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Lossless Data Compression

Lecture 2:
Uniquely Decodable and Instantaneous Codes

Sam Roweis

September 15, 2005

Recall: Mathematical Setup

Start with a sequence of symbols X = X1, X2, . . . , XN from a
finite source alphabet AX = {a1, a2, . . .}.
Examples: AX = {A, B, . . . , Z, }; AX = {0, 1, 2, . . . , 255};
AX = {C, G, T, A}; AX = {0, 1}.

Lets focus on the lossless data compression problem for now, and
not worry about noisy channel coding for now. In practice these
two problems are handeled separately, i.e. we first design an
efficient code for the source (removing source redundancy) and
then (if necessary) we design a channel code to help us transmit
the source code over the channel (adding redundancy).
Assumptions (for now):
1. the channel is perfectly noiseless
i.e. the receiver sees exactly the encoders output
2. we always require the output of the decoder to exactly match the
original sequence X.
3. X is generated according to a fixed probabilistic model, p(X)
We will measure the quality of our compression scheme (called a
code) by examining the average length of the encoded string Z,
averaged over p(X).

Encoding One Symbol at a Time

To begin with, lets think about encoding one symbol Xi at a time,
using a fixed code that defines a mapping of each source symbol
into a finite sequence of code symbols called a codeword.
(Later on we will consider encoding blocks of symbols together.)

Encoder: outputs a new sequence Z = Z1, Z2, . . . , ZM

(using a possibly different code alphabet AZ ).

We will encode a sequence of source symbols X by concatenating

the codewords of each.

Decoder tries to convert Z back into X.

This is called a symbol code.

In compression, the encoder tries to remove source redundancy.

E.g. source alphabet is AX = {C, G, T, A}. One possible code:

C 0; G 10; T 110; A 1110
So we would have CCAT 001110110.

In noisy channel coding, the encoder tries to protect the message

against transmission errors.
We almost always use AZ = 0, 1 (e.g. computer files, digital
communication) but the theory can be generalized to any finite set.

We require that the mapping be such that we can decode this

sequence, no matter what the original symbols were.

Notation for Sequences & Codes

AX and AZ are the source and code alphabets.
X and AZ denote sequences of one or more symbols
from the source or code alphabets.
A symbol code, C, is a mapping AX A+

We use c(x) to denote the codeword to which C maps x.

We use concatenation to extend this to a mapping for the extended

code, C + : A+
X AY :
c+(x1x2 xN ) = c(x1)c(x2) c(xN )
i.e., we code a string of symbols by just stringing together the
codes for each symbol.
Ill sometimes also use C to denote the set of all legal codewords:
{w | w = C(a) for some a AX }.

Uniquely Decodable & Instantaneous Codes

A code is uniquely decodable if the mapping C + : A+
X AZ is
+ 0
one-to-one, i.e. x and x0 in A+
X , x 6= x c (x) 6= c (x )

A code is obviously not uniquely decodable if two symbols have the

same codeword ie, if c(ai) = c(aj ) for some i 6= j so well
usually assume that this isnt the case.
A code is instantaneously decodable if any source sequences x and
x0 in A+ for which x is not a prefix of x0 have encodings z = C(x)
and z0 = C(x0) for which z is not a prefix of z0.
Otherwise, after receiving z, we wouldnt yet know whether the
message starts with z or with z0.
Instantaneous codes are also called prefix-free codes
or just prefix codes.


What Codes are Decodable?

We only want to consider codes that can be successfully decoded.
To define what that means, we need to set some rules of the game:
1. How does the channel terminate the transmission?
(e.g. it could explicitly mark the end, it could send only 0s after
the end, it could send random garbadge after the end,...)
2. How soon do we require a decoded symbol to be known?
(e.g. instantaneously as soon as the codeword for the symbol
is received, within a fixed delay of when its codeword is received,
not until the entire message has been received,...)
Easiest case: assume the end of the transmission is explicitly
marked, and dont require any symbols to be decoded until the
entire transmission has been received.
Hardest case: require instantaneous decoding, and thus it doesnt
matter what happens at the end of the transmission.

Code A Code B Code C Code D






Code A: Not uniquely decodable

Both bbb and cc encode as 111111
Code B: Instantaneously decodable
End of each codeword marked by 0
Code C: Decodable with one-symbol delay
End of codeword marked by following 0
Code D: Uniquely decodable, but with unbounded delay:
011111111111111 decodes as accccccc
01111111111111 decodes as bcccccc

More Examples
Code E Code F Code G




Code E: Instantaneously decodable

All codewords same length
Code F: Not uniquely decodable
e.g. baa,aca,aad all encode as 00100
Code G: Decodable with six-symbol delay.
(Try to work out why.)

A Check for Instantaneous Codes

A code is instantaneous if and only if no codeword is a prefix of
some other codeword. (ie if Ci is a codeword, CiZ cannot be a
codeword for any Z). This is a prefix code.
() If codeword C(ai) is a prefix of codeword C(aj ), then the
encoding of the sequence x = ai is obviously a prefix of the
encoding of the sequence x0 = aj .
() If the code is not instantaneous, let z = C(x) be an encoding
that is a prefix of another encoding z0 = C(x0), but with x not a
prefix of x0, and let x be as short as possible.
The first symbols of x and x0 cant be the same, since if they were,
we could drop these symbols and get a shorter instance. So these
two symbols must be different, but one of their codewords must be
a prefix of the other.

A Check for Unique Decodability

The Sardinas-Patterson Theorem tells us how to check whether a
code is uniquely decodable.
Let C be the set of codewords. Define C0 = C.
For n > 0, define
Cn =

{w A+
X | uw = v where u C, v Cn1
or u Cn1, v C}

Finally, define
C = C 1 C2 C3
Theorem: the code C is uniquely decodable if and only if
C and C are disjoint.
We wont both much with this theorem,
since as well see it isnt of much practical use.

Existence of Codes
Since we hope to compress data, we would like codes that are
uniquely decodable and whose codewords are short.
Also, wed like to use instantaneous codes where possible since they
are easiest and most efficient to decode.
If we could make all the codewords really short, life would be really
easy. Too easy. Why?
Because there are only a few possible short codewords and we cant
reuse them or else our code wouldnt be decodable.
Instead, making some codewords short will require that other
codewords be long, if the code is to be uniquely decodable.
Question 1: What sets of codeword lengths are possible?
Question 2: Can we always manage to use instantaneous codes?

McMillans Inequality
There is a uniquely decodable binary code with
codewords having lengths l1, . . . , lI if and only if
2 li

E.g. there is a uniquely decodable binary code

with lengths 1, 2, 3, 3, since
1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/8 = 1
An example of such a code is {0, 01, 011, 111}.
There is no uniquely decodable binary code
with lengths 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, since

We Can Always Use Instantaneous Codes

Since instantaneous codes are a proper subset of uniquely decodable
codes, we might have expected that the condition for existence of a
u.d. code to be less stringent than that for instantaneous codes.
But combining Krafts and McMillans inequalities, we conclude
that there is an instantaneous binary code with lengths l1, . . . , lI
if and only if there is a uniquely decodable code with these lengths.
Implication: There is probably no practical benefit to using
uniquely decodable codes that arent instantaneous.
Happy consequence: We dont have to worry about how the
encoding is terminated (if at all) or about decoding delays (at least
for symbol codes; for block codes this will change).

1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 > 1

Krafts Inequality
There is an instantaneous binary code with
codewords having lengths l1, . . . , lI if and only if

Proving the Two Inequalities

This is exactly the same condition as McMillans inequality!

We can prove both Krafts and McMillans inequality by proving

that for any set of lengths, l1, . . . , lI , for binary codewords:
A) If Ii=1 1/2li 1, we can construct an instantaneous code
with codewords having these lengths.
B) If Ii=1 1/2li > 1, there is no uniquely decodable code with
codewords having these lengths.

E.g. there is an instantaneous binary code

with lengths 1, 2, 3, 3, since

(A) is half of Krafts inequality.

(B) is half of McMillans inequality.

2 li

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/8 = 1

An example of such a code is {0, 10, 110, 111}.
There is an instantaneous binary code with lengths 2, 2, 2, since
1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 < 1
An example of such a code is {00, 10, 01}.

Using the fact that instantaneous codes are uniquely decodable,

(A) gives the other half of McMillans inequality, and (B) gives the
other half of Krafts inequality.
To do this, well introduce a helpful way of thinking about codes

Visualizing Prefix Codes as Trees

We can view codewords of an instantaneous (prefix) code as
leaves of a tree.

Constructing Instantaneous Codes

Suppose that Krafts Inequality holds:
2 li

The root represents the null string; each level corresponds to

adding another code symbol.
Here is the tree for a code with codewords 0, 11, 100, 101:


Order the lengths so l1 lI .

Q: In the binary tree with depth lI , how can we allocate subtrees to
codewords with these lengths?

A: We go from shortest to longest, i = 1, . . . , I:


1) Pick a node at depth li that isnt in a subtree previously used,

and let the code for codeword i be the one at that node.
2) Mark all nodes in the subtree headed by the node just picked as
being used, and not available to be picked later.
Lets look at an example...

Extending the Tree to Maximum Depth

Building an Instantaneous Code

We can extend the tree by filling in the subtree underneath every

actual codeword, down to the depth of the longest codeword.

Let the lengths of the codewords be {1,2,3,3}.

Each codeword then corresponds to either a leaf or a subtree.

Our final code can be read from the leaf nodes: {1,00,010,011}.

First check: 21 + 22 + 23 + 23 1.

Previous tree extended, with each codewords leaf or subtree circled:









01 0
Short codewords occupy more of the tree. For a binary code, the
fraction of leaves taken by a codeword of length l is 1/2l .

01 1

Construction Will Always Be Possible

Q: Will there always be a node available in step (1) above?
If Krafts inequality holds, we will always be able to do this.
To begin, there are 2lb nodes at depth lb.
When we pick a node at depth la, the number of nodes that
become unavailable at depth lb (assumed not less than la) is 2lbla .
When we need to pick a node at depth lj , after having picked
earlier nodes at depths li (with i < j and li lj ), the number of
nodes left to pick from will be

2 lj
2lj li = 2lj 1
> 0
2 li



1/2li <




1/2li 1, by assumption.


This proves (A).

UD Codes Must Obey the Inequality

Let l1 lI be the codeword lengths. Define K = Ii=1 1l .
For any positive integer n, we sum over all possible combinations of
values for i1, . . . , in in {1, . . . , I}.
X 1
Kn =
2 in
i ,...,i 2

We rewrite this in terms of possible values for j = li1 + + lin :

K =

Nj,n is the # of sequences of n codewords with total length j.

If the code is uniquely decodable, Nj,n 2j , so K n nlI ,
which for big enough n is possible only if K 1.
This proves (B). (For instantaneous codes, the intuition is that
short codes use up their subtree.)

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