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IPPF Practice Guide

Information Technology Controls

A uditing Application Controls

David A. Richards, CIA, President, The IIA
Alan S. Oliphant, MIIA, QiCA, MAIR International

Christine Bellino, Jefferson Wells

Charles H. Le Grand, CIA, CHL Global

Steve Hunt, Enterprise Controls Consulting LP

March 20057


Copyright 20057 by The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), 247 Maitland Ave., Altamonte Springs, FL 32701-4201 USA.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written
permission from the publisher.
The IIA publishes this document for informational and educational purposes. This document is intended to provide information,
but is not a substitute for legal or accounting advice. The IIA does not provide such advice and makes no warranty as to any legal or
accounting results through its publication of this document. When legal or accounting issues arise, professional assistance should be
sought and retained.

GTAG Table of Contents:

Section 1

Section 19

Letter from the President ..........................................ii

Appendix H CAE Checklist

Section 2

Section 20

IT Controls Executive Summary


Appendix I References

Section 3



Section 21

Appendix J Glossary ............................................467

Section 4

Section 22

Assessing IT Controls An Overview


Appendix K About the Global

Technology Audit Guides ......................................489

Section 5
Understanding IT Controls


Section 23
Appendix L GTAG Partners and
Global Project Team ..............................................4950

Section 6
Importance of IT Controls ......................................10

Section 7
IT Roles in the Organization


Section 8
Analyzing Risk......................................................15

Section 9
Monitoring and Techniques


Section 10
Assessment ..........................................................20

Section 11
Conclusion ..........................................................22

Section 12
Appendix A Information Security
Program Elements..................................................23

Section 13
Appendix B Compliance With Laws
and Regulations ....................................................24

Section 14
Appendix C Three Categories of
IT Knowledge for Internal Auditors ..........................28

Section 15
Appendix D Compliance Frameworks


Section 16
Appendix E - Assessing IT Controls
Using COSO ........................................................356

Section 17
Appendix F - ITGI Control Objectives for
Information and Related Technology (CobiT) ............378

Section 18
Appendix G Example IT Control Metrics
to Be Considered by Audit Committees ....................3940

GTAG Letter from the President 1

In my previous role as a chief audit executive (CAE), I noted a need for guidance on IT management and control
written specifically for executives. So one of my first acts as president of The IIA was to initiate a project to produce this IT
Controls guide. This guide is for the executive, not the technical staff although it will help those personnel better relate
to management and governance perspectives.
The purpose of this document is to explain IT controls and audit practice in a format that allows CAEs to understand and
communicate the need for strong IT controls. It is organized to enable the reader to move through the framework for assessing IT controls and to address specific topics based on need. This document provides an overview of the key components of
IT control assessment with an emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of key constituents within the organization who can
drive governance of IT resources. You may already be familiar with some aspects of this document, while other segments will
provide new perspectives on how to approach this key audit strategy. It is our hope that the components can be used to educate others about what IT controls are and why management and internal auditing must ensure proper attention is paid to
this fundamental methodology for good governance.
Although technology provides opportunities for growth and development, it also provides the means and tools for threats
such as disruption, deception, theft, and fraud. Outside attackers threaten our organizations, yet trusted insiders are a far
greater threat. Fortunately, technology can also provide protection from threats, as you will see in this guide. Executives
should know the right questions to ask and what the answers mean. For example:
Why should I understand IT controls? One word: Assurance. Executives play a key role in assuring information
reliability. Assurance comes primarily from an interdependent set of business controls, plus the evidence that controls
are continuous and sufficient. Management and governance must weigh the evidence provided by controls and audits
and conclude that it provides reasonable assurance. This guide will help you understand the evidence.
What is to be protected? Lets start with trust. Trust enables business and efficiency. Controls provide the basis for trust,
although they are often unseen. Technology provides the foundation for many perhaps most business controls.
Reliability of financial information and processes now mandated for many companies is all about trust.
Where are IT controls applied? Everywhere. IT includes technology components, processes, people, organization, and
architecture collectively known as infrastructure as well as the information itself. Many of the infrastructure
controls are technical, and IT supplies the tools for many business controls.
Who is responsible? Everybody. But you must specify control ownership and responsibilities, otherwise no one is responsible. This guide addresses specific responsibilities for IT controls.
When do we assess IT controls? Always. IT is a rapidly changing environment, fueling business change. New risks
emerge at a rapid pace. Controls must present continuous evidence of their effectiveness, and that evidence must be
assessed and evaluated constantly.
How much control is enough? You must decide. Controls are not the objective; controls exist to help meet business
objectives. Controls are a cost of doing business and can be expensive but not nearly as expensive as the probable
consequences of inadequate controls.
IT controls are essential to protect assets, customers, and partners, and sensitive information; demonstrate safe, efficient, and
ethical behavior; and preserve brand, reputation, and trust. In todays global market and regulatory environment, these are all
too easy to lose.
Use this guide as a foundation to assess or build your organizations framework and audit practices for IT business control,
compliance, and assurance. Use it to help make sense of the conflicting advice you receive. Make sure all the elements are in
place to meet the challenges of constant change, increasing complexity, rapidly evolving threats, and the need to improve
efficiency constantly.
The IIA produced this guide, but it is truly a team effort. The principal writers are Charles H. Le Grand, of CHL Global,
and Alan S. Oliphant, FIIA, MIIA, QiCA, of Mair International. We owe a great debt of gratitude to our partners, IIA international affiliates, and members of the Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG) team. We are grateful for their support and
encouragement. This guide is a testimony to what The IIA does best: Progress Through Sharing.

David A. Richards, CIA, CPA

President, The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc.


GTAG Executive Summary 2

GTAG Information Technology Controls describes the knowledge needed by members of governing bodies, executives, IT
professionals, and internal auditors to address technology
control issues and their impact on business. Other professionals may find the guidance useful and relevant. The guide
provides information on available frameworks for assessing
IT controls and describes how to establish the right framework for an organization. Moreover, it sets the stage for
future GTAGs that will cover specific IT topics and associated business roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
The objectives of the IT Controls guide are to:
Explain IT controls from an executive perspective.
Explain the importance of IT controls within the
overall system of internal controls.
Describe the organizational roles and responsibilities
for ensuring IT controls are addressed adequately
within the overall system of internal controls.
Describe the concepts of risk inherent in the use and
management of technology by any organization.
Describe the basic knowledge and understanding of
IT controls needed by the CAE to ensure effective
internal audit assessments of IT controls.
Describe the relevant elements of the IT controls
assessment process as provided by the internal audit

You dont need to everything about IT controls, but

remember two key control concepts:
Assurance must be provided by the IT controls
within the system of internal controls. This assurance
must be continuous and provide a reliable and
continuous trail of evidence.
The auditors assurance is an independent and
objective assessment of the first assurance. Auditor
assurance is based on understanding, examining, and
assessing the key controls related to the risks they
manage, and performing sufficient testing to ensure
the controls are designed appropriately and functioning effectively and continuously.
Many frameworks exist for categorizing IT controls and their
objectives. This guide recommends that each organization
use the applicable components of existing frameworks to
categorize and assess IT controls, and to provide and document its own framework for:
Compliance with applicable regulations and
Consistency with the organizations goals and
Reliable evidence (reasonable assurance) that activities comply with managements governance policies
and are consistent with the organizations risk

2.1 Introduction to IT Controls

2.3 Importance of IT Controls

IT controls do not exist in isolation. They form an interdependent continuum of protection, but they may also be subject to compromise due to a weak link. They are subject to
error and management override, may range from simple to
highly technical, and may exist in a dynamic environment.
IT controls have two significant elements: the automation of business controls and control of IT. Thus, IT controls
support business management and governance as well as provide general and technical controls over IT infrastructures.
The internal auditors role in IT controls begins with a
sound conceptual understanding and culminates in providing the results of risk and control assessments. Internal
auditing involves significant interaction with the people in
positions of responsibility for controls and requires continuous learning and reassessment as new technologies emerge
and the organizations opportunities, uses, dependencies,
strategies, risks, and requirements change.

Many issues drive the need for IT controls, ranging from the
need to control costs and remain competitive through the
need for compliance with internal and external governance.
IT controls promote reliability and efficiency and allow the
organization to adapt to changing risk environments. Any
control that mitigates or detects fraud or cyber attacks
enhances the organizations resiliency because it helps the
organization uncover the risk and manage its impact.
Resiliency is a result of a strong system of internal controls
because a well-controlled organization has the ability to
manage challenges or disruptions seamlessly.
Key indicators of effective IT controls include:
The ability to execute and plan new work such as
IT infrastructure upgrades required to support new
products and services.
Development projects that are delivered on time
and within budget, resulting in cost-effective and
better product and service offerings compared to
Ability to allocate resources predictably.
Consistent availability and reliability of information
and IT services across the organization and for
customers, business partners, and other external
Clear communication to management of key
indicators of effective controls.
The ability to protect against new vulnerabilities and

2.2 Understanding IT Controls

IT controls provide for assurance related to the reliability
of information and information services. IT controls help
mitigate the risks associated with an organizations use of
technology. They range from corporate policies to their
physical implementation within coded instructions; from
physical access protection through the ability to trace
actions and transactions to responsible individuals; and from
automatic edits to reasonability analysis for large bodies
of data.

GTAG Executive Summary 2

threats and to recover from any disruption of IT
services quickly and efficiently.
The efficient use of a customer support center or
help desk.
Heightened security awareness on the part of the
users and a security-conscious culture throughout the

2.4 IT Roles and Responsibilities

Many different roles have emerged in recent years for positions within the organization with IT control responsibilities
and ownership. Each position within the governance,
management, operational, and technical levels should have
a clear description of its roles, responsibilities, and ownership for IT controls to ensure accountability for specific
issues. This section addresses the various IT control roles
and responsibilities within the organization and allocates
them to specific positions within a hypothetical organizational structure.

2.5 Analyzing Risk

IT controls are selected and implemented on the basis of the
risks they are designed to manage. As risks are identified, suitable risk responses are determined, ranging from doing nothing
and accepting the risk as a cost of doing business to applying a
wide range of specific controls, including insurance. This
section explains the concepts of when to apply IT controls.

2.6 Monitoring and Techniques

The implementation of a formal control framework facilitates the process of identifying and assessing the IT controls
necessary to address specific risks. A control framework is a
structured way of categorizing controls to ensure the whole
spectrum of control is covered adequately. The framework
can be informal or formal. A formal approach will more
readily satisfy the various regulatory or statutory requirements for organizations subject to them. The process of
choosing or constructing a control framework should
involve all positions in the organization with direct responsibility for controls. The control framework should apply to,
and be used by, the whole organization not just internal

2.7 IT Control Assessment

Assessing IT controls is a continuous process. Business
processes are changing constantly as technology continues
to evolve. Threats emerge as new vulnerabilities are discovered. Audit methods improve as auditors adopt an approach
where IT control issues in support of the business objectives
are near the top of the agenda.
Management provides IT control metrics and reporting.
Auditors attest to their validity and opine on their value.
The auditor should liaise with management at all levels and
with the audit committee to agree on the validity and effectiveness of the metrics and assurances for reporting.

GTAG Introduction 3

Introduction 3

IT is an integral part of all processes that enable businesses

and governments to accomplish their missions and objectives. IT facilitates local and global communications and
fosters international business cooperation. IT controls have
two significant components: automation of business controls
and control of IT. They support business management and
governance, and they provide general and technical controls
over the policies, processes, systems, and people that
comprise IT infrastructures.
IT controls do not exist in isolation. They form an interdependent continuum of protection, but they also may be
subject to compromise due to a weak link. They are
subject to error and management override, may range from
simple to highly technical, and may exist in a dynamic
environment. IT controls support the concept of defense
in depth, so a single weakness does not always result in a
single point of failure.
Controls exist to protect stakeholder interests:
The owners equity.
Customer concerns, such as privacy and identity.
Employees jobs and abilities to prove they did the
right thing.
Managements comfort with the assurance provided
by automated processes.
IT control assurance addresses the ability of controls to
protect the organization against the most important threats
and provides evidence that remaining risks are unlikely to
harm the organization and its stakeholders significantly.
These controls also are essential for assuring the reliability of
financial processes and reporting.

They are all connected.

When a security administrator selects the settings in a firewall configuration file (a technical task requiring specific
skills and knowledge), he or she implements a policy (which may or may not be documented elsewhere) that,
when deployed, determines the messages that will or will not be allowed into or out of the communications
network, and establishes the ports through which they may travel.
Your organization gets an element of protection from its firewalls that is vital to the protection of information
and the infrastructures where that information is collected, processed, stored, and communicated.

GTAG Assessing IT Controls An Overview 4

When CAEs review and assess the controls over IT, they
should ask:
What do we mean by IT controls?
Why do we need IT controls?
Who is responsible for IT controls?
When is it appropriate to apply IT controls?
Where exactly are IT controls applied?
How do we perform IT control assessments?

I keep six honest serving-men

(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are
What and Why and When
and How and Where and Who
Rudyard Kipling,
from Elephants Child
in Just So Stories.

The audit process provides a formal structure for addressing IT controls within the overall system of internal
controls. Figure 1, The Structure of IT Auditing, below,
divides the assessment into a logical series of steps.
The internal auditors role in IT controls begins with a
sound conceptual understanding and culminates in providing the results of risk and control assessments. Internal
auditors interact with the people responsible for controls
and must pursue continuous learning and reassessment as
new technologies emerge and the organizations opportunities, uses, dependencies, strategies, risks, and requirements

Figure 1 - The Structure of IT Auditing


GTAG Understanding IT Controls 5

5.1 Control Classifications

COSO 1 defines internal control as: A process, effected by an

organizations board of directors, management, and other
personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.
Reliability of financial reporting.
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
IT controls encompass those processes that provide assurance for information and information services and help mitigate the risks associated with an organizations use of
technology. These controls range from written corporate
policies to their implementation within coded instructions;
from physical access protection to the ability to trace actions
and transactions to the individuals who are responsible for
them; and from automatic edits to reasonability analysis for
large bodies of data.

Controls may be classified to help understand their purposes

and where they fit into the overall system of internal controls
(See Figure 3, Some Control Classifications, page 4). By understanding these classifications, the control analyst and auditor
are better able to establish their positions in the control
framework and answer key questions such as: Are the detective controls adequate to identify errors that may get past the
preventive controls? Are corrective controls sufficient to fix
the errors once detected? A common classification of IT
controls is general versus application.
General controls (also known as infrastructure controls)
apply to all systems components, processes, and data for a
given organization or systems environment. General
controls include, but are not limited to: information
security policy, administration, access, and authentication;
separation of key IT functions; management of systems
acquisition and implementation; change management;
backup; recovery; and business continuity.
Application controls pertain to the scope of individual
business processes or application systems. They include such
controls as data edits, separation of business functions (e.g.,
transaction initiation versus authorization), balancing of
processing totals, transaction logging, and error reporting.
The function of a control is highly relevant to the
assessment of its design and effectiveness. Controls may
be classified as preventive, detective, or corrective.
Preventive controls prevent errors, omissions, or security
incidents from occurring. Examples include simple data-entry
edits that block alphabetic characters from being entered
into numeric fields, access controls that protect sensitive data
or system resources from unauthorized people, and complex
and dynamic technical controls such as antivirus software,
firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems.

Figure 2

It is not necessary to know everything about IT controls.

Do not be concerned if you do not understand the full continuum or all the technical intricacies of IT
controls. Many of these controls are the domain of specialists who manage specific risks associated with
individual components of the systems and network infrastructure. In keeping with good separation of duties practices, some people who have specialized knowledge in a technology, such as database management, may know little
about network components or communication protocols, and vice versa.
There are two key control concepts to remember:
1. Assurance must be provided by the IT controls within the whole system of internal control and must
be continuous and produce a reliable and continuous trail of evidence.
2. The auditors assurance is an independent and objective assessment of the first assurance. It is based
on understanding, examining, and assessing the key controls related to the risks the auditors
manage, as well as performing sufficient tests to ensure the controls are designed appropriately and
function effectively.
COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations for the Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting (The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
of the Treadway Commission). See

GTAG Understanding IT Controls 5

as governance, management, and technical. Information security program elements for these three categories are described
in Appendix A (page 25). The first two levels governance and management are the most applicable to the
scope of this guide, although it may also be useful to understand how higher-level controls specifically are established
within the technical IT infrastructures. Technical controls
will be the subject of more topic-specific GTAGs.
5.2.1 Governance Controls
The primary responsibility for internal control resides with
the board of directors in its role as keeper of the governance
framework. IT control at the governance level involves
ensuring that effective information management and
security principles, policies, and processes are in place and
performance and compliance metrics demonstrate ongoing
support for that framework.
Governance controls are those mandated by, and
controlled by, either the entire board of directors or a board
committee in conjunction with the organizations executive
management. These controls are linked with the concepts
of corporate governance, which are driven both by
organizational goals and strategies and by outside bodies
such as regulators.
An important distinction between governance and
management controls is the concept of noses in, fingers
out. The boards responsibility involves oversight rather
than actually performing control activities. For example, the
audit committee of the board does no auditing, but it
does oversee both the internal and external auditing of the

Figure 3 - Some Control Classifications

Detective controls detect errors or incidents that elude
preventive controls. For example, a detective control may
identify account numbers of inactive accounts or accounts
that have been flagged for monitoring of suspicious activities. Detective controls can also include monitoring and
analysis to uncover activities or events that exceed authorized limits or violate known patterns in data that may indicate improper manipulation. For sensitive electronic
communications, detective controls can indicate that a message has been corrupted or the senders secure identification
cannot be authenticated.
Corrective controls correct errors, omissions, or incidents once they have been detected. They vary from simple
correction of data-entry errors, to identifying and removing
unauthorized users or software from systems or networks, to
recovery from incidents, disruptions, or disasters.
Generally, it is most efficient to prevent errors or detect
them as close as possible to their source to simplify correction. These corrective processes also should be subject to
preventive and detective controls, because they represent
another opportunity for errors, omissions, or falsification.
Many other control classifications described in this guide
may be useful in assessing their effectiveness. For example,
automated controls tend to be more reliable than manual
controls, and nondiscretionary controls are more likely to be
applied consistently than discretionary controls. Other
control classifications include mandatory, voluntary,
complementary, compensating, redundant, continuous,
on-demand, and event-driven.

5.2.2 Management Controls

Management responsibility for internal controls typically
involves reaching into all areas of the organization with
special attention to critical assets, sensitive information, and
operational functions. Consequently, close collaboration
among board members and executive managers is essential.
Management must make sure the IT controls needed to
achieve the organizations established objectives are applied
and ensure reliable and continuous processing. These
controls are deployed as a result of deliberate actions by
management to:
Recognize risks to the organization, its processes,
and assets.
Enact mechanisms and processes to mitigate and
manage risks (protect, monitor, and measure results).
5.2.3 Technical Controls
Technical controls form the foundation that ensures the reliability of virtually every other control in the organization.
For example, by protecting against unauthorized access and
intrusion, they provide the basis for reliance on the integrity of information including evidence of all changes and
their authenticity. These controls are specific to the

5.2 Governance, Management, Technical

Another common classification of controls is by the group
responsible for ensuring they are implemented and maintained properly. For the purpose of assessing roles and
responsibilities, this guide primarily categorizes IT controls

GTAG Understanding IT Controls 5

The Center for Internet Security ( reports that applying controls consistently over
system and network component configuration will protect the organization from more than 85 percent of
the top vulnerabilities identified by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI), SANS Institute, and Computer Security Institute (CSI).

technologies in use within the organizations IT infrastructures. The ability to automate technical controls that implement and demonstrate compliance with managements
intended information-based policies is a powerful resource to
the organization.

5.3 IT Controls What to Expect

Individual control mechanisms a CAE can expect to find
within the organization can be defined within the hierarchy
of IT controls, from the overall high-level policy statements
issued by management and endorsed by the board of directors, down to the specific control mechanisms incorporated
into application systems.
The hierarchy in Figure 4, IT Controls, this page, represents
a logical top-down approach, both when considering
controls to implement and when determining areas on
which to focus audit resources during reviews of the entire
IT operating environment. The different elements of the
hierarchy are not mutually exclusive; they are all connected and can intermingle. Many of the control types within
the elements are described below.

Figure 4 IT Controls
the system and data processed.
A statement on the classification of information and
the rights of access at each level. The policy should
also define any limitations on the use of this information by those approved for access.
A definition of the concepts of data and systems
ownership, as well as the authority necessary to originate, modify, or delete information. Without these
guidelines, it is often difficult to coordinate change
within large organizations, because there may not be
anyone designated to have overall responsibility for
the data or systems.
A general policy that defines the extent to which users
can deploy intelligent workstations to create their own
Personnel policies that define and enforce conditions
for staff in sensitive areas. This includes the positive
vetting of new staff prior to joining the organization,
carrying out annual credit checks, and having employees sign agreements accepting responsibility for the
required levels of control, security, and confidentiality.
This policy would also detail related disciplinary
Definitions of overall business continuity planning
requirements. These policies should ensure that all
aspects of the business are considered in the event of

5.3.1 Policies
All organizations need to define their aims and objectives
through strategic plans and policy statements. Without clear
statements of policy and standards for direction, organizations can become disoriented and perform ineffectively.
Organizations with clearly defined aims and objectives tend
to be successful.
Because technology is vital to the operations of most organizations, clear policy statements regarding all aspects of IT
should be devised and approved by management, endorsed
by the board of directors, and communicated to all staff.
Many different policy statements can be required, depending
on the organizations size and the extent to which it deploys
IT. For smaller organizations, a single policy statement may
be sufficient, provided it covers all the relevant areas. Larger
organizations that implement IT extensively will require
more detailed and specific policies.
IT policy statements include, but are not restricted to:
A general policy on the level of security and privacy
throughout the organization. This policy should be
consistent with all relevant national and international legislation and should specify the level of control
and security required depending on the sensitivity of

GTAG Understanding IT Controls 5

a disruption or disaster not just the IT elements.
A good source of IT and security policies is the SANS
Security Policy Resource page (
resources/policies/#intro), a consensus research project of
the SANS Institute community. The project offers free
resources for rapid development and implementation of
information security policies, including policy templates for
24 important security requirements. Although the templates
were compiled to help the people attending SANS training
programs, SANS makes them available to the world because
Internet security depends on vigilance by all participants.

that should apply to sensitive processes and

Data Structures Having consistent data definitions
across the full range of applications ensures disparate
systems can access data seamlessly and security
controls for private and other sensitive data can be
applied uniformly.
Documentation Standards should specify the
minimum level of documentation required for each
application system or IT installation, as well as for
different classes of applications, processes, and
processing centers.
As with policies, standards should be approved by management, should be written in clear and understandable language,
and should be made available to all who implement them.

5.3.2 Standards
Standards exist to support the requirements of policies. They
are intended to define ways of working that achieve the
required objectives of the organization. Adopting and
enforcing standards also promotes efficiency because staff are
not required to reinvent the wheel every time a new business
application is built or a new network is installed. Standards
also enable the organization to maintain the whole IT
operating environment more efficiently.
Large organizations with significant resources are in a
position to devise their own standards. On the other hand,
smaller organizations rarely have sufficient resources for this
exercise. There are many sources of information on standards and best practice, some of which are listed in
Appendix I (See page 45).
As a guideline, the CAE should expect to see standards
adopted for:
Systems Development Processes When organizations develop their own applications, standards apply
to the processes for designing, developing, testing,
implementing, and maintaining systems and
programs. If organizations outsource application
development or acquire systems from vendors, the
CAE should ascertain that agreements require the
providers to apply standards consistent with the
organizations standards, or acceptable to the
Systems Software Configuration Because systems
software provides a large element of control in the IT
environment, standards related to secure system configurations, such as the CIS Benchmarks from the
Center for Internet Security, are beginning to gain
wide acceptance by leading organizations and technology providers. The way products such as operating
systems, networking software, and database management systems are configured can either enhance
security or create weaknesses that can be exploited.
Application Controls All applications which
support business activities need to be controlled.
Standards are necessary for all applications the organization develops or purchases that define the types of
controls that must be present across the whole range
of business activities, as well as the specific controls

5.3.3 Organization and Management

Organization and management plays a major role in the whole
system of IT control, as it does with every aspect of an organizations operations. An appropriate organization structure
allows lines of reporting and responsibility to be defined and
effective control systems to be implemented. Separation of Duties
Separation of duties is a vital element of many controls. An
organizations structure should not allow responsibility for all
aspects of processing data to rest upon one individual or
department. The functions of initiating, authorizing,
inputting, processing, and checking data should be separated to ensure no individual can both create an error,
omission, or other irregularity and authorize it and/or
obscure the evidence. Separation-of-duties controls for
application systems are provided by granting access
privileges only in accordance with job requirements for
processing functions and accessing sensitive information.
Traditional separation of duties within the IT environment is divided between systems development and
operations. Operations should be responsible for running
production systems except for change deployment and
should have little or no contact with the development
process. This control includes restrictions preventing
operators from accessing or modifying production programs,
systems, or data. Similarly, systems development personnel
should have little contact with production systems. By
assigning specific roles during implementation and other
change processes to both the personnel responsible for application systems and those responsible for operations, appropriate separation of duties can be enforced. In large
organizations, many other functions should be considered to
ensure appropriate separation of duties, and these controls
can be quite detailed. For example, privileged accounts, such
as the Administrator group in Windows and Super User in
UNIX, can modify log entries, access any file, and in many
cases act as any user or role. It is important to restrict the
number of individuals with this privilege to a minimum.

GTAG Understanding IT Controls 5

Software tools are also available and should be considered to
limit the power and monitor the activities of individuals
with privileged accounts.

Some typical physical and environmental controls include:

Locating servers in locked rooms to which access is
Restricting server access to specific individuals.
Providing fire detection and suppression equipment.
Housing sensitive equipment, applications, and data
away from environmental hazards such as low-lying
flood plains or flammable liquid stores.
When considering physical and environmental security, it is
also appropriate to consider contingency planning also
known as disaster recovery planning which includes
response to security incidents. What will the organization do if
there is a fire or flood, or if any other threat manifests itself?
How will the organization restore the business and related IT
facilities and services to ensure normal processing continues
with minimum effect on regular operations? This type of
planning goes beyond merely providing for alternative IT processing power to be available and routine backup of production
data; it must consider the logistics and coordination needed for
the full scope of business activity. Finally, history consistently
demonstrates that a disaster recovery plan that has not been
tested successfully in a realistic simulation is not reliable. Financial Controls

Because organizations make considerable investments in IT,
budgetary and other financial controls are necessary to
ensure the technology yields the protected return on investment or proposed savings. Management processes should be
in place to collect, analyze, and report information related to
these issues. Unfortunately, new IT developments often suffer massive cost over-runs and fail to deliver the expected
cost savings because of insufficient planning. Budgetary controls can help identify potential failings early in the process
and allow management to take positive action. They may
also produce historical data that organizations can use in
future projects. Change Management
Change management processes can be specified under organizational and management control elements. These
processes should ensure that changes to the IT environment,
systems software, application systems, and data are applied in
a manner that enforces appropriate division of duties; makes
sure changes work as required; prevents changes from being
exploited for fraudulent purposes; and reveals the true costs
of inefficiencies and system outages that can be obscured by
ineffective monitoring and reporting processes. Change
management is one of the most sensitive areas of IT controls
and can seriously impact system and service availability if
not administered effectively. The IT Process Institute has
published research demonstrating that effective IT change
management can bring significant benefits organizations.

5.3.5 Systems Software Controls

Systems software products enable the IT equipment to be
used by the application systems and users. These products
include operating systems such as Windows, UNIX, and
Linux; network and communications software; firewalls;
antivirus products; and database management systems
(DBMS) such as Oracle and DB2.
Systems software can be highly complex and can apply to
components and appliances within the systems and network
environment. It may be configured to accommodate highly
specialized needs and normally requires a high degree of specialization to maintain it securely. Configuration techniques
can control logical access to the applications, although some
application systems contain their own access controls, and
may provide an opening for hackers to use to break into a
system. Configuration techniques also provide the means to
enforce division of duties, generate specialized audit trails,
and apply data integrity controls through access control lists,
filters, and activity logs.
IT audit specialists are required to assess controls in this
area. Small organizations are unlikely to have the resources
to employ such specialists and should consider outsourcing
the work. Whether IT auditors are employed or outsourced,
they require a highly specific set of knowledge. Much of this
knowledge can come from experience, but such knowledge
must be updated constantly to remain current and useful.
Certification confirms that a technical specialist has
acquired a specified set of knowledge and experience and has
passed a related examination. In the IT audit world, global
certificates include the Qualification in Computer Auditing
(QiCA), from IIAUnited Kingdom and Ireland; Certified
Information Systems Auditor (CISA), available through the Other Management Controls

Other typical management controls include vetting procedures for new staff, performance measurement, provision of
specialist training for IT staff, and disciplinary procedures.
These are listed in the Information Security Program
Elements in Appendix A and will be covered in greater
detail in other GTAG publications.
5.3.4 Physical and Environmental Controls
IT equipment represents a considerable investment for many
organizations. It must be protected from accidental or deliberate damage or loss. Physical and environmental controls,
originally developed for large data centers that house mainframe computers, are equally important in the modern world
of distributed client-server and Web-based systems. Although
the equipment commonly used today is designed for ease of
use in a normal office environment, its value to the business
and the cost and sensitivity of applications running business
processes can be significant. All equipment must be protected, including the servers and workstations that allow staff
access to the applications.

GTAG Understanding IT Controls 5

Information Systems Audit and Control Association
(ISACA); and Global Information Assurance Certification
(GIAC) Systems & Network Auditor (GSNA), from the
SANS Institutes GIAC program. Additional certifications
address general and specialized competence in information
security, network administration, and other areas closely
related to IT auditing and are useful for identifying an IT
auditors potential ability.
Some key technical controls the CAE should expect to
find in a well-managed IT environment include:
Access rights allocated and controlled according to
the organizations stated policy.
Division of duties enforced through systems software
and other configuration controls.
Intrusion and vulnerability assessment, prevention,
and detection in place and continuously monitored.
Intrusion testing performed on a regular basis.
Encryption services applied where confidentiality is a
stated requirement.
Change management processes including patch
management in place to ensure a tightly controlled
process for applying all changes and patches to software, systems, network components, and data.

subject to structured assurance validation processes.

Where systems development is outsourced, the outsourcer or
provider contracts should require similar controls.
Project management techniques and controls need to be part
of the development process, whether developments are
performed in-house or are outsourced. Management should
know projects are on time and within budget and that resources
are used efficiently. Reporting processes should ensure that
management completely understands the current status of
development projects and does not receive any surprises when
the end product is delivered.
5.3.7 Application-based Controls
The objective of internal controls over application systems is to
ensure that:
All input data is accurate, complete, authorized,
and correct.
All data is processed as intended.
All data stored is accurate and complete.
All output is accurate and complete.
A record is maintained to track the process of data
from input to storage, and to the eventual output.
Reviewing the application controls traditionally has been
the bread and butter of the IT auditor. However, because
application controls now represent a huge percentage of
business controls, they should be the priority of every
internal auditor. All internal auditors need to be able to
evaluate a business process and understand and assess the
controls provided by automated processes.
There are several types of generic controls that the CAE
should expect to see in any application:
Input Controls These controls are used mainly to
check the integrity of data entered into a business
application, whether the source is input directly by
staff, remotely by a business partner, or through a
Web-enabled application. Input is checked to ensure
that it remains within specified parameters.
Processing Controls These controls provide
automated means to ensure processing is complete,
accurate, and authorized.
Output Controls These controls address what is
done with the data. They should compare results
with the intended result and check them against
the input.
Integrity Controls These controls can monitor data
in process and/or in storage to ensure that data
remains consistent and correct.
Management Trail Processing history controls, often
referred to as an audit trail, enable management to
track transactions from the source to the ultimate result
and to trace backward from results to identify the
transactions and events they record. These controls
should be adequate to monitor the effectiveness of
overall controls and identify errors as close as possible
to their sources.

5.3.6 Systems Development and

Acquisition Controls
Organizations rarely adopt a single methodology for all
systems development projects. Methodologies are chosen to
suit the particular circumstances of each project. The IT
auditor should assess whether or not the organization develops or acquires application systems using a controlled
method that subsequently provides effective controls over
and within the applications and data they process. All
computer application systems should perform only those
functions the user requires in an efficient way. By examining
application development procedures, the auditor can gain
assurance that applications work in a controlled manner.
Some basic control issues should be evident in all systems
development and acquisition work:
User requirements should be documented, and their
achievement should be measured.
Systems design should follow a formal process to
ensure that user requirements and controls are
designed into the system.
Systems development should be conducted in a
structured manner to ensure that requirements and
design features are incorporated into the finished
Testing should ensure that individual system elements
work as required, system interfaces operate as expected, users are involved in the testing process, and the
intended functionality has been provided.
Application maintenance processes should ensure that
changes in application systems follow a consistent
pattern of control. Change management should be

GTAG Understanding IT Controls 5

5.4 Information Security
Information security is an integral part of all IT controls.
Information security applies to both infrastructure and data
and is the foundation for the reliability of most other IT controls. The exceptions are controls relating to the financial
aspects of IT (e.g., ROI, budgetary controls) and some project management controls.
The universally accepted elements of information security are:
Confidentiality Confidential information must only
be divulged as appropriate, and must be protected from
Confidentiality includes privacy considerations.
Integrity Information integrity refers to the state of
data as being correct and complete. This specifically
includes the reliability of financial processing and
Availability Information must be available to the
business, its customers, and partners when, where, and
in the manner needed. Availability includes the ability to recover from losses, disruption, or corruption of
data and IT services, as well as from a major disaster
where the information was located.

5.5 IT Controls Framework

IT controls are not automatic. For the more than 50 years
organizations have used IT, controls have not always been the
default condition of new systems hardware or software. The
development and implementation of controls typically lag
behind the recognition of vulnerabilities in systems and the
threats that exploit such vulnerabilities. Further, IT
controls are not defined in any widely recognized standard
applicable to all systems or to the organizations that use them.
Many frameworks exist for categorizing IT controls and
their objectives. Each organization should use the most
applicable components of these frameworks to categorize or
assess IT controls and to provide and document its own
internal control framework for:
Compliance with applicable regulations and
Consistency with the organizations goals and
Reliable evidence (assurance) that activities are in
compliance with managements governance policies
and are consistent with the organizations risk appetite.

Risk Appetite
An organizations risk appetite defines the degree of risk a company or other organization is willing to accept in
pursuit of its goals, as determined by executive management and governance. Risk appetite can specify, for
example, whether or not an organization will take an aggressive role in the deployment of new and emerging
technologies. An organizations risk appetite can be affected by its industry and regulatory environment. Closely
related to risk appetite is an organizations risk tolerance, which measures how far it is willing to deviate from its
stated measure of risk appetite.

GTAG Importance of IT Controls 6

Many issues drive the need for IT controls, including
controlling costs and remaining competitive, protecting
against information theft by hackers, and complying with
legislation and regulation such as the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley
Act of 20022, the European Unions Data Protection
Directive, and related legislation in other countries. IT controls promote reliability and efficiency and allow the organization to adapt to changing risk environments. For
example, any control that mitigates or detects fraud or cyber
attacks enhances the organizations resiliency by helping the
organization uncover the risk and manage its impact.
Resiliency is a result of a strong system of internal controls
that give an organization the ability to manage disruptions
Legislation and regulations in some countries now require
organizations to report on the effectiveness of internal control and, by implication, the effectiveness of IT control. The
most prominent new law is Sarbanes-Oxley, which requires
all companies with shares that are publicly traded in the
United States and their foreign subsidiaries to report on
their system of internal controls over financial reporting,
performed in conjunction with an audit of financial
statements. A list of some of the legislation and regulations
applicable to internal controls is provided in Appendix B
(See page 24).
The need for controls is further driven by the complexity
resulting from the necessity for diverse technical components to work with one another. While flexibility and
adaptability of IT are crucial to meeting the changing needs
of customers and business partners and responding to competitive pressures, they also add complexity to business and
IT infrastructures. In addition, information security has been
acknowledged as a key component of internal control with
the emergence and widespread acceptance of standards such
as the International Organization for Standardization Code
of Practice for Information Security Management (ISO
Organizations that implement effective IT controls
experience improvements in efficiencies, reliability of
services, flexibility of systems, and availability of assurance
evidence all of which add value and increase stakeholder
and regulator confidence in the organization. Some key
indicators of effective IT controls include:
The ability to execute planned, new work such as the
IT infrastructure upgrades required to support new
products and services.
Delivery of development projects on time and within
budget, resulting in cheaper and better product and
service offerings when compared with competitors.
Ability to allocate resources predictably.
Consistent availability and reliability of information
and IT services across the organization and for
customers, business partners, and other external

Clear communication to management of effective

The ability to protect against new vulnerabilities and
threats quickly and efficiently and to recover from
any disruption of IT services.
The efficient use of a customer support center or help
A security-conscious culture among end users
throughout the organization.
Although the internal audit function likely will include
specialist IT auditors to address IT issues in detail, the CAE
also should understand IT control issues at a high level,
particularly their interactions with other IT and non-IT
controls. This understanding is particularly important when
discussing compliance or control deficiencies with highlevel managers such as the chief executive officer (CEO),
chief financial officer (CFO), or chief information officer
(CIO), and with the various board committees.
The CAE should be able to discuss relevant regulations
and legislation with the audit committee, the chief legal
counsel, and other relevant individuals and committees.
The CAE also should understand how IT controls support
reliability and effectiveness and help promote competitive
advantage. Moreover, the CAE should thoroughly understand the major issues that drive the need for controls within the organizations particular sector to ensure they are
considered during audit assessments. Without a thorough
knowledge and understanding of IT controls, the auditor
will be unable to grasp their significance or to assess them
adequately as part of the overall review of internal control.

Public Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002, known as Sarbanes-Oxley after its sponsors U.S. Sen. Paul Sarbanes and
U.S. Rep. Michael Oxley.


GTAG IT Roles in the Organization 7

Many different roles have emerged in recent years for positions within the organization with responsibilities and ownership of IT controls. Each position at the governance,
management, operational, and technical levels should have
a clear description of its roles and responsibilities for IT controls to avoid confusion and ensure accountability for specific issues. This section addresses the various IT control roles
and responsibilities within the organization and allocates
them to specific positions within a hypothetical organizational structure.
There is no universally applicable means of defining the
organizational structure for IT control. The CAE should
identify where IT control responsibilities lie and assess their
appropriateness with regard to separation of duties, as well as
any gaps that may exist in assigned responsibilities. Once
this is done, the CAE will know whom to approach to
discuss specific IT issues and where specific information can
be obtained.
Overall, the objectives for the use of IT within any
organization are:
To deliver reliable information efficiently and secure
IT services in line with the organizations strategies,
policies, external requirements, and risk appetite.
To protect stakeholder interests.
To enable mutually beneficial relationships with
customers, business partners, and other outside
parties that accomplish business objectives.
To identify and respond to threats and potential
violations of control appropriately.
Specific roles within the organization support these objectives. The position descriptions and titles will differ across
different countries, industries, and organizations, and some
of the roles may be merged within smaller organizations.
However, some individuals within the organization must
address the IT control function and interact with the CAE
and internal audit staff members.

The board will establish various committees based on its

relationships with the organization. The most common committees of the board are audit, compensation, and governance, but some boards have additional committees such as
a risk management committee or finance committee. These
committees may bear different names from those identified
below, and their roles may vary. The functions, rather than
the names, are important.
7.1.1 Audit Committee
The role of the audit committee encompasses oversight of
financial issues, internal control assessment, risk management, and ethics. IT control is a strong element of each of
these duties and calls for:
Understanding of financial management (financial
expert role) and the organizations reliance on IT for
financial processing and reporting.
Ensuring IT topics are included in the committee
meeting agenda especially CIO reporting.
Ensuring general IT controls and controls in business
application systems and processes involved in
preparing financial statements are assessed and tested
Overseeing the overall assessment of IT controls.
Reviewing the business and control issues related to
new systems development and acquisition.
Examining internal and external audit plans and
work to ensure IT topics are covered adequately.
Reviewing the results of audit work and monitoring
the resolution of issues raised.
Understanding the IT topics that impact ethics
7.1.2 Compensation Committee
The compensation committee has no direct relationship
with IT. However, it can improve the boards oversight of
IT by making IT one of the performance elements of any
compensation plan it approves.

7.1 Board of Directors/Governing Body

One important role of the full board of directors is to
determine and approve strategies, set objectives, and ensure
that objectives are being met to support the strategies. In
relation to IT, this requires:
Awareness of the key IT topics, such as the IT and
information security policies, and the concepts of risk
as they relate to IT. An example of board roles in IT
oversight is provided in The IIAs Information
Security Management and Assurance Series at
Understanding of the IT strategys infrastructure and
components as well as awareness of key system development and acquisition projects and how they support and impact overall corporate strategies,
objectives, and short- and long-term budgets.
Approval of the data classifications structure and the
related access rights.

7.1.3 Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is responsible for board member selection and assessment and for leadership of the boards
operations. In relation to IT, this committee should:
Ensure that potential and current board members
have a suitable IT knowledge or background.
Assess board committees performance in terms of
their oversight of IT.
Review any external regulatory governance
assessments in relation to IT topics.
Ensure that the board reviews IT policies periodically
and that board meetings focus on IT with adequate
7.1.4 Risk Management Committee
The risk management committee is responsible for oversight

GTAG IT Roles in the Organization 7

of all risk analysis and assessment, risk response, and risk
monitoring. Its role includes:
Assessing the extent to which management has
established effective enterprise risk management in
the organization.
Being aware of, and concurring with, the
organizations risk appetite and tolerance.
Appreciating the impact of IT-related risks.
Reviewing the organizations risk portfolio
including IT risks and considering it against
the organizations risk appetite.
Being apprised of the most significant IT risks and
determining whether or not managements response
to changes in risk and threats is appropriate.
Monitoring and evaluating all activities performed
by management to minimize all known and
documented risks.

that allocating these roles does not compromise the need for
division of duties where roles are incompatible. Where IT is
outsourced, there is still a requirement for organizations to
keep many of these roles in-house to provide oversight of the
outsourced functions.
7.2.1 Chief Executive Officer
The individual with overall strategic and operational
control of the organization must consider IT in most aspects
of the role. In particular, the CEO will:
Define corporate objectives and performance
measures in relation to IT.
Act as custodian over the organizations critical
success factors in relation to IT.
Understand and approve the short-term and
long-range strategy for IT.
Approve IT resources for the organization, including
structure and oversight/monitoring.
Determine IT issues for periodic management, board,
and staff discussion.
Operate as the highest-level control owner, having
ultimate responsibility for the success or failure of
controls and for coordinating all other operational
managers within their responsibilities framework who
act as control owners of their particular areas.

7.1.5 Finance Committee

The main role of the finance committee is to review
financial statements, cash flow projections, and investment
management. Members of this committee need to understand the control elements of IT that ensure the accuracy of
information used to make key financing decisions and
generate financial reports. They also should consider, and
ask management to report on, the benefits and costs of
maintaining versus replacing critical IT systems.
Managements report should consider soft efficiency issues,
such as gains or losses to productivity based on ease and
efficiency of use; the hard costs of repairs and upgrades,
and the potential for risk due to loss or corruption of data.

7.2.2 Chief Financial Officer

The CFO has overall responsibility for all financial matters
in the organization and should have a strong understanding
of the use of IT both to enable financial management and to
support corporate objectives. This individual should have an
overall understanding of:
The total cost of ownership for IT initiatives.
The entitys IT strategies for remaining
technologically competitive.
The technologies used to implement financial
The operation of specific financial applications.

7.2 Management
Several specific roles have emerged in large organizations in
relation to IT risk and control. As stated previously, small
organizations might not allocate an individual for each role,
although the function must still be performed. An individual may perform multiple roles, but care must be taken so

IT Controls and Ethics

As evidenced in the Equity Funding cases in the 1970s to the scandals that continue to emerge today, the use of
technology creates significant opportunities to initiate and perpetuate fraud and deception. The authority to override
certain controls brings with it the temptation to initiate improper actions. If such improprieties go unnoticed, or
are tacitly allowed to continue, they can grow into outright fraud. Therefore, when an organization provides an
individual the opportunity to perform actions on behalf of the organization, it has a corresponding responsibility to
provide monitoring to detect and correct improper activities quickly. The organization also has a responsibility to
identify threats of this sort and to establish safeguards as a preventive measure.The same technology tools that can
create the opportunity for fraud can be used to identify activities, or even unusual patterns, in transactions or other
data that may indicate evidence of fraud or questionable behavior.


GTAG IT Roles in the Organization 7

The limitations and benefits of IT.
The IT control structure for general controls that
apply to all business systems and data as well as
controls that are specific to financial applications.
The CFO should operate as the highest-level control owner
for financial systems and data.

Ensures that security staff provide support for implementing controls at all levels.
Acts as the key leader for investigating and evaluating new best practices that may be incorporated into
the organization.
7.2.5 Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Information security is a subset of the overall security role.
Develops and implements the information security
policy in coordination with the CSO.
Controls and coordinates information security
resources, ensuring they are allocated adequately to
meet the organizations security objectives.
Ensures alignment of information security and business objectives.
Manages operational information risks throughout
the organization.
Oversees security within the IT organization.
Provides education and awareness on information
security issues and new best practices.
Develops end-user policies for the usage of IT
information, in conjunction with the human
resources function.
Coordinates information security work with the
chief risk officer (CRO) and CIO.
Advises the CEO, CRO, CIO, and board on IT
risk issues.
Acts as a key link for the CAE when internal
auditing performs IT control-related audits.

7.2.3 Chief Information Officer

The CIO has overall responsibility for the use of IT within
the organization. In relation to IT controls, the CIO should:
Understand the business requirements that drive the
need to implement IT.
Develop IT partnerships with business management to:
Ensure IT strategy is aligned with the business
Ensure compliance.
Profit from process-efficiency gains.
Mitigate assessed risks.
Design, implement, and maintain an IT internal
control framework.
Plan, source, and control IT resources.
Explore, assess, select, and implement technology
advances (e.g. wireless communications).
Provide training for IT personnel to ensure that levels
of knowledge and skills remain current.
Operate as the highest-level data/system custodian
and IT control owner.
Measure the operational performance of IT in support
of business objectives by:
Setting expectations.
Evaluating results.
Developing all necessary means to verify and
acknowledge that IT is providing services and support
as expected by its users and final customers such as
regulators and external and internal auditors.

7.2.6 Chief Legal Counsel (CLC)

Legal counsel may be an employee or officer of the organization or an external legal adviser. The role involves:
Understanding and dealing with the liabilities arising
out of information disclosures and providing policylevel guidance to help manage risks related thereto.
Ensuring financial reports and presentations comply
with laws and regulations.
Understanding IT legal issues and advising on legal
risks related to IT.
Managing organizational reputation in relation to
legal issues, compliance, and public relations.
Understanding fraud involving IT.
Managing IT contractual issues.
Understanding investigative forensics protocols
regarding suspected criminal activity.

7.2.4 Chief Security Officer

The chief security officer (CSO) is responsible for all
security across the entire organization, including information security, which may be the responsibility of a chief
information security officer as well. The CSO:
Has responsibility for documenting the enterprise
security policy and for ensuring mechanisms have
been established to communicate and enforce the
Has overall responsibility for logical and physical
security in the organization and for all external connections to the Internet or other networks.
Acts as a key link between the compliance, legal,
CIO, and audit functions.
Is at the forefront of implementing key compliance
programs affecting IT, such as Sarbanes-Oxley and
the European Union (EU) Data Protection Directive.
Is responsible for business continuity planning,
including incident handling and disaster recovery.

7.2.7 Chief Risk Officer

The CRO is concerned with managing risk at all levels of
the organization. Because IT risks form a part of this
function, the CRO will consider them, with the help of the
CISO. This includes:
Analysis and assessment of IT risk exposures,
including information compromises such as loss,

GTAG IT Roles in the Organization 7

damage, unauthorized disclosure, and interrupted
Assessment of IT events such as interruptions,
disasters, and changes.
Analysis and assessment of business risk as it is
affected by IT risk.
Monitoring, supporting, and acting as a mentor for
all IT activities related to minimizing risks.

The extent of the external auditors responsibilities

for understanding and evaluating the IT system and
related IT controls during financial audits.
The scope of the external auditors responsibilities
for examining the IT system and controls during any
formal attestation that may be required by statute or
regulation, such as internal controls over financial
reporting and other regulatory requirements.

7.3 Audit
7.3.1 Internal Auditing CAE and Audit Staff
Internal auditing is an essential part of the corporate
governance process, whether or not a specific internal audit
group is employed. Internal auditors need a general understanding of IT, but the level of their understanding will vary
depending on the category of auditing or audit supervision
they perform (IIA Standard 1210.A3). The IIA defines
three categories of IT knowledge for internal auditors.
Appendix C (See page 28) describes these categories.
The internal audit role in relation to IT involves:
Advising the audit committee and senior
management on IT internal control issues.
Ensuring IT is included in the audit universe and
annual plan (selecting topics).
Ensuring IT risks are considered when assigning
resources and priorities to audit activities.
Defining IT resources needed by the internal audit
department, including specialized training of audit
Ensuring that audit planning considers IT issues for
each audit.
Liaising with audit clients to determine what they
want or need to know.
Performing IT risk assessments.
Determining what constitutes reliable and verifiable
Performing IT enterprise-level controls audits.
Performing IT general controls audits.
Performing IT applications controls audits.
Performing specialist technical IT controls audits.
Making effective and efficient use of IT to assist the
audit processes.
During systems development or analysis activities,
operating as experts who understand how controls
can be implemented and circumvented.
Helping to monitor and verify the proper implementation of activities that minimize all known and
documented IT risks.
7.3.2 External Auditor
Independent external audits are a requirement for most
organizations and normally are performed annually. Topics
to be considered by the internal audit department and the
audit committee include:

GTAG Analyzing Risk 8

8.1 Risk Determines Response

should consider the processes established by management

to determine:
The value and criticality of information.
The organizations risk appetite and tolerance for
each business function and process.
IT risks faced by the organization and quality of
service provided to its users.
The complexity of the IT infrastructure.
The appropriate IT controls and the benefits they
Harmful IT incidents in the past 24 months.
The frequency of risk analysis is important and is influenced
greatly by technological change. In a static business and
technical infrastructure environment, the risk assessment
process could be as infrequent as yearly or could be
performed in concert with a major implementation project.

IT controls are selected and implemented on the basis of the

risks they are designed to manage. As risks are identified
through experience or formal risk assessment suitable risk
responses are determined, ranging from doing nothing and
accepting the risk as a cost of doing business to applying a
wide range of specific controls, including insurance.
It would be a relatively straightforward task to create a list
of recommended IT controls that must be implemented
within each organization. However, each control has a specific cost that may not be justified in terms of cost effectiveness when considering the type of business done by the
organization. Furthermore, no list of controls is universally
applicable across all types of organizations. Although there is
a lot of good advice available on the choice of suitable
controls, strong judgment must be used. Controls must be
appropriate for the level of risk faced by the organization.
The CAE should be able to advise the audit committee
that the internal control framework is reliable and provides
a level of assurance appropriate to the risk appetite of the
organization. In this respect, the risk appetite of the organization is defined by COSO3 as:
the degree of risk, on a broad-based level, that a company or other organization is willing to accept in pursuit
of its goals. Management considers the organizations risk
appetite first in evaluating strategic alternatives, then in
setting objectives aligned with the selected strategy, and
in developing mechanisms to manage the related risks.
In addition, the CAE should consider risk tolerance. COSO
defines risk tolerance as:
the acceptable level of variation relative to the
achievement of objectives. In setting specific risk tolerances, management considers the relative importance of
the related objectives and aligns risk tolerances with its
risk appetite.
Thus, the CAE should consider whether or not:
The organizations IT environment is consistent with
the organizations risk appetite.
The internal control framework is adequate to ensure
that the organizations performance remains within
the stated risk tolerances.

8.2.1 The IT Infrastructure

Analyzing and assessing risk in relation to IT can be complex. The IT infrastructure consists of hardware, software,
communications, applications, protocols (rules), and data, as
well as their implementation within physical space, within
the organizational structure, and between the organization
and its external environment. Infrastructure also includes
the people interacting with the physical and logical elements of systems.
The inventory of IT infrastructure components reveals
basic information about the vulnerabilities of the environment. For example, business systems and networks connected to the Internet are exposed to threats that do not exist for
self-contained systems and networks. Because Internet connectivity is an essential element of most business systems
and networks, organizations must make certain that their
systems and network architectures include the fundamental
controls that ensure basic security.
The complete inventory of the organizations IT hardware, software, network, and data components forms the
foundation for assessing the vulnerabilities within the IT
infrastructures that may impact internal controls. Systems
architecture schematics reveal the implementation of infrastructure components and how they interconnect with other
components within and outside the organization. To the
information security expert, the inventory and architecture
of IT infrastructure components including the placement
of security controls and technologies reveals potential
vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, information about a system
or network can also reveal vulnerabilities to a potential
attacker, so access to such information must be restricted to
only those people who need it. A properly configured system
and network environment will minimize the amount of
information it provides to would-be attackers, and an environment that appears secure presents a less attractive target
to most attackers.

8.2 Risk Considerations in Determining the

Adequacy of IT Controls
Risk management applies to the entire spectrum of activity
within an organization, not just to the application of IT. IT
cannot be considered in isolation, but must be treated as an
integral part of all business processes. Choosing IT controls
is not simply a matter of implementing those recommended
as best practices. They must add value to the organization by
reducing risk efficiently and increasing effectiveness.
When considering the adequacy of IT controls within
the organizations internal control framework, the CAE

These definitions are taken from the COSO Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework (Oct 2004)


GTAG Analyzing Risk 8

Principles (GAISP), Guidelines for Information Valuation,
published by the Information Systems Security Association
(, address information value within the following categories:
Exclusive possession cost in the event of a breach
of confidentiality.
Utility cost in the event of a loss of integrity.
Cost of creation/re-creation.
Liability in the event of litigation.
Convertibility/negotiability represents market value.
Operational impact of unavailability.

8.2.2 IT Risks Faced by the Organization

The CAE discusses IT risk issues with the CIO and process
owners to ensure that all related parties have an appropriate
awareness and understanding of the technical risks faced by
the organization through the use of IT and their roles in
applying and maintaining effective controls.
8.2.3 Risk Appetite and Tolerance
Armed with the knowledge of IT risks, the auditor can
validate the existence of effective controls to meet the
established risk appetite of the organization and its risk
tolerance in relation to IT. The auditors assessment will
involve discussions with many members of management and
ultimately with the board. The level of detail of these
discussions can be determined by the CRO with input from
the CIO, CISO, CSO, CAE, and process owners. The final
decision regarding risk appetite and tolerance must be
made by the risk committee with input from the audit
committee and must be endorsed by the full board. The
definitions of risk appetite and tolerance must be communicated to all relevant managers for implementation.
The goal of enterprise risk management is to ensure that
everyone is working with the same level and understanding
of risk and that decisions made at all levels of management
are consistent with the organizations risk appetite.

8.2.6 Appropriate IT Controls

Finally, appropriate IT controls must be chosen and
implemented to address the risks identified. Much advice is
available on this subject. See Appendix I (See page 45).
The CAE and internal audit group should be involved in
the process of analyzing and assessing risk. While they
should operate in a manner that maintains the independence and objectivity of their function, they also must
provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal
control framework.

8.3 Risk Mitigation Strategies

When risks are identified and analyzed, it is not always
appropriate to implement controls to counter them. Some
risks may be minor, and it may not be cost effective to implement expensive control processes for them.
In general, there are several ways to mitigate the potential impact of risks:
Accept the risk. One of the primary functions of
management is managing risk. Some risks are minor
because their impact and probability of occurrence is
low. In this case, consciously accepting the risk as a
cost of doing business is appropriate, as well as
periodically reviewing the risk to ensure its impact
remains low.
Eliminate the risk. It is possible for a risk to be
associated with the use of a particular technology,
supplier, or vendor. The risk can be eliminated by
replacing the technology with more robust products
and by seeking more capable suppliers and vendors.
Share the risk. Risk mitigation approaches can be
shared with trading partners and suppliers. A good
example is outsourcing infrastructure management. In
such a case, the supplier mitigates the risks associated
with managing the IT infrastructure by being more
capable and having access to more highly skilled staff
than the primary organization. Risk also may be
mitigated by transferring the cost of realized risk to
an insurance provider.
Control/mitigate the risk. Where other options have
been eliminated, suitable controls must be devised
and implemented to prevent the risk from
manifesting itself or to minimize its effects.

8.2.4 Performing Risk analysis

Performing risk analysis is not the sole preserve of either the
CRO or the CAE, although both of them, or their representatives, should be involved, along with representatives from
IT and the business areas.
There are eight basic questions associated with the risk
assessment process. The first five include:
What are the assets at risk and the value of their
confidentiality, integrity, and availability?
What could happen to affect that information asset
value adversely (threat event)? Implicit to this
question is the vulnerability analysis and mapping
of vulnerabilities to threats and
potentially impacted information assets.
If a threat event happened, how bad could its
impact be?
How often might the event be expected to occur
(frequency of occurrence)?
How certain are the answers to the first four
questions (uncertainty analysis)?
The next three questions apply to risk mitigation analysis:
What can be done to reduce the risk?
How much will it cost?
Is it cost-efficient?
8.2.5 Value of Information
Determining the value of the information processed and
stored is not an easy task due to the multidimensional nature
of value. The Generally Accepted Information Security

GTAG Analyzing Risk 8

8.4 Control Characteristics to Consider

Are external and internal vulnerability assessments

completed and risks identified and appropriately
Are change and configuration management and
quality assurance processes in place?
Are structured monitoring and service measurement
processes in place?
Are specialist IT audit skills available (either
internally or outsourced)?
Further information on baseline controls can be found in
Appendix I (See page 45). More comprehensive information
on risk analysis and management can be found in the
IIA paper Information Security Management and Assurance:
A Call to Action for Corporate Governance.

Some of the issues to be addressed during the IT control

evaluation process include:
Is the control effective?
Does it achieve the desired result?
Is the mix of preventive, detective, and corrective
controls effective?
Do the controls provide evidence when control
parameters are exceeded or when controls fail? How
is management alerted to failures, and which steps
are expected to be taken?
Is evidence retained (audit or management trail)?

8.5 Baseline IT Controls

IT controls are to be applied when mitigating the risks is the
best option. While IT controls should be applied with due
regard to the relevant risks, there is a basic set of controls
that need to be in place to provide a fundamental level of IT
hygiene. For example, the use of a firewall to control traffic
between a corporate network and a public network such as
the Internet, or between internal network domains, is a
baseline control. The level of risk associated with the business value and sensitivity of the network traffic, the services
provided, and the information stored in the infrastructure
determines the extent to which firewalls restrict traffic
coming into and departing from an organizations networks.
Firewalls are a physical and logical manifestation of information security policy elements that dictate what is allowed
into or out of an organization.
IT controls most widely applicable to all IT infrastructures are known as baseline controls. There are many types of
baseline controls. Two baselines that apply to IT security
controls are the Digital Dozen, from the VISA Cardholder
Information Security Program (CISP) and the Fundamental
Five, from the Center for Internet Security (see sidebars on
this page). The Fundamental Five and Digital Dozen complement each other.
It is not easy to define the baseline IT controls, because the
general threats, such as malicious software and hacking,
change and newer technologies and applications frequently
are implemented across the organization. The following
questions can be considered when selecting a suitable set of
baseline controls:
Do IT policies including for IT controls exist?
Have responsibilities for IT and IT controls been
defined, assigned, and accepted?
Are IT infrastructure equipment and tools
logically and physically secured?
Are access and authentication control
mechanisms used?
Is antivirus software implemented and maintained?
Is firewall technology implemented in accordance
with policy (e.g., where external connections such as
the Internet exist and where separation between
internal networks is needed)?

Digital Dozen
One of the most concise and broadly useful summaries of
security guidance is the VISA CISP, which has proven its
value for over two years in use by VISA credit card network
service providers, including banks, processors, merchants,
and others. VISA refers to these requirements as its Digital
1. Install and maintain a working firewall to protect data.
2. Keep security patches up-to-date.
3. Protect stored data.
4. Encrypt data sent across public networks.
5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software.
6. Restrict access by "need to know."
7. Assign an unique Identification Code (ID) to each
person with computer access.
8. Don't use vendor-supplied defaults for passwords
and security parameters.
9. Track all access to data by unique ID.
10. Regularly test security systems and processes.
11. Implement and maintain an information
security policy.
12. Restrict physical access to data.

Fundamental Five
The Consensus Benchmarks, from the Center for Internet
Security (, provide guidance on the
Fundamental Five of basic security hygiene. Use of these
benchmarks typically results in an 80 percent to 95 percent
reduction of known vulnerabilities.
1. Identity and Access Management
(including privilege assignment and authentication)
2. Change Management (including patch management)
3. Configuration Management
4. Firewalls (workstation, host, sub-network,
and perimeter)
5. Malware protection (including worms and viruses)

GTAG Monitoring and Techniques 9

9.1 Choosing a Control Framework

especially when applied to IT, because technology changes

constantly and rapidly, as do the associated risks and threats.
Categorizing IT controls according to their organizational
placement, purpose, and functionality is useful in assessing
their value and adequacy, as well as the adequacy of the system of internal controls. Knowledge of the range of available
IT controls, the driving forces for controls, and organizational roles and responsibilities allows for comprehensive risk
analysis and assessments. In assessing control effectiveness,
it is also useful to understand whether the controls are
mandated or voluntary, discretionary or nondiscretionary,
manual or automated, primary or secondary, and subject to
management override.
Finally, the assessment of IT controls involves selecting
key controls for testing, evaluating test results, and determining whether or not evidence indicates any significant control
weaknesses. The checklist in Appendix H can help the CAE
ensure all relevant issues have been considered when planning and directing internal audit assessments of IT controls.
Several existing frameworks and approaches can assist the
CAE and other managers when determining IT control
requirements. However, organizations should investigate
enough frameworks to determine which one best fits their
own needs and culture. A partial list of available frameworks
is provided in Appendix D (See page 29).
The COSO Internal Control Integrated Framework
(1992) is accepted by the U.S. Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board (PCAOB) for the purpose of reporting

The process of identifying and assessing the IT controls

necessary to address specific risks is aided considerably by the
organizations adoption of a formal control framework. This
framework should apply to, and be used by, the whole
organization not just internal auditing. Although many
frameworks exist, no single framework covers every possible
business type or technology implementation.
A control framework is a structured way of categorizing
controls to ensure that the whole spectrum of control is
adequately covered. The framework can be informal or
formal. A formal approach will satisfy the various regulatory
or statutory requirements faced by many organizations more
readily .
Each organization should examine existing control frameworks to determine which of them or which parts most
closely fit its needs. The process of choosing or constructing
a control framework should involve all positions in the
organization with direct responsibility for controls. The CAE
should be involved in the decision process because the internal audit function will assess the frameworks adequacy and
use it as a context for planning and performing audit work.
The CAE needs an overall knowledge of IT risk issues to
assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of IT controls.
The CAE will base the audit plan and allocate audit
resources according to the IT areas and issues that merit
attention due to their inherent levels of risk. Risk analysis
and assessment cannot be viewed as a one-time process,

COSO Model for Technology Controls

Monthly metrics from technology
Technology cost and control
performance analysis
Periodic technology
management assessments
Internal audit of technology enterprise
Internal audit of high risk areas

Information and Communication:

Periodic corporate communications (intranet, e-mail,
meetings, mailings)
Ongoing technology awareness of best practices
IT performance survey
IT and security training
Help desk ongoing issue resolution
Risk Assessment:
IT risks included in overall corporate risk assessment
IT integrated into business risk assessments
Differentiate IT controls for high risk business
IT Internal audit assessment
IT Insurance assessment
Control Environment:
Tone from the top IT and security controls
considered Important
Overall technology policy and Information
security policy
Corporate Technology Governance Committee
Technology Architecture and Standards Committee
Full representation of all business units

Control Activities:
Review board for change management
Comparison of technology initiatives to
plan and return on investment
Documentation and approval of IT plans
and systems architecture
Compliance with information and
physical security standards
Adherence to business continuity risk
Technology standards
compliance enforcement

Figure 5 - COSO Model for Technology Controls


GTAG Monitoring and Techniques 9

compliance with financial reporting provisions, but it is not
specific to all areas of IT. This framework is considered
to be a suitable, recognized framework to adopt for
Sarbanes-Oxley compliance because it covers all areas of IT
implementation, albeit at a high level of abstraction
(See Figure 5, COSO Model for Technology Controls,
page 18).

specifically to investigate and determine if preventive

or corrective actions should be applied. Such
monitoring controls are complementary to the
normal controls employed and provide assurance on
the effectiveness of those controls or early warning
that they may have been breached.
Continuous Technology now provides the ability
to monitor and assess certain sensitive controls
continuously. A good example of continuous monitoring is the use of intrusion detection software,
which continually monitors network traffic for
evidence that other protective controls, such as firewalls and virus protection, may have been breached.

9.2 Monitoring IT Controls

Determining where to apply control monitoring and assessment and their frequency is not easy. Participation by the
auditor in risk analysis exercises and implementation of a
suitable control framework help ensure that the CAE has
sufficient information to create a suitable audit plan to
address the major IT risks.
Ultimately, management is responsible for monitoring
and assessing controls. The auditors monitoring and assessments are performed to independently attest to managements assertions regarding the adequacy of controls.
Managements control monitoring and assessment activities
should be planned and conducted within several categories
as follows:

9.2.2 Special Reviews

Annual (or quarterly) control assessment
Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in the United States
requires cyclical control assessments. Although the
board of directors is required to make statements
regarding the effectiveness of internal controls,
management actually must provide the assurances to
the board, and the internal and external auditors
must perform sufficient audit work to attest to these
Audit reviews A regular program of audit reviews
is still necessary, despite the proliferation of new
audit approaches. It is only through the formal review
of infrastructure, process, and technology implementation that the CAE can assess the overall reliability
and robustness of the system of internal controls. In
the past, such reviews were planned on a cyclical
basis. However, given the fast-changing world of IT,
audit reviews should now be scheduled based on the
level of risk.

9.2.1 Ongoing Monitoring

Daily/Periodic Some information must be checked
daily to ensure controls are working as required.
Management normally performs such monitoring,
which traditionally involves checking data-processing
control reports to reconcile satisfactory task and job
completion. Such controls, where they exist, are most
often automated. The CAE will ensure such management monitoring is in place and that it is subjected
to internal audit assessment.
Event-driven Discrepancies, or even frauds, may
result within normal processing or in special circumstances, such as where there are large-value transactions. In many IT environments, malicious attacks
are likely. Consequently, specific controls should be
in place to detect and report unusual activities to an
entity within the organization that is chartered

Suitable Recognized Framework

.the framework on which management's assessment of the issuer's internal control over financial
reporting is based must be a suitable, recognized, control framework that is established by a body or group
that has followed due-process procedures, including the distribution of the framework for public comment.
By far, the best-known framework that meets that definition is the framework designed by The
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, otherwise known as the
COSO report, which was published in 1992.
Scott A. Taub, Deputy Chief Accountant, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
SEC and Financial Reporting Conference, Pasadena, California, May 29, 2003

GTAG Assessment 10


What Audit Methodology to Use?

A lot has changed in the 40 years that IT auditing has existed: Technology components have become smaller, faster,
and cheaper even as overall IT costs to the organization
have increased significantly. The majority of business
processes have been automated, typically to provide
efficiencies, but also to enable certain business processes that
cannot be performed manually. Ubiquitous network communications, including the Internet, have eliminated any
distinction between business and electronic business.
The audit process similarly has evolved to match the
automation of business processes. In the early days of
automation, auditors audited around the computer. Now
they use software routinely to test or analyze data and
technical controls within systems.
A widely used audit approach involves operational analysis of the processing of important business transactions by
automated systems. In such audits, the auditor identifies
activities and information subject to control and assesses the
ability of existing controls to provide reliable protection
including sufficient evidence of the reliability of controls.
Because operational audits of automated business processes
frequently identify internal control deficiencies, internal
auditors may sometimes shift their attention to audits of
or even involvement in the processes whereby business
activities are automated, such as systems design, development and acquisition, implementation, and maintenance.
Experienced auditors develop extensive knowledge of
internal controls and their strengths and weaknesses.
Therefore, it is not uncommon for internal auditors to
provide consulting services to the management responsible
for designing and implementing internal controls. The
scope and limitations on such consulting activity are
prescribed in the International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (See However, internal
auditor involvement in design, development, or implementation activities does not absolve management from
responsibility for those activities.

Today, no specific audit methodologies can be regarded as

the sole current best practice. Internal auditors adopt the
methods and practices that best suit the work needed. For
When performing an assessment against SarbanesOxley requirements, a systems-based audit approach
may be the best method.
Fraud investigations may require the use of audit
software to analyze data and look for evidence. Audit
software provides strong analytical capability, plus the
ability to examine all relevant records and files.
Performing annual audit work in support of the main
internal audit objectives will most likely follow a
risk-based approach.


Testing IT Controls and

Continuous Assurance

In addition to assessing the adequacy of IT control mechanisms, regular reviews should be performed to ensure that
controls continue to function as required. A traditional
method used by internal auditors is to create a population of
test data that can be processed through the business systems
to check the results to ensure, for example, that controls
continue to accept valid data and reject incorrect and
invalid items. However, given the widespread, complex, and
interactive nature of business systems today, audit testing
tends to focus more specifically on key automated controls
and analysis of the data.
10.2.1 Automated Continuous Monitoring
Continuous monitoring and audit tools have been used for
many years. Previously called embedded audit software, program code in business systems checks data being processed
against predetermined criteria and reports anomalies it
detects. The benefit of such monitoring is obvious: Any discrepancies can be identified and acted upon immediately.
Many proprietary business software products now provide
such continuous monitoring functionality. The concept has
also gone beyond business applications. For example, most
firewall products and intrusion detection systems continu-

How Auditing Contributes to IT Controls

During the past four decades, there have been periods of reflection when management and auditors agreed the
auditors could add value to the organization by contributing their controls expertise to development processes
to ensure appropriate controls were incorporated into new systems, rather than adding controls after an audit
revealed a deficiency. These activities coincided with the developments in control and risk self-assessment in
the mainstream audit world. Audit consulting and risk-based auditing became widespread. The 1990s and
beyond also saw dramatic increases in attention to information security management as cyber attacks
increased in number and severity. These events have helped shape the role of the IT auditor as well as the
businesses worlds recognition of the importance of effective information security management.

GTAG Assessment 10
ously check for potential attack scenarios and provide
instant alerts when potential attacks are detected. This type
of monitoring can cause problems due to the considerable
volume of data and potential errors that are highlighted, not
all of which will be worthy of attention. The task of refining
the analysis techniques and monitoring thresholds requires
constant vigilance to determine which alerts to highlight
and which to accept as normal events.

value. This is accomplished through audit examination of

the relevant control areas to produce an independent and
objective assessment. The CAE should liaise with management at all levels and with the audit committee to agree on
the validity and effectiveness of the metrics and assurances
chosen for reporting.
A basic set of governance and management metrics for
information security is included in Appendix G (See page
40). These metrics do not include specific data regarding the
operation of detailed technical controls, although the technical controls may provide the information used in measurement. The actual metrics used will depend on the
organization and the needs of the audit committee. The
CAE can select examples of measurements taken at any
level of the organization to help illustrate matters that can
impact controls at the governance level materially.
Audit Report Summaries. Prepared on a regular basis for
the audit committee, these reports summarize findings, conclusions, and opinions regarding the status of IT controls.
They also can report on the agreed-upon actions from prior
audit reports and the status of those actions probably on
an exception basis for actions not taken within the designated time frame. IT controls summaries cannot be presented in
isolation, but should be presented in the context of the
entire internal control framework.
The frequency of reporting depends on the organizations
needs. In a strong regulatory environment, such as provided
by Sarbanes-Oxley in the United States, quarterly reporting
is required. Otherwise, the frequency of reporting will be
driven by the organizations governance framework and
philosophy and the extent to which IT risks exist.

10.2.2 Automated Internal Control Analysis Tools

Audit software can be used to analyze stored data and check
its validity to ensure the continuous, reliable operation of
internal controls. Originally designated audit interrogation
software, products such as ACL ( or CaseWare
IDEA ( now provide sophisticated features and specific analysis that can reduce the control assessment workload while increasing effectiveness and efficiency.
Spreadsheet products like Microsoft Excel also contain powerful analysis tools auditors may use.
10.2.3 Automated Risk Analysis
Tools also are available for automating the risk analysis
process. These tools are invaluable to the entire internal audit
function, not just the IT auditor or risk specialist. Performing
a proper risk analysis in todays complex IT environments is
not easy without the assistance of automated tools.
Management is responsible for performing risk assessments
to determine the controls to implement or improve. Internal
auditors perform similar analysis when assessing the adequacy of controls for audit plan and scope purposes. Automated
tools can assist both processes. The automation of internal
audit management is a major topic in its own right.


Audit Committee/Management/
Audit Interfaces

It is impractical to establish rules for reporting on every special IT control situation. The CAE must apply prudent judgment when expressing an opinion or submitting a report to
the audit committee. This is no different from the way the
CAE interacts with the audit committee regarding other
internal control issues.
The CAE will discuss internal control issues with the
audit committee to determine the optimum level of information to be provided to enable the audit committee to achieve
its statutory, regulatory, policy, due care, or other governance
Metrics and reporting and audit report summaries are
two areas where the CAE should interact with the audit
committee regarding internal controls. Further interactions
will depend on the needs of the specific audit committee and
any legislative or regulatory requirements.
Metrics and reporting. Metrics and reports must present
meaningful information on the status of IT controls. While
management provides the metrics and reporting, the CAE
should be able to attest to their validity and opine on their

Figure 6 Audit Interfaces


GTAG Conclusion 11
Assessing IT controls is an ongoing process, because business
processes are constantly changing, technology continues to
advance, threats evolve as new vulnerabilities emerge, and
audit methods keep improving. The CAE should keep
assessments of IT controls that support business objectives
near the top of the audit agenda.
Assessing IT controls is not a case of determining
whether best practices are employed, as controls are specific to the organizations mission, objectives, culture, deployed
processes and technologies, and risks. Technology should be
tailored to provide effective control, and the CAE should
ensure internal auditing adopts appropriate and effective
methods. Auditing IT is a continuous learning process.
The CAE is rarely in a position to understand all the
technologies used in his or her environment and their specific control implications. That is why properly certified and
experienced IT auditors are a major asset for any internal
audit function. However, the CAE should understand the
overall control issues and be able to communicate them to
senior management and to appropriate committees of the
board of directors in a form they will understand and in a
manner that will result in an appropriate response. The key
to assessing IT controls effectively is communication with
technical staff, management, and board members.


GTAG Appendix A Information Security Program Elements 12

Note: This appendix is extracted from the report of the Best
Practices and Metrics team of the Corporate Information
Security Working Group (CISWG) as provided on
November 17, 2004 to the Subcommittee on Technology,
Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the
Census; Government Reform Committee; U.S. House of
Representatives and subsequently amended on January 10,
2005. Additional information may be obtained from the
Technology section of


Governance (Board of Directors):

Oversee risk management and compliance programs

pertaining to information security (e.g., SarbanesOxley, Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act).
Approve and adopt broad information security
program principles and approve assignment of key
managers responsible for information security.
Strive to protect the interests of all stakeholders
dependent on information security.
Review information security policies regarding
strategic partners and other third parties.
Strive to ensure business continuity.
Review provisions for internal and external audits of
the information security program.
Collaborate with management to specify the information security metrics to be reported to the board.



Establish information security management policies

and controls and monitor compliance.
Assign information security roles, responsibilities,
and required skills, and enforce role-based
information access privileges.
Assess information risks, establish risk thresholds,
and actively manage risk mitigation.
Ensure implementation of information security
requirements for strategic partners and other third
Identify and classify information assets.
Implement and test business continuity plans.
Approve information systems architecture
during acquisition, development, operations, and
Protect the physical environment.
Ensure internal and external audits of the information security program with timely follow-up.
Collaborate with security staff to specify the information security metrics to be reported to management.



Establishing a complete information security program

requires attention to the following technical program
User identification and authentication.

User account management.

User privileges.
Configuration management.
Event and activity logging and monitoring.
Communications, e-mail, and remote access security.
Malicious code protection, including viruses, worms,
and trojans.
Software change management, including patching.
Data encryption.
Backup and recovery.
Incident and vulnerability detection and response.
Collaboration with management to specify the
technical metrics to be reported to management.

GTAG Appendix B Compliance With Laws and Regulations

and Guidance on Compliance Implementation 13
There is an increasing volume of legislation impacting on
the internal control framework that organizations choose to
implement. Although much of this legislation has emerged
over recent years in the United States as a result of various
corporate scandals, it has impacted organizations in other
countries, as well. Organizations should be aware of the relevant legislation, regulation, and business practices around
the world particularly in all countries in which they do
business to assess the organizational impacts and requirements.
For example, data protection legislation in Europe
inhibits the transfer of information across borders to
countries that do not have comparable data-protection
regulation in place. This impacts trading relationships where
the information to be transferred refers to identifiable
individuals. Sarbanes-Oxley contains requirements for
reporting on the system of internal controls for all organizations publicly traded in the United States, as well as their
foreign subsidiaries.
This appendix provides a summary of requirements and
the impact of some of the major legislation and regulation
that should be considered in assessing and managing IT
controls. Although this GTAG is aimed at a global audience, it covers Sarbanes-Oxley in some depth because it is
one of the most significant pieces of legislation to emerge in
recent years. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) Corporate Governance
Principles provide a general framework for the implementation of business controls. The Basel II Accords have a major
impact on the international financial sector, and many have
suggested Basel II guidance may also influence other sectors.


ware, software, and personnel to ensure the reliability of

financial applications, processes, and reporting, they must be
a significant element of compliance reviews.
Some key IT control areas have been interpreted as not
being incorporated in Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. These
include privacy, business continuity, business systems, data
classification, and information not specific to financial processing and reporting. Therefore, any audit specifically limited to Sarbanes-Oxley compliance will not assess all the
risks faced by the organization and must be supplemented to
ensure full audit coverage of the organizations risk management and internal controls.
Tools and resources for corporate governance initiatives
legislation can be
found on
The IIAs Web site
to IT Controls
The following briefly describes the sections of SarbanesOxley that relate to auditors and IT controls. Sections 103 and 802
These sections establish rules for the public accounting firm
relating to the audit and report. In particular, they require
the board to establish standards for the audit work. They also
require auditors to test the internal control structures and
attest to the strength of those structures. This review must
include a thorough examination of the IT controls that are
fundamental to the system of internal control over financial
One specific requirement relates to the retention of
records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect
the transactions and dispositions of the assets. Again, this
is influenced greatly by the way in which IT records are
maintained and retained.

U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Sarbanes-Oxley (
sarbanes-oxley.pdf) was intended to reform public accounting practices and other corporate governance processes and
shore up the capital markets in the wake of the Enron and
WorldCom corporate governance scandals. The PCAOB
provides a comprehensive collection of information and
advice on Sarbanes-Oxley at its Web site (http: The key requirements of SarbanesOxley, the SEC, and U.S. stock listing exchanges are fully
compared and contrasted in an IIA Research Foundation
analysis titled Assessment Guide for U.S. Legislative,
Regulatory, and Listing Exchanges Requirements Affecting
Internal Auditing (
However, Sarbanes-Oxley does not address the issue of IT
controls specifically. This does not mean IT can be ignored
when performing the compliance reviews required by the
act. The act is neutral with regard to technology, but the
implication is clear that IT controls are critical to an organizations overall system of internal controls. As IT controls
address the secure, stable, and reliable performance of hardware, software, and personnel to ensure the reliability of Section 201

This section requires that external auditors be independent.
This precludes them from performing work for a client in the
capacity of IT consultants or providing outsourced internal
audit services. Organizations that do not wish to employ
their own IT auditors cannot outsource the work to their
external auditors. Section 301
Section 301 defines the need for audit committee members
to be independent and precludes them from performing any
other consulting work on behalf of the organization. It also
requires audit committees to establish procedures to handle
confidential, anonymous submission by employees of the
issuer of concerns regarding questionable accounting or
auditing matters (whistle-blower complaints). This would
also relate to any issues arising from the control of IT. Section 302 and 404
Section 302 of the act requires the CEO and CFO who


GTAG Appendix B Compliance With Laws and Regulations

and Guidance on Compliance Implementation 13
responsible for:
Designing and implementing the OR management
Codifying policies, procedures, and controls.
Designing and implementing an OR measurement
Designing and implementing an OR management
reporting system.
Developing strategies to identify, measure, monitor,
and control or mitigate OR.
An OR measurement system is closely integrated into
the day-to-day risk management process.
The OR exposures and loss experiences are regularly
The OR management system is documented.
Internal and external auditors regularly review the
OR management processes and measurement system.
Key to success in OR management is an information system
that supports OR exposure self-assessment, allows process
mapping, consists of an OR loss database and reporting function, and entails an action-plan management function.
The Basel Committee does not specify the approach or
distributional assumptions to be used to generate the OR
measure for regulatory capital purposes. However, the framework allows for three basic approaches that essentially are
dependent on the quality and quantity of risk management
data. Whereas using more data and historical metrics to
prove good performance may allow banks to maintain less
capital reserves and to quantify OR, the banks must be able
to demonstrate that their approaches capture potentially
severe tail loss events (severe unexpected losses).
Moreover, consistency with the scope of OR as defined by
the Basel Committee is required.
First, a banks organization-wide risk assessment methodologies must capture key business environmental and
internal control factors that can change its OR profile.
In addition, the bank should have a process for assessing
overall capital adequacy.
Next, the risk measurement system must be granular
enough to capture the tails of the loss estimates. Banks are
expected to use expert opinion in conjunction with external
data for scenario analysis to evaluate its exposure to highseverity events. Because a bank does not have enough of its
own data in the area of high-impact, low-frequency risks,
they must acquire data from an external provider such as
Zurich-based ORX, Global Operational Loss Database
(GOLD), or MORE Exchange.
The banks must have a credible, transparent, welldocumented, and verifiable approach for weighting these
fundamental elements in its overall OR measurement
system. There are additional prerequisites to qualify for the
Internal loss and performance data successes, near
misses, and failures all must be tracked and
accounted for (reconciled to the books of the bank).

are responsible for financial information and the system of

internal controls to evaluate the system of internal controls every 90 days and report on their conclusions and any
They must disclose:
All significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls that could adversely affect
the issuers ability to record, process, summarize, and
report financial data and identify for the issuers auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls.
Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves
management or other employees who have a significant role in the issuers internal controls.
Section 404 requires the CEO and CFO to produce an
annual audit report that:
Assesses the effectiveness of the internal control
structure over financial reporting.
Discloses all known internal control weaknesses.
Discloses all known frauds.
This report will cover all applicable IT controls, including
program logic and related change controls, access controls,
and data protection. The PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2
suggests the COSO Internal Control Integrated Framework
as a basis for Section 404 compliance management.
References to Statement of Auditing Standards (SAS) 95
also emphasize the importance of IT and information security controls to Sarbanes-Oxley. Section 409
Section 409 requires organizations to disclose any material
changes to operations in real time and in plain English.
Some contend these requirements establish a foundation or
need for continuous monitoring, auditing, and assurance
processes to become part of significant internal control


Basel II Accord

The Basel II Accord is a global regulatory treaty that defines

the global standards for enterprisewide risk management
practices in the financial sector with the intent to mitigate
risks of losses in the industry. The focus is on the banking
sector, but there is a clear intent to harmonize standards
across all segments of the industry. All areas of bank operations are included people, processes, systems, governance,
and supplier management.
A bank willing to qualify for the Advanced Measurement
Approach (AMA) under the Operational Risk (OR) Treaty
must implement best practice in operations and risk management. For risk management, this means:
Senior management is actively involved.
The bank has an OR management system, processes,
policies, and procedures enterprisewide.
The bank has the right governance and sufficient
resources to manage operational risks.
The bank has an OR management function that is

GTAG Appendix B Compliance With Laws and Regulations

and Guidance on Compliance Implementation 13
Internal loss data must be linked to the banks
current business activities.
An observation period of at least five years is
required for internal loss data, with a minimum of
three years necessary when moving to AMA.
According to the internal loss collection process:
OR losses related to credit risk and historically
included in banks credit risk databases continue to
be treated as credit risk for the purpose of calculating minimum regulatory capital under this framework. Such losses should be flagged separately.
OR losses related to market risk are treated as OR
for the purposes of calculating minimum regulatory
capital under this framework and are subject to the
OR capital charge.
The OR measurement system must use relevant
external data.
Third, Basel II disclosure requires banks to describe their risk
management objectives and policies for each separate risk
area, including:
Strategies and processes.
Structure and organization of the risk management
Scope and nature of risk reporting.
Policies for hedging and mitigating risks (including
Note: The BITS Key Risk Measurement Tool
for Information Security Operational Risks, or
BITS Kalculator (
july04.pdf), is a tool financial institutions of all sizes can use
to evaluate critical information security risks to their
businesses. It can be downloaded at no cost from the BITS
Web site (

The EU legislation requires organizations to protect the

personal information of individuals. The legislation also
mandates that appropriate technical measures be taken to
ensure the security of personal data, whether electronic or
manual. Further information regarding data protection can
be found at the Electronic Privacy Information Center
(EPIC) (, Privacy International
(, and the UK Office of
the Information Commissioner (http://www.information


The GLBA was introduced to protect the privacy of customer information in the financial sector, but it extends
beyond financial companies. Any company that handles
non-public financial customer information may be held
accountable under this law, depending on the circumstances.
( and the U.S. Federal
Trade Commission (


U.S. Health Insurance Portability and

Accountability Act (HIPAA) 1996

HIPAA contains requirements for the privacy of personal

information and for information security. The law applies to
US-based companies in the health care sector, but can also
pertain to any company that provides health care benefits to
employees, depending on the circumstances. Further details
can be found at


The U.S. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

(GLBA) - The Financial Modernization
Act of 1999

Data Protection

The concept of data protection was developed when computerization issues were raised at United Nations and OECD
conferences in the late 1960s. The first national law was
enacted in 1974 in Sweden, and the OECD published its
Data Protection Guidelines in 1980 (OECD C (80) 58
final). Regional bodies like the Council of Europe (Data
Protection Convention 108/1981, human rights-based) and
the European Commission (EC) (Directive 95/46/EC,
consumer protection-oriented) have enacted binding frameworks for implementation in their member states.
Depending on their legal system, many countries around the
globe have constitutional provisions and omnibus laws or a
broad spectrum of sector regulations for data protection.
To bridge the differences in U.S. and European Union (EU)
privacy regulations, the EC and the U.S. Department of
Commerce developed a safe harbor framework for U.S.
companies. The safe harbor is a framework agreement
consisting of seven principles and a series of frequently asked
questions. (See also:

California Security Breach Information

Act, Civil Code Sections 1798.29 and
1798.82 (Frequently Referenced by
the Bill CA SB 1386)

Californias State Bill 1386 amended the Information

Practices Act of 1977 of the California Civil Code to create
a sweeping regulation that mandates public disclosure of
computer-security breaches in which confidential information of any California resident may have been compromised.
Every enterprise public or private doing business with
California residents is potentially affected. Confidential
information covered by the law includes Social Security
numbers, California drivers license numbers, account
numbers, and credit or debit card numbers. A more detailed
article on this regulation can be found at
fid=5501.Although case law for this legislation is not cited
here, some discussions on the subject have indicated the
courts may not view an organizations statement favorably if
it treats its California customers differently from its other


GTAG Appendix B - Compliance with Laws and Regulations - 13


Global National Regulations

Many countries have national regulations covering internal

control, including Germany (KonTraG, risk management
requirement) and France (LSF, internal control reporting
requirement). In addition, external auditors may be required
to certify the adequacy of financial reporting mechanisms
and controls. Although most of these regulations do not
address IT directly, they imply the need for an adequately
controlled IT infrastructure. For this reason many national
bodies of the International Federation of Accountants
(IFAC) provide detailed guidance for evaluating
IT controls.


GTAG Appendix C Three Categories of IT Knowledge

for Internal Auditors - 14
14.1 Auditor Knowledge Considerations

Approve plans and techniques for testing controls

and information.
Assess audit test results for evidence of IT vulnerabilities or control weaknesses.
Analyze symptoms detected and relate them to causes
that may have their sources in business or IT: planning, execution, operations, change management,
authentication, or other risk areas.
Provide audit recommendations based on business
assurance objectives appropriate to the sources of
problems noted rather than simply reporting on problems or errors detected.

Standard 1210 Proficiency of The IIAs Standards require

that the internal audit activity collectively should possess or
obtain the knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform its responsibilities4. Varying levels of IT
knowledge are needed throughout the organization to provide a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and
improving the effectiveness of risk management, control,
and governance processes. Knowledge of how IT is used, the
related risks, and the ability to use IT as a resource in the
performance of audit work is essential for auditor effectiveness at all levels.
The IIAs International Advanced Technology Committee
has identified three categories of IT knowledge for internal

14.1.3 Category 3 Technical IT Audit Specialists

Category 3 applies to the technical IT audit specialist.
Although IT auditors may function at the supervisory level,
they must understand the underlying technologies supporting business components and be familiar with the threats
and vulnerabilities associated with the technologies.
IT auditors also may specialize in only certain areas of
IIA programs and products are designed primarily to meet
the information needs of the Category 1 and 2 auditor. The
Category 1 auditor will seek IIA guidance in relating IT
threats, vulnerabilities, and controls to business assurance
objectives. IIA products also provide information that can
be useful in explaining the business impacts of technical
problems. In addition, IIA products can help Category 3
technical IT auditors gain proficiency in areas of technology
with which they are not already familiar and in striving to
reach supervisory or management audit competence.
The SANS Institute provides information security training and awards Global Information Assurance Certification
(GIAC) relevant to information security professionals,
including auditors. The course offerings and accompanying
certifications match the growing demands of students, new
threats, and new technologies. GIAC certifications
( are grouped by subject matter and level of difficulty. Some are full certifications
that accompany five-to six-day training courses, while
others are certificates related to one-to two-day courses.
Certificates are less involved but more intensely focused
than certifications.
Also of interest and benefit to all categories of IT auditor
are the materials provided by the Information Systems Audit
and Control Association (ISACA). ISACA offers
standards, guidelines, and procedures for IT audit professionals; technical research focused on IT audit topics; the
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification, earned by more than 35,000 individuals worldwide;
and publications, education, and conferences targeted to IT
audit professionals.

14.1.1 Category 1 All Auditors

Category 1 is the knowledge of IT needed by all professional auditors, from new recruits up through the CAE. Basic IT
knowledge encompasses understanding concepts such as the
differences in software used in applications, operating
systems and systems software, and networks. It includes
comprehending basic IT security and control components
such as perimeter defenses, intrusion detection, authentication, and application system controls. Basic knowledge
includes understanding how business controls and assurance
objectives can be impacted by vulnerabilities in business
operations and the related and supporting systems, networks,
and data components. It is fundamentally about ensuring
that auditors have sufficient knowledge to focus on understanding IT risks without necessarily possessing significant
technical knowledge.
14.1.2 Category 2 Audit Supervisors
Category 2 applies to the supervisory level of auditing. In
addition to having basic IT knowledge, audit supervisors
must understand IT issues and elements sufficiently to
address them in audit planning, testing, analysis, reporting,
follow-up, and assigning auditor skills to the elements of
audit projects. Essentially, the audit supervisor must:
Understand the threats and vulnerabilities associated
with automated business processes.
Understand business controls and risk mitigation that
should be provided by IT.
Plan and supervise audit tasks to address IT-related
vulnerabilities and controls, as well as the effectiveness of IT in providing controls for business applications and environments.
Ensure the audit team has sufficient competence
including IT proficiency for audits.
Ensure the effective use of IT tools in audit assessments and testing.

Note: The Three Categories of IT Knowledge for Internal Auditors document is not part of The IIAs Standards, but is practical guidance provided by
The IIAs International Advanced Technology Committee.


GTAG Appendix D Compliance Frameworks 15



International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), defines

information security principles that ultimately can provide
assurance to trading partners and regulators that an organizations information is protected properly. Derived from the
British Standards Institutions BS 7799 standard, the Code
of Practice for Information Security Management is built
around specific security elements required within 10 areas,
including physical and environmental security, communication and operational management, and access control.
Although as a code of practice, ISO/IEC 17799:2000
provides guidance and recommendations, it is not intended
to be a specification, and care should be taken to ensure that
claims of compliance are not misleading.
The original BS 7799 standard has two parts:
Part 1 is the Code of Practice and is identical to
ISO/IEC 17799:2000.
Part 2 is a specification for implementing an
information security management system (ISMS).
To comply with BS 7799 Part 2 (BS 7799-2:2002) an
organizations installed ISMS must conform to the set of
requirements described in the standard, which are in the
form of shall statements. Third-party bodies have been
accredited to certify, or register, organizations to BS 77992:2002.

Formed in 1985, COSO is an independent private-sector

initiative that studied the factors that can lead to fraudulent
financial reporting and developed recommendations for
public companies and their independent auditors, the SEC
and other regulators, and educational institutions. COSO
produced the Internal Control Integrated Framework
Appendix E, (See page 36), a widely accepted tool for both
management and auditors, in September 2004, and it
published Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework
in fall 2004. Details of both frameworks can be found at



The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)

produced the Criteria of Control Framework (CoCo) in 1992
to address public and institutional concerns that the traditional view of control was no longer effective in preventing
corporate failures. The mission of CoCo is to improve organizational performance and decision making through better
understanding of control, risk, and governance. Moreover,
the framework provides a basis for making judgments about
the effectiveness of control.
In 1995, Guidance on Control was produced, which
describes the CoCo framework and defines control in a way
that goes beyond the traditional internal control over financial reporting. The CoCo model is a way of focusing on the
future of an organization to ensure it is in control by having
a clear sense of shared purpose, collective commitment to
achieve that purpose, the resources it needs to do the job,
and the ability to learn from experience.


15.5.1 What Is Information Security?

BS 7799 treats information as an asset, which like other
important business assets, has value to an organization and
consequently needs to be protected. Information security
protects information from a wide range of threats to ensure
business continuity, minimize business damage, and maximize return on investments and business opportunities.
Information can exist in many forms: printed or written
on paper, stored electronically, transmitted by post or using
electronic means, shown on films, or spoken in conversation. Whatever form the information takes, or means by
which it is shared or stored, BS 7799 indicates that it always
should be protected appropriately.
Information security is characterized within BS 7799 as
the preservation of:
Confidentiality ensuring that information is
accessible only to those authorized to have access.
Integrity safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and processing methods.
Availability ensuring that authorized users have
access to information and associated assets when
Information security is achieved by implementing a suitable
set of controls from BS 7799, which could be policies, practices, procedures, organizational structures, and software
functions. These controls should be established to ensure the
specific security objectives of the organization are met.

CICA IT Control Guidelines

The IT Control Guidelines, published by the CICA, is a

reference source for evaluating IT controls. It is organized in
a manner that is easy to use and written in straightforward
business language.


ITGI Control Objectives for Information

and Related Technology (CobiT)

Established in 1998, the IT Governance Institute (ITGI)

provides guidance on current and future issues related to IT
governance, security and assurance. The ITGIs leading
guidance publication is Control Objectives for Information
Technology (CobiT) (See Appendix F). ITGIs CobiT provides a reference framework and common language across
the entire information systems life cycle for IS and business
leaders and IS audit, control, and security practitioners.
CobiT is one of the most popular and internationally accepted set of guidance materials for IT governance.


ISO 17799 (Code of Practice for

Information Security Management)

ISO/IEC 17799:2000(E), promulgated by the International

Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the

15.5.2 How to Establish Security Requirements

BS 7799 states that it is essential that an organization

GTAG Appendix D Compliance Frameworks 15

identify its security requirements. There are three main
Assessing risks to the organization. BS 7799 does not
prescribe a methodology.
The legal, statutory, regulatory, and contractual
requirements that an organization, its trading
partners, contractors, and service providers have
to satisfy.
The particular set of principles, objectives, and
requirements for information processing that an
organization has developed to support its operations.

8.1 Operational procedures and responsibilities.

8.2 System planning and acceptance.
8.3 Protection against malicious software.
8.4 Housekeeping.
8.5 Network management.
8.6 Media handling and security.
8.7 Exchanges of information and software.
9. Access control:
9.1 Business requirement for access control.
9.2 User access management.
9.3 User responsibilities.
9.4 Network access control.
9.5 Operating system access control.
9.6 Application access control.
9.7 Monitoring system access and use.
9.8 Mobile computing and teleworking.
10. Systems development and maintenance:
10.1 Security requirements of systems.
10.2 Security in application systems.
10.3 Cryptographic controls.
10.4 Security of system file.
10.5 Security in development and support processes.
11. Business continuity management:
11.1 Business continuity management process.
12. Compliance:
12.1 Compliance with legal requirements.
12.2 Reviews of security policy and technical compliance.
12.3 System audit considerations.

15.5.3 Assessing Security Risks

BS 7799 suggests that security requirements be identified by
a methodical assessment of security risks. Expenditure on
controls should be balanced against the business harm likely
to result from security failures. The process of assessing risks
and selecting controls may need to be performed a number
of times to cover different parts of the organization or individual information systems, and it is important to review
security risks and implemented controls periodically.
15.5.4 Selecting Controls
Once security requirements have been identified, controls
from BS 7799 should be selected and implemented to ensure
risks are reduced to an acceptable level. Controls should be
selected based on the cost of implementation in relation to
the risks being reduced and the potential losses if a security
breach occurs. Nonmonetary factors, such as loss of reputation, should also be taken into account. For more information on BS 7799, see


ISF Standard of Good Practice for

Information Security

The Information Security Forum (ISF) Standard of Good

Practice for Information Security aims at managing the risks
associated with every aspect of information systems, irrespective of an organizations market sector, size, or structure.
The standard prepared by ISFs global working groups is a
publicly available document split into five key areas: security management, critical business applications, computer
installations, networks, and systems development. For more
information and details, see http://www.isfsecurity

15.5.5 Topics Addressed in BS 7799

1. Scope.
2. Terms and definitions.
3. Security policy:
3.1 Information security policy document.
3.2 Review and evaluation.
4. Security organization:
4.1 Information security infrastructure.
4.2 Security of third-party access.
4.3 Outsourcing.
5. Asset classification and control:
5.1 Accountability for assets.
5.2 Information classification.
6. Personnel security:
6.1 Security in job definition and resourcing.
6.2 User training.
6.3 Responding to security incidents and malfunctions.
7. Physical and environmental security:
7.1 Secure areas.
7.2 Equipment security.
7.3 General control.
8. Communications and operations management:


Generally Accepted Information

Security Principles (GAISP)

The Generally Accepted Information Security Principles

(GAISP) culls best practice from all other similar
frameworks. Developed in 1991 as the Generally Accepted
System Security Principles, GAISP provides a comprehensive hierarchy of guidance for securing information and
supporting technology, including:
Pervasive Principles board-level guidance.
Broad Functional Principles designed for executive-level information management (exposure draft
distributed September 1999).


GTAG Appendix D Compliance Frameworks 15

Detailed Principles guidance for operational information security management (under development).
GAISP is now being developed by the Information Systems
Security Association (ISSA) (, which
can provide details.

15.7.1 Pervasive Principles

The Pervasive Principles address the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. They provide general
guidance to establish and maintain the security of information and supporting technology.
Accountability Principle Information security
accountability and responsibility must be defined
clearly and acknowledged.
Rationale Accountability characterizes the ability to
audit the actions of all parties and processes that interact with information. Roles and responsibilities should
be clearly defined, identified, and authorized at a level
commensurate with the sensitivity and criticality of
information. The relationship between all parties,
processes, and information must be defined clearly,
documented, and acknowledged by all parties. All parties must have responsibilities for which they are held
Awareness Principle All parties with a need to
know including, but not limited to, information
owners and information security practitioners
should have access to available principles, standards,
conventions, or mechanisms for securing information
and information systems, and should be informed of
applicable threats to the security of information.
Rationale This principle applies between and within organizations. Awareness of information security
principles, standards, conventions, and mechanisms
enhances and enables controls and can help to mitigate threats. Awareness of threats and their significance also increases user acceptance of controls.
Without awareness of the necessity for particular con-

Figure 7 Security Management


trols, users can pose a risk to information by ignoring,

bypassing, or overcoming existing control mechanisms. The awareness principle applies to unauthorized and authorized parties.
Ethics Principle Information should be used and
information security should be administered in an ethical manner.
Rationale Information systems pervade our
societies. Rules and expectations are evolving with
regard to the appropriate provision and use of information systems and the security of information. Use of
information and information systems should match
the expectations established by social norms and obligations.
Multidisciplinary Principle Principles, standards,
conventions, and mechanisms for securing information and information systems should address the
considerations and viewpoints of all interested
Rationale Information security is achieved by the
combined efforts of information owners, users, custodians, and information security personnel. Decisions
made with due consideration of all relevant
viewpoints and technical capabilities can enhance
information security and receive better acceptance.
Proportionality Principle Information security controls should be proportionate to the risks of modification, denial of use, or disclosure of information.
Rationale Security controls should be commensurate with the value and vulnerability of information
assets. Consider the value, sensitivity, and criticality of
the information, as well as the probability, frequency,
and severity of direct and indirect harm or loss.
This principle recognizes the value of approaches to
information security ranging from prevention to
Integration Principle Principles, standards, conventions, and mechanisms for the security of information
should be coordinated and integrated with each other
and with the organizations policies and procedures to
create and maintain security throughout an information system.
Rationale Many information security breaches
involve the compromise of more than one safeguard.
The most effective control measures are components
of an integrated system of controls. Information
security is most efficient when planned, managed, and
coordinated throughout the organizations system of
controls and the life of the information.
Timeliness Principle All accountable parties should
act in a timely, coordinated manner to prevent or
respond to breaches of, and threats to, the security of
information and information systems.
Rationale Organizations should be able to coordinate and act swiftly to prevent or mitigate threat

GTAG Appendix D Compliance Frameworks 15

Procedures The organization uses procedures
to achieve its objectives in accordance with its
defined policies.
Monitoring The organization monitors the system
and takes action to maintain compliance with its
defined policies.
Following are summaries of the Trust Services Security,
Availability, Processing Integrity, Privacy, Confidentiality,
and Certification Authority Principles and Criteria. The
Trust Services Principles and Criteria can be used to deliver
branded SysTrust and WebTrust engagements, which are
assurance services designed for a wide variety of IT-based
systems. Upon attainment of an unqualified assurance
report, the organization would be entitled to display a
SysTrust or WebTrust Seal and accompanying auditors
report. In addition, the framework can be used to provide
advisory and consulting services. For a detailed listing of the
see trustservices.

events. This principle recognizes the need for the public and private sectors to jointly establish mechanisms
and procedures for rapid and effective threat-event
reporting and handling. Access to threat-event history could support effective response to threat events
and may help prevent future incidents.
Assessment Principle The risks to information and
information systems should be assessed periodically.
Rationale Information and security requirements
vary over time. Organizations periodically should
assess the information, its value, and the probability,
frequency, and severity of direct and indirect harm or
loss. Periodic assessment identifies and measures the
variances from available and established security
measures and controls, such as those articulated in the
GAISP, as well as the risk associated with such variances. It also enables accountable parties to make
informed information risk management decisions
about accepting, mitigating, or transferring the identified risks with due consideration of cost effectiveness.
Equity Principle Management shall respect the
rights and dignity of individuals when setting policy
and when selecting, implementing, and enforcing
security measures.
Rationale Information security measures implemented by an organization should not infringe upon
the obligations, rights, and needs of legitimate users,
owners, and others affected by the information when
exercised within the legitimate parameters of the
mission objectives.



Security Principle The system is protected

against unauthorized access (both physical
and logical).
In e-commerce and other systems, the respective parties
must ensure that information provided is available only to
those individuals who need access to complete the transaction or services or to follow up on questions or issues that
may arise. Information provided through these systems is
susceptible to unauthorized access during transmission and
while it is stored on the other partys systems. Limiting
access to the system components helps prevent potential
abuse of the system, theft of resources, misuse of software,
and improper access to, or use, alteration, destruction, or disclosure of information. Key elements for protecting system
components include permitting authorized access and preventing unauthorized access to those components.

AICPA/CICA Trust Services, Principles

and, Criteria

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

(AICPA) Assurance Services Executive Committee and the
CICA Assurance Services Development Board developed
the Trust Services Principles and Criteria to address the risks
and opportunities of IT. Trust Services Principles and
Criteria set out broad statements of principles and identify
specific criteria that should be achieved to meet each principle. The principles are broad statements of objectives.
Criteria are benchmarks used to measure and present the
subject matter, and against which the practitioner can evaluate the subject matter. In the Trust Services Principles and
Criteria, the criteria are supported by a list of illustrative
controls. The Trust Services Principles and Criteria are
organized into four broad areas:
Policies The organization has defined and
documented its policies5 relevant to the particular
Communications The organization has communicated its defined policies to authorized users.


Availability Principle The system is

available for operation and use as
committed or agreed.
The availability principle refers to the accessibility to the
system, products, or services as advertised or committed by
contract or by service-level and other agreements. This principle does not, in itself, set a minimum-acceptable performance level for system availability. Instead, the minimum
performance level is established by mutual agreement
(contract) between the parties.
Although system availability, functionality, and usability
are connected, the availability principle does not address
system functionality (the specific functions a system
performs) and system usability (the ability of users to apply
system functions to specific tasks or problems). It does

The term policies refers to written statements that communicate managements intent, objectives, requirements, responsibilities, and standards for a
particular subject. Some policies may be described explicitly as such, being contained in policy manuals or similarly labeled documents. However, some
policies may be contained in documents without such explicit labeling, including for example, notices or reports to employees or outside parties.


GTAG Appendix D Compliance Frameworks 15

address system availability, which relates to whether or not
the system is accessible for processing, monitoring, and

the organizations control. When the information source is

excluded explicitly from the description of the system that
defines the engagement, it is important to detail that
exclusion in the system description. In other situations, the
data source may be an inherent part of the system being
examined, and controls over the completeness, accuracy,
authorization, and timeliness of information submitted for
processing would be included in the scope of the system as

15.8.3 Processing Integrity Principle System

processing is complete, accurate, timely,
and authorized.
Processing integrity exists if a system performs its intended
function in an unimpaired manner, free from unauthorized
or inadvertent manipulation. Completeness generally indicates that all transactions and services are processed or performed without exception, and that transactions and
services are not processed more than once. Accuracy
includes assurances that key information associated with the
submitted transaction will remain accurate throughout the
processing of the transaction and that the transaction or
services are processed or performed as intended. The timeliness of the provision of services or the delivery of goods is
addressed in the context of commitments made for such
delivery. Authorization includes assurances that processing
is performed in accordance with the required approvals and
privileges defined by policies governing system processing.
The risks associated with processing integrity are that the
party initiating the transaction will not complete the transaction or provide the service correctly and in accordance
with the desired or specified request. Without appropriate
processing-integrity controls, the buyer may not receive the
goods or services ordered, may receive more than requested,
or may receive the wrong goods or services altogether.
However, if appropriate processing-integrity controls exist
and are operational within the system, the buyer can be reasonably assured of receiving the correct goods and services in
the correct quantity and price by the promised date.
Processing integrity addresses all of the system components
including procedures to initiate, record, process, and report
the information, product, or service that is the subject of the
engagement. The nature of data input in e-commerce systems typically involves the user entering data directly over
Web-enabled input screens or forms, whereas in other systems, the nature of data input can vary significantly. Because
of this difference in data-input processes, the nature of controls over the completeness and accuracy of data input in
e-commerce systems may be somewhat different than for
other systems.
Processing integrity differs from data integrity because it
does not imply automatically that the information stored by
the system is complete, accurate, current, and authorized. If
a system processes information from sources outside of the
systems boundaries, an organization can establish only limited controls over the completeness, accuracy, authorization,
and timeliness of the information submitted for processing.
Errors that may have been introduced into the information
and control procedures at external sites typically are beyond

15.8.4 Privacy Principle and Components

Personal information is collected, used,
retained, and disclosed in conformity with the
commitments in the organizations privacy
notice and with the AICPA/CICA Trust
Services Privacy Criteria.
The Privacy Principle contains 10 components6 and related
criteria that are essential to the proper protection and management of personal information. These privacy components
and criteria are based on fair information practices included
in privacy laws and regulations of various jurisdictions
around the world and many recognized good privacy practices. The privacy components are:
Management The organization defines, documents,
communicates, and assigns accountability for its privacy policies and procedures.
Notice The organization provides notice about its
privacy policies and procedures and identifies the
purposes for which personal information is collected,
used, retained, and disclosed.
Choice and consent The organization describes the
choices available to the individual and obtains
implicit or explicit consent with respect to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.
Collection The organization collects personal information only for the purposes identified in the notice.
Use and retention The organization limits the use
of personal information to the purposes identified in
the notice and for which the individual has provided
implicit or explicit consent. The organization retains
personal information only as long as necessary to
fulfill the stated purposes.
Access The organization provides individuals with
access to their personal information for review and
Disclosure to third parties The organization
discloses personal information to third parties only
for the purposes identified in the notice and with the
implicit or explicit consent of the individual.
Security The organization protects personal information against unauthorized access, both physical
and logical.
Quality The organization maintains accurate,

Although some privacy regulations use the term principle, the term component is used in the AICPA/CICA Trust Services Principles and Criteria
Framework to represent that concept, because the term principle previously has been defined in the Trust Services literature.


GTAG Appendix D Compliance Frameworks 15

complete, and relevant personal information for the
purposes identified in the notice.
Monitoring and enforcement The organization
monitors compliance with its privacy policies and
procedures and has processes to address privacyrelated complaints and disputes.

access controls can help protect the information while it is

stored on computer systems.
15.8.6 Certification Authority (CA) Principle
The certification authority discloses its key and certificate
life cycle-management business and information privacy
practices and provides its services in accordance with these
practices. This includes the concepts of CA businesspractice disclosures, service integrity, and environmental


Confidentiality Principle Information

designated as confidential is protected as
committed or agreed.
The confidentiality principle focuses on information designated confidential. There is no widely recognized definition of confidential information, unlike personally identifiable
information, which many countries currently are defining
through regulation. In the course of communicating and
transacting business, partners often exchange information
they require to be maintained on a confidential basis. In
most instances, the respective parties wish to ensure that the
information they provide is available only to those individuals who need access to complete the transaction or resolve
any questions that arise. To enhance business partner confidence, it is important to inform the partner about the organizations confidentiality practices, including those for
providing authorized access to, use of, and sharing of information designated as confidential.
Information that may be subject to confidentiality
Transaction details.
Engineering drawings.
Business plans.
Banking information about businesses.
Inventory availability.
Bid or ask prices.
Price lists.
Legal documents.
Client and customer lists.
Revenue by client and industry.
Unlike personal information, there are no defined rights for
accessing confidential information to ensure its accuracy
and completeness. Interpretations of what is considered confidential information can vary significantly from business to
business and are driven by contractual arrangements in most
cases. As a result, those engaged in business relationships
need to understand what information will be maintained on
a confidential basis and what, if any, rights of access or other
expectations an organization might have for updating that
information to ensure its accuracy and completeness.
Information that is provided to another party is susceptible to unauthorized access during transmission and while it
is stored on the other partys computer systems. For example,
an unauthorized party may intercept business partner profile
information and transaction and settlement instructions
while they are being transmitted. Controls such as encryption can be used to protect the confidentiality of this information during transmission, while firewalls and rigorous


IIA Systems Assurance and Control


The IIA provides the SAC model The SAC model sets the
stage for effective technology risk management by giving
companies a framework to guide an evaluation of the e-business control environment. SAC recognizes the importance
of governance both within an organization and between
business partners to ensure effective security, auditability,
and control of information. SAC provides current information to understand, monitor, assess, and mitigate technology
risks. SAC examines risks in all business system components,
including customers, competitors, regulators, and partners.
Full details of the model can be found at, with a detailed
discussion of the model at


Corporate Governance

15.10.1 OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, amended
in April 2004, set out a framework for good practice that has
been agreed to by all 30 OECD member countries and has
become a generally accepted standard (
corporate). Originally issued in 1999, the principles are
designed to assist governments and regulatory bodies in
drawing up and enforcing effective rules, regulations, and
codes of corporate governance. In parallel, they provide
guidance for stock exchanges, investors, companies, and
others that have a role in the process of developing good corporate governance. Although the OECD principles do not
provide specific guidance on IT controls, other OECD units
provide further guidance and research on information security and privacy.
15.10.2 EU Commission
The European Commissions Action Plan on Company Law
and Corporate Governance was released in May 2003 to
strengthen corporate governance mechanisms in public
interest entities (For details, see
comm/internal_market/company/index_en.htm). The EUs
Corporate Governance initiatives do not address IT issues
specifically, but activities of the Information Society

GTAG Appendix E Assessing IT Controls Using COSO 16

Although internal control is a process, its effectiveness
is a state or condition of the process at one or more points
in time.

The COSO Internal Control Integrated Framework is recognized as a formal model for the purpose of Sarbanes-Oxley
attestation by the SEC and provides a hierarchical categorization of controls. In addition, the audit standard from the
PCAOB states:
Because of the frequency with which management of
public companies is expected to use COSO as the
framework for the assessment, the directions in the
standard are based on the COSO framework. Other
suitable frameworks have been published in other
countries and likely will be published in the future.
Although different frameworks may not contain exactly the same elements as COSO, they should have elements that encompass all of COSOs general themes.
The COSO model was refined and enhanced during 2004
through development of the COSO Enterprise Risk
Management Integrated Framework (
This appendix describes the earlier framework, which is the
version referenced for regulatory compliance. Nonetheless,
the CAE should investigate the Enterprise Risk Management
Integrated Framework.



COSO Internal Control

Integrated Framework

Internal control consists of five interrelated components

that are derived from the way management runs a business
and are integrated with the management process. Although
the components apply to all entities, small and mid-size
organizations may implement them differently than large
enterprises. A small organizations controls may be less formal and less structured, yet it can still have effective internal control. The components are:
16.2.1 Control Environment
The control environment sets the tone for an organization,
influencing the control consciousness of its people, establishing the foundation for all other components of internal
control, and providing discipline and structure. Control
environment factors include the integrity, ethical values,
and competence of the entitys people; managements philosophy and operating style; the way management assigns
authority and responsibility and organizes and develops its
people; and the attention and direction provided by the
board of directors.

COSO Definition of Internal Control

COSO defines internal control (

as a process, effected by an organizations board of
directors, management, and other personnel, designed to
provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of
objectives in the following categories:
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.
Reliability of financial reporting.
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
These distinct, but overlapping, categories address different
needs such that each require a directed focus. The first
category addresses an entitys basic business objectives,
including performance and profitability goals and safeguarding of resources, which are impacted greatly by the use of IT.
The second category relates to the preparation of reliable
published financial statements, including interim and condensed financial statements, as well as earnings releases and
other selected publicly reported financial data derived from
such statements. IT systems frequently produce such reports,
and the controls over these systems play a major part in the
level of internal control.
The third category deals with complying with those laws
and regulations to which the entity is subject.
Internal control systems operate at different levels of
effectiveness. Internal control can be judged effective in
each of the three categories if the board of directors and
management have reasonable assurance that:
They understand the extent to which the entitys
operations objectives are being achieved.
Published financial statements are being prepared
There is compliance with applicable laws and

.htm) key

16.2.2 Risk Assessment

Every entity faces a variety of risks from external and
internal sources that must be assessed. A precondition to risk
assessment is the establishment of objectives that are linked
at different levels and are consistent internally . Risk assessment identifies and analyzes the relevant risks to achieving
these objectives and forms a basis for determining how the
risks should be managed. Because economic, industry,
regulatory, and operating conditions will continue to
change, organizations need mechanisms to identify and deal
with the special risks associated with change.
16.2.3 Control Activities
Control activities are the policies and procedures that help
ensure management directives are carried out and that necessary actions are taken to address risks to achieving these
objectives. Control activities occur throughout the organization, at all levels and in all functions. They include a range
of activities as diverse as approvals, authorizations, verifications, reconciliations, reviews of operating performance,
security of assets, and segregation of duties.
16.2.4 Information and Communication
Pertinent information must be identified, captured, and
communicated in a form and time frame that enables people
to perform their responsibilities. Information systems
produce reports containing operational, financial, and compliance-related information that make it possible to run and

GTAG Appendix E Assessing IT Controls Using COSO 16

control the business. They deal not only with internally generated data, but also with information about external events,
activities, and conditions necessary for informed business
decision-making and external reporting. Effective communication must also occur in a broader sense, flowing down,
across, and up the organization. All personnel must receive
a clear message from top management that control responsibilities have to be taken seriously. They need to understand
their own role in the internal control system, as well as how
individual activities relate to the work of others. They must
have a means of communicating significant information
upstream. There also needs to be effective communication
with external parties, such as customers, suppliers, regulators, and shareholders.
16.2.5 Monitoring
Internal control systems need to be monitored to assess the
quality of their performance over time. This is accomplished
through ongoing monitoring activities, separate evaluations,
or a combination of the two. Ongoing monitoring occurs in
the course of operations and includes regular management
and supervisory activities and other actions personnel take
in performing their duties. The scope and frequency of separate evaluations will depend primarily on an assessment of
risks and the effectiveness of ongoing monitoring procedures. Internal control deficiencies should be reported
upstream, with serious matters reported to top management
and the board.
There is synergy and linkage among the components,
forming an integrated system that reacts dynamically to
changing conditions. The internal control system is intertwined with the entitys operating activities and exists for
fundamental business reasons. Internal control is most effective when controls are built into the entitys infrastructure
and are a part of the essence of the enterprise. Built-in controls support quality and empowerment initiatives, avoid
unnecessary costs, and enable quick response to changing
There is a direct relationship between the three COSO
categories (effectiveness, reliability, compliance) of
objectives which are what an entity strives to achieve
and the components needed to achieve the objectives. All
components are relevant to each objectives category. When
looking at any one category the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, for instance all five components
must be present and functioning effectively to conclude that
internal control over operations is effective.
The internal control definition with its underlying
fundamental concepts of a process, affected by people, providing reasonable assurance together with the categorization of objectives, and the components and criteria for
effectiveness, the associated discussions, constitute this
internal control framework.


GTAG Appendix F ITGI Control Objectives for

Information and Related Technology CobiT 17
Organizations must satisfy the quality, fiduciary, and security
requirements for their information, as for all assets.
Management must also optimize the use of available
resources, including data, application systems, technology,
facilities, and people. To discharge these responsibilities, as
well as to achieve its objectives, management must establish
an adequate system of internal control. Thus, an internal
control system or framework must be in place to support the
business processes, and it must be clear how each individual
control activity satisfies the information requirements and
impacts the resources. Impact on IT resources is highlighted
in the CobiT framework together with the business requirements for effectiveness, efficiency, confidentiality, integrity,
availability, compliance, and reliability of information that
need to be satisfied. Control, which includes policies, organizational structures, practices, and procedures, is managements responsibility. Management, through its corporate
and IT governance, must ensure that due diligence is exercised by all individuals involved in the management, use,
design, development, maintenance, or operation of information systems.
Business orientation is the main theme of CobiT. It is
designed not only to be employed by users and auditors, but
also, and more importantly, as a comprehensive checklist for
business process owners. Increasingly, business practice
involves the full empowerment of business process owners so
they have total responsibility for all aspects of the business
process. In particular, this includes providing adequate controls. The CobiT framework provides a tool for the business
process owner that facilitates the discharge of this responsibility. The framework starts from a simple and pragmatic
premise: In order to provide the information that the organization needs to achieve its objectives, IT resources need to
be managed by a set of naturally grouped processes.
CobiT continues with a set of 34 high-level control
objectives, one for each of the IT processes, grouped into
four domains: Plan and Organize, Acquire and Implement,
Deliver and Support, and Monitor and Evaluate.
Plan and Organize This domain covers strategy and
tactics, and concerns the identification of the way
IT can best contribute to the achievement of business
1. Define a strategic IT plan.
2. Define the information architecture.
3. Determine the technological direction.
4. Define the IT organization and relationships.
5. Manage the IT investment.
6. Communicate management aims and direction.
7. Manage human resources.
8. Ensure compliance with external requirements.
9. Assess risks.
10. Manage projects.
11. Manage quality.
Acquire and Implement To realize the IT strategy, IT
solutions need to be identified, developed, or acquired, as

well as implemented and integrated into the business

process. In addition, changes in, and maintenance of, existing systems are covered by this domain to make sure that the
life cycle is continued for these systems.
12. Identify automated solutions.
13. Acquire and maintain application software.
14. Acquire and maintain technology architecture.
15. Develop and maintain IT procedures.
16. Install and accredit systems.
17. Manage changes.
Deliver and Support This domain is concerned with the
actual delivery of required services, which range from traditional operations over security and continuity aspects to
training. This domain includes the actual processing of data
by application systems.
18. Define and manage service levels.
19. Manage third-party services.
20. Manage performance and capacity.
21. Ensure continuous service.
22. Ensure systems security.
23. Identify and allocate costs.
24. Educate and train users.
25. Assist and advise IT customers.
26. Manage the configuration.
27. Manage problems and incidents.
28. Manage data.
29. Manage facilities.
30. Manage operations.
Monitor and Evaluate All IT processes need to be assessed
regularly over time for their quality and compliance with
control requirements. This domain thus addresses managements oversight of the organizations control process and
independent assurance provided by internal and external
auditing or obtained from alternative sources.
31. Monitor the processes.
32. Assess internal control adequacy.
33. Obtain independent assurance.
34. Provide for independent audit.
This structure covers all aspects of information and the technology that supports it. By addressing these 34 high-level
control objectives, the business process owner can ensure
that an adequate control system is provided for the IT environment.
CobiT is comprised of:
An executive summary, which provides an overview
of CobiTs issues and foundational premise*.
CobiT framework, which describes in detail the highlevel IT control objectives and identifies the business
requirements for information and IT resources primarily impacted by each control objective.
Control objectives, statements of the desired results
or purposes to be achieved by implementing the
specific, detailed control objectives*.
Audit guidelines, suggested audit steps corresponding
to each of the IT control objectives.

GTAG Appendix F ITGI Control Objectives for

Information and Related Technology CobiT 17
An implementation tool set, which provides lessons
learned from those organizations that successfully
applied CobiT in their work environments and
several tools to help management assess their control
environment related to information and IT resources.
Management guidelines, which are composed of
maturity models, to help determine the stages and
expectation levels of control; critical success factors,
to identify the most important actions for achieving
control over the IT processes; key goal indicators, to
define target levels of performance; and key performance indicators, to measure whether an IT control
process is meeting its objective*.
* Designated by the IT Governance Institute (ITGI) and
ISACA as an open standard, this portion of COBIT may be
downloaded from and
CobiT, now in its third edition and available in hard copy
or interactive online format (CobiT Online), increasingly is
accepted internationally as good practice for control over
information, IT, and related risks. Its guidance enables an
enterprise to implement effective governance over the IT
that is pervasive and intrinsic throughout the enterprise.

Copyright 2000 by ITGI and reprinted with the permission of the ITGI. No other right or permission is granted with
respect to this work.

GTAG Appendix G Example IT Control Metrics to

Be Considered by Audit Committees 18
comprehensive strategy has been implemented
to mitigate information security risks as necessary
and to maintain these risks within acceptable
Percentage of key organizational functions for
which a comprehensive strategy has been implemented to mitigate information security risks as
necessary and to maintain these risks within
acceptable thresholds.
Percentage of key external requirements for which
the organization has been deemed to be in
compliance by an objective audit or other means.
Approve and adopt broad information security
program principles and approve assignment of key
managers responsible for information security.
Percentage of information security program
principles for which approved policies and controls
have been implemented by management.
Percentage of key information security management
roles for which responsibilities, accountabilities, and
authority are assigned and required skills identified.
Strive to protect the interests of all stakeholders who
depend on information security.
Percentage of board meetings and/or designated
committee meetings for which information security
is on the agenda.
Percentage of security incidents that caused
damage, compromise, or loss beyond established
thresholds to the organizations assets, functions, or
Estimated damage or loss in dollars resulting from
all security incidents in each of the past four
reporting periods.
Review information security policies regarding
strategic partners and other third parties.
Percentage of strategic partner and other thirdparty relationships for which information security
requirements have been implemented in
Strive to ensure business continuity.
Percentage of organizational units with an
established business-continuity plan.
Review provisions for internal and external audits of
the information security program.
Percentage of required internal and external audits
completed and reviewed by the board.
Percentage of audit findings that have not
been resolved.
Collaborate with management to specify the information security metrics to be reported to the board.

The following metrics descriptions are taken from the

Corporate Information Security Working Group (CISWG)
draft report of the Best Practices and Metrics teams,
November 17, 2004. During Phase I of the CISWG,
convened in November 2003 by Rep. Adam Putnam (RFL), the Best Practices team surveyed available information
security guidance. It concluded in its March 2004 report7
that much of this guidance is expressed at a relatively high
level of abstraction and therefore is not useful immediately
as actionable guidance without significant and often costly
elaboration. A one-page listing of Information Security
Program Elements regarded as essential content for comprehensive enterprise management of information security was
created, upon which it was hoped future actionable guidance
could be built for use by a wide variety of organizations.
The Best Practices and Metrics teams of CISWG Phase
II, convened in June 2004, were charged with expanding on
the work of Phase I by refining the Information Security
Program Elements and developing metrics to support each of
the elements. The goal was to develop a resource that would
help board members, managers, and technical staff establish
a comprehensive structure of principles, policies, processes,
controls, and performance metrics to support the people,
process, and technology aspects of information security.
These generic metrics can be used as the basis for determining regular reporting requirements for the audit committee, although they are not meant to be a one-size-fits-all
solution. The full set of draft metrics, along with explanatory The
and descriptions,
be found
under and
Supporting Metrics are intended to enable boards, manageTechnology
ment, and technical
to monitor the status and progress
of their organizations information security program over
time. Each organization should thoughtfully consider which
program elements and metrics might be helpful in its own
circumstances. It should then set its own implementation
priorities and establish an appropriate policy, process, and
control structure. Larger and more complex organizations
will create policies, processes, and controls in each program
element that inevitably will be more extensive than those a
smaller organization might choose to implement.


Metrics for Boards of


Establishing a competent information security program

requires board members to devote attention to certain
program elements. Board members can use the following
metrics as part of their information security responsibilities.
Board members generally should find the best target value
for each metric higher or lower to be self-evident.
Oversee risk management and compliance programs
pertaining to information security.
Percentage of key information assets for which a


Metrics for Management

The following program elements and metrics are intended to

help management implement the information security goals



GTAG Appendix G Example IT Control Metrics to

Be Considered by Audit Committees 18
and policies established by the board as part of an effective
information security program:
Establish information security management policies
and controls and monitor compliance.
Percentage of information security program
elements for which approved policies and controls
are operational.
Percentage of staff assigned responsibilities for
information security policies and controls who have
acknowledged accountability for their responsibilities in connection with those policies and controls.
Percentage of information security policy
compliance reviews that noted violations.
Percentage of business-unit heads and senior
managers who have implemented operational
procedures to ensure compliance with approved
information security policies and controls.
Assign information security roles, responsibilities, and
required skills, and enforce role-based, informationaccess privileges.
Percentage of new employees hired this reporting
period who satisfactorily completed securityawareness training before being granted network
Percentage of employees who have completed
periodic security-awareness refresher training as
required by policy.
Percentage of position descriptions that define the
information security roles, responsibilities, skills,
and certifications for:
+ Security managers and administrators.
+ IT personnel.
+ General staff system users.
Percentage of job performance reviews that evaluate
information security responsibilities and policy
Percentage of user roles, systems, and applications
that comply with the separation-of-duties principle.
Number of individuals with access to security software
who are not trained and authorized security administrators.
Number of individuals who are able to assign security
privileges for systems and applications who are not
trained and authorized security administrators.
Percentage of users whose access privileges have
been reviewed this reporting period, including:
+ Employees with high-level system and application
+ All other employees.
+ Contractors.
+ Vendors.
+ Terminated employees and contractors.
Percentage of users who have undergone background checks.
Assess information risks, establish risk thresholds, and

actively manage risk mitigation.

Percentage of critical information assets and
information-dependent functions for which some
form of risk assessment has been performed and
documented as required by policy.
Percentage of critical assets and functions for which
the cost of compromise loss, damage, disclosure,
or disruption of access has been quantified.
Percentage of identified risks that have a defined
risk mitigation plan against which status is reported
in accordance with policy.
Ensure implementation of information security requirements for strategic partners and other third parties.
Percentage of known information security risks that
are related to third-party relationships.
Percentage of critical information assets or
functions to which third-party personnel have been
given access.
Percentage of third-party personnel with current
information access privileges who a designated
authority has deemed to have continued need for
access in accordance with policy.
Percentage of systems with critical information
assets or functions that are connected to thirdparty systems electronically.
Percentage of security incidents that involve thirdparty personnel.
Percentage of third-party agreements that include
or demonstrate external verification of policies and
Percentage of third-party relationships that have
been reviewed for compliance with information
security requirements.
Percentage of out-of-compliance review findings
that have been corrected since the last review.
Identify and classify information assets.
Percentage of information assets that have been
reviewed and classified by the designated owner
in accordance with the classification scheme
established by policy.
Percentage of information assets with defined access
privileges that have been assigned based on role and
in accordance with policy.
Date when the asset inventory was last updated.
Implement and test business-continuity plans.
Percentage of organizational units with a
documented business-continuity plan for which
specific responsibilities have been assigned.
Percentage of business-continuity plans that have
been reviewed, exercised and tested, and updated in
accordance with policy.
Approve information systems architecture during
acquisition, development, operations, and
Percentage of information security risks related to

GTAG Appendix G Example IT Control Metrics to

Be Considered by Audit Committees 18
systems architecture identified in the most
recent risk assessment that have been mitigated
Percentage of system architecture changes
additions, modifications, or deletions that were
reviewed for security impacts, approved by the
appropriate authority, and documented via changerequest forms.
Percentage of critical information assets or
functions residing on systems that are out of
compliance with the approved systems architecture.
Protect the physical environment.
Percentage of critical organizational information
assets and functions that have been reviewed from
the perspective of physical risks such as controlling
physical access and physical protection of backup
Percentage of critical organizational information
assets and functions exposed to physical risks for
which risk mitigation actions have been
Percentage of critical assets that have been
reviewed from the perspective of environmental
risks such as temperature, fire, and flooding.
Percentage of servers in locations with controlled
physical access.
Percentage of information security requirements of
applicable laws and regulations that are included in
the internal and external audit program and
Percentage of information security audits conducted
in compliance with the approved internal and
external audit program and schedule.
Percentage of management actions in response to
audit findings and recommendations that were
implemented as agreed upon regarding timeliness
and completeness.
Collaborate with security personnel to specify the
information security metrics to be reported to


GTAG Appendix H CAE Checklist 19

CAEs can use this checklist to examine their IT control framework to ensure the organization has addressed all control
elements. The checklist can help the CAE understand the issues and plan for full internal audit coverage of the control areas.



1. Identify the IT control environment of the

organization, including:

1. Do corporate policies and standards that describe the

need for IT controls exist?

a. Values.
b. Philosophy.
c. Management style.
d. IT awareness.
e. Organisation.
f. Policies.
g. Standards.
2. What legislation exists that impacts on the need for
IT controls?

2. Identify relevant legislation and regulation impacting

IT control such as:

3. Has management taken steps to ensure compliance

with this legislation?

a. Governance.
b. Reporting.
c. Data protection.
d. Compliance.
3. Identify the roles and responsibilities for IT control in
relation to:

4. Have all the relevant responsibilities for IT controls

been allocated to individual roles?

a. Board of directors.
i. Audit committee.
ii. Risk committee.
iii. Governance committee.
iv. Finance committee.

5. Is the allocation of responsibilities compatible with

the need to apply division of duties?
6. Are IT responsibilities documented?
7. Are IT control responsibilities communicated to the
whole organization?

b. Management.
i. CEO
ii. CFO and controller
iii. CIO
iv. CSO
vi. CLC
vii. CRO

8. Do individual role holders clearly understand their

responsibilities in relation to IT controls?
9. What evidence is there of individual role holders
exercising their responsibilities?
10.Does internal auditing employ sufficient IT audit
specialists to address the IT control issues?

c. Audit.
i. Internal Audit.
ii. External Audit.


GTAG Appendix H CAE Checklist 19


11. How is the risk appetite and tolerance of the
organization determined?

4. Identify the risk assessment process. Does it cover:

a. Risk appetite?

12. Is the risk appetite and tolerance of the

organization authorized at board level?

b. Risk tolerances?
c. Risk analysis?

13. Is the risk appetite and tolerance clearly

understood by all those with a responsibility
for IT control?

d. Matching risks to IT controls?

14. Is a formal risk analysis process used by the

15. Is the process understood by all those with
responsibility for IT control?
16. Is the process used consistently throughout the

17. What processes exist to monitor compliance

with all relevant legislation plus internal policies
and standards?

5. Identify all monitoring processes, including:

a. Regulatory.
b. Normal in-house

18. Are there monitoring processes carried out by

management outside of internal audit?

c. Other than internal auditing.

19. What metrics are provided to the board of

directors, its committees and management in
relation to IT security?

6. Identify information and communication

a. Control information.

20. What additional reports are provided to the

board of directors and to management on a
regular basis?

b. Control failures.

21. Is management always provided with reports

when there are IT control failures?
22. Do the board of directors and its committees
receive similar reports of IT control failures?


GTAG Appendix I References 20

Currently available: Generally Accepted Systems Security
Principles (GASSP) consisting of Pervasive Principles and
Broad Functional Principles. Detailed Principles are under

The following list of information security reference material

is taken from a list compiled by the CISWG of the
Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy,
Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census; and the
Government Reform Committee of the U.S. House of
Representatives. The full list can be found at
The documents
into threeorsections
to governance, management, and technical issues.


Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (GAPP),

NIST SP 800-18. Guide for Developing Security Plans
for Information Technology Systems, December 1998
(Marianne Swanson & Barbara Guttman), eight generally
accepted principles (see OECD) and Common IT Security


Board Briefing on IT Governance, ITGI

ICC Handbook on Information Security Policy for Small

to Medium Enterprises, International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC),

Information Security Governance: Guidance for Boards of

Directors and Executive Management, ITGI,

IFAC International Guidelines on Information

Technology Management Managing Information
Technology Planning for Business Impact, International
Federation of Accountants,

Information Security Management and Assurance, Three

report series from The IIA National Association of
Corporate Directors (NACD), U.S. Critical Infrastructure
Assurance Office, et al.,

Information Security for Executives, Business and Industry

Advisory Committee to the OECD and ICC,

Information Security Oversight: Essential Board

Practices, NACD,

ISO 17799 Information Technology Code of Practice

for Information Security Management, International
Organization for Standardization (ISO),

IT Governance Implementation Guide, ISACA,

OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems

and Networks, nine pervasive principles for information
security upon which several other guides are based, OECD,,2340,en_2649_33703_

Turnbull Report - Internal Control - Guidance for

Directors on the Combined Code, Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England & Wales,


Standard of Good Practice for Information Security,

Information Security Forum,


BS 7799 Parts 1 & 2, Code of Practice for Information

Security Management, British Standards Institution,

Trust Services Criteria (including SysTrust and

WebTrust), American Institute of Certified Public

Common Sense Guide for Senior Managers, Internet

Security Alliance,


Technical Issues

Consensus Benchmarks, Center for Internet Security,

Corporate Information Security Evaluation for CEOs,


DISA Security Technical Implementation Guides,

Generally Accepted Information Security Principles

(GAISP), Information Systems Security Association.

GTAG Appendix I References 20

ISO 15408 Common Criteria,
ISO TR 13335 Guidelines for the Management of
Information Security, Parts 1-5,
IT Baseline Protection Manual (P BSI 7152 E 1),
Bundesamt fr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik,
ITCG: Information Technology: Control Guidelines,
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA),
NIST Configuration Guides, National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST),
NIST 800-12 The Computer Security Handbook, NIST,
NIST 800-30 Risk Management Guide for Information
Technology Systems, NIST,
NSA Configuration Guides,
SANS Step-by Step Guides, SANS Institute,


Auditing IT

Control Objectives for Information and Related

Technologies (CobiT), ISACA,
Federal Information Systems Controls Audit Manual
(FISCAM), U.S. Government Accountability Office,
Information Technology: Control Guidelines (ITCG),
Systems Assurance and Control (SAC), IIA Research
Systems Auditability and Control (SAC), IIA Research


GTAG Appendix J Glossary 21

efficiencies by maintaining an effective set of control and
monitoring practices and resolving the source of the problem rather than only responding to the symptoms.

A listing of technical terms used in the guide with a simple,

plain English definition.

Framework A structure for organizing something (e.g.,

governance issues, controls) to highlight needs at the various levels of an organization, as well as for its activities
and processes. A control framework is an outline that
identifies the need for controls, but does not depict how
they are applied. Each organization and organizational
unit provides a level of detail related to its own control
objectives and control practices.

Application Control A control related to the specific

functioning of an application system that supports a specific business process. Common applications include
accounts payable, inventory management, and general
ledger. Integrated applications combine the functions of
many business processes into integrated systems sharing
common databases.
Assurance The act of assuring; a declaration tending
to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give

General control A control that applies generally to the IT

environment or overall mix of systems, networks, data,
people, and processes (also known as IT infrastructure).

CAE Chief audit executive.

GLBA U.S. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
CEO Chief executive officer.

CIO Chief information officer.

Governance The combination of processes and structures

implemented by the board to inform, direct, manage, and
monitor the activities of the organization toward the
achievement of its objectives.

CISO Chief information security officer.

GTAG Global Technology Audit Guide.

CLC Chief legal council.

HIPAA U.S. Health Information Portability and

Accountability Act.

CFO Chief financial officer (and controller).

COSO The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of

the Treadway Commission (the Commission on
Fraudulent Financial Reporting). See

Information asset Information assets are based in the

value of information to the worth and continued existence
of the organization. A distinction is made between information assets and information resources because information
resources are generally considered to include the related
human resources, and human resources are not considered
to be owned by the organization.

CRM Customer resource management.

CSO Chief Security Officer.
Cyber attack A criminal act perpetrated by the use of
computers and telecommunications capabilities, resulting
in violence, destruction and/or disruption of services to
create fear by causing confusion and uncertainty within a
given population, with the goal of influencing a government or population to conform to a particular political,
social, or ideological agenda.

Information resource Includes all elements of the

organization involved in information processing (e.g.,
acquisition, processing, communication, and storage),
including the related hardware, software, processes, and
Information security The concepts, techniques, technical
measures, and administrative measures used to protect
information assets from deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized acquisition, damage, disclosure, manipulation, modification, loss, or use.

Effective Getting a job done with or without regard for

efficiency. If the law requires you to do something, it probably does not require you to do it efficiently, as evidenced
by Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and the frequent complaint that companies are spending huge sums with no
apparent value added to the organization or stakeholders.

Information technology (IT) All the computer hardware

and software used to process information and provide communications, the processes for administering and maintaining the technology, and the human resources
associated with the use of technology.

Efficient To be efficient, a process or activity must also be

effective. Information Technology Process Institute studies
show that best-of-breed organizations enjoy considerable


GTAG Appendix J Glossary 21

ISO 17799 Code of Practice for Information Security
Management. See
IT controls Those controls that provide reasonable assurance of the secure, reliable, and resilient performance of
hardware, software, processes, and personnel, as well as the
reliability of the organizations information.
IT infrastructure The overall IT environment, including
systems, networks, data, people, and processes.
Infrastructures can also include the interaction of businesses and industries in mutual support through shared
media and services, such as the Internet, energy, financial
services, utilities, government, and transportation. To the
extent that infrastructures support national and regional
economies, defenses, and business continuity, they are
known as critical infrastructures.
ITPI IT Process Institute. See
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
A board of the US Securities and Exchange Commission
established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as an oversight body for public financial reporting and auditing.
Risk appetite Defined by COSO as the degree of risk, on
a broad-based level, that a company or other organization
is willing to accept in pursuit of its goals. Management
considers the organizations risk appetite first in evaluating
strategic alternatives, then in setting objectives aligned
with the selected strategy and in developing mechanisms
to manage the related risks.
Risk management The ongoing identification, measurement, and mitigation of risk through the demonstrably
cost-efficient implementation and administration of control over the known and knowable risks of threat events
that can affect the confidentiality, integrity, or availability
of an organizations information assets adversely.
Risk Tolerance Defined by COSO as the acceptable level
of variation relative to the achievement of objectives. In
setting specific risk tolerances, management considers the
relative importance of the related objectives and aligns
risk tolerances with its risk appetite.


GTAG Appendix K About the Global Technology Audit Guides 22

A bout

This IT controls guide is the first in a series of GTAGs which

will give CAEs and internal auditors a source of information
for educating and informing themselves and others within
the organization who have responsibilities related to IT
The GTAGs will provide guidance on a variety of IT
topics. Each guide will describe the underlying technology
facts and issues sufficiently to explain business opportunities, risks and related controls, and their impacts on the
overall system of internal controls. Subjects to be addressed
in the GTAG series will be determined by current and
emerging technology areas and their potential ramifications
for internal controls and assurance. Planned topics for
guides include intrusion protection, security management,
change management, wireless security, identity management, and authentication.


Parties to the GTAG Program

Each GTAG guide is developed through interaction with

technical audit and security experts, audit executives, technology vendors, and the associations and individuals that
represent board members, chief executives, financial executives, information technology professionals, and security
executives. Involvement from The IIAs international affiliates and partners support the global perspective of the
guides. Other professionals representing specialized views
such as legal, insurance, regulatory, and standards will be
included, as appropriate, within individual GTAG projects.


GTAG Appendix L GTAG Partners and Global Project Team 23


ISSA Dave Cullinane, President; Bob Daniels, Exec Vice

President, Information Systems Security Association

The IIA is joined in this GTAG project by a specially selected team of professional associations, academic institutions,
and practitioners in both auditing and technology. IIA is
grateful for the support provided by this team, as the guide
would not have been possible without them. For The IIA to
provide meaningful guidance to auditors about how to relate
to audit customers, it is essential to gain agreement with the
key representatives of those customers. To speak to a global
audience, the guide needs consensus from a broad group representing many of the countries where internal auditors
operate. So we thank both the individuals and the organizations who contributed so much to this guide.

NACD Peter Gleason, Alex Lajoux, National

Association of Corporate Directors
SANS Institute Alan Paller, Director of Research,
Stephen Northcutt, COO


Project Review Team

Peter Allor, ISS, Internet Security Systems


IT Controls Advisory Council

Jack Antonelli, ADP

The Advisory Council is made up of individuals who contributed to the development of this guide from the outset of
planning the GTAG project, through design and development of the IT Controls Guide outline and various drafts, to
the completion of the final product. These individuals went
beyond the role of a volunteer support team to truly act in a
leadership role.

Ken D. Askelson, CIA, JC Penney Co. Inc.

Becky Bace, Infidel Inc.
Kevin Behr, IPSI, Institute for Integrated Publication and
Information Systems

Julia H Allen, CMU/SEI Carnegie-Mellon

University/Software Engineering Institute

Jeff Benson, BearingPoint

Robert S. Block, Chairman, 3D Business Tools, USA

Michael R. Dickson, Business Technology Group, LLC

Sylvia Boyd, The IIA
Clint Kreitner, President/CEO, CIS, The Center for
Internet Security

Alexandra Branisteanu, Information Security Officer,

Scripps Health, San Diego, USA

Alex Lajoux, NACD, National Association of Corporate


Larry Brown, Options Clearing Corp.

Will Ozier, Vice Chair, the ISSA GAIS Committee CEO

& President OPA Inc., The Integrated Risk
Management Group, USA

Stephanie Bryant, University of South Florida

Mark Salamasick, CIA, University of Texas at Dallas

John Carlson, BITS, Banking Industry Technology


Phil Campbell, Specialized IT, LLC, USA

Karyn Waller, AICPA, American Institute of Certified

Public Accountants

Chris Compton, Intrusion Labs

Guy Copeland, CSC, Computer Sciences Corp.


Partner Organizations
Rich Crawford, Vice President/Senior Security Advisor,
Janus Risk Management, USA

AICPA Michael R. Dickson, Karyn Waller, American

Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Bob Daniels, EDS

CIS Clint Kreitner, Center for Internet Security
Bob Dix, U.S. House of Representatives
CMU/SEI Julia Allen, Bob Rosenstein, Carnegie-Mellon
University/Software Engineering Institute


GTAG Appendix L GTAG Partners and Global Project Team 23


Jerry E. Durant, CIA, President, Certifiable Technologies

Ltd., Orlando, Fla., USA

Paul Moxey, ACCA, Association of Chartered Certified


Emily Frye, Critical Infrastructure Protections Program,

George Mason University, School of Law, USA
Protections Program

Roseane Paligo, CIA, Chief Financial Officer, 1st Choice

Community Federal Credit Union, USA
Fred Palmer, Palmer Associates

Greg Garcia, ITAA, Information Technology Association of


Xenia Parker, CIA, CFSA, VP, Enterprise Technology

Group, Marsh Inc.,

Russ Gates, Dupage Consulting LLC

Bernie Plagman, TechPar Group
Lou Giles, Chevron Phillips Chemical Co.
Heriot Prentice, MIIA, FIIA, QiCA, The IIA
Doug Guerrero, EDS
Dick Price, Beacon IT Ltd., BS 7799 Consultancy, USA
Kai Tamara Hare, Nuserve
Michael Quint, Corporate Compliance Officer, EDS
Corporate Audit, USA

Michael S. Hines, CIA, Purdue University

Sridhar Ramamoorti, CIA, CFSA, Ernst & Young LLP,

Chicago, IL, USA

Bob Hirth, Protiviti

Don Holden, CISSP, Concordant Inc., USA

Amy Ray, Bentley College

Dave Kern, Ethentica
Martin Ross, GSC, Global Security Consortium
Gene Kim, CTO, Tripwire Inc., USA
Chip Schilb, EDS, USA
Jim Kolouch, BearingPoint
Howard Schmidt, eBay
David Kowal, VP, JP Morgan Chase
Mark Silver, Symantec
Paul Kurtz, CSIA, Cyber Security Industry Alliance
Cindy LeRouge, Ph.D., Decision Sciences/MIS Department,

George Spafford, President, Spafford Global Consulting,

Saint Joseph, IL, USA

John Cook School of Business, St. Louis University, USA

Adam Stone, Assurant

Andre Lavigne, CICA, Canadian Institute of Chartered


Jay H. Stott, CIA, Fidelity Investments

Dan Swanson, CIA, IIA

Debbie Lew, Guidance Software

Jay R. Taylor, CIA, CISA, CFE, General Motors

Brenda Lovell, CIA, CCSA, CGAP, The IIA

Warren Malmquist, Adolph Coors Co.

Bill Tener, University & Community College System of


Stacy Mantzaris, CIA, IIA

Archie Thomas
Dennis Miller, Heritage Bank
Fred Tompkins, BearingPoint
Patrick Morrissey, Auditwire
Don Warren, Rutgers University
Bruce Moulton, Symantec
Dominique Vincenti, CIA, The IIA

GTAG Appendix L GTAG Partners and Global Project Team 23


Mark Winn, Intrusec

P. Shreekanth, India

Amit Yoran

Karen Woo, Selangor, Malaysia



IIA International Affiliates

IIA International Advanced Technology


Frank Alvern, CIA CCSA, Nordea Bank, Norway

Alexandre Alves Apparecido, Brazil

Anton van Wyk, (Chairman), CIA,

PricewaterhouseCoopers, South Africa

Dror Aviv, Israel

Alexandre Alves Apparecido, Brasil Telecom, Brazil

David F. Bentley, England, UK and Ireland

Ken D. Askelson, CIA, JC Penney Co. Inc., USA

Gerardo Carstens, CIA, IIA Argentina

Dror Aviv, CFSA, IIA Israel

Richard Cascarino, South Africa

Donald L. Bailey, Grant Thornton, LLP, USA

Iftikhar Chaudry, Pakistan

E.W. Sean Ballington, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, USA

(originally South Africa)

Hisham T. El Gindy, Manager, KPMG Hazem Hassan, Egypt

Norman F. Barber, Microsoft Corp., USA
Dr. Ulrich Hahn, CIA, Switzerland
David F. Bentley, QiCA, Consultant, England
Rossana S. Javier, Makati City, Philippines
Claude Cargou, GIE AXA, France
Andras Kovacks, Hungary
Christopher McRostie, Australia

Michael P. Fabrizius, CIA, Bon Secours Health System

Inc., USA

Furqan Ahmad Saleem, Partner, Avais Hyder Nauman

Rizwani RSM, Pakistan

Ramiz Tofigi Ganizade, Azerbaijan Republic Chamber of

Auditors, Azerbaijan

Kyoko Shimizu, CIA, Japan

Douglas Guerrero, EDS Corp., USA

John Silltow, Security Control and Audit Ltd., United


Dr. Ulrich Hahn, CIA, Syngenta International,


Ken Siong, International Federation of Accountants,

David J Hill, IBM Corp., USA

Anton van Wyk, PwC, South Africa

Michael S. Hines, CIA, Purdue University, USA

Nick Wolanin, Adjunt Senior Lecturer, Australian Graduate

Mark J. Hornung, Ernst & Young LLP, USA

Julie Young, Australia

Gene Kim, CTO, Tripwire Inc., USA


David S. Lione, KPMG LLP Southeast Region, USA

Other International

Peter B. Millar, ACL Services Ltd., Canada

Carolee Birchall, Vice President and Senior Risk Officer,

Bank of Montreal, Canada

Allan M. Newstadt, CIA, World Bank/International

Finance Corp., USA

P. J. Corum, Quality Assurance Institute, Middle East and

Africa, United Arab Emirates

Brenda J. S. Putman, CIA, City Utilities of Springfield, USA

Ariel Peled, President, ISSA Israeli Chapter

GTAG Appendix L GTAG Partners and Global Project Team 23

Kyoko Shimizu, CIA, Shin Nihon & Co., Japan

Brian M. Spindel, CIA., SecurePipe Inc., USA
Rajendra P. Srivastava, University of Kansas, USA
Jay Stott, CIA, Fidelity Investments, USA
Jay R. Taylor, CIA, CISA, CFE, General Motors Corp., USA
Thomas Jason Wood, CIA, Ernst & Young LLP, USA
Akitomo Yamamoto, IIA, Japan


The Writing Team

David A. Richards, CIA, President, The IIA

Alan S. Oliphant, MIIA, QiCA, MAIR International
Charles H. Le Grand, CIA, CHL Global


IIA Headquarters Staff Production Team

Michael Feland
Trish Harris
Tim McCollum



Information Technology Controls

This guide focuses on how IT roles and responsibilities are dispersed
throughout the organization, how accurate assessment of IT controls is
achieved, and how an organization can promote IT reliability and efficiency.
What is GTAG?
Prepared by The Institute of Internal Auditors, each Global Technology Audit
Guide (GTAG) is written in straightforward business language to address a
timely issue related to information technology management, control, or
security. GTAG is a ready resource series for chief audit executives to use in
the education of members of the board and audit committee, management
process owners, and others regarding technology-associated risks and
recommended practices.




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planning for continuity of critical information technology infrastructure and business application systems.

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costs, and benefits of adopting a BCM program. Although it is true that recent disasters around the world have
motivated some corporate leaders to give attention to BCM programs, the implementation of such programs
is far from universal. The key challenge is engaging corporate executives to make BCM a priority
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Order Number: 100645

IIA Member US $25
Nonmember US $30
IIA Event US $22.50

ISBN 0-89413-570-8I

SBN 978-0-89413-623-8

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