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Geology Field Report

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary
1. Objective
2. Methodology
3. Description of the instruments used in the field
2.Study of Mass Movement
1. Introduction to mass movement
2. Types of mass movement
Slope Failure
II. Landslide
III. Debris Flow
3. observation of landslide in the field
4. Mitigation measure of landslide

3.Rock Mass and Rock Mass Classification


Rock Type
Intact Rock Strength
Discontinuities in Rock Mass
Characteristics of discontinuities in rock mass
Rock Mass Rating
Rock Mass Classification System
Rock Mass Rating Observation Table

4.Stability analysis of Rock Slope

1. Introduction
2. Failure Mechanism in rock slope and types of rock failure
3. Slope stability analysis
5. Tunnel and underground excavation
1. Introduction
2. Site selection

3. Geological consideration of successful tunnel

I. Importance of Rock Types
II. Importance of geological structures
III. Importance of groundwater
IV. Overbreak
6.Preparation of Engineering geological map
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Engineering geological map
7.Study of Intact rock Weathering classification

At every step, an engineer has to encounter earth and earth, as a material or as construction site. So it
proves the importance of geology to civil engineering professionals. He or she must go through the inner
core of engineering geology for his/her perfection and for professionalism.
The trip was really fruitful to us and certainly we got a lot of knowledge about the earth.
We would like to thank our Class Teachers: Mr. Basant Raj Adhikari and Prakash Chandra Ghhimire for
their guidelines during the trip. Without their collaboration, the trip would have been impossibile. Thank
you all our classmates who helped us during fieldwork. Thank you very much Mr. Om dai for your help in
preparing this report.
At last, we would like to express our gratitude to our college, institute of engineering. We are proud of
being students of pulchowk campus.

Executive Summary
Sibesh Kumar Singh (070/BCE/164)
Shrijan Basnet (070/BCE/163)
Sonu Shah(070/BCE/167)
Subash Shrestha (070/BCE/168)
Sobin Lal Pradhan (070/BCE/166)


1.1 Objective


Study of rock mass and rock mass classification by rock mass rating system along the
Benighat to Aarughat road section .
Study of underground excavation and support system of test-adit of Budhigandaki
Hydroelectric project
Study of rock slope stability along Benighat to Aarughjat road-section.
Preparation of Engineering Geological Map along Malekhu to Bhandara road-section
Study of weathering profile of rock.
Study of mass movement

Group was formed by 6 members. But we have 5 members only. On the first day of trip, RMR
Rating &Tunnel observations were done. And on the second day of trip, mass movement &
Preparation of engineering geological map were done.
Brunton compass was used for measurement of hill slope, dip amount, dip direction,
Bearing and geological hammer was used for splitting of rock
Location 1: RMR rating:
Strength of rock,RQD,spacing of discontinuities etc are observed and were rated
By group discussion. Hill slope, dip amount, dip direction was measured.
Location 2: weathering profile
How weathering profile is on a rock mass was observed.
Location 3: Tunnel recognition
We were brought to Budhigandaki hydropower project. 16 members of each group
were kept inside the tunnel and its features were observed.
Location 4:Mass movement
Along the highway, an example of mass movement was observed and type of failure
it may be was estimated.
Location 5:Map preparation
10m lengthwise road section was observed. Its bearing, Hill slope, Soil type, Rock
type, mass movement was observed.

1.3 Description of the instruments used in the field

Geological Hammer:
A Geologists hammer is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they
are used To obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy,
history and field estimate of rock strength.

Brunton Compass:
Arguably the most frequent use for the Brunton in the field is the calculation of the strike and
dip of Geological features( faults, contacts, foliation, sedimentary strata etc.) If next to the feature, the
strike is measured by leveling( with the bulls eye level ). The compass along the plane being measured.
Dip is taken by laying the side of the compass perpendicular to the strike measurement and rotating
horizontal level until the bubble is stable and the reading has been made. If properly used and if field
condition follow, additional features of the compass allow user to measure such geological attributes
from a distance.

2.Study of mass movement

Mass movement is the detachment and downslope transport of soil and rock material under the
influence of gravity. The sliding or flowing of material is due to their position and to gravitational force
but mass movement is accelerates by presence of mainly water.

2.2 Type of mass movement

Mass movement has been classified in to main three types ie. Slope failure, landslide and debris flow in
accordance to their mechanisms, types of material and rate of movement.
1. Landslide movement of large sediment block which has clear slide surface. Large dimension slow
continuous movement mainly affected by ground water.
2. Debris flow movement of deposition or eroded sediments along the stream. Rapid movement
including large volume of water through the stream
3. Slope failure movement of weathered surface soil layer rock of steep slope (small dimention and
rapid movement )

2.3 observation of landslide in the field

Location no: 4 Rock failure was observed.
2.4 Mitigation measure of landslide
Preventive measures of landslide :
1. Retaining wall: retaining are relatively rigid walls used for supporting the soil mass laterally so that
the soil can be retained at different level on the two sides
2. Pile works: Sheet pile of 200-600mm are driven through the sliding surface to control landslide
movement directly this is used in very urgent and important locations.
3. Anchor walls: an anchor wall is applied to prevent the landslide through the tensile strength of
steel wire or steel bar which anchor the sliding soil mass to the bed rock.
Corrective measures for maintaining stability of landslide

1. Reduction of pore water pressure: it can be reduces by improvement of surface and sub surface
water drainage. This can be done by construction of surface and sub-surface water drainage
system and prevention of water infiltration by application of bio engineering technology. Ie.
2. Slope reformation: the soil removal after trimming of slope is main function of correction. Sliding
force can be reduce through a partial or entire removal of sliding mass from crown side of the
landslide mass.
3. A loading embankment work: it is made at the toe of a landslide to balance the sliding force with
the additional loading force. This method is also widely used because of its reliable and immediate
effect and sometimes is combines with soils removal work at the head of landslide.

3 Rock Mass and Rock Mass Classification

Rock mass is mass of rock interrupted by discontinuities with each constituent discrete block
having intact rock properties. Rock masses are heterogeneous because of differing rock types, presents of
discontinuities and varying degree of weathering. The stability and deformability of the rock is dependent
on the strength and deformability of the rock mass.

3.2.Rock type:
I. Igneous rock: Those rocks that are formed by the process of magmatism are known as igneous rock.

Random orientation of rock and self interlocked

No bedding planes
Hard of massive

II. Sedimentary rock: Those rocks formed from the process of sedimentation are called sedimentary rocks.
sedimentation process is accumulation ,compaction, cementation, consolation of sediment from by the
weathering of old rock either igneous , metamorphic and are then transported by geological agents(water,
wind, ice etc).
Properties :

Random orientation of rocks and sediments

Sediments cemented by fine materials
Have thick bedding palne

III. Metamorphic rock Those rocks formed from the alternation of pre existing rocks sedimentary-igneous
by the process of metamorphism are called metamorphic rock
Properties :

Preffered orientation of minerals i.e.directional arrangements

Foliation plane
Having rock cleavage

3.3 weathering : it is defined as mechanical disintegration and chemical decomposition under the
influence of atmospheric condition of pre-existing rocks into small fragments , which makes the rock
minerals lose and separable.

3.4 intact rock strength:Strength is a fundamental quantitative engineering property of a rock

specimen. The applied stress may be compressive, shear or tensile in application giving rises to
compressive, shear and tensile strengths. Among them, compressive strength is the most commonly used
in engineering application. Grain size, Texture, mineralogy, and degree of foliation influence the strength
of rock.

3.5 discontinuities in rock mass: any structural or geological feature that changes the homogeneity
of rock. It constituents a tremendous range from structure upto several kilometers in extent down to a few
Bedding plane, foliation ,joints , faults and fault zones are all form of discontinuities.
Rock mass=intact rock + discontinuities

3.6 characteristics of discontinuities in rock mass:

a.Orientation: orientation of discontinuities are conformed by measuring attitude of the plane. A set of
discontinuity or intersection of discontinuity sets may cause rock instability according to the relation with
the hill slope.
b.Spacing: it is a perpendicular distance between the discontinuity planes with its adjacently parallel
another discontinuity plane .
c.Continuity(persistence): continuity reveals the length of joint and is measured in an exposed rock
d. Aperture and infilling materials: aperture is widening distance between two discontinuities .it may be
tight or open, and space may be empty , partially filled , of completely filled. The infilling material may be
clay, silt and sand.
e.Surface characteristics (roughness): the surface of discontinuity may be smooth or very rough. The
friction angle of rock depends on the degree of roughness .higher the degree of roughness higher will be
the frictional angle.
f. ground water condition(seepage): dry damp .. wet.. dripping.flowing
Increasing in the intensity of water flow

3.7Rock mass Rating (RMR): in 1976, bieniawski published the details of a rock mass classification
called the geomechanics classification and widely known as rock mass rating(RMR) system.
In this system, different rating values have been assigned to different parameter according to their
weight . in the field , all the parameters are measured and assigned to the respective rating values. Finally,

the summation of rating values of all the individual parameters give the final rating value and the rock
mass is classified as follows:

Class no

Rating value

3.8 Rock Mass Classification system

3.9 Rock Mass Rating observation table

Rock quality
Very good rock
Good rock
Fair rock
Poor rock
Very poor rock

Location no:1 Along the Benighat to Aarughat road section

So, the given rock mass fall into Good Rock(80-61)
Hill Slope: 65deg 30 min

4.Stability analysis of rock slope

4.1 Introduction
Kinematic analysis is a method used to potential for various modes of rock slope failures (plane, wedge,
toppling failure), that occurs due to unfavorably oriented discontinuities.

4.2 failure mechanics in rock slope and type of rock failure

1. Plane failure:
Condition for plane failure:

The joint plane and the hill slope should dip in same direction.
The dipping of the join should be less than that of hill slope.
The strike different should be less than 20
The dip of the joint should be more than internal friction angle.

2. Toppling failure:
Condition for toppling failure

The joint plane and the hill slope should dip in opposite direction.
The strike difference should be less than 20
The dip of the joint should be more than internal friction angle.

3. Wedge failure:
Condition for wedge failure

The wedge and hill slope should dip in same direction.

The dipping of wedge should be less than the dip of hill slope
The strike difference should be between 20
The dip of wedge should be more than internal friction angle.

4.3Slope stability analysis

Data collected from field are first plotted into a polar stereonet. This can be carried out from hand
or computer. From each dip and strike plotted in the stereonet cluster will form and each cluster will
represent a discontinuity.

Location No: 4 all types of failure was found.

5. Tunnel and underground excavation

5.1 Introduction
Tunnels are underground passages or routes through hills or mountains used for different purposes. They are
made by excavation of rocks below the surface or through the hills or mountains. Careful geological examinations should
be made with reference to the rock types occurring at the site, the structures associated with them and the prevailing
ground water conditions.

5.2 Site selection

Hard rocks like granite, quartzite, gneiss, etc is favourable than weak rocks like slate, phyllite,etc.
Horizontal or slighty dipping rocks with the stike parallel to the axis of the tunnel.
Steepy dipping formulations with the strike perpendicular to the axis of the tunnel.
Large quantity of water flow is very unfavourable ; this problem arises when the tunnel is located below the
water table.

5.3 Geological consideration of successful tunnel

The safety, success and economy of tunneling depend heavily on the various geological conditions prevailing at
the site.

5.3.1Importyance of Rock Types

The nature of rock types which are encountered along the tunnel alignment is vey important for the safety and
stability of tunnel. In brief, the competent rocks i.e. those which are strong, hard and massive will lead to safe but slow
tunneling and the incompetent rocks which are loose or soft or fractured, though willing for easy tunneling, will be
unstable and hence require lining.
5.3.2 Importance of geological structures
The bearing of structures in tunnels is very important for two reasons:
1)They modify The competency and suitability of rocks for tunneling.
2)They may create or prevent ground water problems, which are of critical importance in tunneling. Joints, faults, folds,
and tilted structures are the most commonstructural features associated with rocks.
5.3.3 Importance of groundwater
Under the adverse condition, large quantities of ground water may gush out and inundate the tunnel. Ground
water makes easier the movement of rock mass upon eachother and will therefore promote slips along divisional planes
such as joints and bedding planes. If the tunnel lies below the position of water table then the ground water problem is

5.3.4 Overbreak
Overbreak indicates the quantity of rock broken and removed inexcess of what is required by the perimeter of
the proposed tunnel. The geological factors which govern the over break are:
1) The nature of the rocks.
2) The orientation and spacing of joints or weak zones in massive and soft rocks of a homogenous nature cause less
overbreak than harder rocks with well-developed joints or weak zones.
The factor of overbreak is important because it adds to the cost of tunneling, particulary if lining is required.

Location no:3 Tunnel was in T shape. 1m height &2m width. Rock bolt and screeding was observed.

6. Preparation of Engineering Geological map

6.1Introduction: The graphical representation of purpose specific geological information or data
Obtained from field( after site investigation) which can be quantified(in numbers0, with reference to north
at certain scale is known as Engineering Geological map. It includes lithology( distribution of rock types),
soil types( alluvial, colluvial, residual), geomorphology(river, stream,slope, aspect, inclination, slope
stabilities like mass movement i.e landslide, debris flow, slope failure etc., existing infrastructure (road,
canal, dam, bridge).

6.3 Engineering Geological map



Rock Type

Hill slope










Location no:5 10m road section geological map was prepared.

7. Study of intact rock weathering classification

The weathering condition of the rock has a significant influence on the engineering properties of rock. The degree
to which chemical weathering or alteration has occurred in a given rock type is amenable to classification that
reduces compressive strength. The degree of weathering may differ in rock depending upon various factors such as
size, orientation of discontinuities and groundwater movement.



Degree of


Rock discolored and completely changed to soil in which original rock fabric is
destroyed. There is a large change in material volume. Hazards depends on
water-content and natural slope.
Completely The rock discolored and changed to soil but the original rock fabric is mainly
weathered preserved. There may be occasional core stones. The properties of the soil
depend in part on the nature of the parent rocks. Severely hazardous.
The rock discolored. Discontinuities may be open, discolored surface and original
weathered rock fabric discontinuities may be altered. The alteration penetrates deeply but
core stones are present. Highly hazardous.
Moderately The rock discolored. Discontinuities may be open and show discolored surfaces





with alteration starting to penetrate in wards. Intact rock is noticeably weaker as

determined in the field, than the fresh rocks
Moderately hazardous.
The rock may be slightly discolored particularly adjacent to discontinuities, which
may be open will have slightly discolored surfaces. The intact rock is noticeably
weaker as determined in the field, than the fresh rocks. It is considerably less
The parent rock is not discolored and there is no loss of strength. Free
from hazards.

Location no:2 Highly weathered rock surface was seen.

8. Conclusion: Hence in our two day trip, we learned a lot of geological phenomenon. We could
perform practical aspect that we had studied in theoretical class. We learned how to classify rock mass,
how tunnel is made, how to prepare geological map, see mass movement.
Although the trip was fruitful, not sufficient.

Data collected during the field visit
Sketches drawn and photo taken in the field
Engineering Geology:
By Prakash Chandra Ghimire
Mahesh Singh Dhar
Old Field Report(063)

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