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Green Audit A Case Study of Art's, Science & Commerce College, Manmad

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IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT)

e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 9, Issue 8 Ver. I (Aug. 2015), PP 105-108

Green Audit a case study of Arts, Science & Commerce College,

Madhuri Pandit1, Prof. Subhash B. Magar2

(Master of Chemical engineering (Environmental), Pravara Rural Engineering College Loni-413736,

University of Pune, and Maharashtra, India.)
(Department of Chemical Engineering , Prof. Pravara Rural Enggineering College Loni-413736. Maharashtra,

Abstract: The term Green means eco-friendly or not damaging the environment. This can acronymic ally is
called as Global Readiness in Ensuring Ecological Neutrality (GREEN). Green Accounting can be defined as
systematic identification quantification, recording, reporting & analysis of components of ecological diversity
& expressing the same in financial or social terms. Green Auditing, an umbrella term, is known by another
name Environmental Auditing. In auditing literature both the terms are being used interchangeably. To
implement the green audit other important aspects such as objective of green audit. Drivers of green audit,
future scope, benefits, and advantages are necessary to understand. The green audit practically involves energy
conservation, use of renewable sources, rain water harvesting, efforts of carbon neutrality, plantation,
hazardous waste management & E-waste management Finally, Green audit is a requirement of NACC
committee to the junior college. The concept of Green Audit, industries are using it as a management tool to
evaluate the environmental standards; industries can perform better and better for the sustainable development
of the organization. The experiments on the nature by avoiding natural rules, this can be a one major reason
behind that is green Audit.
Keywords: Competitive Advantages, Eco System, Global, Sustainable Development.



In scenario people are not caring of nature, they are directly or indirectly damaging the environment
and it causes problems like; global warming, difficulties in maintaining ozone layers, air pollution, water
pollution etc. Green Audit is the most efficient & ecological way to slove such a environmental problem. For
protecting the nature as a human being we have to show our sense of humor towards the mother earth. In
corporate sector the practice of saving environment through the various programmes like CSR (Corporate Social
Responsibility), GO Green, Save Water, Save Trees, Plantation of trees are to be taken. It will definitely work
for the future. (Beianu,2008).
That is the only way out to safeguard the planet. The Green Audit of is Requirement of NACC
Committee to the Junior college. It is necessary to conduct a green audit in college campus because student
aware of the green audit, its advantages to save the planet & they become good citizen of our country. Green
audit and sustainable development process help to reduce the wastage and associated cost as well as increases
the product quality. Obviously, there is relationship between Green Audit and Sustainable Development of the
any business organization. The primarily needs for achieving the sustainable development of the business are to
determine the Green Audit policy, Green Audit Framework, Accurate implementation, and Result analysis of it.
Strong Green Audit process can help to achieve the sustainability. Green Audit framework helps to achieve the
goal set by an organization. Green Audit is linked to Sustainable development process. Green audit and
sustainable development process help to reduce the wastage and associated cost as well as increases the product


Literature Review

1 Mathews (1997) and Mati and Ienciu (2010):

Mathews, Matis & Ienciu found that environmental accounting has known to be in four stages in its
development (1970-1980,1981-1994, 1995-2001, 2002-onwards) at the current stage of the knowledge about the
green auditing. Although if there are four stages of the development of environmental auditing our knowledge
will approach only the last two stages because beneficial study was conducted in this period and also concept
of environmental audit was started and developed in that period.[1]
2. Elkington (1990) , Smith and Billington(1993)& Specht and Buhr (1994):It is necessary that to found out guide to the environment audit. Ellington (1990) is the first scientist
that provides comprehensive guide to the use of environmental audits. In this period three journals are
DOI: 10.9790/2402-0981105108

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Green Audit a case study of Arts, Commerce & Science College, Manmad
published that are concerning with environmental matter named as environmental auditors, European
environment and business strategy and environment.[3]
In 2008 Porter, Simon &Hatchery is the first who clearly mention exactly what is the Green Audit?
And after his explanation about the green audit these concept of auditing accepted worldwide. He defined as the
concept Green audit as Environment management system (EMS) that is continuous increase in environment
and communication of the results of the EMS activity with organizations directors.[5]
In 2008 Adeniji is the first who primarily concerned with environmental audit of the companies to the
growing importance of green issues.[6]


Materials & Method

The above topic is selected to know the concept of Green Audit and how it is operated. So this study is
conceptual study. The methodology is adopted for this paper by collecting the information from secondary
sources. Personal views and opinion also included in this paper. The Green Audit of is Requirement of NACC
Committee to the Junior college. It is necessary to conduct a green audit in college campus because student
aware of the green audit, its advantages to save the planet & they become good citizen of our country. The green
audit practically involves use of renewable sources, conservation of the energy, rain water harvesting program,
and efforts of carbon neutrality, plantation of trees, E-waste management and hazardous waste management.
The national & local governments keeping lots of efforts for maintaining a planet green. Also Environment is a
compulsory subject to all batcher student and arrange various programme so that student are much aware of the
save planet, keep it green & also save energy.



Actual Case Study:

4.1 Name of Campus- Arts, Commerce & Science College, Manmad.
Sr. No.




Name and area of the Unit

Total Campus Area
Built up Area.of the Building
Building Area of Administration
Chemistry Lab Area+
Botany Lab
Physics Lab.
Zology Lab
Geography Department
Computer Lab/ Commerce Lab
Class rooms
Canteen Area
Staff Room
Ladies Room
Gymkhana Hall
Guest Room
MCVC Building
Ladies Hostel Building (proposed)
Toilet Block 1
Toilet Block 2
Toilet Block 3
Toilet Block 4
Language Lab
Maths Department
Dept. Marathi/Hindi/Economics
NAAC Office/ VP Cabin
Total Built up Area is
Total Roof Area is .
Total Open Space

Total Area
36584 m2
254.54 m2
122.98 m2
13.50 m2
41.54 m2
83.4 m2
66.36 m2
257.33 m2
592.34 m2
55.76 m2
111.02 m2
52.43 m2
427.0 m2
406.78 m2
36.0 m2
36.0 m2
16.95 m2
27.11 m2
27.11 m2
27.11 m2
42.0 m2
27.11 m2
3949.04 m2
Of G.F.+ F.F.
1975 m2.
15000 m2

4.2 Water Consumption

1. Water Consumption m3 per Day is 6.5 m3/Day

Water Used For

Domestic Purpose including canteen.
Agricultural Gardening
Laboratory Purpose.

DOI: 10.9790/2402-0981105108

April 2014 February 2015

4 m3/day
1.5 m3/day
1.0 m3/day

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Green Audit a case study of Arts, Commerce & Science College, Manmad

Laboratory water Consumption


Laboratories consumption
Chemistry Laboratory
Zoology Lab
Botany Lab

Lab. Water Consumption /Day

600 lit
200 Lit
200 Lit

1.3 Pollution Discharged to the Environment Per Unit of the output

About 1.0 m3 and 3.5 m3 of Laboratory Influent and Domestic influent were generated per Day
respectively during the year 2013-14. The Industrial Influent was stored to treat. whereas the domestic influent
was treated in septic tank and soak pit.
It is suggested to treat effluent from Applied Science lab in small Effluent Treatment Plant of Capacity
500 Lit during next financial year- 2014-15
1.4 Electricity Consumption
Electricity Consumption per Year was 1301 KWH..Avg. Electrical Consumption per Month was 108.4 KWH.
Avg. Electrical Consumption per Day was 4.33 KWH
4.5 Solid wastes

Source Of Waste
Total Quantity


a. Canteen waste.
b. solid waste from tree
droppings and lawn
Plastic waste
Solid Waste from Chemistry, Botany and Zoology Lab.

10 Kg/Day.
0.2 kg/Day.
5 Kg/week.

4.6 Characteristic and Disposal Practices of Solid Wastes Waste Management


The waste is segregated at source by providing separate dust bins for

Segregation of chemical waste generated in chemistry and zoology lab.


Waste Category
a. Canteen waste.
b. solid waste from tree
droppings and lawn
Plastic Waste
Solid Waste from Lab

Constituent Parameter
Not Analyzed.

Not analyzed.




Method of Disposal
Vermi Composting
Organic Manure
Through Authorized recycler after segregation
Organic Manure
Proposed during year 2014-15

4.7 E- Waste Management

The total Number of Computers in the Institute are 23 nos. Printers 11 nos, Xerox Machines are 3 nos.
1. The E-waste and defective item from computer lab is being stored properly.
2. The institution has decided to contact approved E- waste management and Disposal facility in order to
dispose E-waste in scientific manner.
4.8 Plantation Awareness Program
The institute has organized various has organized Tree Plantation program at College Campus and
surrounding villages through NSS unit within the Institute. The plantation program includes plantation of
variotypes of ornamental and medicinal wild plant species in large numbers in each surrounding villages? This
activity is done during the month of August. This program helps in maintaing eco-friendly environment as well
as provides pure oxygen within the institute
4.9 Vermiculture Composting Culture
The institute is has started vermi culture composting culture in house during 2010-11 on 30 Sq. meter
land. The main purpose of this is to reduce disposable waste in the college campus and after complete process of
vermin composting it is used as manure and awareness in farmers. The main benefits of the process are to
reduce the waste in the environment and also it is cost savings process. This is mainly carried out by
1. Villages field visits .
2. To understand the benefits of composting and organic farming.
DOI: 10.9790/2402-0981105108

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Green Audit a case study of Arts, Commerce & Science College, Manmad
4.10 Environment Awareness Program
While maintain the environmental awareness program in the campus it is compulsory subject to all
second year student which is irrespective of particular branches.
Syllabus topics must consist of following:
a. Air Pollution its causes, effects & installation of various devices that reduces the air pollution.
b. Water Pollution its causes, effects & various methods to prevent the it.
c. Sound Pollution its causes, effects & installed equipments that reduces it.
d. Noise Pollution its effects on surroundings.

4.11 Awareness of Carbon Consumption

1. Students and are Staff members and made totally aware of pollution that are caused by use of vehicles &
2. In the college campus almost 90% of students are using bicycles.
3. The carbon consumption awareness programmer improves to help in carbon emission at individual as well
as social level and avoids Air and Noise pollution in the campus due to vehicles or any activity in it
4. Due to awareness programme in the campus air quality within it is non polluted.



Green Audit is the most efficient & ecological way to slove such a environmental problem. The
experiments on the nature by avoiding natural rules, this can be a one major reason behind Green audit process.
Green Audit is one kind of professional care which is the responsibility of each individual who are the part of
economical, financial, social, environmental factor. The Green Audit of is Requirement of NACC Committee to
the Junior college. It is necessary to conduct a green audit in college campus because student aware of the green
audit, its advantages to save the planet & they become good citizen of our country. Thus Green audit Become
necessary at the college leve.


ACCA (2010) Sustainability matters: What are national governments doing about Green Audit?
Adeniji, A. A. (2008) Audit and Assurance Services. Lagos: Value Analyst Concept of Green Audit.
Ehrlich, A. (1990) The continuous increase in Population Explosion , Brookvale, in London.
Elkington, J. (1990) It is practically Environmental Audit: A Green Filter for Company Policies
Ienciu I. A., (2009) it is Implicaiile problemelor situation in audit process, Risoprint Publishing House.
Peglau R, 2005. ISO 14001 certification of the Environment Managememt systems (EMS) , Environmental Agency.
Smith Mark and Billington Stephen (1993) Environmental auditing such as green auditing and its training important, EcoManagement and Auditing.6(1).
Specht Linda and Buhr Nola (1994) Environmental Auditing papers: towards of the U.S, Journal of International Auditing &
Taxation, JAI press , ISSN:1061-9516.
The Management Accountant, Green Audit: how practically facing of changing business perspective towards nature? by
Anandraj Saha, July 2012.

DOI: 10.9790/2402-0981105108

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