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Jan14-10 Board Minutes

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Pathway Christian Academy

Meeting Agenda
January 14, 2010
6:00pm, Pathway

ƒ January 14th 2010 Board Meeting

I. Prayer at 6:00pm
II. Call to order at 6:30pm
III. Roll call – Curtis Carr, Terri Shaffer, Chad Clark, Grant Long, Tim
Lawson, Rebecca Wilson, Sheena Asconi
IV. Approval of minutes from last meeting – Motion made to approve
minutes and seconded and all in favor.

V. Executive Session
VI. Open Issues:
a) Treasurer Report (Tara)
• Review Financials for December, January and February
• We have $21,954 in the bank
b) Facilities & Transportation (Chad)
• Diamond Softball would like to practice in the overflow room in the
back of building
• Cleaning day this Saturday 9-12pm
o Picnic table for teachers will be put out on the playground
o G Dome play equipment will be put out on the playground
o Painting
o Bulletin board needs hung
• Gym needs lights replaced
• Water fountain needs repaired
• Reworking parking lot
o Painting the arrows and putting reflecting paint on outside of
o One Way Street signs for back of the building. Starting at
Tractor Supply and going around the building and ending at
The Weigh Station.
c) Fund Raising Report (Grant)
• January 28th – Chick-Fil-A 5pm-10pm
• February 10th – Cici’s 5pm-9pm
• March 16th – Cici’s – 5pm-9pm
• Golf Marathon – May 10th
• Panther Prowl – March 19th
• MS/HS Lock out – April 16th
d) Marketing Report (Rebecca)
• Potluck Dinner – February 22nd – 6pm
o and
click on “add new item”
o Taking Pathway info to Realtor offices in the area
o Taking Pathway info to Daycare centers in the area
e) Communications (Mark)
• Nothing to report
f) Vision & Strategy (Tim)
• Proposals for selling property
o David Hagan is supposed to hear something tomorrow on
• The board is going to be setting a date to meet with Dayspring’s board
about merging the two high schools together.
g) Academic Affairs Report (Sheena)
• High school Math
o Academic Affairs meeting January 28th and February 4th
h) Administrator’s Report (Sheena)
• (1) new K-3 started on January 5th
• (1) new K-3 started on January 11th
• (1) new K-3 will start on March 1st
• New 8th grader starting on Tuesday
• New 9th grader starting next week
• Need more Chemistry supplies $384
• Need Bible curriculum - $90
• Motion made to buy Chemistry supplies and new Bible
curriculum, seconded and all in favor
i) Capital Campaign (Terri)
• We have$1,700 in Capital Campaign fund.
j) Personnel Report (Curtis)
• January 28th meeting

VII. New Business:

a) Other issues: Discuss February board agenda

VIII. Prayer
IX. Adjournment – 9:25pm

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