Buys Land in Australia Because 16 Year Olds Are Allowed Not Allowed
Buys Land in Australia Because 16 Year Olds Are Allowed Not Allowed
Buys Land in Australia Because 16 Year Olds Are Allowed Not Allowed
Nationality Priciple
New York law shall apply. The petition of change of name file din New York
does not concern the legal capacity or status of the petitioner. Moreover, it
does nto affect the registry of any other country including the country of
birth of the petitioner. Whatever judgment is rendered in that petition will
have effect only in New York. The NY Court cannot order the Civil
Registrar in the Philippines to change its records. Again, only NY records
will be affected. Same argument for foreigner seeking the same petition in
the Philippines: allowed & using Phlippine law.
The consent of the 14-year-old legitimate child, of the 10- year -old
illegitimate child and of the biological mother of the illegitimate child are
needed for the adoption (Section 7 and 9, RA 8552). The consent of Lea is
no longer required because there was already a final decree of legal
Adoption of Stephanie Nathy Astorga Garcia, G.R. No. 148311, March 31,
2005, the Supreme Court ruled that the adopted child may use the
surname of the natural mother as his middle name because there is no
prohibition in the law against it. Moreover, it will also be for the benefit of
the adopted child who shall preserve his lineage on his mothers side and
reinforce his right to inherit from his mother and her family. Lastly, it will
make the adopted child conform with the time-honored Filipino tradition of
carrying the mothers surname as the persons middle name.
Sex reassignment
However, while Kenyan law governs the formal validity of the marriage,
the legal capacity of the Filipino parties to the marriage is governed not
by Kenyan law but by Philippine law (Article 15, NCC). Sterility of a party
as a ground for the annulment of the marriage is not a matter of form but
a matter of legal capacity. The marriage cannot be annulled under the
Philippine law. Sterility is not a ground for annulment of marriage under
Article 45 of the Family Code.
CONLFICT WITH IMPOTENCE: Physical incapacity to consummate is a valid
ground for the annulment of marriage if such incapacity was existing at
the time of the marriage, continues and appears to be incurable. The
marriage may be annulled on this ground within five years from its
Yes, the two children can still ask for support for schooling or training for
some professions, trade or vocation, even beyond the age of majority
until they shall have finished or completed their education (Article 194,
Paragraph 2, Family Code; Javier v. Lucero, 94 Phil. 634 {1954}].Their
having squandered the money given to them for their education will not
deprive them of their right to complete an education, or to extinguish the
obligation of the parents to ensure the future of their children.
latter was already a foreigner when the divorce was already obtained
abroad. According to the court, to rule otherwise will violate the equal
protection clause of the Constitution.
Divorce must be valid and in accordance with foreign law. The foreign
marital law and divorce decree must be proved and cannot be taken
judicial notice of. It is essential that there should be an opportunity to
challenge the foreign judgment in order for the court in this jurisdiction to
properly determine its efficacy.
his prior spouse in the first marriage had been absent for four
consecutive years;
that the spouse present has a well-founded belief that the absent
spouse was already dead, and
present spouse instituted a summary proceeding for the
declaration of the presumptive death of absent spouse. The
absence of the said judicial declaration incapacitated Ana from
contracting her second marriage, making it void ab initio
Rodolfo has no parental authority over Rona. He who has the parental
authority has the right to custody. Under the Family Code, the mother
alone has parental authority over the illegitimate child. This is true even if
illegitimate father recognized the child and even though he is giving
support for the child. To acquire custody over Rona, Rodolfo should first
deprive Nanette of parental authority if there is ground under the law, and
in a proper court proceedings. In the same action, the court may award
custody of Rona to Rodolfo if it is for her best interest.
Laica is legitimate because children conceived or born during the
marriage of the parents are presumed to be legitimate
Laica cannot bring an action to impugn her own status. I
mpugning the legitimacy of the child is a strictly personal right of
husband, except: (a) when the husband died before the
expiration of the period fixed for bringing the action; (b) if he
should die after the filing of the complaint, without having
desisted therefrom, or (c) if the child was born after the death of
the husband. Laica's case does not fall under any of the
Laica cannot be legitimated by the marriage of her biological
parents because only children conceived and born outside of
wedlock of parents who at the time of the conception of the
former were not disqualified by any impediment to marry each
other may be legitimated
To be legitimated, the law does not require a child to be alive at the same
time of the marriage of his / her parents ( Article 177, FC ). Furthermore,
Art. 181 of the Family Code which states that [Th]e llegitimation of
children who died before the celebration of marriage will benefit their
descendants, does not preclude instances where such legitimation will
benefit no one but the child's ascendants ,or other relatives
Art. 195, par 5 limits the giving of support to "legitimate brothers and
sisters, whether full or half blood."
Rona, if already of age, to use the surname against her will. If Rona is still
a minor, to use the surname of Rodolfo will require the consent of Rona's
mother who has sole parental authority over her.
If both of them are capacitated to marry each other, Art 147- co-
part of the public domain. Thus, Jessica cannot legally claim ownership of
the additional 2 meters of land along her property because she
constructed a concrete barrier about 2 meters from her property causing
deposits of soil and other materials when the water recedes. In other
words, the increase in her property was not caused by nature but was
man- made. In order to acquire land by accretion, there should be a
natural and actual continuity of the accretion to the land of the riparian
owner caused by natural ebb and flow of the current of the river.
When the donor intends that the donation shall take effect during the
lifetime of the donor, though the property shall not be delivered till after
the donors death, this shall be a donation inter vivos (Art. 729, Civil
The Civil Code prefers inter vivos transmissions. Moreover, mortis causa
donations should follow the formalities of a will (Art. 728, Civil Code).
Here there is no showing that such formalities were followed. Thus, it is
favorable to Jennifer that the deed is a donation inter vivos.
If the properties of Jessica and Jenny are registered, the benefit of such
registration does not extend to the increased area of their properties.
Accretion does not automatically become registered land because there is
a specific technical description of the lot in its Torrens title. There must be
a separate application for registration of the alluvial deposits under the
Torrens System
On revocability as an indication: Furthermore, what is most significant in
determining the type of donation is the absence of stipulation that the
donor could revoke the donation; on the contrary, the deeds expressly
declare them to be irrevocable, a quality absolutely incompatible with
the idea of conveyances mortis causa where revocability is the essence of
the act, to the extent that a testator cannot lawfully waive or restrict his
right of revocation.
Accretion: man-made
Where the land is not formed solely by the natural effect of the water
current of the river bordering land but is also the consequences of the
direct and deliberate intervention of man, it is man-made accretion and a
The notes and coins are no longer owned by the Bank of the Philippine
Islands, which has either lost or abandoned the vault and its contents,
and it has not taken any effort to search, locate or recover the vault.
Adam, as finder, and Blas, as owner of the land, are entitled to share 5050 in the treasure. The government can only claim if it can establish that
the notes and coins are of interest to science or the arts, then it must pay
just price of the things found, to be divided equally between Adam and
Blas. If either or both Adam and Blas are adjudged as owners, the notes
and coins shall be deemed part of their absolute community or conjugal
Act 3344
Application Options
Application for registration which requires (a) that the land applied
for forms part of the alienable and disposable (A & D) portion of the
public domain, and (b) that the applicant has been in open,
continuous and notorious possession and occupation thereof under
bona fide claim of ownership for ___. However, it is only necessary
that the land is already declared A & D land at the time for
application for registration is filed
Ordinary Acquisitive Prescription for 30 years provided, however, that
the land is patrimonial in character, i.e. already declared by the
government (a) as A & D, and (b) no longer needed for public use or
public service
Application for confirmation of imperfect or incomplete title through
judicial legalization under Sec. 48 (b) of CA no. 141, or the Public
Land Act (PLA). But, as held in Malabanan, there is no substantial
difference between this provision and Sec 14 (1) of the PRD. Both
refer to agricultural lands already classified as alienable and
disposable at the time the application is filed, and require possession
and occupation since June 12, 1945. The only difference is that under
the PRD, there already exists a title which is to be confirmed,
whereas under the PLA, the presumption is that land is still public
Invoke Vested Rights acquired under Rep. Act. No. 1942, dated June
2, 1957, which amended Sec. 48 (b) of the PLA by providing for a
prescriptive period of thirty years for judicial confirmation of
imperfect title. It must only be demonstrated that possession and
occupation commenced on January 24, 1947 and the 30-year period
was completed prior to the effectivity of PD No. 1073 on January 25,
1977. PD No. 1073 now requires possession and occupation since
June 12, 1945
Administrative proceedings under the homestead or free patent
provisions of the PLA. The title issued has the same efficacy and
validity as a title issued through judicial proceedings, but with the
limitations that the land cannot be sold or disposed of within five
years from the issuance of patent.
Manuel may tack his possession to that of his predecessor-ininterest (Michael) by the testimony of disinterested and
knowledgeable eyewitnesses. Overt acts of possession may
consist in introducing valuable improvements or declaring the
land for taxation purposes and paying realty taxes, all of which
are corroborative proof of possession.
To identify the land, he must submit the tracing cloth plan or a
duly-certified blueprint or whiteprint copy thereof
To show the classification of the land as A & D, the application
must be accompanied by (1) a CENRO or PENRO certification; and
(2) a certified true copy of the original classification approved by
the DENR Secretary. A presidential or legislative act may also be
XYZ Bank can validly assert legal compensation. In the present case, all of
the elements of legal compensation are present: (1) XYZ Bank is the
creditor of Eduardo while Eduardo is the lessor of XYZ Bank; (2) both
debts consist in a sum of money, or if the things due are consumable,
they be of the same kind, and also of the same quality if the latter has
been stated; (3) the two debts be due; (4) they be liquidated and
demandable, and (5) over neither of them there be any retention or
controversy, commenced by third persons and communicated in due time
to the debtor
These are obligations that do not arise from contract such as those arising
solutio indebiti;
negotiorum gestio; and
all other obligations arising from law
Edwin may legally sue for partition by sale of the whole condominium
project under the following conditions: (a) the damage or destruction
caused by the earthquake has rendered one-half (1/2) or more of the
units therein untenantable, and (b) that the condominium owners holding
an aggregate of more than thirty percent (30%) interests of the common
areas are opposed to the restoration of the condominium project (Sec 8
[b], Republic Act No. 472 Condominium Act).
B-2 has a better title. This is not a case of double sale. Since the first sale
was void. The law provides that when a sale of a piece of land or any
interest therein is through an agent, the authority of the latter shall be in
writing; otherwise, the sale shall be void (Art 1874, NCC). The property
was sold by Y to B1 wihtout any written authority from the owner X.
Hence, the sale to B1 was void.
The two remaining partners, A and B, are liable. When any partner dies
and the business is continued without any settlement of accounts as
between him or his estate, the surviving partners are held liable for
continuing the business despite the death of C (Art 1841, 1785, par 2,
and Art 1833 of NCC).
Remedy of creditors: Creditors can file the appropriate actions, for
instance, an action for collection of sum of money against the partnership
at will and if there are no sufficient funds, the creditors may go after the
private properties of A and B (Art 816, NCC). Creditors may also sue the
estate of C. The estate is not excused from the liabilities of the
partnership even if C is dead already but only up to the time that he
remained a partner (Art 1829, 1835, par 2, NCC. However, individual
properties shall first be subject to payment of his separate debts.
Option contract
Him alone, not the teachers or any other person exercising special
parental authority because it was his negligence or tortious act that
served as the sole, proximate and immediate cause of the accident.
Yes, Rommel may be held liable for damages if he fails to prove that he
exercised the diligence of a good father of a family (Art. 2180, par 5,
NCC) in selecting and supervising his family driver. The owner is
presumed liable unless he proves the defense of diligence. If the driver
was performing his assigned task when the accident happened, Rommel
shall be solidarily liable with the driver.
Rommel, who was in the car, shall be liable for damages if he could have
prevented the misfortune by the use of due diligence in supervising his
driver but failed to exercise it (Art. 2184, NCC). In such case, his liability
is solidary with his driver.