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Energy: Roald A.A. Suurs, Marko P. Hekkert

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Energy 34 (2009) 669679

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Competition between rst and second generation technologies: Lessons from

the formation of a biofuels innovation system in the Netherlands
Roald A.A. Suurs , Marko P. Hekkert
Department of Innovation Studies, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e in fo


Article history:
Received 9 November 2007
Available online 20 February 2009

The support of sustainable energy innovations has become a dominant topic on the political agenda of
many countries. Providing this support remains difcult, since the processes constituting such
innovation trajectories are poorly understood. To increase insight in such processes, this paper takes the
historical development of biofuels in the Netherlands as the topic of study. Special attention is paid to
the simultaneous development of two technology generations within the eld: a rst generation (1G)
and a second generation (2G) of biofuels. A critical question asked is whether deployment programmes
for a 1G technology may have positive effects on the development of later generations. Two archetypical
support strategies are identied: one is to keep investing in R&D concerning 2G technology, where the
expected outcome is a fast move from one technology generation to the other. The other strategy is to
focus on learning-by-doing in the 1G technology. In that way progress can be made in 1G technologies
but the effects on 2G technologies are uncertain. We apply a Technological Innovation System
perspective to analyse the strategies followed and their effects. From the results we draw lessons of
relevance for practitioners who aspire to understand and inuence emerging energy technologies.
& 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Technological innovation systems
Technology generations
The Netherlands

1. Introduction
Supporting the development and diffusion of sustainable
energy innovations has become a dominant topic on the political
agenda of many countries. However, providing this support
remains a difcult task for decision makers with a need to
inuence the course of technological change [13]. A traditional
method for policy makers to stimulate energy innovation
trajectories is to stimulate investments in research and development (R&D), thereby supporting learning processes often labelled
as learning-by-searching [4,5]. This is an effective method to
improve the technological performance of pre-commercial technologies and to increase their variety. However, investments in
R&D alone do not explain the outcome of technological trajectories in the energy sector. Additional efforts to promote market
diffusion of new energy technologies play a crucial role, especially
when it comes to translating results of R&D to changes in the
energy system [46]. Practical experiences in the market allow for
learning processes to take place that are not stimulated by R&D;
these are often labelled as learning-by-doing [5]. Learning-bydoing has proved to be critical in solving technological problems
and establishing cost reductions for new technologies.

 Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 30 253 2782x1625; fax: +31 30 253 2746.

E-mail address: (R.A.A. Suurs).

0360-5442/$ - see front matter & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

It is important to nd the right balance between investments

in R&D and investments in technology deployment by market
formation measures [6]. This idea has been well established in the
evolutionary economics literature, which stresses the importance
of continued interactions between the activities of basic science,
technology development and market formation, in technological
change processes; see Kline and Rosenberg [7] for an overview.
Scholars of evolutionary economics have since long rejected the
so-called linear model of R&D, which considered technological
change a unidirectional process, starting with basic research,
followed by applied R&D, and ending with production and
diffusion; see Godin [8]. The linear model does not t the actual
complexity of technological change [7]. In reality, technological
change is a non-linear development which is constituted by
numerous processes. These include R&D, and also production and
market formation, running in parallel, and thereby reinforcing
each other through feedback mechanisms.1 If such feedbacks are
neglected, by policy makers or entrepreneurs, this is likely to
result in the failure of support policies [4,7,12,13].
This balancing exercise becomes even more challenging when
one realises that a technological trajectory, in many cases, does
not consist of a single technology being invented, developed and

Alternative models employed within the evolutionary economics eld are
the chain-linked model [7] or the innovation system model [5,911].


R.A.A. Suurs, M.P. Hekkert / Energy 34 (2009) 669679

diffused in the market, but of various technologies in different

development stages: technology generations. Take for example
the technological trajectory of photovoltaic solar cells: here two
technology generations can be discerned: thick crystalline silicon
cells and thin lms. New cell types like organic dye solar cells or
spiral technologies might invoke even more generations. These
technology generations have some commonalities with respect to
the service or societal function they provide, but differ strongly in
technology base, and in their (expected) distance to the market.
With the existence of technology generations, energy policy is not
only a matter of balancing R&D vs. market formation, but also a
matter of dividing resources across multiple technological
options. So far little research has been done that focuses on the
effect of such technology dynamics on the outcomes of innovation
The situation may be regarded an opportunity to combine and
interlink these two processes within one technological trajectory.
A critical question is then whether deployment programmes for a
rst generation (1G) technology may have positive effects on the
development of a second generation (2G) technology. Two
archetypical strands of policy making may be discerned. One
strategy is to keep investing in R&D on 2G technology. The
expected outcome is a fast move from one technology generation
to the other. The other strategy is to focus on learning-by-doing in
the 1G technology. In that way progress can be made in 1G
technology but the effects on the 2G technology are uncertain. The
1G technology may pave the way, in terms of markets and
infrastructures, for the 2G technology, but there is also the risk of
early lock-in: 1G technology driving 2G technology out of the
market before it ever stands a chance.
To increase our insight in the possible implications resulting
from these strategies, this paper takes the development of biofuel
technologies in the mobility sector as the topic of study. The
biofuels domain offers a prime example of different technology
generations competing for support. The 1G biofuels have limited
performance in terms of CO2-reduction and require much land,
but they are already in a (near-) commercial stage of development
[14]. Examples are biodiesel from rapeseed, ethanol from corn,
sugar beets and sugar reed. The 2G biofuels are expected to
perform much better in terms of costs, land use and CO2
emissions reductions. However, they are in a pre-commercial
stage of development. Examples are ethanol from lignocelluloses
(woody biomass) and synthetic diesel from woody biomass, based
on the FisherTropsch process. See Schubert [14] for an overview.
The aim of this study is to analyse and evaluate the dynamics
involved in the development of biofuel technologies and to relate
these dynamics to the effect of strategies followed by policy
makers and entrepreneurs with respect to 1G and 2G technologies. Based on this analysis we provide a general discussion that is
also relevant when dealing with other sustainable technological
As an analytical framework we take up a conceptual model
that is rmly rooted in the evolutionary economics literature: the
Technological Innovation Systems (TIS) approach [9]. The TIS is a
social network, constituted by actors and institutions (rules of the
game), that is constructed around a specic technology. The TIS
literature stresses the fact that most emerging technologies will
pass through a so-called formative stage before they are subjected
to a market environment [15]. During this formative stage actors
are drawn in, institutions are designed and adjusted. In short,
many processes unfold that, positively or negatively, will
inuence technology diffusion. The build-up, or breakdown, of
these processes is conceptualised as the fullment of a set of
system functions. Examples are the emergence of Entrepreneurial
Activities, Knowledge Development and Resource Mobilisation
[16]; a complete overview will be given in the next section. The

system functions combined foster the emerging technology. In the

ideal case, the TIS will develop and expand its inuence, thereby
propelling the emerging technology towards a stage of market
diffusion. Based on this idea, the system functions will serve as
evaluation criteria. With the aid of the TIS framework we will be
able to particularly pay attention to the dynamic nature of
technology development.
We will analyse 17 years of biofuel innovation system
dynamics. The focus on the Dutch situation has theoretical and
practical reasons: (i) technology dynamics are largely countryspecic [5] and (ii) the analysis requires direct access to the
empirical eld. The research question to be addressed is:
What strategies were followed with respect to the support of
1G and 2G biofuel technologies by decision makers in the Dutch
biofuels innovation system, and how did these choices affect the
development of system functions in the last 15 years?
Based on the analysis of system functions we indicate to what
extent decision makers have been effective in supporting TIS
development. From the results we draw lessons of relevance for
scholars, policy makers and entrepreneurs who aspire to understand and inuence emerging energy technologies.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 the
research design, including theory and method, is revealed. Section 3
provides the case study on the Dutch biofuels developments. In
Section 4 we evaluate and discuss our results. Section 5 concludes by
summarising the most important issues.

2. Research design
Our theoretical approach is based on the work by Carlsson and
Stankiewicz [9], Bergek [17], Jacobsson and Bergek [15] and
Hekkert et al. [16]. The method we use is derived from Abell [18]
and Poole et al. [19], and thoroughly illustrated by Hekkert et al.
[16], Suurs and Hekkert [20] and Negro et al. [21]. Since there is
already a lot of literature on this approach, both from a theoretical
and a methodical perspective, we limit ourselves to a condensed
2.1. Theory
The TIS approach is part of a wider theoretical school, called
the Innovation Systems (IS) approach [5,911]. The central idea
behind the IS approach is that determinants of technological
change are not (only) to be found in individual rms or in R&D
networks, but also in a broader social structure in which the rm
as well as R&D networks are embedded. Since the 1980s, IS
studies have pointed out the great inuence of this social
structure on technological change and economic performance
within nations, sectors or technological elds. The structure of an
IS consists of actors, institutions and the network of relations
through which these are connected [22]. The TIS approach focuses
on particularly that structure that surrounds a specic technology.
We follow this idea in dening the Dutch Biofuels TIS (BIS) as the
network of actors and institutions that directly support (or reject)
the development and (eventually) the diffusion of biofuels, in the
The TIS framework matches our conceptual focus on a specic
technological eld. It has also proven its heuristic value for the
evaluation of public and private intervention in relation to
complex innovation processes [23]. However, a weakness of past
innovation system studies is that they fail to address historical
features in dynamic terms [16,20]. Recent TIS literature suggests
that dynamics can be captured by pointing out positive (and
negative) interactions between system functions [1517,20].
These system functions are processes that foster the shaping

R.A.A. Suurs, M.P. Hekkert / Energy 34 (2009) 669679

and the diffusion of a technological eld. The premise is that a TIS

should realise multiple system functions, each covering a
particular aspect of technology development. Based on a review
of innovation systems literature, a shortlist of seven system
functions has been formulated [16]. These are presented in Table 1.
The system functions are criteria for the evaluation of a TIS in a
formative stage. As actors, institutions and networks are successfully arranged to realise a sufciently high level of system function
activity, chances of technology diffusion will increase. Given the
earlier mentioned insights from evolutionary economics, it is also
expected that system functions need to be realised in parallel, as
they need to complement and reinforce each other.
We prepare a basis for evaluation in two ways: (i) we expect
the intensity of different system functions to change through
time, which should make it possible to nd out what system
functions were sufciently fullled and to what degree; (ii) we
expect the system functions to interact in such a way that it
becomes possible to discern a positive feedback, or as Jacobsson
and Bergek [15] call it a cumulative causation. For instance, the
successful realisation of an important research project (Knowledge Development), may result in a rise of expectations among
policy makers (Guidance of the Search), which may subsequently
trigger the start-up of a subsidy programme (Resource Mobilisation) to support even more research projects (Knowledge Development). Of course developments may also result in (un)fruitful
conict, or a standstill. By describing in detail the development
and interactions of system functions we provide an understanding
of the dynamics of technological change.
We will breakdown the analysis of dynamics for 1G and 2G
biofuels, point out the conicts and complementarities, and relate
them to strategic choices made by the actors in the BIS.
There exist other theoretical approaches that can be used for
analysing and evaluating technological change and innovation.
Most of them focus on isolated processes or particular aspects of
innovation [24,25], but since the 1990s there have emerged
various studies that develop a more holistic approach [3,25].
These studies have much in common as they share the basic
elements, actors and institutions, and the purpose, supporting
emerging technologies, of the analysis. They also tend to share the
core ideas of evolutionary economics that we have set out in the
introduction. It is beyond the scope of this article to give a review
of this literature (see [3,25] for a suitable starting point to explore
this literature), but there is one strand of theory that should be
discussed, as it is, because of its similarity, a contester of the TIS
This strand of theory is the Strategic Niche Management
approach (SNM) [2629]. SNM stresses the possible role of
protected societal experiments, or niches, as a means to support
emerging technologies. Like the TIS approach, SNM studies
suggest the importance of stimulating particular processes
(learning processes, shaping expectations, network formation) to
support the progressive development of such niches [12,29].
Both approaches have their pros and cons; see Markard [3] for
an overview. An important pro of the SNM literature is that it has
incorporated a dynamic analysis of emerging technologies ever
since it emerged in the 1990s. The SNM approach is also well
positioned within an all encompassing framework that covers
the interplay of sectoral dynamics and landscape factors in
relation to niche development (see Geels and Raven [29,30]). On
the other hand, as discussed above, the TIS literature has recently
managed to move away from its static focus, and, indeed, has
surpassed SNM studies in the sense that attention is given to a
larger variety of processes (system functions), with, as a result, a
more ne-grained approach to dynamics. Moreover, the TIS
approach involves a more inclusive perspective on how a TIS
develops over timei.e. gathering momentum through interaction


Table 1
Innovation system functions
System function


F1: Entrepreneurial activities

Entrepreneurs are at the core of a TIS. They

perform the market-oriented experiments
necessary to establish radical change.
Entrepreneurs are usually private enterprises, yet
they can also be public actors.

F2: Knowledge development

Research and development of technological

knowledge are prerequisites for innovation to
occur. This system function is associated with the
creation of variety in technological options. R&D
activities are often performed by scientists,
although contributions by other actors are
possible as well.

F3: Knowledge diffusion

The typical organisation structure of a TIS is the

knowledge network that facilitates the exchange
of information. This system function relates to
such exchange activities.

F4: Guidance of the search

Often, within an emerging technological eld,

various technological options exist. This system
function represents the selection process
necessary to facilitate a convergence in
development. Guidance can take the institutional
form of policy targets, but is often also realised
through the expectations of technological options
as expressed by various actors.

F5: Market formation

Often, new technologies cannot exceed incumbent

technologies. In order to stimulate innovation, it is
usually necessary to facilitate the creation of
(niche) markets. This is especially the case in the
energy sector, where external costs of fossil fuelbased technologies are often unaccounted for.

F6: Resource mobilisation

Material and human factors are a necessary input

for all TIS developments. This system function can
be fullled by entrepreneurial investments or
through government support programmes.

F7: Support from advocacy


The emergence of new technology often leads to

resistance from established actors. In order for a
TIS to develop, some actors must raise a political
lobby counteracting this inertia. Often, this is done
by NGOs or industrial interest groups.

of system functions, gradually including more actors and

institutionswhereas in SNM it is unclear how a niche will
become something else than just a protected experiment. It
should be mentioned that SNM studies have started to address
this issue by studying the emergence of connections across
various niches [31].
In a sense, the choice for either of these theoretical approaches
is a matter of style and taste. After all, the drawbacks of both
approaches are being worked on. Additional work, conceptual and
empirical, will benet a fruitful dialogue between both literature
strands that has existed for some years now (see Markard [3]). The
superiority of one approach above the other has not (yet) been
established and will certainly not be decided upon in this article.
Note that the dynamics of technology generations, the core
topic of this article, have so far not been covered by any of these

2.2. Method
The analysis of a developing TIS requires a methodology that
captures the micro-dynamics that contribute to its realisation.
Traditional empirical methods fall short here. For example,


R.A.A. Suurs, M.P. Hekkert / Energy 34 (2009) 669679

bibliometric methodologies, as applied to publications or patents,

are limited to the analysis of Knowledge Development, while
social network analysis is limited in that it detects only Network
Formation. Similarly, rm data are well suited to analyse
Entrepreneurial Activities, but are less suitable to construct
indicators for other system functions. A more exible, yet
systematic, methodology to measure the realisation of system
functions is event history analysis as it has been developed in the
context of organisation studies [19].
The event history analysis has been most used in a series of
studies oriented towards rm level innovation trajectories [32].
With a focus on the micro-level, these studies monitored the
day-to-day business activities of a rm in real-time. By using
quantitative and qualitative approaches, they have distilled a
number of interesting dynamic patterns, resulting in theoretical
insights on the nature of innovation dynamics [19,32]. Another
important contribution of these studies was the development
of statistical tests which could distinguish between a variety of
organisational dynamics. For a meso-level analysis, like ours,
the size of the system is too large to allow for this kind of
approach. For one thing, change processes typically take
more time (in the order of decades rather than years), implying
that an ex post analysis is more suitable. Also, the size and
heterogeneity of a large socio-technical systems makes it more
difcult to come up with sensible aggregate variables to be used
for statistical testing. But, as Van de Ven [33] has shown himself,
the event history analysis can be adapted to t to larger systems
as well.
The empirical basis of the event history analysis is the event.
Each instance of change with respect to actors, institutions
and technology, which is the work of one or more actors, and
which carries some collective importance with respect to the
TIS under investigation, is considered an event. The selection of
events is essentially an exercise of interpretation in which a
large amount of data is surveyed and analysed. In our case a
search was carried out in Dutch periodicals from the period
19902007. The following keywords were used (translated from
Dutch): bio(-)fuel; bio(-)ethanol; biodiesel; dimethylether (dme);
FischerTropsch; hydrothermal upgrading (htu); pure plant oil
(ppo). In total, about 1100 events were retrieved and collected in a
With the overview provided in the database, the events can be
clustered into types that correspond to the system functions. This
clustering exercise is iterative by nature and will yield somewhat
different outcomes for each empirical case. For our study the
outcome is presented in Table 2. In this table, each event is
mapped on a particular system function. This way, the events
serve as empirical counterparts of system functions.
The next step is to construct a narrative in which the events are
interpreted and connected in a meaningful way. This can be done
by forming storylines consisting of event sequences. The construction of these storylines is possible since the relations
between events can be traced back in time by using the database.
On the system level, each event can be connected to a system
function, according to Table 2. With this in mind, it becomes
possible to point out what system functions are involved in the
unfolding of a particular storyline. It even becomes possible to
indicate whether particular system functions reinforce (or
antagonise) each other through time. A very simple example of
an event sequence could be that a government subsidy [F6],
results in an R&D project [F2], which delivers promising results,
raising positive expectations [F4], thereby encouraging the
government to provide even more subsidies [F6], which are used
to conduct more R&D [F2], and so on. The narrative will consist of
multiple storylines, each made up of sequences of interrelated
events. If system functions reinforce each other positively, this is

Table 2
Event types as indicators of innovation system functions
System function

Event types

F1: Entrepreneurial activities

Projects with a commercial aim,

demonstrations, portfolio expansions

F2: Knowledge development

Studies, lab trials, pilots

F3: Knowledge diffusion

Conferences, workshops, alliances

between actors

F4: Guidance of the search

Expectations, promises, policy

targets, standards, research outcomes

F5: Market formation

Regulations constituting niche

markets, tax exemptions

F6: Resource mobilisation

Subsidy programmes

F7: Support from advocacy coalitions

Lobbies, advice

called cumulative causation. Such a mechanism will result in the

rapid build-up of a TIS. If system functions reinforce each other
negativelyfor example through negative expectations that affect
the willingness of investors to step inthe possibility of a TIS
breakdown arises.
In this case, we also indicated in our database whether events
belonged to one of three categories: 1G biofuels, 2G biofuels, or
generic.2 By looking for different contributions to system function
fullment of events related to 1G and 2G technologies we will be
able to say something about the effect of technology generations,
or strategies followed, on the dynamics of the BIS.
The construction of the event sequences, and the narrative, is
done as objectively as possible based on empirical information.
Still, the interpretation of the researcher is a crucial factor in this.
To minimise personal bias, the narrative was veried, i.e.
triangulated with other data sources, and, where necessary,
reconstructed, by including feedback from interviews with
experts. Seven interviews have been conducted with biofuels
experts: entrepreneurs, senior policy makers and policy researchers. Also numerous informal conversations with researchers and
policy experts have been used to check key insights.
Note that the event history analysis as conducted within this
study, constitutes a more rigorous and more systematic approach
to case study analysis than usually the case. In our view this is an
important contribution to qualitative research in the eld of
innovation, and science and technology studies.

3. The dynamics of the Dutch biofuels innovation system

In this section, we reconstruct the development of the BIS and
refer to the various system functions as F1, F2, F3, etc., following
Table 1 and 2. The narrative is chronologically organised, covering
six episodes. In each episode, the narrative starts out with an
outline of important external developments of the time. A short
account on the general features of the technologies involved is
given in Box 1.

The 1G biofuels being biodiesel, pure plant oil and ethanol from agricultural
crops and 2G biofuels being dme, FischerTropsch diesel, htu products and
cellulosic ethanol. The generic category contains those events which did not imply
a choice between those specic technological options.

R.A.A. Suurs, M.P. Hekkert / Energy 34 (2009) 669679

Box 1Technical features of 1G and 2G biofuel technologies

A remarkable feature of this case, is the appearance of two
distinct technology groups: first generation (1G) and second
generation (2G) biofuels. Both technology groups connect to
different knowledge bases and separate sectoral backgrounds. The 1G fuels are based on conventional technologies, mainly adopted by farmers organisations. Agricultural
crops are used to produce biodiesel or bioethanol. The 2G
biofuels originate from more science-based technologies
(chemical and biotechnological) that are mostly advocated
by research institutes and oil companies, but also by biotech
industries and dedicated entrepreneurs. With the 2G technologies, woody biomassmainly forestry materialsis converted to biocrude, FischerTropsch-diesel or cellulosic
bioethanol (all synthetic substances). The 2G biofuels are
currently in a pre-commercial stage of development. See
Schubert [14] for a condensed account of different types of
It is currently expected thatin the long termthe 2G
biofuels will offer a possibility for larger CO2-emission
reductions at lower costs than 1G fuels. Another advantage
of 2G biofuel technologies is that they can draw upon a wider
variety of biomass resources, including waste materials. On
the other hand, the 1G biofuels seem to offer a better
perspective in terms of costs and implementation in the near
future. With respect to utilisation in vehicles, if biofuels are
used in their pure form, significant vehicle changes are
necessary; for blends, only minor changes are needed. The
only exception to this is FischerTropsch biodiesel, which can
be applied in regular diesel engines.

3.1. Emerging biofuel technologies (19901994)

During the early 1990s, there is no political urgency of a
sustainable energy system. Oil prices are low and the climate
issue is barely mentioned in political arenas. The biofuels issue
arises in Europe as an effect of the declining agricultural sector
[34]. With the production of non-food crops, the sector could be
aligned with a new market. In 1992, within the context of this
agrication idea, Europe proposes to nancially support biofuels
[35] by putting forward a scheme for generic tax exemptions. Also,
farmers are offered a premium for the cultivation of non-food
crops. Environmental benets are mentioned as the prime reason
for these subsidies [36,37].
In the Netherlands, these developments are picked up by a
group of entrepreneurs who start adopting biofuels [F1]. In the
rural province of Groningen, a public transport company starts a
trial [F2] with bioethanol in buses. A number of actors is involved,
among which the alcohol producer Nedalco [38]. Another entrepreneurial project [F1] is started in the city of Rotterdam, this
involves a trial [F2] where buses are fuelled with biodiesel. Funding
is provided by the companies themselves and through European
subsidies [F6]. These examples of Entrepreneurial Activities and
Knowledge Development, are the rst signs of a Dutch BIS taking
shape. Technically, the outcomes are a success [F4]. A less-positive
outcome [F4] is the low economic feasibility: under the present
circumstances, biofuels cannot compete with fossil fuels [39].
Measures of national support are absent. This relates to the
emergence of a controversy around the use of biofuels. The
national government agency for energy and environment (Novem)
states that implementation of biofuels is too expensive compared
with co-ring biomass in power plants [F4] [40,41]. Various
assessment studies [F2] now set the tone for a debate [F4] that
goes on until today. Regional actors emphasise the strategic and
environmental value, whereas scientists and environmentalists


stress the meagre environmental performance of biofuels. The

national government stands divided on the issue and refrains
from action [F4] [4245].
In this rst episode, system functions are beginning to develop,
although they are mainly driven by external factors. There is no
indication of feedback dynamics internal to the BIS. Note that in
this episode 2G biofuels are not yet mentioned; in fact the term
has not been invented yet.

3.2. A rst niche market (19951997)

From 1995 onwards the climate issue is gaining political
momentum and the concept of biomass is becoming important in
the energy sector [46,47].
Against this background, a rst series of projects starts which
will contribute to a sequence of further activities. This begins in
1995, in the rural province of Friesland, where two boating
companies initiate adoption experiments with biodiesel [F1]. One
important reason is the increase of regulative pressure with
respect to surface water quality [F4], as biodiesel is biodegradable
and poses only a limited threat to the water quality. The
companies demand a national fuel tax exemption for the project
[F7]; the province and the district board of agriculture support the
idea by forming an advocacy coalition towards the national
government [F7]. They are successful and a rst tax exemption
for 2 yearsis provided [F5] [48]. A positive feedback now emerges
as the province decides to adopt biodiesel for its eet of service
boats. The adoption experiment results in (practical) knowledge
[F2] and, most importantly, it serves as an example to others in the
eld [F4]. Several other boating projects start [F1] and, once again,
tax exemptions are demanded [F7], and issued [F5].
These (1G) biofuel technologies gain more attention due to the
positive outcome of the trials. The positive dynamics revolve
around a Support from Advocacy Coalitions and Resource
Mobilisation by regional entrepreneurs. An important Market
Formation factor is the presence of local water quality regulations.
A critical downside is that, meanwhile, various impact
assessments [F2] yield contradictory or negative results for 1G
biofuels [F4]. Studies show that 1G options are unsustainable.
The national government still does not take a clear stance in the
debate [F4]. Tax exemptions are issued [F5], yet on project-specic
grounds, and not on the basis of a general vision [49].
The story of struggling entrepreneurs also ts the role of
Nedalco, an alcohol producer. Nedalco plans a business expansion
[F1], starting with the trial production of bioethanol [F2] [50].
Together with other companies, plans are made for a pilot plant
[F3], and the national government is asked to support this [F7].
Returns cannot cover the investments without a tax exemption
[51]. Nedalco succeeds to raise general attention to bioethanol,
especially also in the media [F4] [51,52]. In the summer of 1997,
Nedalco succeeds in persuading [F7] the national authorities to
guarantee a 10 year tax exemption [F5] for the annual production
of 30 million litres of bioethanol. However, the amount turns out
insufcient to cover the investments [51,53]. As a result, the
project is discontinued [F1] and the plans remain a promise.
Nevertheless, Nedalcos project is successful in the sense that it
has started to break the governments resistance to (1G) biofuels.
The Entrepreneurial Activities serve as a pivot in the unfolding
of more positive dynamics. The event sequence is characterised by
an initial impulse of multiple system functions simultaneously,
including Entrepreneurial Activities, Knowledge Development and
Knowledge Diffusion. But the positive feedback especially depends on Guidance of the Search (public opinion, press releases)
and Support from Advocacy Coalitions (especially lobbies). Note
that 2G biofuels are still not mentioned in this period.


R.A.A. Suurs, M.P. Hekkert / Energy 34 (2009) 669679

3.3. The invention of technology generations (19982000)

In 1998, the climate issue becomes more and more important.
An international milestone is the signing of the Kyoto treaty by
European member states in 1998. Furthermore, the transport
domain is increasingly considered an important target for energy
policy [54,55]. A signicant event during this episode is the
initiationby Novemof a national programme for the assessment and support of gaseous and liquid CO2-neutral energy
carriers: the GAVE programme [56]. The programme manages to
establish a breakthrough in the status quo, in three ways.
The rst breakthrough is related to Guidance of the Search.
Scarcity of biomass has been increasing as a result of growing
demands for electricity production [F6] [57], causing a erce
discourse on the use of biomass streams for transport vis-a`-vis
electricity purposes [F4] [49]. However, an inuential study [F2],
authorised by GAVE [F4], designates that biofuel production might
certainly be favourable, provided that production scales are
sufciently high [F4] [58,59]. Moreover, a whole range of
alternatives already exists for electricity production, whereas for
transportation purposes, little has been achieved [F4]. With these
arguments, GAVE turns to the responsible government ministries
and puts the issue on the national policy agenda [F4, F7] [56].
The second breakthrough initiated by GAVE, is in Knowledge
Development around 2G biofuels. In 1999, GAVEs rst move is to
authorise a number of assessment studies [F2], aimed at removing
the controversy around various biofuel options [F4]. A pre-study
results in a shortlist of fuel chains to be analysed in more detail
[F2] [60]. The advice is to exclusively support projects which
promise a CO2 reduction of at least 80% [F4] [56]. Subsequently, all
1G options are (de facto) excluded from further assessments. It is
within this context that the category of 2G biofuels is actually
invented to distinguish the contested agriculture-based biofuels
from emerging biofuels options that are expected to offer a better
CO2 balance in the future. Other European countries, most notably
France and Germany, are by this time actively supporting the
market diffusion of 1G biofuels.
Thirdly, the programme serves as a catalyst, bundling and
connecting (2G) activities that, so far, have been developing in
relative isolation. Pivot of the unfolding dynamics are Guidance of
the Searchpromises made by entrepreneurs plus visibility,
networks, and funding delivered by GAVE. This involves Knowledge Development, Knowledge Diffusion, Resource Mobilisation
and Support from Advocacy Coalitions as well. All these system
functions become tightly interrelated. As a result, GAVE strongly
inuences all BIS dynamics to come.
In this light it is worth mentioning that Nedalconot part of
GAVEhas shifted its attention in response to the rise of 2G
biofuels [F1, F4]. They initiate a highly innovative R&D project [F2]
on the production of cellulose ethanol. Organisations involved are
Wageningen University, TNO and Shell [F3]. The project is partly
funded by government subsidies [F6] [51].
To sum it up, the consistent promises of 2G technologies,
trigger fruitful BIS dynamics, largely supported by the Guidance of
the Search provided by the governments GAVE programme. The
BIS focuses strongly on 2G Resource Mobilisation and Knowledge
Development. The 1G biofuels are not supported and in fact, there
are hardly any new 1G activities to speak of in this period.

3.4. Technology choices (20012002)

Besides the climate issue, the security of oil supply issue is
gaining importance, especially since the 911 event. Sustainable
mobility is now put rmly on the political agenda. Against this
background, the work of GAVE continues [61]. From 2001 to 2002,

GAVE installs a subsidy scheme [F6] aimed at guiding entrepreneurs towards the realisation of demonstration-scale fuel chains
[F4] [62]. The scheme consists of two tenders for a total budget of
approximately 2 million Euros. The rst step is to stimulate the
formation of coalitions [F3] and to support assessment research
[F2]. The 80% CO2-reduction criterion still holds.
All projects that are supported by GAVE are directed at 2G
options [F1]. Two experiments [F1] focusing on combining
biomass gasication with FischerTropsch synthesis, are characteristic for this episode. If successful, they would enable the
production of biodiesel from practically any biomass source [F4].
The projects are set up by two networks [F3]the Shell-ECN
network and the TNO-Nuon networkand various other actors,
such as banks and a car company [63]. The projects are successful
[F4], particularly with respect to solving technological bottlenecks
related to cleaning the synthesis gas that is required for the
FischerTropsch process [F2] [64].
The next stage of the programme is to realise a commercial
demonstration. By the end of 2002, possibilities are considered [F4],
as both alliances are viable candidates and GAVE has a sum of
5 million Euros to offer [F6]. Unfortunately, both parties decide
to discontinue [F1]. The main reason is that the building of a
commercial-scale plant would cost far more than 10 million Euros.
According to the candidates, such an investment is not feasible
without a anking market stimulation programme, e.g. tax exemption measures [F5] [56,65]. The subsidy programme stops [F6].
From a purely technological perspective, the approach of GAVE
has resulted in important successes. But the absence of Market
Formation activities forms a critical barrier to the development of
2G demonstration projects [56].

3.5. A paradigm shift (20032005)

In 2003 Europe decides on a biofuel directive, thereby
demanding from its members to substitute a percentage of all
transportation fuels, by biofuels [66]. With GAVEs subsidy
programme terminated, and with the new task of implementing
the directive, a reorientation of national policy is imminent [67].
Therefore, in 2003 GAVE is issued with a priority task [F4]: the
development of a market for biofuels [F5]. The 1G technologies
are now increasingly perceived as a stepping stone towards future
use of 2G fuels [56,68].
In 2003, once again, Nedalco starts inuencing the eld. With
the directive being taken up by national policy makers [F4], the
alcohol company now works on a new business plan for the largescale production of bioethanol [F1] [51]. However, despite the
policy shift [F4], concrete tax measures are still not in effect [F5].
Once again, Nedalco pleas for a long-term tax exemption [F7]. The
promise of 2G technologies serves as important leverage, as
meanwhile their venture in R&D on 2G ethanol has been
extraordinarily fruitful [F4] [51,56]. Still, the national government
does not readily respond [F4] and the project is halted [F1].
There is still no national support programme for 1G biofuels,
but in anticipation on EU policy [F4], a variety of 1G initiatives are
started from 2002 onwards [F1]. These are the rst commercial
experiments that target the supply side of the biofuels chain. The
projects are supported by a large number of actors; amongst them
are farmers, farmers associations and local government authorities [F3]. Many farmers are made shareholders [F6]. Also,
biofuels are promoted to potential users [F4]. For these projects
to nancially work out, tax exemptions are requested [F7], and
issued on project-specic basis [F5] [69]. In 2004 numerous
municipalities start to adopt biodiesel for their car eets [F1] and
by 2005, the rst 1G biodiesel plant is built [6971]. These
successful outcomes [F4] trigger positive dynamics in the sense

R.A.A. Suurs, M.P. Hekkert / Energy 34 (2009) 669679

that now numerous projects [F1] start all over the country,
especially in rural areas [7276].
Now multiple system functions are being fullled. Remarkably,
it is, again, regional authorities and entrepreneurs that take the
BIS forward with their Entrepreneurial Activities. The anticipation
on Market Formation policies, to be issued through the EU
directive, plays an important role. National policy makers realise
that their scheme has failed because Market Formation was
completely neglected. In accordance with this, GAVE now changes
its role, from an R&D catalyst, to a facilitator of Knowledge
Diffusion and Market Formation. In the process, the concept of a
stepping stone technologyfrom 1G to 2Ghas gained popularity. The 1G fuels are now explicitly regarded as a bridging option
[56,68]. This can be regarded an important paradigm shift, having
a large inuence on the further unfolding of BIS dynamics.

3.6. A market in distress (20062007)

With oil prices rising, biofuels are becoming an ever more
important subject of energy policies, not only in the EU but
worldwide [14]. A drawback is that, with market diffusion of (1G)
biofuels taking off globally, the resistance against biofuels is
growing at the same time. The controversy is becoming stronger
as studies show that the increased land use for energy cropsfor
1G and 2G alikeresult in rising food prices and in the cutting of
vulnerable nature areas like rainforests [77].
In the Netherlands the EU directive is translated in national
policies [F4]. For 2006, a generic tax exemption is issued (as a
temporary measure), which is replaced, in 2007, by a scheme of
obligatory blending [F5]. The scheme obliges oil companies to sell
biofuels in an increasing share of their fossil-derived fuel sales;
from 2% (on an energy basis) in 2007 to 5.75% in 2010 [78]. In
addition, to promote R&D on 2G biofuels a 60 million Euros
subsidy programme, specically directed at 2G biofuels production pilots (IBB), is installed for 20062014; with 12 million Euros
allocated for 2007 [F6] [79]. For the rst time Market Formation
and Knowledge Development are supported in parallel.3
As the result of these supportive policies, the number of
business start-ups increases [F1]. Biofuel plants (1G) and logistic
facilities are being built in the Rotterdam harbour [77]. A positive
effect of the biofuels market that has been created, is that
entrepreneurs no longer have to lobby for subsidies [F7]. Instead,
successful businesses breed ever more start-ups without the need
for specic government interventions [F4] [77].
An exception is formed by entrepreneurs aiming for the further
development of 2G technologies. The 2G biofuels are, as yet, not
developed far enough to be commercially available [14]. The
support for R&D, and the anticipated market, induces a number of
companiese.g. Shell and Nedalcoto invest resources [F6] in 2G
technologies R&D [F1, F2]. There are even plans made, most
notably by Nedalco, for the construction of 2G pilot plants. These
initiatives are, however, largely dependent on government funding, and the allocated resources are rather marginal [F6]. Indeed,
they are comparable to what was available within GAVE and this
turned out insufcient at the time. But now that there is a market,
Nedalco continues its course of activities in much the same way as
it begun, by lobbying towards the government for a large subsidy
[F7]. According to the latest information, the company was
granted a subsidy for the building of a 2G pilot plant, but is
currently still undecided on whether to realise its plans [77].
Note that this way the oil companies act as a gate keeper of the biofuels
market; they can determine whether to supply biofuels as blends, or as pure


Despite the strong position in terms of Knowledge Development, entrepreneurs are generally hesitant to initiate Entrepreneurial Activities. The problem in general, for potential 2G biofuel
producers, is the uncertainty on the biofuels market [F5]. After all,
it remains to be seen whether 2G biofuels can eventually compete
with the 1G biofuels [F4]. This uncertainty is the more striking in
the face of cheap imports from Brazil and Eastern Europe. In fact,
even 1G biofuel producers have a hard time competing with the
biofuel imports [F4, F5]. Reason for some entrepreneurs to call for
market protection policies in biofuels trade, especially since some
of the biofuels imported are deemed unsustainable [F7] [77].
The latter point relates to a more stringent issue: a renewed
rise of the biofuels controversy. With the increasing market
diffusion, scientists and environmental organisations have continued to stress that biofuels are not a solution but a problem
[F4, F7] [80,81]. Their distress calls are heard by politicians and
the Dutch government picks up on this by reaching back on the
original distinction between 1G and 2G biofuels, although it is a
more ne-grained distinction this time around. A system of
sustainability criteria is developed that should allow policy maker
to incorporate the CO2-reduction potential and land-use of
particular biofuel chains [82]. The most recent development is
that a debate has started, on the EU level, about the question
whether the biofuels directive should be adjusted to take into
account such sustainability criteria. Dutch policy makers have a
large say in this discussion since they have already started to
develop sustainability criteria, as a response to the early rise of a
biofuels controversy in the Netherlands [77].
At the time of writing, the biofuels controversy rages on,
undermining the long-term perspective for all biofuels development, 1G and 2G alike. It seems that the BIS is on a tipping point.
Either, the BIS actors, including the international ones, manage to
establish a consensus on what biofuel options are worthy of
support, or else the BIS will dissolve and break down as the result
of ever increasing uncertainty.

4. Analysis and evaluation

Having analysed the historical development of the BIS in detail,
our main questions can now be addressed explicitly. We will start
out by giving an account of the strategies that have been followed
by entrepreneurs and policy makers. Subsequently we will
evaluate the implications of these strategies for the dynamics of
the BIS in terms of system functions.
4.1. A typology of strategies
From the progression of events it becomes clear that different
actors have followed different strategies with respect to supporting 1G and/or 2G biofuel technologies. Also, these strategies have
changed over time. What is interesting from a theoretical point of
view is that both archetypical strands mentioned in Section 1
the R&D-oriented approach and the market diffusion-oriented
approachseem to be contained in the BIS, but there are others as
well. We will now identify four typical strategies and relate them
to some important examples.
First of all there is the wait-and-see strategy. This approach
was dominant at the beginning of the Dutch biofuel developments
(19901994) and was mainly followed by the Dutch national
government. Government authorities were divided and did not
take a stance in the emerging debate around the feasibility of 1G
biofuels. The dominant idea was that allocating biomass for
utilisation in the transport domain was inefcient compared to
utilisation in the electricity domain but this was not translated in
to policy. Some entrepreneurs managed to get a specic tax


R.A.A. Suurs, M.P. Hekkert / Energy 34 (2009) 669679

exemption, by actively lobbying for it, but these were exceptions

and not part of a policy strategy. Obviously, many actorsalso
entrepreneurschoose to be passive in situations characterised
by uncertainty. Nevertheless we stress the role played here by the
national government because many entrepreneurs expected a
more structural form of guidance.
Secondly, there is the typical R&D strategy as proposed in
Section 1. This more or less traditional approach is dominant in the
period of the GAVE programme (19982002). After GAVE was started
the government and its energy agency, Novem, started giving clear
signals that biofuels should be developed, and, moreover, that 2G
biofuels were to be preferred over 1G biofuels, effectively excluding
1G experiments from government support. Policy was aimed
towards stimulating R&D. This technology push approach was also
followed by research institutes and rms participating in the GAVE
programme. Note that most of these rms were incumbents:
medium-to-large organisations and part of the energy sector.
A third strategy that can be identied is the other extreme
discussed in Section 1, namely a total focus on Knowledge
Development, in the form of learning-by-doing, and Market
Formation. This diffusion strategy was especially favoured amongst
actors that promoted 1G biofuels in the period 19951998, for
instance the boating companies and Nedalco. But also from 2002 to
2005 amongst farmers and small entrepreneurs. Note that all of
these were relatively small actors, for the large part, new to the fuel
business. Also, local governments adhered to this market-oriented
approach, for instance by starting small procurement programmes.
The fourth strategy, the bridging strategy, involves combining
the latter two approaches. By simultaneously supporting 1G and
2G biofuels, R&D and learning-by-doing processes may possibly
be linked up. An example is the Nedalco project. This company
a new entrantalready produced consumption ethanol (essentially 1G technology) and actively advocated the diffusion of this
technology in the transportation domain. But at the same time it
invested in R&D on 2G biofuels. Another example is the national
governments attitude around 20032007. Under inuence of the
European directivepromoting market diffusion1G technologies were supported when it turned out that 2G technologies
would fail to be commercialised in time. From our perspective the
bridging strategy is most interesting since it relates to the
question with which we started this paper, namely whether such
developments can indeed complement each other in a positive
sense. Do they have a positive inuence on the dynamics of the
BIS? To answer this question we will now relate these strategies to
the fullment of the seven system functions and their dynamics.

4.2. System function fullment for 1G and 2G biofuels

If we want to provide an evaluative insight in the build-up of
the BIS, then the system functions should not be regarded as
independent variables, or static criteria. Rather, they are processes
that can reinforce each other. In fact they should reinforce each
other, or otherwise there can be no build-up in the TIS. We have
demonstrated this in Section 3 by pointing out how sequences of
events may result in positive feedback or cumulative causation.
So, given our narrative, what are the strong points and what are
the weak points of the Dutch biofuels trajectory with respect to
dynamics, and how does this relate to the strategies listed above?
When the BIS started developing around 19901994, the
system functions were only weakly fullled and their interrelatedness was poor. Some small entrepreneurs and local governments followed a diffusion strategy but it was the national
governments wait-and-see strategy that was dominant. The
biofuels option was debated amongst policy makers and energy
specialists without paying attention to what was actually

happening in the country in terms of Entrepreneurial Activities

and Support from Advocacy Coalitions. The result of this
polarisation was that in this stage of emergence, characterised
by high uncertainties anyway, entrepreneurs were subjected to a
very ambiguous Guidance of the Search process. In multiple cases
technically successful projects stopped because of poor economic
conditions, conditions that could have been improved with the aid
of government support. One could argue, although this is
speculative, that in terms of diffusion and the associated
learning-by-doing process, this was a missed opportunity.
Later on, around 19951998, BIS dynamics became more
progressive, as entrepreneurs managed to utilise 1G biofuels, for
instance in boats. This market diffusion strategy has been quite
successful, for many of these entrepreneurs are still active today.
The Entrepreneurial Activities could continue because of the
presence of surface water quality regulation. Also the national
government provided tax exemptions which additionally supported this niche market. The trials that resulted from these
actions contributed to Knowledge Formation (learning-by-doing),
and the positive outcomes (technically and economically) encouraged the start-up of other Entrepreneurial Projects as well.
Still these developments were strongly dependent on successful
lobbying activities, Support from Advocacy Coalitions, by the
companies and local governments involved. For each tax exemption entrepreneurs had to lobby again, thereby highly increasing
the transaction costs of their business. Moreover, this kind of ad
hoc policy does not provide clear signals to other, more risk
aversive, actors in the eld. In fact, with the initiation of GAVE, the
Guidance of the Search even became negative. Still, despite the
exclusion of 1G biofuels from programmatic support these
technologies could slowly develop in a niche context. The 2G
biofuels did not come close to the market in the period studied.
Therefore the diffusion strategy was not really an option for the
actors promoting these technologies. One exception is the Nedalco
company, on which more below.
The R&D strategy became dominant in the BIS around
19982002 when the GAVE programme started directing support
for 2G biofuels. This was more or less a top-down subsidy scheme
which resulted in the set-up of alliances and a number of R&D
projects with promising outcomes. This way GAVE contributed to
Resource Mobilisation, Knowledge Formation and Knowledge Diffusion. The knowledge developed around 2G biofuels mostly involved
laboratory experiments and feasibility studies, i.e. learning-bysearching. Unfortunately, a crucial limiting factor of the governments R&D strategy was Market Formation. Due to the lack of any
promise of a future market, the companies involved could not
continue the technological trajectory to which they were committed.
In this sense we could say that the R&D strategy has so far failed.
Note that for 1G biofuels, Knowledge Formation was mainly
incremental. From that perspective it made sense to focus R&D
expenditures on 2G biofuels. Nevertheless it is striking how
radical the segregation between technology groups was. Bridging
strategies were rather difcult to nd. For 2G biofuels, events
were mainly driven by the national government, research
institutes and large companies, whereas for 1G, it was many
small companies, farmers and regional governments that took the
lead. Apparently, the low-tech characteristics of the technologies
allowed for easy entry. Around 2G technologies barriers to entry
were higher, due to their complexity and capital intensiveness and
the associated risks of technological failure. An important
exception to this was the network around Nedalcos project,
which entailed both 1G and 2G actors. Nedalco combined R&D in
2G biofuels with (planned) market diffusion of 1G biofuels. So far
the outcomes were indenite as they still had not started any
biofuels production activities. It is unknown whether Nedalcos
R&D effort has had any positive effect on their regular business

R.A.A. Suurs, M.P. Hekkert / Energy 34 (2009) 669679

activities, but surely on the level of BIS dynamics they have

established a reputation for being innovative and this helped
them advocating the feasibility of 1G biofuels. This means that
Nedalco successfully contributed to the fullment of Entrepreneurial Activities, Support from Advocacy Coalitions, Guidance of
the Search, Knowledge Development, Knowledge Diffusion and
Resource Mobilisation. In the sense of contributing to the BIS and
the build-up of a variety of system functions, their bridging
strategy has been rather effective.
Most recently, the bridging strategy became the more
dominant approach within the BIS as a whole, especially when
around 2004 the GAVE programme responded to the failure of its
R&D strategy and had to follow up on the diffusion-oriented EU
directive. A lot has happened since then, in terms of Market
Formation, but also with respect to the Entrepreneurial Activities
and Guidance of the Search. Still, most of these activities have
revolved around 1G biofuels, whereas the development of 2G
biofuels lags behind. And with the biofuels controversy raging on,
it seems that business perspectives for risky projects have turned
bleak. It should be noted here that the debate over the
sustainability of biofuels, involving many Advocacy Coalitions,
has raised important issues related to ethical problems of global
scale. One might argue that because of these problems, the 1G
biofuels should not be supported at all since they jeopardise the
technological trajectory as a whole. On the other hand, the debate
could also be regarded as an important outcome of learning-bydoing processes, initiated by 1G technologies. If BIS actors want to
overcome resistance, it may be a fruitful strategy to do away with
the rigid distinction between 1G and 2G biofuels and to
implement a more ne-grained differentiation between various
biofuel options. This is now, in fact, starting to happen as
sustainability criteria are in the process of being developed.
Our main question was whether support for the diffusion of 1G
biofuels could indirectly stimulate R&D of 2G biofuels. This remains a
difcult question to answer because we did not nd a lot of examples
of this strategy in our case, and the examples that we did nd, only
provided tentative outcomes. It is just too early to evaluate these
recent changes in terms of outcomes. Still, our results suggest that it is
worth a try to induce couplings between activities related to different
technologies. After all, the R&D strategy did not work for 2G biofuels
because of the absence of a market environment. The diffusion
strategy has resulted in some Market Formation but did not result in
promising improvements for 1G biofuels. By complementing the
support for R&D in 2G technologies with a diffusion-oriented policy
for 1G biofuels, this problem could be overcome. After all, the broader
structure of the BIS, markets, knowledge infrastructure, user expectations, may benet greatly from such a process.

4.3. Discussion
This study should be regarded as an application of evolutionary
economic ideas in the specic technological eld of Dutch biofuels
development but it provides a more general contribution as well.
Although many other studies have been published that apply an
innovation system perspective, these have not focused on the
specic topic of competing technology generations. In fact,
innovation system studies usually take technological features
into account only as a background factor (see Sanden et al. [83] for
an elaborate argument along these lines). In this sense this study
is a step towards a better integration of our understanding of the
interactions between technological and social systems.
Another key contribution of this study, especially compared to
other innovation system analyses, is the explicit focus on
decision-making strategies. There are not many studies that
combine knowledge of strategies of individual policy makers


and entrepreneurs with a full etched dynamic systems analysis

(see Meijer [84] for a positive exception). By pointing out how
strategies of decision makers are likely to affect energy system
dynamics, this paper contributes in an important way to insights
of value to scholars as well as practitioners.

5. Concluding remarks
We have analysed and evaluated the dynamics of 1G and 2G
biofuel technologies and have related these to four possible
strategies of dealing with different technology generations. The
strategies identied are a wait-and-see strategy, a R&D strategy, a
diffusion strategy and a bridging strategy aimed at combining
R&D and market diffusion. To map the dynamics of the Dutch
biofuels developments we adopted the Technological Innovation
Systems (TIS) framework and analysed the build-up of system
functions over time as related to these four strategies. What
follows now is a general reection on the results from this
The dominant support strategy changed during the development of the BIS. The 1G biofuels developments started out with
marginal practical trials by small entrepreneurs and local
authorities that could count on very little support. Government
policies were absent, despite some ad hoc tax exemptions for
specic projects (wait-and-see strategy). Nevertheless some
entrepreneurs succeeded in developing a protected niche for 1G
biofuels and started practical trials in market-oriented businesses
(diffusion strategy). For 2G biofuels a positive Guidance of the
Search was established rather late in the form of the GAVE R&D
programme (R&D strategy). From that moment on 1G biofuels
started to become excluded, as GAVE did not support these
technologies. Recently, with the European biofuels directive, 1G
biofuels gained credit again and the Dutch government started
regarding 1G biofuels as a stepping stone towards 2G biofuels
(bridging strategy).
We have discussed the strengths and weaknesses of BIS
development as related to these four strategies. It turned out
difcult to reach a denitive conclusion. One important issue is
that the BIS was successful in facilitating Knowledge Development
and Knowledge Diffusion around 2G biofuels. It also succeeded,
though very late, in contributing to Market Formation, but the
activities were exclusively related to 1G biofuels. Despite government support, 2G biofuels never got close to a demonstration. This
could be regarded as a radical failure of the R&D strategy, which is
understandable as the enormous risks involved with developing a
supply infrastructure of 2G biofuels can only be overcome when
uncertainties in the demand side are minimal. A market needs to
be already organised for this type of investments to be made. This
is exactly what 1G technology could have done: pave the way for
2G technology by creating the necessary legislative infrastructure
and a rst market. But so far, Market Formation activities were
only loosely coupled to 2G development.
Next to this stepping stone mechanism, it also has other
advantages to start with deployment of 1G technology. This is
somewhat speculative but learning-by-doing effects may increase
signicant performance increases in 1G technologies that make
them better t for future sustainable energy systems. Given the
long time span of technology development this is not such a
strange thought. Along similar lines we should consider that the
promise of 2G technologies still needs to be lived up to. In other
words, the 2G biofuels may never deliver what is expected from
them. Always waiting for a better alternative is in the long run
most benecial for incumbent fossil fuel-based technologies. The
introduction of new technologies always involves technologies
that are in the beginning of the learning curve and, therefore, have


R.A.A. Suurs, M.P. Hekkert / Energy 34 (2009) 669679

great difculty to compete with incumbent technologies that have

gone through decades of technological improvements. For every
new technology that is introduced, one can think of a better
alternative that is still on the drawing table. Stimulating real
changes to the energy system implies that new technologies are
actually diffused and implemented instead of just being developed in R&D labs. The risk of comparing 1G and 2G technologies is
that the performance is benchmarked to each other and not to the
incumbent system.
Finally, there is a big risk in a deployment strategy of 1G
technology. This is the case when the 1G technology is so
controversial in terms of moral issues that it may create negative
attention for the technological trajectory as a whole. This may
destroy market chances of 2G technology instead of increasing
them. A way of avoiding this pitfall would be to prevent the
support of any biofuel option that does not meet some basic level
of sustainability. Currently, policy makers and entrepreneurs are
working on this by developing and implementing sustainability
criteria. If successful, this may also mean that the rather crude
distinction between 1G and 2G biofuels will be substituted for a
scheme that allows for a more subtle differentiation between the
rich variety of technological options that is currently still

The authors would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for
their constructive comments on an earlier version of this article.
The Dutch Knowledge Network for System Innovations and The
Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) are thanked for nancial
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