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01 Maintenance Organization

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2013 Department of Polytechnic Education, Ministry of Education, MALAYSIA.

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MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT covers topic such as maintenance
organization, maintenance strategies system, system approach to maintenance, maintenance
planning and scheduling and computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). This
course also includes knowledge regarding maintenance of facilities and equipment activities in a
good working condition and develops good management knowledge.
Dr. Choong Chee Guan

Table of Contents



Role of Maintenance Organization
1.2.1 Objectives and benefits
1.2.2 Classifications
1.2.3 Types of responsibilities/roles
Maintenance Costs
1.3.1 Sources
1.3.2 Types
1.3.3 Cost analysis methods


Suhairi bin Ahmad (PTSS)

Mohd Zahri bin Jaafar (POLIMAS)

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:1. Determine the role of maintenance organization.
2. Understand types of maintenance cost.



Organizing is the process of arranging resources (people, materials, technology etc.) together to
achieve the organizations strategies and goals. The way in which the various parts of an
organization are formally arranged is referred to as the organization structure. It is a system
involving the interaction of inputs and outputs. It is characterized by task assignments, workflow,
reporting relationships, and communication channels that link together the work of diverse
individuals and groups. Any structure must allocate tasks through a division of labor and
facilitate the coordination of the performance results.
Nevertheless, we have to admit that there is no one best structure that meets the needs of all
circumstances. Organization structures should be viewed as dynamic entities that continuously
evolve to respond to changes in technology, processes and environment, (Daft, 1989 and
Schermerhorn, 2007). Frederick W. Taylor introduced the concept of scientific management
(times study and division of labor), while Frank and Lilian Gilbreth founded the concept of
modern motion study techniques. The contributions of Taylor and the Gilbreths are considered as
the basis for modern organization management until the middle of the twentieth century
maintenance has been carried out in an unplanned reactive way and for a long time it has lagged
behind other areas of industrial management in the application of formal techniques and/or
information technology. With realization of the impact of poor maintenance on enterprises
profitability, many managers are revising the organization of maintenance and have developed
new approaches that foster effective maintenance organization.

Maintenance cost can be a significant factor in an organizations profitability. In manufacturing,

maintenance cost could consume 210% of the companys revenue and may reach up to 24% in
the transport industry (Chelson, Payne and Reavill, 2005). So, contemporary management
considers maintenance as an integral function in achieving productive operations and highquality products, while maintaining satisfactory equipment and machines reliability as demanded
by the era of automation, flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), lean manufacturing, and
just-in-time operations.
However, there is no universally accepted methodology for designing maintenance systems, i.e.,
no fully structured approach leading to an optimal maintenance system (i.e., organizational
structure with a defined hierarchy of authority and span of control; defined maintenance
procedures and policies, etc.). Identical product organizations, but different in technology
advancement and production size, may apply different maintenance systems and the different
systems may run successfully. So, maintenance systems are designed using experience and
judgment supported by a number of formal decision tools and techniques. Nevertheless, two vital
considerations should be considered: strategy that decides on which level within the plant to
perform maintenance, and hence outlining a structure that will support the maintenance; planning
that handles day-to-day decisions on what maintenance tasks to perform and providing the
resources to undertake these tasks. The maintenance organizing function can be viewed as one of
the basic and integral parts of the maintenance management function (MMF). The MMF consists
of planning, organizing, implementing and controlling maintenance activities. The management
organizes, provides resources (personnel, capital, assets, material and hardware, etc.) and leads to
performing tasks and accomplishing targets. Figure 1.1shows the role organizing plays in the
management process. Once the plans are created, the managements task is to ensure that they
are carried out in an effective and efficient manner. Having a clear mission, strategy, and
objectives facilitated by a corporate culture, organizing starts the process of implementation by
clarifying job and working relations (chain of command, span of control, delegation of authority,
In designing the maintenance organization there are important determinants that must be
considered. The determinants include the capacity of maintenance, centralization versus
decentralization and in-house maintenance versus outsourcing. A number of criteria can be used
to design the maintenance organization. The criteria include clear roles and responsibilities,
effective span of control, facilitation of good supervision and effective reporting, and
minimization of costs. Maintenance managers must have the capabilities to create a division of
labor for maintenance tasks to be performed and then coordinate results to achieve a common
purpose. Solving performance problems and capitalizing on opportunities could be attained
through selection of the right persons, with the appropriate capabilities, supported by continuous
training and good incentive schemes, in order to achieve organization success in terms of
performance effectiveness and efficiency.

It concerns in achieving an optimum balance between plant availability and maintenance

resource utilization. The two organization structures that are common are: Centralized and
Decentralized. A decentralized structure would probably experience a lower utilization than
centralized one but would be able to respond quickly to breakdowns and would achieve higher
plant availability. In practice, one may have a mix of these two. A maintenance organization can
be considered as being made up three necessary and interdependent components:(i)
Resources: men, spares and tools.
Administration: a hierarchy of authority and responsibility for deciding what, when and
how work should be carried out.
(iii) Work Planning and Control System: a mechanism for planning and scheduling the
work and feeding back the information that is needed for correctly directing the
maintenance effort towards defined objective.
It may be mentioned that maintenance / production system is a continuously evolving organism
in which the maintenance organization will need continuous modifications in response to
changing requirements. Moreover, it is required to match the resources to workload.
Maintenance activities be it preventive or condition monitoring, involve use of resources- men
and materials including documents. This requires coordination amongst the involved personnel
so that these are timely undertaken. Work planning and control system under maintenance
management in the plant ensures this and provides planning and control of activities associated
with maintenance. This means application of general management principles of planning,
organizing, directing and controlling to the maintenance functions, e.g. to the establishment of
procedures for development of maintenance strategy and to models for describing the flow of
work through maintenance work planning department. Control system controls the maintenance
cost and plant condition.

Role of Maintenance Organization

1.2.1 Objectives and benefits

A maintenance organization and its position in the plant/whole organization is heavily impacted
by the following elements or factors:(i)
Type of business, e.g., whether it is high tech, labor intensive, production or service;
Objectives: may include profit maximization, increasing market share and other social
(iii) Size and structure of the organization;
Culture of the organization; and
Range of responsibility assigned to maintenance.

Figure 1.1: Maintenance organizing as a function of the management process

Organizations seek one or several of the following objectives: profit maximization, specific
quality level of service or products, minimizing costs, safe and clean environment, or human
resource development. It is clear that all of these objectives are heavily impacted by maintenance
and therefore the objectives of maintenance must be aligned with the objectives of the
organization. The principal responsibility of maintenance is to provide a service to enable an
organization to achieve its objectives. The specific responsibilities vary from one organization to
another; however they generally include the following according to Duffuaa et al. (1998).
Keeping assets and equipment in good condition, well configured and safe to perform
their intended functions;
Perform all maintenance activities including preventive, predictive; corrective, overhauls,
design modification and emergency maintenance in an efficient and effective manner;
Conserve and control the use of spare parts and material;
Commission new plants and plant expansions; and
Operate utilities and conserve energy.
The above responsibilities and objectives impact the organization structure for maintenance as
will be shown in the coming sections.
The maintenance organizations structure is determined after planning the maintenance capacity.
The maintenance capacity is heavily influenced by the level of centralization or decentralization
adopted. In this section the main issues that must be addressed when forming the maintenance

organizations structure are presented. The issues are: capacity planning, centralization versus
decentralization and in-house versus outsourcing. Maintenance Capacity Planning
Maintenance capacity planning determines the required resources for maintenance including the
required crafts, administration, equipment, tools and space to execute the maintenance load
efficiently and meet the objectives of the maintenance department. Critical aspects of
maintenance capacity are the numbers and skills of craftsmen required to execute the
maintenance load. It is difficult to determine the exact number of various types of craftsmen,
since the maintenance load is uncertain. Therefore accurate forecasts for the future maintenance
work demand are essential for determining the maintenance capacity. In order to have better
utilization of manpower, organizations tend to reduce the number of available craftsmen below
their expected need. This is likely to result in a backlog of uncompleted maintenance work. This
backlog can also be cleared when the maintenance load is less than the capacity. Making long
run estimations is one of the areas in maintenance capacity planning that is both critical and not
well developed in practice. Techniques for maintenance forecasting and capacity planning are
presented in a separate chapter in this handbook. Centralization versus Decentralization
The decision to organize maintenance in a centralized, decentralized or a hybrid form depends to
a greater extent on the organization is philosophy, maintenance load, size of the plant and skills
of craftsmen. The advantages of centralization are:(i)
Provides more flexibility and improves utilization of resources such highly skilled crafts
and special equipment and therefore results in more efficiency;
Allows more efficient line supervision;
(iii) Allows more effective on the job training; and
Permits the purchasing of modern equipment.
However it has the following disadvantages:(i)
Less utilization of crafts since more time is required for getting to and from jobs;
Supervision of crafts becomes more difficult and as such less maintenance control is
(iii) Less specialization on complex hardware is achieved since different persons work on the
same hardware; and
More costs of transportation are incurred due to remoteness of some of the maintenance
In a decentralized maintenance organization, departments are assigned to specific areas or units.
This tends to reduce the flexibility of the maintenance system as a whole. The range of skills

available becomes reduced and manpower utilization is usually less efficient than in a centralized
maintenance. In some cases a compromise solution that combines centralization and
decentralization is better.
This type of hybrid is called a cascade system. The cascade system organizes maintenance in
areas and whatever exceeds the capacity of each area is challenged to a centralized unit. In this
fashion the advantages of both systems may be reaped. For more on the advantages and
disadvantages of centralization and de-centralization see Duffuaa et al. (1998) and Niebel
(1994). In-house versus Outsourcing
At this level management considers the sources for building the maintenance capacity. The main
sources or options available are in-house by direct hiring, outsourcing, or a combination of inhouse and outsourcing. The criteria for selecting sources for building and maintaining
maintenance capacity include strategic considerations, technological and economic factors. The
following are criteria that can be employed to select among sources for maintenance capacity:(i)
Availability and dependability of the source on a long term basis;
Capability of the source to achieve the objectives set for maintenance by the organization
and its ability to carry out the maintenance tasks;
(iii) Short term and long term costs;
Organizational secrecy in some cases may be subjected to leakage;
Long term impact on maintenance personnel expertise; and
Special agreement by manufacturer or regulatory bodies that set certain specifications for
maintenance and environmental emissions.
Examples of maintenance tasks which could be outsourced are:A. Work for which the skill of specialists is required on a routine basis and which is readily
available in the market on a competitive basis, e.g.:A1. Installation and periodic inspection and repair of automatic fire sprinkler systems;
A2. Inspection and repair of air conditioning systems;
A3. Inspection and repair of heating systems; and
A4. Inspection and repair of main frame computers etc.
B. When it is cheaper than recruiting your own staff and accessible at a short notice of time.
The issues and criteria presented in the above section may help organizations in designing or redesigning their maintenance organization. To provide consistently the capabilities listed above
we have to consider three types of organizational designs:-

B1. Centralized maintenance.

The strengths of this structure are: allows economies of scale; enables in-depth skill
development; and enables departments (i.e., a maintenance department) to accomplish their
functional goals (not the overall organizational goals). This structure is best suited for small to
medium-size organizations. The weaknesses of this structure are: it has slow response time to
environmental changes; may cause delays in decision making and hence longer response time;
leads to poor horizontal coordination among departments and involves a restricted view of
organizational goals.
B2. Decentralized maintenance.
The strengths of this structure are that it allows the organization to achieve adaptability and
coordination in production units and efficiency in a centralized overhaul group and it facilitates
effective coordination both within and between maintenance and other departments. The
weaknesses of this structure are that it has potential for excessive administrative overheads and
may lead to conflict between departments.
B3. Matrix structure, a form of a hybrid structure.
The strengths of this matrix structure are: it allows the organization to achieve coordination
necessary to meet dual demands from the environment and flexible sharing of human resources.
The weaknesses of this structure are: it causes maintenance employees to experience dual
authority which can be frustrating and confusing; it is time consuming and requires frequent
meetings and conflict resolution sessions. To remedy the weaknesses of this structure a
management with good interpersonal skills and extensive training is required.
1.2.2 Classifications
The selection of a particular type of system will largely depend upon the main structure of an
industry. Maintenance organization can be of the following types: Decentralized
In large size plants located at different places, inter unit communication is difficult. In such cases
the decentralized type of organization is best suited, which means that the maintenance
organization works under the direct control of a chief engineer in-charge of production. Under
this type of organization, better coordination between production and maintenance groups is
possible because of a common head of organization. The advantages of such type of organization
Speedy decisions due to better line of communication under single control.
Maintenance and production people understand each others problems better because of
their common goals.
(iii) Interchangeability of workforce, even at the managerial level, is also possible.
Better training at the workers level can be arranged. Centralized
In a small factory where communication between the departments is freer, the centralized type of
maintenance organization is preferred, which is placed under a chief maintenance
engineer/manager. The total responsibility of the maintenance function for the entire factory lies
with the chief maintenance engineer. Under this type of organization, the responsibilities and
accountability of work must be properly specified for production as well as maintenance
personnel to successfully meet the project goals. If this is not taken care of, one department may
blame other for any shortfall. Partially decentralized
The partially centralized organization, which is the modified form of a centralized type of
organization, is most suitable for projects that have units far away locations. Under this type of
maintenance organization, the maintenance personnel, attached to the production unit, carry out
work at unit level and look after day to day maintenance. All centralized work pertaining to
maintenance planning and documentation is done at the level of central maintenance workshop.
The above three types of maintenance organizations, however, are not strictly exclusive and
some adjustments can be made to suit the working environment and the need.
1.2.3 Types of responsibilities/roles
Unique though actual maintenance practice may be to a specific facility, a specific industry, and
a specific set of problems and traditions, it is still possible to group activities and responsibilities
into two general classifications: primary functions that demand daily work by the maintenance
function and secondary ones assigned to the function for reasons of expediency, know-how, or
precedent. Primary Functions
Maintenance of Existing Plant Equipment.
This activity represents the physical reason for the existence of the maintenance professional.
Responsibility here is simply to make necessary repairs to production machinery quickly and
economically and to anticipate these repairs and employ preventive maintenance where possible
to prevent them. For this, a staff of skilled engineers, planners, and technicians who are capable
of performing the work must be trained, motivated, and constantly retained to assure that
adequate skills are available to perform effective maintenance.
Maintenance of Existing Plant Buildings and Grounds.
The repairs to buildings and to the external property of any plantroads, railroad tracks, in-plant
sewer systems, and water supply facilities are among the duties generally assigned to the
maintenance engineering group. Additional aspects of buildings and grounds maintenance may
be included in this area of responsibility. Janitorial services may be separated and handled by

another section. A plant with an extensive office facility and a major building-maintenance
program may assign this coverage to a special team. In plants where many of the buildings are
dispersed, the care and maintenance of this large amount of land may warrant a special
Repairs and minor alterations to buildingsroofing, painting, glass replacement or the unique
craft skills required to service electrical or plumbing systems or the like are most logically the
purview of maintenance engineering personnel. Road repairs and the maintenance of tracks and
switches, fences, or outlying structures may also be so assigned. It is important to isolate cost
records for general cleanup from routine maintenance and repair so that management will have a
true picture of the true expense required to maintain the plant and its equipment.
(iii) Equipment Inspection and Lubrication.
Traditionally, all equipment inspections and lubrication has been assigned to the maintenance
organization or function. While inspections that require special tools or partial disassembly of
equipment must be retained within the maintenance function, the use of trained operators or
production personnel in this critical task will provide more effective use of plant personnel. The
same is true of lubrication. Because of their proximity to the production systems, operators are
ideally suited for routine lubrication tasks.
Utilities Generation and Distribution.
In any plant generating its own electricity and providing its own process steam, the powerhouse
assumes the functions of a small public utilities company and may justify an operating
department of its own. However, this activity logically falls within the realm of maintenance
engineering. It can be administered either as a separate function or as part of some other
function, depending on management requirements.
Alterations and New Installations.
Three factors generally determine to what extent this area involves the maintenance department:
plant size, multi plant company size, company policy. In a small plant of a one-plant company,
this type of work may be handled by outside contractors. But its administration and that of the
maintenance force should be under the same management. In a small plant within a multi plant
company, the majority of new installations and major alterations may be performed by a
company-wide central engineering department. In a large plant a separate organization should
handle the major portion of this work.
Where installations and alterations are handled outside the maintenance engineering department,
the company must allow flexibility between corporate and plant engineering groups. It would be
self-defeating for all new work to be handled by an agency separated from maintenance policies
and management. Secondary Functions

In most plants it is essential to differentiate between mechanical stores and general stores. The
administration of mechanical stores normally falls within the maintenance engineering group`s
area because of the close relationship of this activity with other maintenance operations.
Plant Protection
This category usually includes two distinct subgroups: guards or watchmen; fire control squads.
Incorporation of these functions with maintenance engineering is generally common practice.
The inclusion of the fire-control group is important since its members are almost always drawn
from the craft elements.
(iii) Waste Disposal
This function and that of yard maintenance are usually combined as specific assignments of the
maintenance department.
If a large part of plant activity concerns off grade products, a special salvage unit should be set
up. But if salvage involves mechanical equipment, such as scrap lumber, paper, containers, and
so on, it should be assigned to maintenance.
Insurance Administration
This category includes claims, process equipment and pressure-vessel inspection, liaison with
underwriters representatives, and the handling of insurance recommendations. These functions
are normally included with maintenance since it is here that most of the information will
Other Services
The maintenance engineering department often seems to be a catchall for many other odd
activities that no other single department can or wants to handle. But care must be taken not to
dilute the primary responsibilities of maintenance with these secondary services. Whatever
responsibilities are assigned to the maintenance engineering department, it is important that they
be clearly defined and that the limits of authority and responsibility be established and agreed
upon by all concerned.


Maintenance Costs

The cost of maintenance is defined as costs that include lost opportunities in uptime, rate, yield,
and quality due to non-operating or unsatisfactorily operating equipment in addition to costs
involved with equipment-related degradation of the safety of people, property, and the
environment. However, often maintenance cost is simply described as the labor and materials
expense needed to maintain equipment/items in satisfactory operational state.
1.3.1 Sources
Maintenance cost can be a significant factor in an organizations profitability. Hence,
maintenance department should treat the matters that make a profit on the industry by take into
account the cost of maintenance. Consider the most basic definition of profit: Profit = Income
Expenses. This simple theory shows that it is important to reduce the maintenance expenses to
increase a profit by avoiding unnecessary expenditure. Among the factors associated with the
maintenance expenditure are:(i)

Idle equipment or personnel due to equipment breakdown
Missed delivery dates of equipment (including out of stock)
Transportation due to remoteness of some of the maintenance work
Overhead cost
Maintenance labor (i.e., operator expertise and experience)
Asset condition (i.e., age, type, and condition)
Losses due to inefficient operations of machines
Capital requirement for replacement of machines.

Some of the many reasons for maintenance costing are as follows:(i)

Determine maintenance cost drivers
Prepare budget
(iii) Provide input in the design of new equipment/item/system
Provide input in equipment life cycle cost studies
Control costs
Make decisions concerning equipment replacement
(vii) Compare maintenance cost effectiveness to industry averages
(viii) Develop optimum preventive maintenance policies
Compare competing approaches to maintenance
Provide feedback to upper level management
Improve productivity
A presumption said that if we do the maintenance work frequently will retain better production.
Actually too much maintenance can take needed production facilities out of operation to such an
extent that cost effective maintenance has been submerged. Figure 1.2 below illustrates the
relationship between the maintenance commitment and maintenance cost.

Figure 1.2: Relationship between quantity of maintenance and various costs

1.3.2 Types
There is several type of maintenance cost that is related to the maintenance work. These are:(a)
Direct cost
Direct costs are those costs required to keep equipment operable. These include periodic
inspection and preventive maintenance, servicing costs, repair costs and overhaul costs.

Standby cost
The total cost of operating and maintaining standby equipment needed to be put in
operation when primary facilities are either undergoing a maintenance activity or are
inoperable for some reason.


Lost production cost

Costs due to lost production because primary equipment is down and no standby
equipment is available.


Degradation cost
Those costs occurring in deterioration in the life span of equipment resulting from
inadequate and/or inferior maintenance.

1.3.3 Cost analysis methods

Life cycle cost is the sum of all costs incurred during the life time of an item, that is, the total of
procurement and ownership costs. Due to reasons including market pressure, life cycle costing is
now often used in the procurement of expensive systems or equipment. Life cycle cost analysis

examines the effect on cost of alternative equipment designs. In other words, life cycle cost
analyses involve evaluating the total cost of a product or system over its entire life span. Life
cycle cost will consider the cost of developing or acquiring the asset, the cost of running,
operating and maintaining, and the cost of disposal. As life cycle cost is often significantly
affected by reliability issues such as frequency of failure and time to repair, it is often included as
part of the reliability engineering function. Life cycle costing plays an important role in
maintainability analysis, particularly with respect to operation and maintenance costs.
The aim of life cycle costing is to know the total cost of equipment accruing over its whole life
period, which may include all the costs starting from the specification cost. It is also observed
that reduction in one cost possibly will increase the other cost. The total cost has to be therefore
optimized by making trade-offs among all elements of it. Normally it is observed that cheap
items do not have sufficient economic life nor do they yield satisfactory performance over their
whole life. Therefore the quality of the product is the major importance.
The data to be input into a life cycle cost model include the purchase price of the product, mean
time between failures (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR), average material cost of a failure,
labor cost per preventive maintenance action, labor cost per corrective maintenance action,
installation costs, training costs, the warranty coverage period cost of carrying spares in
inventory, and shipment forecasts over the course of the product's useful life
When applying the life cycle cost analysis, several major advantages can be achieved:(a)

It may result in selection of equipment that has lower operating and maintenance costs
resulting in reduced cost of ownership;
The money saved can be used for some other works;
It is an excellent tool for comparing the cost of competing projects, controlling program
costs, selecting among competing contractors, making decisions associated with
equipment replacement, reducing total cost, and conducting planning and budgeting.

Nevertheless, in contrary life cycle cost also have a little disadvantage that is it is time
consuming and expensive, that collecting the data needed for analysis can be a trying task, and
that the data available is sometimes of doubtful accuracy.




Match the types of maintenance with the suitable description.

Types of maintenance


Corrective or
Breakdown maintenance

Repairs are made after the equipment is failed

and cannot perform its normal function
Machinery conditions are periodically
monitored and this enables the maintenance
crews to take timely actions,
such as
machine adjustment, repair or overhaul. It
makes use of human sense and other sensitive
instruments, such as
audio gauge, vibration analyzer, amplitude
meter, pressure, temperature and resistance
strain gauges etc.
It locates weak spots of machinery and
periodic/scheduled inspections and
repairs to reduce the danger of unanticipated
It is a stitch-in-time procedure and
incorporates inspection, lubrication, repair
and overhaul of equipment. If neglected can
result in breakdown

Predictive (Conditionbased) maintenance

Scheduled maintenance

Preventive maintenance


Write true (T) or false (F) to the statements below.

The purpose of maintenance is to minimize performance of production equipment
efficiently and regularly. (
Direct maintenance cost is the costs that are directly related to the performance of
the maintenance works. (
(iii) Indirect maintenance cost is losses due to maintenance. (
Maintenance costs are consists of cost to replace or repair, losses of output,
delayed shipment and scrap and rework. (


List at least eight reasons for maintenance costing.


Explain about important factors that influence maintenance cost.


List some sources for the data used in life cycle cost analysis.


Niebel, Benjamin W. (1985). Engineering maintenance management. Marcel Dekker,

Inc., New York.
Dhillon, B.S. (1999). Engineering maintainability: How to design for reliability and easy
maintenance. Elsevier Science & Technology Books.
Dhillon, B.S. (2002). Engineering maintenance: A modern approach. CRC Press, USA.
Stephens, Matthew P. (2004). Productivity and reliability-based maintenance
management. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
R. Keith Mobley, Lindley, R. Higgins and Darrin, J. Wikoff. (2008). Maintenance
engineering handbook. 7th Ed. McGraw- Hill, USA.
S. Chand. (2009). Maintenance engineering and management. Rajendra Ravindra
Printers Pvt. Ltd., India.

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