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Foreign Investment In India

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The Foreign Investment in India is undertaken in accordance with the FDI Policy which is
formulated and announced by the Government of India. The Government of India has
allowed different channels of Investment in India on basis of the entity of the foreign national.
The foreign investment refers to the direct or indirect investment done by a company or an
individual in some other country.
Foreign Investment in India can be summarized in the below mentioned points:

Foreign Direct Investment in India

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India is undertaken in accordance with the FDI Policy
which is formulated and announced by the Government of India.
Investment in Indian companies can be made by both non-resident as well as resident Indian
entities. Any non-resident investment in an Indian company is Direct Foreign Investment.
Investment by resident Indian entities could again comprise both resident and non-resident
investments. Thus, such an Indian company would have Indirect Foreign Investment if the
Indian investing company has foreign investment in it. The indirect investment can also be a
cascading investment, i.e. through multi-layered structure.
Types of Instruments to invest in India
Equity shares
Fully Compulsorily and Mandatorily convertible Debentures.
Fully Compulsorily and Mandatorily convertible Preference shares.
Issue of other types of preference shares such as non-convertible, optionally
convertible or partially convertible, has to be in accordance with the guidelines
applicable for External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs).

Entry Routes for Investment in India

Under the Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) Scheme, investments can be made in shares,
mandatorily and fully convertible debentures and mandatorily and fully convertible preference
shares of an Indian company by non-residents through two routes:
Automatic Route- Under the Automatic Route, the foreign investor or the Indian
company does not require any approval from the Reserve Bank or Government of
India for the investment.
Government Route- Under the Government Route, the foreign investor or the Indian
company should obtain prior approval of the Government of India(Foreign Investment
Promotion Board (FIPB), Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance
or Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, as the case may be) for the

Who can invest in India?

A non-resident entity (other than citizens of Pakistan and Bangladesh or an entity
incorporated in Pakistan or Bangladesh who can only invest with a prior approval of
FIPB) can invest in India, subject to the FDI Policy.
NRIs resident in Nepal and Bhutan as well as citizens of Nepal and Bhutan are
permitted to invest in the capital of Indian companies on repatriation basis.
Erstwhile OCBs which are incorporated outside India and are not under the adverse
notice of RBI can make fresh investments under FDI Policy as incorporated nonresident entities, with the prior approval of Government of India if the investment is
through Government route and with the prior approval of RBI if the investment is
through Automatic route.
An FII may invest in the capital of an Indian Company under the Portfolio Investment
Scheme which limits the individual holding of an FII to 10% of the capital of the
company and the aggregate limit for FII investment to 24% of the capital of the

Mode of Payment
An Indian company issuing shares /convertible debentures under FDI Scheme to a person
resident outside India shall receive the amount of consideration required to be paid for such
shares /convertible debentures:
Inward remittance through normal banking channels.
Debit to NRE / FCNR account of a person concerned maintained with an AD
(Category I) bank.
Conversion of Royalty / Lump sum / Technical know-how fee due for payment, import
of capital goods by units in SEZ or conversion of ECB shall be treated as
consideration for issue of shares.
Conversion of import payables / pre incorporation expenses / share swap can be
treated as consideration for issue of shares with the approval of FIPB.
Debit to non-interest bearing Escrow account in Indian Rupees in India which is
opened with the approval from AD Category I bank and is maintained with the AD
(Category I) bank on behalf of residents and non-residents towards payment of share
purchase consideration.
Further, the Reserve Bank may on an application made to it and for sufficient reasons, permit
an Indian Company to refund / allot shares for the amount of consideration received towards
issue of security if such amount is outstanding beyond the period of 180 days from the date of

Prohibition on Foreign Investment in India

Foreign investment in any form is prohibited in a company which is engaged or proposes to
engage in the following activities:Business of chit fund
Nidhi company
Agricultural or plantation activities
Real estate business or construction of farm houses (does not include development of
townships, construction of residential / commercial premises, roads or bridges,
educational institutions, recreational facilities, city and regional level infrastructure,
Trading in Transferable Development Rights (TDRs).

Lottery Business including Government /private lottery, online lotteries, etc.( Foreign
technology collaboration in any form including licensing for franchise, trademark,
brand name, management contract is also prohibited for Lottery Business and
Gambling and Betting activities).
Gambling and Betting including casinos etc.
Manufacturing of Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco
Activities / sectors not open to private sector investment e.g. Atomic Energy and
Railway Transport (other than Mass Rapid Transport Systems).

Modes of Investment under Foreign Direct Investment Scheme

Issuance of fresh shares by the company
Acquisition by way of transfer of existing shares by person resident in or outside India:
Sale or Gift of Shares/ Convertible debentures by person resident in or outside
Sale of Shares/ Convertible debentures on the Stock Exchange by person
resident outside India
Transfer of shares/convertible debentures from Resident to Person Resident
outside India
Acquisition of shares under the FDI scheme by a non-resident on a recognized
Stock Exchange
Issue of Rights / Bonus shares
Issue of shares under Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOPs)
Conversion of ECB / Lump-sum Fee / Royalty / Import of capital goods by units in
SEZs in to Equity/ Import payables / Pre incorporation expenses
Issue of shares by Indian Companies under ADR / GDR
Through issue / transfer of participating interest / right in oil fields to a non resident

Acquisition of shares under Scheme of Merger / Amalgamation

Mergers and amalgamations of companies in India are usually governed by an order issued
by a competent Court on the basis of the Scheme submitted by the companies undergoing
Once the scheme of merger or amalgamation of two or more Indian companies has been
approved by a Court in India, the transferee company or new company is allowed to issue
shares to the shareholders of the transferor company resident outside India, subject to the
conditions that :
the percentage of shareholding of persons resident outside India in the transferee or
new company does not exceed the sectoral cap
the transferor company or the transferee or the new company is not engaged in
activities which are prohibited under the FDI policy (refer para 7(c)).

Remittance of sale proceeds

AD Category I bank can allow the remittance of sale proceeds of a security (net of
applicable taxes) to the seller of shares resident outside India, provided the security has been
held on repatriation basis, the sale of security has been made in accordance with the

prescribed guidelines and NOC / tax clearance certificate from the Income Tax Department
has been produced.

Remittance on winding up/liquidation of Companies

AD Category I banks have been allowed to remit winding up proceeds of companies in
India, which are under liquidation, subject to payment of applicable taxes.
AD Category I banks shall allow the remittance provided the applicant submits:
No objection or Tax clearance certificate from Income Tax Department for the
Auditor's certificate confirming that all liabilities in India have been either fully paid or
adequately provided for.
Auditor's certificate to the effect that the winding up is in accordance with the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.
In case of winding up otherwise than by a court, an auditor's certificate to the effect
that there is no legal proceedings pending in any court in India against the applicant or
the company under liquidation and there is no legal impediment in permitting the

Guidelines for calculation of total foreign investment, i.e. direct and

indirect foreign investment in an Indian company
All investments made directly by non-resident entities into the Indian company would be
counted towards ' Direct Foreign Investment'.
Investment by resident Indian entities could again comprise both resident and non-resident
investments. Thus, such an Indian company would have Indirect Foreign Investment if the
Indian investing company has foreign investment in it.
The methodology for calculation of total foreign investment would apply at every stage
of investment in Indian companies and thus in each and every Indian company.
The full details about the foreign investment including ownership details etc. in Indian
company and information about the control of the company would be furnished by the
Company to the Government of India at the time of seeking approval.
In any sector, where Government approval is required for foreign investment and in
cases where there are any inter-se agreements between share-holders which have an
effect on the appointment of the Board of Directors or on the exercise of voting rights
or of creating voting rights disproportionate to shareholding or any incidental matter
thereof, such agreements will have to be informed to the approving authority.
In all sectors attracting sectoral caps, the balance equity i.e. beyond the sectoral
foreign investment cap, would specifically be beneficially owned by/held with/in the
hands of resident Indian citizens and Indian companies, owned and controlled by
resident Indian citizens.
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FDI Approval Routes In India

The Foreign Direct Investment in India is not automatic route of investment in the country and
require prior approval of government. The approval is required on the proposals which
involves investment or some technical collaboration with Indian ventures. The permission is
granted when Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) recommended it to the
government for approval.

Sectors under Government Route

FDI in activities not covered under the automatic route require prior government approval.
Approval of all such proposals including composite proposals involving foreign
investment/foreign technical collaboration is granted on the recommendations of Foreign
Investment Promotion Board (FIPB).
Sector/ Activity

% Allowed


Tea Plantation - Tea sector including tea plantations



Mining and mineral separation of titanium bearing

minerals and ores, its value addition and integrated



Defence Industry - subject to Industrial license



Terrestrial Broadcasting FM (FM Radio), subject to such

terms and conditions, as specified from time to time, by
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, for grant of
permission for setting up of FM Radio stations.



Up-linking of 'News & Current Affairs' TV Channels



Up-linking of 'News & Current Affairs' TV Channels



Up-linking a Non-News & Current Affairs TV Channels /

Down- linking of TV Channels



Publishing of Newspaper and periodicals dealing with news

and current affairs



Publication of Indian editions of foreign magazines dealing

with news and current affairs



Publishing / printing of Scientific and Technical Magazines /

specialty journals / periodicals, subject to compliance with
the legal framework as applicable and guidelines issued in
this regard from time to time by Ministry of Information and



Publication of facsimile edition of foreign newspapers



Existing projects

Above 74%


Non-Scheduled Air Transport Service

Above 49%
& up to 74%


Ground Handling Services subject to sectoral regulations

and security clearance

Above 49%


Print Media


Satellites Establishment and operation


Satellites Establishment and operation, subject to the

sectoral guidelines of Department of Space / ISRO



Private Security Agencies



Telecom services (including Telecom Infrastructure

Providers Category-l)

Above 49%


Single Brand product retail trading

Above 49%


Asset Reconstruction Companies

Asset Reconstruction Company(ARC) means a company
registered with the Reserve Bank of India under Section 3
of the SARFAESI Act

Above 49%


Banking Private sector

Above 49%
& up to 74%


Banking- Public Sector subject to Banking Companies

(Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Acts 1970/80. This
ceiling (20%) is also applicable to the State Bank of India
and its associate Banks.

20%(FDI &




Banking Private sector


**NOTE: All the above investments are subject to the conditions laid down in the RBI
Circular on Foreign Direct Investment

Procedure to be followed after investment is made under the Government

Application for all FDI cases, except Non-Resident Indian (NRI) investments and 100%
Export Oriented Units (EOUs), should be submitted to the FIPB Unit, Department of
Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance.
Application for NRI and 100% EOU cases should be presented to SIA in Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion.
Application can be made in Form FC-IL. Plain paper applications carrying all relevant details
are also accepted. No fee is payable. The guidelines for consideration of FDI proposals by
the FIPB are at Annexure-III of the Manual for FDI.
A two-stage reporting procedure has to be followed:
On receipt of share application money:
Within 30 days of receipt of share application money/amount of consideration from the nonresident investor, the Indian company is required to report to the Foreign Exchange
Department, Regional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank of India under whose
jurisdiction its Registered Office is located, the Advance Reporting Form, containing the
following details:
Name and address of the foreign investor
Date of receipt of funds and the Rupee equivalent
Name and address of the authorised dealer through whom the funds have been
Details of the Government approval, if any
KYC report on the non-resident investor from the overseas bank remitting the amount
of consideration.
The Indian company has to ensure that the shares are issued within 180 days from the date
of inward remittance which otherwise would result in the contravention / violation of the
FEMA regulations.
Upon issue of shares to non-resident investors
Within 30 days from the date of issue of shares, a report in Form FC-GPR- PARTA together
with the following documents should be filed with the Foreign Exchange Department,
Regional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank of India.

Certificate from the Company Secretary of the company accepting investment from
person resident outside India certifying that:
The company has complied with the procedure for issue of shares as laid down
under the FDI scheme.
Shares have been issued in terms of SIA/FIPB approval No. --------------------dated -------------------- (enclose the FIPB approval copy)
Certificate from Statutory Auditors/ SEBI registered Merchant Banker /
Chartered Accountant indicating the manner of arriving at the price of the
shares issued to the persons resident outside India.
Certificate from Statutory Auditors/ SEBI registered Merchant Banker /
Chartered Accountant indicating the manner of arriving at the price of the
shares issued to the person resident outside India.
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FDI Automatic Routes In India

Sectors under Automatic Route
In pursuance of Government's commitment to early implementation of the second phase of
the economic reforms and with a view to further liberalising the FDI regime, all items/
activities have been placed under the automatic route for FDI/NRI and OCB investment,
except the following:
All proposals that require an Industrial Licence which includes
The item requiring an Industrial Licence under the Industries Development&
Regulation Act 1951
Foreign investment being more than 24% in the equity capital of units manufacturing
items reserved for Small Scale Industries
All items which require an Industrial Licence in terms of the locational policy notified by
Government under the New Industrial Policy of 1991.
All proposals in which the foreign collaborator has a previous venture / tie up in India.
All proposals relating to acquisition of shares in an existing Indian company in favour
of a foreign/NRI/OCB investor
All proposals falling outside notified sectoral policy/caps or under sectors in which FDI
is not permitted and /or whenever any investor chooses to make an application to the
FIPB and not to avail of the automatic route
Sector/ Activity

% Allowed


Agriculture & Animal Husbandry - Floriculture, Horticulture,

Apiculture and Cultivation of Vegetables & Mushrooms under
controlled conditions; Development and production of Seeds
and planting material; Animal Husbandry (including breeding
of Dogs), Pisciculture, aquaculture, under controlled
conditions; and services related to agro and allied sectors



Mining - Mining and Exploration of metal and non metal ores

including diamond, gold, silver and precious ores but
excluding titanium bearing minerals and its ores;



Coal and Lignite - Coal & Lignite mining for captive

consumption by power projects, iron & steel and cement units
and other eligible activities permitted. Setting up coal
processing plants like washeries, subject to the condition that
the company shall not do coal mining and shall not sell
washed coal or sized coal from its coal processing plants in
the open market and shall supply the washed or sized coal to
those parties who are supplying raw coal to coal processing
plants for washing or sizing.



Petroleum & Natural Gas - Exploration activities of oil and

natural gas fields, infrastructure related to marketing of
petroleum products and natural gas, marketing of natural gas
and petroleum products, petroleum product pipelines, natural
gas/ pipelines, LNG Regasification infrastructure, market
study and formulation and Petroleum



Petroleum & Natural Gas - Petroleum refining by the Public

Sector Undertakings, without any disinvestment or dilution of
domestic equity in the existing PSUs.



Broadcasting Carriage Services - Teleports, Cable

Networks, Direct to Home(DTH), Mobile TV, Headend-in-the
Sky Broadcasting Services(HITS),



Cable Networks (Other MSOs not undertaking upgradation of

networks towards digitalization and addressability and Local
Cable Operators (LCOs).



Greenfield Projects



Existing projects


upto 74%

Scheduled Air Transport Service / Domestic Scheduled

Passenger Airline

49% FDI
100% NRI


Non-Scheduled Air Transport Service

74% FDI
100% NRI

upto 49%

Helicopter services / seaplane services requiring DGCA




Ground Handling Services subject to sectoral regulations and

security clearance

74% FDI
100% NRI

upto 49%

Ground Handling Services subject to sectoral regulations and

security clearance

74% FDI
100% NRI

upto 49%

Courier services for carrying packages, parcels and other

items which do not come within the ambit of the Indian Post
Office Act, 1898 and excluding the activity relating to the
distribution of letters.



Broadcasting Content Services


Construction Development: Townships, Housing, Built-up infrastructure

Townships, housing, built-up infrastructure and constructiondevelopment projects (which would include, but not be
restricted to, housing, commercial premises, hotels, resorts,
hospitals, educational institutions, recreational facilities, city
and regional level infrastructure)



Industrial Parks new and existing



Telecom services (including Telecom Infrastructure Providers



upto 49%

Cash & Carry Wholesale Trading / Wholesale Trading

(including sourcing from MSEs)



E-commerce activities



Single Brand product retail trading


upto 49%

100% of
paid up
capital of

upto 49%

Banking Private sector

74% incl.
by FII

upto 49%

Credit Information Companies (CIC)

74%(FDI &


Infrastructure companies in Securities Markets, namely, stock

exchanges, depositories & clearing corporations, in
compliance with SEBI Regulations- [FDI limit of 26 per cent
and an FII limit of 23 per cent of the paid-up capital]

49% (FDI
& FII)





Foreign investment in NBFC is allowed under the automatic

route in only the following activities:






Existing Companies

49 %( FDI
& FII)


49% (FDI
& FII)


Asset Reconstruction Companies

Asset Reconstruction Company(ARC) means a company
registered with the Reserve Bank of India under Section 3 of
Banking Private sector

Infrastructure Company in the Securities Market

Power Exchanges
Power Exchanges under the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Power Market) Regulations, 2010

**NOTE: All the above investments are subject to the conditions laid down in the RBI
Circular on Foreign Direct Investment

Procedure to be followed after investment is made under the Automatic


A two-stage reporting procedure has to be followed:

On receipt of share application money:Within 30 days of receipt of share application
money/amount of consideration from the non-resident investor, the Indian company is
required to report to the Foreign Exchange Department, Regional Office concerned of the
Reserve Bank of India under whose jurisdiction its Registered Office is located, the Advance
Reporting Form, containing the following details:
Name and address of the foreign investor
Date of receipt of funds and the Rupee equivalent
Name and address of the authorised dealer through whom the funds have been
Details of the Government approval, if any
KYC report on the non-resident investor from the overseas bank remitting the amount
of consideration.
The Indian company has to ensure that the shares are issued within 180 days from the date
of inward remittance which otherwise would result in the contravention / violation of the
FEMA regulations.

Upon issue of shares to non-resident investors

Within 30 days from the date of issue of shares, a report in Form FC-GPR- PARTA together
with the following documents should be filed with the Foreign Exchange Department,
Regional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank of India.
Certificate from the Company Secretary of the company accepting investment from
person resident outside India certifying that:
The company has complied with the procedure for issue of shares as laid down
under the FDI scheme.
The investment is within the sectoral cap / statutory ceiling permissible under
the Automatic Route of the Reserve Bank and it fulfills all the conditions laid
down for investments under the Automatic Route.
Certificate from Statutory Auditors/ SEBI registered Merchant Banker /
Chartered Accountant indicating the manner of arriving at the price of the
shares issued to the person resident outside India.
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