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Introduction to Feeding
Normal Cats
P. Jane Armstrong
Kathy L. Gross
Iveta Becvarova
Jacques Debraekeleer

The smallest feline is a masterpiece.

Leonardo da Vinci

Cats were probably domesticated between 1600 and 1500 BC.
Early Egyptians considered cats sacred and valued them for
their natural hunting and predatory behavior, which helped
control rodent populations. Little consideration for the nutritional needs of cats was required during the early days of
domestication. As domestic cats evolved from mouse catcher to
household companion, the need to understand their unique
nutritional requirements also increased. Today, it is well accepted that proper nutrition and care throughout life maximizes
health, longevity and quality of life. Providing proper guidance
about the nutritional management of cats requires an understanding of: 1) the basic principles of nutrition (Chapters 5 and
6), 2) the foods and nutrients commonly fed to cats, 3) how to
assess nutrient availability and quality of various foodstuffs and
foods, 4) foods and feeding practices that may positively or negatively affect health and 5) the unique nutritional needs of cats
throughout the lifecycle.

Cats are the most popular pets in the United States, totaling

approximately 77 million (APPMA, 2003). More than onethird of the households in the U.S. own cats with an average of
2.1 cats per cat-owning household. In 1996, the ratio of male to
female cats was roughly equal and nearly 80% of pet cats in the
U.S. were neutered (Table 19-1) (Lund et al, 1999). Table 19-2
lists the 10 countries with the largest pet cat populations.
Mixed-breed cats, domestic shorthairs and longhairs, make up
an estimated 95% of the worlds domestic cat population. They
result from random rather than selective breeding. Domestic
shorthair and longhair cats display a wide variety of sizes, and
coat colors, patterns and lengths. Although most cats in the U.S.
are non-pedigreed, the Cat Fanciers Association registered 41
different breeds in 2005. The four most common breeds were
Persians, Maine coons, Siamese and Abyssinians (CFA, 2005).
Compared with dogs, cats make up a smaller proportion of
the pets seen by veterinarians, but that proportion is increasing.
Now, nearly 68% of cat owners in the U.S. regularly use veterinary services. In 2001, cats visited veterinary clinics once per
year compared with 0.79 visits per year in 1987 (Center for
Information Management, 2002). In 2001, cat owners spent
$6.3 billion toward the health and well being of their cats. Cat
food sales followed the upward trend in cat ownership and
health care with almost $4.3 billion of sales in the U.S. in 1997


Small Animal Clinical Nutrition

Table 19-1. Age and gender distribution of cats in the United

States (1996).*
% of population
Neutered male
Spayed female
Age (years)
*Adapted from Lund EM, Armstrong PJ, Kirk CA, et al. Health
status and population characteristics of dogs and cats examined at private veterinary practices in the United States. Journal
of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1999; 214:

Table 19-2. Comparisons of cat populations in the 10 countries

with the highest numbers of cats.*
Pet cat population (millions)
*Source: Infobase Pvt. Ltd.

Figure 19-1. Influence of food temperature on food preference in

cats (mean food preference demonstrated by 23 cats fed moist
food at various temperatures vs. the same food at 20C [68F]).
Note how preference increases for food served at body temperature but decreases when food is served at temperature extremes.
(Adapted from Sohail MA. The ingestive behavior of the domestic
catA review. Nutritional Abstracts and Reviews Series B 1983; 53:

(Maxwell, 1998). The greatest growth occurred in dry cat foods

and treats, whereas sales of moist foods were static, and sales of
semi-moist products decreased. Pet owners are very interested
in nutritional information. In one pet owner survey, interest in
obtaining nutritional information equaled obtaining information about diseases. Furthermore, the pet owners top two preferred sources of pet health information were the Internet and
veterinarians (MAF, 2005).

Taxonomically, cats and dogs are members of the order
Carnivora and are therefore classified as carnivores (Table 124). From a dietary perspective, however, dogs are omnivores
(Chapter 12) and domestic cats and other members of the
superfamily Feloidea are strict or true carnivores, along with
raptors, mosquitoes and some coldwater fish. This basic difference is supported by specific behavioral, anatomic, physiologic
and metabolic adaptations of cats to a strictly carnivorous diet.

Adaptations in Feline Feeding Behavior

Domestic cats share several feeding behaviors with their wild
counterparts. Unlike most mammals, cats do not display a regular daily rhythmicity in sleep-wake cycles, activity, feeding and
drinking. Cats typically eat 10 to 20 small meals throughout the
day and night (Kane et al, 1981; MacDonald et al, 1984). This
eating pattern probably reflects the evolutionary relationship of
cats and their prey. With the exception of African lions, cats are
solitary hunters. Small rodents (e.g., voles and mice) make up
40% or more of feral domestic-type cats food source; however,
young rabbits and hares may compose a large portion of their
natural diet (Fitzgerald, 1988). A variety of other prey (e.g.,
birds, reptiles, frogs and insects) is also eaten, but in smaller
amounts. The average mouse provides approximately 30 kcal
(125 kJ) of metabolizable energy (ME) (Mugford, 1977). This
amount is about 12 to 13% of a feral cats daily energy requirement. Repeated cycles of hunting throughout the day and night
are required to provide sufficient food for an average cat. Thus,
meal feeding cats once per day is in conflict with their natural
feeding behavior.
The predatory drive is so strong in cats that they will stop
eating to make a kill (Adamec, 1976). This behavior may frustrate owners who confuse predatory behavior with hunger (Box
19-1). Many owners reason that a fed cat will not hunt and are
disappointed when their housecat kills songbirds.
Supplemental feeding may reduce hunting time, but otherwise
does not alter hunting behavior (Turner and Meister, 1988).
Cats are very sensitive to the physical form, odor and taste of
foods. Oral tactile sensation is important to normal feeding
behavior and should be considered when feeding novel foods.
Unless accustomed to foods with different textures such as dry
foods, cats generally prefer solid, moist foods and reluctantly
accept food with powdery, sticky and very greasy textures (NRC,
2006, 1986; Kane et al, 1981a). The flavor and texture preferences of individual cats are often influenced by early experience

Introduction to Feeding Normal Cats


Figure 19-2. Maxillary dentition and hard

palate of a cat (Left). Mandibular dentition and
sublingual mucosa of the same cat (Right).
These photographs demonstrate tooth anatomy associated with a carnivorous eating
behavior. The canine teeth are slightly curved
and taper to a pointed tip suitable for grasping
and puncturing prey. The premolar and molar
teeth are conical and sharply pointed, making
them suitable for shearing and tearing flesh.
There are no grinding (flat, table) surfaces
present. (Adapted with permission from
Harvey CE, Emily PP, eds. Function, formation, and anatomy of oral structures in carnivores. In: Small Animal Dentistry. St. Louis,
MO: Mosby-Year Book, 1993.)

that can affect preferences throughout life. Cats accustomed to

a specific texture or type of food (i.e., moist, dry, semi-moist)
may refuse foods with different textures. This becomes an
important consideration when feeding cats novel foods.
Cats find certain flavors very attractive, which seems to
reflect the nutritional characteristics of their natural foods. Cats
prefer the tastes of animal fat, protein hydrolysates (digests),
meat extracts and certain free amino acids abundant in muscle
tissue (i.e., alanine, proline, lysine, histidine and leucine). Cats
search out wild prey more often when meat is not in their diet
(Robertson, 1998). Even the feeding behaviors of cats in the
wild reflect their preference for animal tissues. When ingesting
prey, wild cats avoid consuming plant materials contained in
the entrails. African lions have been observed to first empty the
digesta from the entrails by expressing the contents with their
tongues (Leyhausen, 1979). This behavior contrasts with that
of a pack of wild dogs or wolves eating similar game. Wolves
often first consume the viscera of prey (Mech, 1970).
Herbivores are common prey; therefore, the gastrointestinal
contents are generally of plant origin and have a high carbohydrate content. Unlike dogs and other omnivores, cats are not
attracted to the taste of sugars and are averse to flavors derived
from plant products (e.g., glutamic acid and medium-chain
triglycerides) (MacDonald et al, 1984). Cats are also sensitive
to bitter tastes when compared to tastes of other species
(Carpenter, 1956). A great deal of variation in preference is
apparent in the cat population; owners often report that cats
have an appetite for cantaloupe, pumpkin, bananas or celery.
Food temperature also influences food acceptance by cats
(Figure 19-1). Cats prefer that moist foods be offered at, or
near, body temperature (38.5C [101.5F]). This preference is
logical considering that in the wild, a cats food typically consists of freshly killed prey.

Anatomic and Physiologic Adaptations

Sensory Structures
Cat eyes are well adapted to hunting. Their visual acuity is
greater than that of dogs because of their larger optic cortex. A
cats ears are upright, face forward and have 20 associated muscles to provide the fine control needed to precisely locate sound.

Cats also respond to high-pitched sounds, which represent the

range of sound frequencies emitted by typical prey (Tabor,
1983). Finally, the highly sensitive facial whiskers and tactile
hairs are thought to help cats hunt in dim light and to protect
their eyes.

The retractable claws of cats are a unique adaptation to hunting. The sharp tips of the claws with hook-like curves and needle features are ideal for capturing and securing prey, yet they
are easily retracted so they do not make noise when cats stalk
prey. In contrast, the claws of dogs play only a secondary role in
capturing prey.

Oral Cavity
Cats and dogs have the same number of incisor, canine and carnassial teeth (i.e., the enlarged upper premolar and lower molar
teeth specialized for shearing flesh); however, cats have fewer
premolar and molar teeth, and they do not possess fissured
crowns, which are a hallmark of omnivorous animals (Figure
19-2). The jaws of cats have limited lateromedial and craniocaudal movement, thereby limiting grinding ability. The scissors-like action of the carnassial teeth is ideal for delivering the
cervical bite used to transect the spinal cord and immobilize or
kill prey. Cats lack salivary amylase used to initiate digestion of
dietary starches. This adaptation reflects the nutritional composition of the typical prey (i.e., low starch content).

Because cats evolved to eat small frequent meals, the stomach is
less important as a storage reservoir compared with the stomach
of dogs. Thus, the stomach of domestic cats is simpler than that
of dogs (i.e., relatively smaller with a smaller glandular fundus).

Small and Large Intestine

Intestinal length, as determined by the ratio of intestine to body
length, is markedly shorter in cats than in omnivores and herbivores (Table 19-3). A greater villus height in cats increases the
absorptive surface area. Overall, however, the absorptive capacity is estimated to be 10% less than that of dogs (Kendall et al,


Small Animal Clinical Nutrition

Box 19-1. Alternative Eating Behaviors.

Although there are such things as aberrant eating behaviors, many of
the behaviors observed are normal behaviors that owners happen to
find objectionable.
Coprophagia, or consumption of excreta, is normal behavior for queens
with kittens less than 30 days of age. The queen stimulates the kittens
elimination reflexes by grooming the kittens perineal areas and then
consumes the products of elimination. This process is important as an
aid to elimination in young kittens. In addition, coprophagia maintains
sanitation and reduces odors in the nest area. Thus, coprophagia has
important survival value in wild or feral cats by reducing factors that
could attract predators to the nest site. It is very uncommon for cats to
continue coprophagia after the kittens are weaned.
Cannibalism or infanticide is often normal behavior in male and female
cats. Queens typically cannibalize aborted, dead and weak kittens. This
behavior may serve to reduce the spread of disease to healthy kittens,
conserve maternal resources and optimize survival of the fittest kittens
and help keep the nest box clean. In addition, the queen derives nutritional benefits from consuming dead kittens. Occasionally, queens will kill an
apparently healthy litter. Environmental factors that cause kittens to mimic
early signs of illness (e.g., inactivity, hyperthermia or hypothermia) may
trigger infanticide and cannibalism. Maternal stress, malnourishment and
hormonal insufficiency may contribute to unexplained cannibalism as
well. Maternal experience or parity does not appear to play a role.
Tomcats may indiscriminately kill unrelated kittens. This behavior
usually occurs when a strange male enters a new territory and encounters a lactating queen and kittens. A queen rapidly returns to estrus
after the loss of its kittens. Thus, infanticide optimizes a males genetic
potential because it now has an opportunity to sire subsequent litters.
Infanticide is an uncommon behavior by resident male cats.
The health status, dietary management and husbandry practices
should be reviewed in queens or catteries experiencing persistent
problems with cannibalism. Males should not have access to young
kittens to reduce the chance of infanticide. Although resident male
cats rarely pose a problem, it is prudent to err on the side of safety.
Factors contributing to maternal stress should be evaluated and, if
possible, reduced.
Plant and grass eating is a natural behavior of both cats and dogs. A
1982; Morris and Rogers, 1989). Therefore, dogs can more efficiently use a variety of foods, some of which may require more
digestion than animal tissues.
Unlike in omnivores, the sugar transport systems of the small
intestine of cats are not adaptive to varying levels of dietary carbohydrate (Buddington and Diamond, 1992). Cats do not
waste energy or protein by turning over carriers or enzyme systems of little value because free sugars and complex carbohydrates normally make up a negligible percentage of their food
(Table 19-4). This lack of adaptability has been noted in other
strict carnivores, such as raptors and coldwater fish. Also, cats

variety of explanations have been advanced for grass eating. Because

grass is not digested within the cats gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it acts
as a local irritant and sometimes stimulates vomiting. Thus, grass eating may serve as a purgative to eliminate hair or other indigestible
material. However, many cats readily seek out grass to eat, appear to
enjoy eating it and do not vomit. Other explanations for the behavior
include a response to nutritional deficiencies, boredom or a taste preference. In contrast to eating grass, eating other plants, including many
indoor ornamental plants, carries risk of toxicity (e.g., lily toxicity).
The smell or ingestion of catnip (Nepeta cataria) can invoke unusual
behavioral changes for five to 15 minutes after exposure. The active
ingredient, cis-trans-nepetalactone, is thought to act as a hallucinogen
although stimulation of neurologic centers associated with estrous
behaviors has also been suggested. Cats may respond to catnip by
head rubbing and shaking, salivating, gazing, skin twitching, rolling and
animated leaping. Only 50 to 70% of cats exhibit a behavioral
response, which may have a genetic basis. Prolonged exposure may
lead to a chronic state of partial unawareness. Cats may become
refractory for an hour or more after cessation of the initial response.
A commonly reported behavioral abnormality in cats is wool sucking.
The behavior first appears near puberty when cats begin to lick, suck,
chew or eat wool or other clothing articles. Although the cause is poorly understood, nutritional deficiencies are unlikely. Affected cats may be
seeking the odor of lanolin or human sweat or the behavior may be a
manifestation of prolonged nursing. Siamese, Siamese-cross and
Burmese cats are primarily affected, suggesting a genetic link. Wool
sucking is managed by limiting access to attractive items and through
behavior modification. Feeding a high-fiber food or providing a continuous supply of dry food reduces the behavior in some cats.
Prolonged nursing may occur in kittens that strive to satisfy a desire for
non-nutritional sucking. Non-nutritional sucking normally subsides near
weaning. Kittens may develop nursing vices when nursing fails to take
place because they were orphaned, prematurely weaned or required
bottle feeding. Within the litter, kittens will often nurse tails, ears, skin
folds and/or the genitalia of their littermates. After a kitten is separated
from its litter, it may transfer sucking vices to people, stuffed toys, clothing or other pets.
have low activities of intestinal disaccharidases (i.e., sucrase,
maltase and isomaltase) (Kienzle, 1993). This reflects adaptation to foods limited in simple sugars and other carbohydrates.
In cats, pancreatic amylase production is about 5% of that in
dogs (Kienzle, 1987, 1993a). Pancreatic amylase production is
relatively nonadaptive in cats, as would be expected in a species
unaccustomed to significant changes in dietary carbohydrate
levels. Cats have higher concentrations of bacteria in their small
intestine than dogs and other omnivores studied ( Johnston et
al, 1993, 2001; Gruffydd-Jones et al, 1998). Interestingly, the
numbers typical for cats would be diagnostic for small intestin-

Introduction to Feeding Normal Cats

Although a few days of inappetence is not particularly detrimental to an
otherwise healthy cat, prolonged inadequate calorie intake results in
malnutrition, reduced immune function and increased risk for hepatic
lipidosis. Anorexia may be caused by stress, unacceptable foods or
concurrent disease. Most commonly, cats presented to veterinarians for
anorexia have a concurrent disease. Cats may endure prolonged starvation rather than eat an unpalatable food. Therefore, advising owners
that a cat will eat when it gets hungry enough can have deadly
results. Anorexia of more than three days duration, even in an otherwise healthy-appearing cat, warrants investigation by a veterinarian.
A thorough history is useful for differentiating potential causes of
anorexia. To determine if inadequate food acceptance is the cause,
offer a small selection of highly palatable foods along with the typical
food. Because improperly stored foods may develop off flavors, bacterial contamination or fungal growth, confirm that the product is fresh
and wholesome. Environmental or emotional factors reported to result
in stress-mediated anorexia include hospitalization, boarding, travel,
introduction of new people or pets to the household, loss of a companion, overcrowding, high temperatures and excessive handling. Stressmediated anorexia is usually diagnosed from the history and by ruling
out other diseases. Providing a quiet secluded area will often allow a
cat to relax sufficiently enough to begin eating. Often, increasing the
foods palatability will improve food intake. Warming food, changing the
food form, adding water or choosing foods high in animal protein and
fat can enhance food palatability. If cats are highly stressed or appropriate feeding sites are unavailable, mild tranquilizers or appetite stimulants (e.g., mirtazapine, oxazepam or cyproheptadine) may be beneficial (Chapter 25). Force feeding may be accepted by some cats but
others find the process so stressful that any benefit is far outweighed
by the additional stress.
The food type fed by the owner during a kittens first six months influences the pattern of food preferences throughout life. Although uncommon, kittens exposed to a very limited number of foods may develop a
food fixation, refusing to eat anything but a single food. Adult cats fed
highly palatable, single-item foods have been reported to develop fixedfood preferences as well.
Cats with food fixations can be particularly troublesome if dietary
modifications are necessary. Cats with strong food preferences should
be transitioned to the new food over a prolonged period. Convert to the
desired food by replacing 10 to 20% of the old food with an equal
al bacterial overgrowth in dogs (NRC, 2006). Although the
reason for this finding is unclear, their relatively short small
intestine and carnivorous physiology have been suggested as
possibilities. Increased numbers of small intestinal bacteria
might enhance protein and fat digestion (Zoran, 2002).
Certain amino acid transporters in the small intestines of cats
are highly adaptable, particularly the transporter responsible for
arginine uptake. This finding underscores the importance of
the amount of protein and specific amino acids in foods for
cats. Unlike omnivores, cats are unable to synthesize significant
quantities of ornithine or citrulline within the intestine. Both


amount of the new food on Day 1, then gradually increase the ratio of
new to old over the next 14 days. A more gradual transition may be
required if food intake drops below 70% of maintenance levels. Cats
should be monitored to ensure they are not selecting the preferred food
from the food dish and that food intake remains adequate. Feeding kittens and cats a variety of foods (both different forms of food and different brands) and not feeding single-item foods can avoid food fixations.
This approach is strongly recommended as disease management later
in life often requires a dietary change.
Cats may develop learned aversions to certain foods when feeding is
paired with a negative GI experience. The negative experience can be
physical, emotional or physiologic. Typically, aversions occur when cats
consume a food immediately before an episode of nausea or vomiting.
Foods that were readily consumed before the negative incident will be
avoided subsequently. Clinically, aversions may develop when GI upset
is induced by various diseases, drugs or treatment protocols. Foods
with high salience (i.e., strong odors or high protein levels) are more
likely to become aversive and should not be fed within 24 hours of
anticipated GI upsets. Aversions have been documented to last up to
40 days in cats. Learned aversions are considered an adaptive
response. By avoiding foods that previously caused gastric distress,
cats will avoid eating foods likely to be spoiled or tainted. From a clinical perspective, consideration of food aversions often equates to delaying introduction of a therapeutic food, such as a diet for chronic kidney
disease, until the cats GI signs have been controlled with other medical management.
Various diseases, drugs and psychological stresses can mediate excessive food consumption. Rarely, polyphagia (hyperphagia) may occur
with diseases involving the central nervous system, particularly with
lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus. Presence of weight loss or
gain is of key diagnostic importance. Polyphagia with weight loss is
almost always associated with an underlying disease process or simple underfeeding. Caloric intake should always be calculated because
underfeeding can result in a ravenous appetite that may be misinterpreted as abnormal. Nutritional management of polyphagia requires an
accurate diagnosis because treatment is aimed at the primary disease.
The Bibliography for Box 19-1 can be found at

are precursors to arginine synthesis. This inability results in the

absolute requirement for arginine in cat foods, which is discussed below.
Cats have a vestigial cecum and a relatively short colon (0.4
m). These anatomic features would appear to limit cats capability to use poorly digestible starches and fiber by microbial
fermentation in the large bowel (Morris and Rogers, 1989).
The primary end products of bacterial fermentation (i.e., shortchain fatty acids: acetate, propionate and butyrate), however, are
present in relatively high concentrations in the large bowel of
cats (Brosey et al, 2000). Large intestinal fermentation may be


Small Animal Clinical Nutrition

Table 19-3. Comparison of small intestinal length to body

length in selected species.


Table 19-4. Nutrient levels in rat carcass.

Rat carcass**
Moisture (%)
Protein (%)
Fat (%)
Linoleic acid (%)
Carbohydrate (%)
Fiber (%)
Ash (%)
Calculated ME (kcal/g)***
Calcium (%)
Phosphorus (%)
Potassium (%)
Magnesium (%)
Sodium (%)
Zinc (mg/kg)
Copper (mg/kg)
Iron (mg/kg)
Vitamin A (IU/kg)
Vitamin E (IU/kg)
Thiamin (mg/kg)
Riboflavin (mg/kg)
Niacin (mg/kg)
Folic acid (mg/kg)
Pantothenic acid (mg/kg)
Pyridoxine (mg/kg)
Vitamin B12 (g/kg)
Choline (mg/kg)
Key: ME = metabolizable energy.
*All nutrients expressed on a dry matter basis except moisture.
**Fresh intact rat carcasses. Adapted from Vondruska JF. The
effect of a rat carcass diet on the urinary pH of the cat.
Companion Animal Practice 1987; 1 (August): 5-9.
***To convert from kcal to kJ multiply kcal by 4.184.

more important to cats than previously thought.

Feline Nutrient Requirements and Metabolic

Energy Metabolism
The liver of most animals has two enzyme systems for converting glucose to glucose-6-phosphate: hexokinase and glucokinase. This conversion is necessary before the liver can use glucose. The glucokinase system operates only when the liver
receives a large amount of glucose from the portal vein. Because
the typical food source of wild cats is primarily animal not plant
tissue, it contains only small amounts of digestible (soluble) carbohydrate and the portal system delivers very little absorbed
glucose to the liver. Thus, adult cats have very low hepatic glucokinase activity and a limited ability to metabolize large
amounts of simple carbohydrates. Omnivores (e.g., people,
dogs and rats) have higher hepatic glucokinase activity

(MacDonald et al, 1984).

Kittens ingest digestible carbohydrates (i.e., lactose or milk
sugar) before weaning. Adult cats must rely primarily on gluconeogenesis from glucogenic amino acids (ketoacids), lactic acid
and glycerol for maintenance of blood glucose concentration. In
omnivores, maximal gluconeogenesis occurs in the postabsorptive state when the direct contribution of dietary glucose
is absent. In cats, gluconeogenesis is maximal in the absorptive
phase immediately after a meal.
Feline liver apparently lacks fructokinase. This finding is
compatible with the observations by Kienzle that cats consuming high-sucrose diets (>25%) have significant fructosuria. The
fact that cats, unlike many mammals, have no taste preference
for sucrose further supports adaptation to a diet devoid of simple carbohydrates (Kienzle, 1993b).

Protein Metabolism
Protein metabolism is unique in cats and is manifested by an
unusually high maintenance requirement for protein as compared with canine requirements (Table 19-5) and a special need
for four amino acids: arginine, taurine, methionine and cystine.
The protein requirement for growth in kittens is only 50%
higher than that of puppies, whereas the protein requirement
for feline maintenance is twice that of adult dogs. The higher
protein requirement of cats is not due to an exceptionally high
requirement for any specific amino acid (Table 19-6); instead,
it is caused by a high activity of hepatic enzymes (i.e., transaminases and deaminases) that remove amino groups from amino
acids so the resulting ketoacids can be used for energy or glucose production. Unlike omnivores and herbivores, cats have a
limited ability to decrease the activity of these enzymes when
fed low-protein foods. The cats strict adherence to a diet of
animal tissue likely resulted in a lack of evolutionary pressure to
accommodate lower protein food sources. Hepatic enzyme systems are constantly active; therefore, a fixed amount of dietary
protein is always catabolized for energy (MacDonald et al,
1984). The gluconeogenic enzymes in feline liver appear to be
continuously active, unlike the situation in most other species,
including dogs (MacDonald et al, 1984). In addition, an alternate hepatic gluconeogenic pathway common in flesh-eating
animals is active in cats (Beliveau and Freedland, 1982). This
pathway uses serine as a glucose precursor. Serine is a nonessential amino acid found in large amounts in muscle, milk and egg.
Arginine deficiency in cats causes one of the most dramatic
responses of any nutrient deficiency. Cats cannot synthesize
sufficient ornithine or citrulline for conversion to arginine,
which is needed for the urea cycle. After a cat eats a meal, the
highly active protein catabolic enzymes in its liver produce
ammonia, which is absorbed from the colon.
Without arginine, the urea cycle cannot convert ammonia to
urea and ammonia toxicity occurs (MacDonald et al, 1984).
Eating a single meal devoid of arginine may result in hyperammonemia in less than one hour. Affected cats exhibit severe signs
of ammonia toxicity (i.e., vocalization, emesis, ptyalism, hyper-

Introduction to Feeding Normal Cats

activity, hyperesthesia, ataxia, tetanic spasms, extended limbs
with exposed claws, apnea and cyanosis) and may die within two
to five hours (MacDonald et al, 1984). Because the diet of wild
cats is high in animal protein (that contains arginine), cats have
apparently lost the flexibility in protein metabolism seen in other
animal species that eat foods with more limited amino acid
composition. Arginine deficiency, however, has only been
reported to occur in cats fed experimental foods specifically formulated to be arginine deficient or in cats fed certain caseinbased human enteral products (Diehl and Wheeler, 1992).
Although not necessarily supporting the argument that cats are
carnivores, excess dietary lysine does not cause arginine antagonism in cats, as it can in dogs (Fascetti et al, 2004).
Taurine is a -amino sulfonic acid, abundant as a free amino
acid in the natural food of cats, such as small rodents, birds and
fish. Taurine is found at lower concentrations in large animal
species such as cattle. In cats, dietary taurine is essential and
clinical disease results if insufficient amounts are present. Many
species can use either glycine or taurine to conjugate bile acids
into bile salts before they are secreted into bile. Cats can only
conjugate bile acids with taurine. The loss of taurine in bile
coupled with a low rate of taurine synthesis contributes to the
obligatory taurine requirement of cats (Box 19-2).
The sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine
are required in higher amounts by cats than most other species,
especially during growth. Cystine is the amino acid formed
when a pair of cysteine molecules are joined by a disulfide bond.
Methionine and cystine are considered together because cystine
can replace up to half of the methionine requirement of cats
(NRC, 2006). Methionine serves as a precursor to cysteine;
therefore, cysteine is not an essential amino acid. Cysteine cannot be converted to methionine; however, a minimal requirement for methionine must be met with methionine. Although
these amino acids are present in high amounts in animal flesh,
methionine tends to be the first limiting amino acid in many
food ingredients. Nutritional deficiencies are possible, especially in cats fed home-prepared or vegetable-based foods. Clinical
signs of methionine deficiency include poor growth and a
crusting dermatitis at the mucocutaneous junctions of the
mouth and nose. Approximately 19% of a food must be composed of animal protein to meet the methionine requirement of
kittens (MacDonald et al, 1984). Foods high in plant proteins
require additional methionine, which can be supplied as DLmethionine, a crystalline form of the amino acid. Cats appear
to prefer foods with added methionine compared to foods deficient in methionine (Rogers et al, 2004).
Numerous theories have been advanced to explain the high
methionine and cystine requirement of cats. Methionine needs
may be increased because of an increased S-adenosyl methionine requirement, cysteine synthesis, taurine synthesis or because
of a high rate of methionine catabolism. Additional cystine may
be required for the synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione and


Table 19-5. Comparison of dietary protein requirements during

maintenance and growth in selected mammals.
Growth Maintenance G:M
Classification Species
*Percent of diet (dry matter basis).
**G:M ratio = ratio of growth to maintenance requirements.
***Ideal protein (i.e., meets all known essential amino acid
Adapted from MacDonald ML, Rogers QR, Morris JG. Nutrition
of the domestic cat, a mammalian carnivore. Annual Review in
Nutrition 1984; 4: 521-562.
NRC minimal requirements. Adapted from National Research
Council. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats. Washington,
DC: National Academies Press, 2006.

Table 19-6. Comparison of minimal protein and amino acid

requirements for growth in kittens and puppies.*


allowance for
% DM

allowance for
% DM

Crude protein
Amino acids
Methionine (met + cys)
0.44 (0.88)
0.26 (0.53)
Phenylalanine (phe + tyr)
0.5 (1.91)
0.50 (1.00)
Taurine (extruded)

Taurine (canned)

Key: EAA = essential amino acids, DM = dry matter.

*Adapted from Rogers QR, Morris JG. Optimizing protein and
amino acid nutrition for cats and dogs. In: Proceedings. Roche
Technical Symposium and 1997 Petfood Institute Conference
and Trade Show, Chicago, IL: 19-32.
**National Research Council. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs
and Cats. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2006.
Based on a dietary energy content of 4.0 kcal/g dry matter.
***Arginine requirement increases in kittens with increased
dietary protein; approximately 2 g/kg should be added for each
10% increase in crude protein above the minimum allowance

the amino acid felinine. Felinine is a branched-chain, sulfurcontaining -amino acid found in the urine of domestic cats.
Its biologic function has not been fully elucidated. The most
widely accepted possible role for felinine, or its breakdown
product in urine, is as a pheromone, which is of importance in
territorial marking. Sexually immature kittens have been
reported not to excrete felinine and adult males excrete more


Small Animal Clinical Nutrition

Box 19-2. Taurine.

As a -amino acid, taurine is neither incorporated into proteins nor
degraded by mammalian tissues. However, taurine has important
functions in virtually all body systems. In addition to its importance
in normal bile salt function, taurine is essential for normal retinal,
cardiac, neurologic, reproductive, immune and platelet function.
Taurine is needed for normal fetal development and may function as
an antioxidant, osmolyte and neuromodulator. Most animal tissues,
particularly skeletal muscle, heart, viscera and brain, contain high
levels of taurine; plants contain none. Taurine is essential in foods
for cats because of two factors.
The feline liver has a limited capacity to synthesize taurine. The
rate-limiting enzymes responsible for conversion of methionine
and cysteine to taurine (i.e., cysteine dioxygenase and cysteine
sulfinic acid decarboxylase) are minimally active.
Cats have an obligate loss of taurine via the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids. Taurine is important in the conjugation
and secretion of bile acids. Many animals conserve taurine by
switching to glycine conjugation when dietary taurine becomes
scarce. Feline hepatic enzymes do not use glycine, but conjugate bile acids mostly to taurine. Most bile salts secreted into
the intestinal lumen are returned to the liver after intestinal
uptake. However, once deconjugated, taurine is available for
intestinal uptake, fecal excretion or degradation by intestinal
microbes. Microbial degradation appears to account for deconjugation and substantial wasting of free taurine. This process
also results in an obligate taurine loss.
The requirement for taurine is influenced by dietary factors and
the metabolic needs of cats. The protein source, commercial processing, sulfur-containing amino acid content and dietary fiber levels alter taurine requirements. In general, taurine is abundant in animal tissues and absent in plants; thus, homemade vegetarian diets
and cereal-based dog foods have long been known to cause taurine
deficiency when fed to cats. However, in 1987, taurine deficiency
was reported to occur in cats fed commercial foods containing the
National Research Councils recommended levels of taurine (400
mg taurine/kg food). This finding underscored the food-dependent
nature of the taurine requirement and prompted an increase in taurine recommendations by the Association of American Feed Control
Officials to 1,000 mg/kg and 2,000 mg/kg (ppm) food in commercial dry and moist foods, respectively. However, taurine levels of
2,500 ppm are often recommended for moist products. Taurine adequacy is best established through feeding trials.
Because taurine functions throughout the body, signs of deficiency have been demonstrated in virtually all body systems. Three syndromes of taurine deficiency in cats have been well established: 1)
feline central retinal degeneration (FCRD), 2) reproductive failure
and impaired fetal development and 3) feline dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Hearing loss, platelet hyperaggregation and impaired
immune function have also been demonstrated although specific
clinical disorders have not been recognized.
Clinical signs of taurine deficiency occur only after prolonged periods of depletion (i.e., five months to two years). Typically in nonreproducing adults, taurine deficiency may manifest as FCRD, DCM

or both, with only about 40% of taurine-deficient cats exhibiting clinical signs.a,b
Clinical signs of FCRD are inapparent until significant visual
impairment has occurred. Then, owners may notice their cat bumping into objects or miscalculating jumps. Early disease may be
detected during ophthalmic examination. Changes in retinal function
can be demonstrated by electroretinograms before retinal lesions
appear. The development of FCRD apparently requires three or more
months of taurine depletion. Initially, lesions appear as dark granular focal defects in the area centralis, slightly temporal to the optic
disk. As degeneration progresses, the lesion becomes hyperreflective and extends in a band across the tapetum. Complete blindness
ensues with full degeneration of the retina and attenuation of retinal
vessels. Structural changes within the retina are permanent.
Therefore, a diagnosis of FCRD does not reflect the current taurine
status of a cat, but indicates a period of prolonged taurine deficiency has occurred.
Cats with DCM may be clinically normal or present acutely with
signs of heart failure. Clinical signs may include lethargy, anorexia
and dyspnea. Physical findings may include pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, gallop heart rhythms, systolic murmurs and ventricular dysrhythmias. Cats in severe heart failure are hypothermic, have
pale mucous membranes, poor pulse quality and are often too weak
to stand. Only about one-third of cats with DCM have concurrent
FCRD. DCM is confirmed by echocardiography. Findings most often
include dilatation of the left atrium and ventricle and decreased left
ventricle contractility.
Reproduction and fetal development are severely impaired in taurine-deficient queens. Conception and implantation appear normal;
however, fetal death is frequently observed near 25 days of gestation, followed by abortion or resorption. In a group of taurine-deficient queens, only 38% of 33 matings resulted in term deliveries,
with an average of 2.1 live births.
Developmental abnormalities reported to occur in kittens born to
taurine-deficient queens include poor survival, cerebellar dysgenesis, abnormal hind-limb development and thoracic kyphosis, which
appears as a dorsoventral flattening of the thoracic cavity. Severe
hydrocephalus and anencephaly may be present in aborted fetuses.
Surviving kittens are often small and weak. Growth is depressed up
to 40% in the immediate postnatal period.
The diagnosis of taurine deficiency is based on clinical signs and low
plasma and whole blood taurine concentrations. Care must be used
when evaluating plasma taurine concentrations because levels may
be altered by sample handling errors and feeding. Fasting may
reduce plasma taurine concentrations, whereas poor handling may
allow taurine contamination from platelets and white blood cells.
Although plasma taurine concentrations reflect the labile taurine
pool, whole blood taurine concentrations better reflect tissue taurine
status. Normal plasma taurine levels in cats may vary up to fivefold
(50 to 250 nmol/ml). Plasma taurine values less than 40 nmol/ml
may suggest taurine deficiency. Cats with clinical signs of deficien-

Introduction to Feeding Normal Cats

cy typically have plasma taurine values less than 10 nmol/ml.

Therefore, taurine deficiency is best evaluated using whole blood
taurine concentrations. Whole blood taurine levels are normally
greater than 300 nmol/ml, and values less than 160 nmol/ml are
considered deficient, whereas values less than 50 nmol/ml are
common. Samples should be collected and submitted according
to protocols recommended by the individual clinical laboratory.
Care should be used when collecting blood and plasma for taurine analysis. Falsely elevated plasma taurine levels may result
from even small amounts of clotting, hemolysis or inclusion of
platelets and white cells in the plasma sample. Use of serum for
determining taurine status is not recommended because the
quantity of taurine in serum varies with the procedure and the
time allotted for coagulation and retraction of the clot.
A central uniform mechanism of taurine action has not been
determined, and may not exist. FCRD represents a disruption and
loss of the photoreceptor outer segment. Within the retina, taurine may stabilize cell membranes, possibly acting as an antioxidant. In DCM, taurine is thought to regulate myocardial calcium
flux through ionic channels, thereby regulating myocardial contractility and/or mitochondrial energy production. Taurine may act
as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter in fetal development.
Finally, taurine appears to influence reproduction at the level of
the uterus and placenta by unknown mechanisms.
Cats with taurine deficiency should be supplemented with 250 to
500 mg of taurine twice daily to rapidly replete tissue stores. Cats
with DCM may show clinical improvement within one to three
weeks, whereas FCRD and developmental defects are irreversible.
The taurine requirement of cats depends on diet composition.
Poor-quality protein, Maillard reaction products or other factors
that enhance bacterial overgrowth in the intestinal tract may
increase the requirement two- to sixfold. Cats require approximately 50 mg of available taurine per day, which can be supplied
by high-quality animal tissues or as a crystalline amino acid supplement. Commercial foods are typically supplemented with taurine in addition to the taurine provided naturally by ingredients.
Animal feeding trials are essential to ensure dietary taurine adequacy.
a. Pion PD. University of California, Davis, USA. Personal communication. 1994.
b. Rogers QR. University of California, Davis, USA. Personal communication. 1990.
The Bibliography for Box 19-2 can be found at


than adult females (NRC, 2006). Felinine excretion rates of 95

mg/day have been recorded in intact male cats and may significantly increase the daily sulfur amino acid requirement
(Hendriks et al, 1995).

Fat Metabolism
Cats have the ability to digest and use high levels of dietary fat
(as is present in animal tissue). Like other true carnivores, cats
have a special need for arachidonic acid (AA) (20:4n6) because
they have a limited ability to synthesize it from linoleic acid
(18:2n6), unlike dogs and other omnivores (MacDonald et al,
1984, 1984a). An exogenous source of AA is especially important for more demanding lifestages, such as gestation, lactation
and growth. The basis for this additional requirement is the low
hepatic delta-6 desaturase activity in cats (Sinclair et al, 1979).
Delta-6 desaturase is the rate-limiting factor in the conversion
of linoleic acid to -linolenic acid, which is further elongated
and desaturated to form AA. AA is abundant in animal tissues,
particularly in organ meats and neural tissues, but absent in
plants. Thus, the dietary requirement for AA has little consequence if cats consume animal tissues (MacDonald et al, 1984).

Vitamin Metabolism
The vitamin needs of cats differ from those of dogs in several
ways. Cats do not convert sufficient amounts of tryptophan to
niacin (DaSilva et al, 1952). An animal tissue-based diet is well
supplied with niacin from NAD and NADP (nicotinamideadenine dinucleotide phosphate) coenzymes; therefore, cats
dont need to produce niacin from tryptophan. Although cats
possess all the enzymes needed for niacin synthesis, the high
activity of enzymes in the catabolic pathway (picolinic carboxylase) far exceeds the rate of niacin synthesis (Morris and
Rogers, 1983). As a result, the niacin requirement of cats is 2.4
times higher than that of dogs (NRC, 2006).
The prosthetic group of all transaminases is pyridoxine (vitamin B6) (Stryer, 1975). Cats have high transaminase activities,
consistent with consuming a diet from which considerable
energy is derived from dietary protein. Therefore, it is logical to
expect that their pyridoxine turnover and requirement would be
higher than that of omnivores. The pyridoxine requirement of
cats is estimated to be 1.7 times higher than that of dogs
(NRC, 2006).
Vitamin A occurs naturally only in animal tissue. Plants synthesize vitamin A precursors (e.g., -carotene). Omnivorous
and herbivorous animals can convert -carotene to vitamin A;
cats cannot because they lack intestinal dioxygenase that cleaves
-carotene to retinol. In addition, cats have insufficient 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin to meet the metabolic need for vitamin D photosynthesis; therefore, they require a dietary source
of vitamin D (How et al, 1994, 1994a; Morris, 1996). Vitamin
D is relatively abundant in animal liver; therefore, the need for
dermal production is minimal and alternate pathways rapidly
metabolize 7-dehydrocholesterol. Vitamin D is fairly ubiquitous in animal fats and primary vitamin D deficiency has been
identified only in cats fed experimental diets.


Small Animal Clinical Nutrition

Water needs of cats also differ from those of dogs, not because
of feline feeding behaviors (i.e., carnivorous vs. omnivorous) but
because of their ancestors adaptation to environmental
extremes. Domestic cats are thought to have descended from
the African wildcat (Felis silvestris libyca), a desert dweller.
Several unique features of water balance in cats may be
explained by adaptation to a dry environment. Cats are able to
survive on less water than dogs and may fail to increase water
intake at minor levels of dehydration, up to 4% of body weight
(Anderson, 1982). Cats compensate for reduced water intake,
in part, by forming highly concentrated urine. Unfortunately,
this strong concentrating ability coupled with a weak thirst
drive may result in highly saturated urine, increasing the risk of
crystalluria or urolithiasis, both components of the feline lower
urinary tract disease complex.
Cats consume 1.5 to 2 ml of water/g of dry matter (DM).
This 2:1 ratio of water to DM is similar to that of typical prey.
This ratio represents approximately 0.5 ml water/kcal ME
intake. Practical recommendations for water provision are somewhat higher at 1 ml water/kcal ME. Water ingested from moist

foods containing 78 to 82% moisture will result in diuresis.

Lifestage nutrition is the practice of feeding foods designed to
meet an animals optimal nutritional needs at a specific age or
physiologic state (e.g., maintenance, reproduction or growth).
The concept of lifestage nutrition recognizes that feeding either
below or above an optimal nutrient level can negatively affect
biologic performance and health (Figure 5-2). This concept
differs markedly from feeding a single product for all lifestages
(i.e., all-purpose foods), whereby nutrients are added at levels to
meet the highest potential need (i.e., usually growth and reproduction). For maximum benefit, risk assessment and preventive
plans should begin well before the onset of disease. The value
of lifestage nutrition is greater if risk factor management is also
incorporated into the feeding practice. A narrower range of
nutrient recommendations often emerges when age and physiologic needs are reviewed in conjunction with reducing nutritional risk factors for disease.

Box 19-3. Commercial Treats and Table Foods.

An estimated 41 to 60% of cats are regularly fed table foods and
34% of cats are fed commercial treats.a Feeding treats and table
food allows more social interaction with the owner, increases diet
variety and provides additional caloric intake. Some commercial
treats claim dental benefits either by mechanical cleansing or
through use of an active ingredient (Chapter 47). When fed in
excess, treats and table foods may negatively affect a well-balanced
food. Because most commercial cat foods contain vitamins and minerals well above the nutritional needs of cats, table foods and treats
fed at less than 10% of the total daily intake should be safe.
Providing high-calorie treats or table foods can also contribute to
obesity and must be considered in the calculation of total calories for
a cat.
One of the most common human foods offered to cats is milk. Milk is
highly palatable and small quantities are well tolerated by most
healthy cats. However, after weaning, intestinal lactase activity
declines unless milk is a regular part of the diet. Undigested lactose
is subject to bacterial fermentation and promotes osmotic diarrhea.
Feeding milk to cats unaccustomed to receiving it may overwhelm
digestive capacity resulting in diarrhea, flatulence or gastrointestinal
distress. Although commercial lactase supplements may alleviate
signs of lactose intolerance, lactose avoidance is more prudent for
affected cats.
Although many supplements are legitimate sources of essential nutrients, others represent food fads that reflect current trends in human
nutrition. Poor-quality foods are rarely fixed by adding a supplement. Changing to a higher quality food is a more appropriate recommendation and often less expensive.

Breeders sometimes provide supplemental calcium during pregnancy, lactation or growth. Additional calcium is rarely necessary, except
for cats fed a homemade food or queens with eclampsia, and may
lead to nutritional excess or nutrient imbalances in cats fed complete
and balanced commercial cat foods.
Chromium has been called a glucose tolerance factor for its role in
normal glucose homeostasis and insulin action in experimental animals. Chromium supplementation promotes lean tissue accretion in
growing livestock. Thus, health food stores now stock chromium as
an anti-diabetic nutrient and fat-burner for people. Little information exists about the effect of chromium supplementation in cats.
Some caution may be warranted given excess chromium has been
associated with chromosomal damage.
Brewers Yeast/Thiamin
Brewers yeast and thiamin have been promoted as coat conditioners
and flea preventives for dogs and cats. Although brewers yeast is a
good source of B vitamins, particularly thiamin, research has not
proven its efficacy as a flea repellent.
Breeders and owners commonly feed raw meats to cats. Raw muscle and organ meats are highly palatable, digestible and generally
nutritious when supplemented with appropriate vitamins and minerals. Cooking destroys some nutrients and increases the availability of
others. A benefit to feeding raw meat to cats has not been documented, and the disadvantages far outweigh any advantages. Raw meat,
even when flash frozen, may contain harmful bacteria (e.g.,
Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli) and parasites (e.g., Toxoplasma

Introduction to Feeding Normal Cats

Nearly all commercial cat foods meet or exceed the minimum nutrient requirements; however, certain nutrients may
still be outside of the desired nutrient range for optimal health.
For cats fed commercial foods, these nutrients require particular consideration and, thus, are referred to as nutrients of concern. Specific food factors (e.g., digestibility, texture and effect
on urinary pH) can also affect health and risk of disease
(Chapter 1). Together, nutrients of concern and specific food
factors are called key nutritional factors. Cats eating homemade
foods are at greater risk for nutrient deficiencies (e.g., calcium)
and excesses (e.g., phosphorus) than those eating commercial
foods. Therefore, these cats have a longer list of key nutritional
factors, which are discussed in Chapter 10. Box 19-3 includes
information about a variety of popular topics regarding foods
for cats including commercial treats, table foods, vegetarian
foods and dog foods. The key nutritional factors for different
lifestages of healthy cats will be discussed in the following
chapters, including those factors associated with reducing the
risk of specific diseases and those involved with optimizing performance during different physiologic states. In sequence, these
chapters cover Feeding Young Adult Cats: Before Middle Age,

gondii, Cryptosporidium parvum) (Chapter 11). Some of these

microbes can also be a health risk for people. Unless supplemented
with vitamins and minerals, raw meat is nutritionally incomplete and
can lead to nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, iodine deficiency or both. Meat mixes composed of large percentages of organ
meats may provide excessive levels of vitamin A. Finally, cats fed raw
meat diets sometimes develop fixed-food preferences, making subsequent food changes difficult.
Bones are a concentrated source of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Steamed bone meal is a very good choice for supplying calcium in homemade or all-meat diets. However, feeding whole bones
to cats should be discouraged. Bones with jagged or sharp points are
often to blame for oral trauma and can become esophageal foreign
bodies. Bone feeding is also associated with colitis and constipation
in small animals. Commercial foods approved by the Association of
American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) are replete in calcium,
phosphorus and magnesium and should not be supplemented.
Although the nutritional needs of cats are best met by a carnivorous
diet, vegetarian diets can be designed to provide adequate nutrition.
Vegetarian formulas are commercially available and several commercial supplements are available to provide nutrients normally missing,
inadequate or poorly available in plant-based diets. The commonly
reported pitfalls of commercially available feline vegan diets include
taurine, arachidonic acid and vitamin A deficiencies. Several nutrients
(below) require special attention in vegetarian formulations.
Plants are typically low in protein relative to the dietary needs of cats.


Feeding Mature Adult Cats: Middle Aged and Older, Feeding

Reproducing Cats, Feeding Nursing and Orphaned Kittens
from Birth to Weaning and Feeding Growing Kittens:
Postweaning to Adulthood. The chapter about feeding young
adult cats is presented first because most pet cats are adults and
the nutrient needs of adults serve as a good basis for comparing
nutrient needs for reproduction, lactation and growth.

The authors and editors acknowledge the contributions of Dr.
Claudia A. Kirk in the previous edition of Small Animal
Clinical Nutrition.

The references for Chapter 19 can be found at

Additionally, the quality of protein, in many cases, is much lower than

protein from animal sources. Concentrated sources of plant protein
available to supplement feline foods include isolated soybean protein
and corn gluten meal. Care must be taken to feed sufficient protein
both to meet the overall nitrogen needs and the minimum requirements of available individual amino acids.
Amino Acids
Taurine is not present in plant ingredients. Therefore, cats fed plantbased foods require taurine supplementation. Chemically synthesized sources of taurine are available from pharmacies and health
food stores. Similarly, only animal tissues synthesize carnitine, a vitamin-like amino acid. Although healthy cats do not require dietary
carnitine, a dietary source may be conditionally essential during
growth or under disease conditions. Synthetic supplements are
available. The common limiting amino acids in plants are methionine, lysine and tryptophan. Diets must be closely evaluated to ensure
the availability of sufficient quantities of these amino acids. Plant
proteins contain large amounts of glutamate. Cats may poorly tolerate high-glutamate foods.
Because cats cannot use -carotene, pre-formed vitamin A must be
supplied in the food. Also, many vitamin A supplements contain vitamin D. All sources of vitamin D should be considered to avoid excess.
Vegetarian diets also require supplementation with vitamin B12,
which is not supplied by plant ingredients. Vitamin B12-enriched
yeast and synthetic supplements are commercially available. Finally,
the niacin content of vegetarian diets should be closely evaluated.
Although niacin is present in high amounts in many plant ingredients,
the availability is often poor and additional supplementation may be


Small Animal Clinical Nutrition

Box 19-3 continued

Providing adequate calcium is a concern in any homemade food.
A variety of calcium supplements are available from health food
stores and pharmacies. Many plant ingredients contain components (e.g., fibers or phytates) that severely compromise the
availability of certain trace elements. The availability of iron, zinc
and copper is of particular concern in high-phytate and high-fiber
foods (Chapter 5). These minerals should be provided as a highly available source.
Of the nutrients required by cats, arachidonic acid is the one not
commercially available. To provide arachidonate directly, cats
must be given animal fat or tissue as a nutritional source.
However, cats can convert -linolenic acid (18:3n6) to arachidonic acid (20:4n6) via delta 5-desaturase. -linolenic acid is available from plant oils (e.g., borage and evening primrose oils).
Prolonged feeding and reproductive trials using -linolenic acid
have not been reported; thus, the suitability of these oils as longterm arachidonic acid supplements is unknown. Because cats
fed foods high in polyunsaturated fatty acids may develop steatitis, cats fed vegetarian foods with large quantities of plant oils
should be protected with added vitamin E.
Most dog foods are not nutritionally adequate for the maintenance, growth and reproduction of cats. Nutrients most likely to
be deficient are protein, taurine, niacin, vitamin B6, methionine
and choline. Clinical signs of deficiency depend on which nutrients are deficient and to what degree.
Food toxicities are relatively infrequent in cats. Most notable is
hemolytic anemia caused by onion toxicity. Certain disulfides
found in onions promote oxidative damage to cat hemoglobin,
resulting in Heinz body production and red cell removal. The toxic
compound appears to be highly stable, because it remains active

in cooked onion-based broth and onion powder. Hemolytic anemia has been described in a cat fed commercial baby food containing onion powder. Onion toxicity was not proved but the anemia resolved with a diet change. Subsequent studies have
demonstrated toxic effects at levels of 2.5% dry matter.
Therefore, it is prudent to avoid feeding food or seasonings containing onion powder or onions. Chapter 11 provides more information about foodborne toxins.
Theobromine is a toxic methylxanthine found in chocolate. The
clinical signs of toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, vascular collapse and death. The oral LD50 of theobromine is 200 mg/kg
body weight. Approximately 40 to 50 g of cocoa would need to
be consumed to provide this dose of theobromine, which is
undoubtedly why clinical reports of chocolate toxicoses in cats
are rare.
Histamine is a primary amine arising from the decarboxylation of
histidine. Histamine toxicosis has been reported to occur in cats
after ingestion of certain species of spoiled fish. Affected cats
developed salivation, vomiting and diarrhea about 30 minutes
after eating uncooked anchovies. Myosis, lacrimation, tachypnea
and tachycardia were evident upon physical examination. A survey detailing the histamine content of North American cat foods
found foods were well below the 500 mg/g (wet/weight) level
considered hazardous in people. Thus, histamine toxicosis is
most likely to occur in cats fed improperly handled fish that has
undergone spoilage.
a. Kirk CA. Unpublished data. 1992.
The Bibliography for Box 19-3 can be found at

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