Laboratory Report No.1 Properties of Fluids I
Laboratory Report No.1 Properties of Fluids I
Laboratory Report No.1 Properties of Fluids I
Properties of Fluids
I. Objectives:
1. To determine the density in metric and english unit of the unknown liquid.
2. To determine the specific weight in metric and english unit of the unknown liquid.
3. To determine the specific volume in metric and english unit of the unknown liquid.
4. To determine the specific gravity in metric and english unit of the unknown liquid.
5. To identify the unknown liquid.
II. Materials/ Apparatus:
1. Unknown Liquid
2. Beaker
3. Graduated Cylinder
4. Weighing Scale
5. Ruler or Metersick
III. Data and Results:
Table A:
Mass of Beaker
Table B:
Unknown Liquid
Specifc Volume
Speific Weight
Speicific Gravity
Table C:
Unknown Liquid
Golden Yellow
Gasoline like
IV. Calculations:
Table A:
Table B:
V. Procedures:
First, we borrowed our materials and apparatus from the student assistance in the supply room.
And then, we prepared our set up for the laboratory we then observed the liquid, identified its
odor and color and basing on its odor we concluded that the unknown liquid is not safe for tasting.
Next, we transferred the liquid to the graduated cylinder, and weighed the beaker. After that we
poured 100ml liquid to the beaker and get their mass.
Then, to get the mass of the unkonwn liquid, we get the difference of the mass of the beaker
from the mass of the beaker with unknown liquid.
Lastly, we applied the formulas to get the properties of fluids namely density, specific volume,
specific weight and specific gravity. Then we referred to our book for the liquid with the least
difference compared to the one we solved and found out that the unknown liquid is kerosene and also
we confirmed it with its odor and color.
VI. Observations:
In this experiment, we have learned that a sample can be identified with the use of its mass and
volume but accuracy in the measurements might be taken into concern because it might give us a
different compound with properties quite similar to the fluid being tested.
Also other properties aside from odor and color of the sample might be taken into concern for a
more accurate identification of the unknown.
In solving the density, specific volume, specific weight and specific gravity we used formulas
that are been taken up in class which serves as an application and proof of the theories that we've
VII. Conclusion:
In generalization, mass and volume can be used in identifying an unknown sample, by getting
its density, specific volume, specific weight and specific gravity with the use of the acquired data from
the experiment.
Thus, we conclude, based on the results of the data computed that the unknown sample is
kerosene. Since all of the properties stated above are quite similar to the properties of kerosene. And
also, for additional proof the color of the unknown sample is golden yellow and has a gasoline-like
smell which resembles the odor and color of kerosene.
But, proper execution of the procedures and proper equipments or apparatus might be used next
time for more accurate results.