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Teachings of Babaji

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Teachings of Babaji

Mahavatar Babaji

• About this e-book
• Foreword
• Publishers note
• His teachings & quotes
• Glossary of terms
• Join our work

About this e-book

It has been a privilege to work on converting "Teachings of Babaji" into an e-book you are
reading now.
Mahavatar Babaji is one of those beings that are omnipresent, all-powerful and omniscient.
Simply by reading His words one receives His support and love.

I must say that working on His texts has left me deeply moved. It is impossible to read His
words without recognizing ones own shortcomings manifested so often in everyday life. What
to speak of translating His words?
Dear reader, this e-book is offered to you for free. Please, share it with as many people as
However, please bear in mind that the copyright of this text is still in domain of main Sri
Babaji's ashram in Himalayas:

Haidakhandi Samaj
Haidakhan Vishva Mahadham
P.O. Haidakhan
Nainital district
Utar Pradesh

This work is an attempt to share a fragment of deep love, wisdom and infinite mercy of
Immortal Spiritual Master, Mahavatar Babaji.
Let Him bless you!

A disciple


In the Kumaon foothills of the Indian Himalayas, the birthplace or home of many of India's
great saints of the past and present, there lived Shri Hairakhan Wale Baba. To those who
asked, Hairakhan Baba sometimes acknowledged that he is the Shiva Mahavatar Babaji,
known to hundreds of thousands in the world through Paramahansa Yogananda's
Autobiography of a Yogi. A mahavatar is a human manifestation of God, not born of woman.

Shri Babaji ('Shri' is a title of respect; 'Babaji' is a term used for a renunciate, or saint or a holy
Father) appeared in June 1970 in a cave that has been holy for thousands of years at the foot
of the Kumaon Mount Kailash, across the sacred river Gautama Ganga from a remote village
called Hairakhan, in the Nainital District of Uttar Pradesh. He had no known parents or
family, he appeared as a youth of 18 or so, yet he displayed great wisdom and Divine powers
from the start. Some Hairakhan villagers saw him as an old man with a long, white beard;
others as a young man with a long beard; others as a beautiful young man with no beard. Two
men spoke to him at the same time one saw an old man with beard; the other saw a young
man with no beard. He was seen in different places at the same time. He knew the scriptures
and could quote them in Sanskrit as well as in Hindi, yet there is no evident of his having
been 'educated'. He ate almost nothing for months on end - two or three years-yet his energy
was boundless.

Late in September 1970, he walked to the top of Mount Kailash with a small group of men,
seated himself yogi-fashion at the small old temple there and sat for forty-five days without
leaving his sea meditating much of the time, talking occasionally, preparing an blessing fruits
and vegetables to give to others and starting to teach the message he brought to the world.
Hundreds of people came October to celebrate the nine-day religious festival of Navaratri
with him at the top of Mount Kailash.

His coming has been foretold-both by ancient scriptures and the preaching and prophesying of
a 20th century Indian saint called Mahendra Baba, or Mahendra Maharaj. As a child,
Mahendra Baba was healed by a vision of Babaji and the Divine Mother; he saw Babaji again
on an early birthday when Babaji gave him sweets. As a boy just out of high school,
Mahendra Baba met Babaji, in one of his previous human forms, and was taught yogic
knowledge by Babaji for six days and nights. When Babaji left him, Mahendra Baba did not
know whom he was or where to find him again. After completing his Master of Arts degree in
philosophy, Mahendra Baba renounced the world and went searching for this guru-walking
through the Himalayas in India, Nepal, Tibet and China. He then spent years at temples in the
Indian states of Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh and developed a reputation as a saint. Only after
twenty years or more of searching and waiting was he led back to the Kumaon Hills where
Babaji appeared to him again, in a locked room in a remote mountain ashram.
After this appearance of Babaji, in the flesh, Mahendra Baba, at Babaji's instructions, began a
mission of preparing for Shri Babaji's return to the world in human form. For many years he
went around India, preaching that Babaji would return to transform the world by changing the
hearts and minds of men. He described what Babaji would look like, including the scars on
his fight leg and left arm; he said that Babaji would come in 1970. Mahendra Baba restored
old ashrams and temples, built new ones and prepared the worship service now used by Shri
Babaji's devotees.

Mahendra Maharaja told his followers that Shri Babaji has been a human manifestation of
God since man first learned about religion. Babaji has taught gurus and other religious
teachers throughout history, always trying to turn man towards God and spiritual values.
Through the ages he has appeared to teach people, manifesting a body for each appearance,
rather than coming by human birth. Yogananda wrote of his and other people's experiences
with this immortal Babaji in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

There are books in Hindi written about the previous manifestation of Hairakhan Baba, which
lasted from about 1800 to 1922. Around the year 1800, he appeared to villagers not far from
Hairakhan, out of a ball of light, and, in 1922, before a handful of followers, he disappeared
into a ball of light. There are many recorded miracles-healing people, restoring the dead to
life, feeding multitudes from a small portion of food, changing his form, being in two or more
places at one time, feeding a sacred fire with water when ghee (clarified butter) was not
available. But mostly, people flocked to him because they experienced him as a Divine, wise,
loving being far above the human level. Mountain villagers (educated and uneducated)
Westerners, English bureaucrats and soldiers, Indian intelligentsia, rich and poor, people of all
religions came to him. There are still people in Hairakhan and elsewhere in India, who
remember the 'Old Hairakhan Baba' and experienced this manifestation as the same Being.
There are evidences of yet earlier manifestations. Tibetan monks came to Shri Babaji in 1972
and hailed him as 'Lama Baba' who had lived in Tibet about 500 years ago. There are stories
of his appearance in Nepal as well as in India and Tibet. On two or three occasions, Babaji
said he was one of the teachers of Jesus Christ.

Most of Shri Babaji's followers experience and worship him as a true, ageless manifestation
of God. The big and little miracles he performed daily in the lives of his followers, his reading
and responding to their thoughts before they were uttered, his healing, his guidance, his
teachings are at a level beyond even advanced human ability. The dramatic, external miracles
were infrequent; most of his miracles occurred in the minds, hearts and lives of his followers-
miracles of understanding, guidance, teaching and support when, where and as needed.
Shri Babaji said that mankind is in great danger during the period of Kali Yuga-the Age of the
rise of materialism and the decline of spiritual life. He foretold of widespread physical
destruction and change and death in this decade. He said that those who worship God (in any
of the ways man knows Him) and repeat His name and live in harmony with the Universe will
be saved and that a new, humanitarian society of people who are focused on God will be

In order to focus people's minds on God, Babaji taught people to repeat the ancient mantra
OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA. It is a Sanskrit phrase, which means something like 'I surrender
to bow to/take refuge in God'. Repetition of Om Namaha Shivaya is a pathway to unity with
the Supreme God. (The name of God used in this mantra is Lord Shiva Who is a Hindu
conception of the one Supreme God. This mantra has been used for millennia and taught by
saints and gurus in India and the West.) Constant repetition of a mantra (the repetition is
called japa) focuses the mind on God, opens one's heart and mind to God, and stops or
reduces the inherent tendency of one's mind to constantly plan, worry, day-dream or
otherwise prattle away in really useless activity.

The main purpose of Sri Babaji's coming in a human manifestation at this time was to reform
the hearts and minds of men. He came to remove confusion and evil from mankind. Babaji
once said: "The mind can be purified only by japa. This is the only medicine for the disease of
the mind. While your mind and heart are impure, how can God live in your heart? The water-

to clean your heart is the Name of God. So teach everyone to repeat the name of God

The mind that is generally focused on God's Name responds, when the need arises,
spontaneously to perform its required functions quickly, easily and well. Babaji emphasized
Om Namaha Shivaya but also gave other mantras on occasion: the essence of his instruction is
'Repeat God's name'. Shri Babaji said that when the great destruction comes to the world,
those who believe in and worship God sincerely and especially those who repeat His Name(s),
would be saved by the power of the mantra. "God's Names are more powerful than a thousand
atomic and hydrogen bombs".

Although Shri Babaji lived in a Hindu culture and was worshipped through Hindu rituals
daily, he was not attached to any particular religion. He stated that all religions could lead the
sincere devotee to God. At Hairakhan, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Sikhs and
Moslems worshiped Shri Babaji - even atheists found themselves bowing to him. He often
reminded his followers that all mankind is one Family of God. For those who asked about
religion, he answered, "Follow the religion that is in your heart". He however, said at many
times that. He had come to re-establish the principles of the Sanatan Dharma - the Eternal
Religion, which was ageless and from which all other religions have taken their roots.
Even before his re-appearance in 1970, Babaji taught Mahendra Maharaja to preach that ail
lovers of God should lead lives in this mantra is Lord Shiva Who is a Hindu conception of the
one Supreme God. This mantra has been used for millennia and taught by saints and gurus in
India and the West.) Constant repetition of a mantra (the repetition is called japa) focuses the
mind on God, opens one's heart and mind to God, and stops or reduces the inherent tendency
of one's mind to constantly plan, worry, day-dream or otherwise prattle away in really useless

To all who came to see him he told over and over that karma yoga - unselfish work-dedicated
to God is the best, easiest, most rewarding quickest way to God in this chaotic, confused era
of change. At his ashram in Hairakhan, work morning and afternoon is a vital part of the daily
schedule. There is time for meditation in the early morning, after a bath in the river, but
Babaji insisted on several hours of karma yoga daily, during which time one is expected to
work with constant repetition of the mantra.
"To follow and demonstrate the path of Truth, Simplicity and Love is man's supreme duty and
the highest Yoga. Diligent work is a quality of this Path, for laziness is death on earth. Only
by work can one claim victory over karma. All must strive to do their duty in the best way
possible and not wander from that duty. Service to humanity is the first duty. During these
times, inhumanity and laziness have increased, so it is important that you work hard and not
lose heart. Be brave, be industrious: work hard and have courage."
Although Sri Babaji called many Westerners to him, by dreams, visions, pamphlets or simply
through one friend telling another about him, he did not seek to establish a great personal
following, His small ashram, four miles up a winding riverbed from the end of the nearest
country road, could not accommodate the thousands who have flocked to other saints and
gurus. But, though he made no general call for people to come to see him, he did want the
entire world to hear his message.
During the first year or two after his appearance, Shri Babaji hardly spoke at all in public.
Although he engaged in easy conversation with people for the last eight or ten years of his

mission, it was only in the last rive years of his mission that he began to give little instructive
talks to his devotees-very infrequently at first, then more often.
The talks came mostly after the evening worship service when his devotees sat around Babaji
singing hymns (kirtan) and enjoying the powerful uplift of his presence. Babaji would stop
the singing and speak. His talks were made in Hindi, so when he wanted foreign others to hear
the message, Babaji called on some bilingual to translate. The translators were not
professional translators. Some devotees would take down the translation, as it was m and the
next day the translator and transcribers tried to re-create Babaji's speeches in English. In
February 1983 Babaji gave permission to tape record the speeches, so the speeches from then
are fuller and more accurately translated. Although the speeches in this book contains are not
perfect, literal translations, they catch the flavour of Babaji's speech and they must present his
sage adequately because he approved this publication.
The book also contains a few speeches, made in the presence Sri Babaji and at his request, by
Shri Vishnu Datt Shastri and Singh Yadav. 'Shastriji' is a scholar of the Vedas (the earliest
Scriptures), a man whom Babaji calls the purest man on earth, and Babaji himself said that he
inspires Shastriji to speak for. There are also a few speeches made by the Governor of the
state of Uttar Pradesh and the Kumaon Commissioner and administration officer of the state
in the presence of Shri Babaji.
These talks speak for themselves. However, the interpretation understanding of Shri Babaji's
words may not be so easy as a reader may at first assume. Those who have worked for Babaji
at Hairakhan and elsewhere have come to realize something of the depth and subtlety of all of
Babaji's words and actions. His words and acts were understood at different levels as a person
experienced and later recalled them-the same words and acts touch different people in
different ways. Beyond saying this, it is not possible to assist the reader in understanding Shri
Babaji's message, except perhaps to note that the old methods of thought are not going to
serve in the New World any better than the old patterns of societal action.
Shri Babaji's speeches reflected his consciousness of himself manifestation of God; he often
called himself (in these talks) Mahaprabhuji, a Hindi expression for the Supreme Master.
For those who know him as a manifestation, incarnation of God, these speeches present a
consistent, powerful inspiring message from a loving God who seeks to guide His devotees
through a time of chaos and destruction into a new "Promised Land" – a society based on high
spiritual and moral values. Others have used some of these speeches to conclude and argue
that Shri Babaji was just another scheming "Baba" with a plan to seek political power and
material wealth. In the age-old Tradition of gurus, Paramguru (the Supreme Guru) Shri Babaji
spoke the Truth and leaves it up to the hearer or reader to make of it what he or she will.
Shri Babaji did not require people to see or worship him as a manifestation of God in order to
come to him and be benefited by him. He himself said of his human form, "This body is
nothing, it is here only to serve people".
Shri Babaji left his mortal body on St. Valentine's Day February 14, 1984. Early in his
mission, he had told two or three devotees that he would leave his body in 1984. Before he
came, he told Mahendra Maharaja that he would come to give a message to mankind. He
came he lived his message; he spoke his message; his message was published; and having
completed this mission, he left. As the Governor of Uttar Pradesh, the Honourable C.P.N.
Singh remarked, "There is no difference between His speech and His action."

This book contains his spoken message. The concepts in it are not new; you can find similar
teachings in the old Hindu scriptures, the Bible, the Koran, the Guru Granth Sahib,
Zoroastrian scriptures. But in a world that is focused almost entirely on material values and
goals, this message, with its strong humanistic and spiritual emphasis, is a message of
Revolution. Babaji frequently warned that a revolution (mahakranti) is coming. He told what
it would be like and how to survive it. On the l3th of February 1984 he told some visitors.
"The mahakranti must come because everyone thinks in terms of 'I' and 'my' and everyone
wants to be big and no one wants to be small. The Revolution that he came to inspire is a
revolution of thinking and feeling - of mind and heart - but he indicated that it could not take
place without a physical, material revolution that would destroy the old society and patterns
of thought.
He came to show mankind how to live, to serve Man on the highest level. Let him serve you.
Read his message with an open mind and let him bless you.

Publisher's Note

We are indeed unfortunate not to have recorded all that was spoken by Shree Babaji. We were
so enamoured by His divine presence and felt so fulfilled to be able to sit at His lotus feet that
no organized effort was made to convert in written form the gems which came from Him.
Thus many of the instructions and teachings of Shree Babaji are bound to have been lost to us
It is true, however, that Shree Mahaprabhuji barely spoke in public during the first few years
of his appearance, though He would engage Himself in conversation with the few people
around Him. It is only during the latter part of His brief mission that He would openly speak
during the morning and evening service and it is only in February 1983 that He gave
permission to tape record what He spoke.
Thus the pages, which follow, are the collection of some of the messages, instructions and
teachings of Shree Babaji, which have been compiled by many of His devotees. We are
indeed grateful to them for their untiring efforts in making available to us this priceless
collection of "The Teachings of Shree Babaji' for the benefit of His devotees and the mankind
at large.
We hope that the reader shall benefit from the message of Shree Babaji and shall receive His
blessings in the upliftment of his spiritual life.


His teachings & quotes


26 JULY 1979 (Herakhan)

Some important observations made by Sri Babaji on the future world events.
The change of the present, which is full of turmoil, will be brought about by bloody
revolution. Peace will return only after the revolution reaches its zenith.
In the aftermath of the revolution-which will be total; no country will be spared big or small-
some countries will be totally erased, leaving no sign of their existence.
In some 3% to 5% and up to maximum of 25% of the population will be spared and will
Earthquakes, floods, accidents, collisions and wars will bring about the destruction.
The destructive elements, which were kept in cheek by Sri Babaji, have been released to do
their worst.
Those who pray to their chosen divinity will not be affected.

28 JULY 1979 (Herakhan)

Giving reference to his earlier prediction Shri Babaji foretold that the revolution (like a
scythe) will be total and will be from one end of the world to another. Revolution spoken
about on 26-7-1979, will increase in tempo, and will reach its culmination point. It will not be
confined to any particular country, but the whole world will be engulfed, big and small
countries alike.
People today are full of misery and unhappiness. Misery and unhappiness is not confined to
the poor, but rich people are affected too. All are suffering from difficulties, misery, and
unhappiness. The leaders of all countries are busy safeguarding their positions and have
totally ignored their people needs and interests. These leaders are misguiding the public.
There is complete insecurity. There is no safety of person or property. New leaders are being
trained and prepared to take over from U the (corrupt) leaders who will restore just and proper
order and bring peace.
At present, demonic influences have engulfed men. Man will fight and devour men and they
will destroy each other. First, destruction will take place, then a lull and then peace will
prevail. Some of the countries will be completely destroyed. Prayer will be the only safeguard
and saviours against destruction. Forget past and future, abolish all other thoughts, but pray
with total concentration of mind and soul and have full faith in God. Chant OM NAMAH
SHIVAYA and you can defy death. Have no thought about your life and death. No evil

influence will ever come near you if you pray with purity of heart and mind and with all faith
and concentration.

14 MARCH 1980
Initiation in Karma Yoga by Sri Babaji
Tomorrow we must go for work very early; as early as possible. Before nine, you must fill the
water tank here for the kitchen; and before nine we must meet at the Cave site for work. We
must show some of our wonders-wonderful work. Because you have come from such a far
distance, you must show some of your skills.
This work is not only for this purpose. This work will go with you wherever you go; even
after you leave the body and go to the other world; this work will go with you. You will be
benefited by it. Whatever kind of garden you will make here, and whatever seeds you will
sow here, you will get there, also.
This is spiritual work, not material. This is neither my work nor yours; this is the work of the
whole universe-nay, the whole cosmos.
Do you understand?
It is best that you spend as much time as you can for this; this will be good for you in the
future. The more time and the more energy you use here will prove to be more beneficial to
you. Your health will also improve by this; your digestion will be good and you will sleep
well, also. Your mind will be purified.
Many yogis are doing so many kinds of yoga. Hatha yoga purifies the mind; that you will get
by doing this work. You need not do any other kind of yoga. This is the highest yoga.
Are all of you understanding Baba's words? How do you like all these words?
There is no difficulty. So many other people will come. From all parts of the world, people
are coming here. Don't worry that you are working alone. Don't worry about anything.
See the ant. How small is the ant, yet how big a load she carries. You should not be dejected
or disheartened. If we want; we can blow the whole of this mountain-if we all want; if we
have will don’t lose your hearts in this small Work. When you lose your heart, when you lose
courage-this is death. Don't lose courage. You can move the mountain.
Yoga is to be courageous. To get dejected or to lose courage is not yoga. You must
understand what Bhole Baba says.
We have to be prepared for anything, at any time. We must train ourselves for every kind of
Do you understand?
When the new kingdom will come, then you will get many facilities. AU the taxes will be
abolished, and travelling charges will be free. All of you will get passes to come here; there
will be no charges. And roaming about will be stopped totally; you cannot go here and there;
you must strictly come here only.

3 APRIL 1980
Babaji spoke generally of unity. We are all equal, despite the country we come from, and
national differences should be ignored. We are all a unity. We must shed all jealousy and
envy because they are harmful. We are all one with each other and with God.
In order not to provoke Me, you must be quiet at the time of catastrophe. You must
concentrate on Om Namah Shivaya. With this mantra you can win everything, because it is
stronger than all the bombs.
Babaji mentioned the freedom spoken of and promised by politicians. Then He said, in effect:
"Theirs is no freedom at all. If you work and are worthy, I shall show you freedom greater
than you have ever dreamed about."

4 APRIL 1980
Note: At this time, people in the ashram were putting most of their work hours into digging
out-the side of a hill, which is one of the "shoulders" of Mount Kailash. They were cutting
into the hillside and levelling the land to create a large, level space to build temples, make a
garden, and build cow barns and living quarters.

Thank you for the work, love, and sense of duty you have shown in moving the mountain.
This is a blessing for you and for your children. When your children come-and I hope that
they will - the things that you have done will be of benefit to them.

12 APRIL 1980
If you are at peace, I am in peace. If you are troubled, I am troubled. If you have problems, I
have problems.
There will always be hills and mountains to overcome on the way to God. Do not be disturbed
by the mountain falling down. It is the duty of the mountain to fall down and it is the duty of
the soldiers to move the mountain.
You should seek harmony in everything that you do. I am harmony. Thank you for your love.

18 APRIL 1980
Shree Babaji laid down some new rules regarding the Ashram:
- All people are prohibited from distributing food, clothes or money to the villagers. This
creates an atmosphere of expectation and when it is not met, then the people return to steal
things from the Ashram., Many things have been stolen. Anybody who wishes to give
anything away should turn them over to Gora Devi so that she can give them to Babaji who
will see that the proper thing is done.

- Everybody should make an effort to learn the customs and practices of the Ashram. Babaji
had said many times that all who come to the Ashram must take responsibility for it's care.
-Shree Babaji said that one day He would build a summer water palace on the site of the Sati
Kund tree.
-Shree Babaji said He was planning to build a 108-room guesthouse for spiritual seekers and
meditation. The site would be determined at a later date.

20 APRIL 1980
Note: After the evening aarati, Babaji spoke at length about the power of the mantra Om
Namah Shivaya. Some of his talk went as follows:
"I am happy that you are, all on the way of religion. I am encouraged. As in past times, in
certain parts of Europe there was a sincere adoration of fire.
Babaji then said, "More than half of the people are oriented towards destruction" and went on
to relate a story of how, at a time in the past (Mahabharata times), all the resources of
Ravana's kingdom were used for the creation of a bomb so large and powerful that it was even
more powerful than those we have today. Then some positive and creative forces got together
and created something that would be even more powerful than this enormous destructive
bomb. They created the mantra bomb.
"The mantra is still the only way."
Babaji then gave two examples of survival and said that those who use the mantra will survive
in the same way.
First Example: When Lord Krishna was at a battle where everything was on fire, a locust
came to pray at His feet. Krishna then placed His helmet over the locust. Everything on the
field was burned and killed, except the locust, which survived under Lord Krishna's helmet.
Second Example: in a flourmill, all of the grain is ground up, just like people are in the
destructive process. A few grains escape because they are near the centre pole and fall down
and away from the grinding wheel.

"I am happy that you are here. You should not waste your time while you are here. Have

25 JUNE 1980
Note: Ashram Regulation:
Everybody who comes to the ashram must look after the ashram property. Do not let it lie
around; take care of it and preserve it.

Everyone who comes to the ashram is ashram property. They come with My blessings. If
anybody is lying about or is sick, take care of them. Everybody must take care of everybody.
You must preserve, maintain and beautify the ashram. This is your most important duty.

3 JULY 1981
Babaji stressed that the time had come to tell the world of His presence and His message of
Truth, Simplicity and Love. He said that a committee would be formed to spread His word
around the world. Babaji specifically mentioned China, Russia, and Korea as countries where
His word would be spread. He said that all should undertake this work.
Babaji said that people did not understand that He had solved India's food problem since His
coming and that a great change was going to take place in the world. During the times of the
Mahabharata (Lord Krishna's era) and the Ramayana (the earlier era of Lord Ram), there were
wars that lasted for days; but now the change would take place in one day.
Babaji said that He was now ready to make the Revolution and that it would come soon.

8 JULY 1981
Babaji said that before TB there was no illness. T (tea) and B (beedies a form of Indian
Cigarette) make the blood thin. He said that we should not drink or use these things.
Babaji said that devotees should train themselves to be like members of a security force like
Scotland Yard or the CIA. Everybody should be advanced and attentive and should stand out
and be recognized by others.
Babaji said that such a revolution was coming that nobody would know what was happening.

Babaji opened the general meeting by saying that anyone who was having any trouble or
problems could speak. There followed a number of questions which Babaji answered:
Q. How can I still my mind?
A. Do japa standing in water. The name of God should be repeated two and a half million
times, sometimes standing in the water, as deep as you like, and other times sitting on your
asan next to the water. Do this daily and then leave it when finished.
Q. At some times I feel happy but at other times I feel sad. What can I do to feel happy and
keep my heart open?
A. You must do japa more regularly.

Q. Sometimes I think I should do meditation but I don't feel like it, and at other times, when I
try to meditate and japa, I cannot concentrate. What can I do?
A. You should get up at 12 in the night, take a bath, and then do japa for about an hour.
Q. When will the dreams given to me by my Guru manifest?
Note: an Indian devotee who had been given a very wonderful dream, by his Guru the
contents of which he couldn’t reveal, some ten years earlier, put this question to Babaji.
A. In six months and nine days.
Q. How can I know that I am doing God's will when I am away from Babaji?
A. You should eat only fruit and milk for nine months.
Q. How can I put together my love for my girlfriend and my love for God?
A. You can first concentrate on the love for the girlfriend and when you are satisfied, then
come to God.
Q. What is the quickest way to realize God?
A. Japa.
Q. Is it better to repeat Om Namaha Shivaya by chanting slowly or by doing it fast ?
A. Do it quickly.
Q. Should one have children during these times?
A. Having children is a law of nature; what will happen will happen, you cannot stop it.
Q. Is it a good thing or a bad thing to be afraid?
A. It is a good thing. To become fearless, you should repeat the name of Babaji all of the time.
In summary, Babaji said: It is the duty of everybody who comes to Babaji to spread and
repeat that name of God and to spread His message of Truth, Simplicity and Love. Those who
return to their homes should go on tour and tell people that the way to save mankind is by
following the teachings of Shri Babaji. Babaji used the term "Kranti", which may be
interpreted as "revolution" or "destruction". He said that a Maha Kranti (great revolution) was
fast approaching and would be known as the Blood and Fire Kranti. When asked if everybody
would be killed in this Kranti, Babaji compared this destruction with that of the Mahabharata
(the great battle fought in Lord Krishna's time), when all the great warriors were killed.
Those who remember Om Namaha Shivaya and Babaji are protected and saved.
Babaji was asked how others could be helped during this period. He said that this could be
done by spreading the word of His presence and teachings and putting these notices in
newspapers published throughout the world. Babaji said that it is your, foremost duty to tell
the world of His message.
Babaji was asked if the world would be a better place after this Kranti and He said this was a
subject for the next General Meeting in December. He then said that everybody was invited to
Herakhan for Christmas.

23 OCTOBER 1981
On 23 October, Babaji called a General Meeting, which was attended, by 44 Western
devotees and a handful of Indians on the cave side at Herakhan Vishwa Mahadham. Shastriji
and Lok Pal were requested by Babaji to speak.
Shastriji opened the meeting with Babaji's blessings and congratulated those present for being
fortunate enough to attend this Royal Court Meeting, such as those Lord Shiva held long ago
at Mount Kailash. He went on to say that Babaji's greatest leela (God's action in human form)
is being present in Herakhan and being everywhere in the world, in every particle, both living
and nonliving.
Whenever the world faces grave problems, the Lord –takes human incarnation and comes to
fulfil the needs and desires of mankind, however, when the Lord comes in human form, few
recognize Him. It was the same with Ram and Krishna, Christ and Mohammed. Only those to
whom the Lord wishes to reveal Him, realize that He is in fact more than just a normal
human. He will put suspicion in our minds and hearts and it is our duty to pray to Him for the
wisdom to know Him.
Without Babaji's blessing, one will only see His play at the human level, like that of Krishna
with the gopis.
Lok Pal described the discipline of being with Babaji as the most difficult one could ever face,
but went on to say that it is through facing this discipline with enthusiasm and openness that
we will become pure enough to know Babaji and receive the love that He offers.
Babaji ended the meeting with the words, "Work is Worship", and said that at the 25
December meeting many important things regarding the past, present and future will be

After the evening Aarati, Shri Babaji spoke to His assembled devotees about the coming
times. Shri Babaji asked that we all have courage and that we all become like lions. "We
should do our work with courage. " He stressed the importance of Karma Yoga. " Karma
Yoga is what will make you like lions; it will make you strong in this life."
"Don't disappoint Babaji. Don't be afraid of death, nor of the storm of water and fire. This life
itself is water and fire. Don't try to stop it, but rather become like lions."
Babaji went on to say that He doesn't need many people; He just needs a few people who are
really brave. "Be strong in the time of great revolution which is coming. No one can stop the
fire coming in the world now. The bells of great destruction are already ringing. The war will
be such that people sleeping will die immediately. There will be atomic war. People will die
immediately in their houses from gas and atomic and nuclear radiation."

16 DECEMBER 1981

This is the third in a series of General Meetings. The first was held on 14 September and the
second on 23 October. The final meeting for 1981 will be held on Christmas Day, 25
December. The meetings have led up to the 25 December meeting, which will have great
From 24 December, for three days all expenses in the ashram for tea, prasad (the blessed
meals), tea parties, food from the "Italian Restaurant" (a small restaurant, usually staffed by
Italians, which produces foods flavoured for the tender Western palate) will be met by the
foreigners. They will pay all these expenses. Whoever comes to the ashram during this period
will be guests of the Westerners. These people should be entertained nicely, with the best
accommodations and attention, so devotees, guests and visitors will always remember that
they have been entertained well here. Herakhan is the most divine centre of the universe.
Everything should be wonderful here.
This Christmas celebration is of great importance in the history of mankind. It has never
happened in this way before and will never again. This is the second celebration at Herakhan
Vishwa Mahadham. However, this year everyone has been invited to come. Those here
should be alert and attentive to entertain the guests well. The leaders will assign and delegate
duties at the ashram.
By attention and good manners this will be an ideal example for all people. Set an ideal for
the universe. Those who come should be delighted and carry this example with them
throughout the world. By your example, a good impression will be made. In the history of
mankind, Christmas has never been celebrated like this. This will be an international
Christmas celebration. This is the first time since the birth of Christ that this celebration will
be performed in such a special way.
All individuals should perform their duties so that everyone will remember their performance.
The Italian Restaurant shall be free of charge for three days free food, free tea, free
everything - on the 24th, 25th, and 26th. Preparations should be made now.
Do you agree?
People will remember this for ages, not just years. People of the universe should know the
birth of Christ has been celebrated in the heart of the Himalayas. It is very special to celebrate
here in the Himalayas. It is your fortune to have the opportunity to participate in this
auspicious, pious occasion.
It is the duty of each individual to pay attention and drop unnecessary activity. Do your duty!
Do not be idle. This is an Age of Action. Perform your karma yoga. Show the world ideal
actions. Service to humanity is service to and worship of God.
Everyone should forget nationality: we are one here. This is a universal family. Have no idea
of separation of identity: discard feelings of separateness. Serve the people with mind, body,
wealth, and brain.
The progress of Vishwa Mahadham is the progress of the world. When you work and learn
here, you help the world. Make Vishwa Mahadham perfect. Work as a unit; there is no caste
or creed here; there are no difficulties.

All good people are coming. Due to good actions - good karma - of the past, we are collected
at Lord Shiva's lotus feet. All should think of the progress and perfection of this place. Baba
blesses all who do their duty sincerely and with devotion. Do your duty lovingly.

24 DECEMBER 1981
Shastriji Speaking for Babaji
The message to all of you is that the most important thing in the world is humanitarianism, or
humanism. For this, we should sacrifice all our effort and comfort. Do not think of yourself or
your comfort, but think of others. This is the great humanitarian principle.

In any town there is always a central place; all the roads in the town or from out of town lead
to that central place. Similarly, all religions lead to one point, and that is God Himself; and
therefore following any religion you will ultimately reach God.
In the past, mankind and humanitarianism had always been in trouble. Today the same
situation has arisen. It is therefore that God has come Himself, to give you this message of
humanitarianism and to protect you through a mantra - the universal mantra of " Om Namaha
Shivaya", which has been spread now throughout the world.
As you know, throughout the world there are factories of armaments that are being produced
and stored to destroy mankind, or cause damage to mankind. Similarly, Bhagwan Herakhan's
Vishwa Mahadham is a great factory, which has produced only one element-that is Om
Namaha Shivaya. The energy of Om Namaha Shivaya shall destroy all contradictory energies
of hydrogen and atom bombs and will protect you.
There are proofs in the scriptures that it was great Rishi who created the atom energy and he
has said clearly that the only thing, which can conquer the atom energy, or the hydrogen
energy is the Om Namaha Shivaya, mantra by itself.
Today all of you have come from different parts of the world. You are all welcomed here;
furthermore, you are all congratulated for coming and having received the blessing of
Bhagwan Herakhan. And also in the future, you should come here in great numbers so that the
world will accept the Sanatan dharma and Om Namaha Shivaya mantra, which is the origin of
Sanatan dharma.

25 DECEMBER 1981
Shastriji Speaking for Babaji
Since the creation of the earth, God h as always comes to see and protect His garden of the
universe. So He appears from time to time to weed out the tares and guide the devotees and all
good people in the proper line.

At the present moment, God Himself has manifested in this universe to see to the garden of
humankind. The Vedas and the Upanishads repeatedly have said that this Lord Shiva is the
only God; He is the Creator, Destroyer and Protector of the universe. This has been brought to
the notice of everyone since the incantation of God in human form.
First of all, I am going to tell you that the future prophesied for India has been fulfilled. India
has now become self- sufficient in respect of food grains. Apart from that, Babaji has started
many social works - free distribution of food and clothing, free dispensaries and servicing
schools and temples. He is a guiding devotee in the proper way to realize oneness with God
while He is protecting them. He has told about the coming disaster and destruction and how to
save one's self from these times, which are fast approaching.
Before the appearance of God in human form as Babaji, everyone knew that India was
starving. The Indian Government was asking, even begging, for food from every country and
food was being imported. Since His appearance, Babaji has performed 147 yagnas (sacred fire
ceremonies and rituals) in many provinces of India and this has blessed the country and. the
Among the different forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, which have appeared, Babaji in
the human form now is here ' with us' It is our great fortune to see God in human form and
enjoy everything that He gives to us. He teaches us Truth, Simplicity and Love and how we
should behave with each other; how to love and how to share food and all things among us.
Whenever God is incarnated in human form, we see that the question of caste and creed does
not arise. Everybody knows that gurus and saints have started their own religions and thus
created separate lines of thought and separate sects. There has been no unity among these
groups; everybody has been jealous of each other. Now Bhagwan has unified all religions.
This accommodates every caste and faith, just like one family. AU religions are incorporated
in this principle of Truth, Simplicity and Love. People of all faiths and creeds are coming to
His Lotus feet. From every comer of the world people are coming here to live and work as
one family. This is the final proof of what He has started.
This is the real acknowledgement of God: whenever He comes, He unites all religions of the
world into one religion. That is, He has made the Herakhan Samaj to accommodate
Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, etc., in one family. We see that the realities of God exist
in Shri Babaji.
This day is a most important and auspicious one, as we are celebrating Christmas here in a
universal way. In the history of mankind this is the first time that Christ's birthday has been
celebrated in such a way.
Now we have gathered here in a very important place. (This speech was given on ground dug
out of a steep hillside to make a place for nine small temples, a big garden, barns and houses,
and a large open space on which a tent had been erected for the Christmas celebrations.) Once
there were only heavy rocks and many wild bushes; the place was not fit for living; not even
wild birds could live here. Now what has been constructed here is the product of people from
all comers of the world. They have worked hard; they have shed their blood here; all this is
the fruit of their bard labour.
They have made this place comfortable, and this is due to the blessings of Babaji. Through
His blessings they have been able to make this place comfortable quickly and yet simple.

Babaji has always remained here and the work has been done in His presence, despite hot sun,
rain, and cold wind. So you want such a God Who Himself takes part in work with the
labourers and Who sometimes has worked as a labourer Himself and shown the labourers how
to dig, cut and remove the rocks. He Himself has shown this to us. Now the time has come to
show the Path to others; how to do hard labour, not by sitting around occupying His seat and
issuing orders, but participating in all.
Babaji has started all types of social work - dispensaries, educational institutions, distribution
of clothes and feeding the poor. He has given money to buy horses, cows, goats, and has
created jobs. He has not only done this work here, but it is expanding all over India. There is a
very big ashram in Vapi, in Gujarat, where
Babaji has started a dairy and hospital for animals, schools, and other social activities. There
are ashrams in Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Madhuvan (Mathura), Vrindavan,
Patna, etc. Everywhere His social activities are going on.
Once Parvati asked Lord Shiva, her husband: "You have done good work for the people in all
ages, but I am afraid for the people in the Kali Yuga; how will they safeguard themselves? "
Then Lord Shiva told Parvati:

"I will appear in the Kali Yuga and I will create a new state, a new centre of religion - a most
important place, where I will live and establish all the Gods there."
All the foreigners and visitors who have come over here are descendants of the great rishis
and munis. We should learn from them: their sacrifice, their devotion, their duty-bound work,
all these things we should copy how they are performing their duties here, physically,
mentally, and Financially. In all these things, they are giving help.
Many of the foreigners who have come here were searchers for a great Sadguru (Supreme
Guru). Many others had visions or dreams of Babaji in their own countries and then came
here to answer this call. They have worked hard and have done a fine job.
Babaji is not at ill attracted or tempted by material things. Whatever costly clothes the
devotees bring to Him and He puts on, He takes them and distributes them to devotees. All
that He does is for the betterment and benefit of all. We see this daily. So far as food is
concerned, what He cats is negligible. He takes very simple rice, no cereal, and only a little
fruit. But His feats for us are from morning till night; He goes on feeding us like anything.
Whatever comes to him, He never keeps anything in store. You can see that; and this is Part
of the reality of His divine quality.
We are unable to understand B Babaji’s divine leelas. As human beings, we cannot
understand Him. He has come to give to us, but we are not fit to receive. We have first to
make ourselves fit to receive, and then we can sit near Him and understand Him.
Since His appearance, He has started the most important things. First, the yagna (sacred fire
ritual/ceremony); secondly, the recitation of Om Namaha Shivaya; thirdly, the Sanatan
Dharma, which is the religion that came with the Creation of the Universe: He has re-
established it and is teaching us how to follow it. Fourthly, He is always giving clothes to the
needy and medicines to the ill.

We see that God, in human form, from the beginning of time, from Creation to the Kali Yuga,
appears in this universe for the benefit of mankind. This is not a new God; He is the Supreme
God and it is His divine leela that He appears from time to time, as the times and conditions
warrant. God has always given a new birth to all the creations and activities of the universe.

God now blesses every devotee on the auspicious occasion of Christmas. All your desires will
be fulfilled and, you should take to your heart all the prasad (blessed gifts from God) and
garlands, which He has given; and go on reciting Om Namaha Shivaya as much as you can.
God Himself says that action is the real duty. One who lives like an idle man is a dead man.
He does not like such people. He says that one should be most duty-bound; one should be
active; he should work hard in his life and then he can get success,. God says work is worship.
This is the Karma Yuga (the Age of Work). Only he who acts is considered to be alive;
without action, one is like a dead person.
A person who does not do some kind of constructive work is like a dead person. A new
kingdom is coming very soon. When the new kingdom is established, only the person who
does karma (i.e., works) will survive.
.,While working you should always recite the mantra you like; you should always recite the
The coming destruction is going to take place in such a manner that only, the person who is
doing some karma, some work, will survive it. One should not lose courage, one should
always be enterprising, trying to do something more than what he is doing.
A person might argue that when destruction is going to take place, why should I work? Why
should I do any karma? But that is not right. One should work to his last breath. Idleness
should always be avoided.
Babaji likes human beings. Humanitarian work should be done by all of us. Babaji wishes
humans well. A person who follows this and who always keeps humanitarian rules in mind
will be loved by everyone and shall survive all this destruction and shall remain happy. One
should try to bring these humanitarian ideas to everybody who does not have them.
What does one mean by humanitarian rules and humanity? Babaji says one should not have
any hatred towards anyone; one should try not, to let down other people; one should try to
help others; one should try to love all.
In this new kingdom, everyone should be good. Babaji expects all this from you. And you
should try to preach this to others-to those who are not here. Teach it to others; not only those
around you, but in other countries, in the whole world-wherever you go, one should try to put
it into practice.
Babaji thanks you all who have been so courageous as to come here and to do all this work.
He thanks you all for that.

5 JANUARY 1982
During evening darshan

Babaji says that many Western people like Lok pal Singh (the chief minister of Justice), Motu
Begum Mahal, Radhe Shyam, Sita Ram, Ganga Singh etc., have helped to create unity in the
Haidakhandi Samaj. They work day and night to contribute to this unity. You should all
follow their example. These people have worked very hard for the benefit of human beings in
this world. Baba congratulates everybody. Gora Devi does tapasya (austerities) day and night
for the benefit of the world. Babaji hopes that by the great effort of these devotees, things will
become good. People should follow their example.
Little time is left before you shall see the new world. You don't have to wait much longer
To all the Italians who have worked very hard, who search diligently for God, to all of them
Babaji is very grateful. The Italians will soon rejuvenate the Sanskrit language and the old
Roman culture will be revived. Babaji hopes all the Italians will follow the path of truth and
leave their addiction to drugs, which are not good for them. Babaji requests all the people who
come here not to get addicted to drugs or other things like that, which are bad. Learn, well,
teach well, and try to be good, hear well. Do good deeds and teach others.
Babaji hopes and plans that there shall be peace in the world without weapons. Babaji hopes
to spread knowledge and stop the atomic science, which is bad for the world. Today the world
depends much on atomic energy. Whenever such sciences have reigned, the world has been
destroyed. This is why during the time of the Ramayana, under the demon Ravana, Lanka was
destroyed. Science today still has not reached the limits of knowledge that existed in the time
of Mahabharata. Science then had really achieved limits that have not been reached yet today.
For example Laxman was able to place a protective line around Sita, which could not be
Babaji wishes for peace in the world. You may think that Babaji just sits here doing nothing.
But He has been everywhere and is everywhere and is doing much. Babaji sitting here is still
present in the hearts of everyone in the world.
Babaji shall see that there is great peace in the world. It has been written in all our great
religious books that when Babaji comes, He shall love and help the cause of peace.

Everyone should come to aarati on time.
You should all help keep the temple and kirtan hall in order and clean. To look after the
temple is your responsibility.
You will live with the storms: you were born in the storm so you should have the guts to fight
the storms.
All of you should be ready. I will start a new revolution. A lot of revolution has already taken
place. You may think that Baba does nothing but sits here; but He goes everywhere; He does
everything, sitting here. The revolution is already on-all around the world.
We should give people inspiration from here.

I will not -go around with a stick. You are the Messengers of the Revolution. Later, you will
be the Messengers of Peace, but now, of revolution.

25 MARCH 1982
This speech was given in the Company Bagh (garden) when work was under way on that
project, by Vishnu Dutt Shastri. Halfway through Shri Babaji dictates and Shastriji speaks
Herakhan Bhagwan and all devotees:
The Lord's Powers came here to change the world and by the satva guna they change
everything. They don't need any other assistance. He doesn't give any special importance to
this change being done by these Powers-It is like a game or play to Him. It is His natural,
spontaneous function. It is just like an innocent child who collects many materials to play
with and, for example, builds a toy house and then destroys it.
There are some children who don't like to play with toys but want to cling to their mothers’ -
like Chiao (a small girl present at the meeting). They are always very anxious to be with their
mothers. People who are like these children are called devotees (bhaktas); they choose to
remain with God.
God comes to initiate us in Karma Yoga. Those who live in this world, which is a field for
work, lose a great deal if they don't work and, don't progress or remain idle. In every atom of
this earth, Brahman is all pervasive. Therefore, knowing this, if one tries to work day and
night in this world, they rind God easily.
Those who see the great God in the sun, moon, stars, earth, air, fire, and water, and always
meditate on Him only, get success in life and are the true devotees.
The Lord has come to give us true knowledge, but to understand knowledge is beyond human
capacity. The sins of thousands of years are destroyed when He has made us to do pranams to
Him and when He gives His Holy Touch. He expects every human being to make this world
Up to this time, many incarnations of the Lord have brought war and violence to bring peace
to the world. He is now preparing your hearts for the coming revolution, so you can face it
peacefully. He has faith in no particular army; each human being is part of His army and He
will face atomic bombs and cannons with the power of the Word of God. On one hand, certain
countries are busy creating weapons and armaments; and on the other hand, Babaji is
nullifying these by having people loudly repeat the Word of God, bringing spiritual change.
In the eyes of God, no one is big or small. In very heart, the Consciousness there is His
Reflection. In a short time He is going to destroy the bad elements and then change the
revolution into peace.
The moving of stones from one place to another (this refers to the work going on at the site of
the speech) is for your concentration and spiritual growth. When the insentient stones, which
are lying here, become moved, Babaji installs in them a new consciousness. The stones are
not lying here without purpose; they are also doing penance. By touching these stones, we
receive a vibration of Higher Consciousness. We don't see anything outwardly, but this
contact changes our body, mind, and spirit.

Whatever He is teaching you here; you must do at home, also. Babaji doesn't teach the Kriya
Yoga which makes a disciple to leave all action. Whatever He is teaching, He is teaching
practically. He doesn't want men to become like stones, without any activity, becoming idle.
There are 300,000 nerves in out bodies; to give energy and consciousness to these nerves is
the Kriya Yoga that Babaji teaches.
He is the Lord of the Universe. He enters into people's hearts and changes their thoughts. All
changes taking place now are due to a simple motion of His finger. Wherever He goes, He
puts new consciousness in people and brings spiritual change. Otherwise, He has no need to
go from place to place.
His principle is service to humanity without expectation of reward. By distribution of this
prasad (Babaji was Himself peeling fruit, while Shastriji talked, and having it distributed as
blessed food), He teaches us to share with all equally, whatever we possess. Whatever is a
part of the Lord’s creation belongs to no particular person, but rather to all.
He is not preaching any new religion. He has come to preach the religion, which occurred at
the time of Creation, and that is the Sanatan Dharma -the Eternal Religion. He has come to
preach the Sanatan Dharma only.
We can determine the date from which every religion started. For example, Mohammed
started the Muslim religion 1400 years ago and this is recorded in their scriptures. Christianity
started with birth of Christ, 2000 years ago. Before Christ and Mohammed existed, the world
and its peoples were living. The Sanatan Dharma has been followed for thousands and
millions of years and no one is able to trace the date it began. You may try to understand this
spontaneous religion this way: The dharma (law or nature) of fire is to bum; the dharma of
water is to be wet; the air has to blow. Can one tell on what day the fire started to bum, the
water to be wet, and the air to blow? No one can say.
Sanatan Dharma is like a great ocean. From that ocean, each country has dug canals
according to their needs and purposes. But canals cannot give total satisfaction as the ocean
gives complete bliss. The Lord is showing a vision of the Sanatan Dharma, which is like the
great ocean, and this is the greatest form of knowledge.
Until now, people only had knowledge of their own canals. Now the Lord is showing us that
we aren't just bubbles in a canal, but rather bubbles in the great ocean. As long as we have
individuality, we are seen as bubbles; when we disappear, we are one with the ocean.
Placed before the sun in the sky, a thousand pitchers of water will reflect the sun. Then you
will see that the sun in the sky is only one, but the reflections are many. As the sun reflects in
all the pitchers, Babaji, sitting here, reflects in the entire universe.
Through the instruments in radio stations, news is broadcast to the world. You are all like
radio stations. Even if Babaji says something to ten people here, it is broadcast to millions.
Each one of you will tell ten people more, when you return to your country.
There are ten temples here at Herakhan. They are symbols. They show us that the body is a
temple with ten senses, and we must install God in our hearts within this temple. This body is
a moving temple the Lord. He wants us to make this temple so beautiful that wherever it goes,
people would like to worship, have great reverence for it, and try to gain knowledge from it.
He has come to the world to save it from destruction-, otherwise, this world would have
ended. And now all of you have come to His shelter.

This is not an ordinary meeting; it is a Darbar - a Royal Court. This parashu (pointing to a
ceremonial weapon that looks like a battle axe) is the 'danda' of destruction, and this will
destroy those who do not obey. This weapon will protect those who are obedient. Those who
do puja, worship, and obey orders of Lord will receive only soft punishment.
Hail to the Raj Danda of Herakhan Bhagwan! See, the conch has started blowing. (Another
Shastri had begun to blow a conch.) It is a good omen. It means something correct or true.
The sound of this conch has gone into the three worlds.

At this point Shri Babaji began to speak and Shastriji reiterated

and amplified His comments:

Sri Babaji: I want to create brave people in this world.

Shastriji: I am just a humble servant of Babaji; whatever He asks me to tell you, I will repeat.
Shri Babaji: I want to remove violence from the world.
Shastriji: Bhagwan wants to remove violence totally from the world. People have become
like dogs and cats, killing each other. Now the time will come when the cow and the lion will
drink water from the same well.
Shri Babaji: I will remove idleness.
Shastriji: Babaji says He wants to remove idleness completely and those who are eating
without working cannot survive now.
Shri Babaji: There are certain elements that are destroying creation, but they will be
destroyed. One half of the work is almost over.
Shastriji: After His appearance, He has finished one-half of His work.
Shri Babaji: At this moment my representatives are all over this world. At the correct
moment they will do their work.
Shastriji: Babaji has never left here, but He has sent His representatives all over the world,
and in other worlds, also, His work is going on.
Shri Babaji: The great revolution is very near! There is no one in this world to stop it. This is
a time of -great destruction. Everyone must become spiritually strong and courageous. He
alone can survive who has spiritual courage. Without spiritual courage, one is dead though he
is living. The time is coming very soon. So that is why you people all must work. And be
brave. Everyone must consider himself a humble servant of the world.
Shastriji: We must become ego less.
Shri Babaji: Further will be told in the next court.
Shastriji: Today the Darbar comes to an end and all the saints and rishis who have come here
(in spirit bodies) to attend this Darbar are leaving.

4 APRIL 1982
Shastriji, speaking in Baba's presence, then saying what Babaji told him to say
By the Grace of the Ultimate, absolute God (Brahman), Shri 1008 Bhagwan Ashutosh (One
Who gets easily pleased), Awadhardani (Giver in plenty), Shri Kashivishwanath (the
Universal God Who lives in Benares) Kailashguhabihafi (the One Who lives in the cave at
Kailash), Mahamunindra (the greatest sage), Shri Herakhan Behafi (One who enjoys
Herakhan), in the beautiful courtyard in the Himalayas, the crown of India, at the holy pilgrim
center, Herakhan Vishwa Mahadham, this assembly or gathering of Sikhs has been a success.
This assembly has been for the universal good and benefit of the entire world.
From far away places the great men - Guru Bhaktas - among the Sikhs arrived here. During
this great spiritual gathering on the holy day of Vaishakhi, the continuous recitation of the
holy Guru Granth Saheb (the Sikh scriptures) was completed in 48 hours, with all rites and
rituals of the cult.
This is a matter of joy and we are all fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend this
assembly and make this time of our lives so successful. Holy words, full of nectar, coming
out of the mouths of the true Gurus vibrate throughout the world. Especially when this news
went to Sach Khand (the true Eternal Abode), then it seemed as if all the Gurus had come here
to hear the recitation of this holy book. Guru Govind Singhji is also sitting and listening.
From every pore of their bodies blessings are pouring forth to all beings.
This effort was made for the benefit of the world. The holy words in Guru Granth Saheb are
great mantras. By correctly performing the worship and recitation of these mantras, a being
achieves righteousness, riches, pleasures, salvation and fulfilment of all other desires during
his life. The soul begins to swim in the waves of bliss and the mire of the world disappears
from the eyes.
The true wish of Shri Mahaprabhuji- (Babaji) is that our Sikh religion, which exemplifies the
true Guru Bhaktas, should progress in the entire world: Guru Granth Saheb is a holy Indian
cult scripture, in which the essence of all the Vedas and other scriptures are given. After
testing the sweetness of their own experiences, the great Gurudevs have written of these
experiences for the benefit of the world, and kept it like a treasure trove for the coming
If we are to save humanity from attachment, ego, illusions, and other evils, then we must gain
knowledge from the holy Sikh Dharma (religion). AU of the divine qualities, like patriotism,
spirituality, knowledge, non-attachment, etc., is shown in a perfect manner in this Sikh
What can a man not achieve when he surrenders to his Guru? Shri Mahaprabhuji has the holy
thought that the revolution must be done peacefully. As long as we are not able to rebel
against the bad qualities in our hearts and minds, we shall not be able to attain our goals in
life. Shri Mahaprabhuji wants all of the elements, which weaken religion removed and
abolished. We should have great faith and love for our religion.
Great Gurus kindly began this cult as the essence of all religions. An assembly of this great
cult has been going on here for many days. Shri Mahaprabhuji expresses his good wishes and
showers blessing on the followers of all religions. Cooperate with the Sikh religion and
progress in righteousness.

One whom God loves is victorious in all spheres of life. Honour is to the holy Way of the
Guru! Honour is to the Victory of the Guru!

5 APRIL 1982
Everyone who comes here should be prepared to do any kind of work. In this Age, work
purifies you and is the best spiritual practice (sadhana). Lord Krishna has said in the Gita that
a man should work until his last breath. Work is so good that it prevents disease and gives you
mental case. Work is such a good thing that it relieves man of all ailments.

6 APRIL 1982
I want to make the people who have come here true citizens. I don't want this non-violence.
People preach non-violence, but instead they make water out of their blood. I want to wake up
the sense of true humanity. With great difficulty you get this human body. I want brave and
courageous people. A man must ]live great courage.
I want to teach you Karma yoga. In the Gita, Lord Krishna gave great importance to karma.
Other saints of older times have also preached Karma. The way of Karma is the highest. AR
the rishis have preached this. That is why we must all work.
In spare time, everyone must do bhajan (meditation, japa, singing).
World war is about to start and I want to wake up humanity.
Whomsoever come to this ashram should follow the rules and help maintain peace and order
here. During these days you should go on maintaining peace and discipline, as you have been
Learn to talk less and work more. This is the field of spiritual practice. Karma is the highest
way of perfection. It is a great thing to take a human body. Whoever comes to the earth must
do work. In the Gita, work is said to be the highest form of sadhana. Everybody must work;
an idle man, even though he is living, is dead. All who have taken birth must work to be
One of the things that I want to do is remove idleness from the world. I want to show all of
mankind the way to peace and happiness. This will only be possible, if bad elements are
I want to make everybody brave. Man's blood has become like water. So many atrocities are
done, and people let then, happen in the name of non-violence. Non-violence is not for this. I
do not want people to be blind when they have two eyes in their heads.
I have said time and again, be courageous and work hard, you should ponder on this thought.
Over one half of my work is done. You may wonder how I do everything while sitting in
Herakhan. From here I am able to change the hearts of the people throughout the world.
After this, there will be another meeting and you will again be told about the past and the

I do not want people in the thousands and millions to be my followers. Only one is enough.
One perfect being is enough to change the world. Rama, Krishna and Christ were not many
they were only one. There was only one Rama, only one Krishna, and only one Christ; and
they changed the world. Buddha was also only one and he changed the world. I tell you these
things so you will not think that quantity is necessary. One spark from the light is enough to
enlighten the universe.
Again -and again, I repeat these things so that you win become courageous, work, and face
life as it comes day-to-day.
Now everyone feels insecure. I want to raise the character of man so high that people as
different as the lion and the goat can live together without jealousy or hatred-only in love.
"Kindle the Light in yourself, then kindle It in others-one by one. Just as when the lamp burns
it consumes oil, so this Light will consume idleness, laziness, greed.
"Your duty is to spread my message and bring people to the level of humanity, rather than
their animal level."
"You all think devotion is fun. Some day you will have to jump without fear of life or death;
then you will be able to make progress. When the time comes, you will have to walk through
fire and water."
"Only the man of courage can live through this time."
"Like spreading light by lighting one candle from another all around a room, so we should
spread love from heart to heart."
"You must all walk in the Path of Truth and give right teachings and instructions to the world.
Everyone should walk the Path of Truth and teach family, and friends, and all."

5 MAY 1982
This is a speech given by Shastriji on 5 May 1982, in the presence of Shri Babaji, on the
occasion of the wedding of Manju and Prabhat Joshi and the inauguration of the new
"Company Garden", located on the river bed about 50 yards below the bottom of the 108
Steps at Herakhan. Shri Babaji became a participant in the speech towards the end.
To the Absolute Lord, Herakhan Bihari, Kashi Vishwanath, Lord of the Universe, and to all
brothers and sisters, devotees of Babaji present here today.
Today is a very auspicious. It is the month of Vaisakh and the 13th day of the waxing moon.
It is the day Prabhu has selected to hold a Darbar (sacred audience). The field where we are
sitting is now called Company Bagh. This name is given to honor the people who, in
company, have worked here with a spirit of great devotion since March 26th. Their good work
goes on.
Prabhuji sits with us so that we may come to understand the importance of Karma Yoga and
remove idleness from our lives. The stones to build the surrounding wall were taken from this
field by the practice of Karma Yoga. Only Karma Yoga can gain achievement in this world;
idleness is a despicable thing. Before, this field was rocky and uneven; but now you see it
level, like a garden. Similarly, only by hard work can a man achieve success.

Today is the inauguration of the Company bagh (Garden). Today is also auspicious because
two souls will be united in a wedding ceremony here. By playing with us during this event,
Babaji gives us so many teachings. If we try to understand these teachings with cool and
steady minds we will be successful. Babaji teaches all people-householders, seekers, celibates,
and renunciate - according to their needs.
In olden times, kings like Shrayati used to go to the ashrams of great rishis for the marriages
of their daughters. These ashram marriages were and are very helpful to society. We
sometimes read in the newspapers that a girl has committed suicide because her parents were
unable to raise a dowry for her. Parents, likewise, suffer fort his reason. With this in view,
Babaji has such ceremonies as the thread and wedding ceremonies performed in the ashram.
Ceremonies performed in accordance with instructions and in the presence of saints and
Manifestations like Babaji bring great peace to the participants.
Marriage is of great importance in one's life. This relationship may last for centuries. In
marriage, two souls coming from different places unite through an inner inspiration. This is a
great thing and an ancient tradition. On these occasions a family is prepared to spend what it
has earned. And here is something awesome; her parents offer the girl, along with many
household goods, to the bridegroom. The bride surrenders completely to an unknown person,
and the man offers half of his worldly goods and future earnings and accumulations to the
bride. Therefore, this ceremony has great importance. But now, day-by-day, these ties in
society are being loosened. What can a householder do? Great Beings like Babaji come to
show man the right practices.
When a person comes to Herakhan, his mind grows steady and peaceful. In the last three
years Babaji has built nine temples, a big garden, and two houses, out of what used to be a
hillside. Formerly, there were -no stairs on which to climb, and no buildings above; this was a
forest. It was difficult even to get cement brought here. But now see how many buildings
there are! See how much construction has been done. Everyone must be constructive like
Babaji has given some guidance to the bridal party. (The bride's family arrived in Haldwani
two days before the wedding, but waited there until the morning of the wedding and arrived
late at Herakhan. Babaji told them they had lost sight of their real purpose-to reach Herakhan
and gain the Lord's Blessings-and that there conflict and delay was not worthy of the pending
marriage. For some time He refused to allow the wedding to proceed, but finally relented)
From the beginning of their married life they will become alert. Men do not make marriages;
God makes them. This boy and girl who will be married are very fortunate; in the future, they
will shine and the blessings of Babaji will be with them. There are very few who have this
opportunity. Usually, people are married in a haphazard way in -their own houses, but there is
great fortune to be married in a holy place. The marriages that take place here are long-
lasting. The history of this place becomes a witness to the event. As long as there is a
Company Garden here, this marriage will be remembered.
Shri Babaji has come into the world to show us the right path. He is doing it for everyone,
while sitting here. There are ashrams devoted to Babaji in many foreign countries and He
directs them from here. This is a divine leela of Babaji: within eleven years of His coming -
He has made many ashrams and temples. Even the greatest of kings cannot accomplish these
things without a penny in hand.

Shri Babaji has unfathomable powers to satisfy individual needs. Many people have
encountered frustration and failure before coming here and have been shown encouragement
and the correct path. Many people have come here suffering from various diseases, and were
cured. Babaji sometimes plays with His disciples like a mother plays with her child.
Sometimes a mother wants to see her child cry, so she hugs him very hard. Babaji also does
this with His disciples.
Babaji has come to change the world-not by fighting or with weapons and armaments He
transforms by changing the hearts of people through a simple method-repetition of God's
Holy Name. The vibrations of the Name will change the world. There will be universal
understanding-one nation, one family. This is Babaji's intent and it will soon come about.
Great armaments have been made, which can destroy humanity and most of the earth. But
there is a greater protection sitting before us and He has given a means of protection more
powerful than the atomic bomb. Those that want to kill will be destroyed. You must
concentrate on the name of God and the instructions that Babaji has given you. Repeat OM
NAMAHA SHIVAYA and you will receive Babaji's Blessings.
(Babaji speaking at this point began to give instructions to
Shastriji about what should be said.)
Prabhu's mood now opposes non-violence. Non-violence is now contaminating the world.
Non-violence of itself should be removed from the world. Culprits must be punished. For
security we must employ strength. Babaji wants some violent people so that others may grow
in wisdom and discrimination and learn to make decisions.
Now you see a sweet form of God, but in the future you will see a fierce form of God. Peace
will come only after a Kranti (destruction/revolution). Babaji says a Kranti will come very
soon and in the twinkling of an eye will spread over the world. This is why Babaji cautions us
again and again to be alert.
During this Darbar a glance of future events is given. There will be destruction in the Punjab,
West Bengal, and some Muslim countries. Some countries will be obliterated and nothing of
their future will remain. Most parts of America will be destroyed. Russia will survive.
In the times of the Pandavas (Lord Krishna's time), a Rajsuya Yagna (This was a religious
ceremony followed by challenges to surrounding countries and kings with the intent of
gaining supremacy over an enlarged empire.) was performed and Russia was not affected
then. In the time of Lord Rama, an Ashwamedh (similar to a Rajsuya Yagna) was conducted
and Russia was not challenged. Somehow, due to the Grace of God, Russia is always
protected. in Siberia, there is a temple community devoted to Hanuman, where Hanuman can
be seen depicted serving Ram and Sita. Somehow there will be peace in Russia.
Babaji again cautions us to be alert. A great revolution is coming. It is not of the ordinary
type. Between heaven and earth this type of revolution has never been seen before. It win be
astonishing and terrible. The destruction will be such that people will die as they work, sleep
or stand. People will be killed by gas; buildings will remain but the danger is to humanity.
Babaji reminds us to be prepared.

13 MAY 1982
Babaji spoke briefly to the evening Aarti crowd on May 13, 1982. At the time he spoke, a
fierce rainstorm was subsiding. Unseasoned rain and cold wind storms had been sweeping
through the Herakhan valley for two days, -and Babaji was emphasizing what he had said
about the weather in private to a small group of people the day before. Babaji asked a devotee
to repeat what He had previously said, and then prompted her when she began the recitation.
"The temperature at Herakhan will become like Badrinath.
Snow will cover the mountains, valleys and the banks of the Gautama Ganga. You can't
imagine how cold it will become at Herakhan. Below Bareilly, people will die from the
storms and floods. The atmosphere will change completely. There will be so much cold that
people will die. Those who repeat OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA, who do righteous, and those
who are God - love, will be protected.

14 MAY 1982
Babaji again spoke briefly to the evening Aarti crowd on May 14. Four Italian devotees were
to leave the following morning and Babaji had personally arranged to have them taken to the
Dam site (where a road starts) with horses.
"Italians come here in great numbers. Their devotion is great. If two hundred Italians were at
Herakhan, it would cause a revolution in the ashram.
"Today the Italians are a great disappointment. Now they are lazy and all they want to do is
sleep. They don't like to work. I want horses of a good breed; ones that are always alert and
work hard. Some horses are so alert that they do not even sleep at night.
"Italy has degenerated from what it was during the Roman Empire. Now they have fallen. I
want the future generations of Italy to be better. All Italians must be ready for revolution. The
impurity, which has cropped up must be rooted out. I want you to understand what I am
"I want you to cooperate in spreading the word throughout Italy that a revolution is coming.
You must publish it in all the newspapers and broadcast it through the media. Tell them a
revolution is coming. You must all become brave like soldiers for your country.
"You must all consider yourselves soldiers of your countries, and spread my word by every
means available, throughout the world. Repeat OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA and pursue your
devotional practices."

21 JUNE 1982
I congratulate you all for the progress you have made in the universal service you are doing
here. The work is not only for individual progress, but also for the progress of mankind. You
must continue this development.
From this place - Herakhan Vishwa Mahadham - the whole world is blessed. Herakhan
Vishwa mahadham is not the property of one person; it is the property of all mankind.

Progress made at Herakhan Vishwa mahadham benefits the universe. You are fortunate to be
in Herakhan, because even the gods long to be here.
Humanity is making a grave mistake by misusing non-violence. Time and again I have said
this to you.
You have come into the world to work. You must always be eager to work. The one who is
idle is like a dead man. You have come to this world - live, not to die.
Work, which I want to accomplish, is to remove the misuse of non-violence. People have
become lifeless and their blood has become like water. You should be brave and courageous-
afraid of nothing. You should not be afraid of being burned by fire or drowned by water. If
you are brave and Courageous, nothing will harm you, not even the atomic bomb. You must
be fearless for yourself and for all humanity.
I do not recognize castes and races. I behold only one humanity. I am working for mankind
while here. Over half of my work is finished. There are devotees working all over the world. I
will complete the rest of my work while here.

25 JUNE 1982 (Evening)

Babaji had asked the Italians to sing an Italian song. When they made no response, after a
little time, Babaji spoke:
You must all sing Bhajans (devotional songs), wherever you are. In your countries, you
should assemble at least weekly for bhajans and kirtan (songs repeating God's names).
I emphasize work - karma yoga. The real bhajan is to do work. An idle man is like a corpse.
You must work.
Make ashrams. As there are islands in the sea, you should make ashrams in the ocean of the
material world. Do not make small ashrams, like individual huts, but big, central ashrams,
where many people can gather and learn to work together.
All of you have worked very hard here, with love. Those who dedicate themselves to
universal service are fortunate and great.
Morning and evening, you should spend time reading the scriptures and the literature of
It is everyone's duty to enhance the beauty and cleanliness of the ashram. It is part of your
yoga. To maintain peace and order in the ashram, everyone must see to it that no unwanted
loafers come here. Nobody should use intoxicating drugs. Each of you should check such
loafers and drug-users and sends them away from the ashram.
Everyone here is a soldier of Herakhan. Be dutiful for the sake of duty. Be prepared to make
sacrifices; do not fear the floods and flames of life. Be alert and prepared to face changes.
Give this message to your countrymen. The time has come! Do you understand? Be alert!

29 JUNE 1982

All of you have worked hard here with love and devotion and I thank you.
You must be diligent/persevering/hard working. Lethargy and laziness are bad. An Idle man is
like a corpse; only those who work hard are truly alive. To engage in work is the duty of
everyone, whether rich or poor, high or low, old or young, man or woman. You should not
hesitate to do the lowest kind of service, if it is needed. If a man of high position is prepared
to perform any service - even the lowest service-he sets an example for others.
By working hard, a man can achieve peace within himself and in the world around him. If
everyone works diligently and with love, there will be peace throughout the world.

29 JULY 1982
Those who come here should not be lazy. You must be prepared to work. I want very much
that everybody be brave, active and hard working. Never lose courage. Because you have
taken this birth, you must seek achievement. And to be successful you must work hard. The
world requires fortitude. Become courageous and lead others to courage.
As you have known for some time, the world will change. The lazy person is a burden to the
world. That is why I tell you to work hard and have others do the same. There was only one
Christ but through Him many have been transformed. Do not think that there will be many
Christs, Ramas or Krishnas. Throughout history it has taken only one determined man to lead
others and change the world.
Times will change, so you must resolve in your hearts to be industrious and courageous.
Those who are strong like iron are fit to flourish. To become strong does not mean to become
harsh and heartless. To become strong means to grow beyond pleasure and pain: beyond heat
and cold.
The creation is vast and them are many doctrines. Adhere to one principle - that of truth,
simplicity and love. Live in truth, simplicity and love and practice Karma yoga.
This, more than others, is an era (yuga) of great destruction. Man has become enslaved by his
lower nature. I have come to guide humanity to a higher path. I do not belong to any
particular religion, but respect all religions. I seek the elevation of all mankind. The higher
self in people must be developed and enthrallment with the lower nature destroyed. It will be
destroyed in countries all around the world by changing the hearts of mankind. Do you
understand? Now that you understand, you must live in Truth, Simplicity and Love, and take
this message into the world.
This ashram belongs to you. Learn the rules and follow the discipline while you are here.
Then, wherever you go, teach others the same discipline. Become powerful and help others to
do the same. Be very attentive and alert and prepare to face life in the times that will come.
I am finished talking now. Next month there will be another audience and I will speak again.

17 AUGUST 1982

I want to describe again how you must be diligent in your work. The world demands hard
work and constructive action, so you must apply yourselves fully to your work. Do not fall
back, but instead go on. Each step you take will benefit the whole world.
Fulfilling your duty is the highest accomplishment -- higher than other sadhana, penance and
the rest. Your own duty comes first. The result of hard work is happiness and the result of
laziness is pain. Troubles of this world are caused by inactivity. I repeatedly tell you this so
that you will be industrious and be benefited.
Everybody worked hard on the Ashram "Company Garden" and you can see the results-how
green it has become. Now you are working hard on the ashram fruit orchard. The first garden
was agriculture and this one is horticulture. But the point is that these fields are not for me:
they are for everybody. As much right as I have to this property, you have also.
I want you to become brave warriors and attend carefully to your own duties. This is good for
I want to see all people liberated who have become dependent on the illusions of the material
world. Life itself is uncertain and now atomic weapons and nuclear power, which will be
eliminated, endanger the earth.
I want a world of brave and courageous people. Indeed, those who work hard and are
agnostics are more acceptable, for a time, than lazy spiritual hypocrites.
I want to see the misuse of non-violence eliminated. Man's powers of discrimination and his
very blood have become thin from pursuing false doctrines. Those who would misuse
appeasement defeat the purpose of life and become like mindless donkeys carrying loads on
their backs.
You must all join in this universal work, so that these things can be accomplished here and
now. People devoted to God are active, and India, the temples and religious centres that have
been destroyed will be renovated. People are becoming more and more aware of the efficacy
of spiritual potency.
Each of you must cultivate great courage in yourselves to overcome harmful tendencies in this
period. There have not been hundreds of Rams, Krishnas, Christs or Moseses. But the
individuals have had tremendous effects on the whole world. Now change on a vast scale,
such as at the time of the Mahabharata, will take place.
Do not fall back in your work, but go on. Karma yoga is your first duty.
I have said all of these things many times before.
Every moment, in each breath, while eating, sleeping, and working, you should remember the
Lord's name.

Bhajans should be sung like a flower gives nectar-sweetly and softly Drums, 'chimtas' and
others instruments should be played quietly. Some bhajans are more appropriate for singing at
different times of the day. Listen and learn to make proper selections for the morning and

On the same day, Babaji recited a new bhajan for singing in the evening.


(Ram, name, you, recite, continue/continually/go on)
Recite Ram's name continually


Babaji invited everyone who comes to Herakhan to return to their countries with water from
the Gautama Ganga and Vibhuti (ash from the Sacred Fires). These are to be used for healing
and blessings from Herakhan.

"To follow and demonstrate the path of Truth, Simplicity and Love is man's supreme duty and
the highest Yoga. Diligent work is a quality of this path, for laziness is death on earth. Only
by work can one claim victory over karma. All must strive to do their duty in the best way
possible and not wander from that duty. Service to humanity is the first duty. During these
times, inhumanity and laziness have increased, so it is important that you work hard and, not
lose heart. Be brave, be industrious; work hard and have courage.

1 OCTOBER 1982
Conversation with Babaji
In the Kirtan Hall at Herakhan, a Western devotee approached Babaji, having in mind to ask
permission to obtain a long-term visa for returning to India and to present all of his
belongings to Babaji. The Westerner, who had been assigned temple duties by Babaji, had
recently been offered yoga initiation by another Babaji devotee and had asked Babaji if he
could accept the offer. Babaji had told the Westerner that he should take initiation from

somebody else and then told him that he should go back to his country. Babaji's comments
were made directly to the Westerner.
"You are being sent back to your country because you have lost your faith. If you were a true
devotee, you would have unshakable faith and a steady mind. What are you doing believing
that a man who himself is not a yogi could initiate you into yoga? This I do not like. By
giving you temple duties, I had accepted you as a devotee. To devotees I give Abhaya Dhan,
the blessing of My protection, by which you will always be protected and should be fearless. I
am responsible for you and your liberation. Whatever initiation you need, I will give to you.
Why, then, should you doubt or seek elsewhere?"
The Westerner responded that he had been motivated by spiritual greed. Babaji continued,
"What would you not receive from me? Your faith must be as mighty as Mount Meru. Even
the sun and the moon can move from their course, but the faith of a devotee should not be
shaken. A true devotee will be ready to shed his life for God and will have faith to his last
breath. Never be moved by false doctrines. You are protected in every moment."


(Vishnu Dutt Shastri speaking for Shri Babaji)

30 OCTOBER 1982
Herakhan Vishwa. Mahadham is the most sacred place on earth and the residence of Shri
Herakhan Babaji. All who come here are members of a universal family who must
demonstrate to the world their good character and attentiveness.
Two traits, which Shri Babaji dislikes in people, are acting like sheep, one blindly running
after the other, and deceitfulness or cunningness. Shri Babaji appears in the world to lift
people out of such conduct to the highest level of character and to enlighten all mankind.
The basis of the fellowship of those who come to Herakhan is faith in Shri Babaji and His
teachings. Faith increases with time and so do the numbers of people coming to Shri Babaji.
One of the signs of the greatness of the attraction of this place is that Babaji has never
travelled outside of India, but just as all rivers flow to the sea, so too do people from all over
the world travel to Herakhan.
According to the traditional Hindu measurement of time, we are now in the 28th kalpa. The
first man and first woman in each kalpa are called Manu and Shatrupa. They are very holy
and learned people. From the dawn of creation Manu, from which the word Mansarovar is
derived, and Shatrupa have done penance in this sacred place. Here on the Kurmanchal Mt.
Kailash, the first Yagna (sacred fire ceremony) was celebrated by them. At that time, there
was nothing but deep forest from here to Delhi and northward everything was covered with
snow and ice. With time, cities developed and the area became populated. Along with Lord

Shiva, who had His main seat here, they moved to the Mt. Kailash in Tibet, and Lake
Mansarovar also moved to the north. The original Manu performed the first yagna here and
the last Manu did yagna at the Tibetan Kailash. And, it was here that Lord Shiva and Parvati,
daughter of the Himalayas, came to live. Lord Shiva also always remains here with the gods
as His courtiers and servants and plays His divine lilas. The asan of Lord Shiva is the top of
Mount Kailash and the old cave below is the divine place of austerities of Lord Shiva. The
original havan kund (sacred fire place) is still here on Kailash as well as signs of the original
Lake Mansarovar.
It was here at Siddheshwar, the peak next to Kailash, where Lord Vishnu came to perform
penance. When Lord Shiva was at Mt. Kailash and Lord Vishnu at Siddheshwar, the great
Rishi Gautama came to do penance. By the powers gained from his penance, the Rishi created
the Gautama Ganga River, which still flows here. Rishi Gautama went each day to Kailash to
worship Lord Shiva. The river was then very broad and difficult to cross, so the Rishi asked
Gautama Ganga to make herself narrower. Gautama Ganga became obstinate and refused, so
the Rishi cursed her and sent her below the earth, where she flowed underground to join the
Ganges at Banares. This underground connection still exists, however, the Rishi in time took
pity on Gautama Ganga and lifted her to the surface a short distance from Herakhan, where
she began to flow in a smaller stream, as today. Once this was the greatest river in India.
Those who bathe in these holy waters will be liberated from the ocean of this world.
An incident involving Lord Vishnu gave this place the name Herakhan. Lord Vishnu took an
incarnation as Haya Griva (horse faced), because one with a similar face could only kill a
demon that had a face like a horse had been granted the boon that be. Lord Vishnu took this
form and killed the demon. This happened here, so the place came to be known as Haya Griva
Khand (Khand means area or place). Over time, the name was transformed to Hairakhand or
Having some doubt, Kartikeya, son of Lord Shiva, once asked what would happen to man
during the Kali Yuga when there would be so much trouble in the world. The Holy utterance
of Lord Shiva was that he would manifest in the Kali Yuga to uplift the world and liberate
those who turn to God. Shiva now lives among us in Shri Babaji, Who is doing the services
for mankind now from Herakhan Vishwa Mahadham.
At Herakhan, no one is restricted to only one kind of devotion or learning. All have a right to
their form of devotion to God. You, who have assembled here, are able to experience the
development afforded by this place. Not all who come here are advantaged or rich, but their
hearts has pulled all. As air enters a vacuum to fill it, so too you have been pulled. Those
coming from the West have been saints in their former lives and were born in technologically
advanced cultures to fulfil Karmic desires, but are drawn to Shri Babaji when that karma is
about to be satisfied.
Shri Babaji teaches us about the unity of creation. We are all made from the five elements; we
are all of one spirit. In all respects, we are one humanity, one human family. Limitations arise
from political beliefs and world leaders who hold thinking to time, place and culture, thereby
creating differences and separateness. The birthright of all mankind is to love and follow God.
Limitations arise from erroneous human beliefs. Shri Babaji has appeared to illumine the
minds and hearts of mankind, so that all may know unity and harmony.

16 NOVEMBER 1982
Of greatest importance is that the repetition of God's name increases daily. In this way, your
heart and mind will be purified. Only then will you find God in yourself.
The mind can be purified only by japa. This is the only medicine for the disease of the mind.
While your mind and heart are impure, how can God live in your heart? The water to clean
your heart is the Name of God. So teach everyone to repeat the name of God everywhere.
I do not want idle people. Japa does not take the place of karma. Japa and work go together.
You must be active in God's work, like King Janaka who ruled his kingdom always with his
mantra in his mind. Arjuna fought the Mahabharata battle, constantly remembering God's
I do not want japa to be a pretext for idleness. Do japa with your work and be liberated. I do
not want God's name to be like stagnant, muddy water, but like sparkling, running water.
Work add be Light; Repeat God's name. With a concentrated mind always repeat God's name.
We must always have good thoughts for each other. When you meet, say "Jai Mahamaya ki! "
Mahamaya is the great energy of the universe.

"When there is a nuclear war and a bomb lands, say in Bombay, all people, including
devotees, will die. What do You mean by saving them through the mantra?"
Shree Babaji answers:
The fear of death is born with man, though this is the only thing that he knows is certain to
happen to him. Attachment to material things makes man cling to life. When you chant the
Name of the Divine, when you are one with the divine, you accept death. While you are
attached to life and afraid of death, you die with that fear and that weight clinging to you. If
you have attained liberation you are free from death (you accept the inevitable). You die
without fear and by remembering the Name of God, your soul leaves the body free of that fear
and attachment. If you are reborn, your soul is still free from that fear. If you die in "unity",
you are free from rebirth, unless you will it.

24 DECEMBER 1982
I congratulate and bless all who have assembled here from so many countries at this
auspicious time. Today is a most happy and sacred day. Here, at Herakhan Vishwa
Mahadham, people belonging to many religions and faiths have assembled to celebrate, with
great religiosity, the birthday of Lord Christ. Devotees and lovers of Christ have given their
labour, body, mind, and soul to enhance this celebration.

This is an auspicious occasion of historical importance. Today all are blessed. Your body,
mind and soul all have been purified. You have come with faith, love and devotion, as you
have in past years, to celebrate the birthday of Lord Christ with great enthusiasm.
There is but one instruction to give. There should be humanity in you. People of all countries
should unite with each other as brothers. All of you must be happy and healthy and appreciate
the joy of life. The highest thing in the world is karma - hard work. Idleness makes man
Spread this message in your country-spread the light of righteousness to the hearts of others.
Let the seed of human love and humanity, which is in you, flower and be fruitful. Organized
powers are always stronger than individual ones. Let the message of this organization be
spread in the whole world. The Vedas proclaim-"grow wise and learn; awake your
Remove hatred and jealousy from the heart. The same thing has been repeatedly written in the
Bible and spoken through Christ. Where there is jealousy and hatred, there is no religion. If
there had been humanity in people, there would have been no necessity of making atom
bombs. Years before, people would have left fighting weapons.
All of you have sacrificed your body, mind and soul in increasing the beauty of Herakhan. In
the making, in working here, all of you have invested your energy and have worked so hard
and this Vishwa Mahadham is your soul. The structure of this place is now in all of you. You
are responsible for the structure.
May all of you be happy. Live together and live peacefully. The divine message from the
great rishis of olden times has not been successful up to this time. In the Treta Yuga, there
was the incarnation of Shri Ram and in Dwapara Yuga, there was the incarnation of Shri
Krishna. Even after the great war of Mahabharata, the unrighteous were prevailing and
innocent people were molested. So the blessings of great rishis-that all people be happy-was
not fulfilled, even in those times. But in taking the OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA mantra as a
base, we have great hope that people from so many countries who have come here will go
back and that the holy vibration will go with them, and everywhere them will be peace.

26 DECEMBER 1982
I am happy to see you here and bless you and congratulate you for coming and organizing and
making this celebration so successful. The seeds of righteousness have been sown in your
hearts for you to kindle the hearts of others. I seek the general good of all people in the world.
You must do all work to perfect humanity. By saving humanity, everyone will be saved.
Individual leaders have spread poison throughout the world. I want this poison removed.
Learn to love your religion and consider yourself a solider of your country. Feel this in your
heart. You must work to elevate humanity and eradicate pride, jealousy and hatred. Today
humanity is in great danger and there exists no security of person or wealth. This problem is
not of one nation but of the whole universe. Unite in an organization to achieve power by
gaining the goodwill of the majority of the people at present.
Unite in love to elevate yourselves. Each one of you must vow today to sacrifice everything to
obtain oneness with yourself. Be rid of attachment in your heart and be ready for the sake of

righteousness to jump into the flames and water of life. Be prepared to bum your very bones,
if necessary to secure the public good and righteousness.
Time and again you are told that idleness is like death and will destroy you. An idle man is a
burden to this earth, so each of you must work hard. Spend your time in working. Work is
life. Work is worship. A man who spends his time in idleness is like a dead man. The time is
coming when you will have to be working to be saved.
In this world, change is going on every minute. What we feel or do in this moment will be
changed in the next. The time will come when there will be big cities where there was sea and
sea where there were cities. You are intelligent and know these things, so there is no need to
tell you more about it.
Karma yoga is the highest religious practice of this time and will liberate you. The scriptures
declare that at the end of each Yuga only Karma Yoga will help you.
Lord Ram incarnated and there was a war between Ram and Ravana that took 14 days. In
Krishna's incarnation, there was war for 18 days. In this Yuga, the destruction will come
within the flicker of an eye. This destruction will be such that those sleeping will be left
sleeping; those standing will be left standing. The whole world will be transformed like this.
In this destruction everything will finish; nothing will remain the same. You should therefore
leave your attachment to the world. Only repetition of God's name will be useful for you;
otherwise, it is hopeless. God's names are more powerful than a thousand atomic and
hydrogen bombs. Help yourself by repeating the Lord's name. All of you know that God's
name is the highest thing. Why do you attach your minds to the transitory things in this
world? Why do you not spend your time in meditation and in repeating the Lord's name?
Attach yourself to God. Be brave and always walk on. There will be many mountains to cross,
but do not stop until the goal is reached. Be strong and never feel disheartened.

5 JANUARY 1983
Everybody must come in time to darshan, kirtan and aarati. Manage your time effectively, so
you are prompt. When you go back to the West, do aarati and kirtan at proper times.
Everybody can do aarati and puja at this home. I dislike idleness and gossiping. You have
taken this birth on Earth to work. Work hard! After death, what will you show to God? Not
only here, but wherever you are, work hard!
Shri Babaji to the Italians
Don't use intoxicating drugs, but learn from Gora Devi's devotion and purity. Why do you
travel here so far from your home, yet to lose yourself in drugs? It is strictly forbidden to use
drugs and you must leave if you do so, because there is no progress; you remain the same.
Once upon a time Rome was the highest city of all; then it degenerated. Don't repeat history in
You must learn not to use drugs, so you can teach others not to use them.

7 JANUARY 1983
During Evening Darshan
In the evening during darshan, Shree Babaji told that soon in America people will get a form
of disease which they will be unable to stop and which will cause death. Some will vomit
themselves to death; still others will bleed to death from cuts, which will not stop bleeding.
There is no sure prevention and there will be no cure. He recommends fasting as the best
means of avoidance.
These diseases will spread from America to all parts of the world.
Later that evening Shree Babaji called another devotee and told him that he should tell people
in the area around Hardware and elsewhere in India, that soon there would be an epidemic of
deadly malaria, impossible to cure. To prevent this malaria, people should take anti malaria
pills every week. He directed that this announcement should be published in the Haldwani
newspapers and also in the USA.

9 JANUARY 1983
All of you must learn to be disciplined. Be alert 24 hours a day. If you are not disciplined and
idle your time away, there is no point of coming to Herakhan.
All must vow to always work and serve, think good and do good keep good thoughts in your
According to my plan, liberation will come only to those who practice karma yoga There have
been many yogas - bhakti yoga, gyana yoga, prem yoga-but in this time only karma yoga can
benefit you.
I instruct you to always spend your time industriously. Whatever work you do, do it in the
name of Babaji. Whatever money comes to you, spend it for good purposes.
I say all this in the service of humanity. To work, think good, and dedicate your life to
Humanity is the best. The only necessity of this Yoga is karma yoga through service.
Everybody must spread this message. More and more people must be acquainted with these
thoughts and teachings. Each comer of the world must awaken to these words. It is My desire
that there be harmony in the universe. My plan is one of love-one where the lion and the goat
can drink from the same well.
I dislike idleness. Hard work will benefit you. When the time comes, you must be prepared to
do any kind of work that comes to you.

16 JANUARY 1983
Everyday you are given teachings.
A General Body Meeting will be held on February 25. More and more people must take part
in these meetings.
All of you, who are here, from all countries, must vow to spread the message of Babaji. Help
those who are deceived and show them the path of righteousness. Societies today have
degenerated greatly; you must help elevate them. Inspire them that work is the highest thing.
Walk on with courage and bravery. Go on working to improve humankind and establish the
Path of Truth. I want a creation full of brave and courageous people and you should make the
next generation brave and courageous too. I am against non-violence that makes a human
being a coward. Fight for truth! To face life, you must have great courage every day.
Many times I have told you that by karma yoga alone will I give you liberation.
A change in the world is coming soon. Change is nothing new;, it is the law of nature. The
rhythm is that those who are born must die and those who die must be born. We must face the
coming destruction in the world with courage. I want you to be very alert and careful. Be
ready to face the world.
Think Good - Be-good - do well!

22 JANUARY 1983
After the evening aarati, while bhajans were being sung, Babaji encouraged people to dance
around the temple. About 25 people danced for ten or fifteen minutes. Later, Babaji said:
Just as all of you danced around the temple, so in your city, or village, or country you must
dance around the temple, or the murti, or a photograph of Baba, in groups, chanting kirtan and
Om Namaha Shivaya loudly at least once a month. Throughout the world, Om Namaha
Shivaya must be spread in this manner. No place must be without the name of Om Namaha
Shivaya; on every street, in every house it must be spread.
This Om Namaha Shivaya is like nectar; feed everyone with this nectar. Shri Mahaprabhuji
wishes that all words would disappear from this world, except for three - Om Namah Shivaya.
This is the original mantra. When Primordial Energy first appeared, the first mantra that She
uttered from Her holy mouth was Om Namah Shivaya.
Shri Mahaprabhuji wants to transform men, who are like devils these days, into Gods. Shri
Mahaprabhuji never hates any caste or creed; He only hates inhumanity. One can follow any
religion, one can follow any religion, one can follow any practice or path, but one must be
humane. At present, it is a most necessary thing for the world to become human - this is the
first step. Shri Mahaprabhuji wants cooperation from you; by following His teachings, you
must try to become humane. Every human being must promise with a true heart that he will
cooperate with Babaji; He shall help him to be humane. This is the only service Shri
Mahaprabhuji demands of you.

Remove unrighteousness from the world. Even if you have to shed blood like a river, you
must be prepared to do any act to protect righteousness on the earth. The shedding of blood
can only save righteousness. This is revolution, and have you ever heard of a revolution
without blood being shed? That is why you must become alert and become the true lover of
your religion.
Everyone must consider his country as heaven and remove " I" and "my" from his mind. Put
all your effort into service of country and humanity. Because great calamities are going to
come in this world in the future, Shri Mahaprabhuji has warned you many times and told you
to become alert and careful.
The message that is given here must be spread like electricity throughout the world. Do it
We must create many institutions; we must spread the-message by making committees. The
message must be published in all newspapers throughout the world.
Jai Maha Maya Ki ! Always Jai -Maha Maya Ki (which means Honor or Glory to the Great
Primordial, Creative Energy) must be your slogan, you’re greeting to each other.

24 JANUARY 1983
Any day when aarati is being done ' by people from a certain country, all the men and women
of that country should participate in it. When a German does aarati, all Germans must take
part in it; when Swiss people do aarati, all the Swiss should take part in it.
Likewise with the French, Italians, Americans, etc.
This is a new universal law, given for Herakhan Vishwa Mahadham, since the new code for
the universal kingdom will start from Herakhan. This law wills be universal law. This is not
for one country but for the entire world.
"Dhara 44"-Code No. 44-is the name of this law, and a person can be punished if he breaks
this law. AR of you must obey the law. This is a universal law. The world is going to be a
universal kingdom; there will be one king, one law in the whole universe.
The old laws and regulations are not applicable now. They have lost their validity; due to
corruption in the law ministries, the old law is no law now. The new law is like a morphine
injector it has immediate effect.
Do not take the law into your hands. Be controlled by the law; do not control the laws by
taking them into your own hands.
Shirdi Maulana is speaking all this. You may know about Shirdi Maulana. He lived during the
Muslim rule in India. He is now making the rounds everywhere, going here and there to help
humanity. Now he is here, speaking through Shri Mahaprabhuji.
He says that "I" and "my" have put a veil over the hearts of people. People have become self -
cantered and selfish. How can there be peace when the mind is full of ego and selfishness?
Who is big enough in this world now to sacrifice him for universal service and love? People

have degenerated to the point that they are prepared to kill or harm others for their own selfish
works or motives.
All of you must try to destroy the corrupted law and establish true law in the world.

29 JANUARY 1983
God resides only in cleanliness. If there is impurity in you, how can God reside in your heart?
So to reach God, look to cleanliness.
In life, everything is action, kriya, eating, drinking, coming and going. Everything is full of
activity; every moment is full of action. It is the duty of every one to be active; to be lazy is
like making yourself dirty. Those who live in Haidakhan must be very clean, take baths, and
have only clean thoughts.

During His Evening Bath
All my body is meant to dry up one day, so don't care to put too much oil on it. This body is
here only to serve people.
All the living beings, animals, flowers, plants, and stones have been given a form by God and
this body has been given by God to perform a duty in this world. So even my own body has
come only to perform a duty and to serve all human and living beings.
But when human beings come in this world, they forget their duty and they fall into the
attachment of maya and into the concepts of "me" and "mine" and so they forget God.

16 FEBRUARY 1983
Babaji is the Compassionate One.
Babaji will fulfil all your desires if you come to him.
In return He asks you to be human. You must work. You should do your work, whatever it
may be, to the best of your ability.
You must be alert in every moment.
You must be true to your country.
This is the time for action as is explained in the Bhagavad Gita. All religions and castes are

21 MARCH 1983
I want to congratulate the people who stayed behind here (when Shri Babaji went to
Vrindaban and Bombay) for decorating the kirtan-hall with beauty and dignity. I congratulate
you, because you have tried to bring heaven to this earth. The cleanliness, beauty and dignity
you have created demands appreciation. Now it is everyone's duty to maintain them.
Every human being should understand his duty. A real human being is he who does his
work/duty equally, whether I am present or not. You have brought such artistic beauty to this
hall that the atmosphere around, nature, and even the gods are pleased with you; this hall has
become a home for divine beings.
As I have told you before, the thing needed in this Age is work (karma). In every Age people
have reached salvation through different types of action and sadhana (spiritual discipline), but
in this Age one can reach liberation only through hard work. I want real, practical human
beings and only he is a true human being who lives in accordance with this Age. We need not
consider religion or caste, but look only to hard work. Arjuna, for example, was renowned as
a karma yogi, and even King Janaka was famous for being a karma yogi. You should progress
on this road of karma yoga in the same way. The troubles that beset this Age can be resolved
through karma - yoga. You should become pioneers of this Age and search for truth. You
have to become adventurous and awaken truth within you. This is real yoga.
At present, world crises are increasing-this we have to remedy. As I have told you before, you
all should become brave, steadfast and truthful in action. Become of good character and
conduct. Regardless of which country you come from, you will have to act your part for the
great changes of this Great Revolution. You must not spend your time wastefully but utilize it
by doing the right kind of work.
You may ask 'How will Babaji bring about this Revolution.
I have repeatedly told you that when the right time comes, all will be revealed. You may
wonder also how one can counteract all the powerful weaponry and atom bombs that have
been produced. The fact is that such weapons already existed in the days of Rama; even in the
Dvapara Yuga they existed. Present day science has not yet reached the stage of development
of those times. Then they had rain-producing weapons so that you could take a bath in the
water they produced. Present day science is far from reaching this stage. When the right time
comes, all will be revealed on its own.
Just as the days of the Mahabharata the Pandavas had come into possession of powers, in the
same way, when the time comes, all will come about by itself. This revolution will set fire to
the whole world. Only those will live who have adventure in their hearts, those who are wed
to truth. You should all go forward with courage and adventure. This is why you should
proceed with your duty always foremost in your mind. Idleness is death for a human being.
Due to man's idleness, the world has reached a point of total despair. To do karma is the true
path and in that only is there happiness and peace.
(Babaji, commenting on the way kirtan is conducted, went on to say how kirtan should really
be sung and played).
Kirtan should come to you naturally and through your soul. When you sing, you and those
who listen to the kirtan should enjoy it, it should be sung in harmony, with a slow rhythm. Put
your soul into it and it will flow. Don't sing kirtan as though you are competing with one

another or fighting with each other, beating very fast rhythms-the melody should flow in all
its sweetness.

22 MARCH 1983
Every day you hear something and today I will repeat what I have said before. A great
Revolution is coming. Wherever you live, be prepared to face-the Revolution. Whatever
occupation you might have, take part in the Revolution. Whether one works in the police
department or in the military, everyone will take part. Everyone must spread the message of
Babaji, wherever he lives. Only that person can take part that is prepared to face death, which
is prepared to die at any moment. Only the man who is daring and has courage, who is
prepared to die for the sake of righteousness, is fit to face the Revolution.
The whole universe will be involved in this Mahakranti (Great Revolution). It is not limited to
India. I am warning everyone in the universe. In whatever area one may live, he must spread
this message. To whatever profession a person may belong, whatever may be his activity, he
must take part in this Revolution. This will be the greatest Revolution in the history of the
world-so all of you must be alert and make others alert.
Awake! Arise! Everybody must make a firm resolve. Men and women from all over the world
must take part. In other Yugas, only men took part in revolutions and wars but now women
are coming forward, so it is necessary for them, too, to take part in this Revolution.
Everybody must make contacts on all sides of the world and unite together.

27 MARCH 1983
During Evening Darshan
At this moment in Haidakhan the majority of you are Germans and it is your special duty to
look after the activities, the management and discipline of the ashram. It is your duty to
inform those who come of what the ashram program is and to enforce discipline. It is the duty
of Har Govind Baba to give daily satsang of at least one or two hours to his brothers and
sisters in the pyramid or in the garden. This is a must. The time is best in the morning, before
work. If you teach them in the early morning, their minds are fresh and the prevailing
atmosphere is clear.
Many times before I have told you that you must be every alert and observe the rules of the
ashram. The life of the ashram must be guided by alertness and attention. I do not like careless
people. It is your duty to bring alertness, promptness and attentiveness into your lives.
I want to root out the seed of laziness in the world. Everyone should be hard working. Those
of you who are old must come to kirtan. Everyone must take part in the ashram activities
according to their capacities. Firstly I give you karma yoga. You can advance only through
karma yoga; by karma yoga you may benefit others also. A lazy person cannot do karma and
is like a dead person. Give great importance to karma yoga and proceed. When laziness is
rooted out from this world, all the world's sorrows and troubles will come to an end. Only

hard work can make person powerful and energetic. Kana is of first and foremost importance
in your life. Many times I have told you that only through karma yoga will I give you
liberation. In this age it is the only type of yoga one can do, it is the only way to realization
and progress.
You must awake others and make them arise and be alert. If you are always alert, this will be
of great benefit to you. You will achieve happiness and you will be saved from the calamities,
which are coming very soon.

7 APRIL 1983
The Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred scripture of the Sikh religion, will be recited continuously
for three days, beginning tomorrow. This recitation will take place for the sake of world peace
and everyone present here will be fortunate to participate in this event. This scripture contains
the divine words of Guru Nanak (15th century) who founded the Sikh religion in the Punjab.
During these three days, everyone going to the reading should cover his or her head as a mark
of respect for the customs of this religion. Go and listen to the recitation with great love and
faith. Devotees from Bombay for die promotion of world peace have arranged it. The
recitation will begin tomorrow at 9.00 A. M. The permanent residents of Haidakhan will look
after the program and the guests, and should do so with respect. This is the second year at
Hairakhan for this great event and all should consider themselves fortunate to be here.
In the world today fire is bursting out on one side, while nectar flows on the other. You must
decide if you choose fire or nectar. While flames of the fire are spreading, it is up to us to save
others and ourselves. We must be alert. At this moment, people are jumping into the fire
because of their ignorance. We must save these people, and we can do so only if we have
great courage. We should give this courage to others as nothing can be done without it.
Courage is the most important thing. Shri Mahaprabhuji has told you many times to wake up.
Wake up yourselves and ' others. Control your mind and have firm determination. Whoever
comes here must vow to save him and the world. Wherever you go, be prepared to save
people. Be firm like a rock, deep and serious like the sea. Think of the earth as a mother. This
is one earth. Don't be divided by thinking of yourselves as belonging to different countries.
We belong to one earth. Proceed with this in mind. Look to the future with a vision of good
deeds for the whole world, not just one county., Have great courage and patience-and be not
afraid of water, fire or great storms – face them bravely.
Shri Mahaprabhuji reveals the truth of a mystery to you-the Revolution will occur
simultaneously everywhere in the world. Countries, which believe that they can save
themselves through the newly invented weapons, can forget this thought, for they will not be
able to do so. Everyone knows of the present day events taking place in lran. No one had ever
heard of the name of Khomeini before and suddenly he captured everything he wanted.
Shri Mahaprabhuji is preparing for the Great Revolution. When and where it will start is not
to be disclosed now. When the time comes you all will know. In the Treta Yuga, the
revolution (Kranti) started from Lanka and until it happened, no one, not even Rama, knew
that it would start from there. In the Dvapara Yuga, at the time of Lord Krishna, no one knew
where the revolution would start. When it began at Kurukshetra, people from all over the

world collected there for the beginning of a world war. Mahaprabhuji will show his lila to the
world in the same way. As you know, the flames of revolution are presently spreading in the
world. There is no power, which can stop the fire and reduce the heat. Super powers like
Russia and America will not be able to face the fire even with their new weapons. Nothing
that they have invented will be of any use. Everything can be destroyed. All must be prepared
for this revolution - especially those who are here. Whether old or young, private or public,
those working or not - all must take part. It is devotion, love and yoga for you to save the
world and join in the revolution. For those who are true devotees of Babaji, the flames of fire
will become cool. Face the fire and it will turn to ice. This requires control of mind and a firm
determination. Everyone must consider himself a soldier and be active. Everyone will have to
face the fire.

8 APRIL 1983
All must be aware that the recitation of the Guru Granth Sahib is taking place. Shri Sardadi of
Bombay has organized this recitation for the benefit of the whole world. This reading
describes the path of righteousness and it will inspire you with great courage. Its message is
one of determination and duty.
To lead a true life, one must have firm determination and be aware that there is one Soul
present in all people. The Guru Granth Sahib for centuries has inspired the Sikh community
with courage and determination; it is even in the blood of their small children. There are many
instances in Sikh history of heroism and martyrdom; the two small boys of Guru Govind
Singh were buried alive. They had the high spirit and determination to follow the path of
righteousness. They had the high spirit and determination to follow the path of righteousness.
They preferred to give up their lives rather than abandon their religion.
Sikhs throughout history have suffered atrocities for the sake of their religion; they have shed
their blood in great numbers - they have preferred death to untruth. Such a time has come,
now. Everyone must have the same faith in truth and righteousness.

10 APRIL 1983
Shri Mahaprabhuji wishes to thank all those of the Sikh community who organized and
participated in reading the Guru Granth Sahib. The words of this scripture are the same as
Shri Mahaprabhuji uses in His speeches as they are meant to inspire faith and determination.
AU great saints and spiritual leaders who have appeared in the world have come to establish
world peace and unity for humanity as a whole. Jealousy and hatred are the two causes by
which humanity is ruined. In your lives these two vices should have no place.
I want to weed out the prevailing non-violence in the world. It is a cause of apathy and
idleness. This non-violence has cooled the blood of men so that it has become like cold water.
This attitude of non-violence produces a lack of discrimination between good and evil.
Everyone should lead a life of bravery and courage. A man without courage is like a dead
man. Life without courage is no life.
At present, many atrocities are being committed in the world. Human beings are treated like
animals. No one has had the courage to stand up against these atrocities but everyone should

be brave and resist them. Everyone must be of firm determination and stick to what he
believes to be true. Be constant in your actions and dutiful.
Lethargy must have no place in your lives. Lethargy is the weakest trait in man. The day
mankind becomes hard working. The world will lack nothing. Man must live and improve
through work. Work is the highest form of worship. You can evolve in all ways by doing

10 APRIL 1983
Shastriji Speaks
By the grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji,, the reading of the Guru Granth Sahib has been completed
today without difficulty. The Lord says: "The saint always resides in My heart and I am in the
heart of the saint. The saint knows Me alone, thinks of Me alone and I know him alone who is
truly devoted to me.
Guru Nanak, who appeared in Punjab, was such a saint. Whatever he did, he did for the sake
of humanity. The actions of great saints like Guru Nanak are aimed exclusively at the welfare
of mankind as a whole to lead men to the true goal of life.
The words of the saints contain a vibration and energy that have the power to remove vice and
evil from the world. The value of their words is that they inspire. This is why the scriptures
say that their words have to be read again and a gain and to be meditated upon and be put into
practice. The reading of the Guru Granth Sahib, by the grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji, was like a
flow of nectar.
Shri Mahaprabhuji is very pleased. He give 'you blessings for the future and blesses your
families so that all who took part in this sacred function may prosper. Those who conceived of
the idea and helped to realize it will be blessed wherever they go. The doors of Vishwa
Mahadham are always open to great devotees of God whose hearts are full of love, to bring
the vibration of their devotion here.
'Shishya' in Hindi means 'disciple-a Sanskrit word-so that the 'Sikhs', so to speak, are all
disciples of God. The few Sikhs assembled here are part of a large community and wherever
they go they take with them the blessings and inspiration to spread the message in their
"Oh God, let you alone remain, let me be totally annihilated. You alone are; I have no
existence. As long as I am alive let me give this life to you and let 'I' be destroyed."

10 APRIL 1983 (Evening)

Shastriji speaks on the occasion of the reading of the
Guru Granth Sahib
When the Supreme manifests and comes on to the stage of life, the ships of all world religions
come to sail the seas. Books written some thousand years ago make it clear that God comes
for the benefit of devotes of different religious paths and by doing so He unites the different

paths making them one. What good fortune we have to witness the divine lila with our own
eyes !
Shri Babaji made temples for the worshippers of different Gods- for Lord Vishnu, Lord
Brahma, Surya Narayana (the Sun-god), Guru Gorakhnath, Lord Kartikeya (he who has six
heads, eldest son of Lord Shiva),' Dattatreya Bhagwan (Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
together), the Mother Goddess with Ganesh and Bhairava, Lord Hanuman, Sita and Rama,
etc. All gods have been accorded respect by being installed here : they have the absolute right
of being worshipped. At the same time, they are symbols of all religions.
Shri Babaji has organized the recitation of the Guru Granth Sahib at this sacred place. Re
thereby sets an example for au to follow. When such studies are undertaken in sacred places it
charges them with divine energy and, like the flow of the waters of the river Ganga, benefits
the whole world. Whenever recitations of such sacred scriptures take place, the vibrations go
throughout the three worlds: bhu -earth, bhuvah -atmosphere, svaha - sky. But the recitation
of the Guru Granth Sahib last year and this year, here at Vishwa Mahadham., will reach the
highest heaven - sachkhandthe seventh heaven, which is the heaven of Absolute Truth.
Rishis and maharishis have always recited and studied great scriptures in holy places, because
they wanted the sound waves to reach through the seven heavens: bhu-bhuvah-svaha-maha-
jahatapa-sat-earth-atmosphereheaven-great heaven - heaven of knowledge-heaven of penance-
heaven of Truth. To direct sound through the seven heavens, it is necessary to have these
studies taken up at such sacred sites.
Guru Nanak came very near Hairakhan to do tapasya (to practice austerities). When he was on
his way to Rita Sahib (a sacred site in the Himalayas), he passed through Hairakhan and the
tenth Guru (of the Sikh religion), Govind Singh, created a water source and lake with his
arrow at Hemkund (Golden Lake) north-east of Hairakhan. The Lake is' still there and is a
sacred site. Guru ,Harkrishan created Harishkund. When he returned to Nanakbata, Guru
Nanak passed again through Hairakhan. It has been said that wherever he made footprints he
left marks, enriching the sites with sacred vibrations.
Hairakhan's beauty stems from the presence of Mt. Kailash, where-Lord Shiva did penance,
and from Mt. Siddheshwar, where Lord Vishnu did penance. Nearby is another spiritual
center, Hemkund, where Guru Nanak did, penance. For this reason, this area is particularly
sacred. Shri Babaji gives whatever saints like Guru Nanak has preached, in that He makes
people execute His teachings. Shri Babaji shows us the practical side of the teachings of great
saints like Guru Nanak, who
did not preach a particular religion or cult. He gave teachings of spiritual ' perfection, valid for
all mankind. To follow these teachings is to realize good for all humanity and the unity of all
humanity and the unity of the individual soul with the universal Soul. It is for this reason that
Shri Babaji is spreading His teaching, so that we may, understand unity. What great sacrifice
Guru Nanak made for the sake of humanity! Now his disciples offer their lives for the sake of
religion, unity and truth. Shri Babaji now spreads these teachings throughout the world;
whatever Guru Nanak taught, Babaji will apply in action. It is only after many years that the
practical form of these teachings evolves. When preached by the saints, the words are read,
meditated on and only much later are they given practical application. The time has come for
the teachings of Guru Nanak to be put into practice.
We calculate time with our limited minds; either after or before the birth of Christ. And in
India we calculate time according to the reign of some of our great emperors of ancient times,

like Vikram Sambat or Shak Sambat. In reality, however, time cannot be measured. Time is
infinite, eternal. Mahakal, the Lord of Time, is, for Shri Babaji, like the twinkling of an eye-
all these millions and billions of years.
Today technological progress has created atomic weapons, which can destroy the world in
seconds. But our great saints of the past, with their teachings and scriptures, have created an
antidote these destructive weapons. Only after the Lord had created nectar did he create
poison. Therefore, all of you have to be very alert.
The mere sound of these scriptures purifies, even without an understanding of their meaning.
So listen attentively and be benefited by them. They are not ordinary words and sentences
written by anybody. Their sounds and words are like mantras, full of spiritual power. It is said
that intellectuals write in order to explain, but such explanation comes afterwards; first come
the words of highly realized souls, then an explanation may be given. What a saint says or
writes is not to be measured with the intellect. The words of the saint-not the explanation
given after wards provide the measure for right and wrong.
Shri Babaji has come to save righteousness and to remove unrighteousness. He is the greatest
and highest power but he has come with a human body to do that which no other power but
He could undertake. Staying at Hairakhan, Shri Babaji manifests Himself throughout the
whole world.
People from around the world come every year to have His Darshan. Even without coming
here, many experience Shri Babaji in their own countries. But when they come here, Babaji
gives them Darshan, actual experience. When they come here, they realize He is the same.
This is Babaji's greatness - without leaving this country He manifests His powers throughout
the world. Over twenty countries were represented here to celebrate a spectacular Christmas
last year, touching the hearts of all.
There are many places in India where ashrams of Shri Babaji have been established. India in
this way is very fortunate, to be the place of divine incarnations like Rama and Krishna,
where many saints have appeared like Guru Nanak, of highest spiritual development. Shri
Babaji, moreover, is blessing people in India individually by going from house to house.
(Then followed an invitation for breakfast for the next day, the end of the reading of the Guru
Granth Sahib and the injunction to render service during the Bhandara, to show good
comportment as resident volunteers of Shri Babaji).
Babaji concluded:
All of you are soldiers of Hairakhan. Do your duty with faith and devotion. You must remove
hatred and jealousy from your hearts to be of real service. All of you must climb the mountain
of victory.

11 APRIL 1983
Shri Mahaprabhuji will not spread the word of this revolution by radios, newspapers,
television or even the written word. He will do it simultaneously everywhere through His
inner power., Before, many 'lions' took birth for the sake of revolution - Subhash Chandra
Bose, Mussolini, Hitler Stalin (Shri Babaji sometimes cites active leaders, including Hitler,
Mussolini. Lenin, as examples of men of single-mindedness and intensity of purpose, even

though motivated by negative aims. He notes that 'their karma yoga shook the world'. In this
context, Tulsidas said:
'As a man driven by passion can think only of possessing women. As a man of avarice is
compelled to act for gain of wealth, in like manner the devotee of God should be focused on
dedication and service to God'.
In Christian religious tradition, Saul is such an example. Through his spiritual conversion, he
became Paul on the road to Dwnascus. With the same intensity its he previously had
persecuted Christians, he then sought to convert others to Christianity.- The same energy was
harnessed to a spiritualism.) and, in the U.S.A. Abraham Lincoln. There were certain
shortcomings before-before the people did not have a slogan of Power. Now I have given the
slogan 'JAI MAHAMAYA KI JAI' - 'Victory to the Supreme Mother, to the Divine Energy!'
There will be people now with shaven heads and Sikhs with turbans and beards on the world-
flag. Yogis and yoginis will be there. They will all come on to the world map. The fact is that
the problem is universal I have repeated this many times. It was Shirdi Maulana (Sai Baba of
Shirdi in his incarnation as a Muslim emperor 800 years ago) who said that yogis and yoginis
will take part in this revolution. The great energies, both known and unknown, which may be
activated at any moment will be utilized in this revolution.
The fact is, I have spoken before. I will have to speak again. The fact is, I have to awaken the
world from its sleep. The fact is that I, too, will have to come forward for this revolution. The
fact is, to do duty, to be dutiful, is what I call Mahayoga. The fact is that at this moment our
duty is to help the helpless. The fact is, the future kingdom will have no party-it will be a
movement and this movement will be worldwide.
The fact is, the person before you with the bulging eyes like the back of a sea-shell is the one
who will come before you time and again. The fact is that he is the head of this movement.
The fact is he will go to Assam, Punjab, Iran, Iraq-wherever there is revolution, and there he
will go. It is difficult to find a more serious man. The fact is, that I have said it is a fact.
Baba. Hargovind will remain here He will be in charge of things whenever I go out. He will
be working here because I found Him to be a true yogi; he has the responsibility for yoga. Lok
Nath will have to look after State affairs-he has such beautiful eyes. The fact is that our
movement will have its seat at the centre of the world. The fact is that today I conclude my
speech here.
The fact is you have to be alert twenty-four hours a day. The fact is, I have told you at this
before, what you should do, what you should not do. When Mahaprabhuji participates in this
work, all means will come to Him'; all weapons and armaments will automatically be
available. Mahaprabhuji does not have to build factories for that, all means will be available at
the right time. The fact is, wise people will come to Mahaprabhuji by themselves and those
who are not wise will have to be brought here.
(In Hindi, the repetition of 'the fact is' - "kai hai ki" - -came from the lips of Shri
Mahaprabhuji like a mantra. It has been left in the translation, even though the vibrational
effect in English is less than in Hindi).

12 APRIL 1983
All of you must bring alertness into your lives. The revolutionary spirit, which I want to
inspire in the hearts of all of you, is for the peace of the world. This revolution takes place for
the sake of world peace. This is my sole aim and main task. In the Mahabharata, at the time of
Lord Krishna, the same path was followed-as it was at the time of Lord Rama. When
unrighteousness prevails in the world this is the only path possible.

All of you must become soldiers. As you see the soldiers (of the Sikh religion) standing here
before you, so you too will become soldiers of Hairakhan. You may think that so few people
can do nothing but there are millions of people in the world waiting on an impulse from
Babaji-they are prepared to offer up their lives. Going beyond fear of death, proceeding with
courage, people will give their lives for this revolution. Even the Lord of Death (Yam Raj) is
prepared to take part in this revolution. This being so, how can there be doubt about anyone
You must make every effort to become alert. Wherever you live, there you must be alert.
Babaji will give His Blessings from here but you must be very alert everywhere.

15 APRIL 1983
You should sing devotional music in a way that stirs the soul-it should evoke deep feelings. It
should not be a race of rhythm or competition of voices. You should sing with love. Do not
sing like you are taking part in a theatrical performance. Only those who 'know the song
should sing. When you make music, it should touch the heart so that it leaves a memory on
the mind. Whatever you do should have strength in it.

20 APRIL 1983
(At the annual meeting of Haidakhandi Samaj, Shri Shastriji read a speech which Babaji had
dictated to him earlier in the day.)
“Duties of the Haidakhandi Samaj”
It gives me great pleasure to be addressing the half-yearly meeting of the HAIDAKHANDI
SAMAJ. The main purpose of the Samaj is service to humanity. Service to humanity is the
best service to God. Our motto is 'work is worship'. It is our duty, as those working within the
Samaj, to show the path to those who are in need of help, inspiring them to overcome lethargy
which is the cause for inaction in the world, inspiring them to work. Therefore, I first want to
root out lethargy in you. In this Yuga, the only way to obtain siddhis, to become really strong,
is Karma - action.
Goswami Tulsidas said in his 'Ram charita Manas': "The Lord Himself created the law of
karma-as you sow, so you shall reap". Keeping this basic principle in Mind, our main duty

should be to spread the message of Karma Yoga in the world, we ourselves giving an example
to all, by practicing it.
Whenever true progress was made in the world, it was due to the hardworking individuals of a
particular Age. Today it is our task to go everywhere, from house to house, spreading
righteousness, guiding everyone on the path of karma, giving them practical instructions,
being ourselves examples. By karma alone can we become prosperous. We have to Work to
our last breath.
(Shastriji's comments to the General Meeting)
The HAIDAKHANDI SAMAJ is, in fact, an ancient association but the continuity of its work
was broken with time. With His reappearance, Sri Mahaprabhuji has graced us with re-
establishing the Samaj. Not long ago Hairakhan was an inaccessible place but with transport
and other facilities now being provided, it has become easy for everyone to come here. Now
there is even provision here to feed the hungry, provide water to the thirsty, to clothe the poor.
We all are eyewitnesses to the fact that Sri Mahaprabhuji Himself is the greatest Karma Yogi.
He is continuously present among us, in an effort to teach us karma yoga, directing all the
work tirelessly from morning to night without any need or desire for Himself. The astonishing
fact of Sri Mahaprabhuji's way of working is that we see people from all parts of the world
coming here. We also know that his message is rapidly spreading everywhere thousands are
coming for His darshan. Other holy men go abroad to spread their teachings - still their work
stagnates. Sri Mahaprabhuji has never left this divine centre to go to foreign countries, yet the
glory of the name of Haidakhandi is spreading to the four corners of the world.
The aim of this meeting is to make us realize fully that, like children of the same father, we
must help one another, overcoming jealousy and hatred, and spreading goodwill among men.
The real miracle of Sri Babaji is that he has transformed this place through His spiritual power
alone; there was nothing, now there is a garden in which the river of plenty is flowing.
Without external help, solely through the power of His perfect Being, many temples and
ashrams have been built in several Indian states, as well as abroad. Within the thirteen years
since His appearance, people from all walks of life have come here and received blessing in
Although the constitution of this association, the Haidakhandi Samaj, and its legal registration
took place only three years ago, Babaji's impact on every sphere of life, His message of Truth,
Simplicity and Love makes it evident that it will not be long before Sri Mahaprabhuji will
remove pain and poverty in the world and awaken the consciousness of universal
brotherhood, spreading true peace and joy. Sri Mahaprabhuji will transform the world. Having
pledged Himself to serve humanity, Sri Mahaprabhuji is immersed in activity. He will unite
mankind through the force of His spiritual power and show it a new direction for progress.
To spread education, true knowledge is essential - from which will grow universal love and
brotherhood. This is how a new generation of brave and enthusiastic people will grow up,
once the helpless have been given support. In Hairakhan, provision has been made for
medical service and poor scholars are receiving free education from the ashram funds.
Likewise, you should look to the areas of your countries where people are poverty-stricken
and helpless and then do all you can to raise their standard of living, teaching them cleanliness
and high morals. To serve the needy truly and from the heart is true service to God. Sri Babaji
has now totally committed Himself to liberate the world.

Dear devotees of Babaji-you who are obeying His orders to the letter, by determined to
proceed on this divine path. Awake! Arise! Go and learn from the wise! Become brave karma
- yogis of the Lord! So as not to be caught in the whirlpool of the world, where there is little
hope of escape, become part of this nucleus of a universal family, the HAIDAKHANDI
SAMAJ! give support to its message and activities !

24 MAY 1983
Our main aim is that there be universal peace. How can we obtain this peace? We can achieve
this by eliminating all differences between caste and creed, by eliminating all inhumanity
among us. There must be only one caste and one creed - humanity. Become human.
The only religion is humanity. There must be tolerance and forgiveness. It is our duty to set
an example for this. Everyone must be human. Everyone must be courageous, facing the
difficulties of life with bravery. Save yourselves and others from the adharma (lawlessness) of
the world. Cowardly people are like dead people., I want to create a world of brave people
who face life as it comes. We want to save the victims of atrocities and bring them out. of
their troubles. We want to bring peace not only to one country but to the, whole world-our
aim is universal peace.
AU of you must take a vow to go from house to house, from place to place, and help the
needy. You have to root out the inaction, which is destroying man. Inaction and idleness are
the chief obstacles to man's progress. If you learn right action, you can do anything. Action is
mahayoga - the highest yoga. You should progress through action. The political leaders of all
countries preach inaction through strikes. You should have nothing to do with this. Man is
meant for action.

30 JUNE 1983
I want to tell you that there is no reason for anxiety or dejection. You were born to do karma
(work, action), so continue to do karma. Karma is the highest thing in this world. Only
through karma can man advance, Lazy, idle people are always in trouble. Karma is supreme.
All of you have worked very hard here. I want to thank you for it. The gardens you have made
here with such perseverance are unique. In future times this will be remembered as a
historical fact. It is nothing to accomplish such work in places like Delhi or Calcutta, but to
create such gardens above the river by conquering nature is a great thing. So you must all
continue to make progress.
To others, too, you should give teachings of karma. In this age, you can attain liberation only
through karma. In other ages, people have practiced many different forms of yoga and
sadhana [religious practices], but in this age no other sadhana than karma yoga will give you
liberation. Go on working while repeating God's name. You cannot comprehend the high
value of karma while repeating God's name.

Man's mind is very fast, faster than the wind. By doing work while repeating God's name,
your mind becomes cleansed of thoughts and useless, negative thoughts cannot enter it. To
uplift man, for the progress of the whole of humanity, karma is a great sadhana. All of you,
therefore, continue to make progress through karma.

5 JULY 1983
Now you brave ones, be ready for work! Be brave. I like brave people. I dislike cowards. Now
people with courage are needed. It is better to die, facing life with courage. To live as a
coward is shameful - it is better that the coward drown himself in the river. There is no place
for cowards.
Awake! Arise! Be brave! Work and die for the sake of Rama (God). Go, all of you, to work
down in the Company Garden. All of you are brave people.

11 JULY 1983
You westerners are all hardworking and sincere. I want to thank you for the way you have
been working selflessly, setting an example of an ideal to follow for the whole world. Karma
yoga is the highest form of yoga (mahayoga) and any advancement is done through karma
alone. Proceed by doing karma. You have worked in a way that has brought together heaven
and earth.
Scientific progress, too, has been achieved through karma alone, through hard work. Those
who have invented the atom and hydrogen bombs also have worked selflessly, not caring
about food, sleep, cold or heat. Only in this way could they achieve their aims. They, too,
were doing yoga.
By karma yoga great things can be achieved. You can bring heaven down to earth. You can
change the whole of creation.
You -may think that, by just sitting here, how can I change the world? (i.e. how I bring about
a change of heart in men?) But I tell you that half of my work I have done by sitting here.
Go on progressing through karma.

(Babaji continued by commenting on the way devotees say, the 'Jaikaras')

When you say 'JAI', say it so the earth trembles and the heavens fall down! Don't say it like
dead people, reluctantly and without life. You have time to be without life when you are dead.
Say the 'jaikara' with love and enthusiasm so that people realize someone is alive around here.
While you are alive, be lively, enthusiastic, and courageous.

17 JULY 1983

Today is the auspicious day of HARELA (Harela is celebrated annually at the official
beginning of the rainy season, which coincides with Guru Purnima. The word derives from
'hara' - green. Greenness is synonymous with fertility, abundance, and wealth. Ten days prior
to the festival five different types of grain are sown in a special container and dedicated to the
particular household or local deity.
The festival marks the beginning of a new harvest season (the rice season starts. The festival
is celebrated in various ways throughout India as a kind of harvest-thanksgiving. In the
Kumaon region, it is also a celebration of the marriage of Shiva and Parvati. The priest cuts
the ten - day - old grain. The new grain is first offered to the deity and then put on everyone's
head as a gesture of blessing. Special pujas are offered and special dishes are prepared.
Traditionally, the women of the household receive presents from their parents.) and I want to
say to all of you 'Happy Harela'. This applies also to everyone in this country and to people
from all other countries, to those present and to those not actually present here. I extend my
blessings on this sacred occasion to every devotee of the Lord, wherever he may be. Those
physically distant from here should not think they are far away-they are equally close to Me.
Though they may be thousands of miles away, they can still reach Me by practicing devotion.
What everyone should do is spread my message of Karma Yoga throughout the world. I want
karma yoga. Karma Yoga has stagnated. I want it to come to the forefront.

19 JULY 1983
During Evening Darshan
Shree Babaji commented about the fact that Munirajji has been invited to take part in a
spiritual conference in Austria in September, at which the Dalai Lama will be present.
Shree Babaji said:
Muniraji may attend. The Dalai Lama is not greater than Muniraji, Muniraji is the incarnation
of Guru Dattatreya (Dattatreya - God's gift to Atri: A divine incarnation of Brahma. Vishnu
and Shiva in one body, in ancient times. Dattatreya was a great guru and is the author of many
sacred scriptures. His teachings are incorporated in the Shirmad Bhagavatam.).
He is a Yogi and spiritually very high. Spread this news everywhere among the people.
Soon a world meeting is going to take place here. The date has not been fixed yet, but it will
come soon.

28 JULY 1983
At morning darshan. When asked for this month's 'Sandesh' (message), Shri Babaji

Beginning with today, the 'Parthiv Puja' will be performed. This month (the lunar month, of
Savan, beginning with Gurupurnima) is a beautiful month, darmic and full of - charm. It is the
month of abundance of green. Mahaprabhuji blesses you on this day. Let it be a happy day!
All of you should be happy and peaceful. Mahaprabhuji blesses you with happiness and
The main order of Mahaprabhuji is that you must be punctual in all your duties, always.
Those who disobey this order cannot stay. If you cannot be punctual, you have no right to be
here. Anyone making this grave mistake cannot stay.
You have come here for spiritual growth. Try to make spiritual progress. Spend your time
here doing bhajans, meditation, kirtan, and service.
The peaceful vibration of Haidakhan must be preserved. Do not disturb the peaceful
vibrations of the ashram by wrong actions. Mahaprabhuji is very strict about this. Those who
disturb the peace of the ashram must leave.
Those who-come to Haidakhan must cooperate in maintaining the harmony of the ashram.
They must participate in the arati and in all the activities.
One form of cooperation you can offer is to help with your financial contributions. There is
much work to be done, many plans to be fulfilled. This work Mahaprabhuji does is not for
personal gain. It is a universal service. All of you must cooperate and help the ashram in every
way you can.

30 JULY 1983
Today you are sitting under the vault of the starry sky. The atmosphere is pleasant and
peaceful. You are at the beautiful foothills of the Himalayas, green with the foliage of trees
and creepers. The boughs of trees, covered with many colored blossoms, are swaying in the
breeze. During this time the waters of Gautama Ganga are fast flowing and strong. We are
now in the month of Savan., the significance of this month is mentioned in the sacred
scriptures : the air is soft, cool and fragrant.
In this month people should fast and do penance. You should eat only once a day. Spend the
maximum amount of time in meditation. The best meditation is to do your duty. To obey
orders is real yoga.
When there is an auspicious constellation of the stars in a man's life, then only can he come to
a sacred place and meet saintly people. Only in the company of such people can he experience
spiritual vibrations and practice the recitation of God's names.
When a man's bad karmas are coming to an end, then he is naturally drawn to a sacred place
and the company of good people. On the contrary, when the sins of a man reach a climax,
then he is drawn to places of low vibrations and to bad company. His karma does not allow
him to remain in a sacred place. This is why every man must walk the path of truth.
Now Daia Shah, the Persian Emperor Darius, is climbing up the stairs, coughing. (Vishnu
Datt Shastri came up the steps from Swamiji's room just then). He comes and sits down in a

corner and listens attentively. He, too, is blessed, sitting under the starry vault of the sky. He
is sitting in such a dark spot that he cannot even see where his own hands are. What may he
be thinking? He has reformed Indian culture-Emperor Darius is a great creator and can change
what is created at any time. From time to time, a great guide of men who shows the path of
truth to others comes into the world. Tulsidas, for example, was such a man and there have
been many men who followed in his footsteps. Shastriji is such a man. He is a true son of
Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom; It was She who sent him.
And in another comer Pir-Ali (Har Govind) is sitting at the feet of Lord Hanuman with his
harmonium. Over him, too, spreads the starry vault of the sky. The waves of the Gautama
Ganga are roaring; her waves are flowing to a poetic rhythm. Thousands of people owe their
lives to her sacred waters. Bathing in them redeems all from all ailments. This is what Pir-Ali
is saying. I don't know what he is brooding on. He is very busy these days with construction
work in the ashram. Now there is even sweet and cool spring water from the mountains down
to the dhuni. The minds of those who-drink it will be cooled. Even the coolness of water
coolers does not compare to it. The existence of this water pipe is due to the efficiency of the
The day will come when the area around the dhuni will become "Fakirabad - Yogi City". In
the future, this place will see great progress. You are eyewitnesses to the fact that people from
all over the world come here without being called. All those who want liberation will
certainly come here. This is Emperor Darius' opinion and Pir-Ali is thinking the same.

2 AUGUST 1983
The door and windows of the dhuni building, which houses the new holy seat (asana), have
been left open. This means that the sanctuary is open to all, whoever they are, from whichever
place they come. It is of vital importance to everyone who comes here and wants to be
benefited spiritually to have the darshan of the dhuni. This dhuni is not new, although it has
recently been newly housed. It is a most ancient dhuni. Mahaprabhuji did not only make this
dhuni with his own hands, he himself supervised and directed every detail of the work.
Shri Mahaprabhuji closed His speech by saying: Without dhuni, no meditation-, without
Guru, no knowledge.

2 AUGUST 1983
Shastriji Speaks
Every particle of this place- Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham has the power to enlighten us. In
many religions, the fire is sacred and is the witness of spiritual practice. It is considered
divine. In ancient India, the rishis guarded their sacred fire most carefully and kept it clean, as
it was believed to be the residence of divinity. Sitting by the dhuni purifies one's vibrations.
This you can find out for yourself. Whenever you have any kind of trouble, go to the dhuni
and let it give you solace and uplift your spirit.

The fire-pit was first outside, on the terrace; then it was shifted and given a structure around
it. This -structure was a mud hut, covered with straw. Now it is an enlarged, cemented, brick
building. It is a unique dhuni, in that it has eight sides for the four directions and four sub-
divisions of space. Each of these sides has a divine guard (digpal, bhairava) standing
permanently by it with trishul raised. Whatever spiritual practice you do there will bear much
fruit. Both the tree growing nearby and the, mountain stream flowing by its side seem to have
been waiting to protect the place and to give it water.
The day will come when this dhuni will be world-famous, for great miracles will be
performed here. People from all over tie world will come and prostrate to it. As the Shiva
temples are open to all who worship God, so also will this dhuni be open. The Gautama
Ganga, flowing by its side, is an example to all devotees as she flows, continuously
murmuring the mantra OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA through her waves, so your devotion
should flow in one single stream, with the mantra OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA coming forth
from it.

3 AUGUST 1983
For the sake of Lord Rama, all of you are sitting here under the sacred pepal tree. This is a
most sacred and auspicious tree. Divine beings are living under it and you are all blessed to be
sitting under this great, sacred tree. Many years of penance has been done under it (by Shri
Mahaprabhuji) since ancient times. On this earth, you should consider yourself to be most
fortunate. Even the gods of heaven long-to be in the shade of this tree. In this world and in all
the three worlds it is the most sacred tree that exists. According to the world's Sanatana
Dharma, the last rites of a man are always performed under a pepal tree. It is considered a
living, conscious being. You should daily do bhajans, and kirtans here. It has great
significance to be singing the praises of the Lord under this tree.
I want to thank you all who are doing efficient work here. I thank you all the more because
you are giving new life to Karma Yoga. The credit for giving new life to this form of Yoga
goes to you. It was about to die out in this world. In the Kali Yuga, the tamas - guna (quality
of ignorance and inertia) is three-fourths prevalent, with one-fourth of rajas and almost no
sattva (goodness and steadiness of mind). The machine is eating up human labor.
The machine is even beginning to eat up human beings. Great professionals, as for example
doctors, have been rendered inactive by the machines. And the time will come when doctors
will even forget their knowledge altogether and all work will be taken over by machines.
Therefore, you should all be practicing karma yoga to attain your life's goal. Karma yoga is
maha yoga. It can make a man and it can destroy him. The principle of karma is very great.
Pir-shah's (Hargovind Baba's) Asana (at the dhuni in the Company garden) is about to be
completed very soon. There will be kirtan and bhajan performances there. The dhuni will
become a great sacred place of the world, where one can attain liberation. The sacred Ganga
is flowing nearby and a beautiful spring comes from the mountains fight by its side. Those
present here should go daily to have darshan of the dhuni and do pranam to it. You can go
twice daily to attend the aarati there.

All of you are very blessed to be living in the most sacred place in the world. You are giving
dedicated service to this place with your body, mind and soul. You should know that you have
security here - -even at the time of pralaya (dissolution) this place will be safe. This is the
boon given to it by Mahaprabhuji-it cannot be destroyed in pralaya.
A new world is being created here. The new creation is beginning here. What you see here are
already the beginnings of the new world. Here in Hairakhan the old world has been destroyed.
I am teaching you this: THE NEW WORLD BEGINS FROM HERE! I want you to be happy
and in peace.

6 AUGUST 1983
I think the great revolution is very near. Be prepared for it, leaving behind the fear of death
and the hope of life. I think it is necessary now that there is a great revolution because without
such a revolution there can be no peace. In all epochs it has been like that; only after
bloodshed peace was obtained. At the battle of Kurukshetra, for example, there was great
Like ants out of their holes, people will be seen running out of their houses.
You might he wondering in your minds: 'How can Babaji make revolution when he has
nothing?' When the time comes, everything will be ready. Hitler was not born with an
organized army or weapons ready. Krishna and the Pandavas had nothing in the forest. When
Rama fought, he was in exile and had nothing either; but at the right time everything was
prepared. I
Be ready, every one of you! Wherever you are, spread this message and tell people to be alert
and ready for the great revolution coming now.
The messenger of revolution has come!

10 AUGUST 1983
The dhuni down below has living consciousness. In the name of Lord Rama (Rama Ji Ki
Nain), the Divine Light is always present in the dhuni. For the sake of Lord Rama (Ram Ji Ki
Tein) (Babaji began almost all statements with either of two phrases which he used like
mantras.) everyone should attend Aarati there and do meditation. In the name of Lord Rama,
during the night of 16th August there will be all-night vigil and kirtan and 108 candies will be
lit for the opening ceremony. In the name of Lord Rama, on the morning of 17th there will be
a havan ceremony. In the name of Lord Rama, everyone should always be sincere and
attentive to do bhajan and satsang for the attainment of spiritual knowledge and do other
spiritual practices at the dhuni.
The dhuni is one of the wonders of the world!
You may see many types of dhunis in the world, such as parsi dhunis, but nowhere else will
you find an eight - sided dhuni. The eight sides symbolize the eight arms of Jagadamba, the
Universal Mother. As long as there is creation, the dhuni will be there with living

consciousness. A boon has been given to this dhuni-that whosoever comes to have its darshan,
whosoever meditates and does puja there, will be relieved of all ailments, whether physical,
mental or spiritual. For the sake of Lord Rama anyone suffering from whatever disease, if he
takes vibhuti (sacred ashes) from the dhuni and sits regularly for meditation and
concentration, will be relieved from all his chronic diseases.
In the name of Lord Rama, Rishi-Gautama came first to this place where the dhuni is now.
This is why the river bears his name. Vasishta (the guru of Lord Rama - one of the seven
rishis from the beginning of creation - and writer of many sacred scriptures) also came here.
The Kailash you see before you is the main Kailash. Lord Rama also came here. Now, after
thousands of years of creation, this place is in its most degenerated state. There was a time
when there were no hills, no earth here. But, in the name of Lord Rama, now there are both
earth and hills. In the name of Lord Rama, even the sea was here. When Lord Rama came
with the Rishi Vishwamitra to visit Rishi Gautima's ashram, He drank from the spring by the
dhuni now called 'Ram Dhara'. For the sake of Lord Rama, goddess Durga with eight arms
also came here to bless Rama. This is the place of eight - armed Durga - this is why the dhuni
has eight sides.
In the name of Lord Rama, here is sakshat Hari - Lord Vishnu in the name and form (here
Babaji pointed to Shastriji). In the name of Lord Rama, he has written the epic of the
Mahabharata three times. In the name of Lord Rama, it was he who was both Vasishta
(Rama's Guru) and Vyas (writer of all the purinas at the time of Lord Krishna); he has also
recomposed Valmiki's Ramayana three times. In the name of Lord Rama, he ' has been writer
of many epics at many different times (epochs).
For the sake of Lord Rama, even Hanuman did not know his own greatness. In the name of
Lord Rama, this is maya, the world illusion, the cause of creation. In the name of Lord Rama,
it was he (Shastriji) who was Vasishta. In the name of Lord Rama, we are now in the twenty-
eighth Manvantara (one Manvantara has four yugas) of this kalpa (there are many thousands
of manvantaras in one kalpa). As many as there were Manus (one of each Manvantara), there
were Vyasas (writers of great epics and poetry).'
You must not think that the creation was always like what you see now. There have been
many total transformations. What once was here has been transported to a far away place. In
the name of Lord Rama, seas have changed places and also mountains. In the name of Lord
Rama, Shastriji has been a world teacher and poet at all times. He (Shastriji) attained self-
realization through Kakbhushundi (a sage in the shape of a crow, living permanently on a hill
top of the Himalayas - a devotee of Lord Rama who forever resides in the Ramayana). He is
the original poet - saint of all times. For the sake of Lord Rama, Rama Krishna Shastri (the
Shastri from Ludhiana) has also been with him at all times-it was he who was Vishvamitra.
. In the name of Lord Rama, even Hanuman did not know his own powers and greatness.

16 AUGUST 1983
[Morning, at the Maha Shakti Moksha Dham) Dhuni]
Today is a very auspicious day. Today is a very happy day, a day of rejoicing. You are all
assembled at the foothills of the Himalayas where the sacred river Gautama Ganga flows. On

its banks is this beautiful garden. You are standing here by this beautiful natural spot of
overhanging rock covered with abundant green. The splendour of this place is indescribable,
as is the splendour of the sanctuary on Mount Kailash. This rock looks so beautiful with the
green of foliage and creepers - you can even see the tail end of Hanuman in it (at this point
Babaji pointed out some russet colored - red and brownish red like Hanuman tail-moss on the
rock to Har Govind Baba.)
Those of you here today are the most fortunate people in this world! Where you are standing
is a most unique spot of spiritual sadhana. Even Sheshnag (the snake with a thousand heads
and mouths, upholding the earth) is unable to speak of the greatness and sanctity of this place.
Lord Brahama cannot describe its greatness and sanctity either; nor Lord Vishnu with the
assemblage of all the gods and goddesses.
In the name of Lord Rama, this place has been created solely for the benefit of humanity. It is
an outstanding phenomenon, a miracle and a wonder of this world. The sun, moon and all the
galaxies of stars are forever ready to serve it. I hope that in future this phenomenon of Divine
creation will bear great fruit. In the name of Lord Rama, here a yearly celebration will be held
on 16th August, commemorating it as a place of divine manifestation. Here is the birthplace
of all yogis and the deity of yogis, as the source of their inspiration, and their goal, resides
here, Mahadeva had once told Lord Rama this fact-that this site is the remover of au ins and
the giver of all heavenly joys.
In the name of Lord Rama, the sages/munis of this Age have shown great self-sacrifice in
order to build this place. In the name of Lord Rama , just as Pramodavan was the beautiful
garden of Lord Shiva. Its name is 'Nandan Van'. This divine manifestation, this garden, is not
an ordinary type. It has come into being through the sweat and hard work of all devotees. That
is why it is so beautiful.
Today is a very happy day. It is a day of great peace and welfare for mankind. Today is an
auspicious day. It is 'mangalvar' ('Mangal' means auspicious-and 'Var' means day - referring
I have told you that I will bring heaven down to earth and today you all are eyewitnesses to
this fact. In the name of Lord Rama, I have told Hargovind Baba many times that I shall make
Switzerland and Sweden here. In the name of Lord Rama, now you can see the verdure all
around. That the place is what you can see today is due to those who have done penance here.
In the name of Lord Rama, what is here today is the outcome of your hard labor and sadhana,
of your winning the challenge Nature posed to you-you have conquered Nature and have
created this beautiful garden.
In the name of Lord Rama, Mahaprabhuji has given a boon to this place that whosoever
drinks the holy water of 'Ram-Dhara' and whoever comes to have darshan of the dhuni, takes
vibhuti (sacred ash) and performs any spiritual practice here, will have the guarantee of being
liberated. This has become a written code. This is what Mahaprabhuji tells you. That is why it
is cal led 'Moksha Dham liberation sanctuary. It is a main manifestation of Lord Rama and a
center of pilgrimage. It is the entrance door to the Lord. Lakshmana (Rama's younger brother)
has been here and so has Sheshnag. In the name of Lord Rama, now I teach this to you-all of
you make progress obeying orders and following spiritual discipline.

This is the dhuni of the Mother Goddess. It is Her actual form. The octagonal shape reflects
Her eight arms. Here auspicious chanting to the accompaniment of musical instruments takes
place as though heavenly musicians (Candharvas) had descended.
Today is a very auspicious constellation of stars. Today is Bhaumashtami - the eight-day of
the Lunar month, coinciding with a Tuesday; the last time this occurred was a hundred years
ago. During the time of the Pandavas (the princely heroes of the Mahabharata during the time
of Lord Krishna) they were waiting for somvatiamavasya, the dark moon day coinciding with
Monday. But it did not occur and the brothers were liberated only after much suffering,
climbing to the Himalayas, where they died.
Today is a great constellation of stars In the 'Durga Sapt Shati' (seven hundred verses in praise
of the Goddess Durga), it is written that on Bhaumashtami all one's desires will be fulfilled.
Now, let the auspicious instruments sound again. (Babaji was inviting the bagpiper and
drummer who were present to play.)

17 AUGUST 1983
Babaji speaks, Shastriji repeats; morning darshan, after the yagna (fire ceremony) celebrating
the completion of the Parthiv puja.
The Parthiv Puja, which has been celebrated here [for the past 21 days], has now been
completed. It was due to your devotion and effort that this sacred ceremony could be
accomplished. On this holy occasion, Mahaprabhuji blesses you with His whole being.
In the name of Lord Rama, you are all sitting at the foothills of the Himalayas. By merely
sitting here, you are reaping the results of hundreds of lifetimes of penance; by having the
darshan of the dhuni, by applying vibhuti, you are receiving blessings automatically.

17 AUGUST 1983 (Evening)

From tomorrow morning, Anushtan puja for the Haidakhandeshwari Devi (the repetition of
1008 times of the 'Haidakhandeshwari Sapta Shati', 700 verses in praises of the
Haidakhandeshwari Mataji, written by Vishnudatt Shastriji) will take place in the Dhuni.
Everyone should participate morning and evening. Just as you go to the temples, everyone
should go to the dhuni to meditate and do japa there.
Still, the main, importance must be given to Karma Yoga. Without Karma Yoga it is not
possible to progress in life-not only to achieve material progress; Karma Yoga is essential for
spiritual perfection, as well. I consider an inactive man a dead man. Only through Karma
Yoga can you advance in your life; your heart becomes purified, your thinking will be good.
Karma Yoga is also beneficial for your health; you will sleep well and have a good appetite.
A man with good appetite and sound sleep is always a healthy man and with good health he
can achieve anything in life.

I have told you before that there are many kinds of Yogas, but Karma Yoga is of supreme
importance. Karma Yoga must come first, then other types of Yoga can be added. In the name
of Lord Rama, advance and progress through Karma Yoga.
Since the time of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna many scriptures have come into being. They
all describe the significance of Karma Yoga and teach its greatness. Christ was a Karma Yogi
and the prophet Mohammed followed the path of Karma Yoga. All the Great Ones who have
come advanced through Karma Yoga. 'Phuro' - be inspired! All of you! In the name of Lord
Rama, Karma Yoga teaches you to lead a true life. Only Karma Yoga is able to transform the
world. Inaction is the cause of pain and all troubles.
Has any great publicity been made in all these years in the media about what is happening
here * '? Yet, by the power of Karma, the whole world, the whole of creation, comes rushing
here, like being blown in by a great storm. In the name of Lord Rama, I have told you many
times that Karma Yoga is supreme and, through it, I will bring the Revolution to the world. I
have also told you many times that Karma Yoga is the highest thing. And I have told you
many times 'PHURO' - Be inspired!' This Revolution will be so fierce that it will melt the
hearts of men. This Revolution will annihilate the trees and leaves in the world, as the result
of nuclear destruction. In the name of Lord Rama, I have taught you this lesson of karma yoga
many times. Through every means we will try to progress through karma All will be done.
Concentrate energy and conserve it. Don't waste anything; use it only when needed. Awake!
Arise! Go to the wise and gain knowledge! Realize the Self! Be of firm determination - fully
concentrated-achieve your goal! In the name of Lord Rama, everything is present in this
world, but the luckless ones - those without karma-get nothing.
What I am telling you are all 'phuro - mantras' - mantras to be inspired by! In the name of
Lord Rama, inspiring words are eternal; the physical body will go, it is perishable.

20 AUGUST 1983
It is very necessary for us to be strong. If we are economically strong, we can even bring here
the power that was the Union Jack's (the English hag that conquered India). We will be able to
wave the flag of Hairakhan Vishwamthadham throughout the world, as once the Union Jack
flew. By their knowledge, yogis will be able to defy all weapons and bombs. 'PHURO ! Be
We must go ahead and progress. Don't lag behind. In whatever condition or position you find
yourself, always go forward. Go ahead! Go ahead! Advance with courage! Don't think that we
will remain always in darkness and obscurity; like a frog from a deep well, come out and walk
Nature and the elements are now in our favour. Whenever you will face a challenge, you will
win it. Now the sounds of victory can already be beard. The kingdom that will come now will
be a religious kingdom. There will be high morals.
At every crossroads, bells will be hung, and if anyone is in trouble he may go and ring them
and he will receive justice. I will root out all fear from the world. I will give the boon of
fearlessness to all. I will stop the use of all weapons, The disarmament campaign will become
greatly strengthened. World leaders arc not only talking about this but I will show you
disarmament in practice. 'PHURO ! Be inspired!'In the name of the Lord-Advance

21 AUGUST 1983
In the name of Lord Rama, PHURO! Be inspired! You all have to go forward. You can only
progress through Karma-action.
You all have to perform "Sat - Karmas - good - merciful - charitable actions". "Akarma" -
inaction - is the worst thing in this world. If you want to live a true life, you have to be active
and hard working. You can become an emperor of this world by hard work. Victory is yours
by hard work.
All you monkeys and bears! Lord Rama conquered Lanka with the help of hard-working
monkeys. You monkeys! Only wagging your tails won't be enough! You will have to do
something practical, something useful. Babaji says you must work hard and put things into
practice. Teach these things to others, too. First, be inspired yourselves; then inspire others
with this message of karma.
" Ishvarovacha "-Lord Ishwara (i.e. God) - tells you: "PHURO! Be inspired!' What YOU just
heard were full, potent mantras.

22 AUGUST 1983
PHURO! Be inspired! In the name of the Lord, this is a full mantra "Thus spoke the Lord".
And what is it He is saying? He says 'The World is eternal; the material body is perishable.
"For the sake of the Lord, I have been talking to you hourly. Be inspired!
The problem is one, which affects the whole universe. Now the problem of the universe
stands facing Me. It is not the problem of one caste or creed, but all living beings of this
creation. It is the problem of the 8.4 million species of sentient beings. In the name of Lord
Rama, it is not only the problem of all sentient, but also of all insentient beings. The task now
before Me is to make the goat and the lion drink from the same water sources.
The concept of violence should be understood like this: those who are non-violent should
have no part in violence. For the sake of Lord Rama, ' I want to establish peace in the Lord.
PHURO! These inspiring Words will bring peace to the world. PHURO in itself is a complete
"Ishvarovacha" "Thus spoke the Lord"

23 AUGUST 1983
(Shri Babaji gave an interview to an American journalist)
"This is the time of karma yoga. It is the method for realization in this Age. Now I want
Karma Yoga.

"A great Revolution shall come to the world. Destruction is a most necessary aspect of
creation. At all times, peace was established only after revolution. For many Yugas, the earth
has been crying out for blood. The whole earth has to be bathed in blood at least once. This
desire of the earth will be fulfilled. The Revolution will come quickly, in seconds, and spread
"Courage is necessary. I want to root out idleness and create a world of brave, intelligent
beings. "
When asked whether modem conveniences are a hindrance on the path of Karma Yoga, Shri
Babaji replied emphatically “ No”.
When asked whether it was necessary for everyone who was open to Him and His message to
come to Haidakhan, Shri Babaji replied equally, " No ". " But", he said, " World leaders will
have to come here. It is compulsory. When Krishna went into battle, all the leaders of the time
came, too, to join Him on the battlefield of Kurukshetra".
"My message will reach into the depth of the sea and into the heights of the sky. All modem
weapons, atom bombs and arms, are ineffective against Mahaprabhuji's message and power.
The Message that came from a cave in the Himalayas has not come out into the world at large.
"No power in the world can stop the Revolution coming now".
When asked whether He is satisfied with the way His message is being spread in the West,
particularly in the USA, Shri Babaji replied-"I am beyond satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
What I want is karma yoga ! "

26 AUGUST 1983
The Sanatana Dharma is the universal Law/Religion- eternal, without beginning, without
end. No one knows when it came into being-no one knows how long it will exist.
Hourly, I am speaking to you.
The Sanatana Dharma is the king of all religions. At the beginning of Creation it was the only
religion and at the end of Creation it will be the only religion. Sanatana Dharma is like an
ocean ; other Dhanids are like rivers - eventually they all merge into the Sanatana Dharma.
They will lose their separate existence.
This is a 'Phuro - mantra' - 'Pinda Kacha Shabda sacha'. (The body is perishable; the Word is

31 AUGUST 1983
Today's festival (Lord Krishna's birthday) will be celebrated in a great, inspired way.
Mahapribhuji says, I want to congratulate you all on this sacred occasion. For the sake of
Lord Rama, may you all be happy today. (Babaji then congratulated everyone on behalf of
Shri Mahamuniraji, who was also present for the occasion).

On this auspicious day, one of the greatest revolutionaries of all times was born He called
together 18,000 battalions of horsemen from all parts of India. For the sake of righteousness, a
fierce battle was fought at Kurukshetra, with great bloodshed. Today we commemorate the
birthday of this revolutionary. Let it be an inspiration to all of us.
Krishna was also the one who gave to the world the message of the 'Bhagavad Gita', which
still today inspires millions of people. On this day He incarnated to lighten the burden of bad
karmas of men. The earth was labouring under its burden of bad karmas of men. (Shri Babaji
then praised Jaimalji for his great services as a karma yogi, saying that he will be an example
to be followed by many generations to come).
Babaji speaks, Shastriji repeats; after the yagna-fire ceremony.
For the sake of Lord Rama, the auspicious yagna ceremony has been completed today. This
religious ceremony has been performed for the welfare of the whole world. Since
Mahaprabhuji's appearance until now whatever has been undertaken here has been done for
the well being of man. For the sake of man's salvation, the mantra "PHURO! " has been newly
created. The readings of the 'Haidakhandi Sapt Shand' were done solely for the purpose of
serving the welfare of the universe.
One day, the religious ceremonies performed here will attract such crowds that the queues
will reach as far as Bareilly, Rampur, and Bhowali. People will rush to come here; even the
very rich.
The fact is "PHURO!" Everything in this world is "PHURO "- transient. It has no reality. True
reality is to proceed on the path of truth, to keep the company of saintly people, and to render
service to men. The fact is "PHURO! This world is transient.
Today you are all present there by this natural cave of overhanging rock of Mount Kailash
(i.e., on the terrace outside the dhuni building). You are all blessed to be present in this great
pilgrim centre, at the Court of the actual Kailash Mahadham. Here, only those can live and are
living who are very fortunate in this world. How can unlucky people live here? Those who
have impurity in them, not even their shadow can come ' near this place, because this is a
sacred, divine centre. Here only heavenly beings can reside. For the sake of Lord Rama,
continue to sing bhajans, to meditate, to pray.
All of you can see for yourselves how nature has formed this cave of overhanging rock in
such a beautiful way. It is covered with the abundant green of leaves and creepers. This is a
great universal pilgrim centre. Now it is the auspicious morning time. It is 9.30 A.M. How
beautifully the bagpipes are sounding! How colourful the garden is round about, where Lord
Shiva's attendants are standing-like Majoor das, in name and form a genuine gana, Har
Govind is here like Kartikeya .(Shiva's eldest son) and Shastriji is standing here like Lord
Brahma, the Creator. You are all Rishis of ancient times, residents of this divine sacred center,
you all don't know yourselves. You don't know your own greatness-like Hanuman who did
not know His own greatness. He had to be reminded of it.
It is easy to have wealth, kith and kin and good fortune, even sinners and prostitutes can have
these; but the company of great saints and the knowledge of the Lord's name are difficult
things to obtain. Only great men have these. This is what Tulsidas has said.

Congratulations to you all on this holy, auspicious day! Can you, see how nature has spread a
beautiful veil of clouds over the sun? It is neither too hot, nor does it rain. Even nature works
in favour of today's auspicious event.
For many years now, you have been witnessing how nature is obedient to Mahaprabhuji. Even
if the Sun is told to stop, it will obey. Today, you can see this fact for yourselves. Sitting here
at Haidakhan, Mahaprabhuji has control over every particle of the Creation by the power of
His mere wish, by His very thought. You may travel throughout the whole world, but the
peace of mind which you acquire here you cannot-find any where else. Mahaprabhuji has
control over the elements, the spiritual world-to say nothing of the world of men. He is the
Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. Not a single blade of grass can grow but that
He wills it. He has incarnated in a human body for the welfare of mankind. His sole desire - is
to make it possible for the whole world to be liberated. He shall do His utmost to achieve
liberation of the world.
You have come here from all parts of the world. Can you create such natural beauty as you
see around you in these hills? Always all heavenly beings (the gods and goddesses) are
present here. They come and go. They bathe in the Gautama Ganga. Many divinities reside
here permanently, not wishing to leave this place.
Be happy, all of you! May long life and prosperity be yours always!
(Then Babaji invited the bagpiper to play and some of the devotees to dance.)
In the Court of Mahaprabhuji, the orchestra of musicians is playing and the heavenly maidens
are dancing. When there is music, song and dance, this is an ideal combination of three divine

(Evening, before a playlet depicting incidents from Lord , Krishna's life)

Today is the very auspicious festival of 'Jarunashtami'-the birthday of Lord Krishna. I have
only one request to make of you all-the inhabitants of this area. Just as you have come today
to attend this festival, I wish to have the pleasure of your company for other festivals, too.
You must know that by living together in a united way, anything may be achieved in this
world. People in this area must become united to progress. There is great power in union. If
there is unity and love among you, then only can you lead a peaceful and happy life.
We must work untidily. We must all work together to complete our task. In this way, all work
becomes easy. Through division of opinions, great kingdoms and many city-states were
ruined in the past; but by living in unity, ruined kingdoms have received new life. On this
auspicious day, everybody should take a vow to work together in this life.
Try to develop your villages. There is a Sanskrit proverb, which says that in the Kali Yuga
there is power only through organized groups. We must be of firm determination to progress;
then only success is certain. Modem man has even travelled in space; he has been to the moon
and intends to visit other planets; but people in this area are where they were they have made

no progress. Now here we should make efforts to progress, as well. As in these modem times,
science and technology have advanced, so-we, too, should strive to advance in every way.
The first thing to do is to root out inaction. As long as you do not become great human Yogas,
you can achieve nothing. Today you should all take a vow to root out idleness. Through hard
work, it is possible to achieve anything in this world. You can even change creation itself.
Have faith in karma yoga. Get peace and happiness through karma yoga. Idleness is the root
of all misery in this world.
You must understand that future generations have to make greater progress than we have
made. Make efforts so you yourselves become shining lights in future. There is one path to
peace and happiness-karma yoga. If we are prepared to work, we can overcome pain and
poverty. If there is unity among us, we can even bring down Governments.

Train your children in karma yoga, that they may become people of good and strong
(Shri Babaji and Shastriji comment on DETACHMENT)
One evening in August, a devotee went to Babaji and asked Him three questions concerning
'detachment': What is the definition of detachment? What is it for, or to what does it lead?
And, when you don't have it, how do you 'practice' it?
Shri Babaji said that there were many kinds of detachments, 'Vairagyas'. For instance, the
men who invented the atom bomb were detached-they focused all their attention on one
problem forgetting everything else. The main theme, He said, is to focus your attention
completely, to concentrate on your goal whatever it is, forgetting all other things. This is
renunciation. It leads to God-realization.
Sri Babaji said further that being one-pointed is 'Vairagya'. He told the devotee that he was
'liberated', that he was 'most detached'. The devotee felt neither 'liberated' nor detached', but
he touched Shri Babaji's feet and headed to his seat. Shri Babaji called him back.
Babaji re-emphasized that whatever decision you make, whatever goal you set, go after it with
great faith- and firm determination, focused on it entirely. Babaji said that just by shaving
one's head or putting on orange garb, one does not become 'detached'. One must have firm
faith, strong will and complete concentration. The devotee again touched Shri Babaji's feet,
thinking the conversation was over.
Shastriji then told him to stand up and Shastriji began to speak. He said that Shukadeva had
asked the same three questions of his father, Vyasa. Vyasa had told Shukadeva to go to King
Janaka and ask him these questions. When the questions were put to him, King Janaka
instructed Shukadeva to circumambulate the city of Mithila, carrying a full bowl of milk.
Shukadeva was to be accompanied by two guards with bared swords and if he spilled even
one drop of milk they were under orders to cut off his head.
Shukadeva was then sent on his walk, holding the very full bowl of milk. Hours later, he came
back into the presence of King Janaka, who asked him what he had seen of the city,
Shukadeva replied that he had not seen a thing of the city because he had focused entirely on
not spilling the milk, the sword of death hanging in his mind. King Janaka then explained that

this was how he had to concentrate on his goal-with complete concentration. This was
'detachment' from all the things in life.
The devotee thanked Shastriji and again, with gratitude touched Shri Babaji's feet. At this,
Shri Babaji turned from another conversation and asked 'what was your third question? 'It was
'How does one practice detachment when he doesn't have it?'
Shastriji answered: 'dhire, dhire - slowly, slowly' and the devotee laughed.
Shri Babaji leaned forward and pointed at the devotee and clarified: 'With total concentration
and great faith and determination! Focus on your goal and everything else fades from view.
Then you have 'detachment'.

Today is the Jewish New -Year and it is being celebrated here: Today will be a holiday. There
will be no work for anyone of whatever caste or creed.
The fact is today is of particular significance. The Israelis who have come here had to 'cross
eight seas'. Other people who come here only have to cross seven seas (an Indian saying to
indicate great distance). Notwithstanding the fact that in their own country they have so much
to do - -they have neither time to drink water nor to breathe-still they have come here. As
soon as they are born, they are taught to put their hand to the trigger. This (i.e., because they
have to fight continuously) is why they have not even the time to drink water.
(Babaji then turned to one of the Israelis present and asked, "Who is it you are fighting?"
Answer: "A good question ! The Arabs - each other." Babaji continued). Once, in the past, the
Jews had a great kingdom. They ruled over their neighbours but with time they were made
homeless. Their land, the Israel of today, has been built by them through courage and hard
work. Before this, they had no place on earth, not even space to put down their feet; from
everywhere in the world they were thrown out. The Israel of today has been built by the
valour Of the people who live in the country. . The courage with which I admire their bravery
and courage they are fighting the Arabs make their lives total chaos (literally 'makes them
sleep upside down'). I do not want spineless people in this Creation. I want a world of people
with such courage as the Israelis have shown.
On this auspicious day, I bless all Jews who are present here, those who are not present, those
who live in hiding, those who are alive and those who are dead I bless them all.
The day will come - and you will be eyewitnesses to it soon-when theirs will be a big, strong
kingdom, overruling the Arab countries. Their time has come!
Everyone must live with courage. The person without courage must die. This Creation is for
the brave. People without courage are a burden to the earth. On this New Year's Day, I bless
everyone especially the Jewish people.

Babaji at evening darshan.
This is Radio Haidakhan with an important announcement Here is the main news :
Beware of the river, now in spate. Wear appropriate clothing to cover yourselves adequately.
Everyone should be mindful of cleanliness, so diseases may not spread. I want that there
should be neither pain nor suffering here. People who come here have been through much
suffering, so when they suffer here as well, this is not right. I want disease and trouble to stay
far away from here. If we are afflicted by pain and trouble, what can we achieve?
Here we have the benefit of spiritual healing jhara treatment); a doctor is available; and there
is the sound of Har Govind's trumpet. By its sound, bad vibrations and germs are destroyed.
The sound of the bells and conch (shell horn) purify the atmosphere and awaken
consciousness. Through the performance here of haven, peace and prosperity are enhanced in
the world.
The fact is, the rishis of the past devised all these things in order to purify the environment.
Phuro! (Be inspired!) As soon as a man of pure heart hears these sounds, consciousness
awakens in him by these sounds all evil influences are kept away. They weaken evil forces.
Now the season is changing and we therefore need more cleanliness. Summer is taking a step
towards winter. The change of climate engenders chemical changes in the body and
sicknesses increase. Therefore, take care of your body. As long as your body is in good
health, you can serve Prabhuji. When you are sick, how can you serve Prabhuji? It is very
important to have good health.
When your body is fit, you can do anything-bhajans, japa, yoga. Phuro! In order to do karma,
it is vital to keep your body healthy. So follow these teachings about cleanliness and health
and teach others, also.
PHURO! This is an all-encompassing mantra.
"Pinda Kacha, shabda sacha." The body is perishable - the word is eternal.

(Sri Babaji was addressing a group of twenty Westerners who had arrived the night before in
a pouring rain).
You have come here, making a supreme effort, crossing seas and mountains like Hanuman.
The fact is, you made a total effort. Phuro! You have achieved a great task! Your devotion is
very deep; there can be no doubt about it. Just as Hanuman showed his profound devotion to
Lord Rama, so you, too, have proved your devotion to the Lord.
(Shastriji then said " "Shri Babaji has just whispered a very beautiful Vedic mantra into my
ears - Aneka Janma Sansiddha Tatoyanti farangatim'.

'Only he who for many lifetimes practices severe sadhana can attain to the highest abode of
God (i.e., liberation)". Shastriji said that Shri Babaji had given this mantra particularly to the
newly arrived devotees.)
Only he can come here in whose life a turning point has come, when the spiritual energy is
rising. Only he can come here whose sins have been destroyed. Lord Rama says that only he
can come here who has done great penance in his previous lives.
Now there is great turmoil in the world. There is total insecurity with every step. To come
here at such a time as this is great significance. Now at every moment man has to face death.
No one knows what the next moment will bring. Every moment is full of uncertainty. This is
the situation for everyone now.
This is why I am telling you that you are all very fortunate to be arriving here during times
like this.

19 SEPTEMBER 1983 (Evening)

For the sake of Lord Rama, the group that came hem yesterday worked wholeheartedly today.
Work is Mahayoga, Supreme Yoga. To go astray from the path of karma is to create trouble
for ourselves. Action is the source of all joy. Go on working! Go ahead, making progress.
Work until your last breath.
The world is transitory. You will find stability only on the path of karma yoga. Only action
can take a man to God and give him liberation. The law of karma is so deep that no words are
great enough to describe it. The day karma stops on this earth will be the day of its dissolution
Brave ones, all of you, continue to work! Through karma alone will you be able to change the
world. It is the only way.
Today the world is playing with fire. We have to be ready to face fire, water and great storms
and not be shaken. We have to go beyond the hope of life and the fear of death. Whatever
happens we must go ahead. Then only can we benefit the world. We have to bring the path of
karma into the light. Now the world is in deep darkness. The Revolution spreading in this
world can be controlled by karma alone.
(Babaji then whispered two mantras to Shastriji who repeated them: YATATAMA
DRIRNISHCHAY. He who has control over himself, who is of determined mind, will
Awake! Go and seek the wise and learn from them."
You have come here from the four comers of the world. Today you should take a vow to work
hard always and to spread the message of karma wherever you go.


(Shri Babaji commented on the marriage in the ashram that day of two black Americans.)
The couple standing before you are Kalbhairav with his two Shaktis. (Another black
American lady was standing with them His wife is Kali Maie and the other lady-his auntie - is
Bhadrakali. This marriage has great significance. The rain clouds, have been collecting since
yesterday to shower their blessings on the couple. The sacred river Gautama Ganga has taken
on her fierce, fast-flowing aspect. Both Varuna, the god of rain, and Vayu, the god of wind, as
well as many other gods, have come here to attend the marriage ceremony.
But now we focus not only on the matter of this marriage but of the whole world * The world
now is in a state of turmoil. It is suffering from three kinds of pain-physical, mental, spiritual -
-and there is only one way of being cured from these. We have to root out inhumanity and
replace it with humanity. I have told you before that I do not want differences of -caste, creed,
colour or race. When there is only one Humanity, how can there be different creeds and
castes? This is quite unreal.
I think it was like this: some shrewd people invented all the differences in order to divide
people, to be able to rule over them. So they created castes, their aim being to divide and rule.
Differences were created for selfish motives. There are people in this world who, when they
see someone else's house is burning, are happy. There are people who want to live in comfort
at the expense of the labour of others. There is only one God, who created all men in His
image. This is why we have to re-establish humanity.
What I want to instil in man is courage. I want to have a creation of courageous people. Only
courageous people can come here. Only courageous people can survive such critical times. I
have spoken to you many times about the extent of the calamities to come. They will be so
terrible that people without courage will die instantly from heart failure. We have to have the
courage to face floods, fire and storms We have to go beyond the fear of death and the hope
of life.
I want a creation where there is no dependence of any kind. Everyone should be able to stand
on his/her own two feet. The problems of all countries can be solved when everyone becomes
hard working. As long as there is laziness in the world, people cannot attain happiness.
Today's world leaders have created circumstances, which make it difficult even to breath. If
you are active and hard working you can do everything yourselves. Materialism is rising like
a great storm and we have to face it.
I have told you before that through Karma Yoga alone can you attain liberation. Karma Yoga
can fulfill any material desire you may have, as well. Karma Yoga is Supreme Yoga. Lord
Rama and Lord Krishna taught this, too. Not only did they teach it, they also practiced it and
were successful in it.
The great battle fought in the 'Mababharata' was an example of Karma Yoga. The tyrant
Kings of that time came and fought on the battlefield, where they died fighting bravely -
doing their Karma Yoga, and thus attained liberation. This is why Karma Yoga is Supreme.
By Karma Yoga, Lord Rama lessened the earth's burden. Those who are lazy, inactive are a
burden to the earth.
So all of you have to go beyond the fear of death and the hope of life and go on doing Karma
Yoga. Karma Yoga is the only type of yoga that gives immediate results. Whatever you do in
the morning, you can see the results in the evening, standing before you like a picture. The
seeds sown in the morning sprout by the evening. The farmer harvests the results of his

Karma Yoga after six months. Everyone does karma naturally; no one can remain without it.
We must perform those actions, which will benefit others-and, not only other people but also
the whole of Creation.
It is of no use to give birth to millions of sheep. One hardworking human being is enough to
save the world. We must all become hard working and teach coming generations as well. All
other forms of yoga come second only to karma yoga because the whole world is maintained
by karma. So practice Karma Yoga and progress. People in the world nowadays have become
very cowardly. That is why we have to be courageous, adventurous.

Due to heavy rainfall, roads have been much damaged and communications are difficult.
There are no bus services. Postal communications have been interrupted. This breakdown in
communications will mean great losses to the country. This is Nature's curse: it is the working
out of the law of cause and effect. Because righteousness had decreased, all these calamities
The fact is, our radio communication is weak. The sound is very feeble. (Babaji was referring
here to His own broadcasting apparatus). The radio has to be beamed to many places and the
transmission is difficult.. Radios are not receiving up to their full capacity because today the
news has to be broadcast throughout the whole universe. This broadcast is being transmitted
to every single being in this Creation-to each one of the 8,400,000 existing species. Due to the
fact that sound waves have to reach every distant comer of the universe, reception is
somewhat weak.
Not only is man in danger but every one of the 8,400,000 species as well, and the sound of the
radio has to reach every single one of them.
This is where the radio's transmission ends for today.
Sabka Kalyan ho! May all beings be liberated!

11 OCTOBER 1983
(At the Manda Farm, near Vapi, Gujarat).
I wish everyone in this country, as well as all in this world, all the best. Nowadays humanism
has been completely killed. Human beings have become like animals. I want to bring back
humanism into the soul of every person.
Because of the lack of human spirit, every individual is in tension and fear. I want to relieve
everyone from this state.
Ages ago, sages formed the following mantra:

'Sarve bhavantu Sukhina
Sarve Santu Niraamayaa
Sarve Bhadraani pashyantu
Maa Kashchid Dhukhbhag Bhavet.

May all be happy;

May all be free from disease
May all realize what is good;
May none be subject to misery.'

But in all these Ages, under the guise of bringing peace and happiness, only wars took place-
like those in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. These wars only left millions of women and
children in grief Now I want to bring happiness to every living being by reforming the hearts
of all individuals. Only by this process can the dream of the sages who formed the mantra
come true. For this purpose, the only path is Karma Yoga. Only Karma Yoga can bring
satisfaction and good fruits of action. With this, happiness will automatically come into the
hearts of the people. Hence, all of you should work hard and follow the path of Karma Yoga.

19 OCTOBER 1983
You must intensify your courage and enthusiasm. I want all work to be done punctually on
time. Whatever work you do, do it with a sense of duty. I do not need more work to be done
but I want work done with concentration, efficiently and expeditiously. Everyone must do his
or her work here as his or her own work. I want everybody to be very active and hard -
working. Activity, hard work - is the only way to infuse new life into your country.
There is a great possibility of war in many countries. Also, there are possibilities of civil wars.
There will be fights between families and between groups within countries. They will destroy
each other this way. That is why I want to emphasize unity.
Your aim in life must be to be always active. If you work hard, then you will be happy. You
will get good sleep and a healthy appetite also.
In the name of Lord Rama, all your work should be done perfectly. May all of you be happy!

27 OCTOBER 1983
(Shri Babaji spoke through Shastriji, whispering each sentence into Shastriji’s ear to
welcome the Governor of Uttar Pradesh, the Honorable C.P.N. Singh).

Today is a blessed day because His Excellency the Governor of Uttar Pradesh has arrived
here. On behalf of all the devotees, from India and abroad,, we extend a hearty welcome to
him. Shri Mahaprabhuji showers endless blessings and good wishes on him.
This Vishwa Mahadham is not an ordinary place. It is special because Lord Shiva, in His
mortal body, is living and moving here. The earth, which is touched by the Holy Feet of Shri
Mahaprabhuji, is holier than even the highest heaven.
Revered Shri Mahendra Maharaj himself has written that Hairakhan is a wonderful place-in
all ways it is giving pleasure the beauty of the place entrances the mind. Thousands of people
are coming from thousands of miles away and experiencing the cosmic vibrations of this
place. One who lives here for some time becomes a real Yogi.
We who are here even forget the date or day or time. The mind concentrates automatically
because this is the holy place of Lord Shiva's penance. Gautam Ganga always flows here with
a roaring sound and all siddha yogis, demons and the gods worship in this place. Those who
live here for some time automatically get many kinds of yogic powers.
This is true because the places that have been touched by the Holy Feet of the Lord have a
divine power in them. If we call this place a heaven on earth, it will not be an exaggeration.
Those who have a darshan of this place have all their wishes fulfilled. Both material and
spiritual desires are fulfilled, giving a person the assurance that this life is a complete success.
As far as we can see, doing penance in this world has great significance. In the atmosphere
and vibration of Hairakhan there is such divine energy that a person gets die power to control
the five elements and the five pranas of the body ; so much so that some people come here
even three or four times a year from abroad to enjoy this bliss.
Today we are all blessed and we all pray to God for the Governor's good health, long life, and
success, both spiritual and material. Shri Mahaprabhuji loves you and showers millions and
millions of blessings on you.
The Governor's response to the welcome:
Whatever you heard from Shastriji was all the inspiration of Shri Mahaprabhuji. I do not
know what words to use to reciprocate such a greeting.
We must remember that in this place, as a result of the appearance of Shankar Swayambhu
(the Self-Created Lord Shiva), the essential thing is that there are no differences here. Hindus,
Moslems, Germans, Italians, rich and poor - all come to the holy feet of Bhagwan.
Your bodies are outside but your minds have merged into His lotus feet and achieved
purification. The degenerated human race starts its purification automatically from His lotus
feet to effortlessly spread throughout the world. For that purpose only, this forgotten,
neglected land is now getting new life.
The work we are all engaged in here is for the purpose of making man a true human being. At
present, men have become like animals. Oh, Prabbu by Your Grace save mankind!

28 OCTOBER 1983

With people going their own way and conflicting with each other, it seems that a time of great
crisis is very near. The world needs change from its roots upwards. Oh, my children! Youth of
the world! be brave and courageous and be prepared to face life as it comes, because as long
as there is no fundamental 'root' change in the world, there can be no improvement.
Oh, brave youth! (It is right to call everyone 'youth now), go from house to house, in any area,
wherever you live, wherever you go, and give them this message: ‘Awake! Arise! And be
exalted! Make your life a success!'
Now the time is very near, there is no time to do anything else, no time to brood. Wherever
you live, get organized, unite and awaken the people. Show the path of Righteousness and
Truth to all.
You have to be strong and capable of facing these coming difficult times. Oh, youth! Remove
all differences from your minds and unite like one great chain. We have to do well, not bad,
for the whole world. You have to gather your courage, leave behind the fear of death to face
life with hope and courage. Forget profit and loss - do not be concerned for praise or abuse-
march on! You will have to walk through the blazing fire; only then can this world be saved.

29 OCTOBER 1983
(Shri Babaji again spoke through Shastriji, whispering each sentence into Shastriji's ear.)
Highest Brahmars M, Blessed One speaking of and to the Governor of Uttar Pradesh), we
give all good wishes to you during your stay here. As the great learned and respected Bhishma
Pitamaha showed to the people in the Dwapara Yuga the correct path to Truth and
Righteousness, so His Excellency, the respected Governor, is showing the correct way of life
to the people of this Age. We all have this high expectation of him. We have a very high place
for him in our hearts. We hope that he will guide us, time and again, like Bhishma Pitamaha.
Truth, Simplicity and Love are like a Triveni (A Triveni is the joining place of thee rivers.).
The way to success is to join Karma a Yoga to this Ttiveni. Shri Mahaprabhuji is encouraging
us to follow the path of Karma Yoga, which is the only way to fulfill our wishes in this, and
future lives.
Shri Mahaprabhuji wants the creation of very brave and courageous people in the world. If,
with full faith and devotion to God and with a firm determination, people follow the Path of
Truth, Simplicity and Love with karma yoga, they will reach their goal. When the whole
world is burning with the fire of sins and sorrows and the flames are about to swallow the
world, this is the only way by which humanity can be saved. Only he who has firm
determination will survive this destruction. That is why great rishis have proclaimed: ‘Awake!
Anise Go to the wise and learn from them!'
There is no place for fear; people must work fearlessly in the world. Maharshi Markandeya
has said that we must be fearless : when a man is fearless, no man can stand against him in
battle either a battle in material life or in spiritual life. He is victorious in all the battles of life.
Now Babaji is suggesting another point-that we must annihilate the feelings of I - ness and
'my - ness' from our minds. You must march forward like a soldier, dutifully and bravely. The
thing, which brings man down, is 'attachment' to his own kith and kin. When you all belong to
this whole universe, where is the place for 'I' and 'mine'? We must unite as one universal

family and march forward in unity. By this means only will the world be benefited. This is not
the concern of one individual but the whole universe. The only true man is one who practices
'humanism.' Every man must cultivate the qualities of 'humanity'-this is the only way to
success in life.
To teach us this way of 'humanity' or 'humanism': Sadgurudev Shri Babaji has appeared here.
Lecturing and talking will not elevate ‘Humanity’ but we must awaken the spirit of humanism
in all of mankind. Everyone must remove the differences between themselves and others and
work in the world in unity ; otherwise the disorder which is spreading in the world will go on
increasing and there will be no cure for it.
Them is only one way for mankind to be saved and that is by changing the hearts of all
people. Shri Mahaprabhuji will give His full spiritual power to this, but every man and
woman will also have to make their best efforts toward this end. As long as there is no change
of heart, humanity is in great danger.

29 OCTOBER 1983
The Governor's Response
If You so order, I will also speak a few words.
Mahaprabhuji Hairakhan Bihari, my hundreds and hundreds of salutations and pranams to
Swayambhu Hairakhandi has explained an ideal. There is no doubt about His incarnation,
which is most significantly for the purpose of entering into the deep consciousness of Man-to
awakens man. This could not have been accomplished without this incarnation. This
incarnation happens only when the people do not accomplish those righteous works, which
Absolute Truth requires of them.
Thus it is clear, and you can understand Who He is, and why God has come, and what we
have to do. In His teachings, His work and His daily routine of life, we can see that He not
only gives us blessings but in his daily practical life He exemplifies what He says. There is no
difference between His speech and His action.
An Urdu poem says that as long as there is a veil between you and Him, He is away from you
; but as soon as you lift that veil (of ignorance) you see Him only - everywhere.
This saint is the Remover of the Veil. This One who is in human form is a tremendous Power.
What is our responsibility? It is that we must obey His teachings, which He gives us in very
rousing words. We must always do our duties earnestly.
How do we fulfil these duties? By firm determination only. How do we cultivate this firm
determination? *By repeating daily, like a mantra, 'l will control my desires and fulfil my
duty'. When this thought dominates your mind, then he and His Shakti bless you. Even those
who have no physical contact with Him are graced by His blessings.
Universal peace will be established in the same way as the rays of the sun and the moonshine
on the entire world. Like that, the aura and the rays of Light, which emanate from Shri

Mahaprabhuji will reach everywhere and give Light to all. If you have any responsibility in
the spreading of His Light, it is to work with faith everyone should share this Message with
ten more people. If you are able to spread the Message and transform lives, then your life is
lived at its best.
A few moments ago, when Baba was talking about humanity, a dog came in and wagged his
tail as if to tell us 'Don't look at my wagging tail-look into yourself ! 'Oh, people! We should
not live like dogs- like animals. We must be human!
For this purpose only, He had to come- to manifest the Ideal. He has to take a human form to
guide and show the Ideal not by talking, but by living it.
Here we see a wonderful thing which we do not see at any other place there is no
differentiation here of caste, creed, religion, rich or poor. All are treated equally here. And
that is a great thing.


30 OCTOBER 1983
(The Kumaon Commissioner, Shri A. K. Das, spoke on behalf of the State Officers from
Nainital who came to Haidakhan with Governor C. P. N. Singh)
By the grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji, the Governor came here yesterday and Shri Shastriji told
the Governor that he was like Bhishma Pitamaha. It is true that the Governor is like Bishma
Pitamaha because it is through him that all we officers and other staff have got the darshan of
Shri Mahaprabhuji and have been able to stay in this ashram.
We are all very much impressed to see that people from thousands of miles away have sent
their offering of thousands of rupees and have themselves come here to sit, without distinction
of caste, color and creed, at His Lotus Feet. We have never seen such a gathering anywhere
The Message of Shri Babaji about Karma Yoga is so great that it elevates human beings. He
has come to awaken humanity, which is now sleeping in ignorance. The love and grace,
which he has showered upon us all, is great. We are all forever indebted to Him.

The Italians have shown great enthusiasm and courage. Everyone must follow their example
because this Earth is a field of Karma (work). Everyone must be active, working. The great
people who lived in the past thrived by doing Karma Yoga-now, also, people who thrive are
those who are working diligently. I have told you before that only through Karma Yoga can
you make progress. That is why I tell you that you must always walk on the Path of Karma
Yoga and teach others to follow this Path, too.
Until you breathe your last breath, you should not abandon Karma Yoga. Inaction is like
death-that is why you must go on working, advancing, and making progress.

Mahaprabhuji has control over Kal (Time), the God of Death. Mahaprabhuji can create many
worlds and can destroy many Creations at His will. If you are His devotee or disciple, why
should there be any fear in you ? You should not worry at all. Be fearless!

At a tea party given at the 'dhuni' in the Company Garden)
On behalf of everyone, 7 1/2 kilos of congratulations to you!
This kind of organization and celebration is good. You should get together in one place at
least once a week. This kind of meeting is ‘Phuro!'- Complete. AU people will be awakened
by this kind of meeting; your contacts will increase. It is of great significance to have such
For the sake of Lord Rama, the time of the ideal kingdom of Lord Rama (the Ramraj) will
This kind of program must be held in every village and city. This will bring about a great
reform in society. You will know each other better by meeting like this-the differences among
people will be reduced.
For the sake of Lord Rama, we must progress in Karma Yoga.
For the sake of Lord Rama - 'Phuro' (be inspired) I This is a complete and inspiring mantra.

For the sake of Lord Rama, we must not hesitate to do any service, any work that comes to us.
For the sake of Lord Rama, we must progress – advance!

10 NOVEMBER 1983
The fact is that your daily routine work from morning till night is the real Kriya Yoga. The
union of morning and evening (that is, the work of your whole day) is the real Kriya Yoga.
The union of that work which is started in the morning and finished in the evening is real
Kriya Yoga. I don't want to brainwash people; they have already been brainwashed! Those
who are doing the brainwashing themselves do not understand the meaning of Kriya and
Yoga (union). There is nothing like Kriya Yoga. There is nothing in this world that is not
Kriya Yoga. Perfection in work is the real Kriya Yoga.
Every action in this world, including eating and drinking is Kriya Yoga. The digestive process
in your body is Kriya. The process of uniting any two or more things is Kriya Yoga.

Others are confusing the people of the world. Doing your own duty perfectly, ADVANCE!
GO FORWARD! That is Kriya Yoga, that is Karma Yoga-by this means only can you make
progress. Perfection in work is Kriya Yoga.
All the scientists now thriving in this world are Kriya Yogis. Concentrated and meditative
people are all Kriya Yogis. There is no such separate thing as Kriya Yoga. People have been
misled thousands and millions of people have been ensnared in this trap. Only that is Kriya,
which brings peace and happiness and all kinds of benefits to people. To do good action is
Kriya Yoga. Worship (puja) is also Kriya Yoga, worship of any deity is Kriya Yoga.
You must all do service to humanity, THAT is Kriya Yoga. The times now demand this of you
in this world. In every way, in every manner possible, do good to others and make them
happy-that is Kriya Yoga. To each individual and to every country, provide what they lack.

17 NOVEMBER 1983
The food, which we eat, must be clean and nutritious, like it was today. We should pay special
attention to everyone's health. Wherever there are centres, people should try to grow and cook
good vegetables and make halva and distribute them to others! Food should be nutritious so
your strength for working win increase and your mind will be strong, too. It is necessary to
keep the body in good health in order to do good Karma If your body is not strong, how will
you work? We should eat nutritious food so our bodies become energetic and our brains work
I want a Creation of strong and healthy people-there is no place for weak people. I want
people in this Creation to be as fast in their actions as the Wind. I want people who work with
all their bodily energies. At this time the world needs such brave, strong people.
If you are weak, how will you work and how will you live? You must generate energy in
order to exist. Everyone must always be working hard. You should never cultivate inaction
here. There is no use to be dead weight to the Earth. Whatever wars were fought during the
past centuries was only to relieve the world of the dead weight of idleness. You must be hard
If you are engaged in doing good deeds and go on doing good acts, you will have good sleep,
good appetite and bad thoughts will not cross your mind. Otherwise, you will always be
criticizing others. In inaction, your minds will always be engaged in thinking critically of
others. Karma -activity - is the only thing, which can drive out all evils.

20 NOVEMBER 1983
At the present time in this world, Karma Yoga is greatly needed. The fact is, due to the
progress of science and technology, people are becoming lazy. For example, computers have
been invented and all calculations is done by computers and many people are not using their
minds and bodies.
Look at the doctors. Many machines have been invented which test and examine things in a
very short time. so doctors do not have to use their own brains. They can accomplish tests in

five seconds that would otherwise require five days. Soon they will cease to use their own
minds and will become totally dependent on machines. This will make them inactive.
Science has made great progress in this world. Where we used to engage a thousand men to
work, now a bulldozer does the work in seconds. But that makes a thousand people useless
and unemployed. While unemployment is increasing in this world, people have lost their
peace of mind. The reason for this is because man has ceased to work. Due to this inaction, all
kinds of pains and sicknesses are increasing in the world.
I want you to take the energy of the machines into yourselves and work like machines! In one
respect, if you correctly observe, you see that science is weakening human beings. How can
you test your own talents and faculties if you do not use them ? For example, take a soldier-
how can he show his strength and valour if he is only using a machine?
We must follow a Path, which will strengthen us, so we must not be dependent on machines.
How can that be done? It can only be done when you are hard working and active. That is
why it is very essential to be active and hard working. See Babaji here, who is working from
morning until evening like a machine. Everyone must advance by the practice of Karma Yoga
This is the best Path for all. No one should cease the practice of Karma Yoga. This is the
eternal, unshakable way. Everything-all knowledge, all science-came through Karma, hard

23 NOVEMBER 1983
The fact is, a great fire of sins and sorrows is burning throughout the world. Everyone living
walks and works through this fire. People have become disheartened; Death is dancing before
everyone's eyes; everyone has this experience.
Those who are present here, from whatever place they come, live here in unity, as one-and so
must you live in your own country.
At present, not only humanity is in danger, but all sentient and insentient beings of the
universe are in danger. I have not only to consider human beings but I have to save the entire
Creation. How is this possible?
(A long pause).
It is quite impossible. The calamities, which are coining to this world, are unavoidable. Only
he who has strong determination to do good acts and who is strongly devoted to God can
survive this destruction.
Whoever lives in whatever place or country, there is no necessity of your coming running
here. Please do not waste your time like this! The time and energy, which you waste in
coming and -going to and from here, should be used by doing sadhana (religious worship and
work.) in your home place. The coming and going is just a waste of time. Wherever you live,
you must work hard to provide whatever your country lacks. Go on repeating God's Name and
go on working, doing good deeds.
Only by Karma Yoga can you advance and be successful in your life. This is the only
invincible weapon - like Vajra (the divine weapon of Indra, the King of Heaven).' If you use
this weapon, even during the time of total destruction you will not be move or shaken. That is
why you should never cease action.

You should not do anything which will do harm to others. You should do those good deeds,
which benefit the majority of the people. That is why all of you should advance by giving first
priority to Karma Yoga (work). Karma is the only Yoga, which brings success to a person.
This Yoga is so powerful that even a little practice of it relieves a person from sorrow and
sickness. Only that work which benefits the majority of people is truly called 'Karma Yoga'.
You must organize and unite people more and more wherever you live.

17 DECEMBER 1983 (Morning Darshan)

The thing is, today, the I7th of December, the winter Session begins and we are all together in
Darbar (a royal Court Session) and great kings and ministers are here. This meeting has a
great significance because it is an international Darbar. Even Reagan has not such power as
this, nor does Indra Gandhi have it, nor the Soviet
Premier, nor the Chinese Premier. The power of those ministers is limited to their own
countries - they all have shaped their own limitations. The kings and ministers who have
assembled here, have unlimited power throughout the world.
Shri Mahaprabhuji has the wish that we all must work for the welfare of the whole universe.
Whatever we do, we will to do, must be based on the universal good. I tell you that you must
all spend your time and energy working for the good of the entire universe. Only by doing this
will you be benefited?
It is not necessary for all of you to come running here again and again. You must all be busy
in doing your own work (duty) and by doing that you will be cooperating in the universal
work. You must all be prepared to contribute to the universal good. Go and remain in your
own place, I do not like people roaming about like dogs. If you go anywhere, go for some
purpose. If you do anything, do it for a good purpose. Use that time which you would waste in
coming and going to and from here to do good to some human being-to any living being.
Advance! and help others in making progress!
Now a terrible time is coming I have told you this previously. By this great Revolution even
the geography of the world will change.
I request that all of you work hard for the upliftment of humanity. Try to protect the rights of
humanity. Step forward to protect humanity!
At the present time, inhumanity has spread everywhere. We have to totally root out
inhumanity and we have to establish humanity throughout the world. I told you previously
that you might wonder what I will do and how I will manage it when only Amar Singh, with
broken teeth, is with Me. What will broken - toothed Amar Singh do ? He who only sits in the
kitchen all day!
LOOK! When the time of need arises, all the army, navy, and air power, all newly - invented
weapons of war-atomic and nuclear and hydrogen bombs - will be provided. Like armies of
ants, these forces will be lined up here. That is why I say you should not wonder what I could
do - I can do everything.

For example, at the time of the great Mahabharata war, all the powers of the world came to
help the Pandavas. (In the great struggle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the
Kauravas were the established, universal power, the Pandavas returned from exile without
money or army, but when the dispute rose to the level of battle many Kings put themselves
and their armies under the command of the Pandavas). He who has doubts is ruined.
You must all step together and form a great international organization -bigger than anything
organized in the history of the world. I do not want you all to be ruined or destroyed. A great
Revolution is going to take place such as has never before occurred in the world. The, hearts
of the people who read or hear the history of this Revolution will melt. This is an era of great
destruction-no other time can be compared to this. The Revolution will last not for minutes
but only for some seconds. The countries, which have invented these destructive weapons,
will themselves be destroyed. They should not think they are secure. Only he who has
surrendered completely at the feet of Shri Mahaprabhuji (God) is secure.
We must not stand still-we must advance for the sake of our countries, for the upliftment of
the human race, for all humanity. We must establish Karma Yoga, we must eliminate idleness
from the world. I have told you before, also, that I want active and hardworking people. I do
not want to live in a - world of inaction that is why I want to make everyone energetic.
Now Shri Mahaprabhuji requests you to step forth for the benefit of all humanity. Leaving
behind dishonesty and craftiness, step forward to cultivate humanitarian qualities and protect
humanism and humanity!

17 DECEMBER 1983 (Evening Darshan)

You must consider work as the real devotion and go on doing Karma Yoga always. Shri
Mahaprabhuji says, I’m always telling you about working hard. My head has become very hot
from the constant repetition of this same thing'.
This world is transitory; the Name of God is the true reality. Everything in this world is
destructible, transient, and ephemeral. So you must all repeat God's Name and sing kirtan and
bhajans with devotion and concentration. Without this, how can you attain Enlightenment and
make progress?.
The kirtan and bhajans, which we sing here, must be sung with such deep devotion and
concentration that the Deity of whom you are singing must be invoked to appear before you.
You must go on working and doing kirtan, too. Many times I hive told you about this and I
hope I will tell you many times in the future because I want to see everyone lively and
energetic. When time moving so quickly, why do you reduce your speed ? You must work as
fast as a machine; your brain must work in mantras like a computer. You should not brood
over things; to obey the orders of Shri Mahaprabhuji is your real yoga. This is the only mantra
for you - to obey the orders of Shri Mahaprabhuji.
Leaving behind the fear of death and the hope of life, you must advance. You should not be
afraid of fire or water. When the need arises, we will have to jump into the ocean; when the
time comes, we must be prepared to jump into the fire. That is-why all of you must be as firm
and stable as Mount Meru. The thing is that this whole world is transitory - why do you
entertain confusion in your minds? You must have only one aim, one goal, to serve every
living being in the universe.


29 DECEMBER 1983
During Evening Darshan
We must depend on ourselves and not lay our burden on others. Our security is in our own
Only those who are very alert and careful can be successful in their life. Everyone who comes
here must consider himself a yogi; yogis have to be very alert.
People should select someone from their own country to be in charge of their group. Everyone
will have to obey the leader of their group. In your country you must select a leader for the
country and people must work according to the leader's instructions. The leaders should be
those who are very able, who are full of all virtues and capable of spreading the message of
Shree Babaji. There must be weight and wisdom in their words, so people would like to obey
them. A leader must be selfless; one who desires to work for the upliftment of humanity who
will lead humanity to progress. The people of every country must select a person like this.
The leaders must be dedicated to their country and spend all their time working for its
upliftment. They must always think about the good of humanity and always spread the Name
and Message of Shree Mahaprabhuji. They must be able to encourage people. This is a very
urgent need

21 DECEMBER 1983
Everyone must take a vow on the 25th that we are all one and that we must all live in unity.
Everyone must remove differences/distinctions from their hearts. There must be more stress
on unity. We must put an end to all kinds of differences of opinion and other differences, too.
We must step forward, keeping in mind the problems that the coming great crisis will bring.
Everyone must use his own common sense-he should do his duty without waiting to be told
what to do. To do your duty is the greatest worship (puja), the greatest service (seva), the
greatest devotion (jap) and penance (tapas).
All of you must give the greatest significance to Karma Yoga. You all have advanced through
Karma Yoga only. You must all advance with a firm determination To have firm
determination is Yoga; to be stable and firm in your determination is yoga. You should not be
shaken from your determination. To be shaken from your determination is to lose your
direction - that is why you must make a firm determination and stick to it. Everyone must
show his progress to Shri Mahaprabhuji.

22 DECEMBER 1983

(At the hawankund on the guff side of the ashram, at a pre Christmas fire ceremony).

When most of the seats at the hawankund had been taken and the ceremony had started, a
western man came .to the hawankund and looked for a place to sit. Babaji asked:
Have you washed your hands? Wash your hands and come and sit.
The chanting of the mantras stopped while the devotee washed his hands and sat down. Then
Shri Babaji, looked around the hawankund at all the faces, said :
I want to tell you the meaning of the yagya (hawan ceremony).
Hawan it is that brings rain, which brings grain. The origin of Creation stems from the hawan.
The hawan is the real form of the gods: whatever we offer to the hawan goes directly to the
gods who are being invoked.
By doing hawan, people gain happiness and all the pleasures of life; they all have good
thoughts and love for each other. The smoke from the hawan destroys the harmful germs in
the atmosphere and the good bacteria, useful to life, grow in it. This increases the plentiful
ness and prosperity of the world.
Before starting any work, you should first know the significance of it. You may be wondering
why these people are, burning the fire and "wasting" things by throwing them into the fire. It
has great significance: Creation originated from this.
I will take two minutes more of your time. Do you have any objection? (A chorus of 'no's).
The original Kailash is this one. (He pointed above, up the hill of the Kumaon Mount
Kailash). Mahadeva (Lord Shiva) appeared there and performed the first hawan there.
Now we turn toward the other Kailash, where (the lake) Mansarovar is (in Tibet). Another
yagya was performed at Mansarovar Kailash.
When the original Manu (the first man) was born/created and when Mahadevji ordered him to
extend the creation, this Manu performed a yagya at Mansarovar. That is why that place was
named Mansarovar, from the root name of Manu.
By Manu's strong determination and the power of the hawan, Creation started to expand. Jai
Mahamaya ki jai !
Did you all understand something? (Yes, yes!)
Here Shri Babaji used an Urdu phrase to say: I want to utter a few more words.
Did you understand? (Yes; no).
If you have not understood, I will explain it to you. But if you have understood, what more
should I say?
Did you understand? (No; yes).
Baba continued, laughing : if you understood, what more can I say ?

Babaji, with eyes twinkling: Those who understood can explain to those who did not
A devotee said: Nobody has understood anything.
Babaji, with laughter: If you are so stupid that you have not understood, then how can I
explain it?!
And the hawan got under way again.

23 DECEMBER 1983
During Evening Darshan
This entire world is transitory, only God's Name is eternal. The fact is that the geography, the
structure of the world is always changing. The fact is that if you are not able to learn anything
from such experienced, learned people (as Babaji spoke just before), and then you are the
most unfortunate of people.
There is one thing I want to tell you all. In whatever way you can, you should come here and
be benefited and liberated. To attain salvation is the highest achievement of man. You must
seek liberation and help to liberate others.
The fact is that the world is transitory. That I have told you repeatedly.

24 DECEMBER 1983
During Evening Darshan
I request all of you not to miss the golden opportunity of this beautiful and significant day.
This day comes only once in a year.

Many people will come, many people will go, many will be born and many die on this day.
The world is a place where people are always coming and going. It is definite that sooner or
later everything will perish and crumble. Everyone knows that some day everyone has to
leave this world. So you must make the best use of this holy day, which comes only once a
year. It is possible that whatever you have been unable to achieve in your whole life, you
might achieve in this one Day. For that reason you can do bhajan, kirtan, fasting, silence,
penance, and meditation of any kind.
From to night at twelve to noon at Christmas Day, no evil spirits will come. For twelve hours
these evil spirits and ghosts will leave the planet Earth. During these twelve hours Christ will
come and go to many places where Christmas is being celebrated. Somewhere He will stay
for one minute somewhere one second, somewhere one hour. He will be moving quickly
through those twelve hours. In those twelve hours, all your wishes will be fulfilled. There are
few days, which have been fixed for such things, when all the bad spirits are made to leave.
On these days people can achieve liberation and attain what they wish.

I am very happy to see your faith and devotion at this time and I give you My best wishes and
blessings for the future. Today is a very beautiful Day. You are the most fortunate ones in this
whole world.
There was a time when everyone used to. go to Rome to celebrate this festival; today you
have made Rome here.

25 DECEMBER 1983
Today the International Festival of Christmas is ending. This festival was celebrated
successfully, through the co-operation of all people. You have always been co-operating like
this at this festival time. This festival is celebrated here regularly through the inspiration of all
of you and it will continue like this in the future. That is my Blessing on all of you.
Congratulations to you for your concentrated, wholehearted efforts.
I have told you many times before that you must all keep your duty before you always. We
must all have one purpose before us - to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of humanity. We must
live for humanity and die for humanity. We all must offer our lives for the welfare and
security of society. This must be our main aim, our bhajan (meditation, kirtan and service).
This is our bhajan, this is our kirtan, and this is our repetition of the Name. We should always
proceed with this aim in mind.
Today mankind has greatly degenerated. People are like puppets dancing for demonic leaders.
We have to protect the people and lead them to progress. We must not lose courage.

25 DECEMBER 1983
The Kumaon Commissioner's Speech (Shri A. K. Das)
As you heard just now, this was the celebration of the birth of Christ. All of you know about
the resurrection of Christ and His message of Love. Every year we celebrate Christmas here-it
is a very auspicious occasion. The teaching of Lord Christ was that the Good Shepherd leads
us all. Christ was crucified but he never died; He was resurrected and He had no word of
condemnation or hatred toward those who killed Him. He prayed-'Please forgive them, they
know not what they do'.
Now Shri Babaji is here before you. His teachings are similar to those of Christ. The message
of Christ was to love everyone, to have no hatred or jealousy ' y toward anyone. Babaji
teaches the same. Everyone must do his own duty - only then can we advance.
I feel particularly honored by this opportunity to say a few words to you. I have a tremendous
faith in Baba, particularly because we have His message of humanity here. So many foreign
friends have come from all over the world. There is much difference between the ways of life
and the religious beliefs but there is something unique here that is why people come from all
over the world and sit here. This great gathering of humanity teaches us that though we come

from all over the world, we are all from the same spring of humanity. We should love each
other, we should gain experience of each other's views and exchange views of our faiths.
On this auspicious day, let us all pray to Lord Christ, to Baba, for blessing and for all the
mental courage to perform our destined jobs honestly, properly and with dedication. Once
again, I offer my prayers to Baba and to Lord Christ for all my brothers and sisters seated

1 JANUARY 1984
The fact is that all of you have assembled here at the foot of the beautiful and pleasant Mount
Kailash. You all are sitting in the courtyard of that beautiful cave, the greatness of which has
been described in the Vedas. And you arc the most fortunate ones in the whole universe-you
are all witnessing and enjoying the first new sunrise of the New Year in this very holy and
beautiful valley of the Himalayas.
At one time this whole valley was covered by snow and the mountains Were covered by
snow. I have told you the mystery of this place. My brothers, this is the real, original Kailash.
Mahadeva (Lord Shiva) resided here with Mother Parvati for thousands and millions of years.
Even before the whole of Creation, this place was here.
I have told you before the story of Mansarovar (Kailash). When Manu (the first man) was
created, he wished that the Creation would be expanded. He performed penance and yagya
there. He installed a symbol of Lord Shiva there. This give rise to the name of Mansarovar for
the lake - from his name, Manu Considering all these facts, you can conclude that this is the
original Mount Kailash. This is the only mount where the gods, goddesses, sages and seers
and the angels (gandharvas) reside. Now all of you can understand the great significance of
this holy place. It is the greatest holy place of the world.
There are ' many holy places that are limited to a particular religion. There have been and are
many temples, churches and religious centers, but this is the only universal pilgrim center.
is what gives this place its great significance. All the gods and goddesses-the divine beings -
reside in the mountains around here.
Today, as the year 1984 starts, I am happy to give you all congratulations and good wishes.
Let this year be happy, auspicious, and blissful for you. May all of you be liberated! May
success be yours!
I have already told you before that the difficult times are very near. Awake! Arise! Go to the
wise and learn from them. All of you must unite together and face these calamities. Jai
Mahamaya ki jai!
JAI VISHWA!! There is an Indian slogan 'JAI HIND!'It means 'Victory of India!' But I want
the welfare of the whole universe so I am staring a new slogan-'JAI VISHWA!'
(Victory/Honor to the Universe)

8 JANUARY 1984
(Amar Singh Yadav - speaking for and prompted by Shri Babaji)
The time of great difficulty is coming. Only those will be saved whom Shri Babaji wants
saved. They will be saved by His Graceno medicine, no guns; no jhara will work unless Shri
Babaji wants the person saved. This is how Babaji will accomplish His work.
In every place, He will put one of His devotees and fill him with His energy and through him,
making him an instrument of God's Will, He will benefit the whole area. Like this, the whole
world will be saved.
Now he is showing you a rehearsal of how He will work. There is Radhe Shyam there is Kali,
Nandi babe, etc. etc., they are all instruments, which Babaji has prepared. He puts His
representatives everywhere and through them He works out his plan without Himself going
At the time of the battle of the Mahabharata, between the families of two brothers, the
Kauravas and the Pandavas, it appeared to be a fight between two brothers, but it was really, a
fight between Righteousness and Unrighteousness. At that time, God took the form of Lord
Krishna and saved the world. He became the charioteer of Arjuna He was seen as one who
only handled the chariot of Arjuna but in reality. He was directing all the fighting and
inspiring all the warriors. Like that, Shri Mahaprabhuji is putting His energies into and
through His disciples, sitting in the hearts of His chosen disciples, guiding them for the
benefit of the whole world.
Now we can compare these disciples with Arjuna. Actually, Baba is doing everything, making
the disciples His instruments for the welfare of the whole world.

9 JANUARY 1984
It is my request that the Health Department of Haidakhan should look after all the people
here, so people do not lose their good health. This is also the duty of all the doctors: that
whether people are sick or not, once a week they must give anti-malaria pills to everyone, so
malaria will not spread here. They must also give vitamin tablets to everyone. Everybody
must accept this rule and go to the hospital when they are sick. The doctors must also go and
check and visit people.
You must all advance by taking good care of your health. Only by taking good care of your
health, you can gain success. The fact is that if your health is not good, how can you do your
service? Taking care of your health is as important as any of the other duties of your life. It is
your duty towards your body. If your body does not work, how will you function and

10 JANUARY 1984

The fact is that all of you who have assembled here from foreign countries have done very
hard work here. You have shown your devotion and courage toward God. You have increased
the beauty of this place.
Shri Mahaprabhuji stresses Karma Yoga and states that this is the highest Yoga. All other
Yogas can fructify only after your death, but Karma Yoga brings instant results to you.
I want, and many times I have told you, that it is the best thing to live your life with courage
and bravery. You must be always active and hardworking. I have told you this before also. I
will give you liberation only through Karma, so you should not lag behind in your work. Be
active and advance!
you must always encourage Karma Yoga. You have to progress through Karma Yoga.
Through Karma only, can all needs be fulfilled. We cannot make the world happy and
peaceful without Karma Yoga (work). For the peace and happiness of the world, we have to
practice Karma Yoga. Through Karma Yoga-working hard-you can bring peace, happiness,
joy and contentment to the world. Idleness makes men slip backwards, lag behind. Karma is
the highest and greatest thing.

11 JANUARY 1984
(At evening darshan, Shri Babaji invited Shammi Kapoor, Mahatmaji, to say something,
Mahatmaji replied, 'I have not come here to talk; I have come here to listen and learn. Shri
Babaji looked around and then back at Mthatmaji and said, 'All these people are yogis.' So
Mahatmaji began to speak.
Just sitting here, I will give one experience of mine.
The young, sweet boy who is now sitting in Baba's lap (Marco Reichel) was, two years ago,
sitting in Baba's lap and Baba was always tossing him. I was constantly watching and saw
Baba turning him upside down sometimes and then right side up, spinning him around. At
that time, a great desire arose in me that I should be a child like him, so Baba can play with
The next day I was just sitting here when Baba came in. Baba beckoned to me with His hand-
like this. I answered, 'Ji, Prabhu' and went up to Him and was about to prostrate myself before
Him when He lifted me up and tossed me like a child and put me in His lap !
That's the truth! (Shammi Kapoor is about 6'2" tall and weighs about 130 kilos).
If you have a sincere wish for anything; Baba fulfills it.
The lap is the same but now the child in it is Isu. The lap will be the same but the child will
always be changing. It is all the Grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji.
20 JANUARY 1984
The fact is, all of you have done very lard work here. You have made this place very happy
and beautiful and it is also prosperous. Due to that, thousands of people are coming here and
getting peace of mind. This is all the result of your Karma Yoga.

in the near future, all of you will establish ashrams and centers throughout the world and do
Karma Yoga there and create the same vibrations wherever you go.
All of you must learn spiritual healing- jhara - and make spiritual healing centers. By that
means, many people in the world will get peace and happiness.

31 JANUARY 1984
You must all have a firm determination. Even if total destruction comes or any great calamity
comes, you must not be shaken from your determination. If there is a great flood, if fire
breaks out - in any calamity -you must be so brave and determined that you would jump into
fire or water. You must inspire others also to become brave and courageous. Only he who has
courage is a true living being. One who has no courage is like a dead man, even though he
lives. We have tightened our belts and taken a firm determination to do good to the world and
uplift humanity You must stick to this resolve with your full energy.
Calamities will fall not just on one country but also on the whole universe; the whole universe
is in danger. The terrible times, which are approaching, will engulf the whole world; the
whole universe will be enveloped in this destruction. We must consider not only ourselves but
also the whole of the universe. We can achieve anything in this world when we are
hardworking and industrious.
Because you must consider the whole universe, we should say 'Jai Vishwa instead of 'Jai
Hind! 'meaning' Victory to India.' 'Jai Vishwa! It means 'Victory to the Whole Universe!'

1 FEBRUARY 1984 (Morning)

Shri Mahaprabhuji says Karma Yoga is the highest yoga. You are witnessing the effect of
Karma Yoga in everything you see here.
It is the effect of your Karma Yoga that I am sitting here. (Shri Babaji was sitting on the edge
of a new garden recently built and planted.) This whole Company Bagh - Fakirabad - was
built by your hands.
Karma Yoga is the only thing in this world which can change your fortune/fate. And it can
change the geography of the world where there is water you can make land; where there is
earth, you can make water. In this Yuga/Era, there is a great necessity for Karma Yoga. You
should never lag behind in your Karma Yoga - the times demand it.
It is not I, but Time, which is talking through My mouth. Time is rolling on with great speed.
All countries have raised their heads, with mouths open, like cobras, waiting for the
opportunity to swallow each other. At this critical time, courage and bravery are needed.
Along with your Karma Yoga, you must repeat the Name of God within your heart.
I do not like dishonesty; I want everyone to be honest and dutiful. Everyone must do his duty
correctly. You must know what you should do and be busy doing it. By Karma one will not
fall but will always rise higher. That is why you should never be afraid of doing hard work.
We must do everything according to the need of the times. No work is low or bad in this
world if it is done in the right spirit. By Karma only can you advance! That is why a man

should never hesitate to do any work. Whether it is high or low, big or small, no work is bad.
Work is work.
Courage. is life. One who has no courage is like a dead body. So My aim is to benefit the
whole world - not just one individual or one country. JAI VISHWA!
All of you must be always ready and make efforts for universal good. You must help each
other for that. You must always be prepared to do good acts and, wherever you live, you must
organize weekly or monthly satsang (meetings for the Truth). Have large gatherings to discuss
measures to be taken for the good of the whole world. Invite learned men and scientists;
consult with them and take their advice. You must find ways and means to do universal good.
You should seek advancement only through Karma Yoga. Everyone can attain courage and
shakti (power/energy) through Karma Yoga. Impossibilities can be turned into possibilities by
sheer hard work. Therefore, all of us must progress and advance via the Path of Karma -
This is not only a matter regarding this place but wherever you go, or wherever you work, you
must maintain this very standard because this is not only for Shri Mahaprabhuji that you do
this hard work, it is for your own elevation and liberation. No matter what the karma is, we
must not turn away from it, because we have to meet the challenge of the coming times. If and
when the time arises and we have to go to war, even then we must not turn back.
Therefore, all of you must adopt Karma Yoga as your dedicated Path and go forth in the

Today is the 5th of February and the auspicious occasion of Basant Panchami (A Celebration
of spring, a new growing season, at which time puja is performed and people wear in their
hair or over the ear, ten - day - old sprouts of specially planted grains.) May all of you be
blissful and happy!
You must attain peace, prosperity and happiness in your lives.

Glossary of Terms
Many of the following terms are the subject of books. The definitions offered here are very
simple, to enable a reader unfamiliar with these terms to read with a reasonable degree of

Aarati - That portion of the Hindu 'worship service in which lights (usually in the form of
wicks burning ghee - (purified butter) are waved before an image of God, as a symbol of light
overcoming .the darkness of human ignorance.

Asan - Generally, a mat or blanket on which a person sits, cross-legged, on the ground or
floor. Also refers to a more elaborate seat on which a yogi or saint sits to perform worship or
to receive devotees.

Ashram - In modem usage, a religious community, a place for spiritual training or renewal.

Baba - A renunciate or Saint; Father, in the sense of priest or God.

Bhakta - A devotee of God, or of a guru.

Bhagavad Gita - Religious scripture that contains the essence of Lord Krishna's teaching in
the form of a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, Krishna's greatest devotee. The Gita
is a segment of the Mahabharata (which see).

Bhagwan - God.

Bhajanas - Generally, hymns to God. Also used in the sense of expression of worship
through several forms, including the devotee's prayers, meditation. Worship - Even his or her
work dedicated to God.

Bhandara - A joyous communal festival feeding.

Bhole Baba ki jai - Honor or glory (jai) to the simple (bhole) Father.

Brahma - One of the triumvirate of Hindu forms of God who are responsible for creating,
maintaining/sustaining, and destruction or purification of the universe. Brahma is the Creator.

Brahman - The Hindu concept of God as beyond or above form of human attributes- totally
detached, Pure Consciousness, the blissful Source from which comes everything that exists.

Danda - God's punishing rod.

Darbar - A meeting of a King's. or of God's royal court.

Darshan - The enjoyment of the presence and vision of a respected or revered person or of
God, in any of His forms.

Dharma - Duty or religion.

Gita - See Bhagavad Gita.

Guru - A spiritual teacher who undertakes to guide his disciples to realization of God.

Gurudev - A disciple's affectionate term for his or her guru. It refers to the guru as God
(deva), reflecting the disciple's surrender to the guru, who then leads the disciple to God.

Guru Grantha Sahib - The Holy scripture of the Sikh Faith.

Herakhan Vishwa Mahadham. - Shri Babaji's ashram and the surrounding sacred area. The
words translate as Herakhan, the most wonderful or greatest place in the universe.

Jai Maha Maya Ki - Honor or Glory to the Great (maha) Illusory Force. Hail to the
Primordial energy of the Universe. Hail to the Universal Mother.

Jap, or Japa - The continual repetition of a mantra. (Verbal or mental).

-ji- A suffix reflecting respect and love, as in Babaji, Prabhuji, etc.

Kali Yuga - The, Age (Yuga) in which materialistic forces dominate the activities of the
world and spiritual values decline.

Karma - Cause and effect from life to life. Work or activity offered to God, as in Karma

Kirtan - Religious songs which repeat the names of God. For example, the mantra Om
Namaha Shivaya is sung for minutes on end to any of a dozen or more tunes.

Krishna - Lord Krishna, a manifestation of God on earth, in India in prehistoric times. The
Mahabharata, a great Indian epic, contains the stories of His lifetime. The Bhagavad-Gita,
which is contained within the Mahabharata, summarizes Lord Krishna's spiritual teachings.

Leela (or Lila) -The activities of God in one of His human forms. What we see as specifically
God's action.

Mahabharata - The story of Lord Krishna's period in human form on earth. The era was a
time of a great war symbolic of the destruction of evil in society.

Mahaprabhuji - Maha means great', prabhu means Lord, or God. Mahaprabhu means the
Supreme God. The suffix ji is used as an added term of reverence and love.

Mahavatar - An avatar is a Being divinely sent to earth, born of a womb. A mahavatar

(maha-avatar) is a manifestation of God, not born of woman.

Mahesh - One of the many names of Lord Shiva, who is seen by some as the destructive or
perfunctory aspect of the Hindu trinity of Gods (Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara).

Mantra - "Man" means mind; "tra" means control; a mantra is a means for the control of the
mind. A mantra is a Sanskrit phrase used to quiet, then to control the mind - to keep the mind
from racing unproductively from thought to thought, which keeps it and the soul of the person
attached to die material world rather than to the spiritual world.

Maya - Illusion.

Muni - An enlightened person.

Om Namaha Shivaya - Also written and pronounced Om Namah Shivai. Said to be the first
words uttered by the Creative Source; the oldest mantra. It can be translated as “I bow
to/surrender to/take refuge in Shiva”. Lord Shiva is known as the Doer of Good, and the
mantra is also interpreted to mean, “I bow to whatever Good is happening and to whomsoever
is doing it”.

Prabbu - Lord; God, Master.

Pranam - a form of obeisance and respect, in which one touches the head to the ground or
touches the feet of the form or person who is being worshipped or to whom great respect is
being shown.

Prasad - A gift from God or a Saint, or a remainder of what has been offered to and blessed
by him and given for distribution.

Ram or Rama - Lord Ram, a manifestation of God on earth, in India, prior to Lord Krishna's
manifestation. The Ramayana, one of the greatest epics of world literature, contains the story
of His life.

Ramayana - The epic tale of Lord Ram's I life

Ravana - A demon embodying and representing the forces of evil in the Ramayana

Rishi - A great, learned saint.

Sadhana - Religious practice; one's spiritual path.

Sanatan Dharma - The eternal duty or religion; the original spiritual path by which Creation
was formed and operated in harmony; the Source of all existing religions, which partially
reflect it.

Sanskrit - An ancient Indian language, the language of the early Hindu scriptures.

Satva Guna - The high, blissful spiritual qualities which must predominate in the person who
is nearing God - realization. These qualities include inner peace, absence of attachment to
things of the material world, bliss, and divine love.

Shastri - A person learned in the Vedas and Puranas - the early Hindu scriptures. One earns
the title after many years of study.

Shri - A title of respect, especially for God or a holy man.

Sikhs - An Indian religious sect founded from the teachings of Guru Nanak, a 16th century
saint, believing in oneness of humanity and worshipping the Guru Granth Sahib.

Sita - The consort, wife of Lord Ram. She is the ideal of Indian womanhood.

Vedas - The earliest of the scriptures; the base of the Hindu religion.

Vishnu - One of the three major Gods in the Hindu religion; the Maintainer or Sustainer of
the Creation. Ram and Krishna were manifestations of Vishnu.

Yagna - A special (usually nine-day) sacred fire ceremony, accompanied by the reading of
scriptures and other religious activities.

Yoga - Literally, yoke or union. A yoga is a pathway to union with God. Babaji stresses
dedicated work (Karma yoga) as the best means of attaining God in this Age.

Yogi - One who practices yoga; a renunciate.

Join our work
We are inviting you to join us in the global work of translating texts about Mahavatar Babaji.
It is a rare opportunity to serve Sri Babaji in this way.
In human history there has not been published so many books about Him, His teachings and
experiences with Him as today.

So, if you are a translator and are willing to put into practice what Sri Babaji is stressing the
most in His teachings - Karma Yoga, selfless service to others - then please join us in our

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