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Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2011; 46: 10571064


Dose-response effect of Bidobacterium lactis HN019 on whole gut

transit time and functional gastrointestinal symptoms in adults



Accurate Clinical Research, Houston, TX, USA, 2Digestive and Immune Health, Fonterra Research Centre, Palmerston
North, New Zealand, 3Danisco USA, Health and Nutrition, Madison, WI, USA, 4Danisco Finland, Health and
Nutrition, Kantvik, Finland, and 5Sprim Advanced Life Sciences, San Francisco, CA, Sprim, USA

Objective. To assess the impact of Bidobacterium lactis HN019 supplementation on whole gut transit time (WGTT) and
frequency of functional gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms in adults. Material and methods. We randomized 100 subjects
(mean age: 44 years; 64% female) with functional GI symptoms to consume a proprietary probiotic strain, B. lactis
HN019 (Fonterra Research Centre, Palmerston North, New Zealand), at daily doses of 17.2 billion colony forming units
(CFU) (high dose; n = 33), 1.8 billion CFU (low dose; n = 33), or placebo (n = 34) for 14 days. The primary endpoint of WGTT
was assessed by X-ray on days 0 and 14 and was preceded by consumption of radiopaque markers once a day for 6 days. The
secondary endpoint of functional GI symptom frequency was recorded with a subject-reported numeric (1100) scale before
and after supplementation. Results. Decreases in mean WGTT over the 14-day study period were statistically signicant in
the high dose group (49 30 to 21 32 h, p < 0.001) and the low dose group (60 33 to 41 39 h, p = 0.01), but not in the
placebo group (43 31 to 44 33 h). Time to excretion of all ingested markers was signicantly shorter in the treatment groups
versus placebo. Of the nine functional GI symptoms investigated, eight signicantly decreased in frequency in the high dose
group and seven decreased with low dose, while two decreased in the placebo group. No adverse events were reported in any
group. Conclusions. Daily B. lactis HN019 supplementation is well tolerated, decreases WGTT in a dose-dependent manner,
and reduces the frequency of functional GI symptoms in adults.

Key Words: Bidobacterium lactis HN019, gastrointestinal, probiotic, whole gut transit time

Functional gastrointestinal symptoms are nonspecic conditions with no identiable structural or
biochemical cause [1] that often present concomitantly [2]. The burden of functional gastrointestinal
symptoms is enormous as 4269% of the population
report at least one of these disorders [3,4]. Treatment
is complicated by the non-specic presentation of
symptoms and by the fact that 75% of people do
not seek medical care when symptoms arise [5].
Therefore, management of functional gastrointestinal
symptoms is generally self-prescribed and directed at

treating individual symptoms. Despite acceptable

short-term symptom amelioration with over-thecounter and homeopathic remedies in many cases,
no known treatment for functional gastrointestinal
symptoms is known to be safe and effective over
the long term.
Functional gastrointestinal symptoms are often
associated with disturbed intestinal transit. Whole
gut transit time (WGTT) signicantly inuences
enterohepatic bile acid and steroid hormone circulation as well as colonic pH and short-chain fatty
acid concentrations. Thus, it has been postulated
that functional gastrointestinal symptoms may be

Correspondence: Larry E. Miller, PhD, Sprim Advanced Life Sciences, 235 Pine Street, Suite 1175, San Francisco, CA 94104, Sprim, USA. Tel: +928 607-9657.
Fax: +928 268-3563. E-mail:

(Received 19 December 2010; accepted 25 April 2011)

ISSN 0036-5521 print/ISSN 1502-7708 online  2011 Informa Healthcare
DOI: 10.3109/00365521.2011.584895


P. A. Waller et al.

associated with an increased risk of gallstones, and

possibly bowel and breast cancer, when presenting
concomitantly with prolonged WGTT [6].
There is a clear need for treatments for functional
gastrointestinal symptoms and intestinal transit disturbances that are safe, effective, and sustainable.
There is a growing consumer interest in functional
foods that can either promote the state of well being
and/or alleviate symptoms of certain medical conditions. Probiotics may offer a promising alternative that
can be offered in a food or dietary supplement format
that is appealing to consumer preferences. Probiotics
have been extensively studied in the eld of gastroenterology and show potential for improving gastrointestinal symptoms and reducing WGTT [711].
However, the benet of probiotic supplementation
is believed to be strain specic and, therefore, clinical
trials are required to conrm the safety and efcacy of
individual strains.
Bidobacterium lactis HN019 is a probiotic strain
for which many health benets have been established,
primarily related to immune enhancement [12].
B. lactis HN019 has also been shown to confer
benecial changes to the intestinal microora [13]
although no studies have examined the effects of
B. lactis HN019 on functional gastrointestinal
symptoms or WGTT. This study was designed to
determine in a triple-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled trial if dietary supplementation of
B. lactis HN019 can shorten WGTT and reduce
the frequency of functional gastrointestinal symptoms
in adults.
Material and methods
This single-center, triple-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled, dose-ranging study was conducted at
Accurate Clinical Research (Houston, TX, USA).
All research procedures performed in this trial were
in strict accordance with a pre-dened protocol that
was approved by all researchers. IntegReview Ethical
Review Board (Austin, TX, USA) approved the study
protocol on 11 August 2009 and participants provided informed consent before participation. This
study is registered under number
Trial design
This was a single center, age- (2550 years and
5165 years) and gender-stratied, triple-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-ranging study
with a 1:1:1 allocation ratio among three study

Eligible subjects included males and females aged 25
65 years; self report of stool type 24 on the Bristol
Stool Chart; and average of 13 bowel movements per
week. Exclusion criteria were use of any probiotic
product intended to improve gastrointestinal function
within the 2 weeks preceding study entry; major
chronic and uncontrolled systemic medical conditions; severe gastrointestinal conditions known to
prolong WGTT; lactose intolerance; chronic diarrhea; gastric bypass surgery or lap band insertion
for weight loss; regular laxative use; and pregnant
or breast-feeding women.
Study products (B. lactis HN019 and placebo powders) were supplied in capsules by Danisco USA, Inc.
(Madison, Wisconsin, USA). The capsules contained
either B. lactis HN019 at one of two dose levels
(17.2 billion colony forming units (CFU) or 1.8 billion
CFU) or placebo. The excipient used to adjust the
bacteria count per capsule and to serve as the placebo
was rice maltodextrin. All products were stored refrigerated at the study site until time of use and were
refrigerated by the participants throughout the supplementation period. Product stability was monitored
during the study and no signicant reduction in viable
counts was observed.
A timeline of study activities is presented in
Figure 1. Following screening procedures, subjects
began a 1-week run-in period during which the normal diet was consumed without taking any study
product. During this period, subjects were asked to
discontinue the consumption of laxatives, dietary
ber supplements, probiotics including B. lactis,
and any other products that might affect WGTT.
Following the run-in period, subjects were randomized into one of three study groups: 17.2 billion
CFU B. lactis HN019 per day (high dose, n = 33),
1.8 billion CFU B. lactis HN019 per day (low dose,
n = 33), or placebo (n = 34). Over 14 consecutive days,
study products were consumed once daily with breakfast by adding the entire contents of a capsule to
commercial yogurt that was free from probiotics
(product contained standard yogurt starter cultures
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus).
The classic single lm estimate was utilized to
quantify WGTT [14]. Each subject ingested 24
radiopaque markers per day for six consecutive
days prior to abdominal X-rays on days 0 and 14.
The number of markers present in the right, left, and
rectosigmoid colon were summed to yield a total
marker count. Marker counts were identied by a

B. lactis HN019 and WGTT

Run-in period




Intervention period

Day 0

Daily consumption of
capsules with
radiopaque markers

Day 14

Day 8

Abdominal x-ray, FFQ,

DDQ, begin daily

Daily consumption of
capsules with
radiopaque markers

Abdominal x-ray, FFQ,

DDQ,complete daily

Figure 1. Timeline of study activities. DDQ = digestive discomfort questionnaire; FFQ = food frequency questionnaire.

single board-certied radiologist (Gulf Coast MRI &

Diagnostics, Houston, TX, USA) who was blinded to
subject treatment assignment.

in WGTT versus placebo for either probiotic group,

a 20% difference between the two probiotic groups, a
9% attrition rate, a two-sided alpha level of 0.05, and
87% statistical power.

The primary endpoint of WGTT was assessed by
abdominal X-ray on days 0 and 14. A food frequency
questionnaire was completed on days 0 and 14 to
determine diet consistency during the study period.
Data were collected on the frequency of ingestion of
17 food categories over the previous week including
dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream);
meat, sh, or poultry; eggs; peanut butter or nuts;
citrus fruits or juices; dark green leafy or deep orange
vegetables; other fruits or vegetables; bread, cereal,
rice, or pasta; sweets; salty snacks; soft drinks; alcohol;
coffee or tea; and fast food. The frequency of food
consumption in each category was self-rated on a
5-point Likert scale (0 = never, 1 = seldom, 2 = 2
3 times per week, 3 = once a day, and 4 = more than
once a day). A questionnaire was administered on
study days 0 and 14 to evaluate the frequency of nine
upper (vomiting, regurgitation, abdominal pain, nausea, and gurgling) and lower (constipation, diarrhea,
irregular bowel movements, and atulence) gastrointestinal symptoms experienced over the previous
week. The frequency of each symptom was subjectreported using a numeric scale anchored at 1 (never)
and 100 (always). Adverse events were dened as any
untoward medical occurrence that occurred during
the trial, regardless of the relationship with the administered study product.

Randomization was stratied by age (2550 years or

5165 years) and gender and was implemented using a
permuted block design. Subjects were randomly allocated to one of the three treatment groups within their
age- and gender-stratication categories using four
computer-generated randomization lists. The blinded
randomization sequence was generated by a biostatistician at Sprim Advanced Life Sciences, Sprim USA
(San Francisco, CA, USA). The study coordinator at
the investigative site enrolled and assigned subjects to
treatment groups. Study products were labeled with
sequential subject identication numbers within each
stratum and were provided to the site by the sponsor.
The site was instructed to enroll subjects consecutively
within the appropriate age/gender stratum.
The study was conducted using triple-blinding methods: subjects, investigators, outcome assessors, study
site personnel, data managers, biostatisticians, and
the sponsor remained blinded to the treatment assignments until data analyses were completed. Study
products were delivered to the investigative site in
identical containers labeled only with the lot number
and subject identication codes. All capsules were
identical in appearance, texture, taste, and smell.

Sample size
Statistical methods
A total required sample size of 100 subjects equally
distributed among the three treatment groups was
calculated based on an anticipated 33% reduction

Data were recorded on case report forms and

double-entered into a database that was veried


P. A. Waller et al.

and independently monitored for accuracy by Sprim

Advanced Life Sciences, Sprim USA. Baseline subject characteristics for the three treatment groups were
reported using mean and standard deviation for
intervally and ordinally scaled variables and frequencies and percentages for categorical variables. Comparisons of change from study days 014 across
treatment groups were performed using oneway analysis of variance (ANOVA). When a resulting
ANOVA p-value was <0.05, post hoc tests were conducted to determine which groups were statistically
different from each other at an alpha level of 0.05.
WGTT was calculated using the formula:

WGTT = n i (t/N) [15,16]

where ni is the number of markers observed on X-ray,
t is the time between marker ingestions in hours, and
N is the total number of markers ingested each day.
Thus, in this study, t/N equals 1 (24 markers per
capsule/24 h between marker ingestions), and WGTT
is therefore equal to the total marker count. Changes
in WGTT between study days 0 and 14 were compared across treatment groups using ANOVA. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to remove the
effect of potentially confounding baseline differences
among the groups and determine the signicance of
the effect of treatment on WGTT independent of the
potential confounders gender, age, race, and baseline
WGTT. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to
evaluate time to excretion of all markers by treatment
on days 0 and 14 and the signicance of intergroup differences was assessed using the MantelCox test. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used
to evaluate changes in gastrointestinal symptom

frequency for each group. Statistical analyses were

performed using BMDP software (Version 8.2,
Statistical Solutions, Saugus, MA, USA).
Participant ow
A total of 100 subjects were enrolled and randomized.
Abdominal X-ray endpoint data were available at days
0 and 14 for 88 subjects (Figure 2). Paired gastrointestinal symptom and food frequency data were available for 87 subjects. All subjects with data for both
study days 0 and 14 were used in the analysis. No
subject withdrawals were related to the study product.
Among subjects who completed the study, compliance with the study product was 100% in each study
Subjects were enrolled in this clinical study between
June 2009 and November 2009 and subject follow-up
continued through December 2009.
Baseline data
Baseline subject characteristics were similar among
the three treatment groups (Table I). Frequency of
consumption of all food categories was, in general,
similar across the treatment groups. Functional gastrointestinal symptom frequency was comparable
across groups with constipation, irregular bowel
movements, and atulence most commonly reported.
Total WGTT was comparable among the three

Assessed for eligibility

(n = 111)
Excluded (n = 11)
Did not meet inclusion criteria (n = 11)
Randomized (n = 100)

High dose (n = 33)

Low dose (n = 33)

Placebo (n = 34)

Discontinued (n = 0)

Discontinued (n = 7)

Discontinued (n = 5)

Analyzed (n = 33)

Analyzed (n = 26)

Analyzed (n = 29)

Figure 2. CONSORT patient ow diagram. High dose, 17.2 billion CFU Bidobacterium lactis HN019; Low dose, 1.8 billion CFU B. lactis
HN019. CFU = colony forming unit.

B. lactis HN019 and WGTT


Table I. Baseline subject characteristics.

Age, yr (mean sd)
Female gender, n (%)
Ethnicity, n (%)
-African American
Body mass index, kg/m2 (mean sd)
Whole gut transit time, h (mean sd)
-Right colon
-Left colon
GI symptom frequency (mean sd)*
-Upper GI symptoms
-Abdominal pain
-Lower GI symptoms
-Irregular bowel movements

High dose (n = 33)

Low dose (n = 26)

Placebo (n = 29)

43 12
20 (61)

44 11
16 (62)

45 11
20 (69)




16 (61)
7 (27)
3 (12)
30 7

18 (62)
4 (14)
7 (24)
32 8























Abbreviations: GI = gastrointestinal; sd = standard deviation; *self-rated on a numeric scale anchored at 1 = never and 100 = always.

treatment groups. Across all groups, females (55

34 h) had a signicantly longer (p = 0.02) baseline
WGTT versus males (41 24 h) while race and body
mass index had no inuence on WGTT.

were similar and likely had no inuence on the

primary study outcomes.

Numbers analyzed

Both B. lactis HN019 groups had a statistically

signicant decrease in mean WGTT over the
14-day study period (high dose = 33% reduction,
low dose = 25% reduction) with no change observed in the placebo group (Figure 3). The difference
in WGTT change was statistically signicant
(p < 0.001) across study groups, thereby representing
a strong dose-response effect of B. lactis HN019
(Table II).
Due to differences in baseline WGTT among the
three treatment groups, an ANCOVA model was used
to examine inter-group differences in WGTT at day
14 adjusted for baseline WGTT differences in order
to minimize possible confounding effects. After controlling for baseline levels, WGTT at day 14 remained
signicantly different (p = 0.001) among the three
study groups.
Figure 4a shows Kaplan-Meier curves for time
to excretion of all ingested markers at baseline, which
were not signicantly different among the three
treatment groups. Following 14 days of supplementation with B. lactis HN019, the high dose group had

A total of 100 subjects were enrolled and randomized.

Of these subjects, 0 in the high dose group, 7 in the
low dose group, and 5 in the placebo group discontinued before the day 14 study visit. All 88 subjects
with WGTT data and 87 subjects with gastrointestinal symptom frequency data for study days 0 and
14 were included in the analysis.
Outcomes and estimation
Food frequency. When changes in food frequency over
the study period were evaluated, each specic food
type was consumed with comparable frequency across
study groups throughout the study with the exception
of yogurt consumption (data not shown). Since the
study product was consumed in yogurt, the median
yogurt intake signicantly increased in all three study
groups from never (low dose) or seldom (high dose
and placebo) at day 0 to once a day (all groups) at day
14. Overall, food consumption habits among groups

Whole gut transit time


P. A. Waller et al.

CTT (hours)

Study day 14


High dose
Day 0 vs. Day 14


Low dose
Day 0 vs. Day 14


Day 0 vs. Day 14

Percent markers retained



High dose


Low dose




Figure 3. Change in whole gut transit time over 14 days by

study group. Values represent mean 95% condence interval.
High dose, 17.2 billion CFU Bidobacterium lactis HN019; Low
dose, 1.8 billion CFU B. lactis HN019. CFU = colony forming unit.

a signicantly shorter WGTT than both the low dose

and placebo groups (p < 0.05) (Figure 4b).








Figure 4a. Time to radiopaque marker excretion at pretreatment by study group. High dose, 17.2 billion CFU Bidobacterium lactis HN019; Low dose, 1.8 billion CFU B. lactis HN019.
CFU = colony forming unit.

approximately two-fold greater in the B. lactis

HN019 groups compared to placebo.

Functional gastrointestinal symptom frequency

Statistically signicant improvements in most gastrointestinal symptom frequency scores were reported
between days 0 and 14 in the high and low dose
groups. Most symptoms improved in the high dose
(eight of nine) and low dose (seven of nine) groups,
respectively, while only two of nine symptoms showed
a statistically signicant improvement with placebo
(Table III). Of particular interest were the changes
in constipation, irregular bowel movements, and atulence since symptoms were reported with the highest
frequency at baseline. For each of these symptoms,
the relative decrease in symptom frequency was

Aside from functional gastrointestinal symptoms
reported on the questionnaire, no adverse events
were reported in any group during the study.
This randomized, triple-blind, placebo controlled,
dose-ranging study provides Level I evidence that
dietary consumption of B. lactis HN019 shortens
WGTT in a dose-dependent manner and reduces

Table II. Whole gut transit time by treatment group and study day.
High dose
(n = 33)

Low dose
(n = 26)

(n = 29)

Day 0, mean h
95% CI
Min, median, max
Day 14, mean h
95% CI
Min, median, max
Absolute change,
mean h*
95% CI
Min, median, max
Relative change,
mean %*
95% CI
Min, median, max

39.2 to 59.2
0, 49, 135
0, 5, 131

46.7 to 72.3
9, 68, 111
0, 26.5, 141

31.3 to 53.7
0, 35, 131
0, 46, 131

-38.9 to -17.3
-87, -33, 65

-32.3 to -4.6
-84, -18, 67

-5.7 to 8.3
-35, 5, 39

-100, -94,

-100, -48,

-100, 11,

Abbreviation: CI = condence interval; *p < 0.001 among groups;

CIs were not calculated when distributions were non-normal;

relative change could not be calculated for a denominator of 0,

resulting in exclusion of one subject each from the high dose and
placebo groups.


Percent markers retained

Whole gut transit


High dose


Low dose











Figure 4b. Time to radiopaque marker excretion at 14 days posttreatment by study group. High dose, 17.2 billion CFU B. lactis
HN019; Low dose, 1.8 billion CFU B. lactis HN019. CFU = colony
forming unit.

B. lactis HN019 and WGTT

the frequency of functional gastrointestinal symptoms
in adults. In addition, the absence of reported adverse
events suggests that short-term B. lactis HN019
supplementation is safe. The role of probiotics in
inuencing intestinal disturbances, in particular, preventing or shortening the duration of diarrhea in
infants or adults with acute gastroenteritis is well
established [1720]. The effect of probiotics on intestinal transit has been studied to a limited extent
although, aside from the current trial, no study has
shown an improvement in WGTT.
Several potential mechanisms have been suggested
that may explain the effect of a probiotic strain on
intestinal motility [21,22]. These mechanisms include
an increase in fecal bacterial mass, stimulation of
cholecytokinin, and deconjugation of bile salts resulting in free secondary bile salts that can stimulate
colonic motility and excretion. In a small clinical trial
with 32 volunteers, Marteau et al. [22] showed consumption of B. lactis DN-173 010 shortened WGTT
in women aged 1845 years. This effect was not due
to deconjugation or dehydroxylation of bile salts. The
authors speculated that a product of bacterial origin
may decrease sigmoid tonus and stimulate colonic
motility. Phloroglucinol is one such compound that is
known to have strong effect on colonic motility
[23,24]. However, we did not analyze fecal metabolites in the current study to validate this hypothesis.
Supplementation with B. lactis HN019 has been
shown to increase the level of resident bidobacteria
and lactobacilli and to reduce enterobacteria counts in
adults [13]. This may provide a further potential
mechanism of action for B. lactis HN019 supplementation since increased levels of lactic acidproducing bacteria may lower the colonic pH and
production of other short-chain fatty acids may stimulate peristalsis and potentially result in a shorter
WGTT [25].
The clinical importance of a short-term decrease in
WGTT is subject to debate. However, it is reasonable
to assume that if long-term probiotic consumption
could chronically lower WGTT, this may potentially
yield a meaningful decrease in the risk of associated
colorectal conditions, such as colon cancer. The
benecial effect of daily B. lactis HN019 on WGTT
is at least equivalent to that of dietary ber. However,
unlike ber, B. lactis HN019 also improves gastrointestinal symptoms [2628]. Furthermore, B. lactis
HN019 is safe for human consumption as no
untoward side effects associated with the product
have been reported, a nding that is well established
including data from studies with infants to elderly
Subjects in the present study suffered from functional gastrointestinal symptoms with constipation,


Table III. Mean absolute change in GI symptom frequency score

over the 14-day supplementation period.
Upper GI symptoms
Abdominal pain
Lower GI symptoms
Irregular bowel movements

High dose
(n = 33)

Low dose
(n = 26)

(n = 28)







Abbreviation: GI = gastrointestinal; *self-rated on a numeric scale

anchored at 1 = never and 100 = always; *p < 0.05, p < 0.01,

p < 0.001.

irregular bowel movements, and atulence as the

predominant symptoms. The outcomes of this study
suggest that B. lactis HN019 supplementation reduces
the frequency of many common upper and lower
gastrointestinal symptoms. Since these symptoms
are generally non-specic, management strategies
are narrowly focused on the treatment of individual
symptoms. B. lactis HN019 is potentially advantageous since this single product may be used to
alleviate multiple gastrointestinal symptoms simultaneously. Although the present study utilized capsules,
fermented and non-fermented dairy products are an
ideal matrix for the inclusion and consumption of B.
lactis HN019.
The present study has several strengths including
randomized treatment allocation, use of placebo controls, assessment of dose ranging efcacy, evaluation
of dietary intake during the study, and use of stringent
data collection and blinding methods. This study also
had several limitations. The results presented herein
are applicable only to B. lactis HN019 and cannot be
generalized to other probiotic strains or products.
Caution should be exercised in extrapolating these
study outcomes to people with chronic and/or severe
gastrointestinal complications. A nal limitation of
the study was that almost one in three subjects in the
probiotic groups had no observable markers on
follow-up radiographs, which indicated a WGTT of
less than 24 h. However, according to the formula
used to calculate WGTT [15,16], these subjects were
assigned a WGTT of 0 h, a value that is physiologically impossible. Nevertheless, the conclusions of this
trial are valid since nonparametric statistical methods
corroborated the ndings of the primary analysis.
In conclusion, consumption of the probiotic
B. lactis HN019 is well tolerated, decreases WGTT


P. A. Waller et al.

in a dose-dependent manner, and reduces the

frequency of functional gastrointestinal symptoms
in adults.
The authors thank Ms. Karen Obmaces and colleagues at Accurate Clinical Research (Houston, TX,
USA) and Mrs. Tisha Golden and colleagues at
Sprim Advanced Life Sciences (San Francisco, CA,
USA) for their help with study management and data
collection. Fonterra Research Centre (Palmerston
North, New Zealand) provided nancial support
for this study.
Declaration of interest: The authors report no
conicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible
for the content and writing of the paper.
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