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Reduced Fetal Movements

Greentop Guideline No. 57

February 2011

Reduced Fetal Movements

This is the first edition of this guideline.


Purpose and scope

The purpose of this guideline is to provide advice to guide clinicians, based on the best evidence where
available, regarding the management of women presenting with reduced fetal movements (RFM) during
pregnancy.This guideline reviews the risk factors for RFM in pregnancy and factors influencing maternal
perception. It provides recommendations as to how women presenting in both the community and
hospital settings should be managed. This guideline excludes the management of RFM in multiple
pregnancy.As is apparent from the low grading of the evidence for many of the recommendations, they
have been developed to provide a broad practical guide for midwives and obstetricians in clinical practice.
However, it is recognised that in individual women alternative approaches may be reasonable

1.1 Population and setting

Pregnant women in community or hospital settings reporting RFM in singleton pregnancies.

1.2 Interventions to be studied

Comparison of modalities to detect and manage women perceiving RFMs.



Maternal perception of fetal movement is one of the first signs of fetal life and is regarded as a manifestation
of fetal wellbeing.1,2 Movements are first perceived by the mother between 18 and 20 weeks of gestation
and rapidly acquire a regular pattern.Fetal movements have been defined as any discrete kick,flutter,swish
or roll.3 A significant reduction or sudden alteration in fetal movement is a potentially important clinical
sign. It has been suggested that reduced or absent fetal movements may be a warning sign of impending
fetal death. Studies of fetal physiology using ultrasound have demonstrated an association between RFM
and poor perinatal outcome.4,5 The majority of women (55%) experiencing a stillbirth perceived a
reduction in fetal movements prior to diagnosis.6 A number of studies of fetal deaths in Norway and the
UK identified that an inappropriate response by clinicians to maternal perception of RFM was a common
contributory factor in stillbirth.7,8


Identification and assessment of evidence

This guideline was developed in accordance with standard methodology for producing RCOG Green-top
Guidelines.Medline, Pubmed, all EBM reviews (Cochrane CRCT, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
Methodology register, ACP journal club, DARE, HTA, Maternity and Infant Care), EMBASE and TRIP were
searched for relevant randomised controlled trials,systematic reviews and meta-analyses,cohort studies and
case studies.The search was restricted to articles published between 1980 and November 2008. Search
words included fetal activity, fetal movement + detection, reduced fetal movement, fetal cardiotocography,fetal heart auscultationandumbilical artery Doppler,including all relevant MeSH terms.The
search was limited to humans and the English language.The National Library for Health and the National
Guidelines Clearing House were also searched for relevant guidelines.Where possible, recommendations
are based on available evidence; areas where evidence is lacking are annotated as good practice points
(designated by a tick).

3.1 Limitations of data used in this guideline

Interpreting studies of women perceiving RFM is complicated by multiple definitions of normal and
abnormal fetal movements (discussed in detail in section 5 of this guideline) and a paucity of large-scale

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(over 1000 participants) descriptive or intervention studies.There are no randomised controlled trials
addressing the management of RFM.The main outcome of interest stillbirth is relatively uncommon and
adequately powered studies of different management protocols would require large numbers of participants. Consequently, many studies have limitations in terms of definition of RFM and outcomes,
ascertainment bias and selection bias.


What are considered normal fetal movements during pregnancy?

Most women are aware of fetal movements by 20 weeks of gestation.

Clinicians should be aware (and should advise women) that although fetal movements tend to plateau
at 32 weeks of gestation, there is no reduction in the frequency of fetal movements in the late third

Perceived fetal movements are defined as the maternal sensation of any discrete kick,flutter, swish or roll.3
Such fetal activity provides an indication of the integrity of the central nervous and musculoskeletal
systems.The normal fetus is active and capable of physical movement, and goes through periods of both
rest and sleep.The majority of women perceive fetal movements and intuitively view their experience of
fetal activity as normal.
From 1820 weeks of gestation, most pregnant women become aware of fetal activity, although
some multiparous women may perceive fetal movements as early as 16 weeks of gestation and
some primiparous women may perceive movement much later than 20 weeks of gestation.1
The number of spontaneous movements tends to increase until the 32nd week of pregnancy.9
From this stage of gestation, the frequency of fetal movements plateaus until the onset of
labour; however, the type of fetal movement may change as pregnancy advances in the third
trimester.913 By term, the average number of generalised movements per hour is 31 (range 16
45),with the longest period between movements ranging from 50 to 75 minutes.Changes in the
number and nature of fetal movements as the fetus matures are considered to be a reflection of
the normal neurological development of the fetus. From as early as 20 weeks of gestation, fetal
movements show diurnal changes. The afternoon and evening periods are periods of peak
activity.14,15 Fetal movements are usually absent during fetal sleep cycles, which occur regularly
throughout the day and night and usually last for 2040 minutes.5,16 These sleep cycles rarely
exceed 90 minutes in the normal, healthy fetus.1618

level 2

Because of the paucity of robust epidemiological studies on fetal activity patterns and maternal perception
of fetal activity in normal pregnancies, there is currently no universally agreed definition of RFM.


Are there factors which influence a womans perception of this activity?

Women should be advised of the need to be aware of fetal movements up to and including the onset of
labour and should report any decrease or cessation of fetal movements to their maternity unit.

Fetal activity is influenced by a wide variety of factors.There is some evidence that women perceive most
fetal movements when lying down, fewer when sitting and fewest while standing.15 It is therefore not
surprising that pregnant women who are busy and not concentrating on fetal activity often report a misperception of a reduction of fetal movements.12,17 Johnson demonstrated that when attention is paid to fetal
activity in a quiet room and careful recordings are made, fetal movements that were not previously
perceived are often recognised clearly.19,20
Prior to 28+0 weeks of gestation, an anteriorly positioned placenta may decrease a womans
perception of fetal movements.21
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Sedating drugs which cross the placenta such as alcohol,benzodiazepines,methadone and other
opioids can have a transient effect on fetal movements.22,23

level 3

Several observational studies have demonstrated an increase in fetal movements following the elevation
of glucose concentration in maternal blood, although other studies refute these findings.24,25 From 30
weeks of gestation onwards, the level of carbon dioxide in maternal blood influences fetal respiratory
movements, and some authors report that cigarette smoking is associated with a decrease in fetal
The administration of corticosteroids to enhance fetal lung maturation has been reported by
some authors to decrease fetal movements and fetal heart rate variability detected by
cardiotocography (CTG) over the 2 days following administration.2830 The pathophysiology of
corticosteroid changes in fetal movement and fetal heart rate variability is still unclear and has
not been definitely proven.2831 Evidence level 2-

level 2

Fetuses with major malformations are generally more likely to demonstrate reduced fetal activity.31
However,normal or excessive fetal activity has been reported in anencephalic fetuses.32,33 A lack of vigorous
motion may relate to abnormalities of the central nervous system, muscular dysfunction or skeletal
Fetal presentation has no effect on perception of movement.35

level 2+

Fetal position might influence maternal perception: 80% of fetal spines lay anteriorly in women
who were unable to perceive fetal movements despite being able to visualise them when an
ultrasound scan was performed.36


level 2

How can fetal movements be assessed?

Fetal movements should be assessed by subjective maternal perception of fetal movements.

Fetal movements are most commonly assessed by maternal perception alone. Studies on the
correlation between maternal perception of fetal movements and fetal movements concurrently
detected on ultrasound scans show wide variation, with correlation ranging from 37 to 88%
and large body movements and those lasting more than 7 seconds most likely to be felt.3743
The greatest number of fetal movements are noted when the mother is lying down, and the
number appears to be greatest in the evening.12 This may be an effect of concentrating on fetal
movements.The difference in mean time to perceive 10 movements varied between 21 minutes
for focused counting to 162 minutes with unfocused perception of fetal movements.4,17

level 2

Objective assessments of fetal movements use Doppler or real-time ultrasound to detect fetal
movement.These studies report slightly increased sensitivity for fetal movements recorded by
ultrasound, with 31.457.2% of all movements recorded compared with 30.8% for maternally
perceived fetal movements.44,45 However, the duration of recording is restricted to 2030
minutes with the mother in a semi-recumbent position. There are no studies which have
evaluated the use of longer periods of fetal movement counting by Doppler ultrasound or
whether this method can detect fetuses at risk of stillbirth. Given the potential detection of
false-positive signals from maternal abdominal wall movements such as coughing, this may not
be a useful means to objectively measure fetal movements in all pregnant women.46

level 2

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Should fetal movements be counted routinely in a formal manner?

There is insufficient evidence to recommend formal fetal movement counting using specified alarm limits.

Women should be advised to be aware of their babys individual pattern of movements. If they are
concerned about a reduction in or cessation of fetal movements after 28+0 weeks of gestation, they should
contact their maternity unit.

Women who are concerned about RFM should not wait until the next day for assessment of fetal
If women are unsure whether movements are reduced after 28+0 weeks of gestation, they should be
advised to lie on their left side and focus on fetal movements for 2 hours. If they do not feel 10 or more
discrete movements in 2 hours, they should contact their midwife or maternity unit immediately.
Clinicians should be aware that instructing women to monitor fetal movements is potentially associated
with increased maternal anxiety.


Formal fetal movement counting relies on a woman counting fetal movements and, if she perceives fewer
movements than a specified alarm limit, contacting her care provider.There are a number of problems
with this strategy. First, there is a wide range of normal fetal movements, leading to wide variability among
mothers. Second, the most frequently used alarm limit was developed in high-risk patients who counted
fetal movements while hospital inpatients;therefore,these observations may not be applicable to a general
population.47 Ideally, an alarm limit would be developed using the whole obstetric population and then
be proved to reduce stillbirth rates in a prospective study.48
There have been five studies evaluating maternal assessment of fetal movements. Grant et al.
published a multicentre study randomising women (n=68 654) to counting fetal movements
using the count-to-ten chart or a non-counting group. These groups were contaminated as
women in the non-counting group were also instructed to count fetal movements if they were
deemed high risk.4 There was no reduction in perinatal mortality in the group randomised to
counting fetal movements, although the number of women presenting initially with a live fetus
that was subsequently stillborn was greater in the counting cohort (11 versus six).The studys
authors acknowledged that these intrauterine deaths may have been preventable,resulting from
false reassurance from CTG and clinical error. Importantly, the perinatal mortality rate for the
whole study population fell to 2.9 per 1000 compared with 4.0 per 1000 reported prior to the
study, suggesting that participation in the trial may have been beneficial (the Hawthorne

level 2

In a smaller randomised trial (n=2250), patients were randomised to focus on fetal movements
for 2 hours three times a week or given no information.3 There were eight intrauterine deaths,
all in the control group, leading to a significant decrease in perinatal mortality in women who
formally counted fetal movements.Over 75% of this study population were classified as high risk.

level 2+

Moore and Piacquadio used a retrospective casecontrol design.17 In a period when women
counted fetal movements for 2 hours a day but were not given any alarm limits, the perinatal
mortality rate was 8.7 per 1000 (n=2519).The study was then extended to 5758 women who
were instructed to present for further investigation if they had not felt 10 movements after 2
hours of focused counting.50 During this period the perinatal mortality rate was 3.6 per 1000.
This extension of the study was associated with increased hospital attendances, rates of
induction of labour (7.9% versus 4.4%) and emergency caesarean birth for fetal distress (2.4%
versus 0.8%). Evidence level 2-

level 2

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Westgate and Jamieson compared the rates of stillbirth before and after the introduction of the
count-to-ten charts in New Zealand.51 They describe a significant reduction in the stillbirth rate
from 10.8 to 8.2 per 1000 total births. Other service improvements introduced over this period
may also have had an impact on the perinatal mortality rate.

level 2

In Norway, a comparison was made between the incidence of stillbirth before and after women
were given written information about decreased fetal movements and a standard protocol for
the management of RFM was introduced.52 The incidence of stillbirth fell from 3.0 to 2.0 per
1000 during the intervention period. In women perceiving RFM, the rate dropped from 42 to
24 per 1000.

level 2+

While normal perception of fetal movements is associated with a positive effect on maternal
fetal attachment,52,53 the effect of monitoring fetal movements is equivocal. Two studies
(including one randomised controlled trial) reported no adverse effects.54,55 A small retrospective
cohort found that 23% of women reported anxiety and a further 16% felt that monitoring fetal
movements was useless and a nuisance.56 Perception of RFM itself is associated with increased
maternal anxiety.57,58 Clinicians should be aware that the risk of stillbirth (in the absence of
congenital anomaly) in the UK is less than one in 250 births. Any study of the utility of fetal
movements as a screening test must take account of the potentially deleterious effects of
maternal stress and anxiety.

level 2+


What is the optimal management of women with RFM?

The initial goal of antenatal fetal surveillance in cases of RFM is to exclude fetal death. Subsequent to this,
the aim is to exclude fetal compromise and to identify pregnancies at risk of adverse pregnancy outcome
while avoiding unnecessary interventions. A large cross-sectional survey revealed wide variations in
knowledge and practice among both obstetricians and midwives with regard to management of women
presenting with RFM. Although most clinicians recognised the association with fetal growth restriction
(FGR), this did not translate into practice as professionals seldom undertook further assessment to identify

8.1 What should be included in the clinical history?

Upon presenting with RFM, a relevant history should be taken to assess a womans risk factors for
stillbirth and FGR.
All clinicians should be aware of the potential association of decreased fetal movements with key risk
factors such as FGR, small-for-gestational-age (SGA) fetus, placental insufficiency and congenital malformations.
If after discussion with the clinician it is clear that the woman does not have RFM, there are no other risk
factors for stillbirth and there is the presence of a fetal heart rate on auscultation, she can be reassured.
However, if the woman still has concerns, she should be advised to attend her maternity unit.
Women noticing a sudden change in fetal activity or in whom other risk factors for stillbirth are identified
should report to their maternity unit for further investigation (see section 6.3).


A history of RFM should be taken, including the duration of RFM, whether there has been absence of fetal
movements and whether this is the first occasion the woman has perceived RFM.The history must include
a comprehensive stillbirth risk evaluation, including a review of the presence of other factors associated
with an increased risk of stillbirth, such as multiple consultations for RFM, known FGR, hypertension,
diabetes, extremes of maternal age, primiparity, smoking, placental insufficiency, congenital malformation,
obesity, racial/ethnic factors, poor past obstetric history (e.g. FGR and stillbirth), genetic factors and issues
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with access to care. Clinicians should be aware that a womans risk status is fluid throughout pregnancy
and that women should be transferred from low-risk to high-risk care programmes if complications occur.60
If after discussion with the clinician it is clear that the woman does not have RFM,in the absence of further
risk factors and the presence of a normal fetal heart rate on auscultation,there should be no need to follow
up with further investigations.

8.2 What should be covered in the clinical examination?

If a woman presents with RFM in the community setting with no facility to auscultate the fetal heart, she
should be referred immediately to her maternity unit for auscultation.

When a woman presents with RFM in the community or hospital setting, an attempt should be made to
auscultate the fetal heart using a handheld Doppler device to exclude fetal death.

Clinical assessment of a woman with RFM should include assessment of fetal size with the aim of detecting SGA

The key priority when a woman presents with RFM is to confirm fetal viability. In most cases, a
handheld Doppler device will confirm the presence of the fetal heart beat. This should be
available in the majority of community settings in which a pregnant woman would be seen by
a midwife or general practitioner. The fetal heart beat needs to be differentiated from the
maternal heart beat.This is easily done in most cases by noting the difference between the fetal
heart rate and the maternal pulse rate. If the presence of a fetal heart beat is not confirmed,
immediate referral for ultrasound scan assessment of fetal cardiac activity must be undertaken.
If the encounter with the woman has been over the telephone and there is thus no additional
reassurance of auscultation of the fetal heart, the woman should be advised to report for further

level 2+

Methods employed to detect SGA fetuses include abdominal palpation, measurement of symphysisfundal
height and ultrasound biometry.The RCOG guidelines on the investigation and management of the SGA
fetus recommend use of a customised fundal height chart.61 Consideration should be given to the judicious
use of ultrasound to assess fetal size in women in whom clinical assessment is likely to be less accurate,
for example those with a raised body mass index. As pre-eclampsia is also associated with placental
dysfunction, it is prudent to measure blood pressure and test urine for proteinuria in women with RFM.

8.3 What is the role of CTG?

After fetal viability has been confirmed and history confirms a decrease in fetal movements, arrangements
should be made for the woman to have a CTG to exclude fetal compromise if the pregnancy is over 28+0
weeks of gestation.

CTG monitoring of the fetal heart rate, initially for at least 20 minutes, provides an easily
accessible means of detecting fetal compromise. The presence of a normal fetal heart rate
pattern (i.e. showing accelerations of fetal heart rate coinciding with fetal movements) is
indicative of a healthy fetus with a properly functioning autonomic nervous system. Interpretation of the CTG fetal heart rate pattern is assisted by adopting the National Institute for Health
and Clinical Excellence classification of fetal heart rate patterns.62 The fetal heart rate accelerates
with 9297% of all gross body movements felt by the mother.63,64 Computer systems for interpretation of CTG provide objective data, reduce intra- and inter-observer variation and are more
accurate than clinical experts in predicting umbilical acidosis and depressed Apgar scores.
However, further evaluation of this technology is required before clinical recommendations can
be made.65

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Several studies have concluded that if the term fetus does not experience a fetal heart rate
acceleration for more than 80 minutes, fetal compromise is likely to be present.6668 However, a
systematic review in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews did not confirm or refute any
benefits of routine CTG monitoring of at risk pregnancies.69 The authors acknowledged several
limitations, including limited numbers of women (four trials and 1588 women) and serious
methodological concerns, such as the fact that the trials were conducted in the early 1980s
when CTG monitoring was just being introduced into routine clinical practice.

level 2

In a Norwegian study of 3014 women who presented with RFM,a CTG was performed in 97.5%
of cases, with an abnormality such as FGR, fetal distress, oligohydramnios or malformations
detected in 3.2% of cases.58 In a different observational study of women presenting with RFM
who had an initial CTG and an ultrasound scan, 21% had an abnormality detected that required
action and 4.4% were admitted for immediate delivery.70 Another study showed that stillbirth
rates (corrected for lethal congenital anomalies) after a reactive or non-reactive CTG were 1.9
and 26 per 1000 births,respectively.71 Lastly,a relatively small study reported that 56% of women
with a high-risk pregnancy who reported RFM had an abnormal CTG.This was associated with
an unfavourable perinatal outcome in nine out of ten cases.40

level 2+

8.4 What is the role of ultrasound scanning?

Ultrasound scan assessment should be undertaken as part of the preliminary investigations of a woman
presenting with RFM after 28+0 weeks of gestation if the perception of RFM persists despite a normal
CTG or if there are any additional risk factors for FGR/stillbirth.

If an ultrasound scan assessment is deemed necessary, it should be performed when the service is next
available preferably within 24 hours.

Ultrasound scan assessment should include the assessment of abdominal circumference and/or
estimated fetal weight to detect the SGA fetus, and the assessment of amniotic fluid volume.

Ultrasound should include assessment of fetal morphology if this has not previously been performed
and the woman has no objection to this being carried out.

There are no randomised controlled trials of ultrasound scan versus no ultrasound scan in
women with RFM.Froen et al.conducted a prospective population-based cohort study of 46 132
births in eastern Norway and Bergen over a 17-month period from 2006 to 2007.57 In the
prospective cohort of 3014 women presenting with RFM, ultrasound scanning was performed
in 94% of cases and detection of an abnormality such as FGR,reduced amniotic fluid volume and
abnormal fetal morphology or Doppler of the umbilical artery was reported in 11.6% of cases.
Umbilical artery Doppler alone did not provide uniquely valuable information in any case.

level 2+

In a recent quality improvement programme in Norway, a prospective before and after study
design was used to evaluate the combined impact of providing women with information on
RFM and clinicians with clinical practice guidelines.13,34,72 After an initial period of study (n=19
407), an investigation protocol of CTG and ultrasound scan was introduced in the management
of women with RFM (n=46 143). The guideline recommended that both investigations be
performed within 2 hours if women reported no fetal movements, and within 12 hours if they
reported RFM.The ultrasound scan was conducted to assess amniotic fluid volume,fetal size and
fetal anatomy; the addition of Doppler studies to the investigation protocol did not show any
additional benefit.There was a significant reduction in all stillbirths from 3.0 to 2.0 per 1000,
and from 4.2% to 2.4% of women presenting with RFM.The study reported no increase in the
number of preterm births, infants requiring transfer to neonatal care or infants with severe
neonatal depression or FGR.There was more than a doubling in the number of ultrasound scans

level 2

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(OR 2.64; 95% CI 2.023.45), but this seemed to be compensated by a reduction in additional
follow-up consultations and admissions for induction of labour.

level 2

In a study of 489 women with RFM, Ahn et al. demonstrated that women with RFM but no
additional pregnancy risk factors did not require further follow-up once the CTG and the
amniotic fluid volume were confirmed to be normal.73 However, the study found a 3.7 times
greater likelihood of diminished amniotic fluid volume on scan in their study population.

level 2

8.5 Is there any role for the biophysical profile (BPP)?

There may be a role for the selective use of BPP in the management or investigation of RFM.

The basis of the BPP is the observed association between hypoxia (low levels of oxygen) and
alterations of measures of central nervous system performance such as fetal heart rate patterns,
fetal movement and fetal tone, which have been observed in both human and animal fetuses.74
A systematic review of the use of BPP in women with high-risk pregnancies, including women
with RFM, included five poor-quality studies with fewer than 3000 patients.75 The systematic
review concluded that the available evidence from randomised controlled trials does not
support the use of BPP as a test of fetal wellbeing in high-risk pregnancies. It should be noted,
however, that there is evidence from uncontrolled observational studies that BPP in high-risk
women has good negative predictive value; that is, fetal death is rare in women in the presence
of a normal BPP.76


level 1

What is the optimal surveillance method for women who have presented with RFM in
whom investigations are normal?

Women should be reassured that 70% of pregnancies with a single episode of RFM are uncomplicated.

There are no data to support formal fetal movement counting (kick charts) after women have perceived
RFM in those who have normal investigations.

Women who have normal investigations after one presentation with RFM should be advised to contact
their maternity unit if they have another episode of RFM.

The majority of women (approximately 70%) who perceive a reduction in fetal movements will
have a normal outcome to their pregnancy.7779 There are no studies of the follow-up of women
who have normal investigations. Some practitioners advocate commencing formal fetal
movement counting in this situation.57 There is no evidence to support this strategy. Formal
fetal movement counting in this situation is subject to the same difficulties as in the general
obstetric population.

level 2/+

In a single retrospective cohort study, perinatal outcome was worse in women who had
presented on more than one occasion with RFM.79 If a woman experiences a further episode
of definite RFM, she should be referred for hospital assessment to exclude signs of compromise
through the use of CTG and ultrasound, as outlined in section 8.

level 2

10. What is the optimal management of the woman who presents recurrently with reduced
When a woman recurrently perceives RFM, her case should be reviewed to exclude predisposing causes.

When a woman recurrently perceives RFM, ultrasound scan assessment should be undertaken as part of
the investigations.

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Caregivers should be aware of the increased risk of poor perinatal outcome in women presenting with
recurrent RFM.

Women who present on two or more occasions with RFM are at increased risk of a poor
perinatal outcome (stillbirth, FGR or preterm birth) compared with those who attend on only
one occasion (OR 1.92; 95% CI 1.213.02).79 There are no studies to determine whether
intervention (e.g. delivery or further investigation) alters perinatal morbidity or mortality in
women presenting with recurrent RFM.Therefore,the decision whether or not to induce labour
at term in a woman who presents recurrently with RFM when the growth, liquor volume and
CTG appear normal must be made after careful consultant-led counselling of the pros and cons
of induction on an individualised basis.


level 2

What is the optimal management of RFM before 24+0 weeks of gestation?

If a woman presents with RFM prior to 24+0 weeks of gestation, the presence of a fetal heartbeat should
be confirmed by auscultation with a Doppler handheld device.

If fetal movements have never been felt by 24 weeks of gestation, referral to a specialist fetal medicine
centre should be considered to look for evidence of fetal neuromuscular conditions.

There are no studies looking at the outcome of women who present with RFM before 24+0 weeks of
gestation.While placental insufficiency rarely presents before the first trimester, the fetal heartbeat should
be auscultated to exclude fetal demise.There is limited evidence from a number of case reports that women
who present having failed to feel fetal movements at all may have a fetus with an underlying neuromuscular
condition.8084 A routine full antenatal check-up should be carried out, including listening to the fetal heart.

12. What is the optimal management of RFM between 24+0 and 28+0 weeks of gestation?
If a woman presents with RFM between 24+0 and 28+0 weeks of gestation, the presence of a fetal heartbeat
should be confirmed by auscultation with a Doppler handheld device.

There are no studies looking at the outcome of women who present with RFM between 24+0 and 28+0
weeks of gestation.The fetal heartbeat should be confirmed to check fetal viability. History must include
a comprehensive stillbirth risk evaluation, including a review of the presence of other risk factors
associated with an increased risk of stillbirth. Clinicians should be aware that placental insufficiency may
present at this gestation.There is no evidence to recommend the routine use of CTG surveillance in this
group. If there is clinical suspicion of FGR, consideration should be given to the need for ultrasound
assessment.There is no evidence on which to recommend the routine use of ultrasound assessment in this

13. What should we document in the maternal records?

It is important that full details of assessment and management are documented. It is also important to
record the advice given about follow-up and when/where to present if a further episode of RFM is
perceived. Accurate record keeping is needed in sufficient detail to ensure that the consultation and
outcome can be easily audited and continuity of care provided.

14. Suggested audit topics

Existence of a guideline on RFM.

Percentage of women over 28+0 weeks of gestation in whom history confirms RFM having a CTG to
exclude fetal compromise.

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Percentage of women having ultrasound scan assessment as part of the preliminary investigation of
women presenting with confirmed RFM if the perception of RFM persists despite a normal CTG or
if there are any additional risk factors for FGR/stillbirth.
Percentage of women presenting with recurrent RFM referred for a growth scan and liquor volume















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62. National Collaborating Centre for Womens and Childrens
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Appendix 1
Attends with first presentation of reduced fetal movements (RFM) at >28+0 weeks of gestation

Detailed clinical history including risk factors for stillbirth and fetal growth restriction (FGR)

History confirms RFM

History does not confirm RFM

Auscultate with handheld Doppler to exclude

intrauterine fetal death (IUFD)

FH not present on

FH present on

ultrasound to

Offer to auscultate fetal heart (FH)

Routine antenatal assessment
Give advice re: further episodes of RFM
If unsure whether fetal movements are reduced, focus on fetal
movements for 2 hours
If they do not feel more than 10 movements in 2 hours, contact
healthcare provider

Cardiotocograph to exclude imminent fetal


Normal fetal heart rate pattern

Suspicious or pathological fetal

heart rate pattern


Manage as per unit


Abnormality detected on scan

RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 57

Continue with RFM or risk factors

for FGR/stillbirth

Perception of RFM resolved and no risk

factors for FGR/stillbirth

Ultrasound for amniotic fluid

circumference/estimated fetal

Give advice re: further episodes of RFM
If unsure whether fetal movements are
reduced, focus on fetal movements for
2 hours
If they do not feel more than 10
movements in 2 hours, contact
maternity unit

Normal scan

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Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Appendix 2
Clinical guidelines are:systematically developed statements which assist clinicians and patients in making
decisions about appropriate treatment for specific conditions. Each guideline is systematically developed
using a standardised methodology.Exact details of this process can be found in Clinical Governance Advice
No.1: Development of RCOG Green-Top Guidelines (available on the RCOG website at http://www.rcog.
These recommendations are not intended to dictate an exclusive course of management or treatment.
They must be evaluated with reference to individual patient needs,resources and limitations unique to the
institution and variations in local populations. It is hoped that this process of local ownership will help to
incorporate these guidelines into routine practice.Attention is drawn to areas of clinical uncertainty where
further research may be indicated.
The evidence used in this guideline was graded using the scheme below and the recommendations
formulated in a similar fashion with a standardised grading scheme.

Classification of evidence levels

1++ High-quality meta-analyses, systematic
reviews of randomised controlled trials
or randomised controlled trials with a
very low risk of bias

Well-conducted meta-analyses, systematic

reviews of randomised controlled trials
or randomised controlled trials with a
low risk of bias

Meta-analyses, systematic reviews of

randomised controlled trials or
randomised controlled trials with a high
risk of bias

2++ High-quality systematic reviews of case

control or cohort studies or high-quality
casecontrol or cohort studies with a
very low risk of confounding, bias or
chance and a high probability that the
relationship is causal


Well-conducted casecontrol or cohort

studies with a low risk of confounding,
bias or chance and a moderate
probability that the relationship is causal
Casecontrol or cohort studies with a
high risk of confounding, bias or chance
and a significant risk that the relationship
is not causal

Non-analytical studies, e.g. case reports,

case series

Expert opinion

RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 57

Grades of recommendations

At least one meta-analysis, systematic review or

randomised controlled trial rated as 1++ and
directly applicable to the target population; or
A systematic review of randomised controlled
trials or a body of evidence consisting
principally of studies rated as 1+ directly
applicable to the target population and
demonstrating overall consistency of results

A body of evidence including studies rated as

2++ directly applicable to the target
population, and demonstrating overall
consistency of results; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as
1++ or 1+

A body of evidence including studies rated as

2+ directly applicable to the target population
and demonstrating overall consistency of
results; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as

Evidence level 3 or 4; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2+

Good practice point

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Recommended best practice based on the

clinical experience of the guideline
development group

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

This guideline was produced on behalf of the Guidelines Committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists by:

Dr MK Whitworth MRCOG, Manchester, Professor M Fisher, Exeter and Dr A Heazell MRCOG, Manchester
and peer-reviewed by: the British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS); RCOG Consumers Forum; Professor Sir
S Arulkumaran FRCOG, London; Mrs A Diyaf MRCOG, Birmingham; Mr D Fraser FRCOG, Norfolk; Dr T Kay MRCOG,Exeter;
Mr TG Overton FRCOG, Bristol; Dr S Yong MRCOG, Hong Kong.

The Guidelines Committee lead reviewers were: Mr M Griffiths FRCOG, Luton and Dr P Owen MRCOG, Glasgow.

The final version is the responsibility of the Guidelines Committee of the RCOG.
The guideline review process will commence in 2014 unless evidence requires earlier review.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists produces guidelines as an educational aid to good clinical practice.
They present recognised methods and techniques of clinical practice, based on published evidence, for consideration by
obstetricians and gynaecologists and other relevant health professionals.The ultimate judgement regarding a particular
clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by the doctor or other attendant in the light of clinical data presented
by the patient and the diagnostic and treatment options available.
This means that RCOG guidelines are unlike protocols or guidelines issued by employers, as they are not intended to be
prescriptive directions defining a single course of management. Departure from the local prescriptive protocols or
guidelines should be fully documented in the patients case notes at the time the relevant decision is taken.

RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 57

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Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

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