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BCG The New CEO's Guide To Transformation May 2015 Tcm80 188487

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The New CEOs Guide to

Turning Ambition into Sustainable Results

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global

management consulting firm and the worlds
leading advisor on business strategy. We partner
with clients from the private, public, and not-forprofit sectors in all regions to identify their
highest-value opportunities, address their most
critical challenges, and transform their enterprises.
Our customized approach combines deep insight
into the dynamics of companies and markets with
close collaboration at all levels of the client
organization. This ensures that our clients achieve
sustainable competitive advantage, build more
capable organizations, and secure lasting results.
Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with
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The New CEOs Guide to

Turning Ambition into Sustainable Results

Hans-Paul Brkner, Lars Fste, and Jim Hemerling

May 2015

New CEOs have a short window of opportunity to launch a transformation program
aimed at delivering a step-change in performance. With a proven four-step process,
CEOs can turn ambition into sustainable results.
One Hundred Days Before Starting: Define the Ambition
Before taking the top job, new CEOs should assess the companys situation,
leadership team, and readiness for changeand define the ambition.
The First Weeks: Energize the Organization
Upon taking the reins, new CEOs must start building momentum by establishing a
compelling case for change, rallying leaders, and engaging with employees.
The First 100 Days: Prepare and Launch the Transformation
In this step, CEOs should begin leading the transformation, kicking off noregret initiatives, setting up governance, and launching a communications plan.
The First 18 Months: Drive the Transformation
CEOs must ensure that early measures are hitting their targets and shift to longerterm measures, often including changes to the strategy and operating models.


The New CEOs Guide to Transformation

eadership transitions increasingly happen when companies are at an

inflection point, and as a result, new CEOs frequently face immediate pressure
to make changes. The challenges are significant. Companies are being buffeted by
rapidly evolving technology and digitization, increasing globalization, blurred
industry boundaries, and regulatory shifts, among other factors. As the traditional
sources of competitive advantage disappear, top-performing companies are increasing their lead on poor and average performers. (See Exhibit 1.)

To keep up with industry leadersor to remain a leaderit is more important

than ever for companies to undergo transformations. (See Transformation: The Imperative to Change, BCG report, November 2014.) We define a transformation as a
profound change in a companys strategy, business model, organization, culture,
people, or processes. A transformation is not an incremental change but a funda-

Exhibit 1 | The Top-Performing Companies Are Increasing Their Lead

on Poor Performers
Average EBIT margin across industries





Top quartile






Bottom quartile

Sources: BCGs Strategy Institute; Compustat.

Note: EBIT = earnings before income and taxes. For the years shown, our calculations included all U.S.
publicly listed companies whose net sales exceeded $50 million. We computed the per quartile average
for each industry (underweighted) and then determined the average across all industries (weighted by the
number of companies in each industry for each year). Our calculations excluded company outliers with
extremely high or low margin growth and industries with fewer than two data points.

The Boston Consulting Group

mental reboot that enables a business to achieve a sustainable, quantum improvement in performance, altering the trajectory of its future. Because of the comprehensive nature of transformations and the need for companies to implement them
quickly, transformations are complex endeavors, and the majority either fail to fully
capture the potential value or exceed the time allotted to embed new behaviors
and processes. Yet by adopting a clear methodology, companies can flip the odds in
their favor.
Companies with stable management teams can also benefit from transformations,
yet in our experience, a change in leadership offers a critical window of opportunity for implementation. Stakeholders expect changes to occur when a new CEO is
hired. In fact, a principal risk for new CEOs is that they may resist taking action too
quicklyor hesitate to make changes that go deep enough. The risk is especially
high for insiders who are being promoted to the top spot or taking the reins alongside a strong chairperson. Yet through quick and decisive actionseven before taking the top jobnew CEOs can seize the opportunity and put their company on the
right trajectory for success.
The message for incoming leaders is clear: You need to take action immediately. By
laying the groundwork in advance, you can be prepared to lead from the front with
a clear vision, solid objectives, and the tools and processes to succeed.
The Boston Consulting Group has helped companies execute transformations that
have led to significant financial impact. We have completed more than 500 transformations, generating a median annual impact of approximately $340 million
through cost cuts, revenue increases, and the application of capital-efficiency levers;
150 transformations are currently under way. This body of work has helped us identify some clear principles and best practices that can help new CEOsas well as
board chairs and members of the C suitesuccessfully develop and implement a
transformation effort.

Through quick and

decisive actions
even before taking the
top jobnew CEOs
can put their
company on the right
trajectory for success.

This report is a playbook for new CEOs. It lays out how and where to start and provides a transformation framework. The report then breaks the transformation process into four steps: the 100 days before officially starting, the first weeks on the
job, the first 100 days, and the first 18 months. Because the framework applies to all
transformations, while the four steps provide specific actions for new CEOs, there is
some overlap. The report also includes case studies of successful transformations in
various industriesretail, technology, and manufacturing, among othersto show
what the process looks like in the real world.

The Transformation Framework

On the basis of our experience helping implement transformations across industries and regions worldwide, we have developed a proven framework that can help
leaders define the collective transformation ambition for the company. (See Exhibit 2.)
The framework has three critical components:


Funding the Journey. Launch short-term, no-regret moves to establish momentum

and to free up capital to fuel new growth engines.

The New CEOs Guide to Transformation

Exhibit 2 | BCGs Transformation Framework Has Three Components

Funding the journey
Launch short-term, no-regret moves to
create momentum and free up capital
Simplify the organization
Increase capital efficiency
Reduce costs

Winning in the medium term

Establish the strategic direction for growth

Revamp the business model
Develop a new target operating model
Implement end-to-end lean

Building the right team, organization, and culture

Ensure that the senior management team is leading from the front
Deploy change management to ensure that people are ready, willing, and able to change
Install a human resources team that can act as a transformation partner
Identify and develop talent to fill the critical roles required to transform
Develop a culture to support high performance

Source: BCG analysis.

Winning in the Medium Term. Develop a business model and operating model to
increase competitive advantage.

Building the Right Team, Organization, and Culture. Set up the organization for
sustainable high performance.

A transformation should include all three elements, but the relative importance of
these components changes at various points in the process. In the beginning, funding the journey is often the most critical aspect, not only to establish momentum
but also to free up capital rapidly. Over time, as a transformation takes root, the priorities typically shift toward winning in the medium term. Throughout a transformation, a focus on building the right team, organization, and culture is vital to ensuring that a transformation is not short-lived but rather becomes a long-term
endeavor that deliversand sustainsimproved performance.

One Hundred Days Before Starting: Define the Ambition

New CEOs often have timeas much as 100 daysafter unwinding themselves from
most of the responsibilities of their former job and before they must assume those of
the new position. This period offers a critical opportunity for leaders to take charge
and define the organizations collective transformation ambition. (See Exhibit 3.)
When defining this ambition, it is critically important for CEOswhether hired
from the inside or brought in from the outsideto adopt an investigative and analytical mind-set: I need to learn more. (For an example of an incoming leader who
defined a bold transformation ambition, see the sidebar A New Retail CEO Hits
the Ground Running.) Incoming leaders should talk with as many critical stakeholders as possible, both inside and outside the organization, in order to educate
themselves about the company:

Employees, to determine if there is a consensus regarding the changes that are

The Boston Consulting Group

Exhibit 3 | The Transformation Process for New CEOs Has Four Stages
One hundred days
before starting

First weeks

First 100 days

First 18 months

Define the ambition

Energize the organization

Prepare and launch the


Drive the transformation

Analyze a companys
situation; talk with internal
and external stakeholders

Establish the case for

change, discussing external
and internal factors

Assess the organizations

mind-set and the urgency
of the various situations

Ensure that the board and

senior leadership are in
agreement and can speak
with one voice

Develop a roadmap of
no-regret initiatives for the
transformation; include
clear milestones

Develop initial hypotheses

on value-creating
improvements and identify
potential no-regret moves

Shi to a transformation
mind-set, with a clear bias
for action
Engage with employees
about how ready, willing,
and able they are to change

Assess the leadership team

Plan the first 100 days

Create initiative teams,

with charters, resources,
plans, and processes
Set up governance,
including an activist PMO
Launch the
communications plan

Ensure the delivery of

short-term results
Plan, develop, and launch
broader initiatives for
winning in the medium
Set new, overall strategy
and operating models
Develop the right team,
organization, and culture
to deliver sustainable

Source: BCG analysis.

Note: PMO = program management office.

needed; ideally, leaders should speak with 30 to 50 employees from across all
units and at all levels

Customers, to get unvarnished opinions of the companys performance in

addressing their needs

Industry and functional experts, to understand the company and the complexities
or disruptions in the market

During these conversations, a new CEO should primarily listen, encourage open
and honest discussion, and make sure that all possible dynamic factors and all possible solutions are being brought to the forefront. Through this process, the CEO
must start to diagnose problems and create hypotheses regarding which aspects of
the company require improvement. This means assessing the urgency of the various situationsin terms of both scope and timingand determining whether the
company should seek to transform a specific function, market, or division or
instead undergo a more comprehensive effort that affects multiple areas of the
In both broad and narrow transformation efforts, new CEOs need to start identifying rapid, no-regret moves during this timeinitiatives that are relatively easy to
implement in the first 100 days and that can generate results in 3 to12 months.
These no-regret initiatives should close performance gaps in a few critical areas, reduce costs, improve top- and bottom-line performance, and free up cash in order to
fuel longer-term initiatives. (For an example of a leader who launched multiple
measures to build momentum for a transformation, see the sidebar A Technology
Leader Creates Momentum Through Rapid Moves.) As new CEOs establish momentum with these initiatives, they should also clearly define the companys goals
for improving long-term performanceand how the company will sustain those improvements overtime.


The New CEOs Guide to Transformation

A New Retail CEO Hits the Ground Running

A new CEO was hired to run a retail
organization that had been losing
market share for several years and
that was starting to see profitability
decline. During the 100 days before
taking over, the CEO visited stores,
talked with customers, studied
international best practices to build
on his own experience abroad, and
talked with experts in the retail sector.
Through that process, he realized that
the immediate priority was to identify
rapid, no-regret moves that could
increase top-line sales and reenergize
the organization.
While conducting this due diligence,
the new CEO also developed a strong
presentation to introduce his plan to
the organization. As soon as he took
over, he gave the presentation during
the first executive-committee meeting, supporting the plan with the
customer feedback hed generated
firsthand, along with his international
experience with retail peers. In this
presentation, he used very direct
language and simple terminology,
which madethe messages powerful,
credible, andresonant.

During his first month, the CEO gave

similar presentations to larger groups
of employees and managers, which
provided clarity and reduced anxiety
in the organization. He also traveled
to meet the extended management
team, visited crucial countries, and
granted interviews to select media
outletsalways with the same clear
and consistent messages.
Within the first quarter, the company
had begun to roll out several noregret moves on the basis of his
international retail experience and
firsthand research, including a loyalty
campaign, extended operating hours
for a particular store format, and new
promotions. The results jump-started
top-line growth for the first time in
years, leading to subsequent gains in
market share. With those gains
behind them, employees were more
willing to accept the cost cuts and
other measures required for the
company to become leaner and

The First Weeks: Energize the Organization

In the second stepthe initial weeks of a new CEOs tenurecommunication becomes critical. Leadership transitions and transformations can be stressful periods
for a company, and undergoing both simultaneously can make them doubly so. Yet
success requires large numbers of people to go above and beyond to accelerate the
pace of change. As a result, new CEOs must carve out the time to energize the organization and build momentum for the collective transformation ambition.
Specifically, new CEOs should start building a compelling case for change from their
first day on the job. Initially, new CEOs should make the case to the board of directors and to the senior management team to achieve consensus so that they all
speak with one voice regarding the transformation. Then, new CEOs should make
the case to the entire organization. The case for change should acknowledge the
companys heritage and the hard work of employees, but it should also discuss exter-

The Boston Consulting Group

A Technology Leader creates momentum

through rapid moves
At a global technology company, the
head of a business unit realized that
the organization was not winning the
highly competitive war for talent. The
company had dropped in the ratings
at websites such as
and in Fortune magazines annual
Best Companies to Work For review.
The results of employee engagement
surveys had been falling for years.
And the unit head knew from personal interactions with employees that
they were not happy or motivated to
go above and beyond. He wanted a
transformation that would increase
employee engagement, restore
internal pride, and persuade employees to go the extra mile.
But his challenges did not stop there.
Customer feedback was very troubling. For example, one customer
commented: When we look at your
products, we can see how your
organization is structured. Your
products are siloed, with incompatible
components and broken interfaces
which is just like your siloed organization. We need integrated solutions
with components that work together
to solve our problems, and we need
them now. Such feedback gave the
unit head a second impetus for a
In response, he defined a bold
ambition to transform the unit in
order to win the war for talent,

energize his engineers, deliver the

integrated solutions that customers
were demanding, and free up resources to deploy on opportunities for
His first step was to conduct a
thorough analysis of the root causes
of the performance issues. On the
basis of this analysis, the unit head
defined the ambition for a stepchange transformation across
multiple dimensions, including
growth, innovation, leadership
capabilities, workforce quality,
organizational efficiency, employee
productivity, and culture.
Within the first few weeks, he selected
the leadership team to drive the
transformation program and communicated the case for change, initially
among the top 150 leaders, and then
across the business unit.
In the first 100 days, the unit head
launched the full transformation
program with multiple teams, a
program management office,
change-management processes, and
an employee communications plan.
Over the next year, the transformation
delivered significant improvements
across multiple performance dimensionsthe result of a business unit
leader conducting a thorough diagnostic and defining a bold transformation ambition.

nal factors (such as the customer base, competitors, and capital markets), internal
metrics (for example, operational and organizational performance and employee engagement), and the necessary measures the company will soon take in response.(For
an example of a CEO taking dramatic steps to energize a company, see the sidebar
A Consumer Packaged Goods CEO Revamps the Companys Structure and Product


The New CEOs Guide to Transformation

A Consumer Packaged Goods CEO REvamps

the Companys Structure and Product Line
A new CEO took over a global consumer packaged goods (CPG) company that had been languishing owing
to declining sales and a sagging stock
price. Recognizing that the companys
historic profit core was shrinking and
that dramatic action was required, the
CEO established a bold vision to
change the shape and direction of the
entire organization.
Specifically, the CEO split the company in two, creating a slower-growth
domestic organization and a rapidly
expanding international player. In
addition, the least desirable divisions
were sold off, which represented
approximately 20 percent of the total
portfolio. Finally, the CEO made
several acquisitions, particularly in
growth areas that could piggyback

on the companys existing distribution channels.

Executing this transformation
required strong leadership, not only
from the CEO but also from the entire
senior-management team. Senior
leaders were assigned to new organizations on the basis of their skills and
experience in various markets. In
addition, the new CEO changed the
board to include members with a
more activist investor mind-set who
would help shape the companys
growth agenda.
Collectively, these measures more
than doubled the companys market
value and moved its total shareholder
return into the top quartile of the
CPG sector.

Line.) The case for change is typically made to internal stakeholders in various venues, such as workshops and town hall meetings, as well as through communication
channels that allow the CEO to answer important questions on vision, approach, and
tactical next steps.
In addition, leaders should tailor the message and the communication style to the
companys situation. Some companies have well-established ideas about their overall direction and sense of purpose; these companies can focus primarily on shortterm performance and delay setting a more visionary agenda. Other companies are
tired of short-term thinking and constant cuts and need a more compelling story
about where the new CEO intends to lead the company. In all cases, it is critical for
the CEO to speak with authenticity and a sense of urgency. (For a case study of a
company that had to take rapid and dramatic steps during a transformation, see
the sidebar A Pharmaceutical Company Transforms Itself and Generates $20 Billion in Value.)

The First 100 Days: Prepare and Launch the Transformation

The first 100 days of the process are critical in that they set the trajectory for the
overall transformationand indeed for the CEOs tenure. Leaders must put the
foundation in place during this time, balancing a long-term vision with day-to-day
reality. As the transformation starts to take shape and the case for change becomes

The Boston Consulting Group

A Pharmaceutical Company Transforms

Itself and Generates $20 Billion in Value
A global pharmaceutical company
had been extremely successful
consistently growing earnings by
15 percent a year and reinvesting all
remaining excess capital. However,
management challenged itself to
improve performance through a
comprehensive transformation of the
company. The investor community
also indicated that the company
could create more value by accelerating earnings growth. As the company
began to consider a transformation, it
faced an additional challengea
hostile take-over attempt.
In response, the company launched
an extremely rapid initiative to cut
activities that generated a low return
on investment and restructured to
quickly increase earnings. The project
team analyzed and redesigned the
entire company in only three months
and then implemented the new
design. Despite the rapid launch,

virtually all functions and business

units were included in the scope.
Notably, the company implemented
the transformation through both
senior leaders and managers who
were several levels down in the
organization hierarchy. This approach
led to very specific, pragmatic
solutions, and it built momentum for
the initiative throughout the companys workforce.
Through this transformation, the company cut its annual costs by more
than $500 million and increased its
earnings growth rate from 15 percent
to more than 20 percent. These
changes yielded an improvement in
company value of approximately
$20 billion. The transformation also
represented a value-creating alternative to the hostile takeover and
enabled management to strike a deal
with a different acquirer on more
favorable terms.

clear, the CEO must shift gears from planning the transformation to actually leading it. This means immediately kicking off the rapid, no-regret moves that will deliver impact within 3 to 12 months, creating and enabling initiative teams, setting
up the overall governance and change-management program for the transformation, and launching the communications plan.
These no-regret initiatives build momentum for the larger effort, win over internal
skeptics who may doubt that change is actually happening, generate credibility for
the new leadership team, and often free up capital that can be used to fund subsequent measures. As a result, these initiatives further help energize the organization.
The four primary levers for funding the journey are revenue, organizational simplicity (delayering), capital efficiency, and cost reduction. (See Exhibit 4.) In choosing where to start, many companies understandably opt for the two obvious solutions: cost cutting and organizational simplicity. This approach works, but revenue
and capital efficiency can often generate a significant impact as well. (For a case
study of a company that launched strong early stage initiatives, see the sidebar A
Manufacturer Lays the Groundwork for an Ambitious Transformation.)


The New CEOs Guide to Transformation

Exhibit 4 | Four Primary Levers Can Help Fund the Journey

Primary levers


Common tools

Typical impact

Sales force

Revamp pricing model, reduce discounts,

and develop new pricing capabilities
Improve customer targeting and enable the
sales team


Optimize spending and implement data analytics

Organizational Delayering

Trim the number of layers and increase the spans

of control

Shrinks indirect labor costs by

15 to 30 percent; improves
accountability, decision making,
and operational agility


Reduce inventory and handle payables and

receivables more efficiently

Decreases working capital by

20 to 40 percent


Sell assets, outsource functions, and increase

overall equipment effectiveness

Lowers capital expenses by

20 to 30 percent; increases
EBITDA by 2 to 8 percent

Project portfolio

Analyze net present value, prioritize projects,

and eliminate failed projects

Improves relative TSR by

20 to 40 percent

COGS and

Decrease spending on promotions, better manage

categories and suppliers, and improve procurement

Cuts COGS by 2 to 3 percent

and procurement costs by
5 to 20 percent

Supply chain

Improve logistics, optimize the network,

and streamline the product portfolio

Reduces operating expenses by

10 to 30 percent

Personnel cost

Increase offshoring or outsourcing and reduce

head count

Trims labor costs by

20 to 40 percent

Nonpersonnel cost

Cut spending on travel, utilities, facilities, IT,

and services

Lowers overhead costs by

20 percent




Raises revenue by 2 to 8 percent

Increases revenue and profit by
10 to 15 percent
Reduces marketing costs by
10 to 20 percent; boosts sales
volume by 3 to 8 percent

Source: BCG analysis.

Notes: EBITDA = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization; TSR = total shareholder return; COGS = cost of goods sold.

Once measures are under way, there is a real risk of prematurely declaring victory
and moving on to other priorities, which all but assures that the transformation effort will fail. Instead, it is critical to maintain focus and ensure that initiative teams
are on track to achieve results. Assuming that some form of project tracking has
been put in place, now is the time to ensure that leaders have full transparency into
the progress of each initiative. Regular review sessions, facilitated by the program
management office (PMO), should provide sufficient information for leaders to
know whetherand howthey need to intervene.
In particular, CEOs should avoid a number of common pitfalls during this phase, including the following:

Insufficient accountability among the owners and sponsors of the initiatives

Failure to have in place clear plans and roadmaps, backed with specific actions
and milestones that are linked to financial objectives

A lack of resources and expertise on initiative teams

The Boston Consulting Group


A Manufacturer Lays the Groundwork for

an Ambitious Transformation
The U.S. housing industry suffered a
steep correction following the 2008
global financial crisis. The CEO of a
manufacturing company responded
with a number of measures that did
not improve its financial performance.
Realizing that stronger measures
were called for, the CEO decided to
launch a more ambitious transformation program, with the goal of increasing earnings before interest and taxes
(EBIT) in one year, independent of
market growth or price changes.
To prepare for the transformation,
seven teamsfour composed of
employees from business units and
three made up of employees from
major function areasdeveloped a
roadmap of initiatives around growth,
pricing, cost reductions, and operational productivity improvements.
Each initiative specified the target
EBIT improvement, required actions,
milestones, and resources. The
company also enabled the teams to
meet these aggressive goals by providing them with new analytical frame-

works and problem-solving methodologies andtools.

To ensure the overall program
delivered on the EBIT ambition, the
company set up a steering committee
composed of senior executives and a
program management office (PMO) to
provide governance and drive the
pace of the transformation.
The PMO provided rigorous program
management, including the monthly
tracking of improvements. The
reports highlighted any initiatives that
were exceeding or falling short of
their targets. This gave management
a clear view of overall performance
and flagged situations that required
As a result, the company was able to
deliver on the ambitious EBIT target
set by the CEO. In addition, the
business units adopted a continuousimprovement approach to capture
gains after the formal transformation
program ended.

Management incentives that do not support the objectives of the transformation

Failure to engage stakeholders and overcome institutional resistance

The First 18 Months: Drive the Transformation

As the broader transformation begins to gain momentum and initial fund-thejourney efforts begin to take hold, CEOs must launch broader initiatives to win in
the medium term, set the new strategy and operating model, and build sustainable
Winning in the Medium Term. This phase requires delivering on transformation
objectives that go beyond the short-term goals of earlier, fund-the-journey efforts.
The specific objectives will vary by company, but common to all transformations is


The New CEOs Guide to Transformation

the need to establish a fundamentally different competitive position, leading to a

medium-term step-change in performance. Winning in the medium term could
entail a wide range of initiatives to transform, including driving growth, launching a
new business model, revamping commercial processes or operations, building
digital capabilities and ventures, and transforming internal support functions, such
as R&D, IT, or human resources (HR), among others. (See Exhibit 5.)
Compared with funding-the-journey measures, initiatives to win in the medium
term are usually more difficult to conceptualize, as they require breakthrough
thinking, usually in areas that are less familiar for the organization. These initiatives are also harder to staff and implement, and they call for managing interdependencies across functions and business units. (For an example of a CEO-led transformation that delivered sustainable gains, see the sidebar A Global Insurer
Implements a Value-Based Transformation.)
Setting the New Strategy and Operating Model. While driving short-term and
medium-term initiatives, companies benefit from stepping back and looking at their
overall strategy and operating model. This does not need to be a broad strategy-

Exhibit 5 | There Are Numerous Types of Transformations


Developing the strategy and the operating model to position the company for stronger growth

New business model

Dramatically shiing the business model, including the markets served and the value
proposition for customers


Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of decision making and work processes throughout
the organization


Reshaping sales and marketing by focusing on new markets and increasing the efficiency and
effectiveness of spending


Boosting a companys profitability and cost position across the manufacturing, supply chain,
and service operations


Digitizing the entire value chainand the companys competitive DNAby adopting new
technologies and rethinking the business strategy


Repositioning a company in a complex global world to take advantage of proper growth

opportunities in emerging and developed nations

Innovation and R&D

Increasing the quality and the number of innovations by improving the effectiveness of R&D


Overhauling the core IT infrastructure to enable faster decision making, powerful analytics,
efficient processes, and improved operations

Support functions

Revamping vital support functionssuch as finance, legal, and human resourcesto reduce
costs and improve performance

Source: BCG analysis.

The Boston Consulting Group


A Global Insurer Implements a Value-Based

A new CEO took over at a global
insurance company that had multiple
lines of business. The CEO conducted
an outside-in analysis to assess the
companys current situation, along
with its capabilities, its competitive
position both globally and in individual markets, and industry analysts
This process identified some clear
challenges. The companys return on
capital was low, and its capital
position was weak. The company also
lacked a rigorous process for allocating capital and had inefficient cost
structures and an unfocused portfolio
of business units, whose performance
varied widely.
Through this analysis, the CEO
defined the ambition for a transformation and established explicit
financial targets. Once he took over
the top job, he built momentum for
the effort in a series of meetings with
the board of directors and the
executive committee.
As part of the transformation, the
CEO looked at specific insurance
segments and restructured the
company into 40 cells. Each cell
represented businesses and markets
with similar underlying characteristics
(for example, vehicle insurance in the
UK, pension insurance in Poland, and
corporate insurance for large companies in the U.S.). The CEO then
assessed the performance of the
individual cells across several
dimensions through financial analyses and the evaluation of market


On the basis of the results, the

company grouped its businesses
into three clusters: grow (the top
25 percent), turnaround (the middle
50 percent), and divest (the bottom
25 percent).
Within the first 100 days, and backed
by the senior management team, the
CEO had begun communicating a
new 18-month initiative to the entire
The transformation would include
specific corrective actions to improve
the cash flow performance of the
turnaround units. In addition, the
program would reduce costs throughout the company and strengthen the
capital management process, with
more integrated planning and a
better performance-management
In all, the effort generated more than
$400 million in savings in its first
yeara savings that included a
reduction of 25 percent in the head
count of senior management.
That success stemmed from several
factors. First, the company took a
strictly fact-based approach to
analyzing business performance, in
part by eliciting an outside-in assessment from the investor and analyst
communities. Second, the CEO
ensured that all executive committee
members had accountability for
specific initiatives. And third, the
implementation plan was clear from
the start, thanks to strong communication and full buy-in from the
management team.

The New CEOs Guide to Transformation

planning exercise. In fact, we find that a targeted workshop-based approach with

the senior leadership teamand the appropriate data and analysiscan lead to a
strong outcome and do so in a highly efficient manner that doesnt distract the
leadership team from driving the overall transformation. This approach ensures
that there is buy-in from the top team and that the strategy leads to immediate
operational adjustments. (For an example of a company that implemented strategic
changes as part of its transformation, see the sidebar A Banks Transformation
Boosts Customer Satisfaction and Financial Performance.)
Building Sustainable Performance. Many organizations that deliver results during
the transformation have a tough time sustaining their hard-won performance
improvements. The goal of every CEO should be to achieve success during the first
18 months of the transformation program and then maintain it well beyond that
point. This is what separates the most transformative CEOs from the rest of the
pack. It is imperative for a CEO to own this phase and closely involve the chief
human-resources officer and other influential leaders across the company.
There are five important aspects to developing the right people and organization

A Banks Transformation boosts Customer

Satisfaction and Financial Performance
In the wake of the financial crisis, a
large bank was struggling to resume a
growth trajectory. It suffered from
poor profitability and process inefficiency, compared with its peers. The
bank also had severe liquidity issues
and high write-downs on loans in
both core and distant markets. More
fundamentally, it had an unclear
value proposition for customers and
little organizational focus on performance and collaboration among
In response, the CEO and leadership
team launched a three-step transformation aimed at improving customer
satisfaction and financial results.
The first step was to reorganize the
company around the customer
experience rather than around
divisions and functions, which was
the current, silo-based approach. That
process clarified the roles for specific

The Boston Consulting Group

functions, and it rewired processes to

foster greater collaboration across
departments. At the same time, the
company revamped its leadership
team, making some new hires and
giving some current leaders new
The second step was developing a
new strategynew business leaders
were tasked with defining the
strategy for their units. Those
individual strategies were grouped
into one major transformation effort
that was owned by the CEO and had
three specific objectives: better
customer satisfaction, greater
efficiency, and a performance-based
In the third stepcurrently under
waythe CEO and leadership team
are putting their full focus on executing the new strategy.


required to support a successful, sustainable transformation:

Ensure the commitment and change capabilities of the executive team, including their ability to set the right priorities, mobilize and energize initiative teams,
and hold themselves accountable for the results.

Deploy change-management tools and processes (such as an activist PMO,

roadmaps, and rigor testing) to engage stakeholders and deliver results. (For
more on rigor testing, see The Hard Side of Change Management, Harvard
Business Review, October 2005.)

Install an HR team that can act as a transformation partner, anticipating talent

and leadership needs, rather than as a mere service provider.

Build a talent pipeline that can help fill crucial roles, and develop capabilities in
areas critical for the transformation, such as go-to-market strategies, pricing,
sourcing, lean methods, digitization, innovation, and HR.

Simplify the organization and culture to sustain high performance in conjunction with the new strategy. Usually this entails eliminating waste and low-value
work, trimming bureaucracy, implementing shared services, automating processes, and enabling the organization to continue taking these steps on an
ongoing basis.

or most new CEOs, the imperative to change is a given; how CEOs respond to
this imperative is not. Those who stand out from the pack quickly define a bold
transformation ambitionideally before taking the reinsand then move forward
to energize the organization, prepare the program, and drive the transformation.
Through quick and decisive actionswhile time, the board, and investors are still
on their sidenew CEOs can seize the opportunity to lead a transformation and
put their company on the right trajectory for success.


The New CEOs Guide to Transformation

About the Authors

Hans-Paul Brkner is chairman of The Boston Consulting Group; he is in the firms Frankfurt
office. You may contact him by e-mail at
Lars Fste is a senior partner and managing director in BCGs Copenhagen office and the global
leader of BCGs Transformation practice. You may contact him by e-mail at
Jim Hemerling is a senior partner and managing director in the firms San Francisco office. You
may contact him by e-mail at

The authors thank Maya Gavrilova, Jonas Lumby Jensen, Paul Millerd, Louise Herrup Nielsen, MaiBritt Poulsen, and Fredrik Vogel for their contributions to this report. The authors also are grateful
to Jeff Garigliano for his assistance in writing this report and Katherine Andrews, Gary Callahan,
Kim Friedman, Abby Garland, Trudy Neuhaus, and Sara Strassenreiter for their contributions to the
editing, design, and production.

For Further Contact

If you would like to discuss this report, please contact one of the authors.

The Boston Consulting Group


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