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DWDM Topologies

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Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) networks are classified into four
major topological configurations: DWDM point-to-point with or without add-drop
multiplexing network, fully connected mesh network, star network, and DWDM ring
network with OADM nodes and a hub. Each topology has its own requirements and,
based on the application, different optical components may be involved in the respective designs.
In addition, there are hybrid network topologies that may consist of stars and/or
rings that are interconnected with point-to-point links. For example, the Metropolitan
Optical Network project (MONET) is a WDM network developed for and funded by a
number of private companies and by U.S. government agencies. It consists of two subnetworks, one located in New Jersey and one in the Washington, D.C./Maryland area;
the two are interconnected with a long-distance point-to-point optical link.



Point-to-point topology is predominantly for long-haul transport that requires

ultrahigh speed (10-40 Gb/s), ultrahigh aggregate bandwidth (in the order of several terabits per second), high signal integrity, great reliability, and fast path restoration capability. The distance between transmitter and receiver may be several hundred kilometers, and the number of amplifiers between the two end points is typically less than 10
(as determined by power loss and signal distortion). Point-to-point with add-drop multiplexing enables the system to drop and add channels along its path. Number of channels, channel spacing, type of fiber, signal modulation method, and component type selection are all important parameters in the calculation of the power budget.


Part IV

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Figure 16.1 A DWDM point-to-point with add-drop multiplexing enables the system to drop and add
channels along its path.

In DWDM, each channel is carried over a specified wavelength (hi) also known
as "optical channel." Different channels may carry different data (e.g., voice, data,
video, data packets) at different bit rates. The transmitter-receiver optical link has
several optical components: fiber(s), optical amplifiers, OADM, optical filters, couplers, laser sources, and modulators and receivers. Each has its own signal-affecting
characteristic, as described in Part II. An end-to-end simplistic view of a DWDM
point-to-point system that includes lasers, an optical multiplexer and demultiplexer,
fibers, optical amplifiers (OA), and an optical add-drop multiplexer is shown in
Figure 16.1.


A variety of proprietary ring DWDM networks have been deployed. In general, a

DWDM ring network consists of a fiber in a ring configuration that fully interconnects nodes; some systems have two fiber rings for network protection. Such a ring
may cover a local or a metropolitan area and span a few tens of kilometers . The fiber
ring may contain few (4) to many wavelength channels, and few to many nodes. The
bit rate per wavelength channel may be 622 Mb/s or lower, or 1.25 Gb/s or higher.
One of the nodes on the ring is a hub station where all wavelengths are sourced, terminated, and managed ; connectivity with other networks takes place at this hub station. Each node and the hub have optical add-drop multiplexers (OADM) to dropoff
and add one or more designated wavelength channels.
In DWDM ring networks, the hub station may source and terminate several
types of traffic [e.g ., synchronous transport module (STM) IP, video] . The hub
manages all channels (wavelengths) assigned to a path between nodes and also
the traffic type. At an OADM, one (or more) optical frequency is dropped off and
added, whereas the remaining frequencies pass through transparently. However,
as the number of OADMs increases, the signal is subject to losses and optical am-

Chapter 16

DWDM Topologies


IP _~~,,~~ lJ~



Figure 16.2 A DWDM ring network ; the hub station sources and terminates payloads of several

plification (not shown) may be required. The number of nodes is typically less
than the number of wavelengths in the fiber. Figure 16.2 depicts a basic configuration but does not address network survivability or ring fault avoidance.
In the ring topology, the hub station manages channel (wavelength) assignment so that a fully connected network of nodes with OADM is accomplished. The
hub may also provide connectivity with other networks . In addition, an OADM
node may be connected with a multiplexer/demultiplexer where several data
sources are multiplexed. A simple ring topology with a hub and two nodes, A and
B, linked via wavelength Ak is shown in Figure 16.3, where node A also multiplexes several data sources. All data sources are terminated by the corresponding
OADM node (node B), however, since they are on the same channel (and the same

Figure 16.3 In a DWDM ring topology, channel (wavelength) assignment may be managed by the hub
station .


Part IV

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

FiberVista: A high-level view

The FiberVista research projec t employs both
dense and coa rse wave length divisi on multiplexing. At the curb, where coax meets fibe r,
coarse WDM supports a two-way link betwee n
an optical-electrical converter and the nearest
hub in downstream transmission. Dense WD M
simplifies delive ry of different levels of
customer-specific content, which are received
by everyone the system serves . Demultiplexing
at a hub separates out narrowcast content
targeted at nearby towns. Video or data
dest ined for a particular home is combed out
of the spectrum and delivered in much the
same way .


Figure 16.4 View of LUCENT Technologies' project FiberVi sta is illustrative of a DWDM and
CWDM system that delivers all service types to the home. (From LUCENT Technologies,
Bell Labs Technology, vol. 2, no. 2, 1998, p. 13. Reprinted with permission.)

A project that is illustrative of a coarse WDM (CWDM) system applied in the

access area (residential) is illustrated in Figure 16.4. This project, dubbed
FiberVista , reuses TV technology to open up the fiber capacity to residential users
and offers to the home all types of service-IP, video, analog, and digital. With
FiberVista, each hub on a fiber ring can serve 10,000-30,000 homes; hubs can be as
far apart as 125 km. From the master head, a transceiver (an optical-electrical converter) converts the optical signal to electrical via a coax cable with taps that feed individual homes where cable modems and set-t boxes can select among TV, Internet,
and voice services. Such a system would transmit in the upstream direction (from the
home) more than 4 Mb/ s per home, and in the downstream direction (to the home)
about 1 Obis . At the curb, where coax meets fiber, bidirectional CWDM support
(1550 nm downstream and 1300 nm upstream) links the transceiver with the hub.
Similar ring architectures are also studied for metropolitan (large city) and for enterprise (business community, high rises) networks.


Chapter 16 DWDM Topologies



The area of DWDM node and DWDM hub is currently evolving. Thus in this section we attempt to provide stimulating discussion without any effort to provide system solutions.

16.4.1 Transmit Direction

A hub, in general, accepts various (electrical) payloads, such as communications
transport protocoVInternet Protocol (TCPIIP), asynchronous transfer mode (ATM),
STM, and high-speed Ethernet (l Gb/s, 10 Gb/s). Each traffic type (channel) is sent
to its corresponding physical interface, where a wavelength is assigned and is modulated at the electrical-to-optical converter. The optically modulated signals from
each source are then optically multiplexed and launched into the fiber (Figure 16.5).



Modulators and

r...... ...... ~pii~~It;~nsmitters





Single-mode fiber




Electronic regime


Transmit direction

Photonic regime

Figure 16.5 The hub (in the transmit direction) receives a variety of traffic types (TCPfIP, ATM,
STM, etc.). Each type is launched into the fiber on a separate wavelength .


Receive Direction

When a hub receives a WDM signal, it optically demultiplexes it to its component

wavelengths (channels) and converts each optically modulated signal to a digital
electrical signal. Each digital signal then is routed to its corresponding electrical interface: TCPIIP, ATM, STM, and so on (Figure 16.6). Notice, however, that each


Part IV

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

............... ..................



4 '--



Single-mode fiber




Electronic regime

iii ..

Receive direction
Photonic regime

Figure 16.6 The hub (in the receive direction) demultiplexes the optical signal to its component ,
wavelength channels, and it converts each channel to a traffic type, TCP/lP, ATM, STM,

channel requires its own clock recovery circuitry (only one is shown) because all
channels may be at different bit rates.


DWDM networks must be able to detect faults on the link or on the ring (broken
fiber, faulty port unit, inoperable node) and to isolate a fault. The objective is to offer continuous transmission (service) or service with the minimum disruption possible, as recommended in the standards. Depending on network topology and architecture, fault avoidance may be accomplished with dual counterrotating rings (in
ring networks), similar to the fiber-distributed data interface (FOOl). When a fault is
detected in a counterrotating ring architecture, the neighboring OADMs avoid the
fault by rerouting traffic via a Ll-turn optical cross-connect (Figure 16.7). When the
system recovers from the fault or the fault is fixed, the ring network returns to its normal (prior to the fault occurrence) state.
Similarly, in point-to-point topology, detected faults will trigger a procedure
that either finds an alternative path or causes alarms . In mesh architecture, faults will
trigger a different path selection procedure that bypasses the fault. One of the outstanding issues for network architects to answer is: When the fault recovers or is
fixed, does the network return to the previous state or does it continue until another
fault is encountered?


Chapter 16 DWDM Topologies

..' .' Primary ring




Secondary ring




Figure 16.7 DWDM ring networks are capable to detect faults and U-turn traffic via an optical
cross-connect .

It should be pointed out that fault avoidance requires complex optical crossconnect devices that put an additional burden on the power and cost budget of the
ring network. Thus, the burden of the protecting ring should be carefully assessed in
the light of the particular application.

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Part IV

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

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Chapter 16

DWDM Topologies


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Part IV

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

[1] ANSI/IEEE 812-1984, "Definition of Terms Relating to Fiber Optics."
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[22] ITU-T Recommendation G.681, "Functional Characteristics of Interoffice and LongHaul Line Systems Using Optical Amplifiers, Including Optical Multiplexers," June

Chapter 16

DWDM Topologies


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