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The key takeaways are that dowsing is a method to tap into one's subconscious or spiritual guidance to detect information, and it can be used by anyone to find resources like water or get answers to questions. Different tools like pendulums or divining rods can be used for dowsing.

Dowsing is tapping into one's subconscious or spiritual guidance using a method like a feeling, muscle twitch or controlled device to detect information. Anyone can learn dowsing as the subconscious has strong sensing abilities. Examples given are knowing when someone is looking at you or when a family member is in trouble from a distance.

The types of dowsing tools mentioned are pendulums, divining rods and dowsing charts which can be used with a pendulum. Pendulums are the most common tool used.

Companion to

Learning to Dowse - Student Guide
Teachers Syllabus
Walt Woods

SG 5.1

Companion to
Learning to Dowse - Student Guide
Teachers Syllabus
Walt Woods
Fifth Revision
Nov. 2005

A special thanks to Lea Kachadorian, Bob Sird, Kay Lamm, Mardi Gieseler,
Penn Bell, Nicolas Finck, Mike Doney and the many other dowsers who have
contributed their wisdom and understanding to make this book possible.
Walter Woods, Nov. 2005, SG 5.1, may be copied in part or whole for
personal use, for friends or clubs. It may not be copied for use in or as a forprofit sale item without written permission from the author.
SG 5.1

First Edition Aug.2005, revisions Sept. Oct.

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Table of Contents
What is Dowsing?
Who Can Dowse
Getting Started
Dowsing Tools
Types of Dowsing Charts
How to Use Dowsing Tools
Introduction to Programing
Three Steps to Programing
Example Programs
Primary or Foundation Program
Request for Guidance Program
Water Program
Asking Dowsing Questions
Practice Dowsing
What Next?
Word Definition

Introduction to Teachers Syllabus

Suggestions for the First
Time Dowsing Instructor
Hormesis Curve
Multipurpose Dowsing Chart
This Student Guide is for beginners or for persons who would like a dowsing tune-up for
better accuracy. Ideally, you would be in a class with an instructor to guide, demonstrate and
expand on the principles involved. If you dont have an instructor, this booklet is designed so you
can learn all by yourself or in a small group. This Guide is divided into simple progressive steps.
And as you progress you will be surprised how easy it is to learn to dowse, and how to increase
This Student Guide is complete unto itself, but for more advanced information there is a
companion booklet Letter To Robin, A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing which is based on
the input of over 150 skilled dowsers. It contains a lot of concentrated information. They are in
systematic progression, eventually leading to doing over 100 areas on yourself. By learning to
dowse with this Student Guide, you will find Letter To Robin, A Mini-Course in Pendulum
Dowsing very informative and easy to read.

What is Dowsing?
Dowsing is one of the many names used for apparently tapping into your Superconscious,
Subconscious, Spirit Guides, or something like that. This is accompanied with some method for
detecting this information. This could be a gut feeling, the twitch of a muscle, or some type of
controlled external device. Every culture in the world, clear back to cave drawings, has had some
type of dowsing. Dowsing was often used to find life-giving water.
Who Can Dowse
Lets first look at the abilities of the Subconscious. If you think about it, have you ever had the
experience of staring at a person, then have them immediately turn and look right at you? Can
you sometimes feel that someone is looking at you? Have you had the phone ring and you
somehow know it was Uncle Joe even though you hadnt thought of him in a long time? And you
were right. Have you ever had a very good idea just pop into your mind, seemingly out of
nowhere? Does your body suddenly react, like taking your foot off the accelerator and putting it
on the brake almost before you are aware of the danger? Does a mother know if her child is in
trouble, with distance not being a factor? These and many other similar experiences have

happened to almost every one. As you can see the Subconscious, or some aspect of it, has
excellent sensing and reacting abilities, including internal, up-close, or at apparently unlimited
Could you train or program your Subconscious or some aspect of it, to use many types of tools
or devices? Of course you can. You would be using the same method that you used to train or
program your Subconscious automatically to write your name, type, or play an instrument.
Simply program your Subconscious to express its available information with some type of
indicating method or device. It is just the same as training or programing your mind and
Subconscious to do most any thing else. But like most procedures, it will take practice to be, and
stay good at it.

Getting Started
Suggestion: For the beginner and experienced dowser, you may find the knowledge of a simple
little trick found on page 6, (See *Note) which may help get you into the dowsing mode. Then do
the How to Use on page 6, just to get your pendulum started. This will make it easy to follow
the instructions below.
Your first dowsing for information experience should have positive, successful, fun results.
Here is an often overlooked point to consider. It is a very subtle, often an unrecognized area, and
some even think it is silly. But physiologists tell us that first impressions are lasting
impressions . The reason is that the first impression is what influences the next impression in the
same area. This then becomes the foundation for all future reactions in this area. If you have a
positive experience, condition, reaction and have success, this influences future responses. If
you have a negative, not sure, questioning, fearful, embarrassing experience or failure, then this
will have both conscious and Subconscious future influences. First impressions can be
overcome, but only with strong determination. Can you remember a very embarrassing
experience you have had with a person? Notice how you react each time you think about this
person. Can you un-remember some things? A first try, embarrassing dowsing failure, in front
of a group of people, may have this kind of reaction.
When you first start dowsing for information, to help build your future dowsing success,
try the following procedures. This will only takes a few minutes.
Pendulum and Chart: Using a dowsing chart, and with your Pendulum swinging toward the
Ready for Question, ask several questions that you know the answer to. This is so you
visually, mentally, emotionally and Subconsciously experience the feeling of your Pendulum
swinging to the right answer and success . It is OK to encourage the Pendulum. Even if you feel
you are influencing the answer, it is still the correct answer. You will be training your
Subconscious. Here are some suggested questions you could try. Is my name Joe? (yes or no)
Am I a Female? (yes or no). Do I live in Chico? (yes or no) . This sounds too simple, and quick
to be true, but dont underestimate the lasting effect you are building on . Now it is OK to try
some unknown fun areas. Enjoy.
L-Rod: If you are in a class, ask your instructor to find and mark a water vein or energy zone.
Now with your L-Rod(s) in ready position, straight ahead, go to the spot they marked and
expect your rods to react the same way the instructors rods reacted. You will experience visual,
mental, emotional and Subconscious success. If you dont have an instructor, find a water valve

and go experience finding the known pipe. Now since you have expressed a positive dowsing
reaction you can go play and have fun.
Note: In the future when you start to dowse, always start your Pendulum to swinging and then
let it take over . This is just like when you write your name you start your pen to moving, and it
automatically takes over and writes your name. With the L-Rod, by swinging them or it into the
ready poison, does the same thing.
Dowsing Tools
All dowsing tools or devices work equally well. It all depends on what you are comfortable with.
You may have a favorite pen you use to write letters, but almost any pen would work. The
following drawings give you a general idea. There are additional illustrations in Letter to Robin,
A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing.

Shape: Can be anything that you can hang on a string or chain.
They can be any size, even as small as a paper-clip on
a thread. The chain or string is usually about 3 to 4
inches long.
Materials: Anything you can find. Go by your feelings.
How to use: Hold as shown. The usual response request is for:
swinging straight forward for yes, sideways for no
and at an angle for Ready for question. Feel free to instruct ( direct,
program ) your dowsing system to respond anyway you like.
Advantages: Easy to make. Easy to use. Very popular. Small enough to go in your
pocket or purse. Quick response. Excellent tool for dowsing charts or

Disadvantages: Some problem in the wind or when walking. This problem can be
overcome by requesting ( pre-arranging, programming ) the pendulum in a
clockwise or counterclockwise direction to indicate the yes or no
L RODS (Angle Rod, Swing Rod, Pointing Rod - - -)

Shape: With or without a sleeve handle. The top wire can be four inches
to over two feet long. The usual length is around

twelve to sixteen inches.

Material: Usually wire. A metal coat hanger is a good source.
Welding rod is also a very popular material. You can
use just about anything you can bend into an L shape.

How to use: Hold loosely in your hand with the top

wire tilted slightly downward.
When one L Rod is used alone, it acts as a pointer or
a swing rod. It can be requested to point
towards a target or direction, or to swing
sideways when encountering a specified
energy field. ( i.e. an aura or noxious zone )
When using two L Rods, they are normally
programmed to: point straight forward for the
ready position, to cross for the yes response or when over a target, and
to swing outward for the no response.
Advantages: Easy to make. Easy to use, very versatile and popular. Works well
when walking over rough ground. They are generally not affected by mild
Disadvantages: Not as easy to carry or conceal as a pendulum. Although, the
small four-six inch ones can be put in your shirt pocket or purse.
Types of Dowsing Charts
Charts come in every conceivable form that you can imagine. There are books of Dowsing
Charts. To start: look at the drawings below. This is all you will need most of the time for YES
and NO questions. You can use the Ready for Question line or simply start your Pendulum
swinging in an area away from any answer. This way you know it is not stuck over an answer.

There will be times when you want to know about Beneficial and Non-beneficial information.
To do this, simply add some numbers to indicate the amount or level of any condition. If you
wish, you can, by just using your imagination or focused intent, add one or two zeros to the
numbers. This allows you to use them for other projects, including percentages.

How to Use Dowsing Tools

Dowsers use many types of tools and devices. If you are in a class your instructor will probably
have several types to play with. For now the most commonly used ones are the Pendulum,
generally used with Dowsing Charts, and the L-Rod. They are interchangeable and can be held
and used in many ways
Because this is a training or programing procedure, like training your Subconscious bioelectrical muscle system to use a screwdriver or a can opener, it is not critical how you hold the
dowsing tool, as long as it is comfortable and functional. When you write your name with a pen,
which you already have a program for, you start the pen and expect it to write your name. And it
does. You will be training your fingers to move the Pendulum in the same way you trained them
to write your name. Dont let anyone tell you that your fingers are not supposed to move. In the
lab, if you take fast-frame motion pictures, you can see these non-deliberate, Subconsciously
controlled movements on any dowser. The motion is some times subtle and small, but it is there.
If you make electrical measurements of the muscles, the bio-electrical muscle signals are always
*Note : Of course you can control the movement of dowsing tools, but you can also let the
Subconscious control the movement . This is similar to writing your signature. One way to do
this is to treat the pendulum or other tools like a person. When you ask a person a serious
question you simply watch and listen for an answer. If you think about what you do, you will
notice that you go into a kind of silence , just watching and listening, without thinking, or even
being aware of anything else, except the response. When you dowse, try going into that silence
and just watch and wait for the answer. ( This is sometimes called a Dowsing Mode .) You will
be amazed how well it works. Dowsing does take practice, but can be learned rather quickly.
Generally, you hold the Pendulum like in the drawing . (p.3) The length of the string or chain
between your finger and the Pendulum determines how fast it moves. A string or chain held
around 3 or 4 inches long will usually give a good swing speed.
How To Use: Now hang your Pendulum directly over the center of the + or the bottom of the
half circle and deliberately start the Pendulum swinging toward the Ready for Question.
Physically make it go. This is to start training your Subconscious bio-electrical muscle system.
It will probably stop. Start it again, telling it to keep swinging on its own. This may take a little
while. You didnt train your fingers to type or play a musical instrument in just a few strokes.
Each time you deliberately start the Pendulum swinging toward the Ready for Question,
expect it to keep going on its own. It is OK if it takes a while to make it work. You will be able
to practice more later.
Note : The swinging from the center towards the Ready for Question is the Indicating
Half Swing . Ignore the back swing from the center away from Ready for Question. Pretend
you cant see it . Follow the I ndicating Swing wherever it goes, even if it goes down to the
bottom half on some types of circle dowsing charts.
Introduction to Programing
Programing or informing your Subconscious what you want is very simple. Every time you
learn something new, you have created a new, additional or add-on program. For example, you

can inform your Subconscious to alert you to pick up a loaf of bread the next time you are in a
grocery store. It is capable of doing this. Or on a more permanent basis, to turn out the light
each time you leave a certain room. Some people can even program their Subconscious to wake
them at 6 each morning, and it will. In the above cases, you needed to inform your
Subconscious in advance. It does not automatically know what you want it to do. You need to
inform it by some method.
As you can see, the Subconscious is easily trained or programed. But it needs to know what you
want. For this reason you need to inform, instruct, train or program your Subconscious, or
Dowsing System both mentally and physically, how to move an indicating device (Pendulum,
L-Rods, etc.) and, equally important, what information you want, as well as what to avoid.
Three Steps to Programing
Once you have your Pendulum or L-Rod trained or programed to move to YES and NO, it is
time to inform your Dowsing System what you are interested in. It needs to know what
parameters to use and how to respond to your questions. There are many ways and systems to
do this, but I favor a three-step system.
Step 1. With your pendulum swinging to Ready for Question ask your Dowsing
System May I install a program? If it goes to NO, try later.
Step 2. If it goes to YES, then read, preferably out loud, a prepared program. Your Pendulum
should continue to keep swinging to YES while you read the program. If you hold the Pendulum
at the edge of your side vision, peripheral view, while you are reading the program, it will have
a type of post-hypnotic effect. This helps to permanently store the programs in your
Subconscious and you should not have to repeat them until you wish to make deletions,
adjustments or additions.
Step 3. Next ask the Dowsing System if the program is acceptable, being clear and noncontradictory, and that it can be changed, at any time, but only by me? If you get a YES, you are
done. If NO, it is OK to dialog with the Dowsing System using the YES/NO response to your
questions to determine why.
Summary : Any program can be installed in the same way. The three steps are:
1 . Get permission to install, 2 . Read in a program, 3 . Check to see if it is OK
NOTE: You are programing your Subconscious or Dowsing System, not the Pendulum or LRod, and you do not have to repeat programs each time you dowse . Your Subconscious will
automatically responds to your pre-programed instructions. Just like you dont have to reprogram yourself to drive your car, each time you use it.
Remember You will improve your dowsing with practice ; similar to learning to play a musical
Example Programs
Now is a good time to install these three programs . This lets your Dowsing System know
what you want. The following programs were developed over years with the input of many
dowsers. This is the best we have for now, and it will change as you, I and others, gain more
understanding. If you have an instructor, they will probably have changes, additions or
improvements based on their experiences.

NOTE : You dont have to understand the reasons for the programing instructions. Your
Subconscious is very informed and will easily understand and use these instructions. Each
instruction is designed to solve problems that have come up in the past . You will probably
add more instructions in the future.
To install a program just use the three-step system: (1) Get permission. (2) Read a prepared
Program with the Pendulum running in the YES mode. (3) Check your Dowsing System to see
if the program is OK. If YES, you are done. If NO, you may dialog with your System, by asking
questions, and using YES and NO responses to find out why.
Primary or Foundation Program
The Primary Program is your Foundation Program for all other Programs to attach to. Just like
in a computer, the Windows program is the base for other programs to be built on. The Program
will start and end with quotation marks. It will also have a title, just like a computer program
does. The following is your Primary or Foundation Program. It is the first one you will want to
install. Give it a try, you will be surprised how easy it is.
(The three-step installation time is about 2 minutes and 45 seconds.)
(1) Get permission. (2) Read Program. (3) Check if it is OK.
Primary Program : is to be continually in effect until I choose to make changes.
Covering the overall primary controls, limits, agreements and dowsing responses.
The Purpose is to determine amounts, effects, conditions, circumstances, influences,
times, measurements, distances, numbers, percentages and other requested areas.
Communications and Support is to be inter-cooperative and restricted to my
Superconsious, Spirit, Higher Self, My Awareness, Subconscious and related systems and
all other levels of my total Being and their approved Spirit Guides/Guardian Angels,
Entities, helpers and others chosen by me.
Influences such as misleading thoughts, imaging, wishes, or any other conditions or
methods from any source, physical or non-physical of any kind, are not to take control of
any of my systems or affect me adversely or cause incorrect dowsing answers without my
Time as related to dowsing is to be in my perceived time unless otherwise requested.
Answers are to be selected from all available knowledge and information sources.
The Method of Answering by the Pendulum or any dowsing systems is to be: (1)
Swinging to (?) or other agreed-on methods or systems, indicating ready for questions.
(2) General, swinging or moving to yes or no or other information indicating the
most appropriate answer for the question asked, or other requested information methods
or systems.
Temporary Changes may be made by me while dowsing, reverting back to the original
program after use.
Program Changes like adding, deleting or changing may be made by me, but only by
using a Three-Step System of my choice. End of Program , Thank You.
NOTE : The three-step requirement above, like the three steps you use to install this program,
is to prevent accidental changes without your deliberate intent.
Request for Guidance Program

(May I, Can I, Should I)

If we are dealing with our Subconscious, Superconscious, Spirit Guides and probably many
other aspects, we need their guidance and support. If you ask for guidance and get an OK, then

all these aspects will help you achieve your goal. If you get a NO from your guidance request,
dont be surprised if you are blocked or get no support or wrong answers. There are many
reasons not to proceed. For example: If your Spirit Guides have spent a year setting you up, or
someone else, to learn a very valuable life lesson and you wish to change or interfere with it,
you would probably get a NO. It is OK to dialogue with your Dowsing System and ask why.
The following is the program I currently use. There are many versions of these principles and I
will probably change these as I learn more.
(The three Step installation time is about 45 seconds.)
(1) Get permission. (2) Read Program. (3) Check to see if it is OK.
May I, Can I, Should I Program: is to become a working part of all my
Dowsing Programs and be continually in effect until I make changes. When used in
reference to dowsing questions, the May I, Can I, Should I is to have the following
May I is to mean: Do I have permission and support to proceed and be involved?
Can I means: Do I have the ability to successfully dowse in this area and am I ready?
Should I means: Considering all aspects related to this situation would it be
appropriate, proper and suitable to dowse in this area at this time? End of Program.
Thank You .
Water Program
Now is a good time to install this program. You will be using it later in this Student Guide. If
your Dowsing System knows exactly what you are looking for, it will answer accordingly. You
should have this or some type of instructions pre-agreed on when you start to look for water.
There are many program versions for searching for water. This is the one I use currently based
on talking to many dowsers over the years, but it will probably change as I learn more from you
and others. If you are in a class, the instructors will probably have different versions that work
well for them. Most programs work well.
Once this water program is in your Subconscious, all you have to do is ask simple water
questions. Your Dowsing System will answer the questions, while referring to the preinformation and instructions that you put in the water program.
Note : the [_] indicate flexible areas . Like [300] could be changed to [500] while dowsing.
Because of instructions you put in your Primary Program, it automatically reverts back to your
original water program after you are done with this job.
(The three-step installation time is about 40 seconds)
(1 ) Get permission. (2) Read Program. (3) Check to see if it is OK.
Water Program : is to become part of and work with all my dowsing programs or
agreements, and to be continually in effect until I make changes.
Depth: to be less than [300] feet deep.
Minimum Amount: Be able to supply to the surface, a minimum of [3] gallons per
When: Be able to currently supply the minimum amount of water specified, year around.
Quality: to be potable water, (safe for humans to drink) and palatable to [me].
Location: Readily accessible to well-drilling equipment.
Legal: Meet the local requirements for a well-site location.
End of
Program . Thank you.
NOTE: Now when you ask a simple water dowsing question all the above is in effect. There are
example water questions on page 12.

Asking Dowsing Questions

In my experience our Subconscious, Higher Self, Superconscious, Spirit Guides and
whatever, at this level, seem to have wonderful abilities and almost unlimited information
sources. It appears they are very rarely wrong when the answer is based on the literal
interpretation of our questions and the question does not involve the malleable future.
Predicting seems to work at times, but it could be based on their vast knowledge of ongoing
and/or past events. Example prediction: If you left for work every Monday at 8 oclock for the
last three years, could I predict what you will be doing, a week, or a month from now, on
Monday at 8 oclock, with pretty good accuracy? Example of a literal interpretation: He was
caught red-handed. To us, in our present culture, this means he was caught stealing something.
The literal interpretation is he has a hand that is red in color.
The cartoons below are examples of how we assume a meaning, which may or may not be
what it literally means.
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Please fill in your name address and sign here.

Lets see: Mary Jones, 1012 High St., Capricorn

The answer Capricorn is correct for the litera l interpretation, but gave the wrong information
to the questioner.

Age of parents if living?

Mom 105 dad 106

Are they really that old? No,

but they would be if still living.

The answer is correct for the literal interpretation, but gave the wrong information to the
Also, another point to consider: if you have tried to clear your mind for meditation, you know
how thoughts are darting everywhere. Dont assume the Subconscious can tell exactly what you
want from the jumble of changing thoughts. Not until you deliberately focus and carefully word
a question, all by itself, can the Subconscious (Dowsing System) know exactly what you want.
Practice Dowsing

Water Dowsing: This is a good place to practice because your body is very sensitive to
finding life-supporting water. You have already programed the Water Dowsing instructions

and parameters, as well as all aspects of the Primary and Guidance Programs into your
Dowsing System. You have also had the experience, feeling, sensing and seeing a positive
personal water-sensing response. It is now time to enjoy these reactions in an unknown location.
Have fun.
Example Questions for Water Dowsing :
Availability: Are there available well site(s) within the area I have designated? This would be a
yes or no answer. NOTE: Feel free to change any wording, at anytime.
Best Spot : Where is the best spot to drill a well , within the boundaries of my designated area,
using the following instructions and responses? (Remember, all responses are based on your
pre-programed parameters. Like maximum depth, etc.)

Basic Instructions :
If you are on or near the property, ask your L-Rod(s) to point in the direction you should walk
to find the best location. Just follow their directions they may take you around obstacles.
Location: Ask them to cross (for two L-Rods) or quickly swing sideways (if using only one LRod) when you are over the center of greatest water flow for the best spot. There may be several
good spots that you can find in the same way.
Number of Veins: Ask if there is more than one vein at this location within your (preprogramed) depth limitations. If yes ask your L-Rod or Pendulum to indicate a yes for each
number you count and a no when you go beyond the number of veins.
Depth: Ask for the depth of the first vein by asking your L-Rod or Pendulum to indicate a
yes as you count down the number of feet, or tens of feet, and to indicate a no when beyond
this vein . If there is more than one vein, do the same for each one. NOTE: Most dowsers
advise that if you are doing this for someone else, only give approximate depths.
Width of Water Source: Ask your L-Rod to indicate the outer edges, where there is a or
25% drop in flow compared to the greatest flow. This gives you an idea of the most usable width
of this water source. You can also determine the distance from the top to bottom of each
individual vein in the same way you did for the depth.
Direction of Water Flow: Ask a single L- Rod to point in the direction that the water is
flowing. If there is more than one vein you would check each one.
Available Water: Using the same counting method you can determine the amount of water in
gal/min from each vein, available to the surface. NOTE: Most dowsers advise that if you are
doing this for someone else, only give them your best guess and for one half your indicated
amount, because of the many problems encountered in drilling.

What Next?
Once you have some good experience with your new-found tools, it is time to expand your
areas of dowsing information. With your new knowledge you will find Letter to Robin, A
Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing easy to understand. It takes you over some of the same
material in a slightly different way. It also takes you from the Dos and Donts through many
other topics clear through to 100 areas to explore about your-self and your well being.
Letter to Robin is divided into short blocks of different subjects where you will discover
many more interesting aspects related to dowsing. It is based on many years of research and the
compiled information, sharing and wisdom of well over 150 dowsers.

There is a free Internet download for Letter to Robin, A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing
in five languages: English, Spanish, German, French and Italian.
There are also links to locations where you can purchase a bound copy (bound like this one) for
a minimal cost and find other books and materials. They in turn will have more links.
There are many very good dowsing books out there. Enjoy your new-found adventure.
Happy Dowsing,

Word Definition
The following words have different meanings for different persons and different groups of
people at different times. But just for this booklet , let us have a temporally accepted definition.
These words are also used in the same way in Letter to Robin, A Mini Course in Pendulum

Dowsing System : I use these words to express an idea, because there seem to be many
aspects to what is going on when we dowse. The physical aspect of programing or training the
Subconscious to express itself automatically is well demonstrated in lab tests. And, even though
a lot of the information seems to come from or through the Subconscious, there are most likely
many other contributing sources. So for lack of better words, I call this the Dowsing System.
Noxious Energies : Any form of energy, condition, zone or situation that is or could adversely
affect any aspect of my total being in a harmful, disrupting or interfering way by exceeding my
healing and defensive mechanisms.
Subconscious : Conscious is when you are awake and aware, but it probably uses less
than one thousandth of your total sensing system. Subconscious is all the other awareness and
sensing activities in your system. The Subconscious can sense inside or at a distance, and there
are thousands of other reactions going on all the time. Some- times by using dowsing, or other
response systems, some interesting aspects of this sensing and other information can be
encouraged to come through to your conscious awareness.
Superconscious and Higher Self : These areas may in some way be related to a spiritual
level. This may also be an area that makes us seem alive and may pop ideas into our heads
seemingly out of nowhere. Some people seem to relate this to some aspect of the Creative Force
or something like that. Its your choice.
Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels : Many people believe that there are Entities or
Spiritual Beings that seem to help guide us, particularly in our spiritual growth. They seem to be
able to contact us on a very subtle level, and possibly even through our dowsing, by influencing
some aspects of the responding abilities of our Subconscious.
Entities : For our purposes let us assume that an Entity is simply you, me or perhaps some
other being, without a physical body. In this form it is often referred to as an Astral or Spiritual
Body. Apparently we are fully aware, alert and may still have our previous intents and attitudes,
but invisible to most humans. We can stay on the earth plane, sometimes near our families, or
perhaps join our family or a religious group on other planes or perhaps go through a tunnel
towards the light or however you wish to believe.
Introduction to Teachers Syllabus
The following Syllabus could be used for a standard lecture time of one hour and forty-five
minutes. This would be a short introduction to dowsing. It could easily be expanded to a half- or
full-day class. It would depend on how much time there is for practice, interesting stories,
questions and field work.
Over the years experienced instructors have developed many successful programs that
work very well and they are generally more than happy to share their methods with other
dowsers. We know we can teach a person to use dowsing tools in about 20 minutes. We can also
teach a person to plant some vegetables in about 20 minutes, but there is a lot more to dowsing
and growing vegetables than that. Most gardeners and dowsers never stop learning
The following Syllabus was originally developed for new instructors who were
wondering how best to get started. For they, among others, would appreciate having helpful hints
that could be used to improve their teaching. Their intent, of course, was to enhance the students
knowledge and understanding of dowsing, and to lay a good foundation for them. The better the

foundation we can give the students, the fewer mistakes they are likely to make, and the easier
and faster it will be to learn more.
Synopsis: (1) Introduction to Dowsing: What is Dowsing, History etc. (2) Introducing
Dowsing Tools and Charts (3) Learning to Use Dowsing Tools (4) Programing the Dowsing
System (5) Asking Dowsing Questions (6) Practice Dowsing.
This Syllabus follows the Student Guide, but it is totally flexible.

Teachers Syllabus

(p.1 Student Guide)

Give a short history of dowsing. --Found on cave drawings, Mines in the 1700s
Talk about dowsing organizations, Chapters, Groups, Publications..
Explain the many areas where dowsing can be used. --wells, archaeology, lost items...

What is dowsing?

(p.1 Student Guide)

You might explain that dowsing is using a device or some sensing method, to obtain
information which appears to come from many contributing sources.

Who Can Dowse:

(p.1 Student Guide)

Almost anyone who does not have a mental block.--religious, family, schooling... Little
kids learn very quickly and are very good. They dont know it shouldnt work.
We are genetically programed to survive, and our ability to sense the location of lifegiving water seems to be part of it. This ability doesnt seem to be limited to water.

Getting Started:

(p.2 Student Guide)

It is very important to always start your students on a positive, successful note. This could
affect their dowsing beliefs and confidence for a long time. See page 2 for explanation
and a suggested approach. Hard science has shown that a negative experience, during the
first three minutes in a new subject area, has virtually permanent effects. This may have
something to do with our survival instincts. It may relate to our specifically remembering
negative experiences, for defense reasons. (Research by Dr. M. Sunnafrank, Professor of
Communications, University of Minnesota, and many others.) The next 3 areas can be
combined together as one.

Dowsing Tools:

(p.3 Student Guide)

This is a good time to give them their dowsing tools. Then explain about the tools and the charts

Types of Dowsing Charts:

Can be any size or shape.
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Circle or Semicircle

(p.5 Student Guide)

Ruler or Flat-line Chart

Anything where dowsing tools can be use to indicate an answer.

How to Use Dowsing Tools;

(p.6 Student Guide)

Explain that dowsing tools come in all sizes, shapes and descriptions.
Now may be a good time to demonstrate how to hold and use the pendulum. Have the students
practice making the pendulum swing to Ready for Question. There is an explanation on how to
make it go and keep going on page 6. After a while, and while the pendulum is still swinging,
have it work its way to the YES and then to the NO. Help them if necessary. Have them practice
until, when they request, it seems to move to YES or NO, on its own.
This may be a good time to demonstrate how to hold and use other tools of you choice
like L-Rod, Y-Rod, Bobber and Others. Let them experience and practice indicating the
Ready for Question, and the YES and No . It would be good to save the other
information dowsing until after you have presented the Programing and how to ask the
Dowsing Questions.

Introduction to Programing:

(p.7 Student Guide)

Explain the necessity of letting your Subconscious know what you want it to do. It is no different
than when you use your mind and Subconscious to write a letter. You have to tell your
Subconscious what you want in the letter for it to use your preprogramed bio-electrical muscle
system to write the words. (See page 6 for more information.)
If you dont inform your Subconscious what you want, and how it is to respond, it
doesnt know, and will only guess at what you probably want. Sometimes with
questionable accuracy. (The reason is clearly explained in asking questions, page 10.)

Three Steps to Programing:

(p.7 Student Guide)

Installing a program is very easy. Just like training your mind to read musical notes and
your Subconscious bio-electrical muscle system to move your fingers.
The students have already started to train their System to control dowsing tools. Now
they need to inform the Subconscious how to respond and what to consider. This is done
by reading prepared programs that you wish to install. (Details on page 6.)
The three step system:
(1) Get permission. (2) Read in prepared program instructions . (3) Check if OK.

Installing Programs:

(p.8 Student Guide)

Ask for permission to install programs. Your and the students pendulums should now be
continually swinging to the YES. It is good to have the pendulum swinging off to your
side, in your peripheral vision (seeing it out of the corner of your eye). This seems to
have a kind of a post-hypnotic effect while you are reading in a prepared program. This is
intended to be permanent in your Subconscious, until you, and only you, choose to
change it. You are programing your Subconscious and your Dowsing System, not the
tool . You do not have to repeat programs each time you dowse.

Three Example Programs that you may wish to help the students install. These are easy
programs to install and they will give the students Subconscious and the Dowsing System some
prearranged instructions to work from. It is best for you to read them out loud.
(1) Primary or Foundation Program: ( Page 8 Student Guide)
This program is the foundation for all other programs to build on.
(Installation time for this one, is about 2 min. and 45 sec.)
(2) Guidance or the May I, Can I, Should I Program (Page 9 Student Guide)
(Installation time about 45 sec.)
(3) Water Program: (Page 9 Student Guide)
(Installation time about 40 sec.)
(Continued on next page )

Asking Dowsing Questions:

(p.11 Student Guide)

Explain the importance of carefully worded questions that are literally correct.
The student should not expect the Subconscious or Dowsing System to automatically
know what their intent is, while the mind is running a mile a minute with all kinds of
conflicting thoughts. Especially when the questions are not clearly stated, all by
themselves, with focused intent. (See page 11 and 12 for more information.)

Practice Dowsing:

(p.12 Student Guide)

Once the students have had some good experiences in known areas, it is time for them to
have fun experimenting in unknown areas.
There are some suggested Water Dowsing questions on page 12. This will help them
practice with their L-Rods and other tools and in other areas of your choice.

Word Definitions:

(p.15 Student Guide)

Some words used throughout this booklet and in Letter to Robin may need a
temporary definition assigned to them.
Bring up definitions only if they ask, or if you choose to say something about them.
(See page 15 for suggested definitions.)
Dowsing System
Noxious Energies
Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels
Any other words you might wish to define

Other Areas:
In an all day class, and if they are doing well, it may be a good time to introduce the
students to some simple Map Dowsing procedures to have fun with. (See Page 21 in this
Student Guide and Page 13 in Letter to Robin, A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing.)



Suggestions for the First

Time Dowsing Instructor
Starting: It is not unusual for people to be a bit apprehensive when they talk to a group,
especially for the first time. This is some times called stage fright. Following are some
suggestions not only to make you more conformable, but to make this a fun and exciting
adventure for both you and fellow dowsers.
Be Yourself: If a friend came up to you and said Tell me about dowsing. What would you do?
Simple, you would have a great time sharing. What if three or four friends came up and asked the
same question? It could even be more fun because of the collective interest, excitement and
added questions. Now each person is a individual and just like your friend or group of friends,
they are interested or they would not be there. It doesnt mater if it is one person or more, see
them with the same fun and excitement you would see your friend. The audience senses this
energy and they respond and enjoy you just like your friend did.
Notes: It is very comforting if you have some very simple subject titles, or a teachers syllabus,
similar to the one in this booklet, to glance at from time to time. It will make you feel confident
that you will remember your place and include all the information.
Hands: Some times a new speaker gets self-conscious and wonders what to do with their
hands. The answer is simple. Forget about them and use your hands and body language just as
you normally do. Your hands, arms and body language add a lot to your words. Just be your

normal self. Think of yourself as being with friends to have a good time. If you can maintain this
attitude you will do fine.
Volume: Here are a few things that will help you get your message across in a pleasant way for
both you and your fellow dowsers (audience). We will start with volume. If you cant hear what
is said, its no fun being there. So talk loud enough so the older person three quarters the way
back can hear you easily. Then every one can easily understand what you have to share, which is
what they came for.
Voice Enhancement: Some people can easily project their voice and be easily heard and
understood up to about 25 or 30 persons. Other people just have a soft voice by nature and can
barley reach 10 people with out straining their voice. This is not pleasant for either the speaker or
the audience. As a general rule, around 20 persons is about when you will have to talk loud
enough that you lose the inflections and tone in your voice, this is when you will need some type
of voice enhancement speaker system.
Using a microphone: There are a few tricks to using a microphone. Always treat it as a friend
that is helping you share in a pleasant and enjoyable way. If you are using a hand-held or fixed
microphone do two things. 1. Keep the same distance and position from your mouth to the
microphone. 2. Listen to your volume coming from the speakers. You can tell if it is too loud or
soft. Pretend you are a person listening to the talk. If you forget about the position of the
microphone and volume you will loose your audience. Your prime purpose is to share your
information. If they cant hear it, they wont get it. If you have a lapel mike clipped to your
clothes about 6 to 8 inches from your mouth, you can basically forget about the microphone and
just give your talk.
Talk Speed: The average conversation is about 125 words per minute. As you know from your
past experience, that some people talk so fast you have trouble comprehending an idea before
they are on another subject, and you never really catch up. On the other hand, if they talk too
slow your mind wonders and you get sidetracked. In both cases you often miss their point. To
test your self is simple. You simply count out 125 words in a newspaper and read them out loud
as if talking to a person. While doing this, time yourself with the second hand on a watch. If you
are between 45 seconds and a minute and 15 seconds you are fine. If you are to slow or too fast,
be aware of this, and try to modify your speed.
How people learn: All people learn in four primary ways: 1. Listening, 2. Reading, 3.
Watching (demonstration), and 4. Doing (hands-on). And for us dowsers we would add a 5 th one,
Sensing. Each person obtains information at different levels from each area. For example one
person may get most of their information from hands-on experience with only 10% listening,
while another may get 60% of their information from reading, etc. When teaching a group you
should try to present your material in as many multisensory ways as comfortable. For example, if
you are explaining for the first time about the pendulum, you would say what it is, and if
appropriate write the name on the board. You would do this while holding it up for all to see, and
if possible have each person holding one in their hand. Then continue to explain about using the
pendulum, etc.
Remembering: On a stand up presentation with only talking, physiologists tell us that the
average person can remember about 5% of the details after a week. What details can you tell me
about the documentary you saw on TV a week ago? Let me suggest another teaching example. If
you are explaining Map Dowsing you might use the following general approach. Draw an
outline of a room on the board. Make sure they can easily see your drawing. Have the students
then do the same on a piece of paper. It needs to be an area they can see, like the room you are in.

Next using your dowsing tool, probably a pendulum, move

your chalk or pen across the drawing until the dowsing tool indicates you are on the center of a
noxious zone or water vain. Now have the students do the same thing on their drawing after
watching you do it. Do this several times until you have several dots along the centerline of a
zone. Next connect the dots and you have a zone or water vein. Have the students follow you
doing the same thing. They saw what you did, heard your explanation, and they had a hands on
experience. This is teaching without failure, because the students will successively imitate what
you did and feel positive about it. Continue your multisensory approach in the field. For
example, have them imitate you after you find a water source. After practicing a few times in a
known area, they will enjoy trying an unknown area.
Conclusion: Teaching can bring great pleasure to both you and the students, so be yourself and
enjoy this wonderful opportunity to share and inspire.
Happy Dowsing, Walt
(watching, reading, listening and doing)

Energy Fields
Energy Fields are Everywhere : We are immersed in a sea of all kinds of energy fields.
There are electric fields off the power systems, radio, TV and radiation from the sun. There is
gamma radiation from the earth and from outer space. In addition, Energy fields from
underground water veins and fractures in the earths crust are everywhere. Even the earth itself
vibrates, has grid lines and a pulsing magnetic field. And there are many more known and unknown sources and types of Energy Fields.
Noxious Energies: These energy fields come in an infinite number of types, strengths and
frequencies, and they vary from location to location. It has been strongly suspected that some of
them are important to our health, similar in some respects to trace minerals. Some are very low
in strength, while others are at a higher level but well within our ability to handle them. Some of
these energies seem to beneficially stimulate our defense, immune and health systems, avoiding
disuse atrophy. This is similar to exercising our mind or muscles to improve their abilities. Some
others are strong enough, that if we exceed what is our safe time in their presence, they may
become detrimental to us. These are sometimes called Noxious Energies, Geo-pathologic Zones,
Irritation Zones, Detrimental Energies, etc.
Hormesis Curve: The time you spend in a Noxious Energy area determines if it is beneficial
or detrimental to you. If you are inside your safe time it will be beneficial by stimulating and
exercising your defense, immune and health systems. If you stay beyond your safe time, the
Energy Field may begin to overcome, interfere and eventually cause damage. This varies from
person to person. Similar to the energy from the sun, where too little can be detrimental (Seasonal
Affective Disorder), the right amount is beneficial (Vitamin D), and too much is back to detrimental (Sun
burn). Noxious Energies are very often only an overdose of what may be a beneficial energy. This
principle can be applied to almost any thing you can think of and it is known in scientific circles
as the Hormesis Curve. You can find a dowsing-type Hormesis Chart, with instructions, on the
back of this student guide. Because Energy Fields may pose, a possible danger to your body, the
Subconscious is very sensitive to them, making it easy to dowse for information in this area.

Working with Noxious Energies: Based on the Hormesis Curve I would suggest that you not
remove Noxious Energies, but instead request that they be altered, adjusted or modified to be
beneficial. See program below. If you have removed Noxious Energies, which may have also
removed their beneficial effects, I would suggest that you ask your Dowsing System (See page 15)
to go back in time and restore them to a beneficial level.
Programing: You may wish to install the following program or one you develop which may
be more fitting to your dowsing methods. Installation is very simple. (1) Get permission to install
a program from your Dowsing System, (2) Read a carefully prepared program with your
pendulum still swinging to the yes approval mode, and (3) Check to see if the program is
accepted and approved by your Dowsing System. (See page 7)
Noxious Energies Adjustment Program: is to become part of and work with all my
Programs or Agreements, and to be in effect until I make changes. When requested the Dowsing
System is to modify, change or make adjustments to all the energies within an area that I have
indicated, to the most beneficial level for each human, plant, animal, piece of equipment, and
others, seen and unseen, in or entering this area. This is to be for the Life of the building or
other selected Event Time, and not to cause any harm. End of Program.
How to use the Noxious Energies Adjustment Program: The first thing I do is to designate
an area I wish to work with. This is often a house and adjoining property. The next thing is to
activate the program. This is so the Dowsing System knows exactly what I wish done. You can
do this by requesting the program by name or using some part of the program so the Dowsing
System knows exactly which program to use. I often say Please modify all the energies in the
area I have designated to be beneficial to each human, plant, animal, piece of equipment, and
others, seen or unseen, in or entering this area, and to make this for the life of the building This
works very well but any part of the program will trigger it.
Programing for Improving Accuracy and Results : Over the years dowsers have
discovered that if they make sure the Dowsing System (See page 15) knows exactly what they
want and how it is to respond, they will find improvement in accuracy and results. There are
many ways to do this. The method I currently favor is to pre-inform or program the Dowsing
System in advance, by using a one-time installation, which can be easily changed at any time.
(See page 7.) This is for each separate program I plan to use now, as well as in the future . If you
use carefully worded requests or questions, which are related to a pre-installed program, and
have a clear focused intent, you will generally get excellent results. (See pages 11 and 12) But like
playing a musical instrument practice is a key element.
The 15 Seconds Dowsing Practice: Suggestion: because the body does most of its
rebuilding and healing while you are asleep, I use a quick simple practice procedure just before I
go to sleep. I ask two simple questions: (1) What is [my] Overall Average Condition? (2) What is
the Most Harmful Condition anywhere within [My] total being? (See p. 5) If you dowse these two
questions and get a beneficial reading that is good. If you get a non-beneficial reading you may
wish to request your Dowsing System to run energy corrections. You can also dialog with your
Dowsing System using yes and no responses to see if you can find out why you got a nonbeneficial indication. This nightly procedure does two things it balances your body energies, and
you practice your dowsing . The preceding exercise generally only takes about 10 to 15 seconds
and the benefits are multi-fold.
Unusual Encounters: Some day your dowsing may indicate the presence of detrimental
entities or other forces that we may or may not understand. (See page 15) What I suggest is to ask
your Dowsing System to bring in the Medics from the entities world, with the request to pick

up these entities and give them appropriate medical care in their own world. This is a win-win
situation, we get rid of the interference and they get appropriate medical care in their own world.
This only takes a few seconds and they do not come back.
What I have given you may seem a bit advanced but as you progress into new areas this
information may be helpful and sometimes hard to find. Have fun dowsing, Walt.
Multipurpose Dowsing Chart
This Chart is designed to allow you to :
1. Dowse most situations by using a pendulum or any suitable dowsing tool.
Normally theDowsing System simply responds to questions by swinging towards the
yes or no, numbers or the printed words in the area that you have focused on .
2. The little circles on the bottom are so the Dowsing System can independently
indicate, when appropriate, additional information to you.


(1) Hold your pendulum over the center of the Chart and deliberately start it to
swinging toward the Ready for Question. With practice it will keep
swinging on its own. Your subconscious can soon learn to move it just like learning
to type or play a musical instrument. This is the indicating half of the swing. Pretend
you cant see the back suing from the center away from the Ready for Question.
You will be following the indicating half-swing wherever it goes, top or bottom of the
Chart. (See page 6 for more information.)
(2) Simply focus on the area you wish to work with . You can use or adjust any area
for anything you wish (i.e. By request add zeros to numbers.) Your Subconscious
knows where you are focused and will respond accordingly. After asking a
question the pendulum will swing to the appropriate answer.
Form 12.7

Walt Woods 8/04, rev. 10/05

Hormesis Curve
This Chart or Hormesis Curve represents something we are all familiar with.
Example: To little water (detrimental) , Proper amount (beneficial) , To much (back to detrimental) .
The same is true for sunlight, exercise, air temp, trace minerals, vitamins, and nearly all
Substances or Conditions.
Check and see where you read for water consumption for the last 24 hours?

1. Hold your pendulum over the center and start it swinging toward the Ready for Question. This is the
indicating half of the pendulum swinging. Follow this indicating half-swing wherever it goes in response to your
question. This Chart can also be used as a yes/no Dowsing Chart. (See page 6 for more information)

2. Ask your Dowsing System to indicate (swinging toward) the Effect of an Amount, for a Substance or
Condition, as related to a specified Time. (hours, days, months, etc) You can also change the amount and/or time to
obtain additional information.

1. The amount of exercise (condition) for the last week? (time)
If it reads (+2 Beneficial). This indicates a little more would be good.
2. If I take [500 mg of .] (substance) each day (time) what would be the effect?
If it reads (+ 4 moderate excess). This may indicate that you could ask about every
other day, or a indicated lesser amount per day, to see what it reads.
Form 12.7

Walt Woods 8/04, rev. 10/05

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