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Volleyball Unit Plan

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The document outlines a volleyball unit plan including learning objectives, activities, assessments and block plans for each lesson.

The document describes different roles students can take such as coach, equipment manager, fitness specialist, statistician, manager, publicist and court crew with different responsibilities for each.

The coach is the team leader and is responsible for leading drills, motivating students, knowing rules, resolving disputes and demonstrating skills.

Springfield College Physical Education Health Education Department

PE Unit Outcomes/State & National Standards/Content/Assessment Template

Psychomotor, Affective, and Cognitive Domains
Grade/Experience Level: 5-8th Grade Volleyball Unit

Unit Outcomes
(By the end of the unit,
students will be able to)

by #

Content to be taught

(include rubrics, quizzes,
etc. in written materials

Underhand Pass
Overhand Pass

Teacher Observation
Teacher Checklist
Round Robin Results

MA CF 2,8
Standard 2

Skill Cues
Game Play
Decision Making

Final Quiz
Teacher Observation

MA CF 7,5
Students will be able to
cooperatively work
Standard 5
together as a team, follow
all class rules, give their
full effort, and respect
themselves and the


Teacher Observation
Conduct and Effort

Students will be able to
perform a variety of
skills, including the
bump, setting, and

Students will be able to
develop knowledge and
proficiency of the game
including tactics, rules,
and decision making in

MA CF 2,9
Standard 1

Block Plan

Day ___1_______

Day ____2______


Pre-assessment game to see
where their skill and cognitive
levels of the sport are at.
Introduce the basic skill of
passing, introduce skill cues and
Introduce setting if time

Review the skill of passing,
introduce and practice setting,
introduce and practice serving

Serving Starting game play
Rules and Regulations of

-1 gymnasium
-20 Volleyballs
-3 Nets
-1 whiteboard

-1 gymnasium
-20 Volleyballs
-3 Nets
-1 whiteboard

Learning Activities:

Learning Activities

Activity 1
Warm Up
Partner Underhand Passing
-Pass 20 balls then meet back
at the whiteboard.

Activity 1
Passing Review/Peer
Students will play Pepper with
one another as a warmup.

Activity 2
The teacher will now teach the
set. The skill cues are the
same, however, the set is used
to set up a hitter, and the
overhead pass is used to pass
the ball off of a serve.

Activity 2
Serving Review
Students will be taught the
skill cues of serving
-Stand with opposite foot
slightly forward
-Hold ball in non dominant
-Bring dominant hand back
like a bow and arrow
-Keep hand firm
-Toss ball up above head and
swing arm forward,
contacting the ball and
following through to target
-If they have a hard time
hitting it after tossing Allow
them to serve underhand


-1 gymnasium
-20 Volleyballs
-3 Nets
-10 cones
-1 whiteboard
Learning Activities:
Introduction to Volleyball
Activity 1
Pre-assessment game/quiz
Go over basic rules and then
allow students to play
Teacher will observe to see
where the students are at
Activity 2
Intro to Passing
The first skill taught to the
students will be passing. The
teacher will teach the proper
passing form.
-Right hand over left
-Palms Up
-Fold Hands so thumbs are
vertically next to each other
-Legs are bent
-Dominant leg slightly in front
of the other
-Arms as flat as a table
-Follow through to your target,

-Place Hands on Your Hips

(This is the form your hands
should take)
-Lift Hands up so they are by
your forehead (Your thumbs
and pointer fingers should be
making a triangle)
-Pass with your fingerpads
-Use legs to push and extend
arms out
Activity 3
Partner Passing
The teacher will have the
students do partner passing

Students will practice the form

without actually hitting the ball
Have them toss the ball and
see where it lands to practice
their toss, but do not serve

use your legs to push

Activity 2
Partner Passing
The teacher will have the
students do partner passing
-Partner 1 will toss to Partner 2
(Pass 10 balls)
-Partner 2 will toss to Partner 1
(Pass 10 balls)
Continuous Passing
-Have the students count and
see how many they can do
consecutively for 2 minutes
-Have the students do the same,
however, when you lose the
ball, you cannot start over and
must sit down, so that one group
is left standing.
-Try and beat your previous
The teacher will explain to the
students how to move to the ball
when it is not coming right at
-Move your feet first, not your
-Get your body behind the ball
-If needed, make passing
platform out to the side
-Angle of your arms should face
target (Ball knows angles)
Activity 3
Butterfly Drill
Students will use the net for this
activity. There will be two lines
facing the net on each side, with
a target on each side. One line
on each side will be the tossing
line, and one line will be the
passing line. The tossing line
will pass the ball over the net to
the first person in the passing
line. The person passing will

with the overhead pass. Each

student should pass 10 balls
-Ex: Pass 20 balls continuously
-Ex: Count how many you can
get in one minute
-Ex: Try and beat your
previous score

The students will all stand on

either side of the net. They will
serve over the net back and
forth to each other
Students may start close and
move their way back to the
serving line

Activity 4
Cooperative Game
The students will be split up
into teams of 4. 2 people from
each team will be on each side
of the net. Even though they
are different sides of the net,
they are all on one team. The
object of the game is to see
how many times you can get
the ball over the net. You will
count as a group, and can use
the underhand or overhead
pass. Explain the concept of
setting up a teammate, and that
you can use up to three touches
to get the ball over. Have the
students perform this task for a
certain amount of time and
then ask who had the highest
Ex: Only Overhead Passing
Activity 5
Students will be taught the
skill cues of serving
-Stand with opposite foot
slightly forward
-Hold ball in non-dominant
-Bring dominant hand back
like a bow and arrow
-Keep hand firm
-Toss ball up above head and
swing arm forward,
contacting the ball and
following through to target

Activity 3
Snow Angles
The students will split up into
two teams per net. One team is
serving the other team is
Every person except 1 will go
over to the other side of the net
and lay down like snow angles.
When the serving is serving
they try to hit their teammates.
If you get hit you run over to
the serving side and try to hit
the rest of the team. While this
is going on the other team runs
around and makes sure the
servers never run out of balls.
- When we play the next
game the last person to
serve is the person that
starts serving.
Ex. The targets must catch the
ball, not just have it touch
Activity 4
Introduce the game and the
rotation Also go over the
teams for the sport ed and tell
the students about each
persons responsibility
Also go over the
rules/regulations to make sure
all the students are on the same
page Quiz on the rules next
The teacher will go over the

pass the ball to the target. The

target will take the ball and go
to the tossing line on her side.
The person who passed the ball
to the target is now the new
-Follow the Ball
-Toss, Pass, Target, Toss, Pass,
-You should be changing sides
of the net continuously
-The teacher will challenge the
students to get ten passes
-Can you beat ten?
-How many can you get in 2

-If they have a hard time

hitting it after tossing Allow
them to serve underhand

set-up of the court and the

rules involved in the game.
1. Rally Scoring
Students will practice the form
2. 6 players
without actually hitting the ball
3. If the ball lands on the
Have them toss the ball and
line, it is in.
see where it lands to practice
4. You have three touches
their toss, but do not serve
to get the ball over
The students will all stand on
either side of the net. They will
serve over the net back and
forth to each other
Students may start close and
move their way back to the
serving line

Teacher Observation
Results of Extensions

Teacher Observation
Results of Extensions
Peer Assessment

The teacher will hand out

study sheets at the end of class
for the students to take home

Results of Serving Game

Teacher Observation
Results of Extensions

Grading Policy

Daily Grade (50%)

Affective Assessments
Based on Participation,
Cooperation, and how you work as a team

Skill Grade (25%)

Psychomotor Assessments
Based on Improvement,
Effort, and Teacher Observation

Knowledge Grade (25%)

Cognitive Assessments
Based on Written Assignments, and Quiz

Conduct/Effort Grade
-This is given as an overall grade from 1-4 at the end of the unit.
1: Full Effort Rockstar Behavior
2: Effort 3/4 of the time Good Behavior
3: Half Effort Average Behavior
4: Less than Half Effort Poor Behavior
- Also taken into account how students perform their roles on the Sport
Education Model
o Based on teamwork
o Respect
o Responsibility
o Personal Conduct

Behavioral Checklist Respect for the Teacher


Following Rules

Not talking when

the teacher is


Key: 1 Completed 50% of the time

3 Completed 75% of the time
5 Completed 100% of the time

Quickly and

Volleyball Post-Test

Name: _______________________

Period: ____________

1) Where was volleyball invented?

2) The mens and womens games are played on the same net height:



3) What is it called when you pass with your fingerpads?

4) How many players are on each side of the court?

5) How many hits does each team have to get the ball to the other side?

6) How many points is a game of volleyball played too?

7) How does a team win a point in volleyball?

8) Which direction does the receiving team rotate when they win the volley (clockwise or

9) The game of volleyball is played with Rally Scoring:

10) If the ball lands on a court line, is it ruled in or out?



Volleyball Pre-Test
Name: _______________________

Period: ____________

2) Where was volleyball invented?

2) The mens and womens games are played on the same net height:



3) What is it called when you pass with your fingerpads?

4) How many players are on each side of the court?

5) How many hits does each team have to get the ball to the other side?

6) How many points is a game of volleyball played too?

7) How does a team win a point in volleyball?

8) Which direction does the receiving team rotate when they win the volley (clockwise or

9) The game of volleyball is played with Rally Scoring:

10) If the ball lands on a court line, is it ruled in or out?



Volleyball Rules Study Guide


Rally Scoring
Best of 5 games
Games to 25 Points
6 players
Your feet may not touch the service line
If the ball lands on the line, it is in.
You have three touches to get the ball over
A player can only hit the ball ONCE and then a teammates has to hit it


Peer Assessment
NAME: _______________________________

DATE: ___________________

GOAL: To perform a forearm pass with control and in proper form using the skills cues learned:

Athletic stance, staggered feet, and hands together

Elbows locked
Contact on forearms
Shrug shoulders and extend up
Keep shoulders square to direct the volleyball

DIRECTIONS: With two other students (groups of 3), practice the forearm pass. Once you are
warmed up assign one person in your group to be the performer, one the facilitator, and lastly the
assessor. Each performer gets 10 tries; use a check or a minus sign ( , ) to indicate how well the
performer executes each part of the skill.
Balance Stance: One Foot Forward


- -


Balance Stance: One Foot Forward

Ball Hits on Forearm
SHRUG should; not swing
Direct ball to target
Help Coach the performer. Share the assessment with your partner, go through the exercise again
and review areas of needed improvement.
Assessor(s) Name(s): _________________________________

Name ______________________


Volleyball Skills Stations


Result Trial 1

Result Trial 2






Successful passes to target

Successful passes to target



Successful passes to target

Successful passes to target



Total Points

Total Points


NAME: ___Drew Sommer_____________ DATE: _3/23/13____ TIME: __45 min_________
SCHOOL: ___Thornton Burgess Middle School ___________________LESSON#: __1________
FACILITIES: __Gymnasium ______ CLASS SIZE: _15-25____

GRADE: _5-8________

UNIT/THEME: __Volleyball ___ _______ GENERIC LEVEL: Utilization/Proficiency


1. __20 Volleyballs ___ ___________ 2._3 nets_______________

FOCUS OF LESSON: _ Passing and Pre-Assessment

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
__P) Perform the bump and passing using the proper skill cues during all bumping/passing activities
throughout the lesson. (NASPE Standard 1)
__C) Repeat the skill cues of the underhand pass to the teacher when asked during the closure at the end
of the lesson (NASPE Standard 2)
__A) Work cooperatively during all group activities throughout the lesson (NASPE Standard 4)

Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Be very specific with the skill cues
2. Allow a clear visual and demo for each skill
3. Provide energy and excitement throughout the class
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
Do not kick the volleyballs
Students are younger to emphasis on power to get the ball over the net
REFERENCES: Springfield College Volleyball Mary Consol



5 min

2 min

The teacher will introduce
the game of volleyball to
the students. The teacher
will explain the history of
the sport.
First Pre-test on
everything they know
about volleyball
-Volleyball was invented
by William G. Morgan, in
Holyoke, MA
-William G. Morgan was a
graduate of Springfield
Activity 1
Pre-assessment game/quiz
Go over basic rules and
then allow students to
play Teacher will
observe to see where the
students are at
Activity 2
Intro to Passing
The first skill taught to the
students will be passing.
The teacher will teach the
proper passing form.
-Right hand over left
-Palms Up
-Fold Hands so thumbs are
vertically next to each
-Legs are bent
-Dominant leg slightly in
front of the other
-Arms as flat as a table
-Follow through to your
target, use your legs to



5 Minute Free Time

Allows students to gather
themselves and get back into
the volleyball swing of
(Volleyball only no
kicking, throwing, shooting
hoops etc.)
Before Game Allow 3
minutes to pass around with
team (no going over net)
Then Game
Then go over bump for
remainder of lesson!

4 min

5 min

1 min

4 min

Activity 2
Partner Passing
The teacher will have the
students do partner passing
-Partner 1 will toss to
Partner 2 (Pass 10 balls)
-Partner 2 will toss to
Partner 1 (Pass 10 balls)
Continuous Passing
-Have the students count
and see how many they can
do consecutively for 2
-Have the students do the
same, however, when you
lose the ball, you cannot
start over and must sit
down, so that one group is
left standing.
-Try and beat your
previous score
The teacher will explain to
the students how to move
to the ball when it is not
coming right at you
-Move your feet first, not
your arms
-Get your body behind the
-If needed, make passing
platform out to the side
-Angle of your arms should
face target (Ball knows
Activity 3
Butterfly Drill
Students will use the net
for this activity. There will
be two lines facing the net
on each side, with a target
on each side. One line on
each side will be the
tossing line, and one line

1 min

4 min

8 min

will be the passing line.

The tossing line will pass
the ball over the net to the
first person in the passing
line. The person passing
will pass the ball to the
target. The target will take
the ball and go to the
tossing line on her side.
The person who passed the
ball to the target is now the
new target
-Follow the Ball
-Toss, Pass, Target, Toss,
Pass, Target.
-You should be changing
sides of the net
-The teacher will challenge
the students to get ten
-Can you beat ten?
-How many can you get in
2 minutes?
Activity 4 Introduce
Hands above head, make
window, tap up

2 min

The teacher will ask the
students to repeat the skill
cues of the underhand pass.
She will also ask them
what to do in the case of
the ball being on either
side, or in front or behind
you. Then she will dismiss
them to change.


NAME: ___Drew Sommer_____________ DATE: 3/22/13_____ TIME: __45 min_________
SCHOOL: ___Thornton Burgess Middle School_________________

LESSON#: 2__________

FACILITIES: __Gymnasium ______ CLASS SIZE: _15-25____

GRADE: _5-8________

UNIT/THEME: __ Volleyball___ _______ GENERIC LEVEL: Utilization/Proficiency


1. 20 Volleyballs__ ___ ___________ 2.__3 Nets______________

FOCUS OF LESSON: _ Passing, Setting, and Serving

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
_P) Be able to perform the set 10 times at some point throughout the lesson when observed by the teacher
(NASPE Standard 1)
_C_ Be able to explain why setting the ball is important in the game of volleyball at the closure (NASPE
Standard 2)
_A) Work cooperatively with their team during the cooperative game and be able to be encouraging and
supportive while following all of the rules. (NASPE Standard
Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?
TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Explain previous skill cues taught in the previous lesson
2. Use specific skill cues for new skills and go over similarities and differences in each skill
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
The students will need to be in control of the volleyballs. Do not start to toss or pass a ball if no one is
looking. Always hold on to the balls.
REFERENCES: Springfield College Womens Volleyball Mary Consol
Springfield College Graduate Daniel Amato
Hastie, P. (2003). Teaching for lifetime physical activity through quality high school physical
education. San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings



3 min

4 min



The teacher will take
attendance. They will go
over the skill cues of the
previous lesson. She will
explain the skill cues of
this lesson.
Warm Up
Partner Underhand Passing
-Pass 20 balls then meet
back at the chalkboard.
Activity 1
Warm Up
Partner Underhand Passing
-Pass 20 balls then meet
back at the whiteboard.

3 min
Activity 2
The teacher will now teach
the set. The skill cues are
the same, however, the set
is used to set up a hitter,
and the overhead pass is
used to pass the ball off of
a serve.

1 min


-Place Hands on Your

Hips (This is the form your
hands should take)
-Lift Hands up so they
are by your forehead
(Your thumbs and pointer
fingers should be making a
-Pass with your
-Use legs to push and

Talk about how set is most

important/easiest to use hit
the high ball!

Skill Cues- Pretend holding

milk jug (moose antlers)
Show difference between
slap and fingerpads

extend arms out

6 min

5 min


Activity 3
Partner Passing
The teacher will have the
students do partner passing
with the overhead pass.
Each student should pass
10 balls each
-Ex: Pass 20 balls
-Ex: Count how many you
can get in one minute
-Ex: Try and beat your
previous score
Activity 4
Cooperative Game
The students will be split
up into teams of 4. 2 people
from each team will be on
each side of the net. Even
though they are different
sides of the net, they are all
on one team. The object of
the game is to see how
many times you can get the
ball over the net. You will
count as a group, and can
use the underhand or
overhead pass. Explain the
concept of setting up a
teammate, and that you can
use up to three touches to
get the ball over. Have the
students perform this task
for a certain amount of
time and then ask who had
the highest score.
Ex: Only Overhead Passing
--- If there is time ---Nukem
Nukem is a game that will
get the students used to the
strategy of hitting the ball

Toss to forehead/above them

Ex. Throw ball to side to

move their feet

Set up 6 (normal)
Server starts
Toss to anyone on team
bump/set to teammates
If ball hits ground rotate
clockwise/counterclock wise

3 min

to open space. The students

will play in teams of three.
They will be in a Queen of
the Court set up, meaning
that the winners rotate to
the far side of the net, and
the losers get back in line.
The rules of Nukem are,
that you throw and catch
instead of hit and pass the
ball. So, students must try
to throw it where the other
team is not. If the ball hits
the ground, then the team
whose side that is rotates
off. This game really gets
students moving and
Ex: Regular Queen of the
Court, is 3 v 3, with serving
and the opportunity for
three touches before
sending the ball over
The teacher will teach the
students how to Pepper.
Pepper is basically like
passing with a partner, with
setting and hitting worked
in. Partner A tosses,
Partner B passes, Partner A
sets, and Partner B hits,
then it started over with
Partner A passing. This is
continuous and will be
warm up every day from
now on.
Activity 5 Introduce
Go over how/when to hit
the ball.
The toss height and form

The teacher will have the
students meet at the
whiteboard. We will ask
the students to go over the
skill cues for the overhead
pass. Talk about why you
set and use the overhead


NAME: ___Drew Sommer_____________ DATE: _3/23/13____ TIME: __45 min_________
SCHOOL: ___Thornton Burgess Middle School _____________

LESSON#: __3________

FACILITIES: __Gymnasium ______ CLASS SIZE: _15-25____

GRADE: _5-8________

UNIT/THEME: __Volleyball ___ _______ GENERIC LEVEL: Utilization/Proficiency


1. _20 Volleyballs_ ___ ___________ 2.__Whiteboard

FOCUS OF LESSON: _ Passing Review, Serving, Game Rules

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
P) Perform at least 5 proper serves when observed by the teacher at some point throughout the lesson
(NASPE Standard 1)
C) Explain the skill cues of the overhand and underhand serve when asked by the teacher during the
closure at the end of the lesson (NASPE Standard 2)
_A) Be able to work cooperatively together during the activities with positive attitudes and good team
morale when observed by the teacher throughout the activity (NASPE Standard 5)
Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?
TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1. The teacher will review the passing skill cues used in the last lesson
2. The teacher will explain the skill cues of serving along with a demo
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
Students must remain in control of the volleyballs and not use them in an inappropriate way or unsafe

REFERENCES: Springfield College Volleyball Mary Consol

Milliken-Ziemba, Marian. The Physical Education Teachers Book of Lists




3 min

The teacher will go over
the skill cues of the
overhead pass. They will
ask the students to explain
when you would use an
overhead pass and when
you would use a set

8 min

4 min

4 min



Activity 1
Passing Review
Students will play Pepper
with one another as a
Activity 2
Students will be taught the
skill cues of serving
-Stand with opposite foot
slightly forward
-Hold ball in non
dominant hand
-Bring dominant hand
back like a bow and
-Keep hand firm
-Toss ball up above head
and swing arm forward,
contacting the ball and
following through to
-If they have a hard time
hitting it after tossing
Allow them to serve

Throwing baseball/hitting in
badminton Hit with

Students will practice the

form without actually
hitting the ball
Have them toss the ball and
see where it lands to
practice their toss, but do
not serve
The students will all stand
on either side of the net.
They will serve over the
net back and forth to each
Students may start close
and move their way back to
the serving line


4 min

Activity 3
Snow Angles
The students will split up
into two teams per net. One
team is serving the other
team is retrieving.
Every person except 1 will
go over to the other side of
the net and lay down like
snow angles. When the
serving is serving they try
to hit their teammates. If
you get hit you run over to
the serving side and try to
hit the rest of the team.
While this is going on the
other team runs around and
makes sure the servers
never run out of balls.
- When we play the
next game the last
person to serve is
the person that
starts serving.
Ex. The targets must catch
the ball, not just have it
touch them.
Activity 4

Introduce the game and the

rotation Also go over the
teams for the sport ed and
tell the students about each
persons responsibility
Also go over the
rules/regulations to make
sure all the students are on
the same page Quiz on
the rules next class
Review of Rules
The teacher will go over
the set up of the court and
the rules involved in the
game. The class will all sit
by the board and have a
chalk talk
1. Rally Scoring
2. 6 players
3. Your feet may not
touch the service
4. If the ball lands on
the line, it is in.
5. You have three
touches to get the
ball over
The teacher will hand out
study sheets at the end of
class for the students to
take home

The teacher will go over
the skill cues of the serve
and talk about the
rules/regulations of


NAME: ___Drew Sommer_____________ DATE: _3/23/13____ TIME: __45 min_________
SCHOOL: ___Thornton Burgess Middle School _____________

LESSON#: __4________

FACILITIES: __Gymnasium ______ CLASS SIZE: _15-25____

GRADE: _5-8________

UNIT/THEME: __Volleyball ___ _______ GENERIC LEVEL: Utilization/Proficiency


1. _20 Volleyballs_ ___ ___________ 2.__Whiteboard

FOCUS OF LESSON: _ Passing Review, Serving, Game Rules

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
P) Perform the skill necessary to play a game of volleyball. (NASPE Standard 1)
C) Complete the quiz in the allotted time without needing help by the teacher. (NASPE Standard 2)
_A) Be able to work cooperatively together during the activities with positive attitudes and good team
morale when observed by the teacher throughout the activity (NASPE Standard 5)
Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?
TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1. The teacher will review the passing skill cues used in the last lesson
2. The teacher will explain the skill cues of serving along with a demo
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
Students must remain in control of the volleyballs and not use them in an inappropriate way or unsafe
REFERENCES: Springfield College Volleyball Mary Consol
Supervisor Eric Panasci



3 min

3 min

4 min

7 min

2 min




The teacher will take
attendance. They will ask
the students to review the
skill cues of the serve.
The students will practice
their serving. First, the
teacher will explain to
them how to warm up their
arms. They will partner up
arm toss the ball to each
other, warming up their
serving arm
Activity 1
The teacher will have the
students take a quiz that
asks them about the rules
of the game

Activity 2
Break into the 4 teams for
the sport education model
(team selection is based
upon skill, teamwork, and
how well the students
interact with one
another) Have teams
practice their skills and
come up with a game plan
Activity 2
The 4 teams will be in

Not enough players/team for

sport education model
Simply played tournament
style.. Broke into 4 teams
and let students continue
with those teams throughout
the tournament

6 min

The teacher will have the

teams warm up with
Pepper and then have the
students scrimmage. The
games will be timed and
the teacher will try to have
all teams play each other at
least once.
Teams will practice their
roles and responsibilities
that have been laid out.
The teacher will go over
the skill cues for hitting.
She will ask a student to
demonstrate the approach.
The students will then go in
and change.


NAME: ___Drew Sommer_____________ DATE: _3/23/13____ TIME: __45 min_________
SCHOOL: ___Thornton Burgess Middle School _____________

LESSON#: __5/6________

FACILITIES: __Gymnasium ______ CLASS SIZE: _15-25____

GRADE: _5-8________

UNIT/THEME: __Volleyball ___ _______ GENERIC LEVEL: Utilization/Proficiency


1. _20 Volleyballs_ ___ ___________ 2.__Whiteboard

FOCUS OF LESSON: _ Gameplay/Sport Ed Model

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
P) Perform the skills of serving, passing and hitting with effectiveness throughout the tournament when
observed by the teacher. (NASPE Standard 1)
C) Remember the rules of the game and your role without needing reminders multiple times by the
teacher. (NASPE Standard 2)
_A) Be able to work cooperatively together during the activities with positive attitudes and good team
morale when observed by the teacher throughout the activity (NASPE Standard 5)
Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?
TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Have every student performing the assigned role among the team
2. Make the tournament and class run smoothly
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
- Proper tone/interactions with classmates
- Do not kick or throw the volleyballs
- Remind students it is not all about winning and losing
REFERENCES: Springfield College Volleyball Mary Consol
Supervisor Eric Panasci



3 min

3 min

4 min

The teacher will take
attendance and answer any
questions about the game
The teacher will send out
the teams for the
tournament. This will be a
round robin tournament set
up. The teacher will keep
track of the results for two
days, and then there will be
a championship match at
the end of the second day
Sport Education Model in
full affect
Allow time for teams to
practice before the games
The teacher will
congratulate all students on
their efforts in the unit.




NAME: ___Drew Sommer_____________ DATE: _____ TIME: __45 min_________
SCHOOL: ___Thornton Burgess Middle School ______________

LESSON#: __________

FACILITIES: __Gymnasium ______ CLASS SIZE: _15-25____

GRADE: _5-8________

UNIT/THEME: _Volleyball_ ___ _______ GENERIC LEVEL: Utilization/Proficiency


1. _20 Volleyballs_ ___ ___________ 2._20 Skill Sheets_______________

FOCUS OF LESSON: _ Skill Stations

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(P) Perform at least 4 successful skill completions at each station when observed by the teacher. (NASPE
Standard 1)
C) Identify the different skill cues and why to use them at each station when asked by the teacher.
(NASPE Standard 2)
_A) Work together and show good sportsmanship as a group when they are at each station. (NASPE
Standard 5)

Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Provide feedback to all students
2. Travel through all stations
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
_ A lot of different things are going on in this class, be aware of all activities and make sure the students
are using equipment in the right way
___ ________________________________________________________________________________
REFERENCES: Springfield College Mary Consol

Baily, Guy, The Physical Educators Big Book



Warm up Pepper

Activity 1
Skill Stations
The teacher will set up 4
different stations
The Skill Stations will be
student run If they are
broken into their Sport Ed
teams then they can go
through them that way
Each Station 7-10 minutes
Station 1
-Station 1 will be passing.
You must use a partner. A
student must keep track of
the amount of perfect
passes they can pass in a
certain allotted amount of
- The partners
responsibility is to count
for the person passing, and
then switch.
Station 2
-This station will have the
students setting the ball.
The same rules apply as
Station 1
Station 3
-ServingThe teacher will
set up hula hoops on each
side of the court.
If a student makes it in a
hula hoop they get a certain
amount of points.
The points are determined
from the color of the hula



hoop. The students will

remember how many
points they have and then
record them.

Activity 2
Students will meet by the
whiteboard to talk about
their results.
Teacher Observation
Skills Worksheets
(Psychomotor Assessment)
The teacher will have the
students review the skill
cues of all of the skills

Results of Assessment
During the six days of the volleyball unit, I used a variety of different assessments, both formal
and informal, that helped me get an idea of how well I was teaching the unit. I primarily used teacher
observation to gage the students performance and to see how well they were performing. I could not
expect the same level of performance from everyone in the class. Some students were really experienced
with volleyball and others had barely even played the sport before. Because of the wide skill level I felt
that my assessments helped improve the students ability level as well as allowed for me to change my
lessons based off students performances.
I felt that starting off with the pre-test and pre-game for volleyball to see what they knew and how
much they have learned in previous units worked out extremely well. Using the pre-assessment I was able
to develop different topics and ideas for each class. It gave each class and student a different starting point
and allowed me to really help the students that were struggling in certain areas. From that point on I felt
that using informal assessments were the ones that I utilized the most. It is a quick way for me as the
teacher to form questions and to gage and understanding if the students comprehend the information.
Throughout the informal assessments I was happy with how the students preformed. They could clearly
kept learning and striving to achieve the classs objectives for the day which made me happy to see. The
objectives as well as word wall on the wall was a great way to start the class and get the students to think
about what is going to happen throughout the day.
Throughout the unit I thought that both the students and I improved overall. Going into each class I
had my objectives laid out and the students knew my goals going into each class. I made the objectives
clear and set goals for the students to perform. Some of those goals may have been with court coverage or
to serve in a certain area. Most of the goals I laid out for the students made them work harder and aim to
get the objective done for the day.
I am very pleased with my students results of all the assessments that I did. They all seemed to
really embrace the assessments and get the most out of what I did. The assessment that really worked was
the peer assessment for the bump pass. It allowed to the students to continue to practice the bump as well
as see the correct or incorrect way to perform the bump. I felt as though most of my assessments were
either in the cognitive or psychomotor domain. For the affective I based it mainly off informal
assessments and how I judged students after talking with them at various points through the class.
Looking back on the unit as a whole I would have developed a few more assessments for the students. I
would have created daily observations, like the one attached, that I could have really calculated the
students performance each and every day. That is something I did for Elementary School and wish I had
done that for this setting as well. In the future, when I have my own classroom, I will record this not just
mentally, but also physically down on a grade book. Furthermore, I would have developed a few more
exit slips that the students had to write down and record. Those exit slips could have been to see how well
the students were working with their teams and I could have asked questions for the students to answer.
That way I could have had physical evidence to see who was working well with one another and not just
have everything in my head.
Overall, I am pleased with how the results and the unit went as a whole. Looking back I could
have created more assessments to get even more out of each and every student. Having said that, I think
the students gained a lot of information and improved drastically throughout the unit. The pre-assessment
game at the beginning and the tournament style games looked like two completely different classes. That
made me happy as a teacher because it showed the students had learned a variety of things and developed
throughout the unit as a whole.

Daily Observation
Students are scored daily on a scale of 1-5.
5- Outstanding- Student comes prepared for class and achieves the days goals for the lesson
and follows class expectations throughout the entire lesson.
4- Good- Student comes prepared for class and achieves the days goals for the lesson and
follows class expectations throughout most of the lesson.
3- Average- Student comes to class prepared and achieves some of the days goals for the lesson
and follows class expectations some of the time.
Student comes to class unprepared, but fills out unprepared student evaluation fully and with
100% accuracy.
2- Below Average- Student comes to class prepared and shows inconsistent effort towards days
goals, and fails to follow class expectations consistently.
Student comes to class unprepared, but fills out unprepared student evaluation fully with 75%
1- Unsatisfactory- Student comes prepared for class, but does not achieve days goals for the
lesson and does not follow the class expectations for most of the lesson.
Student comes to class unprepared, but fills out some of unprepared student evaluation with
some accuracy.
0- No Participation- Student is unprepared for class and does not fill out unprepared student

Role The coach is the captain or
leader on the team. The coach
possesses leadership ability and can
motivate their other classmates. The
coach will lead drills in practice and
will encourage the other students to
play hard/fair in all competitions.
Tasks/Duties/Skills Needed:
- Be respectful to all
players/opponents and teacher
- Come to class prepared with drills
and ready to play
- Be the team spokesperson in case
of disputes (one voice from the
- Good relationship with all
- Completely know the rules of
- Be able to demonstrate and
perform the skills involved in team

Equipment Manager
Role- The equipment manager will be
responsible for all the equipment
needed for their team to practice and
play games.
- Make sure all teams are equipped
with proper equipment prior to
- Collect and return equipment to
proper locations after practices and

Fitness Specialist
Role: This student is responsible for
making sure his or her team is properly
warmed up for each practice and
- Lead team through warm-ups and
cool downs
- Make sure all players are warmed
up prior to contests and practices
- Use a variety of static and dynamic

Role This student will keep track of
the stats for the team and players on
their team. After the game they will
collect the stats that the court crew
took during the game. They will collect
and keep the stats for the games.
- Keep the stats for individual
- Keep team stats

Roles: The manager keeps the team
organized. The manager must make
sure all the students know where to go
and when the team events are. The
manger also makes sure all the
students are doing their assigned jobs
during every practice, especially when
they are the duty team.

Role- The publicist is responsible for
making the class and school aware of
the results of games that were played.
They must consult the teams
statistician and coach to find out stats
for the games and how certain players
- Create a newspaper article at
the end of the unit
- Consult to teams statisticians
and coaches after game has
been completed

Court Crew
Role- Their responsibility when they
arent playing is to manage the duties
of the referee, stat keeper, and
score/time keeper, and announcer.
Referee: Officiate the game
Stat Keeper: Keep stats
Score/Time Keeper: Keep score...
They also need to keep track of the
time and the lengths of each half.
2 Announcers: Work together to talk
about the game.

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