Principal Test 1-Na
Principal Test 1-Na
Principal Test 1-Na
c. Summative
d. Diagnostic
c. Placement Evaluation
d. Formative Evaluation
4. Mrs. Sanito wants to detect the learning difficulties of her pupils in Math. What
evaluation procedure should she use?
a. Formative Evaluation
b. Diagnostic Evaluation
c. Summative Evaluation
d. Placement Evaluation
6. Which of the following phrases about wave motion defines period?
a. knowledge
b. Comprehension
c. Analysis
d. Synthesis
7. Miss Taway is a new grade four teacher. She overloaded her first quarter Math
test items concerning additions. What kind of Math test did Miss Taway prepare?
a. Her Math test is not reliable
b. It is not objective
c. It is not valid
d. All of the above
c. Completion
d. Analogy
c. Behavior
d. Condition
c. A class composed of 2 or
d. A class composed of 3 to 6
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
c. 92.303%
d. 92.202%
c. 97.58%
d. 97.98%
13. Given the graduation rate in item no. 12, how many pupils did not graduate?
a. 180
b. 170
c. 175
d. 165
c. 91.13%
d. 91.23%
c. 98.38%
d. 98.30%
16. What is the transition rate from Grade 1 to Grade 2 for SY 2005-06?
a. 98.53%
b. 98.63%
c. 98.73%
d. 98.83%
c. 1.28%
d. 2.28%
18. In the Teacher Deployment Analysis Spectrum, which color coded school has
generous teacher provision.
a. Blue school
b. Green School
c. Red school
d. Orange school
c. Green
d. Orange
c. April 30
d. March 30
22. Deped Order No. 65,s. 2010 provides the general guidelines in the collection of
school contributions. When can voluntary contributions be collected?
a. Second month of every school year
23. What is the minimum size of the school site of an elementary school with 6
a. 0.5 hectare
b. 1.0 hectare
c. 2.0 hectare
d. 3.0 hectare
24. What is the minimum size of the school site of an urban secondary school with
enrolment of 2001 to 3000?
a. 0.5 hectare
b. 2.0 hectare
c. 1.0 hectare
d. 3.0 hectare
25. What is the minimum size of the school site of an urban agricultural secondary
a. 6.0 hectare
b. 4.0 hectare
c. 5.0 hectare
d. 3.0 hectare
26. A school site may also be acquired through donation or usufruct. Which kind of
donation takes effect during the lifetime of the donor?
a. Inta vivos
b. mortis causa
c. simple
d. conditional
27. The display of the Philippine National flag is a requirement for all school. As a
general rule, what should be the height of the flagpole?
a. As high as the roof of the main building
c. Higher than the building
b. Six meters high
d. seven meter high
28. A signboard indicating the name and location of the school building should be
big enough to be easily readable from the street at a distance of?
a. 5 to 10 meters
b. 10 to 15 meters
c. 15 to 25 meters
d. 10 to 20 meters
c. I, II and III
d. I, II, III and IV
30. The height of the chalkboard from the floor to its top-edge is determined by
multiplying the mean standing height of the class by the constant___.
a. 1.0
b. 1.1
c. 1.2
d. 1.3
31. Private schools request for tution fees increase will only be approved if ___ of
this will go to the teachers salary.
a. 50%
b. 70%
c. 60%
d. 80%
32. RA 9258, the Guidance and Counseling Act providesfor the creation of Career
Advocates and Peer Facilitators. Which of the following comprised the Peer
a. Homeroom Advisers
b. Trained High school students
c. Association of Guidance
d. DOLE personnel
33. The following are key results areas in principalship, EXCEPT one:
Curriculum development
Staff development
c. LSB Management
d. Pupil Development
34. This refers to a work related issue that causes employee dissatisfaction
or discontentment.
Grievance machinery
c. Probity
d. Aggrieved Party
35. Learners should be allowed to evaluate their own work. This statement
c. Presidential
d. Expropriation
43. As a general rule, the different school buildings should be laid out
according to functional groupings. The distances between buildings
should be such that EXCEPT:
44. The main building facing the front gate should be at least how many
meters from the gate?
a. 10 meters
c. 20 meters
b. 15 meters
d. None
45. The recommended minimum setback of a school from the street line is
_____________ meters to minimize intrusive sounds
a. 5
c. 10
b. 8
d. 15
46. The signboard of a school building should be of appropriate length and
width to accommodate the name and location of the school. The
lettering in simple, black or roman style and big enough to be easily
read in a distance of:
a. 10m to 20 m
b. 20 m to 25 m
c. 5m
d. 5m to 10m
c. Self-directed supervision
d. Clinical supervision
c. Fear or ridicule
d. Open-minded people
51. Employee resist change because they feel vulnerable, fear the
unknown, express differences in how to achieve goals-hostility erupts
is best described as:
a. Forming
b. Norming
c. Storming
d. Performing
52. When the follower can do the job and is motivated to do it, then the
leader can basically leave them to it, largely trusting them to get on
with the job although they also may need to keep a relatively distant
eye on things to ensure everything is going to plan is:
a. Directing
b. Coaching
c. Supporting
d. Delegating
53. When the leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises
task accomplishment is:
a. Directing
c. Supporting
b. Coaching
d. Delegating
54. When the leaders continues to direct and closely supervise task
accomplishment, but also explains decisions, solicit suggestions, and
support progress is:
a. Directing
c. Supporting
b. Coaching
d. Delegating
55. What will you do as school head if one of your single lady teachers
had an affair with a married barangay captain in your locality and later
became pregnant?
a. Require the barangay captain to marry the teacher
b. Charge the barangay captain with rape
c. Dismiss the teacher from the service
d. Advice the teacher to file on leave of absence until she delivers her
56. The following are the activities that are eligible for the SBM grant
a. Supplies and materials
c. Transportation expense
of speaker
b. Meals (not exceeding 10% of total grant)
d. Purchase of
57. Under Teacher Deployment Analysis, hot color gold means?
a. Excessive surplus teacher provision
c. Manageable ratio
b. Severe teacher shortage
d. Generous teacher
58. For instructional rooms deployment analysis, red means:
a. Ratio is 56 plus
c. Ratio is 51-55.99
b. No classroom
d. Ratio is below 45
59. School furniture analysis shows that colored red means:
a. More than 2 pupils per seat
c. Adequate in two-shifts
b. No existing seats
d. More than 3 pupils per
60. Public officials and employees shall perform and discharge their duties
with the highest degree of excellence, intelligence and skills, render
public service with the outmost devotion and dedication to duty.
a. Professionalism
b. Responsibility
c. Commitment
d. Devotion
61. Public officials and employees shall remain true to the people at all
times, shall not discriminate, shall respected at all times the right of
others and refrain from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, public
policy, public safety and public interest.
a. Political neutrality
c. Commitment
b. Justness and sincerity
d. Professionalism
62. Public officials and employees shall be at all times loyal to the
Republic and to the Filipino people and endeavour to maintain and
defend the sovereignty against foreign intrusion.
a. Professionalism
c. Nationalism/patriotism
b. Political neutrality
d. Commitment to public
63. All public officials and employees shall respond within ___________ days
from receipt thereof, responds to letters, telegrams and other means
of communication sent by the public.
a. 15 working days
c. Within 7 working days
b. Within 15 days
d. Within one week
64. As a school principal, what are the characters of a teacher you
recommend to serve during election?
I. Professionalism
III. Political neutrality
II. Nationalism and patriotism
IV. Commitment to public interest
c. I and III
c. I, II and IV
d. II and IV
d. I, II, III and IV
65. This act declares that sexual harassment is unlawful in the
employment, education or training environment, and for other
a. R. A # 7877
c. R. A # 8187
b. R. A # 6725
d. R. A # 8190
66. This act further provides that this also applies if his spouse suffered a
miscarriage and for the purpose of enabling him effectively lend
support to his wife in her period of recovery and/or in the nursing of
the newly born child.
e. R. A # 7877
c. R. A # 8187
f. RA # 6725
d. RA # 8190
67. This act grant priority to resident of the barangay, municipality or city
where the school is located in the appointment or assignment of
classroom public school teachers, provided that the teacher
possesses all the minimum qualification for the position as required
by law.
a. R. A # 8190
b. R. A # 8187
c. RA # 6725
d. RA # 6683
68. During pre-observation conference, the principal sits with the teacher
and determines the following EXCEPT one:
a. The reason for and the purpose of the observation
b. The focus of observation
c. The method of teaching to be used by the teacher
d. The time of observation
69. Your subordinate is becoming unresponsive to your friendliness. His
performance is below average.
a. Stress the need to go by standard procedure and to show output.
b. Be available for discussion but do not pressure for output
c. Talk with subordinate and then set objectives
d. Be careful not to intervene
70. Your subordinates performance has been excellent and normally you
leave him alone. But now he has some difficulty on a problem.
Discuss the situation with him and help him solve the problem.
Let him work it out by himself.
Tell him what to do
Encourage him to work on the problem and be supportive of
his efforts
71. You and your subordinates recognize the need to change, your
subordinate have a fine performance record and are very reliable.
a. Allow the group to participate in developing the change. Do not
structure what is to be done.
b. Simply introduce the changes
c. Let the group set its own direction
d. Ask the group for ideas but you direct the change effort
72. The productivity of your subordinate has decreased. He has been
missing deadlines and has not met his objectives.
a. Wait for the situation to correct itself
b. Make friendly overtures and remind him of his expected output
c. Spell out his tasks and supervise him carefully
d. Show understanding of his problems. Do not structure his work
73. The following are true about the assessment in Kindergarten except:
c. 2017
d. 2018
75. An exit examination and as readiness test for the Junior High School
a. Grade 6 NAT
c. A & E test
d. End of Grade 6
76. Which curriculum uses the spiral progression?
a. Basic Education Curriculum
c. K-12 Curriculum
b. Secondary Education Curriculum
77. Which subject in the K-12 curriculum is anchored on the tenet Move
to Learn, Learn to
a. Mathematics
b. Science
c. Physical Education
d. Music and Arts
78. Which of the following features represents the new paradigm shift in
a. Traditional pedagogies
b. Lifelong education for all
c. Rigid subject matter boundaries
d. Rigid selection of students based on single and fixed criteria
79. The basic value that is central to human rights education is :
a. Sustainability of the planet
b. Human dignity
80. R.A 7877 signed into Law February 14, 1995 declares unlawful:
a. Hazing in fraternities
c. Cutting of trees
b. Sexual harassment in the workplace
d. Tuition fee in basic
81. The UNESCO identified four pillars of learning. Which pillar is given top
priority especially due to the situation in Mindanao and threats of
terrorists attack?
a. Learning to live together
b. Learning to be
c. Learning to do
d. Learning to know
a. Sick leave
b. Personal leave
c. Vacation leave
d. Indefinite leave
91. Ms. Mariano tutors her students, who have difficulty coping with math,
after class hours. Is her act ethical?
a. Yes, provided she received just compensation
b. Yes, provided she does not require a fee from the parent
c. No, that is unfair to other students
d. No, she should be free after her official time
92. The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers recognizes the following
with the exception of one. Which is the exception?
a. Quality education depends primarily on the quality of socioeconomic
status of the teachers.
b. Advancement in education depends on teachers
qualifications and ability.
c. Education is an essential factor in the economic growth of
the nation.
d. Education is development and vice-versa
93. The right of the students to receive relevant quality education is
primarily achieved
a. Competent instruction
c. School-community
b. Strong curriculum
d. Competent administrator
94. What does teachers are persons in authority mean?
a. Teachers cannot be charged
b. Teachers have immunity from arrest
c. No person can assault a teacher
d. Decisions made by teachers are deemed right
95. Who is considered a professional teacher?
a. An education graduate who received honors
b. A teacher who has taught for at least six years
c. A teacher who has attended national seminars on teaching
d. A teacher who qualifies for a permanent position under R. A
96. Mrs. Ramos wants to continue with her study leave for another six
months after completing a school year. Could she be allowed?
a. Yes, if her grades are excellent
b. Yes, but without compensation
c. Written Test
d. Objective
c. Group study
d. Peer group
c. Assessment as
d. None of these
c. Assessment as
d. None of these
c. Principals
d. SBM office
b. Discuss them with superior and make sure that they remain
c. Publish them in the daily newsletter.
d. Follow your strategic directions, independent from lessons
learned. These decisions have been made and should be
implemented whatever the
outcomes are.
116. You are in the process of planning a program and found that
stakeholders often have varying objectives and requirements.
This makes it hard to come up with a plan with which all
objectives be met. What is probably most helpful to ensure
common understanding?
a. Ask the program stakeholders to build focus groups in order
to discuss and remedy conflicting interests.
b. Create an exhaustive document describing your point of
view and ask stakeholders to review it.
c. Let each stakeholder write a statement of work, merge the
documents to a
program scope statement.
d. use your authorization as the program head to clearly
prioritize the different objectives.
117. You schedule a kick-off meeting in order to announce the star
of your program, present the plan and develop consensus on
it. Another topic will be explanation of each team members
role. In addition, you planned some time for discussions. Now,
short term before the event, you receive various cancellations
by team members, who say that they cannot join the meeting.
But they will be with you when the program work will star.
a. The kick-off meeting is secondary, you are happy if the team
members will do their jobs.
b. You should insist on the presence of the team members to
the appointed date.
c. If you force team members presence, they would anyway
be distracted by
their current problems.
d. It is probably a good idea to reschedule the meeting to a
day, when all team members can attend.
118. During Human Resource planning you identified that your
team members are not sufficiently qualified for their tasks.
Which may be an appropriate solution to this problem?
a. Reduce level of effort
b. Develop a training plan
c. Ensuring
d. Avoid third-party
c. Identification of
d. Identification
c. 800 meters
d. 1200 meters
c. Situational
d. Servant leadership
c. ready
d. almost ready
c. Curriculum
d. Curriculum design