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Extraction Defect: Assessment, Classification and Management

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and Management
of Clinical
Implant Dentistry,

Extraction Defect: Assessment, Classification

and Management

Nicholas Caplanis, 2Jaime L Lozada, 3Joseph YK Kan

Assistant Professor, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, CA, USA

Professor and Director, Postgraduate Program in Implant Dentistry, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, CA, USA
Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, CA, USA

Abstract: Tooth extraction is a traumatic procedure initiating a

complex cascade of biochemical and histologic events that inevitably
lead to a reduction of alveolar bone and soft tissue. These tissue
alterations often lead to an esthetic compromise of the future implant
restoration. The hard- and soft-tissue architecture surrounding the
extraction defect largely dictates the course of dental implant
treatment. The EDS or extraction defect sounding classification is
a novel system introduced to simplify the decision-making process
when planning for dental implant therapy following tooth extraction.
Dental implant treatment guidelines-based on the EDS classification
are discussed. A review of pretreatment evaluations necessary to
prepare for esthetic implant procedures is also presented.

complex. This evaluation can only be accurately made

immediately following extraction, since damage often occurs
during the process of tooth removal and the periodontal
attachment commonly shrouds hard-tissue architecture. A
classification of the extraction defect, as it presents immediately
following tooth removal associated with dental implant
treatment recommendations, would be beneficial for the clinician
in establishing the most appropriate plan for treatment. The
purpose of this paper is to present a novel extraction-defect
classification system which categorizes extraction defects and
provides clinical guidelines for dental implant treatment.

Keywords: Extractions, classification, hard tissue dificiency, soft

tissue architecture.

Medical History


A careful patient medical evaluation is paramount to the success

of dental implant procedures. A thorough medical questionnaire
and interview is necessary in order to assess and anticipate the
patients general healing potential and uncover possible
systemic anomalies which could potentially compromise the
procedural outcome. Factors that could compromise wound
healing should be identified and documented. The most common
include smoking, poorly controlled diabetes, impaired liver
function, drug or alcohol abuse, long-term corticosteroid use,
and extreme age.8,9 Diminished regenerative outcomes may be
expected with medically compromised patients and surgical
procedures modified to accommodate for these deficiencies.
These modifications may include planning a more conservative
implant treatment sequence, using autogenous bone over other
biomaterials when needed, placing interpositional connective
tissue grafts in order to pre-empt recession, and increasing the
healing times.

Tooth extraction is a traumatic procedure often resulting in

immediate destruction and loss of alveolar bone and
surrounding soft-tissues. A complex cascade of biochemical
and histologic events then ensues during the wound healing
process which further leads to physiologic alterations to alveolar
bone and soft-tissue architecture.1-3
The morphologic changes seen following tooth extraction
can easily be reduced through current site preservation
techniques. Atraumatic extraction techniques using
microsurgical instrumentation including periotomes or similar
devices, the use of hard-tissue graft materials derived from a
variety of sources, graft-stabilizing membranes, as well as softtissue grafts can reduce the degree of damage and extent of
resorption that physiologically occurs following tooth
extraction.4,5 The extraction socket with an undamaged alveolus
and well-preserved soft tissues can be successfully treated
with immediate implant placement.6 When the hard- and softtissue architecture of the extraction defect is moderately to
severely compromised, site preservation often in conjunction
with site development procedures is commonly necessary.7
The clinical presentation of alveolar defects seen
immediately following tooth removal varies from simple to

Dental History
A detailed dental history and thorough understanding of the
pathology leading to the extraction is vital to the assessment
and management of the extraction defect. Teeth with a history
of endodontic pathology, apical surgery, trauma or advanced

Nicholas Caplanis et al

to inflamed tissues, pathologic periodontal pockets or a reduced

periodontium, will lead to marginal and interproximal tissue
recession. Therefore, it is essential that periodontal disease be
eradicated prior to implant placement and, if possible, prior to
tooth extraction in order to accurately predict final tissue
positions in preparation for implant placement. This will also
allow the opportunity to alter the surgical technique when
necessary to minimize the unfavorable hard- and soft-tissue
changes and communicate realistic expectations to the patient.
A comprehensive periodontal evaluation embraced within the
prosthetic treatment plan including recognition of individual
tooth prognoses is vital for proper diagnosis and treatment
planning. Given the success and predictability of dental
implants, it is no longer prudent to maintain periodontally and
endodontically compromised teeth within complex or extensive
prosthetic treatment plans.

periodontal disease may impart a site with an inherent

compromise in wound healing.10 Teeth with a history of fistula,
apical surgery, or deep periodontal pockets may present with
missing bony walls following their removal, which may limit the
regenerative outcomes. These factors, when well-understood,
will influence the type of materials selected and procedures
performed. For example, when socket walls are missing,
membranes may be necessary to guide tissues and stabilize
graft material. When the surrounding tissues are anticipated to
have a compromised healing response, osteogeneic grafts such
as autogenous bone may be preferable over other graft materials.
Esthetic Evaluation
Prior to tooth removal, a dentogingival esthetic evaluation
should be performed and details documented. This is vital when
dealing with extractions in the esthetic zone or any extraction in
the esthetically demanding or particular patient. Merely
concentrating on the tooth to be extracted and the area of implant
placement often leads to unfulfilled expectations for the patient
and frustration for the practitioner. This evaluation should
document the smile line to determine the extent of gingival
display, the gingival margin positions of the adjacent teeth,
including any asymmetries and lengths of papillae to help
determine the inevitability or preclude the possibility of
interproximal papilla loss (black triangles). In addition,
malpositioned or rotated teeth should be noted, given their
adverse effect on the adjacent alveolar architecture.
This esthetic evaluation will allow for accurate treatment
planning and uncover the need for adjunctive therapy including
presurgical orthodontics.11 Orthodontic extrusion can very often
reposition hard and soft tissues in order to help achieve an
ideal final esthetic result. Orthodontics can also reposition teeth
in order to create ideal intra-alveolar distances prior to dental
implant placement. Currently accepted guidelines advocate a
minimum of 2 mm of space between implant and adjacent tooth,
and 3 mm between two adjacent implants in order to maintain
interdental septa and interproximal soft tissue.12,13

A subject of particular concern during the periodontal
evaluation is the periodontal biotype. 14 A thorough
understanding and documentation of the patients periodontal
biotype is critical in order to predict hard- and soft-tissue healing,
as well as to allow modification of the surgical techniques to
enhance esthetics. This understanding also will aid in patient
communication and expectations. In a clinical study, two distinct
tooth forms were observed and correlated with various softtissue clinical parameters leading to two discrete periodontal
The thick, flat periodontium is associated with short and
wide tooth forms. This biotype is characterized by short and
flat interproximal papilla, thick, fibrotic gingiva resistant to
recession, wide zones of attached keratinized tissues and thick
underlying alveolar bone which is resistant to resorption.10
Wound healing is ideal in these situations with minimal amounts
of bone resorption and soft-tissue recession following surgical
manipulations, including extractions and implant surgery. Ideal
implant soft-tissue esthetics can be predictably achieved in
these patients without modifications to routine surgical
In contrast, the thin, scalloped periodontium is usually
associated with long and narrow tooth forms. This biotype is
characterized by long and pointy interproximal papilla, thin,
friable gingiva, minimal amounts of attached keratinized tissues
and thin underlying alveolar bone, which is frequently dehisced
or fenestrated.10 Following surgical procedures, marginal and
interproximal tissue recession in conjunction with alveolar
resorption can be expected in patients with this biotype.14
Modifications of routine surgical protocols are necessary for
these situations. A careful and atraumatic extraction technique
using microsurgical instrumentation such as periotomes is vital
to help preserve alveolar architecture. Site preservation

Periodontal Evaluation
A comprehensive periodontal evaluation is fundamental to the
success of extraction site management. This includes periapical
radiographs of the area of concern, preferably a full-mouth series
or panoramic radiograph when appropriate. The periodontal
assessment should document the periodontal biotype, pocket
depths, recessions, mobility, furcation involvements, as well as
the presence of plaque, including the extent of inflammation,
and bleeding on probing. This evaluation will allow for an
accurate prediction of the behavior of the adjacent soft tissues
following extraction. Alveolar destruction is often masked by
soft-tissue inflammation and edema. Extraction of teeth adjacent

Extraction Defect: Assessment, Classification and Management

techniques using bone graft materials can help reduce the extent
of bone resorption.4,5 Soft-tissue grafts, in conjunction with
the extraction and implant placement, can help augment and
offset the expected tissue recession. Prosthetic tissue manipulation using the interim prosthesis can help guide soft-tissue
healing and establish an esthetic tissue profile.16
Periodontal biotype classification is very often difficult to
distinctly classify. Patients frequently present with a moderate
biotype. The two biotypes reported represented the extreme
tails of the bell curve with the great majority (80%) of the
assessments falling in the center of the curve.15 This moderate
biotype presentation can often deceive the practitioner in
believing he or she is dealing with a thick, flat periodontium,
thus, expecting minimal tissue changes when in fact, the tissue
healing response behaves as the thin, scalloped biotype.
Therefore, many of the routine surgical protocol modifications
previously mentioned used to deal with the thin, scalloped
biotype should be considered in these moderate biotype
situations as well.

Fig. 1: The EDS classification uses a surgical template to make

measurements to critical landmarks immediately following tooth

between existing bone and soft-tissue; the more distant the

position of the alveolus to the soft-tissues, the greater the risk
of gingival recession. Sounding of the bony crest includes the
buccal and palatal plates as well as the interproximal bone peaks.
Further examination of the buccal plate is then performed. While
applying slight digital pressure on the outer buccal plate, the
periodontal probe explores the inner aspect. This evaluation
will uncover any fenestration or dehiscence-type defects. In
addition, when sounding the inner aspect of the socket with a
probe, any vibrations felt digitally will indicate a thin alveolar
plate. A similar evaluation is also performed on the palatal plate.
The thickness of the buccal plate is evaluated visually and
digitally using a probe, as well as through manual palpation
while sounding the inner aspect. A thin buccal alveolar plate
often leads to partial or complete buccal plate loss following
healing. When inadequate socket bleeding is present,
perforations of the cribriform plate with a periodontal curette or
rotary instrument is performed to facilitate wound healing.


Following tooth extraction, the dental implant treatment
sequence is largely determined by the integrity of the existing
hard and soft tissues.11 Careful assessment of the extraction
defect is therefore paramount to the success of esthetic implant
procedures. Extraction defect assessments can be made with or
without flap reflection. Given the improved soft-tissue response
with flapless procedures, assessment of the extraction defect in
this manner will be more challenging but preferable. A surgical
template that displays the position of the restorative margin of
the future restoration is essential for this classification and
used to guide assessments.
Following tooth extraction, a visual inspection of the socket
bony walls is initially made. Recognition of the number of
remaining socket walls and their condition is vital for this
classification. Assessment of the gingival margin position and
interproximal papillae and their relationship to the underlying
alveolus is also vital. Classification of the periodontal biotype
with associated risk assessment for potential recession is then
determined. An additional important component of this
evaluation also includes noting the degree of blood flow and
potential for clot formation. A thorough debridement of the
extraction socket and removal of all granulomatous tissue is
performed and necessary to promote osseous repair.17
Extraction defect sounding is then performed. Using the tip
of a conventional periodontal probe, the socket is thoroughly
explored. Initially, the crest of the extraction defect is evaluated,
noting the position of the crestal bone in relationship to the
gingival margin, as well as to the future prosthetic gingival
margin using the prefabricated surgical template (Fig. 1). Any
discrepancies between these two relationships should be noted.
The risk of soft-tissue recession is proportional to the distance


A novel extraction defect classification is outlined in Table 1
and illustrated in Figure 2. The EDS, extraction defect sounding,
classification describes the condition of the hard as well as soft
tissues immediately following tooth removal, prior to healing
and remodeling of the extraction socket and provides basic
treatment guidelines to achieve predictable implant integration
and esthetics. This classification only applies after the treatment
decision has been made to remove a tooth and an objective
evaluation of the extraction defect is made.
Extraction Defect
Type 1
The EDS-1 is characterized by a pristine, undamaged singlerooted socket, with a thick periodontal biotype in a systemically
healthy patient. This defect allows for predictable immediate

Nicholas Caplanis et al
Table 1. The extraction defect sounding classification






Distance to






0 mm

0-3 mm


Immediate implant


Pristine to
slight damage


Thin or

0-2 mm

3-5 mm

Achievable but
not predictable

Site preservation or
immediate implant
(one- or two-stage)




or thick

3-5 mm

6-8 mm


Site preservation then

implant placement




Thin or

6 mm

9 mm


Site preservation then

site development then
implant placement





Fig. 2: EDS defects

Extraction Defect: Assessment, Classification and Management

implant placement in a prosthetically ideal position.6,18 An

atraumatic surgical technique is vital in preparation for immediate
implant placement and is a unique and more time-consuming
process in contrast to conventional extraction techniques. This
involves the use of microsurgical instrumentation such as
periotomes and other similar devices and an acute regard to the
preservation of tissues during tooth removal. The EDS-1 has
four intact bony walls including a crestal buccal plate thickness
of 1 mm or more. With the surgical template in position and
using the cervical margin of the future restoration as a reference,
the gingival margin should be at the level or above the reference
point and the alveolar crest should be no more than 3 mm beyond.

these situations is either thick or thin. Immediate implant

placement in these situations is not possible without
compromised implant stability or significant amounts of implant
body exposure. Examples of an EDS-4 defect include sites with
an extensive history of periodontal pathosis leading to a severely
reduced alveolar housing with destruction of the buccal and
palatal plates. Another example would include greater than
5 mm of interproximal bone loss between multiple-tooth
extraction sockets. With the surgical template in place, the
distance between the gingival margin and the restorative
cervical margin exceeds 5 mm. The alveolar crest is positioned
greater than 8 mm away from this reference point.

Type 2


The EDS-2 is any socket with up to a mild degree of crestal

bone damage or interproximal tissue loss of 2 mm, with a thin or
thick biotype, a buccal plate thickness of less than 1 mm, or any
combination thereof, in a systemically healthy patient. No more
than one socket wall is compromised. The EDS-2 includes
fenestrations that do not compromise the integrity of the crestal
aspect of the buccal plate, such as apical endodontic damage.
Another example of an EDS-2 would include an ideal socket as
defined by the EDS-1 that has a thin instead of thick biotype. A
further example would include a single-rooted bicuspid socket
where the distance between the restorative margin of the
surgical template and the alveolar crest is greater than 3 mm but
no more than 5 mm. All multiple-rooted sockets with any of the
above conditions are considered EDS-2.

The recommended treatment protocol for the EDS-1 is immediate

implant placement following tooth extraction. Ideal soft-tissue
esthetics are predictable (Figs 2A to D). When immediate implant
placement is beyond the surgeons level of expertise or comfort
zone, a two-stage approach is advised as described for the

Type 3
The EDS-3 is broadly defined. It is generally characterized by
moderate compromise of the local tissues in a systemically
healthy patient. This includes a vertical or transverse hardand/or soft-tissue loss of 3 to 5 mm, one or two compromised
socket walls, a thick or thin periodontal biotype, or any
combination thereof. With the surgical template in position and
using the cervical margin of the future restoration as a reference,
the gingival margin is positioned 3 to 5 mm away from this
cervical margin reference point and the crest 6 to 8 mm away.
This type of defect does not allow for routine immediate implant
placement given the greater risk of recession, implant exposure,
implant malpositioning, inadequate initial implant stability, or
reduced bone-implant contact. Examples of an EDS-3 defect
include any socket with a buccal plate dehiscence of 7 mm from
the reference point. Another example would include a tooth
with interproximal bone or soft-tissue loss of 4 mm.

Fig. 2A: Atraumatic microsurgical extraction of a fractured

maxillary right central incisor

Type 4
The EDS-4 is characterized by a severely compromised socket
with greater than 5 mm of vertical or transverse loss of hard
and/or soft tissue, two or more reduced socket walls in a
systemically healthy individual. The periodontal biotype in

Fig. 2B: Immediate implant placement is performed in

this EDS-1 defect

Nicholas Caplanis et al

Fig. 3A: Radiograph of a failing maxillary right central incisor

Fig. 2C: Periapical radiograph one year following final insertion of

the implant-supported crown

Fig. 3B: A gingival fistula is present indicating a fenestration of the

buccal alveolar plate

Fig. 2D: Ideal soft-tissue esthetics is predictable in the EDS-1 defect.

(Restoration by Glenn Bickert, DMD, Laguna Hills, Calif.)

The recommended treatment protocol for the EDS-2 is a

two-step implant placement approach with site preservation
techniques performed at the time of tooth extraction (Figs 3A
to D). An immediate implant with associated defect repair
procedures when indicated can also be considered, however; a
greater risk of recession and implant exposure may occur.19,20
Site preservation involves atraumatic tooth extraction using
periotomes or other microsurgical extraction instruments,
thorough debridement of the socket including surgical
manipulation to induce adequate bleeding, augmentation of
the socket with appropriate biomaterials in order to minimize
alveolar resorption, and the use of resorbable membranes to

Fig. 3C: Atraumatic extraction is followed by degranulation and irrigation

of socket, and placement of a resorbable graft to assist in site
preservation for this EDS-2 defect

Extraction Defect: Assessment, Classification and Management

Fig. 4B: A two-stage procedure is pursued including site preservation

and development using a bone and soft-tissue graft for this EDS-3

Fig. 3D: A resorbable collagen membrane contains the graft and is

secured with a single overlay suture

contain the graft and reconstruct missing bony walls including

the alveolar crest. In addition, an interpositional connective
tissue graft should be considered whenever a soft-tissue deficit
is present or a thin periodontal biotype exists in order to enhance
soft-tissue thickness or compensate for the thin biotype where
recession is anticipated. Implant placement follows three to six
months later allowing for adequate wound healing and graft
remodeling. Ideal soft-tissue esthetics is often achievable but
not always predictable for the EDS-2.
The recommended treatment protocol for the EDS-3 is a
two-step implant placement approach with site preservation
techniques performed at the time of tooth extraction followed
by implant placement three to six months later as described
with the EDS-2 (Figs 4A to D). A secondary procedure to perform
site development may be necessary in some situations. Ideal
soft-tissue esthetics is achievable but not predictable in the
EDS-3. A slight esthetic compromise involving minor
interproximal tissue loss or marginal recession can be expected
with the final restoration.

Fig. 4C: Periapical radiograph one year following final insertion of

the implant supported crown

Fig. 4D: Slight esthetic compromise of soft tissues with minor

interproximal papilla loss can be expected in the EDS-3 defect.
(Restoration by Monica Trieu, DDS, Irvine, Calif)

Fig. 4A: Severe external resorption of the maxillary

left central incisor

Nicholas Caplanis et al

The recommended treatment protocol for the EDS-4 is usually

a three-step implant placement approach (Figs 5A to F). Site
preservation is performed at the time of tooth extraction as for an
EDS- 2 defect. Placement of a graft material serves to preserve the
existing alveolus. A resorbable membrane is used to contain the

graft and provide space for a modest regenerative response. The

addition of a connective tissue graft will help enhance the softtissue profile and prepare for future primary closure during the
subsequent second-stage regenerative procedure. A site
development procedure then follows approximately three months

Fig. 5D: A connective tissue graft is placed over the membrane prior
to surgical closure to enhance the soft-tissue profile and reduce the
risk of premature membrane exposure
Fig. 5A: Severe loss of alveolar bone around the maxillary left lateral
incisor and canine associated with orthodontic extrusion of the
previously impacted canine

Fig. 5B: A three-stage process is pursued for this EDS-4 defect. Site
preservation is initially performed using a resorbable bone graft to
augment the extraction socket and a connective tissue graft to expand
the soft-tissue profile

Fig. 5E: Periapical radiograph following one year of function of the

implant supported fixed partial denture

Fig. 5C: A site development procedure is performed three months

following the site preservation procedure using autogenous bone
harvested from the symphysis, in conjunction with a space-providing
e-PTFE membrane

Fig. 5F: Moderate esthetic compromise to soft-tissues with minor

interproximal papilla loss and gingival margin recession can be
expected in the EDS-4 defect (Restoration by Glenn Bickert, DMD,
Laguna Hills, Calif)

Extraction Defect: Assessment, Classification and Management

later allowing for adequate wound healing. The defect prior to

this procedure is a combination-type defect with a loss in both
height and width. Multiple site development procedures may be
necessary for this type of defect.21 Alternatively, a defect repair
procedure can occur concurrently with implant placement
following the principles of guided bone regeneration.20 However,
the quantity of bone developed around the implant and degree
of implant integration of this regenerated bone may be less
predictable than a staged approach.20,22 The use of autogenous
bone for site development in either block or particulate form, or
combination is preferable for these challenging defects.23,24 When
autogenous bone is used in particulate form, membranes are
beneficial in order to stabilize the graft, preclude soft-tissue
invagination and provide space for regeneration. A connective
tissue graft is once again performed in order to enhance softtissue esthetics, as well as to minimize the risk of premature wound
dehiscence and graft or membrane exposure. A three- to sixmonth healing period is required prior to the subsequent surgical
procedure necessary for implant placement. Ideal soft-tissue
esthetics is usually not achievable in the ED-4. A minor to
moderate compromise involving modest interproximal tissue loss
and/or marginal recession can be expected.

Fig. 6A: Profile of a removable transitional appliance

with an ovate pontic design


Following tooth extraction, classification of the defect and
recommended treatment protocols, development and
maintenance of esthetic soft-tissue architecture is essential.
Interim prosthetic devices are useful in order to manipulate and
guide soft-tissue healing and esthetics following tooth
extraction and subsequent site preservation and development
procedures (Figs 6A and B). These devices include custom
healing abutments and ovate pontic designs incorporated within
fixed and/or removable interim prostheses.16
Ovate pontic designs are beneficial in preserving or
establishing esthetic soft-tissue emergence profiles following
site preservation or development surgery. After creating a master
cast to fabricate the provisional, surgery is performed on the
cast, removing the stone teeth to be extracted, and then creating
a concavity within the model, partially simulating the extraction
defects. Ovate pontics apply maintenance pressure on the
gingival margin and interproximal papillae, minimizing the tissue
collapse following tooth extraction. They can be incorporated
within fixed as well as removable transitional restorations either
chairside or in the laboratory using conventional acrylic or
The ovate pontic surface should extend 2 to 3 mm within
the extraction defect and apply facial but not apical pressure on
the free gingival margin. It should only apply slight lateral
pressure on the existing interproximal papillae and also provide
room for coronal enlargement of the papilla to accommodate for
inflammation. When removable provisionals are employed, they

Fig. 6B: An ovate pontic can guide tissue healing and

help improve soft-tissue esthetics

should include positive rest seats and adequate retention to

prevent excessive compression of the extraction defect,
augmentation materials and associated tissues.
When implant dentistry is anticipated following tooth extraction,
the clinician is faced with many choices. One option is to
immediately place an implant into the fresh extraction socket.7
Another option is to perform site preservation and then place
the implant in a secondary procedure following healing.10 A
third option is to allow the socket to heal naturally, and then
place the implant in a secondary procedure with associated
fenestration or dehiscence-defect repair when necessary.20 One
final option is to perform site development to reconstruct the
defect created due to physiologic socket healing and re-enter
the site for the subsequent implant placement procedure.23 In
addition, extraction sockets are often damaged so extensively
multiple augmentation procedures are necessary to adequately
develop the site with ideal soft-tissue esthetics. The proposed
extraction defect classification attempts to categorize the most
common extraction defect presentations and simplify the
treatment decision-making process.

Nicholas Caplanis et al

Several alveolar defect classification systems have been

previously reported and are in current use.21,26,27 All of these
existing classifications however, describe the condition of the
hard and/or soft tissues of an already-healed edentulous site.
A classification of the extraction defect immediately following
tooth removal and prior to healing and remodeling which
provides guidelines for implant treatment is currently not
The frequently used classification introduced by Seibert in
1983, and the less-commonly cited by Allen et al. in 1985,
generally describes three types of clinical defects and presents
treatment recommendations and techniques to predominantly
improve the clinical soft-tissue deficit. 21,26 Treatment
recommendations are proposed in order to enhance esthetics
in preparation for conventional prosthodontics, including pontic
sites. The three basic categories of defects reported by Seibert
were subclassified by Wang in 2002 based on their size.27 The
authors offered therapeutic guidelines using their classification
directed toward successful dental implant placement. The
commonly referred to classifications by Lekholm and Zarb and
Misch and Judy describe five and four degrees of alveolar
resorption, respectively, following tooth extraction and
physiologic remodeling. Soft tissues are not considered.
Treatment recommendations are made directed toward
successful implant placement and integration in addition to
prosthetic treatment planning.28,29 The preceding classifications
all described an already-healed alveolus following tooth
extraction and physiologic remodeling.
Salama and Salama proposed a similar classification to the
one currently proposed in 1993.11 The authors described various
presentations of extraction defects or environments offering
implant management guidelines. The authors distinguished
between three types of extraction environments based on a
subjective evaluation of the extent of bone and soft-tissue
destruction classified as incipient, moderate, or severe. The
authors recommended immediate implant placement with guidedtissue regeneration techniques if necessary for a Type I or
incipient defect. They introduced the concept of orthodontic
extrusion for a Type II or moderate defect and ridge
augmentation for a Type III, or severely compromised defect.
Since the Type II defect is an assessment prior to tooth
extraction, at least part of their classification was based on preextraction tissue architecture. Further, the assessment
techniques used to classify the defects were not presented as
with the currently proposed classification.
The extraction defect sounding classification defines the
condition of the hard and soft tissues immediately following
tooth extraction, attempts to predict the wound healing response,
and provides basic treatment guidelines to achieve predictable
implant integration and esthetics. Treatment recommendations
using this classification are conservative, focus on predictability
of implant integration, and provide realistic esthetic
expectations. This classification uses an objective method to
evaluate the integrity of the hard and soft-tissues immediately

following tooth extraction using a periodontal probe in a manner

often described as sounding, in conjunction with a
prosthodontically derived surgical template used as a reference
The EDS classification recognizes the varied wound healing
response between thick and thin biotypes following surgical
procedures.14 The thick, flat periodontium is associated with
short and wide tooth forms, and is characterized by short and
flat interproximal papilla. The gingiva is thick and fibrotic with
wide zones of attached keratinized tissues and generally resistant
to recession. Wound healing following extraction is ideal in
these situations as described for the EDS-1 defect. Therefore,
with an undamaged extraction defect, immediate placement can
predictably yield ideal soft-tissue esthetics. In contrast, the
thin, scalloped periodontium is usually associated with long
and narrow tooth forms, and by long and pointy interproximal
papilla. The gingiva is thin and friable with minimal amounts of
attached keratinized tissues and thin underlying alveolar bone,
which is frequently dehisced or fenestrated.
Following surgical procedures, marginal and interproximal
tissue recession is common, as well as significant buccal plate
alterations as described for the EDS-2 defect. Therefore, a twostage approach is recommended and extra care urged when
immediate implant placement is performed. When the integrity
of the hard and soft-tissues has been moderately compromised
as described in the EDS-3 defect, either through periodontal or
endodontic pathology or damaged during tooth removal, site
preservation has been advised. When severe loss of bone and
soft tissue will compromise the success of implant integration
or create severe esthetic compromise, a process of site
preservation followed by site development is often necessary
as described for the EDS-4 defect.
Tooth extraction is a traumatic procedure often resulting in
immediate loss of alveolar bone and soft tissues. A complex
cascade of biochemical and histologic events occurs during
the wound healing process, which further leads to physiologic
alterations of the alveolar ridge. Therefore, site preservation
involving atraumatic extraction techniques, application of
biomaterials within the alveolar socket, including the use of
membranes and soft-tissue grafts, should be considered an
essential component of routine dental extraction surgery,
especially in the esthetic zone.
A novel extraction defect classification system has been
introduced. The EDS classification system describes the
condition of the hard and soft tissues immediately following
tooth removal, prior to healing and remodeling of the extraction
socket, and provides basic treatment guidelines to achieve
predictable implant integration and esthetics.
The EDS classification system focuses on the predictability
of implant integration and esthetics, and is conservatively based
with respect to treatment recommendations. This classification
uses an objective method to evaluate the integrity of the hard


Extraction Defect: Assessment, Classification and Management

and soft-tissues immediately following tooth extraction using a

periodontal probe in conjunction with a prosthetically derived
surgical template used as a reference point. Extraction defect
management guidelines are based on the alveolar and softtissue architecture, the periodontal biotype, systemic condition
of the patient, realistic esthetic expectations, and the most
predictable way to treat the particular situation using dental
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Nicholas Caplanis

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