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EC 2204
P.Augusta Sophy
Classification of Signals and Systems


Part A
Determine which of the following signals are periodic and compute their fundamental period
(AU DEC 07)
a) sin2 t
b)sin20 t + sin5t
What are energy and power signals?
(MU Oct. 96)
Define a signal.
Is the following system invertible? Given y(t)=x^2(t)
(AU NOV 2007)
Check whether the system having input output relation y(t)= x(t)dt is linear time invariant
or not linearity check?
(AU APR 2004)

6. Check whether energy or power signal

i) e2t u(t)ii) e-j2ft
(AU NOV 2007 )
7. What is the period T of the signal x(t)=2 cos (t/4).
8. Is the system y(t)=y(t-1)+2t y(t-2) time-invariant?
9. Test the following systems for time invariance:
(DEC 03)
a) y(n)=n x2 (n)
b)a x(n)
10. Define symmetric and anti symmetric signals.
(AU MAY 07)
11. What is the causality condition for LTI systems?
(AU DEC 04)
12. Define the following (a) System (b) Discrete-time system
13. What are the classifications of discrete-time system?
14. What is the property of shift-invariant system?
15. Define (a) Static system (b) Dynamic system?
(AU DEC 03)
16. Define a stable and causal system
17. What is the necessary and sufficient condition on the impulse response for stability?
(MU APR.96), (AU MAY 07)
18. State Parsevals energy theorem for discrete-time aperiodic signals
(AU DEC 04)
19. Distinguish Deterministic and random signal?(AU NOV 04 )
20. What are the basic operations on a sequence?(AU NOV 05)
21. Calculate the average power of x(n) = u(n) . (APR 04)
22. What is linear time invariant system? (APR08)
23. Define power signal.
24. Is the signal x (t)= 2cos(3t)+7cos(9t) periodic?
25. What is unit ramp signal? How it can be obtained from unit impulse function?
26. What is the total energy of the discrete-time signal x(n) which takes the values of unity at n
= -1,0 and 1?


Draw the a) Dirac delta function b) Step function for CTS

What is an energy signal? Check whether or not the unit step signal is an energy signal?
Plot the following a) x(n) = 2(n+1) - (n-4)
b) x(n) = u(n) u(n-10)
Find the even and odd components of the following signal
x(n) = {-2,1,2,-1,3} , n = -2,-1,0,1,2
31. Find the energy of the signal x(n) = 3(.5)n , n 0
16 mark Questions:
1. Describe the classification of systems and Check for linearity and time invariance
a. y(n) = x(n) + x(n+1)
(AU APR 2008)
2. Test whether the system described by the equation y(n)=n x(n) is
(i) linear
(ii) Shift Invariant
(AU NOV 2008)

Determine which of the following sinusoids are periodic and compute their
Fundamental period
(AU APR 2008)
i) cos 0.01 n iii) cos 3 n
ii) cos ( 30n /105) iv) sin 3n v) sin (62n /10)
4. Show that any arbitrary continuous time signal x(t) can be represented as

x(t)= x(t ) (t ) d

(AU NOV 2006)

5. Define and plot the following signals- ramp, step, pulse, impulse, exponential
6. Find out the given signal in periodic and If periodic find its period of
x(t) = sin (2 t) + sin ( 2 x 100) t
(AU NOV 2007)
7. What is meant by Causality & Stability & drive the conditions for the same?
8. Test whether the system described by the equation y (n) = n x (n) is linear and
Shift Invariant
(AU NOV 2005)
9. A discrete time system can be static or dynamic, linear or non-linear, Time variant or time
invariant, causal or non-causal, stable or unstable. Examine the following system with respect to
the properties also
(AU DEC 07)
1) y(n)=cos(x(n))
2) y(n)=x(-n+2)
3) y(n)=x(2n)
4)y(n)=x(n) cos n
10. Determine whether each of the following systems defined below is (i) casual (ii) linear (iii)
dynamic (iv) time invariant (v) stable
(AU DEC 07)
(a) y(n) = log10[{x(n)}]
(b) y(n) = cosh[nx(n) + x(n-1)]

(b)y(n) = x(-n-2)

11.For each impulse response listed below, determine if the corresponding system
is (i)Causal
ii) stable
(AU MAY 07)
1)2 n u(-n)
2) sin n/2
3)(n)+sin n 4)e 2n u(n-1)
12..Explain the concept of energy and power signals. Also check whether the following signals
are energy or power signal.
1. x(n)=(1/3)n u(n)
2. x(n)=sin (/4)n
13. Check the following system for linearity, time invariance, causality and stability.

i) y(n)=ex(n)
ii) y(n)=x (-n + 2)
14.a. Find the total energy of DTS
x(n) = { (1/2)n ; n 0
; n<0 }
b. The input x(n) = {-1,-2,0,2,1} of the system is given . Sketch response to the
following inputs.
a) x(n-3)
b) 3x(n)
c) x(2n)
d) x(n-2) + 3x(n)
15. a. Draw the following signals for the given signal x (t)
a. x (t-2)
b. x (2t+3)
c. x (1.5t)
d. x (1-t)
16. Prove that the power of the signal x (t) = A cos ( 0 t + )
is A2 / 2


2 mark Questions:

Define Fourier series

State Dirichlets conditions for fourier series (AU NOV 2004)

Find the LT of e-at u(t) .

If the periodic signal x(t) is having even symmetry then the Fourier expansion contains
-------- terms only.
(AU NOV 2005)
5. The Fourier series expansion of n odd periodic function contains-------- terms only when a
periodic signal is said to have half-wave symmetry? (AU NOV 2003)
6. What is the relationship between cosine and trigonometric representations?
7. What are the differences between Fourier series and Fourier Transform.
8. Explain the shifting property of continuous-time Fourier series.
(AU NOV 2004)
9. State Parsevals theorem for continuous-time Fourier series.
(AU APR 2008)
10. The Fourier expansion of a half-wave symmetric periodic signal contains --------- harmonics.
(AU NOV 2003)
11. What is the condition for convergence of the Laplace transform?
12. Define ROC of Laplace Transform?
13. Find the LT of u(t-2)
14. Find the LT & ROC of x(t)=tn exp(-at)u(t)
15. Find the LT of u(t)
16. Find the LT of x(t)= (t) + u(t)

17. Find LT of x(t)=-te-2tu(t)

18. Find the final value of x(t) given X(s) = S+5/S+3
19. State the time shifting property of Laplace transform

(AU NOV 2004)

20. State the frequency shifting property of Laplace transform

21. Determine Laplace transform of x(t) = ea t sin wt u(t)

(AU NOV 2004)

22. What is the relationship between Fourier transform and Laplace transform?
23. Define the Fourier transform pair of CT signal.
24. Find the FT of e-at u(-t)
25. Find the inverse Fourier transform of X()=2f()
26. Find the FT of (t) and (t-2)
27. Find the FT of x(t)=e-at u(t)
28. What is the condition for FT & LT to exist?
16 marks Questions
Fourier Series
1. Determine the trigonometric fourier series representation for full wave rectified signal. (10)
2. State and prove parsavels theorem for the complex exponential fourier series. (6)
3. Find the trigonometric fourier series for saw tooth function.
(Triangular wave function T=1sec, Amp=1)
4. Find the fourier series for the square wave of amplitude A.
5. Obtain the trigonometric fourier series of the signal
f(t)= t , 0<t<=T
f(t+mT)= f(t) ,m=0,+-1,+-2
6. Find the exponential fourier series for the signal square pulse train.
7. Determine the complex fourier series representation of the signal x(t)=sinot. (2)
8. Determine the fourier series representation of the signal given below.
x(t)=2sin(2t-3) + sin6t
9. Find the exponential fourier series for the impulse train shown in figure. Also plot the
magnitude and phase spectrum.

10. Find the exponential fourier series & plot the Magnitude & phase spectrum of half wave
Spectrum of half wave rectified sine wave .
( a half wave sine form )


For the signal x(t)=t2 , find the trigonometric fourier series over the interval (-1,1) . (16)
Fourier Transform

1. Find the Fourier transform of the following signal and plot its magnitude. (10)

2. What is the FT of Sint? When the signal is multiplied by ejt, what is the FT?
3. Let the Fourier transform of a signal x(t) is as shown below

Determine the FT of a) dx(t)/dt b) tx(t) c) 0t x(t)dt using properties.

Find the FT of x(t) = sin (2t + /4)

State & prove Parsavels relation for energy signals
Obtain the FT of the following signal & plot the spectrum f(t)=sin(0t)
(i)State & prove convolution property of FT
(ii) Find the FT of



8. Find FT of Signum function

9. Prove the time scaling property of FT & hence find the FT of f(t)= e u(t) (6)
10. Properties of Fourier transform
11. Find the inverse Fourier transform of X() = 1/ 2- + j3
12. Using the properties of CTFT, determine x(t) if the frequency domain signal
X(j ) = j d/d (ej2 / 1+ i /3)
13. Find the following
a) F-1 [2 () ]
b) F-1 [2 (- 0) ]
c) F-1 [2 (- n0) ]
d) F[x(t) ej0t]
14. a) Find the Fourier transform of x(t) = 1-e cos 0 t

b) Obtain the inverse Fourier transform for the given transform

X(j ) = 1
0 for




Laplace Transform

State and prove the properties of Laplace transform.

Find the inverse LT of X(s) = 4/(s+2) (S+4) if ROC is (i)_2 > Re(s) >-4 (ii) Re(s) <-4.
State and prove Convolution theorem of LT
Determine the LT of x(t)= 2t, 0t1
0, otherwise
Find the LT of x(t)=e-atcost u(t)
Find the LT of u(t)-u(t-a) where a>0
If x1(t) = e-.2t u(t) and x2(t) = e-.2t u(t)
determine Y(s) where y(t) = x1(t-2)* x2(-t+3)
Find the LT of a) e-at u(t-1) b) (t)+t2+u(t)
Bring the equivalence between laplace transform & FT.
Determine the unilateral LT for the following
(i) x(t) = e-.2t u(t+1) (ii) x(t) = (t+1) + (t)+ e-.2(t+3) u(t+1) (Nov06 Biomedical)
Find the inverse LT of 3s2+8s+23/(s+3)( s2+ 2s+10)
Find the inverse LT of F(s) = s+3/( s2+ 4s+13)
- b|t|
Find the laplace transform of x(t) = e
for b<0 and b>0
(AU NOV 2005)

17 Obtain the ROCs for the given signals using Laplace transform:
a) x(t) = e b t
b) x(t) = 3e 2 t u(t) 2e t u(t)


2 Marks

Define impulse response of linear time invariant system.

Write down the input-output relation of an LTI system in time and frequency domain?
Define transfer function of a continuous time function.

What is the response of an system whose impulse response h(t)=e-t for a delta input?
What is the overall impulse response of h1(t)&h2(t) when they are in a)series b)parallel?
Given dy(t)/dt+6y(t)=x(t). Find the transfer function.
What is convolution integral?
Find the S-domain TF, if the poles are located at p1=-1+j, p2=-1-j and a zero at s=.5?
Write the impulse response h(t) for the system described by the eqn dy(t)/dt+5y(t)=x(t)
+2dx(t)/dt. (May08-ECE).
10. Define freq response of CT system (May 08-ECE).
11. Differentiate between natural & forced response.
12. Write the TF of a system whose poles are at -.5j.5 and a zero at -.2.
Part B
Differential Equations

1. Find the output of the system shown in the following figure for input

u (t) using laplace




2. Draw the direct form

realization of the system described by the differential equation

---may 05

3. Consider the system shown in the figure with RC=10. Find the frequency response of the output
across the capacitor and sketch H(w) as a function of w.


4. Determine the differential equation describing the system shown in the figure:





5. Realize the following differential equation as a direct form

6. Realize

in cascade form.

7. Draw the block diagram of the system described by the equation in the direct form

8. Find the impulse response of the system shown below.




9. Using Laplace transform find the impulse response of an LTI system described by the
differential equation
d2y(t)/dt2 dy(t)/dt 2y(t) =x(t)
(AU Apr 2005)
10. A system is described by the differential equation
Use L.T to determine the response of the system to a unit step input applied at t=0.
Assume the initial conditions as y(0-)= -2 and dy(0-)/dt=0
(AU May 2007)
11. For the CT system
Find system Function H(s). Detrmine H(s) (i) If the system is causal and stable
(ii) If the system is neither causal nor stable
12.Determine the response of the system with impulse response h(t)=e-atu(t) for step input
(AU Apr 2004)
13. Check Whether the following systems are stable and causal
(AU Nov 2006)
14. (i)Find the step response of the system whose impulse response is given as h(t)=u(t+1)-u(t-1)
(ii)Find the response of the system with impulse response h(t)=e-3tu(t) for the input signal
15.Consider an LTI of x(t)=e-tu(t) and impulse response h(t)=e-2tu(t)
(i)Determine the LT of x(t) & h(t)
(ii)Using the Convolution property, determine the LT Y(s) of the output y(t)
(iii) From the LT Y(s) obtain y(t) .
(iv) Verify your result in part 2 by explicitly convolvin x(t) & h(t).
16.Find the convolution integral for
X(t) = e-tu(t) & h(t)=e-tu(t)
When (i) =
17. The impulse response h(t)=u(t). Determine the output of the system if input
x(t)=exp(-at)u(t).Use convolution in time domain.
(16) Nov08-IT

Convolution Integral
1. Determine the response of the system with impulse response h(t)=u(t) for the input x(t)=
2. Find the output of an LTI system with impulse response h(t)= (t-3) for the input
3. Given x(t) and h(t) as



(16) Nov03 ECE

4. Find the convolution of the two signals


5. Find the y(t)=x(t)*h(t) by graphical method :



Plot y(t)
6. If x(t)=

u(t) and h(t)=

u(t), determine y(t)=x(t)*h(t) by time domain method and

frequency domain method.

(16) May 07 ECE

7. Find the convolution of x(t) and h(t) given


x(t)=sint u(t)

; h(t)=u(t)


; h(t)=


Nov08 ECE
8. Find the convolution integral of x(t) =
(i) a = b
(ii) a b

e-at u(t) and h(t) = e-bt u(t) when

(16) May08 IT


2 mark Questions:
1. State initial value theorem for Z transform .If X(Z) = Z{x(n)}then x(0)= z lim X(Z) .
(AU NOV 2004)
2. State the multiplication property of the z-transform.
3. What are the different methods of evaluating inverse Z-transform
4. Define inverse z- transform
5. What does Region of Convergence mean in Z Transform?
6. Define Nyquist criteria & what is the importance of it?

(AU APR 2008)

(AU APR 2007)

7. What is relationship between

a. Z-Transform & Discrete time Fourier - Transform
b. L- Transform & Continuous time Fourier Transform
8. Brief aliasing concept with diagram?
9. Define ROC of Z-Transform & brief any two properties of ROC?
10. .Define DTFT pair

(AU NOV 2008)

(AU NOV 2004)

11. State Duality Property of Fourier transforms.

12. Define eigen signal and give an example.

(AU NOV 2004)

13. State Parsevals relation for discrete time periodic signals

(AU NOV 2006)

14. Define Fourier transform of the sequence x(n)

(AU NOV 2004)

15. What is the sufficient condition for the existence of DTFT?

16. What is the property of Fourier spectrum of a discrete time aperiodic sequence?
17. Find the DTFT of x(n) = an

(AU NOV 2003)

18. Consider an LTI system with h(n)= (n-n0) for an input x(n), find Y(ejw) (AU NOV 2003)
19. What is the z-transform of the sequence x(n)=nu(n)?
20. Find the DTFT of the signal x(n) = { 1,1,1,1}
21. State Parsavels relation in Z transforms.
22. Find the ZT of x(n)=u(n)-u(n-3)
(Nov 07 - ECE)
23. Find the ZT of the given sequence x(n) = 1 ; 0<n<10
(May 06 - ECE)
0 otherwise
24. What is the Z Transform and the associated ROC of the signal x(n) = u(n-n0)
25. Find the Z transform of x(n) = an-1 u(n-1)
26. State Sampling Theorem.
27. Find the final value of the signal given W(z)=1 / (1+2z 1 3z 2 )

28. A signal x(t) whose spectrum is shown below is sampled at a rate of 300 samples/sec. What
is the spectrum of the sampled DT signal?
(2) (May 03 - ECE)






Part B
Sampling Theorem
10. State and prove sampling theorem. Explain aliasing with example. How will you reconstruct
a sampled signal?
(16) (Nov 06, 07 - ECE)
11. Find the Nyquist frequency and Nyquist rate for each of the following signals.
i) x(t) = 25 cos (500t)
ii) x(t) = 15 sec t(t/2)
(8) (Nov 08 - ECE)
12. Consider a signal x(t) = cos 2000t + 10 sin 10000t + 20 cos 5000 t
Determine the i) Nyquist rate for this signal. ii) If the sampling rate is 5000 samples/sec,
then when the DT signal obtained after sampling.
(8) (May 07 - ECE)
13. Consider the sampling of the band pass signal whose spectrum is given below. Determine the
minimum sampling rate Fs to avoid aliasing.
(6) (May 06)







Discrete Time Fourier Transform

14. State and prove Parsevals relation of Fourier transform
15. b) State and prove convolution property of Fourier transform

(AU NOV 2004)

16. Find DTFT of x(n)=(1/2)n u(n) and plot its spectrum

17. .Find the convolution of following signals using convolution property of DTFT
i. x1(n) = (1/2)n u(n)

(AU NOV 2004)


x2(n) = (1/3)n u(n)


18. State and prove the properties of Z transform

( AU NOV 2008)
19. Find the z transform of cos (n) u(n)
20. Find the inverse z transform using contour integral method. Given
X(z) = 1/ (1- a z 1 )
(AU NOV 2003)
21. a) Find Inverse ZT for the given
X(z) = (z+1) / (3z2 4z+1), |z|>1 using partial fraction expansion method. (8)
b) Find x(n) for X(z) = (1+2Zz-1+z-2) / (1-3/2z-1=1/2z-2), |z|>1 using residue method.(8)
22. a) Find the Z-transform & ROC of x(n) = an for a<1
3 2
23. Find Inverse ZT for the given X(z) = (z -z +z-1/16) / (z -5/4z +1/2z-1/16), |z|>1/2
24. a) Find x (n) for X (z) = (1-1/4z-2) / [(1+1/4z-2) (1+5/4z-1+3/8z-2)] How many different regions
of convergence could correspond to X (z)?
25. Find the inverse Z transform of H (z) = 1-1/3 z-1 / (1- z-1) (1+2 z-1) using residue method.
26. Find the ZT of x(n)=(1/2)n u(-n)
(6) (Nov 07 - ECE)
27. Find the ZT & ROC of x(n) = 1, n0
3n, n<0
(8) (May 05 - ECE)
28. a) What is the condition for ZT to exist?
(2) (Nov 05 - ECE)
b) What are the properties of region of convergence?
(6) (Nov 05 - ECE)
c) How do you get FT from Z-transform? Explain in detail. (8) (Nov 05 - ECE)
29. Find the inverse ZT of H(z) = 1/ (z-a) (z-b), a>b
(8) (May 07 - ECE)
30. a) State and prove any two properties of z-transform
31. b) Determine the z-transform for the sequence x(n) = 4n cos [ (2n/6) + (/4) u(-n-1)]. Sketch
the pole-zero plot and indicate the ROC.
32. a) Find the inverse z-transform of X(z) = 1/1024 [(1024 - z-10) / (1 - (z-1 ))], |z|>0
33. Using differentiation property, determine the inverse transform for
X (z) = {a z-1 / (1-a z-1)2}; |z|>a
34. a) x(n) = an cosn u(n)
b) x(n) = 2n u(n-2)
(8) (May 06)
35. Briefly explain the relationship between ZT & FT.
(6) (Nov 07 - ECE)

36. Determine the inverse ZT of X (z) = log (1-2z) by using the power series log (1-x) = - xi/i, |
x|<1 and by first differentiation X(z) and then using this to recover x(n).
(10) (Nov 07 - ECE)
37. Determine the ZT & the ROC of the following sequence
a) x(n) = (-3)n u(-n-1)
b) x(n) = n(1/2)n + (n-1) (1/3)n
(8) (Nov 07 - ECE)
38. a) Find the ZT of (1/2) u(n) (1/3) u(n)
b) Find the initial & final values of the function X(z) = 1+ z-1 / (1-25z-2) (8) (Nov 08 - IT)

2 mark Questions
1. Write the general difference equation relating input and output of a system.
2. Draw the state variable model for a D.T system.
3. What is meant by recursive and non-recursive systems?
(May 2008)
4. Why the direct form II structure is called as Canonic structure. (June 2006)
5. Difference between FIR and IIR systems?
6. How many number of additions, multiplications and memory locations are required to realize a IIR
system with transfer function H(Z) having M zeros and N poles in direct form I ,II realizations?

7. For an LTI system with difference eqn : Y(n)-3/4y(n-1)+1/8y(n-2)=2x(n), Find H(z)

8. What is the relation between input and output of an LTI system?
9. Find the linear convolution of x(n)={1,2,3,4,5,6} with y(n)={2,-4,6,-8}.
10. Find the system function of a D.T system described by the difference eqn
y (n)- 1/2 y(n-1)+ y(n-2)=x(n)-x(n-1).
11. What is the response of an LSI system with impulse response h(n)= (n)+2(n-1) for input
12. What is the condition for stability of a D.T system?
13. What are the 4 steps to obtain convolution?
14. State the properties of convolution sum?
15. For x(t)=anu(n) & h(n)=u(n).find y(n)=x(n)*h(n).
16. Write TF formula for a DT system with A,B,C,D matrices.
17. The unit sample response of an FIR filter is
h(n)= an [u(n)-u(n-2)]. Draw the direct form realization of this system
18. Realise the following system using direct form 2

y(n)-1/2 y(n-1)=x(n)+1/2 x(n-1)

19. Determine the response of the system y(n) with h(n)=anu(n) for unit step input signal.(
20. Find system response of x(n)=u(n) & h(n)=(n)+(n-1). (May08-ECE).
21. List the advantages of state variable representation of a system. (May08-ECE).
22. State the conditions for casuality & stability of stem with impulse response h(n). (May06-ECE)
16 mark Questions

Difference equations Finding impulse response/response of a system

1) Find the impulse response of a stable system whose input-output relation is given by the equation

2) For an LTI system fn H(z)=1/(1-1/4z ), find the difference equation. (Nov03-ECE).

3) Find the impulse response of a DT system described by the difference equation

4) Find the TF H(z) for


5) Find the TF of the system

for n0 & Find the impulse

response of a DT system described by difference equation for x(n)=y(n). Plot pole-zero location
in the z-plane. (May08-ECE).
6) An LTI system is described by


frequency response of the system , 2)impulse response of the system.(May06-ECE).

7) Using ZT compute the response of the system
to be input x(n)=nu(n). Is the
system stable. (May06-ECE).
8) Determine the impulse response & frequency response of system described by the eqn
. (May07-ECE).
9) A causal system is represented by the difference eqn
. Use ZT to determine 1)system function


sample response of the system 3)frequency response of the system.(May07-ECE).

10) When an input x(n)=3(n-2) is applied to a causal LTI system, whose output is found to be

+8( )n ,find the impulse response h(n) of the system. (Nov08-ECE).

11) Find the output sequence y(n) of the system described by the eqn. (May09-ECE).
for the input sequence x(n)=u(n).
12) Determine the system function and implse response h(n) of the system
with initial condition.
13) Obtain pole and zeros of the system

. (Nov08-IT).
Block Diagrams

1. Consider the causal LSI filter with system function (6)

H(z)=(1+0.875z-1)/(1-0.2z-1+0.9z-2) (1-0.7z-1). Draw the following realization structures of
the system a)direct form 2
b)A parallel form connection of first and second order system
2. The system function of a DT system is (10)
H(z)=(1+z-1)4/(1-z-1+7/8 z-2) (1+2z-1+3/4 z-2)
Realize this system using cascade of second order system in direct form 2

3. Find the transposed direct form 2 realization for the system described by the difference
equation y(n)=3/4 y(n-1)-3/4 y(n-2)+x(n)-1/3 x(n-1) (6)
4. Develop a direct form 1 realization of the difference equation (7)
5. Develop cascade and parallel &realization structures for
H(z)=(z/6 + 5/24 + 5/24 z-1 + 1/24 z-2)/(1 - 1/2 z-1 + 1/4 z-2)
6. The difference equation of a system is given by
y(n)-3/4 y(n-1)+1/8 y(n-2)= x(n)+1/2 x(n-1) .
Draw the direct form 1&2 structures
7. Obtain the cascade of parallel realization of the systems described by the difference equation
y(n)- 1/4 y(n-1)-1/8 y(n-2)=x(n)+3x(n-1)+2x(n-2)
8. Realize the given system with minimum number of multipliers
H(z)=1/4+1/2 z-1+ 3/4 z-2 + 1/2 z-3 + z-4
9. Develop a direct form I realization of the difference equation.
(May 2008)
Y(n) = b0 x(n) + b1x(n-1)+ b2b2x(n-2)+ b3b3x(n-3)-a1y(n-1)-a2y(n-2)-a3y(n-3)
10. Develop cascade and parallel realization structures for
H(Z) =

z/6 +5/24 + 5/24z -1 + 1/24z -2

------------------------------------------1-1/2z -1+1/4z -2

11. Obtain the direct form I ,II and parallel structure realizations of the system function
H(Z) =

1+0.875z -1
----------------------------------------------------( 1+ 0.2z 1 + 0.9z 2 ) ( 1-0.7z 1 )

12. Obtain the direct form 1 & direct form 2 and parallel structure realizations of the system H(z)
= (1 + 0.875z-1) / (1 + 0.2 z-1 + 0.9z-2)(1 0.7z-1)
13. Obtain the parallel structure realization of the system described by the difference equation
y(n) 13/12 y(n-1) + 9/24 y(n-2) -1/24 y(n-3) = x(n) + 2x(n-1)
14. A difference equation of a DT system is given below :
y(n) y(n-1) + 1/8y(n-2) = x(n) + x(n-1). Draw direct form 1 and direct form 2 structure.
Convolution Sum
1. Compute the convolution of 2 sequences given and plot the output
2. What is the input x(n) that will generate the output sequence y(n)={1,5,10,11,8,4,1} for a system
with impulse response h(n)={1,2,2}
3.Find the convolution of x(n)={1,2,3,4,5} with h(n)={1,2,3,3,2,1}
4.Find the convolution of x(n)=au(n) with
h(n)={ 1 ; 0 n=9
0 ; n 10

6.Consider a input x(n) and unit sample response h(n) given by x(n)= u(n) and h(n)= u(n) .Find
7.Find the liner convolution of
a) x(n)={1,2,3,4,5} with h(n)={1,2,3,3,2,1}
b)x(n)={1,-1,2,3} with h(n)={0,1,2,3}
8.Find the system response x(n)=u(n) and h(n)=(n)+(n-1)
9. Convolve the two signals x(n) & h(n) to get y(n). x(n)={1,1,1,1} and h(n)={2,2}. Also give
(AU Nov 2006)
10. Two DT systems are connected in cascade as shown in figure. Determine the unit sample
response of this cascade connection. h(n) of the overall system?


11. Explain the properties of convolution?

(AU Nov 2006)
12. Determine the range of values of the parameter for which the linear time invariant system
with impulse response h(n) is stable.
h(n)=an ; n>=0 and n is even
=0 ; otherwise
(AU Nov 2006)
13. Determine the convolution of the signals
x(n)=cos(n)u(n) and h(n)=(1/2)nu(n)
(AU May 2007)
14. Draw the pole zero plot for the DT system described by the difference equation
(AU Nov 2008)
15. When an input x(n)=3(n-2) is applied to a causal LTI system, whose output is found to be
y(n)=2(-1/2)n+8(1/4)n. Find the h(n) of the system.
(AU Nov 2008)
16.Find the overall response of the system shown below with
h1(n)=(n), h2(n)=(n-1)u(n) and h3(n)=(n)+nu(n-1)+(n-2)
h1 (n)

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