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Antony Sutton - Trilaterals Over America

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ONE What is the Trilateral Commission? ............. 1
TWO Membership of the Trilateral Commission 11
THREE New World Order as the Objective ................. 27
FOUR Policies for Monopoly Control....................... 35
FIVE Two Decades of Trilateral
Scheming in Agriculture ................................ 49
SIX Trilateral Don't Like Taxation. . .
For Themselves .............................................. 61
SEVEN Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace .................. 75
EIGHT Politics of New World Order........................... 91
NINE Friends of the New World Order.................... 101
TEN Transcending Marxism:
Old and New Marxists.................................... 107
ELEVEN Where the Trilateral Commission
Went Wrong ................................................... 119
TWELVE Conclusions: A More Likely
Future Scenario............................................... 127
A Membership October 1978 and July 1993 . . 131
B Officers and Directors of
Council on Foreign Relations......................... 142
C Statement by Colonel "Bo" Gritz
on Drug Policy ............................................... 157

The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by New York

banker David Rockefeller, then Chairman of Chase Manhat-
tan Bank, and Harvard University academic Zbignieuw
Brzezinski, later to become National Security Assistant to
President Jimmy Carter.
What it is depends on one's viewpoint. According to the
Trilateral Commission itself:

The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by pri-

vate citizens of Western Europe, Japan and North
America to foster closer cooperation among these three
regions on common problems. It seeks to improve public
understanding of such problems, to support proposals
for handling them jointly, and to nurture habits and prac-
tices of working together among these regions.

However, in populist political circles the Trilateral Commis-

sion is a transparent device to achieve New World Order,
which sound suspiciously like other dictatorial "World
Orders." From this viewpoint Trilaterals are enemies of
freedom and intent on gaining a monopoly of world political
power for their own benefit.
Twenty years ago the Trilateral Commission had very little
history; one could not track its intentions from its actions.
Today, in 1994, one can look at 20 years of Trilateral history
and more accurately assess their objectives in the light of
past political actions and member appointments to various
The original 1972 membership chosen by Rockefeller and
Brzezinski comprised about 200 members worldwide of whom
about one-third were North Americans, one-third Europeans
and one-third Japanese. In 1993 this had expanded to about
325 members worldwide, termed "distinguished citizens" by
the Trilateral Commission but in fact representing an
extremely narrow spectrum of world opinion and culture and
completely unelected or representative of anything but David
Rockefeller's personal views.
From the start the Commission has been termed "private"
and "unofficial" with the stated objective to "draw together
the highest level unofficial group possible to look together at
the common problems facing our three areas" and to "foster
Throughout Trilateral Commission's reporting one finds a
consistent confusion between "private" and "public." The
Commission is promoted as a private group founded by a
private citizen. David Rockefeller. Yet its objectives and
operations are public policy oriented.
In the words of the Trilateral Commission:
The full Commission gathers once each year—in
Lisbon in 1992, in Washington in 1993, in Tokyo in 1994.
In addition to special topical sessions and reviews of
current developments in our regions, a substantial
portion of each annual meeting is devoted to considera-
tion of draft reports to the Commission. These reports
are generally the joint product of authors from each of
the three regions who draw on a range of consultants in
the course of their work. Publication follows discussion
in the Commission's annual meeting. The authors are
solely responsible for their final text. A separate
publication contains the principal presentations at the
annual meeting. Occasionally informal papers appear
from regional activities.

Each regional group has a Chairman and Deputy
Chairman, who all together constitute the leadership of
the Commission. The Executive Committee draws
together a further 36 individuals from the wider

In brief, this group of private citizens is precisely organized

in a manner that ensures its collective views have significant
impact on public policy. They meet, they review, they discuss,
they report and after this discussion make their recommenda-
tions public.
For what purpose? The Trilateral Commission would
hardly expend all this energy and funding for an academic
exercise. . the objective has to be to establish public policy
objectives to be implemented by governments worldwide.
Further, the members are not elected. . they are chosen.
The Chairman of the Executive Committee, the committee
that chooses members, is David Rockefeller, who is also
founder and Chairman of the overall Trilateral Commission.
The entire structure reflects Rockefeller choices, not impartial
or representative choices.
This phenomenon of a David Rockefeller front organization
has not been lost on observers. On July 27,1979, radio station
KLMG, Council Bluffs, Iowa, ran an interview of George
Franklin, then Coordinator of the Trilateral Commission.
This author was a guest on the program. Here from the
transcript is how Franklin answered the question of
Rockefeller influence.

COMMENTATOR: Why is it, in the Trilateral Commission

that the name David Rockefeller shows up so persis-
tently, or [the name of] one of his organizations?
FRANKLIN: Well, this is very reasonable. David Rocke-
feller is the Chairman of the North American group.
There are three chairmen: one is [with] the North
American group, one is [with] the Japanese group, and
one is [with] the European group. Also, the Commission
was really David Rockefeller's original idea.

Franklin is aware of the Rockefeller criticism and tries to pass
it off as unimportant, as "reasonable." The fact that Rocke-
feller is personally involved with member selection suggests
that the Commission was formed to advance family or
personal objectives. If not, then Rockefeller would have
allowed others to make such choices.
The commentator then switches the discussion to the then
current Carter Administration, in which co-founder
Zbignieuw Brzezinski is National Security adviser to Carter
and numerous other Trilaterals had been appointed.
COMMENTATOR: On President Carter's staff, how many
Trilateral Commission members do you have?
FRANKLIN: Eighteen.
COMMENTATOR: Don't you think that is rather heavy?
FRANKLIN: It is quite a lot, yes.
COMMENTATOR: Don't you think it is rather unusual?
How many members are there actually in the Trilateral
FRANKLIN: We have 77 in the United States?
COMMENTATOR: Don't you think it is rather unusual to
have 18 members on the Carter staff?
FRANKLIN: Yes, I think we chose some very able people
when we started the Commission. The President
happens to think well of quite a number of them.

This author then pursued with Franklin the question of mem-

bership choice and Rockefeller influence. Franklin denies the
obvious. It is obvious to any reasonable person that the Tri-
lateral Commission is a Rockefeller organization formed to
advance his interest and that it most certainly has significant
influence. Influence is the raison d'etre for the Trilateral
SUTTON: DO you believe that the only able people in the
United States are Trilateralists?
FRANKLIN: Of course not.
FRANKLIN: Well, when we started to choose members, we

did try to pick out the ablest people we could and I think
many of those that are in the Carter Administration
would have been chosen by any group that was inter-
ested in the foreign policy question.
SUTTON: Would you say that you have an undue influ-
ence on policy in the United States?
FRANKLIN: I would not, no.
SUTTON: I think any reasonable man would say that if
you have 18 Trilateralists out of 77 in the Carter Admini-
stration you have a preponderant influence.
FRANKLIN: These men are not responsive to anything
that the Trilateral Commission might advocate. We do
have about two reports we put out each year and we do
hope they have some influence or we would not put them
SUTTON: May I ask another question?
SUTTON: Who financed the Trilateral Commission
FRANKLIN: Uhh. . . The first supporter of all was a
foundation called the Kettering Foundation. I can tell
you who is financing it at the present time, which might
be of more interest to you.
SUTTON: IS it not the Rockefeller Brothers' Fund?
FRANKLIN: The Rockefeller Brothers' Fund? The North
American end of the Commission needs $1.5 million over
the next three years. Of this amount, $180,000 will be
contributed by the Rockefeller Brothers' Fund and
$150,000 by David Rockefeller.
COMMENTATOR: Does that mean that most of it is being
financed by the Rockefellers?
FRANKLIN: NO, it means that about one-fifth of the North
American end is being financed by the Rockefellers and
none of the European and Japanese end

Moreover, the Rockefeller family had long-standing interests

in several public policy organizations of highly significant
influence. The Trilateral Commission only extended the work
and influence of the Council on Foreign Relations chaired for
many years by the self-same David Rockefeller.
Another Rockefeller family-sponsored and financed group
was the Commission on Critical Choices whose task was to
identify the "critical choices" facing the United States at the
turn of the 21st Century. Once again we have a commission
appointed by the Rockefellers, to decide what is best for all
is a nationally representative, bipartisan group of 42
prominent Americans, brought together under the chair-
manship of Nelson A. Rockefeller. Their assignment: To
identify the critical choices which will confront America
as it embarks on its third century as a nation and to
determine the realistic and desirable objectives this
nation can achieve by 1895 and the year 2000.
The Commission was established in the American tra-
dition of voluntary effort. It is 42 citizens who have
joined together to help determine the facts about the
future of America.
Because of the complexity and interdependence of
issues facing the world today, the Commission organ-
ized its work into six study panels, which emphasize the
interrelationships of the critical choices rather than
studying each one separately.
The six study panels are:
Panel I — Energy and Its Relationship to Ecology,
Economics and World Stability;
Panel II — Food, Health, World Population and
Quality of Life;
Panel III — Raw Materials, Industrial Development,
Capital Formation, Employment and World Trade.
Panel IV — International Trade and Monetary
Systems, Inflation and the Relationships Among
Differing Economic Systems;
Panel V — Change, National Security and Peace, and

Panel VI — Quality of Life of Individuals and
Communities in the U.S.A.

In brief, the Commission is a Rockefeller study group,

funded in large part by a Rockefeller organization.
The Third Century Corporation, a New York not-for-
profit organization, was created to finance the work of
the Commission. Since the start of its activities in the
fall of 1973, the Corporation has received contributions
and pledges from individuals and from foundations well-
known for their support of public interest activities.

The Drive for New World Order

While publically portrayed as a high level discussion group,

the Trilateral Commission is dedicated to New World Order.
The most comprehensive statement of New World Order is to
be found in Trilateral co-founder Brzezinski's book, Between
Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, published
just before the Trilateral Commission was founded.
This book is the blueprint for a "more just and equitable
world order." In one sense it is not much different to scores of
other plans for political control that go back to Greek times
and include More's Utopia, Karl Marx, V.I. Lenin, Adolf
Hitler, Mao... all are schemas for political control.
The only document in history that has rigidly defined and
restrained government control is the Constitution of the
United States, unique because it limits government power.
Brzezinski's book dismisses the Constitution... for the same
reasons that all other political documents have dismissed
freedom, i.e. because it is "inadequate." However,
Brzezinski's rejection of the Constitution is on unique
grounds—"the age cannot bear the problems of assimilating
the old into the new"—yet many of the problems are created
by the self-same Trilateral members who now propose
According to Brzezinski mankind has moved through three
states of evolution and we are now in the middle of the fourth
and final state. In some ways the secular Brzezinski analysis
is parallel to Jose Arguelles' The Mayan Factor, a mystical
calendar of the world divided into periods. According to The
Mayan Factor, our world is also presently in the final stages
of dissolution, culminating in 2012 when it passes to higher
levels of consciousness.
Back to Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission.
The first global stage is described as "religious" and combines
"a heavenly universalism provided by acceptance of the idea
that man's destiny is essentially in God's hands" with an
"earthly narrowness derived from massive ignorance, illiteracy
and a vision confined to the immediate environment."
The second stage is nationalism, and defined as "another
giant step in the progressive redefinition of man's nature and
place in our world." In Arguelles this is paralleled as
The materialist philosophy of Marxism comprises the third
stage. For Brzezinski "this represents a further vital and
creative stage in the measuring of man's universal vision."
Neither David Rockefeller nor Zbignieuw Brzezinski cite the
technological and moral weaknesses and excesses of Marx-
ism. They view it as "creative" and a significant factor in
man's maturity.
In reality, — and history has now demonstrated what some
of us argued for years — Marxism is a hollow sham, a gigantic
con job, a device for New York capitalists to control a country
through technology and debt while pretending the opposite.
It was American trade unions, especially under Samuel
Gompers and George Meany, that recognized the phoniness
of Marxism. Wall Street and many academics who should
have known better were the promoters, allies and apologizers
for Marxism. Capitalists, because a monopoly state offers the
opportunity of monopoly markets and monopoly profits with-
out any uncomfortable criticism from the street. Academics,
because Wall Street-financed Universities offer opportunities
for self-advancement and self-aggrandisement.
After Marxism, according to Brzezinski, comes the fourth
and final stage, the Technetronic Era or the idea of rational
humanism on a global scale, the result of American-
Communist cooperation. Here is the Brzezinski view of the
contemporary structure which is a tortured framework to
present a supposed requirement for a New World Order
political structure:

Tension is unavoidable as man strives to assimilate

the new into the framework of the old. For a time the
established framework resiliently integrates the new by
adapting it in a more familiar shape. But at some point
the old framework becomes overloaded The new input
can no longer be redefined into traditional forms, and
eventually it asserts itself with compelling force. Today,
though, the old framework of international politics —
with their spheres of influence, military alliances
between nation-states, the fiction of sovereignty,
doctrinal conflicts arising from nineteenth century crises
— is clearly no longer compatible with reality.
Interestingly the Brzezinski estimate of change is
significantly in error and this error will undoubtedly affect the
nature of the world to come. New World Order is not
Firstly, the current trend is towards small political units
reflecting ethnic and national groups. Within the United
States we have proposals for independent States and to
divide States into two or three segments as large units
become ungovernable and "overloaded." The framework is
"overloaded" but the reaction is smaller units, not larger,
ungovernable units. This is precisely the opposite reaction
proposed by the Trilateral Commission.
Secondly, when it comes to "rational humanism" Brzez-
inski is again way off contemporary evolvement. Religion is
coming back and in a more spiritual form. The older churches,
institutionalized churches, are suffering losses, particularly
the 2000-year-old Catholic church. However, there is a
of religion through modern technology, i.e. radio churches and
TV evangelists. Further there is a spiritual evolvement of
extraordinary proportions in non-traditional forms such as
meditation and communal groups. Some of these groups,
such as the Church Universal and Triumphant in Montana,
are now established and accepted by traditional areas.
This is a far cry from "humanism" and non-religion! How-
ever, it is in technology that we find departures from the "new
world" proposed by Brzezinski and adopted by David Rocke-
feller and the Trilateral Commission. The technology of the
future has an emerging spiritual component. The physics of
the future, post-high energy physics and the vacuum energy
physics of the 21st century is also a spiritual technology. The
Eastern concepts of Buddhism and the material world are to
an extent merging with the vacuum physics of the West, Zen
and western physics are merging in a manner that confounds
the ideas of the Trilateral Commission. Agreed that this new
input cannot be defined in traditional terms, in this limited
manner Brzezinski is correct but the new framework is not a
rigid New World Order. Paradoxically. New World Order
turns out to be a reflection of the old traditional framework!
Brzezinski and Rockefeller propose to replace the old frame-
work with a new framework. . but one under their control.


The interesting aspect of Trilateralism is that it brings to-

gether the Administrators of power rather than the Holders
of power.
David Rockefeller is essentially the only power center in the
entire Trilateral catalog. Politicians, lawyers, bureaucrats,
media types, trade unionists come and go in the Trilateral
halls of power — they are transient administrators. They
retain administrative positions only as long as they are
successful in using political power to gain political objectives.
Operators do not, by and large, create objectives — this is an
important point. One should label this group of operators
"the hired hands." As Senator Mansfield once said of Con-
gress, "To get along, you must go along." Trilateral operators
are at the pinnacle of success in "going along."
In the 1970's, nine of the American Trilateral commis-
sioners were Establishment lawyers, from highly influential
major law firms. The "revolving door" area between so-called
public service and private gain, where attorneys alternate be-
tween private practice and the federal payroll, clouds more
precise identification. For some reason, two of the nine
lawyers were partners in the Los Angeles law firm O'Melveny
& Myers: senior partner, William T. Coleman Jr. (also a
director of David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank and a

former Transportation Secretary): and Warren
Christopher, who was a partner from 1958-67 and from
1969 until joining Carter's regime as Deputy Secretary of
State, and Clinton's as Secretary of State in 1993.
In 1994 William T. Coleman Jr., now a senior partner in
O'Melveny & Myers, had already been Secretary of Transpor-
tation, was still a Trilateralist and indeed a member of the
exclusive Trilateral Executive Committee.
From the same law firm of O'Melveny & Myers in 1994
Warren Christopher had become Secretary of State after
serving as Co-Director of President Clinton's Transition
team, amid strong protests that he was not looking for any
personal appointment. Christopher did an outstanding job for
the Trilaterals, appointing no fewer than 22 fellow members
to the Clinton Administration that emphasized the "old way
of doing business" could not continue. No doubt Christopher
will return to O'Melveny & Myers after his term as Secretary
of State, to continue the wheeling and dealing business.
Moreover, this political influence duo is now joined in 1994
by yet another partner in O'Melveny & Myers, Ko-Yung-
Tung, Chairman of the firm's New York-based Global
Practice Group.
So this almost unknown Los Angeles law firm is in reality
an influence-peddling outfit of the first category. This
Trilateral trio highlights the cozy revolving door political
influence game that makes a mockery of a free society.
O'Melveny & Myers together with Kissinger & Associates
and the Carlyle Group have a lock on political influence — and
all just happen to be linked to the Trilateral Commission.
George Franklin, former Executive Secretary of the Commis-
sion, avers, this is a mere statistical accident, all talent just
accidentally happens to be within the Trilateral Commission,
that we shouldn't be concerned; in fact, according to Franklin,
we should be grateful that such eminent ladies and gentlemen
are willing to accept the burdens of "public service."
So how does this political influence game work? We'll
suppose you're out there in Zaire or the Argentine and you
want some U.S. taxpayer dollars — to build a bridge or "fight
drugs," anything in fact that gives you opportunity to skim a
little gravy off the top for your own hardworking self — what
do you do?
You head for Trilateral Mr. Ko-Yung-Tung, the O'Melveny
& Myers man in New York, or Trilateral Henry Kissinger at
Kissinger Associates, or former Secretary of Defense
Trilateral Frank Carlucci at The Carlyle Group — all with
excellent Trilateral connections and — for a substantial, very
substantial, fee — they will take your case to Washington.
And do you believe for one minute that some small time
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who makes routine $100
million aid decisions is going to look the other way when
Henry, or Frank, or Yung-Tung telephone about the pitiful
needs of Zaire or the Argentine?
After all, a Deputy Assistant Secretary has ambitions one
day of becoming a full-fledged Assistant Secretary and will
need a few kind words from prominent persons. So the
decisions on Zaire or the Argentine are not made with the
interests of the United States taxpayer in mind but by what
is termed elegantly as "political factors."
Now contrast this con game with the many thousands of
American citizens who suffered from U.S. radiation
experiments in the 1940's and 1950's. They want compen-
sation but have to go to court to try to get just compensation
from the Department of Energy. The American in the street
can't call up Henry Kissinger or Frank Carlucci or Ko-Yung-
Tung (as can the Zairian Embassy or an Argentinian
Senator). Poor Joe Blow has to use his limited funds to
challenge a Department of Energy with unlimited taxpayer
funds to fight its own citizens.
This is what Trilateralism is all about. It's not about the
Technetronic Age which is a long word about nothing and
indeed if Brzezinski couldn't see the coming downfall of the
Soviet Union, he can't be relied upon to for see the nature of
the coming era. Trilateralism may be clothed in fancy lan-
guage but it boils down to the exercise of political power in the
interests of the Trilaterals and their associates. If you swallow
the coy phrase "public service" then you shouldn't be reading

this book. It's more like institutionalized ripoff.
So you complain to Congress? Good luck! The Majority
Leader, Thomas Foley Jr., is a Trilateral, as are many other
Congressmen and Senators. Now you know why laws to re-
strict lobbying always have gaping loopholes.
Here are the prominent law firms with Trilateral partners,
and so linked into the political influence network:
Paul C. Warnke (pre-1994)
Philip H. Trezise (pre-1994);
Paul C. Warnke (pre-1994);
Sol M. Linowitz (pre-1994)
Richard N. Gardner (1973-1994);
Warren Christopher (1973-1994),
William T. Coleman, Jr. (1973-1994)
Ko-Tung-Yung (1994)
Cyrus R. Vance (pre-1994)
Gerard C. Smith (1973-1994)
Lloyd N. Cutler (pre-1994)
Vernon C. Jordan (1994).
Propagandists and Technicians

Quite distinct from the political operators, although their

functions often overlap, are the propagandists (the media)
and the technicians (academicians and research controllers).
These groups provide the intellectual linkage between the
power holders and the power administrators (the operators).
Technicians design the plans needed to promote and imple-
ment objectives. They explain ideas to the public and even
conceive ideas — within limits. Technicians and propagan-
dists achieve personal success only insofar as they have
ability to conceive and promote plans within the overall

framework welcome to the power holders. A media source dis-
tributing unwelcome news or a researcher developing unwel-
come conclusions is politely so informed — and usually takes
the hint. Trilateralist technicians are experts at "getting the

We find the following "think tanks" linked to Trilateralism:

Maurice F. Strong
Robert S. Ingersoll
William T. Coleman, Jr.
Henry D. Owen
Gerard C. Smith
C. Fred Bergsten
Graham T. Allison, Jr.
Philip H. Trezise
Bruce K. MacLaury
Paul C. Warnke
Richard N. Gardner
David M. Abshire
William E. Brock, III
William V. Roth, Jr.
Gerard C. Smith
Graham Allison
Robert R. Bowie
David Packard
George Schultz
J. Paul Austin
Carroll L. Wilson

Lucy Wilson Benson
J. Paul Austin
Graham Allison
William T. Coleman, Jr.
C. Fred Bergsten

These "think" tanks are financed by foundations which are

also linked to Trilateralism:
Cyrus R. Vance
W. Michael Blumenthal
Robert V. Roosa
Lane Kirkland
John D. Rockefeller IV
J. Paul Austin
Andrew Brimmer
John Loudon
William A. Hewitt
Hedley Donovan
Thomas L. Hughes
Zbigniew Brzezinski
David Rockefeller
David Rockefeller
John D. Rockefeller IV
J. Paul Austin
Robert R. Bowie
The Media
Trilateralist media representation, although not large in num-
bers, is highly influential. In the 1970's, of five media commis-
sioners, three were relatively insignificant: Doris Anderson,
editor of Chatelaine Magazine; Carl Rowan, columnist, and
Arthur R. Taylor, formerly head of the CBS network,
dismissed in October 1976.
Two media Trilaterals were highly influential: Emmett
Dedmon, editorial director of the Chicago Sun-Times,
published by Field Enterprises. The chairman of Field
Enterprises, Inc., Marshall Field V, also a director of First
National Bank of Chicago, operates Field Enterprises under
an exhaustive agreement with his half brother, "Ted,"
Frederick W. Field; and Field ownership is significant
because of Trilateral connections with the First National
Bank of Chicago. In any event, Chicago Sun Times is the
sixth largest newspaper in the U.S. (daily circulation 687,000).
Another influential media Trilateralist was Hedley
Donovan, editor-in-chief of Time, member of the Council on
Foreign Relations and director of the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace. According to the U.S. Labor Party:
Donovan played a central role in the "faking of the
President, 1976." Under his Trilateral direction, Time
functioned as a black propaganda vehicle throughout the
campaign and post-election period, painting Carter as an
"outsider" with no connections with the corrupt politics
of Washington, D.C. and Wall Street This "image build-
ing" provided the crucial cover for the planned vote
fraud, and Time played a crucial coverup role as
widespread evidence of the Nov. 2 fraud surfaced.

Trilateral disdain for the First Amendment is a factor

working strongly against generally sympathetic media
attention. On the other hand, Trilateralist intervention in
day-to-day media operation, by use of the traditional tele-
phone call, is probable, given the numerous Trilateral
corporate directors in the media: Henry B. Schacht is a

director of CBS; Sol Linowitz, a director of Time; J. Paul
Austin, a director of Dow Jones; Harold Brown, a director of
Times-Mirror Corporation; Archibald K. Davis, a director of
Media General, Inc.; Peter G. Peterson, a director of Great
Book Foundation and National Education TV; William M.
Roth, a director of Athenum Publishers; and Cyrus Vance, a
director of the New York Times. Their presence is ominous.
However, any persistent intervention to kill or re-orient
stories will backfire. Most media people are professionals
rather than propagandists.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, supposedly a
public institution, has always had a heavy Trilateral bias.
This reflects the blurring of public and private which
Trilaterals exercise so well for their own advantages.
Sharon Percy Rockefeller, wife of Commissioner John D.
Rockefeller IV, former Governor, now Senator from West
Virginia, is an example of this link. More emphatic is the
funding of the PBS heavyweight programs which mold public
opinion by Trilateral-oriented and Trilateral-represented firms.
Robert C. Wenks, a Trilateral in 1994, is also Chairman of
Prudential Securities, Inc. and finances "Wall Street Week
with Louis Rukeyser," and you will never hear Rukeyser
criticize the Federal Reserve private banking monopoly or
argue gold as the only stable basis for a monetary system.
"Tony Brown's Journal" on PBS is funded by Pepsi-Cola, a
major Trilateral-linked firm with at least one or two directors
always on the Trilateral Commission. Pepsi is one of the gung
ho New World Order firms and as you will remember, was
first into Communist China and only second after Coca Cola
into Soviet Russia.
The famous MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour is financed by
Archer Daniels Midland, a global corporation with Trilateral
Dwayne Andreas as Chairman. Pepsi Cola also finances
MacNeil Lehrer.
General Electric is another long-time Trilateral firm; Paolo
Fresco is the current Trilateral Chairman, and finances the
McLaughlin group.
So — how impartial do you think PBS can be when it comes

to New World Order? And this government-backed organi-
zation is supposed to be a "public" institution. Instead it
illustrates how Trilaterals have a flair for quietly influencing
public institutions.
The following media outlets are also linked to Trilateralism:
Cyrus R. Vance (1978);
Flora Lewis (1994)
Arthur R. Taylor (1970s)
Henry B. Schacht (19702)
Harold Brown (1979)
Robert Erburn (1994)
Hedley Donovan
Samuel P. Huntington
Thomas L. Hughes
Richard N. Cooper
Elliot L. Richardson
Marina von Neumann Whitman
Richard Holbrooke
Zbigniew Brzezinski
William M. Roth
C. Fred Bergsten
Emmett Dedmon
V. Thomas Johnson (1994)
Katherine Graham (1994)
Politics and Government

Trilaterals are often politicians. In 1977, 27 out of 77 U.S. Tri-

lateralists were also professional politicians and professional
bureaucrats. In 1993 the number had increased to 39 politi-

cians and bureaucrats.
In 1977 President Jimmy Carter and Vice President Walter
Mondale were Trilaterals. In 1993 President Bill Clinton and
Vice President Albert Gore were Trilaterals. It should be
emphasized that selection by the Trilateral Commission was
long before they became residents of the White House.
Interestingly, President Jimmy Carter was selected and
promoted by none other than Trilateral President David
Rockefeller. In 1992 the Trilateral backing was more discreet
for Bill Clinton because of previous public criticism of the Tri-
lateral Commission for its dominant influence.
Here's how THE TIMES (London) reported the Rockefeller-
Carter linkup:
Governor Jimmy Carter, the 1976 Democratic Presi-
dential candidate, has for reasons known only to himself
professed to be an innocent abroad, but the record is
somewhat different. As Governor of Georgia, a state
aspiring to be the centre of the New South, he led the
state trade missions abroad. While in London in the
autumn of 1973 he dined with another American visitor,
but by no means an innocent, Mr. David Rockefeller of
Chase Manhattan Bank.
Mr. Rockefeller was then establishing, with the help of
Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski of Columbia University,
an international study group now known as the Tri-
lateral Commission, He was looking for American mem-
bers outside the usual catchment area of universities,
corporation law firms and government, was impressed
by the Governor, if only because he had ventured abroad,
and invited him to join. Governor Carter, perhaps
because he was already eyeing the White House from
afar, was only too happy to accept.
This enlightening statement in THE TIMES has one
significant error. The Trilateral Commission is no "inter-
national Study group" — it is clearly a group that generates
policies and tries to ensure that its own Trilateral Com-
missioners have a role in implementing the policies. A study
group would not place one-third of its members in
Administration after Administration, both Republican and
Democrat. This is, THE TIMES to the contrary, an operating
group working towards specific self-centered objectives.

The Congress

Senators and Congressmen are members of the Trilateral

Commission, which, given the negative belittling Trilateral
view of the Congress, is somewhat surprising. On the other
hand, modern politicians in the "Best Congress that money
can Buy" have little trouble accommodating inconsistent
policies providing the price is right — for them.
Trilateralists also occupy key posts in the House, i.e.,
chairman of the House Republican Conference, majority
whip, chairman of the Democratic Conference, and chairman
of the House Democratic Caucus. In sum, Trilaterals have a
lock on the legislative process.
The significance of this lock on the legislative process is
brought into focus when we examine the political ideology of
Trilateralism as expressed by Crozier, Huntington, and
• The democratic political system no longer has any
• The concepts of equality and individualism give
problems to authority.
• The media is not sufficiently subservient to the elite.
• Democracy has to be "balanced" (i.e. restricted).
• The authority and power of the central government
must be increased
Weighing these totalitarian ideas which form the poli-
tical philosophy of the commission against congressional
membership in the Trilateral Commission, the reader will
be tempted to ask, were these the political policies
espoused by these politicians when elected to office?

In any event, five senators also were Trilateral commis-

sioners in 1978:

LAWTON CHILES, Democrat, Florida
ALAN CRANSTON, Democrat, California, Senate majority
JOHN C. CULVER, Democrat, Iowa
JOHN C. DANFORTH, Republican, Missouri
WILLIAM V. ROTH, JR., Republican, Delaware
CHAFEE, and WILLIAM S. COHEN were added.
This neatly reflects the Democratic majority in the Senate,
three Democrats and two Republicans; and it is notable that
the Senate majority whip — a key Senate post — is a
The following six Congressmen were Trilateralists in 1978:
JOHN B. ANDERSON, Republican, Illinois, chairman, House
Republican Conference
JOHN BRADEMAS, Democrat, Indiana; majority whip
WILLIAM S. COHEN, Republican, Maine
BARBER B. CONABLE, JR., Republican, New York
THOMAS S. FOLEY, Democrat, Washington; chairman,
House Democratic Caucus
DONALD M. FRASER, Democrat, Minnesota; chairman,
Democratic Conference and Americans for Democratic
In brief, top administration jobs — Republican and Demo-
crat — are filled from a talent pool dominated by the Trilateral
Commission. This selective process of filling top Executive
Department slots with Trilateralists has been deliberate and
ruthless. Before President Carter formally took office,
numerous Trilateralists were appointed as follows:
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI — assistant to the president for
national security affairs
CYRUS VANCE — secretary of state
HAROLD BROWN — secretary of defense
W. MICHAEL BLUMENTAL — secretary of the treasury
ANDREW YOUNG — ambassador to the United Nations
WARREN CHRISTOPHER — deputy secretary of state
LUCY WILSON BENSON — undersecretary of state for
security affairs

RICHARD COOPER — undersecretary of state for economic
RICHARD HOLBROOKE — undersecretary of state for East
Asian and Pacific affairs
W. ANTHONY LAKE — undersecretary of state for policy
SOL LINOWITZ — co-negotiator on the Panama Canal Treaty
GERALD SMITH — ambassador-at-large for nuclear power

Trilaterals in the Clinton Administration

All Administrations since the Carter Administration have

contained an unusually large number of Trilateral members.
Nominally they resign on enterng government but as most
promptly rejoin the Trilateral Commission on leaving govern-
ment, "resignation" is a farce — part of the government/
private revolving door that retains influence in a small, like-
thinking elitist group.
President Bill Clinton is a "former member in Public
service." When he leaves the White House, Clinton will
undoubtedly rejoin the Commission and indeed could not
have attained the Presidency without Trilateral approval and
On the 1993 (July) membership list of Cabinet positions we
find as Trilateral members:
BILL CLINTON, President of the United States
WARREN CHRISTOPHER, co-director of the transition with
VERNON C. JORDAN (also a Trilateral). Thus the transition
process was entirely controlled by Trilaterals.
BRUCE BABBITT, U.S. Secretary of Labor
DONNA E. SHALALA, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human
HENRY CISNEROS, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban
Cabinet positions in 1994 are:
GRAHAM ALLISON, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Plans
& Policy

LYNN E. DAVIS, Under-Secretary of State for International
Security Affairs
JOHN M. DEUTCH, Under-Secretary of Defense for
DAVID GERGEN, Assistant to the President for
WINSTON LORD, Assistant Secretary of State for East
Asian and Pacific Affairs
ALICE M. RIVLIN, Deputy Director, Office of Management
and Budget
JOAN EDELMAN SPERO, Under-Secretary of State for
Economic and Agricultural Affairs
STROBE TALBOTT, Deputy Secretary of State, formerly
Ambassador to Russia
PETER TARNOFF, Under-Secretary of State for Political
CLIFTON R. WHARTON, Deputy Secretary of State 1991-93,
followed by Strobe Talbott.
Other Government positions in the Clinton administration
WILLIAM J. CROWE, JR., U.S. Ambassador to Britain
ALAN GREENSPAN, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal
Reserve System
JAMES R. JONES, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
JOSEPH S. NYE, JR., Chairman, National Intelligence
Council, Central Intelligence Agency.
As Executive Director George Franklin Jr. stated back in
1978, the Trilateral Commission invites only members with
New World Order viewpoints and goals.
President Bill Clinton then is an ideal member, unusually so
because his entire career has been formed under tutelage and
guidance of New World Order advocates. (See JBS Bulletin,
October 1992).
Clinton has a B.S. in International Affairs from George-
town University in 1968, where he studied under Carroll
Quigley, whose famous Tragedy and Hope had been
published in 1966. Quigley broke the story of an elitist British
group financed by the Rothschilds and Cecil Rhodes, whose
ambition was to run the world. Rhodes founded the Rhodes

scholarships at Oxford University — and Clinton, a devout
disciple of the New World Order message, was given a Rhodes
scholarship to Oxford University.
There is another side to the Quigley story which is little
known, and we are aware of it because this author had some
correspondence with Quigley about Tragedy and Hope.
Quigley sincerely believed in New World Order but was not
aware of the darker side of the globalist types until they
refused to reprint his book and destroyed the plates; Quigley
was alerting too many honest academics and citizens to the
dark side of New World Order. The difference between
Quigley and Clinton is morality. We know that Quigley was
an honest academician, a little naive, genuinely puzzled why
the Establishment wanted the secrets in Tragedy and Hope
kept secret. Clinton, on the other hand, quickly learned the
political power profit lessons of the New World Order, in the
tradition of Rothschild and Rhodes. Consequently, while
Quigley died a puzzled man, Bill Clinton has been supported
at every turn of the road (until early 1994) by the Trilaterals
and their fellows to gain a reputation of deceit and devious-
ness unequalled by any past President of the United States.
As we write this (January 1994) Clinton is in trouble. We
even hear rumors that he is targeted for political destruction
and will be succeeded by another Trilateralist, former Mayor
of San Francisco, now Senator Dianne Feinstein. But make no
mistake, the Trilaterals have a firm hold on the Presidency
and will continue to bring their influence to bear on its


Run your eye down the list of executive committee

members:* who is the most powerful individual among them?
There is no doubt that David Rockefeller dominates the
executive committee, and thus the commission itself. Even if
we are generous (or naive) and see the executive members as
equals, then David would surely be primus inter pares. It is,
however, naive to see David Rockefeller as an omnipotent
dictator or the Rockefeller family as an all-powerful
monarchy. This is a trap for the unwary. Our world is much
more complex. We are looking at a family of families, a
collective of power holders with at least several hundred,
perhaps several thousand, members, who collectively aim to
divert the world, not just the United States, to their own
collective objectives.
Let's start at the beginning. The Trilateral Commission
was David Rockefeller's idea and promoted with David's
funds. (Leave aside for the time being the U.S. Labor party
theory that Trilateralism uses the Rockefellers as a "cover"
for a "British conspiracy.")
An interview with George S. Franklin, former commission
coordinator, by Michael Lloyd Chadwick, editor of The
Freemen Digest, published in Provo, Utah, is the most
authentic version of the founding process which has yet

* See Appendix A, p. 142

surfaced. This portion of the interview follows:

MR. CHADWICK: Mr. Franklin, you were a participant

with Mr. David Rockefeller, Robert Bowie, Zbigniew
Brzezinski and Henry Owen in forming the Trilateral
Commission. Would you provide us with a brief history
of how it came into existence?
MR. FRANKLIN: David Rockefeller, in the winter and
spring of 1972, gave several speeches to the Chase Bank
forums in London, Brussels, Montreal and Paris. He
recommended the establishment of an international com-
mission on peace and prosperity which in fact is now the
Trilateral Commission. He didn't receive an enthusiastic
response in these meetings and he dropped the idea. He
thought, "If the Chase Bank Forums don 't respond favor-
ably to my suggestion then it's probably a lousy idea."
He then went to a Bilderberger meeting. Mike Blumen-
thal was there (now Treasury Secretary), and he said,
"You know, I'm very disturbed. . . Cooperation between
these three areas — Japan, the United States and
Western Europe — is really falling apart, and I foresee all
sorts of disaster for the world if this continues. Isn't
there anything to be done about it? "David then thought,
"I'll present the idea once more," which he did, and he
aroused great enthusiasm. The next eight speakers said
that this was a marvelous idea; by all means, somebody
get it launched
David wasn't quite sure whether these were all his
friends. He wasn't quite sure if they were being polite or
if they really thought it was a good idea. So he took Zbig
Brezinski back on the plane with him. Zbig thought it
was a very good idea and had done some writing on it.
Bob Bowie had done some writing on it too. When he got
back, David asked me if I would go back to Europe and
talk to some people more at leisure and see if they really
thought this was a good idea They truly did
David and I went to Japan in June of 1972 and he
talked to a lot of people there. They thought it was a good

idea, so we had a meeting of 13-15 people at his place in
Tarrytown (ed: New York).
It was decided to go ahead and try to organize and
form it
There is no reason to doubt that formation came about in
any other way — at least we have no evidence that Franklin is
hiding anything. But note that the way the Trilateral Com-
mission was founded suggests a loose power coalition, some-
times in competition, sometimes in cooperation, rather than a
small, tight, iron-fisted conspiracy run by the Rockefellers.
But even the establishment Washington Post has found
unsettling features about the Trilateral Commission in its
current seemingly non-interested packaging.
Consequently it is not surprising that Trilateral objectives
are not shouted from the rooftops but inferred from policy
statements, papers and positions as well as the personal
philosophies of those chosen as members of the Commission.
Here's the Washington Post observation:
Trilateralists are not three-sided people. They are
members of a private, though not secret, international
organization put together by the wealthy banker, David
Rockefeller, to stimulate the establishment dialogue
between Western Europe, Japan and the United States.
But here is the unsettling thing about the Trilateral
Commission. The President-elect is a member. So is Vice-
President-elect Walter F. Mondale. So are the new Secre-
taries of State, Defense and Treasury, Cyrus R. Vance,
Harold Brown and W. Michael Blumenthal. So is Zbig-
niew Brzezinski, who is a former Trilateral director and,
Carter's national security adviser, also a bunch of others
who will make foreign policy for America in the next four
No doubt this Washington Post observation was brought
to the attention of David Rockefeller because by the 1990s
the publisher of the Washington Post, Katherine Graham
(Chairman of the Board of Washington Post Companies) had
been appointed to the Trilateral Commission!
Even though Trilateral control has continued, the Wash-
ington Post has made no more remarks about "unsettling
This was the White House composition in the early 70s. It
remains the same today, in 1994, a heavily Trilateral
President Bill Clinton is a Trilateral as was President Jimmy
Carter. Secretary of State Warren Christopher is an original
member of the Trilateral Commission. So are 22 other mem-
bers of the Clinton Cabinet and sub-cabinet Administration.
The personal philosophies of Carter appointees are similar
to that of Clinton. . . they all adhere more or less to a global
New World Order. Where, for example, President Truman
was non-imperialist, these are imperialist Presidents. From
speeches and letters written by Trilateralists we know their
New World Order position.
When the Trilateral Commission met in Tokyo, Japan, in
January 1977. Carter and Brzezinski obviously could not
attend as they were still in the process of reorganizing the
White House. They did, however, address personal letters to
the meeting, which were reprinted in Trialogue:
It gives me special pleasure to send greetings to all of
you gathering for the Trilateral Commission meeting in
Tokyo. I have warm memories of our meeting in Tokyo
some eighteen months ago, and am sorry I cannot be
with you now.
My active service on the Commission since its incep-
tion in 1973 has been a splendid experience for me, and it
provided me with excellent opportunities to come to
know leaders in our three regions.
As I emphasized in my campaign, a strong partner-
ship among us is of the greatest importance. We share
economic, political and security concerns that make it
logical we should seek ever-increasing cooperation and
understanding. And this cooperation is essential not
only for our three regions, but in the global search for a
more just and equitable world order (emphasis added). I
hope to see you on the occasion of your next meeting in
Washington, and I look forward to receiving reports on
your work in Tokyo."
Jimmy Carter

Brzezinski's letter, written in a similar vein, follows:

The Trilateral Commission has meant a great deal to
me over the last few years. It has been the stimulus for
intellectual creativity and a source of personal satis-
faction. I have formed close ties with new friends and
colleagues in all three regions, ties which I value highly
and which I am sure will continue.
I remain convinced that, on the larger architectural
issues of today, collaboration among our regions is of the
utmost necessity. This collaboration must be dedicated
to the fashioning of a more just and equitable world
order (emphasis added). This will require a prolonged
process, but I think we can look forward with confidence
and take some pride in the contribution which the Com-
mission is making.
Zbigniew Brzezinski

The key phrase in both letters is "a more just and equitable
world order."
Does this emphasis indicate that something is wrong with
our present world order, that is, with national structures?
Yes, according to Brzezinski; and since the present
"framework" is inadequate to handle world problems, it must
be done away with and supplanted with a world government.
In Brzezinski's Technetronic Era, the "nation state as a
fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the
principal creative force: International banks and multi-
national corporations are acting and planning in terms that
are far in advance of the political concepts of the
Understanding the philosophy of and monitoring the Tri-
lateral commission is the only way we can reconcile the
myriad of apparent contradictions in the information filtered
through to us in the national press. For instance, how is it
that the Marxist regime in Angola derived the great bulk of
its foreign exchange from the offshore oil operations of Gulf
Oil Corporation? Why did Andrew Young insist that "Com-
munism has never been a threat to Blacks in Africa"? Why
did the U.S. funnel billions in technological aid to the Soviet
Union and Communist China? Why does the U.S. apparently
help its enemies while chastising its friends?
These questions, and hundreds of others like them, cannot
be explained in any other way: the U.S. Executive Branch
(and related agencies) is not anti-Marxist or anti-Communist
— it is, in fact, pro-Marxist. Those ideals which led to the
abuses of Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and Mussolini are now being
accepted as necessary inevitabilities by our elected and
appointed leaders.
This hardly suggests the Great American Dream. It is very
doubtful that Americans would agree with Brzezinski or the
Trilateral Commission. It is the American public who is
paying the price, suffering the consequences, but not
understanding the true nature of the situation.
One of the most important "frameworks" in the world, and
especially to Americans, is the United States Constitution. It
is this document that outlined the most prosperous nation in
the history of the world. Is our sovereignty really "fiction"?
Is the U.S. vision no longer compatible with reality?
Brzezinski further states:
The approaching two-hundredth anniversary of the
Declaration of Independence could justify the call for a
national constitutional convention to re-examine the
nation's formal institutional framework. Either 1976 or
1989 — the two-hundredth anniversary of the Constitu-
tion — could serve as a suitable target date culminating a
national dialogue on the relevance of existing arrange-
ments. . . .Realism, however, forces us to recognize that
the necessary political innovation will not come from
direct constitutional reform, desirable as that would be.
The needed change is more likely to develop incremen-
tally and less overtly. . . in keeping with the American
tradition of blurring distinctions between public and

private institution.
Obviously Brzezinski, and global capitalists have no use for
national sovereignty or the Constitution. Their interests are
global — and much as they may protest we see no difference
between Trilateral globalism and, for example, British and
French imperialism of the 19th Century. Or the Holy Roman
Empire for that matter.
But this New World Order objective would not pass an elec-
torate. Outside the globalists, the New World Order fanatics,
we doubt that many in the United States are interested in a
planned world economy under the dominance of Wall Street.
In conclusion, the Trilateral Commission when pressed
makes no secret of its unrepresentative nature nor its New
World Order objectives.
Back in 1978 in the previously cited radio interview with
George Franklin Jr., then Executive Director of the Trilateral
Commission, these objectives emerged under questioning
from the author:
SUTTON: Mr. Donovan, of Time-Life, has just been
appointed Special Assistant to President Carter. Mr.
Donovan is a member of your Commission.
FRANKLIN: That is correct.
SUTTON: Does this not emphasize the fact that the Carter
Administration is choosing its administration from an
extremely narrow range. In other words, the Trilateral
FRANKLIN: I do not think that that needs any confirma-
tion. That is a matter of fact that he has chosen most of
his main foreign policy people, I would have to say, from
the people he got to know while he was on the Trilateral
SUTTON: Well, I can only make the statement that this
leaves any reasonable man with the impression that the
Carter Administration is dominated by the Trilateral
Commission with your specific ideas which many people
do not agree with.
FRANKLIN: Well, I would certainly agree that people who
were members of the Commission have predominant

places in the foreign policy aspects of the Carter
Administration. They are not, because they are members
of the Commission, controlled in any sense by us. I do
think that they do share a common belief that is very
important that we work particularly with Europe and
Japan or we are all going to be in trouble.
SUTTON: But this common belief may not reflect the
beliefs of the American people. How do you know that it
FRANKLIN: I do not know that it does. I am no man to
interpret what the people think about.
SUTTON: In other words, you are quite willing to go ahead
(and) establish a Commission which you say does not
necessarily reflect the views of the poeple in the United
States? It appears to me that you have taken over poli-
tical power.
FRANKLIN: I do not think this is true at all. Anybody who
forms a group for certain purposes obviously tries to
achieve these purposes. We do believe that it is impor-
tant that Europe, Japan, and the United States get along
together. That much we do believe. We also chose the
best people we could get as members of the Commission.
Fortunately, nearly all accepted The President was one
of them and he happened to have thought that these
were very able people indeed, and he asked them to be in
his government, it is as simple as that. If you are going to
ask me if I am very unhappy about that, the answer is
no. I think that these are good people.

The reader can make his or her own interpretation. We hold

the view today in 1994 that we held in 1973 and 1978 (the date
of the radio program) — that the Trilateral Commission is not
representative of the United States, has clearly by its actions
demonstrated that it is a group intent on manipulating power
for personal advantage and that these actions or objectives
are not those of American citizens — and the Trilateral
Commission has no intention of putting the matter to a vote.
Quod etat demonstrandum.


The unstated concealed Trilateral policy is global power and

influence, a policy best achieved by financial control. The
dedicated interest of the Rockefeller family and international
bankers in world order, world planning, global problems is the
sure indicator that they understand how political control can
be translated into dollars and cents.
Trilaterals, one of several elitist organizations for global
control, have organized influence peddling companies headed
by their own Trilateral buddies. These grease the way more or
less legally between government contracts and corporate
Anti-lobbying laws are so deviously written and so easy to
circumnavigate that in practice they do no more than con-
vince the public that government contracts are intended to be
influence free.
The reality is that the revolving door is significantly con-
trolled by Trilaterals and completely controlled by elitists, if
we include the influence of such organizations as Council on
Foreign Relations (long-time Chairman was David Rocke-
feller) and Yale Skull and Bones (with members such as
George Bush, Averell Harriman and other government
movers and shakers).
One well-known conduit for government business using in-
sider influence is Kissinger Associates. Trilateral Henry
Kissinger, founder and Chairman of Kissinger Associates, is
former Assistant for National Security Affairs and a former
U.S. Secretary of State. As such, Kissinger was able to
acquire and use worldwide contacts and a thorough know-
ledge of the contact-contract world.
Kissinger & Associates charges global corporations substan-
tial fees to act on their behalf within and without the United
States. Kissinger uses his influence, earned and gained at
US. taxpayer expense, to push the cause of his clients. This
is, of course, influence peddling, but apparently legal because
the loopholes written into the laws are big enough to drive a
truck through and will remain that way until the voting
public demands that politics be separated from personal
A more recent influence peddling outfit is the Carlyle
Group, subject of a scathing and well-written article in the
New Republic (October 18, 1993). According to this article,
the Carlyle Group was founded by David Rubenstein, a minor
league former merchant banker, and named after the New
York Hotel Carlyle.
The Hotel Carlyle is a long-time corporate hangout. (We
once visited one of the suites and found it to be a dismal,
solidly-furnished building used by global wheeler dealers for
private business.)
The Carlyle Group according to New Republic holds a
majority stake in firms that do business with the United
States Government. Day-to-day operations are conducted by
former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, a Trilateralist
whose entire stock of expertise consists of whom he knows in
Governent and how Government wheels mesh together.
Among members of the Carlyle Group are former Secretary
of State James Baker, a close friend of former President
George Bush, former Budget Director Richard Darman, Trea-
sury Secretary Donald Regan, Bush Campaign Chairman Fred
Malek, George Bush Jr., former CIA Director Robert Gates,
the current SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt, Clinton transition
team co-director Vernon Jordan, and politician Bob Strauss.
These are former Cabinet-level politicians who have noth-

ing to sell but their access in Government, i.e. their personal
telephone books. All are directly or indirectly Trilateral
Frank Carlucci openly lists himself in the Trilateral biog-
raphies as "Vice Chairman, the Carlyle Group, former US
Secretary of State." Vernon Jordan is listed as Partner Akin,
Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld."
As New Republic author Michael Lewis describes the
The Carlyle Group in short has become a kind of salon
des refusees for the influence peddling class. It offers a
neat solution for people who don't have a whole lot to sell
besides their access, but who don't want to appear to be
selling their access.
So the "access capitalist" joins the perennial "Washington
lobbyist" — roads to instant wealth for the not-so-fussy
lawyer. One of the first successful Carlyle operations is known
as "The Great Eskimo Tax Scam of 1987." This well-
organized and well-thought out loophole enabled Alaskan
companies to sell their losses for hard cash to other com-
panies. These losses were used to reduce the tax load of the
companies and so everyone gained — except the U.S. tax-
payer. Carlyle, of course, was in the business of matching
Alaskan losses to corporate tax avoidance. Eskimos were
flown to Washington, D.C. and shown how to organize some
dubious losses — for which the high-toned Carlyle Group took
a fancy fee of one percent.
According to New Republic, Carlyle has excellent expertise
to enable firms to buy Government property cheap — as Car-
lucci had spent billions of tax dollars in contracts to large
military industrial firms, these same firms were no doubt will-
ing to look kindly on his efforts to organize a private auction
of assets.
According to Carlucci, "everyone in our business is trying
to figure out ways to avoid getting into an auction. Get into
auctions, that's a way to lose a lot of money." The idea was
"private auctions" for a few invited buyers. We call it a

conspiracy to defraud taxpayers — but Department of Jus-
tice hasn't yet lifted a finger to go into court.
Trilateral Frank Carlucci, whose efforts are described by
Jack Anderson as "the bureaucratic havoc wrought by Frank
Carlucci, a human windstorm out of Washington" is a perfect
example of the market value of political contact. . . Carlucci
has worked in every administration from Kennedy to Bush, in
numerous departments without any momentous contribution
to public welfare.
According to Carlyle Chairman Rubenstein, "I get resumes
from some of the biggest names in town, lawyers who are
making $800,000 a year. They call and say they'll come and
work for free. It's almost embarrassing." Now why would any
Washington lawyer want to work for free, in New York too?
Obviously because Carlyle has a reputation for making
money, lots of money, at public expense and is apparently
untouchable. Yet one senses a certain uncertainty because
the last words to the New Republic writer were "How do I
keep it from being a cover story?"

Global Money Monopoly

Trilaterals want monopoly, world monopoly. Therefore, you
must hold a key fundamental proposition in mind: Trilaterals
are not interested in what monetary system works best, or
most equitably, or whether gold is a more effective monetary
device than paper, or what monetary system will support a
higher standard of living for the world's poor.
The overriding drive for Trilaterals is to manage the world
economy, "manage" being a euphemism for control. This con-
trol is exercised through so-called coordination of macro-
economic policy, in spite of the dismal results from attempted
macroeconomic direction. It is argued that the prime deside-
ratum for this control device is to keep world peace. Nowhere
is there any recognition of the historical fact that such control
has always led to conflict: that denying national and ethnic
independence is a sure road to strife and bloodshed.
Trilaterals by their own words are interested in political
power: all objectives are subordinate to the political power

needed to order the world as the Trilateralists see fit. So you
will not find rational consideration of alternatives, or the
weighing of options in Trilateral dogma. You can, however,
expect an irrational drive, come what may, to control the
world in the name of globalism and New World Order.
Triangle Paper 14, "Towards a Renovated International
System," concludes that the 1944 Bretton Woods system has
already "come under increasing strain," and events have
forced traumatic changes, that is, the periodic assault on the
dollar and floating exchange rates. The current Trilateral
objective is to build an international system, a world order
based on cooperation and focusing on two aspects which
require such cooperation:
• International lending, and
• The creation of international reserves.
The Trilateral proposal is to involve five to ten leading core
countries in establishing the new system. The rest of the
world will have to go along as best it can. Some ideas to this
end have already been implemented: for example, a new man-
made artificial international money, the Special Drawing
Rights (SDRs) has been created for central banks. As the
SDR is introduced, gold will (supposedly) be phased out of the
international reserve system.
International Bankers and Bancor
(Paper Money)

The benefits of Bancor will accrue to international bankers

more than to anyone else. The interlock between New York
international bankers, the Trilateral Commission, and thus,
Trilateral proposals in Bancor can be traced precisely.
The earnings that major banks receive from overseas is a
matter of public record and is a measure of the division
between their domestic interests in the United States and a
global economy. The degree of domestic control over the
economy by international banks has been identified in a
report published by the late Senator Lee Metcalf, "Voting
Rights in Major Corporations.'' Also a matter of public record
are the names of international bankers who are Trilateral
Commissioners. When we integrate these three statistics, (a)
source of bank earnings, (b) control of domestic companies,
and (c) Trilateral membership, we identify a highly significant
interlock between international banks and the Trilateral push
for a global economy.
Table 4-1 ranks 12 international banks in order of their 1976
earnings from overseas; that is, the bank with the highest per-
centage of its earnings from overseas is ranked Number 1,
and the bank with the least percentage from overseas is
ranked Number 12 (columns 1 and 2). This percentage is com-
pared with the equivalent 1970 figures to demonstrate that
foreign earnings have ballooned since 1970 (columns 3 and 4).
Column 5 is the Metcalf Index of domestic control by these
same bankers, defined as the number of the 122 companies
examined by a congressional committee in which the bank is
among the top five shareholders. Column 6 lists Trilateral
commissioners who are also directors of these banks.
Chase Manhattan is the bank with the highest percentage
of earnings from abroad: a remarkable 78 percent, compared
to 22 percent in 1970. In brief, David Rockefeller's inter-
national merchandising has made Chase a global bank, not an
American bank, and we might call David a de facto world
citizen, not an American citizen. At the same time, Chase has
a very low rating on the Metcalf Index. The bank is among
the largest five stockholders in only eight of the 122 com-
panies studied by the subcommittee (compared to Citibank's
25 and J.P. Morgan's 56).
No fewer than six Chase Manhattan directors (Kissinger is
on the Chase International Advisory Board) were represented
in 1976 on the Trilateral Commission. In sum, Chase is
heavily, almost totally, oriented outside the United States.
Its pecuniary interest in promoting a New World Order is
slightly more than obvious.
Contrast Chase to J.P. Morgan where 53 percent of income
is from overseas (up from 25 percent in 1970) with only one
Trilateral representative. Banks like Charter New York
(formerly Irving Trust) and Chemical Bank do not appear on
the Metcalf Index at all and have no Trilateral representation,
that is, they are not apparently involved in creating a New
World Order.
This pattern is dramatized if we rearrange the data in Table
4-1 with the highest Trilateral representation first.
In a few words: the Trilateral Commission is dominated by
a very few international banks, essentially Chase Manhattan,
and is an institution focused outside the United States. At the
same time, the Trilateral Commission has taken over the
United States executive branch. We have not been taken over
by communists or Russians or Martians but by a group which
wants to "revise" the Constitution (to organize more political
power) but is without majority financial and economic ties to
the United States.
Table 4-1
International Banks and the Trilateral Commission (1976)
1976 Rank International % of Earnings Metcalf No. of Trilateral
in Foreign Banks International Index Commissioners
Earnings Operations as Directors
1970 1976 (1976)
1 Chase Manhattan 22 78 8 6 Rockefeller,

2 Citicorp 40 72 25 0
3 First Nat'l Bank 8 65 10 0
of Boston
4 Banker's Trust 14 64 11 0
5 Charter New York 12 58 — 0
6 Manufacturers 13 56 12 1 Whitman
7 J.P. Morgan 25 53 56 1 Austin
8 Chemical Bank 10 44 — 0
9 Bank of America 15 40 15 2 Clausen,
10 Continental Illinois 0 23 8 3 Hewitt,
11 First Chicago 2 17 11 3 Ingersoll,
12 Wells Fargo 9 12 — 1 Arbuckle

Table 4-2
Banks with Trilateral Representation (1976)

Name of Bank Percent of Earnings Metcalf Number of Trilateral

From International Index Commissioners as
Operations, 1976 Directors
Chase Manhattan 78 8 6
Continental Illinois 23 8 3
First Chicago 17 11 3
Bank of America 40 15 2
Manufacturers Hanover 56 12 1
J.P. Morgan 53 56 1
Wells Fargo 12 0 1

Banks with No Trilateral Representation

Citicorp 72 25 0
First National of 65 10 0
Bankers Trust 64 11 0
Charter New York 58 0 0
Chemical Bank 44 0 0

Table 4-3
International Banks and the Trilateral Commission (1993)
Chase Manhattan David Rockefeller
Thomas G. Labreque, CEO
Wm. T. Coleman
Henry Kissinger
World Bank Jessica P. Einhorn, Vice President
Robert McNamara, former Chairman
Salomon, Inc. John H. Gutfreund, former Chairman
Goldman Sachs Int'l. Robert D. Hormats, Vice Chairman
Federal Reserve Bank Paul A. Volcker, former Chairman,
Board of Governors
E. Gerald Corrigan, President,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Alan Greenspan, Chairman, FRS.
* See Appendix A; Executive Committee members are marked
with an asterisk.

However, SDRs have proven no match for gold. Attempts
to hold the price of gold at an artificially low "official price"
proved elusive and ultimately demonstrated that even Tri-
lateral power is subject to world market forces — and market
forces are the sum of individual marketing decisions.
The task ahead for the Trilateral Commission world mana-
gers is to integrate these monopoly ideas into the world mone-
tary system and make them work. The immediate and most
compelling task is to operate the floating rate system to dam-
pen erratic movements in exchange rates, which are, of
course, damaging to international trade. Such erratic move-
ments do not occur in fixed rates tied to gold. However, gold
moves the world away from the "cooperative" international
arrangements needed by Trilaterals, and gold, therefore, is a
bigger problem than floating rate disorder. Following this is
the task of world reserve management. The Trilaterals want
"wider cooperation since the key to world reserve manage-
ment is restraint in the additions to central bank holdings of
gold and of course currencies such as the U.S. Dollar, the
German Mark, the British Pound and the French Franc."1
The sinking dollar is also a problem, and an unforeseen one,
particularly as it inevitably leads to lesser use of dollars as a
world reserve unit. Trilaterals with their vague views on gold
were not able to foresee that the 1971 suspension of gold con-
vertibility would be a millstone around the neck of dollar and
"international cooperation."
The out-of-date views on gold held by the U.S. Treasury,
under Trilateral control, are well exemplified by a letter from
Gene E. Godley, assistant secretary for legislative affairs at
the treasury to Congressman J. Kenneth Robinson — a letter
which incidentally illustrates clearly why the treasury has
been able to lose billions of dollars for the U.S. taxpayer.

There is, moreover, a high degree of uncertainty about

the usefulness of gold as money. Its monetary role has
greatly diminished in recent years,and its market price
has varied widely. Thus, our gold stocks no longer repre-
sent an assured source of financing for our imports.

The principal objective in 1944, when Keynes proposed a
universal money, was much narrower than current proposals:
the system was to be one of multilateral clearing, a universal
currency valid for trade transactions throughout the world.
According to Keynes:
It is not necessary in order to attain these ends that we
should dispossess gold from its traditional use. It is
enough to supplement and regulate the total supply of
gold and of the new money taken together. The new mon-
ey must not be freely convertible into gold, for that would
require that gold reserves should be held against it, and
we should be back where we were, but there is no reason
why the new money should not be purchasable for gold."
When it came to christening this new money, Keynes said,
"What shall we call the new money? Bancor? Unitas? Both of
them in my opinion are bad names, but we racked our brains
without success to find a better." Even "Bezant" was pro-
posed, interestingly the name of the last international coin (a
gold coin) that circulated throughout the then known world
for 800 years because it was a gold coin and never debased.
Actually the two proposals, Bancor (British) and Unitas
(United States), had different features. The adopted
American plan, Unitas, deposited part of the U.S. gold
reserves with the IMF together with a specific amount of
domestic currency but created no international currency. By
contrast, the Keynesian plan, Bancor, provided an interna-
tional currency with overdraft facilities at the clearing union.
In other words, today the Trilaterals have taken us back to
the Keynesian Bancor plan rejected in 1944.
A comparison of the two monetary schemes clarifies their
major differences:
Keynes Bancor Scheme Trilateral-modified Bancor
(not adopted in 1944) Scheme of 1978 (used today)
Universal money - Bancor Universal money — SDRs
Gold accepted as a reserve (Special Drawing Rights)
Gold not accepted as reserve
No gold convertibility
No gold convertibility

National currencies not held National currencies not held
as reserves as reserves
Public approval necessary Public approval not necessary

Bancor was not adopted in 1944. It's now a matter of his-

tory that the related Harry Dexter White Unitas plan which
was adopted led the U.S. into bankruptcy: the dollar weak-
nesses of today are directly traceable to the Bretton Woods
Unitas plan.
Today's Trilaterals are political animals, with New World
Order objectives, not interested in orderly world trade but in
a specific future world structure under their control. The
question is not to design a workable system to facilitate trade
and improve human welfare, but to design a system that will
enhance and preserve power for the Trilaterals. The Trilateral
answer is to reinvent the system not used in 1944, the
Keynesian Bancor, but modified this time as a universal cur-
rency divorced completely from gold and national currencies.
The extent of insider willingness to disregard, and even
distort, widely held progold views of others is exemplified by
an extraordinary statement in Robert Solomon's book, which
is aptly subtitled An Insider's View. This is Solomon's
interpretation of the motivation of gold-oriented economists:

Those who are worshipful of gold (gold bugs or, more

politely, chrysophilites) are usually motivated by one or
more of these concerns: particular economic theories now
held by a small minority of economists, distrust of
government, (and) international political objectives.

The rationale for paper money, to quote Robert Solomon

Just as there is a need in each country for economic
policies aimed at high employment and price stability,
there is a need, at the international level, for a similar
effort to make the policies of individual countries com-
patible with the well-being of the world economy. Since
there exists no international authority that can directly

perform this function, it can be done only by means of
consultation and cooperation among representatives of
independent nations meeting together in established
international form.

This European episode and the later creation of the Euro-

pean Currency Unit (ECU) exemplifies the Trilateral
weakness in historical precedent. Why did the Germans
refuse to go along with Keynesian demand stimulation?
Because two factors are locked into the German psyche and
ignored by American planners. First, the unparalleled rise of
the German economy from the ashes of 1946 was due to plain
old laissez faire free enterprise, not artificial Keynesian
locomotives. Second, Germany has had two recent devastat-
ing price inflations (1923 and 1946), and both times the Mark
went to zero. Germans know the consequences of inflation
and Keynesian-type stimulation.
In sum, a combination of factors — German refusal to
adopt Keynesian stimulation, the French political scene, and
the collapse in the leading indicators (signaling a depression
in 1979) — has reduced international cooperation and
One can perceive in the background a central reason why
the Trilaterals, essentially the big New York banking powers,
must move ahead with Bancor. . . why they must develop the
so-called Witteveen facility. . . why they must create elastic
international reserves, to be expanded at the push of a
computer key.
The central unstated propellant for global fiat money is
that the international monetary system is on a precarious
merry-go-round: borrow — generate a deficit — be unable to
repay — reschedule — borrow some more. The world debt bal-
loon must be kept inflated If the balloon goes bust, so do the
New York banks (remember Chase receives 78 percent of its
earnings from abroad). If one of the world players decides he's
had enough, if a New York bank says no to Zaire, if Turkey or
anyone of a dozen other LDCs default, the whole pack of
monetary cards will come tumbling down.
Monopolists Plot Their Course

The 1993 Annual Meeting of the Trilateral Commision held

very appropriately in Washington, D.C. on March 27-29
focused on the new Clinton Administration.
Trilateral Secretary of State Warren Christopher spoke to
the group and read a letter from fellow Trilateral, President
Bill Clinton.
However, the most enlightening feature came from the
Chairman's Report (page 75 in the Report) entitled "An
Agenda for Trilateral Leadership." The title itself negates the
propaganda that the Trilateral Commission is a "study
group." This title claims "leadership" and an "agenda," i.e. a
plan. And indeed the speech, presumably expected to be kept
semi-secret, did spell out an agenda for a New World Order
and the need for definite action and planning to bring this
A future order based on sustained cooperation will not
happen without the conscious planning and steering of
political leadership and without a fuller sense among our
citizens of the needs of this new era. ...
Trilaterals are right in believing that citizens are unenthusi-
astic about "the needs of the new era."
The "needs" are largely chosen and exploited by the Tri-
laterals themselves for self interested reasons. Furthermore
Trilaterals have no legal validity. They are not elected. They
are not subject to any citizen review. They apparently can do
what they want without consulting any citizen. No wonder
citizens are uninterested. And if enough read this book (a
most unlikely event) citizens might even start to think that
their sovereignty has been usurped — and start to look for the
rope to hang the perceived creators of contemporary misery.
When GATT and NAFTA reduce even further American
standards of living, citizens will be looking for a scapegoat.
When crime and phony "wars" on drugs, crime, poverty and
everything else evolve into street bloodshed — this author
would not want to be in a Trilateralist's shoes. Nor in those of
an international banker sitting in New York.
Note David Rockefeller, Chairman of Chase Manhattan
Bank is the
founder and North American Chairman as well as
Chairman of the
Executive Committee that selects Trilateral members.

The Trilateral Commission

European Chairman Japanese Chairman North American Chairman
European Deputy Japanese Deputy Chairman North American Deputy
Chairman GEORGE S. FRANKLIN Chairman
European Secretary Japanese Secretary North American Secretary
North American Members
David M. Abshire, Chairman, Georgetown University Center for Strategic
and International Studies
Gardner Ackley, Henry Carter Adams University Professor of Political
Economy, University of Michigan
Graham Allison, Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University
Doris Anderson, President, The Canadian Advisory Council on the
Status of Women; former Editor, Chatelaine Magazine
John B. Anderson, U.S. House of Representatives
J. Paul Austin, Chairman, The Coca-Cola Company
George W. Ball, Senior Partner, Lehman Brothers
Michel Belanger, President, Provincial Bank of Canada
Robert W. Bonner, Q.C., Chairman, British Columbia Hydro
Robert R. Bowie, Harvard Center for International Affairs
John Brademas, U.S. House of Representatives
Andrew Brimmer, President, Brimmer & Company, Inc.
Arthur F. Burns, Distinguished Scholar in Residence, The American
Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; former Chairman of
Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve Board
Philip Caldwell, Vice Chairman and President, Ford Motor Company
Hugh Calkins, Partner, Jones, Day, Reavi's & Pogue
Claude Castonguay, President, Fonds Laurentien; Chairman of the Board,
Imperial Life Assurance Company; former Minister in the Quebec
Sol Chaikin, President, International Ladies Garment Workers Union
William S. Cohen, United States Senate
*William T. Coleman, Jr., Senior Partner, O'Melveny & Myers;
former U.S. Secretary of Transportation
Barber B. Conable, Jr., U.S. House of Representatives
John Cowles, Jr., Chairman, Minneapolis Star & Tribune Co.
John C. Culver, United States Senate

In a previous volume, TRILATERALS OVER WASHINGTON, we

pointed out that a Trilateral objective is to exaggerate and
exacerbate world problems so that Trilateral power to control
and order a new world may be magnified.
We pointed out that such magnified problems appear to be
selected according to the following criteria:
• The problem must be important from a global viewpoint;
• The problem must be one that can be solved by some
degree of Trilateral-Communist cooperation following a
presumed unstated objective to merge the U.S. with a
socialist structure.
• The venture must be one that can be pursued without
undue intrusion into the internal affairs of the
participating states.
An important problem area that fits the criteria for
selective manipulation is that of world food. Food supplies are
inadequate, people need food to live, and the technological
and financial abilities for food production are heavily within
Trilateral countries. As Triangle Paper No. 13 puts it:

Prospects are somewhat more substantial for coopera-

tion in the realm of increasing food production. Produc-
tion increases require both more effective domestic

agricultural policies on the part of developing countries
and enlarged provision of outside capital and technology
to them for agricultural development.

In particular, Triangle Paper 13 claims:

The prospects for cooperation are more promising with
regard to the third objective: the development of ade-
quate food (particularly grain) reserves. A reserve stock
policy that could keep cereal price changes within a less
disruptive range than in the recent past could make a
considerable contribution not only to restraining infla-
tion in the developed and developing worlds, but also to
ensuring that adequate food supplies are available to
developing nations at prices that will not impose an
undue drain on foreign exchange...

In considering Trilateral targets for international food

reserves and world agriculture, we need to consider what the
Trilaterals say they want and compare it to what they really
want. Fascinated by the idea of "food power" and "contrived
shortages," the Trilaterals intend to use food as a weapon to
bring about the New World Order. One stated objective is to
create an "international system of national food reserves" by
massive manipulation of recently acquired political power
against private markets and initiatives. It is proposed, for
• To keep grain prices in a "less disruptive range,"
• Restrain inflation,
• Ensure adequate food reserves for lesser developed
countries (LDCs) and
• Overcome periodic food imbalances.
Trilateral intentions for a world grain storage program are
published by the Trilateral Commission and the Brookings
Institution, headed by Trilateral Commissioner Bruce K.
MacLaury. Other Trilateralists on the Brookings Board of
Trustees include Robert V. Roosa (partner in Brown Brothers,
Harriman), Lucy Wilson Benson, and Gerard C. Smith
(ambassador at large for non-proliferation matters.) In 1976
Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Philip H. Trezise, with
the assistance of former Assistant Secretary of Agriculture
Carroll Brunthaver, published Re Building Grain Reserves:
Toward An International System. Brunthaver had previously
been involved in a conflict of sworn testimony, investigated
by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
(See Report, Russian Grain Transactions, 93rd Congress, 2nd
Session, p. 33). In the Trezise book, the problems for multi-
lateral agreement on grain reserves are considered to be
"formidable." Going ahead is "compelling" because of the
following: upward moves in grain prices have a "pervasive
influence" on all food prices; they mean more worldwide
hunger; and grain stocks can be used in periods of famine.
More specifically, Trezise proposed:
• An initial reserve of sixty million tons of grain, rising to
between seventy-five and eighty million tons by 1981,
• Contributions from all industrial countries, including
Argentina and South Africa,
• A program cost of $6 billion plus $640 million in annual
storage costs,
• That stocks should be "national," bought at 10 percent
above floor prices and sold at 10 percent below ceiling
• That twenty million tons be set aside for famine reserve.
As in most Trilateral writings, Trezise includes only evi-
dence in favor of proposed Trilateral policy. Trilaterals typi-
cally use an ideological procedure of gathering facts and opin-
ion supporting their argument, never allowing a hint of seri-
ous counterargument. Two glaring unstated consequences in
Trezise's book are:
1. Any such massive stockpiling will raise the long-term
price of grain, negating the objective of "restraining
2. The only way to stop the resulting inflation is through
rigid government price controls and regimented farming.
The choice of food products as a means of reducing national
sovereignty is emphasized in the following paragraph:

There are several reasons why commodities are treated
differently than other products that enter into trade.
Probably the most basic reason is that commodity sup-
plies are linked to land, tying them to the concept of
territory, over which nation-states exercise sovereignty.
As a general proposition, the demand for, and the supply
of, most commodities are rather unresponsive to changes
in price over short periods of time, so that quite sharp
fluctuations in price can be generated by fairly modest
changes in overall market conditions. Moreover, the time
required to expand supplies is often lengthy, although
this property varies widely among individual commodi-
ties. Although the value of all commodity consumption
represents no more than about ten percent of annual eco-
nomic activity in industrialized nations, and even
though substitutes exist for any particular commodity,
commodities are sometimes distinguished as "core
The Trilateral elite, through control of the U.S. executive
branch, will be calling the shots on a world basis to reduce
producer control and indirectly national sovereignty. The
amount of political power possessed by world grain producers
can be measured by comparing the area devoted to 1976
wheat production in Trilateral regions:
Thousand Hectares
European Economic Community 11,232
Japan 89
United States 28,700
U.S.S.R. (for comparison) 59,462
This U.S./Trilateral dominance is further reflected in world
export figures of wheat plus flour for 1975-76:
Metric Tons
United States 31,522,000
Canada 12,136,000
Australia 8,072,000
EEC 7,729,000
Argentina 3,111,000
Japan 38,000

If it were possible for other countries to substantially in-
crease their wheat production, the quickest way to do so
would be to raise government price support levels. However,
except for Argentina, the U.S. already has the lowest support
levels among the 30 or so wheat-producing countries in the
world. Thus, one can see how the U.S. has acreage, yield, and
production efficiency all working for it at the bargaining
This discussion of "food power" is not academic — it has
major significance for any grain trader, farmer, firm, or
individual in any way connected with grain products.
The Trilaterals propose international sanctions against any
government, private firm, or producer (in or out of an associ-
ation) that interferes with Trilateral objectives. These sanc-
tions will not be applied in any principled way, but will be
used pragmatically to achieve Trilateral goals. The key to this
plan and associated sanctions is in Triangle Paper 10, "Seek-
ing a New Accommodation in World Commodity Markets."
Therein, the concept of "contrived shortages" is floated. A
contrived shortage is any non-Trilateralist action in the
market place that interferes with Trilateral objectives. For
example, a farmer withholding grain from the market and
waiting for a higher price, is guilty of contrived shortage. The
paper further states that these contrived shortages can be
informal, rather than brought about by a formal association
of producers.
While all offenders are to be subject to effective interna-
tional investigation and action, the penalties are not to be
applied equally. A non-Trilateral developed country such as
Argentina or South Africa will be dealt harsher penalties (i.e.
sanctions) than underdeveloped Zaire or Zambia (phrased
subtly as ". . . in the case of non-industrialized countries,
however, it is necessary to consider this issue from a broader
political perspective").
Consequently, any informal or formal farmers group in the
U.S. protesting price levels — and such protest will be inevi-
table when Trilateral objectives surface — will be subject to
penalties. When can these individual firms and nonfavored

governments anticipate Trilateral hostility? Probably under
the following conditions:
• If they attempt to stabilize or move market prices to non-
Trilateral levels,
• If they respond to market imperfections or undertake any
systematic withholding of supplies from the market,
• If they make any information exchange for these purposes.
Trilaterals are well aware that market fluctuations in agri-
culture are highly sensitive to supply changes, and that
whoever controls the supply controls the market.
In Triangle Paper 14, "Toward a Renovated International
System," two additional and interesting caveats relating to
international grain reserves appear:
1. That the Soviet Union can benefit from fixed prices and
guaranteed sources of supply, and
2. That if the U.S.S.R. doesn't see the wisdom of joining
the Trilateral plan, the Trilaterals will go it alone.
On the other hand, the paper comments:
We have not sought ventures that would exacerbate
Sino-Soviet rivalry. We have thus focussed, for the most
part, on projects that would involve either the USSR or
China, but not both. This does not mean that cooperation
with the Soviet Union and China cannot be pursued
simultaneously — only that it should not focus on the
same projects.
The chances of Soviet or Chinese agreement are, of
course, uncertain; our assessments are tentative, based
on such limited evidence as exists. Only by seeking
cooperation can its feasibility be ascertained
Looking at the period since 1976 when these ideas were
floated, agriculture has been used to promote New World
Order, in some ways not too obvious.
The Soviet Union dictatorship was kept alive for decades
by American wheat sold at below market rates—and butter
and cheese subsidized by the American taxpayer. Further-
more Trilateral writer Philip Trezise was one of the most vocal
Washington policy makers, promoting the downright false

view that the Soviet Union was technically viable — all the
while American grain companies and multinationals were
preparing to exploit the Russian market.
When it came to Somalia however, a minor pawn on the
New World Order scene, some two million Somalis were
allowed to starve before U.S. came to offer help — then the
help was a comic opera military excursion (network TV
cameras were on Somali beaches filming U.S. Marines wading
ashore — presumably the network crews got there first with
dry feet). The Somali fiasco demonstrated that Trilateral
objectives are political, not humanitarian. The humanitarian
is merely an excuse for the military.
And while Trilaterals say they will not "exacerbate Sino-
Soviet rivalry" they most certainly condone Chinese persecu-
tion of dissidents. Every time the Chinese demonstrate bru-
tality towards their own people and the Western world calls
for sanctions, the Trilateral forces urge restraint and caution.
For what reason? Obviously, to protect investments in China.
Crisis Politics in Agriculture

As Trilateral policies are implemented, unrest among farmers

surfaces — mostly in Europe, especially among French and
Belgian farmers but also from time to time in the United
A nationwide farm strike was well underway in mid-1978,
with participating farmers from all areas of agriculture.
Demonstrations like "tractorcades" were common events
covered on national T.V. While some farmers in winter
areas were not sure if they would be planting spring crops,
others were already pressed to the wall with bankruptcy: they
had no choice but to refrain from planting as long as prices
remained relatively low. Once again the banks were in danger
of becoming owners of real estate — farms. Since banks do
not want that responsibility, every effort was made to
support shaky farms and ranches. Recently, the Federal Land
Bank (where most farmers have found an easy and inexpen-
sive source of credit for decades) announced it would not
foreclose on farmers in default. The implications of this are
far-reaching, especially since no one knows just how many
farmers are in serious trouble.
Big changes cannot be implemented only during periods of
crisis. It appears the Trilateralists are pushing for a major
farming crisis in the U.S. within the next year or so, one that
can be manipulated for Trilateral ends. If the farming indus-
try becomes bankrupt, the government's only choice will be
to "institutionalize" the nation's food production in the same
manner that Amtrak was "nationalized." On the other hand,
if the government chooses to let prices rise to the point where
farmers can realize a profit, it will be only with additional and
far-reaching controls over the farmer. Government-induced
prosperity has always resulted in a trade-off: Profits for
The current situation in the U.S. plays directly into Tri-
lateral hands. The grain or "cereal snake" will be a foregone
conclusion when the Trilaterals find themselves caught in the
vise between farmers crying for higher prices and consumers
demanding lower food prices. But, of course, it will have been
a "contrived" crisis in the first place.
How then will a national grain reserve — keyed to the inter-
national grain plan of the Trilateral Commission — affect the
American farmer?
The carrot offered by the Carter administration, under Tri-
lateral control, was stable and "high" prices. Farmers, suffer-
ing from four years of low prices, were eager listeners. Secre-
tary of Agriculture Bergland (a Trilateral nominee) vowed "to
even out the booms and busts" in agriculture. (To this, former
Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz responded, ". . . you'll
notice he's going to even out the boom first.") In practice, the
Carter grain storage program produced the following:
• A narrow grain price snake. The government supported
the floor of the snake, while whipped-up consumer pres-
sure, through a captive media, created a lid on the ceil-
ing of the snake, making an ultimate government price
ceiling inevitable.
• More — and more — government control.
If the government determines quantities produced and

market prices, then ultimately, it will decree who plants what,
and where. Farmers have yet to learn they cannot have tradi-
tional freedoms and security at the same time.
The summer of 1977 was favorable for grain farmers, due to
increased yields and stocks; and then, worried over produc-
tion and low prices, farmers asked for acreage cutbacks. By
August 1977, Secretary of Treasury Blumenthal and Secre-
tary of State Vance wanted no cutbacks: they argued in-
creased production was needed for the storage program. It is
not clear if this was a dispute between Trilateralists and non-
Trilateralists in the cabinet, but it is not likely. Former
Minnesota Congressman Bergland is not a Trilateral member,
but he was sponsored by Vice President Walter Mondale —
and Bergland has a longtime image to maintain of being "the
farmer's friend."
President Carter made a contradictory decision by calling
for Congress to legislate a 20 percent acreage cutback plus
adding 30 to 35 million tons of grain for the national stockpile.
By 1994 the grassroots reaction by farmers could be iden-
tified but had not reached crisis proportions.
Finally American trade unions at the local level sensed they
were being betrayed at the national level. In the days of
Samuel Gompers and George Meany, American workers were
represented with honesty in their struggle with management.
The coming of Trilateralism changed that and it took many
years for the unions to recognize they had been sold out. Lane
Kirkland, boss of the AFL-CIO, was a long time Trilateral
member (not in 1993). His place was taken on the Commission
by Glen E. Watts, former President of the Communications
Workers of America, and Albert Shanker, President of the
American Federation of Teachers.
A remarkable article, "DDT in the Baby Food — and other
threats posed by GATT" appeared in the San Francisco
Examiner (February 2, 1994) by Jay Hopkins, a writer on
labor affairs. Remarkable, because the article not only
reflected labor's sense of betrayal, but that it appeared in a
major city newspaper.
Here's a couple of quotes from Hopkins: "U.S. workers are

being told by their own governing elite that they must
compete in the world market against the poor masses in the
Third World."
The article points out that recent GATT sessions received
delegations from "major corporations like DuPont, Mon-
santo, and Cargill, alongside U.S. government officials. There
were virtually no representatives from small businesses,
farms, churches, unions, environmental groups. Obviously
the economic interests of multinational corporations
including those based in the United States are frequently at
odds with the welfare of average Americans."
Hopkins stated bluntly, "should the US Government
defend American sovereignty, jobs and economic indepen-
dence?" or "throw American workers and consumers into a
downward spiraling global competition with nations that
have nowhere near our quality of life?"
What is happening in many industries and certainly in agri-
culture and food processing, is that the American standard of
living is being pulled down deliberately by the Trilateral
Whether enough American workers, who are notoriously
sparse readers, will read these words and spread the message
is unlikely. In all probability, we shall see the old time high
standard of living of the American worker go by the wayside.
The unions should be watching out for their members, but
union leaders are too interested in the trappings of power.
Why American Federation of Teachers, Communications
Workers of America, and International Ladies Garment
Workers Union would want to be represented on the
Trilateral Commission can only be explained in terms of the
limited vision and self-advancing greed of union leaders. We
cannot imagine that Samuel Gompers or George Meany
would give the Trilateral Commission even the time of day.

Trilateral Agriculture Under Clinton

By the early 1990s Trilateral policies had further reduced the

small family farmer and magnified the global power of large

multi-national agricultural corporations.
We find these global food firms heavily represented on the
Trilateral Commission:
DWAYNE O. ANDREAS, Chairman of the Board and Chief Exe-
cutive Officer of Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, a global
agricultural giant, which has featured a joint merged
U.S.A.-Soviet Union in its Russian advertising.
The formerly cited ROBERT MCNAMARA and JESSICA
EINHORM of the World Bank, heavily involved in development
of global agriculture.
WHITNEY MACMILLAN, Chairman of the Board and CEO of
Cargill Inc., the largest grain operators in the world.
With the passage of NAFTA, where Clinton placed his total
effort and prestige on the line, the doors were opened for U.S.
global control of agriculture. The American consumer will not
find lower prices but will see lower quality products in many
cases (for example, in imported meat) and a loss of jobs in
labor-intensive agricultural and food processing operations.
Canning and meat processing plants are closing by the score
in the United States and their operations moved overseas to
lower wage costs.
The original objective of world "cooperation" in agriculture
stated in Triangle Paper No. 13 had been heavily imple-
mented by 1994. However, the impact on American jobs can
only be generally estimated because so much low-paying
labor in the U.S. has come from illegal immigrants.
Within another 20 years we project that all global agricul-
ture and food processing will be under control of the interna-
tional giants. This will give Trilaterals the power to create
abundance or famine at will.


Oddly, while there are Trilateralist papers on almost every

major policy issue, there are none at all on taxation. After
some research, we discovered a possible reason for the silence.
Taxation is not a pressing problem for Trilateralists; it is only
a pressing problem for you and me. Research unearthed an
interesting paradox: Trilaterals emphatically favor more
taxes for the common man, but do very well avoiding taxation
for themselves and their corporate vehicles.
When we were able to identify Trilateral public statements
on Proposition 13, for example, they were not unexpectedly
strongly against reducing California property taxes. For
• Bank of America (Trilaterals Clawson and Wood were
directors) contributed $25,000 to defeat Jarvis-Gann
(Proposition 13).
• Governor Thompson of Illinois, who is making appropri-
ate presidential noises, rejected a similar tax reduction
program in Illinois.
• Carter said Proposition 13 is an "aberration" that will not
sweep the country.
• The Los Angeles Times (a director is Commissioner
Harold Brown) was described by Jarvis himself as "the
vindictive paranoiac, schizophrenic Los Angeles Times"
for the vitriolic nature of its opposition to 13.
In sum, Trilateral put their weight against Jarvis-Gann
and tax reduction.
Trilateral opposition to tax reduction most emphatically
did not apply to their own taxes nor to those of their corporate
affiliations. Trilateral multinationals have successfully
avoided paying taxes in the United States and have made
some headway in tax avoidance in England and possibly
The United States picture was publicized by Congressman
Charles A. Vanik (on 26 January 1978) after a congressional
study of the taxes paid by major multinational corporations.
Reported Congressman Vanik:
This study, covering tax year 1976, examines 168 com-
panies. These include 108 industrial, 7 mining, 8 airline,
9 railroad, 5 trucking, 13 utility, 8 retailing, and 10
commercial bank companies. Because a few did not
furnish data adequate for computation, some categories
of taxes or rates could not be computed
Where sufficient data made computations possible, the
average effective U.S. tax rate on worldwide income of
the corporations was approximately 13.04 percent, down
significantly from the 21.3 percent rate in tax year 1975.
In order to qualify for a tax rate this low, an average
family of four could only have earned $20,000. The
companies listed in this study had a pretax income of
more than $38.7 billion.
The figures show that 17 companies paid nothing in
effective Federal income taxes in tax year 1976 — 6 more
than tax year 1975 — despite combined total worldwide
net incomes of more than $2,594,060,000 — table 1. The 17
companies accumulated tax credits of more than $375
million. In some cases, however, companies paid no
taxes because they sustained net losses. In other cases,
some companies will claim to have "paid''Federal taxes,
but their credits exceed taxes, resulting in no effective
payment and an effective tax rate of zero.—

Included in this tax avoidance group of multinationals we

find numerous corporations with Trilateral connections.
Having assumed the burden of deciding the future for
American society and the New World Order, one would at
least expect that Trilaterals pay their full share of the costs.
We therefore examined the Vanik study from the viewpoint
of identifying the taxes paid by multinationals represented in
the Trilateral Commission by company directors.
The lowest income tax bracket for an individual U.S. tax-
payer is 14 percent. On the other hand, Chase Manhattan,
Continental Illinois, and First Chicago, the power houses
behind Trilateralism, all pay far lower rates. In fact, Chase
Manhattan Bank paid no U.S. taxes at all in 1976.
On the one hand, David Rockefeller (chairman of Chase and
the largest individual shareholder in Chase,) wants to decide
the future of American society and the world; on the other
hand, his bank is totally unwilling to make a contribution to
the new American society and a New World Order.
Given these facts, we have every right to be skeptical about
announced Trilateral intentions and objectives. We have
every right to assume that the Trilateral Commission may be
a gigantic rip-off on American society.
Unfortunately no study of multinational taxation rates has
been made by Congress since 1978, the Vanik study was the
last comprehensive study which revealed the low rates paid
by multinationals. However, we believe that the rates paid in
the late 1970s and included here have not changed dramati-
cally in the last decade.
As we all know, personal income tax rates are much higher
than the rates paid by the tax-avoiding multinationals. In the
U.S. the starting individual tax rate is 14 percent and the
highest rate is 70 percent. In Canada, the rate starts at 17
percent and ranges to 43 percent. Other European countries
have even higher rates up to a confiscatory 98 percent in
Britain. If you are a Trilaterally-connected international
bank, your effective rate in 1976 was much lower than the
lowest individual bracket. In order of their success in
avoiding taxes, Trilateralist banks rank as follows:

Bank U.S. Taxes
in 1976
Chase Manhattan 0.0%
Manufacturers Hanover 3.8%
First Chicago 6.3%
Continental Illinois 10.5%
Bank of America 14.9%
This success in avoiding U.S. taxation is carried abroad by
these same multinationals. Take, for example, a report in the
London Economist (14 January 1978) from the British view-
point, under the scathing headline:
"No Tax Please, We're Banks"
American and other foreign banks in London could end
up paying little or no British tax if their huge claims for
relief which are now being examined by the Inland
Revenue are accepted Even the British clearing banks
could have their tax bills dramatically reduced
... the MNC is also a source of concern to some govern-
ments, since from its wide base it is often able to circum-
vent national monetary, fiscal, and exchange policies.
The possibility of distortions arising from intracorporate
pricing practices to take advantage of national varia-
tions in tax laws has also been cited with concern.
A check of multinational corporations and their 1976 U.S.
tax rates on world income turns up some multinationals that
did pay significantly high U.S. tax rates.
U.S. Taxes
Company in 1976
Getty Oil 21.14%
R. J. Reynolds Ind. 41.0 %
Greyhound 46.8 %
Textron 40.1 %
Generally, however, those MNCs with Trilateral connec-
tions appear to pay significantly lower rates. This is only an
approximation. It could be a spurious correlation, but there is
sufficient evidence to warrant a closer look.
1976 tax
Company Paid
EXXON (controlled by Rockefeller interests) 8.0%
(Rockefeller and Packard) 17.1%
EASTERN AIRLINES (controlled by Rockefeller 0.0%
interests) (now defunct)
ARCO (Ingersoll) 11.4%
one-time friend of Lenin, was chairman of
the board of Occidental In 1919 Julius
Hammer, father of Armand, was secretary
of the Communist Party U.S.A. Hammer
has been probably the most active western
capitalist in building the military power of
the Soviet Union.)
GULF OIL (Gulf provides almost $1 billion a 7.0%
year in oil concession revenues to the
Marxist Neto regime. Gulf's Cabinda oil
wells were protected by Cuban troops, thus
releasing Angolans to support the SWAPO
forces invading South-West Africa.
We can push this argument a little further. Trilateralists in
government are protecting fellow capitalists from taxation.
A recent report by the House Government Operations
Committee disclosed the following:
• IRS decisions on some multinational oil firms have cost
the U.S. Treasury over $7 billion since 1974. "By the early
1970s, multinational petroleum companies were operat-
ing abroad under a set of factual and legal circumstances
completely at variance with those upon which the previ-
ous foreign tax credit rulings were based."
• IRS failed to audit oil company returns or require them to
provide supporting information for their expense claims
(Presumably audits are only for individual taxpayers.)
• These favorable actions stemmed from "interference" by
then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (Trilateral).

• More recent "improper interference" for the same purpose
came from Secretary of Treasury Blumenthal (Trilateral).
The committee did not cite the U.S. oil companies involved,
except to note that they operate in Saudi Arabia, Libya, and
Indonesia. Aramco alone was named in one place: this com-
pany is linked with Exxon and Chase Manhattan interests.
In brief, a House committee has charged Trilateralists
Henry Kissinger and Michael Blumenthal with "improper
interference" with IRS to obtain benefits for certain
companies. Even further,
In September 1977, at the very time that the subcom-
mittee discovered and criticized a suggestion made by a
Treasury official a year earlier to have IRS and Treasury
officials "cooperate" in secret dealings with Indonesia
and oil companies therein regarding foreign tax credits (a
suggestion which was also admonished as being impro-
per by other Treasury officials), the new International
Affairs officials were recommending similar actions.
Another example follows for those readers who have read
my Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and who may
remember that in 1918, the leading Wall Street law firm sup-
porting the infant Bolshevik regime in Russia was Simpson,
Thacher and Bartlett of New York. As one indication of then-
support, partner Thomas D. Thacher wrote a report which
became decisive in gaining British cabinet support for the
Bolsheviks. Also Thomas Lamont, Dwight Morrow, and H. P.
Davison were closely involved in developing policy towards
the Bolsheviks: all were partners in the J. P. Morgan firm.
While in London on 13 April 1918, Thomas D. Thacher, a
member of the American Red Cross Mission to Russia, wrote
to the American ambassador in London that he had received a
request from H. P. Davison, a Morgan partner, "to confer
with Lord Northcliffe" concerning the situation in Russia and
then to go on to Paris "for other conferences." Lord North-
cliffe was ill, and Thacher left a memorandum to be submitted
to Northcliffe on his return to London with yet another
Morgan partner, Dwight W. Morrow. This memorandum not
only made explicit suggestions about Russian policy that
supported the pro-Bolshevik position of William Boyce
Thompson (director of Chase, now Chase Manhattan, Bank),
but even stated that "the fullest assistance should be given to
the Soviet government in its efforts to organize a volunteer
revolutionary army."
The first three proposals in Thacher's report follow:
First of all... the Allies should discourage Japanese
intervention in Siberia.
In the second place, the fullest assistance should be
given to the Soviet Government in its efforts to organize
a volunteer revolutionary army.
Thirdly, the Allied Governments should give their
moral support to the Russian people in their efforts to
work out their own political system free from the domi-
nation of any foreign power. . .
Was Wall Street attorney Thacher a capitalist enemy of the
Bolsheviks? Of course not. Thacher was right in there, help-
ing the revolution, as part of the "breakaway ruling class,"
along with capitalists from J. P. Morgan and Chase Bank.
Similar aid for Marxist revolution came in South Africa and
Red China. And who was U.S. Secretary of State in charge of
facilitating this aid? Cyrus D. Vance, who before his appoint-
ment as Secretary of State was also a partner in Simpson,
Thacher and Bartlett.
Senator Clifford P. Case was a member of the firm of Simp-
son, Thacher and Bartlett from 1928 to 1953, when he
became president of the Fund for the Republic, the founda-
tion that funded the study for a "new constitution" so
desired by the elite.
Yet another memorandum from William Boyce Thompson
(director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and
Chase Bank) to Lloyd George (prime minister of Great
Britain) in December 1917, supported the Bolsheviks and
admitted in part:
About the overthrow of the last Kerensky government
we materially aided the dissemination of the Bolshevik
literature, distributing it through agents and by aero-
planes to the German army. If the suggestion is permis-
sible, it might be well to consider whether it would not be
desirable to have this same Bolshevik literature sent into
Germany and Austria across the West and Italian fronts.
Does this sound as if Wall Street and the Bolsheviks were
enemies? Or allies?
Another excellent example of the capitalist-communist alli-
ance is Gulf Oil in Angola, the financial backer of the Neto
government, while Cuban troops protect Gulf's Cabinda pro-
duction facilities.
And how about Armand Hammer, chairman of Occidental
Petroleum? In the Russian edition of Lenin's Collected
Works, you will find several letters from Lenin to Hammer
addressed affectionately as "Dear Comrade." Capitalists, the
big enemy of communists? Nonsense. They work hand-in-
glove to rule the world.
And in 1994 inside history is not too much different to
It has not gone unnoticed that politicians make election
promises that are abandoned when they enter office.
President Bill Clinton, a Trilateralist, is a prime example.
Election promises to reduce bureaucracy, to protect indivi-
dual privacy, to reduce the power of the elite and lobbyists
and similar populist scenarios have all been abandoned.
And a series of declassified FBI documents illustrates the
behind-the-scenes origins of many Clinton appointments.
They are evenly divided between associates and supporters of
the Institute for Policy Studies, a pro-Marxist think tank, and
multinational professional lobbyists. The co-directors of the
transition team were both Trilaterals: Warren Christopher
and Vernon Jordan; and both were big time lobbyists. Then
came a series of appointments reflecting Marxist-leaning
Washington think tank persons (mostly from the Institute
for Policy Studies, i.e. Anthony Lake, Leon Panetta, Morton
Halperin) and/or big time lobbyists (Ron Brown, Warren
Christopher), and revolving door insiders (Winston Lord,
David Gergen, Bruce Babbitt).
The only truly non-Washington appointment is Attorney
General Reno, who has proven herself adept at squashing
investigations and actions that might embarrass the
Administration — BCCI, Brown bribe investigation,
Whitewater affair, Waco. . .
The key to understanding world events is to look at the
world in terms of a Marxist Ruling-Class Alliance. Then,
seemingly inconsistent actions and events make sense:
• The elite subsidizes Marxist regimes: they are not
• The elite abandons free enterprise allies: it wants
• The elite presses for more individual taxation, that is, the
Marxist "graduated income tax."
• The elite reduces its own taxation in the same way that
the Moscow elite lived it up in Soviet Russia at the
expense of the Russian working class.
The textbook modern history is illusory because it is based
on a mythical capitalist-versus-communist struggle.
Thus, when we are asked to believe that Trilateral
ambitions are morally justified to build a New World Order
devoted to the peace and welfare of mankind, two points
strike us: (a) this end does not coincide with other interpreta-
tions of Trilateral motivations and actions, and (b) the means
adopted appear authoritarian and suggest that the ends may
also be authoritarian.
What are some of the practical lessons we can learn from
this alliance?
• If you, an average American-in-the-street voter, recall the
history of both Democrats and Republicans, can you think of
one instance where either party kept a promise? 'Very few!
• Our argument is that if you are a small- or medium-sized
businessman or independent professional, then you are tar-
geted for elimination. Does this coincide with your personal
experience over your own working lifetime?
• If you are a socialist, then stop deluding yourself. You are
working hand-in-hand with the elitists you proclaim to
• If you are interested in tax reform, then consider that the
only acceptable tax reform is complete repeal of the Sixteenth
To emphasize the discriminatory approach of the Carter
administration on tax matters, we can do no better than
quote the congressional testimony of Philip E. Vision,
supervisory revenue officer in the Chicago District Office of
IRS, who in 1976 blew a small whistle on IRS procedures
before the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on
Ways and Means. Congressman Jones asked Vision about
differing treatment of rich and poor taxpayers:
Is there pressure to seize a small business or a poor
taxpayer's property in order to close the case, and pressure
to perhaps settle quickly with a rich taxpayer who has
plenty of accounting and legal ability to drag things out?
To which IRS official Vision replied:
In all candor, Congressman, I must say this: You will
find those branches or groups that are involved in the
inner city of Chicago, the low income, the closures are
highest because there is really no problem. It requires no
technical skills or knowledge to prepare a levy upon the
employer of an employee who is getting take-home pay of
about $80. We can go in, serve the levy, and take the
entire $80.
Certainly a taxpayer who is earning $80 could hardly
be expected to employ an expensive attorney or CPA.
Usually when he comes in, in response to the levy, it is
with tears in his eyes because he allocated that $80 to the
gas or electric company and because IRS took that
money, his electric and gas will be shut off and also part
of that money was intended to feed his family. This is a
common practice.
I am sorry to report that, but if you would look at the
closures in the poor areas of Chicago, the depressed
areas, you would find that the closures of the small dollar

TDA's are overwhelmingly larger than they are in the
affluent suburbs of Deerfield where I live.
To fully understand the implications of a viciously gradu-
ated income tax system aimed at the small/medium American
businessman and the broad middle class and to understand as
well the role of the multinationals and the international
bankers who make up the power elite behind the Trilateral
Commission, we need to go back to 1847 and the Communist
Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Of the Communist revolution, Marx and Engels wrote:
In the first instance, this can only be affected by
despotic inroads upon the rights of property and by
despotic interference with bourgeois methods of produc-
tion; that is to say by measures which seem economically
inadequate and untenable, but have far-reaching effects,
and are necessary as means for revolutionizing the whole
system of production.
In brief, elimination of property owners and small- and
medium-sized businessmen ("Bourgeois methods of produc-
tion") outside the orbit of the multinationals and interna-
tional banks is an essential prerequisite to socialism.
Then Marx and Engels outline the famous ten "measures"
for achieving revolution in the advanced countries to bring
about socialism.
These measures are described by Marx and Engels as
In the most advanced countries they willy generally
speaking, take the following forms:
1. Expropriation of landed property, and the use of
landrents to defray State expenditure.
2. A vigorously graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of the right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigres and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by
means of a national bank with State capital and an exclu-
sive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of transport in the hands
of the State.
7. Increase of national factories and means of produc-
tion, cultivation of uncultivated land, and improvement
of cultivated land in accordance with a general plan.
8. Universal and equal obligation to work; organization
of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Agriculture and urban industry to work hand-in-
hand, in such a way as, by degrees, to obliterate the dis-
tinction between town and country.
10. Public and free education of all children. Abolition of
factory work for children in its present form. Education
and material production to be combined

Notably, there is a parallel between Marx and Trilateral

propositions: centralization of credit in IMF and the Federal
Reserve System parallels Marx's measure 5. AMTRAK, fed-
eral funding of rapid transit, and persistent efforts to cut
down on use of individual automobiles parallels Marx's
measure 6. Finally, our Sixteenth Amendment to the Consti-
tution, the "income tax amendment," is none other than the
"vigorously graduated income tax" proposed by Marx in the
Manifesto. What has this to do with Trilateral multinational
avoidance of taxation? Plenty, as it turns out.
It is interesting to reread Karl Marx's Manifesto in the
light of the alliance between Wall Street multinationals and
the Communist imperialists. Marxists, especially, should
reread Marx. The enemy of Marxist totalitarianism is not the
capitalist but rather the "Bourgeoisie," the middle class.
Marx sees the bourgeoisie as the source of all that is evil, yet
he does not include all the ruling establishment in those
designated for elimination. To the contrary, when the class
war is about to be fought to a finish, Karl Marx envisaged a
curious event: "a small part of the ruling class breaks away to
make common cause with the revolutionary class, the class
which holds the future in its hands."
In sum, Marx envisaged a coalition of ruling interests of the
revolutionary Marxists and a segment of the ruling class.
This is precisely what history has recorded in the hundred or
so years since the Manifesto was published. One of the most
significant forces in modern world development has been the
assistance from a relatively small yet powerful part of the
ruling Western establishment to the Soviet Union channeled
through such influential organizations as the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) and today the Trilateral Commis-
sion. In Marx's terms, are not Cyrus Eaton, Armand
Hammer, David Rockefeller, and the Trilateral Commission
ruling class breakaways? Have not Marxists and the "break-
away ruling class capitalists" joined hands to eliminate the
American middle class? Unfortunately, academic analysts are
blind to the implications of the alliance: they read Marx with
preconceptions. So let's present some evidence.
In 1976, the Marxist government of Angola reorganized
Diamang, its diamond-producing monopoly. The Neto Marx-
ist government will own 60.8 percent, and the balance will be
owned by the former foreign corporate owners. It will be a
mixed company. But which former owners will be expropri-
ated to make way for the new Marxist shareholders? Not the
big greedy capitalists we hear so much about in socialist
literature, but, in the words of the Neto government, "a large
number of small shareholders." The major "foreign com-
panies," the large multinationals, that is, the ruling
capitalists, will not be affected by the takeover. In other
words, the ruling class joins hands with Marxist revolution-
aries against the small bourgeois owners.


Trilaterals have a fondness for declaring "war" on world prob-

lems. We have a "war on cancer," a "war on crime," a "war on
drugs," a "war on AIDS" and so on.
What we find within these "wars" are policies designed to
advance Trilateral world objectives. Peace and individual
freedom are certainly not the objectives, nor in many cases do
we identify any contribution to human welfare.
In this chapter we consider (a) the "war on AIDS" and
(b) the "war on drugs." In each case we unearth a story very
different from the establishment media official line intended
for public consumption.


According to Dr. Robert Gallo and other establishment AIDS
researchers, this deadly disease with the capability to wipe
out the world originated with a little green monkey in Africa
who bit a native with disastrous results. Believe it or not,
establishment scientists either push this absurd, unproven
argument or dismiss origins as irrelevant.
There is another argument, backed by hard evidence and
reflected in five books by respected medical doctors. Briefly,
this argument is that AIDS is a man-made disease developed
by the U.S. Army as part of a biological warfare program,
funded by Congress and released by elitist fanatics to elimin-
ate specific segments of the world's population.
Horrific as genocide by global fanatics may appear, there is
more evidence for this interpretation than for the little green
monkey theory.
Even more horrendous, this argument takes us right to Tri-
lateralist Robert S. McNamara, former Secretary of State and
Chairman of the World Bank. It was McNamara who ap-
proved funding for development of an artificial AIDS virus
later funded by Congress.
Here's the story based on the research of these five doctors
which we supplemented with our own research for documen-
tary evidence.
We previously published our assessment in THE PHOENIX
LETTER edited by this author in November 1992 and Decem-
ber 1993.1 We reprint the following from the December 1993
issue. Further documentation may be found in the November
1992 issue.
Fort Detrich Biological Programs In The '60s

Fort Detrich in Maryland is the U.S. biological warfare

base. Originally called U.S. Army Biological Labora-
tories it is now labeled U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).
The Army maintains a Special Operations Division
(SOD) on the Fort Detrich base with a formal operating
agreement with CIA (memorandum signed in May 1952).
Both CIA and Army have covered their tracks well but
some original documents survive to outline a horrific
In the early '60s U.S. Army SOD personnel used speci-
ally designed suitcases to spray unsuspecting American
civilians with bacillus subtilis at the Greyhound Bus
Terminals in Washington, Chicago and San Francisco.

Available from THE PHOENIX LETTER, Suite 216C, 1517 14th Street West,
Billings, MT 59102; $87 for one year. THE PHOENIX LETTER, now in its 12th
year, is a report on abuse of power.

Similar operations were conducted at airports in Wash-
ington D.C., New York, Boston and Los Angeles. The
number of one way tickets sold at time of release was
used to estimate distribution of the bacterial agents.
(Bacillus subtilis can be bought at biological supply
houses. It is not listed as a pathogen, but can cause res-
piratory infections, blood poisoning and food poisoning.)
According to declassified Army documents the Grey-
hound terminals in San Francisco and Chicago were the
location for "six operatives to launch covert attacks"
spread over 7 days. Specially designed suitcases sprayed
bacteria into crowded terminals for maximum exposure.
Photographs were taken and other Army personnel
"covertly collected air samples in close proximity to the
passengers" to determine if the civilians had been
infected (See photographs.)
Later tests were repeated with smallpox agents, grown
in large quantities and converted to a lethal powder for
spraying. Senate investigation in 1975 revealed close
cooperation between SOD and CIA:
"CIA associaiton with Fort Detrich involved the Spe-
cial Operations Division (SOD) of that facility. This
division was responsible for developing special applica-
tions for biological warfare agents and toxins. Its prin-
cipal customer was the U.S. Army. Its concern was with
the development of both suitable agents and delivery
mechanisms for use in paramilitary situations. Both
standard biological warfare agents and biologically
derived toxins were investigated by the division."
The Senate Committee found the CIA had covered its
tracks to conceal this unconstitutional activity from the
American public. The Senate Committee stated, "Al-
though some CIA originated documents have been
found in the project files it is clear that only a very
limited documentation of activities took place."
An extract from a U.S. Army report details why small-
pox was selected as the "agent of choice." Its
"attractive" features are listed as:

1. Smallpox is highly infectious with close contact It
spreads readily from an infected person to susceptible
2. A long incubation period of relatively constant dura-
tion permits the operatives responsible to leave the
country before the first case is diagnosed
3. The duration of illness for those who recover is
relatively long.
Although the Federal Government claims that the
1972 treaty banning biological weapons stopped further
use of Fort Detrich we know that the U.S. Army applied
for $1.4 million appropriation to EXPAND germ warfare
testing ability in the early 1980s. Senator James Sasser
objected and it is unlikely that the appropriation went
through. It could have been handled on the "black
The Originator of AIDS
In July 1969 Dr. MacArthur, Director of the U.S. Army
Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) appeared
before Congress (the Appropriations Committee of the
House) and stated: "within a period of 5-10 years it would
be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an
agent that does not naturally exist and for which no
natural immunity could have been acquired.
This synthetic agent is AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency syndrome virus or HIV-1). ARPA requested
$10 million to develop AIDS, 10 years before the virus
was identified in the field
Dr. MacArthur added, "It is a highly controversial
issue and there are many who believe such research
should not be undertaken lest it lead to another method
of massive killing of large populations."
From 1961 to 1968 while this artificial biological agent
was under discussion in the Pentagon, Trilateral Robert
McNamara was Secretary of Defense. Clark Clifford (of
BCCI notoriety) took over as Secretary in 1969.
(Emphasis added.)

On October 2, 1970, just 15 months after Dr.
MacArthur requested an appropriation for AIDS devel-
opment, Robert McNamara, now World Bank President,
made a speech to international bankers in which he
identified population growth as "the gravest issue that
the world faces over the years ahead."
In his speech to the bankers, McNamara argued that
population growth was leading to instability, that a 10
billion world population would not be "controllable."
Said McNamara, "It is not a world that any of us
would want to live in. Is such a world inevitable? It is not
sure but there are two possible ways by which a world of
10 billion people can be averted Either the current birth
rates must come down more quickly or the current death
rates must go up. There is no other way."
In brief, Robert McNamara was in the final decision-
making role for development of AIDS at the very time he
was contemplating the idea that "world death rates must
go up." This is more than coincidence.
Our conclusion is that Trilateralist Robert McNamara
knowingly encouraged development of AIDS as a means
to reduce the world's population. It is difficult to arrive
at any other conclusion,
Soviet Union Charges Pentagon
With AIDS Development

This information became known to the Soviets and in

October 1985 the Soviet Union mounted a worldwide
propaganda campaign, AIDS had been manufactured at
Fort Detrich, Maryland by the Pentagon, The initial
information was planted in a Soviet-backed newspaper in
India and then surfaced in more than 30 media sources
worldwide. The report was backed by an East German
report by Professor Jacob Segal of Humbolt University,
East Berlin. Segal argued that the AIDS virus is "the
product of an abortive experiment carried out at a
laboratory to develop biological warfare means."
This Soviet propaganda campaign was discounted in
the West (this editor included). It was beyond the realm
of rationality that the U.S. would develop a killer agent
such as AIDS. Professor Segal appears to hold the view
that it was "accidental," i.e. an "abortive experiment."
This position we also held for a while, until the
McNamara speech of October 1970 surfaced.
In any event, in the late 80's the U.S. State Depart-
ment ran a rebuttal campaign to the Soviet charges.
However, State was unaware that the Congress had
published Dr. MacArthur's requests and statements so
the rebuttal fell flat on its face. The State Department, for
example, claims the U.S. Army had never used Fort
Detrich as a biological warfare base. This is just not true.
Further, State apparently had no knowledge of the
McNamara contemplation of raising death rates by

1. CIA-U.S. Army undertook field tests with bacillus

subtilis and smallpox against American civilians.
2. There is no question that the Army received funds
from Congress for AIDS development and this was prob-
ably undertaken at Fort Detrich.
The AIDS release could have been accidental but we
discount this for several reasons. Initial cases came from
Africa and Haiti, not the United States. Second, Robert
McNamara had simultaneously called for increase in
world death rates. This suggests a deliberate policy of
controlled release of the AIDS virus.
3. The Soviets obtained the information and used it for
a propaganda campaign. The State Department rebuttal
was ineffective because State had no idea how much
information had already been made public.

Extract from House of Representatives Department of
Defense Appropriations for 1970 Hearings Part 5, 1969

129 - Tuesday, July 1,1969

There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to men-
tion. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a
field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that
within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic
biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no
natural immunity could have been acquired.
MR. SIKES. Are we doing any work in that field?
DR. MACARTHUR. We are not.
MR. SIKES. Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest?
DR. MACARTHUR. Certainly not lack of interest.
MR. SIKES. Would you provide for our records information on what
would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be, the
time and the cost involved?
DR. MACARTHUR. We will be very happy to.
(The information follows:)
The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to
investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group
of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations:
1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives of naturally
occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are
easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive
2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new
infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any
known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be
refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend
to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.
3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in ap-
proximately 6 years at a total cost of $10 million.
4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biology is a
relatively new science. There are not many highly competent scientists in the field.
Almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately sup-
ported from sources other than DOD. However, it was considered possible to initi-
ate an adequate program through the National Academy of Sciences - National
Research Council (NAS-NRC).
The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were made to
initiate the program. However, decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism of the CB
program, and our reluctance to involve the NAS-NRC in such a controversial
endeavor have led us to postpone it for the past 2 years.
It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research
should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of
large populations. On the other hand, without the sure scientific knowledge that
such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of the ways it could be done, there
is little that can be done to devise defensive measures. Should an enemy develop it
there is little doubt that this is an important area of potential military technological
inferiority in which there is no adequate research program.

Reprinted from a cartoon by Steve Benson in the Thursday,
January 6, 1994 edition of the Arizona Republic.

Pravda: October 31, 1986
"The AIDS virus, a terrible disease with no cure was, accord-
ing to western researchers, created in Pentagon laboratories."

(At Bottom) "Pentagon SPIDtsialist" (In Russian, a play on

the words "SPID" and "specialist.")
For more information see:
(1) Lorraine Day, M.D., AIDS: What the Government Isn't
Telling You, Rockford Press, P.O. Box 952, Rancho Mirage,
CA 92270; $26.
(2) Alan CantweD, M.D., Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Geno-
cide Plot, Aries Rising Press, P.O. Box 29532, Los Angeles,
CA 90029; $15.50. Dr. Cantwell is a gay dermatologist and
can hardly be accused of anti-gay writing.
(3) Stanley Monteith, M.D., AIDS: The Unnecessary Epi-
demic, $18 from AIDS Book, 618 Frederick Street, Santa
Cruz, CA 95062.


The war on drugs is a farce. The "war" has had no effect on

the supply of drugs, has not reduced demand for drugs, but
has definitely been used to fund covert programs not author-
ized by Congress and to line individual official pockets.
Under the Bush and Clinton administrations, the national
"war on drugs" is a shoot-from-the-hip stumbling failure and
a waste of taxpayer funds. This is not only a personal conclu-
sion, it is a conclusion reached by police chiefs, medical
researchers, sociologists, psychologists, syndicated column-
ists and even by politicians. One can be excused if the conclu-
sion is reached that the "war" is designed to fail
What went wrong?
• No one in any administration bothered to identify the
problem in a realistic manner. . . each administration reacted
in panic from a public outcry, unthinking and too late.
• The drug abuse problem involves perhaps 20 million Ame-
ricans. Tsar Bennett wanted to build prisons to accommodate
these 20 million errant citizens. . .but without facilities for
cures. Additionally Bennett proposed gun control, curtailing
civil rights and foster homes for children of abusers.
• Two-thirds of the drug fighting budget is spent on mili-
tary excursions... in Latin America and Colombia. . . also in
Humboldt County, California, where for the first time
possibly since the Civil War American troops have been used
against Americans.
• Of every ten aircraft intercepted, only one is a drug
runner. . . the other nine are innocents.
• A war of words is fought with incomplete, sometimes
false, research information.
• The end result of the Bush-Clinton war has been more
violence, more homicides, an increase in drug use. . . and of
course an increase in headline-catching drug busts.
Some capsule comments:
Washington D.C. Police Chief Isaac Fulwood: "Bennett
spends his time talking, not doing anything. Bennett's ap-
proach is absolutely wrong. I don't even know if he has an
Washington D.C. Police Executive Research Forum (a
think tank reflecting major city police chiefs): "A clear need
exists to expand and intensify the inquiry into both the medi-
cal aspects of drug abuse and the efficacy of our current
If we had space we could print scores of critical comments
from the medical side. Here's a couple of typical comments:
Medical drug specialists are caustic in their criticism of on-
going programs. Says Dr. Lester Grinspoon of Harvard Medi-
cal School: "These ads (anti-drug ads) are totally irresponsible
and they're scaring kids. When kids realize they've been had
and not been told the truth, they'll backfire."
The general assessment is that the program is a failure: Sta-
tistician Susan Nissenbaum (California Department of Drug
and Alcohol Programs), "The general consensus is that we're
beginning to see an increase in the heroin problem."
The latest medical research suggests that certain brain
irregularities make some people much quicker to become
addicted than others. . . and much harder to cure. Extensive
well-controlled research suggests that some addicts take
drugs to repair a defective brain chemistry, that persons
subject to depression, anger, restlessness find the first dose of
the drug immensely reinforcing, i.e. they are biologically pre-

disposed to a specific drug. Reports Ralph Tarter, a psycholo-
gist at the Western Psychiatric Institute in Pittsburgh, many
recovering drug abusers "tell me the moment I took my first
drug I felt normal for the first time."
The New York Times (June 26, 1990) had an extensive
article on biological predisposition. More generally,
Newsweek (January 29, 1990) commented: "After nine
months the model for national action has turned out to be
only a nasty battle of words."
A predictable by-product of the Bennett war has been a
distinct increase in violence and a dramatic increase in drug-
related homicides. The undeniable increase in drug-related
homicides is reported from New York, Miami, Houston,
Phoenix, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Oakland, Califor-
nia, for example, tabulated 88 homicides by July 1990 (as
opposed to 148 for all 1989) and 37 percent were drug related
Another neglected aspect is that valium and codeine, legal-
ly prescribed, are among the most addictive drugs and cause
as many medical problems as illegally acquired drugs.
An increasing reaction has been a demand for legaliza-
tion ... to place cocaine and heroin on a par with cigarettes
and alcohol, freely available with tax revenues going to the
government instead of the dope dealers.
This would certainly put the dealers out of business, and
there would be no supply side left for the military excursion
tactic. However, it would not solve the medical problem: if cer-
tain people are biologically disposed to drugs, then given the
existing totally inadequate cure facilities we would end up with
a medical overload instead of a legal enforcement overload
Here the information is inadequate... we just don't know
too much about how business losses are generated in relation
to drugs. Is it the pressure to obtain money for drugs that
leads to theft, embezzlement and inefficiency or do the drugs
themselves make for the inefficiency? This is a significant
point: in one case legalization would lead to fewer business
losses, in the other it would lead to even more inefficiency.
In brief: the shoot-from-the-hip Bush-Clinton approach
wholly underestimates the complexity of the drug abuse

However, the program does achieve what has long been
feared. . . curtailment of human rights and constitutional
rights, military action against Americans by Americans,
prison camps for large numbers of Americans, domestic
street violence... all under the name of fighting drug abuse.
What's Happening at the Street Level
IF the Bush-Clinton anti-drug crusade had been successful,
supply would have dried up at the street level and prices sky-
rocketed This has not come about.
COCAINE is in plentiful supply. Police Departments
around the country confirm this finding. Price dropped right
after Bennett was appointed (as suppliers emptied their
pipelines). Prices have now stabilized.
Police Chief Fulwood (Washington, D.C.) states: "We
haven't seen any decrease in availability of drugs." A conti-
nent away from Washington D.C, this author was walking
along Market Street, San Francisco, and saw a stocky white
male at the corner of Powell and Market, where the tourists
congregate for cable cars. . . who was shouting, "Powder,
Rocks" (i.e., cocaine "powder" and crack "rocks"). This in
broad daylight!
HEROIN supply has increased and price has dropped sub-
stantially. Here's a chart from Drug Enforcement Agency:
bought openly on the
street in any large U.S.
of domestic manufac-
ture have increased in
kilogram inside United
SOURCE: Drug 87
Enforcement Agency, Field
Intelligence Reports
The war on drugs has squeezed a balloon at a billion dollar
cost. The effect has been to partly shift the drug of choice
among users, away from cocaine to heroin.
Street violence has increased. We have overwhelmed police
departments, the court system and our prisons. . . for what?
For every dealer jailed another opens up shop... 70 percent
of our prison population is drug related. Supply curtailment is
a failure.
In November 1993 the CBS-TV program 60 Minutes pro-
duced dramatic evidence that our analysis is right on. DEA
officials, including former DEA Chief Judge Bonner charged
the CIA with importing one ton of pure cocaine in a single
transaction from Venezuela. This was sold on American
This same CIA operation created the drug trafficking net-
work in Haiti with "intelligence network" used as a cover and
operating under General Cedras.
One thousand pounds of the 1990 Venezuelan shipment
was seized at the Miami Airport. DEA and Customs investi-
gators were ordered to back off because the cocaine was im-
ported with the approval of the United States Government.
Moreover, Department of Justice knew about the shipment
and did nothing. Senator Boren (Skull & Bones) knew about
the shipment and did nothing. A Senator who represents the
people of the United States closed his eyes.
Only a few officials at DEA did their job! Culminating in
the 1993 CBS program.
(No U.S. newspaper printed this information until New
York Times 11/20/93. Phoenix Letter picked up some facts
years ago, including information not on the CBS program,
through the Caracas, Venezuela newspaper El Universal)
The point is this, if one has knowledge of a drug shipment
going to the United States, then legally one is required to
report the facts. That means every one of these knowledge-
able officials in CIA, Justice and State, plus Senator Boren,
are guilty of trafficking.
The street dealers who sold this one ton of pure cocaine
were no doubt routinely picked up and sentenced. The offi-
rials should also go to jail. After all, if a $20 street sale earns a
prison sentence then so should importing one ton of pure
What has happened? You guessed it! Nothing.
The White House is protecting everyone, which, given Tri-
lateralist Clinton's involvement in Mena, Arkansas cocaine
trafficking, should not surprise us. Senator Boren is protected
by fellow Senators. We don't hear any calls for investigation
of the Boren role.
The ranking CIA official, Mark McFarlin, resigned. No
charges filed.
The assistant CIA official in charge of the shipment was
"disciplined," no charges filed. All State and Justice officials
have been protected.
What's the law? Here it is, as outlined by a Senior DEA
official: "If you are part of a drug shipment, and you have
knowledge that it is going to the United States, you are
"Culpable?" Yes, culpable of drug trafficking.
So where is Attorney Janet Reno? Do we have a Constitu-
tion or have we become just another Banana State petty dic-
tatorship? One rule for the peasants and another for the
Phoenix Letter has reported scores of government criminal
activities over its 14 year history. Omaha child abuse, sup-
pressed technology, taxpayer rip-offs, BCCI murder and cor-
ruption, prominent officials involved in corruption and
bribery, unsafe aircraft design, weather control, government
lies, treason, unconstitutional political policies and so on.
We do not recall any instance where government has acted
honestly and brought right and honesty into the equation.
The reaction has always been more cover up until the victim
becomes the culprit.
Today the United States is governed by a bunch of amoral
whining money grubbers whose only concern is to keep intact
their position at the public trough.
The key point for Trilaterals Over America is that almost
one-third of the American members of the Trilateral Commis-

sion have been appointed by Presidents from Carter to
The dominant policy influence since the 1970s has been a
Trilateral influence. These people have a written policy for
guidance. The credit for all U.S. policies in the past several
decades, including these absurd "wars" on problems, is defin-
itely with the Trilateral Commission.
There is significant evidence published over the last two
decades that the U.S. Government is involved in drug traf-
ficking and that this trafficking is more than an accident.
The largest cocaine laboratory in Bolivia was built and
operated by CIA. Lt. Colonel "Bo" Gritz has charged and pro-
duced evidence that the Golden Triangle, largest producer of
heroin, has ties to Washington, D.C.1 We know that CIA
financed the Afghan rebels and the Nicaraguan "contras"
through drug sales. There are in fact scores of such in-
stances .... in brief, a large portion of trafficking is operated
under official Washington approval.
And we have demonstrated that Washington, D.C, since
the 1970s, has been under the control of Trilateralists. . . and
not coincidentally the "drug problem," the so-called "war on
drugs," has been with us since the late 1970s.
It was Trilateralist Henry Kissinger who developed "crisis
management" — that crises can be used to move the world to
New World Order. The multibillion dollar "war on drugs" is a
brilliant example of "crisis management" — and will continue
until the voting public insists that the "war" be closed down
and the multibillions wasted are returned to the taxpayers.

See Appendix below.


Examinations of appointments to both the Carter and Clin-

ton Administrations show that Trilaterals do the choosing
and essentially run administrations.
Remarkably both Carter and Clinton ran on a platform em-
phasizing anti-Establishment policies while immediately and
without hesitation appointing establishment representatives
and then conducting long time establishment policies.
The duplicitous procedures of both administrations is re-
markable for its parallels rather than differences: both Carter
and Clinton lied during the election process and told the elec-
torate only what the electorate wanted to hear. When gaining
office both Presidents proceeded to do the opposite in many
cases to the policy promised during the election.
Reagan and to a lesser extent Bush were more consistent in
that policy tended to follow promises. However, both these
Presidents also lied before and after taking office.
If politicians in the United States complain they are held
in low regard they have only themselves to blame. What we
find extraordinary is that common sense suggests voters
would turn to third parties. So far the electorate has been
convinced that a third party could not win, without even
considering the probability that a strong third party vote
would at least bring some honesty to the morally bankrupt
Democrats and Republicans.
A very large proportion of the electorate is now sitting on its
hands, not voting. If this silent and considerable segment ever
acts in unity, there will be a political revolution in the United
States, and New World Order will take a massive tumble.
The creation of a Carter administration image of anti-
Establishmentarianism while simultaneously creating a Tri-
lateral administration is typically the deceptive operational
approach taken by this self-appointed elite. Take the first half
dozen appointments and look at their associations and allegi-
ances. The administration was at some pains to show a com-
petition for posts and promoted the idea that anti-Establish-
ment and non-Establishment persons would be appointed.
See, for example, the Wall Street Journal on 2 December 1976
concerning the meeting of 16 candidates in Plains, Georgia.
The initial sequence of appointments went like this:
Appointment Number 1 - Bertram Lance: president of Na-
tional Bank of Georgia (Atlanta) to be director of Office of
Management and Budget (OMB). This is a vital, central post
for plans to centralize the U.S. economy.
Appointment Number 2 - Cyrus Vance. Secretary of State,
Trilateralist. At the time of taking office, Vance was a partner
in Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett; a director of IBM, Pan
American World Airways and Aetna Life Insurance; a mem-
ber of the Democratic party, Foreign Policy Task Force,
Council on Foreign Relations (vice-chairman of the board),
and the Trilateral Commission; and also a former deputy
director of defense.
Appointment Number 3 - W. Michael Blumenthal: Secretary
of Treasury. Also a Trilateralist. Who is Blumenthal? Like
Henry Kissinger, he was born in Germany and came to the
U.S. at the age of 21. At the time of taking office, he was
chairman of Bendix Corporation and formerly in the Kennedy
administration as deputy for the secretary for economic affairs,
member of the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on
Foreign Affairs, and the Initiative Committee for National
Economic Planning (with Irwin Miller and Robert McNamara.)
After this third appointment, there was definite feedback in
newspapers and radio that the "liberals" felt they had been

betrayed because appointments and rumors of appointments
did not include them. The result? Jane Cahill Pfeiffer, vice
president of IBM, strongly pushed for commerce secretary as
Appointment Number 4, dropped out, and the next two ap-
pointments went to big government liberals:
Appointment Number 4 - Brock Adams: transportation sec-
retary. Also a Trilateralist.
Appointment Number 5 - Congressman Andrew Young as
Ambassador to the United Nations. Trilateral
Appointment Number 6 - Zbigniew Brzezinski: executive
director of Trilateral Commission, was appointed national
security adviser. Who is Brzezinski? By explicit statement,
Trilateralists reject the Constitution and the democratic
political process; in Between Two Ages, Brzezinski (Carter's
sixth appointment) wrote as follows:
The approaching two-hundredth anniversary of the
Declaration of Independence could justify the call for a
national constitutional convention to reexamine the na-
tion's formal institutional framework. Either 1976 or
1989 — the two hundredth anniversary of the Constitu-
tion — could serve as a suitable target date culminating a
national dialogue on the relevance of existing arrange-
ments. . . Realism, however, forces us to recognize that
the necessary political innovation will not come from
direct constitutional reform, desirable as that would be.
The needed change is more likely to develop incremental-
ly and less overtly. . . in keeping with the American tra-
dition of blurring distinctions between public and private
According to Huntington of Foreign Policy magazine, an
"election coalition" may be abandoned after political office
has been achieved; a politician does not have to keep his word
to the electorate. Jimmy Carter is a supreme example of Trila-
teralism in practice. When Brzezinski refers to "develop(ing)
incrementally and less overtly" he is specifically recommend-
ing a deceptive "salami-type" approach to abandonment of
the Constitution. Perhaps some readers may consider this to
be the essence of subversion. If so, they had better do some-
thing about it, because no one in Congress has yet plucked up
enough courage to even call for an investigation of

Clinton Abandons "Election Coalition"

Trilateral Huntington's dictum that a politician may aban-

don the "election coalition" after election to office, i.e., a
politician may break his promises, has bypassed our jour-
nalist investigators.
Jimmy Carter broke promises right and left without much
of a squeak from anyone. There appears to be a joint Demo-
crat-Republican compact to ignore the "election coalition"
and keep out third parties, which is about as close as you can
get to dictatorship without abandoning the Constitution.
In January 1993, the same month Clinton took office, our
newsletter, The Phoenix Letter, (a Report on the Abuse of
Power) carried the following front page article:

Clinton Reeks of Conflict of Interest

The American public has been suckered. . . again!
Among the lavish Clinton promises to fix everything from
health care to the deficit was above all a commitment to run
the thieves and crooks out of Washington.
Well, we have news for Clinton voters. Clinton was backed
by the thieves and crooks and has appointed the self-same
lobbyists he swore to run out of town to run the transition
team. The political con game has become so blatant that
Presidents don't even wait until the ink is dry on the ballot to
break their promises.
Before the election, we identified the background of
Clinton's key financial backer, none other than Jackson
Stephens, a founder of the Bank for Crooks and Criminals
(BCCI), and the man who actually introduced Democratic
elder statesman, Clark Clifford, to the BCCI crowd.
We figure that one way or another, Stephens contributed
$2 million to the Clinton campaign. And we are supposed to

believe that the BCCI whitewash won't continue!
Then we looked at Clinton's transition team and found it
headed and staffed by Washington lawyers and lobbyists, the
very people that Clinton said he would remove, those whose
client lists and board directorships covered just about every
major corporation and many foreign countries.
Who is represented in Washington? You and I? Not likely.
Many of the transition team clients have matters pending
before regulatory bodies and the Congress itself. Then to
emphasize the hypocrisy, the transition team introduced new
ethics "rules" to supposedly limit "the influence of lobbyists"
and to be rigidly enforced. All well and good, except that at
time of writing, it has been impossible to obtain a set of these
rules. (Released December 10, see below.)
During the election, Clinton repeatedly called for limits on
lobbyists. "We've got to clean it up. We're all going to have to
change," said candidate Clinton.
"Business as usual," says elected Clinton.

A Huge Scaly Serpent Crawling

Through the Corridors of Congress
Politicians, lobbyists, college professors of political science
and their textbooks all tell us that lobbying is essential, a
necessary function of society to make democracy work.
The conventional view is that lobbying is harmless and
useful in that it makes all viewpoints heard.
Hogwash! Individual voting citizens are those represented
in Congress by their elected representatives. Congressmen
and women are not elected by corporations or foreign inter-
ests, they are elected by individual American voters. It is
American citizens that are elected, not the dairy interests or
the water interests or the welfare interests of some way off
foreign country. Certainly Joe Dairy Farmer has representa-
tion as an individual, but the collected interests have no col-
lective vote and should have no representation in Congress.
In practice, lobbying has become the conduit for pressure
groups. And every so-called reform has left gigantic loopholes

to continue the process of lobbying. Lobbyists now place
money on both sides (Democrat and Republican) and fight
smaller parties because they would then have to lay out
money on more parties to guarantee representation.
The political process has become an outright fraud. The
individual American has become disenfranchised. The power
groups and foreign interests have become power holders
working through a compliant Congress.
And from what we can see, the "new" Congress will be little
different from the old.
Reportedly, Clinton was shocked at the public reaction to
the appointed transition team, and instructed staff to draft
lobbying rules. These rules were drafted and succeeded only
in rejecting one transition aide from one meeting for conflict
of interest. Even then the Clinton White House refused to
release copy of the new "rules" until December 10.
The transition director, Trilateralist Warren M. Chris-
topher, is senior partner in O'Melveny and Myers, with a
heavy Far East client list including Mitsui, Sumitomo Trust,
Japan Airlines and Hyundai. Christopher has more interest in
representing Japanese interests than the American down
home. In fact, just to illustrate the hypocrisy, during the
campaign, Clinton pointedly criticized American law firms
who work for foreign interests.
Once elected, Clinton picked on this foremost representa-
tive of foreign interests to act as director of the transition.
Warren Christopher is on the board of Lockheed Aircraft
but is not (under the Clinton rules) in conflict of interest on
military matters in the Clinton Administration. The Clinton
rules do not bar Christopher from discussing Asian matters
on behalf of his clients.
What is the Clinton defense to such charges? Simply that
there is no conflict of interest because the connection between
these officials' advice and their ability to profit is "too
diffuse" and that Mr. Clinton, not his transition advisors, will
make the final decisions.
Lobbyists themselves are under no illusion that the "rules"
have not changed The firm of Patton, Boggs and Blow pub-

lishes a newsletter in which it openly boasts of its contacts
within the Democratic Party and Washington power circles,
and indeed has two partners close to the Democratic Party:
Democratic Party Chief Ron Brown and Thomas Boggs.
Then we find Lefitia Chambers, who is transition overseer
on budget issues, who in real life is lobbyist for AFL-CIO,
home builders and senior citizens.
The results of this system can be seen in billion dollar
wasteful expenditures:
• The State of Virginia, as reported in November Phoenix
Letter, has a disproportionate share of Federal funds guided
to Virginia by the "King of Pork."
• Extraordinary waste of money in technical expenditures:
for example, the billion dollar "Hot fusion" program.
• Neglect of programs that have no powerful voice in
Congress. Most of the "future technology" reported in FTIR
(Future Technology Intelligence Report, P.O. Box 423652,
San Francisco, CA 94142-3652) is ignored by financiers.
The rules announced on December 10 and hailed by obser-
vers as pathbreaking are no more than a further whitewash.
Officials may be personally banned from lobbying for five
years, but what about their partners? These are exempt The
lifetime ban on foreign company lobbying has no meaning in
practice. The only sure fire solution is complete and final ban
on all lobbying, except that of individual private citizens or
their own elected representative. Corporations and law firms
do not vote. Individuals do. When Mr. Clinton adopts this
standard, we shall see the scaly serpent crawl back out of
Washington, D.C.

NAFTA — Step to New World Order

Multinationals well represented on the Trilateral Commission

aim to dominate world production and trade.
The enormous pressure behind the NAFTA agreement, to
bring the U.S., Mexico and Canada into a tariff-free commun-
ity, was motivated by New World Order. Little question that
the U.S. citizen will be adversely impacted, but gains will be

made by international firms and banks that drive NWO.
Initial reaction was from Chiapas, Mexico, the revolt of
Indians against Mexican authority. The Indians, already
hard-pressed, unable to sell their coffee on the world market,
now find that the Mexican Government support structure
was dismantled, and their domestic corn crop could not com-
pete against imported U.S. corn. NAFTA was the last straw.
Another result still to emerge will be Mexican meat ex-
ports. U.S. giant meat firms will go to Mexico to take advan-
tage of low wages, poor safety standards and lax sanitation
regulation. We will see a flood of imported Mexican beef, with
the identity of U.S. firms hidden behind a Mexican import
label. NAFTA exempts Mexico from the U.S. Import Act to
benefit GIANT U.S. firms. NAFTA was an end-run by U.S.
multinationals around U.S. regulation. Clinton promised to
appoint more meat inspectors as a cover to disguise the
reality. The end result will be to hurt smaller U.S. ranchers
and to expose U.S. citizens to uninspected beef.
Mexico is now highly advantageous for Trilateral firms like
General Electric (Vice Chairman Paolo Fresco is a Trilateral),
Motorola (Chairman George M. C. Fisher is a Trilateral), Levi
Strauss (Robert D. Haas is a Trilateral and close to David
Rockefeller), Mobil Corporation (Allen Murray, Chairman, is
Trilateral), and several major pharmaceutical companies
(Johnson and Johnson, Smith Kline Beecham).
NAFTA will spur U.S. firms into Mexico to take advantage
of lower regulatory standards and low wage rates.
NAFTA is an essential part of the Trilateral plan to reduce
U.S. living standards and transfer benefits overseas to less
developed countries. Trilateral Clinton was able to do this
because the media have their Trilateral members who act as
guides for smaller circulation newspapers and stations (CNN
Chairman W. Thomas Johnson is a Trilateral, so is Katharine
Graham, Chairman of the Washington Post, among others).
The U.S. citizen doesn't stand a chance, faced with this
array of like-minded conspirators. The only way out is to vote
for a third party candidate, read books published by small
publishers along with newsletters, and above all, be critical

and question statements out of Washington and your State
If you feel up to tackling your Congressman, there are some
do's and don'ts.
• Don't write long complaining letters; keep to a single
issue, short and definite. Don't insult or threaten. State the
problem, how it affects you, and what you see as the solution.
• Often a Congressional aide is a more effective target. Es-
pecially if you can get a personal visit. Be persistent and
definite. You have a vote, the lobbyist has money. Your
representative needs both.
• Probably an effective route is to get a group of like-
minded citizens to invite a representative to discuss a prob-
lem — if 20 aircraft mechanics are threatened by overseas low
cost maintenance contracts and can get together with a
Congressman, this will get some action. But remember,
you're fighting the Trilateral Commission — and if your repre-
sentative is a member (see Appendix), you might want to
question the company he/she keeps.
• Above all, talk to your friends, buy extra copies of this
book (see copyright page) and similar books, pass them
around. It's slow, but over the long haul, it works. This author
remembers when there was no discussion at all of Trilaterals
and establishment elitism, when to talk about a political con-
spiracy was to be dismissed as a kook. No longer. The bulk of
citizens these days are onto the con game. Awareness now
needs to be translated into action.



The Trilateral Commission is not the only organization

working for New World Order in the United States.
Much of the thinking behind Trilateralism comes from
early concepts put forward by Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner
with funds from South African gold and diamond mines.
Rhodes founded the Rhodes Scholarships to bring Americans
with specific personality traits to Oxford University for one
year. Bill Clinton became a Rhodes scholar after studying
under Carroll Quigley at Georgetown University.
Carroll Quigley wrote a massive volume, Tragedy and
Hope, which described New World Order plans. Quigley was
not a defector; he agreed with the objectives of an Anglo-
American New World Order. Where he parted company was
that he believed this should be an open objective, not a closed
secretive conspiracy.
So the Rhodes organization and the Royal Institute for
International Affairs in London are essential parts of the New
World Order. The RIIA spawned the Council on Foreign
Relations in the United States, a broader-based but still
limited organization with the same objectives. Our observa-
tion is that CFR has a wider range of views among its mem-
bers, some even against New World Order, than does the
Trilateral Commission or the RIIA.

The interesting aspect of CFR is that David Rockefeller,
founder of the Trilateral Commission, was long time Chair-
man of CFR and is today Chairman Emeritus. (Appendix C
lists the officers and directors of CFR. There is an obvious
interlock with the Trilateral Commission.)
Another more restricted segment of New World Order is
the truly secret Skull & Bones Senior Society at Yale. Fifteen
years ago this author obtained a copy of the secret member-
ship list (a two-volume black leather-bound affair) and was
able to analyze in depth the influence and extent of Skull &
Bones in the U.S. government. This was published as
America's Secret Establishment1 and is still in print today.

Loose Backgrounds of New World Order Types

Almost every proponent of New World Order from its very

earliest days has some kind of shady past certainly not in
keeping with the high ideals professed.
Cecil Rhodes himself was accused of deception and crook-
ery in gaining control of the gold and diamond mines of South
Africa. His partner, Lord Milner, was the author of the infam-
ous "Milner Telegram" which brought about the Anglo-Boer
War in 1899.
The Rhodes diamond mines became the core of the DeBeers
monopoly and still today maintains monopoly control of
world diamonds — a model for New World Order.
Cecil Rhodes' own image of a New World Order was hardly
inspiring to any but Anglo Americans. The second largest
language group in the world is Spanish speaking — and you
won't find a single Latin in any New World Order organiza-
tion. In fact, so far as the Trilateral Commission is concerned,
Latins don't exist who warrant membership in the Commis-
sion. You won't find Arabs, either, or Chinese resident in the
Far East.
Now this might be comforting to the English-speaking
world but disparities of this kind are guaranteed to lead to
Obtainable from Liberty House Books, P.O. Box 80650, Billings, MT
54108-0650, for $22 postpaid.

conflict. If Latins, Arabs, Chinese, Russians and others are
delegated to subordinate positions in New World Order, the
outcome will be conflict, not peace.
Then the individual and corporate histories of Trilateral
members and firms are hardly reassuring. We couldn't find a
single individual or firm where some investigation had not
been started for illegal conduct.
Take as a random example a firm mentioned only once
above — Prudential Securities Company. Robert C. Winters,
Chairman of the Board of Prudential, is a Trilateral. As we go
to press, Prudential is under investigation on several charges.
Apparently Prudential brokers had orders to deceive custo-
mers (New York Times, 2/28/94) and some brokers even quit
rather than go along. Prudential is the focus of a widening
criminal inquiry relating to the way customers were treated
when the firm was suffering enormous losses.
A few years ago Wall Street brokerage firms could main-
tain zero balance accounts, funds were deposited only when
the bank called. This is also known as check kiting. If you and
I did it we would end up in jail. The brokerage firms got off
scot-free and made millions a year from the practice. E. F.
Hutton was the major player in this con game.
Kissinger Associates, an influence-peddling outfit founded
by Henry Kissinger to capitalize on his "public service" has
more than once come into unfavorable criticism but his mem-
bership of the Trilateral Commission is carefully screened out
of reports.
The firm had a field day, for example, in the bankruptcy of
LTV Corporation where $144 million went to consultants for
professional services related to the bankruptcy, and Kis-
singer Associates got the lion's share. The gross overcharging
was never investigated.
Similarly, the BCCI affair, a worldwide scandal to which
Kissinger Associates was linked, managed to evade investi-
gation in the United States. In England where many thou-
sands lost deposits, only a lower level manager went to jail.

Friends of Hillary

The Clintons have proved themselves remarkably adept at

promoting their own private interests at public expense —
and especially in acquiring "friends" in need of Government
favors who can show a little appreciation.
The fascinating difference between the Clintons and almost
any other political family we can think of is the vehement,
almost breast-beating denunciation of influence peddlers and
lobbyists. Yet these are the "friends" that come to show their
The New York Times (March 31,1994) commented caustic-
ally on "Arkansas, where a thousand or so insiders run things
in a loosey-goosey way that may look unethical or even illegal
to outsiders." Apparently, Arkansas morality is, for the
Clintons, distinct from Washington morality and they cannot
be accused of irregular conduct because that would discrimin-
ate against Arkansas.
The really breathtaking "loosey-goosey" event that bene-
fited the Clintons was Hillary's ability to take $1,000 as a
complete novice without collateral and with naked market
exposure, and convert it into $100,000 in cattle futures — a
notoriously unstable market.
Hillary did this in ten months with only $1,000 in a margin
account (this would normally require at least $10,000) and
faced disastrous losses any day or hour if the market turned
sour on her investment.
Moreover, Hillary went through specific market moves
with results which are impossible unless her broker was mak-
ing illegal actions on her behalf.
Hillary's broker was Robert L. (Red) Bone of the Ray E.
Friedman & Company brokerage firm of Chicago. In October
1978 she opened a trading account with $1,000. The very first
day this investment went to $6,300. There is no documenta-
tion for the trades, and there is no way that $1,000 would
cover the amount of cattle futures trades needed to make that
amount of profit.
House Speaker Thomas Foley (Trilateral)
House Speaker Thomas Foley is a disgrace. Ever ready to
serve fellow Trilaterals, Foley should be investigated for
obstruction of justice.
Fellow Trilateral Bill Clinton was in trouble in March 1994,
so Congressman Thomas Foley called a secret 8:00 a.m. meet-
ing of Democratic congressmen and staff members. It was
agreed — no meetings or hearings on Whitewater under any
That put non-Trilateral Congressman John La Falce, Chair-
man of the Small Business Committee, on the spot. La Falce
had already started an investigation and requested docu-
ments from the Small Business Administration. These
documents had already been sent to the General
Accounting Office for analysis and Congressman La Falce
had to install his own minor coverup at the insistence of
Speaker Foley to block GAO from issuing a report.
And these are your elected representatives!

"Poor, Poor Motorola"

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Motor-
ola is George M. N. Fisher, a member of the Trilateral
Motorola under Chairman Trilateralist Fisher is
notorious for using politics to advance its competitive
position against both foreign countries and non-Trilateral
American companies.
Under fellow Trilateral Bill Clinton, the former Public Rela-
tions Director for Motorola is the Number Three man in the
office of the U.S. Trade Representative. And the former head
of the U.S. Trade Offices Telecommunications Trade Policy
Division is another Motorola type, today a lobbyist for
Motorola. There's more. Lionel Olmer, undersecretary of
Commerce, was four years with Motorola and helped negoti-
ate the 1986 agreement that led to Motorola's system being
approved in Japan.
In 1994 Motorola was dissatisfied with its sales position in
Japan and used the U.S. Government as a blunt weapon to
demand more trade. This even infuriated the Wall Street
Journal, which ran a satirical article, "Poor, poor Motorola."
Says Wall Street Journal (March 3, 1994):

The U.S. has publicly accused the Japanese of reneging

on their promises and throwing up barrier after barrier to
block Motorola's market access. Nothing could be fur-
ther from the truth. The history of Motorola in Japan
reveals a company that has repeatedly used the U.S.
Government as a battering ram to knock aside Japanese
regulations and win special favors to accelerate market

What Wall Street Journal omitted in this lengthy critique of

Motorola is that both Chairman Fisher of Motorola and Presi-
dent Bill Clinton are members of the Trilateral Commission,
which is devoted to such special interest strategies.
When you talk to these businessmen and suggest that their
favored treatment is unfair, they respond with a smug,
"That's how business is done."


The world has been portrayed by historians as a political

arena where capitalists and Marxists are rigidly opposed to
one another and always act in opposition to each other.
Nothing could be further from the truth. This view is
another Karl Marx fundamental misinterpretation of the 19th
century world. Lenin, who followed Marx as tactician of the
world revolutionary battle, was more perceptive and saw
capitalists as shortsighted, with many willing to supply the
rope to hang themselves.
The Rockefeller group of Wall Street financiers and their
associated banks, Chase, Manhattan and then Chase Man-
hattan Bank, have always been in the forefront of capitalists
willing to aid and succor Marxism. This suicidal policy con-
tinued under various Presidents who owe election to the
Rockefeller family, i.e. Carter and Clinton, and the Trilateral
Commission. A fundamental Trilateral policy is one world
interdependence, a merging of Marxism and capitalism under
Trilateral leadership.
The Rockefeller family has shown notable ability to first
conceal its support of Marxism before and after World War II
and then conceal its promotion of Trilateralism in recent dec-
ades. Historians have been unwitting supporters of the
Rockefeller family objectives by continuing to advance the

theoretical dialectic view of an historical antagonism of com-
munism vs. capitalism as the actual nature of events. The
true history is a history of cooperation between elite political
leaders of the West and various Marxist regimes. The West
has used debt and technology to more or less control these
ineffective Marxist societies.
Trilateralism is merely continuation of this global decep-
tion, and fools historians as well as voters. We are in a period
where Marxist regimes are allowed to find their own level of
instability, i.e. effectively to collapse, while new forms of
world control are substituted. New World Order via Trila-
teralism is 21st Century Marxism.
Let's briefly review the history of elitist support of Marx-
ism and Trilateralism to achieve New World Order. This
began, by the way, with Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner in Eng-
land, founders of the Rhodes scholarships at Oxford. Presi-
dent Clinton is a Rhodes scholar and understands at least
part of the picture. (A fascinating research topic, never under-
taken, would be to explore the contacts between Rhodes,
Milner and the Fabians in London with Karl Marx, who
worked most of his life in London in the same period. The
start point for any interested researcher would be the Scot-
land Yard files on Karl Marx.)
Back in the 1920s the Chase National Bank (Chase National
merged with the Bank of Manhattan to become Chase Man-
hattan) was deeply involved in building the Soviets — and
some of this activity was probably illegal and certainly
against U.S. official policy.
Both Chase National and Equitable Trust were the leaders
in the Soviet credit business at a time in the 1920s when the
State Department had banned credits to Soviet Russia.
Chase evaded the ban by accepting platinum from Soviet
mines and advancing credit on the basis of these shipments.
This was strictly against U.S. policy in the 1920s.
The president of the American-Russian Chamber of Com-
merce in the 1920s was Reeve Schley, also a vice-president of
Chase National. The Chamber was a pressure group which
sought to change U.S. policy into recognition of the USSR, to
open up the Russian market for some major American firms
and banks. To this end, the Chamber used avowed commun-
ists as agents; for example, a Chamber delegation to Russia in
1936 was led by Charles Haddell Smith, previously described
by the State Department as "in the employ of the Soviets and
a member of the Soviet Peasant International." Members of
the Chamber included many of the firms opening up the
China trade today, including Deere & Co., Westinghouse and
Chase National.
In the early 1920s the Soviet Union was on the verge of col-
lapse. The only industrial structure was that of the Tsars.
Industry was dormant, not destroyed as Soviet propagan-
dists would have us believe. Foreign firms, mainly American
and German, came in to start up a dormant Tsarist industry
and remained to build the Five Year Plans. Why? Because the
Soviets had destroyed the skilled engineers and managers
needed to run industry. As Soviet Commissar Krassin
phrased the problem: "Anyone can help pull down a house;
there are but a few who can rebuild. In Russia there happened
to be far fewer than anywhere else."
Take the example of Boeing Aircraft (Trilateral T.W.
Wilson is chairman of the board). In the 1930s Boeing sup-
plied technical assistance to the growing Soviets. The Soviet
I-16 fighter was patterned on the Boeing P-26. The Soviet
TU-4 four-engine bomber was a copy of the Boeing B-29 and
could only have been reproduced with U.S. assistance. Today
Boeing is a one-time supplier of aircraft technology to the
Soviet Union and to Communist China, and remains represen-
ted on the Trilateral Commission.
Another example is UOP (Universal Oil Products), now a
subsidiary of Signal Oil Company. In 1932 UOP had con-
tracts in the USSR for construction of hydrogenation plants,
which were of vital importance for military purposes. Up to
1938 the Soviets were unable to produce 87-94 octane gaso-
line for aviation use. Hydrogenation plants built by UOP con-
verted 85 octane gasoline from Saratov and Grozny into 95
octane avgas. Today, UOP is one of the first American firms
into China to build the Chinese petrochemical industry — also

vital for war purposes.
Yet another example is Ingersoll-Rand, which was repre-
sented in the Soviet Union by Armand Hammer (former
chairman of Occidental Petroleum Corporation) as early as
1918. At that time Armand Hammer's father, Julius Ham-
mer, was secretary of the Communist Party U.S.A. Ingersoll-
Rand became a prime seller of technology to the U.S.S.R. In
1979, Ingersoll-Rand is following the same road with Com-
munist China.
We can cite dozens of firms with similar stories. U.S. multi-
nationals built Soviet power. This has cost the United States
hundreds of thousands of lives in Korea and Vietnam. Now
these same multinationals have begun to build Communist
China under the initial push from Trilateral President Jimmy
The most important and largest China contracts link to Tri-
lateralists and their corporate affiliates: The key financial
backer of Jimmy Carter was Coca-Cola chairman and Trila-
teral Commissioner J. Paul Austin.
Coca-Cola will have a soft drink monopoly in China. Maybe
the Chinese don't yet know what a soft drink tastes like, but
800 million Chinese is a prime market for the 21st century.
NOTE: Coca-Cola had been negotiating for ten years before
1979 with the Chinese, i.e., long before any public surfacing of
a "new" China policy and presumably while the Chinese aided
the killing of Americans in Vietnam.
• A consortium of U.S. oil companies has negotiated devel-
opment of Chinese petroleum resources. These include Exxon
(David Rockefeller has dominant interests), Pennzoil, Phillips
and Union Oil.
• Former Time Magazine Man-of-the-Year was the Chinese
Communist leader, Teng Hsiao-Ping. Trilateralist Hedley
Donovan was editor-in-chief of Time.
• The first American banks into Communist China were
Chase Manhattan and the First National Bank of Chicago.
• Japanese Trilaterals are heavily involved in construction
of Communist China.
The Carter Administration agreement with Communist

China, the so-called "normalization" of relations, was an
extraordinary treaty. All the Chinese terms, including those
rejected by Presidents Nixon and Ford, were totally accepted
by the Trilateral negotiations. The negotiators were Trila-
terals. On the spot in Peking was Leonard Woodcock. In
Washington was Cyrus Vance and Warren Christopher
(under-Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs,
now Secretary of State).
There was no pressure to make an agreement at this time
from the strategic or political viewpoint — so we must look to
the multinationals for an answer. What do they gain? Was the
China treaty a duplicate of the early 1920-30 Soviet agree-
ment? A device to fill multinational order books and expand
the loan base of international banks?
The United States was in an extremely strong bargaining
position. The Chinese needed U.S. technology to survive.
They needed U.S. credits to buy technology. They needed the
U.S. as an ally against Russian intrusions over the Chinese
border; and recognition by the U.S. gave the Chinese Com-
munists a status they could achieve in no other way. Yet the
United States capitulated without a whimper, very much
like the Vietnamese situation when the U.S. got sucked into a
major war without plan or purpose. Some 50,000 Americans
were killed. Then we abandoned the battlefield at a time when
we still had the absolute capability to finish the military job.
In other words, we did not apparently know why we were in
Vietnam in the first place. When we were involved, we spent
billions on war materials and even then lacked the will to use
those weapons.
In these instances and others we can find a common thread,
a common explanation. In science, the answer that most like-
ly is true, is that answer which fits the largest number of
cases or events. Is there profit for Wall Street in recognizing
Communist China? Was there also profit in $300 billion of
Vietnamese military contracts? In the same way there was
profit in saving the Soviets and building the Soviet Five Year
This is the simplest, most plausible answer. It fits most

cases — and this is where Trilateralism comes in. Trilateral-
ism is the vehicle by which some banking interests and
multinationals carry out their policy objectives.
The Trilateral opening to Communist China also reveals a
total failure to recognize the human cost of Chinese Com-
munism. Conservatively, China has murdered 50 million
Chinese in the 30 years of the Revolution. During one
particular campaign, "Let a Million Flowers Bloom," Chinese
Communists lifted their restrictions on freedom of speech and
action. Many Chinese then took the bait to criticize the
regime. After a few months of freedom of speech the Chinese
government promptly arrested the dissidents and used their
own words as evidence to send them to labor camps, prisons,
or to their death.
These big businessmen have a habit of telling each other
how non-political and smart they are to ignore civil and social
conditions while concentrating on the business at hand. The
profit statement is the guide: In brief, an utter, complete
The dangerous illusions Trilaterals hold about Russia and
China do not therefore stem from ignorance of the facts —
their actions stem from extreme short-sightedness and
amorality. The next contract for a multinational has total
precedence over any nonsense about human rights. While, for
example, Trilateral J. Paul Austin may want to sell Coca-Cola
to 800 million Chinese, Austin has no interest in what hap-
pened to tens of millions of the less fortunate Chinese.
The outright betrayal of Taiwan in the clear, stark words in
the official agreement reads as follows: "The government of
the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese posi-
tion that there is but one China, and Taiwan is part of China."
It is difficult to find any historical parallel where a country
has acknowledged the slaughter of 50 million people by creat-
ing an alliance with that country. Possibly the closest parallel
is Hitler's alliance with Stalin in 1939 after Stalin had
murdered millions of peasants and Hitler had begun to move
against his enemies much as the Trilaterals are moving today
against their own particular enemies.

At this point we should note the official Trilateral double
standard on human rights. In brief, for Trilaterals' human
rights are subordinate to their overall objective of world
control. Witness the following statement:
... the support for human rights will have to be balanced
against other important goals of world order. Some
Trilateral conceptions of detente with the Soviet Union
and other communist states tend to conflict with a policy
of promoting human rights. (Richard N. Cooper, et al;
Toward a Renovated International System; Trilateral
Commission, 1977, p. 30)

Clintons Follow Rockefeller Pro-Marxist Policies

The Rockefeller founded and directed Trilateral Commission is
a major force behind the Clinton Administration. . . and Clin-
ton follows Carter's pro-Marxist policies long after the moral
and practical usefulness of Marxism has been discredited.
Interestingly, the Clintons fit the description of "break-
away capitalists" formulated by Lenin. . . i.e., a group of
capitalists who see pecuniary advantage in Marxism and so
support the Marxist cause. Obviously the Clintons have no
aversion to moneymaking using the political process;
Hillary's cattle futures trading and Arkansas activities are
excellent examples. Yet while making capitalistic profit we
also find Hillary supporting Marxist causes... in exactly the
same manner as the Rockefeller Chase Bank in the 1920s.
In the case of the Clintons, the evidence is somewhat more
serious because, according to recently released FBI docu-
ments (reprinted below) a Clinton-supported pro-Marxist
organization, IPS (Institute for Policy Studies) is suspected
of bank robbery and murder.
The Clintons have a long standing and close connection
with IPS in Washington, D.C. This link is well described in
SECRET (FBI Documents Link Bill and Hillary Clinton to
Marxist Terrorist Network), Sunset Research Group, 608
North West Street, No. 236, Wichita, KS 67203; $10.
Here are some quotes from SECRET (pages 35-40) which

illustrate the close Clinton-IPS link. Our interpretation is
somewhat different to the general conservative interpreta-
tion. We do not see the Clintons as "Marxists." We see them
as opportunists, amoral and apolitical opportunists, much as
Lenin viewed the Rockefellers as "breakaway capitalists"
who support Marxism for personal financial gain.
We see the Clintons as cultivating and financing IPS for
future personal gain, not because they had Marxist leanings.
These revelations of a communist-oriented IPS vet-
eran (Derek Shearer) directly influencing Clinton, and
Clinton entrusting the country's future to numerous
other IPS supporters, is grim indeed and does not bode
well for the Nation. But there are many more such dis-
turbing revelations yet to be fathomed. These additional
evidences — which even more firmly cement Bill Clinton
into the camp of IPS subversives — come through
Hillary Clinton.
If the only links Hillary had to IPS were her close
friendship with Derek Shearer's sister and her furrow-
browed fling at Yale, such could appear quite incidental
But unfortunately, there are additional reams of hard evi-
dence which indict Hillary as a motivated IPS champion.
For example, while serving as Director and Chair of the
Board of Directors of the New World Foundation in
1987-88, Hillary Clinton praised and gave away signifi-
cant sums of money to several far left organizations —
including IPS.
An especially interesting footnote is:
Statement by Isabel Letelier read at Rockefeller's New
York City "Riverside Church" (next to NCC headquar-
ters), February 2, 1985; per Powell, op. cit., p. 244. See
section of SECRET on Johnetta Cole for more on the
Clintons' links to Sandy Pollack.
Riverside Church is of course linked to Skull & Bones.
In addition to IPS, Hillary sent money to other pro-
communist groups which themselves have strong ties to
IPS — indicating a collaborative attempt for donations
to serve similar purposes. These included the Committee
in Support of the People of El Salvador (CISPES — a
supporter of the Marxist Salvadoran guerrillas), the
National Lawyers Guild (an officially cited adjunct of the
Communist Party USA), militant William Kunstler's
Center for Constitutional Studies, and the terroristic
Christic Institute. Information on some of the anti-
American and pro-communist activities of these other
groups Hillary supported, and some of their relation-
ships to IPS, are explained below.
CISPES, Hillary and IPS. The Committee in Support
of the People of El Salvador (CISPES), which Hillary
dished out $5,000.00 to, has been properly classified as a
communist front organization. Formed in 1980 as the
US branch of a worldwide apparatus supporting Marxist
FMLN guerrillas in El Salvador, insight into CISPES's
function with Latin American communist rebels and the
international communist movement was gained in 1981
when the personal papers of guerrilla leader Farid
Handal were captured in El Salvador, (p. 35)
The National Lawyers Guild, Hillary and IPS. U.S.
Government investigators have repeatedly condemned
the NLG (which Hillary lavished $15,000.00 on) as being
a "Communist front" group. One such official denun-
ciation charged that the NLG: "Is the foremost legal
bulwark of the Communist Party [and]its front organiza-
tions. . . [which] since its inception has never failed to
rally to the legal defense of the Communist Party and
individual members thereof, including known espionage
agents." (page 36)
At an NLG convention in Austin, Texas the delegates
sang the Communist "Internationale" anthem, whose
lyrics include the verse, "Tis the final conflict, let each
stand his place. The International Soviet shall be the
Human Race!"
Hillary gave money to a man who makes speeches be-

neath the Soviet flag, who cheered the murder of 5
policemen and who applauds the assassination of
President Kennedy. (page 37)

IPS Suspected of Bombings and Murder

The IPS has long been suspected of revolutionary activities
and this must have been known to the Clintons—and especially
to Hillary Clinton, who financed IPS in part. Foundation fund
disbursers make themselves aware of recipients' backgrounds.
In 1971 the IPS was under investigation by the FBI "for
possible involvement of IPS associates in bombing matters"
(see documents reproduced below) and "a connection has been
shown between the subjects of a bank robbery-murder and
some IPS associates." (This related to the murder of a police
officer on September 23, 1970 during robbery of the State
Street Bank and Trust Company in Boston.)
At precisely this time in 1970, Hillary Clinton was associ-
ated with Robert Borosage, Director of the IPS. . . and ten
years later we find Hillary still associated with and financing
IPS Marxist causes.
If writers on the outside of IPS can determine IPS' revolu-
tionary violent nature, then so can a Yale lawyer with inside
contacts at IPS. We have to assume that either Hillary
Clinton is remarkably naive or was aware of the violent
nature of the IPS when she directed funds into the IPS and
related organizations.
When we consider the FBI documents reproduced below
with the additional materials in SECRET, this writer has
serious reservations about Hillary Clinton. Anyone who
would finance or aid violent activities is unstable and
certainly not fit to influence public policy in a free country.
SECRET comments on public reaction to some of these
revelations as follows:

On CNN's Capital Gang columnist Mona Charen cited

Hillary's radicalism but was interrupted by Al Hunt,
Chief of the Washington Bureau of the Wall Street
Journal, "It's utter, complete nonsense. You don't have

anything factual" blurted Hunt Charen replied, "No, it's
based on her foundation grants to CISPES and William
Kunstler." Hunt stormed, "No, that is the far-right
American Spectator kind of neo-fascist hit nonsense."
After Rush Limbaugh raked Hunt over the coals over
500 radio stations for that sophomoric name-calling
spree, a humbled and much smarter Al Hunt scraped out
an apology, offering that, "It would be outrageous for me
or anyone else to smear [The American Spectator] with
that pejorative label."
Regardless how uneasy the truth makes persons such
as Al Hunt, Hillary Clinton's political activities are as
relevant as the political activities of any first lady. If
Eleanor Roosevelt had (before, after or during WWII)
channeled money to Japan's military supporters, that
would have been relevant. If Bess Truman had directed
monies to North Korea's advocates, that would have
been relevant. If Jackie Kennedy had aided Castro or if
""Lady Bird' Johnson had supported the Viet Cong, those
actions would have been relevant; as would news of
Barbara Bush funding Sadam Hussein's forces.
Likewise, Hillary's support for pro-Marxists in Amer-
ica and for communist insurgents in Nicaragua and El
Salvador is just as relevant! Especially in light of the
Clinton campaign rhetoric that he and Hillary would be
somewhat of a husband-and-wife Presidential team. As
Hillary declared at the New York Convention, "With me
you are getting two for the price of one.... Vote for him
and you will have me also.
The Trilateral Commission then is a prime Rockefeller front
to control policy to bring about New World Order. Through
the Clintons the decades-old policy of aid to Marxist regimes
and revolutionaries continues.
This is a long way from the "study group" label claimed by
the Trilateral Commission. The Commission is a revolution-
ary organization in opposition to the U.S. Constitution (in its
own reports) and through its members uses deceit, violence
and criminal activity to advance its own global political and
financial interests.
The delicacy of language and presumed elevated status of
its members should not disguise either their tenacity or their
immorality. The soft word, the empty promise and the subtle
threat have replaced the Marxist red banner and screaming


When we published the original TRILATERALS OVER WASH-

INGTON, the Trilateral Commission had no track history.
Although we wrote the book from the viewpoint that Trila-
teral Commissioners and especially Chairman David Rocke-
feller were not telling the entire truth about their objectives,
there was no way to prove self interested objectives.
Today, in 1994, we can look at two decades of Trilateral
actions and determine just how disinterested Trilateral pro-
posals and policies have been in the light of the extraordinary
ability to place their members in every Administration.
First, we now know they have a common philosophy, this
by their own statements. The radio interview of Trilateral Co-
ordinator George Franklin Jr., in July 1979 (Radio station
KLNG, Council Bluffs, Iowa, July 27,1979) highlighted speci-
fic sensitive areas of discussion that the Commission wants to
Without doubt the Trilaterals had not considered the possi-
bility of opposition to their plans and have no damage control
mechanism in place. They also demonstrate an easy ability to
avoid, evade, deny and even outright lie when these sensitive
areas are made public.
The central role of David Rockefeller is always disguised
and his influence diluted:

SUTTON: Can we go off energy for a while?
SUTTON: I have a question for Mr. Franklin. Who chooses the
members of the Trilateral Commission?
FRANKLIN: The Trilateral Commission's Executive Committee.
SUTTON: Who comprises that committee?
FRANKLIN: Who is on that committee?
FRANKLIN: Okay. William Coleman, former Secretary of
Transportation, who is a lawyer; Lane Kirkland, who is
Secretary-General of the American Federation of Labor;
Henry Kissinger, who does not need too much identification;
Bruce McLaury, who is president of the Brookings Institu-
tion; David Rockefeller; Robert Ingersoll, who was formerly
Deputy Secretary of State and Ambassador to Japan; I. W.
Able, who was formerly head of United Steelworkers; and
William Roth, who is a San Francisco businessman and was
chief trade negotiator in the previous trade Kennedy round.
SUTTON: May I ask a question? How many of these have a
rather intimate business relationship with Mr. Rockefeller?
FRANKLIN: Henry Kissinger is chairman of Mr. Rockefeller's
Chase Advisory Committee.
SUTTON: Coleman?
FRANKLIN: Coleman, I don't think has any business relation-
ship with him, he is a lawyer. [In fact, William Coleman is a
Director of Chase Manhattan Bank, which Franklin has
already admitted to be controlled by David Rockefeller.]
SUTTON: Mr. Ingersoll?
FRANKLIN: Mr. Ingersoll, I don't think has any business
SUTTON: Isn't he connected with First Chicago?
FRANKLIN: He is vice chairman of the University of Chicago.
SUTTON: NO, what about the First Bank of Chicago? (First

Chicago Corp.)
FRANKLIN: I don't believe that Ingersoll has any relationship
with banks in Chicago, but I don't know for certain on that.
[Robert Stephen Ingersoll, before joining the Washington
"revolving door," was a director of the First National Bank of
Chicago, a subsidiary of First Chicago Corp. The largest
single shareholder in First Chicago is David Rockefeller's
Chase Manhattan Bank. Ingersoll has also been a director of
Atlantic Richfield and Burlington Northern. Chase Manhat-
tan is also the largest single stockholder in these two com-
panies. Thus, Ingersoll has a longstanding relationship with
Rockefeller interests.]
Freedom of the press is distasteful to Trilaterals, and they
have good reason to find it distasteful. Here's another seg-
ment of the same radio interview of Mr. Franklin, in which he
disclaims knowledge of a Trilateral book recommending
abridgement of press freedoms, a violation of the First
Amendment of the Constitution.

SUTTON: Mr. Franklin, do you believe in freedom of the press

in the United States?
FRANKLIN: Definitely, of course.
SUTTON: Let me quote you from a book, Crisis In Democracy,
written by Michel Crozier, who is a Trilateral member.
FRANKLIN: Correct.
SUTTON: I am quoting from page 35 of his book: "The media
has thus become an autonomous power. We are now
witnessing a crucial change with the profession. That is,
media tends to regulate itself in such a way as to resist the
pressure from financial or government interests." Does that
not mean that you want to restrict the press in some way?
FRANKLIN: I can't quite hear you.
SUTTON: Let me paraphrase this for you. I think I will be clear
in my paraphrasing. The Trilateral Commission is unhappy
with the press because it resists the pressure from financial or
government interests. That is one of your statements.

FRANKLIN: NOW, let me say something about our book.
[NOTE: "our"] The book that we put out, the report, is the
responsibility of the authors and not of the Commission itself.
You will find that in the back of a number of them, and that
book is one of them, that other members of the Commission
will hear dissenting views, and you will find dissenting views
in the back of that book on the press question.
SUTTON: I would like to quote a further statement from the
same book and leave the question at that point: "The media
deprives government and to some extent other responsible
authorities of the time lag and tolerance that make it possible
to innovate and to experiment responsibly." What the book
recommends is something like the Interstate Commerce Com-
mission to control the press. This seems to me to be a
violation of the Constitution.
FRANKLIN: I would agree with you that we do not want some-
thing like the Interstate Commerce Commission to control
the press.
[Michel Crozer, et al, in Crisis In Democracy, make the
following statements with reference to the "Interstate Com-
merce Act and the Sherman Anti-trust Act":
"Something comparable appears to be now needed with re-
spect to the media. .. there is also the need to assure to the
government the right and the ability to withhold information
at the source" (page 82).
The authors go on to argue that if journalists do not con-
form to these new restrictive standards, then "The alternative
could well be regulation by the government. "]
SUTTON: I fail to understand why the Trilateral Commission
would associate itself with such a viewpoint.
FRANKLIN: As I just mentioned to you, we hired three authors
for each report. The authors are allowed to say what they
think is correct. What the Trilateral Commission does is this:
It says we think this report is worthwhile for the public to see.
This does not mean that all the members of the Commission
agree with all the statements in the report and, in fact, a
majority of them might disagree with certain things. Now,
where a statement is one that many Commissioners seem to
disagree with, we then do put in the back a summary of the
discussion. That book does have a summary of the discussion
of our meeting which questions various things in the book, in
the back of it.
While Mr. Franklin tries to put distance between the Trila-
teral Commission and individual members, he then admitted
to a "common philosophy" which appears to suggest they
have common views on at least fundamental issues.
SUTTON: Would you say Mr. Franklin that the members of the
Commission do have a common philosophy?
FRANKLIN: Yes, I think a common philosophy. I think that all
of them believe that this world will work better if the principal
industrial powers consult each other on their policies and try
to work them out together. This does not mean that they will
agree on everything. Of course, they won't. But, at least they
will know what the other countries feel, and why they feel it.
SUTTON: The Financial Times in London—the editor is Ferdy
Fisher, a Trilateralist. He fired a long time editorial writer,
Gordon Tether, because Tether wanted to write articles criti-
cizing the Trilateral Commission. Do you have any
FRANKLIN: I didn't know that at all. It sounds terribly
unlikely, but if you say that it is so, probably it is. [See
Chapter Seven, "Trilateral Censorship: the case of C. Gordon
Tether" in Trilaterals Over Washington. Trilaterals see the
media as the "gatekeeper" and comment as follows: "Their
main impact is visibility. The only real event is the event that
is reported as seen. Thus, journalists possess a crucial role as
gatekeepers of one of the central dimensions of public life. "]

George Franklin got into further deep water about control

of the press when asked how it chose writers and whether it
approved of the chosen writers.

REES: Yes, Mr. Franklin, I noticed that you were saying that
the Trilateral Commission takes no responsibility for the use

of the publisher's imprimatur, but I would be interested to
know about how you go about selecting your writers to put
out the various positions.
FRANKLIN: Well that is a very interesting question. We have a
meeting with the chairmen. The way the situation is organ-
ized is this. There are three chairmen, one from each of the
three areas. Three secretaries, one from each of the three
areas, and I, have got an intermediate staff job called "coordi-
nator." Now, the chairmen and secretaries meet with what
they have jointly, will discuss not only topics they think will
be useful to have, but also authors for these topics. The topics
are then discussed by the whole Commission and approved or
changed slightly. The authors are chosen by members of the
staff and consultation with the chairmen.
REES: SO, although you do not take responsibility for the fin-
ished product you are responsible for the selection of the
FRANKLIN: Very much. No question about that.
REES: SO it does have your imprimatur stamp of approval
each time?
FRANKLIN: In that sense. We certainly choose the writers, and
we choose them because we think they are very good, obvi-
ously. So far, every single report that has been written by the
authors has, in fact, been accepted for publication by the
REES: Then the report on the news media was accepted?
FRANKLIN: It was accepted, but there was a lot of dis-
agreement with that. It was felt that it was an important
statement, with quite a lot of interesting new ideas in it. It
was also a very strong opposition which was reflected in the
back of the report in a section, I think it is entitled,
"Summary of Discussion."
Whatever Mr. Franklin's evasive statements, common
sense suggests that Trilateral reports do in fact reflect a com-
mon philosophy, else the Commission would hardly pay out
funds for their production. The "do not necessarily agree with

the authors" is a mere ploy to evade responsibility for
unwelcome views.
In one sensitive area, the abnormally low tax rates paid by
Trilateral banks and firms, George Franklin Jr. was highly
evasive — and for good reason. Trilaterals have been getting
away with murder, taxwise.

Here's the Council Bluffs segment on taxation:

COMMENTATOR: Mr. Sutton, do you have any other questions?
SUTTON: I have one more question, that goes to a new field
entirely: taxation. We have established that David Rocke-
feller is chairman and single most powerful influence in Chase
Manhattan Bank. Now, do you happen to know the tax rate
that Chase Manhattan pays in the United States?
FRANKLIN: I don't know. . . happen to know — it is about 50%
(fifty percent),
SUTTON: I will give you some figures. In 1976, Chase Manhat-
tan Bank's tax rate was precisely zero. I am wondering why,
if you are so influential politically, why at least you cannot
pay a tax rate more equivalent to that of the average
American taxpayer, which is 15%, or 20% or 30%.
FRANKLIN: I have nothing to do with Chase Manhattan Bank.
But if the tax rate was zero, it must have been because it had
very large real estate losses in that year, I think.
SUTTON: In 1975, it was 3.4%. It is always way under 10%.
FRANKLIN: Well, that is extremely interesting. It is a new fact
for me.
SUTTON: Well, my point is this, that you are willing to guide
the United States into the future, but apparently you are not
willing to pay your fair share of the costs.
COMMENTATOR: YOU are talking about the Commission mem-
bers as a whole?
FRANKLIN: I think you will find that the Commission mem-
bers pay whatever the laws say they are supposed to pay
under the circumstances. I do not know what the particular

reason was on Chase. They did have heavy losses; I am not
familiar enough with their situation to be able to tell to you.

In brief, our Trilateral friends have been dealing themselves

favors when it comes to taxation. Trilateral firms are notori-
ous for the ridiculous low tax rates they appear to pay, zero
being quite common. And it's all legal because Trilateral poli-
cies are put into law by Trilateral politicians — so George
Franklin can truly say that "the Commission members pay
whatever the laws say they are supposed to pay under the


Twenty years after founding of the Trilateral Commission we

can now assess its objectives and intentions. Originally pre-
sented as a "study group" by interested citizens concerned
about world problems, we find that the Trilateral Commission
is anything but this description.
The first finding is that from the start the Commission has
reflected extremely narrow segments of the citizenry in each
constituent country. The Commission is as representative of
world requirements and world needs as the fox is represen-
tative of chickens in the hen coop.
The dominant influence has always been David Rockefeller
and comparable bankers overseas. The dominant influence is
that of the international bankers, those who already heavily
control world directions through control of finance. Further-
more, David Rockefeller was long time Chairman of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the most important
regional bank in this private system. The Federal Reserve
System is not a public institution, it is a private institution, a
fact which has to be borne in mind. Federal Reserve distance
from the prevailing government of the time is deliberate, so
that the financial system can be controlled in the interests of
those who own the Federal Reserve.
Rockefeller has a small executive Committee that invites
prominent citizens to join the Commission. This perpetuates
the Rockefeller influence so that new members are at least
sympathetic to Rockefeller objectives in their private views.
This in itself would not be objectionable if:
(1) The Commission was indeed a "study group" and,
(2) If the Commission exercised the same interest in
separation from the Federal Government in appoint-
ments as it does in operation of the Federal Reserve.
The Trilateral Commission is not a study group. Its studies
are farmed out to academics who can reflect the Commission
views. These studies are then the basis for Trilateral discus-
sion and agreed policies become the policy viewpoints of
individual members.
When these members are appointed to the Federal Govern-
ment, and generally about one-third of the members at any
time are in the current Administration, then they transmit
these policies into practice. The conclusion is that the
Trilateral Commission is a policy-oriented group with the
power to translate policies into action whatever the general
citizenry may wish.
Nowhere do we find any policy determinations in favor of
individual free enterprise and individual freedom. We find
many claims that the world is "ungovernable" and that State
action is needed to bring citizen objectives into line with
Trilateral ambitions.
Our chapters and examples of attempts to solve social prob-
lems through "wars" demonstrates policies that must have a
hidden objective. The so-called "war on drugs" has not suc-
ceeded and never could succeed. We find that the Clinton
"war on drugs" is not far removed from the Reagan-Bush
"war on drugs" although Clinton promised a new approach.
It is still a multi-billion military approach to intercept supply,
a remarkably inefficient procedure. The demand side has
never been realistically tackled. And as Lt. Colonel "Bo" Gritz
has pointed out, along with others, the CIA is deeply involved
in trafficking. So we are left with the thought — is the war on
supply designed to allow other channels like CIA to control
supply? This is the only rational conclusion one can make.
Whatever the Trilateral Commission members may claim,
our finding is that the objective is a New World Order with
Trilateralists in control. This would be a planned New World
Order with no individual freedom and no constitutional pro-
tections. These so-called "wars" on problems are designed to
mold the outcome of the problem towards New World Order
objectives, not to solve the problem.

is the "think tank" heavily used by the Clinton
Administration to implement Trilateral policies. Here is
the FBI summary on IPS.

as of October 15, 1978. See page 142 for 1993.

North American Members

Abel, I.W., Former President, United Steelworkers of America

Abshire, David M., Chairman, Georgetown University Center for
Strategic and International Studies
Ackley, Gardner, Henry Carter Adams University Professor of Political
Economy, University of Michigan
Allison, Graham. Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government,
University of Michigan
Anderson, Doris, Former Editor,Chatelaine Magazine
Anderson, John B., House of Representatives
Armstrong, Anne. Former U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain
Austin, J. Paul. Chairman, The Coca-Cola Company
Ball, George W., Senior Partner, Lehman Brothers
Belanger, Michel, President, Provincial Bank of Canada
Bonner, Robert W., Q.C., Chairman, British Columbia Hydro
Brademas, John, House of Representatives
Brimmer, Andrew, President, Brimmer & Company, Inc.
Brock, III, William E., Chairman, Republican National Committee
Burns, Arthur F., Senior Adviser, Lazard Freres & Co.; former Chairman
of Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve Board.
Calkins, Hugh, Partner, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
Castonguay, Claude, President, Fonds Laurentien; Chairman of the
Board, Imperial Life Assurance Company; former Minister in the
Quebec Government
Chaikin, SoL President, International Ladies Garment Workers Union
Cohen, William S., House of Representatives
Coleman, William T., Senior Partner, O'Melveny & Meyers; former
Secretary of Transportation
Conable, Jr., Barber B., House of Representatives
Cowles, Jr., John, Chairman, Minneapolis Star & Tribune Co.
Cranston, Alan, United States Senate
Colver, John C, United States Senate
Curtis, Gerald L., Director, East Asian Institute, Columbia University

Cutler, Lloyd N., Partner, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
Desrochers, Louis A., Partner, McCuaig and Desrochers, Edmonton
Dobell, Peter, Parliamentary Centre for Foreign Affairs and Foreign
Trade, Ottawa
Donovan, Hedley, Editor-in-Chief,Time, Inc.
Edwards, Claude A., Member, Public Service Staff Relations Board;
former President, Public Service Alliance of Canada
Evans, Daniel J., President, The Evergreen State College; former
Governor of Washington
Fairweather, Gordon, Chief Commissioner, Canadian Human Rights
Foley, Thomas S., House of Representatives
Franklin, George S., Coordinator, The Trilateral Commission, former
Executive Director, Council on Foreign Relations
Fraser, Donald M., House of Representatives
Fraser, John Allen, Member of Parliament, Ottawa
Glenn, Jr., John H., United States Senate
Harvie, Donald Southam, Deputy Chairman, Petro Canada
Hawley, Philip M., President, Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc.
Heller, Walter W., Regents' Professor of Economics, University of
Hewitt, William A., Chairman, Deere & Company
Hills, Carla A., Senior Resident Partner, Latham, Watkins & Hills:
former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Hockin, Alan. Executive Vice President, Toronto-Dominion Bank
Hoge, Jr., James F., Chief Editor, Chicago Sun Times
Houthakker, Hendrik S., Henry Lee Professor of Economics, Harvard
Hughes, Thomas L., President, Carnegie Endowment for International
Ingersoll, Robert S., Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The
University of Chicago; former Deputy Secretary of State
Johnson, D. Gale, Provost, The University of Chicago
Train, Russell E., Former Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection
Trezise, Philip H., Former Assistant Secretary of State for Economic
Volcker, Paul A., President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Wallace, Martha R., Executive Director, The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
Ward, Martin J., President, United Association of Journeymen and
Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United
States and Canada
Watts, Glenn E., President, Communications Workers of America
Weinberger, Caspar W., Vice President and General Counsel, Bechtel

Weyerhaeuser, George, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Weyerhaeuser Corporation
Whitman, Marina V. N., Distinguished Public Service Professor of
Economics, University of Pittsburgh
Wilson, Carroll L., Mitsui Professor in Problems of Contemporary
Technology, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management; Director,
Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies, MIT
Wilson, T. A., Chairman of the Board, The Boeing Company

Former Members in Public Service

Benson, Lucy Wilson, U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Security

Blumenthal, W. Michael, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
Bowie, Robert R., U.S. Deputy to the Director of Central Intelligence for
National Intelligence
Brown, Harold, U.S. Secretary of Defense
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, U.S. Assistant to the President for National
Security Affairs
Carter, Jimmy, President of the United States
Christopher, Warren, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
Cooper, Richard N., U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Gardner, Richard N., U.S. Ambassador to Italy
Holbrooke, Richard, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian
and Pacific Affairs
Mondale, Walter F., Vice President of the United States
Owen, Henry, Special Representative of the President for Economic
Summits; U.S. Ambassador at Large
Pepin, Jean-Luc, Cochairman, Task Force on Canadian Unity
Richardson, Elliot L., U.S. Ambassador at Large with Responsibility for
U.N. Law of the Sea Conference
Kaiser, Jr., Edgar F., President and Chief Executive Officer, Kaiser
Resources Ltd.
Kirby, Michael, President, Institute for Research on Public Policy,
Kirkland, Lane, Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO
Kissinger, Henry A., Former Secretary of State
Linowitz, Sol M., Senior Partner, Coudert Brothers; former Ambassador
to the Organization of American States
Lord, Winston, President, Council on Foreign Relations
Macdonald, Donald S., Former Canadian Minister of Finance
MacLaury, Bruce K., President, The Brookings Institution

McCracken, Paul W., Edmund Ezra Day Professor of Business
Administration, University of Michigan
Miller, Arjay, Dean, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Morgan, Lee L, President, Caterpillar Tractor Company
Naden, Kenneth D., President, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
Packard, David, Chairman, Hewlett-Packard Company
Parsky, Gerald L., Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher; former Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
Pearce, William R., Vice President, Cargill Incorporated
Peterson, Peter G., Chairman, Lehman Brothers
Reischauer, Edwin O., University Professor and Director of Japan
Institute, Harvard University; former U.S. Ambassador to Japan
Robinson, Charles W., Vice Chairman, Blyth Eastman Dillon & Co.;
former Deputy Secretary of State
Rockefeller, David, Chairman, The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
Rockefeller, John D., IV, Governor of West Virginia
Roosa, Robert V., Partner, Brown Bros., Harriman & Company
Roth, William M., Roth Properties
Roth, Jr., William V., United States Senate
Sawhill, John C, President, New York University; former
Administrator, Federal Energy Administration
Schacht, Henry B., Chairman, Cummins Engine Inc.
Scranton, William W., Former Governor of Pennsylvania; former U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations
Sharp, Mitchell, Member of Parliament; former Minister of External
Shepherd, Jr., Mark, Chairman, Texas Instruments Inc.
Spencer, Edson W., President and Chief Executive Officer, Honeywell Inc.
Taft, Jr., Robert, Partner, Taft, Stettinius & Hollister
Taylor, Arthur R.
Thompson, James R., Governor of Illinois
Smith, Gerard C, U.S. Ambassador at Large for Non-Proliferation
Solomon, Anthony M., U.S. Under-Secretary of the Treasury for
Monetary Affairs
Vance, Cyrus R., U.S. Secretary of State
Warnke, Paul C, Director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency; Chief Disarmament Negotiator
Young, Andrew, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

European Members
Agnelli, Giovanni, President, FIAT
Anderson, P. Nyboe, Chief General Manager, Andelsbanken A/S; former
Danish Minister for Economic Affairs and Trade
Bassetti, Piero, Chamber of Deputies, Rome
Berthoin, George, President, European Movement
Biedenkopf, Kurt H., Deputy Chairman, Christian Democratic Union
Federal Republic of Germany
Birrenbach, Kurt, President, German Foreign Policy Association;
President, Thyssen Stiftung
Boon, Henrik N., Former Dutch Ambassador to NATO and Italy
Carli, Guido, President, Confindustria; former Governor, Bank of Italy
Carrington, Lord, House of Lords, London
Casanova, Jean-Claude, Professor of Political Science, Institute of
Political Studies, Paris
Clercq, Willy de, Chairman, Party for Freedom and Progress, Belgium
Colombo, Umberto, Director-General, Research & Development Division,
Compagna, Franceso, Chamber of Deputies, Rome
Cromer, The Earl of, Advisor to Baring Bros. & Co., Ltd., former British
Ambassador to the United States
Danis-Spaak, Antoinette, Member of Chamber of Representatives,
Debatisse, Michel, Chairman of the French National Farmers Union
Delouvrier, Paul, Chairman, French Electricity Board
Desmond, Barry, Member of Irish Parliament and Labour Party Whip
Dromer, Jean, President Directeur General, Banque Internationale pour
l'Afrique Occidentale
Duchene, Francois, Director, Sussex European Research Centre,
University of Sussex
Eastwood, G., General Secretary, Association of Patternmakers & Allied
Craftsmen, London
Ehmke, Horst, Deputy Chairman, Parliamentary Fraction of Social
Democratic Party, Federal Republic of Germany; former Minister of
Esteva, Pierre, Administrateur Directeur General, Union des Assurances
de Paris
Fibbe, K, Chairman of the Board, Overseas Gas and Electricity
Company, Rotterdam
Fisher, M. H., Editor, Financial Times
Fitzgerald, Garret, Member of Irish Parliament and Leader of Fine Gael
Party; former Foreign Minister of Ireland
Foch, Rene. Delegue National aux Questions Internationales du Parti
des Republicains Independants

Forte, Franceso, President, Tescon, S.p.A., Rome
Gaudet, Michel, President, Federation Francaise des Societes
d' Assurances
Geddes, Sir Reay, Chairman, Dunlop Holdings, Ltd.
Glisenti, Giuseppe, President, La Rinascente
Grierson, Ronald, Director, General Electric Co., Ltd.
Harlech, Lord, Chairman, Harlech Television; former British
Ambassador to the United States
Hartwig, Hans, Chairman, German Association for Wholesale and
Foreign Trade
Hayhoe, Bernard, Member of British Parliament
Houthuys, Jozef P., Chairman, Belgian Confederation of Christian
Trade Unions
Huber, Ludwig, President, Bayerische Landesbank
Jannott, Horst K., Chairman, Board of Directors, Munich Reinsurance
Janssen, Daniel E., Administrateur Delegue et Directeur General,
Belgian Chemical Union
Junghans, Hans-Jurgen, Member of the Bundestag
Kaiser, Karl, Director, Research Institute of the German Society for
Foreign Policy
Keith, Sir Kenneth, Chairman, Rolls Royce Ltd.
Keswick, Henry, Chairman, Matheson & Company, Ltd.
Killeen, Michael, Managing Director, Industrial Development Authority
of the Irish Republic
Knight, Sir Arthur, Chairman, Courtaulds, Ltd.
Kohnstamm, Max, Principal, European University Institute, Florence
Kristoffersen, Erwin, Director, International Division, German
Federation of Trade Unions
Lambert, Baron Leon, President du Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, S.A.
Levi, Arrigo, La Stampa, Turin
Littman, Mark, Deputy Chairman, British Steel Corporation
Lowenthal, Richard, Professor Emeritus, Free University of Berlin
MacFarquhar, Roderick, Member of British Parliament
Malfa, Giorgio La, Chamber of Deputies, Rome
Marjolin, Robert, Former Vice President of the Commission of the
European Communities
Martin, Roger, President, Compagnie Saint-Gobain Pont-a-Mousson
Maudling, Reginald, Member of British Parliament; former Cabinet
Merlini, Cesare, Director, Institute for International Affairs, Rome
Montbrial Thierry de, Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique,

Munchmeyer, Alwin, Chairman of the Board, Bank Schroder,
Munchmeyer, Hengst & Co.
Munthe, Preben, Professor of Economics, Oslo University; Official Chief
Negotiator in Negotiations between Labor Unions and Industry
Murphy, Dan, Secretary-General of the Civil Service Executive Union,
Narjes, Karl-Heinz, Member of the Bundestag
Neuman, Friedrich A., Chairman, State Association, Industrial
Employers Societies, North-Rhine Westphalia
Ortona, Egidio, President, Honeywell Information Systems, Italia;
former Italian Ambassador to the United States
Pagezy, Bernard, President Directeur General, Societes d' Assurances
du Groupe de Paris
Pilcher, Sir John, Former British Ambassador to Japan
Rey, Jean, Ministre de 'Etat; former President of the Commission of the
European Communities
Ridsdale, Julian, Member of British Parliament; Chairman, Anglo-
Japanese Parliamentary Group
Roberts, Sir Frank, Advisory Director, Unilever Ltd.; former British
Ambassador to Germany and the Soviet Union
Robinson, Mary T. W., Member of Senate, Irish Republic
Roll, Lord, Chairman, S. G. Warburg and Co., Ltd.
Roper, John, Member of British Parliament
Rose, Francois de, Ambassadeur de France; President Directeur General,
Societe Nouvelle Pathe Cinema
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de, President, Compagnie Financiere
Holding, Paris
Samkalden, Ivo, Former Mayor of Amsterdam
Sanness, John C, Director, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Scherpenhuijsen Rom, W. E., Chairman, Board of Directors,
Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank, N.V.
Schmidt, Erik Ib, Permanent Undersecretary of State, Chairman, Riso
National Laboratory
Scholten, Th. M., Chairman of the Board, Robeco Investment Group,
Schroder, Gerhard, Member of the Bundestag; former Foreign Minister
of the Federal Republic of Germany
Seidenfaden, Erik, Directeur de la Fondation Danoise, Institut
Universitaire International de Paris
Sensi, Federico, Ambassador of Italy; former Italian Ambassador to
the Soviet Union
Seydoux, Roger, Ambassadeur de France; President, Banque de
Madagascar et des Comores; President, Fondation de France
Shackleton, Lord, Deputy Chairman, Rio Tinto-Zinc Corporation
Ltd., London

Shonfield, Sir Andrew, Professor of Economics, European University
Institute, Florence; former Director, Royal Institute of International
Smith, J. H., Deputy Chairman, British Gas Corporation
Sohl, Hans-Gunther, Chairman of the Board, August Thyssen Hutte A.G.
Sommer, Theo, Editor-in-Chief, Die Zeit
Staunton, Myles, Member of Senate, Irish Republic
Storry, G. R., St. Antony's College, Oxford (Far East Centre)
Swire, John A., Chairman, John Swire and Sons, Ltd.
Tidemand, Otto Grieg, Shipowner; former Norwegian Minister of
Defense and Minister of Economic Affairs
Tuke, A. F., Chairman, Barclays Bank International Ltd.
Vetter, Heinz-Oskar, Chairman, German Federation of Trade Unions
Vittorelli, Paolo, Member of Italian Parliament
Warner, Sir Frederick, Director, Guinness Peat Group Ltd.; former
British Ambassador to Japan
Wauters, Luc, Chairman, Kredietbank, Brussels
Wellenstein, Edmund, Former Director General for External Affairs,
Commission of the European Communities
Whitaker, Kenneth, Member of Senate, Irish Republic; former Governor
of the Central Bank of Ireland
Williams, Alan Lee, Member of British Parliament
Wolf von Amerongen, Otto, President, Otto Wolff A.G.; President,
German Federation of Trade and Industry
Woods, Michael, Member of Irish Parliament
Zulueta, Sir Philip de, Chairman, Antony Gibbs Holdings Ltd.

Former Members in Public Service

Auken, Svend, Minister of Labor, Denmark

Barre, Raymend, Prime Minister and Finance Minister, French Republic
Ehrenberg, Herbert, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Federal
Republic of Germany
Eyskens, Marc, Belgian State Secretary for Budget and Flemish
Regional Economy
Lambsdorff, Otto Graf, Minister of Economics, Federal Republic of
Lecat, Jean-Philippe, Minister of Culture and Communications, French
Luard, Evan, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the British
Foreign Office
Norgaard, Ivar, Danish Minister of Commerce
O'Kennedy, Michael, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Irish Republic
Simonet, Henri, Foreign Minister of Belgium

Stoltenberg, Thorvald, Secretary of State, Norwegian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
Sund, Olaf, Senator for Labor and Social Affairs, Land Government
of Berlin

Japanese Members

Amagi, Isao, President, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science;

former Vice Minister of Education
Ariyoshi, Yoshiya, Counsellor, Nippon Yusen, K.K.
Asada, Shizuo, President, Japan Air Lines Company, Ltd.
Ashihara, Yoshishige, Chairman, Kansai Electric Power Company, In<
Doko, Toshiwo, President, Japan Federation of Economic Organizatio:
Eto, Jun, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Eto, Shinkichi, Professor of International Relations, Tokyo University
Fujino, Chujiro, Chairman, Mitsubishi Corporation
Fukushima, Shintaro, President, Kyodo News Service
Gotoh, Noboru, President, TOKYU Corporation
Hagiwara, Toru, Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs; former
Ambassador to France
Hanamura, Nihachiro, Vice President, Japan Federation of Economic
Organizations (Keidanren)
Hara, Sumio, Executive Advisor, Bank of Tokyo, Ltd.
Haraguchi, Yukitaka, Chairman, Central Executive Committee, All
Japan Federation of Metal Mine Labor Unions
Hasegawa, Norishige, Chairman, Sumitomo Chemical Company, Ltd.
Hidaka, Teru, Chairman, Yamaichi Securities Company, Ltd.
Hirose, Gen, President, Nihon Insurance Co, Ltd.
Hori, Hideo, President, The Association for Employment Promotion
of the Handicapped
Hosomi, Takashi, Advisor, Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.
Hotta, Shozo, Honorary Chairman, Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.
Hyuga, Hosai, Chairman, Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.
Ichimura, Shinichi, Professor of Economics, Kyoto University
Ikeda, Yoshizo, President, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Inayama, Yoshihiro, Chairman, Nippon Steel Corporation
Inouye, Kaoru, Honorary Chairman, Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd.
Ishikawa, Rokuro, President, Kajima Corporation
Ishikawa, Tadao, President, Keio University
Itakura, Joji, President, The Mitsui Bank, Ltd.
Iwasa, Yoshizane, Chairman, Japan-U.S. Economic Council

Kaji, Motoo, Professor of Economics, Tokyo University
Kamiya, Fuji, Professor of International Relations, Keio University
Kashiwagi, Yusuke, President, Bank of Tokyo, Ltd.; former Special
Advisor to the Minister of Finance
Kato, Koichi, Member of the Diet
Kawai, Ryoichi, President, Komatsu, Ltd.
Kawamata, Katsuji, Chairman, Nissan Motor Company, Ltd.
Kitaura, Kiichiro, President, Nomura Securities Company, Ltd.
Kobayashi, Koji, Chairman, Nippon Electric Company, Ltd.
Komai, Kenichiro, Chairman, Hitachi, Ltd.
Kondo, Shinichi, Advisor, Mitsubishi Corporation; former Ambassador
to Canada
Kono, Fumihiko, Counsellor, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Kosaka, Masataka, Professor, Faculty of Law, Kyoto University
Maki, Fumihiko, Principal Partner, Maki and Associates, Design,
Planning and Development
Matsumoto, Shigeharu, Chairman, International House of Japan, Inc.
Miyado, Daigo, Chairman, The Sanwa Bank, Ltd.
Morita, Akio, Chairman, SONY Corporation
Mukaibo, Takashi, President, Tokyo University
Nagai, Norihiko, President, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines
Nagai, Yonosuke, Professor of Political Science, Tokyo Institute of
Nagano, Shigeo, President, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Nagasue, Eiichi, Member of the Diet
Nakahara, Nobuyuki, Managing Director, Toa Nenryo Kogyo, K.K.
Nakamura, Toshio, Chairman, Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd.
Nakayama, Ichiro, President, Japan Institute of Labor
Nakayama, Sohei, Counsellor, Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.
Ogata, Okira, Chief News Commentator, Japan Broadcasting
Corporation (NHK)
Ohjimi, Yoshihisa, President, Arabian Oil Company, Ltd.; former Vice
Minister of International Trade and Industry
Okita, Saburo, Chairman, Japan Economic Research Center
Saeki, Kiichi, President, Nomura Research Institute
Sasaki, Kunihiko, Chairman, Fuji Bank, Ltd.
Shibayama, Yukio, Chairman, Sumitomo Shoji Kaisha, K.K.
Shibusawa, Masahide, Director, East-West Seminar
Shimada, Yoshihito, President, Takahashi Foundation; former
President, Japan Petroleum Development Corporation
Shoda, Tatsuo, Chairman, The Nippon Credit Bank Ltd.
Sugiura, Binsuke, Chairman, The Long Term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd.

Takeuchi, Ryuji, Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs;
former Ambassador to the United States
Toyoda, Eiji, President, Toyota Motor Company, Ltd.
Tozaki, Seild, President, C. Itoh & Co., Ltd.
Tsutsumi, Seiji, Chairman, Seibu Department Store, Inc.
Umesao, Tadao, Director, National Museum of Ethnology
Watanabe, Takesi, Former President, Asian Development Bank
Yasui, Kizo, Chairman, Toray Industries, Inc.

Former Members in Public Service

Miyazawa, Kiichi, Minister of Economic Planning

Ushiba, Nobuhiko, Minister of External Economic Affairs

as of July 1, 1993.


European Chairman North American Chairman Japanese Chairman
European Deputy North American Deputy Japanese Deputy
Chairman Chairman Chairman
Founder and Honorary Chairman
European Director North American Director Japanese Director

North American Members

Allaire, Paul A., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation
Andreas, Dwayne O., Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer,
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Araskog, Rand V., Chairman, President and Chief Excutive Officer,
ITT Corporation
*Bergsten, C. Fred, Director, Institute for International Economics; former
U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
Black, Conrad M., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hollinger Inc.,
Bosley, John, Member, Canadian House of Commons and Chairman of
the Standing Committee on External Affairs and International Trade;
former Speaker of the House of Commons
Bouey, Gerald K., Former Governor of the Bank of Canada
Brademas, John, President Emeritus, New York University;
former Member, U.S. House of Representatives
Brown, Harold, Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies;
former Chairman, Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute,
Washington, D.C.; former U.S. Secretary of Defense
*Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Counselor, Center for Strategic and International
Studies; Robert Osgood Professor of American Foreign Affairs, Paul
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins
University; former U.S. Assistant to the President for National
Security Affairs

Burke, James E., Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Emeritus, Johnson & Johnson
Calloway, D. Wayne, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo
Carlucci, Frank C, Vice Chairman, The Carlyle Group, former U.S.
Secretary of Defense
Chafee, John H., Member, United States Senate
*Coleman, William T. Jr., Senior Partner, O'Melveny & Myers;
former U.S. Secretary of Transportation
Corrigan, E. Gerald, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Curtis, Gerald L., Professor of Political Science, East Asian Institute,
Columbia University
Deans, Ian; Chairperson, Public Service Staff Relations Board of Canada,
Ottawa; former Member, Canadian House of Commons
Dobell, Peter C, Director, Parliamentary Centre for Foreign Affairs and
Foreign Trade, Ottawa; Vice-President, Institute for Research on
Public Policy
Drouin, Marie-Josee, Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada,
Einhorn, Jessica P., Vice President and Treasurer, World Bank
Erburu, Robert F., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Times
Mirror Company
Eyton, Trevor, Member, Canadian Senate; President and Chief Executive
Officer, Brascan Limited, Toronto
Feinstein, Dianne, Member, United States Senate; former Mayor of
San Francisco
Feldstein, Martin S., President, National Bureau of Economic Research,
Inc.; George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University;
former Chairman, President's Council of Economic Advisors
Fisher, George M. C, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer, Motorola, Inc.
Foley, Thomas S., Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
*Fortier, L. Yves, Senior Partner, Ogilvy Renault, Barristers and Solicitors,
Montreal; former Canadian Ambassador and Permanent Representa-
tive to the United Nations
Fresco, Paolo, Vice Chairman of the Board and Executive Officer,
The General Electric Company, (U.S.A.)
Friedman, Stephen, Senior Partner & Co-chairman, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Gardner, Richard N., Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International
Organization, Columbia University; Of Counsel, Coudert Brothers;
former U.S. Ambassador to Italy
Gerstner, Louis V. Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
International Business Machines
Goldschmidt, Neil, former Governor of Oregon; former U.S. Secretary
of Transportation
Gorman, Joseph T., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, TRW Inc.

* Gotlieb, Allan E., Chairman, Canada Council; Chairman, Burson-
Marsteller, Toronto; former Canadian Ambassador to the U.S.
Graham, Katharine, Chairman of the Board, The Washington Post Co.
Greenberg, Maurice R., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, American
International Group, Inc.
Gutfreund, John H., former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer, Salomon Inc.

* Haas, Robert D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Levi Strauss
& Company
Hamilton, Lee H., Member, U.S. House of Representatives
Hennigar, David J., Chairman, Crownx Inc.; Vice-Chairman, Crown Life
Insurance Co.; Atlantic Regional Director, Burns Fry Limited,
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hormats, Robert D, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs International;
former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and
Business Affairs

Houghton, James R., Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive

Officer, Corning Incorporated
Johnson, Samuel C, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Johnson, W. Thomas, President, CNN
Jordan, Vernon C, Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
Keohane, Nannerl O., President, Duke University, Durham, No. Carolina
Keough, Donald R., Chairman of the Board, Allen & Co., Inc.
* Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.; former
U.S. Secretary of State; former U.S. Assistant to the President for
National Security Affairs

Labrecque, Thomas G., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The

Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
Leach, Jim, Member, U.S. House of Representatives
Lewis, Flora, Senior Columnist, The New York Times, Paris
MacLaren, Roy, Member, Canadian House of Commons; former Minister
of State [Finance]; former Minister of National Revenue
MacMillan, Whitney, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer, Cargill, Inc.
Mazur, Jay, President, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union
McColl, Jr., Hugh L., President and Chief Executive Officer, Nations-
Bank Corporation
* McNamara, Robert S., former President, The World Bank; former
U.S. Secretary of Defense
Murray, Allen E., Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer,
Mobil Corporation
Oksenberg, Michel, President, East-West Center, Hawaii

Owen, Henry, Senior Fellow on leave, Brookings Institution; Member,
Consultants International Group; former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large
and Special Representative of the President for Economic Summits
Putnam, Robert D., Director, Center for International Affairs and
Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University
Rangel, Charles B., Member, U.S. House of Representatives
Raymond, Lee R., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Exxon Corp.
Ridgway, Rozanne, Co-chair, Atlantic Council; former U.S. Assistant
Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs; former U.S.
Ambassador to the German Democratic Republic
Robb, Charles S., Member, United States Senate; former Governor
of Virginia
*Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, John D. IV, Member, United States Senate; former
Governor of West Virginia
*Rosovsky, Henry, Lewis P. & Linda L. Geyser University Professor,
Harvard University
Roth, Jr., William V., Member, United States Senate
Ruckelshaus, William D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Browning-Ferris Industries; former Administrator, U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency; former U.S. Deputy Attorney General
Shanker, Albert, President, American Federation of Teachers
Shultz, George P., Honorary Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford
University; former U.S. Secretary of State; former U.S. Secretary
of the Treasury; former U.S. Secretary of Labor; former Director,
U.S. Office of Management and Budget
Smith, Gerard C, former Head, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency and Chief Negotiator of SALT 1; former Ambassador-at-Large
for Non-Proliferation Matters
Southern, Ronald D,, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer,
ATCO Ltd., Calgary; Chairman, Canadian Utilities Ltd., Edmonton
Stern, Paula, President, The Stern Group, Washington, D.C.; former
Chairwoman, U.S. International Trade Commission
Thurow, Lester C, Professor of Economics and Dean, Alfred P. Sloan
School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tung, Ko-Yung, Chairman, Global Practice Group, O'Melveny & Myers,
New York
Turner, William I.M. Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Exsultate, Inc., Montreal
*Volcker, Paul A., Chairman, James D. Wolfensohn Inc., New York;
Frederick H. Schultz Professor of International Economic Policy,
Princeton University; former Chairman, Board of Governors,
U.S. Federal Reserve System
Watts, Glenn E., President Emeritus, Communications Workers
of America
Wendt, Henry, Chairman, Smith Kline Beecham

Whitman, Marina v.N., Distinguished Visiting Professor of Business
Administration and Public Policy, The University of Michigan
Williams, Karen Hastie, Partner,' Crowell & Moring
Winters, Robert C, Chairman of the Board, The Prudential Insurance
Co. of America

Former Members in Public Service

Allison, Graham, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Plans and Policy
Babbitt, Bruce, U.S. Secretary of the Interior
Christopher, Warren; U.S. Secretary of State
Cisneros, Henry, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Clinton, Bill, President of the United States
Crowe, William E. Jr., U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain
Davis, Lynn E., U.S. Undersecretary of State for International Security
Deutch, John M., Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition
Gergen, David, U.S. Assistant to the President for Communications
Greenspan, Alan, Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve
Jones, James R., U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
Lord, Winston, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and
Pacific Affairs
Murray, Lowell, Government Leader in the Senate
Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Chairman, National Intelligence Council, Central
Intelligence Agency
Rivlin, Alice M., Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget
Shalala, Donna E., U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Spero, Joan Edelman, U.S. Undersecretry of State for Economic and
Agricultural Affairs
Talbott, Strobe, Ambassador-at-Large and Special Adviser to the
Secretary of State for the New Independent States and Russia
Tarnoff, Peter, U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs
Wharton, Clifton R., Jr. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State

European Members
Agnelli, Umberto, Vice Chairman, Fiat, Turin
*Albert, Michel, Assurances Generates de France; former High
Commissioner of the French Planning Agency
Armstrong, Lord of Ilminster, Director, The R.T.Z. Corporation, London;
former Chief Cabinet Secretary to the Prime Minister
Armenise, Giovanni Auetta, Chairman, Banca Nazionale dell'Agricoltura,

Barre, Raymond, Member of National Assembly; former Prime Minister
of France
Bartelds, Hans, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors, Amev,
Utrecht; Chairman of the Executive Board of Fortis
Bassetti, Piero, Chairman, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Milan; former Member of Chamber of Deputies
Bergougnoux, Jean, Director General, French Electricity Board (EDF),
Berthoin, Georges, International Honorary Chairman, European Move-
ment; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris
Biedenkopf, Kurt, Minister President of the Free State of Saxony;
former Member of the German Bundestag
Bjerregaard, Ritt, Member of Danish Parliament; Chairman, Social
Democratic Parliamentary Group; former Minister of Education and
Minister for Social Affairs
Boada Vilallonga, Claudio, Honorary Chairman, Banco Hispano-
Americano, Madrid
Boiteux, Marcel, Honorary Chairman, French Electricity Board, Paris
Callebaut, Pierre, Chairman, Amylum, Brussels; former Chairman,
Belgian Federation of Agricultural and Food Industries
Cappuzzo, Umberto, Defense Advisor to the Italian Minister of Foreign
Affairs; Member of the Defense Committee, Italian Senate;
Former Chief of Staff of the Army, Rome
*Carmoy, Herve de, Chairman, Banque Industrielle Mobiliere et Privee
(B.I.M.P.); Advisor to the Chairman, HR Finances, Paris; former
Chief Executive, Societe Generale de Belgique, Brussels
Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime, Chairman Iberfomento; Chairman, Ford
Espana, Madrid
Casanova, Jean-Claude, Professor of Economics, Institute of Political
Studies, Paris; Editor, Commentaire
Cereti, Fausto, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Alenia, Rome
Ceron Ayuso, Jose Luis, Former Spanish Minister of Trade; Chairman
of ASETA, Madrid
Clercq, Willy de, Member of the European Parliament; Chairman,
Commission on Foreign Economic Relations; former Vice President,
Commission of European Communities, Brussels
Conroy, Richard, Chairman, Conroy Petroleum; Member of Senate,
Irish Republic
Cotta, Alain, Professor of Economics and Management, University
of Paris
David-Weill, Michel, Senior Partner, Lazard Freres, Paris & New York
Davignon, Viscount Etienne, Chairman, Societe Generate de Belgique;
former Vice President, Commission of the European Communities
Declercq, Baron Guido, Chairman, FIDISCO, INVESTVO and BENEVENT,
Brussels; Honorary General Administrator, Kath University, Leuven

Deflassieux, Jean, Chairman, Banque des Echanges Internationaux;
Honorary Chairman, Credit Lyonnais, Paris
Del Turco, Ottaviano, Secretary General, Italian General Confederation
of Labour (C.G.I.L.), Rome
Dromer, Jean, Chairman, Financiere Agache, Paris; Chairman, Louis
Vuitton, Paris; former Chairman, Union des Assurances de Paris (UAP)
Evans, Robert, Chief Executive and Member of the Board, British Gas
Corporation, London
*Fanjul, Oscar, Chairman, Repsol; Chairman, Institute National de
Hidrocarburos, Madrid
Feo, Julio, Chairman, Consultores de Communication y Direction,
Madrid; Chairman, Holmes & Marchant
Ferrer, Carlos, Chairman, Ferrer International; Chairman, Bank of
Europe, Barcelona; President, UNICE, Brussels; former Chairman,
Spanish Employers Confederation

*FitzGerald, Garret, Former Prime Minister of Ireland

Fuchs, Michael, President, National Federation of German Wholesale &
Export Traders, Bonn
*Garrigues Walker, Antonio, Senior Partner, J & A Garrigues, Madrid
Gazzoni Frascara, Giuseppe, Chairman and Managing Director, Gazzoni;
President, Federation of Italian Food Industries, Bologna
Gilbert, John, Member of British Parliament, London; Former Treasury,
Transport and Defense Minister; Chairman, John Gilbert & Associates
*Groothaert, Baron Jacques, Honorary Chairman of the Board, Generale
de Banque, Brussels; Honorary Ambassador of Belgium
Hahn, Curt, Member of the Supervisory Board, Volkswagen, Wolfsburg
Harding, Sir William, Director, Lloyds Bank, London; former British
Harrowby, Earl of, Chairman, The Private Bank, London
Herrero de Minon, Miguel, Member, Spanish Parliament
Hinnekens, Jan, Chairman, Belgian Boerenbond; Member, Board of
Directors, National Bank of Belgium
Holm, Niels W., Chairman, Ramboll & Hannemann, Virum; Vice
Chairman, L. Lauritzen Holding; Director, Teledanmark, Copenhagen
Hornhues, Karl-Heinz, Member, German Bundestag; Deputy Chairman,
CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group
Howell, David, Member, British Parliament and Chairman of the
Foreign Affairs Committee; former Cabinet Minister
Imbert, Claude, Editor-in-Chief and Managing Director, Le Point, Paris
Jagland, Thorbjorn, Secretary General, Norwegian Labour Party
Janssen, Baron Daniel, Chairman, Executive Committee, Solvay & Co.,
Janssen, Baron Paul-Emmanuel, Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Generale de Banque, Brussels

Jochimsen, Reimut, President, Central Bank of the Northrhine-
Westphalia, Dusseldorf; Member, Central Bank Council of the
Deutsche Bundesbank
Joly, Alain, Member of the Board and Managing Director, L'Air
Liquide, Paris
Julliard, Jacques, Associate Director, Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris
Keating, Justin, Former Irish Minister of Industry and Commerce;
former Leader of the Labour Party in the Senate; former Dean,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University College, Dublin
Kiep, Walther Leisler, Treasurer of the Christian Democratic Party and
Chairman of the "Atlantik Brucke"; Senior Partner, Gradmann &
Holler, Frankfurt
Kohnstamm, Max, Former President, European University Institute,
*Lambsdorff, Count Otto, Chairman, Free Democratic Party; Member,
German Bundestag; President, Liberal International; former Federal
Minister of Economics
Liam Lawlor, Member of Irish Dail
Lede, Cees van, Member of the Board, Akzo; former President,
Federation of Netherlands Industry
Lee Williams, Alan, Director, The British Atlantic Committee; former
Member, British Parliament
Leister, Klaus Dieter, Member of the Board, Westdeutsche Landesbank
Girozentrale, Dusseldorf; former State Secretary, Minister of Defense;
former Head of the Chancellery of Northrhine Westphalia
Levi, Arrigo, Political Columnist, Corriere della Sera, Rome
Levy-Lang, Andre, Chairman of the Board of Management, Compagnie
Financiere Paribas, Paris
Leysen, Andre, Chairman, Agfa Gevaert, Antwerp; Chairman,
Supervisory Board, Hapag Lloyd, Hamburg
Maas, Cees, Member of the Executive Board of the Internationale
Nederlanden Group, Amsterdam; former Treasurer, Dutch Government
MacFarquhar, Roderick, Professor of Government, Harvard University;
Director, Fairbank Center for East Asian Research; former Member,
British Parliament
March Delgado, Carlos, Chairman, Banca March; Vice Chairman,
Juan March Foundation, Madrid
Martinet, Gilles, Ambassadeur de France; President, Association for the
European Cultural Community, Paris
Martini, Eberhard, President, Association of German Banks; Chairman,
Bayerische Hypotheken-und Wechsel Bank, Munich
Mateus, Rui, Chairman, Emaudio International; President, The
Foundation for International Relations, Lisbon
Matuschka, Count Albrecht, Chairman, Matuschka Group, Munich
Maull, Hanns W., Co-Director, German Institute for Foreign Affairs
(DGAP), Bonn; Professor of International Relations, University of Trier;

European Representative, Japan Center for International Exchange
Merlini, Cesare, Chairman, Institute for International Affairs, Rome
Montbrial, Thierry de, Member de l'Institut; Professor, Ecole
Polytechnique; Director, French Institute for International Relations,
*Monti, Mario, Rector, Bocconi University, Milan
Munthe, Preben, Professor of Economics, University of Oslo; Counselor,
Norwegian Nobel Institute
Murmann, Klaus, Chairman, Federation of German Employers'
Association (BDA), Cologne
Narjes, Karl-Heinz, Former Vice President, Commission of the European
Neisser, Heinrich, Member, Austrian Parliament; Chairman, People's
Party Parliamentary Group (OeVP), Vienna
Nixon, Sir Edwin, Deputy Chairman, National Westminster Bank, London
Norrington, Humphrey, Vice Chairman, Barclays Bank, London
*Ortona, Egidio, Chairman, ISPI, Milan; Honorary Chairman, Bull Italia,
Rome; former Italian Ambassador to the United States
Owen, Lord, Co-Chairman (EC) of the Steering Committee of the Inter-
national Conference on former Yugoslavia; former Member, British
Parliament; former Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary
* Palliser, Sir Michael, Chairman, Sameul Montagu & Co.; former Permanent
Undersecretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London
Perry, Michael, Chairman, Unilever, London
Pierer, Heinrich von, Chairman, Siemens, Munich
Pinho, Ilidio de, Chairman, COLEP, Lisbon
Pinto Balsemao, Francisco, Member, Portuguese Parliament; former
Prime Minister
Ratti, Giuseppe, Member of the Board, Coe-Clerici, Genoa
Rippon of Hexham, Lord, President, INVESCO MIM.; Chairman, Unichem,
London; Former Chancellor Duchy of Lancaster
Rocca, Gianfelice, Chairman of Techint, Milano
Roll of Ipsden, Lord, President, S.G. Warburg Group, London
Romano, Sergio, Editorialist, La Stampa; former Italian Ambassador to
USSR, Milan
Roper, John, Director, Institute for Security Studies, Western European
Union; former Member of British Parliament
Rose, Francois de, Ambassadeur de France; former Permanent
Representative to NATO
Ruding, H. Onno, Vice Chairman Citicorp/Citibank, New York;
former Dutch Minister of Finance
Ruggiero, Renato, Member of the Board of Directors in charge of
International Relations, Fiat, Turin; former Italian Minister of
Foreign Trade

Sarasqueta, Antxon, President, Multimedia Capital; Editor, Echos,
* Scherpenhuijsen Rom, Willem, Former Chairman, Internationale
Nederlanden Group, Amsterdam
Schlehnann, Jorgen, Columnist, Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, Denmark
*Schmidt-Chiari, Guido, Chairman, Creditanstalt Bankverein, Vienna
Schmitz, Ronaldo, Member of the Board of Managing Directors,
Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt
Schwartz, Pedro, Executive Vice President, National Economic Research
Associates, Madrid; Member of the Board of Directors, Iberagentes
Brokers; Professor of Economics, Madrid University
Segurado, Jose, Chairman, Jasinas, Madrid; Special Advisor to the
Chairman, Banesto; former Member, Spanish Parliament
*Shore, Peter, Member of British Parliament
Siglienti, Sergio, Chairman, Banca Commerciale Italiana, Milan
Silvestri, Umberto, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer,
STET, Rome
Simonet, Henri, Member, Belgian Senate; former Belgian Minister for
Foreign Affairs and Vice President of the Commission of the
European Communities, Brussels
*Staunton, Myles, Member of Senate, Irish Republic
Sutherland, Peter, Chairman, Allied Irish Bank Group, Dublin; former
Member of the European Commission; former Attorney General of
Svanholm, Poul Johan, President and Group Chief Executive Officer,
Carslberg, Copenhagen
Tameron, Marques de, Director, Institute de Cuestiones Internacionales
y Politica Exterior (INCIPE), Madrid
Tapsell, Sir Peter, Member of British Parliament
Taylor, Geoffrey W., Chairman, Daiwa Europe Bank; former Group
Chief Executive, Midland Bank, London
Thierry, Jacques, Chairman of the Board, Banque Bruxelles Lambert;
Chairman of the Board, Artois Piedboeuf Interbrew, Brussels
Thorn, Gaston, Chairman, Banque Internationale a Luxembourg;
former President, Commission of the European Communities
*Thygesen, Niels, Professor of Economics, Economics Institute,
Copenhagen University
Tidbury, Sir Charles, Member, Board of Directors, Whitbread & Co.
*Tidemand, Otto Gried, Shipowner, Oslo; former Norwegian Minister of
Defense and Minister of Economic Affairs
Van Traa, Maarten, Member of Dutch Parliament; Foreign Affairs
Spokesman, Labour Party, Amsterdam
* Vasco de Mello, Antonio, Chairman, Sociedade de Reparacao e
Montagem de Equipamentos Industrials, Lisbon; former Member,
Portuguese Parliament

Verzetnitsch, Friedrich, Member, Austrian Parliament (SPOe); President,
Austrian Federation of Trade Unions, Vienna
Vila Marsans, Jose, Chairman, Rhone Poulenc Fibras, Barcelona;
Director, Banco Central, Madrid
Vittorelli, Paolo B., Chairman, Instituto Studi Ricerche Defesa (ISTRID),
Rome; former Member of Italian Parliament
Voigt, Karsten D., Member of the German Bundestag; Spokesman on
Foreign Affairs of the SPD Parliamentary Group
Voorhoeve, Joris, Director, Netherlands Institute for International
Relations, The Hague
Vuursteen, Karel, Chairman, Executive Board, Heineken, Amsterdam
*Wallenberg, Peter, First Vice Chairman, Skandinaviska Ensilka Banken,
Weinberg, Serge, Chairman, Comagnie de Distribution de Materiel
Electrique; Member of the Board and Director General, Pinault
Group, Paris
*Wieczorek, Norbert, Member, German Bundestag; Spokesperson on
International Economic and Monetary Afairs, SPD Parliamentary
*Wolff von Amerongen, Otto, Chairman, East-West Trade Committee;
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Otto Wolff Industrieberatung
und Beteiligung
Ybarra, Emilio, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Banco Bilbao-
Vizcaya, Madrid
Zwan, Arie van der, Chairman, World Software Group, The Hague
Former Members in Public Service
Boniver, Margherita, Minister of Tourism, Italy
Braga de Macedo, Jorge, Minister of Finance, Portugal
Colombo, Umberto, Minister of Universities and Scientific Research, Italy
Hoist, Johan Jorgen, Minister of Defense, Norway
Savona, Paolo, Minister of Industry, Italy
Stoltenberg, Thorvald, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
Veil, Simone, Minister of State for Social, Health and Urban Affairs, France

Japanese Members
Amaya, Naohiro, Executive Director, Dentsu Institute for Human Studies
Chino, Yoshitoki, Honorary Chairman, Daiwa Securities, Co. Ltd.
* Ejiri, Koichiro, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive
Director, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Fukukawa, Shinji, Executive Vice President, Kobe Steel Co., Ltd.
Funabashi, Yoichi, Columnist, The Asahi Shimbun

*Gyohten, Toyoo, Chairman, The Bank of Tokyo; former Vice Minister
of Finance for International Affairs
Hasegawa, Norishige, Director and Counsellor, Sumitomo Chemical
Company Ltd.
Hashida, Taizo, Counsellor, Fuji Bank, Ltd.
Hata, Tsutomu, Member of the Diet; former Minister of Finance
Hirose, Gen, Honorary Chairman, Nippon Life Insurance Company, Ltd.
Horie, Tetsuya, President, The Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd.
*Hosomi, Takashi, Chairman, NLI Research Institute; former Chairman,
The Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
Ichimura, Shin'ichi, Vice-Chancellor and Director, Institute of
International Relations, Osaka International University
Inouye, Kaoru, Honorary Chairman, Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd.
Ishikawa, Rokuro, Chairman, Kajima Corporation
Kishikawa, Takeru, Chairman, Mitsui Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
Ito, Tadashi, Chairman, Sumitomo Corporation
Kaji, Motoo, Vice President,The University of the Air; Professor
Emeritus, University of Tokyo
Kakizawa, Koji, Member of the Diet; Parliamentary Vice-Minister for
Foreign Affairs
Kamiya, Fuji, Professor, Toyo-Eiwa Women's University; Visiting
Professor, Keio University
Kamiya, Ken'icbi, Director and Counsellor, The Sakura Bank, Ltd.
Kato, Koichi, Member of the Diet; former Chief Cabinet Secretary
Kawakatsu, Kenji, Chairman, Sanwa Band, Ltd.
Kitamura, Toshi, Executive Vice-President and Director, Hitachi, Ltd.
Kobayashi, Shoichiro, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kansai
Electric Power Company, Ltd.
*Kobayashi, Yotaro, Chairman, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
Kojima, Akira, Senior Editor and International Editor, The Nihon
Keizai Shimbun
Kosai, Yutaka, President, Japan Center for Economic Research
Kume, Yutaka, Chairman, Nissan Motor Company, Ltd.
Shonosuke, Maeda, President, Toray Industries, Inc.
*Makihara, Minoru, President, Mitsubishi Corporation
Matsukawa, Michiya, Senior Advisor to the President, Nikko
Securities Co. Ltd.
Matsuoka, Seiji, President, The Nippon Credit Bank, Ltd.
Miyazaki, Isamu, Chairman, Daiwa Institute of Research, Ltd.
Miyoshi, Masaya, President and Director General, Keidanren
(Japan Federation of Economic Organizations)
Mogi, Yuzaburo, Executive Managing Director, Kikkoman Corporation
*Morita, Akio, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sony Corporation

Motono, Moriyuki, Advisor to the Board, Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
Mukaibo, Takashi, Chairman, Japan Atomic Industiral Forum; former
President, University of Tokyo
Murase, Jiro, Mnaging Partner, Marks & Murase
*Murofushi, Minora, President, Itochu Corporation
Nagai, Yonosuke, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
Nagasue, Eiichi, Member of the Diet
Nakahara, Nobuyuki, President, Tonen Corporation
Nakamura, Kaneo, Counsellor, The Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.
Nakamur, Toshio, Counsellor, Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd.
Nishihara, Masashi, Professor of International Relations, National
Defense Academy
Noguchi, Teruo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Koa Oil Co., Ltd.
Ogasawara, Toshiaki, Publisher-Chairman,The Japan Times, Ltd.;
President, Nifeo Inc.
Ogata, Shijuro, Senior Advisor, Yamaichi Securities Co., Ltd., Tokyo
Okanu, Mitsuyoshi, President, The Suraga Bank, Ltd.
*Okawara, Yoshio, Executive Advisor, Keidanren (Japan Federation of
Economic Organizations); former Ambassador to the United States
Okumura, Ariyoshi, President and Chief Executive, IBJW Asset
Management Co., Ltd.
Saba, Shoichi, Advisor to the Board, Toshiba Corporation Ltd.
*Saeki, Kiichi, Deputy Chairman, International Institute for Global Peace
Saito, Yutaka, President, Nippon Steel Corporation
Sato, Seizaburo, Professor, Keio University; Acting Director,
International Institute for Global Peace
Shibusawa, Masahide, Director, East-West Seminar
Shiina, Motoo, Member of the Diet; President, The Policy Study Group
Shiina, Takeo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IBM Japan, Ltd.
Shimokobe, Atsushi, Chairman, The Tokio Marine Research Institute
Suzuki, Tetsuo, President, HOYA Corporation
Takagi, Tsuyoshi, General Secretary; ZENSEN (The Japanese Textile,
Garment, Chemical, Mercantile and Allied Industry Workers' Unions)
Tanaka, Akihiko, Associate Professor, Institute of Oriental Culture,
University of Tokyo
Tatsumi, Sotoo, President, Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.
Tomabechi, Toshihiro, Auditor, Toppan Moore Co., Ltd.
Toyoda, Eiji, Honorary Chairman, Toyota Motor Corporation
Toyonaga, Keiya, Senior Managing Director, Matsushita Electric
Industrial Co., Ltd.
Tsutsumi, Seiji, Chairman, Saison Corporation
Uetani, Hisamitsu, Chairman Emeritus, Yamaichi Securities Co., Ltd.
Umemura, Shoji, Chairman of the Board, Nikko Securities Co., Ltd.

Washio, Etsuya, President, Japan Federation of Steel Workers' Union
Watanabe, Fumio, Counsellor, Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
Watanabe, Takeshi, Chairman, The Non-Life Insurance Institute of
Japan; former President, Asian Development Bank
Yamamoto, Tadashi, President, Japan Center for International Exchange
Yamashita, Isamu, Former Japanese Chairman, The Trilateral Commission
Chairman, East Japan Railway Company; Senior Advisor, Mitsui
Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Yashiro, Masamoto, Country Corporate Officer, Citibank NA
Yoshino, Bunroku, Chairman, Institute for International Economic
Studies; former Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany

Former Members in Public Service

Miyazawa, Kiichi, Prime Minister
Ogata, Sadako, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

*Executive Committee

Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz, U.S.A. (Ret)
U.S. Congress, House Foreign Affairs Committee
International Narcotics Control Task Force
Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, 30 June 1987

The reason is because U.S. taxpayer dollars and American equip-
ment have been used to construct a new road that will allow
narcotics to pour out of General Khun Sa's Shan Territories rather
than trickle out by horse and mule as has been the case until the
beginning of this year.
Last year 600 tons of Opiates trafficked from this area. Press
reports included as part of this statement argue that it is logistically
impossible to increase the output to 900 tons. The new road capable
of easily handling 10-ton truck convoys signal not only the capa-
bility, but the reality. The disappointing fact is that this new artery
was constructed by the Thai Government using money, manpower,
time and materials furnished by our drug suppression funds.
Moreover, there are serious implications that elements within the
U.S. Government are Khun Sa's biggest customers. The facts are
that for 15 years U.S. taxpayers through legislative bodies like this
committee and executive agencies such as have testified here today,
have dumped hundreds of millions of dollars into drug suppression
programs within Thailand and Burma which have done nothing but
nourish the flow of narcotics from Asia into the United States. The
proof is statistically clear. Fifteen years ago the flow of Opiates was
60 tons; this year it will approach or exceed 900 tons. The reasons,
while multi-faceted, boil down to one word, "money."

Certain high level Thai and Burmese officials are packing their
pockets with U.S.-supplied drug suppression funds, political payoffs,
and other spinoff profits like the thousands of Teak trees felled
during the Khun Sa road effort. Khun Sa has no outlet for teak, but
it is a protected and highly valued commodity in Thailand. More
shameful are the serious allegations raised by General Khun Sa and
his staff that corrupt U.S. officials allow this travesty and in certain
cases are directly involved.
After a meeting with General Khun Sa and others, I am convinced
that a secret combination exists today within the U.S. Government
that was officially germinated during the Nixon-Vietnam years and
has, through illicit drug profits, propagated itself today into a self-
serving righteous monster of global proportions. I believe Ed Wilson
was a member of this combination and that his activities represent
only one of many tentacles. I believe the Contra-Iran situation is
merely another visible lesion that has emerged from this extra-
governmental organism.
I say "would be righteous" because those within this secret com-
bination I believe honestly think they are serving America by
offering an established model of sabotage, subversion, and assas-
sination to areas threatened by communism. They are in existence
because normal government process is too cumbersome, time-
consuming and ofttimes impotent. These persons who are intelligent
and well seeded in our governmental structure think they are
smarter than our elected officials and can expedite accomplishment
of national objectives. They have funded their efforts through drug
trafficking because of a 1960s mindset that anyone who would use
opiates is animalistic and the U.S.A. doesn't really care about them.
They began their drug dealing in Southeast Asia as a means to fund
the secret war in Laos and Cambodia that Congress was officially
unaware of. Besides my personal experiences, all of these conclusions
are spelled out in the book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia.
I have good reason to believe that after President Nixon got the
U.S. out of Vietnam "with honor," while bringing home "all the
POWs" in 1973 that either with his concurrence, or on the initiative
of those "Best and Brightest" included within the "President's 40,"
the war continued to be fought through Project Phoenix. The in-
siders knew the North Vietnamese would not abide by the tri-accord
and continue to consolidate their position in Vietnam, Laos, and
Cambodia. Since the war was over there was no Congressional fund-
ing and homegrown trafficking offered the most expedient solution.

Ideally the communist takeover in 1975 would fall like a house of
cards since the infrastructure would be eliminated by extreme
prejudice through the Phoenix operation. Even so, an estimated
150,000 nonmilitary persons were terminated; the program failed to
meet the expectations of those in charge.
Next, I believe the Phoenix model was moved to help stabilize a
toppling Shah who happened to be close to the Administration —
and to people in the secret combination society, many of whom held
high positions within the Executive Branch. The Shah fell. By this
time the model was self-perpetuating.
Rather than shut down after failing in Iran, there was a refocus on
the building communist threat in Central America. The Contra-Iran-
Oliver North-White House disclosures are only protrusions that
have become visible because of the extent and intensity of this para-
government organization. Even as these hearings are underway,
representatives of this secret combination are at work in the
Philippines, offering "anti-communist solutions" to that struggling
democracy. I believe that.
As years and changing administrations have gradually thinned
the society's active duty status within the U.S. Government, I
believe those who still steer the society have become more self-
serving, making huge personal profits under the guise of fighting
worldwide communism. Further, I believe they are maximizing their
influence to protect those of the brotherhood who still hold active
office in the government.
I have been told for years that U.S. POWs would never be allowed
to return because they were directly related to illegal drug traf-
ficking by U.S. officials. Until May of 1987, I thought this absurd.
Now, after eight years in the POW-Southeast Asian arena, I clearly
can see what was hidden except to those more sensitive to power
politics than myself. The reason we have met the enemy and he is
U.S. in our efforts to return POWs while they are still alive is simple.
When POWs are returned the first demand by the American people
will be to examine those within the government responsible for their
return. America will want to know why these individuals failed in
their official capacities; why the burden fell on the private sector, and
what took so long if the POW issue is truly "Top National Priority"
as designated by President Reagan. Upon investigation it will be
revealed that responsible officials were more interested in interested in
their secret society than accounting for our POW and MIA.
The fact is that all of the Heroin and Opiates could be shut off at

the Golden Triangle if America's responsible elected and ap-
pointed officials would do their job. General Khun Sa is recognized
as the drug kingpin and controls the Golden Triangle with a well-
disciplined army of 40,000 Shan soldiers. He has stated to me
before three other American witnesses on videotape that he great-
ly desires to stop the drug trafficking, but we won't let him. He has
promised that if we will give him any economic alternative, he will
not just stem, but stop the flow of narcotics through his areas of
control. He has said for example that for one-tenth the money we
now give the Burmese for drug suppression turned into economic
aid and crop substitution, he will use his force to enforce what we
cannot and have not. In addition, Khun Sa has stipulated that the
Burmese must be stopped from using the 12 Bell Helicopters and
fixed wing aircraft given them by the U.S. to spray the Shan State
people, animals, food and water with Agent Orange and herbicides.
All that I have presented thus far is backed up by written and
recorded documents made available to the Committee.
It has been reported to me by committee personnel that Khun Sa
has made these offers before. They say the CIA has expressed
doubt and mistrust that Khun Sa will carry out his part of the
bargain. I and three other Americans have met with Khun Sa. We
believe him to be sincere. Certainly in view of the dismal failure of
the CIA and DEA to slow, stop or even deter the flood of drugs
from the Golden Triangle, it seems that a change in dynamics is in
order. Especially since Khun Sa has directly implicated persons
within the CIA as some of his best customers. The videotapes
show testimony of a frustrated medical doctor who, under orders
from Khun Sa, did everything from offer radio links to Khun Sa's
headquarters to present a horse that might be used to alert DEA
of drug movements. The low level agents supported these initi-
atives, but in every case they were rejected at DEA headquarter
I have strived at the invitation of the Executive Branch for eight
years to convince political skeptics that American POWs are alive
in the hands of Communist forces in Laos and Vietnam. I abhor
drugs and dopes that are users, yet in the past two weeks I've been
told by committee staff and others that "federal sources" and a
Los Angeles State Department employee have said that I am "a
drug trafficker," and I will be in prison before July 4th. I know this
level of federal employee would never make such slanderous state-
ments unless encouraged by higher-ups. While following the

classic model of "deny-defame-divert," it is disappointing that law
enforcement agencies would reveal such lowlife practices as direct-
ly as they have, and then avoid comment when confronted.
I have tried in every way to cooperate with the committee and
its membership. I've furnished videotapes, only to be informed
that the chairman has blocked their distribution. I've supplied the
Suchesk letter to Vice President Bush, and requested a written
transcript of the file from which Khun Sa's secretary read from. I
received a letter in the mail last week. It was from Khun Sa. The
stapled and sealed envelope had been opened. Inside, the pamph-
let, which had also been stapled shut, had been opened and the con-
tents removed. I had asked Khun Sa to translate his record; sign it
himself with two additional witnesses. I was assured this docu-
ment was part of the opened package. I have requested my con-
tacts furnish me with a FAX of their copy. It serves to supplement
in writing the verbal and video accounts.
I'm disillusioned that this committee, which represents the in-
terest of 240 million Americans in controlling illegal drug traffick-
ing, would take such a negative and skeptical position on such a
critical issue as Khun Sa's proposal and my deliverance of the
information he gave us. I've been told that I must "sell my case"
to you. Facts are, I am a citizen who has been twice to see a
warlord who is recognized as the world's most powerful Heroin
kingpin. This person has shown statistically that our 15-year old
drug suppression program is, at best, "dumb" by anyone's stan-
dards. At best we have millions of U.S. tax dollars being mishan-
dled; one recipient has made use of U.S. assets to build a major
road, and secures that road from outside infiltration; 900 tons of
opiates entering the free world; rampant corruption of allied of-
ficials. At worst, in addition to the best case, we have officials
within the USG who won't, as Khun Sa says, let him get out of the
drug business, because they are his biggest buyers.
Your business is representing American interest in drug control.
You greatly influence how our tax dollars are used and how well
the enforcement agencies do their job. My business is bringing
home POWs while they are still alive. Neither one of us has been
able to make much headway because I'm convinced there are per-
sons within the government that are opposing us both. If POWs
came home, the resulting investigation will expose their drug
involvement; if the drugs are stopped, their source of income dries
up. I agree that communism threatens the liberty of free people

everywhere, but in my opinion drugs are even a bigger and more
immediate threat. To fuel these self-righteous freedom fighters
with drug money is to steal, cheat, and mislead every American
taxpayer, and circumnavigate the greatest governmental system
in the world. While it may appear slow, and at times fickle and
indecisive, still ours is the greatest government in the world. There
aren't boatloads of Americans headed for the Soviet Union. I
believe our system was divinely inspired. I believe it will work
despite any shortcomings.


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