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Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus Ensures A

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Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus

ensures a secure future

for you and your family.

Unique Reference No - L&C/Advt/2009/Oct/814

Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Limited (Tata AIG Life) (Regn. No. 110)
Registered & Corporate Office: Peninsula Towers, 6th Floor, Peninsula Corporate Park,
Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.
Visit us at or call toll-free on 1800-11-9966.
I.What Benefits are available under this plan?
PORTFOLIO IS BORNE BY THE POLICYHOLDER. This non-participating unit linked insurance plan offers the
following benefits:
Each one of us desires the best from our life. With every passing Additional Allocation:
phase the needs keep getting bigger, the list of desires keeps
The Additional allocation is additional premium credited to the
getting longer. And all we hope is a miracle to fulfill them or more
respective funds every year till end of policy term, begins from
practically an investment to address these needs without any
the third policy anniversary of your policy. Additional
Allocation shall be payable as percentage of Regular Premium
Presenting, Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus - the easy issuance Unit which is tabulated as below:
Linked Endowment Insurance plan with enhanced features that
provides you the dual benefit of investment and protection with
a simple health declaration. Premium Year* % of Annualised Premium
The Additional Allocation and high Guaranteed Maturity Addition
ensure your increasing needs are taken care, and choice of eight 3rd - 10th Year 1%
funds helps you manage your investments more effectively.

Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus is indeed the answer you were 11th - 20th year 2%
looking for.
Why should I invest in Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus plan? 21st - 30th year 3%
• Additional Allocation: up to 3% of regular premium from 3
year onwards.
*Premium Year is determined by the number of complete 12-month period for
• Guaranteed Maturity Addition* of 8% of Regular Premium which Regular Premium has actually been paid, excluding any period of
discontinuance of premiums and unpaid-for months.
Fund Value
The Annualised Regular Premium of the Policy is arrived at as
• Eight Investment Fund Options including 'Infrastructure Fund'
& 'Super Select Equity Fund’
• Optimize market returns by investing through Systematic
Money Allocation & Regular Transfer Investment (SMART) If monthly paid Monthly Regular Premium / 0.0833
• Avail tax benefits on your investment u/s 80C and 10 (10D) of
the Income Tax Act, 1961 If quarterly paid Quarterly Regular Premium / 0.25
*Provided that all the regular premiums due under the policy are paid and the policy is
in force
If semi-annually paid Semi-annual Regular Premium / 0.5
Eligibility features at glance

If annually paid Annual Regular Premium / 1

Minimum Issue age 0 (30 days)

Maximum issue age 60 years The effect of the above Additional allocation is included in the
Maximum Maturity Age 75 years
section "Premium and Policy charges" - Premium Allocation
Policy Term 15/20/25/30 years
Additional Allocation is not available on Top-Up Premium
Premium Paying Term Same as policy term
Maturity Benefit:
Minimum Annualized Premium Rs. 18,000 On survival to the end of the policy term, you will not only receive
Maximum Annualized Premium Rs. 50,000 the Total Fund Value which is equal to the value of the Regular
Premium Account plus the value of the Top-Up Premium Account
Sum Assured 5 times the Annualized premium (if applicable) valued at applicable unit price but also the

2 3
Guaranteed Maturity Addition* of 8% of your Regular Premium
Fund Value.
* Provided that all the regular premiums due under the policy are paid and the policy
is in force Age at the time of death Percentage of Sum Assured /
No part of Guaranteed Maturity Addition is payable on the Top-Up Sum Assured
surrender / lapse / termination or on death.
Death Benefit: 0 20%
In case of unfortunate death of the insured while the policy is in
force & before the maturity date, the nominee will get Higher of 1 40%
(I) the Sum Assured net of all Deductible Partial Withdrawals, if
any, from the Regular Premium Account , or (ii) the Regular 2 60%
Premium Fund Value at applicable unit price.
In addition to this, for each Top-Up the death benefit will be 3 80%
higher of
(II) The approved Top-Up Sum Assured(s) net of all Deductible From 4 years upward 100%
Partial Withdrawals, if any, from the Top-Up Account or (ii) Top-
Up Fund Value at applicable unit price.
For the purpose of determining the Death Benefit under this
provision, the Deductible Partial Withdrawals mentioned above To illustrate the above benefits lets have a look at the following
shall mean the higher of sum of all partial withdrawals paid from Benefit Illustration#
the relevant Account(s) (i) during the 24 months immediately The table below gives the Regular Premium Fund values^ for
preceding insured's date of death, or (ii) after Insured attains 60 a person aged 35 years
years of age.
In case of juveniles the amount of death benefit payable under the • Fund Allocation: Aggressive Flexi Fund - 100%
Policy shall be determined after the Sum Assured and any • Annualized Regular Premium: Rs.25, 000/-
applicable Top-up Sum Assure payable are adjusted in • Mode of payment: Annual
accordance with the schedule given on page 5 (Top):.
• Premium Multiple: 5

Guaranteed Higher Rate Illustration (10%) Lower Rate Illustration (6%)

Benefits Non Guaranteed Benefits Non Guaranteed Benefits

Policy Term $
Sum Assured Regular Guaranteed Regular
Total Guaranteed Total
Premium Maturity Premium
Maturity Maturity Maturity
Fund Addition Fund
Benefit Addition Benefit
Value (Rs.)** Value
(Rs.) (Rs.)** (Rs.)
(Rs.)* (Rs.)*

20 years 125,000 1,133,009 90,641 1,223,650 727,061 58,165 785,226

30 years 125,000 2,961,633 236,931 3,198,564 1,450,144 116,011 1,566,155

Premium paying term equals policy term. applicable policy conditions.
*The Fund value projection is after considering the service tax charges as per present ** Guaranteed Maturity Addition is the percentage of Regular Premium Fund Value
laws. ^ Service tax is applicable as per governing laws and the same shall be borne by the
Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable (non-guaranteed) with policyholder. Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to recover
returns based on the future performance of the opted funds and fulfillment of other from the Policyholder, any levies and duties (including service tax), as imposed by the
government from time to time

4 5
Other Benefits: Depending on your risk appetite and investment strategy, you
Flexibility to Increase/ Decrease the Top-up Sum Assured could choose any one of the above options at a given point in
time. However in future with your changing portfolio
You have the flexibility to pay additional premium as "Top-Up management style, you could change to any of the
Premium" at any time during the policy term without taking strategies above
additional Sum Assured provided the total amount of Top-Up
premiums paid is not greater than 25% of the total Regular a) You can choose from a variety of funds.
Premium paid till date. You can Top-Up your policy up to four Your entire Regular Premium is invested in one or more
times in a policy year. The minimum Top-Up amount is Rs. 5,000/ investment funds as per your required asset allocation. You
If at any point of time during the term of the contract the total have the option of choosing any or all of the 8 Funds or
amount of Top-Up Premium is more than 25% of the Total such funds which are available at the time of allocation,
Regular Premium paid till date, then such excess amount of Top- based on your preferred asset allocation.
Up Premium will be used to provide additional Sum Assured
Name of Fund Objective Fund Allocation
known as "Top-Up Sum Assured", subject to underwriting rules
the Fund
prevailing at that time. The minimum Top-Up Sum Assured is
1.25 times of the Top-Up Premium in line with IRDA guidelines. Top 50 Fund The Top 50 Fund will invest primarily in Equity and Equity
The Maximum Top-Up Sum Assured is 5 times the Top-Up select stocks and Equity linked related
instruments, which are a part of Nifty Instruments
Premium 50 Index with a focus on generating - 0 - 100%.
You have an option to increase or decrease Top-Up Sum Assured long term Capital Appreciation. The Cash/ Money
Fund will not replicate the index but - market
by changing the Top-Up premium multiple, subject to
aim to attain performance better than Instruments
underwriting and such reduction is subject to the minimum Top- the performance of the Index. As a (including CP/CD)
Up sum assured allowed under this product. defensive strategy arising out of - 0 - 100%.
market conditions, the scheme may
Flexibility of Premium Mode also invest in debt and Money market
You may choose to pay your premiums1Annually, Semi-annually,
Top 200 Fund The Top 200 Fund will invest primarily Equity and Equity
Quarterly or even Monthly as per your convenience.
in select stocks and Equity linked related
Change in premium is not allowed. Instruments which are a part of BSE Instruments
Monthly Premium = 0.0833 of Annual Regular Premium, Quarterly Premium = 0.25 200 Index with a focus on generating - 0 - 100%.
of Annual Regular Premium, Semi-annual premium = 0.50 of Annual Regular Premium long term Capital Appreciation. The Cash/ Money
Fund will not replicate the index but - market
Flexibility To Get additional Cover under Tata AIG Life
aim to attain a performance better Instruments
Accidental Death Benefit Limited Underwriting Rider than the performance of the Index. As (including CP/CD)
(UIN - 110A018V01) a defensive strategy arising out of - 0 - 100%.
market conditions, the scheme may
Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus offers the option to attach Tata AIG Life also invest in debt and Money market
Accidental Death Benefit Limited Underwriting rider for issue Instruments.
ages 18 to 55 years. An additional benefit amount equal to the Aggressive Aggressive Flexi Fund is a Equity Equity & Equity
Rider Sum Assured will be paid in case of death due to an Flexi Fund Oriented Balanced Fund which related
accident. Fact of accident will have to be proved by relevant primarily invests in Large Cap instruments- 0-70%
documents issued by the police department. Rider Sum Assured Equity Stocks and Equity-linked *Debt Instruments
Instruments along with Government -0-60%
cannot exceed the basic policy Sum Assured Bonds and highly rated Fixed Income Cash/Money
Additional premium is payable for this benefit.2 Instruments, with an objective to Market Instruments
maximise the returns with medium to (including
For more details on the benefits, premiums and exclusions under high risk. The Fund endeavors to offer CP/CD) - 0 - 100%.
this rider, please contact our Insurance advisor or visit our long term Capital Appreciation along (*The scheme can
nearest branch office. with stable returns over a long period invest upto 25% of
of time. its portfolio in
Rider is not mandatory and is available at extra cost.
securitised debt.)

II.Where is my money invested? Stable Flexi Stable Flexi Fund is a Debt Oriented Equity and Equity
Fund Balanced Fund which primarily related Instruments
This product offers you the flexibility to manage your invests in Government Bonds and - 0 - 30%.
investments as per your risk appetite h ig h ly r a t ed Fixed I n c o m e *Debt Instruments-
a) Manage funds on your own. Instruments with some exposure to 0 - 80% Cash/
b) SMART Large Cap Equity Stocks and Equity- Money-market

6 7
linked instruments, with an objective Instruments The company may add additional investment linked funds from
to maximise the returns with low to (includingCP/CD) time to time subject to prior approval from the IRDA.
medium risk. The Fund endeavors to - 0 - 100%. These funds have different risk profiles based on different types
offer stable returns along with some (*The scheme can
Capital Appreciation over a long invest upto 25% of of investments that are offered under these funds. The returns are
period of time. its portfolio in expected to vary according to the risk profile 3.
securitised debt.) 3
Returns are subject to market conditions.
Bond Fund The objective of the scheme is to *Debt Instruments b) Manage your money with Systematic Money Allocation &
invest in Government Bonds - 0 - 100%. Cash/ Regular Transfer Investment (SMART)
and highly rated Fixed Income Money market
Instruments. The primary objective of Instruments Systematic Money Allocation & Regular Transfer (SMART)
the Fund is to conserve capital while (including CP/CD) Investment is a systematic transfer plan that allows a
generating income by investing in - 0 - 100%
short to medium term Debt (*The scheme can
customer to enter the volatile equity market in a structured
Instruments of various maturities. invest upto 25% of manner under the Regular Premium Account.
its portfolio in
securitised debt.)
Through SMART, one can initially park their entire annual
allocable premium along with any existing units in any one fund
Large Cap The primary investment objective of Equities and Equity
Equity Fund
(chosen out of the funds of Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus). This fund
the Fund is to generate long - term linked Instruments
capital appreciation from a portfolio - 80 to 100% Cash is called the "Accumulation Fund". Thereafter a defined portion
that is invested pre-dominantly in / Money Market out of the Accumulation Fund will get transferred to another fund
large cap equity and equity linked Instruments (chosen out of the funds of Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus) other than
securities 0 - 20% the accumulation fund on a monthly basis. This fund is called the
Infrastructure The Investment Objective of the Equity and Equity "Target Fund".
Fund Scheme is to provide long-term Related
capital appreciation by investing Instruments of
”Accumulation Fund" and "Target Fund" are not segregated funds
predominantly in a diversified basket Infrastructure / offered under this product. These are only names used to reflect
of equity and equity related securities infrastructure the investment strategy under SMART.
of companies engaged in or expected related companies
to benefit directly or indirectly from - 65 - 100% Thus, while the stock market remains volatile and unpredictable,
the growth and development of Equity and Equity SMART Investment offers a systematic way of rupee cost
infrastructure. Related averaging. However, all investments through this option are still
Instruments of
companies other
subject to investment risks, which shall continue to be borne
than above - 0 by you.
- 35%Debt and
Cash/ Money The following are the notable features of SMART:-
(including CP/CD) - • SMART can be availed at the option of the policy holder,
0 - 35% exercisable at policy Inception or on any policy anniversary.
Super Select The primary investment objective of Equity and Equity Request to start the SMART should be received 30 days in
Equity Fund the fund is to provide income Linked instruments advance of the policy anniversary.
distribution over a period of medium - 60 - 100%
to long term while at all times Cash / Money • SMART option is available only to the policies with the Annual
emphasizing the importance of Market - 0 - 40% Mode of payment.
capital appreciation
• The automatic fund switches in the SMART option is available
out of the 12 free switches.
Under exceptional circumstances investment in Cash / Money • The policyholder will have the option to stop the SMART at
Market Instruments in all above funds may go up to 100%. any point of time.
Exceptional circumstances may include:
• Manual fund switching for the funds ( A c c u m u l a t i o n a n d
a) Global financial or credit crisis,
Target) on which SMART is active is not allowed.
b) War like situation,
Manual fund switching is however allowed on other available
c) Political uncertainty
funds. For Top up premiums, manual switching option will
d) Events like Political/ Communal disturbance which affects
be available at applicable charges. Conditions regarding
Indian economy and in turn impacts severely on Fixed switch fee, minimum switch and minimum fund after switch
Income/ Equity market. etc. for normal switching option shall be as applicable during
8 9
• Any amount remaining in regular premium funds, other than CREDIT/DEBIT OF UNITS
the Accumulation Fund and the Target Fund, would remain in Premiums received, after deducting the payable Top-Up
those funds and continue to grow Premium Allocation Charge will be used to purchase Units at the
• SMART Option will not be available during Premium Unit Price according to your instruction for allocation of Premium.
discontinuance Units purchased by Regular Premium and Top-Up Premium, net
• A portion of total units available in the "Accumulation Fund" of payable Policy charges, will be deposited into the Regular
shall be switched automatically into the "Target Fund" in the Premium Account and Top-Up Account respectively.
following way: Where notice is required (withdrawal, surrender or death of the
Monthly SMART Insured), Units being debited shall be valued by reference to their
Unit Price as specified in the section "Cut-off time for determining
Policy Month 1 1/12 of the units available at the the appropriate valuation date" under Fund Provisions.
beginning of Policy Month 1
Policy Month 2 1/11 of the units available at the IV. Which NAV is applicable?
beginning of Policy Month 2 In case of proposals or Top-Up Premiums where underwriting or
Policy Month 6 1/ 7 of the units available at the any other approval of the Company is required (including auto-
beginning of Policy Month 6 pay cases), units will be allocated on the day the underwriting and
the other approvals are completed. However in case of outstation
Policy Month 11 ½ of the units available at the cheque's/ outstation demand drafts, units will be allocated on the
beginning of Policy Month 11 date of realization or the day when the underwriting/approvals
Policy Month 12 Balance units available at the are completed, whichever is later.
beginning of Policy Month 12 In case of renewal premiums received via cash or a local cheque
We may refuse request for SMART, or to cease offering SMART or a demand draft payable at par or the request for switching in
by giving 30 days written notice subject to prior clearance from Fund Value(s) is/are received by us at or before 3:00 p.m. of a
business day at the place where these are receivable, Unit Price of
the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
the date of receipt shall apply.
III. How is the NAV calculated? In case of renewal premiums received via cash or a local cheque
The NAV per unit or Unit Price will be calculated as: or a demand draft payable at par or the request for switching in
Fund Value(s) is/are received by us after 3:00 pm of a business
Unit Price / Net Asset Value per unit = (Market/Fair Value of the day, at the place where these are receivable, Unit Price of the next
investments held by the Unit Fund+ Expenses incurred in the valuation date following the receipt date shall apply.
purchase of the assets + Value of Current Assets + Accrued
If the renewal premiums are received by us by way of an
income net of fund management charges - Current Liabilities and
outstation cheque/ outstation demand draft, Unit Price of the date
Provisions) / Total No. Of Units existing in the Unit Fund as on the
on which these instruments are realized provided realization is on
valuation date
or before 3:00 pm, will be applicable
However, when the company is required to sell assets to redeem
In case of renewal premiums if you pay the premium in advance
the units, the NAV per unit/ Unit Price will be calculated as (including auto-pay cases) the units will be allocated on the due
Unit Price / Net Asset Value per unit = (Market/Fair Value of the date of the premium.
investments held by the Unit Fund - Expenses incurred in the sale
of the assets + Value of Current Assets + Accrued income net of V. How Can I Manage My Investments?
fund management charges - Current Liabilities and Provisions) / We offer you ample flexibility to manage your money so that you
Total No. Of Units existing in the Unit Fund as on the can reap maximum benefits of your investments.
valuation date.
Switching Between the Funds:
The Net Asset value (NAV) per Unit/Unit price will be determined
During the policy term, you may switch your investment or part of
and published daily in various financial newspapers and will also
investment from one fund to another as per your outlook about
be available on, the official website of Tata the markets. A total of 12 free switches are allowed in a policy
AIG Life. All you have to do is multiply the number of Units you year after which charges will be applicable on further switches as
have with the published Unit Price to arrive at the value of your shown under "Premium and Policy Charges". Manual fund
investments. switching for the funds (Accumulation and Target) on which

10 11
SMART is active is not allowed. Manual fund switching is Upon request from the policyholder, policy can be surrendered
however allowed on other available funds at applicable charges. within the revival period of two years. The surrender value shall
For Top-Up premiums, manual switching option will be available be Total Fund Value ceased at the end of grace period net of
at applicable charges applicable Surrender Charges as on first unpaid premium date
and will be payable at 3rd Policy Anniversary or the date of
Premium Re-direction: surrender whichever is later.
Premium Re-direction facility helps you to allocate future Discontinuance of Premium after paying at least three
premiums to a different fund or set of funds. There is no consecutive years premium
Premium-Redirection charge. Premium Re-direction is not
available if SMART option is exercised. After payment of at least three complete years of Regular
Premiums, if you are unable to pay the Regular Premium
Partial Withdrawals: thereafter as due, this Policy will be maintained in force without
paying the Regular Premium. All applicable Charges as set out in
To take care of your intermittent financial requirements, this plan section "Premium and Policy Charges", will be deducted by way
offers you withdrawal facilities from your fund. Withdrawals from of cancellation of Units at Unit Price from the Total Fund Value of
Regular Premium Account are allowed from the 6th policy year the Policy until the earlier of (1) the Surrender Value falls below an
and only after the insured has attained 18 years of age. Minimum amount equivalent to One Annualised Regular Premium or (2)
partial withdrawal is Rs. 5,000 and the Total Fund Value after any end of the revival period of two years from the due date of the first
withdrawal should be such that the Surrender value does not fall unpaid Regular Premium unless we receive your written request
below an amount equal to One Annualised Regular Premium. to continue with the appropriate deductions, subject to condition
(1). The Policy will be terminated upon occurrence of condition
Partial Withdrawals should be made first from the Top-Up
(1) and any remaining Total Fund Value, subject to deduction of
Premium Account and then from the Regular Premium Account,
the Surrender Charge, will be paid.
if amount in the Top-Up Premium Account is insufficient.
Maximum of four partial withdrawals are allowed in a policy year. If we do not receive your request to continue the policy with the
There are no charges on partial withdrawals. appropriate deductions within the revival period of two years
from the due date of the first unpaid Regular Premium, the Policy
In case of Top-up premiums, partial withdrawals are not allowed will be deemed surrendered and any remaining Total Fund Value,
during first three years from the date of approval/ deposit of such subject to deduction of the Surrender Charge, will be paid at the
Top up premiums, whichever is later. Such condition for end of the revival period.
withdrawal is not applicable if the Top-Up Premium is credited to The Policy can be revived any time during the revival period of
the policy during the last three policy years immediately prior to two years from the date of first unpaid premium subject to
the maturity date. fulfilling our revival conditions and by paying all the outstanding
Discontinuance of premiums within three years from Inception Regular Premiums provided the policy is not terminated or
surrendered. On revival, applicable Premium Allocation charge
& Reinstatement
will be recovered.
Where a Regular Premium due before the third Policy Upon request from the policyholder, policy can be surrendered
Anniversary remains unpaid at the end of the Grace Period, the within the revival period of two years. The surrender value shall
policy will lapse and all insurance cover under the Policy will be the Regular Premium Fund Value less applicable Surrender
cease. The Total Fund Value ceases to be invested at the end of Charges, if any, plus Top-Up Fund Value.
grace period and kept aside by the Company.
For further details on discontinuance of Premiums, please refer to
The Policy can be revived any time during the revival period of two the Policy Document.
years from the date of first unpaid premium subject to fulfilling our
revival conditions and by paying all the outstanding Regular VI. What are my Premium and Policy Charges?
Premiums. On revival, applicable Premium Allocation charge and
Premium Allocation Charge
outstanding Policy Administration Charge will be recovered. If the
Policyholder does not revive /reinstate the Policy within revival period This is a Premium-based charge. After deducting this charge from
of two years, the Policy will be terminated at end of the revival period your premiums, the remainder is invested to buy units. Premium
or at 3rd Policy Anniversary whichever is later and the Total Fund Allocation Charge will be deducted from the Regular Premium
Value ceased at the end of grace period net of applicable Surrender received as a percentage of Regular Premium as shown below:
Charges as on first unpaid premium date shall be payable.
Premium Year* % of Annualised Premium
In case of death during revival period, Total Fund Value ceased at
1st year 30%
the end of grace period net of applicable Surrender Charges as on
the date of first unpaid premium shall be payable immediately 2nd Year onwards 0%
without interest. Top-up premium allocation charge:
1.5% of the Top-Up Premium
12 13
Fund Management Charge (FMC): surrender value will be frozen as on date of surrender and shall
Fund Charge per annum be payable at the end of three policy years. These will be subject
Top-50 Fund 1.20% to the surrender charges applicable at that time of
Top-200 Fund 1.20%
Aggressive Flexi Fund 1.20% The following table shows surrender charge as percentage of
Stable Flexi Fund 1.20% Regular Premium Fund Value:
Bond Fund 1.20%
Large Cap Equity Fund 1.20% Policy Year Charge as % of Regular
Infrastructure Fund 1.20% Premium Fund Value
Super Select Equity Fund 1.20%
1 100%

All Fund Management Charges are subject to revision by 2 75%

Company with prior approval of IRDA but shall not exceed 1.35%
per annum of the Fund value 3 50%
Mortality Charge
4 25%
Insurance Cover in each month for Regular Premium Account is
the difference between Sum Assured net of all Deducible Partial 5 20%
Withdrawals, if any, from the Regular Premium Fund Value of the
policy. 6+ 0%
Insurance Cover in each month for Top-Up Account is the
difference between Top-Up Sum Assured net of all Deducible
Partial Withdrawals, if any, from the relevant Top-Up Premium There are no surrender charges applicable on the Top-Up
Fund Value of the policy. premium Account.
Mortality charge is the amount of insurance cover for the month Partial Withdrawal Charge:
multiplied by the applicable Mortality Charges for the month, There are no partial withdrawal charges under this product.
based on the age of the Life Assured
It is automatically deducted every month from your Regular Policy Administration Charge:
Premium Account and Top-Up Account where the life cover is
A monthly Policy Administration Charge of Re.1.1 per Rs.1000
applicable. This charge may also be deducted from either of the
Basic Sum Assured will be deducted by canceling Units at Unit
Accounts depending upon the Fund Sufficiency.
Price from the Fund Value of the Policy. This may be increased by
up to a maximum of 5% p.a. compound with prior approval from
Sample Age Mortality Charges per 1000 Sum Assured Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
Additionally, there will be Sum Assured related charge of Rs. 4
25 1.710 per month per Rs.1000 of Basic Sum Assured for the first 2 policy
35 2.153
Unit deduction will first be made from the Regular Premium Fund
45 4.911 Value, and if insufficient, then from the Top-Up Fund Value
Fund Switching Charge
55 13.533
There are 12 (twelve) free switches per policy year. Thereafter a
charge of Rs.100/- per switch will be applicable. This Charge may
The Mortality Charges will be guaranteed for the period of the policy term. be revised as deemed appropriate by the Company subject to
For complete details of mortality charges visit us at www.tata- prior clearance from the IRDA but shall not exceed a maximum of Rs 250/-.
Premium Re-direction Charge
Surrender Charge
There is no Premium Re-direction Charge.
Policy can be surrendered any time during the term. However
The Company may alter all the above charges (except Mortality
when the request is received in first three policy years, the
14 15
Charge and Premium Allocation Charges which are guaranteed installments will be chosen by you at the time of maturity while
throughout the term) by giving an advance notice of at least three exercising this option. The value of such periodical payments will
months to the policyholder subject to the approval of IRDA and depend on the performance of the Funds selected for investment.
will have prospective effect. Switching and partial withdrawals (other than the aforesaid
periodical payments) are not available during the
VII. Other Plan Features: Settlement Period.
Free Look Period During Settlement Period, no life cover or other insurance cover
will be provided. In the unfortunate event of death, the Total Fund
You have the right to cancel the Policy by giving written notice to Value at the time of death will be returned to the Nominee. During
the Company and receive the premiums invested into the funds this period, Fund Management Charges and Policy
at Unit Price as at the date of cancellation along with the charges Administration Charge will be deducted as shown under "what
paid after deducting a) for proportionate Risk and Rider Premium are my premium and Policy charges.”
(if any) for the period on cover and b) any expenses (such as
medical examination costs and stamp duty) which have been Tax Benefits
incurred for issuing the Policy. Such notice must be signed by Premiums paid under this plan are eligible for tax benefits under
you and received directly by the Company within 15 days after section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 19615. Moreover, life
you receive the Policy documents. insurance proceeds enjoy tax benefits as per section 10(10D) of
Reinstatement the said Act.
Tax benefits are available as per Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to
If the Policy has not been surrendered for its Total Fund Value modifications made thereto from time to time. Tata AIG Life does not assume the
(whether due to default of premiums or at Policyholder's request), responsibility on tax implication mentioned anywhere in this document. Please consult
it may be reinstated/revived, within two years from the date of your own tax consultant to know the tax benefit available to you.

lapse subject to: (i) Policyholder's written application for

reinstatement / revival (ii) production of Insured' s current health
certificate and other evidence of insurability satisfactory to us, If the Insured, whether sane or insane, commits suicide within
only if less than first three complete years of Regular Premiums one year from the Issue Date or Commencement Date, whichever
have been paid at the time of lapse; (iii) payment of all overdue is later, our liability shall be limited to the Total Fund Value of this
Regular Premiums Policy at the applicable Unit Price
The company will require evidence of insurability before For exclusions on the rider benefits, please refer to the respective
reinstating / reviving any Rider Contracts. Rider Contract.

Any reinstatement/revival shall only cover loss or insured event Backdating:

which occurs after the reinstatement / revival Date. The policy will
Backdating is not allowed in Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus
be subjected to provisions mentioned under section
"DISCONTINUANCE OF PREMIUM", if the payment of Regular
Policy Loan:
Premiums is discontinued.
Policy Loan is not allowed in Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus
Grace Period
If you are unable to pay your Regular Premium on time, we Insurance Act, 1938, Section 41 (Prohibition of Rebates)
maintain the policy inforce for 31 days from the due date 1. No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly
providing sufficient time to you to pay the due Regular Premium. or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take o u t o r
If your Regular Premium remains unpaid after 31 days, the policy renew or continue an insurance in respect of
shall lapse from the due date of the first unpaid premium and the any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any
provisions under Discontinuance of Premiums are applicable, as rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or
described earlier. any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor s h a l l
any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy
Settlement Option:
accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in
Provided policyholder is alive on the maturity date, you have an accordance with the published prospectuses or tables
option to receive the maturity amount either in lump sum or in of the insurer.
installments over a period of time. This period, termed as
2. If any person fails to comply with sub regulation (1)
Settlement Period, may be extended up to a maximum of five
above, he shall be liable to payment of a fine which
years from the date of maturity. The timing and amount of the
may extend to rupees five hundred.
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Insurance Act, 1938, Section 45 • The performance of the managed portfolios and funds is
No policy of life insurance effected before the commencement of not guaranteed and the value may increase or d e c r e a s e i n
this Act shall after the expiry of two years from the date of accordance with the future experience of the managed
commencement of this Act and no policy of life insurance portfolios and funds. Past performance is not i n d i c a t i v e o f
effected after the coming into force of the Insurance Act, 1938 future results.
shall, after the expiry of two years from the date on which it was • Premium paid in the Unit Linked Life Insurance Policies are
effected be called in question by an insurer on the ground that subject to investment risks associated with capital markets
statement made in the proposal or in any report of a medical and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the
officer, or referee, or friend of the insured, or in any other performance of fund and factors influencing the capital
document leading to the issue of the policy, was inaccurate or market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions.
false, unless the insurer shows that such statement was on a • Buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment.
material matter or suppressed facts which it was material to An early termination of the policy usually involves high costs
disclose and that it was fraudulently made by the policy holder and the surrender value payable may be less than the
and that the policy holder knew at the time of making it that the total premiums paid.
statement was false or that it suppressed facts which it was • The brochure is not a contract of insurance. The precise
material to disclose: terms and conditions of this plan are specified in the policy
Provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the insurer contract. Please refer to the product brochure for detailed
from calling for proof of age at any time if he is entitled to do so, terms and conditions before concluding a sale.
and no policy shall be deemed to be called in question merely • Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Ltd is only the name
because the terms of the policy are adjusted on subsequent proof of the Insurance Company and Tata AIG Life Lakshya Plus is
that the age of the life insured was incorrectly stated in the only the name of the Unit Linked Life Insurance
proposal. Contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the
contract, its future prospects or returns.
Tata AIG Life - A New Look At Life
• This product is underwritten by Tata AIG Life Insurance
Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Limited (Tata AIG Life) is a joint Company Ltd.
venture company, formed by the Tata Group and American • This brochure should be read along with the sale
International Group, Inc. (AIG). Tata AIG Life combines the Tata illustration.
Group's pre-eminent leadership position in India and AIG's
• Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation.
presence as an international insurance organization. The Tata
Group holds 74 per cent stake in the insurance venture with AIG • For complete details please contact our Insurance advisor
holding the balance 26 per cent. Tata AIG Life provides insurance or visit Tata AIG Life's nearest branch office
solutions to individuals and corporate. Tata AIG Life Insurance or call our toll free number(MTNL & BSNL lines)
Company Limited was licensed to operate in India on February 1-800-11-9966
12, 2001 and started operations on April 1, 2001.
Tata AIG Life offers a broad array of life insurance coverage to
both individuals and groups, providing various types of add-ons
and options on basic life products to give consumers flexibility
and choice.

• Investments are subject to market risk.
• Unit Linked Insurance products are different from traditional
Life Insurance products and are subject to risk factors. Please
know that the associated risks and the applicable
charges from your insurance agent or the i n t e r m e d i a r y o r
the policy document.
• The various funds offered under this contract are the names
of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these
plans, their future prospects and returns.

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