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The Story of The Vivekananda Rock Memorial

Compiled by Sanjeev Nayyar

November 2003
(As told by Shri Eknath Ranade)
About two years I heard the story of how the Rock Memorial came up and Shri Eknath
Ranadejis role in making it happen. I was told about a book that had the complete story
but was not able to lay my hands on it. Then out of the blue I met a very senior person
from The Vivekananda Kendra that runs the Memorial. He sent me the book and some
pictures too. Am sharing excerpts from part one of the book i.e. relating to the
construction of the Rock Memorial. Content is verbatim from the book. My comments
are in inverted commas. Courtesy & Copyright is Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust,
Chennai, or call 91 44 28440042, 28442843.
The Memorial is on the Rock where Swamiji meditated & discovered the mission of his
life. A brief summary of the chapters
Ch No

Chapter Title




Teething Trouble


Stalwarts Involved


Unforeseen Problem
Collection Campaign
To Nagaland
Memorial Details


Steer Clear of Politics

Excerpts by P Parmeshwaranji, President
Vivekananda Kendra.
How did the idea of memorial take shape,
opposition of local Christians, political
opposition, how Eknathji got involved with
Memorial work.
Plunge into work, how Eknathji with tact &
patience won over the politicians, got a petition
supporting the Memorial signed by 323 MPs.
Created by Kankaykumari Devaswom Board.
Strategy & Vision of new Horizon.
For collecting funds, One Rupee folder campaign.
E.g. 6,000 tons of granite were used or it took
7,83,767 man-days to construct it.
Was one of the reasons for Eknathjis success,
reasons behind Choice of Pose.

Learnings from the book that each one of us can use in our day to days lives a) Every problem has a solution. Keep your mind calm & find a way out.
b) Learn when to speak & keep quiet.
c) Maintain good relations with all if you do not like some one.
d) Fight hard with your opponents. Once you win let there not be any bitterness
in your heart. Learn to be magnanimous without letting your guard down.
e) Spirituality must be vibrant. It should be selfless action, rather than simple
f) Self-confidence & teamwork are important to create something that will last
even after you leave your body.

g) Look before you leap. Read up matter & think before committing to
completing a given tasks.
h) Cultivate good relations with people, you never know when both of you could
need each others help.
i) When someone is being unreasonable to your suggestion you can get him to
fall in line by finding his weak points in his hometown or area of influence.
j) There is a right time for everything so learn to be patient & know when the
time is right.
k) When a person is adamant, does not agree with you, keep the dialogue on.
l) Always look to create something eternal, deeper than merely a brick & mortar
m) Do not become rigid and restrict your thinking to compartments or a sect.
Always have an open mind.
Publishers Note The famous Vivekananda Rock Memorial (referred to as VRM
henceforth) was inaugurated in the year 1970. Marking the 25th year of the event, in 1995
we released the first edition of the book. Considering the intrinsic value of the book, the
need to preserve the true story for posterity, the revised edition has been brought out with
several multi-color plates.
Some reviews of the first edition The VRM, as it stands today, is as much a memorial
to Swamiji as to Shri Eknath Ranade whose devotion to the work he had undertaken was
inspired but not by mere faith but by intellectual conviction. His work necessarily
involved much physical exertion, but much more in demand were his gift of intellectual
persuasion, perseverance & tact.
Preface excerpts

Chapter 1

Preface written by Shri P.Parmeswaran, President, Vivekananda Kendra.

What we are reproducing here are not the formal, written words of Shri Ranade. We
reproduce his spoken words. He gave a series of ten lectures on the Rock Memorial, to
the first band of life workers whom he wanted to train as missionaries of the Kendra.
Conceivably, Eknathji formulated his lectures into two almost equal parts. The first part
deals with how he grappled with the problems that came in the way & brought into being
the Memorial. The second part deals with the mission of the Vivekananda Kendra as he
visualized it, its philosophy, ultimate objective etc.
In the first part he describes how he was drawn into the construction of the VRM, how
the various obstacles cropped up one by one, and how each one of them was surmounted
& finally how the work was accomplished & the dream came true. As he goes on
narrating incident after incident, the story of the VRM becomes indistinguishable from
Eknathjis autobiography. They coalesce into each other. There was no problem for which
he had no solution To anticipate his own words: Every strategy has a counter-strategy,
every weapon has a counter-weapon. This truth was conclusively demonstrated by
Eknathji in overcoming the seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

The men with whom Eknathji had to cross swords were not ordinary men of clay. They
were leaders in their own right. They occupied positions of high power. Bhaktavatsalam
was quote a powerful Chief Minister & Humayan Kabir, a Central Minister. They were
both opposed to the monument on the Rock. But Eknathji shrewdly outmaneuvered both
of them & ultimately brought them round to his point of view. He handled leaders like
Annadurai & Jyoti Basu (not idealogical admirers of Swami Vivekananda) in a successful
manner and made them partners in the construction of the VRM. This should make even
the most experienced experts take a lesson or two from him in the art of human
Leaders of every political party, whether in power or in the opposition became willing
supporters. Chief Ministers of every state, made handsome donation toward the VRM.
The only Chief Minister who sent Eknathji empty handed was the Kerala CM Com.
E.M.S. Namboodiripad. Coming out of the interview, Eknathji remarked: It was like
conversing with a sphinx. It was a monologue all the way, on my part. Only an empty
stare from the other side.
It is instructive to know how he made judicious use of various means at his command for
the achievement of his end. Both speech & silence were equally effective implements in
his hands. To know when to speak & when to keep silent is a rare gift. Eknath Ranade
possessed this abundantly. While he raised stormy controversies when necessary, he
abstained from them when they served no purpose. He utilized his contact with the Press
for raising the right issues at the right time and also not to raise inconvenient issues that
would only complicate the situation.
Thus, by bringing into play every God-given quality that he possessed in ample measure,
Eknath Ranade was able to successfully accomplish the task that was entrusted to him.
While engaged in battle, he was unrelenting & made no compromises and expected
none from the opposite side. But when the battle was over, he saw to it that no bitterness
remained. He had the magnanimity to go to his erstwhile opponents and pay compliments
to them. He avoided agitations as a matter of principle, because he knew that even if you
gain your objective by means of agitations, in the end, there would be no grace in it.
As soon as it became clear to him that the VRM has become an assured fact, he began to
think about the second phase. To put up a Cement & Concrete structure is not the work
for which I am born. I am to erect a living & dynamic monument which will be worthy of
Swami Vivekananda and which will be capable of bringing into fruition his grand vision
of future India he began to think. For a close student of the mental make up of
Eknathji, it is obvious that the link between the first & second phase, was rooted in
organizational & psychological links he had with two great organizations with which he
was intimately associated the RSS & the Ramakrishna Mission. As soon as Guruji
Golwalkar expressed to him his desire that it would be good if he took up the challenging
task of the construction of the VRM, from Nagpur I went straight to Calcutta & met
with the respected Swami Madhavanandaji to know his mind & seek his blessings. What
did he say? As a matter of fact, Ramakrishna Mission should have taken up his work,
but we cant deliver the goods. You should certainly take up the work---- you can be rest

assured that the entire Mission, will be at your back all the time. Go ahead & Thakur will
bless you, Swami Vivekananda will bless you, and you have my blessings also.
This link had its roots deep in the Psychology of Eknath Ranade. This is clearly evident
in his conversation with Sri Govinda Menon, the Home Minister in the Central Cabinet.
To a pointed question by the minister as how the work of the RSS could be reconciled
with Vivekanandas philosophy, Eknathji reply was, It is Vivekanandas philosophy
that made me an RSS worker--. In fact RSS is nothing but an extension of
Swamiijis work. The minister was not convinced as it evident from his remark. It is a
very bold statement to make.
What was the inspiration behind the second phase? What did he actually seek to achieve?
It was national reconstruction. Eknathji thought, If all the religiosity can be converted
into activities of public good, there can be all-round national reconstruction. One very
significant dimension of Eknathjis concept of national reconstruction is that it covered
all sections of Hindu society and all parts of the country. He says: Bhartheeyata in
everybody has to be aroused, work should be taken from them. He firmly believed that
if you scratch sufficiently deep, the Hindu in everybody will be roused, whether one
talks of Westernism or Russianism or modernism, he essentially is a child of this soil.
It is this national vision that took Eknathji to all sections of people during the course of
the collection campaign. When the CM of Nagaland questioned him about the wisdom of
his spending so much time for a paltry amount, Eknathjis reply was typical & revealing.
He said: My motive is just not funds. I want your participitation, participation of the
Govt and people of Nagaland because Nagaland is part of the Nation.
During the course of his campaign for the VRM he had realized that political factionalism
& religious sectarianism, had always prevented people from coming together even on
issues of national good, about which intrinsically they had no conflicting opinion. Politics
being the pursuit of power, could be an instrument of division. But Eknathji was painfully
aware that even spiritual movements degenerated into rival sects. As a keen student of
history, he found that this had become a national defect with the Hindus and unless it was
overcome national reconstruction would remain a mirage. Therefore, he suggested an
organization which would be meticulously kept beyond politics & sectarianism.
That was his vision of Vivekananda Kendra. Such an organization could be built up only
around a great ideal. Perusing the entire thought of Swamiji, Eknathji discovered that the
magic word would be worship worship of Man is truly worship of God. But every
organization requires Men who are inspired and whose lives are molded by that particular
ethos. It is here that Eknathji visualized the creation of a non-sannyasin order of life
workers, who will be dedicated to service more than Sadhana. Spirituality must be
vibrant. It should be selfless action, rather than simple meditation.
Creation of such an order of life workers was no easy task, considering the prevailing
social situation in the country. History of the past many centuries taught Eknathji that the
Hindu society has lost its sense of Self-Confidence. They were in the habit of looking for

an incarnation to descend save society. What is worse, every great men, who achieved
something for the society, was immediately defied and put on a pedestal & worshipped.
Eknathji declared that this suicidal trend has to be reversed. He wanted a new generation
that believed in themselves, that they can do anything. He accepted Swamiji as an
ordinary human being, who raised himself to the highest rung of human evolution, by
dint of self-confidence & self-sacrifice.
Eknathji wanted that ideal of Swamiji to be followed by the life workers whom he
wanted to man the organization of his dream. So he erected the statue of Swamiji,
standing up & starting on his patriotic mission, rather than one, sitting absorbed in deep
Self-confidence comes from the innate conviction that each man is potentially divine.
That was the essence of Hindu heritage from the Vedic times. Eknathji wanted to remind
this Vedic mantra We are the children of God & immortality. This realization will
automatically give us the super human strength to overcome all fear & weaknesses.
Eknathji realized the importance of teamwork. He reeled off instances after instances
from our own history, how a handful of foreign invaders, much inferior to us in every
respect, could easily beat us hollow and enslave & rule over us, only because they
possessed this great quality of team spirit in abundance, whereas, we Hindus totally
lacked this capacity. He pointed out how our Vedic mantras constantly instilled into us
this gospel of collective effort Yagna. That made us great in the past.
The twenty-first century will be the century of India and also that of Hindus. That is
what Swamiji has predicted. Let us all work hard to make it a reality. And that alone will
make our lives worth living.
Teething Troubles

chapter 2

I shall explain to you the motive behind the whole project: Vivekananda Kendra (referred
to VK henceforth). To begin the story, we will have to go back to 1962. Swami
Vivekananda was born in January 1863. The entire period from the 100th to the 101st
birthday of Swamiji as proposed to be celebrated as the Centenary Year. The
Ramakrishna Mission planned it on an all India scale. During the whole year there were
discourses & speeches about the life / teachings of Swami Vivekananda. Till then
Swamijis works were published in English & Hindi. Now the publications were taken up
in all languages because the government gave a very good subsidy.
Beginnings In January 1962, the people of Kanyakumar thought that as
Swamijis Birth Centenary was being celebrated, it would be in the fitness of things if
they put up some memorial on the Rock where he meditated & discovered the mission of
his life. It occurred naturally to everybody there must be access to the place esp. As it was
known as Saripada Parai where Goddess Kanyakumari meditated, did her Sadhana to
obtain the hand of Lord Shiva so that they also could go & sit as the sacred spot.

Some people in Kanyakumari came together. Shri Velayudhan Pillai, President of

Haindeva Seva Sangh, took the lead and with others thought of forming a committee for
the purpose. They thought: Let us have a Memorial & also put a pedestrian bridge so
that people can commute across. At that time they could not define what type of
memorial should be made. Almost simultaneously there was a public meeting at Madras
with a lead by the Ramakrishna Mission. They thought on the same lines.
Some Divergent Forces
when these two groups got together, news spread
that some memorial on the Vivekananda Rock was being contemplated. A section of the
Catholics at Kanyakumari did not take kindly to the contemplated scheme & thought
something should be done to thwart it. You may be knowing that Kanyakumari has a
sizeable population of Christian fishermen. They were Hindus earlier, 400 years ago. But
they claim that St Xavier converted their ancestors when he went there. In this situation, a
section of the Catholics put up on the Rock a big Cross which was visible from the shore.
It has its natural repercussions. The people immediately convened protest meetings and
sent telegrams to the Collector, Chief Minister, President & PM that this Rock, where the
Sripadam is imprinted, is a place of worship for Hindus and putting up a Cross was a
At that time, the Kanyakumari temple Devaswom claimed that the Rock was its property
because of the Sripandam impressed on it. Perhaps, long ago, the Rock was a part of the
mainland. If Goddess Kanyakumari did Her Sadhana on the Rock, there must have been a
connection between the temple & the Rock. On the basis of this legend, the Devasom
staked its claim.
The first thing that Kanyakumari District Committee referred to above did was to apply
on 19/8/1962 to the Devaswom Board for permission to put a Memorial on the Rock & to
have a pedestrian bridge joining the mainland to the Rock. It also sought permission to
put up a Memorial on the Rock and to have a pedestrian bridge joining the mainland to
the Rock. It also sought permission to start a free boat service till a bridge was
constructed. That time there was no ferry service as compared to day.
The Board felt that people might like to go to the Rock to see the place where Swamiji
meditated, where Kanyakumari did her Meditation & Sadhana. So the Board immediately
permitted the Committee to run a free service, put up a Memorial & also to have a bridge
& everything else provided, on completion, these were handed over to them. The
Committee also agreed to do so.
Taking advantage of the permission, the Committee wanted first to start a ferry service.
But from where was it to get the boatmen? The people in the surrounding areas were all
Christian and they would never cooperate. So the Committee members went to Kerala, to
Calicut and persuaded 10 to 20 people on the premise that they would not only have to
run the boats but fight with the locals too. The people were now able to go daily to the
rock except when the sea was rough.

Peoples emotions were stirred when they saw the Cross-of recent origin. Meanwhile the
Madras govt ordered a judicial probe and declared that the Cross be removed. It also
declared in unequivocal terms that this was Vivekananda Rock. The Revenue department
was ordered to remove the Cross. A section of the Christians in Kerala raised a chorus
that a Cross was there for the last four hundred years and it was removed by some
Hindus. Here, I must tell you one significant fact. Kanyakumari district was a part of
Travancore state. Because it has a predominance of Tamil speaking people, following the
States Reorganization on linguistic basis, it became part of Tamil Nadu.
One fine morning, people noticed there was no cross on the Rock. Now Hindus &
Christians assembled there were virtually arrayed against each other as if in a battle
formation. The police reached there, promulgated section 144, declared that the Rock was
a prohibited area & posted an armed guard on the Rock.
Eager to avoid a confrontation the State govt asked the Devaswom Board to write to the
Committee that though it had taken permission from the Board, it must get concurrence
of the State govt also. The Committee sought the State Govts approval but it was
refused. If the Committee wanted to have a Memorial it could be on the shore, but not on
the Rock. 3 or 4 months elapsed in this process and January 1963, the 100 th birthday of
Swamiji was approaching. People were eager that something must be done by January
Shri Bhaktavatsalam, CM said: I will not allow the Memorial. It is also true that this is
Vivekanand Rock and a seal must be put there that it is Vivekanand Rock, so that there
must be no confusion in the minds of the people, and no controversy comes up later that
it is St Xaviers this or that. I suggest that there should be only a tablet on which will be
written that Swami Vivekananda visited this Rock on such & such a date, meditated here
and all that. Since matters had taken a different turn committee members felt the need to
have an All India Committee. Several prominent people were approached, they agreed
and thus the Committee was registered in March 1963.
So, when Shri Bhatavatsalam insisted that there should be only a tablet put on the Rock,
the district committee people thought, Let us accept this for the time being. Let us
establish a claim on the Rock. Let the tablet be established there. We shall continue to
negotiate with the Government for the Memorial. But let us accept this.
Accordingly a tablet was installed on the Rock on 17/1/1963 but people felt that there
should be a statue, they had their own plans for the memorial. In February 1963, the
General Body of the All India Committee met at Madras. In that body were Swami
Chinamayananda, Guruji Golwalker, Shri Mannath Padmanabhan amongst others. After
the Committee Meeting, there was a public meeting and all in one voice demanded that
there should be a full-fledged memorial on the Rock. In that meeting, Swami
Chinamayananda made the first donation of Rs 10,000/ from Chinmaya Mission. By &
by a number of important persons came to be closely connected with our work.

In the meantime, to wreak vengeance on us for the removal of the Cross from the Rock,
some of the Catholics on 16/5/1963 demolished the tablet and threw it into the sea.
How Eknathji came into the Picture?
It was in August 1963 that I came
into the picture. I was general secretary of the RSS & in that capacity was going round
the country & that time I had gone to Kanyakumari too. In 1962 I laid down my office as
General Secretary of the RSS since my appointment was a stopgap arrangement. There
were celebrations all over the country on account of Swamijis Birth Centenary. Some
people thought that there should be a small book on Swamiji. Since I was free at that time
people also thought that I should take up the work. I also liked the idea, went to Calcutta
and compiled a book to be released on Swamijis 100 th birthday in January 1963. I
presented the book to Shri Madhavananda Maharaj, the President of the Ramakrishna
Mission. The book was titled as Rousing Call to Hindu Nation. The book was quite
popular and was translated in almost all the languages.
So when this whole thing became hot and the Committee people knew that the Madras
govt would not budge an inch and would not allow a memorial on the Rock, they were in
a fix as to what to do. They thought of an agitation but the atmosphere was not congenial
for a Memorial at Kanyakumari for a Swami Vivekananda from Bengal. So the
Committee were in a fix. At that time I was in Nagpur. After our meeting in July, I was
going to leave Nagpur for a tour. At that time some important people of the Committee
approached Guruji Golwalkar and said: Now that Shri Ranade is free, why not ask him
to help? He has some effective contacts in Delhi & Calcutta. He has contacts, let him
meet the persons who matter in Delhi, and let them influence Shri Bhaktavatsalam, let
them influence Shri Kamaraj to give us permission for putting up the Memorial on the
Since I had already compiled a book on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda they
thought I was in tune with the work. They talked to Guruji who asked me casually,
These people are saying that your services could be useful, so what do you think about
it? I also casually said: I will have to study the whole problem. I must know & study the
whole thing, and if you think that I can be of any use, I will go there, study the situation
& then I will be able to tell you whether I will be of any use.
So I agreed to go to Kanyakumari & Madras at the earliest, study the papers & then give
my final word. But I thought first let me sound the Ramakrishna Mission and know what
it has to say about it. So I went to Calcutta met the Respected Madhavananda Maharaj on
22/7/1963. When I was in Calcutta from 1950 to 1953, I was a regular visitor to Belur
and used to meet Swamiji there every fortnight. I told him that some people proposed to
do something about the Vivekanand Rock Memorial. But first of all the President
Maharaj should tell me whether he was interested in this.
Swami said something very significant: As a matter of fact, the Mission should have
taken up this work. But we know the mind of the Central Govt. We know the mind of the
Tamil Nadu govt and we know how they react in such a situation. Now that some
Christians have put up an opposition, the Tamil Nadu govt will never agree and so will

the Central Govt. So what is the use? If we sannyasins put a word, we know what is
going to be the fate. We, an organization of sannyasins, cant agitate and cannot mobilize
public opinion. Thus we cannot come into the picture. But if a person like you is prepared
to take up the work and if the whole Committee is behind you, I assure you that though
the Ramakrishna Mission will not be in any way officially connected with you, you can
be rest assured, the entire mission will be at your back all the time.
Stalwarts Involved

chapter 3

So with this reassurance, I left for Madras & then Kanyakumari, went through all the
correspondence. In August realized that the work could not be managed from outside.
Remaining as a RSS worker helping from outside would not do. I had to be a spokesman
of this VRM Committee. I had to have some locus standi in the Committee. So I wrote to
Guruji Golwalkar that the whole matter was such that I should have to completely
identify myself with the Committee & I would not be able to do any Sangh work. If he
was prepared for it he should tell me. I got his permission. Had he known that it was
going to take years, I dont think he would have given me clearance. Then on 11/8/1963 I
became the Organizing Secretary of the VRM Committee.
The Plunge into the Task Immediately I moved to Calcutta . At that time two
key persons were opposing the idea. One of them was Humayun Kabir, Cultural Minister
at the Centre. He had said number of times that Swamijis statue on the Rock would spoil
the natural beauty of the place. Shri Bhaktavatsalam, CM of Tamil Nadu was saying that
the Central Minister was against it. Shri Kabir was to be won over first. His constituency
was Calcutta.
There was an International Centenary Committee formed by the Ramakrishna Mission of
which Swami Sambhuddhanandaji was the Gen Secretary. I approached him for help. He
deputed one of the sannyasins to go with me to all the press people. This way I met &
befriended all the correspondents, journalists, editors of the Ananda Bazar Patrika etc.
After having prepared the field I addressed a crowded press conference on 2/9/1963
where I stated that Shri Humayun Kabir had expressed (Swamiji had agreed to this).
The effect was expected. All the papers & some editorials criticized Shri Kabir. Calcutta
was his constituency. You know where the weakness of the political personages lies.
Immediately Shri Kabir called for me and I met him at Delhi. He told me: It is true that I
voiced this opinion that VRM should not be there. But then, I had voiced similar opinion
against the Gandhi Memorial too. At that time they did not pay heed to my advice. I am
dead against renovation of temples but they are doing on it. So also I expressed only at
one or two places that it may not be good. They are using my statement. They actually do
not want it themselves. So you can say that I am not against it.
Now we came into confrontation with Shri Bhaktavatsalam who was to come to Delhi.
In the meantime, I had met Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri who had no portfolio. He said: Mr
Ranade, I also very much desire that Memorial should be there on the Rock alone and not
on the shore. But then you want help from me. I am a very patient man, very slow. If you

are in a hurry and if you want to do this & do that, then I shall not be of any use. I do
things at proper time. If you have enough patience, then you can bank on me. So I
asked: What shall I do?.
He said: You mobilize public opinion & when the time comes, I will tell you, now it is
my work. Then I said: Shri Bhaktavatsalam is coming to Delhi. I want to meet him; I
am told he is a very blunt man. I shall have to talk to him. So if matters get precipitated
and he says no, when what to do? He said: This is exactly what I am pointing at. You
should allow the matter to continue, discussions should continue, dialogues should
continue. You should not break. You should not allow matters to precipitate. Even if he
says No you should manage to continue the dialogue. Shri Bhaktavatsalam is an
adamant man. The only person who can deliver is Pandit Nehru. But the time is not
congenial. I will have to wait for the right opportunity to put it into his hears. Till that
time you continue the dialogue.
So when I talked to Shri Bhaktavatsalam he found that he was almost cornered, and said:
I do not remember the conversation. After all, why are you insisting on the Memorial on
the Rock? Even if you put the Memorial & the statue on the Rock, what is the use of that
statue? It wont be visible from the shore. I will never allow a bridge because it will spoil
the beauty of the place. I said: All right, we will do away with the bridge, and w.r.t to
the statue, we can have a statue of 50 or 100 feet. What! 50 feet? I said: Yes 50 or
100 feet, than can be done. That will be visible from the shore, from 2 miles, 10 miles.
He was flabbergasted and just to brush aside he said: All right, then you give me another
scheme, we shall think over it. But I got an excuse to continue the dialogue.
I consulted Shri Sathe, an architect from Bombay who told me that a 60 feet high statue
would be enough to make it visible from the shore. Meantime, I was also a little
impatient, because January 1964 was approaching, and I knew very well that once the
Centenary Year passes away, the whole thing would become stale.
Since the Parliament was in session I camped in Delhi, spoke with members / friends
who were sympathetic. I was specially thinking of giving a petition to the Govt with
signatures of as many persons as possible. I found that almost all of them were favorably
disposed. So I met Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri and spoke about the idea of a petition
addressed to Pandit Nehru signed by some important persons in Parliament belonging to
different parties. Shashtriji said Excellent do it. That is exactly what I want. Every
other day something must appear in the Hindustan Times, here there. It must be in the air.
And this petition will do.
I decided to collect as many signatures as possible. Within three days I collected 323
signatures. First I approached all the leaders. Shri Raghunath Singh M.P. from Banaras
was a top man. He was the Secretary of the Congress Parliamentary Party. I used to meet
him everyday & talk to him everyday. Then one day I broached the subject of the petition
with him. He agreed and said: Mine will be the first signature. So on 23 rd at six I went
to his house with all the forms. He asked, What made you come so early. I said. That

petition we are going to present to the PM. So your first signature. I have to start work
today. And he signed.
When I showed his signature immediately all Congress people signed saying, Oh Shri
Raghunath Singh has signed. In that Central Hall I collected 90 signatures within an
hour, the signatures of all top Congressmen. After some discussions on the nature of the
Congress government Shri Ram Manohar Lohia signed. Naturally when he signed all in
the Socialist group put their signatures. Then Shri Ranga & Shri Vajpayee and all other
political leaders also signed the petition. Then I went to Smt Renu Chakravarti, the
Communist leader. Although she was against some words I told her that they cannot be
removed. She said, You leave this paper with me. I will get you signatures of some
people. And she got the signatures of the whole group of Communists from Bengal.
Shri C N Annadurai was a great admirer of Swami Vivekananda. Through the efforts
of Shri Nedunchezhian, the Education Minister I met Shri Annadurai. When we met he
praised Swamiji and then asked, What do you want from me. I said, We have a State
Unit of Tamil Nadu for the VRM. We already have a President. We want a VicePresident. We would like you to be one of our Vice-Presidents. He said: Since I am a
Member of Parliament, I stay in Delhi most of the time. Make Shri Nedunchezhian your
Vice-President. I agreed and suggested that Shri Annadurai becomes a member of our
General Body. He agreed. Because of the association of Shri Annadurai all DMK people
also subscribed their signature.
We had prepared two copies of the petition. One for the PM and another for Shri
Bhaktavatsalam, CM of Tamil Nadu. Shri M S Aney, the oldest M.P. from Tilaks time
was approached to present the petition. On 26/12/ 1963 the petition was given. After it
was given I went to Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri and told him about the petition. He was
stunned to hear that 323 members had signed the petition. He said, You have done a
good job. So, now it is my turn. The Rock Memorial is assured now.
Next day Panditji said, As far as the Govt of India is concerned, we shall very much
like to have Swamijis statue on the Rock. But after all, it is a matter for the Madras govt
to decide. However, I am going to Madras soon for unveiling of Swamijis statue. At that
time, I shall speak to the CM & see what I can do in the matter.
2 days later some correspondents of the Hindu met Shri Bhaktavatsalam and obtained a
statement from him, We never objected to the statue on the Rock. The only apprehension
or objection was that the statue being in the midst of the sea will be constantly washed by
the waves & it could not stand there for long. I met the CM later. He said, You do not
know the fanatics. They will not allow the statue to remain there. Some structure a
formidable structure should be there so that you can put the statue under lock. So if the
Committee is prepared to put up such a statue I have no objection.
Friends am ignoring detailed conversation. CM said, the shrine like structure should be
of the size 15*15, that is the maximum. When the whole controversy was going on
Swami Chidbhavananda thought the committee was being stubborn by insisting that the

Memorial be on the Rock & not on the shore. Whatever may be the other things in him
Shri Bhaktavatsalam was very particular that the Rock must be established as
Vivekananda Rock. The CM told Swamiji: I can allot a place on the shore to put up a
memorial there. You put up a memorial on the shore, so that I can show to the world that
this Committee is obstinate.
The CM asked Swamiji to make a statue of Swami Vivekananda with dimension 15 feet
by 15 feet. Before January 1964 the memorial must be completed. I shall ask Dr
Radhakrishnan to come there & open it. CM met Dr Radhakrishnan (President) and
persuaded him to come to Kanyakumari for the inauguration of that 15 by 15 Memorial. I
was also keeping contact with the President. So I met him and said, I have come to
know that you are coming to Kanyakumari for unveiling Swamijis statue. My only
request is that when you come you should visit Vivekananda Rock. Accordingly he
wrote to Shri Bhaktavatsalam who flared up: He is coming for inaugurating the
Memorial & he goes to the Rock & again the issue will remain the same. So that would
not serve the purpose.
So he informed the President that it would not be proper to visit the Rock and that he
should inaugurate the Memorial only. The President did not want to get into any
controversy & decided not come. The Memorial was opened for the public during the
Centenary Year. So he wanted that the Memorial that was to come up on the Rock should
not be bigger than the Memorial on the shore. I said: Fine. Now we need not fight with
each other as we have a common goal. We shall put up the Memorial there and you have
also agreed.
In the meantime, Shri Humayan Kabir was allotted some other portfolio and Shri Chagla
became the Cultural Affairs Minister. He was very well disposed towards us & I had a
number of meetings with him. So I told Shri Bhaktavatsalam: These people should atleat
be consulted and their advice taken about what sort of memorial should be there. CM
said whom are you going to consult. I said, I am going to consult only six persons.
Dr Radhakrishnan, Pt Nehru, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, Shri M C Chagla, President of the
Ramakrishna Mission & Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam. In one months
time I shall come.
Except for Pandit Nehru where Shastriji advised me to wait for the right time I met the
other five people and everybody said that when the Memorial was put up on the rock, it
must be a magnificent one. I knew that Shri Bhaktavatsalam respected only person in
Tamil Nadu ie the Shankaracharya therefore I included his name.
Then we got a very good artiste Shri S K Achari. Eventually he became our Chief
Architect. Shankaracharya cited verses from Shilpa Shastra and persuaded Shri Achari to
prepare a particular design. Eventually I met Shri Bhaktavatsalam. Knowing the CMs
respect for the Shankaracharya I said: He asked me to send him the architect whom we
thought of engaging for this work. He had discussions with him and he has prepared
some designs. So I showed him modern designs & also design prepared by Shri Achari in

consultation with the Shankaracharya. Once approved by the Shankaracharya Shri

Bhaktavatsalam had nothing more to say.
I said: One difficulty is there. You were talking of 15 by 15 feet. It is now 91 by 32 feet.
He said: All right, let it be. Now the actual design of the Memorial are 180 by 56.5 feet
excluding the Sripada Mandapam & the Meditation Hall. We thought that we should
present our proposals in installments.
Friends Turn Hostile

chapter 4

On 6/12/1964 the first stone was cut. At first the Memorial was only an idea of just a
statue. Out of all naturally evolved ideas, the ultimate plan that emerged was a very big
plan. The original estimate was Rs 6 lakhs, then it was Rs 60 /80 lakhs and finally it came
to 1 crore 35 lakhs.
The Rock was first to be tested to ascertain whether it was solid or not. Experts made 70
feet bore on the Rock, took tones from the bore and sent them to a laboratory. Test
indicated that the whole Rock was solid from inside & outside. Then there was an
electricity resistance test which found the Rock solid.
From where are we to bring the required stones? From Ambasamudram, we brought grey
granite, and red granite from Tuticorin. And now the stone dressing! The whole work was
done in traditional style. A sketch of the complete Memorial was first prepared in parts. I
mean, a sketch of the entire building from the basement to the dome, in courses or
segments. There were 26 courses, if I remember correctly. For each of these 26 courses,
estimates had to be worked out as to how many stones were to be there, what was to be
the corner stone etc. Every stone had to be individually taken into account and dressed to
correct dimensions. All the pillars, pedestals, beams were individually dressed first &
then assembled.
The chiseling & dressing of stones started on 6 th November 1964 on the ground where
our exhibition now stands. We thought we would be able to start the work on the Rock
when get half the stones ready. The actual construction started on the Rock in 1967.
When we were doing this, we approached the Govt for permission for the Dhyana
Mandapam Meditation Hall. We put up an application for Sri Mandapam. Govt officials
were very helpful to us.
An Unforeseen Problem- came from the temple authorities. When we made the
application for the Sripada Mandapam, the Govt Officers gave us permission
immediately. In a routine way they forwarded the sketch of the Mandapam to the
Collector who by mistake or otherwise sent the application & design to the Kanyakumari
Devaswom Board for comments. All the trustees were quite right but one persuaded the
others that the Sripada Mandapam on the Rock would be a source of revenue and the
temple must have a share of it. They wrote to the Govt that had no objection to the
erection of the Sripada Mandapam on the Rock on condition, that after construction, it
would be handed over to it for management. Then alone they would allow it.

See how they behaved. I went to Trivandrum because this Kanyakumari Devaswom
Board was part of the Travancore Board, Kanyakumari being a part of Travancore State
then. When Kanyakumari went to Tamil Nadu, the then Travancore Board was bifurcated
& Kanyakumari Devaswom Board was formed with a provision that the Maharajas
nominee would be there as trustee. (i.e. one out of three). I was keen to establish that this
Rock was part of the temple property so that I could plead that the Govt had no locus
standi as the Board had given us permission, as it was their property.
I went to the Maharaja & Travancore Devaswom Board and requested them to find give
me a copy of some records to show that this rock in the sea was a part of the
Kanyakumari property. But inspite of valiant efforts they could not find any. Due to the
adamant attitude of the Board I wrote to the Tamil Nadu govt and challenged: This
Kanyakumari Devaswom Board has no locus standi whatsoever on the Rock. I am
prepared to prove it. I knew that it couldnt get evidence. The matter was referred to the
Commissioner, Religious Endowments to make a probe and submit his findings. The
Commissioner gave his verdict that the Boards claim was without any foundation. Then
we got permission in December 1968.
Another Tussle Friends am sharing very briefly. Some people approached Sir P T
Rajan, President of the Tamil Nadu Memorial Committee & suggested that a statue of the
Raja of Ramnad be also on the Rock since he was one of those who had helped Swamiji
go to America. When the matter was put to vote Sir Rajan was the only person who voted
for it, was defeated. He resigned at the General Body.
The inauguration was about 15 days away. Shri Karunanidhi had not visited the Rock
before. When he went around & saw everything minutely he asked some of his
colleagues, How is it that nobody told me such a wonderful thing has come up on the
Rock in my own State?
Collection Campaign

chapter 5

While all this was happening I thought that I must handle the whole thing in a way that
while the construction was in progress, I should be able to engage myself in some fruitful
activities not by simply spending time money, collecting stones and building a structure
on the Rock. Will a simple structure be enough to perpetuate Swamijis memory? This
Memorial should form the nucleus for something still greater. What would be that & how
this situation could be made best use for that purpose?
Fund-Tip of the Iceberg I had never collected money. After seeing the figure of Rs 30
lakhs everybody said: This 30 lakhs, you will get over a period of 25-30 years. They
discouraged me saying that we have to be with this Memorial all our life.
Among industrialists one person whom I knew well was Shri Jugal Kishore Birla. He
discouraged me, offered me Rs 10,000/ instead of a lakh that I asked for. Again after 3-4
months, I met him. He said: though I am not in a position to give you more than 10,000/
my brothers are here, you talk to them. You talk to Shri B M Birla. Then we had a

meeting and I again pressed the Birlas for Rs 1 lakh. They said: This one lakh is not
going to bring 30 lakhs. Because nobody is going to donate for temples, that too for
Vivekananda temple. I said: If you give me one lakh, I assure you that I will bring one
crore. They laughed. I asked: How much money is required to inspire your confidence?
You collect 10 lakhs and then we shall confidence that you can. I said : You give me
50,000/ now. I shall ask for the other 50,000/ only on that day when our Committees
Kosha there will be 10 lakhs. I took 50,000/. When I confided that I intended to make all
State govts to donate one lakh each, almost all my friends ridiculed the idea of donating
towards the construction of VRM.
Vision of a New Horizon - We can have an order of workers in whose case marriage
need not be barred. If we can provide for all their basic needs we may get a fine class of
workers out of such dedicated people we see all around. But what could that work be? I
started discussing it with all-important people like Swami Ranganathananda, Secretary of
the Institute of Culture, President Radhakrishnan, President of Ramakrishna Mission,
Shri Jaya Prakash Narayan, Shankaracharyas top leaders etc. Slowly in my press
briefings I used to tell that the Memorial was the first phase of the plan and as soon as it
was over we would take up the second phase.
As I met a cross spectrum of people I found that almost all people belonging to various
political groups had complete identification with Swamijis idea, with whatever Swamiji
had said. The book gives two examples of two such leaders which I am not reproducing.
One is Shri Kalyanasundaram, the Right wing Communist leader of Madras and two is
Shri Jyoti Basu, the left Communist leader.
In this way when we were discussing the matters with Swami Ranganathananda when our
collection drive was going on, we were also thinking of plans for the future. The whole
campaign was so organized & designed that whatever we did, our collections during the
phase should prepare for the needs of the second phase.
We had not formed a Committee for Maharashtra for six months. I wanted Shri S K Patil,
the then Railway Minister to be the President. Through a series of contacts and six
months ultimately Shri Patil became the President after which Shri V P Naik readily
became Vice-President. The same pattern was followed in other states.
Shri V C Shukhla, Minister for Defence Production came here. He was happy that the
VRM was coming up and he helped us in every way. The CM of Madhya Pradesh had not
donated the Rs 1 lakh. Shri Shukhla said it is because I was from the RSS & Shri Mishra
is allergic to the RSS. Then I asked Shri Shukhla a point blank question: Are you
affected by the revelation that I am connected with the RSS? I tell you, the health of this
country is spoilt. This political atmosphere is so much vitiated that even for good work,
we do not come together, except for the defence of the country.
Different people belonging to different political affiliations all reacted in this manner &
rallied around us because we carefully kept ourselves aloof from politics. This has helped

us & this is the secret & substance of the success, whether in collection of funds or in
mobilizing people.
To Distant Nagaland

chapter 6

We had the second phase in mind while taking up the first phase the work that we had
to do for which we had to pave the way for. So that geared up the whole machinery for
the collection campaign under the first phase.
I went to Nagaland to meet Shri H Sema, the Chief Minister, four times and could meet
him only the fourth time. He asked me a significant question: Mr Ranade, why have you
chosen Nagaland for collection of funds? Who told you, we have got funds here? We are
not having business houses or industries. The State depends entirely on the Central Govt.
So, neither the Govt nor the people can donate.
I said: I have not come here for funds. I only want your participation, of the government,
of the people here. That is more valuable. I may get one or two thousand rupees here but
that does not matter. Swami Vivekananda and his ideals represent the soul of India which
is needed for the future of the country. If you agree that by following him we may prosper
then people & govt of Nagaland, must respond & take up this work. He said: It is all
right. But then how can the people here respond when they do not know anything about
I said: That is exactly the reason why I should work here more. Is it not necessary that
they should know about Vivekananda? He admitted & said: Yes, but Mr Ranade, I
myself do not know anything about him. He was the not the first person to tell this. I met
Gen Manekshaw, Chief of Army, because I wanted to organize collection from the armed
forces too. After exchange of letters I met and told him that the entire defence forces must
respond & donate whatever may be the procedure. He said a significant thing: I have
recently read Vivekananda, that too at my wifes instance. Once she gave me a book and
said: Look you are reading a lot of novels and all that. But look at this. It has something
substantial. Now I know atleast something about him. I must thank his wife.
I said to Shri Sema: I will give you some books to read and when I come you must head
the Committee for Nagaland for the collection. When I met him next, he said:
Vivekananda has a very catholic outlook. If the country is mobilized on the basis of his
ideas, its future can be surely shaped according to what we desire. He came President of
the State Committee and his education minister Vice-President. Since the people of
Nagaland did not know Swami Vivekananda peoples attention had to be attracted for
which I suggested that the best thing for you would be to declare a donation of a lakh of
rupees for this Memorial by the Nagaland govt.
Initially unsure of how the Central Govt would respond since it gave the state all funds he
said the state would donate without checking with the Centre. He gave Rs 15,000/ at
present and said that if other State govts gave 1 lakh he would also give the balance
85,000/. A Committee was formed and special folders printed for Nagaland. The folders

were circulated to schools & colleges. The collection there was some 7,000/ apart from
the 15,000/ given by the State govt yet why did we print these folders. It was because we
had our eyes on the second phase of our work.
One Rupee Folders - the idea behind this is to contact as many people as possible. These
folders were printed in all local languages and distributed widely. About 50 lakh folders
were printed and nearly 30 lakh people donated in 1,3,5, rupees. Folders were printed for
Nagaland. There was a campaign which had some impact. The campaign was not only for
collection but also for spread of Swamijis ideas.
Out strategy was to have all the governments to participitate. All were approached, armed
forces, government & NGOs, trade unions, religious, cultural & educational institutions.
There was good response. Students unions also wanted to help in the collection.
Collection of donations & its accounting are not easy. We had experience in this matter &
I must say that the RSS cadre helped well in the entire collection campaign. From U.P. &
Maharashtra we got Rs 15 lakhs each and the third place went to M.P. which gave 11
lakhs. Then W.Bengal, Mysore, Rajasthan & Punjab. The idea of printing folders in
different languages to get funds collected from over the country.
Why did we organize a campaign in this manner? With our eyes on the second phase, we
tried to get the views of different people and assess how they would like the second phase
to take shape. So, all these were done during the first phase. For the second phase we
needed more money. We thought we could publish a big book on an important subject
and we could advertisement support from industrialists. They would get to know about
VRM and we could come in close contact, they may be prompted to help our second
A Master Plan So after considerable thought, we decided to have the theme:
Indias Contribution to World Thought & Culture. Articles were invited from scholars
from across the world & were compiled in 1966. A Committee was formed with Dr
Lokesh Chandra to preside over the Publications Committee with the help of some 4,5
enthusiastic young scholars.
We printed 10,000 copies of which 6,000 copies were sold initially and the balance later.
We collected 10 lakhs through advertisements. It was announced in 1966 itself that
whatever money was got from the book sale proceeds / advertisements would be
earmarked for the second phase. We did not define the second phase but said we would
take it up Man-making & Nation-Building activities envisaged by Swami
Vivekananda. On 7/1/1972, I think, we adopted a resolution on the Rock and formally
declared the nature of the second phase.
Memorial Details

chapter 7

Some important details about the Vivekananda Rock Memorial.






stone dressing work.

of 6.11.1964

Means of access to the Rock.

Two helipads are provided on
the Rock, one on the northwest
& other on southwest.
of 12.10.1967 Dimensions of the helipad on
the northwest. Dimensions of
masonry work on the
the helipad on the southwest.
rock. Stone used red &
blue granite.
Total cft of stones 73155 cft
Means of Communication
(excluding flooring).
Total weight of granite 6000 tons The Chief Engineer &
used (excl flooring)
Maximum weight of a 13
pillar (single piece)
Maximum length & 171/2 by
size of beam.
2 by 2

95 by 45.

Shri S K
Achari of
(T. Nadu)
Inauguration 2.9.1970

celebrated on
Labor particulars for the
period between inauguration
of stone dressing work &
memorial inauguration.
Total working days

Maximum weigh of 9 tons

Maximum number of 900 (avg Total man days
the 650).

Steer Clear of Politics

Friends am referring to this in brief only.



chapter 8

I told you that 2-3 things were uppermost in my mind while I discussed the second phase
with eminent people. I referred to one thing that any constructive work we want to do in
this country must be on non-political lines. You just imagine, if this memorial had
become a political issue, if somebody had said that the Government of India & Madras
were not agreeable and now let us agitate and mobilize public opinion & I would go to
the Rock and fast unto death. Some political leaders asked me to start a political
movement. From the very beginning I had to take meticulous care that this did not
become a political issue. Had it become one, people would have taken stands not because
they were against for Vivekananda but purely for political reasons.
If there had been an agitation, there would not have been any grace. Now it is a National
Memorial. Does it not add to the grace grace of Swami Vivekananda and the grace of
this country? Perhaps, by agitation, the Govt would have been forced to allow the

Memorial. But it would not have been of value. But now it has become a rallying point of
the entire country, a nucleus round which we can build something. Now you see another
unique point. All those who opposed it as first, have become friendly. A person as
adamant, about not having the Rock Memorial, as Shri Bhaktavatsalam ultimately
became the patron of the Tamil Nadu committee. The Tamil Nadu govt spent Rs
4,25,000/ on the construction of jetties as its contribution. The CM was not against
Vivekananda, it was politics plain & simple.
Divisions in the name of Spirituality Also Unfortunate! Just as there are
divisions in politics there are divisions among people who are tuned to spirituality. People
swear by the sampradayas or sects that came into existence. But strangely enough, every
institution group that wanted to unite all people, became one more addition to the list of
sects for e.g. Arya Samaj. Swami Dayananda said, We will accept the authority of the
Vedas only. And he made a great attempt but the modus operandi he or his followers
used was such that they followed his teachings & ultimately Arya Samaj became another
sect. The book gives more examples too.
No faction or group in the name of Vivekananda He said a number of times
that all the spiritual forces scattered in the country should be united. There are a few
letters in which he describes his plan of work. He said: In a particular town, it does not
matter if one calls himself a Sikh, Arya Samajist, a Jain or Buddhist but they are all
Vaidikas. All authority flows from the Vedas. Let us have a temple where there is no
deity, but just the symbol of Om so that all people may come together. Let us unite all
people, underlining the basic unity, that the basic thing which prompts action, which
appeals to them.
Swamiji said: Worship of God is service to humanity. In order to worship God you
must have fellow feeling with all the people He has created. If you look back in history,
you will find that, perhaps among the sannyasis, and the monks he was the foremost in
making this teaching the main object of his life. Actually when he founded the
Ramakrishna Mission, Swamiji himself had to fight with his colleagues on this said.
When he said: We shall have a band of sannyasins who will meditate, who will spread
the message of Upanishads to the whole people and at the same time, they also will work
for the prosperity of the people, for their economic well being, for their education, for
giving them medical relief, undertake all activities of service. They did not accept this
saying Ramakrishna did not tell us this. Swamiji had to exert much pressure in
persuading his Gurubhais to accept his point of view.
The Choice of Pose - Everything that has a place on the Rock, the designing, the
construction, has come significance. Nothing is done without prior thought. What sort of
statue must we have? What should it convey? A lot of thinking has gone into it. When it
was announced that the statue will be in a standing posture, some monks did not like it.
They wrote to me that Swamiji should be in a meditation pose since it was the place
where he meditated. I said: Swamiji meditated no doubt. But that was the place from
where Swamiji rose up from meditation with a mission that was the place where he
discovered his mission of life where all things had become clear. He got up here and set

on his mission. I said to the portrait makers. You must be able to convey the movement in
the standing pose as if he is setting on a mission, with a confidence that he has
something on his hand and he is out to give a message to the world. After years we
found the right man. At second attempt he came out with a marvelous portrait. The
portrait was given to nearly eight sculptors in the country.
Two statues were caste in bronze and brought here. One of them was chosen. In the entire
memorial, the focal point is the Sripadam. The whole structure is designed according to
the situation of Sripadam and as soon as the main door is opened Swamijis eyes fall on
the Sripadam. Also by choosing a statue with a standing posture, we ensured that Swamiji
on the Rock will inspire people not only to meditate but also to work. So to inspire people
to act, the second phase was mooted.
Is it not ironical that before I joined the Rock Memorial Committee I was to compile a
book on Swamiji for which I read Swamiji from A to Z, all the volumes. So, I wonder
whether that was not designed by some superior power that I should read bout Swamiji in
1962. Because next year I was to do something about his message.
Friends I have learnt a lot by reading the book, hope you have enjoyed it too. Have
ignored subsequent chapters since they talk more about Vivekananda Kendra than the
Together let us serve the poor & needy. In a spiritual sense we are all one because the
divinity present in each one of us is the same.
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