quantitative Analysis, Construction Industry Institute Source Document 98, August, 1994.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Modification Impact Evaluation Guide, Department of the Army, Office
of the Chief of Engineers, Washington, D.C., July, 1979.

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APPENDIX E: Specialized Studies Related to Project Characteristics

Construction Industry Institute, Engineering Productivity Measurement, CII Research Summary

RS156-1, Austin, Texas, December 2001.
Construction Industry Institute, Engineering Productivity Measurement, CII Research Summary
RS156-11, Austin, Texas, December 2001.
Daytner, A.D. and H. Randolph Thomas, Jr., An Analysis of the Interaction Between the Effect of
Learning and Efficiency Losses Caused by Weather, Construction Management Research Series,
Report No. 21, 1985.
Federle, Mark O. and Stephen C. Pigneri, Predictive Model of Cost Overruns, L.7.1, AACEI
Transactions, 1993.
Griffith, A., An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Buildability and Levels of Productivity for
Application to Selecting Alternative Design Solutions A Preliminary Report, Managing Construction
Worldwide, Vol. 2, 1987.
Hester, Westin T. and John A. Kuprenas, The Productivity of Insulation Installation, 1987.
Kahn, Faslur, Changing Scale of the Cities, Consulting Engineer, April, 1974.
Merrow, Edward W., Understanding the Outcome of Mega Projects: A Quantitative Analysis of Very
Large Civil Projects, March, 1988.
National Electrical Contractors Association, The Effect of Multi-Story Building on Productivity,
Washington, D.C., 1975.
Singh, Amarjit, Claim Evaluation for Combined Effect of Multiple Claim Factors, Cost Engineering,
Vol. 43, No. 12, pp 19 31, December 2001.
Ward, James G. and H. Randolph Thomas, Jr., A Validation of Learning Curve Models Available to
the Construction Industry, Construction Management Research Series, Report No. 20, August, 1984.
Zeitoun, Alaa A. and Garold D. Oberlander, Early Warning Signs of Project Changes, Construction
Industry Institute Source Document 91, Austin, Texas, April, 1993.

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APPENDIX F: Specialized Studies Related to Project Management Factors

Borcherding, John D., Improving Productivity in Industrial Construction, Journal of the Construction
Division, Vol. 9, No. 17, 1976.
Borcherding, John D. and Douglas F. Garner, Workforce Motivation and Productivity on Large Jobs,
Journal of the Construction Division, 443, September, 1981.
Borcherding, John D., Scott J. Sebastian and Nancy M. Samuelsen, Improving Motivation and
Productivity on Large Projects, Journal of the Construction Division, 73, March 1980.
Borcherding, John D. and A. Laufer, Financial Incentives to Raise Productivity, Journal of the
Construction Division, Vol. 107, 1981.
Borcherding, John D. and C.H. Oglesby, Construction Productivity and Job Satisfaction, Journal of
the Construction Division, Vol. 100, September, 1974.
Cass, Donald J., Labor Productivity Impact of Varying Crew Levels, C.2.1, AACEI Transactions,
Chitester, David D., A Model for Analyzing Jobsite Productivity, C.3.1, AACEI Transactions, 1992.
Construction Industry Institute, CII RR125-11, Determining the Impact of Information Management on
Project Schedule and Cost, Austin, Texas, June 1998.
Heron, A.J., Impact of Material and Labor Shortages on Contracting, 11 Forum 1005, 1976.
Logcher, Robert D. and William w. Collins, Management Impacts on Labor Productivity, Journal of the
Construction Division, 447, December, 1978.
Merrow, Edward W., Kenneth E. Phillips and Christopher W. Myers, Understanding Cost Growth and
Performance Shortfalls in Pioneer Process Plants, Rand Corporation Study, September, 1981.
Myers, Christopher W., How Management Practices Can Affect Project Outcomes: An Explanation of
the PPS Data Base, August, 1984.
Myers, Christopher W. and Ralph F. Shangraw, Understanding Process Plant Schedule Slippage and
Start-Up Cost, Rand Corporation Study, June, 1986.
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr., Victor E. Sanvido and Steve R. Sanders, Impact of Material Management
on Productivity, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 115, No. 3, September,
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr. and Amra A. Oloufa, Labor Productivity, Disruptions and the Ripple Effect,
Cost Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 12, December, 1995.
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr., D.R. Riley and Victor E. Sanvido, Loss of Labor Productivity Due to
Delivery Methods and Weather, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 113, No.
4, 1987.

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APPENDIX G: Specialized Studies Related to Weather

Abele, Gunars, Effect of Cold Weather on Productivity, U.S. Army Cold Region Research and
Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, N.H., 1986.
Clapp, M.A., Effect of Adverse Weather Conditions on Productivity on Five Building Sites,
Construction Series Current Paper No. 21, Building Research Establishment, Watford, England,
Clapp, M.A., Weather Conditions in Productivity, Building, Vol. 211, 171, October 14, 1966.
Daytner, A.D. and H. Randolph Thomas, Jr., An Analysis of the Interaction Between the Effect of
Learning and Efficiency Losses Caused by Weather, Construction Management Research Series,
Report No. 21, 1985.
Fox, W. F., Human Performance in the Cold, Human Factors, Vol. 9, 203-220, June, 1967.
Grimm, Clifford T. and Norman K. Wagner, Weather Effects on Mason Productivity, Journal of the
Construction Division, Vol. 100, No. 3, September, 1974.
Koehn, Enno and Gerald Brown, Climatic Effects on Construction, Journal of Construction
Engineering and Management, Vol. III, No. 2, 129-137, June, 1985.
Kuipers, Edward J., A Method of Forecasting the Efficiency of Construction Labor in Any
Climatological Condition, 1976.
National Electrical Contractors Association, The Effect of Temperature on Productivity, Washington,
D.C., 1974.
Singh, Amarjit, Claim Evaluation for Combined Effect of Multiple Claim Factors, Cost Engineering,
Vol. 43, No. 12, pp 19 31, December 2001.
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr. and I. Yiakoumis, Factor Model of Construction Productivity, Journal of
Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 113, No. 4, 1987.
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr., D.R. Riley and Victor E. Sanvido, Loss of Labor Productivity Due to
Delivery Methods and Weather, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 113, No.
4, 1987.
U.S. Army Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory, Impact of Climatic Conditions on
Productivity, Hanover, N.H., 1987.
Witrock, J., Reducing Seasonal Unemployment in the Construction Industry, Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development, New York, 1967.

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APPENDIX H: Estimating Guides

Aspen Richardsons Process Plant Construction Estimating Standards, Aspen Technology, New
York, 2002.
Goldman, Jeffrey, Editor, Means Estimating Handbook, R.S. Means Company, 1990.60
Jackson, Patricia L. Means Productivity Standards for Construction, 3rd Edition, R.S. Means
Company, 1994.61
Neil, James, Construction Cost Estimating for Project Control, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, 1982.
Page, John S., Estimating Manhour Manual, 2nd Edition, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 1978
1999 Series.
Peurifoy, Robert L. and Garold D. Oberlander, Estimating Construction Costs, 5th Edition, McGrawHill, New York, 2002.
R.S. Means, Means Building Construction Cost Data, R.S. Means Company, 2003.
Sarveil, E., Construction Estimating Reference Data, Craftsman Book Company, Chicago, 1993.
Siddons, R. Scott and Frank R. Walker, Walkers Building Estimators Reference Book, 27th Edition,
Stewart, R. and R. Wyskida, Cost Estimators Reference Manual, John Wiley & Sons, New York,

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Construction Industry Institute, An Analysis of the Methods for Measuring Construction Productivity, SD13, Austin, Texas, 1984.
Humphreys, Kenneth K. (Ed.), Jelens Cost and Optimization Engineering, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill,
Inc., New York, 1991, pp. 238-240 & 426.
Kavanaugh, Thomas C., Frank Muller & James J. OBrien, Construction Management: A Professional
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1978, p. 387.
Humphreys, Kenneth K. (Ed.), Project and Cost Engineers Handbook, Second Edition, Marcel Dekker,
Inc., New York, 1984, p. 253.
Finke, Michael R., Claims for Construction Productivity Losses, 26 Pub. Contr. L.J. 311, page 312.
See Adrian, J.J. and D.J. Adrian, Total Productivity and Quality Management for Construction, Stipes
Publishing, Champaign, IL, 1995. See also, Thomas, H.R. Jr. and C.T. Matthews, An analysis of the
Methods for Measuring Construction Productivity, Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX, 1986.
Foster, Brian, Monitoring Job-Site Productivity, Revay Report, Vol. 19, No. 2, May, 2000.
See Bramble, B.B. & Callahan, M.T., Disruption and Lost Productivity, Chapter 5, Construction Delay
Claims, 2nd edition, Aspen Law, New York, 1992 and Cumulative Supplement, 1999. Gavin, Donald G.,
Disruption Claims, Chapter 6, Proving & Pricing Construction Claims, Cushman, Robert F., ed., John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990. Trauner, T.J., Construction Delays, R.S. Means Company, 1990.
See Construction Industry Institute, Project Control for Construction, CII Research Summary RS6-5,
Austin, Texas, September 1987. See also, Project Control for Engineering, CII Research Summary RS61, Austin, Texas, July 1986; Measuring Productivity, CII Research Summary RS143-1, March 2001;
Productivity Measurement: An Introduction, CII Research Summary RS2-3, October 1990; Determinants
of Jobsite Productivity, CII RR143-11, January 2001; The Manual of Construction Productivity and
Performance Evaluation, SD-35, Austin, Texas, 1990.
See Jones, Reginald M. and Thomas J. Driscoll, Cumulative Impact Claims, Federal Publications, Inc.,
Falls Church, VA, 2002. See also Reginald M. Jones, Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple
Change Orders, 31 Pub. Contr. L.J. 1, 2001. See also, Schwartzkopf, William, Calculating Lost Labor
Productivity in Construction Claims, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1995, and annual updates.
See Schwartzkopf, Calculating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction Claims, ibid, page 47.
Nevison, John M., Overtime Hours: The Rule of Fifty, PMNetwork, Volume 14, Number 9, September,
See also, Construction Users Anti-Inflation Roundtable articles in Cost Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp.
141 143 and 151 158. See also Basic Cost Engineering, Wellman and Humphreys, Marcel Dekker,
New York, pp. 174 178, 1996.
Rate of Manpower consumption in Electrical Construction, National Electrical Contractors
Association, May 1983, page 5; Electrical Construction Peak Workforce Report, 2nd edition, August 1987.
See Halligan, David W. and L.A. Demsetz, Anti-Response Model and Loss of Productivity in
Construction, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Washington, D.C., March 1994.
See Jones and Driscoll, ibid, page A-5.
Luria Brothers & Company v. United States, 369 F.2d 701 (Ct. Cl. 1966).
For a more thorough discussion of this point see Schwartzkopf, William and John J. McNamara,
Calculating Construction Damages, 2nd Edition, Aspen Law & Business, New York, 2001, 1.03. See
also, Wickwire, Jon M., Thomas J. Driscoll, Stephen B. Hurlbutt and Scott B. Hillman, Construction
Scheduling: Preparation, Liability and Claims, 2nd Edition, Aspen Law & Business, New York, 2003,
12.04 et. seq. See also, Roy S. Cohen, Survey of Courts Reactions to Claims for Loss of Productivity
and Inefficiency, Session 612, ABA Public Construction Superconference, December 10, 1998.
Schwartzkopf, ibid, 1.03[B].
See Schwartzkopf, Calculating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction, ibid, 1.3.
See Schwartzkopf, Calculating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction, ibid, 2.09[A] and 10.4.

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See P.J. Dick Corp., VABCA No. 6080, September 27, 2001 and Clark Concrete Contractors, Inc.,
GSABCA, 99-1 BCA, 30280.
See Schwartzkopf, Calculating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction, ibid, 4.6.
476 F. Supp. 729 (W.D. Pa. 1979).
347 F. Supp. 17 (W.D. Mo. 1972), reconsidered, 626 F.2d 324 (8th Cir. 1980).
671 F.2d 539 (D.C. Cir. 1982).
ASBCA No. 35818 (Dec. 31, 1991).
AGBCA No. 89-148-1, 92-2 BCA (CCH) 24,931 (1992).
GSBCA No. 14340, 99-1 BCA (CCH) 30,280 (1999).
Thomas, H. Randolph, Jr. and Victor E. Sanvido, Quantification of Losses Caused by Labor
Inefficiencies: Where is the Elusive Measured Mile., Construction Law and Business, No. 1, Summer,
The use of the term earned value means different things to different people. In this context,
simplified earned value is used to distinguish between form Earned Value as required by the US
Government on many of their projects and earned value as practiced by many EPC contractors. See for
example Kenneth K. Humphreys, Jelens Cost and Optimization Engineering, Third Edition, McGraw Hill,
New York, 1991; James M. Neil, Construction Cost Estimating for Project Control, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1982; and Skills and Knowledge of Cost Engineering, Fifth Edition, AACE
International, Morgantown, West Virginia, 2004.
See Stumpf, George, R., editor, AACEI Professional Practice Guide to Earned Value, AACEI,
Morgantown, WV, 1999.
See Cass, Donald J., Earned Value Programs for DOE Projects, Cost Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 3,
February 2000.
See Fleming, Quentin W. and Joel M. Koppelman, Earned Value Project Management, Project
Management Institute, Upper Darby, PA. 1996.
See McCally, Bob M., Demonstrated Labor Efficiency: An Effective Cost Control and Analytical Tool,
Cost Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 11, pp. 33 37, November 1999.
See Jones and Driscoll, Ibid, page B-24.
American Institute of Industrial Engineers, American National Standard Z-94.11, Industrial Engineering
Terminology 11-20 (1989).
See Fwu-Shiun Liou and John D. Borcherding, Work Sampling Can Predict Unit Rate Productivity,
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 112, No. 1, page 90 (March, 1986). See
also, Jenkins, James L. and Daryl L. Orth, Productivity Improvement Through Work Sampling, Cost
Engineering, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 27 32, (March 2004).
Luh-Mann Chang and John D. Borcherding, Evaluation of Craftsmen Questionnaires, Journal of
Construction Engineering and Management, Volume 111, No. 4, page 426. (December, 1985)
See Hensel Phelps Construction Co., GSBCA Nos. 14,744 & 14,877, 01-1 BCA 31,249. January 11,
See Robert McMullan & Sons, Inc., ASBCA No. 19,929, 76-2 BCA (CCH) 12,072 (1976).
See Schwartzkopf and McNamara, Calculating Construction Damages, ibid, 2.09[B].
It should be noted that this is not an all-inclusive list of specialized studies. As others are identified, this
Recommended Practice will be modified, from time to time, to include them. It is also further noted that
some of the studies listed herein have incomplete references as full information is not available at the
time of publication of this Recommended Practice.
See Schwartzkopf, Calculating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction Claims, ibid, 11.2 & 11.3
See Schwartzkopf and McNamara, Calculating Construction Damages, ibid, 2.09[C].
See Schwartzkopf, Calculating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction Claims, ibid, 11.2& 11.3.
See Jones and Driscoll, Cumulative Impact Claims, ibid, Page A-36. See also Clark Concrete
Contractors, Inc. v. General Services Administration, GSBCA No. 14340, 99-1 BCA (CCH) 30,280,

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1999; Appeal of the Clark Construction Group, Inc., VABCA No. 5674, April 5, 2000; Appeal of Fire
Security Systems, Inc., VABCA No. 5563, August 16, 2002.
It should be noted that although the Corps of Engineers officially recognized this Guide as a valid
means to assess claims for more than twenty years, on June 14, 1996 the Corps of Engineers officially
rescinded the Modification Impact Evaluation Guide by issuance of Circular No. 25-1-244. At that time,
the Corps claimed that the Guide has been updated and is incorporated in other publications to include
higher level regulations, training course materials and other command guidance. See Mark G. Jackson,
Carl W. LaFraugh and Robert P. Majerus, Using Industry Studies to Quantify Lost Productivity,
Construction Briefings, Federal Publications, Washington, D.C., December, 2001. See also, Jones,
Reginald M. and Thomas J. Driscoll, Cumulative Impact Claims, Federal Publications Seminars, LLC.,
Washington, D.C.,2002, page A-38.
See Appeal of Paccon, Inc., ASBCA No. 7890, 1965.
Total Labor Cost Paid = Labor cost in base bid + labor cost paid in change orders and previous claim
See Schwartzkopf and McNamara, Calculating Construction Damages, ibid, 2.09[E]
See Schwartzkopf and McNamara, Calculating Construction Damages, ibid, 1.03[C] and [D] and
cases cited therein. See also, Jones and Driscoll, ibid, pp. A-31 through A-35 and cases cited therein.
See also, Wickwire, Driscoll, Hurlbutt and Hillman, Construction Scheduling: Preparation, Liability and
Claims, ibid, 12.05 and cases cited therein.
See Sauer, Inc. v, Danzig, 224F.3d 1340, 1348 (Fed. Cir. 2000).
In this context, the term recalculate is used to indicate changes to the previously identified and
defined schedule activity. This may include, but is not limited to, increased duration, resequencing,
changes to planned resources, etc.
The R.S. Means Company has been purchased by Reed Construction Data. At present, these
estimating manuals are still being marketed under the R.S. Means name but this may change.

Copyright 2004 AACE International, Inc.

AACE International Recommended Practices

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