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Dart by Example - Sample Chapter

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Designed to create next-generation apps, Google's Dart

offers a much more robust framework than JavaScript and
also supersedes it in several aspects. Google chose it for
their billion-dollar advertising business and now you can use
its power for your projects too.

What you will learn from this book

Master the core Dart language, type system,
and key development tools

Dart By Example introduces you to the Dart language,

starting from its conception to its current form, and where it
is headed, by helping you to create engaging and substantial
practical projects. You will be taken through building typical
applications and explore the exciting new technologies of

Connect to existing web services, process

JSON, and create your own framework to
display data

With example code projects such as a live data monitoring

and viewing system, a blogging system, a slide presentation
application, and more, this book will walk you step by step
through building data-driven web applications with ease and

Handle form data and encryption

Who this book is written for

Build and deploy server applications on the

major operating systems and implement a


C o m m u n i t y

Work with PostgreSQL, an industry standard

relational database system

Develop command-line applications and

explore the key data structures and libraries

D i s t i l l e d

Design and develop modern web applications with Google's bold

and productive language through engaging example projects

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Dart By Example

Create robust applications with unit tests,

documentation, and diagnostic logging

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community experience distilled


Run and debug the Dart server and web

applications and compile them in JavaScript

Davy Mitchell

If you are a frontend or backend web developer who is looking

to build complex full-featured web applications without the
quagmire of disconnected JavaScript frameworks, this book
is a practical walkthrough of substantial applications that will
have you and your team coding Dart in a productive manner.

Dart By Example

Dart By Example


Davy Mitchell

In this package, you will find:

The author biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 1 'Starting the Text Editor'
A synopsis of the books content
More information on Dart By Example

About the Author

Davy Mitchell is a software developer with over 17 years of commercial

experience in many varied industries. He started out in the world of C++ and
progressed through the dot-com boom to the era and into .Net, SQL
Server, and other web technologies.
In the past few years, he has worked on software installation, continuous integration,
build automation, and tooling, while also developing frontend interfaces. Davy is
passionate about both developer productivity and moving web applications forward.
He enjoys exploring new technologies, platforms, and open source, using Linux and
Windows operating systems.

He writes news, features, and book reviews on Dart at,

and demo projects that are shared on GitHub, covering HTML5 and even Minecraft.
He regularly takes part in the week-long Python game jam, PyWeek, and maintains
Chocolatey packages for Dart on the Windows platform. When taking a break from
coding, he enjoys cycling, loom knitting, gardening, and retrogaming.

The Web is undoubtedly a great platform for applications, and it continues to
develop at a rapid pace. The software development tools have progressed too,
but some technologies seem unsuited to modern demands. Most web developers
spend a good deal of time researching the current state of tools and libraries.
I discovered Dart when I wanted to write an HTML5 application and wanted to try
out one of the many new web languages everyone was talking about. I chanced upon
Dart and was soon hooked on the language and platform. Being able to compile a
client-side application before loading it in a web browser was life changing! There
were great tools and features available, and it was updated almost every week.
After learning Dart, I soon started a blog on it and enjoyed showcasing the language
with some fun colorful demos, news, and reviews, learning new aspects to blog
about. The community was great to interact with, and when the opportunity came
to write this book, I knew I had to do it. I find working with the Dart programming
language more enjoyable than any other language. I hope you have this experience
too, and write some great applications.
This book is designed to give you a clear picture of Dart's capabilities so that you are
able to evaluate its suitability for a task and are ready to approach the design of a
solution. We will be looking at Dart in a variety of projects, which will be, hopefully,
close to the real-world applications that you will end up writing.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Starting the Text Editor, will make you familiar with the background of the
language, the development tools, and how to run your first Dart application.
Chapter 2, Advancing the Editor, explores classes, data structures, how to build a
user interface, and how to use the HTML5 canvas. Furthermore, it looks at how to
compile the text editor to JavaScript.


Chapter 3, Slideshow Presentations, covers more advanced class features, such as

mixins, string processing, and event handling, while describing how to build a
web-based presentation package.
Chapter 4, Language, Motion, and Sound, demonstrates a user interface localization
and shows you how to use Dart for animation and sound effects in the presentation
Chapter 5, A Blog Server, shows you how to write server-side code in Dart, how to
handle a text file, how to serve web pages, and how to deploy on different operating
systems. It concludes with benchmarking the server using Dart itself.
Chapter 6, Blog Server Advanced, goes deeper into the server application request
processing to populate access logs, file handling, form handling, and security.
JSON and XML are covered using Dart packages, as is the powerful asynchronous
operation support.
Chapter 7, Live Data Collection, kicks off the largest project in this book, an earthquake
monitoring system. Dart will be used to collect real-world JSON data and store it in
an industry-standard relational database.
Chapter 8, Live Data and a Web Service, improves the data collection and walks you
through how to use Dart to create a RESTful web service. This service is then used
to create a live data display using Dart in the web browser.
Chapter 9, A Real-Time Visualization, returns Dart to the client side of HTML5,
using a canvas, geolocation, and desktop notifications to create an advanced
web application.
Chapter 10, Reports and an API, completes the earthquake system, extending the
REST API to handle data input and querying. A Dart reporting website is created,
covering data charting and the export feature.

Starting the Text Editor

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot
long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.
Thomas Huxley

Defining Dart
Dart is a language and platform for modern web applications that can run both in the
web browser and on the server. The Dart language, tools, and API allow innovative,
productive, enlightened, and talented developers (that's you!) to write scalable web
applications that make the best of the modern Web.
With Dart, you can take a leap forward in web development and tooling. It is a clean,
modern, yet familiar language syntax that runs on a platform created by the world's
leading virtual machine experts.
Dart is run as an open source project with a defined process for enhancement
proposals. It has flexible libraries with common documentation packaging, unit
testing, and dependency resolution. The language became an ECMA standard in
July of 2014, and does not require any plugin for end users to run as it is compiled to
If that is not enough, you can bring your existing HTML, CSS, JavaScript skills, and
even code along for the rideDart plays nicely with others!


Starting the Text Editor

History of Web scripting

The high sophistication of current web pages with animations, dynamic content,
fades, 3D effects, responsive designs, and clever navigation make it easy to forget
that the early web was mostly textual pages, dumb forms, and images that often
took a while to load. Then, along came JavaScript, in the form of a script interpreter
built into the browser, providing form data validation, news ticker moving displays,
animation, and games. For small projects, it succeeded in spicing up static websites
without requiring server-side CGI scripts.
Developers enjoyed the near instant edit and refresh cyclechanging a line of code
and hitting F5 (refresh) in the browser to see the result. JavaScript did not stay in the
browser and was soon found on the server side of web applications. It also became
a general purpose script for use outside the browser.
Fun fact: JavaScript was written in just ten days by Brendan Eich for the
Netscape browser and was originally called LiveScript. Dart has been
renamed toooriginally, it was called Dash.

Considering the timescale it was written under, JavaScript is a great technical

achievement, but in 20 years it has not advanced very much, while web applications
have rapidly progressed. Web applications can contain thousands of lines of
JavaScript code. Outside of very simple pages, plain JavaScript is not enough
anymore, as evidenced by the number of tools and libraries that have sprung
up to assist development.
Many of these solutions are created to fix problems with JavaScript, ranging from
syntax and features to design and productivity. The language simply was not
designed for the type of web application that the modern web requires.
Recent advances in JavaScript engines have produced great leaps forward in
performance. The V8 engine that powers the Chrome browser and Node.js has
shown great improvement in making new kinds of applications viable. However,
the returns from JavaScript virtual machine optimizations have been diminishing
over time.


Chapter 1

The origins of Dart

Google has a lot of experience with both large web applications and writing web
browsers. They clearly have a strong self-interest in a better web platform (so
people search more) and an improved developer productivity (to stay ahead of
the competition). It is mentioned in Google presentations that a single code change
in their Gmail web application takes around 20 minutes to rebuild the site for the
developer to test it out.
This harks back to software build times decades ago. The project to fix this
problem was started, and Google wanted to share and work with the development
community as an open source project.

In 2011, at the GOTO conference, the Dart language and virtual machine was
unveiled to the world. Dart is designed to be a "batteries included" projecta
complete stack for writing, compiling, testing, documenting, and deploying web
Developed by the Chrome team, the project was founded by Lars Bak (the developer
of the Java HotSpot VM and JavaScript V8 Engine) and Kasper Lund (a V8
developer). The aim was both to improve the open web platform by opening up new
avenues for high performance client web applications and to improve developer
The upstart language was designed to have a familiar 'curly brackets' syntax
similar to Java, C-sharp, and JavaScript, run on both the client and the server, and
to support the full range of modern web browsers by being able to compile to
regular JavaScript. New language features were only added to Dart if they could be
compiled satisfactorily to JavaScript.


Starting the Text Editor

Dart is often referred to as DartLang to avoid confusion with other "darts." Keep
this in mind when searching the Web for better results. The Dart language, like
JavaScript, is not only meant for the web browser; it is also available for server
applications and command-line applications. Future targets are mobile applications
on iOS and Android.
That is the history, the challenge, and the reaction of the biggest Internet company
in the world. So, what is Dart all about, then? The remainder of this chapter will
compare and contrast Dart and JavaScript and take you into building your first Dart
application so that you can see for yourself.
The rest of this book will take you on a tour of Dart through a set of interesting
projects, exploring all of Dart's habitats. We will be building useful applications
straight away and using increasingly powerful features.

Downloading the tools

Let's get started by installing a complete Dart development environment on your
computer. The home of Dart on the Internet is, which
contains the software, a wealth of documentation, and links to the online Dart
I would strongly recommend signing up for the e-mail lists on this site to keep up
with Dart, and also the Dartisans Google+ community (
The number of daily messages can be overwhelming at first, but there are some great
discussions and information sharing. It is also a great opportunity to interact with
Dart's creators.
It is recommended that you use the Stable channel. This version
updates roughly every few months via a built-in update tool.
There is also a Dev (development) channel that updates once or
twice a week with the very latest code from the Dart developers.
This is great for seeing new features early, but it is not as polished
or reliable as the Stable releases.

The downloads for all supported platforms (Linux, Mac, and Windows) are available
at same location provides
information regarding building from source. Ensure that you download both the
SDK and Dartium (a specialist browser).
It is recommended that Mac users use the Homebrew system to manage the
installation and updates of Dart. Linux users can use a .deb if that format is
supported on their distribution, with ZIP archives being the alternative. Windows
versions are also supplied as ZIP archives.

Chapter 1

Windows users can download, install, and update the SDK and Dartium using the
Chocolatey installation system that is built on nuget and Powershell.
See for more information.

The Dart packages are called dart-sdk and dartium.

Introducing the WebStorm IDE

WebStorm is the premiere development environment for Dart and was created by
JetBrains, which also publishes IntelliJ IDEA for Java and ReSharper for .Net.
WebStorm is a commercial package available at
There are free licenses available for many and deep discounts for individuals. It
supports a range of languages and development platforms and Dart support is
provided via a plug-in. The plugin comes pre-installed with the IDE.
Download the installation file and follow the installation steps on screen:


Starting the Text Editor

WebStorm has a number of powerful features to help write our web applications:

Auto-completion of code: properties and methods are listed as you type

A static analyzer that scans as you type for possible problems

Refactoring tools to help rename entities and extract methods

Quick fixes to correct common errors easily

Navigation via a code tree and finding usages of a function

A code reformatter to keep the source code in a tidy format

A powerful debugger

Alternative development environments

If you wish to use another IDE, there are plugins for IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse. If you
prefer a simple text editor, there are plugins for Sublime, Emacs, and Vim. These are
all listed on the DartLang download page.
If you are an avid Visual Studio user, there is a community project underway to bring
Dart to that environment. DartVS can be downloaded from the Visual Studio Gallery.
It directly uses the DartAnalyzer from the SDK to report errors, warnings, and hints
inside the IDE. Support for intellisense and other features is underway, too.
The Atom Editor ( is an alternative for those who prefer a
lightweight editor to a fully fledged development environment. The plugin, named
dartlang ( provides code-completion,
syntax highlighting, and access to some pub commands.

Help starting a project

To help create your new project, Dart has a tool called Stagehand that creates the
scaffolding from a high quality project template of your choice. It takes care of
common tasks such as folder structure, common libraries, and style sheets. It even
has its own website (
In WebStorm, creating a new project presents you with a range of powerful options,
allowing you to set the locations of the Dart SDK and choose a project type for
sample content. The project type gives a range of skeleton applications and is
powered by the Stagehand application that is part of the SDK:


Chapter 1

Stagehand can also be run from the command line, with the first step being to install

it as a command:

pub global activate stagehand

This step installs the stagehand command from the stagehand package:
mkdir aproject
cd aproject
stagehand web-full

This will create a folder of sample content based on the web-full template.
For full details of the current templates, see


Starting the Text Editor

Elsewhere in the SDK

The download also includes a set of command-line tools, which can be found under
the dart-sdk/bin path.



The tool that converts Dart into JavaScript so that it can run on any
modern browser.


Analyzes the Dart source code for errors and suggestions. This is
also used by development environments to provide feedback to


The documentation generator that works directly on Dart code.


The intelligent code formatter that makes your code tidy and


The package management and application deployment tool.

The standalone Dart Virtual Machine itself.

You may wish to place these tools on the system PATH so that you
can call them from anywhere on the command line. This is optional as
WebStorm provides an easy interface to these tools; however, many
developers find it essential to a good workflow.
For more detailed information on the installation and configuration of
pub, see

Also in this location is a snapshots folder. Most of the tools are written in Dart itself;
when they are started up and initialized, a binary image of the initialized state can be
stored and used for future executions of the program.
The snapshots are generated using the Dart executable and are mostly intended for
frequently used command-line applications in deployment.

Building your first application

Starting simple is a good idea, but we also want to start with something useful that
can be expanded as we explore Dart.
In day-to-day software development, the text editor is where gigantic, worldchanging software often starts. We are going to build a multi-purpose web-based text
editor to use as a scratchpad for snippets of code, a to-do list, or stripping formatting
from copied textimmensely handy. For added realism, there will be an imaginary
customer along the way asking for new features.

Chapter 1

In the next chapter, we will build on this foundation for some flashier features and
graphical displays.
Downloading the example code
You can download the example code files for all Packt books you
have purchased from your account at
If you purchased this book elsewhere, you can visit http://www. and register to have the files e-mailed
directly to you.

Exploring the Web project structure

Go to the WebStorm welcome page and click on Open. Select the folder where you
extracted the sample code and choose the Chapter One folder, then the sub-folder
named Start.
A good first step when opening any Dart project is to ensure all dependencies are
present and up to date. To achieve this, select pubspec.yaml and right-click to show
the context menu. Click on the Pub: Get Dependencies item. The dependencies
will then be resolved and fetched if required.
File / Folder



Controls the specific version of the packages being used.


Meta information on our project (name, description, and so

on) and a list of packages being used.


The standard cascading style sheet file.


The entry point for our web application.


Last but not least, a Dart file!

A link to the packages (or libraries) that are being used by

this project. In this case, you will see the 'browser' package.

Unwrapping packages
From the preceding list, there is clearly a lot of structure and meta files for packages
in even a simple Dart project. The philosophy of the language is that libraries are
small, focused, and likely to be from different sources. They are also numerous and
update on different schedules, so version controls are importantdependencies are
hungry and must be fed.


Starting the Text Editor

You want your team members to be able to build and use your new Uber package
without dependency horrors! Likewise, you want the package you download off the
Internet to "just work" and reduce the effort required to write your application.
To look after all these packages, Dart has a tool called pub. This is a Swiss Army
knife tool that helps create, manage, and deploy your programs and packages. The
main home for Dart packages is the website, where
numerous open source libraries are published.
If you are curious to know the origin of the name, "pub" is British slang
for a bar where people drink and play a game of darts.

A look at Pubspec
The pubspec.yaml has a curious file extensionYAML stands for Yet Another
Markup Language:.
name: 'TextEditor'
version: 0.0.1
description: A web based text editor.
sdk: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'
browser: any

From this, it is clear to see pubspec.yaml is Dart's equivalent of a project or solution

file. This holds the typical dependency details and meta-information. The Pubspec
file is fully detailed at
Although it is an extensive and powerful file, the main interaction you will probably
have with it is adding new dependencies.

Putting Dart into the web page

The file index.html is a regular web page. The rest of the file consists of a few
simple <div> elements and, as you might expect, a <textarea> tag:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">
[ 10 ]

Chapter 1
<div id="output">
<div id="toolbar">
<textarea id="editor" cols="80" autofocus>
<script type="application/dart" src="main.dart"></script>
<script data-pub-inline src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>

The foot of this page is where the initial Dart file is specified. The main.dart file is
loaded and the entry point, the first function to be run, is the main() function.
If you have programmed in C/C++, C#, or Java, main is a
familiar starting or entry point to an application. The concept is
identical in Dart.

Let's work through the main.dart file section one at a time and discover some Dart
features along the way.

Importing packages
Dart features a keyword, import, to use other packages and classes in our current
code context. In this case, both are prefixed with dart: to signify they are from the
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;

The keyword show modifies the second import to only make the JSON property
sections of the dart:convert package. This limits the classes in the current
namespace and therefore helps avoid name clashes and developer confusion.

[ 11 ]

Starting the Text Editor

Variable declarations
The TextArea is central to our editor and will be referenced multiple times;
therefore, we will use a specific type for it rather than var. In contrast, JavaScript
declares variables with the all-encompassing var keyword.
TextAreaElement theEditor;

This declares a new variable called theEditor and declares it as the type
TextAreaElement. The dart:HTML package contains classes to cover the DOM and
the TextArea input element.
Dart has an optional type system, so it would be possible to declare var theEditor
and the program would still run successfully. By being specific with the type,
we gain clarity in the source code and we provide more detailed information to
developer tools, such as code editors and documentation generators:
void main() {
theEditor = querySelector("#editor");
..text = loadDocument();

In the main function, we use the querySelector method from dart:HTML to connect
to the TextArea control (with the ID attribute set to editor) on the web page. Once
we have a reference to the control, we want to a) connect an event handler so that we
know when the user has typed something, and b) load any existing text and display it.
Because we are using the same object, we can use the cascade operator (..), which
helps us write very readable and flowing code. The preceding can be written as:
theEditor.text = loadDocument();

The more properties we set, the more we have theEditor cluttering up the code.
With the cascade operator, we can replace the object name with (..), and call the
method/set a property as before. One important point with the cascade operator is
that only the final use has a semi-colon at the end of the line.

[ 12 ]

Chapter 1

Writing the event handler

The editor's TextArea KeyUp event has been connected to this short handler
void handleKeyPress(KeyboardEvent event) {

In contrast to JavaScript, there is no function keyword and we have void before the
function. The void keyword just means that this function does not return anything
when it is finished; it can be any class or type. As Dart is optionally typed, we could
omit void altogether.
Just a minute! Where are we going to be storing this text? After all, we have only
written a single HTML page and do not have a database connection or web service
to take care of the persistence. Fortunately, HTML5 has a simple key/value based
built-in storage feature called Local Storage that is well-supported by modern web
browsers. This operates in a similar fashion to a dictionary (sometimes called a map)
data structure.
In the next two functions, we will look at loading and saving from localStorage.
The HTML5 feature window.localStorage persistently stores data
with the client's browser. Unlike data stored in cookies, it does not expire
based on a date. The data is not lost when the browser window is closed
or the computer is switched off.
The amount of storage can vary per browser and according to user
settings, but the typical default value is 5 MB. This is plenty for our text
editor and many other types of applications.

Loading the saved text

The loadDocument function lets the world know it will be returning a String object:
String loadDocument() {
String readings = "";
String jsonString = window.localStorage["MyTextEditor"];
if (jsonString != null && jsonString.length > 0)
readings = JSON.decode(jsonString);
return readings;

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Starting the Text Editor

We will store the text under the key MyTextEditor. The first time the user loads
up this page, there will be nothing in the local storage for our web page, so we will
check if it is empty or null before putting the value into the readings string variable.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an ECMA standard data format
that is based on a subset of JavaScript and is an alternative to XML.
For example:
"Name": "Davy Mitchell",
"LuckyNumber": 123,
"CarModel": null,
"Language": "English"

Saving the text

The format we are using to save the text is JSONJavaScript Object Notation
which is a common standard in web pages. The package dart:convert gives us
both the encode and decode functions:
void saveDocument() {
window.localStorage["MyTextEditor"] = JSON.encode(theEditor.value);

Finally, the saved document uses the local storage to keep our text safe. This time,
we are encoding the data into the JSON format.

Running in the browser

We are now finally ready to actually run the text editor in the target environment.
How is a browser going to execute a .dart file? Internet Explorer, Chrome, and
Firefox don't speak Dart.

[ 14 ]

Chapter 1

Dartium is a special build of the Chromium browser (the open source project behind
Google's Chrome browser) that contains the Dart virtual machine. Though not
recommended for day-to-day browsing, it is a full powerful modern browser to use
while developing Dart applications. As shown in the screenshot, it looks just like (a
very plain) Google Chrome.
If you are running on Ubuntu and receive a start up error mentioning, run the following command in a terminal to resolve it:
sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/

For more information, see


In WebStorm, right-click on the index.html file to bring up the context menu and
select the run index.html. This will start a local HTTP server for your application.

[ 15 ]

Starting the Text Editor

Once the application is running, type some text into the editor, and then close
the browser window. Then, run the program again and you should see your text
reappear once the page has loaded.

Editing and reloading

A new requirement has arrived from our customer. The title of the application,
"TextOnTheWeb", is not to their liking, so we will have to change it.
By this point, Dart should be looking a lot more familiar to you if you have written
JavaScript. The workflow is similar, too. Let's make a change to the executing code
so that we can see the edit and reload cycle in effect.
This will be achieved in the main function so, while keeping Dartium open, open the

main.dart file again in WebStorm, and locate the main function.

Add the following code snippet to start of the function:

DivElement apptitle = querySelector("#toolbar");
apptitle.text = "TextEditor";

Once you have made the change, save the file and switch back to Dartium. Refresh
the page and the new version of the main function will run and the new title will be

Extending the interface

Our customer has asked for a button to clear the editing area. This is a reasonable
request and should not take too long to code with the productivity of Dart.
Firstly, we will open the index.html and add an input button to the page
underneath the TextArea control:
<input type="button" id="btnClearText" value="Clear" />

Open main.dart and in the main function, connect up an event handler:

ButtonInputElement btnClear = querySelector("#btnClearText");

As with JavaScript, it is very easy to pass functions around as parameters. Move

the cursor over the text clearEditor and a lightbulb will appear. This offers the
keyboard shortcut of Alt and the Enter/Return key, or you can click on the lightbulb

[ 16 ]

Chapter 1

The implementation of the function is straightforward. Notice that we receive a

properly typed MouseEvent object as part of the event:
void clearEditor(MouseEvent event) {
theEditor.text = "";

Refresh the page and click the button to clear the existing text. One happy customer
and we hardly broke a sweat!
The WebStorm Dart plugin has a number of quick fixes to aid your productivity and
help avoid coding errors in the first place. They also encourage good design and
keeping to Dart conventions.

Using the CSS editor

Keep the text editor running for the moment and switch back to WebStorm. Go to the
Project tab and in the TextEditor folder, open the web/styles/main.css file.
This is going to be your editor, too, so it is important that it is your favorite color
perhaps you would like a thinner border or are not too fond of my chosen gray
Make some changes to the color classes and save the file.
The WebStorm CSS editor is powerful and shows previews of colors. If you switch
back to Dartium and click reload, the text editor should now reflect your chromatic

[ 17 ]

Starting the Text Editor

Debugging a Dart application

A good debugger is a key part of a productive development system. Let's step
through our code so that we can look closely at what is going on.
To debug an application running in Dartium from WebStorm, we need to install a
small browser extension to act as a bridge between the two applications.
Follow the guide from JetBrains at the following web page:

The main section to be concerned with is the "Installing the JetBrains Chrome
extension" section. This only has to be done once.
1. Click on the first line of the loadDocument function.
2. Next, open the Run menu and choose Toggle Line Breakpoint. A red circle
will appear to the right of the line:

3. Select index.html in the Project tab, then open the Run menu and choose
the Debug index.html menu.
4. Once Dartium opens, the loadDocument function should run and the
breakpoint should hit. The Debugger tab will appear in WebStorm.
5. The Debugger tab shows the call stack and values of current variables.
Under the Run menu and on the toolbar, the usual debug operations of Step
Into, Step Over, and return are available.
6. Before we take any steps, hover the pointer over the return statement line. A
tool-tip will appear to show that the string variable readings is currently
set to null.

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Chapter 1


Choose Step Over and the execution will move onto the next line.

8. Move the pointer over the return statement again, and the readings variable
is shown to be an empty string object.
9. Step Over until the end of the function, and the return variable will be set to
the text retrieved from local storage.
10. To get the application running again, use the Resume Program menu option
from the Run menu, or to stop it from running, select the Terminate menu

Working in harmony with JavaScript

The clear button on the editor is a bit dangerous as it may wipe out some vital notes.
We will provide the user with a simple Are you sure? prompt so that they have a
chance to back out of the operation.
You are probably thinking that we could use the Dart equivalent of window.confirm
to carry it out. We certainly could, but to demonstrate the ability to call JavaScript,
we will use the non-Dart version to display a prompt to the user.
Open main.dart and add the following import to the top of the file:
import 'dart:js';

In the Dart Analysis tab directly below the Dart code editor window, you will see a
warning that we have an unused import. This can be a useful tip once a project has
grown and code has been moved around into separate packages and classes. Import
lists can soon acquire clutter.
To call the JavaScript confirm dialog, we use the context object from dart:js in the
button click event handler. The context object is a reference to JavaScript's global
void clearEditor(MouseEvent event) {
var result = context.callMethod('confirm',
['Are you sure you want to clear the text?']);
if (result == true) {
theEditor.text = "";

[ 19 ]

Starting the Text Editor

The callMethod method can be used to call any JavaScript function available in
the scope of the pagenot just built in objects. In this case, the first parameter is
the name of the function we wish to call and the second parameter is the list of
arguments for that method.

Commenting in the code

Our text editor foundation is looking complete at this point, but there is one
important element that is missing from the main.dart filecode comments.
Dart uses the following familiar commenting syntax:
Comment Syntax


// Your comment here.

A single line comment


A multiple line comment

Your comment here.

/// Your comment here.

A doc comment (the preferred method because it is

more compact)

In mentioning an identifier, place square brackets around the name. For example:
/// Returns double of [a] input.
int doubleANumber(int a){
//Assumes parameter valid.
return a * 2;

Take a short time to comment each function with the above style. Use a sentence
format and punctuation.
For more information on comment style and other coding conventions,
see the guidelines for Doc comments:, and the Dart coding style guide: https://www.

[ 20 ]

Chapter 1

This chapter was focused on giving you the background story of Dart and getting to
work with the SDK to produce a useful application.
We have discovered how the JavaScript language and its development limits, leading
to the creation of the Dart open source project (centered around the https://www. website), which is being developed as an ECMA standard and can be
used to write a range of application types from client to server and command line.
We have seen that Dart has a familiar syntax and powerful package management
tool called pub. WebStorm can be used to create, launch, and debug different types of
applications, and other IDEs and text editors have Dart language support, too.
We have worked through setting up a Dart development environment and wrote our
first application using HTML5 features. We saw how to navigate the structure of a
client-side web project and carry out debugging and development.
I am certain that the simple text editor that we have created is firing off ideas in your
mind of what to do next! In the next chapter, we will continue to look at client-side
Dart and add more features to the text editor, including some that will help us write
more, and better, Dart code.

[ 21 ]

Get more information Dart By Example

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