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Fall 2005

EDITORIAL _____________

Shifting Tides in the Diamond Industry

William E. Boyajian

FEATURE ARTICLES _____________


A Review of the Political and Economic Forces Shaping

Todays Diamond Industry

Russell Shor
Chronicles the key developments and events that have radically transformed the global diamond industry in recent years.

pg. 222

Experimental CVD Synthetic Diamonds from


Wuyi Wang, Alexandre Tallaire, Matthew S. Hall, Thomas M. Moses,

Jocelyn Achard, Ricardo S. Sussmann, and Alix Gicquel
Reports on the properties and identification features of six CVD synthetic
diamonds grown for experimental purposes at the LIMHP-CNRS laboratory
in Paris.



Inclusions in Transparent Gem Rhodonite from Broken Hill,

New South Wales, Australia

Paul W. Millsteed, Terrence P. Mernagh, Vincent Otieno-Alego, and Dudley C. Creagh

Characterizes for the first time a variety of solid and three-phase inclusions
in rhodonite from the historic Broken Hill deposit.

pg. 238

REGULAR FEATURES _____________________


Lab Notes
Unusual synthetic alexandrite with needles and crystals Dyed rough diamond
Strongly colored natural type IIb blue diamonds Large natural freshwater pearl
from Texas Natural pearl, with a round core, that appears cultured Large
baroque golden South Sea cultured pearls Synthetic turquoise necklace
Yttrium zirconium oxide


Gem News International

Gem mosaics of faceted diamonds Unusual emerald with conical growth
features Fuchsite-corundum rock from Bahia, Brazil Pen shell pearls
nacreous and non-nacreous New sapphires from Tamil Nadu, India
Tenebrescent scapolite from Afghanistan Quartz with gilalite inclusions
Fake aquamarine crystals from Mogok More faked inclusions in Brazilian
quartz Natural pearl with orient-like coating Fibrolite (sillimanite) dyed and
impregnated to imitate ruby Conference reports


2005 Challenge Winners


Thank You, Donors


Book Reviews


Gemological Abstracts

pg. 260

pg. 269

he Fall 1988 issue of Gems &

Gemology contained an article titled
An Economic Review of the Past Decade in
Diamonds. In it, I chronicled the extraordinary, now
historic, ups and downs of the diamond market from
the mid-1970s to the late 1980s.
When it was published, the article surprised many G&G readers in that it deviated from the purely scientific or gemological nature of the journal. But, as the
late Richard T. Liddicoat wrote in that
issues editorial, Today . . . the study of
gemology is more than refractive indices
and specific gravity; it goes beyond synthetics and simulants, localities and
Leveridge gauges. Gemology is now a
truly interdisciplinary profession, requiring a good balance of the technical,
aesthetic, and commercial aspects of
GIAs Russell Shor, a respected journalist who has spent more than 20 years following the diamond industry, continues
this spirit of gemological breadth and
depth in our current issue. His article is a
comprehensive review of the vast economic
and social forces that have shaped the diamond
industry since the late 1980s. During these years, a
veritable revolution has taken place. From production and distribution changes, to major market shifts
toward India and China, to the branding revolution,
conflict diamonds, terrorism threats, and the
Kimberley Process, this article is a must-read for any
serious jeweler or gemologist, especially one who
wants to see todays diamond industry in its most
transparent form.


Of all the changes discussed in

this article, none can compare to the
fundamental shift in the role of De Beers
from custodian of global diamond supply to market driver. With its Supplier
of Choice initiative, a response to
the many economic and geopolitical forces Shor describes, De Beers
abandoned the philosophy that had
guided the company for more than a
centurycontrolling supply in order
to protect demand. The mere fact
that the De Beers brand name is
now reserved for its retail partnership with LVMH (De Beers LV) is a
monumental change in thinking
all its own.
I believe Shors work will stand
as the most practical resource on
diamond industry developments
over the turn of the millennium,
and will intrigue readers for years to
come. As with all G&G articles, especially those that lead an issue, we
demand a significant contribution to the gemological and jewelry literature. The broadening of
gemology itself and the ramifications of economic,
social, geopolitical, and technological factors in our
trade qualify Shors article as such, and again demonstrate the diverse and multifaceted nature of our field.

William E. Boyajian, President

Gemological Institute of America


FALL 2005



Russell Shor

During the past 15 years, political and economic forces have converged to radically transform the
structure of the diamond industry worldwide. This article examines how upheavals in the former
Soviet Union and several African nationsas well as the arrival of new sources such as Australia
and Canadaled to the restructuring of the rough diamond market. This in turn created new
competitive pressure at the wholesale and retail levels, including the movement to establish new
diamond cuts and diamonds as branded items. At the same time, technological advances have
enabled the faster, more efficient manufacturing of rough diamonds, created new treatments, and
fostered the introduction of economically viable gem-quality synthetics. While demand for diamond jewelry remains strong in the U.S., which accounts for nearly 50% of world consumption,
new markets such as India and China are likely to spearhead continued growth. In addition, new
social and governmental initiatives have affected how the entire industry conducts business.

n the Fall 1988 issue of Gems & Gemology,

William E. Boyajian chronicled the price-supply
upheavals in the diamond market of the late
1970s and 1980s that set into motion some of the
forces that would bring even more radical changes
in subsequent years. These included the speculative
and investment diamond era of the late 1970s,
and the subsequent crash that forced a number of
firms into bankruptcy. Japanese consumers led the
awakening of Asian consumer markets that helped
revive the diamond trade in the mid-80s. In addition, the large output of small, lower-quality diamonds from Australias Argyle mine, coupled with
the exponential expansion of Indias diamond manufacturing industry, made diamond jewelry a massmarket item for the American middle class.
This article looks at the many developments that
have had an impact on the world diamond industry
since the 1980s. Momentous changes in world politics, in particular, have had a profound effect: The
end of the Cold War unleashed a competitive spree
for Russian rough diamonds; civil wars in some
African diamond-producing nations revealed a dark
underside of the diamond industry; and the collapse



of several Asian economies in the late 1990s delivered a devastating blow to some diamond operations.
In addition, diamond sources in Australia and
Canada were developed by mining companies that
challenged De Beerss traditional single-channel sales
market. A diamond manufacturer, Lev Leviev, also
became a major rival to De Beers by securing lucrative diamond sources in Angola, Namibia, and
Russia. De Beers recast its own operations at the turn
of the millennium and tried, along with industry
bankers, to shift the industry from a supply-driven to
a demand-driven mentality, pushing its sightholders
to greater vertical integration and investment in sales
and marketing programs. Meanwhile, diamond-producing nations began asserting greater control over
their resources, including demands that a share of
their bounty be processed locally. This has profound
implications for diamond manufacturers in all parts
of the world, as well as for distributors in the middle

See end of article for About the Author and Acknowledgments.

GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 202233.
2005 Gemological Institute of America


FALL 2005

Figure 1. Though diamonds have always

adorned the wealthy and
famous, recent decades
have seen a notable
increase in the popularity
of flashy, bling-bling
styles of diamond jewelry. Here American singer
Beyonc is shown wearing a dramatic pair of diamond mesh earrings by
Lorraine Schwartz, New
York, while arriving at
the 2005 Academy
Awards. Photo Lisa

of the pipeline. Technological advances during the

1990s made diamond manufacturing vastly more
efficient, created new retail avenues that greatly
affected the way diamonds were sold, and yielded
new treatments and synthetics that challenged
gemologists skills. Consumers became privy to a
vast array of gemological and market information
about diamonds, and celebrities made them an even
more important element of high fashion (figure 1).
All of these developments are still fluid, and they
undoubtedly will continue to bring deep changes to
the diamond industry, challenging retailers, dealers,
and gemologists to adapt. On the positive side, new,
lucrative consumer markets for diamonds have
developed and show no sign of slowing, creating
immense opportunity amid these challenges.

million carats (table 1). The majority of world production was concentrated in southern Africa, with other
sources including Australia and the Soviet Union
(Levinson et al., 1992). Through its single-channel
marketing approach, formally adopted in 1935
(Diamonds, 1935), De Beers still managed the distribution of the vast majority of rough diamonds
entering the world market. Yet within 10 years,
changes in De Beerss relationships with Russian and
Australian producers, the development of mines in
Canada, and political events in Africa would dramatically reduce De Beerss share of the market and greatly alter the entire dynamic of the diamond industry
(Even-Zohar, 2002). The map of world diamond production and major cutting centers that Boyajian published in 1988 (p. 149) has undergone some significant changes (figure 2).



De Beerss Central Selling Organisation/Diamond

Trading Company. Since 1888, De Beers has been
the worlds primary supplier of rough diamonds. As
recently as 1993, the De Beers Central Selling
Organisation (CSO) controlled about 80% by value
of the approximately $5.5 billion world market,

Some of the most radical changes came in the production and distribution of rough diamonds. In 1991,
worldwide production totaled approximately 106



FALL 2005


through ownership of its own mines in South Africa

(see, e.g., figure 3) and 50-50 partnerships in mines
with the governments of Botswana and (since 1994)
Namibia (Austin, 1994; Shor, 2004). In addition, the
CSO marketed all of Russias rough diamond
exports, as well as all official production from Zaires
(Democratic Republic of the Congo [DRC] after
1996) Minire de Bakwanga (MIBA) mine and
Angolas state-owned diamond-mining company,
Endiama. It also maintained buying offices in most
African producing nations and Brazil to buy rough
on the open market. With one exception (the Argyle
mine), all major diamond production sources were
controlled by either De Beers or the governments of
the countries in which the mines were located, often
in partnership with one another. The 20% of rough
traded outside the CSO came from independent
shares of Argyle; small mining operations in South

Africa, South America, and elsewhere; informal alluvial mining in West Africa; and market windowsa percentage of rough diamonds the CSO
permitted its contracted producers to sell on the
open market to gauge prices.
The CSO mixed rough diamonds from all sources
and sorted them by quality, shape, and weight criteria (figure 4). Ten times yearly, it marketed rough to
a specific roster of clients at sights. In times of
slack demand or overproduction, the CSO would act
as a market buffer by stockpiling diamonds or reducing their purchases from certain producers (effectively forcing them to stock at the mine sites).
Yet several forces were developing that would significantly affect the CSOs ability to maintain a
majority share of the rough diamond market, hold
stocks of rough to regulate price fluctuations, and
fully control rough diamonds it obtained from its

TABLE 1. World rough diamond production by country, 19912003 (in thousands of carats).a
















































Zaire/D. R. Congo 14,814

Sierra Leone
South Africa


































Gem and near-gem


Zaire/D. R. Congo 3,000


Sierra Leone
South Africa

Grand total


106,000 106,000 105,000 110,000 116,000 120,000 120,000 126,000 118,000 117,000 121,000 134,000 150,000

a Totals may not match individual values because of rounding. A " in a block indicates no production or negligible production reported. Sources: Balazik
(1995); Olson (1999, 2003). Note that other sources may use different numbers because much of the information is based on estimates.
b Total production. Separate figures for industrial diamonds not available.
All Russia/USSR data before 2003 are based on estimates, with output believed to be 50% gem and 50% industrial.




FALL 2005

Figure 2. Diamond production in the 1980s was largely concentrated in southern Africa, with a few major mines
in Australia and the USSR. There are now major producing countries (dark green) on every continent except South
America and Antarctica; these eight countries accounted for over 95% of world production by volume in 2003.
Approximately a dozen other countries (medium green) produce commercially significant amounts, though far
less than the major producing nations. The major cutting and trading centers are indicated with a red diamond.
Modified from Boyajian (1988).

own mines. First, the end of the Soviet regime

unleashed a torrent of rough diamonds from the
countrys stockpiles and a desire among a number of
Russias senior government officials and members of
the diamond hierarchy to become more independent.
Second, a temporary truce in Angolas decadeslong civil war during the early 1990s created an
opportunity for thousands of garimpeiros (independent miners who often use only rudimentary tools),
many of them recently demobilized soldiers, to dig
for diamonds in the countrys alluvial fields.
Suddenly hundreds of thousands of carats of diamonds, typically of better qualities, were being sold
through offices in Luanda and Antwerp. The CSO
reportedly bought some $600 million of such goods
to remove them from the market (and thus keep
prices stable) in 1996 alone (Shor, 1996d). This decision caused an abrupt increase in De Beerss diamond
stocks, drawing criticism from the financial community. Although the CSO purchased Angolan diamonds using its own funds, without borrowing,


investors believed such a stockpile was a growing liability, and the price of the companys stock ultimately fell because of it (De Beers Consolidated Mines,
1997). In addition, because De Beers executives had
made the high-quality goods flowing from Angola
such a priority, they were disinclined to protect the
market for small diamonds. This concerned Argyle
executives and contributed to their decision not to
renew their marketing agreement with the CSO
(Shor, 1996c).
Third, the discovery of diamonds in Canada
introduced a large rival mining corporation, BHP, to
the diamond market, thus creating another
formidable distribution channel outside the CSO.
Finally, after 1999 the CSO (renamed the
Diamond Trading Company, or DTC, in 2000)
stopped buying goods on the outside market in
order to reduce its large diamond stockpile, which
had grown to $4.8 billion (De Beers Consolidated
Mines, 2000). In addition, it did not want to handle
so-called conflict diamonds from embattled nations


FALL 2005


Figure 3. De Beers's historical dominance of the

rough diamond market
is founded on its ownership of several large
mines in South Africa.
Shown here is the
Venetia mine north of
Messina, where full production of 3.6 million
carats was achieved in
1993. Venetia is South
Africa's most productive
diamond mine and one
of the most modern diamond mining facilities
in the world. Courtesy
of the DTC.

(discussed below). By this action, the company put

the industry on notice that it would no longer serve
as custodian for the trade
Thus, as the 21st century opened, De Beerss
share of rough diamond sales had been reduced
sharply to some 50% by value, ending its role as
single-channel marketer and reducing its ability to
regulate supplies and pricesparticularly of polished goods under a carat.
Russia. One of the most significant and tumultuous
events of the late 20th century was the collapse of
the Soviet Union in 199192. Under the Soviet system, government agencies closely controlled all diamond operations. Since these goods first reached the
international market around 1963 (Even-Zohar,
2002), the Soviets sold most of their diamond production to the CSO through intermediaries. In the 1970s,
they developed their own diamond-cutting facilities
and, by 1978, about $400 million of their production
was allocated to these ventures (EIU, 1979).
Soviet diamond-mining and marketing operations remained fairly stable until the mid-1980s,
when then-premier Mikhail Gorbachev embarked
on an ambitious programperestroika, or restructuringto modernize the Soviet economy. As part
of this program, in 1990 De Beers agreed to loan the
Soviets $1 billion. As collateral, a significant portion
of the USSRs diamond stockpile was transferred to
De Beerss CSO headquarters. The deal also included a five-year agreement allowing De Beers exclusive marketing rights to new diamond production
(Shor, 1993).



The end of the Soviet regime led to a new diamond industry structure that divided power and
profits between the central government in Moscow
and the local authority in Sakha, the semiautonomous republic that produces 98% of Russias
diamonds. The mining and marketing of diamonds
from the Russian Federation was placed under a
joint-stock (cooperative venture) agency known
as Almazziirossi-Sakha (now shortened to Alrosa),
Russian for Diamonds of Russia and Sakha.
Ownership of Alrosa is divided as follows: Sakha
Republic, 40.5%; the central Russian government,
32.5%; other government agencies, 27%.
Alrosa took 80% of Russias yearly rough production of approximately $1.2 billion; the Republic
of Sakha took the other 20%. Those shares continue today. With the dissolution of the USSR, Alrosa
continued to honor a clause in the 1990 agreement
with De Beers that required it to sell 75% of its
rough production to the CSO. The remaining 25%
would go to Russian polishing operations or be sold
through Alrosas office in Moscow. At the same
time, Sakha signed its own contract with the CSO
to sell all of its production, apart from a provision
for unspecified allocations to local polishing operations. This would prove problematic.
The 1990 agreement contained several critical
loopholes: It did not include goods from Russias
estimated $3 billion stockpile, which were administered by a different agency controlled by the central
government (Komdragmet, later called Gokhran); it
did not define or limit the scope of domestic polishing operations (most of which were in fact newly


FALL 2005

created joint ventures with Antwerp or Israeli manufacturers); and it did not include sales of technical (industrial) diamonds (Shor, 1993).
By 1992, diamonds were pouring through these
loopholes, depressing pricesparticularly of small
goods. Worse for De Beers, some of the 37 cutting
operations did little more than polish a window
onto a rough diamond and export it as polished
(Even-Zohar, 2002). An estimated $5 billion worth
of rough diamonds thus leaked into the market during the mid-1990s (Pearson, 1998). The influx of so
many diamonds caused serious instability in the
diamond market.
In October 1997, after two years of difficult
negotiations, the Russian government and the
CSO finally signed a new contract that would last
until the end of 1998. It was based on a complex
formula stipulating that Russia, through Alrosa,
sell the CSO a minimum of $1.2 billion of rough
diamonds, drawn from both new mine production
and the stockpile. The agreement closed two crucial loopholes: It banned the export of partially
manufactured diamonds, and it tightened the standards for technical diamonds so they were much

Figure 4. De Beers has traditionally brought all its

rough diamond production to CSO/DTC headquarters in London, where it is mixed and sorted into
thousands of categories before distribution to
sightholders. This practice is being challenged, as producing nations seek to retain a portion of their rough
for local cutting and polishing. Courtesy of the DTC.

closer to the trades definition of industrial (Shor

1997b, 1998a).
After 1997, Alrosa shifted its priorities to the 90
domestic diamond-polishing factories operating in
Russia, including several it established through a
subsidiary, Brillianty Alrosa. That company alone
sold $130.7 million in polished diamonds in 2001
(Alrosa, 2002).
De Beers and Alrosa concluded another five-year
agreement in 2001, which required that the latter sell
De Beers a minimum of $800 million worth of rough
annually, approximately half of Sakhas total production (De Beers Consolidated Mines, 2001). However,
the following year, the European Commission (the
executive body of the European Union) began a
lengthy review process to determine whether or not
this supply arrangement violated anti-competition
regulations. While the matter remains pending, De
Beers and Alrosa agreed to a substantial phased
reduction of their rough diamond dealings, with
Alrosa selecting approximately 15 clients to supplement De Beers (Rapaport, 2004b). The result certainly will thrust Alrosa into a more competitive
stance against the DTC as the decade progresses.
At the opening of 2005, the Russian government
issued official diamond production figures for the
first time ever. In 2003, 33.02 million carats (Mct) of
rough was produced, valued at $1.7 billion (an average of $51 per carat; this figure is higher than those
given in table 1, which are based on earlier data).
Interestingly, for the same year, Russia listed rough
exports of 37.8 Mct valued at $883.4 million, or $23
per carat (Russian diamond production, 2005),
which indicates that it was still selling large stocks
of industrial and lower-quality cuttable diamonds
from its stockpile.
Australia. Australias Argyle diamond mine was
developed in the early 1980s. The sheer volume of
the mines production42 Mct yearly at its peak
served as a catalyst for a number of important
changes in the world diamond market. In particular,
the millions of carats of predominantly small neargem diamonds (very low quality rough from which
some gem material can be extracted) coming from
Argyle provided the raw material for the exponential growth of Indias diamond manufacturing
industry. Moreover, the marketing of Argyles (predominantly brown) colored diamonds fostered a
much greater consumer awareness of such stones.
When the mine began production, its major partners, Ashton Mining and CRA Mining (CRA merged



FALL 2005


with RTZ in 1995 and took the name Rio Tinto two
years later), signed a deal to sell the CSO 75% of their
yearly output. Approximately 40% of these diamonds could be fashioned into polished goods
albeit, for the most part, of very low qualityby
Indias low-wage manufacturing force (the effects on
India are detailed below). At first, these vast quantities of smaller, lower-quality material were easily
absorbed by fast-growing U.S. mass merchandisers,
who found a market niche for affordable diamond
jewelry. However, Argyle production neared full
capacity by 1991 as the U.S. economy fell into a
recession, swelling inventories of small diamonds in
the cutting centers. Then the large, unregulated flow
of small diamonds from Russia in the early and mid1990s (discussed above) depressed prices and bloated
inventories, prompting De Beers to impose a 25%
reduction in its purchases of rough from each producer (Shor, 1996b). The move generated unease among
Argyle executives, who believed De Beers had failed
to support the market for small diamonds at the
same time that it had propped up the market for larger diamonds when supplies of such goods from
Angola threatened to overwhelm the pipeline.
As a result, Argyle declined to renew its sales
contract with De Beers in 1996. This decision sent
fears of a price war between the CSO and Argyle circulating through Indias diamond industry.
Argyle also broke precedent with other diamond
producers by launching its own marketing campaign, beginning in 1990 (Shor, 1991). The company
developed a sales organization and marketing initiatives aimed at driving demand for smaller diamonds
and the millions of carats of brown goods the mine
produced, which it christened champagne and
cognac (Shor, 1991; figure 5). Argyle then focused
on promoting finished jewelry made by major purchasers of its diamonds, hiring jewelry manufacturing technicians to assist these firms in developing
products and services compatible with American
retailers requirements (Shor, 1994) and engaging a
marketing organization (Market Vision International [MVI]) to facilitate access to U.S. retailers
at major trade shows. By 2004, Indias diamond jewelry exports had topped $2 billion, nearly two-thirds
of which were destined for U.S. retailers (Weldon,
While achieving success at building demand for
its clients products, Argyles owners were faced with
a critical decision as the millennium neared: The projected life of the mines open-pit operation (figure
6) was coming to an end. Production had nearly



Figure 5. During the 1990s, a series of marketing initiatives by the owners of the Argyle mine in Australia
helped make fine brown diamonds such as these
(0.351.32 ct) an important segment of the colored
diamond market. Photo Robert Weldon.

halved to 26.2 Mct by 2001, after Rio Tinto conducted a redevelopment project to extend its life. This
reduction in Argyles output created a large overcapacity of diamond manufacturing in India, which
touched off a heated competition for rough supplies
to keep the many operations going (Gross, 2003). By
mid-2005, the projected cost of converting Argyle
into an underground mine was estimated at A$1.05
billion (US$800 million). Rio Tinto has pressured the
Western Australian government for aid and concessions on the 22.5% it pays in royalties to keep the
mine operating past 2008 (Tanna, 2004a; Argyle
expansion, 2005). Closure of Argyle would exacerbate the overcapacity of Indias diamond-manufacturing operations, particularly in Ahmadabad, where
vast quantities of those stones are polished.
Canada. The 1991 discovery of diamond-bearing
kimberlite at Lac de Gras in Canadas Northwest
Territories was the first significant diamond find in
North America. Ultimately, the Canadian mines
would become the first major operations in recent
times to sell the majority of their production outside the CSO from the beginning.
By the time the mine finally opened in October
1998, BHP Minerals (now BHP Billiton) had established a marketing subsidiary, BHP Diamonds,
which opened a sales office in Antwerp, run in cooperation with rough diamond dealer IDH Diamonds
(Shor, 1999). In the first two years of operation,
Ekatis main pipe, Panda, yielded a total of 2.7 Mct,
about 2% of world diamond production by weight
and 5% by value. By 2003, annual production had
increased to 4 Mct, worth just over $600 million
(Rio Tinto Diamonds, 2003).


FALL 2005

In 1999, BHP Diamonds signed a three-year

agreement with the CSO to market 35% of the
mines production by volume. At the end of that
agreement, BHP chose to market its entire production itself (Even-Zohar, 2002). BHP now distributes
the vast majority of its production through its
Antwerp sales office in a manner similar to the DTC
sights: selling to a regular clientele at scheduled
intervals. In a break from the existing DTC policy,
however, BHP announced it would adjust prices to
market forces. (Through much of Ekatis life, however, downward adjustment has not been necessary [G.
Nicholls, pers. comm., April 2004].)
The discovery of diamonds at Ekati touched off a
huge exploration rush that resulted in the discovery
of another major deposit nearby. Aber Resources Ltd.
located a cluster of kimberlite pipes under a lake just
southeast of the Ekati concession. The site, later
named Diavik, was promising enough to attract Rio
Tinto as a 60% partner. Tiffany & Co. also took a
stake in the venture (see below for details).
With the opening of Diavik (figure 7) in 2003,
Canada became the worlds sixth largest diamond
producer by volume (an estimated 12.6 Mct in 2004)
and third by value (an estimated $1.6 billion),
according to Even-Zohar (2005).
Following Ekatis lead, Rio Tinto chose to market its own production directly rather than through
the DTC. As discussed above, by then the company
had developed a sophisticated marketing operation
for its Argyle production, giving it a ready-made
sales organization with extensive contacts throughout the diamond pipeline, from Indian manufacturers to American retailers.
New Competitors: Lev Leviev, LLD. One of De
Beerss principal competitors to emerge in the late
1990s was a former client, Lev Leviev (figure 8), who
had set a goal of establishing a truly independent diamond operation. This required owning or controlling
sources of rough diamonds (Weldon, 2002).
In 1989, Leviev, a naturalized Israeli citizen born
in Uzbekistan, found his first diamond source close
to his homeland. His company, then known as LID,
formed a joint-venture diamond manufacturing
operation with Alrosa. The venture, called Ruis
(short for Russia/Israel), had direct access to Russias
rough diamond resources. Eventually, Leviev
acquired full control of Ruis, which in 2002 manufactured $140 million in polished goods (Berman
and Goldman, 2003). The release of Russian rough
to cutting operations during the early 1990s was the


Figure 6. The huge volume and unique characteristics

of Argyle's production have wrought enormous
changes in the diamond market over the past two
decades, from driving the growth of India's polishing
industry to supplying greatly increased numbers of
fancy-color diamonds. The Argyle open-pit mine is
nearing the end of its production life, and its potential
closure in the next decade is a source of uncertainty in
the markets it helped create.

catalyst that helped Leviev become the first significant competitor to De Beers in the control and distribution of rough diamonds.


FALL 2005


Figure 7. In little more

than five years, Canada's
diamond production
grew from negligible to
third in the world by
value. Total 2004 production at the Diavik
mine on Lac de Gras in
the Northwest Territories
(left) exceeded 7 million
carats. Photo by Mark L.

As Ruis expanded, Leviev secured ever-greater

amounts of rough from both Alrosa and
Komdragmet/Gokhran. In 1999, he invested the
profits from this operation in contracts to obtain

Figure 8. Former De Beers sightholder Lev Leviev

built a multi-billion-dollar diamond mining and
manufacturing company during the 1990s through
his partnerships with Russian and Angolan diamond producers. LLD Diamonds is now second only
to De Beers in rough diamond sales worldwide.
Photo by Robert Weldon.



rough from another major diamond producer,

Angola (Berman and Goldman, 2003).
Leviev took advantage of De Beerss departure
from Angola in 1998 to gain access to its diamond
production. He presented a plan to Angolas government to increase revenues by marketing diamonds
through a single entity. The Angola Selling Corp.
(Ascorp) was created from this initiative, and the
government awarded Leviev a 25% stake in it
(Weldon, 2002). Leviev also won a share of Sodiam,
an Angolan government agency set up to buy diamonds from alluvial concessions, which then marketed its diamonds through Ascorp.
Since 2000, Leviev has also invested heavily in
offshore diamond mining in Namibia and obtained
contracts to market rough from the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (see below). These operations
helped his company, now called LLD Diamonds,
achieve about $1 billion worth of rough diamond
sales in 2002 (Even-Zohar, 2002), putting him ahead
of such major diamond producers as Rio Tinto and
BHP Billiton. In 2004, Leviev expanded his diamond
manufacturing operation to Namibia, where he purchased a deep-sea mining operation, and announced
plans to open a polishing facility in Botswana.
In 2005, however, Levievs position as principal
marketer of Angolan diamonds was challenged by
Israeli manufacturer Dan Gertler, of DGI Group,
which won a contract to sell 300,000 carats monthly from the countrys largest mine, Catoca (Helmer,
2005). In addition, De Beers reestablished its exploration and mineral rights in the diamond-bearing
province of Lunda Norte (Miller, 2005b).


FALL 2005

African Producers. De Beerss biggest challenge in

the coming decade will be to adapt to demands from
the governments of South Africa, Namibia, and
Botswana to exert greater control over their respective diamond resources and obtain more domestic
benefits (primarily increased employment) from De
Beerss diamond-mining operations. At mid-decade,
producer-country governments, the DTC and, to a
lesser extent, other mining companies are still in difficult negotiations over an effective balance between
local beneficiation and economically efficient enterprise. Ultimately, this could cause De Beers and
other mining concerns working in these nations to
sort and market the bulk of their productions locally, instead of mixing them in a central facility, as is
the current practice. The outcomes remain far from
certain; however, the shift toward local diamond
manufacturing undoubtedly will affect pricing, profits, and the availability of goods throughout the
entire diamond pipeline.
South Africa. In 2002, 10.9 Mct of diamonds were
mined in South Africa, 95% by De Beerscontrolled
mines (Coakley, 2002). As 2005 began, South
Africas legislature was debating a controversial initiative designed to bring much greater beneficiation
to the country, and it had mandated that blacks
share in the ownership of the countrys mineral
resources, including diamonds. This legislation
package is an important part of the governments
Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policies,

which seek to integrate the countrys majority population into its large corporate community (Mbeki,
2004; Mlambo-Ngcuka, 2004).
The legislation would put into practice principles espoused in the countrys new Mining Charter,
which asserts that all mineral resources are the
property of the people of the country, with the state
holding custodial rights. The laws would cede broad
discretionary powers to the minister of minerals
and energy in granting and administering prospecting and mining operations, require mining companies to set aside a percentage of rough diamonds for
local manufacturing, and allow domestic cutters
first refusal rights on rough diamonds.
Thenminister of minerals and energy (now
deputy president) Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka (figure 9) told attendees at the 2004 Antwerp
Diamond Conference that local cutters should be
empowered to decide what they can and cannot
cut rather than producers who are keen to sell outside [South Africa] (Mlambo-Ngcuka, 2004).
However, experiences in Canadas Northwest
Territories (NWT) demonstrated the difficulties of
such operations. In 2005, Sirius Diamonds, a cutting facility established with aid from the provincial NWT government, went bankrupt. De Beers
chairman Nicky Oppenheimer, addressing a gathering of African mining ministers on February 8,
2005, noted that diamond manufacturing in highwage countries (e.g., South Africa) can run
$40$50 per carat, yet must compete with large,

Figure 9. The end of

apartheid helped bring
about significant changes
in the diamond industry's
once-intimate relationship
with the South African
government. In recent
years, government officials
such as president Thabo
Mbeki (left) and deputy
president Phumzile
Mlambo-Ngcuka (right)
have forcefully lobbied for
greater local benefits for
the South African people,
such as black ownership of
mining resources and
expanded local cutting
operations. Photo Mike



FALL 2005


automated Indian operations, where costs run

$10$12 per carat (Robinson, 2005a). Thus, governments would be forced to subsidize the operations with tax revenues or by requiring the industry to allow such operations to cherry pick
material that can be profitably manufactured, leaving less-profitable material for manufacturers in
other cutting centers (Pearson, 2004; Priddy, 2005).
Although Oppenheimer further noted at the
February 2005 meeting that heavy-handed legislation could lead to disengagement between the
government and mining companies, the company
hastened to comply with South Africas demands.
In June 2005, the DTC added five South African
sightholders for a total of 19 in that country. These
additional sights were allocated to companies compliant with South Africas BEE programs, which
include black partners or substantial black investment (Miller, 2005a).
The governments of Namibia and Botswana also
have called for beneficiation projects within their
borders, though far less sweeping than South
Africas proposals (Even-Zohar, 2004; Benson, 2005).

Figure 10. As African governments seek greater local

benefits from their diamond resources, one primary
goal is the successful development of local polishing
operations. Shown here is a sawing line at the Namcot
Diamonds plant in Windhoek, Namibia, operated by
the Steinmetz Group. The economic viability of these
operations is uncertain, since they must compete with
manufacturers in countries such as India that have
much lower labor costs. Photo by Brendan Laurs.



Namibia. This country has been a producer of highvalue marine diamonds for nearly 100 years.
Production averaged about $275 per carat in 2000
(Even-Zohar, 2002). After Namibia achieved independence in 1990, newly elected president Sam
Nujoma negotiated with De Beers, which owned all
of the major diamond-producing concessions, to
transform mining operations into a 50-50 governmentDe Beers corporation called Namdeb, created
in 1994. Nujoma later encouraged other diamond
producers and manufacturers to invest in the country, with the eventual goal of having 90% of
Namibian-mined diamonds polished locally. As of
mid-2005, five local polishing operations (see, e.g.,
figure 10) had been established, including a 550worker facility opened by Lev Leviev.
At a November 2004 ceremony in Windhoek,
De Beers managing director Gary Ralfe offered to
help the government develop skills and jobs in the
country, which produced 1.65 Mct in 2003 (Tanna,
2004b). In mid-2005, Ralfe opened a branch of
Diamdel, the DTCs rough diamond distribution
subsidiary, in Windhoek to supply local diamondmanufacturing operations (De Beers Group, 2005).
Botswana. De Beers and the Republic of Botswana
have been partners in the worlds largest diamond
reserves since 1967. There are three major diamond
mines in the countryOrapa, Jwaneng (figure 11),
and Letlhakaneand a smaller, newly opened operation, Damtshaa. These are owned jointly by De
Beers and the government of Botswana through a
50-50 venture, Debswana.
The sheer volume of Botswanas production,
30.4 Mct valued at $2.4 billion in 2003 (Debswana,
2003), combined with the fact that diamond revenues account for 3540% of the countrys gross
domestic product, have placed the two entities into
an interdependent relationship. This was formally
sealed in 2001 when Botswana became the first diamond producer to gain an ownership stake in De
Beers. Debswana took a direct 11% share, and an
indirect 4% share when De Beers reorganized as a
private concern that year (discussed in detail below;
De Beers Consolidated Mines, 2001; Even-Zohar,
2002). Botswana president Festus Mogae made it
clear in a November 2002 talk in Antwerp that diamonds have been the key to his countrys rapid
development and ascendance into a middle-class
society, according to World Bank classifications.
Despite their close relationship, De Beers and
the government of Botswana have engaged in hard


FALL 2005

Figure 11. The enormous production of

Botswana's diamond
mines, such as Jwaneng
(left) has been the key
to that country's evolution into a stable middle-class democracy.
The imperative to use
diamonds to promote
development in Africa
is an important challenge for the 21st century diamond industry.
Courtesy of the DTC.

negotiating sessions over renewals of mining leases

and marketing contracts. The cession of Debswanas stake in De Beers to the government was
one outcome of the talks over the renewal of the 25year Jwaneng license in 2004 (Katz, 2004b).

While mining companies and governments vied to
develop and control kimberlite deposits, the alluvial fields of western (Sierra Leone), central

(Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC]), and southern (Angola; figure 12) Africa brought to official
and public attention, for the first time, concerns
over the origins of diamonds. Civil wars in these
regions sparked a series of United Nations sanctions on trading diamonds from those countries,
beginning in 1998. These stones became known as
conflict diamonds, which the U.N. officially
defined in 2000 as: Diamonds that originate from
areas controlled by forces or factions opposed to
the legitimate and internationally recognized gov-

Figure 12. One of the most

dramatic changes in the
diamond industry in recent
years has been greater
attention to the source of
rough diamonds. As governments and rebel groups
in Africa increasingly used
diamond revenue to fund
wars and atrocities, the
industry was forced to
enact restrictions on rough
trading based on where the
diamonds were mined.
This 2001 photo shows an
alluvial pit near the town
of Saurimo in Lunda Sul
Province, Angola. Photo
Teun Voeten; courtesy
of Panos Pictures.



FALL 2005


ernments, and are used to fund military action in

opposition to those governments, or in contravention to the decision of the Security Council
(Conflict Diamonds, 2001, p. 1).
Angola. Shortly after Angola achieved independence
from Portugal in 1974, following a revolution led by
the Movimento Popular da Libertao de Angola
(MPLA), the country fell into civil war. Because of
the MPLAs Marxist nature, Angola immediately
became embroiled in the Cold War struggle
between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. For much
of the 1970s, however, the Marxist inclinations of
Angolas government did not deter it from continuing the countrys relationship with De Beers. By
1980, most of the resistance to Angolas existing
MPLA government had coalesced around a former
army general, Jonas Savimbi. The general won the
support of many organizations in the U.S. with his
promise to bring democracy to his country.
During the 1980s, Savimbis Unio Nacional
para a Independencia Total de Angola (UNITA)
began targeting the countrys diamond operations
and selling captured diamonds via networks that
ran through Lisbon to Antwerp (Shor, 1986).
Angolas state-run diamond marketing agency, then
called Diamang, reported that the countrys official
diamond production had declined nearly two-thirds,
to 700,000 carats, by 1986.
In the early 1990s, UNITA and the MPLA government reached a U.N.brokered accord. When
the cease-fire unraveled in 1993, Savimbi and his
forces retreated to the eastern end of the country,
which includes two major diamond-producing
areas, Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul. That same year,
the U.N. Security Council adopted Resolution 864
imposing an arms embargo against UNITA and
establishing a committee to monitor UNITAs
In 1998, after another failed peace initiative in
Angola, the U.N. Security Council adopted
Resolutions 1173 and 1176, which prohibited the
direct or indirect import from Angola of all diamonds not accompanied by a certificate of origin
issued by the government of Angola, and imposing
financial and travel sanctions on UNITA and its
leaders (Fowler, 2000; Conflict Diamonds, 2001).
That same year, a London-based nongovernmental
organization (NGO), Global Witness, charged that
U.N. member states, including Belgium, were
doing very little to enforce the U.N. embargo . . . and
are wittingly or unwittingly providing the diamond



industry with the wherewithal to exploit loopholes . . .

to maintain the multi-million dollar trade
(Global Witness, 1998, p. 15). Shortly after this, De
Beers stopped all purchases of rough diamonds from
Angola on the grounds that their legitimate origins
could not be verified (De Beers Consolidated Mines,
Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of the
Congo. In these two countries, diamond production
came from two sources: official output by government-controlled or sanctioned enterprises, and
unofficial diggings by garimpeiros. Many of these
garimpeiros were, in effect, workers indentured to
local officials or dealers (Shor, 1988a). In the DRC
(formerly Zaire), all the official diamond production
went through MIBA, the government-dominated
agency that controlled large alluvial concessions
along the countrys southern border with Angola.
However, garimpeiros occupied most of the other
diamond areas, out-producing MIBA by as much as
three times in terms of value. This deprived the state
of millions of dollars in revenues because most of
these diamonds were either smuggled out of the
country or, if legally exported, greatly undervalued
(Shor, 1986). These diamond-producing areas were
the targets of incursions by troops from neighboring
countries in 20012003.
By the late 1990s, a civil war in Sierra Leone
began escalating into a series of horrific atrocities.
The Revolutionary United Front (RUF), under
Foday Sankoh, broke a year-long cease fire by systematically killing or mutilating the populations of
entire villages in the countrys diamond-producing
areas. The RUFs tactics galvanized the international human rights community into pressuring the diamond industry to act against conflict diamonds.
On November 1, 1999, U.S. congressmen Tony
Hall and Frank Wolfe introduced legislation (the
CARAT Act) that would require importers of rough
and polished gem diamonds and diamond jewelry to
provide written certification of the country in
which the diamonds were mined (Rapaport, 1999).
As the fighting in both Angola and Sierra Leone
intensified, the U.N. issued a report on the conflicts, directed by Canadian ambassador Robert
Fowler (2000). The report detailed how rulers of
countries neighboring Angola profited by allowing
rebel groups to export diamonds through their countries despite the sanctions. Following this report,
human rights groups claimed that as much as 15%
of all diamonds in the market were conflict; De


FALL 2005

Figure 13. The

Kimberley Process
requires that all diamonds crossing the borders of KP-participating
countries be accompanied by a certificate
such as the one shown
here (a sample issued by
the United Arab
Emirates). The certificate must warrant that
the diamonds have been
purchased from legitimate sources not
involved in funding conflicts and in compliance
with U.N. resolutions.

Beers estimated the number at about 3% (Shor,

2000). The difference lay in the fact that the NCOs
counted all diamonds traded outside legitimate
channels (known as illicit diamonds) as conflict, while De Beers counted only those coming
from Angolas and the DRCs war zones.
The World Diamond Council and the Kimberley
Process. During July 1719, 2000, the World
Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) and the
International Diamond Manufacturers Association
(IDMA) established the World Diamond Council
(WDC), a representative body comprised of diamond
manufacturers and industry organizations such as
the HRD, Jewelers of America, the Jewelers
Vigilance Committee (JVC), and CIBJO, among others. GIA, as a nonprofit public benefit corporation,
also provided assistance, particularly with technical
information. The council was charged with developing policies and procedures that would allow the
industry to help U.N. and government efforts to end
the trade in conflict diamonds.
In December 2000, representatives from diamond-producing nations (including South Africa,
Botswana, Russia, Namibia, and the official governments of Sierra Leone and Angola) and diamond-processing nations (including Belgium,
Israel, India, and the U.S.) convened in Kimberley,
South Africa. After some initial objections by producing countries, the representatives agreed to
work toward a scheme that would allow diamonds
from nonconflict areas to be traded freely once


their origins were certified. Their efforts to make

this plan a reality came to be known as the
Kimberley Process (KP).
Fifty-three nations ratified the Kimberley
Process at a meeting in Interlachen, Switzerland,
in November 2002. The certification requirements
took effect January 1, 2003. To participate, nations
had to require that all rough diamonds passing
through their borders carry KP certificates (see,
e.g., figure 13). In addition, no imports would be
permitted from nonparticipating countries. Critics
of the Kimberley Process, including NGOs and the
U.S. General Accounting Office, believed the certification scheme was meaningless without independent verification (Smillie, 2002).
By 2003, the governments of Angola, Sierra
Leone, and the DRC controlled enough of their diamond resources that they could join the Kimberley
Process and use diamond revenues to help rebuild
their countries. Even though the Kimberley Process
expelled the Republic of the Congo in July 2004 for
noncompliance with its procedures, its chairman
noted that the KP still covered 99.8% of global diamond production (Martin, 2004). Non-KP producers
reportedly accounted for no more than 250,000
carats; the majority of these non-KP goods originated
from countries, such as Liberia and the Republic of
the Congo, that border diamond-producing nations
and have traditionally been used as conduits for illicit diamonds. Although the conflicts that led to the
creation of the KP have ended, the KPs continued
role will be that of preventing the use of diamonds to


FALL 2005


support future armed conflicts by keeping them out

of illicit channels (Martin, 2004).
Terrorist Attacks, 9/11, and the PATRIOT Act. The
broader subject of illicit diamonds became more critical after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,
when allegations of diamond-funded terrorism
became an issue, and the U.S. government began
investigating funding sources of al Qaeda and other
terrorist organizations. Although reports by Global
Witness (2003) and Washington Post reporter
Douglas Farah (2004) linked certain Lebanese diamond trading firms to terrorist organizations, subsequent investigations turned up no evidence of sustained, ongoing diamond trade by terrorists or their
The final report of the National Commission on
Terrorist Acts, the official U.S. body investigating
the 9/11 attacks, was released on July 22, 2004. The
585-page report stated that there was no persuasive
evidence that al Qaeda funded itself by trading in
African conflict diamonds (National Commission
on Terrorist Attacks, 2004, p. 171).
The 9/11 attacks were also the catalyst for legislation requiring that the financial industry show
greater accountability in its international dealings.
The Uniting and Strengthening America by
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept
and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act was
signed into law October 26, 2001; one of its many
purposes was to curb funding of terrorist organizations. Under authority granted by the Act in April
2002, the U.S. Treasury Department designated
gem and jewelry dealers as financial institutions
and subjected the industry to extensive reporting
requirements. In response, the JVC took on the
role of liaison between the gem and jewelry industry and the Treasury Department to draft rules
that would accommodate the unique nature of
the industry (Gardner, 2004).
In June 2005, the U.S. Treasury Department
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
issued its Interim Final Rule, which requires that all
dealers engaged in the business of purchasing and
selling precious metals, stones, and jewels adopt
certain procedures to ensure they are not aiding
money laundering. FinCEN exempted U.S. retail
jewelers who purchase gemstones and jewelry
exclusively from U.S.based dealers on the grounds
that these suppliers were already covered.
The European Union and other countries have
adopted similar measures. Today, proponents of



African development are looking to the Kimberley

Process and antimoney laundering regulations to
ensure that diamonds are exported through legitimate channels, which has the added benefit of
allowing producing governments to derive the maximum possible revenues from their diamond

Until the early 1990s, the process of polishing diamonds had changed little from traditional methods developed during the previous century. Most
diamond-cutting procedures were still accomplished by hand (Caspi, 1997). The main exception
was the automated polishing machine for round
brilliants, introduced by Piermatic in the 1970s.
During the late 1980s, however, a confluence of
events and technologies revolutionized the diamond-cutting process, allowing goods to come to
market much more quickly and efficiently. They
also increased yield significantly, by giving manufacturers many more options, and permitted new
shapes to be fashioned economically.
The most important event was the rise of Indian
and other Asian manufacturers in the quality-diamond field, which forced diamond manufacturers
in so-called traditional centers, Israel in particular,
to look at automating their operations to remain
competitive. Indian labor costs ran one-fifth to onesixth those of Israeli workers (Caspi, 1997). In addition, Asian consumersthe Japanese in particularwere very sensitive to the quality of diamond
cut (Shor, 1996e). Moreover, as price competition
among retailers intensified, diamond manufacturers were compelled to derive the maximum yield
from their rough without sacrificing beauty.
Israeli engineers adapted emerging technologies
of lasers, computer imaging, and precision measurement systems to diamond processing. Major
producers such as Argyle and De Beers also made
improvements in automated diamond-processing
equipment, such as polishing and bruting
machines, to increase speed, accuracy, and quality
(Caspi, 1997).
Lasers had been used by diamond manufacturers
since the 1970s to remove dark inclusions, but
those early lasers lacked the precision to be adapted
to the cutting process, resulting in losses of about
8% of the rough (compared to 1% to 2% by conventional sawing). By the 1980s, though, some manufacturers in India adapted lasers for kerfing (cutting


FALL 2005

the groove for cleavers), which accomplished in

minutes what took traditional hand workers several
hours, and was more accurate. In addition, one laser
unit could process 20 diamonds at one time (Shor,
1988b). By the early 1990s, a single technician using
a laser system could out-produce 60 hand workers
(S. Doshi, pers. comm., 2005).
In the late 1980s, several machines were developed that could automatically brute round diamonds, while still employing the traditional process of grinding one diamond against another (see,
e.g., figure 14). These machines replaced traditional
bruters, who were among the most skilled and
best-paid cutters because they were responsible for
deriving the maximum yield. However, even highly skilled bruters produced diamonds that were
often slightly out of round, which created problems
for faceting machines. Not only did the automatic
bruting machines largely solve this problem, but
they also helped manufacturers reduce labor costs
Hand-in-hand with the improvements in the
bruting process came the development of automatic
centering devices. These could accurately align the
rough diamond with the center of the bruting
machine, allowing for more precise cutting to manufacturers requirements and fewer interruptions in
the bruting process to readjust a diamonds position
on the dop.
By the early 1990s, two things had happened: (1)
lasers had improved, with a narrower beam that
reduced burn-off; and (2) imaging technology was
adapted to allow for precise direction of the laser
beam. With these advances, diamond manufacturers could fashion virtually any shape directly from
the rough. While greatly speeding up the processing
time, as mechanical systems did for round stones,
laser bruting of fancies has allowed diamond manufacturers to achieve better symmetry and experiment more freely with new cuts.
Computer technology also transformed the
marking process, by which the cutter plans how to
divide a crystal most economically. An Israeli
company, Sarin, introduced computerized scanning and measuring devices (see, e.g, figure 15) that
provided complete measurements of a rough diamond within seconds. The unit scanned the crystal, then evaluated all the possible polished stones
that could be derived from it, reducing the need for
hand marking and improving yield in the process.
In addition, a new generation of automatic grainfinding polishing machines allowed for faster pol-


Figure 14. Bruting, or initial shaping of the rough, was

once the most difficult and labor-intensive element of
diamond manufacturing. The advent in the 1980s and
'90s of automatic bruting machines, such as this one by
Milano Industries, led to huge improvements in productivity and quality control. Photo by James E. Shigley.

ishing and much better finish as well as for highly

accurate symmetry and faceting.
Although such technological innovations meant
that diamond manufacturers had to spend millions
of dollars outfitting new factories during a time
when competition was squeezing profits, they also
allowed the production of polished stones with
much better symmetry and finish than ever before.
This proved to be a catalyst for a consumer revolution that began in Japan and ultimately spread
worldwide: premium-cut diamonds.

Figure 15. Once a matter of expert guesswork, the

marking and dividing of rough diamonds became a far
more precise and efficient process through the development of computerized scanning and measuring systems such as the Sarin DiaExpert (shown here with
DiaMension hardware). Courtesy of Sarin Inc.


FALL 2005


Figure 16. During the 1980s, Japanese retailers and

diamond brokers began using a variety of specialized
viewing devices (typically modified loupes) to demonstrate a diamond's optical symmetry. Over the following decade, some of these devices were adopted by
manufacturers and retailers in the U.S. as American
consumers became more concerned with cut quality.
The EightStar Firescope shown here uses a red reflector in the eyepiece to determine which facets are
returning light to the viewer's eyes (inset). Inset photo
by Jonathan Weingarten.

The preference for well-made diamonds that Japanese
consumers developed during the late 1980s was
spurred in large part by the introduction of specially
made viewers in retail shops. These viewers displayed a round brilliant diamonds optical symmetry
in the form of a hearts and arrows pattern created
by the reflection of the facets (Miller, 1996; figure 16).
The Japanese example began migrating to the
U.S. during the 1990s, as American consumers
learned more about diamonds, including the fact
that appearance depended as much on cut as on
other quality factors. A spring 1997 survey by JCK
and New York Diamonds noted that 15% of retail
jewelersmainly those concentrated at the upper
end of the marketsaid their clients were willing to
pay a premium for a well-made diamond (Shor,
1997a). Five years earlier, that percentage had been
negligible. Also in 1997, Lazare Kaplan International (LKI), which had long based its market
niche on ideal cuts, reported a 50% increase in
polished diamond sales (Shor, 1997a).
The following year, GIA published the initial
results of its extensive research project on diamond



cut, noting that many sets of proportions could

result in an attractively cut round brilliant diamond
(Hemphill et al., 1998). As the study continued, two
additional articles chronicled its findings (Reinitz et
al., 2001; Moses et al., 2004). The last of these reaffirmed the original conclusion and provided the scientific foundation for a cut grade based on extensive
computer modeling and human observations. The
results of the 15-year study also showed that a single cut grading system could accommodate various
international preferences.
In 1996, the newly created American Gem
Society Laboratories (AGSL) began offering cut
grades on diamond reports derived from AGSs then
30-year-old 010 system (zero being the best). This
development had an immediate effect on Israeli diamond manufacturers who, in producing goods for
quality-oriented American retailers, could program
AGSs 0 cut-grade parameters into their computerized rough-evaluation machines and manufacture
such diamonds automatically (Shor, 1997a).
The growing emphasis on cut gave rise to a new
group of entrepreneurs who developed a market
niche for diamonds with very high optical symmetry. In addition, diamond manufacturers, often in
partnership with retailers, created new cut styles or
modifications of existing styles to provide distinction in the retail marketplace and avoid the commoditization of traditional cuts inherent in the diamond price lists and Internet selling.
By 2004, there were at least 101 proprietary diamond cuts competing for attention in the marketplace, only 13 of which had existed prior to 1995
(Overton, 2002, 2004a). Several DTC sightholders,
such as Schachter-Namdar (Leo cut) and Rosy Blue
(Cento cut), have used such proprietary cuts as an
integral part of DTC-promulgated marketing and
branding programs that were designed to increase
demand and reduce discounting of diamond jewelry at retail.

Consumer demand for diamonds stagnated through
much of the 1990s, even registering small yearly
declines between 1993 and 1998 (Katz, 2005),
because of growing competition from other luxury
products and economic problems in several key
consumer markets. Demand rose sharply in U.S.
dollar terms after 2001, though some analysts maintain that higher sales figures have stemmed more
from price increases than actual volume.


FALL 2005

While sales in the U.S., the worlds largest diamond-consuming market, remained relatively
steady, the aggressive entry of discount merchandisers into diamond jewelry during the 1980s put pressure on traditional wholesalers because the large
retailers bypassed them to purchase directly from
diamond-cutting centers. These retailers used their
volume buying ability to wrest control of diamond
prices from manufacturers and dealers (Pearson,
1998), thus creating a profit-margin squeeze that has
not abated. The relentless discounting by these
retailers and, later, major retail jewelry chains,
exerted further downward pressure on retail diamond prices. By 2003, the profit squeeze had halved
industry margins to 78%, prompting concern from
leading industry bankers (Gross, 2003). This stagnation of sales in the 1990s contributed to De Beerss
decision to embark on a major recasting of its sales
and distribution procedures.
Boom and Bust in Asia. Extremes in the Asian
markets also played a critical role in pushing De
Beers to recast its traditional role as market buffer.
Sales of diamond jewelry in the U.S. and Japan (the
two biggest markets, consuming nearly two-thirds
of all diamond jewelry) ran nearly even from 1988
until the mid-1990s. However, when economic
stagnation took hold in Japan in the early 1990s,
jewelry sales declined abruptly. As one indication,
79% of Japanese brides received diamond engagement rings in 1995, but only 64% two years later.
By 1998, Japans share of the world market for diamond jewelry had shrunk to approximately 20%
(Ralfe, 1999).
Elsewhere in Asia, economic growth in emerging markets such as Korea, Thailand, the
Philippines, Malaysia, and China took off in the
early 1990s. This caused a dramatic rise in regional
diamond jewelry sales, from negligible in 1980 to
nearly 7% of world volume by 1995. South Korea,
in particular, saw a boom in diamond jewelry consumption, despite various luxury taxes that added
more than 50% to the purchase price (Shor, 1997c).
Sales of diamond jewelry there reached an estimated $1 billion in 1996, fourth in the world, up from
near zero in 1988, when the country first allowed
diamond imports. Sales of diamond jewelry in
Thailand reached the half-billion-dollar mark in
1995, and De Beerss market watchers were closely
monitoring rising diamond sales in the Philippines
and Malaysia. Nevertheless, these markets could
not compensate for the decline in Japanese demand.


The Asian Collapse. The boom in many Asian

nations ended abruptly in 1997, causing an oversupply of diamond inventories (Pearson, 2004). A
confluence of forces led to a sharp decline in the
regions economy. Several large corporations in
Indonesia and Thailand defaulted on loans, setting
off runs on those countries stock markets.
Japanese banks, which had been heavily invested in
that region, were too preoccupied with troublesome loans in their domestic market to address
these problems. Within three months, the currencies of Thailand, Indonesia, and several other Asian
nations fell to half or even less of their former values. Shortly afterward, South Korea, mired in its
own corporate scandals, saw its currency collapse.
Indeed, South Korean consumers began a massive
diamond sell-back campaign to aid their government, which could no longer meet its international
obligations. The International Monetary Fund
loaned the country funds to stave off bankruptcy.
(A rapprochement between Chinas government
and Hong Kongs business leaders forestalled a crisis in confidence prior to that former British
colonys change in government, which occurred
July 1 of that year; thus, the problems in other
Asian markets had little effect on Hong Kongs diamond industry.)
Diamond sales in the region virtually halted
because diamonds, purchased from De Beerss CSO
in U.S. dollars, had suddenly become price prohibitive in most of Asia. Retailers, wholesalers, and
consumers began a massive unloading of diamonds,
many of which were shifted to the U.S. market.
Between 1996 and 1998, world diamond jewelry
sales fell from $52 billion to $48 billiondespite a
$3.2 billion increase in U.S. sales during that period
(De Beers Consolidated Mines, 1999).
De Beers reacted quickly by removing so-called
Asian goods (high clarity, medium color) from its
sights in mid-1997, then cutting rough diamond sales
by 25% the following year (De Beers Consolidated
Mines, 1998). The impact of the Asian collapse and
the CSOs cutback on sales left De Beers with a
stockpile that, at the end of 1999, stood at a book
value of $4.8 billionnot including the large stocks
held by Debswana (Ralfe, 1999). This growing stockpile was Asias contribution to the companys drastic
reorganization in 2000 (described below).
New Asian and Middle Eastern Markets. The opening of the new millennium saw a major shift in diamond demand. This helped diamond jewelry sales


FALL 2005


Figure 17. As can be seen from

this graph, the North American
(primarily U.S.) market has
been the main source of growth
in world diamond sales since
1990. The United States
accounts for nearly half of
worldwide diamond jewelry
sales. (Source: DTC.)

achieve strong growth worldwide in 2003 (+5.9% to

$59 billion) and 2004 (+8.5% to $62 billion). U.S.
demand for diamond jewelry ($31.5 billion in 2004)
still accounts for nearly half the worlds market
share (as well as nearly half of world sales of loose
diamonds; see figure 17). Nevertheless, in 2004 the
consumer market in India grew by 19% to $1.3 billion, in China by 11% to $1.5 billion, and in the
Persian Gulf (Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc.) by
14% to $1.3 billion (Kendall, 2005). Future continued strong growth of these emerging consumer markets could exacerbate shortages of higher-quality
polished diamonds and force a rapid increase in
prices to U.S. buyers (Singer, 2005).
Television Shopping and the Internet Fuel a U.S.
Boom. As the millennium approached, the U.S. stock
market had begun cresting on the wave of the dotcom boom. New avenues of retailingTV shopping
and, much more importantly, e-commercewere
transforming the diamond jewelry landscape.
Television Shopping. Electronic retailing began with
TV shopping during the 1980s. By 1988, two
firmsQVC of West Chester, Pennsylvania and
Home Shopping Network of St. Petersburg,
Floridahad recorded combined yearly sales of $2.5
billion in all merchandise categories. Most of the
jewelry tended to be lower-priced impulse pieces,
averaging about $100 (The invasion, 1988).
Because of its niche at lower price points and
emphasis on show and tell visual appeal, TV
shopping tended to focus on colored gemstones and
gold, with diamonds primarily as accent stones. By
2002, sales of jewelry at QVC had doubled to more
than $1 billion, nearly 42% of total company sales.



HSN sold an estimated $400 million in jewelry

(about 24% of its total sales), while ShopNBC noted
sales of approximately $380 million (Beres, 2004).
Jewelry Television by ACN, headquartered in
Knoxville, Tennessee, reported that its sales grew
from $5.2 million in 1997 to $250 million in 2003.
The company said its primary customers were people who feel intimidated by the traditional jewelry
shopping experience (Gomelsky, 2004a).
The Internet. By the end of the 1990s, the Internet
had become a significant outlet for diamonds and
diamond jewelry, as well as a major source of consumer information about diamonds. Unlike television, which had a visual emphasis that favored large,
popularly priced colored stone pieces, the Internet
allowed diamond shoppers to easily compare prices
of all sizes of stones with grading reports. Internet
jewelry sales jumped from about $38 million in 1997
to $207 million the following year. Although a
minute percentage of the sales reported by traditional storefront jewelers in the U.S. ($22.4 billion in
1997), the totals were rising rapidly (Diamond, 1999).
The year 1999 saw a number of large-scale startup jewelry e-tailing operations that drew on
multi-million-dollar venture capital loans to begin
on-line jewelry sales. reported that retail
sales in all categories via the Internet totaled $36 billion in 1999. By 2002, that number had doubled; it
then jumped 51% to $114 billion in 2003 (National
Retail Federation, 2004).
Despite this extraordinary growth in e-tailing,
most of the early on-line jewelry operations failed or
were absorbed by stronger competitors. High fixed
costs of fulfillment operations, thin sales margins,
and a still relatively small customer base made prof-


FALL 2005

itable operations difficult. As a result, venture capital

firms and banks declined to continue financing many
dot-coms. However, severalincluding Mondera,
Blue Nile and Diamonds.comdid survive.
When Blue Nile, headquartered in Seattle,
Washington, went public on the NASDAQ stock
exchange in May 2004, the company reported a nearly 10-fold increase in sales from its first year in business ($14 million in 1999) to $128.9 million in 2003.
In a USA Today profile (Acohido, 2003), founder
Mark Vadon said Blue Niles growth rested in selling
diamonds with as low a margin as possible, marketing to men, and providing consumer education to
make the buyer feel comfortable. Blue Nile claims to
offer prices between 20% and 40% lower than chain
stores, depending on the product (Rapaport, 2004a).
Amazon, the on-line book and music seller,
established a jewelry site oriented toward diamonds
in 2004. Founder and CEO Jeffrey Bezos said that
Amazon would apply the same strategy to jewelry
as it used for other categories: to deeply discount
products, drive volume, and provide a wide selection (Bezos, 2004).
Online jewelry sales have grown strongly because
the business takes advantage of the Internets initial
promiseless overhead, lower prices, and larger
selection. The average gross profit margin for online
jewelers in 2003 was 23% compared to more than
45% for store-based retailers (Wingfield, 2004). That
same year, retailing consultant comScore Networks
estimated consumers spent between $800 million
and $1 billion on jewelry products online (Rapaport,
2004a). The on-line auction site, eBay Inc., reported
that sellers auctioned $1.7 billion worth of watches
and jewelry in 2004. A survey conducted by investment firm Goldman Sachs noted that on-line jewelry sales totaled nearly $2 billion during 2004 and
showed the highest sales growth, 113%, of any retail
category. For diamond jewelry specifically, one analyst claimed that the Internet represented approximately 2% of total U.S. sales by 2004 (K. Gassman,
pers. comm., 2005).
The growing number of diamond dealers and
wholesalers who began selling direct to the public
via the Internet prompted complaints from retailers
that the competition forced a decline in their profit
margins for diamonds (Gomelsky, 2004b). One
high-end jeweler who had resisted discounts said he
finally relented in the wake of intense competition
from the Internet (M. Moeller, pers. comm., 2005).
Figures from the 2004 Jewelers of America Cost of
Doing Business Survey bear him out: The average


retailers gross margin on loose diamonds declined

6.5% (to 39.7%) in 2003.
Auction Houses Provide New Retail Competition.
During the 1990s, the media drawing power and
access to top gem dealers enjoyed by the major auction houses resulted in their becoming important
outlets for diamonds and diamond jewelry. By 1996,
the combined jewelry sales for Christies and
Sothebys, who together held a 95% share of the
world auction jewelry market, totaled $500 million
(Shor et al., 1997). This represented a five-fold
increase over 1986.
The explosive growth of auction sales can be
traced back to the decisions by both houses in the
late 1980s to branch out from estates and sell newly
manufactured goods. By the mid-1990s, one-third of
auction offerings, including a majority of large diamonds and major diamond jewelry pieces, were
consigned by dealers and manufacturers (Shor et al.,
1997), and approximately half their buyers were
now private clients, not dealers. Auction house
executives and dealers saw, in the words of one,
more 50-carat-plus diamonds changing hands in
the past half-decade than all [the years] since
Tavernier began cataloguing them in the late 17th
century (Shor, 1998b, p. 42).
There were several reasons for this sudden influx
of very large diamonds (figure 18). First, De Beers
and other mining companies refined their ore-pro-

Figure 18. A number of very large diamonds appeared

on the marketplace, many at auction, during the mid1990s. This 100.2 ct emerald cut is near colorless (I)
and internally flawless. Courtesy of The Steinmetz
Group; photo by Harold & Erica Van Pelt.


FALL 2005



Colored diamonds remained largely unknown to
most consumers until the 1980s (King, 2003). The
publicity surrounding a number of colored diamonds
sold at auction (e.g., the Hancock Red in 1987) and,
in the early 1990s, Argyle Diamonds multi-milliondollar advertising campaign for champagne and
cognac diamonds created a growing consumer
awareness of these goods.
The goal of Argyles promotions was to build
demandand pricesfor brown diamonds, virtually
unknown to consumers at the time. The mine also
produced approximately 30,000 to 40,000 carats of predominantly melee-size pink diamonds each year (EvenZohar, 2002), making it the first consistent source of
pink diamonds in the marketplace. Beginning in 1985,
every year or so the company selected approximately
50 carats of the highest qualities generally larger than
0.3 ct, quite often colored a distinctive strong purplish
pink, for a well-publicized tender sale in Geneva. Not
only have these tender sales netted several million dollars in revenue (the company does not officially disclose totals for these sales; Shigley et al., 2001), but they
also have generated considerable publicity for colored
diamonds (King, 2003).
While the campaign for brown diamonds was
aimed at the American mass market, the presence of
yellows, blues, and pinks in most major jewelry auctions helped create demand for these colors among
Asian buyers (King, 2003). The increased trade in,
and awareness of, colored diamonds prompted GIA
to update its colored diamond grading system,
announced in 1994, subdividing the higher end of the
quality ranges into new categories.
Innovations in diamond cutting during the 1970s
and 1980s helped maximize face-up color appearance.
One effect of these developments allowed cape diamonds near the Z end of GIAs D-to-Z color scale
to be polished into attractive diamonds with noticeable face-up color, frequently placing them in the
fancy range. The Radiant cut, patented in 1977, was
adapted to yellow diamonds because it emphasized
face-up color, allowing manufacturers to improve the
color grades of diamonds that appeared light yellow
in traditional cuts (King, et al., 2005).
Demand and prices for all types of colored diamonds fell sharply in the late 1990s following the
Asian economic collapse, and the number of important colored diamonds offered at auction plummeted.
By 2002, however, as the Asian market rebounded,
demand for colored diamonds, yellows and pinks in
particular, was up again, fueled by celebrities such as



Jennifer Lopez and Whoopie Goldberg and the blingbling (large, costly jewelry worn by celebrities) fad.
Colored diamonds had finally become ingrained in
the consumer consciousness (King, 2003; figure A-1).
One key indicator is that requests for natural-color
colored diamond grading services at GIA increased
68% between 1998 and 2003. This popularity led a
group of prominent manufacturers to form the
Natural Colored Diamond Association in 2004. The
group helped feature natural-color colored diamonds
in various fashion shows and at the 2004 Academy
Awards (NCDia, 2004).

Figure A-1. Before the late 1980s, colored diamonds

were viewed as little more than rare curiosities
such as the Hope diamondby most consumers.
Since then, increased availability and greater popularity among celebrities have helped colored diamonds become an important segment of the market. This collection of dramatic pink and yellow
diamond jewelry illustrates some of the design
possibilities these gems provide. The center stones
in the rings are 0.41 ct (pink) and 0.22 ct (yellow);
the eternity band is set with 13 Carr-cut yellow
(2.73 ct) and 143 pink (1.15) diamonds. Courtesy
of Alan Friedman Co.; photo Harold & Erica
Van Pelt and GIA.


FALL 2005

cessing equipment to reduce the possibility of

crushing these large stones (Shor, 1997a). Second,
soaring auction prices prompted the administrators
of Russias Gokhran to sell a number of the 10-plus
ct rough diamonds that had previously been prohibited from export (Shor, 1998b).
However, the boom in very large diamonds
ended in 1997. The small coterie of dealers who
purchased million-dollar-plus stones balked at
prices that had risen 4050% in only a few years.
For example, a 101 ct D-flawless heart shape offered
at Christies that year failed to bring its reserve of
approximately $12 million. In addition, many Asian
buyers stopped participating after the economies of
their countries began declining. Auction executives
claimed the market, very limited to begin with, had
become saturated (Shor, 1997a). The houses soon
shifted their emphasis to signed jewelry, pieces
from Cartier, Harry Winston, and Van Cleef &
Arpels, in particular. Nevertheless, 49 diamonds
over 50 ct35 colorless, 14 coloredwere sold at
Christies and Sothebys auctions between 1990 and
2004 (F. Curiel, pers. comm., 2004).
Combined jewelry sales by the two dominant
auction houses remained fairly constant at about
$375 million yearly between 2000 and 2004 (F.
Curiel, pers. comm., 2005). The increasing numbers
of fine colored diamonds helped reinvigorate the
market over the last few years (Box A).

The use of various methods to enhance the color
and/or clarity of colorless to near-colorless diamonds
is one of the most important developments of the
last 15 years. Until the late 1980s, there were virtually no significant treatments for near-colorless diamonds. The 1990s and beyond brought new, highly
controversial diamond treatmentssome of which,
unlike most earlier gem enhancements, presented
considerable identification challenges for gemologists. The filling of fractures in diamonds with a
lead-based glass to improve the apparent clarity had
been introduced in the late 1980s (see, e.g., Koivula
et al., 1989). Because retailers were not accustomed
to checking diamonds for treatment, many of these
filled stones entered the marketplace without disclosure, with tragic results in at least one case (see, e.g.,
Overton, 2004b). Yet fracture filling was, and continues to be, readily identifiable with magnification.
In the 1990s, a significant controversy developed
around an older treatment: laser drilling to remove


dark inclusions. When the Federal Trade Commission adopted its revised Guides for the Jewelry
Industry in 1996, it did not require disclosure of
laser drilling. The Diamond Manufacturers and
Importers Association (DMIA), a New York trade
organization, argued that the process did not require
disclosure because it is irreversible, does not add a
foreign substance, [and] is readily detectable with a
loupe (Shor, 1996b). The organization also noted
that the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory, which does
not grade diamonds infused with a foreign substance, will grade lasered diamonds (with a notation
of the treatment on the report).
The FTC came down on the side of the diamond
industry and ruled that permanent, irreversible
treatments such as laser drilling did not have to be
disclosed to the consumer. This prompted protests
from a number of retailer and consumer organizations. Immediately after the ruling, the DMIA
reversed its position, fearing a consumer backlash,
and lobbied forcefully for a change in the Guides
(FTC, 1997). The industry, through the World
Federation of Diamond Bourses and the
International Diamond Manufacturers Association,
then adopted a disclosure requirement.
The issue of disclosure of permanent, nonreversible treatments surfaced even more strongly in
1999, when LKI subsidiary Pegasus Overseas Ltd.
and General Electric Co. jointly announced they
would be marketing diamonds whose color had
been enhanced by a high pressure/high temperature (HPHT) process (figure 19) that would be

Figure 19. Processing of diamonds with high pressure

and high temperature can produce significant changes
in color appearance, as with this 0.61 ct pear shape
(Fancy Light brown before processing, left; D-color
after, right). The introduction of such treatment methods in the late 1990s created heated controversy in the
diamond industry. Composite photo by Phillip Hitz,
courtesy of the Gbelin Gem Lab.


FALL 2005


indistinguishable from natural-color diamonds by

standard gem-testing techniques (see, e.g., Moses
et al., 1999). The announcement touched off waves
of protests. A survey by the Rapaport Diamond
Report asked the question, If you have an undetectable treatment, is there an obligation to disclose this treatment to the wholesaler, supplier,
retailer, and consumer? Of 323 responses, 280
answered yes (Burning up the wires, 1999).
GIA president William E. Boyajian echoed the
prevailing industry sentiment: If diamonds are
treated in any way, then the trade has a right to
knowand ultimately so does the consumer. The
integrity of the industry is at stake
(Confidentiality agreement, 1999, p. 21). De
Beers added to the controversy when Gary Ralfe
announced at the WFDB Presidents Meeting in
Moscow that year that the company had known
about the potential for such a treatment for more
than 20 years, and had consequently kept type IIa
diamonds (the type potentially treatable to colorless/near-colorless by HPHT) out of its sightboxes.
After the nature of the process was revealed, a number of other treatersnot all of whom disclosed
their activitiesbegan producing both colorless and
colored diamonds by HPHT processes. The diamond grading labs, including GIA, noted that they
could identify the vast majority of treated diamonds
(GIA Gem Trade Laboratory, 2003), but some stones
remained a challenge.

Although Sumitomo Corp. of Japan introduced jewelry-sized gem-quality synthetic diamonds in the
mid-1980s, the company focused their efforts on
industrial applications. Gem-quality synthetics
were also produced, on an experimental basis, by
both De Beers and facilities in the former Soviet
Union. However, no producer offered synthetics on
a commercial scale until 2003, when Gemesis Corp.
of Sarasota, Florida, announced that it would market a line of yellow synthetic diamonds created by
the HPHT process, using a refinement of Russian
technology. Gemesis targeted retailers, marketing
its product at various international trade shows.
After an aborted effort in the early 1990s, Chatham
Created Gems re-entered the synthetic diamond
market in 2004 with a new supplier (Shigley et al.,
2004; figure 20). Both organizations are currently
partnering with jewelry designers to offer finished
jewelry as well as loose gems.



Also in 2003, the Apollo Diamond Corp. of

Boston, Massachusetts, announced it had achieved
a breakthrough in chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
technology that allowed the growth of jewelry-size
single-crystal colorless synthetic diamonds (Wang et
al., 2003). To date, however, Apollo has not released
its CVD product into the gem market.
A potentially more significant source of CVD
synthetics emerged from research announced in
mid-2005 by the Carnegie Institute in Washington,
DC, which claimed it could grow 10 ct, half-inchthick synthetic diamonds at a rate of 100 micrometers per hourfive times faster than commercial
products made using high pressure and high temperaturethat did not need HPHT treatment to
improve their color, as was the case with most other
CVD-grown synthetic diamonds (Hemley, 2005).
Gemesis marketing plan stirred controversy over
its use of the term cultured diamonds in place of
synthetic. Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC) executive director Cecilia Gardner said the JVC viewed
the term as insufficient disclosure (Robinson,
2004). In Europe, a Munich court issued a restraining
order against the use of the term by Gemesis
German distributor in 2004. The court ruled that the
company could use only two words to describe synthetic diamonds: synthetic or artificial.
Although colorless synthetic diamonds have
received a great deal of press, as of this writing
there have been no reports of any commercial production, and the output of fashionable colored synthetics remains fairly small. In addition, all known
synthetic diamonds are detectable with the proper
gemological tests and equipment (Shigley, 2005).
The DTC, however, is looking to the possibility
that synthetic diamonds may become a competitive threat in the future by refocusing part of its
advertising to stress the beauty and rarity of natural


The Branding Revolution. Unlike the majority of
products sold at retail, diamond jewelry traditionally
was branded by the retailer: Harry Winston, Tiffany
& Co., Cartier, and the thousands of main street
jewelers whose reputation backed the quality of
their products. Yet this was not the case for loose
diamonds, especially the standard round brilliant.
Although several firms had specialized in socalled ideal-cut diamonds, it was not until the late


FALL 2005

Figure 20. After decades

of experimental production, gem-quality synthetic diamonds finally
reached commercial viability in the early 2000s.
Though long a source of
concern to the industry,
all can be identified by a
well-equipped gemological laboratory. The yellow synthetic diamond
in the ring is 0.92 ct; the
pink synthetic diamonds
in the other ring are 0.38
and 0.40 ct; while the
bracelet contains 7.48 ct
of yellow synthetic diamonds (apparent sizes
vary in this composite
photo). Courtesy of
Chatham Created Gems.

1990s that significant attempts were made to

develop distinctive diamond brands around premium cuts, as manufacturers and retailers alike
sought to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. One company, Hearts on Fire, developed a
large marketing infrastructure to train retailers and
sales associates to demonstrate the claimed differences in appearance between their premium-cut
diamonds and commercially cut stones (Shor,
2002). At the same time, a number of diamond
manufacturers, as noted above, sought to create
brands from newly created fancy or modified brilliant diamond cuts.
In 1998, De Beers brought the branding issue to
the forefront when it announced it would develop,
in conjunction with sightholders, a special
Millennium Diamond campaign, using a proprietary technique to apply a microscopic message to
the table of each diamond. Participating retailers
would show customers the message via specially
purchased viewing devices. The program was
designed with a two-fold purpose: to promote diamond jewelry to mark an historic milestone, and to
distinguish diamonds marketed via De Beerss
clients from those of other suppliers.
While the Millennium Diamond program was
geared to a specific event, De Beerss executives prepared a much more sweeping initiative in 2000 that
would tie branding to vast changes in the diamond
distribution system by promoting strategic partnerships between retailers and diamond manufacturers
as well as extensive marketing efforts.


De Beerss Strategic Review and Supplier of Choice.

The advent of significant competition from other
producers, a growing rough diamond stockpile,
declining market share, and underperformance of diamonds as a luxury item compared to other products,
prompted the executives of De Beers to initiate a
total review of its operations in 1999. With Argyles
break from De Beers, Alrosas growing independence,
and the companys failure to win a majority control
of Canadas Ekati production, De Beers executives
realized they had to recast their operation to adapt to
a multi-channel distribution system. This included:
reconfiguring the companys diamond advertising to
favor its own clients (rather than benefiting other producers); ensuring the integrity of its supply chain to
keep out undisclosed treated and synthetic material
and conflict diamonds; and ending its custodial
role, which ultimately had benefited its competitors
as much as its clients.
De Beers hired an American management consulting firm, Bain & Co., to review its entire operation and develop a strategic plan to respond to the
changes taking place in the diamond world. In
2000, De Beers announced it would implement a
new marketing system: Supplier of Choice
(SOC). Company executives envisioned a diamond
market with a multitude of competing brands
that would serve to drive up consumer demand for
the entire sector (Diamond Trading Company,
2000). SOC also included a set of Best Practice
Principles, which bound clients to handle only
diamonds obtained from legitimate sources, to


FALL 2005


maintain safe work environments, and to strictly

disclose all treatments.
The DTC then announced that it would revise
its client list on the basis of objective criteria,
which would include clients participation in downstream marketing activities, their ability to add
value to the diamond distribution process, the efficiency of their distribution practices, and their
adherence to Best Practice Principles.
SOC brought one immediate change in the way
the CSO/DTC had marketed its rough to clients.
Instead of supplying goods on the basis of client
requests for each sight (which were often in excess
of their needs), clients now worked with a DTC
liaison to determine their requirements, based
closely on their actual sales volumes, for a sixmonth period. Where possible, the DTC would
schedule these allocations, called Intentions to
Offer (ITO), for that period.
The DTC asked the European Commission to
review its SOC initiatives, promising to make any
necessary changes. There were two objectives to
this move: (1) to forestall criticism and possible
legal action from those whose businesses might be
affected by SOC, and (2) to provide a legal precedent that would help remove the anti-trust sanctions that had barred the company from operating
in the U.S. since 1944.
After requiring some modifications, the EC
granted its approval to SOC in late December 2002.
On June 1 of the following year, the DTC
announced its new client list, pared by one-third to
84 companies. A number of those dropped included
some of the best-known operations in the industry.
The announcement brought sharp criticism from
executives of diamond bourses in Antwerp and
Israel, which lost numerous sightholders, as well as
from the WFDB, which represents primarily smaller
dealers. The latter enacted a resolution in 2003,
stating that SOC had created a situation in which
the rough market has become concentrated in
fewer hands, seriously threatening the business
structure of the established wholesale diamond sector (Katz, 2003).
Three companies dropped from the DTCs client
listIDH Diamonds NV and A. Spira, both of
Antwerp, and W. B. David & Co. Inc. of New
Yorkeach separately filed suit against the DTC.
Gareth Penny, DTC executive director of sales and
marketing, defended the trading companys actions,
saying that cuts were concentrated among those
dealing in the larger sizes and higher qualities



because, given the DTCs decline in market share, it

could no longer provide adequate supplies of such
goods (Shor, 2004). In response to the torrent of criticism over its cuts in client rolls, Gareth Penny
announced that the DTC would supply $500 million of rough diamonds to non-sightholder diamond
manufacturers through its subsidiary, Diamdel
(Katz, 2004a).
In June 2005, the DTC announced it would add 11
new clients beginning in January 2006 and review its
client rolls every 30 months thereafter. Nevertheless,
the following month, the Belgian Association of
Dealers, Importers, Exporters of Polished Diamonds
filed a complaint with the EC alleging that the DTC
had abused its dominant position and artificially limited the availability of diamonds in the market
(Belgian Association..., 2005).
De Beerss Retail Venture. De Beers also underwent
two other dramatic changes. Early in 2001, the company announced it would unlock the brand value
of the De Beers name in a joint retail venture with
the French luxury firm Moet Hennessy Louis
Vuitton (LVMH). It changed the name of Debid, its
industrial diamond division, to Element Six, and
reserved the De Beers name, outside its home in
South Africa, for the retail venture.
The company opened its first retail store on
Londons New Bond Street, amid a row of other top
luxury jewelers, in December 2002. The following
September, De Beers LV opened three boutiques in
Tokyo, set inside major department stores. On the
eve of the opening of its New York store in June
2005, De Beers LV indicated plans to have 20 stores
in the U.S. within five years, and eventually 150
retail operations worldwide (Robinson, 2005b).
Industry criticism of the De Beers retail venture
flared up after the announcement of the new
sightholder list. Because most of the cuts were concentrated among clients who handled larger diamonds, some accused the firm of manipulating
supplies to further its own retail ventures (EvenZohar, 2003).
Privatization of De Beers. The second major change
was De Beerss announcement in 2001 that it would
convert from a publicly traded corporation to a private company. When the transaction was finished
in June of that year, the ownership of the firm rested
with three groups: The Oppenheimer family investment firm Central Holdings Ltd. and Anglo
American Group., each with 45%, and Debswana,


FALL 2005

the 50-50 joint venture with the government of

Botswana, with the remaining 10%. Most of the
$18.7 billion deal was financed by sales of AngloAmerican stock and other assets; $3.35 billion of
the transaction came from loans.
The conversion of De Beers into a private company turned the firm, in the short term, from one
with ready cash reserves to one carrying a multibillion-dollar debt. De Beers made a series of internal cuts and continued selling its stockpile, so that
by mid-2004 the company had reduced debt to
$1.76 billion and its stocks to less than $1 billion
nearly working levels. However, the huge expense
involved in the privatization reduced the companys
ability to influence prices (by withholding stocks)
and national policies (such as with the $1 billion
loan to the Soviets in 1991).
De Beerss executives also moved to resolve a
decade-old charge that it had conspired with
General Electric Co. to fix prices of industrial synthetic diamonds. A federal court had dismissed the
charges against GE, but since De Beers never
answered the indictment, the charges against it
remained active. In July 2004, the company pleaded
guilty to an unanswered price-fixing charge and paid
a $10 million fine. This was the first step of a strategy to remove the legal barriers that have prevented
the firm from operating directly in the U.S.
Other Strategic Partners. Outside of the DTCs
purview, a number of vertical-integration deals have
occurred between producers seeking stable, reliable
outlets for their diamonds and retailers desiring a
reliable source of supply. The case of Aber
Resources and Tiffany & Co. offers an interesting
During the long development period of Canadas
Diavik mine, Tiffany & Co. acquired a 25% stake in
the mines junior partner, Aber Resources. The
transaction would provide the retailer with direct
access to Diaviks production at advantageous
prices when the mine came on stream. However, in
March 2004, Aber Resources itself acquired a controlling interest in Harry Winston Co. Aber president Robert Gannicott explained his rationale for
acquiring Winston: Next to mining, retailing was
the most profitable segment of the diamond business. In addition, the stake in Winston would allow
the company to remain in business after the mine
closed (Gannicott, 2004).
Tiffany ended its equity relationship with Aber
in the fall of that year, though the mining company


continues to supply it with $50 million of rough

diamonds yearly. Tiffany then moved to further
assure its diamond supplies by signing a memorandum of understanding with a smaller Canadian producer, Tahera Diamonds, to buy the entire threemillion-carat diamond production anticipated over
its projected nine-year life. Tahera is developing the
Jericho mine in Nunavut, which is projected to
begin production in 2006.
Although the concept of retailers having direct
access to mine production or a DTC sight is not a
new one (Zale Corp. was a sightholder in the 1970s
and 1980s), the number of these alliances, tied as
they are to the luxury market where the greatest
scarcities lie, could result in diminished supplies of
such diamonds reaching the open market, extending the competitive reach and domination of the
industrys largest players.


When the DTC announced its new, greatly reduced
client list in 2003, Indias industry actually had a
net gain of five sightholders, while the other three
traditional centers lost a third or more of theirs
(Diamond Trading Company Sightholders, 2004).
This event, perhaps more than any other, demonstrated how the balance of the worlds diamond
manufacturing industry had shifted to that country
(see also table 2 and figure 21).

TABLE 2. Share of DTC rough diamond sales direct

to India, 19902004 (in millions of US$).a

Total DTC


% of
DTC sales





Source: DTC sale... (2005). Note that this chart does not include
the substantial amounts of DTC rough that are transshipped
through Antwerp.


FALL 2005


Figure 21. Though the

average per-carat value
of rough imported to
India remained relatively constant from
1990 to 2003, the percarat value of polished
exports fell during
much of this period
until the advent of
De Beers's Supplier of
Choice program in
200001, when the
value of DTC rough
imports rose sharply.
(Sources: Average
price, 2005; DTC
sale, 2005.)

While Antwerp remains an important trading

hub for rough diamonds (45% of the DTCs sales
passed through the city in 2002; Even-Zohar, 2002),
its role as a diamond manufacturing center has
diminished sharply. An estimated 2,000 workers
are currently employed full-time there in diamond
manufacturing, compared to approximately 8,500
in 1984 (Shor, 1984) and 19,000 in 1968 (EvenZohar, 2002). Manufacturing in Israel has seen similar declines, from a 1970s peak of approximately
13,000 to less than 4,000 in 2002. In both cases, rising labor costs in the face of increasing retail price
competition were a key factor, with the implementation of highly automated manufacturing operations further contributing to workforce reductions
in Israel (Caspi, 1997).
With a million or more diamond workers, India
has become the overwhelmingly dominant force in
diamond manufacturing (figure 22). Indias trade
organization, the Gem and Jewellery Export
Promotion Council, reported early in 2004 that
92% of all diamonds in the market were manufactured in India; this is up from 60% in 1990
(Sevdermish et al., 1998). This represented 60% by
value, up from 33% in 1990.
The extraordinary growth of Indias diamond
industry was achieved by capitalizing on a number
of events:
The huge production from the Argyle mine,
much of which could not have been cut profitably in any other center
Increased demand from U.S. mass marketers



for affordably priced diamond jewelry

Sales of large amounts of Russian technical
goods from the Kremlin stockpile
Greater direct access to the American consumer market
New technology that permitted processing of
diamonds much more efficiently and quickly,
and with much greater precision
In the early 1990s, many of Indias second-generation diamond manufacturing executives began looking beyond the niche of small, lower-quality diamonds on which their industry was originally built.
They focused on two areas: finished jewelry and larger, better-quality loose diamonds. Finished jewelry,
they believed, would bring higher profit margins
than loose goods that were easily price-shopped.
Through its Indo-Argyle Diamond Council,
Argyle provided a direct conduit to the lucrative
American finished jewelry market. The Councils
U.S. marketing consultants, MVI, worked with mass
marketers and large retail jewelry chains to determine their needs regarding quality and service. The
Council then embarked on a stringent program to
bring Indian jewelry manufacturers up to world standards regarding working conditions, employment
(including age), and quality of product. De Beers also
adopted labor and working-condition standards into
its Best Practice Principles, and Argyle adopted them
into its Business Excellence Model.
By 2004, the 10th anniversary of Indo-Argyles
founding, top retailers including J.C. Penney, Signet


FALL 2005

Group, Zale Corp., and Wal-Mart had established

permanent buying offices in Mumbai through the
Councils efforts. Beyond Indo-Argyle, Indian firms
have established an international presence through
De Beerss SOC, including a number of strategic
partnerships with U.S. and European companies
(Weldon, 2004b).
Indias younger generation of diamond manufacturers also saw diamond-processing technology as a
means of taking their industry to a higher level in
terms of quality and speed of production (S. Doshi,
pers. comm., 2004). American and Asian retailers
demanded that even stars (50 per carat or smaller) be well made and show life. In the early
1990s, Indias production of Argyle goods greatly
accelerated following the introduction of a new
type of scaife that was impregnated by diamond
powder. Argyle material was considered very difficult to work because the crystals were usually distorted and brittle, requiring diamond polishers to
constantly monitor every stone and shift the polishing angle in tandem with the grain. Failure to do
this often resulted in broken or burned diamonds. The diamond-impregnated scaife not only
eliminated the need to constantly turn diamonds
on the wheel, but it also allowed manufacturers to
automate the polishing process.
The maturity of Indias diamond-manufacturing
industry coincided with the rapid growth of that
countrys middle class, who have become prolific
diamond consumers in their own right. The combination of Indias dominance in manufacturing with
growing domestic consumer demand has transformed the country into a force that can affect and
influence how the industry in the rest of the world
does business.

The DTCs stated policy of pushing more marketing
initiatives to build demand and the luxury image of
diamonds will undoubtedly continue to affect the
diamond market. Although new mine production
will likely meet rising consumer demand in the long
run, shortages of rough diamonds in certain size and
quality categories will remain for some time. Rough
and polished prices may become more volatile
because the DTC, Alrosa, Rio Tinto, Debswana, and
Namdeb have sold most of their buffer stocks, reducing their ability to mitigate supply shortages and
influence prices. In addition, competition between


Figure 22. Over the past three decades, the center of

the diamond-polishing industry has shifted east from
Europe and Israel to India. Due in part to low labor
costs and a large, well-educated workforce, India has
become the world's leader in diamond manufacturing. Over 90% of the diamonds on the market are
now cut in India. Shown here is the KARP factory in
Jasdan, Gujarat. Photo H. Goldie & Company.

producers will make price regulation more difficult

(Pearson, 2004).
Supplies of small diamonds, the mainstay of U.S.
mass merchandisers, may be greatly reduced if Rio
Tinto decides not to redevelop Argyle into an
underground mine. While new diamond sources are
being developed, principally in Canada, they do not
promise the vast yields of smaller goods that Argyle
currently produces.
The desires of diamond-producing nations to
increase revenue and employment by localizing diamond manufacturing operations will likely raise
manufacturing costs, because the majority of these
nations have a much higher wage structure than
India, while they will accelerate employment
decline in higher-wage cutting centers such as
Antwerp and Israel.
The balance of the industry will continue to tip
toward Asia because much of the growth in consumer demand will likely come from two emerging markets, India and China. Sales of diamond
jewelry in the former increased almost three-fold
from 1995 to 2003, to Rs 55.968 billion ($1.287 billion). China has experienced similar growth
(Kendall, 2004). The DTC has instituted major
consumer advertising programs in both countries
to tap into the rapidly improving purchasing power
of the middle classes. Growing consumer demand


FALL 2005


Figure 23. Despite dramatic changes in the diamond

industry, fine diamond jewelry remains an important
element of modern fashion, with an ever-increasing
array of choices for designers and consumers. Yellow
diamond (1.99 ct) ring courtesy of Kathryn Kimmel,
GIA; brooch courtesy of Fortunoff; Infinity bracelet by
Pascal LaCroix; other items from the GIA Collection.
Photo Harold & Erica Van Pelt and GIA.

in new markets, coupled with increasing sales in

mature markets such as the U.S., will continue to
keep rough diamond supplies a significant issue
(Mehta, 2003).
Although diamond demand has grown rapidly in
India and China, these areas still comprise a relatively small share of sales as compared to established
consumer nations like the U.S., Japan, and Western
Europe. The DTC has noted moderate dollar-value
sales growth in these markets, although real increases were much lower when measured against rising
polished pricesparticularly in carat-plus goods.
Indeed, some analysts believe such increases are
more the result of DTC price hikes than greater
demand (K. Gassman, pers. comm., 2005).
Banks have assumed a much more active role in
the diamond industry in recent years, because
industry credit requirements more than doubled



from $3.9 to $8.6 billionbetween 1995 and 2003,

while profit margins have been shrinking, payment
cycles have lengthened, and polished inventories of
some qualities have been mounting. Banks have
expressed concern over rising debt levels and, while
stressing their ongoing commitments to the diamond industry, have assumed increasing veto
power over deals with retailers or manufacturers
who carry excessive memo or payment terms, such
as one year (Gross, 2003). All indications are that
banks will continue to grow stricter with the diamond industry, while retailers continue to push for
increasingly generous terms.
Corporate governance issues will become more
ingrained into industry practice through initiatives
launched at the close of 2004 and early in 2005. The
so-called Early Adopters Initiative, which developed into the London-based Council for
Responsible Jewellery Practices, began in
November 2004. Participants in this effortmany
of the industrys leading businesses and trade organizationsseek to promulgate a unified code of
business practices regarding adherence to the
Kimberley Process and PATRIOT Act provisions,
fair labor practices, and full disclosure of treatments and synthetics at all distribution levels. In
January 2005, De Beers, together with NGOs
Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada, the
World Bank, and various governments, launched
the Diamond Development Initiative, designed to
integrate the diamond production of African
garimpeiros into the formal mining sector.
Currently, the Kimberley Process does not take
into account the production of the estimated one
million diggers in countries such as Angola, the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Sierra
Leone. The conveners of the initiative believe that
bringing this production into the formal mining
sector, with Kimberley Process accountability,
would reap major benefits for the miners, governments, and the diamond industry (OFerrall, 2005).

The last 15 years have brought changes to the diamond industry that have affected every part of the
pipeline, from mine to retail. As new diamond
sources opened up, De Beerss single-channel marketing system, in place since the 1930s, gave way to
a multi-channel environment. This required that
the company transform itself into a more marketing-driven business. It also ended its traditional role


FALL 2005

of market custodian as it sold its buffer stock of

rough diamonds, which profoundly affected diamond manufacturers and dealers downstream. The
Supplier of Choice initiative alone represents one of
the most sweeping changes in the diamond industry
in the past half century.
Civil wars in several producing nations forced
the diamond industry to account for the legal legitimacy of the goods it sells, while governments anxious to cut off terrorist financing and money laundering subjected the industry to unprecedented
scrutiny. Now, governments of producing nations
are placing greater pressure on De Beers and other
mining companies to establish beneficiation projects to increase local ownership, employment, and
Jewelry retailers saw new competition, first from
auctions, which became a major sales outlet for the
extreme top end of the market, and then from the


Mr. Shor ( is senior industry analyst
at GIA in Carlsbad, CA. Previously, he served as diamonds
editor for Jewelers Circular Keystone magazine and editor-inchief of New York Diamonds and GemKey magazines.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The author thanks GIA president
William Boyajian, Dr. Alfred Levinson of the University of

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and dealers at all levels were faced with new treatments and the commercial availability of jewelryquality synthetic diamonds.
The political and structural changes in diamond
distribution will likely cause continued realignments within the diamond-manufacturing and trading centers, with resulting pressures on supplies and
profits. Through all these changes, sales of diamond
jewelry have continued to grow strongly worldwide,
promising lucrative opportunities to dealers and
retailers with the market knowledge and gemological know-how to take advantage of them.

Calgary, and Carl Pearson of Econunit, London, for their

reviews and excellent suggestions. The following are also
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Doshi of Shrenuj, Mumbai; Graham Nicholls of BHP
Billiton, Yellowknife, NWT; Ken Gassman of the Jewelry
Industry Research Institute, Richmond, Virginia; Mark
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FALL 2005



Wuyi Wang, Alexandre Tallaire, Matthew S. Hall, Thomas M. Moses,
Jocelyn Achard, Ricardo S. Sussmann, and Alix Gicquel

In the last decade, progress in diamond growth by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has resulted in
significant improvement in the quality of synthetic single crystals. This article reports on the gemological and spectroscopic features of six synthetic type IIa diamonds grown for research purposes at
the French Laboratoire dIngnierie des Matriaux et des Hautes Pressions (LIMHP-CNRS), and
compares their diagnostic features to CVD-grown diamonds from other producers. Three of the six
samples were nitrogen doped, whereas the other three were classified as high purity. A number of
characteristics that are diagnostic of CVD synthetic diamond were present in the nitrogen-doped
crystals, despite an absence of defect-related absorption features in the infrared region. Identification
of the high-purity samples was more complicated, but it was still possible based on features in their
photoluminescence spectra, their distinctive birefringence, and characteristic luminescence images.

iamond synthesis was first accomplished

more than half a century ago, and there have
been considerable improvements in quality
over the past few years. These achievements are
important not only for the potential they offer for
producing large quantities of synthetic diamond,
but also for the precise control they provide over the
type and concentration of defects in the crystals,
which is particularly critical for electronics applications. To date, most gem-quality synthetic diamonds have been grown using high-pressure and
high-temperature (HPHT) conditions (Shigley et al.,
1986, 1987, 1997, 2003, 2004). Recently, however,
single-crystal diamond synthesis using the chemical
vapor deposition (CVD) method has made great
progress and attracted much attention, even in the
jewelry industry (see, e.g., Yan et al., 2002; Wang et
al., 2003; Martineau et al., 2004; Bates, 2005;
Tallaire et al., 2005). Earlier this year, Yan et al.
(2005) documented the successful growth of a 5 ct
single-crystal CVD synthetic diamond measuring
over 1 cm thick. They also predicted that a one-inch
cube of single-crystal CVD synthetic diamond (~300
ct) is achievable. The properties of CVD synthetic
diamonds are highly variable, due to the rapid devel-



opment of laboratory synthesis techniques.

Therefore, the timely characterization of these synthetic diamonds is critical to the gem industry.
In this article, we report on the properties and
identification features of several CVD synthetic diamonds that were produced for research purposes at
the Laboratoire dIngnierie des Matriaux et des
Hautes Pressions, a part of the Centre National de
la Recherche Scientifique (LIMHP-CNRS) at the
Universit Paris 13. These products showed some
notable differences from those grown by Apollo
Diamond Co. that were examined by Wang et al.
(2003) and the experimental products studied by
Martineau et al. (2004). Nevertheless, these new
CVD-grown diamonds can be identified on the basis
of certain characteristic gemological and spectroscopic features.
At LIMHP-CNRS, these CVD synthetic diamonds were produced at low pressures (a few hundred millibars) from hydrogen-rich methane mix-

See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.

GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 234244.
2005 Gemological Institute of America


FALL 2005

Figure 1. The CVD synthetic

diamonds (0.140.81 ct)
from LIMHP-CNRS show a
typical tabular crystal morphology and significant variations in color. Three samples were near colorless, two
were light gray, and one was
light brown. The three samples in the top row (from left
to right: nos. 67404, 66875,
and 66669) are nitrogen
doped, and the three in the
bottom row (from left to
right: nos. 66675, 66876, and
67405) are of high purity.
Sample no. 66675 appears
yellow due to the yellow
substrate. Composite of photos by Elizabeth Schrader,
Jessica Arditi, and W. Wang.

tures. The use of microwave radiation in the growth

chamber facilitated the production of key molecular
species involved in diamond growth inside the plasma ball. To grow a monocrystalline diamond crystal,
a type Ib {100}-oriented slice of HPHT synthetic diamond was used as a substrate. By choosing optimum
growth conditions for the substrate temperature, the
methane concentration, and the microwave power
density, researchers at LIMHP-CNRS were able to
achieve growth rates of tens of micrometers per hour
at relatively high quality and purity (Tallaire et al.,
2005). These samples were grown solely for research
purposes, and although it is technically possible to
do so, no crystals thick enough to be faceted were
produced. While colorless, light gray, and light
brown gem-quality CVD-grown synthetic diamonds
are being produced experimentally by LIMHPCNRS, this group does not intend to make its synthetic diamonds available to the jewelry market.


Six specimens produced by LIMHP-CNRS during
late 2004 and early 2005, ranging from 0.14 to 0.81 ct,
were examined (figure 1). All were studied as-grown,
with no secondary treatment. Three of them were
intentionally doped with various concentrations of
nitrogen during the CVD deposition process in order
to improve the growth rates. These samples were
labeled nos. 67404, 66875, and 66669 for the very
low, low, and moderate doping amounts, respectively. For the other three samples, the growth conditions were chosen to limit the incorporation of


defects into the crystal lattice as much as possible.

They are referred to here as nos. 66675, 66876, and
67405. The growth substrates were entirely removed
prior to spectroscopic analysis as well as color grading
during this study, except for one high-purity sample
that had a CVD thickness of only about 0.3 mm (no.
66675). These CVD synthetic diamonds are representative of recent products created at LIMHP-CNRS,
which show a significant variation in color and
chemical purity.
Gemological and spectroscopic properties of all
six samples were collected at the GIA Laboratory in
New York. Although GIA does not issue grading
reports on synthetic diamonds, for the purpose of
this study equivalent color grades were determined
by experienced diamond grading staff using the
standard conditions and methodology of GIAs color
grading system for colored and near-colorless
faceted diamonds (see, e.g., King et al., 1994). Note
that the color grades of these tabular samples could
change after faceting as the optical path length is
increased. Internal features were observed with a
standard binocular microscope and a variety of
lighting techniques. We used a gemological microscope with crossed polarizers to check for anomalous birefringence in all samples. Reactions to UV
radiation were checked in a darkened room with a
conventional four-watt combination long-wave (365
nm) and short-wave (254 nm) lamp.
Five of the samples also were analyzed at the GIA
Laboratory using several spectroscopic techniques.
Because the substrate of no. 66675 was not removed,
only photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy was per-


FALL 2005


TABLE 1. Characteristics of CVD synthetic diamonds from LIMHP-CNRS, France.a

Sample no.


N2 doping Weight
during growth (ct)

Size (mm)


Fluorescence in the
fluorescence b

Nitrogen doped
Free standing

Very low


6.55 5.96 1.64 Light brown


Orange (with blue



Free standing



6.33 6.27 0.70 Light gray



Free standing



3.99 3.87 1.42 "G" color


Orangy red (with

blue at four corners)
Orangy red



3.88 x 3.86 x 1.87


About 0.3 mm
thick, over HPHT
synthetic diamond
Free standing



4.41 4.42 0.48 Light gray




Free standing



4.47 4.46 0.71 "I" color


Blue (with blue


High purity


Near colorless
(over yellow


Green (from the


Abbreviation: nd = not determined

Reaction to a standard gemological source of long- and short-wave UV radiation

formed on this sample. To avoid surface contamination, we cleaned the samples thoroughly with acetone in an ultrasonic bath. Low-temperature PL
spectra were recorded for all six samples using a
Renishaw 1000 Raman microspectrometer with an
Ar-ion laser at two different laser excitations: 488.0
nm (for the range 490950 nm) and 514.5 nm (for the
range 517 950 nm). PL spectra in the range
6401000 nm also were collected using a He-Ne
laser (632.8 nm) for the five samples that had their
substrate removed. In addition, PL spectra for one
sample (no. 67405) were obtained using a diode laser
(780.0 nm) for the range 7821000 nm. Several excitation lasers were used to cover as broad an emission-energy region as possible. The samples were
cooled by direct immersion in liquid nitrogen. Up to
three scans were accumulated in some cases to
achieve a better signal-to-noise ratio.
Infrared absorption spectra were recorded in the
mid-IR (6000400 cm-1, 1.0 cm-1 resolution) and
near-IR (up to 11000 cm-1, 4.0 cm-1 resolution)
regions at room temperature with a Thermo-Nicolet
Nexus 670 Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer
equipped with KBr and quartz beam splitters. A 6
beam condenser focused the incident beam on the
sample, and a total of 1,024 scans (per spectrum)
were collected to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.
UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra were recorded



with a Thermo-Spectronic Unicam UV500 spectrophotometer over the range 250850 nm with a
sampling interval of 0.1 nm. The samples were
mounted in a cryogenic cell and cooled using liquid
All the samples also were examined using a
Diamond Trading Company (DTC) DiamondView
deep-ultraviolet (<230 nm) luminescence imaging
system (Welbourn et al., 1996).


Gemological Features. Table 1 details the gemological and spectroscopic properties of the LIMHP-CNRS
synthetic diamonds. All six crystals exhibited the
tabular morphology typical of monocrystalline CVD
products, each with a large cubic (100) crystal face.
Three of the samples were near colorless, two were
light gray, and one was light brown (again, see figure
1). The colors of these samples are very different from
those of the Apollo CVD synthetic diamonds, most
of which showed brown colors of varying saturation
(Wang et al., 2003). The one brown sample in this
study (no. 67404) showed an even color distribution,
except when viewed perpendicular to the growth
direction; in this orientation a distinct zone of dark
brown color was visible (figure 2). This very narrow
color zone extended parallel to the large (100) face


FALL 2005

Major absorption features

6856, 3323,
3124, 2924,
2807 cm -1
No defect-related
No defect-related

Increase in absorption
to high-energy side;
737 nm
No features
No features


503.5, 563.3, 596/
597, 575, 637, 737,
766.1, 840.7 nm
503.5, 575, 596/597,
637, 699, 737 nm
503.5, 540.7, 563.3,
575, 596/597, 637,
737 nm
503.2, 503.5, 575,
596/597, 637, 699,
737 nm

No defect-related No features
737 nm
No defect-related Broad band at ~261 nm 737, 953 nm

through the entire CVD overgrowth, and was the

main cause of the light brown body color. Brown zoning also was observed in the Apollo CVD synthetic
diamonds (Wang et al., 2003); it may be caused by
concentrated deposition of non-diamond carbon as a
result of temperature fluctuations during growth.
The presence of non-diamond carbon in the brown
sample in this study was revealed by Raman bands at
around 1450 cm-1; such bands in CVD-grown diamond are much broader than the Raman peak at
1332 cm-1 that is intrinsic to diamond.
Layers of different colors also have been observed
in many CVD products from Element Six.
According to Martineau et al. (2004), layers with various brown colors were most common, with blue
layers observed in samples doped with boron.
The CVD-grown diamonds were of high clarity.
However, a few notable internal features were present. In sample no. 66875, graphite inclusions, identified by Raman spectroscopy, were well developed
in the four corners and arranged in the {111} orientation along many small fractures. Although the
mechanism responsible for the formation of
graphite in these crystals is unclear, it is well
known that nitrogen incorporates and degrades the
{111} faces preferentially, leading to a higher content
of non-diamond carbon. In addition, many pinpoints were present in sample no. 66669.


The main (100) growth surface of the nitrogendoped samples invariably showed sequences of
micro-steps with relatively flat terrace regions
separated by inclined risers. This phenomenon is
known as step-bunching, and the corresponding features have been referred to as growth steps (de
Theije et al., 2000; Martineau et al., 2004). It was
observed on all the nitrogen-doped samples (figure
3), and also on portions of high-purity sample 66675
(figure 4). But in the latter case, since no nitrogen
was intentionally added, the higher methane concentration present during growth was probably
responsible for the surface growth features observed.
Anomalous birefringence, caused by residual
internal strain, is a useful feature for the identification of CVD synthetic diamond (see, e.g., Wang et
al., 2003; Martineau et al., 2004). Similar to many of
the Apollo products examined, the CVD synthetic
diamond crystals from LIMHP-CNRS displayed
cross-hatched bands of low-order interference colors
when viewed through the (100) face (figure 5A).
Small areas of localized strain with relatively higher
order interference colors surrounding tiny defect
centers also were observed. Much higher order
interference colors were seen at the four corners in
sample no. 66875 (figure 5B), and outside the substrate window in sample 66876 (figure 5C), indicating strong residual internal strain and accumulated
dislocations in these regions.

Figure 2. When viewed perpendicular to the growth

direction and parallel to the (100) face, CVD synthetic
diamond sample no. 67404 displays a dark brown
color zone (see arrows) parallel to {100}. The yellow
triangle to the lower right of the arrows is the substrate of HPHT synthetic diamond. Photomicrograph
(taken before substrate was removed) by W. Wang;
total thickness of the specimen was 3.36 mm.


FALL 2005


Figure 3. Differential interference contrast microscopy revealed sequences of growth steps with terrace regions separated by inclined risers on the (100) surface of the nitrogen-doped CVD synthetic diamonds (left, no. 67404; right,
no. 66875). Photomicrographs by Alexandre Tallaire; magnified 50.

An outstanding feature evident from the anomalous birefringence is that bundles of dislocations
nucleated along the boundary between the substrate
and its CVD synthetic diamond overgrowth and are
uniformly parallel to the growth direction, as first
pointed out by Martineau et al. (2004). As a result, the
shadow of the substrate can be clearly seen in the
birefringence image, even after its removal. This feature was observed in all crystals except for no. 66669.
Figure 4. With a gemological microscope, portions
of this high-purity CVD synthetic diamond (no.
66675) display surface growth features similar to
those observed on the nitrogen-doped crystals. The
apparent color is caused by the yellow substrate of
HPHT synthetic diamond, which was not removed.
Photomicrograph by W. Wang; image width is
approximately 2.9 mm.



In addition, the region outside the substrate shadow

typically showed higher-order interference colors (figure 5C). Anomalous birefringence caused by residual
internal strain is also a common feature of natural
type IIa diamond. While large variations in intensity
have been observed, natural type IIa diamonds generally show stronger anomalous birefringence than is
seen in CVD synthetic diamonds (see, e.g., Moses et
al., 1999). Banded and tatami patterns are the predominant strain characteristics of natural type IIa diamonds (figure 6, A and B; see, e.g., Smith et al., 2000);
as shown in figure 5, the characteristic strain pattern
of single-crystal CVD synthetic diamond is distinctly
different. HPHT-grown synthetic type IIa diamonds
most commonly show no strain (figure 6C).
All five of the samples tested were inert to the UV
radiation emitted by a standard gemological UV
lamp, and no phosphorescence was observed. In contrast, some of the Apollo nitrogen-doped samples
studied by Wang et al. (2003) fluoresced a very weak
orange, orange-yellow, or yellow to long-wave UV,
and a very weak to moderate orange to orange-yellow
to short-wave UV. Orange fluorescence of varying
intensity to both long- and short-wave UV radiation
was also observed in many of the Element Six nitrogen-doped crystals; in contrast, those of high purity
were inert (Martineau et al., 2004). Most natural type
IIa diamonds are inert to both long- and short-wave
UV. Only a few natural type IIa diamonds are known
to fluorescence blue or orange to standard UV radiation. In contrast, most HPHT synthetic type IIa diamonds show weak to moderately strong yellow-green
fluorescence and moderate to strong yellow-green
phosphorescence to short-wave UV radiation (see,
e.g., Shigley et al., 1997).


FALL 2005

Figure 5. The high-purity crystal in image A (no. 66876), which measures 4.4 mm across, displays the characteristic
strain pattern of a CVD-grown diamond when viewed perpendicular to a cubic crystal face (100). The shadow of
the substrate is clearly visible even after its removal, as the large square with relatively lower order interference
colors in the center of the sample. Much higher order interference colors were observed at the four corners of nitrogen-doped sample no. 66875 (B, 6.3 mm across) and in the area outside the substrate shadow of sample no.
66876 (C, image width is 2.9 mm), indicating strong residual internal strain and accumulated dislocations in these
regions. Photos A and B by W. Wang, and photomicrograph C by Shane McClure; crossed polarizers.

Spectroscopic Features. Photoluminescence. PL

spectra showed that three of the samples were
nitrogen doped and three others were of high purity,
as expected from the growth methods employed
(see figure 7 and table 1). Several laser excitations
were used to obtain maximum sensitivity over various energy regions. Using high-energy 488.0 nm
laser excitation allows the detection of trace
amounts of 3H, H3, and H4 defects. The 514.5 nm
laser system is more sensitive at detecting the 637
nm [(N-V) -] defect, and 632.8 nm excitation is ideal
for detecting traces of Si impurity.
Major PL features in the nitrogen-doped samples
include strong emissions of (N-V) 0 with its zerophonon line (ZPL) at 575 nm and (N-V) - with its
ZPL at 637 nm, weak emission pairs at 596597 nm,
and Si-related emission at 737 nm (e.g., Bergman et
al., 1993).
In two specimens (nos. 66669 and 66875), the
intensity of the 637 nm emission was stronger
than or close to that of the 575 nm. However, the
other nitrogen-doped sample (no. 67404) showed

the opposite trend. During crystal growth, samples

66669 and 66875 were doped with moderate and
low nitrogen contents, respectively. In contrast,
sample 67404 was doped with only a very small
amount of nitrogen. It seems that the higher the
nitrogen content is, the higher the intensity of the
637 nm emission compared to that of the 575 nm
will be. When 488 nm laser excitation was
employed, the integrated intensity ratio (i.e., the
area of a peak, rather than its height) of 637/575
was 1.31 for sample 66669, 0.96 for sample 66875,
and only 0.07 for sample 67404. These observations indicate a possible correlation between the
content of doped nitrogen and the concentrations
of (N-V) 0 and (N-V) - centers generated. They are
consistent with the suggestion that (N-V) 0 is initially incorporated during CVD growth, and (N-V) appears and intensifies as the nitrogen content further increases (M. Newton, pers comm., 2005).
In contrast to the nitrogen-doped CVD synthetic
diamonds, the two high-purity samples (nos. 66876
and 67405) displayed virtually no PL features. Only

Figure 6. In contrast to CVD synthetic diamonds, natural type IIa diamonds typically show banded and tatami
patterns with low first-order interference colors (A, B). HPHT-grown synthetic type IIa diamonds most commonly
show no strain (C). Photomicrographs by Christopher Smith; crossed polarizers.



FALL 2005


Figure 7. Low-temperature photoluminescence spectra

collected using an Ar-ion laser (488 nm excitation)
revealed clear differences between the nitrogen-doped
and high-purity CVD synthetic diamonds. Strong
emissions at 575 and 637 nmand weak emissions at
503.5, 596, 597, and 737 nmwere detected in the
three nitrogen-doped samples. Three high-purity CVD
synthetic diamonds displayed only a very weak emission at 737 nm caused by trace Si impurity, although
this emission was extremely strong in one N-doped
sample (no. 67404).

a very weak 737 nm emission was detected.

Nevertheless, it appears that the high-purity crystals from LIMHP-CNRS are slightly less pure than
those from Element Six examined by Martineau et
al. (2004), in which no Si-related emission was
detected. Sample no. 67405 also showed a very
weak emission line at 953 nm when 780 nm laser
excitation was employed. High-purity crystal no.
66675 displayed very weak emissions at 575 nm
and 637 nm, which are very likely from its type Ib
HPHT synthetic diamond substrate. This explanation is supported by the occurrence of a very weak
H3 emission (zero phonon line at 503.2 nm), which
certainly is from the substrate.
In addition, very weak emissions at 563, 699,
766, and 841 nm were occasionally observed in the
LIMHP-CNRS samples (again, see table 1). The 3H
defect, with a zero-phonon-line position at 503.5
nm (slightly higher than that of H3 at 503.2 nm), is
typically radiation related (Collins et al., 1989).
The 3H defect is relatively unstable, and should be
annealed out at typical CVD growth temperatures
(Zaitsev, 2001); nevertheless, the 3H defect was
detected in all three nitrogen-doped crystals and in
one high-purity crystal (no. 66675). In contrast, the
3H defect was not detected in any of the Apollo

Figure 8. Except for brown sample no. 67404, the CVD

synthetic diamonds from LIMHP-CNRS did not show
any defect-related absorption in the mid-infrared
range. Sharp, very weak absorptions at 3323 and 3124
cm-1, and two relatively broad absorptions at 2924
and 2807 cm-1, were detected in sample no. 67404. In
contrast, these H-related absorptions were observed in
many of the Apollo CVD synthetic diamonds examined by Wang et al. (2003). The spectra are shifted vertically for clarity.

Figure 9. The CVD synthetic diamonds from LIMHPCNRS did not show any defect-related absorption in
the near-infrared range. In contrast, most Apollo
CVD synthetic diamonds examined by Wang et al.
(2003) displayed relatively strong absorptions in this
range. Of the five specimens examined, only the light
brown crystal (no. 67404) exhibited a very weak
absorption at 6856 cm-1 (not visible below). The spectra are shifted vertically for clarity.




FALL 2005

near-infrared regions. In the LIMHP-CNRS samples,

weak, sharp absorptions at 3323 and 3124 cm-1, and
two broad absorptions at 2924 and 2807 cm-1, were
observed only in the light brown crystal. In addition, none of the crystals examined showed any
absorption due to trace amounts of isolated nitrogen
at 1344 cm-1 (figure 10), which was present in many
of the Apollo CVD synthetic diamonds examined
by Wang et al. (2003). Hydrogen-related absorptions in the infrared region were important identification features for the Apollo CVD synthetic
diamonds, since many of these features are specific to CVD synthesis (Martineau et al., 2004).
However, they were not diagnostic for the CVD
synthetic diamonds in this study.
Figure 10. None of the CVD synthetic diamonds from
LIMHP-CNRS examined showed the absorption at
1344 cm-1 associated with trace amounts of isolated
nitrogen, which was present in several of the Apollo
CVD synthetic diamonds studied by Wang et al.
(2003). The spectra are shifted vertically for clarity.

products (Wang et al., 2003) or reported by

Martineau et al. (2004) for CVD synthetic diamond
samples produced by Element Six.
This apparent discrepancy might be explained
by the fact that two of the nitrogen-doped crystals
(nos. 66875 and 66669) and one high-purity crystal
(no. 66876) had previously been analyzed by
cathodoluminescence, which can introduce weak
radiation damage (Steed et al., 1999). However, no
3H features were detected in high-purity crystal
no. 66876, while nitrogen-doped crystal no. 67404
was not analyzed with any method involving
cathodoluminescence or X-radiation but also
showed a weak 3H. Still, the presence of the 3H
defect in four crystals examined in this study is
not likely to be an as-grown feature but rather may
have been introduced accidentally afterwards, perhaps by exposure to X-rays in an airport security

UV-Vis-NIR Spectroscopy. Low-temperature

absorption spectra collected in the UV-Vis-NIR
range revealed few notable features (figure 11).
Spectra from the high-purity and the near-colorless
nitrogen-doped samples were very flat in the visible
range, and increased gradually into the UV region.
A weak and broad band at ~261 nm was detected in
sample no. 67405; its assignment is not certain, but

Figure 11. The low-temperature absorption spectrum

of this high-purity CVD synthetic diamond (no.
67405) is rather flat in the visible-light range, and
increases gradually in the UV region. The assignment
of a weak and broad band at ~261 nm is not clear, but
this absorption is likely not due to isolated nitrogen.
In the brown nitrogen-doped CVD-grown diamond
(no. 67404), the absorption increases gradually toward
lower wavelengths. A distinct absorption at 737 nm
due to a Si impurity also was observed. The spectra
are shifted vertically for clarity.

IR Spectroscopy. Infrared absorption spectroscopy

revealed that all samples were type IIa. Except for
the light brown crystal (no. 67404), no defect-related
absorptions were detected in the infrared region (figures 8 and 9). In contrast, the Apollo products examined by Wang et al. (2003) and the nitrogen-doped
Element Six CVD synthetic diamond samples studied by Martineau et al. (2004) usually showed strong
hydrogen-related absorptions in both the mid- and



FALL 2005


Figure 12. In the DTC DiamondView, the nitrogen-doped CVD-grown crystals showed a strong and characteristic
orange to orangy red luminescence (sample no. 66875, left). In contrast, the high-purity crystals showed only a
very weak blue fluorescence (sample no. 66876, right). The original positions of the substrates are visible as the
darker square-shaped patterns in the center of the images. The circular areas within the squares are from the
sample holder. Photos by W. Wang.

the band is most likely not due to isolated nitrogen

(Zaitsev, 2001). In the light brown nitrogen-doped
CVD-grown diamond (no. 67404), the absorption
increased gradually toward lower wavelengths. A
distinct absorption at 737 nm (0.64 cm-1 absorption
coefficient) was also observed in this sample. The
intensity of this peak was stronger than that of all
the Apollo products we have examined so far. Early
products from Element Six showed an emission
line at 737 nm in the photoluminescence spectrum, but its absorption intensity was not reported.
In addition, this feature was not detected in samples grown more recently by Element Six (Martineau et al., 2004).
DiamondView Imaging. When examined with the
DiamondView, the nitrogen-doped samples exhibited strong orange to orangy red luminescence due

to both (N-V) 0 and (N-V) - centers (figure 12, left). In

contrast, the high-purity synthetic crystals luminesced very weak blue (figure 12, right). The blue
luminescence is believed to emanate from bundles
of dislocations in arrangements not seen in natural
diamond (Martineau et al., 2004). In figure 12 (left),
blue luminescence also can be seen at the four corners of nitrogen-doped crystal no. 66875, where
extensive dislocations appeared in the anomalous
birefringence image (figure 5B).
Two crystals showed blue phosphorescence in
the DiamondView. One (no. 67404) was nitrogen
doped (figure 13, left), and the other (no. 67405)
was of high purity (figure 13, right). Blue phosphorescence is common in many natural type IIb
diamonds and may also occur in some HPHTgrown synthetic type IIa diamonds (Shigley et al.,
1997; King et al., 1998), but it is rarely seen in

Figure 13. In the

DiamondView, two of
the studied CVD samples (left, no. 67404;
right, no. 67405) showed
moderately strong blue
phosphorescence, which
is rarely observed in natural type IIa diamonds.
Photos by W. Wang.




FALL 2005

Figure 14. Characteristic

mosaic networks of polygonized dislocations (left, 6.44
mm in diameter) and dislocations lying in slip bands (right,
3.9 mm depth) are the major
features of natural type IIa
diamonds with orange fluorescence seen in the DiamondView. Photos by W. Wang
(left) and Paul Johnson (right).

natural type IIa diamonds. As in the aforementioned birefringence images, the original position
of the HPHT-grown synthetic substrate also was
observable in most DiamondView fluorescence
and phosphorescence images.
Natural type IIa diamonds usually show blue fluorescence in the DiamondView, and they typically
display characteristic mosaic networks of polygonized dislocations or dislocations lying in slip bands
(Martineau et al., 2004). A few natural type IIa diamonds exhibit orange luminescence, similar to that
of nitrogen-doped CVD synthetic diamonds. Our
extensive examinations have revealed that mosaic networks and slip bands are also the predominant features of natural type IIa diamonds that show
this orange fluorescence (figure 14).

The CVD synthetic diamonds from LIMHP-CNRS
were produced solely for research purposes, but in
the event a similar product ultimately reaches the
gem market it is important to understand the differences between these samples and natural diamonds, as well as other gem-quality CVD synthetics currently being produced. Although the products examined in this study showed considerable
variation in color and purity, it is clear that deposition of non-diamond carbon during crystal growth
at relatively high growth rates can be minimized,
leading to the formation of near-colorless gemquality crystals. The relatively narrow thickness of
CVD overgrowth (no more than 1.64 mm in the
crystals examined) would limit their potential jewelry application to very small gems. However,
other manufacturers (Apollo Diamond, Element
Six, and the Carnegie Institute) have demonstrated
their ability to grow high-quality CVD crystals
thick enough to be faceted as gems. It is feasible


that LIMHP-CNRS has a similar capability.

The new LIMHP-CNRS synthetic diamonds
showed distinct differences in optical and spectroscopic properties from the suite of Apollo products
examined by Wang et al. (2003), as well as from
the Element Six CVD samples examined by
Martineau et al. (2004). Fortunately, the LIMHPCNRS samples we examined could be identified
on the basis of their characteristic birefringence
images, orange or blue luminescence features in
the DiamondView, and/or PL spectroscopic features (i.e., emission at 737 nm and a 596/597 nm
pair). Very few natural type IIa diamonds fluoresce
orange or orangy red in the DiamondView, so this
reaction is a good indication that further testing is
necessary. One CVD-specific PL spectroscopic feature is the weak doublet at 596 and 597 nm, which
was detected in all three nitrogen-doped samples
and in one high-purity CVD crystal in this study.
More importantly, the Si-related defect at 737 nm,
which has never been reported in natural diamonds, occurred at varying intensity in all the
samples (both nitrogen doped and high purity)
examined in this study, making it a very useful
identification feature.

CVD synthetic diamonds from LIMHP-CNRS have
been created solely for research purposes, as both
nitrogen-doped and high-purity samples. These
type IIa products showed considerable variation in
color and impurity concentration. This study
revealed some subtle but clear differences between
the LIMHP-CNRS products and the suite of Apollo
products examined by Wang et al. (2003) and the
Element Six products examined by Martineau et al.
(2004). While the LIMHP-CNRS synthetics show
almost no absorption features in the infrared


FALL 2005


region, they can be reliably identified based on

their characteristic birefringence images, luminescence features in the DiamondView, and/or PL
spectroscopic features.
With the rapid progress in CVD growth tech-


Dr. Wang ( is research scientist, Mr. Hall is
manager of analytical research services, and Mr. Moses is vice president of Identification and Research at the GIA Laboratory in New
York. Mr. Tallaire is a PhD student, Dr. Achard is associate professor, and Dr. Gicquel is professor and leader of the diamond group
at the LIMHP-CNRS, Universit Paris 13, France. Dr. Sussmann is
senior research fellow at Kings College London, United Kingdom.

niques, larger and better-quality synthetic diamonds are likely to be produced. Identification
features will probably change to some extent with
the continued development of CVD synthesis

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors are grateful to

Dr. James Butler of the Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington, DC, and Dr. Mark Newton of the University of
Warwick, Coventry, U.K., for many helpful discussions.
Christopher Smith, Shane McClure, Thomas Gelb, Dr. James
Shigley, Dr. Mary Johnson, Dr. Christopher Breeding, and
Dr. Andy Hsi-Tien Shen of the GIA Laboratory are thanked
for their observations and comments.

Bates R. (2005) University claims better, faster synthetic diamonds. JCK, Vol. 176, No. 6, p. 51
Bergman L., Stoner B.R., Turner K.F., Glass J.T., Nemanich R.J.
(1993) Microphotoluminescence and Raman scattering study
of defect formation in diamond films. Journal of Applied
Physics, Vol. 73, No. 8, pp. 39513957.
Collins A.T., Kamo M., Sato Y. (1989) Optical centers related to
nitrogen, vacancies and interstitials in polycrystalline diamond films grown by plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 22, No. 9,
pp. 14021405.
de Theije F.K., Schermer J.J., van Enckevort W.J.P. (2000) Effects
of nitrogen impurities on the CVD growth of diamond: Step
bunching in theory and experiment. Diamond and Related
Materials, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 14391449.
King J.M., Moses T.M., Shigley J.E., Liu Y. (1994) Color grading of
colored diamonds at the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory. Gems &
Gemology, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 220242.
King J.M., Moses T.M., Shigley J.E., Welbourn C.M., Lawson
S.C., Cooper M. (1998) Characterizing natural-color type IIb
blue diamonds. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp.
Martineau P.M., Lawson S.C., Taylor A.J., Quinn S.J., Evans D.J.F.,
Crowder M.J. (2004) Identification of synthetic diamond grown
using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Gems & Gemology,
Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 225.
Moses T.M., Shigley J.E., McClure S.F., Koivula J.I., Van Daele M.
(1999) Observations on GE-Processed Diamonds: A photographic record. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 1422.
Shigley J.E., Fritsch E., Stockton C.M., Koivula J.I., Fryer C.W.,
Kane R.E. (1986) The gemological properties of the Sumitomo
gem-quality synthetic yellow diamonds. Gems & Gemology,
Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 192208.
Shigley J.E., Fritsch E., Stockton C.M., Koivula J.I., Fryer C.W.,
Kane R.E., Hargett D.R., Welch C.W. (1987) The gemological
properties of the De Beers gem-quality synthetic diamonds.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 187206.
Shigley J.E., Moses T.M., Reinitz I., Elen S., McClure S.F., Fritsch E.



(1997) Gemological properties of near-colorless synthetic diamonds. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 4253.
Shigley J.E., Abbaschian R., Clarke C. (2003) Gemesis laboratorycreated diamonds. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp.
Shigley J.E., McClure S.F., Breeding C.M., Shen A., Muhlmeister
S.M. (2004) Lab-grown colored diamonds from Chatham
Created Gems. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp.
Smith C.P., Bosshart G., Ponahlo J., Hammer V.M.F., Klapper H.,
Schmetzer K. (2000) GE POL diamonds: Before and after.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 192215.
Steed J.W., Davis T.J., Charles S.J., Hayes J.M., Butler J.E. (1999)
3H luminescence in electron-irradiated diamond samples and
its relationship to self-interstitials. Diamond and Related
Materials, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 18471852.
Tallaire A., Achard J., Sussmann R.S., Silva F., Gicquel A. (2005)
Homoepitaxial deposition of high-quality thick diamond
films: Effect of growth parameters. Diamond and Related
Materials, Vol. 14, No. 37, pp. 249254.
Wang W., Moses T., Linares R., Shigley J.E., Hall M., Butler J.E.
(2003) Gem-quality synthetic diamonds grown by the chemical vapor deposition method. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 39,
No. 4, pp. 268283.
Welbourn C.M., Cooper M., Spear P.M. (1996) De Beers natural
versus synthetic diamond verification instruments. Gems &
Gemology, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 156169.
Yan C.-S., Vohra Y.K., Mao H.-K., Hemley R.J. (2002) Very high
growth rate chemical vapor deposition of single-crystal diamond. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America, Vol. 99, No. 20, pp. 1252312525.
Yan C.-S., Chen Y.-C., Ho S.-S., Mao H.-K., Hemley R.J. (2005)
Large single crystal CVD diamonds at rapid growth rates.
Abstracts of the 8th Applied Diamond Conference/
NanoCarbon 2005, May 1519, Argonne National Laboratory,
Argonne, Illinois.
Zaitsev A.M. (2001) Optical Properties of Diamond. SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 502 pp.


FALL 2005



Paul W. Millsteed, Terrence P. Mernagh, Vincent Otieno-Alego, and Dudley C. Creagh

Solid, vapor, and fluid inclusions in transparent gem
rhodonite crystals from Broken Hill, New South
Wales, Australia, have been identified for the first
time using Raman spectroscopy and gemological/
petrographic techniques. Among the solid inclusions are sphalerite, galena, quartz, and fluorite. The
rhodonite also contained hollow needle-like tubes
and negative rhodonite crystals. Three-phase inclusions were found to contain a saline liquid, a
gaseous mixture of nitrogen (N2) and methane
(CH4), and ilmenite crystals.

em rhodonite crystals have been recorded

from Broken Hill, New South Wales,
Australia, for at least 100 years. Most of
these crystals have been recovered from the North
mine and Zinc Corp./NBHC mines; however, they
are widely distributed throughout the deposit. A
number of beautiful transparent crystals, less than 1
cm thick, have been recorded (Birch, 1999; see, e.g.,
figure 1), with some rare specimens as large as several centimeters across. The authors know of at
least six crystals that have been successfully
faceted, producing stones that range from 0.15 to
10.91 ct, and these display a rich pink to brownish
red color similar to that seen in pink-to-red spinel.
The 10.91 ct stone (figure 2), the largest faceted
rhodonite ever recorded from Broken Hill, is currently on display at Torontos Royal Ontario
Museum. No rhodonite cabochons from this locality have been documented. Because so little is
known about this gem material, this article characterizes a variety of inclusions found in gem rhodonite from the North mine at Broken Hill.



Gem-quality rhodonite ([Mn,Fe,Ca]SiO3) is known

from the primary silver-lead-zinc sulfide orebodies
centered at Broken Hill, arguably the most famous
mining town in Australia (figure 3) and one of the
richest sources of gem rhodonite crystals in the world.
Location. Broken Hill lies on the inland edge of the
Western Plains of New South Wales at the foot of
the Barrier Ranges, on the edge of the Sundown
Hills, 1,100 km from Sydney and 43 km from the
border with South Australia (Solomon, 1988). The
Broken Hill deposit, renowned as one of the most
outstanding mineral deposits in the world, is hosted
in what geologists have defined as the Broken Hill
block. Some 2,000 separate mineral deposits are distributed throughout the block, over an area of 4,000
km2 (Barnes, 1986).
Regional Geology and Occurrence of Rhodonite. Up
to nine separate, but closely related, lenses and lodes
are hosted in rocks of the Willyama Supergroup at
Broken Hill (Stevens et al., 1983). Differences in the
orebodies are reflected in the relative proportions of
lead and zinc, as represented by the minerals galena
and sphalerite, respectively (Johnson and Klinger,
1975; Plimer, 1979, 1984). In addition to these two
minerals, rhodonite from Broken Hill may be associated with spessartine, calcite, hedenbergite, bustamite, fluorapatite, fluorite, quartz, and pyroxmangite (Birch, 1999).

See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.

GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 246254.
2005 Gemological Institute of America


FALL 2005

History of Mining at Broken Hill. The Broken Hill

orebody was pegged in September 1883 and later
subdivided into seven mining leases called blocks
(which are distinct from the Broken Hill block discussed above). Block 17, then known as the Cosmopolitan, was established in December 1883 and
acquired by the North Broken Hill Silver Mining
Co. in 1885 (figure 5). Although some secondary
silver and lead ore was mined in 1888, this was
rapidly exhausted, and in 1897 the North Broken
Hill Silver Mining Co. began mining the primary
sulfide ore.
North Broken Hill Ltd. acquired Block 17 in
1912 and established itself as a major employer in
the city of Broken Hill (Koenig, 1983). During peak
production, between 1970 and 1975, some 800900
workers were employed by North Broken Hill Ltd.
at this operation.
The North mine leases comprise mainly those
parts of the deposit that geologists have referred to
as the lead lodes 3 Lens and 2 Lens. In the 1970s,
miners working the stopes of the 25, 26, and 27 levels of No. 3 shaft, some 350 m from the surface,
made a concerted effort to ensure the preservation
of a significant quantity of rhodonite crystals by
skillfully separating them from the sulfide orebody.
These intense pinkish to brownish red translucentto-opaque tabular crystals, reaching up to 10 cm

Figure 1. The Broken Hill mines in New South Wales,

Australia, have produced attractive gem-quality
rhodonite crystals, such as this 2.9-cm-long prism.
Photo by Wendell Wilson, courtesy of The
Mineralogical Record.

Figure 2. This 10.91 ct modified emerald step cut is

believed to be the largest faceted rhodonite from the
Broken Hill mines. The stone was cut by Maria
Atkinson and is currently on display at the Royal
Ontario Museum, Toronto. Photo by David Atkinson.

Most of the orebodies at Broken Hill have a granular texture in both non-ore (gangue) and sulfide portions. Specimens of ore collected from 3 Lens, one of
the two known lead lodes at North mine, typically
display this texture (figure 4). Local geologists refer to
the lead lodes as having layering in the ore, known to
enclose pods and boudins (sausage-shaped segments) of low-grade rhodonite, bustamite or manganhedenbergite, other gangue minerals, and sulfides.
Overall, masses of rhodonite and bustamite have
exceeded 20 m across (Maiden, 1975).



FALL 2005


tors have preserved some outstanding specimens of

this transparent rhodonite from the Broken Hill orebody, both in matrix (e.g., figure 6) and as individual
crystals (again, see figure 1). North Broken Hill Ltd.
closed its operations in 1993, but development
plans for a smaller mining operation by the current
lease-holder, Perilya Pty Ltd., are now under way.

Figure 3. The city of

Broken Hill is located in
western New South Wales,
Australia. The North mine is
located in the northern part of the mining field.

across, were occasionally associated with random

clusters and pockets of beautiful transparent crystals about 1 cm wide. These specimens soon
became highly prized by the wider mineralogical
community in Broken Hill and beyond.
Many Australian museums and private collec-


10 mm



Reported Properties of Broken Hill Rhodonite. The

typical composition of rhodonite from Broken Hill
is 5070 mol.% MnSiO3, 1820 mol.% CaSiO3, and
1020 mol.% FeSiO3; traces of Zn and Mg may also
be present (Albrecht and Peters, 1980). Absorption
bands at 523536 nm (1910018650 cm1), caused
by Fe2+ and Mn2+, are typical for transparent gem
rhodonite from the North mine (Bank et al., 1974).
Refractive indices for similar specimens were
recorded by Diehl and Berdesinski (1970) as n =
1.725, n = 1.729, and n = 1.737. Generally speaking,
rhodonite has a density in the range 3.553.76
g/cm3 (Gaines et al., 1997). Bank et al. (1974) reported a value of 3.74 g/cm3 for one transparent specimen from Broken Hill.
A recent investigation into the faceting of transparent rhodonite from Broken Hill revealed a
notable suite of solid and fluid inclusions, which we
subsequently studied by Raman spectroscopy and
petrographic techniques, as reported here.



Figure 4. This polished

ore sample from the
25/26 level of the North
mine (specimen 1) contains crystals of galena
(38 mm), sphalerite
(310 mm), and subhedral to euhedral
rhodonite (270 mm).
Note the several transparent rhodonite crystals. Photomicrograph
by Paul Millsteed.


FALL 2005

Figure 5. The North

Broken Hill Silver
Mining Co. acquired
Block 17 at Broken Hill,
which would later
become known as the
North mine, in 1885.
This photo of the mining
operation was taken in
1888 (from Koenig,


Eight transparent rhodonite crystals (525 mm long),
recovered from 3 Lens, 25/26 level, of the North
mine were prepared and examined. Six of the crystals (specimens 49) were sliced, resulting in 12 sections that were polished on both sides for optimal

Figure 6. This specimen of rhodonite crystals embedded

in calcite (3 2.5 2 cm, from level 17 of the Zinc Corp.
mine) is part of the Albert Chapman Collection at the
Australian Museum, Sydney. Photo by Carl Bento,
Australian Museum (No. D49967).


inclusion identification. The thickness of the sections ranged from 100 m to 2 mm, and most contained subsurface solid or fluid inclusions ranging
from <1 m to 100 m in diameter. One crystal,
specimen 3, was retained intact for the duration of
the experimental work. We determined gemological
properties (including visible absorption spectra)
using standard gemological instruments on specimen 2, a faceted stone (figure 7). (Specimen 1 was
the ore sample shown in figure 4.)
Figure 7. Gemological properties were taken on this
0.86 ct faceted rhodonite (5.4 5.4 3.9 mm; specimen 2) from the North mine at Broken Hill, which
was cut by Ralph Westen. Photo by Paul Millsteed.


FALL 2005


Figure 8. Solid inclusions in rhodonite specimen 3

(left) were identified by Raman spectroscopy
(right) as quartz and fluorite. (The asterisks noted
on the quartz spectrum indicate the rhodonite
peaks at 996/975, 670, 324, and 207 cm1.) The
spectral difference (D)the removal of spectrum
A for the host rhodonite from spectrum Cpositively identified the minor solid inclusion as fluorite by reference to the Raman database. The
diameter of the largest inclusion is about 200 m.
Photomicrograph by Paul Millsteed.

Microscopic observations of specimens 39

were initially performed using a Leica DMR polarizing microscope. The types of inclusions, their
sizes and shapes, and the number of phases they
contained were noted for these specimens, as well
as for a 15 20 35 mm rhodonite crystal in a
matrix of galena (specimen 10, the eighth transparent crystal).
Raman spectra were recorded for solid inclusions in specimen 3 using a Renishaw Raman
microspectrometer with a 632.8 nm He-Ne laser as
the excitation source. The instrument was used in
confocal mode for maximum spatial resolution.
With this setting, individual solid inclusions ini-

tially pinpointed using transmitted light were targeted by focusing the laser beam via the 50 microscope objective.
Raman spectra for the vapor phase of three-phase
inclusions were also recorded in situ for one of the
sections cut from specimen 4 using a Dilor
SuperLabram microspectrometer. These inclusions
were analyzed with a higher-energy 514.5 nm laser
excitation. A 100 microscope objective was used to
increase the laser intensity at the focal point within
the inclusions. The spectra of the vapor phase were
recorded from 3800 to 1000 cm1 using a single 20second integration time per spectrum. The detection limits for specific gases are dependent on the

Figure 9. Many of the samples

contained galena inclusions,
as seen here along fractures
in specimen 6. A closer view
(right) shows contact-twin
lamellae evident as diagonal
striations along cleavages,
together with a surficial fluid.
Photomicrographs by Paul
Millsteed; transmitted light.




FALL 2005

Figure 10. Many samples also contained subangular elongate sphalerite inclusions, such as
those shown here in specimen 7. Photomicrograph
by Paul Millsteed.

Figure 11. A number of rounded pyrrhotite grains

were seen in specimen 10, but not in any of the
other samples examined. Pyrrhotite has been found
throughout the Broken Hill ore deposit. Photomicrograph by Paul Millsteed; reflected light.

instrumental sensitivity, the partial pressure of each

gas, and the optical quality of each fluid inclusion.
Raman detection limits (Wopenka and Pasteris,
1987) are estimated to be around 0.1 mol.% for
CO2 , O2 , and N2 , and about 0.03 mol.% for H2S and
CH4. Errors in the calculated gas ratios are generally
less than 1 mol.%.

na (figure 9), with contact-twin lamellae evident as

diagonal striations along cleavages together with
residual fluid, as well as sub-angular elongate sphalerite (figure 10) and rounded pyrrhotite crystals
(figure 11).
Also seen were several generations of negative
crystals that were commonly aligned in preferred
crystallographic orientations (figure 12); euhedral
negative rhodonite crystals that formed in areas
containing sphalerite (figure 13); and thin tubes that
appeared to be hollow, from which no Raman signals could be recorded.
A number of specimens had three-phase inclusions, such as the suite shown in figure 14. These
inclusions typically contained CH4 and N2 in the
vapor phase (figure 15), a liquid of moderate to high
salinity (based on the maximum around 3450 cm1
and the low intensity of the peak at 3300 cm1), and
a solid identified as ilmenite (figure 16).
Figure 14A shows a suite of euhedral negative
crystals. A particularly large negative crystal in
this suite contained a vapor bubble (~15 vol.%) and
an opaque solid (~5 vol.%). Raman analysis of that
vapor phase revealed 49 mol.% CH4 and 51 mol.%
N2; the vapor phase of a similar inclusion in figure
14B contained 53 mol.% CH4 and 47 mol.% N2.
The needle-like inclusions with negative crystal
shapes (which were commonly aligned along preferred crystallographic orientations) had the same
chemical composition but different phase ratios.
For example, the needle-like inclusion in figure
14D contained 30 vol.% vapor (CH4 N2), 50
vol.% saline liquid, and 20 vol.% ilmenite. We

Gemological Properties. The refractive indices
determined from specimen 2 were n = 1.732 and n
= 1.745. Pleochroism was generally weak, showing
colors of yellowish red, pinkish red, and pale yellowish red. The optic axis angle (2V) yielded a biaxial positive optic sign. The dominant morphological

forms were (001), (110), and (110). Specific gravity

determinations yielded a value of 3.65.
The visible absorption spectra revealed lines at
408 and 412 nm and a diffuse weak band at 455
nm. A strong narrow absorption line at 503 nm and
a broad band at 548 nm were also recorded. The
sample fluoresced a dull dark red to both long- and
short-wave UV radiation.
Raman and Petrographic Analyses of Inclusions.
Figure 8 illustrates a large solid inclusion (about
200 m in diameter) that contained two solid
phases. After subtraction of the rhodonite peaks at
996 and 975 cm1, one of these phases was identified as quartz and the other as fluorite. A suite of
solid inclusions identified using petrological techniques included elongate or rounded twinned gale-



FALL 2005


Figure 12. Also seen

(here, in specimen 5)
were several generations of hollow negative
crystals aligned along a
preferred crystallographic orientation, as
shown by the white
arrows. Photomicrographs by Paul Millsteed.

believe this is due to leakage of fluid from the

inclusions along the healed fractures, such as
those that are evident at each end of the inclusion
in figure 14D.
Several additional photomicrographs and Raman
spectra of the inclusions identified in this study are
available in the Gems & Gemology Data Depository

The gemological properties obtained in this study
were consistent with those for rhodonite in the literature, although the R.I. values were higher than
those given by Diehl and Berdesinski (1970) and
Bank et al. (1973a). While pyroxmangite is recognized from Broken Hill, all the specimens reported
here have typical rhodonite compositions and

Figure 13. Situated among the inclusions of sphalerite

in specimen 8 was a euhedral negative crystal of
rhodonite. Photomicrograph by Paul Millsteed.



This study identified a diverse group of inclusions in transparent gem rhodonite from the North
mine at Broken Hill. Previous studies of gem
rhodonite from this locality (Diehl and Berdesinski, 1970; Bank et al., 1973a,b and 1974; Gaines
et al., 1997) have not mentioned the presence of
The basic gemological properties of Brazilian
rhodonite appear to be comparable to those of
rhodonite from Broken Hill. Faceted rhodonite from
Minas Gerais, Brazil, was recently found to contain
curved needles, fingerprints, and two-phase inclusions (Quinn, 2004), but no solid inclusions were
We believe that the inclusions in the Broken Hill
rhodonite originate from metamorphic reactions
that may have produced fluids through processes of
dehydration and decarbonation (Stevenson and
Martin, 1986). It is probable that partial melting and
plastic flow of the sulfides occurred in the Broken
Hill ore deposit during peak metamorphism
(Maiden, 1976), which may be evidence of hightemperature fluid activity (Plimer, 1979).
Experimental studies of the PbS-FeS-ZnS-Ag2S
system by Mavrogenes et al. (2001) showed that
eutectic melting of sulfide occurs between 772 and
830C. In the Broken Hill region, metamorphism
was accompanied by folding, which changed the
original structure, texture, and mineralogical content of the Broken Hill ore deposit. While the sulfide minerals galena and sphalerite have an average
grain size of 34 mm (Birch, 1999), microscopic
pyrrhotite and other sulfide inclusions have also
been trapped within the silicate mineralogy, including gem rhodonite. The presence of pyrrhotite in
rhodonite supports the eutectic peak metamorphic
conditions discussed.
The three-phase (saline liquid, CH4-N2 vapor,
and ilmenite crystal) inclusions are considered


FALL 2005

Figure 14. Specimen 4

contained numerous
euhedral negative crystals with three phases:
an ilmenite crystal, a
saline liquid, and a
CH4-N2 vapor.
Photomicrographs by
Paul Millsteed.

pseudosecondary. The binary mixture of N2 and

CH4 in the vapor phase is in good agreement with
previous studies of gases trapped in fluid inclusions from the gneissic host rocks and quartz
veins of the Broken Hill ore deposit (Wilkins and
Dubessy, 1984). The presence of inclusions of
quartz, sub-angular elongate galena and sphalerite, and euhedral negative crystals of rhodonite

with sphalerite may be characteristic of Broken

Hill gem rhodonite. In addition, analysis of the
fluid inclusions in gem rhodonite may indicate
whether or not they originated from the Broken
Hill orebody. Further research on inclusions in
rhodonites from this and other localities is needed to make a definitive determination in this

Figure 15. Raman spectroscopy of the vapor phase of

the three-phase fluid inclusion in crystal specimen 4
confirmed the presence of N2 and CH4. CO2, O2, and
H2S were below the detection limits.

Figure 16. Raman spectroscopy also confirmed the

presence of ilmenite crystals in a fluid inclusion in
specimen 4, as illustrated in figure 14A. (The host
rhodonite spectrum has been subtracted out, creating
some negative peaks.)



FALL 2005


Sphalerite, galena, quartz, fluorite, and rare grains
of pyrrhotite have been identified as solid inclusions in gem rhodonite from the Broken Hill area
in New South Wales, Australia. Also identified for
the first time in this material is a suite of threephase (fluid, vapor, and solid) inclusions. These
inclusions have trapped the products of dehydration, decarbonization, and partial melting during


Mr. Millsteed ( is a visiting
researcher, and Dr. Mernagh is a research scientist, with
Geoscience Australia, Canberra, Australian Capital
Territory. Dr. Otieno-Alego is a former research officer with
the Corrosion and Spectroscopy Laboratory at the
University of Canberra and is currently employed by the
Australian Federal Police, Canberra. Dr. Creagh is director

metamorphism at Broken Hill, forming (in partially

healed fractures) after the rhodonite crystallized.
The rhodonite crystals also contained hollow needle-like tubes, as no solids, liquids, or gases were
detected in these features by Raman analysis. The
solid and three-phase inclusions may serve as clues
to the evolutionary metamorphic processes and
help identify gem rhodonite as being from the
Broken Hill deposit.

of the Corrosion and Spectroscopy Laboratory at the

University of Canberra.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors thank Arthur Main, lecturer in Gemmology with the Gemmological Association of
Australia, Canberra, for his help with the manuscript. Dr.
Mernagh publishes with the permission of the CEO of
Geoscience Australia.

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of Mining and Metallurgy (London) B: Applied Earth Science,
Vol. 88, pp. B161B187.
Plimer I.R. (1984) The mineralogical history of the Broken Hill
lode, N.S.W. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 31, pp.
Quinn E.P. (2004) Gem News International: Rhodonite of facet
and cabochon quality from Brazil. Gems & Gemology, Vol.
40, No. 3, pp. 260261.
Solomon R.J. (1988) The Richest Lode, Broken Hill 18831988.
Hale and Iremonger, Sydney.
Stevens B.P.J., Willis I.L., Brown R.E., Stroud W.J. (1983) The
Early Proterozoic Willyama Supergroup: Definitions of
Stratigraphic Units from the Broken Hill Block, New South
Wales. Geological Survey of New South Wales, Record 21,
Maitland, pp. 407442.
Stevenson R.K., Martin R.F. (1986) Implications of the presence of
amazonite in the Broken Hill and Geco metamorphosed sulphide deposits. Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 24, pp. 729745.
Wilkins R., Dubessy J. (1984) Relative chronology of retrograde
metamorphic fluids in the host rocks of the stratiform Broken
Hill orebody (New South Wales, Australia). Comptes Rendus
de lAcadmie des Sciences, Vol. 299, Series II, No. 15, pp.
Wopenka B., Pasteris J.D. (1987) Raman intensities and detection
limits of geochemically relevant gas mixtures for a laser
Raman microprobe. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 59, No. 17,
pp. 21652170.


FALL 2005

Thomas M. Moses and Shane F. McClure
GIA Laboratory

G. Robert Crowningshield
GIA Laboratory, East Coast
Cheryl Y. Wentzell
GIA Laboratory, West Coast

Magnification is traditionally the key
method in the separation of natural
and synthetic gemstones. Standard
gemological tests such as refractive
index, optic character, optic figure,
and pleochroism are generally not useful in making this separation, since
by definitionto be a synthetic, a
stone must have essentially the same
optical, chemical, and physical properties as its natural counterpart. In some
cases, however, the internal scene can
be very misleading, so more advanced
tests are necessary to prove natural or
synthetic origin.
Recently, a 4.62 ct transparent
blue-green oval modified brilliant
(11.04 8.99 6.32 mm) was submitted to the East Coast laboratory for
identification. The specimen exhibit-

Figure 1. It is very unusual to see

crystals or negative crystals such
as these in a melt-grown synthetic
alexandrite. Note the three minute
gas bubbles hovering above the
crystals. Magnified 95.

ed a change of color to purple when

viewed with incandescent (2800K)
light. Standard gemological testing
narrowed the samples identity to
either natural or synthetic alexandrite.
Magnification revealed a few tiny,
high-relief, euhedral crystals or negative crystals (figure 1). Fiber-optic
light further revealed many very fine,
long, parallel needles (figure 2) among
what appeared to be numerous tiny
scattered, high-relief gas bubbles
(again, see figure 1). This was puzzling, as neither crystals/negative
crystals nor long needles are commonly associated with synthetic
alexandrite, but the presence of freefloating gas bubbles would indicate
Figure 2. These very fine, long, parallel needles were another unusual
feature in the melt-grown synthetic alexandrite. Magnified 55.

Figure 3. Subtle S-shaped curved

growth zoning was evident in
diffuse transmitted fluorescent
light when the 4.62 ct synthetic
alexandrite was immersed in
methylene iodide.

that the gem was a melt-grown synthetic. Unfortunately, the gas bubbles were so small that their identity
could not be confirmed with a gemological microscope; it was possible
that they were simply minute included crystals.
To observe the growth structure,
we immersed the sample in methylene iodide and viewed it in diffuse
transmitted light. As evident in figure 3, a very subtle S-shaped curved
growth zoning was present. This, too,
was indicative of a melt synthetic.

Editors note: The initials at the end of each item

identify the editor(s) or contributing editor(s)
who provided that item. Full names are given for
other GIA Laboratory contributors.

GEMS & GEMOLOGY,Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 256263

2005 Gemological Institute of America




FALL 2005

These conflicting observations

meant that more-sophisticated testing
was necessary to complete the identification. Infrared spectroscopy confirmed that the gem was synthetic
alexandrite. This was not unexpected:
The Spring 1993 Lab Notes (p. 46) also
reported on a 3.59 ct synthetic alexandrite with numerous pinpoints (perhaps the gas bubbles we observed
here) and short, scattered needle-like
inclusions, as well as slightly curved
color banding that appeared asymmetric. That sample also lacked
water-related absorption bands in its
infrared spectrum, consistent with a
melt-process synthetic.
Over the years, we have seen a
number of synthetic alexandrites with
the uncommon combination of tiny
gas bubbles and minute scattered randomly oriented needle-like inclusions.
This most recent specimen was unique
in that the needles were extremely long
and parallel, a sight more commonly
seen in natural stones. However, the
infrared spectrum of this sample was
similar to the spectra of those synthetic alexandrites we had examined
previously. As evidenced in this case, IR
spectroscopy can be a very important
tool in the separation of natural from
synthetic alexandrite, and in some
cases it may be the only way to unequivocally prove a samples identity.
Wendi M. Mayerson and
David Kondo

Dyed Rough
The East Coast laboratory is occasionally asked to examine diamond rough
prior to cutting. Recently, we received
two diamond crystals, both with
requests to determine whether their
color was natural or the result of treatment. One crystal was approximately
half a carat, and the second was about
one carat. Both had worn edges and
generally frosty surfaces with small,
evenly distributed, crescent-shaped
fractures and a few larger indentations. In reflected light, the smaller
crystal appeared to be blue-green (fig-


Figure 4. These diamond crystals were submitted to the East Coast laboratory for origin-of-color determinations. Although the approximately half-carat
diamond appeared blue-green when examined in reflected light (top left),
transmitted light revealed its true yellow bodycolor (top right). The approximately 1 ct crystal appeared blue in reflected light (bottom left), while in
transmitted light it was greenish gray (bottom right).

ure 4, top left), while the larger crystal

was blue (figure 4, bottom left).
Our suspicions were first raised
when the smaller stone was viewed in
transmitted light and a pale yellow

bodycolor was evident (figure 4, top

right). On close inspection of the crystal surface, we noted a black to dark
green flaky material in the largest
indentation (figure 5, left), as well as

Figure 5. At higher magnification, the smaller diamond crystal showed dye

concentrations in indentations and cracks across its surface. A large indentation contained a dark flaky dye (left), while crescent-shaped cracks also
contained concentrations of color (right). Magnified 40 (left), 20 (right).


FALL 2005


Figure 6. The larger rough diamond also showed dye concentrations on its surface. The small
indentations contained a dark
blue flaky dye, the shallow
cracks contained lighter blue dye
concentrations, and spots of an
even lighter blue were seen on the
surface itself. Magnified 45.

green concentrations in the shallow

crescent-shaped cracks (figure 5, right).
When this crystal was examined
with a desk-model spectroscope, it
exhibited classic cape series absorption features (a line at 415 nm due to
the N3 center, along with an N2 peak
at 478 nm). As a result, we concluded
that this particular piece of diamond
rough was naturally yellow but had
been surface dyed to produce an apparent blue-green color.
The larger crystal also exhibited different colors in reflected and transmitted light: It appeared blue in reflected
light, but greenish gray in transmitted
light (figure 4, bottom right). Indentations in the crystal surface contained
a dark blue flaky material, shallow surface fractures exhibited concentrations
of blue color, and lighter blue spots
were seen on the surface of the rough
(figure 6). When examined with a deskmodel spectroscope, the larger crystal
exhibited only a weak absorption feature at 415 nm. These observations
were consistent with the larger crystal
being gray to near colorless with a blue
surface dye. Undoubtedly, in both
cases, the dyed surface would have
been removed during faceting.
Many gem materials are routinely
dyed to alter or improve their color



Figure 7. These two strongly colored Fancy Deep blue diamonds (0.71 ct, left;
1.04 ct, right) showed some unusual characteristics in addition to their color.

appearance, but dyed diamond rough

is unusual. In fact, this is the first
report of such rough to appear in
Gems & Gemology. These specimens
are another reminder that simple traditional treatment methods, such as
dyeing and coating (see, e.g., D. J. F.
Evans et al., Coated pink diamond
A cautionary tale, Spring 2005 Gems
& Gemology, pp. 3641), should not
be forgotten when determining the
origin of a diamonds color, whether
polished or rough.
Carolyn van der Bogert

Strongly Colored Natural

Type IIb Blue Diamonds
Natural blue diamonds are among
the rarest of all fancy-color diamonds. It is even rarer for type IIb
boron-containing diamonds to be rel-

atively dark and strongly colored (see

J. King et al., Characterizing natural-color type IIb blue diamonds,
Winter 1998 Gems & Gemology, pp.
246268). Recently, the East Coast
laboratory had the opportunity to
examine two Fancy Deep blue diamonds, a 0.71 ct octagonal brilliant
and a 1.04 ct round brilliant. As can
be seen in figure 7, both displayed
strong blue color. Gemological and
spectroscopic tests performed on
these diamonds yielded some interesting observations.
When examined with magnification, these two diamonds revealed few
internal features beyond scattered pinpoints and needles, with no color zoning evident. Both had very high electrical conductivity, as would be
expected for type IIb diamonds. Fluorescence was very weak yellow to

Figure 8. After exposure to strong short-wave UV radiation in the

DiamondView, the diamonds in figure 7 displayed strong phosphorescence. The intense red reaction of the 0.71 ct stone is among the strongest
ever seen at the GIA Laboratory.


FALL 2005

Figure 9. The mid-IR spectrum of the 1.04 ct round brilliant shows complete saturation in the region of the boron features, reflected in the neartotal absorption above ~2000 cm -1. Also present is the 1332 cm-1 intrinsic
diamond peak; the assignment of the peak at 1290 cm-1 is unknown.

Figure 10. The PL spectra of the two diamonds reflect the relative
strength of their red phosphorescence. The emission peak at 776.5 nm for
the 0.71 ct octagonal brilliant, with its strong red reaction, is of greater
intensity than that for the 1.04 ct round brilliant (with its weaker purplish blue phosphorescence). The spectrum of a diamond with blue phosphorescence usually does not show 776.5 nm emission. (The diamond
Raman peak at 1332 cm -1, which occurs in the PL spectrum at 521.9 nm,
is normalized to the same intensity for the three spectra.)

inert to both long- and short-wave UV

radiation from a handheld lamp.
Both diamonds displayed unusual
phosphorescence (figure 8) after observation in the DTC DiamondView,
which employs strong short-wave UV
radiation. While the 1.04 ct diamond
showed moderately strong purplish
blue phosphorescence, the 0.71 ct
stone displayed some of the most
intense red phosphorescence that we
have ever observed. This color reaction to the short-wave UV of the
DiamondView in natural type IIb diamonds is rare, just as it is for a handheld lamp (again, see King et al., 1998).
One well-known example of red phosphorescence is the Hope diamond (see
R. Crowningshield, Grading the
Hope diamond, Summer 1989 Gems
& Gemology, pp. 9194).
The mid-infrared absorption spectrum of the 1.04 ct stone revealed
some very unusual features. Due to a
very high concentration of boron,
absorption above 2000 cm -1 was so
strong that the spectrum was entirely
saturated (figure 9). Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, collected
using Ar-ion laser (488 nm) excitation, showed a very strong emission
at 776.5 nm in the 0.71 ct stone (figure 10). In the 1.04 ct stone, this
emission was distinct but much
weaker in intensity. Natural type IIb
diamonds with the more common
blue phosphorescence usually do not
show this emission. These observations indicate a possible genetic relationship between the 776.5 nm emission and red phosphorescence.
Paul Johnson and Kyaw Soe Moe

Large Natural Freshwater
Pearl from Texas
The GIA Laboratory has previously
reported on natural pink freshwater
pearls from the Concho River northwest of Austin, Texas (Summer 1989
Gem News, p. 115), and the lakes and
rivers in the San Angelo area of west
Texas (Fall 1990, pp. 223 224).
Recently, another attractive pink



FALL 2005


Figure 11. This 8.48 ct natural

pink button pearl was reportedly
found in a three-ridge mussel in
a tributary of Lake Nasworthy,
San Angelo, Texas.

pearl from Texas arrived at the West

Coast laboratory for identification.
The button-shaped pearl (figure 11)
measured approximately 11.60 8.70
mm. The clients, Bill and Chase
Holland of Holland Jewelry Company, San Angelo, stated that with
the dwindling populations of mussels
in west Texas, pearls of this type over
5 mm are very rare. Mike Bagwell and
Susan Martin recovered the pearl
from a three-ridge mussel (Amblema
plicata, also called blue-point, purpletip, or fluter) in a spring-fed creek that
supplies Lake Nasworthy, a reservoir
in San Angelo. Branches of the
Concho River, the source for many of
the pink mussel pearls previously
reported, also meet at Lake Nasworthy. Although the three-ridge
mussel is common in some parts of
the Midwest and southern United
States, their populations are depleted
in west Texas; according to Mr.
Bagwell, they only exist in areas of
continual stream flow.
Magnification of the pearl confirmed the clients statement that it
had been buffed, enhancing its luster.
The X-radiograph showed natural
structure, and the X-ray fluorescence
was weak yellow on the crown and
medium to strong yellow on the
lighter-colored base. Long-wave UV
fluorescence was medium to strong
blue. Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis performed by



research gemologist Shane Elen

revealed a very low Mn content.
Although the Mn content alone was
not enough to confirm that the pearl
originated in freshwater, this pearl
was reportedly from a known source,
and the pink color along with the distinct fluorescence to X-rays were
enough to substantiate the freshwater
The Tampico pearly mussel
(Cyrtonaias tampicoensis) and the
Bleufer unionid (Potamilus purpuratus) are two other nacreous mussels
that are known to produce pearls of
this color in the southern U.S.,
including Texas, but this is the first
pearl of such fine color and large size
we have seen that is reported to be
from a three-ridge mussel in Texas.

Natural Pearl, with a Round

Core, which Appears Cultured
Sometimes natural features seen in
pearl X-radiographs so closely resemble those of cultured pearls that even
experienced gemologists must scrutiFigure 12. The pearl (12.5 11.10
10.60 mm) in this necklace contained a natural core that, on the
X-radiograph, initially looked like
a bead nucleus.

nize the details very carefully to

avoid a misidentification. The pearl
necklace in figure 12 proved to be
such a challenge. The initial X-radiograph showed a spherical feature in
the pearls core that at first glance
appeared to be a bead nucleus (figure
13, left). Although natural growth
structures were present in the core
(figure 13, right), they were faint on
the X-radiograph and would not have
been obvious to the untrained eye. A
close look also revealed that the central sphere was slightly darker in tone
than the outer nacre layers (again, see
figure 13), which is an indicator of
natural origin (freshwater shell-bead
nuclei typically present themselves
on an X-radiograph as slightly lighter
than the surrounding pearl nacre).
However, since the center appeared
to be both nearly perfectly round and
separated from the surrounding
nacre, additional radiographs were
necessary to identify its exact nature.
Another radiograph, taken 90 to
the first, revealed that the core was in
fact slightly asymmetrical and ovate
in shape (figure 13, center). The variance in the shape of the core, its
slightly darker appearance, and the
natural growth structures confirmed
this to be a natural pearl. The apparent detachment of the core from the
outer nacre resulted from layers of
conchiolin being deposited between
the center and outer nacre layers.
This, along with the round profile of
the core on the first radiograph, produced an initial appearance that
could have been confused with a cultured pearl.
The GIA Laboratory often receives pearl inquiries accompanied
by X-radiographs that were taken by
staff members of dental, medical, or
veterinary offices, with subsequent
identifications frequently attempted
by those staff members, the client, or
a retail jeweler. This pearl confirms
that initial observations, if not conducted and carefully scrutinized by
experienced gemologists with the
proper equipment, can result in a


FALL 2005

Figure 13. The first X-radiograph of the pearl in figure 12 exposed what appeared to be a spherical core that is
slightly darker than the outer nacre layers (left). Another radiograph taken 90 to the first revealed a slightly
asymmetrical oval outline (center) and natural features (right).

Large Baroque Golden

The East Coast laboratory recently
received for identification a pair of
large undrilled baroque South Sea cultured pearls, which were subsequently
set in yellow metal earrings (figure 14).
One cultured pearl measured approximately 24.85 17.95 13.60 mm and
weighed 38.30 ct; the second measured
approximately 24.50 18.90 16.15
mm and weighed 40.55 ct. These
South Sea cultured pearls were notable
for their size and quality as well as for
being relatively well matched, especially for baroque pearls.

There was a slight difference in

color between the two. In addition,
the bodycolor of each individual cultured pearl was variegated, as is often
the case with baroque pearls. In the
GIA Pearl Description System, a color
designation represents a range of color
sensations, and a grade is assigned
based on the overall color appearance
when observed under standardized
lighting and viewing conditions. The
color of these cultured pearls fell into
the range described as yellow, but
commonly referred to in the trade as
golden. Both cultured pearls had
very good luster and appeared only
lightly blemished for baroque pearls.

Figure 14. These large baroque South Sea cultured pearls (38.30 and 40.55
ct) are unusual for their size and quality.

In addition, orient (an iridescent play

of color within the nacre) was present
on both.
Testing proved these to be naturally colored bead-nucleated cultured
pearls. X-radiography revealed the
presence of bead nuclei with varying
nacre thicknesses. Long-wave UV fluorescence ranged from chalky slightly
greenish yellow to deeper orangy yellow, both of which are consistent with
natural color. In addition, visible-range
spectroscopy was suggestive of natural
color origin (see, e.g., S. Elen, Spectral
reflectance and fluorescence characteristics of natural-color and heattreated golden South Sea cultured
pearls, Summer 2001 Gems &
Gemology, pp. 114123).
Akira Hyatt

Introduced to the industry in 1972,
Gilson synthetic turquoise can be recognized by its characteristic cream of
wheat texture, which appears with
magnification as bluish spheroids in a
light colored groundmass (figure 15,
left). Although distinctive to most
gemologists, it is not dramatically different from the texture seen in some
natural turquoise (figure 15, right), the
difference being more in the uniformi-



FALL 2005


Figure 15. Gilson synthetic turquoise (left) shows a characteristic cream of

wheat texture. Although the texture of natural turquoise (right) can sometimes
be similar, there are subtle differences in uniformity of structure. Magnified 20.

ty of the structure. This texture is an

excellent example of a property that
can best be described as similar, but
different from its natural counterpart.
Recently, a graduated strand of 45
round greenish blue beads (1416 mm)
was submitted to the West Coast laboratory for identification (figure 16). The

spot refractive index of the beads tested

was 1.60, and microscopic examination
showed the classic cream of wheat
texture associated with Gilson synthetic turquoise. To confirm this initial
identification, a small amount of the
material was scraped from near the
drill hole of a single bead and analyzed

Figure 16. This graduated strand of 45 round greenish blue beads (1416
mm) proved to be synthetic turquoise.

using mid-infrared spectroscopy.

Although both natural and synthetic
turquoise have many of the same spectroscopic features, the peaks in the
spectrum for synthetic turquoise (figure
17) are smoother due to a different state
of aggregation (M. Arnould and J.-P.
Poirot, Infra-red reflection spectra of
turquoise (natural and synthetic) and
its substitutes, Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 14, 1975, pp. 375377; G.
Rossman, Color in gems: The new
technologies, Summer 1981 Gems &
Gemology, pp. 6072).
Infrared spectroscopy confirmed
that the necklace was indeed composed of synthetic turquoise. The challenge in identifying the material, however, is not what makes this piece
unique. While we have seen synthetic
turquoise on occasion in the past, it has
always been as individual pieces and
carvings. This is the first time we have
seen an entire necklace of matched and
graduated synthetic turquoise beads of
this quality and size.
Kimberly Rockwell


The West Coast laboratory received a
19.66 ct (15.04 12.93 8.40 mm)
intensely colored greenish blue gem
for identification (figure 18). At first
glance, it had the appearance of a zircon but lacked zircons high dispersion. With the exception of an
extremely fine particulate cloud
throughout (that was only visible due
to the white Tyndall scattering it produced), the stone was free of inclusions. It was over the limits of a standard refractometer and singly refractive; the polariscope showed anomalous double refraction with weak
cross-hatch and snake-band effects.
The long-wave UV fluorescence was a
somewhat chalky weak to medium
green-yellow; the short-wave reaction
was very chalky medium orange. The
spectrum visible in the desk-model
spectroscope showed doublets at
approximately 520, 540, and 595 nm,
with a fluorescent band between the
lines of the 540 nm doublet. There was




FALL 2005

a dark band at approximately 640 nm

with a cutoff around 660 nm. Several
additional weak lines were visible
between the doublets. The abundance
of bands in this region of the spectrum
indicated the possible presence of one
or more rare-earth elements. The S.G.
was 5.57, which was just below the
lower limit of cubic zirconia (CZ).
To characterize this specimen further, we performed Fourier-transform
infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy. The FTIR spectrum was similar to that of another sample that we
had previously identified as CZ. The
Raman spectrum most closely
matched the reference spectrum for
CZ in the database, which had some
peaks in similar locations to those of
the sample. However, the peak heights
varied, and the match was tenuous.
Although the sample appeared to
be CZ, it required EDXRF analysis to
confirm the identification. Zirconium
was indeed a major element, but the

qualitative data suggested that yttrium, which is used to stabilize manufactured CZ at room temperature, was
present in what appeared to be a
greater quantity than Zr. There was
also a trace of hafnium. CZ typically
contains significantly less Y than Zr,
which raised the question of whether
this was CZ with a large amount of
stabilizer, or another material altogether. Analysis of phase diagrams
(e.g., R. Roth et al., Phase Diagrams
for Ceramists, American Ceramic
Society, Columbus, Ohio, 1981, Vol.
4, pp. 141142 and 1987, Vol. 6, pp.
182184), as well as various texts (e.g.,
K. Nassau, Gems Made by Man,
Chilton Book Co., Radnor, PA, 1980,
p. 240) indicated that in fact CZ can
contain slightly more yttrium than
The possibility that our sample
might be one of these CZs with
excessive stabilizer was supported by
a further literature search, which indi-

Figure 17. The mid-IR spectral features of natural turquoise are noticeably
sharper than those for the synthetic material. Spectra have been offset for
clarity. (Modified from E. Fritsch and C. Stockton, Infrared spectroscopy
in gem identification, Spring 1987 Gems & Gemology, p. 22.)

Figure 18. Resembling a highquality zircon, this intensely colored greenish blue gem (19.66 ct)
is a manufactured product, yttrium zirconium oxide.

cated that the deep blue and green

colors are accomplished by adding
large amounts of stabilizers (see
Winter 1983 Lab Notes, pp. 232233;
K. Nassau, Synthetic gem materials
in the 1980s, Spring 1990 Gems &
Gemology, pp. 5063). Some types of
highly stabilized CZ were manufactured in the early 1980s under the
trade name C-Ox. Although it is
likely that our sample was the same
or a similar product, we were unable
to prove this. The absorption bands in
our visible spectrum did not exactly
match those published for C-Ox, but
the difference might be explained by
the variance in color and the corresponding chromophore(s) used. In
addition, the exact chemical boundaries of manufactured CZ are not well
defined, so it was still difficult to
know if a sample with such a high
yttrium content could still be properly called CZ. Therefore, the laboratory identified the material by the
chemical compound name, yttrium
zirconium oxide.
CYW and Sam Muhlmeister

Wendi Mayerson1 and 2; Elizabeth
Schrader3 and 7; Carolyn van der Bogert
46; Wuyi Wang8; C. D. Mengason11,
12, and 18; Cheryl Wentzell13; Jessica
Arditi14; Shane McClure15 (right);
Maha Calderon15 (left) and 16.



FALL 2005


Brendan M. Laurs (

Emmanuel Fritsch, IMN, University of
Nantes, France (
Henry A. Hnni, SSEF, Basel, Switzerland
Franck Notari, GIA, Geneva, Switzerland
Kenneth V. G. Scarratt, GIA, Bangkok, Thailand
Christopher P. Smith, GIA Laboratory,
New York (

Gem mosaics of faceted diamonds. Mosaic artwork constructed from gem materials has typically used rough fragments or tumbled/polished pieces of colored stones.
However, until now this contributor was unaware of the
use of faceted fancy-color diamonds to create gem
mosaics. During a recent trip to Brazil, several examples of
this new artwork, referred to as Diamond Craft (figure 1),
were shown to her by Jorge Brusa (Bristar, Sao Paulo).
Mr. Brusa began experimenting with the concept in
Figure 1. This Diamond Craft gem mosaic after one of
Vincent van Goghs Bedroom paintings measures
10 10 cm and was created with 5,482 fancy-colored
faceted diamonds, with a total weight of 46.32 ct.
Courtesy of Bristar.

2002. His first prototype consisted of placing the diamonds

between glass and fabric and holding them together with a
frame, but he experienced difficulties keeping the diamonds in place. In 2003, he experimented with securing
the diamonds with a type of spackling paste, but that
method also had problems. However, he recently developed a proprietary process that has proved successful in
holding the stones.
To create the mosaics, the melee diamonds are carefully
situated table-down on a piece of glass placed over the artwork. To date, eight different images have been used as
models for the mosaicstwo by Vincent van Gogh, one by
Paul Klee, and five of his original designs. The diamonds
consist of a mix of natural colors (yellows, browns, and
near-colorless) and treated colors (pinks, blues, and greens),
all purchased in India. Mr. Brusa indicated that the most difficult part is selecting diamonds that have a uniform depth,
which is required for the process to work successfully.
The largest mosaic completed to date measured up to
13 10 cm before framing, and contained up to 10,800 diamonds with a total weight of 102 carats.
Patricia Syvrud (
GIA, Carlsbad

Editors note: The initials at the end of each item identify the
editor or contributing editor who provided it. Full names and
affiliations are given for other contributors. Shane F. McClure,
Dr. Mary L. Johnson, and Dr. James E. Shigley of the GIA
Laboratory in Carlsbad are thanked for their internal review of
the Gem News International section.
Interested contributors should send information and
illustrations to Brendan Laurs at (e-mail),
760-603-4595 (fax), or GIA, 5345 Armada Drive, Carlsbad,
CA 92008. Original photos will be returned after consideration or publication.
GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 264278
2005 Gemological Institute of America




FALL 2005


An unusual emerald with conical growth features.
Recently, a 5.37 ct emerald was submitted to the Gem
Testing Laboratory in Jaipur, India, for identification.
Initial observation with a gemological microscope showed
strong color zoning in parallel layers, and some of the
planes contained conical growth features that resembled
those seen in hydrothermal synthetic emeralds. This
prompted a more detailed examination of the sample.
Refractive indices taken from the table, crown, and
pavilion facets yielded similar values, between 1.580 and
1.590, with a birefringence of 0.0080.009. Specific gravity
(measured hydrostatically) was 2.72. This S.G. is consistent with the values reported for natural and hydrothermal
synthetic emeralds, but the refractive indices were slightly
higher than those for hydrothermal synthetics and some
natural emeralds (see, e.g., J. I. Koivula et al., Gemological
investigation of a new type of Russian hydrothermal synthetic emerald, Spring 1996 Gems & Gemology, pp.
Microscopic examination revealed fingerprints and
scattered whitish clouds of crystals that crossed the color
and growth zones. Similar features also were observed in
some Russian hydrothermal synthetic emeralds by Koivula
et al. (1996), although they were of a reflective nature, while
the particles reported here typically appeared sugary. To better observe the growth features, we immersed the sample in
bromoform. Conical growth features were seen along
almost all the boundaries between the green and colorless
zones (figure 2). However, the individual cones were not
restricted to a single plane, and they varied in size. None of
the chevron-type growth patterns that are characteristic of

Figure 2. Microscopic examination of a 5.37 ct emerald showed alternating color bands with subtle conical growth features on the edges of the color zones.
Photomicrograph by G. Choudhary; magnified 35.


Figure 3. Planes of brownish hexagonal iridescent

plates also were seen in the unusual emerald.
Photomicrograph by G. Choudhary; magnified 40.

hydrothermal synthetic emerald were observed in the stone.

With fiber-optic light, the emerald exhibited a sheen
effect caused by iridescent, roughly hexagonal platelets
that formed along planes in the green color zones near the
colorless boundaries (figure 3). By comparison, a few black
opaque hexagonal plates (not iridescent) were reported in
Russian hydrothermal synthetic emeralds by Koivula et al.
(1996). In certain orientations (i.e., nearly parallel to the
color bands), the platelets documented in the present stone
appeared silvery and reflective (figure 4). Such inclusions
have not been reported previously in any natural or synthetic emeralds.
FTIR spectra taken in various directions all exhibited a
pattern indicative of natural emerald (figure 5). Compared

Figure 4. When viewed in certain orientations in

darkfield illumination, the iridescent plates showed
silvery reflections. Photomicrograph by G.
Choudhary; magnified 45.


FALL 2005


Figure 5. A comparison
of the infrared spectrum
of the 5.37 ct emerald
with that of a Russian
hydrothermal synthetic
emerald shows differences in the absorption
bands between 4000
and 3000 cm -1 and in
the intensity of the peak
at around 5270 cm -1.
The IR absorption features shown by the 5.37
ct emerald are indicative of natural origin.

to hydrothermal synthetic emeralds, there were significant

differences in the intensity of the absorption features due
to type II water between 4000 and 3000 cm-1. Another
major difference was the intensity of the peaks at around
5270 cm -1, which were much stronger in the natural
emerald reported here.
Although the stone contained some unusual internal
features, the FTIR spectra led us to conclude that it was a
natural emerald.
Gagan Choudhary (
Gem Testing Laboratory, Jaipur, India

Figure 6. This sphere (5.4 cm in diameter) was cut

from a rock consisting of fuchsite, corundum, and
alkali feldspar. The material comes from a new
deposit in Bahia, Brazil. Photo by C. D. Mengason;
GIA Collection no. 32380.



Fuchsite-corundum rock from Bahia, Brazil. Green

quartzite, or aventurine quartz, is widespread in the
Precambrian terranes of Brazil. It is found in small deposits
from the southern tip of Minas Gerais to northern Bahia
and western Gois. The material is composed mainly of
fine- to coarse-grained quartz and fuchsite mica (chromian
muscovite). The amount of fuchsite in the rock may be
quite variable, from a few percent up to, rarely, 100%.
Although the origin of these Cr-rich rocks is not yet well
understood, it seems likely that they formed through the
metamorphism of Cr-bearing sedimentary strata.
In January 2005, a new occurrence of fuchsite with
corundum and feldspar was found near Serra de Jacobina,
northern Bahia State. Preliminary characterization of several samples with a microscope and powder X-ray diffraction

Figure 7. A closer view of the sphere in figure 6 shows

blebs of corundum (here, up to 1.9 cm wide) that are
surrounded by intergrowths of fuchsite and alkali
feldspar. Tiny grains of reddish orange rutile are disseminated throughout the rock and also form inclusions in the corundum. Photo by C. D. Mengason.


FALL 2005

showed that the rock consists of coarse-grained fuchsite

with blebs of opaque pinkish purple corundum and irregular pods and interstitial areas of white alkali feldspar (figure
6). Also present were tiny grains of reddish orange rutile
(figure 7) that showed a submetallic luster. No quartz could
be found in the rock. The various textures and color combinations created by the minerals are particularly attractive
when polished into spheres (again, see figure 6).
The association of fuchsite and corundum, together
with kyanite, is also known from India, Zimbabwe, and
South Africa (see Winter 2004 Gem News International,
pp. 338339, and the reference therein). These mineral
associations are formed by prograde metamorphism at high
temperature and pressure. The formation of the Brazilian
occurrence may be explained by the following reaction:
mica corundum + feldspar + H2O. At the other occurrences, the initial presence of quartz may be responsible for
the additional formation of kyanite in the rock: mica +
quartz kyanite/corundum + feldspar + H2O.
So far, about 150 kg of the fuchsite-corundum rock
have been recovered from the Brazilian deposit. The geology of the deposit suggests that additional production is
likely in the future.
Rainer Aloys Schultz-Gttler (
Institute of Geoscience, University of So Paulo
Pen shell pearlsnacreous and non-nacreous. The Winter
2003 Gem News International section (pp. 332333)
reported on pen shell pearls from the Pacific Coast of Baja
California, Mexico. Pen shells from this area (i.e., Pinna
sp. and Atrina sp.) have a nacreous layer on their interior
that grows on top of, and is distinctly different in composition from, the underlying non-nacreous portion of the
shell. Because the bond between these layers is weak, they
readily separate after the death of the mollusk (figure 8).
Since the pearly layer covers only part of the shells
interior, the mollusk could conceivably host a nacreous
pearl and a non-nacreous concretion simultaneously
within the same shell. A nacreous and a non-nacreous
sample (2.29 and 17.83 ct, respectively) were recently
donated to GIA by Jeremy Norris of Oasis Pearl, Albion,
California (figure 9). Although they did not come from the
same mollusk, both reportedly originated from the same
species of Baja California pen shell, identified as Pinna
rugosa by Mr. Norris and confirmed by consulting shell
experts Scott Rugh (San Diego Natural History Museum)
and Paul Valentich-Scott (Santa Barbara Museum of
Natural History). As shown in the Winter 2003 GNI
entry, nacreous pen shell pearls can be quite attractive,
and although the non-nacreous pearls would not be
suitable for jewelry use because of their tendency to dry
out and crack over time, concretions such as these can
make interesting collectors items.
Further characterization with UV-Vis reflectance spectroscopy was performed on both samples and on the different sections of the pen shell supplied by Mr. Norris. The


Figure 8. The interior of the rugose pen shell (Pinna

rugosa) from Baja California has a light-colored
nacreous layer that readily separates from the nonnacreous dark brown base layer. This shell is
approximately 35.5 cm long. Courtesy of Oasis
Pearl; photo by C. D. Mengason.

spectrum for the nacreous pearl was distinctly different

from that of the non-nacreous pearl, and their spectra
were similar to those of the corresponding sections of the
pen shell. Although the spectral data suggest that both
samples originated from the pen shell, given the limited
data available, further research is necessary to establish
the significance of the spectral matches between the
pearl/concretion and their respective portions of the shell.
Cheryl Y. Wentzell ( and Shane Elen
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad

Figure 9. The light brown nacreous pearl on the left

(7.8 6.9 5.6 mm) and the dark brown non-nacreous
pearl on the right (17.3 13.5 mm) both originated
in rugose pen shells from Baja California, Mexico.
Their dissimilar appearance and structure is the result
of growth in compositionally different sections of the
host shells. GIA Collection nos. 31758 (pearl) and
31759 (concretion); photo by C. D. Mengason.


FALL 2005


Figure 10. A new deposit

in Tamil Nadu, India, is
the source of these sapphires (0.362.01 ct).
Courtesy of Dudley
Blauwet Gems; photo
by C. D. Mengason.

New sapphires from Tamil Nadu, India. In early August

2005, gem and mineral dealer Dudley Blauwet (Dudley
Blauwet Gems, Louisville, Colorado) informed these
contributors about a new find of pinkish orange to purple sapphires from India. According to his supplier, the
material comes from the Kurur area of Tamil Nadu
State, and much of it has been collected by farmers from
near-surface secondary deposits. Mining has been hindered by the lack of available water to wash the soil, but
rough parcels weighing 200300 grams occasionally
have been obtained by a few local dealers.
The rough is recovered as broken fragments, some of
which are rather large (i.e., up to 1220+ grams). However,
most of the material is extensively fractured, so typically
the cut stones weigh up to 13 ct. Nevertheless, the
largest faceted stone that Mr. Blauwet was informed about
weighed approximately 30 ct.
Most of the sapphire is found in shades of lavender and
pink, and is heated to 1,100C in Sri Lanka. The resulting
coloration typically ranges from orange to amethyst-like

purple colors, commonly with strong color zoning (figure

10). The blue component has proved difficult to remove
from the silky lavender rough, but heating to higher
temperatures is avoided due to the risk of causing more
fractures in the material.
Mr. Blauwet donated one unheated and two heated
sapphires to GIA, and also loaned 14 heated sapphires for
examination (0.363.87 ct). Gemological examination of
six representative stones (0.361.70 ct) revealed the following properties: colorpurplish pink to orangy pink,
with one stone being a brownish pinkish purple and
another being distinctly bicolored reddish purple and reddish orange face up; pleochroismred-to-orange or red-topurple; R.I.1.760 1.769, with a birefringence of
0.0080.009; and S.G.4.0. When viewed with a gemological microscope, the samples displayed uneven coloration in zones or bands, as well as groups of short, fine
rutile needles, fine-grained clouds (figure 11), lamellar
clouds (figure 12), clouds of tiny reflective platelets sometimes interspersed with rutile needles (figure 13), and

Figure 11. Some of the sapphires from Tamil Nadu

contained fine-grained clouds. Photomicrograph by S. F.
McClure; magnified 17.

Figure 12. This sapphire from Tamil Nadu contains

lamellar clouds and conspicuous fingerprints.
Photomicrograph by S. F. McClure; magnified 21.




FALL 2005

fingerprint inclusions. They exhibited weak-to-moderate red fluorescence to long-wave UV radiation, and weak
red or no fluorescence to short-wave UV. Typical features
seen with a desk-model spectroscope included a weak
absorption band at 460 nm, a 475/480 nm doublet, and a
band at 670 nm.
Although the colors of some of these samples resemble
those seen in sapphires treated by Be diffusion, the samples showed no evidence of the high temperatures used in
that process. According to Mr. Blauwet, much of this
Indian sapphire is being sold on the market as heated Sri
Lankan or Madagascar material.
Shane F. McClure (
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
James E. Shigley
GIA Research, Carlsbad

Figure 13. Clouds of tiny reflective platelets and short

rutile needles are seen in this Tamil Nadu sapphire.
Photomicrograph by S. F. McClure; magnified 37.

Tenebrescent scapolite from Afghanistan. At the 2004
Tucson Gem shows, gem and mineral dealer Herb Obodda
(H. Obodda, Short Hills, New Jersey) showed GIA personnel several rough and cut pieces of a colorless gem material from Badakhshan, Afghanistan, that was thought to be
hackmanite on the basis of its reversible photochromism
(or tenebrescence, a property in which some minerals
darken in response to radiation of one wavelength and
then reversibly lighten on exposure to a different wavelength). When charged under Mr. Oboddas strong UV
source, the stones turned blue. When they were exposed to
daylight or a strong incandescent light source, the color
faded completely in seconds.
Mr. Obodda obtained the rough material during buying trips to Pakistan in early 2003 through early 2004. He
said that the local dealers have habitually referred to the
colorless sodalite from Badakhshan as hackmanite

even though they were unaware that any of the pieces

showed tenebrescence. When he returned home and tested the initial parcel with a UV lamp, Mr. Obodda was
pleased to find that a few pieces showed tenebrescent
behavior. He also noted a subtle but distinctive feature
that could be used to differentiate the tenebrescent
stones from the other material in the parcel in the
absence of a UV lamp: They showed a schiller effect
when viewed with a strong pinpoint light source in certain orientations.
Hackmanite, a sulfur-rich variety of sodalite, was first
discovered in Greenland in the early 1800s. A mineralogical curiosity, it can be made to change repeatedly from
light yellow to pink when alternately exposed to sunlight
and UV radiation (see, e.g., Summer 1989 Gem News, pp.
112113). The coloration of this Afghan material was
much different, however, in that it changed from colorless to blue on exposure to UV radiation (figure 14).

Figure 14. Remarkable tenebrescent behavior was exhibited by these scapolites (0.915.17 ct) from Afghanistan.
The stones turned blue when exposed to short-wave UV radiation for approximately one minute, and faded to
colorless within seconds when brought into light. Courtesy of H. Obodda; photos by C. D. Mengason.



FALL 2005


Figure 15. A dense network of parallel stringers was

present in all of the tenebrescent scapolites. Photomicrograph by S. F. McClure; magnified 18.
Mr. Obodda loaned four rough pieces (13.3755.54 ct)
and 14 faceted examples (0.175.17 ct) of the tenebrescent
material to GIA for examination. He also donated some
rough fragments to the GIA Collection. Gemological testing of four of the cut stones (0.915.17 ct) revealed consistent properties: R.I.s1.536 and 1.541, S.G.2.58, and
yellow-orange fluorescence to UV radiation (strong to
long-wave and weak to short-wave). Hackmanite is optically isotropic with an R.I. of 1.483, whereas the properties of the four samples are consistent with those of
scapolite (this identity was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy). When viewed with a gemological microscope,
all four stones exhibited dense parallel stringers throughout (figure 15), and some contained planar clouds or fingerprint inclusions. The schiller effect noted by Mr.
Obodda is caused by reflections from these features when

Figure 16. When viewed in certain orientations with a

strong pinpoint light source, the scapolites exhibited
a schiller effect that is caused by reflections from the
network of parallel stringers. Photomicrograph by S. F.
McClure; magnified 18.



viewed with a strong pinpoint light source (figure 16).

When the samples were exposed to short-wave UV
radiation, with the 4-watt lamp positioned nearby for
approximately one minute, they changed from colorless to
deep blue. The larger stones showed this effect more dramatically. Shorter exposure times also produced the blue
color, but it took at least a full minute to get a saturated
blue. Long-wave UV radiation also produced this color
modification, but the achieved color was not as saturated.
The color was stable as long as the stones were kept in a
dark or dimly lit room, but they began to fade as soon as
they were exposed to light (much faster in incandescent
than in fluorescent light). In fact, an intense incandescent
light source caused their color to fade completely in a few
seconds. The color modification was repeated on one stone
at least five times, and each time the results were the
same. A brief video showing the reversible color change is
available online in the G&G Data Depository at Quantitative chemical
analyses were obtained by one of us (GRR) using an electron microprobe on a polished fragment of the scapolite.
The average formula derived from three analyzed points
was Na4Al3Si9O24Cl0.9S0.09; traces of carbonate may also be
present but could not be analyzed by this instrument. The
formula shows that the scapolite species is marialite, with
a minor sulfide component. Sulfide photochemistry is
what produces the blue color of lapis lazuli and red coloration in hackmanite and tugtupite.
Mr. Obodda also loaned one rough sample that was
representative of the non-tenebrescent material in the
parcels he purchased in Pakistan. Preliminary Raman
analysis was indicative of quartz. In addition, Mr. Obodda
has faceted colorless sodalite that was reported to be from
the same mining area in Badakhshan. Some purple
sodalite from Badakhshan also shows tenebrescence,
changing from pale lilac/magenta in artificial light to a
deep purple/magenta in sunlight (T. Moore, Whats
New in Minerals, Mineralogical Record, Vol. 33, No. 1,
2002, pp. 9798). It should also be mentioned that purple
scapolite has been produced recently from the same area
of Badakhshan, but it does not exhibit tenebrescence.
During his August 2005 buying trip to Pakistan, Mr.
Obodda could not find any more of the colorless hackmanite in the marketplace. So far, he estimates that he
has cut approximately 20 stones weighing less than 1 ct, a
dozen weighing near 1 ct, and 10 stones in the 5 ct range;
the largest stone weighed 6.7 ct.
To the best of our knowledge, tenebrescence has not
been reported previously in scapolite. In addition to
hackmanite, only a few other gems show this feature,
such as spodumene (E. W. Claffy, Composition, tenebrescence, and luminescence of spodumene minerals,
American Mineralogist, Vol. 38, 1953, pp. 919931) and
tugtupite (A. Jensen and O.V. Petersen, Tugtupite: A
gemstone from Greenland, Summer 1982 Gems &
Gemology, pp. 9094). Even some pink diamonds will


FALL 2005

Figure 17. This quartz cabochon (19 13 mm) from

Paraba State, Brazil, contains color-zoned clusters of
radiating fibers that were identified as gilalite. Photo
by B. Rondeau.

Figure 18. When viewed in certain directions, the

gilalite inclusions resemble floating jellyfish medusas
(here, 1.4 mm wide). Photomicrograph by B.
Rondeau; magnified 16.

change color temporarily under some conditions (see,

e.g., J. Van Royan, UV-induced colour change in pink
diamonds, Antwerp Facets, March 1995, pp. 2124).
Shane F. McClure (
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad

the free-floating (medusa) stage of this sea creature. Several

centimeter-size cabochons have been cut from this material.
Also present in some of the quartz crystals was a nearsurface phantom layer containing tiny blue-to-green acicular crystals. About a dozen flat cabochons, 1 to 6 cm long,
have been cut from these layers (see, e.g., figure 19).
The identification of the jellyfish-like inclusions was
performed at the National Museum of Natural History in
Paris. Their crystal structure was determined using an Inel
CPS 120 X-ray powder diffractometer with a curved detector, combined with a Gandolfi single-crystal camera and
copper Ka1 emission. Both the green and blue areas had the

George R. Rossman
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California
James E. Shigley
GIA Research, Carlsbad

Medusa quartz with gilalite inclusions. Gem-quality
quartz crystals containing interesting blue-to-green inclusions were discovered in Paraba State, Brazil, in August
2004. Since then, about 10 kg have been extracted by
local miners.
Several samples of this quartz were studied by these contributors, including some well-formed crystals, broken fragments, and cabochons. The quartz crystals were up to 10 cm
long and exhibited striking color zoning: a few crystallographically oriented layers of light purple amethyst in otherwise colorless rock crystal, as well as distinct layers of eyevisible blue-to-green inclusions. Some of these blue-to-green
inclusions occurred in the colorless cores of the crystals (figure 17); they were less than a millimeter in longest dimension, with shapes reminiscent of jellyfish (figure 18). All of
these inclusions were located on the same growth plane, and
each consisted of a cluster of very thin radiating fibers. The
jellyfish-like inclusions were often color zoned, varying from
light green to a vivid greenish blue, with some layers being
nearly white (again, see figure 17). The overall appearance,
similar to a floating colony of jellyfish, suggests the name
medusa quartz, after the typical bell-shaped appearance of


Figure 19. This quartz cabochon (60 35 mm) from

Paraba State, Brazil, contains a layer of acicular
crystals that have a chemical composition consistent
with gilalite. Since X-ray diffraction could not be performed on these inclusions, additional possibilities
include the copper silicates apachite, planchite, and
shattuckite. Photo by B. Rondeau.


FALL 2005


same diffractogram. The most accurate match (according to

the InfoBank-MDAT database) was gilalite, a hydrated copper silicate (Cu5Si6O17 7H2O). The tiny acicular inclusions
were too dispersed in the quartz matrix to be analyzed by
X-ray diffraction. Chemical analysis was performed using a
Jeol JSM 840A scanning electron microscope (SEM)
equipped with an Oxford Link energy-dispersive detector.
Both the acicular and jellyfish-like inclusions contained Si
and Cu as the only major elements (water cannot be detected with this technique), along with traces of K and Mg. The
composition was the same in the blue and green areas of
the medusa inclusions. The major-element composition is
also consistent with gilalite.
This is the first reported occurrence of gilalite in quartz
of gemological interest. It is quite different in form and
nature from other blue inclusions in quartz, such as
papagoite or lazulite (see, e.g., J. Hyrsl and G. Niedermayr,
Magic World: Inclusions in Quartz, Rainer Bode, Haltern,
Germany, 2003).
Benjamin Rondeau (
and Michele Macri
National Museum of Natural History
Paris, France


Fake aquamarine crystals from Mogok. During a May 2005
buying trip to Mogok, Myanmar, gem and mineral dealer
Bill Larson (Pala International, Fallbrook, California) saw
several imitation aquamarine crystals. They were cleverly
fabricated from a transparent light blue material that had
been shaped into single hexagonal prisms and then etched
or rounded to have the appearance of a naturally resorbed
crystal of beryl (e.g., figure 20). A natural appearance was
further suggested by the presence of dirt-filled cracks,

Figure 20. This glass imitation of an aquamarine

crystal (7 cm long) was purchased in Mogok,
Myanmar, in May 2005. GIA Collection no. 32382;
photo by C. D. Mengason.

which actually penetrated only a small distance into the

pieces. Mr. Larson first recognized them as fakes by noting
that the overall shape (with a pyramidal termination on
one end a flat surface on the other end) resembled the typical morphology of quartz, rather than the aquamarine crystals that are known from the Mogok area. In addition, their
overall look and feel suggested that they were made of
glass. The FTIR spectrum of a specimen that Mr. Larson
donated to GIA confirmed that it was glass.
More faked inclusions in Brazilian quartz. In the Fall 2004
GNI section (pp. 266267), this contributor described finger-like inclusions in Brazilian rock crystal that were
reportedly manufactured in Tefilo Otoni in 2004. During
a visit to the 2005 Feira Internacional de Pedras Preciosas
show, held in Tefilo Otoni in August, several local dealers had two new types of quartz with internal features that
were reportedly created by the same person responsible for
the finger-like inclusions. According to vendors, this new
material sells very well, and in most cases the buyers are
not aware of its artificial origin.
This contributor viewed at least 100 samples of this
material, all of which were cut as cabochons in various
shapes that ranged from 3 to 7 cm in longest dimension (see,
e.g., figure 21). In the quartz containing finger-like inclusions (see Fall 2004 entry), the artist apparently drilled
holes in the bottom of each cabochon that were then filled
with dye (green, brown, pink, and yellow) and covered with
a brown glue impregnated with mineral powder. In the new
fakes seen in August 2005, several trenches were made in
the bases of the cabochons with a cutting wheel. The bases
were then dyed green and brown and covered with a mixture of glue and mineral powder. When viewed face-up, the
colored areas protruding into the quartz mimicked the
appearance of natural inclusions. In addition, some of these
cabochons contained dozens of silvery-looking oval fractures, similar to spangles in heated amber. These fractures were probably created by thermal shock.
The best clue for recognizing these new fakes, other
than their unnatural appearance, is the soft brown glue on
the bottom, which can easily be indented with a needle or
knife. In addition, the dye used in some of the fakes shows
yellow-green luminescence to UV radiation (much
stronger with long-wave UV), but the cement is inert.
Note that many of these cabochons also contain natural
inclusions such as chlorite, mica, or quartz crystals, which
can help deceive inexperienced buyers.
Jaroslav Hyrsl (
Prague, Czech Republic

Natural pearl with orient-like coating. Recently, the
SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute received for testing
a parcel of 13 loose button-shaped pearls weighing about




FALL 2005

6 ct each. They showed moderate to good luster and orient, and ranged from white to light cream. X-radiographs revealed that all were natural pearls, showing
characteristic structures such as concentric circles, fine
fissures, and darker central zones. Using X-ray luminescence (see H. A. Hnni et al., X-ray luminescence, a
valuable test in pearl identification, Journal of
Gemmology, Vol. 29, No. 5/6, 2005, pp. 316324), elevated Mn contents were noted in three of the samples,
indicating that they were freshwater pearls, while the
remainder were of saltwater origin.
Careful examination of one of the saltwater pearls (figure 22, left) revealed a somewhat patchy appearance and
an unusual sticky surface. With magnification, a shiny
coating was evident. The coating was transparent (with
tiny trapped air bubbles) and contained minute reflective
particles. When examined with a fiber-optic light, the
pearl displayed a dotted texture similar to that seen in
imitations. The coating was partially chipped off in spots
(figure 23), which explained the patchy color distribution.
Although not visible in figure 23, the surface of these
exposed areas showed distinct polish marks.
When exposed to long-wave UV radiation, the pearl
fluoresced dull yellowexcept in areas where the coating
was chipped off, in which the pearl surface fluoresced
strong white. The reaction to short-wave UV was similar
but less distinct.
Chemical analysis by EDXRF spectroscopy revealed a
low concentration of Bi and traces of Sr. Bi has not been
detected so far in any untreated pearl. Raman analyses of
the coating with a 514 nm Ar laser were compared with
spectra from the underlying pearl surface. The spectrum of
the coating showed a distinct peak at 1602 cm-1, in addition to the characteristic Raman peaks for aragonite. The
1602 cm-1 peak is indicative of an artificial resin.
Based on these observations, this contributor suspects

that this pearl had been heavily polished, which would

have removed most of its original luster and orient. The
pearl was apparently coated with an artificial resin mixed
with some essence dorient, such as is used for imitation
pearls, to restore its appearance. Judging from the rather
scratched and chipped surface, it seems likely that this
treatment was applied many years ago.
Michael S. Krzemnicki (
SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute, Basel

Figure 22. The 6.18 ct natural pearl on the left (shown

with an untreated natural pearl on the right) proved
to be coated with a resin mixed with essence dorient.
Photo by H. A. Hnni, SSEF.

Figure 23. With magnification, the coating on the

pearl showed several round chipped areas. Note that
the coating extends partially into the drill hole. Photomicrograph by H. A. Hnni, SSEF; magnified 20.


Figure 21. These rock crystal cabochons (approximately 5 cm long) from Brazil contain fake inclusions
that were apparently created in a three-step process.
In addition, the cabochon in the center contains
reflective oval fractures that were likely induced by
thermal shock. The cabochon on the right shows the
base, which is covered with a mixture of glue and
mineral powder. Photo by J. Hyrsl.


FALL 2005


Figure 24. These two stones (9.61 and 11.40 ct) proved
to be fibrolite (sillimanite) that had been dyed and
impregnated to imitate ruby. Photo by S. Singbamroong, Dubai Gemstone Laboratory.

Fibrolite (sillimanite) dyed and impregnated to imitate

ruby. The Dubai Gemstone Laboratory received two
translucent to partially transparent red oval mixed cuts
for identification in mid-April 2005. At first, the 9.61
and 11.40 ct stones (figure 24) resembled low-quality
rubies. When examined more closely, however, they
showed an aggregate structure and uneven coloration
that were visible even without magnification.
Standard gemological testing established the following
properties: R.I.1.6591.679; birefringence0.020; optic
signbiaxial positive; S.G. (determined hydrostatically)
3.22; Chelsea filter reactionpink; absorption spectrum
with desk-model spectroscope600 nm cut-off; UV fluorescencemoderate red to long-wave with yellow emission along the fractures, and inert to short-wave, also with
yellow emission along the fractures. These properties were
consistent with fibrolite (sillimanite), but not corundum.

Figure 25. In reflected light, red dye concentrations

can be seen within the fibrous structure of the sillimanite, as well as in surface-reaching fractures. The
tiny yellow grains were identified as rutile by Raman
analysis. Photomicrograph by S. Singbamroong,
Dubai Gemstone Laboratory; magnified 10.



The yellow fluorescence indicated the presence of a

foreign substance in the fractures, and microscopic examination revealed red dye concentrations in both stones,
within their fibrous structure as well as in surface-reaching fractures (figure 25). Isolated grains and clusters of tiny
golden yellow inclusions also were seen.
Further testing was used to verify the identification as
fibrolite. Although Raman analysis failed to produce
usable results because of interference from the red fluorescence, it identified the yellow surface-reaching inclusions
as rutile. EDXRF chemical analysis showed the expected
Al and Si as main components, along with traces of Fe and
Ti. Zr also was detected, probably from the dye. In addition, V and Cr were slightly above the detection limit of
the instrument. FTIR spectroscopy was performed in
transmission and reflectance modes using a beam condenser and a diffuse reflectance (DRIFT) collector accessory, and the results were compared to reference spectra of
cats-eye sillimanite. The reflectance spectra confirmed
the identity of these stones as sillimanite, while the transmission spectra indicated the presence of a polymer.
Sutas Singbamroong (
Dubai Gemstone Laboratory (DGL)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Applied Diamond Conference 2005. The 8th International
Conference on Applications of Diamond and Related
Materials was held May 1519 at Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. The conference included several presentations of interest to gemologists. Abstracts are
available by downloading the Program Book from the conference Web site,
Dr. Mark Newton of the University of Warwick, U.K.,
and coauthors discussed two new hydrogen defects
(vacancy-hydrogen and vacancy-nitrogen-hydrogen complexes) in CVD synthetic diamonds, their spectroscopic
signatures, and their behavior during HPHT and low-temperature annealing. Dr. Peter Doering of Apollo Diamond,
Boston, Massachusetts, reviewed the effect of HPHT
treatment on defects and optical properties of single-crystal CVD synthetic diamond. In the question-and-answer
session, he stated that Apollo plans to release their CVD
synthetic diamonds into the gem market around the middle of 2006. Dr. Chih-Shue Yan and coauthors of the
Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution,
Washington, DC, described recent progress in growing
large single-crystal CVD synthetic diamonds. The
Carnegie group can now grow CVD synthetic diamonds
(figure 26) at a rate of 100 microns/hour (compared to a
traditional growth rate of 1 micron/hour) by using a
focused plasma beam. The maximum thickness of the
CVD layer achieved so far is 12 mm, and plates weighing
up to 10 ct have been grown. Some of their CVD synthetic diamonds also have been annealed by HPHT methods.


FALL 2005

Figure 26. This 0.2 ct near-colorless CVD synthetic

diamond was cut from a 1 ct block produced at a high
growth rate using a focused plasma beam. Courtesy of
the Carnegie Institution, Washington, DC.

Dr. Wuyi Wang and coauthors from the GIA Laboratory,

New York, discussed the common spectroscopic features
and defects in three types of treated diamonds: (1) irradiated
with or without annealing; (2) HPHT annealed; and (3)
HPHT annealed, followed by irradiation and annealing.
Various identification criteria were discussed, such as
blue/yellow zones concentrated on the culet (indicating laboratory irradiation), green/brown radiation stains on naturals (indicating natural irradiation), and spectroscopic features (i.e., a height ratio of >2 for photoluminescence peaks
at 637/575 nm is an indication of HPHT annealing, and the
existence of both 595 and 666 nm absorptions in the visiblerange spectra is a strong indication of laboratory irradiation).
Dr. Filip De Weerdt of HRD, Antwerp, Belgium, and Dr.
Hisao Kanda, of the National Institute of Research on
Inorganic Materials, Tsukuba, Japan, described the color
changes produced in type IaA and IaB diamonds by HPHT
annealing. They used a cathodoluminescence (CL) unit
attached to a scanning electron microscope for simultaneous imaging and spectroscopic analysis of their samples
before and after HPHT annealing. A CL line at 490.7 nm
was clearly associated with the untreated diamonds.
Andy H. Shen (
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
Goldschmidt05. The 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference was held May 2025 at the University of Idaho,
Moscow. This is the premier annual geochemistry conference, and was attended by more than 1,400 delegates from
around the world. Two sessions, Geochemistry of Gem
Deposits and Recent Advances in Microbeam Cathodoluminescence, plus a few individual talks and posters,
were of interest to gemologists. Abstracts of all presenta-


tions are available online at

Dr. Emmanuel Fritsch of the University of Nantes,
France, and colleagues presented a new geochemical
method to separate basaltic from metamorphic blue sapphires: a plot of Fe content vs. Ga/Mg ratio. Emilie
Gaillou of the University of Nantes and coauthors analyzed opals from seven countries using ICP-MS. Mexican
opals showed Ce depletion, while Ethiopian opals had Ce
enrichment, relative to the chondrite standard used by
geochemists. In addition, geochemical profiling (i.e., plotting Ba vs. Ca) showed promise for identifying the geographic/geologic origin of opal: Those from Mexico,
Honduras, and Ethiopia fell into a field for volcanic origin; those from Brazil and Australia occupied a field corresponding to a sedimentary origin.
Dr. Lee Groat and Heather Neufeld of the University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, reviewed the geology of four
emerald deposits in Canada: (1) Taylor 2, near Dryden,
Ontario; (2) Red Mountain, near Stewart, British
Columbia; (3) Tsa Da Glisza, southern Yukon Territory;
and (4) Lened in the western Northwest Territories.
Andrea Cade and coauthors, also of the University of
British Columbia, studied sapphires from a calc-silicate
lens within the Lake Harbour Marble unit at Kimmirut,
Baffin Island, Canada, and indicated that they could have
formed through the alteration of a protolith assemblage of
diopside, phlogopite, calcite, anorthite, and albite.
Anthony LeCheminant of Petrogen Consultants,
Manotick, Ontario, and coauthors proposed a different origin for the sapphires from Kimmirut. Using field observations, oxygen isotope data, and zircon ages, they speculated that the sapphires formed through the interaction of a
desilicated syenitic magma with the Lake Harbour
Marble, accompanied by further retrograde reactions and
subsequent infiltration of CO2-rich liquids. David Turner
of the University of British Columbia and coauthors studied the mineralogy and geochemistry of dark blue gemquality aquamarine from the Pelly Mountains, southern
Yukon Territory. They found that the beryl-bearing quartz
veins were emplaced in an extensional environment about
172 million years ago, and were unrelated to their Late
Paleozoic host syenite intrusion.
Dr. George Rossman of the California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, and coauthors described some
waterworn crystals of the rare gem painite that were
recovered from a new locality for the mineral, only the
second ever reported, at Namya (Nanyaseik), Kachin State,
Myanmar. Dr. Mickey Gunter of the University of Idaho
and colleagues concluded that asterism in Idaho star garnets is caused by oriented rutile inclusions or tubular
voids in the almandine. Catherine McManus of New
Mexico State University and coauthors did a preliminary
study of the trace-element content of gem beryl using LIBS
(laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy).
A breakthrough in microbeam cathodoluminescence


FALL 2005


Figure 27. These CL images of

jadeite from Guatemala were captured by a digital camera on a
tabletop luminoscope (left) and by
a Gatan MonoCL high-sensitivity
photomultiplier tube mounted on a
scanning electron microscope
(right). On the left, the green CL
area correlates to greater contents
of Ca, Mg, Fe2+, and Mn (and, in
some cases, Cr) than in the red or
blue CL areas. The image on the
right shows the total CL intensity of
the sample. Images collected by
Tim Rose, Smithsonian Institution.
(CL) has been facilitated by attaching a newly developed
digital CL unit to a scanning electron microscope, which
allows researchers to obtain optical spectra (hyperspectral
analysis) and a chemical analysis simultaneously. In
Guatemalan jadeite, Dr. Sorena Sorensen and coauthors
from the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, documented patterns of red (675 nm), blue (475 nm), and green
(550 nm) luminescence that corresponded to micron-scale
compositional variations that formed during growth (figure 27). Dr. George Harlow of the American Museum of
Natural History, New York, and colleagues used this
technique to differentiate between the two major geologic
settings for Guatemalan jadeite. Samples from south of
the Motagua Fault Zone (MFZ) showed CL peaks at 270
and 480 nm, while those from north of the MFZ had a
dominant CL peak at 700 nm and two smaller peaks at
500 and 480 nm. In addition, they documented extremely
fine, bright bands (less than 10 mm thick) in rubies from
Myanmar, indicating that their growth was influenced by
pulses of fluid in the marble host.
In another presentation, Dr. Harlow also characterized
four types of Guatemalan jadeitite: (1) material from north
of the MFZ is a jadeite-omphacite-zoisite assemblage that
formed at 300400C and 610 kbar; (2) San Jos material
consists of a jadeite-omphacite-lawsonite-quartz assemblage, formed at 300400C and 1220 kbar; (3) La Ceiba
material contains jadeite-omphacite-diopside-quartz, and
formed at 300400C and 1014 kbar; and (4) La Ensenada
material is jadeite-omphacite-pumpellyite, suggesting formation conditions of 200300C and 69 kbar. Dr. Emilie
Thomassot of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
and coauthors studied the stable isotope composition of sulfide inclusions in diamond, and found that the sulfides had
different origins than their host diamonds. They concluded
that the sulfide-included diamonds were of metasomatic
origin. Lutz Nasdala of Johannes Gutenberg Universitt,
Mainz, Germany, and colleagues showed the results of mapping strain around an inclusion in diamond using a laser
Raman microspectrometer. Such analysis can be useful in
estimating the P-T conditions of diamond formation.
Andy H. Shen (
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad



Historic U.S. sapphire and benitoite mines close. G&G
author Keith Mychaluk (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
informed this contributor that the Vortex sapphire mine at
Yogo Gulch, Montana, closed in late November 2004.
According to Peter Ecker of Yogo Creek Mining (Hobson,
Montana), the sapphire ore had become much less friable
at depth (over 120 m), which made both the extraction and
processing of the ore less economic. In addition, the thickness of the lateral dike formation being mined had pinched
considerably. Most of the surface workings have been
reclaimed, and the remaining sapphire inventory has been
sold to Adair Jewelers in Missoula, Montana.
Also, this contributor has been informed by Bryan Lees
(The Collector's Edge, Golden, Colorado) that his company
permanently closed and reclaimed the Benitoite Gem
mine (San Benito County, California) in June 2005. He
indicated that both the lode and eluvial sources were commercially exhausted. A caretaker will remain on the property indefinitely to oversee the revegetation and dissuade
trespassers. Mr. Lees indicated that he will now focus
efforts on marketing the stockpile of benitoite gem rough
that his firm has accumulated over the past five years of
mining the property.

Mineralien Hamburg. The International Show for Minerals,
Fossils, Precious Stones and Jewellery will take place in
Hamburg, Germany, on November 911, 2005. Special exhibitions will feature gems, jewelry, and mineral specimens
owned by Russias tsars, as well as Native American
turquoise. Visit
Visit Gems & Gemology in Tucson. Meet the editors and
take advantage of special offers on subscriptions and back
issues at the G&G booth in the publicly accessible
Galleria section (middle floor) of the Tucson Convention
Center during the AGTA show, February 16, 2006.
GIA Educations traveling Extension classes will offer


FALL 2005

hands-on training in Tucson with Diamond Grading

(January 30February 3). To enroll, call 800-421-7250, ext.
4001. Outside the U.S. and Canada, call 760-603-4001.
The GIA Alumni Association will host a Dance Party
in Tucson on February 3, featuring a silent auction, an
industry awards presentation, and a live auction. To reserve
tickets, call 760-603-4204 or e-mail
CGA Gemmology Conference 2005. The Canadian
Gemmological Association is holding its annual conference at the Ontario Club in Toronto on November 46.
This years conference, Tricks and Treatments, will
explore historical gemstone deceptions and the latest developments in treatments, enhancements, and detection. Visit or call 416-785-0962.
Cameos at the Met. Cameo Appearances, a display of
more than 160 examples of the art of gem carving from
Greco-Roman antiquity to the 19th century, will be on
display until January 29, 2006, at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in New York City. A variety of educational programs will be offered in conjunction with the
exhibition. Also on display at the Met (through February
12, 2006) is The Bishop Jades, a selection of fine
Chinese and Mughal Indian jades from the collection of
Heber R. Bishop that was donated to the museum in
1902. Visit or call 212-535-7710.
Diamonds in London. Diamonds, an exhibit of some of

the worlds most important diamonds, is at the Natural

History Museum in London through February 26, 2006.
On display are the De Beers Millennium Star, the
Steinmetz Pink, the Ocean Dream, and the Moussaieff
Red (see J. M. King and J. E. Shigley, An important exhibition of seven rare gem diamonds, Summer 2003 Gems &
Gemology, pp. 136143), in addition to a 616 ct rough diamond. Visit
Pearls at the Tokyo National Science Museum. Pearls:
A Natural History, a traveling exhibition tracing the
natural and cultural history of pearls that was organized
by the American Museum of Natural History (New
York) in collaboration with the Field Museum (Chicago),
will be on display at the National Science Museum,
Tokyo, October 8, 2005 to January 22, 2006. The many
exhibits include pearl formation and culturing, as well as
historical pearl jewelry that once belonged to Great
Britain's Queen Victoria and Marie Antoinette of France.
Call 81-03-3822-0111.

The Winter 2004 Gem News International entry titled A
notable triplite from Pakistan reported that the stone
originated from the Shigar Valley in northern Pakistan, but
information recently obtained from a reliable local miner
indicates that the triplite came from the Namlook mine,
which is above the village of Dassu in the Braldu Valley,
also in northern Pakistan. We thank Dudley Blauwet for
bringing this update to our attention.


Gems & Gemology mourns the loss of longtime contributor
and Editorial Review Board member Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr.
Dr. Hurlbut passed away September 1 at the age of 99.
Connie Hurlbut was born June 30, 1906, in Springfield,
Massachusetts. After receiving his undergraduate degree at
Antioch College in Ohio, he obtained a masters degree and
a doctorate in petrography from Harvard University. Dr.
Hurlbut joined the Harvard faculty in 1934 as a petrography
instructor and became Professor of Mineralogy six years
later. He went on to chair the universitys Mineralogy
Department from 1949 to 1960 before retiring in 1972 and
becoming Professor Emeritus.
In addition to his distinguished teaching career, Dr.
Hurlbut was a widely published author with several important books and more than 100 scientific papers to his credit.
Between 1941 and 1993, he edited the 15th through 21st
editions of Danas Manual of Mineralogy, a classic reference
in the field. He was the author of Minerals and Man (1968),
as well as coauthor of The Changing Science of Mineralogy
(1964) and editor of The Planet We Live On: An Illustrated
Encyclopedia of the Earth Sciences (1978).
In retirement, Dr. Hurlbut turned more to gemology,


an affiliation that began in the 1940s when he joined GIAs

Educational Advisory Board. He taught a gemology course
at Boston University in the early 1970s and coauthored
(with George Switzer) the first edition of Gemology in 1979
(the second edition, co-authored with Robert Kammerling,
was published in 1991). Dr. Hurlbut contributed his intellect and expertise to Gems & Gemology as a member of the
journals Editorial Review Board from 1981 until his passing. He also wrote or coauthored several articles for the journal, including A Simple Procedure to Separate Natural
from Synthetic Amethyst on the Basis of Twinning (Fall
1986, pp. 130139), which received first place in that years
Most Valuable Article competition.
Among his many distinctions, Dr. Hurlbut was a
1955 Guggenheim Fellow, a former president of the
Mineralogical Society of America, and a recipient of the
1994 Carnegie Mineralogical Award for his contributions
to the field. Preceded in death by his wife, Margaret, Dr.
Hurlbut is survived by three children, six grandchildren,
and six great-grandchildren. Always the gentleman, in criticisms and compliments alike, his sharp wit, brilliant
mind, and kind manner will be missed.


FALL 2005


This year, 236 dedicated readers participated in the 2005 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Challenge. Entries arrived from
all corners of the world, as readers tested their knowledge on the questions listed in the Spring 2005 issue.
Those who earned a score of 75% or better received a GIA Continuing Education Certificate recognizing their
achievement. The participants who scored a perfect 100% are listed below. Congratulations!

AUSTRALIA Grange, South Australia: Barbara Wodecki BELGIUM Diegem: Guy Lalous.
Diksmuide: Honor Loeters. Hemiksem: Daniel De Maeght. Koksijde: Christine Loeters. Overijse:
Margrethe Gram-Jensen. Ruiselede: Lucette Nols. Tervuren: Vibeke Thur BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro:
Luiz Angelo CANADA Bobcaygeon, Ontario: David Lindsay ENGLAND Hereford: Michael
Langford. London: Douglas Kennedy FRANCE Draveil: Claire Carpentier INDONESIA Jakarta:
Warli Latumena ITALY Ferrara: Sonia Franzolin. Padova: Marco Maso. Porto Azzurro: Diego
Trainini THE NETHERLANDS Rotterdam: E. Van Velzen POLAND Lublin: Marek A. Prus
SPAIN Valencia: Monika Bergel-Becker. Rocafort: Elvira Orts Rodriguez. Salou: Santigo Escol
SWEDEN Jarfalla: Thomas Larsson SWITZERLAND Lausanne: Thierry Christe THAILAND
Bangkok: Surachart Panjathammawit, Potjana Sawangjidr UNITED STATES Arizona Chandler:
LaVerne Larson. Cottonwood: Glenn Shaffer. Tucson: Molly Knox. Yuma: Crystal Young. Arkansas
Greenbrier: Beverly Brannan. California Burlingame: Sandra MacKenzie-Graham. Carlsbad: Abba
Steinfeld, Jim Viall, Lynn Viall, Philip York, Marisa Zachovay. Culver City: Veronica Clark-Hudson,
Judith Shechter-Lankford. Fremont: Ying Ying Chow. Fullerton: David Le Rose. Marina Del Rey:
Veronika Riedel. Oceanside: Kevin Nagle. Orange: Alex Tourubaroff. Pacifica: Diana Gamez. Rancho
Cucamonga: Sandy MacLeane. Redwood City: Starla Turner. Connecticut Vernon: Joe Thon Negs.
Florida Clearwater: Timothy Schuler. Deland: Sue Angevine Guess. Sun City: Jeanne Naish. Hawaii
Honolulu: Brenda Reichel. Makawao: Alison Fahland. Illinois Normal: William Lyddon. Indiana
Carmel: Mark Ferreira. Fishers: Laura Haas. Greenfield: Rachelle Kihlstrum. Indianapolis: Wendy
Wright Feng. Maryland Burtonsville: Jody Tebay. Gaithersburg: Marvin Wambua. Massachusetts
Uxbridge: Bernard Stachura. Missouri Perry: Bruce Elmer. New Jersey Clifton: Jason Darley. New
York Hawthorn: Lorraine Bennett. New York: Carolyn van der Bogert, HyeJin Jang-Green, Wendi
Mayerson, Anna Schumate. North Carolina Candler: Christian Richart. Ohio Dayton: Michael
Williams. North Ridgeville: John Schwab. Toledo: Mary C. Jensen. West Jefferson: Carolyn Loomis.
Pennsylvania Leesport: Lori Perchansky. Schuylkill Haven: Janet Steinmetz. Yardley: Peter
Stadelmeier. Rhode Island Rumford: Sarah A. Horst. South Dakota Piedmont: Randell Kenner.
Tennessee Clarksville: Kyle Hain. Knoxville: Nicole Hull. Texas Plano: Kristina Oberg. Virginia
Hampton: Edward Goodman. Herndon: Lisa Marsh-Vetter, Stephen M. Vetter. Washington Ferndale:
Candice Gerard. Millcreek: Nicki Taranto. Redmond: Andrea Frabotta. Wisconsin Beaver Dam:
Thomas Wendt. Mequon: Katie Molter ZIMBABWE Harare: Lesley Faye Marsh.

Answers (see pp. 7475 of the Spring 2005 issue for the questions): 1 (b), 2 (d), 3 (b), 4 (a), 5 (d), 6 (c), 7 (b), 8 (c), 9 (b), 10 (a),
11 (c), 12 (d), 13 (c), 14 (a), 15 (d), 16 (c), 17 (a), 18 (d), 19 (a), 20 (b), 21 (d), 22 (c), 23 (b), 24 (a), 25 (c)



FALL 2005


GIA appreciates gifts to its permanent collection, as well as gemstones, library materials, and other non-cash assets
to be used in GIAs educational and research activities. These contributions help GIA further its public service
mission while offering donors significant philanthropic benefits. We extend sincere thanks to all 2004 contributors.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Flude, III

John and Patricia Fuhrbach
$100,000 AND HIGHER,
Eric and Debra Grossbardt
James Hung, M.D.
Anonymous (2)
Scott Keating
Almaza Jewelers
Christoph Krhenmann
(Ziad H. Noshie)
Stephen A. Lentz
American Pearl Company
M. Vainer Ltd.
Amsterdam Sauer
Michael Bondanza, Inc.
Aurafin Oro America
Bernd Munsteiner
Banks International Gemology, Inc.
Pearl Exporting Co.
(Daniel & Bo Banks)
Dr. Frederick H. Pough
The Bell Group/Rio Grande
Harold and Linda Roper
Allan Caplan
Susan Sadler
Chatham Created Gems, Inc.
Safdico USA, Inc.
(Thomas H. Chatham)
George Sawyer
PierLuigi Dalla Rovere
Mrs. John Sinkankas
The De Beers Group
Derk Strikwerda
J.O. Crystal Company, Inc.
(Judith Osmer)
Diana Vincent
JewelAmerica, Inc.
Bradley D. Weber
(Zvi & Rachel Wertheimer)
William and Pamela White
Kazanjian Bros., Inc.
$5,000 to $9,999
KCB Natural Pearls
Anonymous (4)
(K. C. Bell)
Alex Sepkus, Inc.
William F. & Jeanne H. Larson
Cos Altobelli
Sophie Leu
David M. Baker, G.G.
Marshall and Janella Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Berman
Roz & Gene Meieran
Dudley Blauwet
Nancy B & Company
Jane Bohan
Kurt Nassau, Ph.D.
Pibbie Deuell and Lester Deuell
John & Laura Ramsey
Eightstar Diamond Company
Art Sexauer
Lina Fanourakis
Ambaji Shinde
Jose Hess
S.H. Silver Company
Mary L. Hung
(Stephen and Eileen Silver)
Richard H. Kimball
D. Swarovski & Co.
Terry Ledford
Laura & Wayne Thompson
Dona Lee Leicht
Touraine Family Trust
Mason-Kay, Inc.
United States Pearl Co.
Bob and Del Noland
(James & Venetia Peach)
William Richey
Robert H. Vanderkay
William Schraft
Vicenza Trade Fair
Susan Helmich Designs, Inc.
Barbara Westwood
Zale Corporation
$50,000 to $99,999
E. Gamini Zoysa
The Mouawad Family
$2,500 to $4,999
R. Ed Romack and Dallas R. Hales
Anonymous (3)
$10,000 to $49,999
Jean-Franois Albert
Bill Atkinson
George Brooks
Yvette, Doris, & Fanny Beigel
Chris Correia
Benitoite Mining Inc.
Helen Buchanan Davis
Whitney Boin
Mark and Debbie Ebert
Carl K. Gumpert, Inc.

Heart & Company/Orbis

(Ron Hartgrove)
Henry Dunay Designs, Inc.
The Hindukush Malala Gems &
Cornelis Hollander
Syed Iftikhar Hussain
Christo Kiffer
Paul Klecka
Steven Kretchmer
Lance Davidson Inc.
Gail Brett Levine, G.G.
Michael Good Designs
Robert Lee Morris
Pankey's Diamond Jeweler
Ruth Grieco Design LTDA
Jeff F. Schneider
Seculus S/A
Studio 19
Susan Michel Ltd.
Tommy Wu

Joseph Rott
C.Y. Sheng
Alice and Lew Silverberg
Stone Flower Co. Russia

Under $500
Anonymous (8)
Allerton Cushman & Co.
(Tom Cushman)
Gilbert "Nono" Andrianairoson
Enrique Arizmende
Astorite Wholesalers
Astro Gallery of Gems
Stevan Borisavljevic
Murray Burford
Coleman Jewelers
Commercial Mineral Co., Inc.
Brian Cook
Thomas Currie
Makhmout Douman
J.C. Erasmus
Dana Gochenour
Stanley Goldklang
Dr. Tobias Hger
$1,000 to $2,499
David Hargreaves
Anonymous (5)
Frederick C. and Judith L. House
Pedro Boregaard
George Houston
Charles I. Carmona, G.G.
Jagoda Gems Ltd. (Zambia)
Eric Carstensen
Chris and Karen Johnston
Fine Cut Gems Co.
K. Girdharlal, Inc.
Fine Gems International
Terri J. Kafrissen
(Robert E. Kane)
Kaufman Enterprises
Si and Ann Frazier
Brendan M. Laurs
S. Gordon
Jack Lowell
Idaho Opal & Gem Corporation
Peter Lyckberg
Intimate Gems
Mary McNeil
(Farooq Hashmi)
Prof. Deric Metzger, G.J.G, A.J.P.
Feerie Jade
Rita Mittal
Kenneth F. Rose Gemstones
M.R. Lava Company
Alan Revere
Rene Newman
Sherri Gourley Skuble
The Nyman-Melnick Families
Wild & Petsch
Thomas W. Overton
Palcio Nacional Da Ajuda
$500 to $999
Federico Pezzotta
Anonymous (2)
Bob and Maria Pratsch
Accurate Appraisals
Premier Diamond
(Jaclynn K. Peterson)
Jose Vicente Rodriguez Rosa
Antique Cupboard
Dr. R. Shah
Carl S. Chilstrom
William George Shuster
Victoria duPont
Susan Eisen, Inc.
Mary Johnson and Mark Parisi
Suzanne's Source
Richard Knox
Tasaki Shinju Co., Ltd.
Joel Lackey, G.G.
Stephen Turner
Glen and Amanda Meyer
Dave Waisman
New Era Gems
Vladyslav Yavorskyy
Chen Zhonghui
Rev, Inc.

If you are interested in making a donation and receiving tax benefit information, please contact Patricia Syvrud at
(800) 421-7250, ext. 4432. From outside the U.S., call (760) 603-4432, fax (760) 603-4199. Or e-mail


Shinde Jewels
By Reema Keswani, 79 pp., illus.,
publ. by Assouline Publishing, New
York, 2004. US$18.95*
This is a spare, unassuming book that
clearly reflects a spare, unassuming
designer. A man of humble beginnings, Ambajii V. Shinde led a modest
lifestyle and sought only excellence in
his artan art that was a way of life
from the time he was a young boy
until his death in 2003 at the age of
85. Though he never strove for notoriety, he was sought out by Indian and
British royalty as well as by Hollywood glitterati. Harry Winston had
the vision to ask Shinde to join his
New York firm in 1959, then to head
the studio in 1966. What a marriage
of passion and art this was: A.V.
Shinde, the incomparable designer,
and Harry Winston, the man with the
cornucopia of gemstones.
A. V. Shinde was responsible for
designing some of the most magnificent jewels of the 20th century,
including the settings for the Star of
Sierra Leone, toile du Dsert, TaylorBurton, Star of Independence, and
Garuda diamonds. Yet he remained
largely unknown outside the world of
haute couture jewelry. He did not
sign his work, only the renderings
the design was his signature. Though
these pieces displayed a profusion of
diamonds and gemstones, the symmetry, elegance, and stark minimalism started a revolution in design and
The 49 pages of lavish color photographs and renderings, unfettered
by captions, stand in silent testimony
to this quiet, elegant man. Here you
mainly see the object and the wearer,


or the object and the rendering, side

by side: sumptuous tiaras and gently
folded gem-studded necklaces, both
classical Mogul and classical Winston. Then, the four pages of thumbnails in the back of the book give the
attributions you crave: dates, styles,
and the names of those fortunate to
wear these beautiful jewels. When
you review these descriptions, you
see that the classicism that followed
his work from the early 1940s and
1950s is still fresh today.
National Association of
Jewelry Appraisers
Rego Park, New York

The History of Beads:

From 30,000 B.C.
To the Present
By Lois Sherr Dubin, 364 pp., illus.,
publ. by Harry N. Abrams, New
York, 2004. US$29.95
Anyone who feels that the common
agate or glass bead is somewhat, well,
common, will be chastened after
reading this unique book. As Ornament Magazine editor Robert K. Liu
explains in his foreword, it was written primarily for bead collectors, who
must often go to a wide variety of
scholarly publications to ferret out
information on beads. But the book
also has much to offer cutters, gemologists, and jewelersanyone interested in jewelry. The ancient (circa 3000
BC) agate eye beads pictured in the
book are amazing in their shapes and
polish. Weight lost through cutting a
more desirable shape or size raised
the value of these beads, just as it

Susan B. Johnson
Jana E. Miyahira-Smith
Stuart Overlin

does for cut stones today. And

ancient strands of beads are often
amazingly modern in their combinations of bead size, shape, and color.
Dubin is less interested in beads as
jewelry, however, than she is in beads
as important artifacts of human culture and history. She emphasizes how
people from around the world and
through all ages of human history
have used beads as trade goods, talismans, tokens of wealth and status,
religious objects, and (usually only
secondarily) ornaments. As a result,
the book is an exceptional reference
and resource, yet also very readable. It
abounds with human stories related to
beads. The author debunks the myth
that the island of Manhattan was purchased for $24 in beads. She gives a
chilling example of the secrecy that
existed on the Venetian glass-making
island of Murano, where at least two
men were executed for violating the
local prohibition against divulging
glass-making secrets. She discusses
the theories of explorers Richard
Francis Burton and Henry Morton
Stanley regarding the disappearance of
literally tons of glass beads that were
traded into Africa. Throughout, she
talks about the beadsstone, glass,
wood, bone, pearl, shell, metalthat
have been worn, used, and treasured
by human beings for their color, their
symbolism, and their value.


*This book is available for purchase

through the GIA Bookstore, 5345
Armada Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Telephone: 800-421-8161; outside
the U.S. 760-603-4200. Fax: 760603-4266. E-mail:

FALL 2005


Dubins book discusses beads

from almost every area of the world.
There are separate chapters covering
large categories of special types of
beads: prayer beads, magic-eye beads,
amber, and pearls. The volume closes
with a chapter on contemporary
beads. Although they may be modern
in materials (such as niobium), the
beads manufactured today owe much
to their predecessors.
The books images are riveting
(more than two-thirds of the 356 illustrations are in color), and you can
hardly turn a page without finding an
exceptionally high quality illustration,
map, or photograph, with many of the
photos taken by Kiyoshi Togashi. The
only complaint I have about the
superb photographsof single beads,
strung beads, and beads being held,
worn, and madeis that they cannot
fulfill the desire they create, the desire
to reach into the book and touch and
hold these wonderful treasures.
The History of Beads is an excellent research reference. The bibliography is extensive, the index is complete, and the end notes are filled
with information. (For example, in
Dubins section on Middle American
jade, she mentions that it takes four
hours to cut through an inch of jade
using ancient methods. She doesnt
explain those methods in the text, but
a check of the end notes provides the
description.) A sewn binding and
heavy, high-quality paper mean that
this book can be used and enjoyed for
years. The eight-page pull-out chart of
beads throughout history provides a
wonderful overview of the human
culture embodied in these tiny artifacts. A glossary and bead-shape table
complete the resources.
From a deep appreciation of beads,
gained through 30 years of collecting,
Dubin has strung a narrative with
human hopes, fears, beliefs, and
desires, like beads on a common
strand. Even those with no interest in
beads should leave her book with a
healthy respect for this universal
object of infinite variety.
Salem, Oregon



Totems to Turquoise:
Native North American
Jewelry Arts of the
Northwest and Southwest
Edited by Kari Chalker, Lois S.
Dubin, and Peter M. Whiteley, 224
pp., illus., publ. in association with
the American Museum of Natural
History by Harry N. Abrams, New
York, 2004. US$45.00*
In 2000, a cultural exchange program
brought Northwest Coastal Indian
artists to Arizona and New Mexico,
and Southwestern native artists to
British Columbia. The program introduced talented Haida, Navajo, and
Pueblo jewelers to one other and gave
them an opportunity to share their
cultures and arts. The exchange program eventually resulted in the
recently concluded Totems to
Turquoise exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History
(AMNH) in New York. Created as a
companion to the exhibit, this book
focuses on 39 contemporary North
American native artists, their work,
and their thoughts on individual roles
and responsibilities in supporting
their cultures and communities.
This high-quality 9.25 11.25 in.
book is divided into two main sections, The Northwest Coast and
The Southwest, and includes 150
full-color pages, two maps, and
numerous historical photos. Introductory chapters discuss each regions
landscape, culture, and history, followed by biographies of earlier master
jewelers such as Charles Edenshaw,
Bill Reid, Kenneth Begay, Preston
Monongye, and Charles Loloma.
Sections on contemporary artists follow those of the master craftsmen.
Noted photographer Kiyoshi Togashi
took the majority of the photos,
including images of the artists that
accompany their personal statements
and examples of their art.
An intimate portrait of each artist
emerges. The personal statements in
each section collectively create a larger impression of the group they represent. The totality of both sections
gives an even deeper understanding of

the importance jewelry and art have

played in maintaining the identities
and cultures of the Native North
Americans from these two vastly different regions. Both groups draw from
their age-old traditions, while some
individuals push their art forms forward in new and exciting ways.
Native American art continues to
reach a wider audience and gain a
higher level of appreciation among
jewelry collectors worldwide. This
book honors that artwork and describes the history and craftsmanship
used to create it. The historical background and related essays are written
by editor/anthropological writer Kari
Chalker, AMNH museum curators
Lois S. Dubin and Peter M. Whiteley,
Haida artist Jim Hart, and anthropologist Martine Reid. Their essays provide an excellent background on the
two cultures and insight into the contemporary art coming from both
areas. While no valuations of pieces
are given, Totems to Turquoise is a
wonderful reference book for collectors, students, jewelry designers, and
jewelry historians.
Gemological Institute of America
Carlsbad, California

Exploration Criteria for

Coloured Gemstone Deposits
In the Yukon
By Lori Walton, 184 pp., illus., publ.
by the Yukon Geological Survey,
Whitehorse, Canada, 2004. C$5.00
(no charge for PDF version).
Providing more than its title suggests,
this book is a wonderful overview of
nondiamond gemstone geology, nicely updated from its original 1996 format. The intended audience is geologists and prospectors, already scouring
Canadas north for diamonds and precious and base metals, who are
encouraged to keep an eye open for
colored gems. The author summarizes many classic gem deposits from
around the world and breaks them


FALL 2005

down into basic components (e.g.,

geochemistry), which in turn could be
applied to the exploration for new
deposits in the Yukon or elsewhere.
Chapters are devoted to ruby/sapphire, emerald, tsavorite/tanzanite,
chrysoberyl (including alexandrite),
pegmatite gems (including tourmaline, topaz, and aquamarine), and gem
topaz/red beryl in rhyolites, making
this one of the more comprehensive
guides to the geology of colored gems.
There is heavy emphasis on practicality and application. Field identification of rough material is covered, as
are recommended recovery tools and
limitations (e.g., how to apply the tanzanite exploration tips when there is
only one known economic occurrence).
The text is very readable, even for
someone without a background in
geology or a related discipline (although a geology dictionary would be
helpful for those not familiar with
specific terminology). As such, this
publication is one-stop shopping to
start learning about or review colored
stone geology and exploration.
The author has provided an exceptional up-to-date reference list at the
end of each chapter, for those wishing
to dive into greater detail. The occasional footnote also references relevant Web sites.
The author enriches the technical
portions of the text with humaninterest stories or government policies associated with the gem under
discussion. The discovery and subsequent flurry of mining and claimjumping at the Hematita, Brazil,
alexandrite deposit is one such example. These stories add a depth to the
text that can be rare among scientific
There is one unattributed statement, on page 30, that I would contest; it suggests that blue sapphires
from Yogo, Montana, are heat-treated.
Vortex Mining (not mentioned in the


text) has been mining and selling

Yogo sapphires for over a decade and
in fact does not heat-treat their
Since this is a summary and not a
unique research project, the text
sometimes borrows heavily from
other well-known sources (e.g., Ruby
and Sapphire, by Richard Hughes),
although they are properly acknowledged. Overall, however, the format
is unique and refreshing, in that few
texts of this scope have included
lesser-known gems (e.g., tsavorite
and tanzanite) with the traditional
Big Three (ruby, sapphire, and
emerald), although the latter still
constitute more than half the text.
On that note, this reviewer would
encourage future editions of this
publication to include opal (an obvious omission), peridot, Ammolite,
andin the pegmatite section
more on the spodumene gems (kunzite and hiddenite).
Calgary, Alberta, Canada


The Pegmatite Mines Known as
Palermo. By Robert W. Whitmore
and Robert C. Lawrence Jr., 213 pp.,
illus., published by The Friends of
Palermo Mines, 2004. US$150.00.
This book, an obvious labor of love,
recounts the history of the Palermo
mines of North Groton, New Hampshire, along with their secrets, as an
economically important producer of
industrial mica, feldspar, and beryl.
Also included is a beautifully illustrated (by Frederick C. Wilda) catalog
of the many mineralsas of March
2004, 90 phosphates and 140 mineral
species in allthat have been found
since the mine was first worked in
1878. Another section focuses on
gemstones fashioned from Palermo

beryl and quartz. The rich history of

the Palermo mines and their significance to science, industry, and collectors have been captured well in this
beautiful work, and the story continues as the mine serves today as a
living laboratory.
Gemological Institute of America
Carlsbad, California
Tourmalines of Malkhan. By V. Ye.
Zagorsky, I. S. Peretyazhko, and V.
Ye. Kushnaryov, 31 pp., illus., publ.
by the Institute of Geochemistry,
Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Division) and Tourmalkhan Co.,
Irkutsk, Russia, 2005. US$20.00 (Email: In 1980,
Soviet geologists searching for radioactive elements discovered gem tourmalines in the Malkhan pegmatites of
Siberias Central Transbaikalia region.
Since then, this 60-square-mile (97
km2) area has emerged as a significant
source of pink-to-red, multicolored,
and watermelon tourmaline. Tourmalines of Malkhan describes the
occurrence of tourmaline in this
region and features color photos of
faceted stones and cabochons, as well
as crystal specimens.
Gemological Institute of America
Carlsbad, California
Gemstones: Quality and Value, Volume 1. By Yasukazu Suwa, 143 pp.,
illus., publ. by Sekai Bunka Publishing, Tokyo (revised English edition), 2005. US$99.95.* Originally
published in 1993, this volume examines 24 gem varieties and provides an
illustrated quality scale for assessing
their value. The books clear, systematic approach is supplemented by rich
color photography. This edition features several updated quality scales
and photos.


FALL 2005


Gemological ABSTRACTS

A. A. Levinson
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Christopher M. Breeding
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
Maha Calderon
Carlsbad, California
Jo Ellen Cole
Vista, California
Eric Fritz
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
R. A. Howie
Royal Holloway, University of London
Alethea Inns
GIA Laboratory, Carlsbad
David M. Kondo
GIA Laboratory, New York
Taijin Lu
GIA Research, Carlsbad
Wendi M. Mayerson
GIA Laboratory, New York
Kyaw Soe Moe
GIA Laboratory, New York
Keith A. Mychaluk
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Joshua Sheby
GIA Laboratory, New York


Gravitationally banded (Uruguay-type) agates in basaltic
rockswhere and when? J. Petrnek, Bulletin of
Geosciences, Vol. 79, No. 4, 2004, pp. 195204.
This article suggests new terminology to describe the banding
of agates, in order to alleviate the confusion caused by previous
descriptors that have no direct correlation to genetic implications. One ambiguous term, Uruguay banding, has been used
to describe the straight parallel banding that often occurs in the
lower portions of agate-containing vesicles from continental
flood basalts. Confusion results because agates with this type
of banding are called Uruguay agates, a term that some use to
describe any agate from Uruguay.
The author suggests using gravitational banding to refer to
all agate textures caused by the force of gravity, which in this
case applies to the deposition of relatively thick bands of coagulated silicic acid. The term adhesional banding is suggested
as a replacement for terms such as concentric, common, normal, and fortification banding; these all refer to the thin layers
of silica that adhere to the vesicle walls and form concentric
rings or zones.
Both types of banding commonly occur in agates formed in
continental flood basalts from many locations worldwide.
Several factors, including the amount and thickness of the lava
flow, the temperature and humidity of the region, and the
amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, all contribute to the formation of the agate-filled vesicles. A suitable lava thickness will
facilitate a slow cooling rate, which allows for the coalescence
of numerous gas bubbles into larger vesicles and voids.
Conversely, cooler atmospheric temperatures will inhibit vesicle formation. Sufficient rainfall will provide enough water for

James E. Shigley
GIA Research, Carlsbad
Boris M. Shmakin
Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Russell Shor
GIA, Carlsbad
Rolf Tatje
Duisburg University, Germany
Sharon Wakefield
Northwest Gem Lab, Boise, Idaho


This section is designed to provide as complete a record as

practical of the recent literature on gems and gemology. Articles
are selected for abstracting solely at the discretion of the section
editor and his reviewers, and space limitations may require that
we include only those articles that we feel will be of greatest
interest to our readership.
Requests for reprints of articles abstracted must be addressed to
the author or publisher of the original material.
The reviewer of each article is identified by his or her initials at the
end of each abstract. Guest reviewers are identified by their full
names. Opinions expressed in an abstract belong to the abstracter and in no way reflect the position of Gems & Gemology or GIA.
2005 Gemological Institute of America


FALL 2005


hydrothermal circulation within the lava flow to dissolve

and transport silica for agate deposition. In combination
with abundant rainfall, sufficient atmospheric CO2 will
facilitate the formation of carbonic acid. This aids in the
chemical weathering of the basalt, releasing the silica and
making it available for agate formation. Based on such
requirements, the author suggests that the presence of
both gravitational and adhesional banding is largely controlled by climate.
The underworld of ivory. R. T. Naylor [thomas.naylor@], Crime, Law & Social Change, Vol. 42, No.
45, 2004, pp. 261295.
This article offers a detailed history of the demand for and
trade in ivory, noting that it was probably the first organic
material used for human ornamentation and was perhaps
the worlds first globally traded commodity, pre-dating
gold. Ivory from East Africa began reaching the Roman
Empire as early as the 2nd century BC, India from the 7th
century AD, and China shortly afterward. Although elephants also were native to parts of Asia, there they were
valued as work animals, while Africans regarded their variety as a destructive pest.
There was little concern about the slaughter of African
elephants until the 1970s, when hunting, poaching (in
response to soaring prices for ivory), and wars in various
African states decimated the herds. Although trade in ivory
was banned globally in 1989, demand, principally from
Asia, has fueled an underground trading network for the
material. The author concludes that the only way to end
ivory trafficking effectively is to reduce demand.

Angola: Diamond production on the rise. N. Ford, African
Business, No. 309, 2005, pp. 5455.
With the end of Angolas civil war, the countrys stateowned diamond administration agency, Endiama, is
assuming a wider role in economic growth. Endiama
expects the countrys yearly diamond production to nearly
double by 2007, to 12 million carats from the 6.5 million
carats mined in 2004. With the increased yield, revenues
would be an estimated $2.2 billion. Part of this increase
will come from new production from both alluvial and
kimberlite mines. However, illegal mining and smuggling
of diamonds is still costing the Angolan government an
estimated $375 million yearly. The government is
attempting to crack down on the 250,000 illegal miners
who are responsible for this production.
Colour in diamondyellow. J. Chapman, Rough
Diamond Review, Part I. No. 7, 2004, pp. 4244.
Diamond colour origins. Part II. No. 8, 2005, pp.
The origin of color in diamonds is an important research



topic in gemology, with both scientific and economic

implications. This two-part article describes how impurities and dislocations, and the complex relationship
between them, can produce yellow, green, blue, brown,
pink, and other colors in diamonds, both naturally and
artificially. The general mechanism by which diamonds
display bodycolor involves the selective absorption of
light by atomic-level defects. Impurities like nitrogen and
boron in the diamond lattice can lead to such selective
absorption, resulting in yellow and blue coloration,
respectively. The tendency for nitrogen in diamond to
aggregate into different types of clusters (resulting in A,
N3, and B centers) is explained, as is its effect on color.
In addition to impurity elements, shear stresses on a
diamond can distort the lattice or displace atoms in the
lattice to cause color. Subjected to this plastic deformation, carbon atoms can be dislodged from the lattice to
create vacancies or dislocations, or alter impurity defects,
which may create colors such as brown and pink.
Radiation can create vacancies leading to pale blue or
green diamonds. Other color-causing agents (e.g., nickel)
or treatments (e.g., annealing and different types of irradiation) also are discussed, often with respect to synthetic
Geosurvey techniques in offshore diamond mining. I.
Stevenson [] and L.
Ricketts, Hydro International, Vol. 8, No. 9, 2004,
pp. 2629.
A 1,400 km stretch of continental shelf off the west coast
of southern Africa hosts the worlds largest marine diamond placer deposit. Storm-dominated seas contribute to
challenging working conditions. Ultra-high resolution geophysical data obtained with an AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) are used to improve the geologic understanding of target areas. This enables more precise prediction of diamond concentrations and therefore a reduced
cost per square meter of seabed mined.
For survey purposes, the continental shelf is divided
into three regions, each requiring mapping and mining
strategies best suited to its specific terrain. The inner shelf
platform extends from the present-day coastline to about 2
km offshore and has water depths of 030 m. Diamondiferous gravels are concentrated in depressions eroded into
the exposed bedrock and are extracted with the use of
diver-assisted suction hoses operated from small surface
vessels. The inner shelf slope extends 25 km offshore and
has water depths of 3070 m; diamondiferous gravels are
located at the base of the sediment layers. The middle
shelf region extends 5150 km offshore in water 70200 m
deep, and this is where the majority of offshore mining
activity occurs. Here, diamondiferous gravels (usually <1
m thick) are mined using a vertical extraction method
involving a 7-m-diameter drill or a remote-operated
crawler with a suction head.


FALL 2005

Interpreting diamond morphology. V. Afanasiev, N. Zinchuk, V. Sonin, and E. Semenets, Rough Diamond
Review, Part I. No. 5, 2004, pp. 3033; Part II. No.
7, 2004, pp. 2627.
Typomorphism is the ability of a mineral to reflect its formation conditions by means of its structural, morphological, and/or chemical characteristics. Russian mineralogists
have found that such characteristics (e.g., unique morphological and surface features) are of great value in interpreting the original growth, post-growth, and emplacement
conditions of diamonds, and for diamond prospecting on
the Siberian platform.
Although the primary habit of diamond is the octahedron, modifications to this shape are both common and
significant. After growth, the morphology of diamonds
may be modified while residing in the medium that
formed them and/or during the processes that eventually
brought them to the surface. Accordingly, two types of
post-growth alteration are recognized: dry (anhydrous,
without H2O) and wet (hydrous, with H2O). Dry morphogenesis is characterized by the rounding of growth layers, the development of parallel striations near octahedral
edges, and the formation of inverted trigons. These characteristics reflect post-growth activity in the host medium before entering the transport melt. Wet morphogenesis is characterized by the rounding of octahedral edges
leading to dodecahedral (dissolution) forms and occurs
within the transport melt.
Post-magmatic conditions, of which mechanical wear
during the formation of alluvial deposits is the most
important, can also lead to distinctive morphologies.
Although mechanical wear only slightly alters morphology, this process is very important from a typomorphic perspective. Mechanical wear is seen in two main forms,
striated surfaces and icicle features, both of which
result from mechanical polishing and abrasion of crystals
mainly at their edges and corners. Striated surfaces appear
as regular patterns of pitting or wear, whereas icicle features refer to smooth surfaces (with the appearance of ice)
that suggest such diamonds are very old and may have
been through numerous cycles of erosion and deposition.
Typomorphic features (including those obtained by
infrared spectroscopy and trace-element analysis) offer the
potential for determining the exact mine from which a
diamond originated.
The roles of primary kimberlitic and secondary Dwyka
glacial sources in the development of alluvial and
marine diamond deposits in southern Africa. J. M.
Moore [] and A. E. Moore, Journal
of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2004, pp.
It is well known that the source of most of the alluvial
diamonds in southern Africa is a number of Cretaceous
(14565 million years [My]) kimberlites that have been
deeply eroded. Diamonds liberated from these kimberlites


have been concentrated into important deposits in major

drainages (e.g., the Vaal River) in a variety of settings
along their routes westward to the Atlantic Ocean. Less
well known is the role glaciation played in the development of the alluvial deposits during the earlier
Carboniferous/Permian periods (360250 My).
The Dwyka glaciation (a 30 My period) occurred
approximately 300270 My ago when southern Africa
was situated much closer to the South Pole. The authors
provide convincing evidence that this glaciation eroded
older kimberlites in certain areas (e.g., those where the
Venetia and Premier mines were eventually developed)
while also reworking diamond-bearing river sediments
existing at the time in other areas. The glacial sediments
(the Dwyka Group) themselves were later eroded, rereleasing diamonds into younger drainage systems. Some
of these diamonds were transported to the west coast and
incorporated into beach sediments. Thus, southern
African diamonds found in modern river valleys or beach
sediments likely had their origins from a number of different kimberlite sources. Application of this model could
lead researchers to areas of southern Africa previously
thought to be unpromising for diamonds (e.g., areas where
the Dwyka Group has not been heavily eroded), and it
might also help explain ore-grade and diamond-quality
variability in current mining operations.
Spectroscopic studies on transition metal ions in colored
diamonds. Y. Meng, M. Peng, and W. Chen, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2004,
pp. 769774 [in Chinese with English abstract].
The forms and behaviors of transition-metal ions, such as
Ni, Co, and Fe, in both natural and synthetic diamonds
have been extensively investigated, mainly because these
elements are used as catalysts in the growth of diamonds
by high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) techniques. Ni
and Fe occur as interstitial or substitutional impurities in
the diamond lattice, and form complexes with nitrogen in
both natural and HPHT synthetic diamonds. Interstitial
Co has been reported only in synthetic diamonds. In this
article, the spectroscopic characteristics of the transition
metals, and the forms in which they occur, were studied
in six colored natural and synthetic diamonds (one light
bluish gray diamond from Argyle, Australia; two
chameleon diamonds from Indonesia; and three HPHT
synthetic diamonds from Russia that were orange-yellow,
light blue, and dark red).
SEM-EDS revealed Ni in all the samples. Co-related
optical centers were reported for the first time in the
chameleon diamonds, based on photoluminescence spectra. These spectra were similar to those recorded in
annealed HPHT synthetic diamonds with Co-related optical centers. Ni-related optical centers and H3 centers also
were detected in the chameleon diamonds, suggesting
that they may have been subjected to natural irradiation


FALL 2005


and high-temperature annealing. EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy revealed some nitrogenrelated peaks and some transition-metal elements (mainly
Ni) related to fine structures in both the natural and the
synthetic diamonds. The Argyle sample showed two Nirelated peaks centered at 785 and 872 nm, as well as
seven unrecognized peaks that may be assigned to a Ni-N
Three historical asteriated hydrogen-rich diamonds:
Growth history and sector-dependent impurity
incorporation. B. Rondeau [], E.
Fritsch, M. Guiraud, J.-P. Chalain, and F. Notari,
Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 13, No. 9,
2004, pp. 16581673.
Three diamond cleavage plates (~0.130.15 ct), each
exhibiting symmetrical lobe- or petal-like color zones, were
investigated to gain a better understanding of their growth
structure and history. These historic type Ia diamonds, catalogued as part of the collection of the National Museum
of Natural History in Paris between sometime before 1822
and 1844, were studied by the famous 19th century French
mineralogists Ren-Just Hay and Alfred Descloizeaux. For
the present study, the samples were reexamined by spectroscopic, imaging, and luminescence techniques. Two of the
samples displayed either gray or brown lobe-shaped sectors
forming a three-fold arrangement in a near-colorless or light
brown matrix, while the third exhibited dark brown lobes
in a six-fold pattern in a light brown matrix. Each diamond
is an example of contemporaneous growth of both cuboid
(lobes) and octahedral (matrix) sectors, but with different
amounts of nitrogen and hydrogen.
The various shapes of the lobed patterns in the three
samples reflect a continuous variation in the relative
growth rates of the two kinds of sectors. The UV-Vis spectra of all three samples displayed increasing absorption
toward the UV region, which explains the gray or brown
color. One sample also displayed a 415 nm band (the N3
center) in the octahedral sector and numerous weak
absorption bands between 350 and 570 nm (due to H) in
the cuboid sector. IR spectra revealed enriched H and N
concentrations in both sectors, but H was greater in the
cuboid sectors (where it inhibited nitrogen aggregation),
whereas N was greater in the octahedral sectors.
Additional details of the IR and Raman spectra are presented, along with a discussion of the stages of incorporation of
N and H during diamond formation. Hydrogen appeared to
be incorporated in several different structural sites.

Cultured pearl resources and markets in China. H. Zhang
and B. Zhang, Journal of Gems and Gemmology,
Vol. 6, No. 4, 2004, pp. 1418 [in Chinese with
English abstract].



This article was written by authors from the National

Gems & Jewelry Information Center, Beijing, to provide
producers and consumers with the latest statistics on the
Chinese cultured pearl industry. Three main types of cultured pearls are being produced in China: saltwater, freshwater tissue-nucleated, and freshwater bead-nucleated.
The saltwater cultured pearl farms are located mainly
in the provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan.
Total production was ~42 tonnes in 2003, of which
Guangdong produced the most (30 tonnes), followed by
Guangxi (10 tonnes) and Hainan (2 tonnes).
The culturing region for Chinese freshwater tissuenucleated cultured pearls extends over six provinces along
the Yangtze River. Zhejiang (32%) is the most important,
followed by Jiangsu (23%), Hunan (17%), Anhui (13%),
Hubei (8%), and Jiangxi (7%). Total production in 2003
was 1,400 tonnes. Zhuji in Zhejiang Province, and
Weitang and Suzhou in Jiangsu Province, are the largest
and most important trading centers for this type of cultured pearl. Jiangxi Province is the most important locality
for freshwater bead-nucleated cultured pearls, with a total
production in 2003 of 160 tonnes.
Emeralds of the main world origins. E. P. Melnikov, A. V.
Vasiliev, and G. N. Pilipenko, Gemological Bulletin, No. 11, 2004, pp. 716 [in Russian with short
English abstract].
The gemological properties (S.G., R.I., dispersion, and birefringence) and mineral inclusions in emeralds from various worldwide deposits are summarized in three tables.
Five main emerald-bearing belts and provinces are characterized: Colombian, Brazilian, South African, Uralian, and
Central Asian. Also included are specific data for emeralds
from Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Madagascar, and
In general, good-quality emeralds originate from two
genetic types of deposits: a metasomatic greisen type in
ultramafic rocks (Uralian), and a hydrothermal type characterized by veins in black shales and carbonate rocks
(Colombian). The concentrations of minor elements differ
between the types. Light green Uralian emeralds contain
more Cr (up to 0.1 wt.%) than do those from Colombia
(0.010.06 wt.%), but dark green emeralds from the Urals
contain up to 0.33 wt.% Cr, whereas comparable
Colombian stones have up to 0.43 wt.% Cr. Fe and V concentrations also differ: up to 0.06 and 0.66 wt.%, respectively, in Colombian emeralds, compared to 0.54 and ~0.1
wt.%, respectively, in Uralian stones.
Visible-range absorption spectroscopy was performed
on eight samples (along the ordinary and extraordinary
rays), including one synthetic emerald containing only Cr
as a chromophore. Two transmission windows were
apparent in all these stones, one in the green region
(480540 nm) and one in the red region (>680 nm); a narrow Cr line near 680 nm was very characteristic of the
extraordinary ray. The spectra of hydrothermal-type emer-


FALL 2005

alds from Afghanistan were close to that of the synthetic

emerald. The Colombian stones tested were colored mainly by V; Cr lines near 800 nm were absent. The spectra of
the Uralian emeralds did show Cr lines near 800 nm, but
absorption in the red region of the spectrum was stronger
(such stones may show no reaction under the Chelsea filter). Emeralds from Zambia and Madagascar may show
strong aquamarine lines near 800 nm and, in addition, a
wide band near 650 nm (for the extraordinary ray only).
These stones contain appreciable quantities of Fe and
showed no reaction under the Chelsea filter.

two crystals gave 830 and 1444 ppm V, and only 8 and 14
ppm Cr). A CO2-bearing aqueous brine is present within
multiphase fluid inclusions along healed fractures in the
emerald. Emerald formation is estimated to have occurred
at pressures up to 320 MPa and temperatures between
200 and 610C. Preliminary stable isotope data indicate
that the emerald is derived from a magmatic source. The
Cretaceous granitic rocks are believed to be the source of
Be, while V was extracted from the shales. This deposit
has some geologic characteristics and conditions of formation similar to those at the Tsa Da Glisza (or Regal
Ridge) emerald occurrence in the Yukon.

Emeralds from the Panjshir Valley (Afghanistan). J. Fijal,

W. Heflik, L. Natkaniec-Nowak, and A. Szczepaniak, Gemmologie: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 53, No. 4, 2004, pp.
Twelve emerald crystals from the Panjshir Valley in
Afghanistan were studied using various gemological and
mineralogical techniques. These emeralds were compared
to those from around the world on the basis of results from
macro- and microscopic observations; chemical, X-ray, and
infrared spectroscopic analyses; and new oxygen isotope
data. The emeralds from the Panjshir Valley probably
formed from metasomatic alteration associated with
regional metamorphism. They crystallized at temperatures in the range of 220350C in quartz-ankerite veins
that intersect marbles and talc-carbonate schists. The low
temperatures of formation and the oxygen isotope data
suggest that the emeralds were formed by thermochemical
reactions similar to those associated with the formation of
the Brazilian, Colombian, and Pakistani (Swat-Mingora)
emerald deposits.

Gemstones in Vietnam: A review. P. V. Long [],

G. Giuliani, V. Garnier, and D. Ohnenstetter, Australian Gemmologist, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2004, pp.
In the Luc Yen, Yen Bai, and Quy Chau areas of northern
Vietnam, ruby and sapphire are hosted by primary deposits
(metamorphic rocks) and in placers (associated with gem
spinel and garnet). In southern Vietnam, the occurrence of
sapphires is related to alkaline basalts, with blue sapphires
being of economic significance. Here the sapphires are
recovered from placer deposits along with gem zircon and
peridot. Elsewhere in Vietnam, aquamarine, beryl, topaz,
tourmaline, quartz (amethyst, citrine, and smoky), chalcedony, fluorite, opal, jadeite, nephrite, amazonite, and tektites are exploited to various degrees. Several types of cultured pearls are being produced in four provinces. Rubies,
sapphires, and cultured pearls are presently the main gem
materials of commercial importance in Vietnam.

The Lened emerald prospect, Northwest Territories,

Canada: Insights from fluid inclusion and stable
isotopes, with implications for northern Cordilleran
emerald. D. D. Marshall [], L. A.
Groat, H. Falck, G. Giuliani, and H. Neufeld,
Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 42, No. 5, 2004, pp.
In 1997, emerald and green beryl were found at the Lened
property in the Northwest Territories, approximately 55
km northwest of the town of Tungsten in the Logan
Mountains. Crystals up to 2.5 cm long (rarely of gem quality) formed in quartz-carbonate veins that are hosted within a fractured garnet-diopside skarn. Both the veins and the
skarn are the result of contact metamorphism related to
the intrusion of the mid-Cretaceous (93 My) Lened
granitic pluton into Proterozoic sedimentary host rocks
(shales and limestones).
The veins vary in thickness up to about 50 cm, and
nearly half of them contain some beryl or emerald.
Chemical analyses by LA-ICP-MS indicate that the principal chromophore is V, with little or no Cr (data from


Migration of the Mendocino Triple Junction and the origin of titanium-rich mineral suites at New Idria,
California. M. R. Van Baalen [],
International Geology Review, Vol. 46, No. 8, 2004,
pp. 671692.
The discovery of cinnabar ore in the New Idria District of
central California in 1851 began over a century of profitable
mercury mining. This, combined with the subsequent
exploration for oil in 1915, led to the discovery of several
useful minerals including magnesite, chromite, various
gems, and chrysotile (asbestos). Data on the formation and
composition of Ti-rich mineral suites associated with the
New Idria serpentinite are presented along with a new
petrologic model for their formation. These peculiar minerals, which include Ti-rich andradite garnets and benitoite,
underwent blueschist and lower greenschist metamorphism
associated with the tectonic passage of the Mendocino
Triple Junction and emplacement of the serpentinite ~12
million years ago. Previous workers had suggested that fluid
migration introduced several of the elements necessary for
the formation of the unusual mineral suites. However, more
recent studies have shown that the solubilities of these elements (e.g., Ti, Al, and Zr) are extremely low and would
require fluid transport over long distances.


FALL 2005


The new model calls for isochemical metamorphism

(i.e., no change in bulk composition is required) of preexisting pyroxenite veins, which contain all the required
components necessary for the formation of Ti-rich mineral suites. The author suggests that benitoite, Californias
state gem, formed by metamorphism of blocks of
Franciscan greenstone within the serpentinite at lower
greenschist conditions.
Opals from Slovakia (Hungarian opals): A re-assessment of the conditions of formation. B. Rondeau
[], E. Fritsch, M. Guiraud, and C.
Renac, European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 16,
No. 5, 2004, pp. 789799.
Slovakian opals found in an andesitic host rock in the
Dubnk area, near Ko`sice

(which was part of Hungary until

the end of World War I), are believed to have formed by
water circulation during a tectonic event. Their physical
properties were investigated by X-ray diffraction (opal-A),
Raman spectroscopy (main peak at 437 cm-1), and scanning electron microscopy (relatively large silica spheres of
125270 nm in diameter). Surprisingly, these properties
are usually associated with opals found in sedimentary
deposits, not volcanic rocks. Preliminary oxygen isotope
data indicate a high d18O value (31) for both Slovakian
(volcanic-type) and Australian (sedimentary-type)
opals, consistent with temperatures of formation of less
than 45C. In contrast, Mexican (volcanic-type) opal-CT
shows a lower d18O value (13) that is consistent with formation at a higher temperature, possibly up to 190C.
Thus, temperature is proposed as the control on the opals
physical properties, rather than the nature of the host
Pezzottaite Cs(Be2Li)Al2Si6O18: A spectacular new berylgroup mineral from the Sakavalana pegmatite,
Fianarantsoa province, Madagascar. F. C. Hawthorne, M. A. Cooper, W. B. Simmons, A. U. Falster,
B. M. Laurs, T. Armbruster, G. R. Rossman, A.
Peretti, D. Gnter, and B. Grobty, Mineralogical
Record, Vol. 35, No. 5, 2004, pp. 369378.
Pezzottaite is a pink to purplish red, Cs-rich beryl-group
gem mineral that has been found in small quantities in
Fianarantsoa Province, central Madagascar. It formed
within a limited area of the pocket zone of the Sakavalana
pegmatite as tabular crystals or irregularly shaped flat
masses along with quartz, feldspar (cleavelandite and amazonite), tourmaline, and other minerals. This article presents a detailed description of this relatively new gem
mineral, including information on its physical and optical
properties, crystallographic and X-ray diffraction data,
infrared spectra, and chemical composition. The mineral
is uniaxial negative, with refractive indices of e =
1.6011.611 and w = 1.6121.620, and an observed density
of 2.97 g/cm3 (calculated 3.06 g/cm3); hardness is 8. It is
inert to long- and short-wave UV radiation, and is dichroic



in hand specimen (e = purplish pink to pinkish purple, and

w = pink-orange). Its relationship to other members of the
beryl group is described. Several tens of kilograms of pezzottaite of varying quality were recovered at this locality
in the late 2002, with little subsequent production.
Pezzottait von Ambatovita, Madagaskareine abenteuerliche Entdeckung [Pezzottaite from Ambatovita,
MadagascarAn adventurous discovery]. F.
Pezzotta [], Lapis, Vol. 30, No.
5, 2005, pp. 2630.
In this article, the mineralogist after whom the new gem
mineral pezzottaite is named, and who participated in its
analysis and description, relates the history of pezzottaite
from its first appearance in Antananarivo in November
2002 to its acknowledgment as a new mineral of the beryl
group. He describes the flurry of activity following the discovery, the difficult conditions under which the stones
were mined, the mineral paragenesis, and the geologic setting of the pezzottaite-bearing pegmatite. This same issue
of Lapis also contains a detailed description of pezzottaite
and its mineralogical properties (Steckbrief Pezzottait,
by R. Hochleitner and S. Weiss, pp. 911). Both articles
contain lavish illustrations, a map, and crystal drawings.
Relationship between nanostructure and optical absorption in fibrous pink opals from Mexico and Peru. E.
Fritsch [], E. Gaillou, M. Ostroumov, B. Rondeau, B. Devouard, and A. Barreau,
European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 16, No. 5,
2004, pp. 743752.
Translucent pink opals from Mexico (Mapim and the
state of Michoacn) and Peru (Acar area, near Arequipa)
are opal-CT, containing 1040% palygorskite, as demonstrated by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and S.G.
measurements. As seen by electron microscopy, these
opals have an unusual fibrous nanostructure (with bunches of fibers 2030 nm in minimum diameter) related to the
fibrous nature of the palygorskite crystals. This is in contrast to the usual perfect stacking of 150300 nm silica
spheres. A complex absorption centered at about 500 nm
is the cause of the pink color. It is suggested that the
absorption is due to quinone fossil products associated
with the phyllosilicate fibers. The opal-CTpalygorskite
quinone association is a geologic marker for a specific
environment, presumably an ancient lake in a volcanic
Role of fluorine in the formation of the Mananjary emerald
deposits (eastern Madagascar). B. Moine [],
C. C. Peng, and A. Mercier, Comptes Rendus
Geoscience, Vol. 336, No. 6, 2004, pp. 513522.
The Mananjary emerald deposits are hosted by phlogopiterich rocks that formed through metasomatic alteration of


FALL 2005

ultrabasites at about 500C and 2 kbar. F- and Be-rich fluids responsible for the emerald crystallization probably
originated from granites and granitic pegmatites that were
emplaced during the formation of the Ifanadiana-Angavo
shear zone roughly 550500 million years ago. Thermodynamic modeling explains the role of fluoride complexes
in the transport of Be. The solubility of Be increases as the
amount of F in aqueous solution increases. At the point of
crystallization of an F-rich mineral (F-phlogopite in this
case), the associated Be becomes unstable in solution and
begins to crystallize minerals that are able to incorporate it
into their structure (beryl in this case). Sufficient Cr within the ultrabasites enabled the formation of emerald.


In situ Raman spectroscopic investigations of the adorning gemstones on the reliquary Heinrichs Cross
from the treasury of Basel Cathedral. I. Reiche
[], S. Pages-Camagna, and
L. Lambacher, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol.
35, No. 89, 2004, pp. 719725.
A nondestructive study of the gems on Heinrichs reliquary cross, currently kept in Berlin at the Museum of
Applied Arts (Kunstgewerbemuseum), was performed
using a mobile Raman microspectrometer. Analyses were
made with a fiber-optic attachment on the Raman analyzer directly in the museum, so there was no need to move
the object. This cross, which dates from the first quarter of
the 11th century, is considered one of the most precious
relics in the treasury of Basel Cathedral. Sixty-eight
gems are mounted on both the front and back of the
cross. Most were found to be glass paste or varieties of
quartz, although some garnets, sapphires, and rubies also
were identified; 11 gems could not be identified unambiguously. It remains unclear whether the gem materials
currently in the cross are the original oneschosen mainly for their color and not necessarily for their valueor if
they are later replacements for more valuable gems.
Several factors contributed to an overall lower quality
of analyses than could be obtained with a conventional
Raman microspectrometer in a laboratory. First, an instrument using fiber-optic coupling with a remote head has
lower laser power, so it did not allow for the flexibility
needed to work with several highly fluorescent gems.
Second, older, historic samples often have irregular surfaces
that result in poor analyses. Last, the authors were not
allowed to clean the gems with solvents; therefore, organic
or other residues could lead to additional peaks in the spectra. This study, while important for demonstrating the
capabilities of mobile Raman spectroscopy, also shows the
importance of coupling optical observations with spectroscopic results for gem identification.


The identification of carving techniques on Chinese jade.

M. Sax [], N. D.
Meeks, C. Michaelson, and A. P. Middleton, Journal
of Archaeological Science, Vol. 31, No. 10, 2004,
pp. 14131428.
Jade carving in China dates from before 5000 BC. Thus
far, the details of ancient jade-carving techniques have
remained relatively unclear. This study resolves some of
those issues. Methods developed to investigate known
lapidary techniques used on quartz cylinder seals from
the Near East were applied to eight Chinese nephrite
jade artifacts. The artifacts were from three different historical periods: the Neolithic Hongshan and Liangzhu
cultures (4th to 3rd millennia BC), the Western and
Eastern Zhou dynasties (11th to 3rd centuries BC), and
the Ming and Qing dynasties (14th to 20th centuries
AD). The carving characteristics of the artifacts,
observed using a binocular microscope and a scanning
electron microscope, included surface texture, the shape
in plan view, and the longitudinal depth of the engraved
feature. The morphology of the surrounding surfaces
was also considered.
Six carving techniques were identified: drilling, wheelcutting, sawing, flexible string sawing, riffling, and point or
blade abrasion. Most of the artifacts retained traces of the
original tool marks that appear to have been produced
mainly during the secondary stages of shaping and incising
the objects; weathering may be responsible for the absence
of ancient tool marks on one sample. The techniques
employed in this study have the potential to be applied to
the development of a chronology of Chinese jade-carving
techniques from the Neolithic to the modern era.
Seeing stress in diamonds. K. Pope, Rough Diamond
Review, No. 5, 2004, pp. 4143.
Internal strain is an important factor in diamond fashioning, as localized strain complicates cutting and may
even result in an unintended fracture. Inclusions,
knots, plastic deformation, or restrictions during crystal growth cause distortions in the crystal lattice (i.e.,
internal strain). This can be observed as anomalous birefringence, familiar to gemologists as the banded, colored
patterns seen between crossed polarizers. This article
describes how the time-consuming historic manual
measurement and analysis of internal strain based on
birefringence with the use of compensators (e.g., a
quartz wedge or Berek compensator) has been superseded. Quantitative birefringence data can now be
obtained in a matter of seconds with the Metripol
device. This automated instrument consists of a motorized rotating polarizer, a circular analyzer assembly, a
CCD (charge-coupled device) camera, and a computer
with analytical software. This new imaging technique,
in addition to helping reduce the risk of an unintended
fracture during fashioning, has potential application in
several areas of diamond research.


FALL 2005



The identification properties of synthetic hydrothermal
red, green, and blue beryl. M. B. Kopchikov and Yu.
B. Shelementiev, Gemological Bulletin, No. 11,
2004, pp. 1722 [in Russian with short English
A collection of 23 faceted samples (0.050.30 ct) of
hydrothermal synthetic beryl (12 red, 5 green, and 6 blue)
were studied using a variety of standard and advanced
techniques to determine their diagnostic properties. The
crystals were grown at the Institute of Petrography and
Mineralogy in Novosibirsk, Russia. This is the first time
that the properties of synthetic beryl from this source have
been reported.
No gas-liquid inclusions or color zoning were observed,
contrary to what is frequently the case in natural beryl. An
infrared peak at 3701 cm-1 was a diagnostic feature for all
these hydrothermal synthetics; this peak is not found in
natural beryl. There were also distinct differences in the
visible-range absorption spectra of all three colors of synthetic beryl compared to their natural counterparts.
Nickel (0.10.4 wt.% NiO) occurred in all the synthetic beryls. Copper was present in the green (0.921.27
wt.% CuO) and blue (0.290.35 wt.% CuO) varieties. S.G.
and R.I. values were comparable to those found in natural
beryl. When exposed to long-wave UV radiation, the synthetic aquamarines had weak white-yellow luminescence, and the synthetic red beryls had red luminescence
of variable intensity; luminescence in the corresponding
natural beryls is generally absent or very weak. UV fluorescence was absent in the green synthetic beryl samples
due to their high Fe content.
The nature of channel constituents in hydrothermal synthetic emeralds. R. I. Mashkovtsev [] and
S. Z. Smirnov, Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 29, No.
4, 2004, pp. 215227.
Natural emeralds and hydrothermally grown synthetic
emeralds have become increasingly difficult to separate
due to improving techniques for growing the synthetics.
Since their physical properties overlap, microscopic examination of their inclusions is important. However, if an
emerald is clean or does not contain diagnostic inclusions, nondestructive techniques based on certain distinctive minor impurities can be used for identification. This
article illustrates how IR spectroscopy and EDXRF analysis were used to separate Biron (Australian), Regency
(Linde), and Tairus (Russian) hydrothermally grown synthetic emeralds from one other and from natural Ural
Mountains emeralds. For example, hydrothermal synthetic emeralds are grown using ammonium halides in an
acidic (HCl) medium, so the detection of chlorine and
ammonium molecules as a structural component confirms this origin. In Tairus synthetic emeralds, Cu and Ni
form impurities that are derived from the walls of the steel



autoclaves in which they grew. The amounts of Cr, V, and

Fe (determined by EDXRF), as well as the type I and type II
water peaks (determined by IR spectroscopy), also are useful parameters for distinguishing natural from hydrothermal synthetic emeralds from various sources.

Meaning of ions diffusion coefficient in sapphire diffusion
heat treatment. R. Yang, D. Yu, and J. Zhao, Journal
of Tongji University (Natural Science), Vol. 32, No.
9, 2004, pp. 11451148 [in Chinese with English
Blue color enhancement of sapphire by surface-diffusion
processes at high temperatures has been reported since the
1980s. However, most treatment processes are based on
trial and error. In this article, the diffusion coefficients
of Fe and Ti ions in sapphire crystals calculated during various treatment conditions are presented. Colorless and
light blue sapphires were treated with (unspecified) Fe- and
Ti-containing chemicals in an aluminum oxide crucible at
a temperature of 1,8001,900C for up to 72 hours at a
Thai jewelry company. The thickness of the diffusion
layer was measured from samples cut into 0.8 mm thick
plates. The concentrations of Fe and Ti in different layers,
starting from the outer surface of the samples, were determined by electron-microprobe analysis.
The diffusion coefficients of Fe and Ti in sapphire are
mainly controlled by temperature, duration of the treatment, thickness of the diffused layer, and the initial concentrations of Fe2+ and Ti4+ ions in the chemical additives.
However, at certain temperatures, the diffusion coefficients of Fe and Ti ions were essentially constant, regardless of variations in the duration. The diffusion coefficient
of Ti ions was much greater than that of Fe ions, being
6.57 10 -9 cm2 . s -1 and 1.62 10 -9 cm2. s-1, respectively.
Using these coefficients in conjunction with specified
temperatures and duration times, it is possible to control
the thickness of the diffusion layer in sapphire. These
coefficients may also be useful toward lightening dark
colored sapphires, such as those from Shangdong, China.
A treatment study of Brazilian garnets. S. G. Eeckhout, A.
C. S. Sabioni, and A. C. M. Ferreira, Journal of
Gemmology, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2004, pp. 205214.
Reports of gem treatments are widespread in the literature
but very few have been published on garnets. This article
reports on the enhancement of several types of mostly
gem-quality Brazilian garnets (pyrope, almandine-pyrope,
almandine-spessartine, and grossular), primarily from pegmatite and alluvial occurrences in the states of Minas
Gerais and Rio Grande do Norte. The authors determined
the enhancement response of these garnets to heat treatment in air, and in oxidizing (oxygen saturated), inert


FALL 2005

(argon saturated), and reducing (hydrogen saturated) atmospheres, at various temperatures (6001000C) and durations (generally 424 hours). The response of pale yellow
grossular to diffusion treatment (900C for 44 hours) using
oxides of Fe, Cr, and Co also was investigated.
Following heat treatment in both the oxidizing and
inert atmospheres, almandine-spessartine and pyrope
(containing 9.12 wt.% FeO) became opaque and were
coated with a silvery skin, caused by the formation of
hematite. The higher the iron content of the stone, the
more noticeable the silvery luster. The iron-rich (i.e.,
almandine-containing) stones became opaque and had a
burned, charcoal-like appearance after heating in air at
1,000C for 4 hours or 900C for 24 hours. Grossular samples turned orange after heating. No changes were
observed in any sample heated in the reducing environment at 800C for 4 hours.
Diffusion of Fe and Cr produced an orange layer on the
grossular samples, whereas diffusion of Co produced a
green layer. In general, longer treatment times and higher
temperatures resulted in a greater thickness of the diffused color.

Comments on Canadas national diamond strategy. R.
Taplin [] and T. Isaac, Journal of
Energy & Natural Resources Law, Vol. 22, No. 4,
2004, pp. 429449.
Canada has become one of the worlds primary diamond
producers, which has prompted the federal and several
provincial governments to draw up strategies that will (1)
maximize benefits for Canadians; (2) develop cooperation
between various governments, mining companies, and
local populations; and (3) encourage investment and development in all sectors of the industry.
The primary policy dilemma facing Canadas industry
is developing local diamond-manufacturing operations.
The governments want to increase employment and local
participation in the diamond industry, but mining companies claim that enforced supply to these operations results
in diminished profits. The companies also claim that this
deters future exploration and development. The current
national policy is to make such supply agreements voluntary; however, the article cites an example of strong pressure from the government of the Northwest Territories to
get BHP Billiton to offer 10% of its production from the
Ekati mine to local operations. More stringent requirements could run afoul of the North American Free Trade
Agreement and various other treaties and regulations.
The diamond industry and government also disagree
over Canadian Diamond branding efforts. The government believes that a Canadian diamond origin could carry
a premium in the market, while many in the industry do
not. This has led to a debate over whether diamonds


marked with that national origin must, indeed, be mined

there; the Canadian governments definition says they
must. [Editors note: Under U.S. law, the country of origin for a faceted diamond is the country in which it was
polished, not where it was mined; see Spring 2005 Gem
News International, p. 71.] Mining regulations and aboriginal land rights also are discussed.
Global governance and conflict diamonds: The Kimberley
Process and the quest for clean gems. J. A. Grant
[] and I. Taylor, The Round Table,
Vol. 93, No. 375, 2004, pp. 385401.
This paper recounts the early efforts of non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) to pressure the world diamond
industry into adopting controls to halt the trade in conflict
diamonds. Two NGOs, Global Witness and Partnership
Africa Canada, were instrumental in bringing this problem
to world attention in the late 1990s. At the end of 1999,
the NGOs began an awareness campaign among European
consumers called Fatal Transactions. Shortly afterward,
the U.S. Congress began debating legislation to ban conflict diamonds.
Early in 2000, a number of diamond-producing nations
convened in Kimberley, South Africa, to discuss a series
of controls on diamonds to help stop the conflict diamond
trade. This was the beginning of the Kimberley Process
(KP). The United Nations endorsed the KP in December
of that year. The diamond industry formed the World
Diamond Council to develop the tracking mechanism
and self-regulation routines needed to put the KP into
The article concludes that, while the Kimberley
Process and industry efforts show a commitment on the
part of governments and the industry to stop conflict diamonds, challenges remain in the form of potentially compromised KP certificates of origin, the willingness of the
trade to exercise due diligence, and the priorities of diamond-producing governments (particularly in areas with
alluvial diamond mining).
Improving your opal cutting. P. B. Downing, Lapidary
Journal, Vol. 57, No. 11, 2004, pp. 2528.
Four common problems encountered in opal cutting are
1. Making shoulders. For an opal to be properly set, it
must have shoulders that allow the metal setting to
solidly grip the stone. This requires a slight (1015)
taper (narrower at the top) in the middle third of the
shoulder; the bottom third of the shoulder is straight,
and the top third curves into the dome.
2. Scratches and polish. The most efficient way to remove
scratches is to sand across them with successively finer
grits. Sanding with the scratches makes them broader
and deeper. To bring out hard-to-see scratches during
the medium sanding process, the stone should be paint-


FALL 2005


ed with a black marker and the ink wiped before it

dries. The ink will be removed from a smooth surface
but will remain in scratches. During the fine sanding
stage, tiny scratches can be seen on the surface of dry
samples by noting (a) without magnification, the reflection of the bulb of the cutting lamp; or (b) with 310
magnification, straight lines with sharp definition. A
good polish is essential to bring out the play-of-color.
The smoother the surface, the more color will be
returned to the eye.
3. Perfecting the dome. Domes on opals should have a
smooth curvature with no flat spots. To achieve the
best curvature, the opal should be sanded across flat
spots with a medium grit followed by a fine grit.
4. Dome height. Low domes are best for stones with a
highly directional color pattern, whereas higher domes
are used for stones with a nondirectional or thick
seam of color.
Analyzing the fire in opal rough is the first step to cutting
any opal to bring that fire to the surface.
War, peace and diamonds in Angola: Popular perceptions
of the diamond industry in the Lundas. J. Pearce,
African Security Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2004, pp.
This article examines the postcivil war diamond operations in two of Angolas diamond-producing provinces,
Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul. After reviewing the effects of
the countrys civil war and the conflict diamonds issue,
the author delves into the current conditions under which
diamonds are extracted. The Lunda provinces, which had
been a base for the UNITA rebel group during the countrys civil war, now have three types of mining operations:
garimpo, or informal hand digging; dredging, which
employs machinery to extract and process diamond-bearing gravel from riverbeds; and formal mining by large
According to Pearce, the garimpeiros who work the
alluvial diamond deposits are now threatened by Angolan
Armed Forces (FAA) seeking to expel them from all diamond-producing areas, particularly those areas of interest
to the larger commercial concerns. Reports of brutality at
the hands of soldiers are cited. Dredging operations are
often carried out by foreign nationals, many from the
neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo, in league
with FAA generals. In the formal sector, several large
mining operations, particularly at Catoca, have been
established, although locals have expressed anger at the
mining companies and the Angolan government for policies which, they claim, favor foreign workers.



The author reports that there remains little meaningful employment in the two provinces, and most people
still live by subsistence farming. Police and army officials
extort funds, not just from diamond diggers, but also from
health workers and traders. As a result, many of the
provinces inhabitants remain little better off than they
were before and during the civil war.
Tackling conflict diamonds: The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. C. Wright, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2004, pp. 697708.
The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme for rough diamonds is the first attempt by the international community
to control illegal exploitation of natural resources. It is also
the first agreement adopted with an equal partnership
between governments, industry, and civil society groups.
The Kimberley Process (KP) was ratified by 54 governments, representatives of the diamond industry, and civil
society groups in November 2002. It was put into effect in
February 2003. Since then, several challenges to the process have arisen. In July 2003, 18 participating nations
were asked to leave until they had adopted proper legislation and internal controls to meet the minimum standards
for implementation. Six of these nations have subsequently rejoined. And, in early 2004, discrepancies between official diamond production in the Republic of the Congo and
the actual diamond exports coming from that nation
caused the KP chairman to withdraw its certification.
The Kimberley Process will receive a full review in
2006. Although the original reason for its adoptionto
stop the trade in conflict diamondsis less relevant
because the civil wars have ended, there is an argument
for retaining the system because of the potential for terrorists and criminals to launder or transport funds by diamond sales through illicit channels.
Traditional gemstone cutting technology of Kongu region
of Tamil Nadu. K. Rajan and N. Athiyaman, Indian
Journal of History of Science, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2004,
pp. 385414.
The authors trace the long history of gem extraction and
cutting in Indias southern province of Tamil Nadu. The
Kongu region was, and remains, the source for many gem
varieties including beryl, corundum, quartz, and feldspar.
Accounts of artisans working gems in the area date back
to the 3rd century BC, and Pliny, in the 1st century AD,
noted that the best beryls, of a sea-green color, mostly
came from India.
The authors then discuss the villages of the region and
describe in detail the techniques and equipment still
employed today by traditional cutters in fashioning
faceted stones and beads in those areas.


FALL 2005

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