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Nursing Nutrition Final Exam

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Some key takeaways from the text include the different types of enteric feeding tubes like NG tubes and their appropriate uses as well as considerations for patients' nutritional needs and common gastrointestinal conditions.

When feeding patients through tubes, it's important to consider the type of tube placed and any risks of irritation or complications. Tube feedings must provide appropriate nutrients and fluid based on the patient's condition.

Common GI disorders mentioned include ulcers, GERD, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, gallbladder inflammation, and short bowel syndrome. They involve conditions like damage to the digestive tract lining, excess gas, and malabsorption of nutrients.

Central Mindanao University

Multiple Choice: Write your answers on the space provided before each number.
STRICTLY NO ERASURES. Any superimposition would invalidate your answer.
1. These are types of feeding designed for individuals who cannot accept or
assimilate nutrients enterally
A. parenteral feeding.
B. normal feeding
C. Spoon feeding
D. Intravenous feeding
2. The patient with nasogastric tube has nasopharyngeal irritation, which of the
following interventions should be applied?
a. give anesthesia topically
b. give decongestants
c. wash with plain NSS
d. provide ice chips.
3. For three days a comatose patient has not defecated, what will you add to her
a. 1 serving of apple per meal
b. 1 glass of milk per meal
c. 1 serving of camote tops per meal.
d. give stool softener mixed in the food
4. It is a type of enteric feeding route wherein the tube extends from the nose into
the stomach
a. nasogastric tube.
b. esophagostomy tube
c. gastrostomy tube
d. jejunostomy tube
5. a patient with peptic ulcer is admitted, what type of diet is most likely prescribed
to the patient?
a. Bland diet.
b. meat diet
c. vegetable diet
d. carbohydrate diet
6. Which among the food should be avoided to patients with hyperacidity?
a. milk
b. bread
c. hot chilli.
d. vegetables
7. Another term for malabsorption syndrome is:
a. colic disease
b. diarrhea
c. amoebiasis
d. celiac disease.
8. It is a diarrheal condition in which there is excessive fat excreted in the stool
a. steatorrhea.
b. gonorrhea
c. amenorrhea
d. oliguria
9. It is a condition where the mucosa of the small intestine is damaged by gluten
which results to the malabsorption of nutrients
a. ulcerative colitis
b. gouty arthritis
c. celiac disease.

d. diabetes
10. A pediatric patient with celiac disease is admitted, what type of foods is allowed
to give
a. breaded meats
b. oatmeals
c. thickened soup with wheat
d. corn soup.
11. Baby Drex was admitted due to diarrhea for 2 days especially after feeding,
upon digging the history you knew that the mother has wean from breastfeeding to
bottle feeding. It is suggestive that the patient has
a. lactose intolerance.
b. amoebiasis
c. constipation
d. malaria
12. What could be your findings in your physical assessment of Drex that indicate
he is dehydrated
a. bulging eyes
b. sunken fontanels.
c. pitting edema
d. vomiting
13. What will you teach to her mother in home care?
a. reduce fiber rich foods
b. no more green vegetables
c. give antidiarrheal drugs
d. continue breastfeeding.
14. It is a condition in which a person experiences hard feces that is difficult to
a. diarrhea
b. constipation.
c. malabsorption
d. lactose intolerance
15. It is referred to as an increased occurrence of passage of gas or cramping pain
associated with buildup of gas in the GIT
a. intestinal gas.
b. haemorrhoids
c. cancer
d. ascites
16. The following are possible causes of haemorrhoids, except
a. cathartics
b. childbearing
c. enemas
d. spicy foods.
17. Yasmira has haemorrhoids, she has to changed her usual diet by
a. increasing water intake up to 8-10 glasses or more.
b. decreasing water intake
c. eating spicy foods
d. refrain from strenuous exercises
18. A patient with gastroesophageal reflux is asking for information regarding her
diet, what health teaching will you include?
a. eat fatty foods
b. eat small frequent meals.
c. drink 1 liter of water an hour before meals
d. NPO for a day, until appetite has improved
19. Which among the food list can irritate damaged esophageal mucosa
a. soft drinks.
b. rice
c. fatty foods
d. protein rich-foods
20. It is a malabsorption disorder cause by resections of portions of the small
intestine due to an illness or injury
a. haemorrhoids

b. esophagitis
c. short bowel syndrome.
d. intestinal gas
21. This a condition in which there is enlargement of veins which occurs in the lower
part of the rectum at the anal opening
a. hiatal hernia
b. gastritis
c. haemorrhoids.
d. polariods
22. It is a condition wherein there is scarring of the liver to patients with hepatitis
a. cirrhosis.
b. neurosis
c. esophagitis
d. liver atrophy
23. Which among the types of hepatitis can be transmitted through contaminated
a. Hepatitis A.
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis D
24. A patient is diagnosed with Hepatitis B, what should be avoided
a. alcohol.
b. spicy food
c. mint pepper
d. yellow foods
25. It is the inflammation of the gallbladder
a. cholecystitis.
b. appendicitis
c. choledolithiasis
d. endomyelitis
26. It is a condition in which stones fall into the bile duct
a. choledolithias.
b. cholecystitis
c. cholelithiasis
d. cholelithothiasis
27. Mr Brown has pancreatitis which means
a. inflammation of the pancreas due to a decreased production of the
digestive enzyme.
b. inflammation of the pancreas due to increase production of digestive
c. inflammation of the pancreas due to increase intake of fatty food
d. inflammation of the pancreas due to decrease intake of fatty food
28. Hereditary disease in which there are high levels of sodium and chloride in
tears, saliva and sweat
a. atherosclerosis
b. cystic fibrosis.
c. arteriosclerosis
d. rheumatoid arthritis
29. Patients with cystic fibrosis should
a. increase fluid intake.
b. decrease fluid intake
c. increase fat intake
d. increase carbohydrate intake
30. This refers to the hardening of the arteries and thickening of the inside walls of
the blood vessels
a. atherosclerosis.
b. cystic fibrosis
c. arteriosclerosis
d. rheumatoid arthritis
31. Which of the following is not allowed to hypertensive patients
a. low sodium diet

b. low fat diet

c. high fiber diet
d. liberal sodium diet.
32. It is also known in laymans term as heart attack
a. myocardial infarct.
b. atherosclerosis
c. arteriosclerosis
d. stroke
33. A patient is admitted due to nephritic syndrome, of which there is albuminuria,
what nutritional health teaching will you provide
a. low calorie diet
b. high calorie diet
c. high sodium diet
d. high protein diet.
34. It is the formation of renal or urinary calculi in the urine that precipitate as
stones in the urinary passages
a. urolithiasis.
b. chronic renal failure
c. renal cystitis
d. kidneycitis
35. Post-operatively, what diet modifications are usually followed
a. NPO _> Liquid diet > Soft diet > DAT.
b. DAT > Soft diet >Liquid diet >NPO
c. NPO >General liquid diet >DAT
d. NPO >Liquid diet > soft diet > Hard diet
36. It is a type of tumour that is confined to an area where it originated and noncancerous type
a. carcinoma
b. melanoma
c. benign tumor.
d. malignant tumor
37. It is a type of tumour which multiply and metastasize and cancerous in type
a. carcinoma
b. melanoma
c. benign tumor
d. malignant tumor.
38. These are foods that promotes production of milk of lactating mothers
a. galactogenic foods.
b. goitrogenic foods
c. high liquid diet
d. lactogenic foods
39. The following foods should be given liberally to lactating mothers, except
a. green leafy vegetables
b. papaya soup
c. malunggay soup
d. coffee.
40. A teenager is pregnant, what specific food should you encourage to eat which is
rich in iron
a. green leafy vegetables.
b. Vitamin C rich food
c. cantaloupes
d. carrots
41. To prevent neural tube defects you should teach the mothers to eat foods rich in
a. folic acid.
b. vitamin C
c. iron
d. carotene
42. Common nutritional problems young high school students is
a. extreme dieting.
b. obesity
c. UTI

d. pneumonia
43. A mother is complaining in feeding a toddler with food jags, you will teach her to
a. start slowly with a food that the toddler hates
b. serve less that what he will eat
c. prepare simple dishes.
d. prepared mixed fruits or halohalo
44. A mother is concerned about her school-age child who is overweight, upon
history taking you noted that the mother probably
a. stick to her rule of clean plate.
b. has diabetes that runs in the family
c. has forced her child to consume high fiber fruits
d. has been cooking delicious meal
45. A toddler is dawdling during meal time. What might not cause such behaviour?
a. child is trying to get attention
b. child may not be feeling well
c. child may be given proportion which are too large
d. child may have supplemental vitamins to boost appetite.
46. A child was admitted due to urticaria and hives, basing on your assessment
what might be the possible cause of such
a. child has been playing in the playground
b. child has been weaned from bottle feeding
c. child has an overdosage of vitamins
d. child has eaten allergenic foods.
47. An elderly patient has been weak and emaciated due to difficulty of chewing
from loss of teeth and not getting use to dentures. What could be done to solve this
a. serve hot foods
b. chop vegetables in large chunks
c. flake fish and chop meat.
d. serve attractive food with varying colors
48. An 80 year-old patient had a difficulty in sleeping, what could be given to
promote sleep?
a. green leafy vegetables
b. 4 liters of water before sleeping
c. drink warm milk before sleeping.
d. give hot green tea before sleeping
49. If diarrhea occurs what possible food should be served with meals?
a. fiber riched foods
b. green leafy vegetables
c. milk and coffee
d. banana.
50. What possible complications might occurs to patients who are alcoholics
a. liver cirrhosis.
b. pancreatic cancer
c. lung cancer
d. intestinal abcess.
51. The common food serve to babies among Filipinos is
a. lugaw.
b. oats
c. cows milk
d. wheat
52. Breastfeeding is mandatory among mothers nowadays, which of the following
diseases is contraindicated in breastfeeding?
a. lung cancer
b. active tuberculosis.
c. pneumonia
d. breast cancer
53. It is an acute paroxysm of pain, fussing and cyring and irritability which lasts for
3 months.
a. colic.
b. diarrhea

c. lactose intolerance
d. vomiting
54. It is a type of milk is thickly evaporated milk with large amounts of sugar added
a. breastmilk
b. skim milk
c. sweetened condensed milk.
d. evaporated milk.
55. These are some benefits of giving citrus fruits to infants, except
a. keep the childs gum healthy
b. prevent childs skin from bruising easily
c. help boost immune system
d. promotes gastric ulcers.
56. What interventions should be made to address the problem on sweet tooth of
school-age children
a. force bitter foods
b. give sweetened fruits
c. never give sweets as rewards.
d. introduce bland diet
57. Which of the following is consistent of a good breakfast for an adult
a. 1 serving of papaya, milk, 1 cup of rice, and fried fish.
b. 1 cup of milk, smoked fish, 1 cup rice, sandwich spread
c.1 serving of fried longganisa, 1 cup of rice, 1 pc of boiled eggs
d. i slice of mango, 1 cup steamed camote tops, 2 pc of medium sized fried
58. The following are the main roles of nurses in nutritional care of the client, except
a. observing
b. listening
c. reporting
d. cooking.
59. The patient asks the nursing assistant for a bedpan. When patient is finished,
the nursing assistant notifies the nurse that the patient has bright red streaking
blood in the blood. What is this most likely a result of
a. diet high in red meat
b. upper GI bleeding
c. haemorrhoids.
d. cancer of the large intestion
60. (Refer to situation no. 59) what diet should be introduced to the patient above
a. food rich in iron.
b. food rich in fat
c. food rich in sugar
d. food rich in Vitamin A
61. A newly admitted patient with suspected GI bleeding and notes the tarry-black
color of stool. You suspect that the patient has been
a. skipping meals.
b. eating too much from the required daily allowance
c. eating spicy food
d. overconsumption of citrus fruits
62. A school nurse is having her routine assessment to the pupils, and notes
increase incidence of cavities. What would be most like to increase the risk of tooth
a. soft drinks.
b. raw carrots
c. shelled peanuts
d. cheddar cheese
63. The nursing instructor is talking about caring for patients with feeding tubes and
endotracheal tubes. The instructor tells the students that before each tube feeding,
the nurse should check for tube placement in the stomach. What is the purpose of
the nurses actions?
a. prevent gastric ulcers
b. prevent aspiration.
c. prevent abdominal distention

d. prevent diarrhea
64. The nurse is initiating parenteral nutrition on a postoperative patient. The nurse
will initiate the therapy by
a. starting rapidly on infusion rate
b. starly slowly.
c. change the rate of infusion hourly
d. increase infusion rate during mealtimes
65. You are checking placement of a nasogastric tube that has been in place for 2
days. The tube is draining green aspirate. What does color of aspirate indicate?
a. the tube is in the pleural space
b. the tube is the intestine
c. the tube is in the stomach.
d. the tube is in the esophagus
66. You are caring for a patient with liver failure. Which vitamin does the liver
require for the synthesis of prothrombin (clotting factor)?
a. Vitamin B12
b. Vitamin A
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin K.
67. How is hepatitis A is transmitted?
a. unintentional needlesticks
b. fecal-oral route.
c. contaminated food
d. airborn route
68. A patient newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is attending a nutrition class
specifically designed for type 2 diabetes. What general guideline would it be
important to teach the patient at this class?
a. low fat diet
b. high protein diet
c. controlled calorie intake based on body weight.
d. fatty should be eliminated
69. A child has been diagnosed with food allergies. The nurse is providing
information to the parents of this child. What food items would the nurse inform the
parents are common allergens
a. citrus fruit and rice
b. root vegetables and tomatoes
c. tomatoes and bananas
d. eggs and shrimps.
70. Which among the food is best for patient with osteomalacia?
a. cereal with milk.
b. banana
c. waffle
d. pan de sal
71. A school nurse is teaching an adolescent girl of normal weight some of the key
factors necessary to maintain good nutrition in her teen year. What would the nurse
be correct to focus on?
a. decreasing her calories and encouraging her to maintain her weight to
avoid obesity
b. increasing BMI to at least 35, taking a multivitamin, and discussing body
c. increasing milk intake, eating a balance diet and discussing eating
d. obtaining a food diary along with providing close monitoring for anorexia
72. While admitting your new patient, you do the nutritional assessment and have
known that he is an Adventist that he is prohibited to eat pork. What would this be
a. a personal choice
b. religious practice.
c. risk for malnutrition
d. a lifestyle choice

73. You are completing a health assessment on a new patient. You note that the
patient has dry, dull, brittle hair and dry flaky skin with poor skin turgor. What might
this indicate?
a. excessive physical activity
b. poor personal hygiene
c. poor nutritional status.
d. damage from an environmental cause
74. You are assessing a new clinic patient who has come in because of an
unintended weight loss of 10 pounds. During the assessment, you learn that the
patient has ill-fitting dentures and a limited intake of high-fiber foods. You would be
aware that the patient is at risk for what problem?
a. constipation.
b. dehydration
c. malabsorption of nutrients
d. inadequate caloric intake
75. You are teaching a nutrition education class held for a group of older adults at a
senior center. You would be sure to teach the group that older adults have an
increased need for nutrients and what?
a. decreased need for calcim
b. increased need for glucose
c. increased need for sodium
d. decreased need for calories.
76. The nurse in a clinic is providing education to a patient who wishes to lose
weight. The nurse informs the patient that she has a body mass index of 45. What
does this indicate?
a. patient in normal weight
b. patient is extremely obese.
c. patient is overweight
d. patient is underweight
77. You meet a family at the prenatal clinic. What is the most effective way to
assess the womans usual food intake during her pregnancy?
a. assess a list she makes describing a good diet
b. ask her to describe her total intake for a week
c. assess her skin for hydration and color
d. ask her to describe her intake for the last 24 hours.
78. You encourage a pregnant woman to eat a diet high in complete protein.
Assuming she likes all of the following foods. Which of them would you recommend
as a source of this for her?
a. whole apple
b. toasted bread
c. boiled or fried egg.
d. green leafy vegetables
79. Which food is not a good source of iron?
a. milk.
b. legumes
c. grains
d. beef
80. A woman in early pregnancy is concerned because she is nauseate every
morning. Which of the following would be the best measure to help relieve this?
a. take a teaspoon of baking soda before breakfast
b. delay toothbrushing until noon
c. take dry crackers in the morning.
d. take two aspirin on arising
81. If constipation is a problem for a woman during pregnancy. Which of the
following would be best to recommend?
a. mineral oil
b. increase fiber intake.
c. stopping prenatal vitamins temporarily
d. eating more meat products
82. A new mother asks you how soon she can breast-feed after delivery. You best
answer would be (barring unforeseen complications)

a. immediately after birth.

b. after the infant is allowed to rest
c. once the infant has a first feeding of formula
d. in 24 hours after her infant is given water
83. On the 4th day postpartum, a woman develops breast engorgement, which of the
following would be best to recommend to her as a means of alleviating this
a. discontinue breastfeeding for 24 hours
b. decreasing her fluid intake to take below 500mL per 24 hours
c. encouraging her to continue regular breastfeeding.
d. having her apply lanolin cream to each breast
84. Which of the following statements is true about breastfeeding?
a. breastfeeding increases the risk for breast cancer
b. bre astfeeding offers a good chance for bonding with the infant.
c. uterine involution is slowed by breastfeeding
d. breastfeeding mother have a decreased risk for developing
85. Which of the following is released by breastfeeding
a. human gonodotropin hormone
b. estrogen
c. lactase
d. oxytocin.
86. A mother who intends to breastfeed is advised by her sister to use formula for
the first few days until her real milk comes in. The best response by the nurse
about this information would be
a. suggest that the mother use formula to supplement for the first 2 days
b. discuss with the mother that her real milk will not come in if she uses
formula and does not
nurse the baby needs the first few day of life
c. discuss the colostrums is all the nutrition a baby needs the first few day of
d. advise the mother to disregard any suggestions by her sister about
newborn nutrition.
87. Newborns can become dehydrated more easily than adults. This is explained by
which statement?
a. newborns do not have as many fluid choices as adults
b. the large amount of body fluids are mainly extracellular fluid in a newborn.
c. adults get sick more often
d. newborns lose more fluids through insensible water loss
88. Which of the following would you suggest to a mother to help her maintain
effective breastfeeding
a. keep active because this improves milk production
b. avoid chocolate to prevent constipation
c. weight the baby daily to be certain.
d. increase fluid intake.
89. A preschooler has celiac disease. Her mother is preparing a gluten-free diet. By
preparing which breakfast foods would you believe she understands the diet?
a. eggs and orange juice.
b. toasted bread and grape jelly
c. oat cereal and skim milk
d. peanut butter and rye toast
90-100. Signs of good nutrition in children

Bunos Question (5pts) Draw and Explain the milk let-down reflex.

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