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Shamo Family Reunion

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George Shamo Family Reunion

July 25, 2015

Ronald Shamo Family Presentation
Ronald Walter Shamo- Went to the Southern States mission where he baptized more than 100 people. He is
the father of 9 children and has 31 grandchildren. He will never retire and don't ever play "Simon Says" with
Marilyn Everill Shamo- Was called on a mission while she was in France. As she was hitchhiking through
Europe at the time, her family held her mission farewell without her, she didn't attend any classes at the MTC,
and she was three days late for her mission. To top it all off she went through the temple for the first time
without a recommend. She is currently the Captain of the Hurricane Daughters of the Utah Pioneers.
Married Aug 31, 1966 in the Salt Lake temple
8 kids between 1967 and 1984. This family, despite the unfortunate 1980s stylings, is the very definition
of a successful family. Ronald & Marilyns emphasis on the gospel of Jesus Christ has led to all 8
children serving full-time missions and marrying in the temple.
Married June 19, 1993, live in West Valley City, Utah
Russell mission in Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Wendy two missions: Taiwan North and Taiwan South
Ronald Russell Shamo Russell has read thousands of books. He was married 6 1/2 weeks after he met his
wife Wendy. He can't stand the sight of anything bleeding, but works with blood every day. He works for the
State of Utah helping to clear people or send them to jailso keep on his good side.
Wendy Jyang Shamo Wendy speaks 4 languages fluently and can hold her own pretty well in 2 other
languages. Lives outside the U.S. almost as much as she lives in the U.S. She told Russell to propose to her
after knowing him for 2 1/2 weeks. I have been informed that Wendy eats turtles. So there.
Walter Abinadi Jyang Shamo (21) Recently returned home in February from his mission to Los Angeles,
California Mandarin Chinese speaking. He speaks English, Chinese, and thanks to his mission he can also
communicate in American Sign Language. He wants to be a medical engineer when he grows up...erIF he
grows up.
Johanna Nauvoo Chiang Shamo (18) Johanna recently graduated from Granger High School. She wants to
either write books or draw story boards for animation. She plans to attend Dixie State University this Fall and is
planning on a mission after her first year.
Karren Elbethel Everill Shamo (17) Karren will be a senior next Fall. She acts, sings, and plays the
saxophone. She made it to state in choir and drama but what she really does best is draw!
Isabella Dove Liu Shamo (10) Isabella is the prettiest queen in West Valley City. She speaks Spanish,
English, and Chinese. Isabella loves cats and like them she is in charge of her life.
Married Nov 24, 1995, Live in Apple Valley Utah
Terrisa mission in Houston, Texas East
Craig mission in Seattle, Washington
Terrisa Shamo Thygerson - Works at El Capitan as a math teacher. The mother of has 6 children. Loves to
travel but never wants to visit an Asian Country because she is six feet tall and blond.
Craig Von Thygerson - Father of six, loved horseback riding and his family. He could fix anything. Died in a car
accident Feb. 3 2012.
Tyler S. Thygerson - (21) Is currently serving a mission in Torreon Mexico and will be home at Thanksgiving.
He can spin two basketballs at a time on top of pencils.
Curtis Von Thygerson - (18) Every girl loves his dimples which are the size of craters. He just graduated this
spring from high school, Hurricane LDS Seminary and DSU college with his Associates degree. Will be serving
a mission in Washington DC South, Mandarin Chinese speaking. The nicest guy you will meet with an arsenal
of swords in his room.
Ryan Antone Thygerson - (16) He is a talented gymnast and just joined the Cheer leading squad at Hurricane
High school. Should be a good place to meet cute girls.
Jamie McCall Thygerson - (13) She loves to write and is a ballerina looking forward to going up on point this
Ronnie Gerald Thygerson - (10) Loves anything army. He enjoys playing the piano and gymnastics.

Sage Karen Irene Thygerson - (7) Has the cutes crack in the family. At age 7 she has already broken two
bones her arm and her foot. She loves ballet and just started playing the piano. She is in dual immersion
Chinese at school. Wants to be an artist when she grows up.
Married September 9, 1994, live in Hurricane Utah.
Darrin mission in Concepcion, Chile
Darrin E. Shamo - Darrin works at IHC and wrote a computer program that is used throughout the state of
Utah. He has one foot in the grave already, and more daughters then girls he dated. Never play pickle with
him, a game with improvised rules to ensure he always wins.
Tamara (Best) Shamo - Is a stay-at-home mom with 8 children, and a second mom to all her nieces and
nephews in Hurricane. If it takes a village to raise a child, Tamara is a devoted member of that village. She has
learned from her mother-in-law to make dinner.
Lisa Denise Shamo - (19) She is working on her Bachelors at Dixie State University where is she is a math
major...or Computer Sciencewho knows anymore. She has a boyfriend named Brian, because apparently
three uncles named Brian was not enough. Lisa plays the clarinet, flute, saxophone, and the piano.
Aubrey Rachel Shamo - (16) Aubrey plays the harp, does Karate and loves to read. Aubrey is the party
coordinator of the family. Never invite Aubrey to your birthday party; her depressing rendition of "Happy
Birthday" could send you to an early grave.
Tiffany Irene Shamo - (14) Tiffany plays the piano and the clarinet and gets straight A's. She has been
diagnosed with Aspergers and won a Tiger Pride award for achievements through adversity.
Emily Brooklynn Shamo - (13) Emily plays the harp and practices Karate. She is very shy, sweet, and sings
like an angel. She has a high pain threshold so if she is complaining, something is seriously wrong.
Marissa Ann Shamo - (11) Marissa, according to her semi-lucid sister Lisa, has the silliest sparkle pants in the
family; no actual pair of sparkle pants has yet been located. She plays the piano, is learning ballet, and she's is
really excited to be out of the elementary and on to 6th grade this Fall.
Ethan D Shamo - (8) He is the first boy after 5 girls. His sisters all took turns saving his life from a fire (that
Ethan started), drowning, being lost, and falling glass from a window he brokeall before he was 2 1/2. It is a
good thing he wasn't the oldest child. He is in dual immersion Spanish at school.
Levi Dallin Shamo - (6) Levi loves cars, weapons, and Minecraft. He would shout "its a car!" every time he
saw one when he was 2 years old so you can imagine how amazing parking lots where to him. Maybe we
named him after the wrong tribe and should have named him Issachar.
Sarai Lola Shamo - (3) She is a pretty princess or Cinderellawhichever. She was once so anxious to watch a
princess movie she pulled the T.V. off the entertainment center on top of herself. She broke her nose and
doesn't remember it happening and gladly, made a full recovery.
Married November 12, 2005, live in Hurricane Utah.
Brian mission Antofagasta, Chile
Brian George Shamo- Darrin meet Aimee at work and thought she would be perfect for his brother. He set up a
double date and thenTamara made sure Brian called her back and the rest is history.
Aimee Kate Pritchard Shamo- Aimee works in the Cancer Genomics lab for IHC. This picture was taken after
Aimee was filmed in a commercial for IHC. She hopes to never be in a commercial again.
Colin Robert Shamo (3) - Was born June 3rd, adopted June 4th, and sealed to his loving parents in December of
2012. Colin has the darkest largest brown eyes you ever saw and the loudest scream you ever heard.
Married Aug 8, 2002, live in Portland OR
Cynthia mission Long Beach, CA
Peter mission Joao Pessoa, Brazil
Cynthia Shamo Hedgecock Cynthias life is driven by the 4 Fs Food, Fun, Friends, and Faith. Have any
combination of those four, and Cynthia will be there. A full-time Mom, she currently volunteers as the Art
Literacy coordinator for Carters school, responsible for all art curriculum and education at Hiteon elementary
school. She recently knocked another item off her bucket list by going skydiving for the first time.
Peter Doyle Hedgecock Peter is an actuary managing risk for a health insurance company. He loves to read
and learn new things and seemingly picks up a new hobby every year. Two of his hobbies are particularly
strong lets just say that if you see Peter and hes not on a bike or running, youve probably actually seen
someone else.
Jordan Doyle Hedgecock (11) Jordan is extremely organized, enjoys playing soccer for Westside Warriors,
and is a heavy reader (one of his favorites is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets). He is currently a big

Zelda fan, loves the art of origami, running 5K races, cycling, and is prepared and excited to receive the
priesthood this September. He is currently a 2nd class Boy Scout.
Carter Ammon Hedgecock (9) Carter loves to play with water (which presented some difficulties when he was
younger, including breaking our TV with water) and loves swimming. He wants to be a scientist when he grows
up. He also loves building and engineering, and playing soccer for Westside Warriors. His favorite video game
is Skyward Sword. Carter also has a talent for getting dirty. He is currently a Bear Scout. This month, Carter
climbed to the summit of Mt St Helens with his brother and Dad.
Davis Benjamin Hedgecock (4) Davis has dimples so deep you could fall in if youre not careful and is one of
the most expressive people youll ever meet. He wants to do everything his big brothers do right now, and be a
scientist when he grows up. Davis is never separated from his Mommy. He loves his time in Sunbeams and is
excited to start preschool this Fall, and constantly talks about his baptismwhich is still 4 years away.
Scott served a mission in Sydney South, Australia.
Brenda served a mission in Resitencia, Argentina.
Married Aug 16, 2002, live in West Valley City Utah
Scott Shamo Scotts self-description is brought to you by the letter F: Faithful, Frugal, Factual, Father of six,
and Family History.
Brenda Crook Shamo- Had twins 8 1/2 months after she got married (they were premature). We are happy to
have this Crook in our family.
Kaitlyn Shamo- (12) Won a 9 month race by 2 minutes. Loves Family History and had over 200 family
ordinances reserved before her 12th birthday. Plays the piano and loves to help others.
Rachel Shamo- (12) Loves bugs and reading- it's hard to get her to anything else when either one of these are
around. Likes music and has tried different instruments. Loves to climb and gets to the top of branches of a
tree- scaring her mother.
Hyrum Scott Shamo- (10) Loves numbers and making up games. He is always playing some game that
involves numbers. When he was a baby he refused to put things in his mouth - now he loves spicy and sour
Caleb William Shamo- Recently turned 8 and was baptized. Loves tetherball, reading and playing outside.
Julia Emma Shamo- (6) and going into first grade. When she was younger she didn't want a stuffed animal to
sleep with - she had to have a book! She loves enchiladas!
Ammon Joseph Shamo (3) Ammon loves puzzles. His first word was "duck" so we would do duck, duck goose
with him a lot when he was younger. He likes cars.
Married June 24, live in Springville, Utah
David Shamo David is a proud 6'8" tall. David served a mission in Little Rock, Arkansas. David works as a
psychiatric technician at Utah State Hospital. He has a beautiful and loyal dog named Mele.
Shelena Huffenburger Shamo Shelena works for the Physics and Astronomy Department at BYU as an
Administrative Assistant. After attending many Hales Theater performances, Shelena has made a name for
herself by being adlibbed into five different performances because of her highly unique and squeaky laugh.
She is always cooking or sewing something amazing.
Married November 22, 2008, live in West Jordan, Utah
Mark Curtis Shamo Mark served a full-time mission in Eugene, Oregon and a Performing Service mission in
Nauvoo Illinois where he performed 5-7 shows per day. Mark works for the State of Utah Tax Commission
making businesses squirm about the sales tax. Loves to tease and play with his kids. He teaches in Elders
Quroum and is a Webelos Den Leader.
Celeste Adele Jacobson Shamo Celeste is a very busy mother works full time for the Postal Service and
isworking toward her cosmetology license, should get it by November. She loves dancing and she dances and
performs with "It's Been a While" Dance company.
Brexton Mark Shamo - (5) Brexton recently lost his first tooth. He will be starting Kindergarten at Navigator
Pointe Charter School this fall. Super big brother, and such a nice boy!
Adelyn Crystal Shamo - (3) Adelyn is such a princess with the longest, blondest, most beautiful hair you ever
saw on a three year old. Her favorite princess is Elsa from Frozen. She loves singing and dancing, but is the
biggest klutz; she falls down every day and gets hurt in some other way every other day. She has a cute little

Myles Craig Shamo - The newest member of our family, he made his appearance on April 15, 2015 (tax day,
Dad's an accountant, remember!) We get lots of smiles from Myles. He is currently laughing a lot and is
discovering his hands.

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