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Abrigo vs. de Vera

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Spouses ABRIGO vs.

G.R. No. 154409
June 21, 2004
FACTS: Villafania sold a house and lot located Pangasinan and Tigno-Salazar
and Cave-Go covered by a tax declaration. Unknown, however to TignoSalazar and a Cave-Go, Villafania obtained a free patent over the parcel of
land involved.The said free patent was later on cancelled by a TCT.
On Oct 16, 1997, Tigno-Salazar and Cave-Go, sold the house and lot to the
Spouses Abrigo.
On Oct 23, 1997, Villafania sold the same house and lot to de Vera. De Vera
registered the sale and as a consequence a TCT was issued in her name.
De Vera filed an action for Forcible Entry and Damages against Spouses
Abrigo before the MTC.
Spouses Abrigo filed a case with the RTC for the annulment of documents,
injunction, preliminary injunction, restraining order and damages Villafania.
The parties submitted a Motion for Dismissal in view of their agreement in the
instant (RTC) case that neither of them can physically take possession of the
property in question until the instant case is terminated. Hence the ejectment
case was dismissed.
The RTC rendered judgment approving the Compromise Agreement
submitted by the parties. In the said Decision, Villafania was given one year
from the date of the Compromise Agreement to buy back the house and lot,
and failure to do so would mean that the previous sale in favor of Tigno-

Salazar and Cave-Go shall remain valid and binding and the plaintiff shall
voluntarily vacate the premises without need of any demand. Villafania failed
to buy back the house and lot, so the [vendees] declared the lot in their name
The RTC rendered the assailed Decision awarding the properties to Spouses
Abrigo as well as damages. Moreover, Villafania was ordered to pay
[petitioners and private respondent] damages and attorneys fees.
Not contented with the assailed Decision, both parties [appealed to the CA].
In its original Decision, the CA held that a void title could not give rise to a
valid one and hence dismissed the appeal of Private Respondent de Vera.Since
Villafania had already transferred ownership to Rosenda Tigno-Salazar and
Rosita Cave-Go, the subsequent sale to De Vera was deemedvoid.The CA also
dismissed the appeal of Petitioner-Spouses Abrigo and found no sufficient
basis to award them moral and exemplary damages and attorneys fees.
On reconsideration found Respondent De Vera to be a purchaser in good faith
and for value. The appellate court ruled that she had relied in good faith on the
Torrens title of her vendor and must thus be protected.
Hence, this Petition.9
ISSUE: Who between petitioner-spouses and respondent has a better right to
the property.
The petition is denied, and the assailed decision affirmed.The present case
involves what in legal contemplation was a double sale. Gloria Villafania first
sold the disputed property to Tigno-Salazar and Cave-Go, from whom

petitioners, in turn, derived their right. Subsequently a second sale was

executed by Villafania with Respondent de Vera.
Article 1544 of the Civil Code states the law on double sale thus:
Art. 1544. If the same thing should have been sold to different vendees, the
ownership shall be transferred to the person who may have first taken
possession thereof in good faith, if it should be movable property.
Should it be immovable property, the ownership shall belong to the person
acquiring it who in good faith first recorded it in the Registry of Property.
Should there be no inscription, the ownership shall pertain to the person who
in good faith was first in the possession; and, in the absence thereof, to the
person who presents the oldest title, provided there is good faith.
There is no ambiguity in the application of this law with respect to lands
registered under the Torrens system.
In the instant case, both Petitioners Abrigo and respondent registered the sale
of the property. Since neither petitioners nor their predecessors (TignoSalazar and Cave-Go) knew that the property was covered by the Torrens
system, they registered their respective sales under Act 3344 For her part,
respondent registered the transaction under the Torrens system because,
during the sale, Villafania had presented the transfer certificate of title (TCT)
covering the property.
Soriano v. Heirs of Magali23 held that registration must be done in
the proper registry in order to bind the land. Since the property in dispute
in the present case was already registered under the Torrens system,

petitioners registration of the sale under Act 3344 was not effective for
purposes of Article 1544 of the Civil Code.
More recently, in Naawan Community Rural Bank v. Court of
Appeals,24 the Court upheld the right of a party who had registered the sale of
land under the Property Registration Decree, as opposed to another who had
registered a deed of final conveyance under Act 3344. In that case, the
priority in time principle was not applied, because the land was
already covered by the Torrens system at the time the conveyance was
registered under Act 3344. For the same reason, inasmuch as the registration
of the sale to Respondent De Vera under the Torrens system was done in good
faith, this sale must be upheld over the sale registered under Act 3344 to
Petitioner-Spouses Abrigo.

The principle in Article 1544 of the Civil Code is in full accord

with Section 51 of PD 1529 which provides that:

no deed, mortgage, lease or other voluntary instrument except a will

purporting to convey or affect registered land shall take effect as a conveyance
or bind the land until its registration. Thus, if the sale is not registered, it is
binding only between the seller and the buyer but it does not affect innocent
third persons.
2. Radiowealth Finance Co. v. Palileo25 explained the difference in the
rules of registration under Act 3344 and those under the Torrens system in
this wise:
Under Act No. 3344, registration of instruments affecting unregistered lands
is without prejudice to a third party with a better right. The aforequoted
phrase has been held by this Court to mean that the mere registration of a sale
in ones favor does not give him any right over the land if the vendor was not

anymore the owner of the land having previously sold the same to somebody
else even if the earlier sale was unrecorded.
The case of Carumba vs. Court of Appeals is a case in point. It was held
therein that Article 1544 of the Civil Code has no application to land not
registered under Act No. 496. Like in the case at bar, Carumba dealt with a
double sale of the same unregistered land. The first sale was made by the
original owners and was unrecorded while the second was an execution sale
that resulted from a complaint for a sum of money filed against the said
original owners. Applying [Section 33], Rule 39 of the Revised Rules of Court,
this Court held that Article 1544 of the Civil Code cannot be invoked to benefit
the purchaser at the execution sale though the latter was a buyer in good faith
and even if this second sale was registered. It was explained that this is
because the purchaser of unregistered land at a sheriffs execution sale only
steps into the shoes of the judgment debtor, and merely acquires the latters
interest in the property sold as of the time the property was levied upon.
Applying this principle, x x x the execution sale of unregistered land in favor
of petitioner is of no effect because the land no longer belonged to the
judgment debtor as of the time of the said execution sale.
3. Good-Faith Requirement
We have consistently held that Article 1544 requires the second buyer to
acquire the immovable in good faith and to register it in good faith. Mere
registration of title is not enough; good faith must concur with
theregistration.We explained the rationale in Uraca v. Court of Appeals,
which we quote:
Under the foregoing, the prior registration of the disputed property by the
second buyer does not by itself confer ownership or a better right over the

property. Article 1544 requires that such registration must be coupled with
good faith. Jurisprudence teaches us that (t)he governing principle is primus
tempore, potior jure (first in time, stronger in right). Knowledge
gained by the first buyer of the second sale cannot defeat the
first buyers rights except where the second buyer registers in good faith the
second sale ahead of the first, as provided by the Civil Code. Such knowledge
of the first buyer does not bar her from availing of her rights under the law,
among them, to register firsther purchase as against the second buyer.
But in converso, knowledge gained by the second buyer of
the first sale defeats his rights even if he is first to register the second
sale, since such knowledge taints his prior registration with bad faith. This is
the price exacted by Article 1544 of the Civil Code for the second buyer being
able to displace the first buyer; that before the second buyer can obtain
priority over the first, he must show that he acted in good faith
throughout (i.e. in ignorance of the first sale and of the first buyers
rights) - from the time of acquisition until the title is transferred to
him by registration, or failing registration, by delivery of
possession.34 (Italics supplied)
Equally important, under Section 44 of PD 1529, every registered owner
receiving a certificate of title pursuant to a decree of registration, and every
subsequent purchaser of registered land taking such certificate for value and
in good faith shall hold the same free from all encumbrances, except those
noted and enumerated in the certificate. Thus, a person dealing with
registered land is not required to go behind the registry to determine the
condition of the property, since such condition is noted on the face of the
register or certificate of title.Following this principle, this Court has
consistently held as regards registered land that a purchaser in good faith

acquires a good title as against all the transferees thereof whose rights are not
recorded in the Registry of Deeds at the time of the sale.

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