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Strength of Materials: at Least TWO Questions From Each Part

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Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2013/Jan.2014

Strength of Materials
Time: 3 hrs.

Max. Marks:100

Important Note : 1. On completing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages.
2. Any revealing of identification, appeal to evaluator and /or equations written eg, 42+8 = 50, will be treated as malpractice.

Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting

at least TWO questions from each part.

a. Draw the typical stress strain diagram for a mild steel specimen subjected to tension test.
Explain the salient features of the curve.
(06 Marks)
b. A circular rod tapering from a diameter D at one end to a diameter d at the other end is
subjected to an axial tensile load P. Obtain an expression for the elongation of the rod.
(06 Marks)

c. A round bar with stepped portions is subjected to the forces as shown in Fig.Q1(c).
Determine the magnitude of force P such that the net deformation in the bar does not exceed
1 mm. E s = 200 GPa, Ea = 70 GPa. The larger and smaller end diameters of the tapering
section are 40 mm and 12.5 mm respectively.
(08 Marks)

a. A rectangular block 250mm 100mm 80mm is subjected to axial loads as shown in
Fig.Q2(a). Assuming Poissons ratio as 0.25 and E = 2 105 N/mm2, calculate the change in
volume of the block. Also find the modulus of rigidity and bulk modulus.
(08 Marks)
b. A compound bas is made up of a central steel plate 60 mm wide and 10 mm thick, to which
copper plates 40 mm wide and 5 mm thick are connected rigidly, one on each side. The
length of the bar at normal temperature is 1 m. If the temperature is raised by 80C,
determine the stresses in each metal and the change in length;
Given: Es = 200 GN/m2, Ec = 100 GN/m2 ; S = 12106/C and C = 17106/C.
If the compound bar is then subjected to an axial tensile load of 32 kN, find the resultant
(12 Marks)
a. At a point in a strained material, the state of stress is shown in Fig.Q3(a). Determine
(i) Principal planes and stresses (ii) Critical Shear planes and stresses. Sketch the orientation
of the planes and mark the principal stresses on the planes.
(10 Marks)

in diameter, having a metal thickness of 8 mm is
filled with a fluid at atmospheric pressure. If an additional 20,000 mm3 of fluid is pumped
into the cylinder, find the pressure exerted by the fluid on the cylinder and hoop stress
developed. Find also the changes in diameter and length. Take E = 2105 MPa and Poissons
ratio as 0.3.
(10 Marks)
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a. Define the terms: (i) Hogging Bending moment (ii) Point of inflexion.
(03 Marks)
b. Establish the relationship between shear force, bending moment and intensity of loading.
(05 Marks)

c. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the overhanging beam shown in
Fig.Q4(c). Locate the point of contraflexure, if any.
(12 Marks)


a. With usual notations, derive the simple bending equation M t E

(08 Marks)
y R
b. A simply supported rectangular beam is loaded as shown in Fig.Q5(b). Determine the
maximum flexural stresses and maximum shearing stress at a cross-section located 2 m from
the left support. Sketch the flexural and shearing stress distributions at the specified
(12 Marks)

a. A simply supported beam of span L carries a uniformly distributed load of per unit run
over the whole span. Determine the maximum deflection.
(06 Marks)
b. A simply supported beam of span 8 m is loaded as shown in Fig.Q6(b). If the moment of
inertia of the section is 4.3108 mm4 and Youngs modulus is 200 GPa, calculate
(i) The deflection at midspan (ii) Maximum deflection (iii) Slope at point D. (14 Marks)
a. Explain the terms: (i) Effective length of a column (ii) Slenderness ratio.
(04 Marks)
b. Two 80mm 160 mm solid rectangular columns are 4m long with ends hinged. They share
equally the load carried by them. Find by Rankines formula, the diameter of a single cast
iron circular cross-section column of same length and end conditions to replace both of
, fc = 500 N/mm2.
(08 Marks)
c. From tests on steel columns with hinged ends, following results were obtained:
Test No.
Slenderness ratio
Average failure stress (N/mm2)



If a steel bar of rectangular section 60mm 20mm and length 1.25m is to be used as a
column with both ends fixed, determine the crippling load.
(08 Marks)

I f s C

(08 Marks)
Ip R

b. What must be the length of a 5 mm diameter wire so that it can be twisted through one
complete revolution without exceeding a shear stress of 42 N/mm2. Take C = 27 GN/m2.
a. With usual notations, derive the torsion equation

(04 Marks)

c. A solid shaft is of 50 mm diameter. Determine the diameters of a hollow shaft such that its
area of cross-section is same as that of solid shaft. the inner dia of hollow one is 0.8 times
outer diameter. Compare the torsional strengths and torsional stiffness of the hollow and
solid shafts, the length material being same in both cases.
(08 Marks)
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