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Understanding Hybrid Securities

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Understanding Hybrid Securities


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Edition 1 printed April 2014.
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What is a hybrid security?

About ASX
Hybrids quoted on ASX

Why invest in hybrid securities

Using hybrid securities to diversify your portfolio

Risk and return the trade-off

Comparing hybrids to other investments

The different types of hybrid securities

Comparing hybrid securities to bonds generally
Comparing hybrid securities to ordinary shares and simple bonds

Types of hybrid securities traded on ASX

Risks associated with hybrid securities

Hybrid securities examples


Buying and selling hybrid securities on ASX


ASX codes
Price information



Australian investors looking to receive a steady
stream of income have often only considered
bank term deposits. Hybrid securities traded on
ASX can present an attractive alternative.

What is a hybrid security?

Hybrid security is a generic term used to
describe a security that combines elements of
debt securities and equity securities.

Hybrid securities typically promise to pay a

rate of return (fixed or floating) until a certain
date, in the same way debt securities do.
However, they also have equity-like features
that can mean they provide a higher rate of
return than regular debt securities. In some
cases, this is because they give the holder
an option to convert the hybrid securities into
equity securities (typically ordinary shares),
which will give the holder an equity-kicker
if the underlying equity securities perform
well. In other cases, it may be that the hybrid
securities have equity-like risks attached and
the issuer has to pay a higher rate of return to
compensate investors for those risks.

About ASX
ASX is one of the worlds top-10 listed
exchange groups and quotes a broad array
of products including shares, bonds, hybrid
securities, exchange traded funds, options,
warrants, futures and other derivative
products. This provides investors and risk
managers the opportunity to access a broad
range of asset classes, including domestic and
international equities, debt, commodities and
foreign exchange.

Hybrids quoted on ASX

Just as you would instruct your broker to buy
or sell shares in a company quoted on ASX, you
can instruct your broker to buy or sell hybrid
securities quoted on ASX.
There are a variety of hybrid securities quoted
on ASX. They can be broadly split into three
categories convertible/converting debt
securities (debt securities that convert into
equity securities), preference shares (equity
securities with debt-like features) and capital

notes (debt securities with equity-like features).

Examples of the last category include perpetual
bonds (bonds which dont have a maturity
date), subordinated bonds (bonds that are
subordinated to the claims of other creditors)
and knock-out bonds (bonds that give the issuer
or a third party a right to extinguish them
under certain conditions).
Some hybrids combine elements of these
different categories for example subordinated
convertible debt securities or convertible
preference shares. Sound complicated? Well,
the hybrids market is rife with jargon and it is
not always used consistently. For example, the
term note is often used to describe a
short-term debt security but a capital note
can be a very long-dated security. To help
you understand some of the jargon, we have
included a glossary of some of the more
common terms used in the hybrids market on
page 13.
This booklet will help you to understand hybrid
securities traded on ASX, the risks associated
with them and how they may be used within
your investment portfolio. The information
in this booklet is necessarily general in
nature, and you should take care to inform
yourself about the specific characteristics of
a particular hybrid security before making a
decision to invest in it.
Hybrid securities are generally complex in
nature with potentially higher risks than
other forms of investment. Investors need
to understand the conditions of these
offers. Investors should obtain advice from a
professional financial adviser prior to making
any final investment decision.

Why invest in hybrid securities

There are a variety of reasons investors may
choose to invest in hybrid securities, including
the potential to:
receive a steady and defined income stream
for a pre-determined period;
improve the return on your capital the
income from hybrid securities is typically
higher than interest paid on simple bonds
reflecting their higher risk;
diversify the risk of your overall portfolio; and
profit from anticipated movements in
interest rates or equity prices.

Using hybrid securities to diversify

your portfolio
Diversifying your investment portfolio with a
variety of ASX listed products can help reduce
risk and protect returns over the longer term.
Diversifying involves:
spreading your investments across different
asset types such as shares (both Australian
and international), REITs (listed commercial
property), bonds, hybrid securities,
currencies and commodities;
spreading your investments within each
asset type so, for example, you hold a range
of shares across different sectors, a spread
of bonds and hybrid securities of different
types with different issuers and maturity
dates; and
spreading your investments across assets
that have low correlation with each other,
recognising that the value of investments
in different asset classes can vary through
different cycles.
Hybrid securities are a good way to introduce
diversification into an investment portfolio
because their regular income stream generally
provides more stable returns.

Risk and return the trade off

It is important to understand the degree of risk
associated with different types of investments
and how that affects their expected return.
Generally speaking there is a trade-off between
risk and return. Assets with a higher level of
risk will generally have a higher potential rate
of return attached and vice versa. That is why
most hybrid securities pay higher returns than
regular bonds there is usually a higher level
or risk attached to a hybrid security than to a
regular bond.

The diagram below illustrates how a portfolio

that includes a balance of shares, hybrid
securities and bonds may have a lower risk
profile and more stable returns than a portfolio
of shares only. This may suit investors with a
desire for greater certainty of income rather
than potential capital growth.

Risk versus return

Shares + Bonds







Comparing hybrids to other investments

The different types of hybrid
Hybrid securities include a very broad array of
different products that have markedly different
terms and conditions. They range from
relatively simple convertible debt securities to
some very complex financial instruments.
Thats why its so important to read the
prospectus or product disclosure statement
(PDS) for a hybrid security and to understand
the particular terms and conditions that apply
to that security before investing.

Comparing hybrid securities to

bonds generally
Comparing a hybrid security to bonds is a bit like
comparing one type of apple with a basket full
of different types of apples and other fruit. The
term bond also describes a very broad array
of different products, ranging from so-called
simple bonds (such as most government bonds)
to some very complex debt securities. In fact,
a number of hybrid securities use the term
bond as part of their name or are referred
to as bonds (for example, perpetual bonds
and subordinated bonds), which can make a
comparison even more confusing.
A bond is regarded as a simple bond if:
it has a fixed or floating coupon rate that
does not change for the life of the security;
interest payments under the security are
paid periodically and cannot be deferred or
capitalised by the issuer;
it has a fixed maturity date which is not
more than 10 years after its date of issue;
it is not subordinated to other debts owed to
unsecured creditors generally; and
it does not attach any options to convert it
to equity or to extinguish it (so-called knockout options).

Examples of more complex bonds include:

bonds that allow the issuer to defer or
capitalise interest payments under certain
bonds that provide for the coupon rate to be
re-set at certain times (often called re-set
or re-settable bonds); and
bonds that give the issuer the option to extend
them but at the price of paying a higher
coupon rate (typically called step-up bonds).
These more complex bonds are still regarded as
debt securities rather than hybrid securities, as
they do not have any equity-like features attached.
Hybrid securities, on the other hand, are called
hybrid because they combine features of debt
securities and equity securities. Examples include
convertible/converting bonds (bonds that convert
into shares or other securities under certain
conditions), perpetual bonds (bonds that dont
have a maturity date), subordinated bonds (bonds
that are subordinated to the claims of other
creditors) and knock-out bonds (bonds that give
the issuer or a third party a right to extinguish
them under certain conditions).
To compare a hybrid security with a regular bond
(that is, a bond without any hybrid features) you
need to compare the debt-like features of the two
securities and then factor in the particular
equity-like features attached to the hybrid security.
Take, for example, a simple convertible bond
a hybrid security that effectively combines the
features of a simple bond (a debt security) with an
option to convert it to a share (an equity security)
at some point in the future. In this comparison,
the relationship of the hybrid security to the simple
bond can be thought of as follows:











You can see from the above formulas that a bond with an option to convert it to a share at some
point in the future intrinsically has a different value than a simple bond. The option itself has
value, which from the holders point of view may be positive (where the option is exercisable by the
holder) or negative (where the option is exercisable by the issuer). The convertible bonds price will
reflect this embedded option value. Whilst the option is well out of the money, the market price
of the convertible bond can be expected to perform similarly to a simple bond paying an equivalent
return. However, as the option gets closer to being in the money, the value of the option is likely
reflect more closely the market price of the convertible bond.
For more information about simple bonds, please consult the ASX website and the Understanding
Bonds booklet.

Comparing hybrid securities to ordinary shares and simple bonds

The table below compares hybrid securities with ordinary shares and simple bonds.






Convertible bonds

Preference shares

Capital notes

Legal form

Ordinary share

Debt obligation

Debt obligation

Preferred share

Debt obligation

Par value


Fixed or indexed
to CPI




Coupon rate


Fixed or floating

Fixed or floating

Fixed or floating

Fixed or floating

Payment frequency

Typically semiannual

Varies but
typically quarterly
or semi-annual

Varies but
typically quarterly

Varies but
typically quarterly

Varies but
typically quarterly


Variable dividends

Coupon rate paid

as interest.

Coupon rate paid

as interest.

Coupon rate paid

as a dividend

Coupon rate paid

as a dividend or

Possible franking










Usually no





Usually fixed

Usually fixed

Usually fixed
except for
perpetuals, which
have no specific
maturity date































The table above illustrates that hybrid securities have more complex and varying features than
either ordinary shares or simple bonds. When comparing hybrid securities to other forms of
investment, remember that you must carefully read the prospectus or PDS for the security to
understand the particular features of that security. If you have any doubt about a hybrid securitys
terms and conditions, or whether it is the right investment for you, you should consult your
financial adviser.

Types of hybrid securities traded on ASX

As mentioned previously, there are three broad
categories of hybrid securities traded on ASX:
1. Convertible/converting debt securities;
2. Preference shares; and
3. Capital notes.

1. C
 onvertible/converting debt
A convertible debt security is one that gives
either the investor or the issuer the option
to convert it into another type of security at
a specified date in the future. Often this will
be ordinary shares in the issuer. Convertible
securities therefore have contained within them
an embedded option. As mentioned previously,
that embedded option has value, which from
the holders point of view may be positive
(where the option is exercisable by the holder)
or negative (where the option is exercisable by
the issuer).
Securities that are convertible by the holder
are attractive to investors because they
typically offer downside risk protection while
having a potential equity-kicker on the upside.
They are attractive to issuers because they
can usually be issued at a lower interest rate
than a standard bond, due to the value of that
potential equity-kicker. This makes them less
costly for the issuer to service. These bonds
also allow the issuer to raise capital without
having to immediately add a large number of
shares to their pool of ordinary shares. If the
company issues shares rather than convertible
notes, the sudden addition of more new shares
would result in a dilution of its equity. This can
be unsettling for investors who see their piece
of the pie shrinking.
Some convertible and converting bonds contain
anti-dilution provisions which protect the value
of the right of conversion for the investor. If not
it can materially affect the value of the right of
conversion and present a risk for investors.

2. Preference shares
Unlike ordinary shares, which pay a variable
dividend rate as determined by the directors of
the company, preference shares usually carry a
specified dividend rate. It may be a fixed rate or
a floating rate. They also usually carry a right
to be redeemed for cash at maturity, much like
a bond. It is these features that make them
hybrid securities they are equity securities
that pay debt-like returns.
A preference share is given that name because
holders of a preference share rank ahead of
holders of ordinary shares for the payment of
dividends and recovery of capital. That is holders
of preference shares typically have priority over
dividend payments to ordinary shareholders and
preference shareholders typically are entitled to
a payment of the face value of the preference
shares ahead of any distribution of surplus
assets to ordinary shareholders in a winding up.
The holders of preference shares generally do
not have voting rights except in certain limited
and exceptional circumstances.
Some preference shares may be issued without
a maturity date. This type of preference share
is referred to as a non-redeemable or perpetual
preference share.
Some preference shares, called convertible
preference shares, may give the holder or the
issuer the option to convert the preference
shares into ordinary shares at a specified date
or dates in the future. Others, called converting
preference shares, may automatically convert
into ordinary shares at a specified date in the

3. Capital notes
Capital notes are debt securities that have
equity-like features attached. Examples include:
 erpetual debt securities these are debt
securities with no fixed maturity date. They
are regarded as hybrid securities because
they are a debt security with equity-like
features (like a share, they dont mature).
 ubordinated debt securities these are
debt securities whose rights with respect
to payment of interest and repayment of
principal rank behind (are subordinated
to) another class or classes of debt.
The subordination may be in favour of
the holders of senior debt or to ordinary
creditors generally. Again, they are regarded
as hybrid securities because they are a
debt security with equity-like features (like a
share, they rank behind certain debts in a
winding up).

 nock-out debt securities these are debt
securities that give the issuer or a third
party (such as a prudential regulator like the
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,
or APRA) a right to extinguish them under
certain conditions. They are typically issued
by banks or other prudentially-regulated
companies and have terms and conditions
attached so that they are treated like
capital, or given a particular risk weighting,
by prudential regulators, Again, they are
regarded as hybrid securities because they
are a debt security with equity-like features
(in certain circumstances, like a share, they
have no right to a return of capital).

Risks associated with hybrid securities

Any investment carries with it some risk. This
applies to hybrid securities as it does to other
investment types. Usually the greater the
perceived risk, the higher the anticipated return
required to compensate investors for that risk.
Accordingly hybrid securities that are perceived
to have higher risk attached to them will generally
attract a potential higher rate of return, whereas
hybrid securities that are perceived to have a
lower risk will generally attract a lower return.
Some key risks to consider when investing in
hybrid securities are interest rate risk, credit
risk and liquidity risk. Each of these risks are
covered in more detail below.

Interest rate risk the effect of

changing interest rates on yields
and prices
If the coupon rate on a hybrid security is floating,
the yield on the security can usually be expected
to stay in line with short-term interest rates, so
movements in interest rates should have very
little impact on its price. However, if the coupon
rate is fixed, the yield on the security can only
keep pace with changing interest rates if the
price of the security changes.










* There is an inverse relationship between the market price of a fixedrate hybrid security and expected yields the market price will go up if
expected yields fall and will go down if expected yields rise. The same
thing happens to share prices share prices go up if expected dividend
yields fall and go down if expected dividend yields rise.

There is an inverse relationship between the market

price of a fixed-rate hybrid security and expected
yields the market price will go up if expected yields
fall and will go down if expected yields rise. The
same thing happens to share prices share prices
go up if expected dividend yields fall and go down if
expected dividend yields rise.

Credit risk
Credit risk is related to the financial strength of
the issuer. A hybrid issuer falling into difficulties
could result in the issuer defaulting on payments
ie not being able to pay promised distributions on
the face value on maturity. Generally, the higher

the credit quality of the issuer, the lower the risk

associated with the security and therefore the
lower the yield required by investors.
Credit risk also includes credit spread risk. This
arises when investors demand a higher spread
for securities with higher credit risks compared
to lower risk debt securities, such as government
bonds. This is often associated with a downturn in
economic conditions, leading to an expectation of
higher levels of default on higher risk securities.

Liquidity or marketability risk

Liquidity risk is the risk of not being able to sell
your investment quickly and easily, or for a fair
price, in the market if you need to. For some
hybrid securities, particularly those with small
amounts on issue, liquidity may be poor.

Complexity risk
As stated throughout this booklet, hybrid
securities may contain features that are complex
and impact significantly on the future value of
the security. While these risks are required by
law to be disclosed in a prospectus or PDS fully
understanding them, especially for investors
not familiar with complex financial instruments,
is critical. It is very important, therefore, that
you read the prospectus or PDS for a hybrid
security carefully and if you have any doubt about
the terms of the security, and/or whether it is
the right investment for you, to consult with a
financial adviser before deciding to invest.

Share price risk (for convertible

and converting securities)
As mentioned previously, a convertible security
effectively has an embedded option. The value
of that option will rise and fall as the price of
the underlying security (usually an ordinary
share in the issuer) rises and falls. This will
be reflected in the market price of the hybrid
security. Hence, there is a risk that the market
price of a convertible security will fall if the
market price of the underlying security falls.
For converting hybrid securities, the relationship
between the market price of the hybrid security
and the market price of the underlying security is
even more direct. Again there is a risk that the
market price of a converting security will fall if the
market price of the underlying security falls.

Hybrid securities examples

Convertible debt security

Preference share

Example: XYZ Company convertible note

Example: ABC Bank Converting Preference


In June 2013, XYZ Company issued convertible

notes with a face value of $100, maturing in
June 2018. The securities pay a quarterly
coupon set at 5%. The coupon is in the form
of interest and thus no franking credits are
available. The share price at the time of
issuance was $2.20. Each note gives the
holder the right to convert on maturity 1 note
into 40 ordinary shares giving a conversion
price of $2.50 (that is $100/40).


Assume that the share price at maturity of

the convertible note is $4.10. The holder
of the convertible notes will have the choice
to either convert each note into 40 shares
worth $164 or receive the note face value
($100). Given the conversion value is higher,
the more profitable strategy for holders will be
to convert into shares. Investors who bought
the notes on the original issue date and held
to maturity would therefore have earned 5%
p.a. and received a capital gain on the notes
of $64 a total return of $89 or 17.8% p.a.
(not including any return from reinvestment of
income received).
Assume instead that the share price at
maturity of the convertible note is $2.40.
The holder of the convertible notes will have
the choice to either convert each note into
40 shares worth $96 or receive the note
face value ($100). Given the conversion value
is lower, the more profitable strategy for
holders will be to be paid the notes face value.
Investors who bought the notes on the original
issue date and held to maturity would therefore
have earned 5% p.a. and made no capital gain
or loss on the notes a total return of 5% p.a.
(not including any return from reinvestment of
income received).

In March 2014, ABC Bank issued hybrid

securities called converting preference shares,
maturing in March 2020. The shares have a
face value (issue price) of $100 and pay a 5%
per annum fully franked dividend in semi-annual
instalments. The terms provided that the face
value of each converting preference share will
automatically convert into ordinary ABC shares
on the conversion date, at a 1% discount
to the volume weighted average share price
(VWAP) of those shares over the last 20 days
of trading up to the conversion date.
Suppose you purchase 50 ABC Bank converting
preference shares at the issue date for
$5,000. If held to maturity, you would receive a
fully franked dividend of $125 on each dividend
payment date and if the 20 day VWAP at the
conversion date was $25.00, then you would
receive at the conversion date in 2020:
Number of shares = [number of hybrid
securities x face value] / [(1 discount rate) x
20 day VWAP]
= 50 x 100 / 0.99 x 25.00
= 202 ABC ordinary shares

Capital notes
Example: ABC Bank Capital Notes
In December 2013, ABC Bank issued hybrid
securities called ABC Capital Notes. The notes
are perpetual and pay a discretionary floating
rate distribution that is in the form of a dividend
and thus are expected to be fully franked. The
floating rate distribution is paid quarterly and
is a margin of 3.20% over the benchmark
interest rate, being the 90 day bank bill rate.
The bank has certain redemption rights
including that of redeeming the securities in
cash for their face value on a fixed date in the
future. It also has the right to withhold interest
payments and/or to convert the notes into
ordinary shares in ABC in certain specified
circumstances. In any winding up of ABC, the
notes rank ahead of ordinary shares but behind
bond holders and depositors.
Suppose you purchase 500 ABC Capital Notes
at the issue date for $100 each.
The distribution being variable will be
determined by the prevailing 90 day BBSW
rate each distribution date. The distribution is
paid quarterly so the amount you are due to
receive four times a year will be:
(number of bonds x face value) x (distribution
rate / distribution frequency)
= (500 x $100) x (distribution rate / 4)
If the 90 day bank bill rate applicable for a
distribution is 3.05%, the distribution will be
3.05% plus the margin of 3.20% equalling
6.25%. Therefore the distribution for this
particular payment date would be:
= (500 x $100) x (6.25 / 4)
= $781.20
Note that each distribution payment date would
have a different distribution depending on the
90 day BBSW rate at the time. Distributions
would continue in perpetuity unless the note
was redeemed, converted, or an event was
triggered that meant the bank was entitled
to withhold the distribution. If you wanted to
exit your investment in the notes at any time,
you would have to sell them on ASX for the
prevailing market price.


Buying and selling hybrid securities on ASX

There are two main ways in which you can buy
hybrid securities. They are on the:
primary market; or
secondary market.
When you buy a hybrid security on the primary
market, you buy it directly from the issuer. If
it is an ASX quoted security, once the primary
issue period has finished, the hybrid will start
trading on ASX (the secondary market).
If you buy a hybrid security on ASX, you are
buying it from another investor and not from
the issuer.
In order to buy or sell hybrid securities on ASX
you will need to use a broker. The ASX website
can help you to locate a broker in your area
that may be able to assist.

ASX Codes


ASX hybrid securities trade in the same way as

shares listed on ASX. Each security is identified
by an ASX code that is six alpha characters
The first three characters identify the issuer,
for example, WBC for Westpac.
The fourth character identifies the type of
security. For example:
G indicates a convertible note
P indicates a preference share.
The fifth character, if any, is known as the
sequence code. It indicates the number of that
particular security within a series of securities
for that issuer. For example, WBCPD indicates
the fourth Westpac Capital Note on issue by
Westpac Banking Corporation.

Settlement of hybrid securities bought or sold
on ASX takes place in CHESS (Clearing House
Electronic Sub-registry System). You may hold
hybrid securities in CHESS either as broker
sponsored holdings or on the issuers register
as issuer sponsored holdings.
CHESS settlements normally occur on a trade
day plus three (T+3) basis and the quoted
prices for hybrid securities reflect this.

Price information
You can get information about current trading
prices through a number of channels including:
Financial websites such as the ASX website
Your broker who should be able to provide
the current market price for any ASX quoted
The financial press which carry a list of the
previous days market action and closing

Accrued interest


The amount of interest that has accrued on

a hybrid security from the securitys original
issuance date or the last coupon date to the
date when the security is bought or sold.

A hybrid security with a call provision.

The market price of a hybrid security can

generally be expected to increase daily by the
amount of interest accrued. For example, a
security with a $100 face value and 6.5%
coupon accrues interest at $6.50 per annum,
or 1.78 cents per day. You can expect the
market price of the security to increase by
around 1.78 cents per day until the next
ex-interest date, when the accrued interest
value will fall to zero.

Annual coupon

Capital note
A hybrid security that is essentially a debt
security but with equity-like features. Examples
include perpetual bonds, subordinated bonds
and knock-out bonds.

Capital price
Gross price less accrued interest.

The Clearing House Electronic Subregister
System, a system for clearing and settling
trades executed on the ASX market and certain
other markets in Australia.

A coupon that is paid once a year.

Bank bill swap rate (BBSW)

A compilation and average of market rates
supplied by nominated domestic banks in
regard to the specific maturities of bank
bills. The purpose of BBSW is to provide an
independent and transparent reference rate for
the setting of interest rates and the pricing of
various interest rate derivatives.

Basis point
One hundredth of a percentage point (0.01%).
100 basis points equals 1%. If a hybrid
securitys yield has gone up by 50 basis points,
it has gone up by 0.50% (eg from 4.00% to

Bid price

A hybrid security that gives the holder or the
issuer the option to convert the security into
another type of security (often ordinary shares)
at a specified date or dates in the future.

A hybrid security that automatically converts
into another type of security (often ordinary
shares) at a specified date in the future.

The interest amount paid on the specified
date to an investor in a hybrid security. It is
commonly expressed as a percentage rate.
Coupons can be paid annually, semi-annually
or quarterly or as agreed in the terms of the

The price a buyer is offering.

Call date
A date prior to maturity on which a call
provision may be exercised by the issuer.

Call provision
A provision in the terms of a hybrid security
giving the issuer the right, but not the
obligation, to buy back the securities from
the holder at a particular date or dates in the
future at a specified price.

Coupon date
The date on which the coupon interest is paid
to an investor of a hybrid security.

Coupon frequency
The frequency with which coupon (interest)
payments are made throughout the life of a
hybrid security. Usually this will be quarterly,
semi-annually or annually.


Coupon rate

Face value

The nominal interest rate a hybrid security pay

(ie annual income dividend by the face value of
the security).

The amount on which interest or dividends are

calculated over the life of a hybrid security. In
the case of a hybrid security that provides for
a return of principal at maturity, this will usually
be the amount of principal that the investor is
due to receive at maturity. This is also referred
to as the par value or nominal value.

Credit risk
The risk that an issuer may be unable to meet
the interest or capital repayments on a hybrid
security when they fall due. Generally, the
higher the credit risk of the issuer, the higher
the interest rate that investors will expect in
order to risk providing funds to the issuer.


Fixed rate
A hybrid security that pays a fixed rate of
interest over the life of the security.


Floating rate

A preference share where missed dividend

payments are added to the next (or a future)
dividend payment.

A hybrid security that pays a floating rate of

interest by reference to a variable benchmark
interest rate, such as the 90 day BBSW rate.


Floating rate note (FRN)

When an issuer cannot meet the payment

obligations on a hybrid security.

Another term for a bond that pays a floating

rate of interest.

Dirty price

Gross price

The price of a hybrid security that includes the

interest or dividend that has accrued and is
due for payment on the next coupon payment.
Dirty price is also known as the gross price of
a hybrid security. See also clean price.

The price an investor pays to buy a hybrid

security, which is made up of its capital price
plus accrued interest.

Hybrid security

Discounted price

A security that has both debt and equity


When the clean price or capital price of a

hybrid security is less than its face value.


Ex interest date or ex dividend date

The entity that issues the hybrid security to

raise money from investors.

The date at which an exchange traded hybrid

security starts trading ex the entitlement
to receive the current interest or dividend
payment. This is usually two business days
before the record date for the interest or
dividend distribution.

A security or other instrument traded on an

Knock-out bond
A bond that give the issuer or a third party
a right to extinguish the bond under certain

The ease with which a hybrid security can be
readily converted into cash.

Maturity date

Perpetual bond

The date on which a hybrid security matures.

What happens at the maturity of a hybrid
security depends on its particular terms and
conditions. In some cases, this will be the date
on which the final coupon and the face value
of a hybrid security are paid to investors. In
other cases, the holder or the issuer may have
an option to convert the hybrid security into
another security (most typically, ordinary shares
in the issuer). In yet some other cases, the
hybrid security might automatically convert into
another security. A hybrid security effectively
expires once the obligations at maturity have
been met.

A bond with no maturity date.

Nominal value

Put date

The face value of a hybrid security.

A date prior to maturity on which a put

provision may be exercised by the holder.

Nominal yield
A measure of the return on a hybrid security
based on the annual coupon payments
expressed as a percentage of the face value
of the hybrid security. It takes no account of
the current market price of the security or any
future capital gain or loss on the security. For
a fixed rate hybrid security, the nominal yield is
equal to the coupon rate.


Premium price
When the clean price or capital price of a
hybrid security exceeds its face value.

The face value of a hybrid debt security on
which interest is calculated.

Purchase price
The dollar amount paid to purchase a hybrid

Put provision
A provision in the terms of a hybrid security
giving the holder the right, but not the
obligation, to require the issuer to buy back
the security at a particular date or dates in the
future at a specified price.

A hybrid security with a put provision.

A preference share where missed dividend

payments are forgone. The issuer of the share
is not obliged to pay the unpaid amount to the

Quarterly coupon

Offer price

The date at which an investor needs to be

registered as the holder of a hybrid security
in order to receive the current interest or
dividend distribution.

The price a seller is asking.

Over the counter

A security or other instrument that is not
traded on an exchange such as ASX but
transacted between buyers and sellers

Par value
The face value of a hybrid security.

A coupon that is paid four times a year.

Record date

Used mainly in the context of preference
shares to indicate that the holder has a right
to have the share redeemed for a cash amount
(usually its face value) and/or that the issuer
has a right to redeem the share for a cash
amount. This is in contrast to ordinary shares,
which are not redeemable.




A hybrid security that allows the issuer to

re-set the terms (eg by setting a new interest
or dividend rate) after a specified period. Often
the holder of the security will have certain
options available to them on the re-set date,
such as to accept the new terms, redeem, or
in the case of convertible securities, to convert
into the underlying security.

The period from the issue date of a hybrid

security to its maturity. The term of a hybrid
security can vary greatly, from short term (up
to five years) to medium term (five to 10 years)
to long term (10 or more years).

Running yield


Time to maturity
The number of days until a hybrid security

A measure of the return on a hybrid security

based on the annual coupon payments
expressed as a percentage of its current
market price. It takes no account of any future
capital gain or loss on the security.

Unsecured hybrid security

Secured hybrid security

A hybrid security backed by a charge over an
asset of the issuer.

The annual return on a hybrid security

expressed as a percentage. There are different
measures of yield: nominal yield, running yield
and yield to maturity.

Senior debt

Yield curve

A class of corporate debt whose rights with

respect to payment of interest and repayment
of principal rank ahead of (are senior to) other
classes of debt and over all classes of equity
issued by the same issuer. Senior debt is
typically backed by a charge over various assets
of the debtor.

Semi-annual coupon
A coupon that is paid twice a year.

Step-up security
A hybrid security where the coupon is stepped
up, that is increased by a nominated margin,
upon a specific trigger happening. Often the
trigger will be the issuer not exercising an
option to repay the security at a particular

Subordinated bond
A bond whose rights with respect to payment
of interest and repayment of principal rank
behind (are subordinated to) another class
or classes of debt. The subordination may be
in favour of the holders of senior debt or to
ordinary creditors generally.

A hybrid security that is not backed by a charge

over an asset.


A graph showing the relationship between yield

to maturity and time to maturity.

Yield to maturity
The average annual return an investor should
receive if they buy a hybrid security for its
current market value and hold the hybrid
security to maturity. The calculation factors in
coupon payments, the time to and amount due
at maturity, and the capital gain or loss that will
be made on maturity. It also assumes that the
coupon payments are reinvested in the hybrid

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Telephone: 131 279

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