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Difference Between Belief and Faith

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What Is Belief?

Heres a good working definition:

Belief An opinion or judgement in which a person is fully persuaded.
So our beliefs are things that we are thoroughly convinced of. Usually (but not
always) they are ideas, concepts that we gather through acquiring information and
experience. Because of that, our beliefs can change over time as we gain more
knowledge and experience more things throughout our lives.
How Is Faith Different?

To me, this is an easier way to understand it.

Faith = ( Belief + Action + Confidence )
Faith includes our beliefs, but it is bigger than that. Faith requires action. If it doesnt move
us to do something or say something actually take some kind of action its not really faith
at all. James said it this way.

o you see, faith by itself isnt enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and
useless. James 2:17
Until we take action our faith is just a bunch of words. James says that unless faith
produces action is in fact dead, or not faith at all.
As a side note, some people get confused and turned around on this point and try to
do good things to generate faith. However James didnt say the good things we do
produce faith. He said our faith, if it is real and alive, will naturally move us to do
good things.
But I digress.
The last part of that whole faith equation is confidence.
Confidence Trust that is based on knowledge or past experience

Basically confidence is a measure of how firmly we hold to a particular belief.

Putting It All Together

So now you can see how belief and faith are interrelated. The difference between the
two is subtle.
When we believe the truth with enough confidence to take action we exercise faith.
And it doesnt take much of that faith to see huge things happen, even miraculous
And you can see where unbelief, that is believing things that arent true believing
lies completely clogs up the working of our faith. Unbelief prevents us from ever
seeing the miraculous in our lives.
Building Your Faith Is Simpler than You Think

But our problem is really with unbelief, not a lack of faith.

The good news is that we can change our unbelief into belief. Its really a fairly
simple, straight forward process. We just need to become more fully persuaded of the
truth instead of the misconceptions and lies that we are currently holding on to.
The more we expose our minds to the truth, the more we become persuaded and
convinced of that truth.
And the best way to expose our minds to the truth is to study the Bible. The more
time we spend exploring the truth of the Bible, the more our minds become
convinced of that truth.
The more firmly convinced of the truth we become, the more confident well grow.
What Is The Difference Between Faith and Belief? A Bible Study
True faith is more than simply believing
While faith surely includes the element of belief, they are not
one and the same. Certainly one must believe that something, or
someone, exists before it is possible to put ones faith in that
person or thing. However, I can believe some things that do not
affect my life. I believe China exists, but I do not live my life any

differently because of my belief. The Bible tells us that this type

of belief is not true faith and will not result in a saving
relationship with God.
To put ones faith in something, or someone, means that one is
putting his or her trust in that person or thing. Who or what one
trusts can have far-reaching, even eternal, ramifications. It
means reliance on, dependence upon, that person or thing. I can
say that I believe a plane can take me from here to there, but if
Im afraid to get on it, I reveal that I have no faith in that plane.
Also, if I do not get on the plane, I have no reason to expect it to
take me anywhere. I must exercise my faith in that plane, by
boarding it, if I am to receive the benefits it offers.

True faith is more than simply believing

While faith surely includes the element of belief, they are not one and the
same. Certainly one must believe that something, or someone, exists before it is
possible to put ones faith in that person or thing. However, I can believe some
things that do not affect my life. I believe China exists, but I do not live my life
any differently because of my belief. The Bible tells us that this type of belief is
not true faith and will not result in a saving relationship with God.
To put ones faith in something, or someone, means that one is putting his or
her trust in that person or thing. Who or what one trusts can have far-reaching,
even eternal, ramifications. It means reliance on, dependence upon, that person
or thing. I can say that I believe a plane can take me from here to there, but if
Im afraid to get on it, I reveal that I have no faith in that plane. Also, if I do
not get on the plane, I have no reason to expect it to take me anywhere. I must
exercise my faith in that plane, by boarding it, if I am to receive the benefits it

True faith results in a changed worldview

When we have true saving faith in Jesus Christ, we see the world and its system
in an entirely different way. The Holy Spirit enlightens us as to the true nature of
things and actually causes us to think differently, For those who live according
to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live
according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit (Romans 8:5).
We are instructed to make this a goal of our spiritual life, Do not be conformed
to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind (Romans 12:2).
If we truly are Christians, dedicated followers of Jesus Christ, we will grow more
to see our existence the way God sees it.
Faith results in changed actions
I have heard of, and have known, some people who claim to be followers of
Christ; however, their lifestyle remained the same after they became Christians
as it was before they became Christians. They still lived the same way, talked
the same way, and had the same mindset as they did when they were living in
rebellion to God. Were they exercising true faith? Jesus said, If you love me,
you will keep my commandments (John 14:15), meaning that our actions will
reveal the change our heart has gone through when we became His true
followers. Conversely, if our lives do not exhibit a change of allegiance from self

to Jesus, we have good reason to doubt our salvation is real at all. John
writes, And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his
commandments (I John 2:3). True faith is evidenced by a change in the way we
Faith results in changed priorities
If anything in our lives is more important than God, our priorities are misplaced
and we should examine ourselves to see if we have truly given our lives to
Christ. If our lives are focused more on our jobs, our favorite sports team, the
next new technological toy, our love life, or anything else that diverts the center
of our attention away from God, we should question the validity, or at least the
maturity, of our faith.
Some areas that reveal the focus of our hearts are:
Our finances: If we are so focused on how much money we are making, or how
high up the corporate ladder we can climb, we must readjust our focusour
focus is on wealth instead of God. Also, on the other side of the coin, if we are so
worried about not having enough money, our focus is on our need rather than on
the One who provides for those needs.
Our thought life: What we spend out time thinking about reveals a lot about
what we think is most important in our lives. While it is not wrong to think about
things other than God, when we think about things to the extent that any
thoughts of God are pushed out of our minds, we are in danger of shipwrecking
our faith (1 Timothy 1:18-20). The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing (2
Thessalonians 5:12) which simply means keeping the lines of communication
open between you and God at all times.
Our priorities: How we spend our time, money, and energy reveals what we
think is important. Where does God fit into your life? How important is prayer
and Bible study as opposed to making sure you do not miss your favorite
television show? The Bible tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Our relationship with God should be the most
important thing in our livesif we have true faith.
Belief can be simply a passive mental acceptance which amounts to nothing
when it comes to how it affects our life. Simply to say I believe in God means
very little if it is merely coming from the lips and not from the heart. People can,
and do, say that they believe in God, but their lives never change at all.
However, when one has true faith in God, ones life cannot help but reveal this
truth. True faith, dependence/reliance/trust, in God reveals itself in our actions,
our thought life, and our priorities. A saving relationship with the Creator and
Sustainer of the universe can result in nothing less than a radical readjustment
of our entire worldview. We will love God with all our hearts and we will love
others as we love ourselves (Matthew 19:19, 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27;
Romans 13:9; Galatians 5:14; James 2:8, and more Old Testament references).
If we claim we are Christians, but this is not the attitude of our hearts, it would
be wise to ask God to search our hearts, cleanse us, mold us into the people
that He wants us to be, and strengthen our faith.

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