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KF 1

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1. A can of soft drink at room temperature is put into the refrigerator so that it will cool. Would you
model the can of soft drink as a closed system or as an open system? Explain.
2. Draw a sketch of the following situations identifying a closed or an open system and the boundary
of the system.
a) A balloon exhausting air
b) An automobile tire being heated while driving.
3. Two cubic meters of air at 25C and 1 bar have a mass of 2.34 kg. List the values of intensive and
extensive properties for this system.
4. An apple weighs 80 g and has a volume of 100 cm3 in a refrigerator at 8C. What is the apple
density? List three intensive and two extensive properties of the apple.
5. The gas in a cubical volume with sides at different temperatures is suddenly isolated with reference
to transfer of mass and energy. Is this system in thermodynamic equilibrium? Why or why not?
6. A gas contained within a piston-cylinder assembly undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of
three processes:
Process 1-2: Compression with pV = constant from p1 = 1 bar, V1 = 1.0 m3
to V2 = 0.2 m3
Process 2-3: Constant pressure expansion to V3 = 1.0 m3
Process 3-1: Constant volume.
Sketch the cycle on a pV diagram labeled with pressure and volume values at each
numbered state.
7. A temperature of a body is measured to be 26C. Determine the temperature in R, K and F.
8. The temperature of a system drops by 27F during a cooling process. Express this drop in
temperature in K, R and C.
9. The mass of air in a room 3 x 5 x 20m is known to be 350 kg. Determine the density and specific
volume of the air in the room.
10. Assume the acceleration of gravity on a body to be given as a function of altitude by the expression
g = 4 1.6 x 10-6h m/s2, where h is in metres above the surface of the planet. A space probe
weighed 100 kN on earth at sea level. Determine the mass of the probe, its weight on the surface
of the planet and its weight at an elevation of 200 km above the surface of the planet.
11. A 1200 kg car moving at 20 km/h is accelerated at a constant rate of 4m/s2 up to a speed of 75
km/h. What are the force and total time required?
12. A 15 kg steel container has 1.75 kilomoles of liquid propane inside. A force of 2 kN now accelerates
this system. What is the acceleration?

13. Express a pressure gage reading of 35 psi in absolute pascal. (Assuming Patm = 100 kPa).
14. A hydraulic lift has a maximum fluid pressure of 500 kPa. What should the piston cylinder diameter
be so it can lift a mass of 850 kg?
15. Blue manometer fluid of density 925 kg/m3 shows a column height difference of 6cm vacuum with
one end attached to a pipe and the other end open to P = 101 kPa. What is the absolute pressure
in the pipe?
16. An object whose mass is 400 kg is located at an elevation of 25 m above the surface of the earth.
For g = 9.78 m/s2, determine the potential energy of the object, in kJ, relative to the surface of the
17. A 10 kg body falls from rest, with negligible interaction with its surroundings. Determine its velocity
after it falls 5m.
18. A piston motion moves a 25 kg hammerhead vertically down 1 m from rest to a velocity of 50 m/s in
a stamping machine. What is the change in total energy of the hammerhead?
19. A 0.8 lbm object traveling at 200 ft/s enters a viscous liquid and is essentially brought to rest before
it strikes the bottom. What is the increase in internal energy, taking the object and the liquid as the
system? Neglect the potential energy change.
20. A 1500 kg vehicle traveling at 60 km/h collides head on with a 1000 kg vehicle traveling at 90 km/h.
if they come to rest immediately after impact, determine the increase in internal energy, taking both
vehicles as the system.

1. Complete the following table for H2O.
T, C

P, kPa

v, m3/kg


Saturated vapor

2. Complete the following table for H2O.

T, C

P, kPa


h, kJ/kg





3. Water is being heated in a vertical piston cylinder device. The piston has a mass of 20 kg
and a cross sectional area of 100cm 2. If the local atmospheric pressure is 100kPa,
determine the temperature at which the water will start boiling.
4. Four kilograms of water is placed in an enclosed volume of 1m 3. Heat is added until the
temperature is 150C. Find the pressure, mass of vapor and volume of the vapor.
5. Two kilograms of water is contained in a piston cylinder by a 16000 kg, 2m diameter
piston. Heat is added until the temperature reaches 400C. Find the final volume.
6. Two kilograms of a two phase, liquid vapor mixture of carbon dioxide exists at -40C in a
0.05 m3 tank. Determine the quality of the mixture, if the values of specific volume for
saturated liquid and saturated vapor CO 2 at -40C are 0.896 x10-3 m3/kg and 3.824 x 10-2
m3/kg, respectively.
7. Two thousand kilograms of water, initially a saturated liquid at 150C, is heated in a closed,
rigid tank to a final state where the pressure is 2.5MPa. Determine the final temperature,
the volume of the tank and sketch the process on a p diagram.
8. Saturated vapor refrigerant 134a at 50C changes volume at constant temperature. Find
the new pressure and quality (if saturated), if the volume doubles. Repeat the question for
the case where the volume is reduced to half the original volume.
9. A piston-cylinder device initially contains 50L of liquid water at 25C and 300 kPa. Heat is
added to the water at constant pressure until the entire liquid is vaporized.

a) What is the mass of the water?

b) What is the final temperature?
c) Determine the total enthalpy change.

1. A tank contains 0.05m3 of nitrogen at -21C and 10MPa. Determine the mass of nitrogen in
2. A piston cylinder device has a 1.5kg of air at 300K and 150 kPa. It is now heated in a two
step process, first at constant volume to 1000K and then by a constant pressure process
to 1500K. Find the volume at state 2 and 3 and the final pressure. Plot a P-v diagram
showing the path for the two processes.
3. An automobile tire with a volume of 0.6m 3 is inflated to a gage pressure of 200 kPa.
Calculate the mass of air in the tire if the temperature is 20C.
4. Carbon dioxide is contained in a 10 liter cylinder at 310 K and 10 MPa. Estimate the mass
of carbon dioxide contained in the cylinder.
5. Calculate the gas pressure in a 10.0 L rigid tank containing 640 grams of O 2 gas at 27oC.
6. Air at 205 C and 345 kPa is compressed isothermally to one-tenth of its original volume.
What is the final pressure?
7. A 0.71 m3 tank contains 4.5 kg of an ideal gas. The molecular weight of this gas is 44
kg/kmole and the gas temperature is 21 oC. What is the gas pressure?
8. How many moles of an ideal gas at 606.85 oC does it take to fill a 404.7 liter container at a
pressure of 33.72 atm.
9. Nitrogen (MW= 28), is in a container of volume 7 l, at 47 oC. The gas is exerting a pressure
of 3.8 atm on the container. What number of mols of Nitrogen is in the container? What
mass of Nitrogen is in the container?
10. A 6.00 mol sample of an ideal gas is trapped in a rigid steel container at 27 oC at 80.00
atm. What is the volume of this steel container (in L)? How many moles of gas remain in
the container after it is heated to 427 oC and gas is let out so that the new pressure is
90.00 atm? How many moles of gas remain after the container is opened again until the
pressure drops to 80.00 atm while the temperature is maintained at 427 oC?

1. A piston of mass 2 kg is lowered 0.5 m in the standard gravitational field. Find the required
force and work involved in the process.
2. A bulldozer pushes 500 kg of dirt 100 m with a force of 1500 N. It then lifts the dirt 3 m up
to put it in a dump truck. How much work did it do in each situation?
3. A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains 5 kg of superheated R-134a vapor at
1000 kPa and 140C. The setup is cooled at constant pressure until the R-134a reaches a
quality of 25%. Calculate the work done in this process.
4. A piston cylinder assembly contains 3 kg of air at 50C and 300 kPa. It is now heated in a
constant pressure process to 600K. Find the final volume, plot the process on a Pv
diagram and find the work in the process.
5. Air is compressed in a cylinder such that the volume changes from 0.2 to 0.02 m 3. Initial
pressure is 200 kPa. Calculate work if i) pressure is constant and ii) temperature is
constant at 50C.
6. A gas is compressed from an initial volume of 0.42 m 3 to a final volume of 0.12m3. During
the process, pressure changes with volume according to the relation p=aV+b, where
a= -1200 kPa/m3 and b= 600kPa. Calculate the work done during this process.
7. Carbon dioxide contained in a piston cylinder is compressed from 0.3 to 0.1m 3. During the
process, the pressure and volume are related by P=aV -2 where a=8kPa.m6. Calculate the
work done on the carbon dioxide during this process.
8. A mass of 1.2 kg of air at 150 kPa and 12C is contained in a gas-tight, frictionless piston
cylinder device. The air is now compressed to a final pressure of 600 kPa. During the
process, heat is transferred from the air such that the temperature inside the cylinder
remains constant. Calculate the work done during this process.
9. Air goes through a polytropic process from 125 kPa, 325 K to 300 kPa and 500 K. Find the
polytropic exponent n and the specific work in the process.
10. Consider a piston/cylinder setup with 0.5kg of R-134a as saturated vapor at -10C. It is
now compressed to a pressure of 500 kPa in a polytropic process with n=1.5. Find the final
volume and temperature and determine the work done during the process.
11. A frictionless piston cylinder device contains 2 kg of nitrogen at 100 kPa and 300K.
Nitrogen is now compressed slowly according to the relation PV 1.4 = C until it reaches a
final temperature of 360K. Calculate the work done during this process.

12. A piston cylinder device has a 1.5kg of air at 300K and 150 kPa. It is now heated in a two
step process, first at constant volume to 1000K and then by a constant pressure process
to 1500K. Find the volume at state 2 and 3 and the final pressure. Plot a P-v diagram
showing the path for the two processes. Calculate the amount of work.
13. Ten kg of water in a piston cylinder arrangement exist as saturated liquid vapor mixture at
100 kPa with a quality of 50%. It is now heated so the volume triples. The mass of the
piston is such that a cylinder pressure of 200 kPa will float it. Find the final T, final volume
of water and amount of work given out by the water.
14. A pistoncylinder device initially contains 0.25 kg of nitrogen gas at 130 kPa and 120C.
The nitrogen is now expanded isothermally to a pressure of 100 kPa. Determine the
boundary work done during this process.
15. A pistoncylinder device contains 0.15 kg of air initially at 2 MPa and 350C. The air is first
expanded isothermally to 500 kPa, then compressed polytropically with a polytropic
exponent of 1.2 to the initial pressure, and finally compressed at the constant pressure to
the initial state. Determine the boundary work for each process and the net work of the

1. A closed system receives 80 kJ of heat transfer and loses 20 kJ as work. What is the

change in the internal energy of the fluid?

2. Fill in the missing data for each of the following processes of a closed system between

states 1 and 2. (Units in kJ)









each line of the table below on the basis of the conservation of energy principle for a
closed system.







4. A piston cylinder device contains 25 g of saturated water vapor that is maintained at a

constant pressure of 300 kPa. Work by resistance heater is 7.2 kJ and at the same time, a
heat loss of 3.7 kJ occurs. Determine the final temperature of the steam.
5. A piston-cylinder device contains 2 kg of steam originally at 200C and 90% quality. The

volume triples while the temperature is held constant. Calculate the heat that must be
transferred and the final pressure.
6. A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains 2kg of superheated refrigerant-134a

vapor at 350 kPa, 100C. The cylinder is now cooled so the refrigerant remains at constant
pressure until it reaches a quality of 75%. Calculate the heat transfer in the process.
7. A two phase liquid vapor mixture of H 2O, initially at 1 MPa with a quality of 90%, is

contained in a rigid, well insulated tank. The mass of H 2O is 2 kg. An electric resistance
heater in the tank transfers energy to the water at constant rate of 60 W for 1.95 h.
Determine final temperature of the water in the tank.

8. Eight thousand cm3 of air in a piston cylinder is compressed isothermally at 30C from a

pressure of 200 kPa to a pressure of 800 kPa. Find the heat transfer.
9. Heat is added to a fixed 0.15m3 volume of steam initially at a pressure of 400 kPa and a

quality of 0.5. Determine the final pressure and temperature if 800 kJ of heat is added.
10. Saturated water vapor at 200C is isothermally condensed to a saturated liquid in a piston-

cylinder device. Calculate the heat transfer and the work done during this process, in
11. A rigid container equipped with a stirring device contains 1.5 kg of motor oil. Determine the

rate of specific energy increase whwn heat is transferred to the oil at rate of 1 W, and 1.5
W of power is applied to the stirring device.
12. A piston-cylinder device contains 5kg of refrigerant 134a at 800 kPa and 70 C. The
refrigerant is now cooled at constant pressure until it exists as a liquid at 15 C. Determine
the amount of heat loss and show the process on a T-v diagram with respect to saturation lines.
13. A piston-cylinder device contains 0.2 kg of water initially at 800 kPa and 0.06 m 3. Now 200

kJ of heat is transferred to the water while its pressure is held constant. Determine the final
temperature of the water. Also show the process on a T-v diagram with respect to saturation
14. 2 kg of saturated liquid water at 150 C is heated at constant pressure in a piston-cylinder
device until it saturated vapor. Determinr the heat transfer required for this process.
15. A closed system containing 2 kg of air undergoes an isothermal process from 600 kPa and 200 C
to 80 kPa. Determine the initial volume of this system, the work done, and the heat transfer during
this process.
16. A piston-cylinder device contains 0.8 kg of nitrogen initially at 100 kPa and 27 C. the
nitrogen is now compressed slowly in a polytropic process during which PV1.3 = constant until the

volume is reduced by one-half. Determine the work done and the heat transfer for this

1. Air enters an adiabatic nozzle steadily at 300 kPa, 200C and 30 m/s and leaves at 100
kPa and 180 m/s. The inlet area of the nozzle is 80 cm 2. Determine (a) the mas flow rate
through the nozzle, (b) the exit temperature of the air and (c) the exit area of the nozzle.
2. Steam at 5MPa and 400C enters a nozzle steadily with a velocity of 80 m/s, and it leaves
at 2MPa and 300C.The inlet area of the nozzle is 50 cm 2 and heat is being lost at a rate
of 120kJ/s. Determine (a) the mass flow rate of the steam, (b) the exit velocity of the steam
and (c) the exit area of the nozzle.
3. Air at 80 kPa and 127C enters an adiabatic diffuser steadily at a rate of 6000 kg/h and
leaves at 100 kPa. The velocity of air stream is decreased from 230 to 30 m/s as it passes
through the diffuser. Find (a) the exit temperature of the air and (b) the exit area of the
4. A diffuser has air entering at 100 kPa and 300K with a velocity of 200m/s. The inlet cross
sectional area of the diffuser is 100mm 2. At the exit, the area is 860 mm2 and the exit
velocity is 20 m/s. Determine the exit pressure and temperature of the air.
5. R-134a at 700 kPa and 100C enters an adiabatic nozzle steadily with a velocity of 20 m/s
and leaves at 300 kPa and 30 C. Determine the exit velocity and the ratio of the inlet to
exit area A1/A2.
6. Steam at 3MPa and 400C enters an adiabatic nozzle steadily with a velocity of 20 m/s
and leaves at 2.5MPa and 300 m/s. Determine exit temperature and the ratio of inlet to exit
area A1/A2.
7. An adiabatic air compressor compresses 10 L/s of air at 120 kPa and 20C to 1000 kPa
and 300C. determine (a) the work required by the compressor, in kJ/kg and (b) the power
required to drive the air compressor, in kW.
8. Air at 100 kPa and 280 K is compressed steadily to 600 kPa and 400K. The mass flow rate
of the air is 0.02 kg/s and a heat loss of 16 kJ/kg occurs during the process. Assuming the
changes in kinetic and potential energies are negligible, determine the necessary power
input to the compressor.
9. R-134a enters an adiabatic compressor as saturated vapor at -20C and leaves at 0.7
MPa and 70C. The mass flow rate of the refrigerant is 1.2 kg/s. Determine the power
input to the compressor and the volume flow rate of the refrigerant at the compressor inlet.

10. A feed pump on a power station pumps 20 kg/s of water. At inlet the water is at 1 bar and
120C. At outlet it is at 200 bar and 140C. Assuming that there is no heat transfer and
that PE and KE are negligible, calculate the theoretical power input.
11. Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 10MPa and 500C and leaves at 10kPa with a quality
of 90%. Neglecting the changes in kinetic and potential energies, determine the mass flow
rate required for a power output of 5MW.
12. Steam flows steadily through an adiabatic turbine. The inlet conditions of the steam are 10
MPa, 450C and 80 m/s, and the exit conditions are 10 kPa, 92% quality and 50 m/s. The
mass flow rate of the steam is 12 kg/s. Determine the change in kinetic energy, the power
output and the turbine inlet area.
13. Air enters a turbine at 600 kPa and 100C through a 100 mm diameter pipe at a speed of
100 m/s. The air exits at 140 kPa and 20C through a 400 mm diameter pipe. Calculate
the power output neglecting heat transfer.
14. A turbine delivers 500 kW of power by extracting energy from air at 450 kPa and 100C
flowing in a 120 mm diameter pipe at 150 m/s. For an exit pressure of 120 kPa and a
temperature of 20C, determine the heat transfer.
15. Steam flows steadily through a turbine at a rate of 20 000 kg/h, entering at 7MPa and
500C and leaving at 40 kPa as saturated vapor. If the power generated by the turbine is
4MW, determine the rate of heat loss from the steam.

1. Saturated liquid vapor mixture of water in a steam line at 2000 kPa is throttled to 100 kPa
and 120C. What is the quality in the steam line?
2. Refrigerant-134a is throttled from the saturated liquid state at 800 kPa to a pressure of 140
kPa. Determine the temperature drop during this process and the final specific volume of
the refrigerant.
3. A well insulated valve is used to throttle steam from 8MPa and 500C to 6MPa. Determine
the final temperature of the steam.
4. R-134a at 800 kPa and 25C is throttled to a temperature of -20C.Determine the pressure
and the internal energy of the refrigerant at the final state.
5. Steam at 9000 kPa and 600C passes through a throttling process so that the pressure is
suddenly reduced to 400 kPa. What is the expected temperature after the throttle?
6. Refrigerant -134a at 1MPa and 80C is to be cooled to 1MPa and 30C in a condenser by
air. The air enters at 100kPa and 27C with a volume flow rate of 800m 3/min and leaves at
95kPa and 60C. Determine the mass flow rate of the refrigerant.
7. Refrigerant-134a at 700kPa, 70C and 8 kg/min is cooled by water in a condenser until it
exits as a saturated liquid at the same pressure. The cooling water enters the condenser at
300 kPa and 15C and leaves at 30C at the same pressure. Determine the mass flow
rate of the cooling water required to cool the refrigerant.
8. A heat exchanger is used to cool an air flow from 800K to 360K, with both states at 1MPa.
The coolant is water flow at 15C and 0.1MPa. If the water leaves as saturated vapor, find

the ratio of the flow rates m water m air .

9. A condenser brings 1kg/s water flow at 10 kPa from 300C to saturated liquid at 10 kPa.
The cooling is done by lake water at 20C that returns to the lake at 30C. For an insulated
condenser, find the flow rate of cooling water.
10. Steam enters the condenser of a steam power plant at 20 kPa and a quality of 95% with a
mass flow rate of 20 000 kg/h. It is to be cooled by water from a nearby river by circulating
the water through the tubes within the condenser. To prevent thermal pollution, the river
water is not allowed to experience a temperature rise above 10C. If the steam is to leave

the condenser as saturated liquid at 20C, determine the mass flow rate of the cooling
water required.
11. An insulated rigid tank is initially evacuated. A valve is opened, and atmospheric air at 95
kPa and 17C enters the tank until the pressure in the tank reaches 95 kPa, at which point
the valve is closed. Determine the final temperature of the air in the tank.
12. A 2m3 rigid tank initially contains air at 100 kPa and 22C. The tank is connected to a
supply line through a valve. Air is flowing in the supply line at 600 kPa and 22C.the valve
is opened, and air is allowed to enter the tank until the pressure in the tank reaches the
line pressure, at which point the valve is closed. A thermometer placed in the tank
indicates that the air temperature at the final state is 77C. Determine the mass of air that
has entered the tank and the amount of heat transfer.
13. A 0.1m3 rigid tank initially contains refrigerant-134a at 1MPa and 100 percent quality. The
tank is connected by a valve to a supply line that carries refrigerant at 1.2MPa and 30C.
Now the valve is opened, and the refrigerant is allowed to enter the tank. The valve is
closed when it is observed that the tank contains saturated liquid at 1.2 MPa. Determine:
a. the mass of the refrigerant that has entered the tank
b. the amount of heat transfer
14. A vertical piston cylinder device initially contains 0.2m 3 of air at 20C. The mass of the
piston is such that it maintains a constant pressure of 300kPa inside. Now a valve
connected to the cylinder is opened and air is allowed to escape until the volume inside the
cylinder is decreased by one half. Heat transfer takes place during the process so that the
temperature of the air in the cylinder remains constant. Determine:
a. the amount of air that has left the cylinder
b. the amount of heat transfer
15. An insulated, vertical piston-cylinder device initially contains 10 kg of water, 6 kg of which
is in the vapor phase. The mass of the piston is such that it maintains a constant pressure
of 200 kPa inside the cylinder. Now steam at at 0.5 MPa and 350C is allowed to enter the
cylinder from a supply line until all the liquid in the cylinder has vaporized. Determine the
final temperature in the cylinder and the mass of the steam that has entered.

16. Air at 100 kPa and 280 K is compressed steadily to 600 kPa and 400K. The mass flow rate
of the air is 0.02 kg/s and a heat loss of 16 kJ/kg occurs during the process. Assuming the
changes in kinetic and potential energies are negligible, determine the necessary power
input to the compressor.
17. Steam flows steadily through an adiabatic turbine. The inlet conditions of the steam are 10
MPa, 450C and 80 m/s, and the exit conditions are 10 kPa, 92% quality and 50 m/s. The
mass flow rate of the steam is 12 kg/s. Determine the change in kinetic energy, the power
output and the turbine inlet area
18. Air enters a turbine at 600 kPa and 100C through a 100 mm diameter pipe at a speed of
100 m/s. The air exits at 140 kPa and 20C through a 400 mm diameter pipe. Calculate
the power output neglecting heat transfer.
19. A turbine delivers 500 kW of power by extracting energy from air at 450 kPa and 100C
flowing in a 120 mm diameter pipe at 150 m/s. For an exit pressure of 120 kPa and a
temperature of 20C, determine the heat transfer.
20. R-134a enters an adiabatic compressor as saturated vapor at -20C and leaves at 0.7
MPa and 70C. The mass flow rate of the refrigerant is 1.2 kg/s. Determine the power
input to the compressor and the volume flow rate of the refrigerant at the compressor inlet.
21. A feed pump on a power station pumps 20 kg/s of water. At inlet the water is at 1 bar and
120C. At outlet it is at 200 bar and 140C. Assuming that there is no heat transfer and
that PE and KE are negligible, calculate the theoretical power input.
22. An adiabatic compressor is used to continuously compress low pressure steam from 0.8
MPa and 200C to 4.0 MPa and 500C in a steady state process. What is the work
required per kg of steam through this compressor?
23. An adiabatic turbine is supplied with steam at 2.0 MPa and 600C and it exhausts at 98%
quality and 24C. Compute the work output per kg of steam.
24. Air enters the compressor of a gas turbine plant at ambient conditions of 100kPa and 25C
with a low velocity and exits at 1MPa and 347C with a velocity of 90 m/s. The compressor
is cooled at a rate of 1500 kJ/min and the power input to the compressor is 250 kW.
Determine the mass flow rate of air through the compressor

25. An adiabatic compressor has been designed to continuously compress 1 kg/s of saturated
vapor steam from 1 bar to 100 bar and 1100C. Estimate the power requirement of this
compressor in horsepower.

1. Refrigerant -134a at 1MPa and 80C is to be cooled to 1MPa and 30C in a condenser by
air. The air enters at 100kPa and 27C with a volume flow rate of 800m 3/min and leaves at
95kPa and 60C. Determine the mass flow rate of the refrigerant.
2. Refrigerant-134a at 800kPa, 70C and 8 kg/min is cooled by water in a condenser until it
exits as a saturated liquid at the same pressure. The cooling water enters the condenser at
300 kPa and 15C and leaves at 30C at the same pressure. Determine the mass flow
rate of the cooling water required to cool the refrigerant.
3. A heat exchanger is used to cool an air flow from 800K to 360K, with both states at 1MPa.
The coolant is water flow at 15C and 0.1MPa. If the water leaves as saturated vapor, find

the ratio of the flow rates m water m air .

4. A condenser brings 1kg/s water flow at 10 kPa from 300C to saturated liquid at 10 kPa, as
shown in the figure below. The cooling is done by lake water at 20C that returns to the
lake at 30C. For an insulated condenser, find the flow rate of cooling water.

5. A superheater brings 2.5kg/s saturated water vapor at 2MPa to 450C. The energy is
provided by hot air at 1200K flowing outside the steam tube in the opposite direction as the
water. Find the smallest possible mass flow rate of the air to ensure that its exit
temperature is 20C larger than the incoming water temperature.
6. Steam enters the condenser of a steam power plant at 20 kPa and a quality of 95% with a
mass flow rate of 20 000 kg/h. It is to be cooled by water from a nearby river by circulating
the water through the tubes within the condenser. To prevent thermal pollution, the river

water is not allowed to experience a temperature rise above 10C. If the steam is to leave
the condenser as saturated liquid at 20C, determine the mass flow rate of the cooling
water required.

1. An insulated rigid tank is initially evacuated. A valve is opened, and atmospheric air at 95
kPa and 17C enters the tank until the pressure in the tank reaches 95 kPa, at which point
the valve is closed. Determine the final temperature of the air in the tank.
2. A 2m3 rigid tank initially contains air at 100 kPa and 22C. The tank is connected to a
supply line through a valve. Air is flowing in the supply line at 600 kPa and 22C.the valve
is opened, and air is allowed to enter the tank until the pressure in the tank reaches the
line pressure, at which point the valve is closed. A thermometer placed in the tank
indicates that the air temperature at the final state is 77C. Determine the mass of air that
has entered the tank and the amount of heat transfer.
3. A 0.1m3 rigid tank initially contains refrigerant-134a at 1MPa and 100 percent quality. The
tank is connected by a valve to a supply line that carries refrigerant at 1.2MPa and 30C.
Now the valve is opened, and the refrigerant is allowed to enter the tank. The valve is
closed when it is observed that the tank contains saturated liquid at 1.2 MPa. Determine:
a) the mass of the refrigerant that has entered the tank
b) the amount of heat transfer
4. A vertical piston cylinder device initially contains 0.2m 3 of air at 20C. The mass of the
piston is such that it maintains a constant pressure of 300kPa inside. Now a valve
connected to the cylinder is opened and air is allowed to escape until the volume inside the
cylinder is decreased by one half. Heat transfer takes place during the process so that the
temperature of the air in the cylinder remains constant. Determine:
a) the amount of air that has left the cylinder
b) the amount of heat transfer

1. An 800 MW steam power plant, which is cooled by a nearby river, has a thermal efficiency

of 40 percent. Determine the rate of heat transfer to the river water.

2. A steam power plant receives heat from a furnace at a rate of 280GJ/h. Heat losses

through pipes and other components are estimated to be about 8GJ/h. If the waste heat is
transferred to the cooling water at a rate of 145 GJ/h, determine the net power output and
the thermal efficiency of this power plant.
3. A steam power plant with a power output of 150MW consumes coal at a rate of 60 tons/h.

If the heating value of the coal is 30 000 kJ/kg, determine the thermal efficiency of this
4. A refrigerator with a COP of 1.8 removes heat from the refrigerated space at a rate of

90kJ/min. Determine the electric power consumed by the refrigerator and the rate of heat
transfer to the kitchen air.
5. An air conditioner removes heat steadily from a house at a rate of 750 kJ/min while

drawing electric power at a rate of 6kW. Determine the COP and the rate of heat transfer to
the outside air.
6. Determine the COP of a heat pump that supplies energy to a house at a rate of 8000 kJ/h

for each kW of power it consumes. Also determine the rate of energy absorption from the
outdoor air.
7. A heat pump with a COP of 2.5 supplies energy to a house at a rate of 60 000 Btu/h.

determine the electric power drawn by the heat pump and the rate of heat removal from
the outside air.
8. A Carnot heat engine operates between a source at 1000K and a sink at 300K. if the

engine is supplied with heat at a rate of 800kJ/min, determine the thermal efficiency and
the power output of this heat engine.
9. A heat engine is operating on a Carnot cycle and has a thermal efficiency of 55%. The

waste heat from this engine is rejected to a nearby lake at 60f at a rate of 800 Btu/min.
Determine the power output of the engine and the temperature of the source.

10. A refrigerator is to remove heat from the cooled space at a rate of 300 kJ/min to maintain

its temperature at -8C. If the air surrounding the refrigerator is at 25C, determine the
minimum power requirement for this refrigerator.
11. An air conditioning system operating on reversed Carnot cycle is required to transfer heat

from a house at a rate of 750 kJ/min. to maintain its temperature at 20C. If the outdoor air
is at 35C, determine the power required.
12. A Carnot refrigerator operates in a room in which the temperature is 25C. The refrigerator

consumes 500W of power when operating and has a COP of 4.5. Determine the rate of
heat removal from the refrigerated space and the temperature of the refrigerated space.
13. A heat engine in a power generator is required to deliver 100 MW power into an external load. Heat
input to the engine comes from steam at 600C. The engine rejects its waste heat into a lake at
20C. The engine can operate at 50% of the maximum efficiency permitted by the Second Law of
Thermodynamics. What is the required rate of heat input into the engine? At what rate does the
engine emit waste heat into the lake?

14. An inventor claims to have developed a refrigeration system that removes heat from the

closed region at -5Cand transfers it to the surrounding air at 22C while maintaining a
COP of 8.2. Is this claim reasonable? Why?

15. In each cycle an engine absorbs 200J from a reservoir at 150C and rejects 150J to a reservoir at
20C. What is the efficiency of this engine? What is the maximum efficiency allowed by the second
law of thermodynamics? If the given data on the engine were as above except that the engine was
said to reject 100J (rather then 150J) to the cold reservoir you would realize there must be an error
in the data. How do you know this?

1. If 500 J of heat is conducted from a reservoir at 400 K to one at 300 K, what is the entropy change
of the universe?
2. A Carnot engine delivers 100 kW of power by operating between temperature reservoirs at 100C
and 1000 C. Calculate the entropy change of the two reservoirs after 20 minutes operation.
3. One kilogram of saturated water vapor at 100C is condensed to a saturated liquid at 100C in a
constant pressure process by heat transfer to the surrounding air, which is at 25C. How much
entropy is being generated in this universe?
4. A 0.5 m3 rigid tank contains R-134a initially at 200 kPa and 40% quality. Heat is transferred now to
the refrigerant from a source at 35C until the pressure rises to 400 kPa. Determine the entropy
change of the refrigerant, the entropy change of the heat source and the total entropy change for
this process.
5. Steam expands isentropically through a turbine from 6MPa and 600C to 10kPa. Calculate the
power output if the mass flow rate is 2kg/s.
6. 0.1 kg of water is expanded in a cylinder at a constant pressure of 4MPa from saturated liquid until
the temperature is 600C. Calculate the work necessary and the entropy change.
7. Two hundred kW is to be produced by a steam turbine. The outlet steam is to be saturated at 80
kPa and the steam entering will be at 600C. for an isentropic process, determine the mass flow
rate of the steam

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