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A game by Kristian Amundsen stby for 1 - 5 players

You must activate the magic gems in the temple

chambers in order to banish the curse, and you have
only ten minutes to do so before the temple collapses.
Dont sit still for a second start running now and you
might just escape!

Game components for the basic game

6 main chamber tiles

25 dice - 5 for each adventurer



Gem chamber





5 adventurer figures - 1 of each player color

Gem chamber

13 basic chamber tiles without purple mask and/or

treasure icon

You need the chambers

with a purple mask and/
or treasure icon only if
you want to play with the
expansion modules.

1 gem depot (for the magic gems)

5 adventurer tokens - 1 of each player color

1 CD containing soundtrack and audio introduction

25 magic gems
1 Rule book
1 Supplement for the 2 modules Curses and Treasures
1 Supplement for the expansion The Sand of Fortune

Summary and object of the game

Escape is a real-time board game. Instead of playing
the game in rounds, each player rolls his five dice as
quickly and as often as he can without waiting for his
Players have only ten minutes to escape from the
collapsing temple, so dont dawdle. Every second you
delay brings you a step closer to being entombed. While
searching for the exit, the players will discover new
chambers but theyll need the right combination of
adventurer, key and torch icons to enter and explore
these chambers. Some chambers contain magic gems,
and players must use their dice to activate as many
gems as possible in order to break the curse

blocking the exit. The sooner they find the exit chamber
and the more magic gems they activate, the easier it will
be for them to escape.
Watch out, though, as twice during the game a gong
will sound throughout the temple heralding a countdown. Hurry back to the starting chamber as only this
location is guaranteed to be safe. Fail to make it back in
time, and you lose one of your precious dice. Be sure to
coordinate your actions and look out for one another as
some tasks can be completed only collectively. Whats
more, even if only one player fails to escape the temple
in time, all of you have lost the game!

Set-up of the basic game

1. You will need the 6 main chambers and the 13 basic chambers (that is, all the chambers without the purple mask

and/or treasure icon). Set aside the starting chamber and exit. Mix the remaining chamber tiles face down, then
stack them as a draw pile. Place the starting chamber in the center of the playing area, then place 2 randomly drawn
chamber tiles next to it, as shown in the illustration below. Finally, take the top 4 tiles of the draw pile, shuffle them
together with the exit tile, then place them on the bottom of the draw pile.
Exception: If you are playing alone or with a second player, insert the exit tile in the middle of the draw pile.

2. Use the chart at right to determine how many magic gems to place into the gem


Then place 2 additional magic gems next to the depot.

1 & 2 players........7 gems

3 players.............11 gems
4 players.............14 gems
5 players.............16 gems
draw pile

Starting chamber

Gem depot

The stairway on each tile must

touch the starting chamber.

3. Each player selects his color, then takes 5 dice as well as the appropriately

colored adventurer figure and adventurer token. All players place their figure on the
starting chamber and keep their token in front of them. This will help you to identify
your fellow players quickly.
Exception: If you are playing alone, take 7 dice instead of 5.
The CD contains an audio introduction to the game (in 3 languages) and 2 versions of a ten-minute soundtrack. The audio
introduction provides a summary of Escape, and we suggest you listen to it before your first game. When playing the game,
choose the version of the soundtrack at random or select the one that you prefer. Your soundtrack choice will not affect the
length of the game as the playing time on both is identical. For your first game, we recommend track 1.
Alternatively, you can download the soundtrack from the website and listen to it on any device of your
choice. Place all components not needed for the basic game back in the game box.

The temple chambers

Each chamber of the temple has different features:


Magic gem icon

One or more players must roll the indicated number of
die icons in order to activate the magic gem.
Some chambers have no gem icons, while others show
1 or 3 gem icons.
A new chamber from the draw pile must be placed next
to an entrance on a face-up tile.
Die icons with a red frame
A player must roll these icons if he wants to enter this
Stairway entrance
This is the chambers entryway; when this tile is added
to the temple, the stairway must connect this tile to the

Magic gem



Die icons with

red frame

The die icons

Each die shows five different icons:

Golden mask: A golden mask breaks the

spell on up to two black masks. With the spell
broken, the player may now use these dice

Adventurer (x2): You need this if you want to

move from chamber to chamber or discover
new chambers.

Example: Ani has rolled a golden mask and may now add her two
dice with the black masks to her next roll.

Adventurers who are in the same chamber may help one

another. For example, if a player rolls a golden mask and
doesnt use it for himself, one other player may use it to
break the spell on up to two of his accursed dice.

Key and torch: You may enter certain

chambers only by rolling keys or
torches; you will also need these
icons to activate the magic gems.

Black mask: If you roll a black mask, you are

under a spell and the die is accursed. Place
this die aside; you may use it again only after
the spell has been broken.

Example: Ani (red) has rolled one golden and one black mask.
Because Frank (blue) is also in this chamber and worse off, she
decides to let him use the golden mask. On his next roll, Frank rolls
all five of his dice, while Ani can roll only four.

Note: With each golden mask, you can help only one other
player. Helping one another this way does not change ownership
of the dice!

Example: Ani has rolled two black masks and must place both dice
aside. For the time being, she has only three dice left to roll.

The actions
After a player has performed one action, he must re-roll
all dice used for this action.

Using various dice combinations, the players may perform different actions.
1. Enter a chamber
2. Discover a new chamber
3. Activate magic gems
4. Escape
5. Provoke a turn of fate

A player may put aside any dice not used for an action
and use them for a later action.
At any time, a player may re-roll any dice he set aside
previously (other than black masks, which can be used
again only with the help of a golden mask).

The actions in detail:

1. Enter a chamber
A player may enter a chamber only if its entrance is
not blocked.

In order to enter a chamber, the player must roll the

icons shown in a red frame inside the new chamber.



Example: Frank may enter only the chamber shown on top because
the left entrance is blocked by a wall and there is no adjoining
chamber at the right entrance at least not yet.

Example: Frank has rolled his dice and uses the two adventurer
icons to enter the next chamber.

2. Discover a chamber
A player inside a chamber with one or more unblocked
entrances that dont already connect to other chambers
may discover a new chamber.

A player must roll two adventurer icons in order to draw

one new chamber from the draw pile and place it next
to his current chamber. The new chambers stairway
entrance must join the current chambers entrance.




Example: Frank is inside a chamber that has two entrances without

an adjoining chamber. Therefore, he could discover two new chambers.

Example: Frank uses two adventurer icons and connects the stairway entrance of the top chamber from the draw pile to one of the
entrances of his current chamber.

3. Activate magic gems

You will find two types of chambers in which you can
activate magic gems:

Several adventurers inside a chamber containing one

or more magic gem icons may join forces in order to
obtain the required number of key or torch icons.
Note: You may cooperate to activate 1 gem. You must cooperate
to activate 2 or 3 gems.

Chamber with 1 gem icon

Chamber with 3 gem icons

A player inside a chamber containing one or more

magic gem icons must roll the required number of
torch or key icons in order to activate the number of
magic gems shown. After a gem has been successfully
activated, take a gem from the gem depot and place it
on the appropriate gem icon.

Example: Ani (red) and Frank (blue) together have rolled 7 keys
and decide to activate 2 magic gems. They place 2 gems from the
depot on the corresponding gem icon inside their chamber.

If at least one of a
chambers gems has been
activated, no adventurer
may activate any further
gems inside this chamber.
Example: Two of this chambers
gems have been activated, so
players cannot activate any more
gems here.

Example: Frank has rolled 4 torch icons and activates the magic
gem inside his current chamber. He removes one gem from the depot
and places it inside the chamber.

4. Escape
A player can escape only if he is inside the exit chamber.
In order to escape, a player must roll as many keys as
the number of gems in the gem depot plus one. Each
player must roll the required number of key icons by

After a player has escaped, he no longer needs all of his

tools, so he can give one of his dice to any adventurer
still inside the temple. This adventurer may use the die

Exit chamber

Example: Frank has rolled the 3 keys required and thus can escape
from the temple.

Example: Frank has managed to escape and gives one of his dice to
Ani (red), who can use it immediately.

5. Provoke a turn of fate

If there are too many accursed dice in play, players may transfer one of the two gems lying next to the depot to the
depot. Then, all adventurers may re-roll all of their accursed dice (black masks). Players must reach this decision
unanimously! A turn of fate can be provoked only twice during the course of the game.
Note: Do not use the turn of fate too lightheartedly because each additional gem makes it harder to escape.

Example: With black

masks slowing their progress and hastening their
doom, the adventurers
take a chance with fate,
freeing their black masks
from the curse while
decreasing their odds of
making it out alive. One
additional gem is placed
on the depot, then all
players may re-roll their
black masks.

The adventure starts

When all players are prepared to begin, insert the CD into
your CD-player and start playing one of the soundtracks
(see page 2). After a short introduction, the game begins with
the command Escape! Immediately start rolling your dice
and do not forget that you have only 10 minutes to escape!

Hint: For an easy start, we recommend playing your first game

without the soundtrack for a few
minutes in order to get accustomed
to the mechanisms of the game.

The soundtrack
During the soundtrack, you will hear 3 countdowns. The first
starts with the bang of a gong and ends with a door being slammed. The second countdown starts with two bangs of a gong
and ends with a door being s lammed. These two countdowns
indicate that you need to rush back to the starting chamber. Any
adventurer who doesnt make it to the starting chamber before
the door slams shut loses one of his dice for the rest of the game.
Return any such lost dice to the game box. After the door slams
shut, you can continue to explore the temple, proceeding from
the chamber where youre currently located. The third countdown starts with three bangs of a gong and ends with the sound Example: Ani (red) came close but failed to make it into the starting
chamber before the door slammed shut. Thus, she must play with one
of the temple collapsing; this signals the end of the game after
less die for the remainder of the game. (If Ani doesnt make it back to the
starting chamber in the second countdown, she will lose a second die.)
exactly 10 minutes.

End of the game

If all players manage to escape from the temple before it
collapses, they have won the game as a team!

The game ends after 10 minutes that is, at the end of the
third countdown. If any adventurer is inside the temple when
it collapses, then all players have lost the game!

For a more challenging game

Experts: 3 additional magic gems. Professionals: 6
additional magic gems. The action Provoke a turn
of fate is no longer available.

Players may agree before the start of the game to increase

the number of gems in the gem depot.
There are two variants:
Copyright 2012 Queen Games,
D-53842 Troisdorf, Germany. All rights reserved.

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