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Home Work-1: CAP305: Web Programming

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Home Work-

CAP305: Web Programming


Narinder Kaur SURENDRA


ROLL NO- D3804A15

REGD NO- 10806601


Q1. With the help of appropriate example enlist various methods of internet


There are many different types of connections and speeds to get on the information
superhighway. I'll name a few and explain them here.

Dial-Up connections - To 'Dial-up' you will need a phone-line, modem, and ISP. A few
US ISP's include AOL, NetZero, Juno, and others. They operate at speeds of 14.4Kbit,
28.8Kbit, or 56Kbit download.

ISDN – ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is a type of Dial-up connection with
faster speeds, but you need to pay the extra cash to get it. Common speeds of 128Kbit
and 256Kbit download.

DSL – Digital Subscriber Line. There are MANY different types of DSL.

ADSL - Asymmetric DSL is Common to most households, supports up to 24Mbit down

and 3.5Mbit up, but you never see that much. You get like 1.5MBit down and 128Kbit

SDSL - Symmetric DSL is like ADSL, but with the same download speed as upload
Cable - Cable internet is connected through the coaxial cables that you would normally
use for cable tv. It is very fast, and in Texas, Comcast Cable gives you 4Mbit download
and 256-384Kbit Upload. Sweet!

Tier-Carrier - Consists of many tiers of speed.

T1 - Tier1- Very expensive and 'slow'. It's a great connection for hosting servers, yet the
download speeds are lacking. It is 1.5Mbit/1.5Mbit, symmetrical download and upload.

T3 - Tier3- Droolingly awesome. Very fast, but very expensive. 44Mbit downloads.

T2,T4,T5 - Tier 2,4, and 5 are not used as much as above but have speeds of 6Mbit(T2),
274Mbit(T4), and 400Mbit(T5)

Optical Cable - The cream of the crop. The best darn internet period. From OC3 to
OC255 and beyond, speeds of 1Gbit are possible.

Internet 2 - Not a real 'connection', but a study. Speeds of 6.63 GigaBYTES a second.
Can't wait!

Q2. With example illustrate the business use of internet.


Reach a worldwide audience The Internet is a worldwide network allowing you to reach
people even very expensive advertising could not.

Provide product information Give customers direct access to information about your
products. Some people prefer to learn about products on their own. The Internet has an
unsurpassed ability to make information about your company's products or services
available to potential customers. It also provides the information when the customer
wants it (now).
Save on literature costs Providing the information online reduces the need to print and
mail product literature, thereby resulting in significant cost reductions.

Augment/replace phone banks Often people staffing phone banks are serving merely as
interfaces to computer databases. In an age of graphical, networked computing, this
function is less necessary. Simple graphical interfaces can be designed to allow
customers to find the information they want quickly and inexpensively.

Provide easy access to customer service representative’s Human interaction cannot be

totally replaced by even the best graphical interface. When customers have a question, or
would like to speak with a person, provide a list of contacts and phone numbers or allow
them to send e-mail directly to a customer service representative, requesting that they be

Level your customer service load how many customers are turned away unsatisfied when
your customer service lines are busy? How often do you have slack times when customer
support personnel are not handling calls but still cost your business money? E-mail
provides "asynchronous communication" that can help level the load. Customers with
problems that do not require immediate attention can send an e-mail message through
your Web site which can be handled when support people are not busy. Telephone-tag is
eliminated for your customers, and you.

Inexpensively create/augment your corporate image it is easy and inexpensive to define

your image on the Internet, whether you are a one-person-company or a large
corporation. If your company information changes rapidly due to market forces, there is
no easier way to change your image than electronically.

Recruit new employees Many companies (now nearly all), provide current information
about job openings and attract talented people from places they could not reach

Provide useful information to attract customers Ski shops often have a board listing local
snow conditions. Search sites like " yahoo " and " Lycos " provide useful search services
for the Web. Providing useful information to potential customers is a good way to get
them to come to your site and return again and again (a property now called "stickiness").

Provide your service on-line many products and services can be delivered over the
Internet. Online services will become an even brighter option for many businesses. Since
the transaction is electronic, billing and inventory control can be automated, increasing
accuracy and reducing your accounting and product storage costs.

Give customers access to searchable information Computers on the Internet allow

companies to post information in the form of static Web pages. But, with some of the
latest software (or some clever programming), these computers can also help your
customers find the information you are providing quickly. Federal Express created an
award winning Web site that allows customers to track their packages. In doing this, Fed-
Ex is providing a useful customer service while also promoting their product (service).

Help customers understand why they need you another thing computers do well is
provide artificial intelligence, expertise, or analysis. The Internet allows you to deliver
custom software applications and extend your expertise virtually. Suppose you
manufacture thermopane windows. A spreadsheet application could allow potential
customers to determine how much money they would save in energy costs if they
installed your windows. A financial services company could allow potential customers to
analyze their investments in light of a financial service the company offers.

Let customers try a sample of your product or service Many new Web tools are becoming
available that will allow consumers to try out a sample of what you have to offer before
they buy. Gain a competitive advantage by offering a "test drive" of your product or

Eliminate the middleman Middlemen exist in some industries where there are barriers to
direct contact between producers and consumers. The Internet is a vehicle for removing
these barriers. This lowers prices for consumers and increases profits for producers.

On-line commerce This has been much touted in the popular press. Some products and
services are well suited for sales on-line. Rapid growth in this area will occur as secure
credit card transactions become (are now) standardized. Efficiency of shipping and
delivery methods for hard goods is important for typically impatient internet shoppers.

Consider an Intranet Use the same Internet technology within your company to help
workers communicate better and work more productively. Many companies are finding
an Intranet to be a much more cost effective solution to their network information needs
than proprietary software.

Q3. Using appropriate example highlight the significance of DNS & IP addressing?



On the World Wide Web your domain name is your own unique identity. No two parties
can ever hold the same domain name simultaneously; therefore your Internet identity is
totally unique. If you have a business site on the Internet your domain name is your own
online brand and in a sense you can use your domain name as your online business card.
With your own domain name your web site, and e-mail addresses for example will have
that professional look, being unique to your business. Many people often miss the
importance of having and then keeping their domain name until they lose it. Once this
happens they soon realize that they have lost their whole online identity. How does a
domain name work?

To understand why you need a domain name you first need to know how a domain name

A domain name is an addressing construct, used for finding and identifying computers on
the Internet. Computers use Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses, which are a series of
numbers used to identify each other on the Internet; however, many people find it hard to
remember IP Addresses. Because of this, domain names were developed so that easily
remembered names and phrases could be used to identify entities in the Internet instead
of using an IP Address.

For example, the domain name identifies the company When a user types
the domain name in their browser or sends an email to, the Domain Name
System (DNS) will translate the domain name into IP numbers. These are then used by
the Internet to connect the user to's web presence.

An IP address is a unique address used to locate and identify a device over a network.
That device can be an electronic device, a computer, a server, a router or even an IP
phone. It is the addressing used for the transmission of data packets over a network
working with the IP protocol.

IP addresses are one of the most critical resources that need to be managed in any
network. Every networked application and device -- from e-mail and Web connectivity to
file storage and networked printers -- depends on IP and requires address assignment.
That presents a big enough challenge, but it's becoming an even bigger challenge as new
core services like VoIP and mobile networks increase IP address assignment needs,
requiring more robust allocation, classification, and tracking of addresses. This is known
collectively as IP address management (IPAM).
IP address structure and classification


Q4.How a telnet session can be established?


Telnet allows you to connect to another computer. Thus, your computer starts behaving
like a terminal of the remote machine. In this tip, we look at how a successful Telnet
session can be executed under Windows. Details on Telnet can be found here.
Telnet connections are established only when your computer is connected to the Internet.
So, first start your ISP internet service.
Step 1
Click Start - Run. Type "telnet" in the pop-up window.

Step 2
The Telnet window opens up. Click on Connect - Remote System...

Step 3
You will find three fields in the Connect window. The first lets you specify the Host
Name, the second one Port and the third, the Terminal Type.
You can use either the domain name or the IP address in the host name field. So, if I want
to connect to my font site, I type
Select Telnet as the port and vt100 as the terminal type.
Click on the Connect button to start the telnet session.

Step 4
The program now tries to find the host and establish a link.
Once a connection has been successfully set up, a welcome message and a login prompt
will be displayed in the window.
Step 5
Type in the login name and hit the enter key. You would then be asked for the password.
Note: What you type at the password prompt is not displayed on the screen.
Hit the enter key once again to send the password information to the remote machine.

You shall be prompted again if the login name and password are incorrect. However, if
everything goes right, a prompt is displayed. Since Fontmagic is hosted on a Linux
server, I get a Linux shell prompt.

The Telnet window now acts as a terminal of the remote machine and you can manipulate
files, execute commands or run programs on the remote computer.

To close the telnet session, type "logout" at the prompt.

Q5. Write the steps to create an FTP session. Enumerate the working of anonymous


The actual command to use FTP will vary among operating systems; for the sake of
clarity, we'll use FTP here, since it's the most general form.

There are two ways to connect to a system---using its hostname or its Internet number.
Using the hostname is usually preferred. However, some sites aren't able to resolve
hostnames properly, and have no alternative. We'll assume you're able to use hostnames
for simplicity's sake. The form is

ftp somewhere.domain

See section Domains for help with reading and using domain names (in the example
below, somewhere.domain is

You must first know the name of the system you want to connect to. We'll use
as an example. On your system, type:


(The actual syntax will vary depending on the type of system the connection's being
made from). It will pause momentarily then respond with the message

Connected to


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the primary method of transferring files over the Internet.
On many systems, it's also the name of the program that implements the protocol. Given
proper permission, it's possible to copy a file from a computer in South Africa to one in
Los Angeles at very fast speeds (on the order of 5--10K per second). This normally
requires either a user id on both systems or a special configuration set up by the system

There is a good way around this restriction---the anonymous FTP service. It essentially
will let anyone in the world have access to a certain area of disk space in a non-
threatening way. With this, people can make files publicly available with little hassle.
Some systems have dedicated entire disks or even entire computers to maintaining
extensive archives of source code and information. They include
(Digital), (Washington University in Saint Louis), and (The Ohio State University).

The process involves the ``foreign'' user (someone not on the system itself) creating an
FTP connection and logging into the system as the user anonymous, with an arbitrary

Name ( anonymous


Custom and netiquette dictate that people respond to the Password: query with an email
address so that the sites can track the level of FTP usage, if they desire. (See section
Email Addresses for information on email addresses).

The speed of the transfer depends on the speed of the underlying link. A site that has a
9600bps SLIP connection will not get the same throughput as a system with a 56k leased
line (see section The Physical Connection, for more on what kinds of connections can
exist in a network). Also, the traffic of all other users on that link will affect performance.
If there are thirty people all FTPing from one site simultaneously, the load on the system
(in addition to the network connection) will degrade the overall throughput of the

FTP Etiquette

Lest we forget, the Internet is there for people to do work. People using the network and
the systems on it are doing so for a purpose, whether it be research, development,
whatever. Any heavy activity takes away from the overall performance of the network as
a whole.

The effects of an FTP connection on a site and its link can vary; the general rule of thumb
is that any extra traffic created detracts from the ability of that site's users to perform their
tasks. To help be considerate of this, it's highly recommended that FTP sessions be held
only after normal business hours for that site, preferably late at night. The possible effects
of a large transfer will be less destructive at 2 a.m. than 2 p.m. Also, remember that if it's
past dinner time in Maine, it's still early afternoon in California---think in terms of the
current time at the site that's being visited, not of local time.

Q6. What is the role of network protocols in Internet?


Definition: A network protocol defines rules and conventions for communication

between network devices. Protocols for computer networking all generally use packet
switching techniques to send and receive messages in the form of packets.

Network protocols include mechanisms for devices to identify and make connections
with each other, as well as formatting rules that specify how data is packaged into
messages sent and received. Some protocols also support message acknowledgement and
data compression designed for reliable and/or high-performance network communication.
Hundreds of different computer network protocols have been developed each designed
for specific purposes and environments.

Internet Protocols

The Internet Protocol family contains a set of related (and among the most widely used
network protocols. Besides Internet Protocol (IP) itself, higher-level protocols like TCP,
UDP, HTTP, and FTP all integrate with IP to provide additional capabilities. Similarly,
lower-level Internet Protocols like ARP and ICMP also co-exist with IP. These higher
level protocols interact more closely with applications like Web browsers while lower-
level protocols interact with network adapters and other computer hardware.

Routing Protocols

Routing protocols are special-purpose protocols designed specifically for use by network
routers on the Internet. Common routing protocols include EIGRP, OSPF and BGP.

How Network Protocols Are Implemented

Modern operating systems like Microsoft Windows contain built-in services or daemons
that implement support for some network protocols. Applications like Web browsers
contain software libraries that support the high level protocols necessary for that
application to function. For some lower level TCP/IP and routing protocols, support is
implemented in directly hardware (silicon chipsets) for improved performance.

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