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i W 5 A iivi-88897

Progress of Stirling Cycle Analysis

and Loss Mechanism Characterization
[NASA-TPl-8889 1)
E i n a l R e p o r t (NASA)
19 p


~ 1 1 8 5 44720

Roy C. Tew, Jr.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lewis Rzsearch Center

Work performed for


Conservation and Renewable Energy
Office of Vehicle and Engine R&D

I t


Prepared for
Twenty-fourth Automotive Technology Development
sponsored by Society of Automotive Engineers
Dearborn, Michigan, October 27-30, 1986

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ASA TM-88891

Progress of Stirling Cycle Analysis

and Loss Mechanism Characterization

Roy C. Tew, Jr.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135

Work performed for

Conservation and Renewable Energy
Office of Vehicle and Engine R&D
Washington, D.C. 20545
Under Interagency Agreement DE-AIOI-85CE50112

Prepared for
Twenty-fourth Automotive Technology Development
sponsored by Society of Automotive Engineers
Dearborn, Michigan, October 27-30, 1986

Roy C. Tew, Jr.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135


valuable engine tested at NASA Lewis for model

validation purposes; this is primarily because
it is a simple design (one cylinder with small
mechanical losses), has electrically heated
heater tubes, and operates at a relatively low
The RE-1000 was first
frequency (30 Hz).
tested with a dashpot load (6). It has
recently been refitted with a hydraulic load
and testing is beginning (7).
A free-piston version of the NASA Lewis
performance model was developed under contract
by MTI (8); it can operate either in a constrained piston (kinematic) or in an unconstrained (free-piston) mode. This model has
been calibrated against the dashpot RE-1000
(9,101. A model of the hydraulic load has been
developed. The next step will be to calibrate
the hydraulic RE-1000 model against the engine
data. The free-piston model has also been used
to model the MTI-designed Space Power Demonstrator Engine (SPDE) as part of the SP-100
So far, this
space power system program (11).
model has been operated only in the constrained
piston mode.
Much overall performance data is now available from a number of engines whose geometry is
well defined. However, we have found that we
can validate our models against data from a
specific engine only by calibration of various
loss mechanism factors to match overall predicted and measured performances, pressure wave
variation over the cycle, and average gas temperatures. Conclusions from our model validation effort are: (1) In general, a model
calibrated for one type of Stirling engine does
not predict performance well for another type,
( 2 ) a model calibrated to predict performance
well for several engines cannot reliably be
extrapolated to an engine with significantly
different geometry, and ( 3 ) we do not have a
sufficiently good understanding of the heat
transfer and fluid flow phenomena or the " l o s s
mechanisms'' inside Stirling engines.

An assessment of Stirling engine thermodynamic modeling and design codes shows a general deficiency; this deficiency is due to poor
understanding of the fluid flow and heat
transfer phenomena that occur in the oscillating flow and pressure level environment
within the engines. Requirements for improving
modeling and design are discussed. Stirling
engine thermodynamic loss mechanisms are listed.
Several experimental and computational research
efforts now underway to characterize various
l o s s mechanisms are reviewed. The need for
additional experimental rigs and rig upgrades
is discussed. Recent developments and current
efforts in Stirling engine thermodynamic
modeling are also reviewed.


program for the Department of Energy (DOE) about
12 years ago; at that time, there were no satisfactory Stirling engine computer models generally available and no engine data available for
validating such models. Therefore work began
promptly on development of a model at NASA Lewis
to help guide the engine test program and to aid
in managing the work of contractors.
Early in the Stirling program, the General
Motors GPU-3 engine was tested at NASA Lewis and
the NASA Lewis Stirling performance model was
calibrated against the data (1,2)*.
A United
Stirling (USAB) P-40 engine and the Philips
ADVENCO (ADVanced ENgine Concept) engine were
The Upgraded
also tested and modeled (3,4,5).
MOD-I, an MTI-USAB automotive design, is now
being tested. A 1 kW free-piston Stirling
engine developed by Sunpower, Inc., the
RE-1000, shows promise of being the most
*Numbers in parentheses designate references at
end of paper.

Our experience in monitoring the work of

our contractors tends to reinforce these conclusions. A general consensus had developed
that to further improve Stirling engine design
capability, a better understanding of the basic
fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena occurring inside Stirling engines is needed. Specialized test rigs, not demonstrator engines,
are needed to isolate and characterize particular l o s s mechanisms; this is primarily due to
the difficulty of making accurate dynamic measurements in engine working spaces. Instrumentation research is also needed to improve
measurement accuracy of dynamic variables in
specialized rig and engine tests. While this
basic research is underway, efforts should continue to improve analytical models. Periodic
meetings of those involved in the various
research efforts should be held to discuss the
results. These opinions are supported by the
conclusions of the Stirling Engine Computer
Modeling Workshop sponsored by the Department
of Energy (DOE) in Washington, D.C. on
August 29, 1985 (12).
The purpose of this report is to review
work that is being done now in the areas of l o s s
mechanism characterization and Stirling engine

flow oscillations, (9) losses due to radiation

and convection from hot surfaces (losses from
engine surfaces to the environment).
Chen, Griffin, and West have noted (13)
that three thermodynamic irreversibilities occur
inside Stirling engines. These are: (1) heat
transfer across a temperature difference, ( 2 )
mass flow across a pressure difference, ( 3 )
mixing of fluid at different temperatures. Each
loss mechanism involves one or more of these
The key to knowing "all there is to know''
about thermodynamic losses inside a Stirling
engine, therefore, is knowing as a function of
time the: (1) temperature field in the working
space and metal walls, (2) flow and pressure
fields in the working space, and ( 3 ) leakage
flows to and from the working space. Experimental mapping of these fields, if possible,
would allow characterization of Stirling thermodynamic loss mechanisms. An alternative to the
more desirable experimental mapping would be
mapping via a multi-dimensional model; the model
would need to be carefully formulated to predict
results that could be checked via experiment.


Several grants and contracts are now underway for characterizing one or more loss mechanisms. A review of these efforts follows. Those
efforts not specifically identified with Oak
Ridge or Argonne National Laboratories are being
managed by NASA Lewis. The NASA-managed efforts
are being funded by a combination of DOE,
Department of Defense, and NASA funds.
Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Contract,
designed an oscillating flow rig to be used in
measuring pressure drops through tubes and
matrices. A schematic of the rig is shown in
Fig. 1. A linear motor is used to drive the rig
at frequencies up to 120 Hz. The unique design
of the rig should allow accurate determination
of instantaneous mass flows and pressure drops.
It was designed to cover the entire range of
similarity parameters of interest in Stirling
engine design.
Sunpower is now building the rig and will
do the testing under a Phase I1 SBIR contract
(which began in April 1986).
Fabrication and
assembly of the rig is expected to be complete
in October 1986. System checkout and some initial testing should be complete by February
1987. The remaining one year and two months o f
the contract will be used to test and develop
pressure drop correlations for various Stirling
heat exchanger geometries. A unidirectional



Most Stirling models assume that temperature, pressure, and flow are uniform across a
cross section perpendicular to the flow axis.
Heat transfer and pressure drop are then calculated from experimental steady-flow correlations; this implies that the nonuniformities and
boundary-layer effects that contributed to the
form of the steady-flow correlations will make
the same contributions in the oscillating flow
and oscillating pressure level environment which
occurs inside Stirling engines.
The following " l o s s mechanisms'' may produce
significant impacts on the performance of
Stirling engines: (1) Effects of oscillating
flow/pressure level on pressure drop and radial
heat transfer in tubes, matrices, and area
transitions, ( 2 ) flow maldistributions--tube to
tube, manifold-regenerator interactions, area
transitions in general, ( 3 ) gas spring and
working space hysteresis (also called cyclic or
trshsient heat transfer) losses, ( 4 ) mixing
losses (adiabatic volumes, especially, increase
losses due to mixing of gases at two different
temperatures), (5) appendix gap heat losses
experienced in the clearance gap between the
cylinder wall and the piston, ( 6 ) leakage losses
(piston-cylinder, gas spring, free-piston
centering port flows), ( 7 ) conduction losses
(through metal conduction paths and through gas
inside the displacer), (8) enhanced axial
conductivity through the regenerator due to

key similarity parameters which characterize

engine conditions; these are the dimensionless
frequency or kinetic Reynolds number, Re,,,, the
Reynolds number based on the maximum flow velocity, Remax, and the flow displacement to tube
length ratio, A R .
A schematic of the proposed test rig is
shown in Fig. 3 . The test section will be 3 to
4 cm in diameter, maximum frequency will be
about 400 rpm, and the working fluid will be
air. The relatively large diameter test section (compared to typical Stirling heat
exchanger tubes) will permit measurements o f
multidimensional profiles, using hot wire
anemometers. The relatively low maximum frequency should allow accurate dynamic measurements of pressure, velocity, and temperature.
It is expected that the 1986 renewal grant
will begin at least a 3 year program of testing.
Construction of the facility and operational
tests should be complete about February 1987.
Shakedown, baseline, and qualification tests,
completion of the data reduction program, and
uncertainty analysis should be complete by May
1987. Data for the open tube geometry tests
are to be taken from May through September of
1987. Tests for the effects of oscillating
pressure level are to be conducted in the later
phases of the program.
University of Minnesota was also awarded a grant
to develop "One- and Two-Dimensional Stirling
Machine Simulations Using Experimentally Generated Reversing Flow Correlations." Under this
1986 grant, Research Fellow Louis Goldberq is
to: (1) assist Simon and Seume in determining
parametric and normalizing factors for making
the test results applicable to Stirling engine
design and analysis procedures, and (2) apply
the test results to new types of one- and twodimensional Stirling models of the SPDE.
One-dimensional models of the test rig and
the SPDE are operational; Goldberg is currently
working on a two-dimensional model of the SPDE.
The SPDE is a 105 Hz, 25 kWe nominal design
free-piston engine (consisting of two, mirror
image, 12.5 kWe modules). This is the highest
frequency Stirling engine ever built. If oscillating flow and pressure level have significant
effects on pressure drop or heat transfer in any
existing Stirling engine, it is likely they
will be significant in this engine. Simon and
Seume's data and Goldberg's models should help
determine if these effects are significant in
the SPDE. The two-dimensional model should help
determine if certain flow maldistributions have
2 significant effect sz engine nmrfnrmnnce,
received a contract in 1986 for "A Computational Study of Two-Dimensional Gas Flow in
Stirling Engine Regenerators and Associated

flow rig is also being assembled and will be

used to test the same heat exchanger geometries
under steady-flow conditions.
The initial rig is designed to test for
effects of oscillating flow, only, on pressure
drop (pressure level will be essentially constant); however, another drive can be added to
test for effects of oscillating pressure level.
The rig design is flexible s o that it can also
be modified to test for effects of oscillating
flow and pressure level on heat transfer.
FLOW TEST FACILITY - Argonne National Laboratory has constructed a reversing flow test
facility. A test rig schematic is shown in
Fig. 2. The facility is intended to measure
the effects of oscillating flow and pressure
level on heat transfer and pressure drop at
frequencies up to 50 Hz.
Preliminary results obtained with the test
facility are reported in Refs. 14, 15, and 16.
The initial tests were conducted with pressurized helium under oscillating flow conditions.
Plots are shown of measured pressure drop and
calculated mass flow rate (based on piston
motions) as functions of crank angle in Ref. 14.
Problems that reportedly need resolution are
questions regarding accuracy of the pressure
drop measurements and flow rate determination.
Future plans are to resolve these problems and
take data that can be used to develop pressure
drop and heat transfer correlations for onedimension Stirling engine models.
of the University of Minnesota was awarded a
grant for "Investigation of Heat Transfer and
Hydrodynamics in Oscillating Flow with Application to Stirling Engine Components" in 1986.
Professor Simon and Joerg Sueme had completed a
search of the oscillating flow literature in
1985, under a previous grant. A summary of the
final report on their findings is given in
Ref. 17.
The report proposes a set of similarity
parameters for characterizing the effects of
flow oscillation on wall shear stress, viscous
dissipation, pressure drop, and heat transfer
rates; operating ranges of eleven Stirling
engines are described in terms of these parameters. It is shown that the operating points
for several of the engines are in or near the
laminar-to-turbulent transition region. Conclusions of the report are that more research
is needed to understand: (1) the process of
transition, ( 2 ) the effect of flow oscillation
on turbulent momentum and heat transfer, and
( 3 ) the effects of thema1 and hydrodyzamic
entrance lengths on heat transfer and pressure
drop in tubes and regenerator matrices.
The 1986 grant renewal was awarded to construct a test rig and begin the recommended
research. Tests will be run over ranges of the


P-V diagram. Similar losses also occur in open

cylinders, as in the expansion and cornpression
spaces o f Stirling engines, due to heat transfer
between the gas and the cylinder walls. Some of
the known characteristics of this loss are summarized below.
If expansion and compression space
processes are adiabatic, as assumed in some
Stirling models, or isothermal, then cylinder
hysteresis losses are zero. Computations have
shown, however (Ref. 13 and undocumented results
obtained with the NASA Lewis Stirling model),
relatively small rates of heat transfer in the
cylinders, as compared to the heater, cause
significant reductions in engine performance.
That is, cylinder heat transfer rates intermediate between adiabatic and isothermal process
rates, produce the worst engine performance
Some results and conclusions of cylinder
heat transfer experiments are reported by
Faulkner and Smith (18). It was demonstrated
that losses due to cylinder heat transfer were
greatest at intermediate cylinder average
Reynolds numbers for tests made with helium gas.
It is noted that in Stirling engines, cylinders
tend to operate at high average Reynolds numbers
(approach adiabatic processes) and heat
exchangers tend to operate at low average
Reynolds numbers (approach isothermal). Also,
volumes such as connecting passages, which may
operate at intermediate Reynolds numbers (with
consequent large hysteresis losses), should be
Faulkner and Smith also demonstrated that
the Temperature-Entrophy (T-S) diagram is a
useful tool for displaying the magnitude and
timing of heat transfer processes around the
cycle. Experimental T-S diagrams were used to
show that the phase lag between cylinder heat
transfer and gas-to-wall temperature difference
varied from 0" for isothermal to 90" for adiabatic processes.
Heat transfer calculations made with the
NASA Lewis Stirling code have, until now,
assumed no phase lag between heat transfer and
temperature difference. While this should be a
good assumption for the heat exchangers,
Faulkner and Smith's results suggest it is a
poor assumption for cylinder, gas spring, and
possibly connecting duct heat transfer
Analytical correlations for the magnitude
and phase lag of cylinder heat transfer are
derived by Lee (19). An expression for the
Stirling cycle power loss due to cylinder heat
transfer is also derived. The loss is shown to
approach zero as the heat transfer processes
approach either isothermal or adiabatic. The
power l o s s is also shown to be a strong function
of the phase angle between the heat transfer
and the gas-to-wall temperature difference.

Manifolds." The principal investigator for this

contract is David Gedeon, a former Sunpower,
Inc. analyst, who is now an independent
The automotive Stirling engine designs have
complex manifolds (or connecting ducts) between
some of the heat exchangers and the expansion
and compression spaces, due to packaging
requirements; improper design of such manifolding could cause very complex flows in the
regenerator, with consequent reductions in performance. Also, as a result of initial testing
and analyses, there was a concern that the first
SPDE regenerator caused "jetting" of flow from
the heater tubes into the regenerator matrix,
causing reductions in engine performance. After
further data analysis, however, MTI now believes
there was no significant increase in viscous
dissipation. These potential flow maldistribution problems are illustrated in Fig. 4.
The purpose of this contract is to simulate
in two-dimensions the fluid dynamics and thermodynamics of regenerators and their associated
manifolds. Phase I of the effort, to be
complete by December 1986, involves developing a
computational method and optimizing it to solve
the prototype manifold-regenerator problem shown
in Fig. 4(a); two-dimensional pressure, flow,
and temperature fields throughout the regenerator matrix and manifolds are solved subject to
prescribed inflow mass flux rates and temperatures. A solution method has been developed
(using the Beam and Warming implicit finite
difference approach) and Phase I goals appear
achievable with the model now in use on the contractor's IBM PC-compatible computer.
Contingent upon a successful outcome in
Phase I, the Phase I1 effort would extend the
solution method to manifolds o f arbitrary shape,
refine the software into a complete and portable
package, and use the software to derive practical engineering correlations for the loss
mechanisms associated with the manifold problem.
It is expected that the effort will sooner or
later require a sufficiently fine mesh and computational time requirements, such that the
problem will require a mainframe computer for
practical solution times. Although not contractually obligated to do so, the contractor plans
to evaluate the sensitivity of SPDE performance
to flow maldistributions such as that illustrated in Fig. 4(b).
The final computer code, which is written
in the PASCAL programming language, will become
public domain software at the conclusion of the
HYSTERESIS OR CYCLIC HEAT TRANSFER LOSSES Heat transfer in gas springs, due to the cycling
Of pressure and temperature, leads to hysteresis
or cyclic heat transfer losses. The magnitude
of this loss is equal to the work done on the
gas spring or the area inside the gas spring

Oak Ridge National Laboratory has recently

a v a ~ d e da g i a i i t to Professor Joseph Smith of the
MIT for additional experimental and analytical
work on the characterization of hysteresis
"appendix gap" is the annular volume between
the hot end of the displacer or power piston
(depending upon the engine design) and the
cylinder wall in a Stirling engine (appendix
gap schematics are shown in Fig. 5).
The complex fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena
which take place in the gap involve several
irreversibilities which degrade the performance
of the engine.
MIT has developed a detailed appendix gap
model (20,21). Three heat loss mechanisms are
modeled: (1) axial conduction along the piston
and cylinder, (2) radial heat transfer between
the gas in the gap and the boundary walls, and
( 3 ) leakage enthalpy flow across the cold end
seal. The radial heat transfer mechanism is the
most complicated and least understood; it can be
subdivided into a pure conduction or "shuttle"
component and a complicated convection component
which is commonly identified as the appendix gap
"pumping" l o s s .
The model is a nodal analysis of the appendix gap region. Inputs to the model are
boundary wall temperatures, prescribed piston
motions, and prescribed pressure and temperature
waves in the expansion and compression spaces.
With these boundary conditions given, the model
calculates heat flows in the gap, but cannot
directly calculate the effect of these heat
flows on indicated power (which is essentially
determined by the pressure waves).
Efforts to
validate the model are summarized below.
So far only indirect evaluation of the
model has been possible, by comparison with
engine performance data. Sensitivity tests
were performed, initially on the USAB P-40R
Stirling engine, and then on the MTI-USAB
Upgraded MOD-I engine. For each of these
engines, ranges of data were taken for two
different appendix gap configurations.
Reference 22 shows that model sensitivity
appeared to correlate well with curve fits of
the engine sensitivity data; however, considerable data scatter existed and no information is given on the measurement accuracy of
the data.
No measurements of the absolute magnitude
of the appendix gap losses have been possible.
The gap model predicts an appendix gap heat loss
of 11.6 kW at full power for one of the P-40R
configurations and 7.5 kW at full power for the
reference Upgraded MOD-I engine.
The measured pressure waves in the Upgraded
MOD-I implied no significant effect on indicated
power when the change in gap configuration
caused a change in gap heat loss of 1.5 kW (22);
for this engine the gap was modified by raising

the cold end gap seal to reduce the volume of




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when the P-40R engine modification increased the

appendix gap pumping heat loss by about 2 kW,
the measured shaft power showed a decrease of
0.7 kW. The P-40R gap region was modified by
substituting a nickel partition wall for a
stainless steel one; the geometry was not
The Upgrade MOD-I at NASA Lewis will soon
be fitted with a piston ring at the hot end of
the double-acting piston to eliminate or minimize appendix gap pumping losses. The standard
piston design for automotive Stirling engines
has rings only at the cold end. MTI will
evaluate the test data and use it for validation of the appendix gap model. This model
will become public domain software.
Appendix gap losses increase with engine
pressure ration (Pmax/Pmin) and should
therefore, other effects being equivalent, be
less for free-piston than for the kinematic
engines. Nevertheless, a good characterization
of these losses is needed for engine design. A
dedicated appendix gap test rig will probably be
required for satisfactory characterization.
OSCILLATING FLOW CONDITIONS - Reasons for investigating regenerator matrix thermal conductivities are summarized here. Stirling heat pump
tests at Sunpower, Inc. yielded poor performance
for a relatively short regenerator design.
Attempts to identify the problem led to the idea
that heat losses through the regenerator might
be substantially larger than predicted by a
model; attempts to resolve the problem by model
sensitivity studies did not yield conclusive
Recent analyses by Gedeon (24)
results ( 2 3 ) .
suggest that one-dimensional models (but not
two-dimensional models) require an assumption of
enhanced conductivity under certain conditions
to properly predict axial heat flow through
regenerators. Since Stirling engines for space
power tend to have relatively short regenerators, a concern exists that regenerator losses
in these engines may be substantially larger
than predicted.
Poor initial performance of the SPDE was at
least partly due to the unsintered wire screen
regenerator matrix used in the initial build.
Replacement of this matrix (after some obvious
deterioration of the screens) with a design
which insured no vibration of the matrix, produced a significant improvement in engine performance. The new matrix design also included
gaps between the matrix and the heater and the
cooler tubes where none existed before; these
gaps may also have improved the flow distribution and reduced viscous dissipation.
Experiments and analyses by Kurzweg ( 2 5 , 2 6 )
suggest a physical explanation of the need for
an enhanced conductivity assumption. Kurzweg's

gap, hysteresis, and leakage are not well

characterized. Thus, even the mathematically
more rigorous third-order models are based on
questionable physical assumptions. Also, the
rigorous partial differential equations must be
solved by approximate finite difference, or
element, methods on a computer; the errors
resulting from these approximations are
generally not known for a given Stirling model.
The Schmidt model (29) is classified as a
first-order model. The Rios (321, Martini (33)
and the harmonic analysis models of MTI (34,35),
and Oak Ridge (13) are classified as secondorder models; the Philips-United Stirling design
codes are also thought to be based on harmonic
analysis models. The third-order models are
nodal analysis models. The new Gedeon Associates GLIMPS Model (36) and the Goldberg model,
to be discussed later, are third-order models
that include the coupling of pressure drop with
heat and mass transfer. The Urieli (281, NASA
Lewis (31, and Giasante-Lewis (9) models are
usually classified as third-order models, but
pressure drop is decoupled from the heat and
mass transfer calculations in these models.
Stirling computer codes, as defined above,
are usually classified as design codes or performance codes. A performance code typically
consists of a third- or second-order model. A
design code typically consists of a secondorder model, an optimization algorithm, and
other algorithms for sizing the engine for a
specified power level. Argonne National
Laboratory has developed a nonproprietary
design code, SEAMOPT (371, based on the Rios
model; this design code appears to be farther
along in development than other nonproprietary
design codes. Development and validation of a
free-piston design code, originally developed
for NASA Lewis by Dr. W.R. Martini (381, has
made little progress due to lack of funds and
has developed the "Globally Implicit Stirling"
or GLIMPS model (36). It is a rigorous thirdorder nodal analysis model. In a preliminary
evaluation at NASA Lewis, GLIMPS was used to
simulate the RE-1000 and SPDE engines. The
GLIMPS RE-1000 predictions compared well with
the RE-1000 data at the engine design point; its
SPDE design point predictions compared well with
NASA Lewis code and the original MTI design calculations. However, the GLIMPS model has not
been validated against data from the SPDE and
other engines such as the P-40 and the MOD-I.
Several convenient features of the model
were noted. It comes with a well-written
user's manual. It is very easy to use ("user
friendly"); it was already set up for the
RE-1000 engine but was easy to set up for the
SPDE. It appears that it could be easily set

results suggest that the primary mode of axial

heat transfer in tubes with oscillating flow and
an axial temperature gradient is via the interaction of two mechanisms. These mechanisms are:
(1) radial heat conduction between the gas core
and the boundary layer or wall and ( 2 ) the
oscillations of the fluid. This interaction
causes a "shuttle" heat transfer similar to
that which occurs between the displacer and the
cylinder wall. To the extent that onedimensional models do not accurately account for
radial heat transfer to or from thermal boundary
layers in regenerators, they are subject to
errors in predicting axial heat flow.
A s a result of regenerator performance
concerns, Case-Western Reserve University was
awarded a grant in 1986. Professor Alexander
Dybbs plans to measure regenerator thermal conductivities under stagnant, steady-flow, and
oscillating flow conditions. These tests will
require modifications to existing experimental
rigs. An oscillating flow rig design is to be
ready for review by NASA Lewis by the end of
October 1986. The first phase of the test
effort is to be complete by June 1987. It is
expected that completion of the initial effort
will require at least one additional year.
Possible additional efforts could include
experimental studies of the effects of induced
flow maldistributions on regenerator
GENERAL COMMENTS - A number of different
Stirling engine models and Stirling computer
codes now exist (A code is here defined to be
more general than a model. A Stirling code may
include other parts of a Stirling power system,
optimization algorithms, algorithms for determining system masses and volumes, etc.).
brief description of a common method of model
classification will be given with a few
examples. A more complete listing and discussion of the various existing models as of 1983
can be found in Ref. 2 7 . References 28 to 31
are also good sources of information on
Stirling engine analysis.
Stirling engine models are frequently
classified as first, second, or third order
models. This method does not have a rigorous
mathematical basis. Rather the idea is that
lower order models require more simplifying
assumptions; therefore the higher order models
are mathematically more rigorous and should be
accurate. In practice, it has not been established that third-order models are more
accurate. Possible reasons for this are that
even the third-order models have assumed
uniform one-dimensional flow, and have used
steady-flow heat transfer and pressure drop
correlations; other losses such as appendix

One-dimensional models require the use of

friction factor and heat transfer correiations
in both tubes and matrices for laminar and turbulent flow regimes. In the two-dimensional
model, no friction factor correlation is
required for laminar flow in tubes; tube profiles can be calculated from the basic equations
and properties of the fluid by assuming "no
slip" at the tube walls. However, in the turbulent regime a turbulence model must be assumed.
Simulation of two-dimensional flow in the regenerator requires specialized assumptions and
techniques, since the grid cannot be made small
enough (it would require too much computational
time) to resolve the details of flow through the
Both one- and two-dimensional codes will
become public domain software at the conclusion
of the grant. These codes are written in
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Linear
Harmonic Analysis Model - Oak Ridge National
Laboratory has been working on a linear harmonic
analysis model for several years (13,39,40).
basic assumption in this type of analysis is
that all engine variables can be represented as
harmonic functions. Oak Ridge's work seems to
indicate that harmonic functions consisting of
a constant plus a fundamental give satisfactory
accuracy for many or most engines. The harmonic
function could include higher order terms but
this would increase the complexity of the model.
Oak Ridge has published a listing of their
harmonic analysis model (40); the model does
not include an appendix gap loss calculation.
Ref. 40 shows the result of one prediction made
with the model for the RE-1000 engine and compares it with data.
A significant feature of the harmonic
analysis models have been their calculation
speed, which allows them to be used in design
codes; nodal analysis models have been too slow
for this application. However, the new models
of Goldberg and Gedeon appear to be closing the
computational speed gap; these nodal analysis
models may be sufficiently fast for use in
design codes.
Harmonic analysis also permits closed form
equations to be derived for calculation of each
thermodynamic loss. Nodal analysis loss calculations have typically been an integral part of
the basic cycle calculations so that specific
l o s s values were not calculated; thus it was not
straight forward to determine how significant
some losses were in reducing engine performance.
The Oak Ridge model appears unique among
Stirling models in using a second law of thermodynamics analysis to separate out each of the
losses. This technique could also be used to
separate out the losses in nodal analysis

up for a wide variety of Stirling machine

configurations, inciuding automotive engine
designs and heat pumps.
The GLIMPS model was run on an IBM PC/AT
with a math coprocessor at NASA Lewis; execution
time was about 5 min using the recommended time
step size and number of control volumes or nodes
(and these recommended values were found to be
satisfactory). Execution time is proportional
to the number of control volumes and to the cube
of the number of time steps per cycle. Since
only six time steps per cycle are required for
accurate performance calculations, this cube
relationship could be a disadvantage if an
accurate plot of a variable over the cycle is
desired. An implicit finite difference solution method was used; the solution method could
not be used to study the dynamic response to
cycle pertubations. The version evaluated did
not provide for separate connecting duct control
volumes between the heat exchangers and compression and expansion spaces. GLIMPS is sufficiently fast that, if used on a mainframe, it
could probably be coupled with an optimization
algorithm and used for machine design.
Goldberg One- and Two-Dimensional Models Under the previously mentioned University of
Minnesota grant, Louis Goldberg is working on
one- and two-dimensional models of the SPDE.
The one-dimensional model is a rigorous thirdorder model; a fully implicit integral solution
technique is used. In its equilibrium information propagation format, the one-dimensional
model had, previous to the grant, been used to
simulate the General Motors GPU-3 engine. This
simulation was done on a standard 4.77 MHz
IBM PC with an 8087 coprocessor with a solution
time of approximately 5 min per simulated cycle.
Run times on an 8 MHz Intel 80286f80287
processor set (with no memory wait states) are
about 3 times faster. Goldberg believes that
use of a 32-bit processor (soon to be installed)
will enable run times which are 6 to 9 times
faster. This model has now been used to simulate Simon and Seume's oscillating flow test rig
and the SPDE engine.
The two-dimensional model of the SPDE is
reportedly "almost operational;" expansion and
compression spaces, heater and cooler are all
modeled in two-dimensions; the regenerator, however, is for now still modeled in one-dimension.
The basic model has been successfully applied to
the problem of air flow in a room in a previous
study. A rigorous set of time-dependent compressible flow equations is used. Various
finite-difference solution techniques are being
tried to optimize the solution technique. The
two-dimensional model will help in understanding the effects of oscillating flow/
pressure level and the effects of certain flow
maldistributions on engine performance. Use of
this model requires a mainframe computer.

Computer Aided Thennodynamics (CAT) Computer Aided Thermodynamics (CAT) is a new

concept in thermodynamic system modeling. The
description below is derived from Ref. 41
received from Gilbert0 Russo and Professor
Joseph Smith of MIT.
Generalized dynamic analysis modeling codes
such as CSMP (Continuous System Modeling
Program) and EASY5 require the user to figure
out a set of equations to model a given system.
The user then specifies a network of the
available symbolic elements (such as integrators, summers, multipliers, etc.) to represent
the set of equations. The modeling code then
uses a numerical solution technique (default or
specified) to solve the system of equations.
CAT is ' I . . .a methodology of thermodynamic
analysis based on a new formulation of classical
thermodynamics in a numerical computation environment" ( 4 1 ) . CAT's implementation, still in
the development stage, is in the form of a
generalized computer code for modeling thermodynamic systems. The user specifies a network
o r mesh of the available symbolic thermodynamic
elements to represent the system'of interest.
These elements are usually either storage or
interconnection elements. Examples of storage
elements, which model parts of the system where
energy may vary, are fluid elements, thermal
capacities, and pistons. Examples of interconnection elements, which model the interactions between storage elements, are mechanical
and thermal interconnections. Special reservoir
and/or equilibrating mechanism elements are used
to represent external work and heat interactions. Therefore no mass, energy or entropy
crosses the external boundary; so, all CAT
problems are closed and isolated.
The network of elements is created by using
a ''mouset'to select symbolic elements (or icons)
from a menu area of the CAT terminal screen and
place them in a work area. A simple CAT network
or mesh is shown ''on screen" in Fig. 6. CAT
then generates the equations required to model
the specified system and solves the equations
numerically. Interacting with the user via a
user interface, CAT interprets and displays the
results on the terminal screen.
CAT is operational and ready to solve
closed equilibrium system problems at the undergraduate text book level. The code and a user's
manual are available from the authors of
Ref. 41.
Recent updates to CAT include introduction
of rate processes via a new heat rate interconnection element ( 4 2 ) . This element is
required to relate energy flux between storage
elements to the difference in temperature.
Plans are to use this updated version of CAT to
model Stirling engine problems. A kinematic
mesh or Lagrangian representation of the fluid
nodes has also been implemented (that is, the

fluid nodes or control volumes move relative to

the solid boundary). CAT is currently being
extended to allow modeling of systems which
involve gas mixtures and chemical reactions.
Good Stirling engines are being designed
and built via existing design "tools." Frequently, however , the "first build" engine
hardware needs much modification before its
performance approaches the design goals.
Improved understanding of Stirling engine l o s s
mechanisms should result in improved design
tools. These tools should help produce designs
that require less expensive hardware modification to achieve performance goals. Better
design tools should also allow consideration of
innovative designs with greater confidence.
Several new Stirling models are, or will
soon be, generally available. Taken together,
they represent a significant advancement in
computational speed combined with mathematical
rigor. Computer Aided Thermodynamics may,
eventually, make it easy for any "technical"
person to set up an accurate model of a Stirling
o r other complex thermodynamic system. However,
a major improvement in design capability and
predictive accuracy should not be expected until
the results o f l o s s mechanism research is available and can be factored into the models.
Several areas of Stirling loss mechanism
research are getting underway. A sustained
effort of three to five years must be maintained
in these areas to have a reasonable hope of
obtaining conclusive results.
Satisfactory characterization of the appendix gap loss will probably require a specialized
test rig; none is yet planned. The Sunpower,
Inc. oscillating flow rig requires modification
to allow testing for the combined effects of
oscillating flow/pressure level on pressure drop
and heat transfer. Leakage losses can be
modeled by well-known equations; however the
accuracy of the resulting calculations for
Stirling machine performance is not generally
known. Better characterization of leakage
losses may also require special test rigs.
Solid conduction losses and radiation and convection losses from engine external surfaces are
relatively straight forward calculations, provided engine and environment temperatures and
engine geometry are sufficiently well known.
The idea of building a general purpose test
engine has been considered in the past to permit
testing of a wide variety of engine components
and more accurate measurements. One such engine
was designed several years ago, but was never
built. Whether such engines would provide capabilities significantly beyond the oscillating
flow, oscillating pressure level test rigs
should be given further consideration.

11. J.G. Slaby, "Overview of the 1986 FreePiston Stirline SP-100 Activities at the
NASA Lewis Research Center," 21st
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, Vol. 1, Washington, D.C.:
American Chemical Society, 1986,
pp. 420-429.


1. R. Tew, K. Jefferies, and D. Miao, "A

Stirling Engine Computer Model for
Performance Calculations," NASA TM-78884,
July 1978.
2. R.C. Tew, Jr.; L.G. Thieme, and D. Miao,
"Initial Comparison of Single Cylinder
Stirling Engine Computer Model Predictions
With Test Results," NASA TM-79044, 1979.

12. N. Domingo, "Stirling Engine Computer

Modeling Workshop Summary," Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, Nov.

3. R.C. Tew, Jr., "Computer Program for

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NASA TM-82960, 1983.

13. N.C.J. Chen, F.P. Griffin, and C.D. West,

"Linear Harmonic Analysis of Stirling
Engine Thermodynamics, I ' Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Report ORNL/CON-155, Aug. 1984.

4. D. Allen, J. Cairelli, "Test Results of a

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PA: SAE, 1985, pp. 3.238-3.243.

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Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, Vol. 1, Washington, D.C.:
American Chemical Society, 1986,
pp. 519-525.

5 . L.G. Thieme, and D.J. Allen, "Testing of a

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Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, Vol. 1, Washington, D.C.:
American Chemical Society, 1986,
pp. 457-462.

15. P.D. Roach, "Measurements with the Reversing

Flow Test Facility," 21st Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
Vol. 1, Washington, D.C.:
Chemical Society, 1986, pp. 539-544.

6. J. Schreiber, "Test Results and Description

of a 1 kW Free-Piston Stirling Engine With
a Dashpot Load," 18th Intersociety Energy
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New York, NY: AIChE, 1983, pp. 887-896.

16. P.D. Roach, "Reversing Flow Test Flow Test

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Memorandum ANL-CT-86-1, 1986.

7. J.G. Schreiber, and S.M. Geng, "RE-1000

Free-Piston Stirling Engine Hydraulic
Output System Description," 21st
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, Vol. 1, Washington, D.C.:
American Chemical Society, 1986,
pp. 484-489.

17. J. Seume, and T.W. Simon, "Oscillating Flow

in Stirling Engine Heat Exchangers," 21st
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, Vol. 1, Washington, D.C.:
American Chemical Society, 1986,
pp. 533-538.

8. J.E. Giansante, "A Free Piston Stirling

Engine Performance Code," Mechanical
Technology, Inc., Latham, NY, Document
81TR17, Nov. 1980.

18. H.B. Faulkner, and J.L. Smith, Jr.,

tfInstantaneousHeat Transfer During
Compression and Expansion in Reciprocating
Gas Transfer During Compression and
Expansion in Reciprocating Gas Handling
Machinery," 18th Intersociety Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference, Vol. 2,
New York, NY: AIChE, 1983, pp. 724-730.

9. R.C. Tew, "Comparison of Free-Piston

Stirling Engine Model Predictions with
RE-1000 Engine Test Data," 19th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, Vol. 3 , LaGrange Park, IL:
American Nuclear Society, 1984,
pp. 2073-2085.

19. K. Lee, "A Simplistic Model of Cyclic Heat

Transfer Phenomena in Closed Spaces," 18th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, Vol. 2, New York, NY: AIChE,
1983, pp. 720-723.

10. S.M. Geng, "Comparison of NASA Lewis

Upgraded Free-Piston Stiriing Engine Model
Predictions with RE-1000 Sensitivity Test
Data," Report to Oak Ridge National
Laboratory under Interagency Agreement
DE-AI05-820R1005, Sept. 1986.

20. S.C. IIuang, "Appendix Gap L o s s ic Stirling

Engines, Analysis and User's Manual,"
Mechanical Technology Inc., Latham, NY,
Document 85ASE487ER79, Dec. 1985.

34. J.S. Rauch, "Harmonic Analysis of Stirling

Engine Thermodynamics ,'I 15th IntersocietY
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
Vol. 2, New York, NY: AIAA, 1980,
pp. 1696-1700.

21. S.C. Huang, "Upgraded MOD-1 Engine Raised

Appendix Gap Test/Code Correlation,"
Mechanical Technology Inc., Latham, NY,
Document 86ASE488ER80, Jan. 1986.
22. S.C. Huang, and R. Berggren, "Evaluation of
Stirling Engine Appendix Gap Losses," 21st
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, Vol. 1, Washington, D.C.:
American Chemical Society, 1986,
pp. 562-568.

35. J.S. Rauch, "Harmonic Analysis of Stirling

Cycle Performance: "A Comparison with Test
Data," 19th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, Vol. 3, LaGrange
Park, IL: American Nuclear Society, 1984,
pp. 2015-2020.

23. D. Gedeon, Private Communication.

36. D. Gedeon, "A Globally-Implicit Stirling
Cycle Simulation," 21st Intersociety Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference, Vol. 1,
Washington, D.C.:
American Chemical
Society, 1986, pp. 550-554.

24. D. Gedeon, "Mean Parameter Modeling of

Oscillating Flow," Journal of Heat
Transfer, Vol. 108, Aug. 1986, pp. 513-518.
25. U.H. Kurzweg, "Enhanced Heat Conduction in
Fluids Subjected to Sinusoidal
Oscillations," Journal of Heat Transfer,
Vol. 107, No. 2, May 1985, pp. 459-462.

37. J.G. Heames, and J.G. Daley,

"SEAMOPT-Stirling Engine Optimization
Code," 19th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, Vol. 3, LaGrange
Park, TL: American Nuclear Society, 1984,
pp. 1905-1912.

26. U.H. Kurzweg, "Enhanced Heat Conduction in

Oscillating Viscous Flows Within
Parallel-Plate Channels," Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, Vol. 156, July 1985, pp. 291-300.

38. W.R. Martini, "Development of Free-Piston

Stirling Engine Performance and
Optimization Codes Based on Martini
Simulation Technique,'' Report to NASA Lewis
Research Center, Martini Engineering,
Richland, WAY May 1984.

27. N.C.J. Chen, and F.P. Griffin, "A Review of

Stirling Engine Mathematical Models," Oak
Ridge National Laboratory Report
ORNL/CON-135, Aug. 1983.
28. I. Urieli, and D.M. Berchowitz, "Stirling
Cycle Engine Analysis," Bristol, England:
Adam Hilger, Ltd., 1984.

39. N.C.J. Chen, F.P. Griffin, and C.D. West,

"Simplified Analysis of Stirling Engines
and Heat Pumps,'' Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Report ORNL/TM-9498, Mar. 1985.

29. G. Walker, "Stirling Engines," New York:

Oxford University Press, 1980.

40. N.C.J.

Chen, and F.P. Griffin, "Linear

Harmonic Analysis of Free-Piston Stirling
Engines," Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Report ORNL/CON-172, June 1986.

30. G. Walker, and J.R. Senft, "Free-Piston

Stirling Engines," New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1985.
31. C.D. West, "Principles and Applications of
Stirling Engines," New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold Co., 1986.

41. G. RUSSO, and J.L. Smith, Jr. "CAT, A New

Methodology of Computer-Aided
Thermodynamics," to be published in,
Computers in Mechanical Engineering, Jan.

32. P.A. Rios, "An Analytical and Experimental

Investigation of the Stirling Cycle," Ph.D.
Thesis, M.I.T., 1969.

42. G. RUSSO, Private Communication, Oct. 1986.

33. W.R. Martini, "Stirling Engine Design

Manual," 2nd Edition, NASA CR-168088, 1983.






















D = 0 04 M = 1.6 IN.




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2. Government Accession No.

1. Report No.


3. Recipient's Catalog


TM- 88891
5. Report Date

Progress o f S t i r l i n g C y c l e A n a l y s i s and Loss

Mechanism C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n

6. Performing Organization Code

778- 35- 13
8. Performing Organization Report No.

7. Author@)


Roy C . Tew, J r .

10. Work Unit No.

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

N a t i o n a l A e r o n a u t i c s and Space A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Lewis Research Center
C l e v e l a n d , Ohio 44135

11. Contract or Grant No.

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

T e c h n i c a l Memorandum

12 Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

U.S. Department o f Energy

O f f i c e o f V e h i c l e and Engine R&D
Washington, D . C . 20545

14. Sponsoring Agency*&

R e p o r t No.

UOE/NASA/50112- 67

'5 Supplementary Notes

F i n a l Rep0 r t . Prepared under I n t e r a g e n c y Agreement DE-AI01-85CE50112.
f o r Twenty - f o u r t h Automotive Technology Development sponsored by S o c i e t y o f
Au tomo t ive Engineers, Dearborn, Michigan, October 27-30, 1986.
I6 Abstract

An assersment o f S t i r l i n g engine thermodynamic m o d e l i n g and d e s i g n codes shows a

g e n e r a l d e f i c i e n c y ; t h i s d e f i c i e n c y i s due t o poor u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e f l u i d
f l o w and h e a t t r a n s f e r phenomena t h a t occur i n t h e o s c i l l a t i n g f l o w and p r e s s u r e
l e v e l environment w i t h i n t h e engines. Requirements f o r i m p r o v i n g m o d e l i n g and
d e s i g n a r e d i s c u s s e d . S t i r l i n g engine thermodynamic l o s s mechanisms a r e
l i s t e d . S e v e r a l e x p e r i m e n t a l and c o m p u t a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h e f f o r t s now underway t o
c h a r a c t e r i z e v a r i o u s l o s s mechanisms a r e reviewed. The need f o r a d d i t i o n a l
e x p e r i m e n t a l r i g s and r i g upgrades i s d i s c u s s e d . Recent developments and
c u r r e n t e f f o r t s i n S t i r l i n g e n g i n e thermodynamic m o d e l i n g a r e a l s o reviewed.

17. Key Words (Suggested by Author@))

18. Distribution Statement

S t i r l i n g engine; S t i r l i n g c y c l e ;
Space power

19. Security Classif. (of this report)


Unclassified - unlimited
STAR Category 85
DOE Category UC-96

20. Security Classif. (of this page)

21. No. of pages


*For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161

22. Price'


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