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Centre For Liberation Technologies

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Centre for Liberation Technologies

Idea –

Centre for Liberation Technology is a socio-cultural and spiritual space

that will strengthen educational excellence by initiating a course on
liberation technologies in the spirit of self-directed learning and also
support the design and production of technologies that are regenerative in
nature and conserve energy resources. It will facilitate dialogue on
psycho-spiritual aspects of human life and lastly, work towards cultural
renaissance that is a step towards rediscovering ourselves as spiritual and
ecological beings. The approach of the Centre is to create technologies
that give priority to those that are smaller in scale, less environmentally
destructive and which operate on free natural resources. At the heart of
this enterprise is to search for meaning and leadership that will create
possibilities and directions that leads towards unity, justice, connection
between people of all types, and between people and the natural world.

What are Liberation Technologies?

These technologies – like the pedal-driven home-mixers - exist but were

not paid much attention or simply ignored by the larger political
movements. Liberation technologies are those which fundamentally are
within the control of the people, which they themselves can produce and
use, and which frees the people from dependency on multinational
corporations and global market economy. Liberation technologies are
those which meet people’s needs easily, using local resources and which
preserve the natural world. Liberation technologies attempt to introduce
to those technologies which make use of human and solar energies that
are available in abundance are sustainable and which do not disturb the
earth’s bio-physical limits.

Context -

The central problem of this industrial society is that the industries and
environment are at odds with one another. Why? Because conventional
ways of extraction, production and disposal are destructive to nature and
thus local communities. The present model of industrial modes of
production where profit is the driving force than concerns for human and
ecological health. Nearly a third of the world’s energy consumption and
36% of carbon dioxide emissions are attributable to manufacturing
industries. Measured atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide are
currently 100 ppmv higher than pre-industrial levels, and elevated
greenhouse gas levels affect physical and biological systems. In India
annually generation of hazardous waste is around 4.5 million tonnes and
the growth is nearly 3% .

The old ways of production used endless supply of natural resources

without thinking of replenishing it. The world was reinvented and supplied
with 'ready-made' things. It converted resourceful communities whose
diverse culture was responsible for the creation and use of products with
its own local efforts and raw materials. Their sense of use and
preservation of the earth was different than the industrial model, with its
linear extraction to the grave system of its valuable resources.
Communities were turned into consumers for the spread of this model.

What is the alternative? The idea is to design products that uses

renewable energy that doesn’t generate waste and which emerge from
genuine needs of the community. The designs, like 'pedal-driven'
appliances which use muscle energy, or systems would be on the priority.
The mantra would be improving the quality of life through design and
dialogue with communities and learning from their traditional ways of

Vision -

We believe that life is sacred and therefore it is urgent and necessary to

shape and support all the actions and technologies that stewards
ecological, cultural and spiritual consciousness and which leads to a
society which has peace, justice, sustainability and right of the community
to engage in those decisions and actions that affect their lives.

Goal -

The centre will strive to nurture leadership and actions in forms of such
technologies, education processes, experiments and consciousness that
requires active engagement of communities to journey of rediscovering
themselves as spiritual and ecological beings and together create a world
which is sustainable, at peace, just and democratic.

Main Programmes of the Centre -

The Centre aims to have three broad programmes, namely:

• Institute of liberation technology

• Cultural Renaissance

• Psycho-spiritual Awakening
The Institute of Liberation Technology is aimed to serve two broad
functions. One, it will offer long-term courses related to Liberation
technologies ranging from product design, Zero-waste, ecological
architecture and interior design, community media, among other. The
approach of the course will be totally based on self-directed, practical and
mentor-driven learning processes where the responsibility and control of
the learning process will be in the hands of the learners.

The second function will be in the production of prototypes of such

liberation technologies that are in tune with our ecological sustenance and
their promotion. The design and the production will be based on our
dialogue with grassroots organisations and understanding their needs and
also from our own observations, experiences and environmental scan. It
will be also our endeavour to promote and disseminate the prototype
product within different communities. One of the values the Centre will
adhere to before the finalisation of the prototype product/technology will
be on tradition, dialogue and field testing.

Cultural Renaissance acknowledges the present crisis of the modern

world faced with depleting natural resources and tries to restore the
ecological balance with locally tuned experiments and expressions. The
aim of the programme is to reflect on the crisis of sustainability now
looming before the world and generate ideas and actions that
demonstrate possibilities of creating alternatives that are supportive of
life. The efforts will be towards offering fellowship to young people who
want to experiment and try their hands at something that interests them
and also noticing experiments and expressions that value organic
processes and create linkages by hosting festivals, events and exhibitions
to dialogue on important aspects of modern living and ways to transform
ourselves to be in tune with sustainable life.

Psycho-spiritual Awakening will offer space for deep reflection,

dialogue and learning about ways to connect our lives with purpose,
meaning and happiness. In wake of the present trend of massive
consumption and so-called better life we are finding ourselves leading
increasingly barren lives with the self isolated from its culture, tradition,
community and ecology. The programme aims to organise dialogue,
workshops and related activities to foster self awareness, deeper
reflections, healing and ways to strengthen community relationships.

Long Term Outcomes -

Our long-term outcome is to create a public consciousness of the modern

life style which is the cause of so much destruction, violence and waste
and which is threatening our ecology and our survival. Our consumerist
attitude is responsible for a large-scale use of non-renewable energy
which causes emissions of green house gases. The products and systems
we will create will strengthen individual and community health, generate
life-affirming leadership and dialogue, reduce consumerism and impact on
natural resources, especially energy. This is possible by a change in our
own lives to become active cultural and spiritual beings from mere

Ultimately, our design is about products and systems that do not become
waste but which have a long life and can decompose and become
nutrients for plants and animals or raw material for new products.

Our efforts will be towards popularising our products and keeping close
contacts with users to understand their attitude towards use. The changes
it generates will be a source for our database. This will feed into our
programmes regularly.

Budget -

Right now, we have only established contact with National Innovation Foundation,
Ahmedabad who has shown interest to collaborate. The partnership is yet to evolve into
financial terms but it will be based on assignments. We already have young
designers/researchers who are committed to this cause. We are also conscious about raising
our own funds and enable the operations of the organisation to be less dependent on external
sources. But at the initial stages we need support to start our enterprise. Our financial needs
are as follows:

Budget for one years:

Expenses in Rupees:

On personal salaries for professionals (4) – 6,00,000

Non personal cost - Raw material, Books - 1,00,000

Skill Development of team - 25,000

Equipment - Prototyping workshop - 3,00,000

Rent & Utilities - 1,50,000

Travel/meetings - 75,000
Total Expenses Rs - 12,50,000


1. The focus will be on the raw material that is easily degradable, eco friendly and
2. The Centre will begin its operation with Designing the products and later launch the
other two programme initiatives.


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