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Radio-Over-Fiber Interesting Details, Applications.: Ukasz Prasnal, Maciej Nycz, Rados Aw Maruszak November 2010

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ukasz Prasnal, Maciej Nycz, Radosaw Maruszak

November 2010

The essence of the Radio-over-ber technologies is the merging wireless and ber optic networks.
This solution enables a reduction of costs of wireless distribution systems which is important in development of modern access networks providing broadband wireless services transmission. In this
paper we give an overview of the RoF technologies. The main methods of modulation and transport
of analog radio signal in optical domain are presented. Moreover, the idea of OCDMA and digitized
Radio-over-ber is discussed. Then we provide some information about RoF in specic applications
and future concepts.
Keywords - Radio over ber, remote antenna unit, optical modulation, subcarrier multiplexing, optical code division multiple access, digitized radio over ber, optical-wireless applications

1 Introduction
[2] Wireless communication is now a regular part of our daily lives. Almost everyone uses mobile phone, wireless
access to local area network and mobile Internet are also very popular nowadays. Wireless communication is emerging
a new phase where the focus is shifting from voice to multimedia services. People want to be able to use their mobile
terminals with all features that till now were availible at wired devices.
The rst mobile communication system called Global System for Mobile Communiacations (GSM) was introduces at
the begining of the nineteens and bacame a globas succes. GSM (also called 2G) is now the most widespread and most
widely installed mobile communication system. Based on that system the leading manufacturers of communication systems developed the third-generation cellular network called Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS) and
the rst systems were installed in Europe about 2003 [8].
3G have already adopted Internet Protocol as the core network protocol in their data subsystems and oers the potential
to disribute images and video but still appears as narrowband communications when compared to wired connections [3].
Companies associeted in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) are already working on the fourth-generation
(4G) of mobile systems which will come onto market under the name Long-Term Evolution (LTE) with promises of data
rates up to 150 Mbps. In parallel the so-called WiMax Forum introduces the WiMax Standard IEEE803.16d with data
rates up to 72 Mbps (in the range of 10 to 66 Ghz [11]) with its origin is rather non-mobile hotspot data system. However
WiMax is the rst commercially availible cell phone wide-area system with double-digit Mbps data rates introduced in
Japan and USA for the rst time[8].
Future mobile users may have multiple broadband and personalized services delivered. It is known that due to unavailibility of lower microwave frequencies and insucient bandwidth of low frequencies, next generation wireless access systems
- both mobile and xed - will have to use microwave/millimeter (26 to 100Ghz [3]) wave frequencies[1]. As a result of the
high frequency, limited propagation characteristics (propagation losses increase with the square of the freaquency) and
system-related parameters cells will be smaller so many more antennas would be needed. The next generation mobile
communication systems can provide wideband access with the ber optic links to cell-site antennas playing a main role[8].
The technology applicable in high capacity broadband millimeter-wave access systems is Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) called
also Fiber-to-the-Antenna (FTTA) or Fiber-to-Air (FTA). To decrease costs of Base Station (BS), which will be the
main part of the entire system costs, because of small cells, most of the signal processing (including coding, multiplexing,
generation, modulation etc) have to be made rather in central stations (CS-s)[1]. BS-s could be simplied into remote
antenna units which could be connected with CS-s via high performance and rates optical ber network [6].


RoF Basics

Radio over Fiber is an analog optical link trasmitting modulated radio frequency (RF) signals. It allows to use both
down and up links as well. The RF signal modulation is in most cases digital like PSK, QAM, TCM [1]. Optical modulation might have also various forms which allows to implement many dierent and sophisticated applications shown in
this document.
The basic architecture of duplex wireless communication (in the user point of view) application using RoF is shown in
gure 1. Central station is connected to base station via the optical ber which is the duplex link. In the CS microwave
signals directly modulate the optical carier and are being sent over the optical ber link. By doing this, we achieve a
very simple base station architecture which have to only perform optical/electric coversion and amplication. Mobile

station communicate with BS using RF.

Figure 1:

RoF duplex link

The conventional mobile communication BS modulate the data into the allocated frequency band and subsequenly powerapmlify the high-frequency signals. These signals are transmitted using coaxial cable to the antenna. The maximum
lenght of the cable is limited to less than fty meters. The typical coaxial cable with a lenght of 30 meters approximately
35% of the signal power is lost. In addition due to those losses the signal noise icrease and the reception signal quality
is also weaker [8]. In conventional BS, the power disspated as heat by the ampliers requires to use sophisticated metal
enclosures with climat control (i.e. air conditioning)[13]
In the Fiber To The Antenna (FTTA) mobile communication systems, all the the high-frequency and power electronics
are located at the remote-radio head (RRH) close to the antenna. The last part of BS is a SFP (small form-factor
pluggable) transreciver which carries out electro-optical data conversion. The RRH is linked to the base station by
optical ber with signal transmitted at typical data rates of one Gbitps and almost loss free. Then the signal in RRH
is converted from optical to electrical by means of a second SFP module, amplicated and transmitted to the antenna
via short coaxial cable, so-called jumper, before being emitted from the antenna. Advanteges of this system is increasing
the transmission distance between base station and remote-radio head, which allows to use more complicated architectures[8]. Due to large reduction in amount of thermal energy disspated the RRH can be designed without the need for
any expensive climate control facilities.[13]

Figure 2:

Using Remote-Radio-Heads (RRH) in multiantenna system

The technology change from traditional to FTTA system is already taking place. From the point of view of network
operators [8] lists many advantages of FTTA in comparision of traditional cellular system. Here are some of them below.
Reduced investment costs (CAPEX) :
lower or no additional space requirements
lesser power provision and lower power consumption
lower acquisition costs
simpler instalation

Operating costs (OPEX) are reduced due to:

up to 40% lower power consumption
lower rental costs of telecoms facilities and antenna sites

2 Analog RoF

Base concept of optical modulation and detection

[10] Traditionally ber optic communication systems are used to transmit digital signals. Laser is transmiting then
two types of signal - high and low intensity (switching between two intensities is faster than turning laser o and on) - it
is digital modulation of amplitude of the signal. But analog modulation is also possible - intensity of emitted light may
be proportional to the electrical signal on input of the system. This is the classic AM modulation - the modulated light
is an electromagnetic nm-wave. Figure 3 shows dierences between these two types of modulation.

Figure 3:

Digital and analog modulated laser light

The design of the system with phase modulation of the signal is problematic due to lack of proper detection technique.


SCM - SubCarrier Multiplexing

[9] Optical Subcarrier Multiplexing (SCM) is one of the possible solutions to multiplex many signals into a single
ber. In an SCM infrastructure (Figure 4), every sended signal is modulated on a dierent frequency and afterwards
the signals are multiplexed by an electronic multiplexer. Then the multiplexed signal modulate the optical carrier. This
gives some advantages over a pure WDM access, due to the lower cost of the electrical components in comparision with
an optical multiplexer.
When signal reaches its destination, the process of transforming it back into electric domain occurs, followed by demultiplexation and demodulation. In this way several dierent signals can be transported through the optical ber using
one laser, one wavelength and one photodetector.

Figure 4:

SubCarrier Multiplexing scheme

SCM has one particular disadvantage: the optical spectrum of transported signal becomes wider and it is limited in
maximum subcarrier frequencies and data rates by the available bandwidth of the electrical and optical components.
However, it can be used eectively for lower-speed, lower-cost multi-user systems.


Transmission limitations - nonlinearity, dispersion

[9] RoF systems have some disadvantages like distortions which are connected with nonlinearity of optical system
components (eg. O/E and E/O converters, optical ampliers). Also the laser chirp - delayed process of obtaining desired
signal frequency (turning on, o, change of intensity) which is connected with dynamics of laser modulator, must be
considered. It is the main reason of limitation in direct modulation of the laser diode. Moreover range of dynamics

decreases linearly along with ber length.

Another problem connected with ber communication are dispersions:
multimode dispersion (MMD)  in multimode ber (MMF) the light propagates as dierent modes which
travels with dierent paths what means also dierent time of propagation. This phenomenon can be eliminated
by a single mode ber (SMF).
chromatic dispersion (CMD)  due to dispersion factor which is a function of wavelength, dierent wavelengths
propagates with vary speed. This is most problematic in SMF.
polarizing disersion (PMD)  cannot be eliminated, but its eect usually is negligible.

Optical single-sideband modulation (OSSB)

[9] ODSB (Optical Double Sideband) is the basic type of optical modulation. Its main aw is phase shifting occuring because of the chromatic dispersion between signal sidebands. When the shift reaches 180 , it leads to destructive
interferention between sidebands resulting in the decay of signals power. (Figure 5)

Figure 5:

Loss of signal due to chromatic interference

In order to minimize this phenomenon, OSSB is used. Another advantage of using OSSB is the increase of optical
bandwidth eciency. The downside of using OSSB in SCM systems is that because of relatively low data rate at each
subcarrier and high subcarrier frequencies, carrier fading due to PMD may be signicant. Based on this, we should take
under consideration factors such as data rate per subcarrier, levels of modulation, channel spacing between subcarriers,
optical power, and modulation indexes while optimizing the system performance.
Techniques of obtaining single sideband signal can be divided into three categories:
optical ltering - one of the sidebands is ltered by an optical lter, eg. ber Bragg gratings based lter
optical heterodyning (2.7.3)
phase shifted signals modulation

Carrier Suppresed modulations

[9] Like in radio amplitude modulation techniques, we can consider carrier suppresion in optical modulation techniques. Dependent on the type of modulation this can be ODSB-SC (optical double sideband carrier supressed ) or
OSSB-SC (optical single sideband carrier suppresed ). The carrier can be ltered by optical notch lter like Fabry-Perot's
interferometer (FPI) or by expanded bandwidth of optical lter when OSSB by ltering one sideband is performed.
Reducing power of carrier could be used to better match power level of the optical signal to the linear range of other
components of RoF system.

Figure 6:

Reducing carrier power by optical notch lter [9]

Types of RoF modulation with regard to bandwidth of modulating signal

2.6.1 Baseband modulation

[10] In this conguration no conversion to higher frequency is done in CS. The optical modulation is very simple,
but all radio modulation is done in BS what makes it exepnsive solution. Due to low frequency, sidebands are close to
carrier and chromatic dispersion is not able to cause loss of power of the signal.
Figure 7 shows conguration of RoF link with direct baseband modulation (2.7.1) of laser diode (LD) implemented in
CS. In BS photodetector (PD) converts signal to electrical domain. Then some amplication and converting to hiher
frequencies is done. In uplink after frequency downconversion optical modulation is done by external optical modulator
(EOM) (2.7.2).

Figure 7:

RoF conguration with direct baseband modulation

2.6.2 Intermediate frequency modulation (IF-over-ber)

[10] It is used with medium frequencies ( < 10GHz). In this conguration CS converts frequency of signal to IF
before optical modulation and transmission, but the conversion to RF at the BS side must be done. Optical modulation
is simple (direct modulation can be used). Chromatic dispersion still cannot cause power losses.
Figure 8 shows IF-over-ber link conguration with EOM-s. One frequency conversion is done by CS, the second takes
place in BS.

Figure 8:

IF-over-ber conguration

2.6.3 Milimeter-wave frequency modulation (RF-over-ber)

[10] Used with high frequencies ( > 10GHz). High frequency signal in optical domain reaches BS, where is transferred
to electric domain, amplied and then propagated by the antenna. There is no frequency conversions in BS. The BS is
simplied, but chromatic dispersion must be considered, so the OSSB shoud be implemented. However generally this is
a cost-eective solution.
Figure 9 shows RF-over-ber link conguration with EOM-s. Both frequency conversion are done by CS, so the BS is
very simplicited.

Figure 9:

RF-over-ber conguration

Optical modulation techniques

2.7.1 Direct modulation

[10] (Figure 7) This is the easiest method of modulation  laser diode action intensity is modied by the applied
voltage. This method is mainly limited by the dynamics of the modulated laser (chirp). It is possible to send up to 40
Ghz signal using this approach, but it is necessary to use very expensive lasers. In practice it is applied for 10 GHz

2.7.2 External modulation

[10] (Figure 8 and 9) Used with frequencies higher than 10 Ghz. In this case, laser generates beam of constant
intensity, after that it is modulated by modulator (eg. EAM (Electro-absorption modulator) or Mach-Zender modulator).
This technique requires lower modulating voltage than direct modulation. Also, it is characterized by signicantly smaller
chirp. Better dynamics means larger bandwidth (hundreds of Ghz). However external modulation can cause high insertion
loss, so the additional optical amplier should be used. There is also problem with linearity of both - external modulator
and optical amplier.
Electro-Absorption Modulator (EAM):
[15] Intensity of light travelling through the waveguide is modied by applying electric eld which modies optical
absorption parameters (Franz-Keldysh eect). The EAM can be integrated with laser (Figure 10).

Figure 10:

Integrated laser and electroabsorption modulator [15]

Mach  Zender Modulator (MZM):

[15] (Figure 11a) Intput signal is divided equally and travels two optical paths. Electric eld generated between
electrodes causes changes of the refraction coecient in materials like lithium niobiate (LiNbO3 ). This modies
the speed of light propagation  one beam can be phase shifted against the other as the result. Both beams are
then interfering with each other  according to phase shift, constructive or destructive interference takes place and
as the resultat at the outputs there are two beams with intensity dependent on applied volatage. (Figure 11b)

Mach Zender modulator (MZM) scheme (a) and intensity of output beams as a function of
applied voltage (b).[15]
Figure 11:

2.7.3 Optical heterodyning

[10] (Figure 12) Two or more optical signals are transmitted (at dierent wavelengths, but the frequencies of these
signals are quite close, so the chromatic dispersion eect is not noticeable). Signals are mixed on the receiver side. Two
scenarios are possible: mixing during detection conducted by the fotodetector or mixing after detection  in electric
domain. We obtain wanted signal as one of the products of mixing. The problem of phase noise is solved by triggering
/ synchronizing lasers generating every signal with the main laser  modulated by the radio frequency (RF).
Optical heterodyning allows to reduce the inuence of the chromatic dispersion. Signals of wide range of frequencies
(from several MHz up to Thz) can be transported this way, but it requires fast lasers or precise optical modulators.

Figure 12:

Optical heterodyning scheme

2.7.4 Optical transceiver - Electro-Absorption Transceiver (EAT)

[10] EAT (Electro-absorption transceiver) serves O/E conversion for the downlink (1) and optical modulation for
the uplink (2 is generated at CS as well). The benet of this solution is lack of laser diode in BS. Instead of this, all
lasers are installed in CS, but two wavelengths are occupied by one BS. (Figure 13)

Figure 13:

RoF system with EAT

Combination of SCM and WDM

[2] SCM signals can be additionally multiplexed in wavelength domain (). The basic conguration of such system is
shown in Figure 14

Figure 14:

SCM over WDM scheme

This solution provides extended capacity of ber link - combining SCM with WDM can provide more exible platform
for high-speed optical transport networks with high optical bandwidth eciency and high dispersion tolerance. However,
larger bandwidth of the SCM signal puts limitations on interspaces between lengths of the multiplexed waves. In this
case, using OSSB modulation is important due to reduced bandwidth in comparision with DSSB.
However signals transported through SCM over WDM system suer from crosstalks. XPM (cross-phase modulation)
and FWM (four-wave mixing) are two most important sources of nonlinear crosstalks in SCM systems. Their inuence is

usually proportional to optical signal power and inversely proportional to the space between channels. An SCM optical
system packs low data-rate RF channels tightly within the available modulation bandwidth. Moreover, the optical power
per RF channel is quite low. Because of that, in this kind of system impact of crosstalks must be considered.
Figure 15 presents RoF DWDM ring with EAT-s used in BS-s. All wavelengths are generated in CS. 1 - N are
modulated in CS and are used to downlink communication. N +1 - 2N are modulated in BS-s and used for uplink
communication. In this scenario DWDM technique with spacing 0,8 nm (100GHz) provides 40 wavelengths, so using one
ber and one window CS can serve 20 BS-s.

Figure 15:

RoF DWDM ring scheme

3 OCDMA - Optical Code Division Multiple Access

[12] Like in radio communication, in optical world we can consider spreading spectrum as the method of multiplexing
transported signals. This gives many adavantages known from CDMA radio communication systems:
Asynchronous transmission.
Dynamic bandwidth allocation.
Protocol transparency.
Decentralized architecture.
Increased exibility of dierentiating the Quality of Service (QoS).
Soft capacity on demand.
Better security of the sended information.

Like in radio CDMA techniques, the bandwidth of sended signal can be extended by using orthogonal spreading codes.
Some techniques can be introduced:
Time Spreading (TS) - spreading in time domain is done by simple multiplication by spreading code. This
method is equivalent of radio DSSS technique in optical transmission.
Spectral Amplitude Encoding (SAE) - similar to radio frequency hoping (FHSS) - spreading code provides
information on what wavelengths the signal should be transmitted.
Time Spreading/Spectral Coding (TSSC) - combination of TS and SAE - spreading code is two-dimensional.

The problem with spreading codes in optical domain is that code could have values (0, 1) what causes that there is no
ideally orthogonal codes - always some corelation is noticeable. But coherent OCDMA scheme is also considered. In
coherent OCDMA transmitter is able to produce signal in anti-phase. Thanks to negative intereferency, this is equivalent
of negative value. So the codes could have values (-1, 1).
Lots of techniques of practical implementation OCDMA were proposed. For example, incoherent time spreading could be
implemented by usage of Fiber optic Delay Lines (FODL), or strings of Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG). Spatial Lightwave
Modulators (SLM) or FBG could be used in SAE transmitter. TSSC could be implemented by usage of FBG strings,
combination of Arrayed-Waveguide-Gratings (AWG) and FODL or Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS). Figure
16 briey presents classication of described techniques.
Because of the huge capacity, optical networks usually exceed current needs with reserve, so there is no need of dynamic
bandwidth mangment like in radio communication where resources are very limited. Due to this, OCDMA is not being
intensively developed.

Figure 16:

Classication of OCDMA techniques [12]

However we can imagine a scenario of using OCDMA in connection with RoF technology in future wireless data access
networks. For example one control station (CS) can serve base stations (BS-s) in dierent areas characterized with
vary load of data trac in dierent parts of day. Some BS-s located in bussiness area serve huge trac in working
hours, when BS-s located in housting estate are not very loaded. The situation changes in the evening, when people end
his work, come back home and thus use broadband wireless services in dierent cells. The OCDMA technique allows
to use resources in the RoF network in more optimal way assigning shortest spreading codes to currently more loaded BS-s.

4 DRoF - Digitized Radio-over-ber

Figure 17:

Comparision of RoF (a) and DRoF (b) [6]

[6] This concept (gure 17) base on replacing the analog optical modulation with transport of the radio signal
through the ber in digital format. In this scheme conversion from digital to analog at the remote side is necessary, so
this makes BS more complicated. However transmission of digitized signal have lots of advantages:
Multiplexing digital signals to send it on one wavelength is simple - samples are mixed, send through ber and
remote side must only be able to recognize, which samples belongs to which signal.
Modulating light by digitized signal is simple and very well-known technique.
Nonlinearity of optical ampliers, E/O and O/E converters does not have inuence on quality of transported
The length of the link does not aect on dynamics of modulation.
Digital transmission is much more resistant to crosstalks than analog-modulated signals.
Due to lots of simplicities, the cost of components can be reduced.
Radio signal can be digitally procesed in CS what gives more capabilities like using software radio.

Despite lots of advantages there is one main problem - the bandwidth is limited by the speed of A/D and D/A converters.
This makes using DRoF scheme possible only to transport IF signals, so the RF modulator must be also installed in
the BS. As a result, installing DRoF system is often not cost-eective in comparision with analog RoF. However with
the advance in fast digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversion DRoF may become the best solution to transport
signal from CS to BS.

5 RoF deployment scenarios


Cellular wireless network via RoF

Considering current mobile systems, we observe permanent increase of trac and operating frequencies due to the
constantly rising number of users and available services. This trend forces developers to decrease size of system cells and
introduce cheaper technologies in order to compensate costs of consecutive base stations. One of the solutions to this
problem is RoF, which ensures good level of transfer in the network.
In cellular networks realized via RoF, physical layer consists of two parallel sublayers: wireless and optical, where optical
layer is operating below wireless infrastructure.
The easiest way of implementing RoF approach in cellular networks is topology of the star (point-to-point connection
between BSs and CS, one ber per BS).
The number of operating base stations is very big. If the ber handles more than one base station, optical layer must
have some kind of multiple access (MA) system implemented, which would be independent from conventional MA system
present in wireless layer. Optical layer can use many multiple access techniques, such as TDMA, WDM or described
earlier SCM and OCDMA. [1]
Because of its large bandwidth, one ber can support many cellular network services by transmitting signals of dierent
services via dierent optical wavelengths. Besides wavelengths, services can also use dierent RF modulation, radio
frequencies or cellular structures. They can be very diverse and provide mobile or xed, narrow or wideband wireless
access, depending on the particular needs.
In gure gure 18 is shown the concept of cellular network. The concept of double MA system using WDM in optical
layer is shown in gure gure 19

Figure 18:

Figure 19:

Concept of cellular network using RoF

Concept of double MA system using WDM in optical layer

WiMAX with RoF links

WiMAX is a promising technology for delivery a broadband access provides xed and mobile connectivity. RoF
technology can be adopted to WiMAX in several approaches.
Dominant market for RoF technology today is the distribution of RF to the high capacity radio systems indoors, so-called
Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS).Because of small cells the more antennas are needed to cover a certain area like the

rooms, hospital, an oce building or airport.

DAS installations are being increasingly used in variety of locations already. In these places the centralized base station
implements converting RF to the optical signal, and then via optical ber the signal is transmitted to specic Remote
Node (RN) in the RN signal is converted back into the RF domain and transmitted to the antenna.[2] The RN with the
antenna in [13] is so-called the Remote Antenna Unit (RAU). The scenario of DAS for WiMAX is shown in gure 20.
The second approach for WiMAX so-called the macro is shown in gure gure 21.

Figure 20:

Figure 21:

DAS for WiMax [13]

WiMax macro cells connected with RoF [13]


Cable television is a system of providing television signal to customers using RF signals via optical and coaxial cables.
The CaTV systems are using the Hybrid ber-coaxial (HFC) technology to provide television signal. The HFC is a
network which combines optical bre and coaxial cable. This network allows to realize high capacity networks with large
number of subscribers.
Topology of the network may be similar to other RoF applications. The main dierence is the users end of the link where
the RF is provided directly to end terminal without using any wireless techniques shown before. The ber cable connects
CS with the so-called remode node in the building where signal is converted from optical to electrical and subsequently
via traditional coaxial cable is provided to subscriber.


60 GHz home area network

[14] RoF may be utilized to distribute 60 GHz signal (non-licensed band) in household environment using multipoint
to multipoint architecture, where signal is emited only when and where it is needed (control over time and place of the
transmission) . Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain very fast, wideband wireless connection with integrated services,
but only on short-range distances (less than 10 m). With 60GHz signal, we can achieve throughput greatly exceeding
current standards (up to 5 Gbit/s).
There is one obvious aw of communication on the frequency of 60 GHz which is major propagation attenuation but with
the use of short range it becomes an advantage because of the immunity to interferention and large security. This solution

gives us many new possibilities, such as wireless high-denition multimedia interface (HDMI), where uncompressed video
signals are transmitted from the DVD player straigth to the at monitor; fast duplex transmission of high-denition
movies between two devices or wireless docking station, from which laptop can connect to the wireless network, display,
portable drive, printer or digital camera.


Service integration via RoF

The wide bandwidth of optical ber allows to use many dierent services such as Gigabit Ethernet, WiMax, IEEE
802.11, GSM, and 3G to share the same infrastructure making Radio over Fiber truly multiservice technology [7].

Figure 22:

Technology race between 3GPP and WiMax [7]

6 Summary
In this document we briey described dierent Radio-over-ber techniques and show importance of their development.
The easy and cost-eective way to connect lots of antennas with equipment processing signals is one of the key aspect
which allow to increase growth of wireless broadband access networks.

[1] Istvn Frigyes Radio over ber: application, basic design and impact on resource managment, Budapest University
of Technology and Economics, 2005
[2] D.Opati Radio over Fiber Technology for Wireless Access, GSDC Croatia Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., 2009
[3] Maria C. R. Medeiros, Ricardo Av, Paula Laurencio, Nolia S. Correia, Alvaro Barradas, Henrique J. A. da Silva,
Izzat Darwazeh, John E. Mitchell, and Paulo M. N. Monteiro RoFnet  Recongurable Radio over Fiber Network
[4] B. Huiszoon, Member, IEEE, T. Spuesens, Student Member, IEEE, E. Tangdiongga, H. de Waardt, Associate
Member, IEEE, G. D. Khoe, Fellow, IEEE, and A. M. J. Koonen, Fellow, IEEE Hybrid Radio-Over-Fiber and
OCDMA Architecture for Fiber to the Personal Area Network, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,
VOL. 27, NO. 12, JUNE 15, 2009
[5] J.A. Del Peral-Rosado, F.J. Ortiz-Molina, J.M. Rigelsford An Introduction to Fibre-to-Air for Cellular Applications,
Department of Electronic Electrical Engineering, The University of Sheeld, 2009
[6] Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Senior Member, IEEE, Prasanna A. Gamage, Student Member, IEEE, Christina Lim,
Member, IEEE, Dalma Novak, Fellow, IEEE, and Rodney Waterhouse, Senior Member, IEEE Digitized Radio-OverFiber Technologies for Converged Optical Wireless Access Network, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,
VOL. 28, NO. 16, AUGUST 15, 2010
[7] A. J. Seeds, Fellow, IEEE, and T. Ismail Radio over Fiber Technology for Wireless Access, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 28, NO. 16, AUGUST 15, 2010
[8] Dr. Martin Strasser FTTA Fiber-To-The-Antenna  Technology Change in Mobile Communications, HUBER+SUHNER Switzerland
[9] Rongqing Hui, Senior Member, IEEE, Benyuan Zhu, Renxiang Huang, Christopher T. Allen, Senior Member, IEEE,
Kenneth R. Demarest, Senior Member, IEEE, and Douglas Richards Subcarrier Multiplexing for High-Speed Optical
[10] Hong Bong Kim Radio over Fiber based Network Architecture, der Technischen Universitat Berlin, 2005

[11] A.M.J. Koonen, M. Garca Larrod, A. Ng'oma, K. Wang, H. Yang, Y. Zheng, E. Tangdiongga Perspectives of Radio
over Fiber Technologies, COBRA Institute, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2008
[12] Xu Wang, Keys towards practical OCDMA networks, Information and Network System Division, National Institute
of Information and Communication, Japan
[13] Mohammad Shaifur Rahman, Jung Hyun Lee, Youngil Park, and Ki-Doo Kim Radio over Fiber as a Cost Eective
Technology for Transmission of WiMAX Signals World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009
[14] Joray Guillory, Sylvain Meyer, Benoit Charbonnier, Thomas Derham, Sanderine Robolt Radio over Fiber for an
optimal 60 GHz Home Area Network Orange Labs, 2010


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